(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen so we're in John chapter 2 for the first week we spent three weeks getting through John chapter 1 and we're going to look at this story at the beginning of John chapter 2 so what's happened so far so so far we've seen in John chapter 1 and we saw John the Baptist he was baptizing John chapter 1 didn't really detail the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist but it did John the Baptist did allude to the Holy Spirit coming down upon Jesus so basically the the chronology of events so far in Jesus's life is Matthew chapter 3 and Matthew chapter 4 actually details the baptism of Jesus and we didn't go to that because we're not studying Matthew but in Matthew chapter 3 and Matthew chapter 4 Jesus is baptized by John then he is led off to the wilderness to be tempted of the devil 40 days and 40 nights and then he goes and calls his disciples that that temptation is not listed in John chapter 1 but that's the chronology of events and then after he calls the disciples that he called in John chapter 1 his ministry begins right here in John chapter 2 with this first miracle and that's what we're really going to look at look at this evening this first miracle of Jesus now this first miracle of Jesus with the wedding at Cana of Galilee is definitely the I mean this is my opinion but I mean I think this is true is definitely the most twisted and misused story about Jesus in the Bible and that's what I'm going to preach through this evening this question about what did Jesus do at this wedding you know did Jesus get everyone drunk at this wedding all right as a matter of fact as you as we read through this story and then I'm going to prove to you that that's not the case in order to believe that it's actually people that believe that that Jesus sold or Jesus not sold but Jesus made alcoholic wine here at this wedding you actually don't believe that Jesus got everyone drunk you actually believe that Jesus got everyone drunker that actually he he went to a bunch of people that were already drunk like intoxicated and then fed them a bunch of alcohol to make them more intoxicated this is what people believe today all right about this story and I mean you can almost argue that in Christian churches today this is the mainstream belief I'm not saying churches that have the correct gospel but I'm saying just in in mainstream you know Christianity where people you know are in these liberal churches this is the the mainstream belief that Jesus served alcohol at this wedding let's read through the story just this first few verses and then I'm going to prove to you that that is not the case look at verse number one of this story it says in the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there that's important Mary was there and I'll explain that in just a few minutes and both Jesus was called in his disciples to the marriage so Jesus was invited Mary was invited and the disciples were invited to the marriage and they wanted wine the mother of Jesus said unto him they have no wine just a comment this is a comment before we even get into story it doesn't even really say they ran out of wine anywhere they just didn't have any wine now people imply that in verse number 10 but that's just a food for thought right there something to chew on because you're always told like oh they ran out of wine and then Jesus made more wine and you know people infer that from verse number 10 but it really doesn't say anywhere that they had wine at all it's it's they just they wanted wine and they didn't have wine and you know Mary said they have no wine Mary didn't say they ran out of wine they're all wasted and they ran out of wine they need more booze that's not what Mary said she said they have no wine look at verse number four Jesus saith unto her woman what have I to do with thee mine hour has not yet come Jesus is saying to Mary to his his mother I have not started my ministry yet his mother saith unto the servants whatsoever he saith unto you do it and there were set six water pots of stone after the manner of purifying of the Jews containing two or three firkins apiece I mean this was I don't know I've figured this out at one point it's not really important it's over it's over a hundred gallons I think if when you look at these water pots large large pots Jesus saith unto them fill the water pots with water and they filled them up to the brim and he saith unto them draw out now and bear unto the governor of the feast and they bear it when the rule of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine and knew not whence it was he doesn't he didn't know where it came from but the servants which drew the water knew the governor of the feast called the bridegroom in verse number 10 and saith unto him every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine and when the men have well drunk then that which is worse but thou has kept the good wine until now so all he's doing is really commenting on how good this wine is that's all he's doing and he's saying typically so this verse number 10 look I don't know this for sure but verse number 10 fits if they had no wine or if they they had wine because they had no wine and now they have good wine he's like what in the world you know I mean most people would put something like that out first that's all he's saying okay and that fits with anything not just alcohol that fits with anything you would put that if you have a wedding you're gonna put the good stuff out first you know they have the the wedding cake out first and then you bring the cupcakes out when the wedding cakes all gone or whatever right I mean that's just what people do now I want you to focus on verse number 10 here where the King James Bible says at that man every man at the beginning worth good wine and when men have well drunk now it uses the word drunk there and you know in American culture everyone's like drunk they're all drunk that's not what that means it says the men were well drunk it's a verb it's a verb it's a past tense of the verb you know drank so you you drank something and or you drunk something it's it's a it's the past tense of drink is what it is okay now if someone is you know drunk that's an adjective that's an adjective somebody if you're saying somebody is intoxicated if you say you know Bob is drunk you're you're using an adjective to describe you know the state of Bob you know but this is a verb this is talking about that men have passed it's a past tense of drink so it's like they've already had enough there they've filled themselves up by drinking they've had enough now let me read for you the NIV the NIV here in verse number 10 it says this it says everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink using a phrase that everybody knows you can see that it's so funny in that statement that the culture of the NIV the culture of the day comes out in the NIV where it literally says too much to drink which is a common term for someone that is intoxicated so it is making the Bible say something that it just doesn't say all right so that's the point there and then in verse number 11 this is the beginning of the miracles that Jesus did in Cana of Galilee and manifested forth his glory and his disciples believed on him he manifests his glory by getting everyone even more intoxicated I mean you have to be insane to believe this first of all but tonight what I'm going to do is I'm going to give you this is a very simple one to solve from the Bible I'm going to give you four biblical proofs that this was not alcohol that Jesus served at this wedding all right it doesn't even make sense if you know the Bible you know the nature of God it makes no sense which kind of shows you where people are coming from and what type of people are pushing this narrative it doesn't make sense at all because we know the nature of God we know what the Bible says about these things but I'm gonna give you four separate reasons not just one four on how we know that Jesus did not serve alcohol at this wedding it was a miracle I mean this is this is four and a half it was a miracle that Jesus manifest his glory meaning he proved his divine nature through these miracles and you're saying he did that by by harming people it's it's ridiculous that could be five reasons but that could be one right there so I'm gonna give you four reasons first of all go to Proverbs chapter 20 and look at verse number one just let's just look at a couple verses I'm talking about wine the word wine in the Bible all right we're not even at point number one yet but I just want to show you a couple verses about wine in the Bible Proverbs chapter 20 look at verse number one the Bible says wine is a mocker strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise so here we see a couple things I want to point out here you're gonna see this commonly when it's when it's referencing wine in the Bible at times it will say that you shouldn't drink wine and then it in those in those verses many times it will also say this word strong drink meaning it's not just wine I mean you can make alcohol from anything with sugar in it really I mean it's it's you can make it from rice or flowers or whatever people make I mean people have found ways to make alcohol out of just about anything with sugar in it all right so wine is a mocker strong drink and is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise so here we're seeing don't drink this wine whatever wine means okay look at Proverbs 31 and look at verse number four Proverbs 31 just a few chapters over and look at verse number four Proverbs 31 in verse number four so everyone's like wine in the Bible is alcohol and I mean so far it's it looks like it so far it looks like wine is something away from in a strong drink it's alcohol look at verse number four of Proverbs chapter 31 it's not for kings olemuel is not for kings to drink wine nor for princes strong drink we see that wine drink put together again and you know Solomon's mother is saying stay away from this stuff stay away from so the Bible is saying don't drink it now let us first Timothy chapter 5 and look at verse number 23 first Timothy chapter 5 and look at verse number 23 first Timothy 5 and verse 23 and there's a lot of verses like this one where it talks about wine being a blessing and we're going to talk about look at some of those so we saw a couple verses that said you know stay away from wine and then we're looking at first Timothy 5 verse 23 if it says drink no longer water but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities so here the Bible is saying you know drink it you know you can drink it in many places in the Bible we're going to look at this evening talk about you know wine is a blessing you know that it's a blessing from God so I mean the question is what do we drink it or do we not drink it what is it and that's the first point I want to make tonight is that there are different types of wine in the Bible it is very clear that there are different types of wine in the Bible turn back to Proverbs chapter 23 so the first point tonight is that wine could mean alcoholic beverage equate equal strong drink or something that is not alcoholic and I'll prove it to you from the Bible look at Proverbs 23 and look at verse number 31 Proverbs chapter 23 look at verse number 31 Proverbs 23 is kind of that we're going to go there at the end of the sermon it's kind of the quintessential you know don't drink alcohol chapter in the Bible but look at verse 31 where it says look not upon the wine when it is red when it giveth his color in the cup when it move it itself a right this here is saying that there is a time in the life of the wine when it should not be consumed you say what time is that we'll look at the next verse it says verse 32 it says at the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder the longer it goes the longer it goes in this state it gets more and more potent it's saying you know there's a time when it should not be drunken in Hosea 4-11 I'll just read it for you the Bible says Hordom and wine and new wine taketh away the heart and this new wine in the Bible is used in a couple different terms is basically wine that is about to be you know fermented into alcohol or just starting that process or it is I'll show you it's wine that is just not alcoholic at all yet that is at the very beginning birth of its life all right look at Mark chapter 2 look at Mark chapter 2 we'll get this idea of new wine once again look at Mark chapter 2 and look at verse number 21 so looking at different types of wine and here we see in Proverbs 23 that there's a time there's a there's not only a time but there's a look you know when it's red when it gives its color in the cup when it moveth itself all right it's talking about when it starts to ferment here when the the wine is is going through that change where the sugar is turning into alcohol and it's it actually gases you know it actually gives off I think it's co2 I'm not really sure but I think it's co2 it gives off gas when it ferments in Mark chapter 2 kind of lists that out for us as well look at verse 21 talking about new wine no man also so with a piece of new cloth on an old garment of course this Jesus is making a comparison here but I want to use the the wine portion else the piece that filleth up take away from the old and the rent is made worse and then in verse 22 he says this and no man put a new wine into old bottles else the new wine dot burst the bottles how would it burst the bottles because the new wine has not started to ferment yet and then when it starts to ferment it's gonna gas and if that bottle is not flexible with a with a nice you know whatever skins they use to to keep the bottle it's gonna crack and it's gonna break instead they need you know flexible strong you know new bottles to handle that that pressure basically is what's happening from the fermenting it says the wine is spilled and the bottle will be marred but new wine must be put in new bottles okay so it can stretch and form but it's talking about fermentation of the juice of the grape okay it's talking about fermentation here look at job chapter 32 actually you go to Isaiah chapter 25 I'll read for you job 32 19 again talking about fermentation here he says in job 32 you're going to Isaiah 25 in job 32 verse 19 the Bible says behold my belly is as wine which hath no vent it is ready to burst like new bottles again talking about that fermenting process he jobs just using that analogy about that fermentation and that gassing of the wine as it ferments all right look at Isaiah chapter 25 in verse number 6 Isaiah chapter 25 in verse number 6 we see another type of of wine here difference in wine so we see that there's a time when the wine shouldn't be drunk when it start when it's fermenting when it started to ferment it changes color it's moving it's good having that gassing process going on that chemical change happening stay away from it the Bible saying look at Isaiah 25 6 it says in the mountain of the Lord and then in this mountain shall the Lord of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things a feast of wine on the lees of fat things full of marrow of wines on the lees well-refined so here we see that there is there's if there's well refined wine there's less refined wine so we see that there can be refining of wine in Isaiah 1 22 the Bible says thy silver has become dross thy wine mixed with water talking about you know something being diluted or watered down all right now look preservation of food and drink has been going on for thousands of years it's like been the major challenge of mankind since man was trying to survive like from the beginning and man has I don't even think that it's necessary to go into all the different ways that you know wine can be preserved they had to figure out some way to preserve the the juice from the grape without it just becoming a hundred percent alcohol so there was all kinds of different ways of doing that and filtering out the impurities and then you know drying it out into like a jelly more of a solid and storing it that way and then when you wanted the the juice you could take it out and mix it with water and dilute it and have grape juice again and not just have complete alcohol I mean otherwise you just oh I got some grape juice here and you put in the closet and it's it's complete 100% alcohol or whatever in you know it'd be worthless to try to preserve the actual food that way so the point I'm trying to make is that there's all kinds of different wines in the Bible and the Bible is pointing out to us to stay away from it when it starts to ferment okay you say alright pastor but where does it say that wine could be non-alcoholic well I'm glad you asked turn to Solomon song of Solomon chapter 8 song of Solomon chapter number 8 so we see that there's all kinds of different states of wine up to this point we see there's all kinds of different states there's diluted wine there's there's filtered wine and but the Bible is very clear when it starts to ferment stay away from it okay but is it wine before it starts to ferment is the question look at song of Solomon chapter number 8 and look at verse number two I mean people literally ask this question people argue about this people argue could could wine mean just grape juice look at song of Solomon chapter 8 and verse number two it says I would lead thee and bring me into my mother's house who would instruct me I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate now that sentence we just have to look at the sentence structure there basically juice there and wine there are the same word but the reason that it's not used he it would it wouldn't make any sense to you'd be a bad writer if you used wine twice in the same sentence he's basically saying I would cause thee to drink of the spiced wine it's not even talking about grape juice here he's just talking about the juice from a fruit from a pomegranate he says of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate he's talking about you know the juice of this fruit is what he's talking about and he's calling it wine look at Isaiah chapter 65 in verse number 8 you say well I don't know look at Isaiah chapter 65 and look at verse number 8 so in song of Solomon chapter 8 we see the juice is used as a synonym with wine okay now look at Isaiah 65 and verse number 8 Isaiah 65 look at verse number 8 thus saith the Lord is everybody there thus saith the Lord as the new wine so here we know okay it's new wine is it going to be put in bottles to be fermented what is it as the new wine is found in the cluster one saith destroy it not for a blessing is in it this is such a great verse right here because it's telling you that just the the juice of the grape is a blessing of the Lord it's it's talking about it's talking about how how just like having having wine is a blessing but it's obviously not moving itself a right it's obviously not you know turning its color you know in the cup it's not moving itself in the cup it's not strong drink it's in the cluster like it's on the vine how could you possibly argue that I mean are we talking about alcoholic grapes I mean how could you possibly argue that wine here is talking about alcohol the problem is we just have this culture where wine is just alcohol you know you can't read the Bible you got to get rid of your culture when you read the Bible and just read the Bible for what it says where it says juice wine same thing and then it says wine in the cluster you're like oh it must be it must mean not alcohol or just juice of the fruit you're like man this is confusing how do I know which one it's talking about in the Bible if it could be either one well if it's a blessing it's not alcohol and if God's like don't drink it at all it's alcohol if he's talking about wine you know destroying you or wine you know causing your judgment to be you know you know men making Mary and their judgment you know going crazy and them doing stupid things he's talking about alcohol if he's talking about it being a blessing upon you he's talking about look folks fruits expensive fruits expensive grapes are even more they're like the most expensive thing grapes are very expensive especially when you get good grapes it's a blessing I know as Americans were like oh what we just have grapes everywhere all the time especially in California look it's a thing that it's it's a rich man's food it's a rich man's drink you know to be drinking wine that's why I mean you have to think about this wedding like weddings are expensive yeah think about this wedding and you know maybe they didn't have one maybe they weren't rich people and maybe they were just really happy to have something that they just couldn't afford that's a definite possibility but see we don't think about that today we don't think about that today I mean when we go out we have barbecues on Sunday nights I go out and I buy all these raspberries and all these blueberries at sprouts is where I get all those things that's very expensive I don't buy that stuff for my own house because it's so much money but you know we want to have but we should have that blessing here is kind of my thought it's a blessing to have that it's expensive though it's expensive so people don't understand that when it's talking about you know being blessed from this Isaiah chapter 65 verse number 8 it means God has has given them abundance he hasn't given them alcohol he hasn't given them beer he's given them abundance and success to be able to afford high-end things I don't I don't shop at sprouts normally I don't shop at Vaughn's normally but sometimes for a treat you know we'll go there and we'll get some things there that that we know we're gonna have some friends over or something like that it's a treat it's a blessing it's a blessing we don't think about that in America because everything is just so abundant even the poorest person in America is just has the abundance way more than than 99% of people throughout history we have to understand that I mean it takes like it takes like eight oranges to make one glass of orange juice when you think about how expensive it is to make some of these things so that's the first one there's two types of wine there's two types of wine one God is warning you against and it is clearly the type that has been fermented or is even starting to ferment and then there's one that God is calling a blessing it's it's on the cluster it's it's the juice of the grape it's the juice of the pomegranate it's a blessing why because you have abundance you have abundance if you're able to drink that instead of drinking just water out of a well right here's the second one turn back to Proverbs chapter 31 I told you I'd give you four reasons the first one I mean it's just clear there's two types of wine in the Bible there's the juice and then there's fermented alcoholic wine so we can't just look at John chapter 2 and say oh it's wine he's getting everybody intoxicated you cannot do that because you have to find out what kind of wine it is and obviously if I came from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we could just close the Bible and pray right now all right but there's two types of wines in the Bible that is without a doubt clear look at Proverbs 31 in verse number three Proverbs 31 in verse number three it's not for kings and priests is the second one all right look at Proverbs 31 in verse number three alcoholic wine is not for kings and priests give not thy strength unto women nor thy ways to that which destroyeth Kings it is not for Kings O Lemuel it is not for Kings to drink wine nor for princes strong drink there's that wine strong drink again I really think verse number three is super interesting here though because what does his mother say to him before she tells him not to drink alcohol she says don't give your strength to women and you know what I find super interesting if you know if you know or you have ever been in a culture where alcohol is is common and and and and it is always the men that drink more I I don't know why that is it's just the way it is many times you will find men that drink regularly and the wife hardly ever drinks or doesn't drink at all and let me tell you something that man's strength is given unto women because he has a wife most of the time that I have witnessed this myself in my life look I wish I could say like Pastor Anderson that I've never had a drop of alcohol but that's not the case I remember starting to listen to Pastor Anderson's preaching and he said I've never had a drop of alcohol in my entire life and I'm like I wish that was me but that wasn't me however every I don't want to say I don't throw a blanket on this one but it's common to see men that drank men always drank more than the women and the men that drank they were just they were just destroyed by their wives constantly because their wives had no respect for them and their wives just talked down to them they were always out in the garage or in the corner of the house or out in the wilderness somewhere they gave their strength unto women I verse three being before verse number four is not an accident there it's not for kings O Lemuel it's not for kings to drink wine nor for princess strong drink lest they drink and forget the law and pervert the judgment of the afflicted give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts let him drink and forget his poverty and remember his misery no more she's a that's talking about kings and priests turn to Revelation chapter 1 and look at verse number 6 turn to Revelation chapter 1 and look at verse number 6 the last book of your Bible Revelation chapter 1 look at verse number 6 the Bible says this in verse 6 she's talking says it's not for kings it's not for princes to drink alcohol look at this that's not talking about me I'm not a king of anything well he hath made us kings and priests unto God and his father to be him glory and dominion forever and ever if you're saved tonight your priest so there you go you know I've even heard the argument with John chapter 2 in the story of the wedding at Cana that oh they were all unsaved they're all unsaved so Jesus is just like let's just let them all just get intoxicated and just get drunk I've heard this before this is the depths that people will go to as if as if so not only did Jesus have to see that they were unsaved but they were unsaved people with no hope just just you just let's just get them drunk because they're all just a bunch of reprobates and oh by the way Jesus and his mother and all the disciples were invited to this wedding because all their friends are reprobates it is it makes no sense but this is the lengths that people will go to to justify themselves so we're kings and priests we're not supposed to we're not supposed to drink alcohol Jesus certainly isn't going to be pushing that on many people that believed on him the Bible says that became kings and priests isn't that what the Bible says in John chapter 2 that you know many people believed verse number 11 and his disciples believed on him and I'm sure many other people there believed on him after they saw this miracle but oh no only the disciples were the ones that were saved everybody else was a reprobate that's what you have to believe to believe that Jesus was like oh yeah just let them forget their misery you know they have no hope so that's that's the next one we're kings and priests and we're not supposed to drink Jesus wouldn't be pushing that on people that he wanted to what was the point of Jesus's miracles to show his to let his glory be manifest to people to let who he was be shown to people to the people at the wedding to show them that he is the Messiah the Son of God he's trying to get them to believe on him they're gonna go and just get him intoxicated it's crazy to think here's number three the Bible just says again and again and again be sober you're like oh no Jesus was you know you can drink and it's okay to have alcohol and all this why is the Bible say be sober over and over and over again second Corinthians 5 13 I'll just read you a few for whether we be beside ourselves it is to God or whether we be sober it is for your cause first Thessalonians 5 verse 6 let us then not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober first Thessalonians 5 8 but let us who are who are of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for an helmet the hope of salvation Titus 2 to let the aged men be sober grave temperate sound and faith in charity in patients a lot of people say oh this just means serious why does it say sober and grave then he's like let them be serious and serious it's it's talking about like having your wits about you by not having alcohol or drugs in your system that's what it's talking about young men likewise exhort to be sober minded how about Ephesians 5 18 where it says literally like be not drunk with wine what kind of wine is that talking about it's talking about the alcoholic wine be sober vigilant because your adversary the devil as roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour I mean I could read you just keep reading you verse after verse after verse where the Bible is just like be sober be sober be sober so the question is like I mean you're only sober unless you haven't had alcohol I mean you don't get into argument like well you know I can have this many and I'm still sober no if you've had alcoholic beverages you are no longer sober there may be a spectrum on how drunk you are but you are not sober at that point but they just ignore all that this ignore all that yep Jesus got everybody in talks intoxicated so we see there's two different kinds of wine in the Bible very clearly there's alcoholic wine and there's the juice in of the fruit of the grape of the pomegranate whatever we're talking about and we can tell by whether it's a blessing or God is telling us to stay away from it so it's not just that the words in the Bible that literally explain that it's new wine in the cluster but God is literally saying this one is good wine and this one is not good wine then we're kings and priests if we're saved we're kings and priests were to stay away from it it's like if I just give it to people with no hope that aren't going to get saved just let them have it and then you know of course we're just told to be sober which means don't drink alcohol don't do drugs be sober I mean is there any clearer command than that be sober like I don't know should I drink should I do drugs be sober number four necessary for fermentation is this idea that you must have some kind of substance some kind of I guess liquid yeah maybe it doesn't even have to be a liquid I'm not an alcohol making expert okay but you must have a liquid of sugar in it but not only that you must have some form of yeast and what the Bible calls yeast is leaven point number four is this leaven is used in the Bible as a symbol or an analogy or a picture of sin turn to Mark chapter 8 Jesus himself talked about use this analogy constantly so in order for there to be fermentation where that sugar because what you have is the yeast comes and it mixes with the sugar and the sugar turns into alcohol all right look at Mark chapter 8 and verse number 15 so you need to have that yeast that leaven present that's why if you could filter out you know if you can take grape juice and you can filter out and make it super pure and then dry it up it could make it into like a semi-solid they could store it in like a dark cool place and it wouldn't ferment and then they could take it and you take a spoonful and mix it with water and you could have grape juice I don't know how long it would keep or if it was good or whatever but I mean this is just methods people had of storing wine non-alcoholic wine all right look at Mark chapter 8 and verse number 15 you had to get the impurities out because in the grape where the yeast is on the grape is on the skin so you have to make sure there's no fragments of that skin inside the juice because you can't store it then because if you would store it that yeast would start fermenting the you just you just have an alcoholic liquid if you left it for a long period of time but look at Mark chapter 8 and verse 15 and he charged them saying take heed beware of the what the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod in Luke 12 verse 1 I'm going to just read it to you you're going to turn to Galatians chapter 5 and Luke 12 actually you turn to Exodus chapter 12 in Luke 12 one it says in the meantime they were gathered together an innumerable multitude of the people in so much that they trode upon one another and began to say and his disciples first of all beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees what is the leaven though what's he talking about and then he says which is hypocrisy he's talking about sin okay in Galatians 5 9 it says a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 we see the same thing said that a little leaven leaven at the whole lump meaning and in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 is talking about those six things that can't be allowed in the church why because a little leaven will just spread throughout the whole church a little what a little sin a little one of the sins in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 in verse number 11 fornication extortion drunkenness all these things will spread and spread and spread talking about sin equals leaven now here's where it gets really interesting look at Exodus chapter 12 say I don't know I don't know about that look at Exodus chapter 12 look at verse 15 talk about the Passover meal here the Passover meal that Jesus he pictures the Passover lamb okay and if you look at actually verse number 5 of Exodus chapter 12 it says your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year he shall take it out from the sheep or from the goats this is of course picturing you know Jesus being that spotless lamb of God right what did what did what did John the Baptist say be all the lamb of God you know he's spotless he's without blemish he's without what he's he's tempted like we were yet without sin Jesus had no sin there was no leaven there look at Exodus chapter 12 and look at verse 15 God really drives this stuff home in all these pictures of things in the Old Testament look at verse 15 seven days shall you eat unleavened bread even the first day you shall put away not only have the bread unleavened this is why for the Lord's Supper you eat that flat hard doesn't taste good it has bad texture why because it's unleavened you put yeast in the bread and that's what makes it rise and makes it fluffy it makes it able to soak up all the butter that you put on it instead you get this unleavened bread it's like a piece of leather but this is what they had to eat for the Passover meal why and not only that not only the unleavened bread but look at this put away all the leaven out of your houses they weren't even supposed to have any yeast in their house during this period you think you think God you think Jesus Christ is gonna give people leavened wine have you not these are people that don't even understand the Bible they don't understand the nature of God they understand all these pictures in the Old Testament the reason they eat unleavened bread was to picture you know Jesus Christ himself said I am the bread of life he's the bread without sin he's the bread without leaven this is a picture of Jesus in Exodus chapter 12 in verse number 15 this is what God does just like the Day of Atonement the Passover you say what part of the Passover was Jesus the whole thing was Jesus he fulfilled the whole thing what part of the Day of Atonement was it the goats was it the ram was it the bowl was it the burnt sacrifice was it the blood the whole thing was pictured by Jesus it's the same thing with the Passover meal there's no leaven here get the leaven out of your house but yeah he gave him wine with leaven in it that was already that was already there was there was fermented and it was alcoholic fermentation is it means it's actually rotting by the way when something is fermenting it's actually rotting it's actually decomposing it's getting into a decomposed a but yeah that's what Jesus gave him is this decomposed leavened drink read the Bible it makes no sense at all Jesus is the bread of life the unleavened bread of life with no sin it the Bible is clear on this issue there's four biblical reasons right there we just keep going Bible Bible Bible Bible I mean what else you know do people need to see but you know at the end of the day you know what it really is people just want to drink and let me tell you this from a first-hand account somebody who's even probably shouldn't even say this out loud but is even misinterpreted this story themselves when they were younger you know why they do it you know why I did it because people want to drink that's all it is they don't know anything about the Bible we just read through the Bible people just want to drink and they will throw the Lord Jesus Christ under the bus to do it you know what I mean when you see the truth of it we see the truth of it's just like you know what just just say you want to drink it just just say you want to drink and just leave leave Jesus Christ out of it just be like you know what I just I just like to drink I had a neighbor like that in Texas like the guy drank all the time like he just he was he was that he was that guy that always had a beer in his hand like no kidding you go over there to borrow something nine o'clock in the morning on Saturday morning he's drinking and he literally told me like in the first couple sentences that I met him I moved into the neighborhood and he literally told me he's like yeah when I got married I told my wife I like to drink I mean at least he was honest about it but just say you want to drink don't throw Jesus under the under the bus but look the vast majority of people that believe this I would say everyone because I can't think of anyone that doesn't meet this criteria but let me just say so I don't get a blanket statement if somebody doesn't send me an email or something but the vast majority of people that believe this that Jesus gave alcoholic beverages to these people at this wedding are unsaved and they drink I've never met anyone that doesn't fit those two criteria that believes this this doctrine but here's what's stupid about it go back to Proverbs chapter 23 here's what's really dumb about it though they'll sit there and they'll bend over backwards and they'll literally try to twist the Bible just to to justify their own sin they'll throw Jesus you know they'll make Jesus a sinner what do they care they're not saved they don't understand these things the majority of these people if there's somebody saved they believe this they just need to listen to some preaching and and get themselves right but look at Proverbs chapter 23 here's the funny thing about it is like somebody that would just go to these lengths like this they're bending they're doing all this twisting they're they're just doing all this justifying it's to their own hurt though that's the total irony of it look at Proverbs chapter 23 and look at verse number 29 Proverbs chapter 23 look at verse 29 this is kind of the go-to for somebody that drinks you know I mean if you drink and you're listen to this sermon online or whatever you know you should stop because you know I'm sure there's plenty of saved people out there that drink that's not what I'm saying but you should stop why who hath woe because you're drinking to your own woe who has sorrow who hath contentions who hath babbling who hath wounds without cause who hath redness of eyes they that tarry along at the wine did that go to seek oh here's another kind of wine mixed wine looked and then we see look not down the wine when it is red when it gives its color in the cup when it moveth itself or right talking about that fermentation at the last it biteth like a serpent it stingeth like an adder look at this now thine eyes shall behold strange women thine heart shall utter perverse things means you'll go and you'll do things that you would never have done if you weren't drinking yea thou shall be as thou that liest down in the midst of the sea think about this or he that lieth upon the top of a mast he's like you just go and you'll just end up in like dangerous situations you know you'll you'll you just lay down in some place that's a completely dangerous you'll put yourself in danger physical danger and you'll wake up and say they have stricken me thou shalt say and I was not sick they have beaten me and felt it not when shall I awake I will seek it yet again you're just gonna go and just do it again so they're sitting in there insulting the Lord Jesus Christ by by twisting this story in John chapter 2 all to argue for and justify whoa and all these things coming upon themselves I mean to sum up Proverbs 23 what the Bible is saying is that people that drink our morons I mean it's basically what it's saying is saying they sound like morons they act like morons they speak like more morons babbling you know not making any sense we talked to a guy today out so winning that was drinking or on something and we're just like my daughter and I walk away going like what in the world was that guy talking about but he's babbling he's babbling they're doing all these things they look like morons they destroy their health they destroy themselves physically all while thinking they're super smart and good-looking and all-powerful I mean it makes them it makes them fat and diabetic and and and and an idiot yet they're arguing for this they're arguing for this look they're taught they're arguing for destroying themselves look I mean the Bible is trying to tell you here that drinking alcohol will do nothing positive for you and I mean forget about yourself especially nothing good for you for those around you but yeah you get this this pleasure of sin for a season which is what like an hour or two or something and then you feel bad actually it literally makes no sense at all but we have to kind of get our culture though folks we have to get our culture that's why I say oftentimes just you have to be able as a as a as a Christian especially somebody got saved later in life you have to be able to take everything you've ever been taught and be able to just throw it away and just go with the Bible and like that's I get it that can be a journey for people I mean I remember I remember when we moved from North Dakota to Texas and we went to the first wedding I mean people read the story in John chapter 2 and they're like there's a wedding everyone must be drunk there's a wedding it must be like that's that's what I would have told you I had never been to a wedding where there wasn't alcohol never I grew up in a heavy Catholic and Lutheran environment and it just it was it was the culture it was the culture went to Texas and it was you know the Bible belt and we went to my wife had a person that she worked with who got married and went to this wedding and there's no alcohol there it was the strangest world to me I'm telling you I was not saved but it was it was so strange to me why because it's outside my culture so when people grow up in a culture like that and they read this story in John chapter 2 they automatically just equate wine wedding drunk people because that's American culture in many parts of the country thank God that I'm out of that culture thank God my kids are not going to see that culture thank God for that because it defines everything about you you cannot read the Bible with your old culture that's why the Bible constantly says become a new man you know be born again and then walk it as an as that new man but you have to take that culture and throw it away but people will just back over Jesus they can't do it and and they'll just go back over Jesus just just to justify their own destruction it's the craziest thing once once you're out of that culture and you're looking into it you're just like wow what in the world and I mean if you're out of that culture don't go step one foot into that culture don't be like hey I'm gonna I'm gonna stop I'm gonna stop drinking but I've done this too I stopped drinking before I got saved because I didn't want my kids growing up in that culture now trying to make myself out to be some kind of saint because I stumbled along the way here I try to keep one foot in I'll still go to that thing I just want I'll still go to that hunting party I'll still go to this and I'll still go to that fishing trip or whatever there is nothing more irritating than being around a bunch of people that are drinking when you are not I would rather stick a pen in my eye it is insane and and you should never do it that's why you just have to separate from that stuff like you I mean you just got to get new friends you got to hang out with different people just stop get in church and go that way because I mean Proverbs chapter 23 is exactly true I mean you're gonna be just like you're just a bunch of people babbling like a bunch of people that are morons and just are the most prideful morons and you're just like wow but that's what these people are doing they're just justifying their own sin because they want to drink that's it and it's very clear from the Bible that Jesus did not go there and get people intoxicated which again let me say they don't believe that he got people intoxicated they believe that he got intoxicated people even more intoxicated like you got them even to the point where they're you know whatever it's completely unbiblical it's completely false and look it's an insult to our Lord and Savior let's bar heads and have a word