(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Jeremiah chapter number 23. We're going to look at Jeremiah chapter 23 this morning. So if you want to know, I mean if you listen to Jeremiah chapter 23 and you live in America today and you're paying attention to what's happening, Jeremiah 23, you know it wasn't written yesterday. You know Jeremiah 23 is a great proof of the truth of the Bible and we're going to look at Jeremiah chapter 23 this morning and look at how this country was lost and how this country can be found just through Jeremiah chapter 23. So keep your place there the entire time this morning. Hopefully you've got a Bible with you. I'm still kind of struggling with a cough here so hopefully I can make it through this okay. But look at Jeremiah chapter 23. If you're wondering how things became such a mess, Jeremiah 23 explains everything. It explains everything. We're going to look at it in detail this morning and look, I'm not going to explain things in my own words this morning. I'm going to do something crazy that we do every single service here. I'm going to use the Bible to explain what is going on. I'm going to use the Bible to explain the solution. So hopefully you have a Bible. Look down at your Bible when we're looking at these verses and you will see, you know, how the Bible is definitely written by God. There's no way a man could have written this as it applies exactly to what we are seeing today. Look at verse number one. This is a popular verse. You know, many times this verse is used but I want to look through the whole chapter of Jeremiah 23 and just show you how amazing it all is in God's words. Look at verse number one. It says, woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture, sayeth the Lord. Therefore, thus saith the Lord God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people, ye have scattered my flock and driven them away. Now where have they been driven away from? They've been driven away from the Lord. Okay? These people, the Lord is rebuking pastors for driving the people away from Him and from His words. This is why woe is upon those pastors. I mean what does that woe mean? Woe means, you know, danger from the Lord is what woe means in this scenario. It means that the Lord is angry with these pastors. Look at verse number three. Now we see some prophecy here. In the next few verses, down to verse number nine, God is just going to give us some prophecy on what's going to happen and how it's going to be solved but then He's going to go back into the root and the core of the problem that we are going to be seeing until this prophecy is fulfilled. Okay? So let's go through the prophecy. We'll see how, you know, we win in the end and it's not going to be, you know, it's not as ugly as it looks but, you know, the Christians, you know, Jesus Christ wins in the end for sure but, you know, then we're going to dig into the detail of exactly what went wrong after verse number nine. All right? So look at verse number four. God is saying I'm going to take care of this in the end. He's like I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries where there I have driven them and bring them back again to their folds and they shall be fruitful and increase. And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them and they shall fear no more nor be dismayed neither shall they be lacking sayeth the Lord. So again we see a problem with the pastors was that they were afraid. They were afraid. I'll tell you what they were afraid of but they were not saying what the Lord wanted them to say. One of the reasons they weren't saying those things is what? Fear. They were afraid. Okay? And it says I'm going to bring them back. I'm going to put pastors over them. I'm going to gather the flock back up and then there's going to be pastors that are not afraid. There's not going to be fear there. Okay? Now this is one of those prophecies that has a major end times application but there's also many micro applications of this. You know, Judah being taken into captivity and then brought back into the Promised Land is a smaller application of this. You know different countries going through you know revivals and things like that could also be applications of this. I mean you can even make an application just to you know pastors today that are out preaching the truth. You can make an application of you know a smaller application of this prophecy. But look at verse number five. Now here's the big end times prophecy right here. Behold the days come sayeth the Lord that I will raise unto David a righteous branch and a king shall reign and prosper and shall execute judgment and justice on the earth. Now this isn't the coming Messiah. Okay? This is the reign of the coming Messiah. This is what Jesus came and we just celebrated his resurrection and we just celebrated Jesus coming back and defeating death and the devil for us and giving you know you know paying the price for the sins of people that would believe on him but there is going to be a time when he comes in he actually rules and reigns on this earth. That time is coming in the millennial reign of Christ. Alright look at verse number nine. My heart is broken. Skip down to verse number nine. My heart is broken because of the prophets. All my bones shake. I'm like a drunken man like a man who the wine hath overcome because of the Lord and because of the words of his holiness. For the land is full of adulterers for because of swearing the land morneth the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up. Their course is evil and their force is not right. So back up in verse number five. He says look look the pastors have messed up. They have scattered the flock. All this is going to be fixed in the end through the millennial reign of Christ. That's when Jesus will come back. The king will reign and prosper and execute judgment with what? With that rod of iron that the Bible talks about in the book of Revelation. So Jeremiah is basically prophesying the end times the millennial reign of Christ where this will be completely fixed. This whole problem. Alright. But when you look down at who did it in verse number nine who caused these problems up until the millennial reign of Christ we're going to be dealing with this is what the Bible is saying. The Bible is saying we're going to be dealing with this problem until Jesus comes back and fixes it for good. That's what Jeremiah is telling us here. So look in verse number 10. We see that it wasn't just the pastor but because the pastor stopped preaching the word of God because the pastor started preaching his own words or her own words in cases. We see that the people. What happened to the people. It says the wilderness are drying up their course is evil. Because of this the people were scattered away from who they were scattered away from the Lord and their course became evil and their force is not right. So look I want to give you some examples from Jeremiah chapter 23 how we can just look at our country today the situation we're in and at least understand what has happened at least see what is going on. You know everyone thinks that you know there's going to be a political solution to this. But the what I want to show you Jeremiah 23 is telling us is that this country and countries like ours in the past were lost first from the pulpit. They were lost first because it was the pastor who walked away from the word of God and walked into his own words. Look at verse number 14. Now Jeremiah chapter 23 gets in some details about what these prophets actually did wrong. He says I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem and horrible thing. They commit adultery. They walk what? They walk in lies. They strengthen also the hands of the evil doers that none doth return from his wickedness and they are all of them unto me as Sodom and the inhabitants therefore as Gomorrah which were these wicked terrible perverse cities that God literally destroyed. That's some pretty harsh language right there. But look this is what happened in this country. The pastors walk in lies. You know if you look at and we're going to focus on like the big mega churches where everybody's going to church today. The people that do go to church today. The majority are going to these large mega churches. I'm going to bring up three specific kind of a trio that's together. But this model that I'm going to talk about today is going to apply to every mega church in every city. All these Pentecostal based most of them mega churches. They're walking in lies. They're walking in lies. They're not walking in the words of God. Look at verse number 21. Verse number 21. This is such a profound verse right here. God says I have not sent these prophets. He's like they're not coming from me. Yet they ran. They went anyway though. He's like I don't want this person to be a pastor. Yet they are. They are using my name. They are using you know at least in lip service the Bible. My words to a degree. I have not spoken to them. Yet they prophesied. You imagine how infuriating this is to God. People that are claiming to speak. I mean imagine someone claiming to speak for you. Things that you did not say. How infuriating would that be? Imagine someone going somewhere saying they represent you. When you did not send them there. I mean they are doing this against the Lord. It's unbelievable but this is exactly what Jeremiah is saying. They weren't sent and God did not speak to them. And this is funny because it's exactly what they will claim. They will claim that God has shown them things. And if you listen to their preaching which I've listened to a lot of TD Jakes, Steve Ferknick, and Joyce Meyers this week and it was extremely painful. I do not know how anyone is sitting through this but that being said I took one for the team and it's extremely vexing. Like just listening to it for minutes is extremely vexing. I'm going to talk about you know TD Jakes, Joyce Meyers, Steve Ferknick. Because this was first brought up to me about a week ago before Easter one of the guys from the church says hey did you hear about Steve Ferknick runs this elevation church which is this there's tens of thousands of members there's many different campuses and he's a very popular maybe the most popular mega church pastor in the United States today but somebody came out and showed me a video of his marketing spokesperson or whatever I'm sure I'm getting that title wrong on a podcast talking about how they pitch Easter and I know I did this whole thing on Easter attacks on Easter but this lady is talking about marketing and how they how they pitch Easter to people and they're like we don't ever want to use the word resurrection when we're talking to people about coming to church for Easter because it's a word that's not I mean she goes into all this stuff about how it's a word that's not used and it might you know make people uncomfortable and all the all this just different wacky stuff but she's giving this podcast and she's then she just goes off and she starts talking about how you know the church has a voice and the church voice is different than the pastor's voice and she says things like I got some quotes for you here as the church grows there can be a lot of variety in the way we see things and she says so there has to be a voice of the church which is different than the voice of the pastor okay look open your bible one time this is the whole point of the epistles the main point of the epistles was making sure that the church voice and the pastor's voice there's pastoral epistles and there's church epistles to the churches and the whole point is to make sure the voice is the voice of god not like oh we got to say a certain story to these people and then we got to say a different story to these people over here and then the pastor says it a different way over here look this is the kind of stuff that you need to stay far away from it's god's voice that matters and that's what paul was saying throughout the entire new testament as all these new churches are popping up as the churches were growing he's saying no we need one voice if any man speak any other voice to you paul says again and again and again he's talking about infiltrators that will come in speaking a different voice people that will come in and want to elevate themselves i mean he gives every warning about every different type of voice this is going to try to come into the church and the main message is make sure it is god's voice make sure it is god's word and then i mean she just speaks a bunch of nonsense about all these things you know and and just but here's the thing folks like these pastors and these churches they bring up certain things but they never bring up anything that's going on in the culture today these churches these pastors they have completely caved on abortion they've completely caved on homosexuality they've completely caved on all of these things it is all about church growth that is all it is i mean first of all it's it's based these three joist meyer steve furtnick and td jakes is based on the word of faith stuff it's based on the word of faith stuff it's basically a it's basically a benny hin uh that sounds better you know that sounds less crazy you know the word of faith is name it and claim it it's a pentecostal based um foundation that's why you'll see many of the mega churches in every city they're all pentecostal based many of the people that go to those churches don't even know they're pentecostal don't even know they came from pentecostal backgrounds but steve furtnick himself also teaches this weird heresy called this little gods heresy where he believes that god actually i'll read you a couple quotes from him and the point of the sermon isn't necessarily the heresy it's that they're just walking in lies period okay and they're walking in lies but he teaches this about why god created man let me just read you a quote here all right so of course genesis 126 is what he's talking about here but this is a quote from steve furtnick he says remember remember let us make man in our own image god needed someone to show the world what he looks like or else he would have just been a concept god would have been an abstract theory so he made man and woman to reflect who he was he needed someone to show his nature through so he made me and you if anyone ever makes a statement like this you need to leave the church because what he is doing is he is adding to god's word what he is doing is he is he is taking something first of all even if this wasn't answered in the bible why he made us turn to revelation chapter four because god actually tells us why even if it wasn't answered in the bible and somebody adds a statement like this where they say here's why god did this because look there's things in the bible that god just doesn't tell us this isn't one of them but if there's something in the bible that god doesn't tell us it'd be one thing if a pastor said here's my opinion on this that the bible doesn't talk about but no he's adding extra revelation here he's adding extra revelation which is heresy and then look what he says here you're going to revelation chapter 4 then he says when god said i am to moses you know my name is i am he was trying to get him to see you are as i am you just need to get up and just leave that church because he is teaching this this little this is called the little gods doctrine is what they call it also known as that you know we can and this is this then it goes into the word of faith stuff like we can become powerful and we can have power over the creation just like god and you know name it and claim it and speak it into existence and all these weird mystical panacostal based things all right but look at god god answers why he made us you don't have to be concerned you don't have to be worried and confused about that this morning look at verse number 11 of revelation chapter number four the bible says thou art worthy o lord to receive glory and honor and power for thou has created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created you were created for god's pleasure for god's what's that word up in the first part of the verse for god's glory isaiah chapter 43 verse 7 says even everyone that is called by my name for i have created him for my glory god created you for his glory you're like what that's it that's why you're here you are here for the glory of god you are not here to become like god you are not here to look that's satan's game that's satan's game to be like the most high that's satan's trick that says you can become like god if you eat of the fruit giving this this this idea to man that they can become a god it's wicked it's false it's heresy but it's been since the beginning furtnick on joyce myers she's the best bible teacher of our time never mind the fact that the bible says that you know i mean i'm just gonna we're not even going to go to the first timothy two where it says i suffer not a woman to teach nor assert authority over a man she shouldn't be teaching the bible she shouldn't be making herself a pastor i mean there's nothing more clear in the bible than that but look these are very popular you know what they are motivational speakers that are using jesus as a brand name that's what they are doing i mean he calls furtnick calls t.d jakes my model preacher i mean it's it's you have to wonder like does the gospel matter of course it doesn't to these people they're motivational speakers they're prosperity gospel preachers name it and claim it it they're more polished benny hints that that's all they are myers look down at verse number seven go back to jeremiah chapter 23 jeremiah chapter 23 and i mean you know i don't know if you want to write the word joist myer in your in your bible if you take notes but i mean if you look at verse number 17 you listen to joist myers and all she's telling people is like look she's she's talking to an arena of ten thousand people or thousands and thousands of people and she's saying things like god's not mad at you god just wants you to enjoy this life god doesn't want you to be afraid of him look at verse number 17 and they say unto them that despise me the lord says ye shall have peace and they say unto everyone that walketh after the imagination of his own heart no evil shall come upon you these are the prophets that are lying they're saying this these are the prophets that are lying that they say peace peace when there is no peace how could you possibly preach to a group of thousands of people and say god's not mad at you how do you know look i hope god's not mad at you this morning but he might be mad at some of you if you are not doing the things that he wants you to do he could be maybe he is he's mad at you joist meyer i can tell you that look at matthew chapter 10 matthew chapter 10 how could any preacher stand up and say that to a large group of people it's like it's your best life now look at matthew chapter 10 look at matthew chapter 10 look at verse number 34 look what jesus says i mean what bible are you reading the answer is she's not reading the bible and no one that's listening to her is reading the bible look at verse number 34 think not that i'm come to send peace on earth who is this this is jesus think not that i mean these are red words if you have a red lighter bible think not that i'm come to send peace on earth i came not to send peace but a sword he's saying he's not saying go pick up a sword he's saying there's trouble coming your way because of me he's saying to the christian there's trouble coming your way because of me in second timothy 3 12 he says yay and all that will live in god godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution he's saying he is warning people that because you are a christian because you follow me you are going to have trouble in your life i mean your best life now tell that to the disciples see america is ripe for this type america is a ripe market for this type of false preaching you go find me the joel osteen of the disciples time you're not going to find that church then you go tell me you go find me the steve furtnick that's that's that's when you know talking to you know running around with peter when he was crucified upside down you go find me the mega church that's preaching you know this prosperity only message when steven was stoned you find me that church no there's no market for that church back then james killed by the sword john's brother john boiled in oil and exiled his you know secular history tells us philip bound by a head to by his head to a pillar and beaten to death stone to death in ad 54 where's the mega church saying that you know it's all about you know your best life now and it's all about what god wants to give you in this life and that god's not mad at anybody where was that when james was clubbed to death in ad 63 the brother of jesus where was that when barnabas we all know barnabas he was burned in cyprus in ad 64 and on and on and on million a million stories we could tell like that of you know your best life now why were they burned why were they stoned why were they clubbed because of jesus that's why because they were following jesus because they were disciples of jesus so look if something is a partial truth it is a lie if something is you know look does god is god going to bless you in your lives in in areas he's going to bless you in your lives and especially in america today if you you know do things according to the bible you will receive blessings from god but you cannot tell half of the story and it is not about the blessings it is about the christian life and doing what the word of god says but see these pastors are serving themselves and the environment is rich today in america for this turn to galatius chapter one but jeremiah chapter 23 is saying the environment shouldn't matter the pastor should be speaking the truth the environment in america is ripe for weeds today it's like it's like you know we had all this rain it's just ripe for weeds they're just weeds everywhere but the environment in america just happens to be ripe for these type of weeds look at galatians chapter one and look at verse number eight galatians chapter one and verse number eight this is a great example of you know what the pastor is supposed to do about what the pastor is supposed to do i'm going to read these first two verses and then i'm going to really want to look at verse number 10 look at verse number eight it says but though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than which we have preached unto you let him be accursed so first of all like different gospel just you should just be damned to hell that's what paul was saying as we said before so i say now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you didn't you just say that why are you saying it twice must be important that you have received let him be accursed for do i now persuade men or god look at this look what paul says or do i seek to please men you know what paul is saying he's saying what i say to you i don't care if it upsets you because i am not here to please men for if i yet pleased men i should not be the servant of christ you see that if i get up here and every single thing that i say makes you happy and feel great i am not a servant of christ that's pretty serious that's pretty serious when i get up and i preach something and i'm like yeah i know there's some people in the church that are probably struggling with this thing and i get up and i preach it it's like whatever because i want to be a servant of christ not a servant to you that is who i am under the authority of is jesus christ as a pastor because i don't want woe on me i don't want the woe from god on me so look i'm gonna tell you the whole thing i'll tell you the whole story not just like hey your life is just going to be great because that's just a lie it's just a lie that you go you get into this christian life you get saved hey you get saved great but then if you follow jesus and actually start implementing the bible in your life will there be blessings there yeah i hope so that's up to god but will there be persecution there yes will people be upset at you yes people angry with you yes is there real physical persecution today in america no not really but see that's why this market is so right for this blessings only garbage so i mean you say i mean you say and even furtnick in one of his sermons said this he's like we're just we're just about jesus you know you're not going to get i mean i'm misquoting this but he's like you're not going to get deep bible studies here you know we're just about jesus you know and if you want you know bible studies and fill your bible you know yourself with you know bible studies you're in the wrong church he said you know i'm sure i'm misquoting that a little bit but he basically is saying like we're just about jesus here we're about evangelism he's about church growth that's what he's about and look it's kind of catholic because like if you're teaching something that has nothing to do with the bible the last thing you want is people in the church learning what the bible says so that's where that kind of attitude comes from you go back to jeremiah chapter 23 so like in conclusion like what does it matter why don't we just go out why don't we just go out and get people saved because they're saved like if we go out and get people saved they don't get into church they don't get baptized why don't we just go out get people saved they're in heaven and then just tell them like nothing but good news why don't i do that why don't we just get people saved and then just tell people nothing but good news look at jeremiah chapter 23 and verse number 22 i'm going to show you why you know we're not going to do that he says you know you know things like you're not going to be spoon fed bible studies here of course he doesn't want people knowing what the bible says he's just going to tell you stories and he's gonna you know he's gonna he's gonna tell you stories and he's gonna explain god's nature to you don't look at the bible i'll explain it to you this is why we turn to the bible this is why hopefully you know you have a bible in front of you you're gonna you're gonna learn your bible pretty quick in a church like this i'm like go to this verse go to this verse go to this verse don't take my word for it go there and look yourself but look at james chapter uh jeremiah chapter 23 and verse number 22 god gives the solution in the same chapter so yep god says i'm going to come and i'm going to fix it in the end but then he gives us a solution i mean we could solve this ourselves we could solve this in america today here's the solution verse 22 it says but if they had stood in my council that's talking about the pastors it's saying if the pastors would have stood in my word and it caused my people to hear my words then they should have turned from their evil way who the people and from the evil of their doing see it's not about my words folks i don't want to be boring i don't want to be you know putting you to sleep up here but it's not about my words that's why we're flipping to so much bible in every single sermon the pastor's job is to speak god's words the pastor's job is to tell you what god is saying this is why people are getting more and more evil today because they are not hearing the words of god because the pastors are not standing in the council of god so the first reason that we don't go out and just get people saved and then they come to church and i just tell them how great they are and tell you how wonderful that you all are look we would have more people if that's what i said there are many people that have come to this church and don't come here anymore because of the way things are being preached and even people have asked me like somebody will come to the church for a while and they're not even saved and we've tried to give them the gospel and you know they don't want to hear the gospel and they just look you're not kicked out of this church if you're like you won't hear the gospel and people and a couple people have asked me over the years well what do we do about that well nothing why because the word of god will work it out because people will either come here they will get saved or they will they will eventually like they can't handle this you don't have the spirit of god in you you're not gonna be able to handle this week after week many people that do have the spirit of god in them cannot handle this week after week and that's why it's so important that you continue growing as a christian even after you get saved you have to just give yourself this mindset everything ever been taught is wrong and if it's in the bible i'm going to do it because it's when you hit that wall when something is preached and you turn to the bible and you can't even be mad at me i mean you can be mad at me but it's it wouldn't be right to be mad at me because you turn the bible and it's like god said it not pastor and you're like i'm not going to change that though and that's where the bitterness sets in that root begins to grow and that's where even a saved person can get out of church don't hit any walls in your christian life if the word of god says it just do it but look the wrong words are being listened to so why why wouldn't we just get people saved and just preach niceties to them the first reason is to maintain god's credibility that's why because it's a it's not true if i stand up here and i tell you that once you're saved and you start setting standards in your life and you start separating as a christian as the bible says that you should and it's all going to be good the problem is what happens when it's not that's why the the mega churches are notorious for short-termers they're notorious for short-term people young people will go there for a little while and then they will stop going there why because even if you're saved there's valleys coming in your life and if you're being told the message that your life is going to be great and wonderful no matter what you're offended turn to matthew chapter 13 these look even if someone is saved these churches are the stony places look at verse number 20 of matthew chapter 13 look at verse number 20 of matthew chapter 13 the bible says this talking about the parable of the sower here talking about the seed sowed amongst the stony places look there may be a saved person in a church like that because like i said many people don't even know that they're panicosso based and they're largely saying nothing except good wonderful things about everyone god's not mad at you quit thinking god's mad at you all this kind of stuff look at verse number 20 the bible says but he that receiveth the seed into stony places the same as he that here at the word and anon with joy receive it he hath not rooted himself but dureth for a while for when look at this for when tribulation and persecution arises because of what because of the word because of following jesus by and by he is offended they were offended because you need roots in this christian life they were offended because they didn't know that because of the word of god because of following jesus because of doing the things that jesus wants you to do after you're saved that there's going to be persecution and tribulation that comes because of that so if you're told nothing but good things that will offend you and you will you will stop living the christian life at that point you know look if you're saved you're not going to become unsaved but that's why we don't do that because god's credibility is more important the word of god and the truth of it is more important the second reason is this the second reason we don't just get people saved and then just bring them to church and just give them flowers every sunday is because of god's indignation because of god's chastisement because of god's anger on both the saved and the unsaved i mean in hebrews chapter 26 it's called fiery indignation on the saved someone that just abuses grace and decides i'm just going to hey i know what the bible says but i'm going to live how i want to live because i'm saved and god promised he'll never take that away from me you're going to receive fiery indignation from god in your life on this earth hebrew chapter 12 is talking about you know chastisement of the believer but how about this how about this when somebody gets up and gives a message to thousands of people saying god's not mad at you god just wants the best for you god wants you to just you know whatever and all just this flowery speech what if there's unsaved people there and i mean how could you possibly say god's not mad at you everything's good in your life when the wrath of god is upon people what a wicked thing to do but look if you're saved wouldn't you want to know if god's mad at you i mean think of any relationship think of a husband and wife if you're a wife i mean and your husband's just mad at you but he never says anything and you don't even know and he's just like he's just mad but you don't know that he's mad he never says anything to you he's just mad just treats you bad or a wife or that's mad at her husband and never tells her husband just it look never says anything just mad how's that relationship gonna go is it gonna get better or worse see that's the problem if you don't know that god's mad at you and no one's telling you that god's mad at you because of what you're doing like how's that relationship gonna go is it gonna get better or is it gonna get worse will you fix anything if you don't even know that you're doing anything wrong if people just tell you that you're doing everything right will you fix anything of course you won't of course you won't and then it ultimately comes down to this here's the third one here's the third reason that a pastor should not do this just get people saved and then just tell them good things profit profit because what it's not about us right it's about god's glory which ultimately is what the kingdom of heaven that's what god is concerned about we are not little gods we are here to profit god and his kingdom that's why we are here we are here for his glory and look if you have no roots and you're only in it for the blessings what about the other people what about the people that don't know what about the people who are under god's wrath and have no idea what about the next generation what about your children if you have no roots you know what children need they need parents with roots because these children aren't raised in seven minutes these children aren't raised look how are you going to raise godly children with roots if you have none yourself it takes decades to raise kids that means your christian life can't last 18 months it's not going to work there will be no profit for the next generation there you're saved congratulations it's all about profit and that's why the pastor must walk in the council of god and use god's words and not his own go back to jeremiah chapter 23 i mean it's the whole point of this christian life after salvation is other people i mean i was reading an article all over the news this last week some girl in denmark i think is 28 years old and she's like i'm going to commit suicide in two months or whatever it is and it's all this big question about you know euthanasia and should this be legal or not i'm just sitting here thinking like here's this person that's 28 years old and she just wants to end her life she's like yes i suffer from depression and they there's no medication that works and the psychiatrist says there's nothing else we can do for you well i don't know here's here's an idea i mean you would think she would listen to the gospel if you knocked on her door you would hope right i mean i don't know like hey nothing else has worked here here's here's an option besides killing yourself get saved and then get other people saved how long did that take that's free no medication get saved and then get your life into the word of god so you can be profitable to other people hey i guess i i bet you wouldn't want to kill yourself anymore i bet you you would have joy in your heart even if you were being persecuted for that because nothing gives you more joy no matter what your outside physical circumstances are than doing what god wants you to do in his word than serving the kingdom of god look at jeremiah chapter 23 verse number 39 jeremiah chapter 23 now tell me this isn't a prophecy of america today look at verse number 39 therefore behold i even i will utterly forget you and i will forsake you and the city that i gave you and your fathers and cast you out of my presence look at verse 40 and i will bring an everlasting reproach upon you and a perpetual shame which shall not be forgotten this is america today we are we are a laughing stock to the world today we are trying to push our values on on countries on third world countries that are laughing in our face we're trying to push all this confusion and and gender nonsense on all these countries these countries they don't even have they're not developed nations they're like get out of here with that we don't want that you're crazy we're ashamed and we don't even know it this is exactly what has happened to us turn back to jeremiah chapter one jeremiah chapter one so what's the answer what's the answer well jeremiah's got the answer jeremiah's got the answer for us the bible's got the answer the bible doesn't just give us problems look at jeremiah chapter one if it's well i mean it's not complicated folks if it was lost by lies it's won by the truth look at jeremiah chapter one verse number four the beginning of jeremiah's life the beginning of jeremiah's service look at what god says to him then the word of the lord came unto me saying before i formed thee in the belly i knew thee before thou came us forth out of the womb i sanctified thee there how's that for abortion right there is abortion murder i mean god knew you before you were born god knew you before you were formed as he was forming you then said i ah lord god behold i cannot speak for i am a child god says i ordained thee a prophet unto the nations he's telling this little kid like i want you to be my prophet and this kid's like i don't know what to say i have no idea what to say then i said lord god i cannot speak for i'm just a child i'm just a kid i'm just a kid the lord shall say unto me say not i am a child for thou shalt go to all that i shall send thee and whatsoever i command thee thou shall speak god says you don't have to worry about that i'll give you the words to say you're worried about a men's preaching night sermon you're worried about you know preaching a full-length sermon or whatever for the first time hey just use god's words i don't know what to say say what god said this isn't about me and you this is about just open up to a page in the bible and read it and just preach to the people what god said don't add stuff to it don't make up things that aren't there don't make it about yourself steve furtnick it's all about himself you know it's all about his stories and all these things then he throws jesus in there every now and then it's not about you it's about what god said and then he even tells this kid he tells this young child be not afraid of their faces he's saying i'm going to tell you what to say and then he has the insight to tell him hey they're not going to like it i mean how many sermons from joist myers or steve furtnick or joel osteen or whatever are the people are being are they in the just silent being like none the people are clapping and they're cheering and they're they're laughing is it such a funny story and all these different things like you're great and you're greater and you're just wonderful and everything you do is wonderful everyone's in fornication there's sodomites everywhere i mean whatever god's not mad at anybody god hates certain people what are you talking about there cannot be love without hate you're not love children if you're not hate the people that want to harm them this is not complicated this is god's words be not afraid of their faces for i'm with thee to deliver thee saith the lord we just need more pastors we need more people look turn to second timothy chapter four if there was no market for this like there was no prosperity preachers during the jewish persecution and the roman persecution in the catholic persecution i mean people would just be like what are you crazy look what's happening if there was no market the false prophet could get none of these people but unfortunately there is a large market for this today because persecution is light today look at second timothy chapter four i charge thee before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead as is appearing in his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all along suffering and doctrine doctrine is important for the time will come well they will not endure sound doctrine that time is today that time is today that is why we are not a mega church look there's big churches like ours and i hope we grow and we will grow as long as we're just doing what god wants us to do but we will never compromise doctrine we will never compromise we will never get there by abandoning the word of god and going to my words or anybody else's words we will build on doctrine we will build on the word of god on that foundation and look these people they after their own lusts they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they'll turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables so when you if i mean i'm sure you don't listen to these people but if you listen to them and you think how in the world could you listen to something like this it's because they have turned away from the truth you're in the truth you're in the truth you're in the truth you're here you're having the truth thrown at you every single week every three days the truth is smacking you in the face and then you're reading your bible on your own you're studying the bible on your own with the holy spirit that is in you and then you hear something like this and it's just ah right away you're like it's it's repulsive to you and the reason is is because you are in the truth and the people that are sitting in those churches have turned away from it we just need more pastors willing to speak god's word and then we need more people that are willing to go where walk god's word is being spoken and that they're refusing to turn away from the truth turn to jeremiah 17 where god's word is being spoken not man's word the answer look you're turning to jeremiah 17 the answer is in here the answer is in here it is not in here it's not in your emotions it's not someone that makes you feel flowery and feel it matters what is actually being said not how you feel look at jeremiah 17 verse number nine see because jeremiah says this the word of god says this it says the heart you know what this is your feelings this is your emotions this is what you think you want this is what you think you want to be told you think you need to hear because the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it see your feelings and your emotions can be played with and toyed with and lied to and manipulated and that's exactly what is happening in america and people just need to get back to hearing the truth even if they don't like to hear it they need to hear the truth i don't like to hear that but is that what the bible says yes it is then i need to swallow that pill and that's how you fix it there's people out there speaking the truth we need more people they're willing to hear it let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer you