(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen all right so here we are in Luke chapter 16 a couple of stories here in the Bible and of course we're gonna focus on the latter part of Luke chapter 16 Which is the rich man and Lazarus we hear we hear a sad story here in the Bible of a man Who went to hell and this story? Talks about this man going to hell and he raises up his eyes after he's died and he's in hell And it talks about you know his experience in hell It's the only you know the most vivid story in the Bible where a man is actually in hell and gives his perspective on The situation so this evening. I want to just preach a sermon tonight and talk about hell itself I want to talk about you know. What is hell? What does the Bible say about hell and just see if we can kind of imagine? Hell in the Bible we talk about it a lot especially out soul winning I think it's important that we touch on it these things especially when we go out soul winning and for all of you Who are out and your your talkers and your experienced soul winners you go out and you say things and just like Jesus Talked about with vain repetitions sometimes we need to remind ourselves that things that we Bible verses that we say again and again and again We need to remind ourselves that that we don't lose those meanings of those Bible verses You know as we say things over and over and as you may explain hell to someone a hundred times You know it may lose its seriousness to you And we need to just kind of constantly refresh ourselves because look the idea of hell is Important to the soul winner and we'll get that get to that at the end of the sermon with a little bit of application But let's just look at hell in the Bible turn to Matthew chapter 25 We'll just look at hell in the Bible for a few minutes, and then we'll see how it's important to us look We're not gonna go to hell. Thank God none of us here If you're saved you are never gonna go to hell and thank God for that What an ease of you know off of our shoulders that is nothing that could ever go wrong this whole city could burn down Tonight and we know that we are not going to go to hell Everybody could get sickness and disease on this earth, and we know that we're never gonna go to hell That is a huge comfort to us. That's why we should fear nothing. We should fear nothing, but the Lord and It's very simple all right, but look hell is a serious thing that Many people have to worry about all right, so let's take a look at it this evening for a few minutes Matthew 25 look down at verse number 41. What is hell? What is hell the Bible says in Matthew 25 41 then then shall he say unto them on the left hand? Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire Prepared for the devil and his angels so look Here's this idea of these people that are going into everlasting fire these certain people Jesus is saying are going to go into this place of everlasting fire that was prepared for the devil and his angels So the first point is this look This is not Satan's hangout. You know hell is not a place that Satan is Hanging out in that he wants to go to that he rules over. It's nothing like that at all I don't know where that idea came from you know other than you know Looney Tunes cartoons But it is not Satan's hangout It is a place that was prepared for Satan and his angels turn to Revelation chapter 14 look we even get to see the beauty of the Bible is this the beauty of hell and the Judgment of God and the wrath of God is that God gives us the ending God tells us how it's going to end and look we don't know exactly how it's going to go down We don't know when it's going to go down We don't know what all these different things that are going on in our world really mean until you know We're looking back at these things But look we know how it's going to end We know the end of the story because God gives it to us look at Revelation in chapter 20 Revelation did I say revelation 14 go to Revelation in chapter? Hang on? I think I messed up here Revelation chapter 20, I'm sorry Revelation chapter 20 and look at verse number 1 and the Bible says this we get the ending of the story folks and I saw An angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand Where did this angel come from? He came from heaven and he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent which is who I mean is this confusing? Which is the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years and cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and Set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years should be fulfilled And after that, he must be loosed a little season this of course telling us the story about the devil being cast into hell You know as the millennial reign begins the millennial reign of Christ So look the angel with the key came from heaven the angel with the seal came from heaven God controls Throwing people into hell God control has the key To help because God created hell God controls everything about hell because he created hell for the devil and his angels Okay. Now, where is it turn to Psalm chapter 63? Psalm chapter 63 So this idea that Satan has any control over anything or he wants to go there Satan doesn't want to go to hell either and You'll you'll find out why as we study more about health. Look at Psalm 63 in verse number 9 The Bible says but those that seek my soul to destroy it shall go into the lower parts of the earth turn to Ezekiel 26 so the Bible talks about hell being in the lower parts of the earth That's a very specific place. That is a real physical place Ezekiel 26. Look at verse number 19 The Bible says for thus saith the Lord God when I shall make thee a desolate city like the cities that are not Inhabited when I shall bring up the deep upon thee and the great waters shall cover thee when I shall bring thee down with them That descend into the pit with the people of old time and shall set thee in the low Parts of the earth in places desolate of old and with them that go down into the pit thou shalt not be inhabited And I shall set glory in the land of the livings turn to Ephesians chapter 4 Look the Bible even says that Jesus went there the Bible says in Acts 2 31 I'll read for you while you're turning to Ephesians 4 the Bible says he's seeing this before talking about David Prophesying that Jesus would go to hell seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in hell Neither did his flesh see corruption Proving that Jesus's soul when he died went to this place called hell which is in the lower Parts of the earth Ephesians 4 9 backs this up It says now that he ascended but what is it but that he also descended first I mean, how could you not say that Jesus didn't go to hell? I mean it is so clear in the Bible I mean there's people I mean, I'm not look it doesn't really have to do I don't think with your salvation to believe this But how it is so clear in the Bible that Jesus like December now that he ascended I mean, we know he ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, but that he also descended first Well, where into the lower parts of the earth earth I mean we know that to be hell he descended is the same that also ascended up far above the heavens That he might fill all Things so we see that hell I mean hell isn't this magical other dimension hell is Literally in the lower parts of the earth that we are standing on right now Look on on on a spirit spherical surface the earth being a round sphere I'm not even gonna make reference to it. Don't even look at me like that That's the center the lower parts of the earth the lowest part of a spherical object is the center The center of the earth and look here's the funny thing science Actually agrees with this Science actually agrees with the idea that the center of our earth is this molten ball of fire or whatever and I mean it doesn't take you know a rocket scientist to figure out that you know when a Volcano explodes and you know the the earth is opened lava comes out I mean you can see it right but look scientists figured this out, you know Decades ago, but look the Russians here's the thing Russians here's what's really interesting the Russians tried to drill through the crust of the earth in like the 70s They actually tried to drill through that. I mean if you've ever seen like a model of the earth They have the crust which is this tiny little thin layer It's like 30 miles and then the rest of its this mantle which is you know Thousands of miles and then the core the molten core that scientists believe is the core is the very center Look so the Russians tried to drill through the crust of the earth to find out what was in the mantle They weren't even thinking about getting to the core because it's so far All right So they tried to drill and they started in the 70s and here's what happened the borehole reached about 40,000 feet Into the crust of the earth which was about a third of the way Through the crust of the earth and they actually had to stop for what reason? It was too hot It was too hot. It was melting the bits. It was melting the machinery. They couldn't keep the bits cool There's no so basically there's no material on planet earth Look, I think it's funny. We were talking about why we couldn't have a we're gonna talk about space elevators real quick We're talking about why we couldn't have a space elevator this morning in before church But the bottom line is that there's no material on planet earth That is strong enough to make a cable that can support itself that's you know, 300 miles long There's just no material that's available to us I've worked in in thermal power plants for you know 15 years and the reason that we can only get so much efficiency out of a certain power plant Look, all you have to do to get a thermal machine to operate more efficiently is just make hotter temperatures and higher pressures That's it. We know how to do that, but there's no material that can contain it. See so God has put these Boundaries on us. Maybe God doesn't want us drilling into hell you ever think about that Maybe It's all you know, it's funny when you look at things with a science perspective and a Bible perspective It's almost like you're smarter that way when you look at things from a biblical perspective So these Russians they try to drill through the crust of the earth the crust the tiny little that the skin of the apple Think of it that way they couldn't even get a third of the way through because God basically said nope You're done. It was too hot Now look, there's all kinds of YouTube videos We can go on YouTube and they had to stop drilling because they heard people screaming. That's not true Okay They they stopped drilling because it got too hot because the earth is hot you actually the earth itself Even the earth under your feet gives heat The earth itself is in North Dakota You actually can make heating systems for your home by digging down about 10 feet Burying pipes in the ground and that ground is always about 55 degrees. So that provides heat you say that's heat Yeah, well when it's negative 20 degrees outside and you can pull 55 degree heat You're adding BTUs so you can get heat from the center of the earth. You're literally heating your home With hell think about it that way Because the earth is warm and the further down you get the hotter it gets Alright, so what science agrees here science agreed but a couple of things I want to point out the temperature of This borehole they had to stop because the temperature was over twice as hot as they thought it was going to be Okay, and you will find this over and over and over again when people theoretically, you know They theorize the way something's gonna go and then they actually experiment and do it. It's usually very different Alright, so it was twice as hot as they thought it was gonna be so they had to stop All right, they were also here's another thing they were also completely wrong on the makeup of What the material of the crust was made of completely wrong So what does this tell you about? This isn't in the sermon. I'm just going to talk about this What does this tell you about all these people that say all of these rocks are billions of years old and these? Fossils are this many years old and the earth was made, you know 2.3 billion years ago Look they can't even tell you what's in the top third of the crust You will have people who are PhDs in college and teaching geology and they'll say oh this layer is this and this way They have no idea They have no idea they drilled down and there was all kinds of hydrogen gas And all kinds of different types of rock and all types of fluids They had no clue what was down there until they actually did it. All right, so all that to say this, you know Base your base yours your your beliefs on on the Bible number one And what can actually be proven through experiments? That's that's it. That's my theory, right? There's your There's your theory on what to believe right there if somebody's done an experiment on something Okay, let's talk right but look all this archaeology all this geology It's just some high school science teacher or some college professor that's been teaching the same thing for 30 years And it's just writing the same thing on a chalkboard acting like he's an expert. They don't have any idea Until you do it. All right astronomy. Don't even get me started same thing They have no idea what's out there. It's all Theory, it's all theory at the end of the day. We don't know What we don't know it's that simple, all right, but look Here's the funny thing. The Bible actually knew what was in the center of the earth way before Any scientist even had a theory on what was in the center of the earth? Right, but everything else is you know, speculation all these scientists is just speculation So we know that hell back to the sermon. We know that hell is below us We know that people descend into hell. It's the lower parts of the earth and that it's fire We know that look back at Luke chapter 16 Luke chapter 16. I mean it's a sad story of this guy that goes to hell. I mean the guy doesn't sound like a bad Horribly human being I mean he's in hell. I'm sure that's a humbling experience for anybody You know waking up in hell opening your eyes and finding yourself in hell But look at Luke 16 in verse number 24 We know that it's a place of fire from the Bible. We don't need you know theories on it. We know it's a place of fire The Bible says in Luke 16 24 the guy cries. He says I am tormented in this flame in Matthew 13 42 I'll just read it for you turn to Matthew 25 Matthew 13 42 Jesus says and shall cast them into a furnace of fire And there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth look people are going to be crying out They are going to be suffering they are going to be gnashing their teeth together in pain because of the fire in Matthew 25 41 Jesus says depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire So we see that hell is a is a literal place in the center of the earth. It's a place of fire Volcanoes is hell opening to the surface of the earth as a witness to us We hiked a volcano a couple of years ago or a year ago or whenever it was we're hiking up the volcano It's the one that blew up a few months ago. We're hiking up the volcano and it's literally smoking under our feet There's literally sulfur which is brimstone by the way. There's literally sulfur gas Coming up out of the ground that we're walking on and then you know a few months later The thing actually blows up and is spewing lava everywhere Okay, I mean look we have witnessed to this We don't have to speculate the Bible tells us and then God shows us turn to Numbers chapter 16 It's a witness to us these are these are these are God this is God showing us what the Bible says This is God proving to us what the Bible says even times in the Bible Hell has opened God has opened hell in the Bible. Look at Numbers chapter 16. Look at verse number 31 These are people that turned against the children of Israel turned against the leadership turned against Moses look at number 16 and verse number 31 and the Bible says and it came to pass As he had made an end of the speaking all these words that the ground Clave asunder that was under them and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up and their houses and all the men that Appertained unto Korah and all her goods now you say all maybe just a crack in the in the earth opened up but look at verse 33 and they and all that appertained to them went down alive into the pit and the earth closed upon them and they perished from among the congregation and All Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them for they said lest the earth slow us up Also, look it's a literal place of fire in the center of the earth and God has opened it in the Bible and he has opened It several times for us to see on this earth, you know when volcanoes explode or there's magma coming up anywhere Whatever how much more evidence of hell of a literal hell do we need is the question? And look the Bible knew it already, you know, look there could have been Here's the funny thing There could have been anything. I Mean there could have there could have been anything at the center of the earth for all scientists No, it could have been water. It could have been rock. It could have been you know, heavy metals I mean you would think that it you know, a Scientist would think like, you know, you ever heard about a gold mine They like take all these rocks and dirt and they shake it. So the heaviest, you know the heaviest Substance or the heaviest materials fall to the bottom, which is what what's the heaviest metal? gold lead Mercury these types of things they all fall to the bottom and then they can get and they can separate the goldsman You would think that you know, that'd be a pretty decent theory I think that the whole center of the earth is mercury, but no it's fire It's Brit it's it's it's eternal fire. The Bible says and the Bible was right The Bible was right So we know where hell is. We know what hell is who's going there turn to Luke chapter 13 Turn to Luke chapter 13 Luke chapter 13 and look at verse number 23 The Bible says in Luke 13 verse 23 then said one unto him Lord are there few that be saved and he said unto them Strive to enter in at the straight gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able turn to Matthew chapter 7 Let's get a little bit more perspective on this story. Look at Matthew chapter 7 in verse number 13 Matthew chapter 7 in verse number 13 where the Bible says Jesus says kind of the same thing here says enter in at the straight gate for wide is the gate and Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many be there be which go in there at so Jesus is saying look they asked him the context of this answer is are there few that be saved and Jesus says basically Yes There's few because broad is the way that leads to destruction and then verse 14 Because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it So look you should be very very thankful every single day of your life because very few people are going to heaven It's a sad thing to report very few people most people most people are going to hell and That's one of the things that you will find that Christians and people that believe in God or whatever out there it's it's a total misconception today and look If you're a soul winner and you talk to people and you want you kind of get a feel for where people are at Because being a soul winner will give you a feel for where people are at in this country today And you will find that most people think that if you're pretty good You're going to heaven and if you're pretty if you're really bad You're going to hell and you will find that most people think that most people are good enough to get to heaven especially themselves So people have this exactly wrong today even Christians they go to these that's that's one of the biggest One of the biggest Frauds of the watered-down church today, even if they have the right gospel and I don't think there's that many that do anymore But one of the biggest frauds is is that just you know, God's just a loving God He's just not gonna send people to hell But John 3 36 says he that believeth on the Sun hath everlasting life, but he that believeth not The wrath of God abideth upon him look most people are gonna go to hell Most people in this world if you're a soul winner I mean, you're not even that doesn't even shock you even a little bit because you know, most people aren't saved You assume that most people you assume that when you go to someone's door that they're not saved Just because of the fact that 99% of the people you run into aren't saved. That's the bottom line So most people are gonna go there Jesus said it himself How could you come out and say that most people are gonna go to heaven when Jesus in his own words? Said the broad is the way and many are gonna go to destruction So, when are they gonna go there turn back to Luke 16 Are they gonna go to sleep and then the millennial reign, you know They're gonna there's all kinds of weird doctrines about out here about when people go to heaven When people go to hell, you know the different places in between it's really much simpler than that And it makes sense that it would be simple because the gospel is very simple, right? So, I mean, how could the gospel think about it this way? How could the gospel be simple if like, you know, if you're saved you're gonna go to this weird place for a while And you got to be in this, you know like evangelical purgatory for a while and then if you're you know, you're you're damned you're not you're gonna go to sleep and then You know for however long till the end and then after the wrath, I mean that's very confusing I mean that's very confusing It's much simpler than that immediately when you die is when you're gonna go to wherever you're gonna go Look at Luke 16 in verse 19. That's why this if this story is so important to us in the Bible There's so much information here on what happens to someone after they die in verse number 19 It says there was a certain rich man with clothes and clothes in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores and Desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom and so we see right away that as soon as he dies he's carried to heaven He goes to heaven right away and then right away we see the rich man also died and was buried and in hell He lift up his eyes. So immediately he dies and he lifts up his eyes and he's there He's in hell being in torments and seeing Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom So as soon as your life on this earth is over You're gonna go to wherever you're gonna go you're gonna be there and look look at verse Go to Let me get to Luke 16 and look at verse number 26 of Luke 16 where the Bible says and Besides all this between us there is a great Gulf fix so that they which could pass from hence to you cannot neither can they Pass to us that would come from then So look not only are you gonna you know, not only are you there as soon as your life on this earth is over I mean, I tried to explain this to this kid today You know, I was like look, you know, you're you're 20 years old or whatever you are But and everyone here's the thing everyone will admit this. I'm like, how do you know how much longer you have on this earth? And because all these kids now, especially in some of these neighborhoods are like, yeah, you know, you're right I could die right now, you know, that's how they all are. So why aren't you more concerned about this? You know, I mean I told him I was like I could step out in the street and get hit by a car right now We have no idea when our life on this earth is gonna be over But look as soon as this life on this earth is over you're either in heaven for eternity or you're in hell for eternity That's it. It's a done deal at that point That's what the Bible teaches and look verse number 26 says that once you're in that place, it's eternity either way it's eternal either way and No one knows when that will be so look everyone's a gambler out there everyone is gambling with their eternity out there and I mean you have these people that are so cautious about Everything and they're so afraid about Everything but this they don't seem to be worried about You know, I mean they're so concerned about you know Coronavirus or whatever and this they're not concerned at all about it's weird It's not logical. It's very strange Look every single day most people the vast majority of people on earth are risking an eternity in hell I Mean that's quite a risk and It's because of the cares of this world. We know why it is. It's because of the cares of this world They're just blinded to it That's it. So look we see we know what hell is We know what hell is we see what the Bible says about hell it's been proven to us We know it's a real place in the in the center of the earth We know that people are gonna go there if they're unsaved and they die So what is the application here? The application is this I mean do we? Believe the Bible is really what it comes down to we basically have an entire population of the world Walking towards a cliff is what we have I mean look I mean Millions yay billions of people are already there. I Mean when a person dies, they open their eyes and torments. We all know people who have died We all know look and you may not like think about this, but we all know people who are not saved and died We All know people that maybe we're close to us maybe that we loved We all know people who have died and have opened their eyes and torments we know those people and We don't like to think about it, but maybe we should Look these people When a person dies and they are not saved they're gonna open their eyes. They're gonna be conscious and you know what? They will remember the soul winner I I often think about that I Often think about that when I talk to someone and they're just not interested Are they or I talk to someone and I explain the gospel to them and they understand the gospel and they say no Thank you. I'm not gonna accept that I Think about that person because they will remember me In that moment when they open their eyes They will remember the soul winner, I mean will they remember you Will they remember Will they remember you will you have situations where you can say, you know that I tried with a person right look they will remember They will remember that they thought that a loving God would never create a place like that. They'll remember that too They'll remember all these false things that they believed about God They'll remember all these false things that they were taught and that they accepted because that's what they wanted to hear They'll remember all these things but then they will they will recognize right away that God is a holy God And he must punish sin Joshua 24 19 says for he isn't holy God. He is a jealous God You know, it also should you know what another thing it shows? I Mean it shows it shows how I mean think about it think about a person that's a pretty good person a nice guy He does, you know some good things in his life He tries to love his wife and raises some kids and and works hard all his life, but he just doesn't believe in Christ Think about that guy Think about that guy dying and going to hell and suffering for eternity Right think about that because that's what's gonna happen right look there's gonna be really nice guys in maybe our eyes that that end up going to hell forever and You know But you know what that tells us that tells us that we're really desensitized desensitized to sin Because that guy is a sinner just like you and me and he's broken God's law just like you and me and He deserves it just like you and me So don't you know, we're so we just have this worldly view of things that these are nice people And these are bad people and these people do this sin and thus they're they're not good people. What none of us are good None of us are good. Even the nice guy is not good. That's why you have to believe on Jesus Christ Or you're gonna pay for what you did You're gonna pay Look the punishment fits the crime. It's that simple and if you don't think so, you're desensitized to sin period It's the most serious punishment turn to Mark chapter 9 Imagine you know the person just arriving in hell You know imagine, you know, imagine the shock of that Imagine the shock of that the person just arriving in hell imagine the pain, you know the torment But look at Mark chapter 9 in verse 44. This is another thing that I often think about Mark chapter 9 in verse number 44 The Bible says this it says it talking about someone that's in hell. It says where their worm dieth not and The fire is not quenched You know what that means? You know what that means that means that the worst thing about that person being in hell that guy lifted up his eyes And he realized he was in hell and he was in pain. He was in torments. He was in those everlasting chains But you know what? The worst thing has got to be the worst thing has got to be when you realize that it's never gonna end You Know when you realize, you know I mean I hurt my shoulder like a month and a half ago and I was like man Am I like am I gonna have to deal with this like the rest of my life like this this shoulder pain and then luckily You know after a couple weeks, you know, it got better and then it went away But the thing is I was sitting there and I was thinking about you know, the shoulder pain I was like I don't want to have to what if it's something serious and I have to have surgery and I'm like Maybe I could just live with it Maybe I could just live with that pain, right? But look when you're in hell and you're in that kind of torments and then you realize it You must realize this all instantly and then you realize that this is never going to end and you were half You're gonna have that you're never gonna get used to it You're never gonna get used to it. Yeah, there's no rest from it and you're not gonna die. I Mean when you're in horrible pain like that, there must be at least a thought in your mind like this is just gonna be over Soon, but when you realize that your worm diet not it's never gonna end You're never gonna get good at it You're never gonna get used to it Your worm will never die. That's what that means turn to Philippians chapter 2 It does make some sense of this though, it does make some sense of Philippians chapter 2 in Verse number 10 because look if you didn't really believe all these literal things about hell and you were a soul winner Which it would be difficult to not believe literal hell and also be a soul winner But look if you didn't really believe all this eternal Aspects of hell and the seriousness of it and then you read Philippians chapter 2 in verse number 10 This would be difficult to imagine this actually coming true but the Bible says in Philippians 2 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and That every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father turn to Revelation chapter 20 Look think of the most hardened person you've ever met out soul winning and think of you know These people that just mock the Bible these people that just hate God these people that just have like just just stain For Jesus Christ and just think of like what would it ever take you could probably literally Threaten these people or even kill these people and they would never Say anything good about Jesus Christ. They hate God that much you will find these people, you know, that's Another benefit of being a soul winner You will get a full spectrum of what's out there from the way good to the way bad. You'll get it all But look, how would this person ever? Bow his knee to Christ. How would this person ever confess with their mouth Christ? How well guess what turn to Revelation chapter 20 look at verse number 11, here's how in the Bible says and I saw a great white throne in him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled Away and there was found no place for them and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened And another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books According to their works. These are the people that have now been pulled out of hell And they're being judged for their works. So guess what? You're gonna be judged for your works if you're not saved if you're not covered by the blood of Jesus Christ You'll be judged by your works on this earth and you're gonna come up in debt As we talked about this morning and the sea gave up the dead which were in it and the death and hell Delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works So here these people are being brought out of hell They're being brought out of hell and they're being brought before this great white throne You don't think they're gonna be down on their knees begging Don't put me back there Bowing their knee confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord everything Don't put me back there. Don't throw us back in there because they've been in pain and suffering and torments for Hundreds thousands of years and they're gonna be pulled out and they're gonna stand before God and They're gonna be judged by their works and then they're gonna be cast into the lake of fire for eternity but at that moment between verse number 13 and verse number 14 is when Philippians 2 verse 10 and 11 will be fulfilled they will beg for mercy They will bow that knee and look They and they deserve that they should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and they should then their knee But it's too late for them at that point to avoid the eternal suffering. Look you say it's harsh Look it the punishment fits the crime is the bottom line. That's what the Bible says. I Mean so that brings us to us The punishment what if you sit there and you say the punishment sounds so serious But that's why our job is so serious because the punishment is that serious. I Mean that I mean that really puts the duty of the sole winner in perspective, doesn't it really puts it in some context Doesn't it? So those of you were like, I think I'll go soul-winning one day. Maybe I'll give the gospel one day. I Mean what in the world maybe I'll give the gospel today. Maybe I won't I mean what in the world I mean it is an emergency situation for like everybody. It's like you're at a beach and you're a lifeguard and everybody's drowning and You're like, maybe I'll decide to learn how to swim one day and everyone's just dying I mean it it really puts the the soul winner in perspective Do you know that if we had ten talkers out soul-winning today? We will get more people saved than if we had seven You know that I? Mean, let me get specific. I was gonna give kind of a tip this morning, but let me just get specific. I Kind of had a decent conversation with Frank out soul-winning today, but let me ask you let me ask the men a Question. Do you guys like soul-winning? So, let me ask, you know spouse is a question Let's say we have a spouse and who likes to go soul-winning and we have a spouse who doesn't I Mean I asked brother Frank do you like to go soul-winning and he's like, oh, I love soul-winning I mean, I know you love soul-winning. I Mean I love soul-winning too. Okay. Look we all have those days where it's just kind of like you I mean there's those days where it's just like man. I'm just I'm grinding it out today You're stressed out. You're tired, whatever. But look in general. I love soul-winning. There's so many good things about it I mean, there's so many look there's selfish things about it. I like hanging out It's one of the best times for me to talk with you all It's one of the best times I have for fellowship to find out. You know, what what's going on with you? What's going on your life? I mean, it's great that we fellowship all together, but it I get to know Individuals in the church best out soul-winning period it's the bet. It's always been that way. It's always been that way in Sacramento That's how I met my best friends. That's all I got to know, you know the most about people That's when people can talk, you know personally with each other about something that's going on or that they can help each other with But it's it's the best fellowship. First of all, you will get you I mean this these are selfish things This has nothing to do with the person's soul at the door This is just something God's given me for being there. I mean think of it There you will you will learn so much about people you'll become so much you know that my daughter is I'm sorry, Ashley. My daughter is an introvert My daughter is kind of a quiet person You know that if her mother did it encourage her and lead her into soul-winning, you know, she never would have done it Do you know that now she's this? outgoing this I hear her soul-winning and I'm just like Where did this come from? Nothing will give you it gives you know, it's given her confidence It's it's I mean, it's it's blessed her life It's blessed. It's it will bless all of your lives Because you think you're gonna go out there and you're gonna do the labor Forgot me. I told I told brother Frank. I'm like, I'm like, of course you love it Because we're out here hanging out you're doing what you're supposed to do you're doing God's work You're doing the the one biggest thing that the Lord wants you to do. Of course, you love it so could you help your spouse love it, too, I Mean if I love something that's good and the Bible says and then my wife just hates it Maybe I should focus on that And I should help that maybe there's a problem there with the man my management of the situation And you know, we're gonna talk about one aspect of that today Which is kids and look if I can't be an example to you in this because my kids are older But what we have women in Sacramento that are dragging six seven kids so winning women and men and No problem No problem. It can be done There's a method it can be done And look the bottom line is you need to if if your wife or your huh? Your wife is having a hard time out so winning. She doesn't like doing it. Maybe try to make it easier on her Maybe take those kids Maybe let her go But on her own look, I mean if you have kids causing problems and you're trying to listen to somebody give the gospel It's not gonna work It's gonna be a stressful terrible situation. You're not gonna enjoy it and it's gonna drive you further from it Men, we need to help out Men, you need to help your wife You need to help your wife here Now to all the non talkers look I know you know what to all the non talkers that are out that are soul winners It's great that you're out so winning. But here's the thing. We've been here for nine months We didn't start the church yesterday You know, this is an emergency situation You know people are going to hell every single day. Look there will always be a reason To not do what you are supposed to do. I Mean if I have seen one thing Consistently over and over and over since I started this ministry It is that that there will always be a reason for people to not do what they're supposed to do And guess what turn to Mark chapter 16. None of them are good Remember last week when we talked about, you know taking God's will in vain Well, here's God's will right here Look at mark 16 You probably don't even have to turn there and he said it to them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel unto every creature That is God's will for your life Right there look That is God's will that you go out and you preach the gospel to every creature and Anything that you put in between you and that goal is not God's will It's that simple It is God's will that you go out and preach the gospel and if you say well, you know, this is going on Look, that's your will That's fine. You make that decision, but that's your will don't make your words God's words period The situation is urgent folks. Look it's it's everlasting all around We're sitting here. How long is everlasting? You tell the kid today. Well forever. It never ends. How long is eternal forever? It never ends How long is eternal damnation? How long are everlasting chains? It's forever It's forever. I don't even like thinking about it We all know people who we loved who died unsaved we all know and You know what if you don't become a seasoned soul winner, there will be people that you love That will not get saved There's another one So you say I don't I don't give two Sense about the people in these neighborhoods Well, you know what? Do you care about the people that are not saved in your own family because there will be people in your own family And I mean I get these people all the time that are like they never saw wind they're never gonna go soul-winning I've never seen him solo in one time, but every time I see them they're like, oh, I'm soul-winning all over the place Give me a break We've all seen the person that comes here for the first time and tries to give the gospel to somebody They have no idea what they're doing They're like just waving the sword around hacking things all over the place. They don't know what they're doing But that's what we're supposed to do. We're supposed to be here to sharpen each other to become good at this To become proper ambassadors for Christ and you know what? That's what's happening here. And that's what can happen to any of you It's God's will it's God's will for your life. It's the will for your life, I mean Can I be more clear? Hell is real. It's right now. It's right around the corner for many people. We need to take it seriously Let's bow our heads and have a word prayer Dear Heavenly Father. Thank you for this church. I thank you for this evening I thank you for all these people Lord that would take a full day today and Just come here to worship you and go out and just put their feet to the pavement Lord and just you know Go out and just try to get as many people saved as they can What I pray that you just strengthen us as a church and just grow us as a church Lord. I thank you for Your word and the clear direction that you give us in your word Lord that you didn't You're not surprising us with anything You've told us everything you told us how it began you told us the beginning And you told us the end and you told us everything in between I pray that you just give us the courage and the strength and the faith To just execute what we're supposed to execute in this tiny little blip. That is our life on this earth Lord We love you, and I thank you in Jesus name. Amen You