(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, Exodus chapter 28, so for the next few weeks on Sunday evenings we're going to be looking at the garments of the high priest, or the garments of the priest here. Now the Bible is giving, this whole chapter is just showing us first of all the great detail that God goes into with his directions to the priest. So you say, why is this important to us? Well first of all, we are kings and priests, the Bible says in Revelation chapter 1. So these things all apply to us and there's nothing in the Bible that's there by accident. So when there's things that are detailed out in the Bible, we should pay attention. There's always things that we can learn from this. Now we look at the detail, this is just one of those examples in the Bible that just shows you how great detail God puts towards things. Look at all the garments, all the things that this priest is supposed to wear and how these things are supposed to look, what they're to be made of, and everything has a meaning for us to learn from. So this morning we're going to kind of lead into the Sunday evening service with the service this morning, but we're going to talk in both services about the robe of the priest this morning and this evening. So the priest's robe is detailed out in verse number 31 through verse number 35. Let's just go ahead and read those verses. We see this great detail here, and by the way, these details, they're not something that God just is like, okay, you know, I think do it this way and, you know, no big deal. A couple of times in this chapter we see, look at verse 43, it says that they bear not iniquity and die. So this is a life and death situation for this priest that he has things, that he's wearing these things that have been built and manufactured and made in this specific way that God designed it to be. Look at verse 31 of Exodus chapter 28, we're looking at the robe of the priest. And thou shalt make the robe of the ephod of all blue, and there shall be a hole in the top of it, in the midst thereof, and it shall have a binding of woven work around about the hole of it, as it were the hole of an habirjan, that it be not rent. And beneath upon the hem of it, thou shalt make pomegranates of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, round about the hem thereof, and bells of gold between them round about. A golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate upon the hem of the robe round about. And it shall be upon Aaron to minister, and his sound shall be heard when he goeth into the holy place before the Lord, and when he cometh out, that he die not. Again, important, it's a life or death situation that it is done in this way. So this morning we're going to look at just one verse, and then tonight we'll look at the following verses, we're going to look at verse number 32. We're going to look at the purpose of the robe this morning, and tonight we'll look at the characteristics of the robe that are detailed out in the following verses, but in verse 32 the Bible says, and there shall be a hole in the top of it, in the midst thereof, and it shall have a binding woven work round about the hole of it, as it were the hole of an habirjan, that it be not rent. So there's a lot listed here in verse number 32, this is what we're going to look at this morning. So first of all, the Bible here is saying that this robe is going to have a hole in it, obviously, so you can put it around yourself, but it's very detailed about what the hole of this fabric, the details of it, it starts to have a binding of woven work around about the hole of it, why? So it's saying you're supposed to bind and wind woven, you're supposed to sew a hem around the hole, as it were the hole of a habirjan, a habirjan is a coat of chainmail. So if you've ever seen knights or a suit of armor, underneath a suit of armor many times the knight, they would have cloth, they'd have a cloth shirt, then they would put the chainmail over the top of them, and then they would put the steel heavy armor of iron over the top of the chainmail. So chainmail, what it's explaining here is it's saying you're to weave around the hole of this robe so it's like a shirt of chainmail. What does that mean? It says that it be not rent, so it won't tear. So it's saying you're to weave around, so if you just think about if your mom's ever hemmed your pants before, so you go to a tailor and they have, you try on pants and the pants are too long, so they need to hem the pants. They don't just take a scissors and just cut the pants. They tuck it under and they sew it and they hem the pants because if you would just cut the pants they would fray and they would tear. So the Bible here is pointing out, God is pointing out very specifically that the hole in this robe is to be woven or hemmed so it will be strong like chainmail is what God is saying. It will be strong like chainmail and it will not tear. You say what's the big deal? Turn to John chapter 19. It's super important that this robe does not rip. You say why? Let's look at that this morning. Let's look at what the Bible says about the tearing of fabric. Let's look at John chapter 19. Let's look at Christ's robe or Christ's coat in John chapter 19. There's something that's very specific that's pointed out about Christ's coat when he was being crucified on the cross and his clothing was being sold and people were taking it. Look at verse number 23 of John chapter 19. The Bible says then the soldiers when they had crucified Jesus took his garments and made four parts to every soldier apart and also his coat. Now the coat was without seam woven from the top throughout. So the coat wasn't made of several different pieces of fabric. It was just one piece that was made the whole way through. Look at verse 24. They said therefore among themselves, let us not rend it, let us not tear it up, let's not cut it up but cast lots for it whose it shall be. That the scripture might be fulfilled which say that they parted my raiment among them and from my vesture they did cast lots. These things therefore the soldiers did. So again it was not ripped. Christ's coat or his robe was not torn. Turn to Isaiah chapter 22. Let's look at kind of like what the robe pictures. What the robe pictures. Look at Isaiah chapter 22. So we see in Exodus chapter 28 that this robe is supposed to have a hole in it so you can get it over your head and it's to have a hole in it and it is to be woven so it's not torn. Look at Isaiah chapter 22. In Isaiah chapter 22 God is rebuking Shebna. He's rebuking one of these servants of King Hezekiah and when he's rebuking this servant he uses an interesting analogy in verse 21 where he says that he's going to give his responsibilities. He's going to give this servant of Hezekiah that's become lifted up, that's become prideful, that's become arrogant. He's going to give his responsibilities to somebody else. He's going to give his title to somebody else. Look at verse 21 of Isaiah chapter 22. The Bible says and I will clothe him with thy robe and strengthen him with thy girdle and I will commit thy government into his hand and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah. So when he's talking about taking the responsibility away from this man Shebna and giving it to Elchiah, he's saying I'm going to give him your robe. He's going to get your robe which means he's going to get your title. He's going to get your responsibilities. Go to Hebrews chapter 4. So we see that this robe is to be an identity, a title and it's not to be ripped. Now the high priest is to wear this but guess what? Look at Hebrews chapter 4 and verse number 14. The Bible says that Jesus has become our high priest now. Jesus has now become our high priest. Look at verse number 14 of Hebrews chapter 4. The Bible says seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the son of God, let us hold fast our profession. We see that the robe is important. We see that Jesus' robe was not torn. We see that the robe that the high priest wore was to be hemmed in a certain way to not allow it to be torn and then we see that how a robe is to become your identity. A robe signifies your title. So let's look at this idea now of torn clothing. This idea of torn clothing. Why was it such a big deal that this robe did not tear, that Jesus' robe was not torn? Turn to 2 Kings chapter 22 because look, the priest's robe was not to be torn, Jesus' robe was not torn and we see that the robe itself has important meaning for a person's identity for their title. But look, the Bible teaches again and again and again that tearing of clothing, tearing of clothing signifies, it signifies destruction, it signifies tearing down, it signifies being brought low, it signifies bad things being done, bad things happening. Look at 2 Kings chapter 22. Here Josiah is just an example of a king who has found the book of the law, they have read the book of the law and he hears the words of God and he realizes that these words of God are so different from what they have been doing in their kingdom that he's immediately just brought down to the ground. Look at verse number 10 of 2 Kings chapter 22. And Shaphan, the scribe showed the king saying, Hilkiah the priest had delivered me a book and Shaphan read it before the king. So they were fixing the temple, they found the Bible, they read the king the Bible and look at verse 11, and it came to pass when the king had heard the words of the book of the law that he rent his clothes. The king himself just took his clothes and he just tore his clothing. He's like, we're destroyed. We haven't been doing any of this stuff is what the king says. Look at 2 Samuel chapter 13. Let's look at an example where King David rent his clothes, where David rents his clothes. So the king sees that we're in trouble, we're in a bad place, we are destroyed. God is going to destroy us and he just tears his clothes. Look at verse number 30 of 2 Samuel chapter 13. There's a lot of examples of people in the Bible renting their clothes. We'll just look at a few. So this is of course when David's son is killed by Absalom for the assault of his sister but look at verse 30 of 2 Samuel chapter 13. And it came to pass when they were in the way that tidings came to David saying Absalom has slain all the king's sons and there was not one of them left. The king arose and tear his garments and lay on the earth and all his servants stood with their clothes rent. So David thinks that all the sons were killed, not just Abnon. So he doesn't realize, he gets bad news here, he gets poor, he gets fake news that all his sons are dead and that's not the case. Instead it was just one of his sons that died but as soon as he hears that he's like I'm destroyed. He's like I'm destroyed and he tears his clothes and then all his servants also they tear their clothes. They're like this is bad, this is a horrible thing. Here's an interesting version of someone's clothing being rent. Look at verse Samuel chapter 24. Look at 1 Samuel chapter 24. So what do we see about the robe? The robe signifies your title. It signifies your position, who you are and it being torn signifies you being destroyed, you being brought low. Look at 1 Samuel chapter 24 and look at verse number 2. Now this story makes a little bit more sense to us. Look any little detail in the Bible you have to remember that any little detail in the Bible is there for a reason and it means something. God didn't just put things in the Bible just for fun just so we can see some cool stories. They're in there for us to learn very specific doctrines. Look at 1 Samuel chapter 24 and verse number 2. So Saul, he's hunting David now. Saul's trying to, David's already been anointed king, Saul's already had the kingdom taken from him and Saul is just, he's gone insane and he's just trying to kill David. Look at verse number 2. Then Saul took 3,000 chosen men out of all Israel and went to seek David and his men upon the rocks of the wild goats and he came to the sheep coats by the way where it was a cave and Saul went in to cover his feet. He went in to, that's Bible speak for he went in to use the restroom. So he goes to the cave to go and use the bathroom. And David and his men remained in the sides of the cave. So here Saul comes into this cave and David and his men, they're like hiding on the walls of the cave and Saul goes in to use the restroom and the men of David said unto him behold the day which the Lord said unto thee behold I will deliver thine enemy into thine hand that thou mayest do to him as it shall seem good unto me. Then David arose, so they're like, they're like we've got him. After the king came in all by himself he doesn't have to have any, he doesn't have any protection, any soldiers with him. Talk about if there's ever a vulnerable moment that you know you could be in it's that one. And then David arose and what did he do? He didn't kill Saul but David arose and cut off the skirt of Saul's robe privately. So privately it says he snuck up to Saul when he was you know using the restroom and he cut off you know the bottom part of his skirt and it came to pass afterward that David's heart smote him because he had cut off Saul's skirt. So here he cut off the lower part of his robe and David felt really bad about that. Why? Because he knew what that signified. Because he knew that that signified you know Saul being brought low, Saul being you know he basically rent Saul's robe is what he did and he said unto his men the Lord forbid that I should do this thing unto my master the Lord's anointed to stretch forth my hand against him seeing his the anointed of the Lord. So I mean David I mean it kind of shows you David's heart right here it shows you how humble David was but it shows you the symbolism of what David did because David here was God's anointed which was David at this point. David was already anointed in first Samuel chapter 16 and Saul he lost the kingdom back in first Samuel chapter 13 and first Samuel chapter 15 Samuel told him the same thing but the point is is that Saul had already lost the kingdom and David was already anointed as the new king by God and here we see a picture of this with David literally renting the robe you know or you know he's basically renting the throne from Saul is what this pictures turn to Leviticus chapter 19 all that to say this renting is bad tearing is bad especially the robe turn to Leviticus chapter 19 turn to Leviticus chapter 19. So look I thought you shouldn't walk around with ripped clothes I mean there you go here's the sermon right there no but you shouldn't I mean you shouldn't walk around with ripped clothes I remember actually this was a bigger deal than it is today because I remember that you know just my grandfather you know 30 40 years ago you know as a kid if you would have ripped holes in your jeans or something or it was like an embarrassment it was an embarrassment like what can't you can't you know what why do you have a hole in your pants I mean it would be an embarrassment to my parents or grandparents if you would have kids walk around with holes in their pants like it was just like a dishonorable thing of course that's a whole nother story of what's going on today mostly it's just to show ever you know show everyone your nakedness is what's going on today but look Leviticus chapter 19 look at verse number 19 Leviticus chapter 19 in verse number 19 look at the look at what the law says you ever wondered why this this seems like this is really obscure and people you know you hear people talk about this all the time like why is this in the Bible and I mean this is my opinion why this is in the Bible what we're talking about today but in in Leviticus chapter 19 and also in Deuteronomy chapter 22 we see a really weird you know kind of seemingly obscure rule about what you should wear look at verse number 19 look God cares what you wear God cares how you look okay look at verse 19 he shall keep my statutes thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with thy diverse kind now shall not sow thy field with mingled seed then look at this last part it says neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woolen come upon me it's saying it's saying you shouldn't wear a shirt or a garment or pants that's made of linen and wool you say why well I mean I think that there's some spiritual separation aspects there but I mean just from the practical sense of it your linen is made from a plant it's made from flax and then wool is made from obviously you know the wool of a sheep but here's the thing wool shrinks and flax doesn't and linen doesn't so if you make a shirt that's half wool and you're a you know you're a bar or not a barber but you're a you're a tailor and you make a shirt that's made of wool and then you make a shirt that's made of of linen for the bottom half it's gonna tear at those seams it's gonna tear you're gonna have ripped clothing is what the Bible is saying here so look you're not to wear ripped clothing because ripped clothing I mean wool shrinks and linen doesn't it will result in this tearing so we see that tearing torn clothes it's a picture of shame destruction and loneliness okay we should think about that I mean you shouldn't walk around with ripped up clothes turn to Leviticus chapter 13 here's another example of ripped clothes is not something that we should be we should be wearing I mean it's it's not something that is a good thing okay it's something that's always pictured lowliness and destruction in the Bible which is why there was so much detail put on the priest's robe that it would not tear okay look at verse number 45 Leviticus chapter 13 the Bible says and the leper in whom the flag is this is like this is what happens if you have somebody that's that's a leper somebody that has a contagious disease this is what you're supposed to do this was the law okay and the leper in whom the plague is his clothes shall be what you're to tear his clothes tear his clothes set him apart look he is his head is to be bare and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip and she'll cry unclean unclean all the days were in the plague shall be in him shall he be defiled his unclean he shall dwell alone I mean this is just like practical quarantining advice right here for somebody that has a contagious disease it's saying tear his clothes shave his head okay so look people look I mean so in in old time Israel if people would if these people walking on the streets out here with all their jeans ripped up people would a bunch of lepers and they would run away because it's to set them apart and signify that they are to be by themselves we need to be able to see that they're a leper so the Bible is saying do this and do this so everyone can know that they're a leper and stay away from them I mean it's trying to stop disease spreading in the nation turn to Matthew chapter 27 turn to Matthew chapter 27 let's look at something else that was ripped that was torn in the Bible so we see that you know it's it's practical we see that you know God doesn't want clothing ripped it has spiritual meaning to it and it also it signifies that you're destroyed okay look at verse number 51 of Matthew chapter 27 look at verse 51 of Matthew chapter 27 the Bible says and behold this is right after Jesus died okay and what happened so we remember that there is a veil that we'll talk about that specifically tonight but there's a veil in the temple that goes into the holy place of the temple and we're only the high priest could go only the high priest could go there and that veil look at verse 51 it says behold right after Jesus died on the cross the veil of the temple was what it was rent it was torn in twain torn in two from the top to the bottom and the earth did quake and the rocks rent the rocks broke as well but the veil was torn what does that mean the veil was destroyed the veil was taken away okay we'll talk about that in detail tonight but look to be torn to have a piece of fabric torn means the person wearing it is destroyed it signifies destruction now turn to Isaiah chapter 61 let's look at the robe itself let's look at the robe of the priest itself this is really what the robe pictures this is really what the robe pictures look at Isaiah chapter 61 and look at verse number 10 or look at the front of your bulletin it's the verse of the week the Bible says in Isaiah 61 and verse number 10 it says I will greatly rejoice in the Lord my soul shall be joyful in my God for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation he has covered me so he's saying you are clothed in salvation he have covered me with the robe of righteousness as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels now we see the importance of why this particular robe is not to be torn what it pictures what the priest robe pictures that it's not torn is it pictures your righteousness you are saved not because you are good not because you are you know doing good works or whatever of your own you are clothed with Christ's righteousness and that is what this robe pictures he covers us with the robe of righteousness so when God sees you when you die and you go to heaven and you stand before God God will not see your righteousness he will see the robe of righteousness that you have been covered with that is what this pictures and look that can't be torn that won't be torn it will not be ripped turn to Jeremiah chapter 23 it pictures us covered in Jesus's righteousness which by the way will have no tears and no end it's a picture look it's really a picture of eternal security if you want to think of it that way this idea that this robe is woven it will not be torn as a picture of our eternal security our righteousness in Christ look at verse number six of Jeremiah chapter 23 because look it doesn't I mean I hope that I hope you get saved and I hope you get your life right and we'll talk about that towards the end of the sermon but it's never going to be your righteousness that gets you to heaven it's the Lord's righteousness look at Jeremiah 23 6 it says in his days Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely and in the end in his name whereby he shall be called the Lord our righteousness that's what you could call Jesus you could call Jesus the Lord our righteousness because your righteousness is Jesus's righteousness Romans 4 5 says but him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness so look it's never going to be your righteousness that gets you to heaven it's going to be your faith on the Lord Jesus Christ that is your righteousness it's things that are counted for your right righteousness it's it's not ours okay it's not ours it's not just like you know we don't go to the door and tell people that cuz like isn't that what everybody believes everybody believes that it's their righteousness that's going to get them to heaven you're going to go to heaven the people that are like super confident that they're going to heaven they're they're confident that they're going to the people that are unsaved that are super confident that they're going to heaven they think they're pretty good that's why they think that they're pretty righteous but there's none righteous there's none righteous no not one this is not this is not this this robe of the priest is is is picturing Jesus's righteousness being covered onto us okay it's not salvation is not a repair it's not a repair of your righteousness our righteousness is a complete replacement it's Jesus's righteousness being put upon you go to Matthew chapter 9 go to Matthew chapter 9 it's a complete replacement because your righteousness is no good it doesn't exist okay there is none righteous look at verse number 16 of Matthew chapter 9 so the robe of the priest it pictures Christ's robe it wasn't it wasn't torn okay it pictures it more completely it pictures pictures his righteousness put on us but look at Matthew chapter 9 in verse number 16 now this verse hopefully will be a little bit more interesting to you now that you know the importance of this garment this righteousness being put upon us and that it's not rent that it's not ripped but look at verse number 16 of Matthew chapter 9 it says no man put a piece of new put a piece of new cloth onto an old garment for that which is put in to fill up taketh from the garment and the rent is made worse you know what this is saying it says no one would take no one would take so I ripped up my jeans I ripped my old jeans and no one would take a piece of this is actually true by the way because like if you've ever like had somebody who used to patch pants or patch you know clothing you would never take like my mom would always like keep old jeans around she always keep old jeans around because if she needed to make a patch yeah she patched our pants she needed to make a patch you don't want to patch like a patch with a new patch because then it'll shrink again and it'll it'll make a tear it'll tear so the Bible here is saying is that nobody takes a piece of new cloth and patches an old garment with a piece of new cloth because it's just gonna tear okay that's why I look that's why the Bible says turn to Ephesians chapter 4 turn to Ephesians chapter 4 that's why the Bible but Jesus is explaining a bigger truth here he's explaining that that you are not to just take an old garment and just put new patches on it in your life that's why in Ephesians chapter 4 look at verse 24 the Bible says when you get saved like when you get saved this is what you're supposed to do when you get saved you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and you're saved in that moment look at verse 24 it says and that ye put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness but he's not saying like patch the old man he's saying put on a brand new man this is the problem with many Christians today right here as people like sometimes I see that it's hard for people to embrace this Christian life to embrace this because they never really figure out what this means right here in Matthew chapter 9 and in Ephesians chapter 4 you know they this is this is the guy that's gonna you know he gets saved and he's gonna like dip his toes into the Christian life he's gonna kind of feel it out a little bit and see how things go but what that guy is doing is he's taking new patches and just putting them on an old garment and you know what he's gonna do he's just gonna yeah you know what he's like I'm gonna modify the old man you say that sounds pretty good to modify the old man maybe get some things out of my life here and there and I'm gonna modify the old man but here's the thing it's not gonna work why because you're just gonna like you're gonna get a bunch of tears in all the patches all the brand new patches that you put on the old man they're gonna tear that's what Jesus is telling you in Matthew chapter 9 that's why look that's why the Christian life is best it just if when it served when you're just all in it's really the only way it works is what Matthew chapter 9 is saying if you ever heard pastor Jimenez say pastor Jimenez has said this in sermons many times when we were going to church at Verity but he says he says I feel like I've pastored several different churches at this point I mean he was maybe when he said that he was maybe seven eight years into his ministry and he says I feel like I've pastored several different churches and the reason for that is because the average Christian life they say is about two to three years long you say why is that why after two to three years to people just fall out of the Christian life here's why because people are just they're just putting patches on somebody they quit drinking they quit drinking hey great great good job but then they just keep going to the same places they keep having the same life they have the same friends all these things they're just putting patches on and those patches are going to tear those patches are going to tear it's somebody that you know it just you know they go to the same places it's somebody that that maybe they get saved and they're like you know what I'm going to take my life that's right now I'm going to take the old man and I'm going to add church church is a patch it's not going to work I mean great I mean it's going to tear though it's going to tear that's what Jesus is saying in Matthew chapter 9 and just because you're putting it on the same garment it's just going to keep tearing and then you know it tears and they put another patch on and pretty soon they got patches on top of patches and look here's the thing it just turned to Romans chapter 6 it just gets irritating they're just constantly repairing patches everywhere constantly repairing patches look at Romans chapter 6 and look at verse number 4 because they're patching the same old garment look at verse number 4 of Romans chapter 6 this is why in Romans chapter 6 when Jesus is talking about like the first thing you do after you get saved you should get baptized but look at what it says about baptism baptism right here it says therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death that like as Christ Jesus was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Lord even so all we also should walk in like a modified life we should walk in an improved life we should walk in a patched life no you should walk in newness of life is what the Bible says but here's the thing the reason these people quit after two or three years and the reason that you know that church and this church will probably look different in two or three years is because people are just using patches and after so many patches they just get tired and they just throw the whole thing away like somebody's just constantly just taping this old you know they've got a pair of cowboy boots with all these holes they're just taping it and patching it it's like why don't you just get a new pair of boots that's what Jesus is saying but then the problem is and we talked about this a couple weeks ago the problem is is that when those people they get tired of patching and they just see they never tried the new garment that's the problem and it's sad to see as a pastor you have the perspective you can really see that they never tried the new garment and then they throw the whole thing away and then they go back and they go they get way worse than they ever were just again and again and again it's the same story I mean it gets it gets boring but this is what the Bible I mean this was Saul's whole life this was King Saul's whole life just he would get better he would apologize then you just get worse he would just get worse but it's dangerous because you you you garnish and sweep the house to a degree and then you just get seven times worse the Bible says in Matthew chapter 12 when they never tried the new one that's that's what just kills me when they never tried the new one look you got to think about that's why the Bible says born again when you get saved you're born again and you're to walk in newness of life not not become a teenager you're not you're not a teenager again it says you're born again it's trying to just portray this this newness that you are supposed to be and look we see it's all about really it's all about the desire to have a consistent life is what it is and I mean to me I always wanted to be consistent I mean we see look we see inconsistency in beliefs all the time if you go soul winning you will see inconsistency to see in people's beliefs you'll go out there and look some people just don't have the desire to have consistent beliefs but the people that have a desire to have consistent beliefs beliefs that make sense what's an inconsistent belief here's an inconsistent belief how do you know you're going to heaven because faith in Jesus but I also have to be good and get baptized and go to church three times a week and all these different things and whatever it's like no you it's either faith in Jesus or works it's either it's either faith or works which one is it they're like both but faith that's an inconsistent belief if you go soul winning you will find those people every time you go every time people that just don't seem to have that in they don't sit down with themselves and their thoughts and their beliefs and decide you know what I'm going to have consistent beliefs I want to be able to read the Bible and I want to be able to have the Bible make sense to me and I want to be able to you know have beliefs that are consistent in my heart and in my mind those people if somebody is honestly looking for consistent beliefs in their life those people will get saved for sure because the Bible is just I mean the gospel is just completely consistent it's just it's not by those things it's by trusting in Jesus that's it and then and then it's not it's not about I have to trust in Jesus and then I get saved and then I got to do those things to stay saved no it's completely consistent once you're saved you're always saved that's the only consistency but so people that want to have consistent beliefs they will get saved but then you want to have you there's so many people out there they get saved but they just don't have to have they just they they don't seem to have to need you know consistent actions in their life so they end up with all these patches where they just have like you think about if you're what am I talking about think about any any struggles you have in your Christian life think about any areas in your Christian life where you could be a hypocrite basically when Jesus was talking about hypocrisy and if you have hypocrisy in your life that's where there's a patch that's tearing that's the problem you have to have a consistent Christian life you have to get a new garment you have to be a new man and look there's gonna be struggles along the way but the point is is it's brand new you're not patching something that's old and look I mean you will have struggles in the Christian life but the struggles in your Christian life should come from should come from people not liking that new garment that's where they're gonna come from it should be you put on a new garment and you're like hey this is my life now this is my Christian life now this is what I'm doing and it's like people will like it but those are the normal struggles of the Christian life of the person that's put on the new garment you shouldn't be if you're struggling with hypocrisy in your own life it's because you're patching old clothes is what the Bible is telling us here okay I mean in Acts chapter five we just studied Acts chapter five we just made it all the way through the end go to Acts chapter five go to Acts chapter five that the Christians in Acts chapter five they had some struggles but the struggles that the Christians in Acts chapter five had it wasn't because they were patching old garments they had some struggles because they were new men they were new men and there's a lot of people that didn't like the fact that they were new men and so how did they handle that how did they handle that look at the verse 51 41 I'm sorry verse 41 of Acts chapter 5 the Bible says and they departed so here they they had been put in prison they had been beaten they had been put in prison a couple times at this point and it says then they departed from the presence of the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name that is the struggle you should have in your Christian life right there not because you're trying to duct tape some old torn up piece of garbage that you were wearing before we even got saved throw the patch kid away just get a new garment that's what the Bible is telling us here okay so look first of all the robe of the priest it's it's salvation picture it's a salvation picture that this robe is to cover the priest and is to not be torn it's a picture of salvation it's a picture of our eternal security that this robe is like a robe of Christ's righteousness put over us it's not ours it's something that we have been given and then it's a reminder to us as well that we are to have a new garment we are not to just try to keep the old garment that we had and just patch it and patch it and patch it because look folks let me just read the let me just predict the future for you it's not going to work it's not going to work you're supposed to walk in newness of life and look and in that point once you just decide I'm going to be a new man you're not going to say you're not going to be struggling but here's the thing notice notice in Matthew chapter 9 notice how it didn't say that they had a notice how it didn't it didn't give the scenario of having a new garment and putting an old patch on it you say well if I get a new garment am I going to have to patch it well have you ever had to do that you ever bought a new shirt and had to patch it the next day maybe Jacob has but have you ever bought something new and then had to patch it with an old patch no because it's new you won't have to patch it that's the whole point of putting on the new garment so that that's why you see the things that you see that's why churches look different after five years after eight years after 12 years because people are just duct taping themselves and you can do that until you get annoyed and it gets irritating but you're supposed to put on a new garment and you don't have to patch it all the time yeah you might have trouble because people aren't gonna like that new garment they're like I don't like that okay praise God you don't like it just like Acts chapter 5 and verse 41 so tonight we'll look at the characteristics look at all these strange things about this robe so we see what the road pictures that it's pictures Christ righteousness put on us tonight we'll look at the pomegranates we'll look at the bells we'll look at the color of the robe and see what that shows us as well super interesting stuff folks nothing in the Bible is on accident and it is beautiful how the Old Testament just fits perfectly with the New Testament that's how we know that like these fishermen if somebody if these fishermen wrote the Bible they must have been geniuses to figure out all these connections and to figure out all this but look God wrote the Bible and God put every detail in the Old Testament to show us things that apply to us today and the robe is a perfect example of that we'll get it in more detail this evening let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer you