(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) amen so Galatians chapter 1 part 2 so we're gonna have a little bit of a different Bible study through the short book of Galatians we're gonna leave no stone unturned we're gonna look at every detail of these chapters and try to gain as much knowledge as we can from these chapters in the Bible so we looked in the first part in the first sermon on Galatians chapter 1 we focused mainly on Paul we preach verse by verse through Galatians chapter 1 and I looked at you know kind of the origins of Paul the salvation of Paul how Paul was born again and looked at you know the results of Paul being saved which you know I mean if we can look at the spectrum of people who get saved Paul is the extreme boy if only people that get saved all turned out like Paul would this world be a different place instead you know most people unfortunately get saved and don't fulfill you know that that second victory like we talked about on Sunday morning so we looked at Paul we looked at his salvation and you know how you know even with Paul's past that you know God was glorified in Paul's past God was glorified through that because you know somebody with such a horrible past could turn out in to be such an apostle for Jesus Christ is really an encouragement so that's what we looked at in the first sermon so in the second sermon tonight what I want to look at is the actual situation in the church at Galatia what is happening here what is going on why is Paul writing this letter in the first place I mean why I mean what's what's going on okay and you know first of all one thing I love about Paul is you know Paul's kind of a he's a very methodical and he's the thinking man you can tell and he first gives a problem statement most of the time when he's writing he'll first give a problem statement and then he will expound on the problem and give the solution but look at the problem statement at the beginning of Galatians chapter 1 in verse number 1 the Bible says Paul an apostle not of men neither by man but by Jesus Christ and of God the Father who raised him from the dead so Paul was literally called by Jesus Christ we saw that last week or in the first sermon and the brethren which are with me unto the churches of Galatia grace be to you and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil evil world according to the will of God and our Father to whom be glory forever and ever amen now here's the problem statement in verse number 6 and verse number 7 I marvel that you're so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel verse 7 which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ but though we are any angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed as we said before and so I so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you then you have received let him be accursed so there's two problems here in the church in Galatia there's two problems verse number seven is the first problem it says there are some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ look there were people that had come into the church and were perverting the gospel they were changing the gospel they were turning the gospel into something that it wasn't they were changing it they were distorting the gospel and the second problem is in actually in verse number six so there's two problems the first one is listed in verse seven is that someone has come into the church preaching a different gospel which is not a gospel and in verse six is the first problem it says I marvel that you're so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel well I guess you could call this the second second problem but basically somebody came in and changed the gospel and then they believed it people in the church went for it they fell for it they were going or at least they were going along with it the false gospel so from here in the book of Galatians and this is why I chose the book of Galatians Paul so he states the problems here and from here and forward in Galatians Paul launches into a defense of the gospel he launches into in the coming chapters he gives what is probably the best treatise against works based salvation in the entire Bible in Galatians so that's why you know personally I chose the book of Galatians now for tonight just to finish Galatians chapter 1 I want to look at these first two problems and you know like I said this is gonna be a no stone unturned study through Galatians okay so the question is tonight we have two problems somebody came in and and taught a perverted gospel a changed gospel a distorted gospel and then the people themselves went along with it they put up with it some of them even believed it okay so how do we stop this from happening here turn to Acts chapter 20 we're gonna do some preventative maintenance tonight some preventative maintenance acts chapter 20 and look at verse number 29 you say well you know what are you talking about that we're not the church at at Galatia but look at acts 20 in verse number 29 and look what the Bible says here it says for I know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them so look people came in people came in here in Acts chapter 20 and they they started you know cutting up the flock they started causing problems in the flock and then even in verse 30 of them of their own selves people that they thought at least were one of them started you know speaking perverse things sound familiar they started speaking you know strange things things that weren't in the Bible they started twisting things why to draw disciples after themselves so you say these foolish Galatians you say what were they thinking you say this could never happen here but look this will happen here I'm telling you the Bible tells us that this will happen here so let me just give you some examples of how this could happen here and then we'll look at you know ways that we can prevent this from happening here so look I want this church to grow I think you want this church to grow hopefully the Lord Jesus Christ wants this church to grow but what two things are gonna happen when this church grows when people start coming into this church and the church grows in number look we're gonna get to two different types of things that are gonna happen the first one is this people are gonna come here that aren't used to a biblical church and we've already had this type of thing happen and it's not really an issue we're gonna get people that come here and they have a lot of things to say like well you know at our old church we did things this way or our you know our pastor you know used to do things this way or we once had a pastor that we really liked and he did this and this and this like this and you know what they're saying you know that's all fine that's all normal people do that type of thing as long as they recognize that we run things according to the Bible here okay so that's all fine people can come in and they can have past experiences and they're going to have past experiences look your past experience in a church is not my past experience in a church we're all gonna have different experiences with pastors and churches good and bad but look we are not all gonna vote on doctrine here okay we are not going to vote on church policy here I mean that is not look so new people are just gonna have to grow and they're gonna have to grow into you know how a biblical church is run so we're gonna see that okay those are called you know growing pains if you want to look at it that way you know people that come in maybe they're not used to different things and they're just gonna kind of like and you see it you see it even with people that aren't used to going to church they just they're not used to being in a church they maybe watch a lot of internet sermons or something but they get in a church and they realize that things actually run a certain way there's not much folks that happens here on accident okay so there's not much that's why you know people need to you know ask and things but people are gonna kind of like they're gonna come into church especially if they're not used to coming to church and they're gonna hit bumpers oh oh and they're just gonna get you know they're gonna realize kind of how the church runs okay and that's that's perfectly normal that's perfectly fine and you know I'm the bumper by the way I'm all the bumpers so they're gonna hit oh you know we should do this or we should do that no you know we're gonna be polite and but look it's not like we have you know rules and policies and all the things in the church because you know that's the way I like it there's reasons for it okay there's reasons for the way things go here okay and it's protection for the church okay so what we're gonna see that you're gonna see new people come in there's gonna be growing pains it's fine it's normal all right but now there will be people that come here the Bible says the second one is this they will come in here and they're in in verse 30 it says speaking perverse things it says speaking perverse things why why do they speak perverse things in Acts chapter 20 to draw disciples after them because they want people to follow them okay so people are gonna come in here and we're gonna experience that I mean I hate to break it to you but that's gonna happen here okay I can't say that it has happened here I don't think it's happened here maybe yeah it hasn't happened here as far as I know but it's you know get ready for it because the Bible says it's going to happen okay so look you need to understand as a you say okay I'm just a church member say I'm just a church member there's no problems here but look the problem was with the foolish Galatians the problem was with the church members the church members got drawn away by this type of stuff so look there's incredible responsibility on you as a church member okay to recognize the difference between item number you know person number one and person number two you see what I'm saying there's a difference between somebody who's just oh they're just not used to the way things go and somebody that comes in wanting to you know change the way things are and coming and pushing an agenda on the way things are speaking perverse things maybe they have some strange ideas or some strange doctrines or whatever so look maybe even to pervert the gospel you say that seems extreme but look we need to defend this church so you need to be aware of the difference between these two types of people okay and by doing so by you understanding the difference we defend the church and we defend the gospel itself so look which is by the way under full attack today where you say oh this this you say this yeah give me a break you're paranoid you say how many churches out here have the correct gospel do you think that that just happened on accident do you think that this the churches that don't have the correct gospel Baptist churches most of them in this area do not have the correct gospel okay that's my experience so winning how do I know that because I go so winning and you meet certain people from certain churches and you're like that church must have the right gospel because most people I meet from there are saved it's a it's a fruit inspection right but most Baptist churches people that say they go to Baptist churches they're not saved so even Baptist churches that used to have the right gospel they now don't okay so something happened something happened for that to go that way and we're seeing an example of it in Galatians okay so don't think look don't think that it can't happen here at some point maybe even for denominations they don't have the correct gospel that point may have happened hundreds of years ago but it happened there okay it happened there so it's the same process that happened with a Baptist Church in Fresno that that got mixed up into workspace salvation as it is in Galatians somebody came in maybe it was a church member maybe it was a new pastor maybe it was an evangelist whoever it doesn't matter but somebody came in you know uttering perverse things somebody came in perverting the gospel why to draw disciples after themselves that's what happened okay so look how do we defend against this how do we stop this from happening today because I'm telling you if we do nothing and I'm gonna explain this at the end if we do nothing this church will go into heresy I'm gonna explain to you why at the end of the sermon but if we do nothing this church will be in heresy sooner rather than later say that sounds extreme that's exactly what will happen because it happens to it's I mean look around you you know 95% of churches in the area have the wrong gospel I mean that does that not worry you a little bit we should be concerned we should be vigilant so the first thing we're gonna do is this to protect against this we are going to preach the fundamentals here okay we're gonna preach the fundamentals we are gonna always preach the fundamentals no matter whether it's popular or not as a matter of fact in a week we are starting a new series on just Baptist basics on Sunday nights and you're you're gonna be like you know what I'm like a super wise Christian I've read the Bible several times I don't need basics look there's always gonna be new people coming into the church you are always every single year going to hear sermons on Baptist basics on the fundamentals of our faith always because people are always gonna be coming into the church not everyone's at the 400 level folks you know there's gonna be 100 level to 400 level Christians in the church at all times we must always preach the fundamentals and I mean just look basic doctrines that we believe as Baptists and how to apply those doctrines I mean these things it will shore up look and even if you're super Christian it will shore you up it will shore you up I need to hear these things I need to study these things I need to be constantly remind look if there's a lot of them there's a lot of them I could probably preach for 50 weeks on this type of topic you know we'll probably end it after eight or nine weeks but I could preach for 50 weeks or more just on basic doctrines that we believe basic stuff and you constantly need to be studying and sharpening yourself on these things so that's what we're gonna do and you know what it will unify us as a church as well if we're constantly sharpening on these issues so and make no mistake folks we need to be uniform on doctrine here okay but you say but you say you know aren't there things that don't matter yeah there's things that don't matter but you know what we're a better church the more uniform we are the stronger that we are as a church you know that yes there's there's there's small things that don't matter ultimately ultimately anything that doesn't have to do a salvation you could classify as a smaller thing ultimately but look we are a stronger church if we are together on everything if we're together I mean look and here's the thing there's no reason that we shouldn't be together on everything and here's why let's say you have somebody that comes into the church and believe something silly they believe some silly doctrine that we just maybe it's something you haven't even heard of or whatever you know some some silly doctrine I can't even think of an example but just something that's just it doesn't have anything to do with salvation like like like Giants or something like that you know just something silly right Giants you know that the Giants in the Bible were 500 feet tall or whatever you know they just is there they watch some YouTube stuff and they're like you know the the Giants are 500 feet tall and you know Flat Earth that's not silly that's just like I've never even heard of anything like that before I moved to this state but I can't even remember what I'm talking about right now I say I mentioned Flat Earth and I suddenly I just lost like 70 IQ points I'm all okay but let's say that we we somebody comes here and they believe something silly there should be no reason I mean from a leadership perspective that from the leadership side that you should not be that I should not be able to say they just honestly believe something silly there's no reason I shouldn't be able to just show them the Bible and just explain it to them and they're just like oh yeah I understand okay now look nothing let me give you a little testimony here nothing irritated me more when I was in past churches even before I was even saved in Lutheran churches because when I was a Lutheran I was super interested in the details of the Bible okay I went to all the Bible studies I read all the doctrinal books on the the Lutheran faith and I was sharp on it but I had questions and nothing irritated me more than when I would go to a pastor whether whether it be a Lutheran pastor or a Baptist pastor after I got saved and they didn't answer my question nothing irritated me more than that and I did not expect you know any man who is a pastor to be able to just answer me on the spot no matter what and I'm telling you right now that if you come up and you answer me ask me a question there may be a time when I said and I have said this to some of you I don't know I'll have to look into that because guess what I haven't thought of every single question that the Bible answers okay the Bible look the Bible has all the answers but I haven't thought of all the questions okay but nothing irritated me more than when I would ask a pastor a question and he would just not get back to me or I mean look you know what it told me he either didn't know or he didn't know and he didn't care to find out okay look I may not know the answer to every question I have not thought of every question in the Bible but if you ask me I will study it out and I will get back to you with a full answer and I guarantee you probably more than you want to hear I mean I've done that with some of you you've asked a question you know I looked into it and I answered it you're like all right enough already and I'm like no but there's more you know okay I got it stop calling me it's midnight no I'm just kidding but look that's my job okay that is my job is to be able to study these things out and explain things and look if I can do that effectively the Bible has all the answers okay the Bible has all the answers to every question another it's another miracle the Bible name me another book that has all the answers the Bible has all the answers studying it out you should be able to find all the answers but look at that and that should keep us uniform on doctrine now ultimately if somebody asked you know if somebody asked a question and I go through the Bible and I can't find an answer there's a problem there there's a problem it may be that what I believed was not correct and that I need to change with the Bible that's possible okay that's possible but the Bible always rules is the bottom line so look the Bible has all the answers no other book can say that that's the leadership side okay there is another side though if you come and you ask a question on a small thing and you know I answer the small thing and explain it from the Bible it's just sure us all up on the small things even we should all be squared away on the small things however there's another side of things whereas if you have somebody that just believes something say it's a small thing Giants are 500 feet tall in the Bible all right and you show them and you explain what the Bible says about these small things and they're just like no that's what I learned in Bible College that's what I'm gonna believe that is not a great sign and by the way most I have Christian friends who hold certain beliefs that they cannot you will never be able to explain to them from the Bible because they learned it in Bible College I have Christian friends that are like that they're not they're saved they're not not saved but they just have been in doc look that I mean the tribulation is a perfect example you know is it a is it a set is it a salvation issue no but they were taught by someone in Bible College they were taught by some you know professor or doctor of theology or something and they're just they're just not gonna let go of that they're just set so that look that's not a good thing and it could turn into a problem okay it could turn into a problem because look you have a small thing that doesn't affect salvation you believe it fine but then they go around and they start to try to take their small thing and what draw disciples after them try to get people in the church to believe their small thing why why would they do that well I mean it's pretty simple it all comes from a place of pride to draw disciples after themselves but this is how a small thing could turn into a big thing okay we need to watch for this too okay so don't just say oh it's just a small thing look if somebody is going around and they can't be convinced from the Bible according to the way the church believes and leadership has explained to them from the Bible and they're going around trying to convince everybody else to draw look that is a problem that is where a small thing becomes a big thing okay because it's it's not the doctrine that they're teaching it's what they're doing that is causing a problem so look just be careful about this type of person and look it's always it's always from a place of pride where they want to show people that they know something that somebody else doesn't know they found something here's another one watch out for people that have found something in the Bible that no one else has found I found check this out brother no one else in the last 2,000 years has figured this out but I got it you got to watch out for this type of stuff too because this is this is where it comes from okay turn to Proverbs chapter 16 you will meet some arrogant people in your life turn to Proverbs chapter 16 and this all comes from a place of pride so if you find a person by the way that's just super prideful is kind of you can put them on your you know just kind of be watchful in those kind of situations but you'll meet some arrogant people in your life I'm telling you that right now look at Proverbs 16 5 but just remember that as a saved person you know being prideful it works different for you look at Proverbs 16 5 everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord that's not good though hand joined in hand he shall not be unpunished so you'll meet some arrogant people in your life but don't forget as a saved person God hates pride God is not going to put up with it from you it's a blinding force it's crazy you meet these super prideful people you're just like I can't believe they act like that and they think that it seems normal you know it's a blinding force and God will punish it so you're not gonna get away with it as a saved person so believing something different back to the sermon believing something different that is small is not a fatal flaw for a Christian okay but going around and trying to draw disciples after yourself you need to be watchful if you see that kind of thing happening it'd be wise to bring it up to church leadership and let people know that something's going on because it's gonna get you know that's gonna get people in trouble okay run now how do we handle this we run the church properly that's how we handle it all right and we take action this is when small things become big this is the difference between you know every other church and a church that keeps the right gospel unlike the church at Galatia is that you know you just have to run the church properly which means you take action when necessary okay and this is the one difference turn to Matthew chapter 18 this is the one difference I mean many people have never even heard of somebody getting thrown out of a church many people that go to churches today we know that you know there's in 1st Corinthians 5 11 we did a huge study on you know the sins that would get you thrown out of church but look just small things like this could actually get you thrown out of church if the Matthew 18 process plays itself out but what and we must follow the biblical process that's another thing Matthew 18 must be followed but Matthew 18 in the process laid out there is the protection of the church it's the protection of the people in the church and it must be followed out just the way it is written look at verse 15 of Matthew 18 moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee go and tell them his fault between thee and him alone if he shall hear thee thou is gain thy brother but if he will not hear thee then take it take with thee one or two more that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the church but if he neglect to hear the church let it be under unto thee as a heathen man and a publican so if there was somebody that was doing these types of things spreading around these little doctrines that they believe maybe they're not perversions of the gospel look I need to talk to that person I need to talk to that person and say hey you know here's what you're doing and it's not appropriate and you know here's why and talk to them one-on-one and then if they keep doing it I need to talk to that person with somebody else and if they keep doing it you know it gets and this is where people usually leave because if it happens again then it's like alright I'm gonna bring it up in front of the church now because you're still doing this and then the people usually leave the church which by the way I mean why would you go to a church that was teaching a doctrine that you just couldn't stand I mean you go to a church and there's some small thing you know where you just like believe that Giants being 500 feet tall is the most important thing in the Bible and it drives you nuts and you can't stand going to a church that doesn't believe that you know the right thing for you to do is not to change the church the right thing for you to do is just go somewhere else go find a church that believes that Giants are 500 feet tall or whatever right so I'm sure you can find one I'm sure they're out there right but look this is the process that must be followed it's very simple but it's a way to handle things when small things turn big okay so look don't think that the the conclusion of the message this evening is turn to 1st Peter 5 8 just don't think don't read Galatians chapter 1 and think how could these people have been like this don't think it can't happen to hear just look around you and look at what has happened to Christianity in the country that you live in is in Christianity in the country that you live in is in shambles today it is busted up in pieces laying on the ground today it's a mess today I mean when someone says that they're a Christian you don't even know what that means anymore unfortunately you kind of do know what it means and it doesn't mean much because it means that they probably just believe you got to be kind of a decent person being a Christian means that you shouldn't drink as much as the person who's not a Christian that's what being a Christian today means so look it doesn't mean much anymore look at 1st Peter 5 8 don't think it can't happen here the Bible says be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour the more effective we are here the more we grow the more soul winners we train the more people we get saved the more influence that we have on this community and other places all these things will begin to build on each other and we will start to see these types of things happen here I'm just telling you so you won't be offended when that day comes okay because you're gonna see it happen here and ultimately they need to be hand-handled biblically as politely as possible but biblically okay so I mean I mean they're bumpers right they're bumpers I mean there's rubber and it's soft on bumpers right but if somebody is really coming at the church it's going to be dealt with in a biblical fashion okay but they you know they need to be handled as Americans we're really getting into this idea that any confrontation is bad and that's not the case because there needs to be some vigilance in the church there needs to be defense for the church we can't be in anything goes organization and we're never going to be because look there is there are forces at work against us remember the sermon on entropy remember that remember how you know the second law of thermodynamics says that everything left by itself tends towards disorder if you leave a car out in a field for years and years and years it rusts and it will decay and eventually after three four or five hundred years a thousand years that car will just be completely gone it will be decayed into nothing the car doesn't get shinier every single year that it sits in the field and nobody takes care of it nobody puts oil in it nobody waxes the paint the Sun beats down on the paint it oxidizes the paint it rusts the metal from the rain everything gets eaten away and that car will be gone eventually that's entropy the entire universe works that way everything in the universe works that way your body works that way your body as I'm sitting here talking to you I don't mean to depress you but you are literally dying as I'm speaking to you right now your body is decaying right in front of me your body is in a race you're ninety eight point two degrees or whatever you are unless you're 101 you have kovat too soon to joke you're 98 degrees but your body is constantly wanting to head towards room temperature did you know that that if you sit there if you sit there and you don't eat anything you don't drink anything and you don't add any energy to your body you will eventually be room temperature did you know that not in not that long of time in like a few days you will be room temperature you'll be dead and then you'll decay right look I don't mean to depress you but you're dying you know how you stop that you know how you stop your body from dying you add energy to it you add energy you add energy to the system you eat something you drink something electrolytes whatever you add energy the church is the same way if we do nothing if we do nothing anybody that walks through the door come on in nothing this church will die it will decay people will come in and they will pervert the gospel people will come in to attack the church people will come in to destroy the church because that's what the Bible says it says the the devil as a roaring lion is is walking about seeking who he may devour a church that does nothing and think about a lion walking outside the church think about a lion walking outside the church and he's like he's seeking who he may devour he's looking for a church to devour he's not gonna devour this one because we're gonna take action we're constantly adding energy here's our energy right here we're adding all this knowledge and doctrine and like a lion walks in we're like doctrine get out we're like you know we're not gonna allow perversion in this church we're not gonna allow reprobates in this church we're not gonna allow people to come in and teach false doctrines in this church because this is our energy and we're adding to it we take action we take action to protect the church but if we do nothing we'll end up like that that's how they had all ended up like this they did nothing it's entropy it's the second law of thermodynamics applied to churches it's it's very simple with no energy added we fall into heresy folks we'll lose our candlestick Jesus will take our candlestick away it's the nature of the universe and the goal of Satan is to remove the candlestick from this church and devour gospel preaching churches and that's exactly what he's doing and he's winning now think about this last thought last thought I know I'm just giving you a lot of just thoughts this evening but let me give you one more thought Satan has a serious advantage you say why now let me ask you this Paul went off to Arabia for three years he went off to Arabia for three years here's another reason I really like Galatians but he went off to Arabia for three years and the Lord Jesus Christ taught him for three years now the gospel super simple I can explain the gospel to the simplest person in about 20 to 25 minutes what in the world was Paul learning for three years think about it that's what we're gonna learn in Galatians we're gonna learn all the deep doctrine that Paul was learning for those three years in not all of it but we're gonna get some good insight into what Paul was being taught by Jesus we're gonna learn and how the gospel ties into the Old Testament and all those things that happen in the Old Testament are just their perfect pictures of the perfect gospel that Jesus Christ brought to this earth we're gonna we're gonna learn how deep the education that Paul had but here's the advantage that Satan has turn back to verse number 30 of Acts chapter 20 turn back to verse number 30 of Acts chapter 20 where it says also of your own self shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them look in the coming chapters we will see what Paul was being taught some of the deep understanding of the Bible that he had but look Satan to advance his agenda he doesn't need such a deep dive course you know what he needs all Satan needs I mean think about that I mean just when you're we're studying through Galatians just think about the thought and the education on the Bible that Paul received all Satan needs is a prideful person that's it he doesn't need somebody that has all this biblical doctrine and this massive understanding of the Bible he just needs somebody that's filled with pride and then they just become a tool to carry out his agenda that's it to draw disciples after themselves to destroy churches these are the principalities in the powers folks they're just prideful arrogant people that are tools of Satan that's it that's it so we must be vigilant the Bible is not here for us to watch from a distance we're in this fight in this ministry we need to be careful these are examples for us and you all here need to be watching for this type of thing I'm not telling you to be paranoid and being like I don't know brother Matt said something weird the other day that's not what I'm talking about okay what I'm talking about is just as we go forward in this ministry over the next couple of years you know and as we grow we need to watch out we need to be vigilant that's all we can't we must I mean think about it this way we can't operate the same as everybody else and expect different results we must do things differently it's very simple so in the coming weeks we're gonna dive into Paul's defense of the gospel it's gonna be great it's a great I encourage you to read look it's deep it's some deep stuff and I encourage you to read these chapters beforehand before we study these chapters and then we will go into them and we will just we will just cut them to pieces and we will just leave no stone unturned and you know what that will do that will sharpen us that will sharpen us we will recognize we will recognize the beauty of the gospel we will recognize the strength of such a simple gospel and we will recognize you know when people try to attack that gospel because there's some really weird attacks we'll look at that too we'll look at that too when we start to you know there's some attacks on the gospel that maybe if you don't understand the things in Galatians and all the deep doctrines you know combined with it maybe you wouldn't even recognize that they're subtle underhanded attacks to the gospel it will make us stronger it'll make us a stronger church so I'm looking forward to it let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer you