(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And then alright Galatians chapter 5 so we'd had a quick two-part sermon series this is the second part of our Galatians 5 sermon series of course last week we talked about we see this idea in Galatians chapter 5 of these works of the flesh and then the fruits of the Spirit and last week of course we talked about this list which is called the works of the flesh that Galatians chapter 5 lists for us and this morning we're gonna look at the other side of this coin we're gonna look at the fruits of the Spirit the fruits of the Spirit look down at Galatians chapter 5 in verse number 22 and this is also on the front of your bulletin but the Bible says but the fruit of the Spirit so we see this this terrible list that we talked about last week which is the works of the flesh but then the Bible says the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against such there is no law and they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts if we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit so verse number 25 is interesting where it says if we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit turn to Romans chapter 6 Romans chapter 6 so we see this idea that it says if we live in the Spirit so what does that mean it says if we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit well Romans 6 kind of mirrors this same idea if you look at Romans 6 and verse number 4 the Bible says this it says therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life so if you're saved today you know you live in the Spirit you know if you're saved the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit has indwelled you has sealed you you know Ephesians chapter 1 talks about how the Holy Spirit is the mechanism that seals your salvation that's how we know that we're saved forever one of the many places in the Bible where it says that but look it says that if we live in the Spirit which if you're saved you live in the Spirit the Spirit is living with you right now it says let us also walk in the Spirit does that say that you will walk in the Spirit does that say that if you are saved and the Holy Spirit is in you that you will automatically just walk in the Spirit no it I mean it doesn't right I mean look this is the this is the other side I mean we don't believe that we're saved by works thus you know we're saved eternally thus your works don't keep you saved the works don't have anything to do with sealing you or anything like that but look we should walk in the Spirit just like Romans chapter 6 and verse number 4 it says you know even so we also for sure will walk in newness of life no that's not what it says it says even so we also should walk in newness of life so if you're saved today that doesn't mean that you know you're suddenly you know you've achieved sinless perfection okay I mean you'll find people out there that believe this they're oh you know I'm saved and now I'm perfect well you're not saved sorry because you know you know if you're saying what you're without sin you deceive yourself and the truth is not in you okay so what we should walk in these things though so let's go through this list let's go through this lift of these fruits of the Spirit Galatians chapter 5 is a measuring stick for us Galatians chapter 5 is showing us hey where are you at in your life in your Christian life in this walk right where are you at with this walk you should walk in newness of life how are you doing let's check on it this morning okay we saw the things that we shouldn't be in last week let's look and study the things that we should be in let's go through the list and then we'll apply it to our lives and find out how that should affect you know how we look at things going forward all right verse number 22 the Bible says I mean this is the good list okay the Bible says but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith so the first thing that we see listed here is love right I mean everyone everyone should agree with that right I mean the first thing that we see listed is love turn to 1st John chapter 1 or 1st John chapter 4 I'm sorry 1st John chapter 4 so the first thing listed is love 1st John chapter 4 look at verse number 8 where the Bible says he that loveth not knoweth not God why for God is love I mean the Bible says here that God is literally love okay now look people God's a lot of things love is one of them okay now God's a lot of God's also holy all right we're not going to get into that but people take this God is love football today and they run way too far with it God is love but the question is since love is the first fruit of the Spirit that we are supposed to follow you know what who are we supposed to love is the question okay and the answer is let's just look at who God loves and who God doesn't love and you're like what God doesn't love everybody turn to Hosea chapter 9 I mean God loves everybody that's what that's what everybody teaches today is that God just loves everybody no matter what first of all that makes no sense and I'm gonna explain it to you but God is love that's true it's right there in 1st John God is love so in order for us to mirror who and what we should love let's just let's just love what God loves so let's look at what the Bible says look at Hosea chapter 9 right after Daniel is the book of Hosea right after Daniel is the book of Hosea look at Hosea chapter 9 and verse number 15 in your Bible and the Bible says this it says all their wickedness is in Gilgal for there I hated them for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house and I will love them no more I mean is that hard to understand so this is God speaking here he says I will drive them out of my house and I will love them no more so first of all at one point God did love these people okay so there was a point where God loved these people but then there was a point where he said I will love them no more well why well the Bible explains it to us okay all their princes are what our revolters the Bible says all right now what John 3 16 is true for God so loved the world right so people will say oh well God loves the world God no God loved the world God did love these people and it Hosea chapter 9 in verse number 15 does not contradict John 3 16 God loved the world he loved these people but they revolted against him okay now that is a key here because look at one time God loved every single individual turn to Romans chapter 1 in verse number 30 well I'll just read it for you but this is why this is why you know some people revolted against God some people have revolted against God and some people will revolt against God that's why the Bible says in Romans 1 30 it says that these people are haters of God look they're not indifferent they're literally against the Lord there's people like that out there so look God doesn't just give up on anybody he you know it's those that that turn against him all right it's those that literally fight him but there was two sorcerers in the book of Acts right there was two sorcerers in the book of Acts one sorcerer I mean that's a wicked thing I mean the Bible says that you know you should not suffer a witch to live there was a man practicing sorcery in the book of Acts and he ended up getting saved but then there was another sorcerer who in the story what was he doing he was fighting Paul Paul was trying to get somebody saved Paul was trying to preach the gospel to somebody and this sorcerer was trying to stop the truth he was fighting God he was fighting the gospel so that man was this but the Bible says he was a son of Belial you know he was a child of the devil as he was actively fighting the Lord look this is not most people this is not I mean thank God it's not most people but look most unsaved people are just unsaved they're just not saved you know it's one thing to not be saved to just be indifferent to just not care about the Lord it's another thing to actively hate God and those people are out there to fight against them and soul winner you know this is true because you're gonna meet these people you're gonna meet these people who you know look the vast majority of people out there they're just not saved and they're just not gonna get saved because they just don't care they just they're just not interested look that's not a hater of God you know but then you'll meet these people that they hate the Lord they're mad that you're there they hate that you're gonna talk to anybody else about the Bible and they are actively fighting against God those people are there and thank God they're not the majority so you'll see Romans 1 proven again and again and again to you in your life especially if you're a soul winner so who are we to love turn to John 14 so we see that got you know God doesn't love these people that hate him people can get to a point where God loves them no more okay and you say well I've never heard this before that's because you know fake Christianity out there has invented a God that doesn't exist you need to just tell yourself that if it's in the Bible I'm gonna believe it period you know if you want somebody to lie to you you're in the wrong building look at John 14 the Bible says this who are we to love it says if you love me God is saying if you love me keep my commandments does that say if you want to go to heaven keep my commandments no it says if you love me so can you be saved and not love God absolutely you can be saved you could receive that gift and then just go off into chastisement for the rest of your life and just not love God because look this gives us the proper definition of love right here the definite love has been ruined by modern society that word love because love is action it's doing something love is not this butterfly feeling you know I mean Hollywood will just completely mess this up Hollywood basically turns lost into love is what they do but you know if you get married and you're like oh I love my wife because I have these butterflies in my stomach every time she comes around and you think that's love you're you're gonna you're gonna be sadly mistaken because love is action love is sacrificed towards whatever you're saying that you love okay thank God that God's love towards you was not just butterflies in his stomach thank God that God's love towards you was actually doing something was actually interceding for you with the death of his only begotten son for us so look love is sacrificing your needs and wants even your life for someone so God says you know if you love me keep my commandments follow the Bible we've met a guy yesterday said well to get to heaven you just have to do those ten rules well there's a lot more than ten you know I want to tell like there's hundreds like you're in trouble buddy not that you could keep ten but look it's talking about keeping the commandments of God turn to John 15 so if you don't do works if you don't if you're saved you've believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and you're saved forever you're sealed and you don't do works you don't love God it's that simple you say that sounds bad look at John 15 in verse number 13 you know we're just we're too obsessed with feelings and not action in this society that we live in it's all about feelings well I feel that I love God and when I pray I cry you know and all you know it's all about feelings I mean how many of these these Christians from these these fake churches do you hear I mean they're just all like super over emotional about everything they're not even saved they don't have any idea what the Bible says and they're doing nothing there's no action at all I mean that's not love love isn't some emotion will experience where you just start bawling and getting all weird and effeminate it's it's not that's not it love is action and God says if you love me follow what I told you in the Bible I mean is that complicated it's not complicated I mean it takes some effort but doesn't action take effort it takes some effort to love the Lord all right look at John 15 in verse number 13 the Bible says greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends here's somebody else here's the next list of people you're supposed to love your brothers and sisters in Christ you're supposed to love them turn to 1st John chapter 3 and verse 16 1st John chapter 3 and verse 16 the Bible says that you know you can't have greater love than somebody then if you would sacrifice your love or your life for them I mean sounds familiar right I mean God's leading by example 1st John chapter 3 look at verse number 16 the Bible says hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren so look if you are willing to lay down your life for your brothers and sisters in Christ that means that you love them if you are willing to take action to sacrifice for your brothers and sisters in Christ that means that that's how you show your love to them turn to Matthew chapter 22 Matthew chapter 22 so I mean helping out your brothers and sisters is part of showing your love to them actually doing something you know look at the James chapter 2 the guy's like hey you're cold I pray that you get warm brother and he does nothing for him that's not love love is actually doing something is sacrificing something look at Matthew 22 in verse number 36 let's see who else we should love you're like that's not it no there's more so we should love God we should love our brothers and sisters in Christ who else do we need to love Matthew 22 look at verse 36 the Bible says master which is the great commandment in the law Jesus said unto him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart we already got that one and with all thy soul and with all thy mind this is the first and great commandment and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets so basically love God and love your neighbor you can cook you can fit all the commandments under those two categories is what Jesus is saying here right so look he's saying that you need to love your neighbor too now is your neighbor saved maybe but your brothers and sisters is a subset of your neighbor a name your neighbors everybody around us is our neighbor anybody who is not your personal enemy or an enemy of God is basically your neighbor okay I mean the vast majority of people out here we should be loving as our neighbor the Bible says and that is through action through sacrifice look when you go out soul winning and you're knocking on people's doors with a Bible in your hand you are loving your neighbor you are taking action towards those people you're taking action to intercede for them to shoot be an ambassador for Christ that's loving your neighbor that's probably the best thing you could do to love your neighbor you know that's why you know missionaries that go out on on mission trips or whatever and they give out diapers and Tylenol like I mean God forbid a saved Bible believing Christian would do something like that leave somebody unsaved with some some new with a with a shed you built for him or something here's a nice shed have fun in hell I mean it doesn't make any sense at all the best thing that you could do to love your neighbor is to preach the gospel to them who else turn to Matthew chapter 5 there's more so we've got we've got to love God we've got to love our brothers and sisters we've got to love our neighbors the list is getting big here Matthew chapter 5 look at verse number 44 the Bible also says that you are to love your enemies you're like man them too why do you have so many enemies I'm just kidding look at Matthew chapter 5 in verse number 44 what I say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you you say I'm confused let me clear it up for you does that say that hate God does that say that persecute God does that say that use God no it says you it says people that use you and persecute you this is your personal enemy look we we don't want to turn to second chronicles chapter 19 we we don't want to have personal enemies but it may happen where you have personal enemies you know hopefully your personal enemy is never your brother and sister in Christ I mean how many I mean we've that's why we preach so many sermons about how to deal with conflict biblically so you never have a personal enemy that's your brother and sister in Christ and you know what you shouldn't really have enemies outside of that you'll meet people that just have a lot of enemies though they just make a lot of people mad you know the the friend of the month people they can't keep a friend they they they always these people did this to me these people did this to me these people did this to me you meet safe people like that they just had they just have they're just bad at relationships they have a lot of personal enemies but the Bible says that if somebody wrongs you you are to still love them you are to still take you know you're not to you know reward evil with evil you're supposed to just reward evil with good okay and look that's that's that's tough to do at times if somebody wrongs you it's tough to suffer yourself to be defrauded it's not the easiest thing in the world to do all right but the Bible says that you're to love your enemies too all right but but what about God's enemies because we're talking about a different subset of people right I mean if you think that your enemies are all God's enemies you have a serious problem okay look at second chronicles chapter 19 this is after Jehoshaphat became friends and was helping out King Ahab so Jehoshaphat a good godly king was helping this wicked king and this prophet comes and he rebukes him why does he rebuke him why does he rebuke him because he's an enemy of the Lord is why he rebuked him look at second chronicles chapter 19 and verse number two and Jehu the son of Haniah the seer went out to meet him and said to King Jehoshaphat shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord turn to Psalm chapter 1 Psalm 139 so here Jehoshaphat this good king went out and he helped an enemy of the Lord so we see that Ahab wasn't an enemy of Jehoshaphat he was an enemy of the Lord and the Bible says that you know he hated the Lord it says should you help the ungodly should you love them that hate the Lord and he said God's wrath is now upon you because what you have done I mean I'm sorry to read the Bible to you but your personal enemies and God's enemies are different categories okay look at Psalm 139 and verse number I started in 2021 the Bible says do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee you see you see they're actively rising up against the Lord you see that they're taking offense against the Lord these are not people that are just you know deflecting the gospel that just don't want to hear it they're actively against the Lord and every single one of these passage passages they're revolting against him look at verse 22 it says I hate them with a perfect hatred I count them mine enemies so look we are supposed to take the enemies of the Lord and we're supposed to hate them the Bible says there's a perfect hatred you said I don't think that we should hate anybody well you're not reading the Bible look if you don't hate anything you don't love anything well I mean do you love serial killers do you love child molesters because if you do please leave this church I mean get out if I love child molesters go I mean look if you don't if you don't hate things that would actively destroy things that you love it's not even logical folks that you would just love everything people like that are liars anyway people that say I love everything they they hate the Bible I mean it's it's true so look but let me point this out now let me close it cap it with this don't go making look we are to make God's enemies our enemies follow me now okay but it doesn't work the other way don't go making your enemies God's enemies because there's trouble that lies ahead for you there because you could end up hating a brother and sister I mean just because you are at odds and you can't stand the person you know I mean you could end up hating somebody who's a brother and sister in Christ in the Bible we'll talk about that a little bit later the Bible has some strong words for that so don't God's enemies we should not just like J who said to Jehoshaphat you should not love them that hate the Lord you should make them your enemies but don't go elevating yourself to the same position as God and saying anybody who's ever done me wrong is a hater of the Lord because you're you're headed for trouble there you're headed for trouble there all right let's keep going through this list here verse number 22 right after love is these two words called joy and peace joy and peace turn to 1st Peter chapter 1 fruits of the Spirit love and then we see joy and peace look at 1st Peter chapter 1 look at verse number 3 and the Bible says and I'm gonna put these two together I'm going to show you why I put them together but the Bible says blessed be God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled that fate if not away reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time wherein you greatly rejoice though now for a season if need be you're in heaviness through manifold temptations that flesh is pulling at you that the trial of your faith being much more precious precious than that of gold that perisheth though it be tried with fire might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ whom having not seen ye love in whom you now see you see him not yet believing ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory turn to Romans chapter 15 I'm sorry to throw so much Bible at you here but we got a we got to be in the Bible this morning look at Romans chapter 15 look joy here here's the definition of joy for you joy is like spiritual happiness that's what it means in the Bible all right it's it's happiness related to your salvation all right look and and it's tied together if you look at Romans 15 and verse 13 it's tied together with peace for good reason now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in what in doing good works and in serving God no it says fill you with all joy and peace in believing it's it's saying it's saying you should have joy and peace in your salvation is what it's saying okay in believing that you may be abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost look think about like let's look at this difference between joy and happiness like if I go out and get a new car I've never had a brand new car but if I would get a new car it would make me happy right it would make me happy but guess what in ten years that car would be a piece of garbage right and it would be you know worthless and nothing but look that joy of your salvation is it you know the Bible calls it the peace with in Philippians chapter 4 it calls it the peace with passeth all understanding it's much better than some new car that's what that's that's the joy that you know it cut the south your salvation that you have right now is the only eternal thing that you will ever get on this earth think about that you know your car is just you know it's nothing right but that's it I mean in heaven there's gonna be all kinds of eternal things but right now on earth your salvation is the only internal thing you're ever gonna get on this earth and that's why that's why peace is directly related to joy and it's called the peace with passeth all understanding so I mean you say why does that give me peace well I mean look at this country today everyone's afraid to die you ever seen anything like it everyone is just terrified of dying today that's I mean they will do the stupidest things you could possibly imagine just to make sure that there's not a point zero one percent chance that they'll die I mean to walk around in hazmat suits and be afraid of everybody else like whoa whoa you know I mean just so they they might not ever have a chance and then they'll walk outside you hit by a car you know cuz like you don't know when your life's gonna end that's another thing you ask people out soul winning hey how long you gonna live people know they don't know yet there's some small thing that may possibly something something that everyone's terrified they don't have that peace no look I mean turn to Proverbs 28 this is people today Proverbs 28 look I don't want to die but I'm not afraid to die because ultimately I have that peace that you know I know that I'm going to somewhere better I'm gonna wake up after I die and I'm gonna be like man what a dump I was living in down there because look we know we're going to something better we have that hope we know it we know look that you may know we know this is everybody else though Proverbs 28 look at verse number one the wicked flee when no one pursue it but the righteous are bold as a lion everyone's just running away right now they're scared they're running everywhere and there's nobody even chasing them they're running down the street like what's going on no one's chasing you but that's why the righteous the saved are to be bold as a lion if you're afraid of if you're saved today and you're afraid of anything other than God that's a sin straight up right there so I mean look they're all unsaved that's why we're trying to get people saved so they can be bold too so they don't have to be afraid of their own shadow the Bible says there is no shadow they're running anyway there's no one chasing them they don't have that peace you see they don't have that peace and you know there's there's a lot of people out there who are not saved that are afraid of going to hell I mean these are the the Catholics and the the people that know of Jesus and know of you know something of the truth and they know that there's a hell and they don't know if they're going there because they're like have I done enough good works to not go there well the answer is if you think that you have to do good works to get yourself out of hell you're gonna go to hell I mean that's the irony of that situation right so we need to you know people need that peace that to know that hey it has nothing to do with what you do it's about it's about trusting it's about believing on the Lord Jesus Christ all or nothing folks all or nothing so look I don't want to die either but I have the peace you know what I'm saying we have the peace look at the verse number 22 again long-suffering gentleness goodness meekness temperance I'm gonna lump those all together because this has to do with our attitude towards other people fruits of the Spirit right so all of these in this list is talking about our attitude towards others right let's turn to Colossians chapter 3 Colossians chapter 3 Colossians chapter 3 look at verse number 12 Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians chapter 12 or verse chapter 3 verse number 12 put on therefore as the elect of God holy and beloved it's saying by the elect of God it's saying this the saved people the people that are saved okay if you are saved you are the elect okay the elect of God holy and beloved bowels of mercies that means you know you're just filled with mercy kindness humbleness of mind meekness long-suffering so we see those two words there as well we see it another word introduced here that sort of sums up you know these these last words that we saw in Galatians chapter 5 22 it says bowels of mercies turn to Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 5 in in Matthew chapter 5 we see the Beatitudes and and it's really interesting that the Beatitudes it pretty much lines up with the fruits of the spirit that we see in Galatians chapter 5 and verse number 22 look at Matthew chapter 5 and verse number 7 the Bible says blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy and there be other Beatitudes of Matthew 5 blessed at the meek the merciful the pure in heart the peacemakers when you go out so winning you're a peacemaker you are bringing you are bringing that peace you know somebody who's afraid and they don't know what comes after I mean if the atheist tells you they know what's gonna happen when they die they're they're not being honest with you they don't know they don't know most atheists are just agnostic not to go off on this but I mean just think about all the knowledge in the world right I mean think about you're so smart right think of if this pie is all the knowledge that's ever existed and how much percent of that pie do you think the smartest person knows made 1% probably not right but you don't think that there's any chance in that 99% of things that you don't know that there could be a God and that that God could have something for you and all this look they're agnostic they don't know there's no atheist there's no honest atheist anyway okay I don't know that nothing to do with what I'm talking about but look you're a peacemaker you're bringing peace to people you're bringing them that peace that you have because you know that there's something better for you you're going to heaven okay so the list of the attitudes is very very similar I mean I want to be blessed so the Bible basically says that blessed are you if you're in the fruits of the Spirit basically is what it's saying okay look at Luke chapter 6 verse 36 but this word mercy keeps coming up when it's when it's describing these fruits of the Spirit this word mercy keeps coming up over and over and over again look at Luke 6 and verse 36 I really want to focus on mercy and look at verse 36 of Luke chapter 6 the Bible says be therefore merciful as your father also is merciful okay and then in Matthew 5 remember it said blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy so there's this definite theory this this philosophy that the Bible is telling us again and again and again that if you're merciful your Heavenly Father will have mercy on you okay so we're not only commanded to be merciful long-suffering gentle but a measure of this towards others is what God will perform towards us isn't that nice I mean that's pretty simple the more merciful you are the more long-suffering you are the more gentle you are to other people the Bible says that that's how God will deal with you that's pretty good right unless you know you're no good at it because that's how God's going to deal with you it's true in both cases okay so we see this these wonderful list of things that we should do you say okay I saw the works of the flesh I saw the fruits of the Spirit how does that apply to me what are you even talking about all right but look what you say which one am I I mean we preach the works of the flesh we preach you know the fruits of the Spirit this morning I went through and just gave you a quick overview of what those things are and what the Bible says about those things which one are you well unless you are in your glorified body right now which you're not you are both you're both and look most people are going to be a mix of the works of the flesh and the fruits of the spirit everybody is a mix of the fruits of the Spirit and the works of the flesh that's why Galatians chapter 5 is such a great tool for us because it shows us you know where we're at maybe you should go through the list every now and then and kind of hold that mirror up to yourself and see how you're doing so like before you know and you need to understand this about others as well is that you know here's the thing there's 26 different things listed in Galatians chapter 5 as far as the fruits of the Spirit and the works of the flesh there's 26 different things that means there's 26 different combinations and each single one of them could have you could be at a different level on each single one of those things I mean it is it is infinite the the combinations that you will have no one's going to be the same it's it's like a snowflake you ever kids this is amazing by the way you ever look at pictures of snowflakes on the internet you should do it have your parents show you pictures of snowflakes like up close snowflakes on the internet you don't believe in God go look at that I mean just perfect hey I mean that's just an artist having a good time that's just an engineer building stuff having a good time right there none of them look the same they all have different patterns and it's just it's crazy it's beautiful but what people are like that right we're a mix of these fruits of the Spirit and works of the flesh you know people are not one dimensional you can't take people and be like oh yeah he's a good guy or he's not he's not a good guy but no he's first of all none of us are good guys and second of all we all have our different problems we all grew up different we grew up in different cultures we grew up in different families we you know you may struggle with something that I don't struggle with I may struggle with something that you don't struggle with I mean so have some patience and mercy with people it is the point because none of us are are the same combination none of us look that's why you come to church and listen to the Bible preached at you that's why you should be reading the Bible so you can fill in your gaps your gaps you say you know but I love the Lord and I live this separated life and I've defeated a lot of the sin in my life and you know everybody else just stinks cuz I'm awesome I mean you'll find people like this but look you have no patience you have no long-suffering you're unmerciful you're harsh which is the opposite of gentle I mean you've got a lot of work to do in those cases and I mean look as you clean look as you clean up your life and as in you're gonna see this and we're already seeing it in this church your life will change if you come here your life will change if you listen to the Bible and you do these things and you you take the preaching you'd be like you know what that was that was uncomfortable to hear but the Bible says that and I don't this is difficult to not put my kids where I was putting them before and do things at home it's more work for me but if you start to follow what the Bible says your life will change no doubt your life will change but look then you have to fight this thing when you see people that are in a different part of the path than you and that's where you know the mercy and the gentleness comes in right so I mean that's that's a risk for people that are just getting things together really fast you know that's a risk it can cause all kinds of strife between between brethren you know how so-and-so did this and he keeps doing it look look maybe he didn't you know maybe his parents didn't teach him that maybe just needs to catch up in that area I mean have some mercy I mean look here's what I do I think of it from a risk management perspective you say you're overthinking this I don't think so just let me explain risk management what is that it's looking it's looking at all possible outcomes and then trying to take precautionary steps to minimize the damage to those outcomes all right so look if you're like super hyper judgmental of somebody where you could have shown mercy I mean because honestly most times that people are like hyper judgmental it's not even in their wheelhouse it's they have no authority in the situation there it's not anything that they could ever change they shouldn't even be involved in it in the first place most of the time so look there are situations when you need to judge righteous judgment like your kids like that's your wheelhouse right like my kids are my wheelhouse your kids not so much well a pastor in a church that's his wheelhouse like so he you know he can judge righteous judgment in those situations but look don't go around flaming every single situation because if you get it wrong you put yourself in danger of judgment James 2 13 says for he shall have judgment without mercy do you want judgment without mercy that hath showed no mercy do I have to say it again he shall have judgment without mercy that hath showed no mercy operate your life that way operate your life where you just show no mercy to anybody let me know how it goes for you it I mean as for me as difficult as it is at times I'm just gonna err on the side of mercy because you know what I know this for sure I'm gonna need it someday I'm gonna need mercy and I don't want to die by the sword it's it's really that simple and that's that's what the Bible teaches when Jesus told Peter to put a sword away that he's teaching the same philosophy if you live your life like that towards people that's how God's gonna treat you and it's gonna be ugly all right I don't want to die by the sword period so look think about us okay let's just wrap this thing up think about us think about this church we're all saved here hopefully right but the fact is that we're on this super complicated journey together right we're on this journey together it's this spiritual journey through life the end goal look the end goal is the same right the glorified state heaven but we didn't all start in the same place some people started late some people started earlier some people and the path is different for every single person I mean it's it's a different path we're all in different spots on that path turn to 1st John chapter 5 you know whether it's the ministry for you whether it's serving in a church for you whether it's just being a solid soul winner for you I mean everybody's path is different some people are the eyes some people are the legs some people are the hand I mean we can't all be an ear I mean everybody has different different callings in different places that they're to serve look at 1st John chapter 5 this is really what it all comes down to the goal is the same for all of us the Bible says in 1st John 5 4 it says for whatsoever is born of God and over over cometh the world and this is the victory that overcome the world even our faith now I skipped this word in the fruits of the Spirit as I was saving it to the end I skipped the word faith look to overcome the world to walk in the spirit remember we started out we should walk in the spirit it is a measure of your faith how much you walk in the spirit or you're in the works of the flesh is a measure of your faith and your faith is made perfect through your walk turn to James 2 22 so you really I mean you really could say that the true measuring stick of where you are at whether it be the works of the flesh or the fruit of the Spirit is is a demonstration of where your faith is right I mean if you're just I mean think of it just it from the example of peace if you're afraid of everything look if you're saved and you're afraid of everything you have weak faith it's a measuring stick you're saying you're saying I'm saved but I don't have any peace does that mean I'm not saved no have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ yes you're saved but I have no peace because your faith is weak it's it's that simple look at James 2 22 see a style faith how faith wrought with his works and by works was faith made perfect works will make your faith perfect or the works of the flesh will weaken your faith it's it works both ways so the fruits of the Spirit will perfect your faith the works of the flesh will weaken it where are you at today think about it let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer