(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right keep your place there in Mark chapter 4 We're not going to come back to Mark chapter 4 until the middle or end of the sermon But put a bookmark there or something We'll get there. So we're talking about Finding favor is the sermon series. So what we're talking about In the first episode of this series was we talked about, you know doing what you say you will do, you know There's no need to you know, swear oaths, you know The Bible says let your yay be yay and your nay be nay just do what you say you're gonna do the second Sermon in this series we talked about, you know, shutting your mouth and opening your ears. Just listening, right? Just taking taking advice and hearing what people are telling you turn to Philippians chapter 2 Tonight we're going to talk about In the finding favor series. We're going to talk about esteeming others Esteeming others before yourself in Philippians chapter 2 we just preached through this This chapter in Philippians chapter 2 look down at verse number 3 Where the Bible says let nothing be done through strife or vainglory But in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves Look, not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus so the Bible is basically saying here that's pretty obvious that you should care more about other people than you care about yourself and It's pretty easy to understand this scripture. I mean this isn't the Bible study of Thursday night that we went into here I mean, it's pretty simple but it's very difficult for people to implement and it's actually a little bit difficult in the Bible to Find examples of people is steaming others Over themselves surprisingly enough, you know, people are generally selfish I hate to report to you, but that's the case, you know So if you can successfully implement this simple thing, it's easy to understand if you can implement it in your life It's a great way for you to find favor Okay, when I think of the men in my life or the people in my life who I actually have the most respect for and who I hold the highest in my mind of high reputation and I think about what those people have in common most times All the time it's that those people are very good at esteeming other people over themselves They're very good They're the type of people that would do anything for you They're the type of people that are always helping other people that are always putting their time Second and somebody else's time first things like that. That's what makes those people Favorable to me and favorable to other people around them turn to Luke chapter 14 if you do this properly it is instantly recognizable by people and You will be well-liked I mean who doesn't want to be well-liked in their life right look at Luke chapter 14 Luke chapter 14. Let me turn there Luke chapter 14. We're gonna go to verse number 8 Luke chapter 14 in verse number 8 the Bible says this it says when thou art bidden of any man to a wedding Sit not down in the highest room less the more honorable man than thou be bidden of him And when he and he that bade thee and him come over and say to thee give this man place and thou begin with shame to Take the lowest room So he's talking about you go in and you're at an event or something and you sit in the best seat and then the person At the event has to come up to you and say sorry brother. We have someone more important than you sitting there Could you please move to the back that would be embarrassing that would be a shame to you in verse number 10 It says but when thou art bidden go and sit down in the lowest room that when he bade thee cometh He may say unto thee friend go up higher Then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meet with thee for whosoever exalted himself Exalteth himself shall be abased and he that humblest himself shall be exalted So instead of being a based and being brought down you'll be brought up is what the Bible is saying here So look the Bible is saying that you could literally be put to shame if you don't get this right You know, so tonight let's have some heavy application. I want to actually give you some some real Examples of how you can implement this in your life, you know, I want to talk about, you know, open your mind tonight You know open your heart don't get offended if this is you, you know part the middle part of my sermon is called don't be that guy and if you are that guy tonight just Change Don't be that guy because we're trying to help you So let's talk about is steaming others through etiquette the funny thing about etiquette turn to Proverbs chapter 11 Etiquette is being lost today Because of the fact that people are generally selfish Etiquette is just going going out the window today and it's a sad thing, especially for younger people Proverbs chapter 11 look at verse number 14 The Bible says this where no counsel is the people fall but in the multitude of counselors there is safety So the Bible says that if you get wise counsel that there's safety there. Okay, and you won't fall Proverbs 12 15 I'll just read it for you turn to Proverbs 19 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise Proverbs 19 look at verse number 20. The Bible says hear counsel and receive Receive instruction that thou mayest be wise in thy ladder and we talked about the ladder and this morning You should be getting wiser and wiser and wiser as you get older That's why younger people especially it's important that younger people listen to the counsel of older people You know that have wisdom according to the Bible, right? So tonight I'm gonna give you some counsel. I'm gonna give everyone some counsel, you know, we're gonna talk about not being that guy Tonight. All right and look at church Everyone's gonna be nice to you All right But the reason that we preach sermons or I preach sermons like this what the Bible says and apply it in ways like this is Because the world's not going to be that long suffering to you You Know it doesn't mean that even if people are nice to you at church that you will still have a good name, by the way so people are Obligated to be nice to you to be your brothers and sisters in Christ But that doesn't mean you're gonna have a good name as the Bible would say look you are going to have some sort of reputation Think about that Everybody has one Everybody has a reputation From the little kids in here all the way to the oldest adult in this room you have a reputation What's it going to be is what it boils down to okay, you can have a good reputation And if you do have a good reputation, you will find favor with men You will find this favor So I'm going to show you how these specific items are not only going to give you favor with men But by a steaming others over yourself, you will find favor with God as well Because you will be following what the Bible says so these are gonna be some real-life examples They might seem silly at first but they're real-life examples that a lot of people get wrong you know of all the self-help books that have been written and Books on etiquette and books on self-improvement if you go to Barnes & Noble or whatever There's entire aisles of self-improvement and the funny thing is is that you know, I've read a few of those types of books I don't read that many of those types of books now because but here's the funny thing most of the good ideas that those books have are just biblical principles and They never give the Bible credit You know, so they're basically, you know, somebody wrote a book in 1998 and they're like, oh we have this great way to deal with People but it's just some and if it works, I guarantee you it's a biblical principle somewhere And it probably has to do a lot of them have to do Especially when it comes to etiquette and treating people in social situations It just has to do with esteeming other people over yourself But it's difficult because we're wired with this flesh that just wants to be selfish. That's the bottom line So the Bible doesn't get credit. So let's talk let's talk about esteeming others through through through your etiquette I've talked over the last couple weeks about you know, the fact that we're getting too informal In our society today, you know, we're getting too casual You shouldn't get too casual with people in social situations You shouldn't get too casual with people even in your own family. Don't get too casual with your wife wives Don't get too casual with your husbands. It will lead nowhere good Okay, so let's talk about addressing people You should never address someone by their first name You should never especially an older Gentlemen, so in the church, you should always address people as brother so-and-so sister so-and-so Miss Heidi, mr. Jared brother Heidi brother Phil brother Frank, you know Take the word. Hey young people out of your vocabulary Take it and just throw it away Imagine if a visitor came into this church and I said hey, what's your name? Welcome When people say that look you never first of all You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Have you ever heard that before? And they've actually done real studies that people actually decide if they want to talk to you within like the first five seconds of the Conversation so how many words do you get out? This is great for soul winners, too By the way, how many words can you get out in five seconds? So Maybe it's important that you have a smile on your face and you address people in the proper way If somebody came up to me at work Let's talk about out in the world somebody came into into me at work and said hey I would just choke him out immediately and then it would be over You know what? I mean that it just it just right away puts You just want you know, it just puts people on edge, right? So take the word. Hey, hey is for horses, right? Take the word hey out of your vocabulary always be respectful and proper and addressing people So winning is the same thing Always have a smile on your face and and just start that conversation with a positive attitude because people can tell if you're having a bad Day, I mean my wife tells me that all the time She's like you look like you're having a bad day and I'm like really you could tell people can tell so be Be formal and it's funny because the next Topic is your phone and etiquette with your phone in the sermon So Anyway that I'm dead serious. That was the very next point in my sermon is phone etiquette All right First of all silence your phone before church service. I'm just kidding The first point I want to say on your phone because like phones are a big problem, especially for young people Don't ever be on the phone when in the car with your spouse Right Don't ever be on the phone when in the car with your phone, is that biblical? Yes, because you're saying to your spouse that I could care less what you're saying right now I could care less what's going on look in general when you're in conversations and you pull out your phone What you're saying is I have no interest in what you're saying that is what you are telling that person whether you're in a group of people in a in a one-on-one conversation, especially your phone should be Nowhere in sight at a restaurant. Don't ever take here's another good one Don't ever take your phone out and set it on the table in a restaurant Why? Because what you're telling that person that you're at dinner with whether it's a group of people or your wife or whoever is that you? Know what as soon as you get uninterested. I got a backup plan right here You're not a steaming those people above your own Interests is what you're doing You should treat your phone Like you treat going to the restroom When you're in social situations if you have to use your phone, you have to send a text You have to check an email You should get up excuse yourself and go and take care of that email or text or whatever it is, but you should never Pull out your phone when you're talking with someone in any kind of conversation or at a restaurant and you're saying that's just my wife Why are you so why are you so casual with your wife? Why would you treat other people? Better than you would treat your own wife who you're gonna spend the rest of your life with think about that There's many things like that with our spouses. We should be way more formal with our spouses than we are Because we get so used to each other that we feel like it's okay to do these things to each other because we've been together For 20 years or 30 years or whatever it is. That's not the case have respect for each other You know keep that formality All right Now we're at the dinner table Let's talk about dinner examples of etiquette and a steaming others over yourself the I forgot my wallet guy Don't be this guy Ever if you want people to not be around you be the guy that constantly forgets his wallet. I Had I had a good friend that I grew up with Who was this guy and I was so used to it that it wasn't really a big deal for me I just paid for him everywhere we went but other people couldn't stand him and I'm like, oh man It's just it's you know, I've known him since we were in first grade people couldn't stand it because What you are doing is you are steaming your own labor and your own money Over other people is what you're doing. You're steaming yourself over other people just straight up Look, you're saying that you know and look if you can't pay for yourself don't go That's the bottom line Because especially amongst church people and brothers and sisters in Christ. No one is going to allow you to sit there and not eat anything They are always going to pay for you So you if you can't pay don't go that's the bottom line That's the rule that you take in your life to esteem others over yourself Okay No one's gonna sit there and and eat in front of you because that would be bad etiquette for them What they're going to do is they're gonna pay for your meal. They're gonna esteem you over themselves They're gonna do the proper Christian thing, right? So it's a case where they're is steaming you over themselves and you're steaming yourself over them. You should not be okay with that All right, don't be that guy. I Promised the kids let's talk about cheese sticks. I Love cheese sticks Okay, everybody loves cheese sticks. That's why I'm using it as an example. Let's say you go to dinner with ten people okay, and there's a host and you go to dinner with ten people and Somebody orders cheese sticks and cheese sticks come and there's six cheese sticks You should never take a cheese stick Never You should never take a cheese stick and if the cheese sticks have gone around the table and this will never happen if they go around the table several times and there's a Couple cheese sticks left and somebody really offers you one then maybe but that's never gonna happen because everyone's gonna take one and There will never be any left I Can't tell you how many times I've been to a super nice restaurant where somebody else was paying and they ordered a really nice Appetizer and I'm just like, you know what? I would I'll never come to this restaurant And I would really like to try that appetizer because I'll never come here on my own But I it's just it's a shame because I'm just never gonna take one ever Because you're just think about it. Let's think of the numbers. There's six cheese sticks and there's ten people, right? If you take a cheese stick, you're basically saying I'm better than at least four people at that table, right? Because four people aren't gonna get a cheese stick. I mean, that's the bottom line now. Look, let's say there's one left and And Everyone it'll never happen. But let's say there's one left and Everyone eats and there's still one left. You never take the last one ever ever You should make someone have to kill you before you take the last one Ever don't be that guy because if you take the last one, you're basically a steaming everybody over yourself over everyone at that table Every single event we have at church should always have one piece left Think about it if everybody followed this rule Everybody if everybody was a steaming others there should always be one piece left because no one should ever take that last piece You see them saying? Now Why turn to Ecclesiastes chapter 7 And Look no one is probably going to shame you for this type of thing. Like the Bible says but they might I've seen it happen If you just constantly are that guy who's always gonna take the be the one the first one there who's gonna you know There's six cheese sticks. You're gonna put four on your plate Someone might shame you. I mean I've seen it happen. Look at Ecclesiastes 7 in verse number 1 The Bible says a good name is better than precious ointment in the day of death than the day of one's birth What you're saying in that case is like a cheese stick is better than a good name and that's the irony to me I can't believe people do stuff like that because they're basically throwing their name away for a potsticker or a Cheese stick or whatever. It is food is crazy People will just go and just throw their reputation away for food. It doesn't make any sense, but I see it all the time All right off of cheese sticks out of the restaurant Let's talk about being on time being late turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 14 First of all, this one fits with you know, not doing what you say you will do see the first sermon in the series Second Being late what you're doing is you're basically saying or you're sending the message that your time is more important than somebody else's time That's what you're doing You're saying you do not respect the event that you're late to it's not that important to you You say well, that's not what I mean. Well, that's how it will be taken Okay, look people in church are gonna be nice People in church are your brothers and sisters. They love you But this is how being late will be taken by everybody in the world everywhere All right The reason it will be taken that way is because the vast of the majority of people in this world Have figured out how not to be late to things It's pretty easy to fix. It's an easy fix. So it must be that you just don't care about anyone but yourself That's how people take it. Okay, look at 1st Corinthians 14 in verse number 40 The Bible says this it says let all things be done decently and in order now look Can you imagine would there be any way to run this church properly if I was late all the time? Would it be possible? no, if I came in 20 minutes late and I would just had papers flying everywhere and I was constantly Grab your bulletin. Do we even have bulletins? You know, I mean imagine it wouldn't be possible You all would be so frustrated with me. It wouldn't even be funny and you know, you would you don't say all brother Jerry We wouldn't yeah, you would you would Look, you should always be 15 minutes early to work always I'm way earlier than 15 minutes to a job interview. I've heard people being late to a job interview. I mean imagine Smash the phone just break it But being late is the opposite of esteeming others, okay It's one of the worst things because it's insulting to others and it also it also gives the impression of laziness as well All right, it should be an extreme Embarrassment to be late to things. All right, if you want to not, you know Find out how to not get the job be late to the job interview. All right, don't be that guy All right. Now I can't believe people do this next one, but they always will they will always do this next one. And that's this RSVP to events that you don't show up to It's been I mean it's always going to happen there's oh but I once again see the first sermon in the series second You know doing what you say you would do that's the first sermon. So you're basically saying I will be there and Then you know, I mean this is anyone who's ever thrown a birthday party any kind of event knows that these people are out there Right what you're saying is that your time is more important that your money is more important But you know, what's the purpose of an RSVP it means it's like a French Thing and it basically means please respond, right? But look the the purpose of an RSVP is for people to literally purchase things for you They're literally buying things for you. And then you're basically saying I don't want any of that stuff I don't care about the time you put into those things. I don't care about the money that you spent on me Just forget it. You're just throwing it away. It's very insulting Right, so don't ever do it. Like I said in church People are gonna be nice always But these are things that will just you will lose favor with people if you do these types of things alright You're rude, I mean you could ruin your name over these types of silly little things It's so it's not a deal that's worth it. It's not worth a cheese stick to ruin your name You know you say, you know, you say I am that guy, you know, you mentioned things that I I do Turn to mark chapter 6 Here's why you do that Turn to mark chapter 6 and let's talk about mark chapter 6 You do that you do those things and you know, you say I don't mean it the way that you're talking about It doesn't matter how you mean it It that's how it comes across to people The reason that people do these things is because they have the wrong mind They have the wrong mind in Philippians 2 in verses in verse number 5 at the end of the verse It says this it says let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus He's talking about Esteeming yourself over others and he says let this mind be in you Which was in Christ Jesus, so the real example in the Bible is Jesus That's the one that we we use here. So I mean it's it wasn't it's not the easiest thing I I found a couple that I could have used but they're really not good examples It's kind of crazy how hard it was to find an example in the Bible of this But we're gonna use Jesus in Mark chapter 6 great chapter in the Bible Lots of things happening in Mark chapter 6 basically are you all in Mark chapter 6? Huge events happened in Mark chapter 6 Jesus went to his hometown. He was rejected by his hometown He didn't do great works there. They had no faith in him. Then he sent them out two by two John the Baptist is killed. Jesus finds out about it Let's just look down at verse number 7 and let's let's read here a little bit of Mark chapter 6 And then we'll talk about it and he called unto him the twelve and began to send them forth Two by two and gave them power over unclean spirits So he sent the disciples out and they had power over unclean spirits They were gonna go out and they were gonna do great works You know out there they were going to preach the gospel And he gave them power over demons literally. I Mean, what a great thing and by the way, not you know, not to rabbit trail this thing But by the way, if you don't think people are demon-possessed out there You haven't been soul winning long enough and brother Phil's laughing because we found somebody today And I mean we're in the hood in Fresno today Right, and we got like the gangsters coming up to us saying hey look out for the homo up there I'll take the gangsters any day of the week all day long And only thing worse than a homo out soul winning is a demon-possessed homo And we found one today and here's the funny thing all brother Phil and I did was we talked to my wife and she said Yeah, there's a crazy situation up there We didn't get to knock the door right next because it was an apartment where it was a door and the literal next door was like three feet to the right and She's like I couldn't get to that other door. Could you and brother Phil go up there and I'm like, of course Love to So we walk up there and sure enough she had hers You know the thing had her screen door open and she sees us and she just learned You know and all this I mean you didn't even make any sense But I was talking to my wife on the drive back to the church and she told me what actually happened and here's what's funny That she told me she got up they knocked that lady's door They knocked that lady's door and she had all kinds of weird stuff inside her house, but the lady she hands her the invitation and The lady didn't even look at the invitation and she handed my wife something and then just started yelling at my wife and one of the first few sentences out of her mouth was I believe the King James Bible to I Came back here and I went in the office and I actually looked at where it says King James Bible on this invitation And it doesn't say anywhere on the front It doesn't say it anywhere here it only says it in tiny little letters right down at the bottom. She did not see that She did not see that she did not know what that was But you know what that kind of reminded me of acts 19 where those guys tried to go out and just cast demons out using the name of Jesus and they weren't even saved and the demon said Jesus we know Paul we know who are you? Who are ye? Look these demons know who you are out there and It's a great proof for me that what was that demon afraid of today the King James Bible And you know what that demon did believe the King James Bible because those demons they believe in Jesus even Legion said You know Jesus son of God You are you here to torment us The Legion said that look these demons Satan knows that we're out there And they know the power that this Bible has they know it's true You know, they haven't believed on Jesus, but they know that Jesus is the Son of God They know who's in heaven and they know their ending and they know who you are. I Mean just imagine. I mean this is this is soul winning is great Proof of I mean, it's great to get people saved But it's also just to see the it's great to see the Bible just proven true again and again and again and again By real life by real life situations out here If you're I mean if you're a seasoned soul winner, you're out soul winning every day I know this has nothing to do with the sermon But if you're if you're out soul winning all the time, you will have so much Perspective on the state of the world and the state of people in the world you will become so wise Isn't that why the Bible says he that win the souls is what wise Okay, Mark chapter 6 look at verse number 8, so they're out and they're going two by two and they're preaching And he commanded that they would take nothing for their journey save a staff only staff only no script no bread No money in their purse But be shod with sandals and put on not on put not put I can't even read anymore and not put on two coats Verse 10 and he said unto them in what place so ever you enter a house there abide till you depart from that place and Whosoever shall not receive you nor hear you when you depart thence shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them Verily I say unto you It should be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment then for that city and they went out and preached that men should repent and they cast out many devils and Anointed many with oil that were sick and healed them They're out just doing this great work and they're working out there and then we get into The verses the next verse is John the Baptist of course is killed go down to verse number 29 So, of course Herod has his party and you know The Herodias his daughter requests the head of John the Baptist John the Baptist is killed. He's murdered He's martyred right in verse number 29. The Bible says about this event about John being killed It says in his disciples heard of it and they came up and took his corpse and laid it in a tomb so they they came some of the disciples came from where they were at and went and they got John the Baptist body and they Put him in a tomb in verse number 30 We read this morning and the Apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus. What a lot has happened They're out preaching the gospel casting out demons John is killed they go bury his body and they told Jesus all these things both what they had done and what they had taught and He said unto them come ye yourselves apart into a desert place and rest a while For there were many coming and going and they had no leisure so much as to eat They didn't even have time to eat you ever have days like that We just don't even have time to eat This is where these guys were at. They were just working and working and working and finally Jesus says let's just go off into a desert and just just just You can we can talk about what's happened. We can relax and the Bible says in verse 32 They departed into a desert place by ship Privately look he's just like let's get away for a while. Talk about what's happened rest Look folks. I mean it's hard for us to understand these these men were living this I Mean they were living this story. This was their life I mean we come here on Sunday and you know, we have a good day We go to church Sunday morning. We go out soul winning for an hour and a half two hours We come to church Sunday night. This was their life They were tired look at verse 33 and the people saw them departing and many knew him and ran afoot they they're out of the cities and Outwent them and came together unto him and Jesus when he came out saw much people and was moved with compassion toward them Because they were sheep not having a shepherd and he began to teach them many things So he just starts preaching again right there And when the day was now far spent his disciples came unto him and said this is a desert place and now the time is far past Send them away That we might go into the country roundabout and into the villages and buy themselves bread for they have nothing to eat And he said unto them give them ye to eat give ye them to eat and they say unto him shall we go by? 200 penny worth of bread and give them the disciples look Jesus just lost one of his best friends Look, Jesus cared Jesus had emotions The shortest verse in the Bible after Lazarus died. Jesus wept He wept he didn't like seeing Mary in pain and Martha in pain he didn't likes, you know, he saw he felt emotion like a man and Lazarus died and it and he knew he could raise him from the bed it from the dead But Jesus felt that type of pain. He must have been feeling something like this here John the Baptist was killed and he didn't just die of a sickness I mean the man was beheaded Imagine if somebody in this church was beheaded by a governmental. I mean that would be devastating to us Look, he felt this They were all tired. They all just wanted to take it easy yet The Bible says Jesus was moved with compassion towards them He had compassion but he was moved by it He put those people Over his own interests and over the interests of his disciples as well He esteemed others Better than himself now look That was the whole point of Christ's life Brother Phil set it out soul winning today. Well, Jesus was a great example. This is one of those great examples Jesus was a great example of just doing the right thing and constantly putting people first and constantly not thinking about himself He didn't care that he was tired. I mean he was tired. He was a man. He was a hundred percent God hundred percent, man He got tired. He got sad. He got scared You know, he got worried But the Bible says that you know, he was a great example But ultimately his whole life was about a steaming the whole world over himself That's what his whole life was, you know That's why Years and years ago when these stupid movies and books came out about Jesus being married and all this kind of stuff You know, you would have Christians or Christians saying well, what does it matter if Jesus was married because Jesus did nothing for himself The point of his life was to esteem the world over himself That was the whole purpose. I mean this is think about this. I mean we're talking about cheese sticks tonight But this is the character of the God that you serve That this God this this mean God that people will say the whole purpose of Jesus's life was to esteem him esteem you over him I mean that that's Is that a mean God that's that's a God that's done everything for you. You know, you think that you'll have favor With him if you can't leave a cheese stick for somebody else to eat I mean it it's comical to even say something like that You know, I mean We'll have we'll have an event or you'll see events and it'll just be who can get to the front of the line and who? Can stack up the most food on their plate and just get the most for themselves think of the character of the God that you serve and How it's going to be taken when you do something like that now what I mean This isn't the deep dive of Thursday night, you know, this isn't rocket surgery We're not building a space shuttle here, but ant just riddle me this why in the world can't people get this Why in the world will you have people grown? Adults that will just they will just ruin their reputation They will throw their reputation away because they can't think of anybody but themselves And Over things like silly things like food. I mean it it it applies to everywhere in life, right? Philippians 2 5 Remember remember the mind of Christ Philippians 2 5 let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. So when he talks about Esteeming others as yourself. He's basically saying you know what? This is the mind that Christ had and This this is the mind that should be in you That's the bottom line. You need to think about that when you're spending time in social situations You need to think about that whether it be at church whether it be at work whether it be with your friends. I Mean your friends can get upset at you for being selfish You know, it happens all the time. It ends friendships because one friend just is constantly You know one friend is constantly taking advantage of the other friend so you have one friend who's constantly doing all the esteeming and the other one who's just Letting them do so right let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus you need to esteem others over yourself in every single aspect of your life and Then people will like you You know if you say, you know I just have a hard time having friends and having friends for a long time and people liking me and I feel like God's not Blessing my life think about these things Because this but the Bible says that if you let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus You know, you will esteem others over yourself. Just remember that. All right, let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for the Bible. We thank you for a wonderful day at church and a Very fruitful day out soul winning Lord. We thank you for the power of your word We thank you for the King James Bible. What a blessing it is that we can have This type of tool this type of weapon in our hands and it could just be so readily available to us Lord in it It just the power that it has Over over Satan over his forces in this world and power unto salvation to a lost world Lord. We love you We thank you for this great commission that you've given us Please bless the fellowship to come and everyone's give everyone a safe trip home in Jesus name. We pray. Amen You