(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'll see you in the next video. And to keep your place in Ecclesiastes Chapter 1, we'll be going in and out of Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 for the sermon tonight. So we're back in American heresy after a year or more. And tonight we're going to look at kind of a different philosophy, a different heresy than we've been looking at before. I mean, typically I've been going in a lot of heresies that you're going to run into. You're probably not going to run into this heresy out, soul winning or much in your life at all. As a matter of fact, I think I've only met one person that's been part of this religion in my entire life. But let's get into it tonight. So first of all, let me just say this. I've always liked, not always, maybe not now, but when I was younger, I always enjoyed science fiction. I liked science fiction. I think when I was studying through this topic tonight, why I liked science fiction when I was younger and I was a young man especially, even in my 20s, I liked science fiction. I think it was because I liked the inventiveness of it. I like really good science fiction as kind of a predictive, should be sort of predictive of the technology of the future type of thing. And I always kind of looked at it that way. But there was a couple of science fiction writers I remember when I was in high school in the library, even in middle school. I remember there was a man called Isaac Asimov that had books in the library. He was a science fiction writer. And there was another man called L. Ron Hubbard that those books were just kind of like something about those books was just weird and just kind of off the charts. I remember we were kind of church kids and we just kind of stayed away from those books just because they were very bizarre and very weird. So the topic of tonight is actually a religion that was created by a science fiction writer. The actual religion is called Scientology. I want to preach a sermon on Scientology and what it's about tonight. Tonight, Scientology was a religion that was invented by L. Ron Hubbard who was a science fiction writer. Scientology was developed by an author named L. Ron Hubbard. This is important and is the first controversy already, as L. Ron Hubbard was an established author known for works of fiction, mostly science fiction. Over his lifetime, he published over 600 fiction pieces, including both short stories and novels. And he holds the Guinness World Record for the author with the most published works. He also was somebody who was obsessed with taxes. He was obsessed with the IRS. The IRS was actually after him. He was in hiding for the last many years of his life. He went into hiding in the, I believe it was the 70s, and then came out of hiding for a while and then went back into hiding because the IRS was after him for tax evasion, things like that. But in the 50s, he created a religion called Scientology. It's really actually pretty big in California. There's a lot of Scientology. There's a lot of facilities in LA. I remember we saw a big, we were fishing in Ventura one time, and we saw a big building for Scientology there. But I'm going to try to explain to you Scientology and the philosophy behind it tonight. And let me just tell you, it's a wild ride, okay? I mean, I'm going to try to, this is a four-year information sermon. I don't have any fears that anyone's going to get sucked away by Scientology, okay? But this is just a four-year information. One of the nice things about Scientology lately is that it's been a very secretive thing since its foundation, but since the early 2000s, many people have been getting out of Scientology, and actually many upper-level people in Scientology, because it's all about the levels, and I'm going to show you that here in just a few minutes. But many people have been getting out, and even people that have reached the highest levels have gotten out, and they're sharing information about what it's all about. And this is part of the reason that I believe Scientology is on the downhill slide. Hopefully it's more of a cliff than a slope, but they thrive on secrecy. They thrive on, you know, holding secrets above people's heads that they need to attain to, all right? So let me just give you some definitions from Scientology's own words, what Scientology is all about. Scientology definition, all right? It's called, the definition of Scientology is knowing in the fullest sense of the word, Logos Greek, the study of the Scientology means knowing how to know, all right? Man, Scientology is a 21st century religion. I mean, that should be your first, like, what? You know, I mean, just, you wonder, you know, and I'll try to answer that for you at the end of the sermon, why somebody would get sucked into this, right? It's like it was just invented in 1950, what about all the people before 1950? You know, I mean, this is like, you know, but it's not really a religion in the sense that we would consider a religion, all right? It's not biblical based at all, all right? But there is something that you will see in common with it, and you're going to start to see things because you know the Bible, and you know the light and the darkness that exists in this world. Again, let me continue. Scientology is a 21st century religion. It comprises a vast body of knowledge extending from certain fundamental truths, this is their words, and prime among those truths, man is a spiritual being endowed with abilities well beyond those which he normally envisions. So right away, now this is me speaking, right away they inject this thought that you have much more power than you actually think that you have, all right? He is not, again, this is their words, he is not only able to solve his own problems, accomplish his goals, and gain lasting happiness, but he can achieve new states of awareness he may never have dreamed possible. Although modern life seems to pose an infinitely complex array of problems, Scientology maintains that the solutions to those problems are basically simple and within every man's reach. Difficulties with communication and interpersonal relationships, nagging insecurities, self-doubt and despair, each man innately possesses the potential to be free of these and many other concerns. So you can be free from all these depressions and anxieties and problems that you have with your relationships in your life. I mean, here, let me just sum this up with another quote. Your best life now? A little bit of a prosperity gospel in here. So there's a little bit of a prosperity gospel mixed with you could be a superhero and have all these different powers that you can unlock. Scientology, from their website, it boils itself down to three points, all right? Man is an immortal spiritual being. His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime, reincarnation, Hinduism put in here, and his capabilities are unlimited if not presently realized. So there's that promise. So we have this kind of this reincarnation, you know, idea put in there from other religions, other false religions, and then we have this promise of power, right, that you can unlock in yourself. His capabilities are unlimited, and many people that have gotten out of Scientology, one of the reasons that they got out of it is because they reached the highest levels, and they were looking for this secret to be unlocked to them, how they can just have this transcendent power where they can, you know, jump out of their body and just have all these powers and jump in and out of things at will. This is what you're promised, all right? So I'm going to try to explain the idea of Scientology to you in the next few minutes, and I'm going to try to explain it in the least confusing way, but it is just very confusing, okay? So it operates, it's very, again, you see it's got some prosperity gospel in there. It's that you can solve your own problems. You're seeing some patterns here, right? You're seeing some satanic patterns here in Scientology. There's this idea that you can unlock this power. They call it the path of Scientology they call crossing the bridge or climbing the bridge, all right? So you start out at the bottom, and then you go through all these different levels to get to this, you know, superpower state or this highest level that you can get at, all right? Now, the lower levels, it's interesting because most people stay at the lower levels simply because they can't afford to get to the top levels, and I'm going to kind of give you an idea of some of the costs that people have said. Again, this is all kind of coming out in the open in the last 10, 15 years, just the cost that this scam has put on people, but you're trying to climb this bridge or cross this bridge. At stage one through stage three, there's this philosophy that people are put through. They're taking classes, and they're doing these audits, which I'll get there in just a minute, but it's basically this philosophy to help you communicate, and it's this philosophy to free yourself from, you know, subconscious memories and past trauma, okay? And look, people that have, you know, this is kind of this, it's an allure to people who have trauma in their life, who have, you know, who are what? What did we talk about this morning? They're stuck in the past. They have regrets or things that have happened to them in the past, and they're stuck there. And this is the process that Scientology calls going clear or getting clear. It's just getting rid of this mind problem that you have, where you are kind of haunted by these past memories, and you're haunted by these past traumatic things that have happened to you. And the way they do this is they give you all these different classes, and of course, L. Ron Hubbard wrote this book in the 50s called Dianetics, and this is his, and it was really what it was, was a psychology book, or a book on philosophies of psychology, except he was not a doctor. He was not qualified to do anything to do with psychology, and look, psychology is witch doctorism anyway, in my opinion, but the point is, he wrote a book on a subject that he had no qualifications to write a book on. He was a science fiction writer. That was it. We move forward in time, where throughout the 1930s and 40s, Hubbard continued to write, but also began to experiment more with the occult, including practicing as a hypnotist and diving into other religious acts that are somewhat unconventional. And in 1950, we have the arrival of his book, Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health. This year is crucial for Scientologists, the beginning of everything. Dianetics is focused on a technique still used today in Scientology called auditing. Either through conversation or through a machine called an E-meter, these professionals would help the patient recall past traumas and get through them or over them, removing the emotional trauma of past memories in a process called clearing. This E-meter picks up on signals from the body, in the same way that a polygraph lie detector might, and it tells the auditor what phrases or memories trigger negative feelings and when they can conclude certain conversations. So if you take a polygraph test, what they do with a polygraph test is they hook up, if you've ever seen anyone take a polygraph test or you've even taken one yourself, what they do is they hook up a bunch of monitors to you, and what they're doing is they're monitoring three things in a polygraph test. They're monitoring your breathing, they're monitoring your heart, and then they're monitoring your perspiration. They're monitoring your skin conductivity, because when somebody asks you something that stresses you out, where you're going to lie about it, you can't control the fact that your heart starts beating faster, that you start taking breaths differently, and that you actually start to sweat, and one of the first places that you sweat is your hands. Your hands get all clammy, so if you're ever talking to somebody and then you shake their hand and they're all clammy, they've probably been lying, no, I'm just kidding you. But the point is, what it does is that they use an E-meter. So the point is this is not new technology. This is not technology that L. Ron Hubbard invented. He's just using one-third of a lie detector test, where basically what they do is they hold these two metal cans, and then they just start asking you all these super personal questions about your life and asking you all these super... And these audit sessions that you go through in these first few stages of Scientology, they're very personal and they're all recorded and documented. So you're basically telling all this information about yourself and you're trying to get clear of all these memories. It's basically a counseling session that's being recorded and documented. And you go through, and look, even people that have gotten out of Scientology have said that, yeah, you know, those first couple sessions, though, those really actually did help me. Because guess what? It helps you to let go of your past. Anything that is useful is already in the Bible, by the way. Is already in the Bible. That's why I preached the sermon that I preached this morning, just to show you that, look, letting go of your past is a good thing. It's just a good thing to not get stuck and hung up in the past and be looking behind you. So, going clear means you get freed from these traumatic experiences and these memories by just going through these hours and hours and hours of holding the cans and being just, like, interrogated by this auditor and everything's recorded and everything's logged. They say that people that have been in Scientology for years have rooms of paperwork, like, of just, like, audit sessions just documented on them. We'll get to that later, all right? But the point is, it goes back into this, what L. Ron Hubbard called it was, when you have something that is haunting you or weighing you down, your mental mass increases and the resistance of your body, your mass doesn't increase in your brain. You sweat and you become more conductive and it's an oh-meter. That's what it is. It's a multimeter, you know, it's basically an oh-meter using your body's resistivity and whether your palms are sweating or not, skin conductivity, all right? That's all it is. So you get to level three, and they say that, you know, most people have testified that to get to level three or OT3, once you've gone clear and you've gotten rid of, you've gone through these audits and these classes, it costs you about $200,000 to get to level number three. All right? $200,000. Once you get to level number three, this is where it gets real. All right? This is where it gets real. And this is some of the things that they've tried to keep secret that have come out in the last 10 to 15 years. Now, keep in mind, keep in mind, I mean, basically, the audit sessions, if you want to think of it this way, the audit sessions are basically like a sci-fi version of the Catholic priest. I mean, if you want to look at it that way. It's like, oh, well, just, I mean, there's nothing, there's a reason that there's nothing new under the sun is the verse of the week. Because there's nothing new with this, it's just adding and just piecing together something in a kind of a sci-fi tone. And the Bible says in 1 Timothy 2, verse 5, it's like there's one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. So look, I mean, I would, it's great if you need to talk to the pastor, I'm here, no problem, but you can pray to Jesus anytime you need to. You can pray to Jesus Christ anytime that you need to. You have direct access to God through Jesus Christ. So we've got this sci-fi Catholic priest thing going on, and then you get to level number three. And once you get to level number three, this is, and it's interesting, because this is where the majority of people either leave Scientology, or almost every single person that has gone to level three in Scientology testifies that it is definitely a what-in-the-world moment. Because you are thinking you've spent $200,000 or more, and you're thinking, I'm going to get the answer to how to become superhuman, I'm going to get the answer to how to become, you know, this powerful person that can leave my body and have these wonderful spiritual powers, because what? That's what you've been promised. And you've been paying all this money to get there. So now enters this story of Xenu, the galactic dictator. This is an outline of the story. 75 million years ago, this planet was called Tigiak. There were 90 planets in this sector called the Galactic Confederation. This is part of the text of a Hubbard lecture. They had elected a fellow by the name of Xenu to the supreme ruler, and they were about to unelect him. And he took the last moments he had in office to really goof the flute. Xenu decided to take radical measures to overcome the population problem. Beings were captured on other planets and flown to locations near 10 volcanoes or more on Earth. H-bombs were dropped on the volcanoes, destroying the bodies of the beings who as thetans attached themselves to one another as clusters. A revolt followed of the loyal officers against Xenu. Xenu was locked up in an electronic mountain fortress and remains there still. Since that time, beings born on this planet have had clusters of thetans attached to their bodies. OT3 can run out these clusters and cause them to leave us and reincarnate as individuals. After hours of expensive auditing, you are rid of the body of thetans attached to you. You may then acquire psychic powers, move objects at a distance, and have out-of-body experiences. If you find you can't, then you must take the course again. And look at us today. But anyway, just all that to say this. Here's the story that you get at level number three, OT3. There's a... Xenu ruled the galaxy 75 million years ago. His galaxy, he was worried about overpopulation in his galaxy. So he tricked... Remember what I told you about Ron Hubbard. He tricked half of the population of his galaxy into going in for a tax audit. And instead of it being a tax audit, he froze them. Like, gotcha. He froze them and put them on... spaceships that looked exactly like the DC-8. The Douglas DC-8. The Douglas DC-8 was designed in 1953. And it was the premier commercial airliner of the day. People looked at a Douglas DC-8 in 1953 and they're like, that is like... It was like the 787 of 1953. And he literally put... In the story, it's that he loaded them up on galactic spaceships that looked just like the DC-8. So people are picturing the DC-8 and they're like, ooh, that's spacey. That's high technology right there. This is the story. And then where did he ship them? Of course, he shipped them to Earth. He shipped them to Earth. What else was happening in the 1950s? He shipped them to Earth and he dropped the bodies in volcanoes on the Earth. You know, in the DC-8 spaceships that can also fly in the Earth's atmosphere. And he dropped them in volcanoes and then he dropped atomic bombs on top of all the volcanoes. What was happening in... What was happening in 1950s? Well, the atomic bomb had just come on the scene. So he had this concern about, can you see the man's mind pouring into this story? So he dropped atomic bombs on the volcanoes that he just put all the... They're called phaetans, by the way. He just put all the phaetans in. And then he didn't realize, but that just blew up all the phaetans and now all the phaetans are just like, they're all over in the atmosphere everywhere, just millions of phaetans everywhere. All right, so you're in level three and you're reading this and you've just gone clear. All right, you've just gone clear, meaning you've just gotten all of your trauma and your psychological problems solved and then you find out that all of these phaetans, what they did is when mankind evolved on the Earth, whenever that did, when did that happen? 25 million years ago or 50 million years ago? Whatever they made up on that one. But the point is all these phaetans attach themselves to humans. So now you find out that you've gone clear and you've gotten rid of your psychological trauma in your mind, but you've got 10,000, you've got thousands of these phaetans attached all over you. And now you need to get rid of these phaetans. And how do you do that? Well, with your E-meter and you go through an audit session. And you try to, now you don't have somebody auditing you, you grab both the cans in one hand and you audit yourself and you try to just sit there and focus and focus and focus in your own mind so much and get yourself in such a worried upstate, look down at Ecclesiastes chapter number one, you get yourself in this worked up state and you're trying to identify these phaetans on your body that are causing you, I mean look, this is literally, it's literally driven people insane that believe this. You're trying to identify these phaetans on yourself and get rid of these phaetans. And then you get rid of the phaetans that are on your body in level number three and then you go on to level number four and you pay a bunch more money to get to level number four and you find out there's more phaetans. Are these multiple beings? Like is there one phaeton inside of me that's trapped in this prison? Well, the thing would be you. The thing would be me. The phaeton is you. But I'm presumably limited in some fundamental way. So this phaeton that is me is limited. So there's like 8 billion phaetans on the planet. There's one primary thing in animating each body. Later in Scientology, you learn there's actually like tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of like sick, unconscious, half-dead phaetans stuck to you that are now an additional cause of problems for you. You go to level number five. There's more. And then you get rid of them. You go to level number six. You miss some. And here's what they do. They say, well, if you didn't get rid of the phaetans or if the E-meter's not working on you and the meter's not pegging, it's like you're not being honest. Are you hiding some things you're doing in your life? Are you doing some things and not telling us everything, this kind of thing? It's like complete mind control. Look down at Ecclesiastes chapter one, but it's just this focus, focus, focus on your own self, on your own mind. Vanity of vanities, verse number two, sayeth the pastor, vanity of vanities, all is vanity. I mean, just it's nothing but focus on yourself. I think of all the religions that I've studied and looked at and all the cults that I've looked at, look, any workspace religion is anti-Christ. It is the opposite of what God wants. But I think this one is the most purely against Jesus Christ. It's completely focusing the individual on themselves to the point where some people have literally gone insane. Just it's driven them to madness. And they finally just, I mean, a lot of people just broke and just like had to leave the church at this point because they just broke. Anyway, you get to level number six, more thetans. Level number seven, more thetans. And then you get to level number eight and you're like, I've gotten rid of all the thetans. There's no more thetans on me. And then you find out that all your memories, all your consciousness, all the thoughts that you've ever had, it's not you. It was a thetan. One of the ways OT8 is described to people is that the end phenomena, what you're supposed to accomplish by the end of it is that after OT8, you have found out who you are not. And now you are ready to find out who you really are. So that's just a euphemism for, hey, all those memories that you had in your auditing sessions and you've sort of adopted those memories as part of your personality, as part of who you think you are as a spiritual being. Yeah, those weren't even you, bro. Those are your body thetans, one of your tens of thousands of body thetans. And it's like, surprise, that's what you got on OT8. Okay, so now I know that those memories weren't mine. Now I'm ready to find out who I really am. I've paid for a lot of auditing now. I've been telepathically communicating with a lot of sick spirits for the last 10 years. And now I know that not only were those spirits responsible for my mental and spiritual, my physical, mental and spiritual problems, but now those spirits were responsible for all my memories. So now I don't even know who I am. Thanks for nothing. I'm ready for OT9 and 10. And then you find out there is no OT9 and 10, except you don't find out there isn't any OT9 and 10, unless you're watching my channel. So this is the cliffhanger that Scientologists have been given. But L. Ron Hubbard made it to level 15. See? So level number 9 and level number 10, they're locked up in a vault somewhere, and we're only going to release them when we can get more people up to level number 8. So we've got to get all these people to pay all this money to get to level number 8, and then we'll release levels number 9 and levels number 10. What does this kind of look like to you? It's a huge religious pyramid scheme, is what it all turns out to be. There's no more levels. That's it. It's a huge scam, is what it is. So people have put, by the time they get to level number 8, people have put millions of dollars into this cult. And there is nothing beyond that. They have a management organization called the Sea Organization that's actually a paramilitary wing of Scientology. They live on ships, and they all wear sailor uniforms and all that kind of stuff. But my overall thoughts on the story is, if you just listen to the story from the DC-8s, from the 1950s and the A-bombs to the overpopulation, you can just see the fakeness of the story from just the time that it was created from. So I look back on it, and I had to dig a little bit to find this one, but I was like, okay, it was created in the 1950s. What do they say about homosexuality? Well, wait until you hear this one. So found it in the 50s, of course, they were against it. They were against it, and they said it's subtle and it's perversion and it's dangerous and it's connected to pedophilia and all these different things, and it's just like, they were like the lowest of the low people. I mean, they're trying to walk this one back, you can about imagine, in the last couple of decades. But another thing it did, another thing it did was it exploited the emerging medical industrial complex. It exploited the emerging industrial complex of treating depression and anxiety and all these different things by just giving people pills. And so there was slight truth in at least the beginning stages of it, where they're like, hey, there's actually problems, probably, that need to be addressed instead of just giving people medicine. So there was some truth that got people sucked into it at the beginning, and that's why you'll actually see people say, it actually helped me at the beginning. At the beginning, I actually faced my pastor into Matthew chapter number 11. I mean, there's a reason for your depression. And most of the time, it's sin, or you're over-focused on yourself. In Matthew chapter 11, verse number 28, the Bible says, in Matthew chapter 11, verse 28, Jesus himself says, come unto me, all ye that are at labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. I mean, look, any truth that actually works is in the Bible. It's just a rip-off of something that's already in the Bible. I mean, depression over current things, depression over being what, stuck in the past, depression over not being able to forgive people, depression over not thinking God can completely judge people that need to be completely judged. All these things can make you anxious and depressed and cause your past to destroy your future. But the point is this. Here's what it really comes down to. When you just look at the whole thing, this idea that you just need to pay to get to all these different levels, if you look down at verse number nine of Ecclesiastes chapter one, where the Bible says, you know, I'll just read the last part of it. It says there's no new thing under the sun. This is actually based, and you see a lot of Hinduism with the reincarnation. You see a lot of prosperity gospel stuff. You can be your best person. You can have all these powers, all these different things. You know, really what it is based, the overarching theme in Scientology is Gnosticism. And Gnosticism came from the first century, folks. Gnosticism was this teaching, I'm not gonna even read it to you. I'm just gonna explain to you what Gnosticism was. Gnosticism was this heresy that came in before the first century was even done. Jesus hadn't even been gone for 50 years, and there was people teaching that there was, that salvation was through knowledge of the Lord, that God had all this secret knowledge, and you get saved by learning the secret knowledge of the Lord. It was called Gnosticism. That's Gnosticism in a nutshell. I mean, it turned salvation into this, God's this hidden divinity that has these hidden secrets, and it's all about knowing these secrets. Sound familiar? There's nothing new under the sun, folks. I mean, Satan, like I said, he's predictable, he's boring, and he just does the same thing over and over again. I mean, this is an interesting twist, but at the end of the day, this is another works-based religion, just like all the others are. That's why I stopped the series after a while. I felt like it was getting boring. You're just like, oh, Satan did that one. Satan did that one. Satan did that one. Satan did that one. I actually believe, because there's actually some videos of L. Ron Hubbard, I actually believe that L. Ron Hubbard and Joseph Smith and Mohammed and people that got these extra revelations, look, I believe that L. Ron Hubbard was possessed. I believe he was possessed because he wrote things. He wrote things down. He was a veteran that made up a bunch of lies about his World War II service, and he never really did anything, and he made up all kinds of lies about his injuries that never existed. L. Ron Hubbard claimed to be a nuclear physicist, but in reality, he actually failed both high school and college. He left George Washington University after his sophomore year, during which time he failed a course on molecular and atomic physics. However, this did not stop Hubbard writing a book titled All About Radiation. Hubbard claims that he was wounded in combat and awarded two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star. This is the lie that he told when he was escaping from Java, he was machine-gunned in the back by the Japanese. This is impossible, as his war records state he was over 2,000 miles away in Australia at the time of this incident. But he actually wrote things to the VA saying, you know, I have psychological problems, I need help, I'm being tormented. He's being tormented. I do believe that, and look, the Thetans, guess what? Guess what there really is on the Earth that are tormenting people? A third of the angels went with Satan. A third of the angels are on the Earth with Satan, as we talked about last week, tormenting people. It's a real thing. But the point is, turn to Romans chapter 1. Does God hide from us? Does God hide from us? Is there some mysterious truth that we need to unlock by, you know, joining some organization and taking a bunch of tests and paying a bunch of money? Is there some, you know, secret that we need to unlock for salvation? Look at Romans chapter 1. Look, God literally made himself known to us in the most profound way. Look at Romans 1, look at verse 16. It says, for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation. Not you. You're not gonna gain some power to save yourself. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. To everyone that believes it. That just, it made me so mad to read all that stuff that people are just focusing on themselves. You can get this power. You can get this power. You know what? Somebody that goes into something like that, that believes that they can become all powerful and all these, they deserve what they get. Because it is the gospel that is the power of God unto your salvation. It is God that saved you. It is God that has the power to save you. You have no power to save yourself. For therein, where? In the gospel is the righteousness of God what? Revealed. Does this say hidden? Does that say hidden in level four? Hidden in level two? No. The gospel is revealed in Jesus Christ. I mean, it was literally revealed. God literally came here as a man and revealed his power to us. Revealed his salvation through his power to us. Like he literally showed it to us in Jesus. It's not hidden. Second Corinthians 11 three says this, but I fear, lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety. So your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. Anybody that is trying to complicate the gospel is of Satan. Because the gospel, the idea that God revealed himself to us through Jesus Christ and all we have to do is trust in Jesus Christ and we are passed from death to life for eternity. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit. That idea is so simple that a six year old can understand it. You don't have to be a 50 year old man who is a multi-millionaire to unlock that secret. As a matter of fact, if you're so self-focused, that secret will be put in front of you and you will have no interest in it. That manifest truth will be put in front of you and you will have no interest in it. When you went out soloing today, did you charge people? I'm sure somebody got saved. Who got a salvation today? Raise your hand if you got somebody saved today. Look at all that. Look at all that. How many dollars did you get for that? It's free. You see, but how, if you want to make money, I'm going to give you a quote from this wicked devil infested man that created this religion. If you want to make money, you can't give simple things away for free. You have to make simple things complicated and you have to charge people to understand the complicated things. And he said this. This is a quote. You're like, how could people possibly find, I mean, how could people possibly get snared in this? This is a quote from L. Ron Hubbard. You don't get rich by writing science fiction. You want to get rich? You start a religion. His words. In the early 90s, the Scientology had an all-out war with the IRS. In this country. They had an all-out war because the IRS was trying to charge them back taxes that they never paid because they weren't an official religion. They owed, they had their assets for 250 million dollars and they owed over a billion. It would have been the end of them. So what they did is they had thousands of their members file lawsuits against the IRS. They had all these publications because they did have money. They had all these publications. They would do all these these spy operations on IRS events and just embarrass the IRS and all these different things. Finally the IRS gave in and said, fine, you're a religion. And they won. And this David Miskrave or whatever his name is got up and he's like, we won the war! And there's all these people cheering and Tom Cruise is, ah! It's just like 2 Peter chapter 2 verse number 3. You don't get rich writing science fiction. He wrote more science fiction than any science fiction writer had ever written, even to this day. I don't think anyone's written more words on paper in science fiction than he has. If you want to get rich, you start a religion. 2 Peter chapter 2 verse number 3. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not. He's burning in hell now. It wasn't a DC-8 that dropped him in hell. It was the Lord Jesus Christ that put him in hell. This is the worst mind control cult that I have ever read about. And that's saying something. We've gone through Mormonism, which is kind of similar to this, actually when you get down to it, but I mean these people, I mean they send you, if you're part of this management organization, the sea organization, they send you to live on ships. I mean they, I mean Hubbard was hiding and wanted for most of the end of his life. And then if you're in this management organization, if you're in this management organization and you start, you express doubt to someone, they put you in a literal prison camp. They put you in this camp called the hole. I mean they call it the rehabilitation project force. And you see people interviewed that were in this project force or this hole that they call it. And it's literally these trailers with bars on the windows. And these people all day long, they're scrubbing toilets, they're mopping, they're forced to mop for sometimes with their tongue. Well, it was pretty bad. You know, I equate it to like the Lord of the Flies. It was an environment where Scientology executives had been locked up in these two double-wide trailers. The windows were screwed, shut so that they only open an inch and nobody could get out of them. All three doors were barred except one front entrance, which had a 24-hour-a-day security guard posted. Nobody was allowed to leave. Nobody was allowed to leave. There were no showers. You ate, slept, worked, fought, beat one another up all in the same place. I slept under a table or a desk, same place, the desk where I ate the slop that they brought up that was left over from the main crew food, the same place that we would sit and try and beat confessions out of other people. And it was a dog-eat-dog world. Like I said, Lord of the Flies, the idea being you, everybody who was in there was some incorrigible criminal in the eyes of David Miscavige and of being confined to this hole that the only way out was to confess your sins. There's bugs crawling all over them, and they're in this place for years, some of these people. But they tell you, you're like, how could this happen in the United States? Because the problem is if the FBI would knock on the door or the police would knock on the door, they wouldn't leave. They would say, no, I want to be here. That's the kind of control that this had over some of these people. They were encouraged to have abortions because children are bad. Children are unpractical burdens. Because if you have children, you can't give as much money. See? If you have children, that's a financial burden on you, and there's heavy, heavy pressure to give money, money, money, money. They investigate people with the Office of Special Affairs. I mean, people have given testimonials that have left the church, that people are followed, they're videotaped for years. And people that want to leave the church, especially higher level people, what do they do? They bring out the audit material. They're like, huh, do you want this stuff to be in the newspapers? It's wild, crazy, crazy stuff. You say, you know, why, why in the world, why in the world would people join something like this? You know, and I've asked myself that for a long time, but really, I mean, this is a crazy story. It's nuts, and people have left it, and thank God they've left it. I mean, they're probably ruined for any kind of truth in their life, I would think, at that point. Maybe somebody could get saved. Hopefully somebody would get saved after coming out of that. But you say, why would people join cults like this? Well, first of all, I mean, at our base, at our core, we're all given a conscience, and in our conscience, we are seeking truth, right? We're seeking truth. And unfortunately, like I said, you know, why is the majority always wrong? The majority is always wrong because Satan and his minions are on this earth. There's a lot of Thetans running around grabbing these people that are seeking. And unfortunately, you know, I see people that, I was watching some interviews of these people that came out of this, and the thing that made me really sad, is that we should really remember, and if there's a takeaway for us, I mean, you're not going to think that this alien story is real, obviously, but if there's a takeaway for us, Bible-believing Christians, it's this. There's a lot of vulnerable people out there. There's a lot of vulnerable people out there. You think about, well, you know what it reminded me of? It reminded me of stories that you hear about, like, a prostitute and a pimp, where this woman is just totally taken, and she's abused by this man, and she's put into prostitution by this man, but she wouldn't leave. She wouldn't leave if somebody said, hey, I'll take you, and I'll get you a home, and get you help. She wouldn't leave. He has that kind of control over her. That's what this is. It's a mind control cult, and it's just, it's exploiting people. I mean, they're physically abusing people. You know, there's testimonials of all kinds. You can about imagine if you have that kind of control over people, and you're that kind of a wicked person to have that kind of control over somebody, like, the kind of stuff that goes on, you can about imagine. It's terrible, terrible stuff, but the point is, it just points out that there's a lot of vulnerable people out there. There's a lot of people that it would be nice to just get them to the truth before somebody like this could get them to it. I mean, people will look at us, and they'll call, they'll call, they'll call, they're like, oh, you know, the IFB, the Fundamental Baptist, is a cult. I'm like, well, you know, here's the difference, folks. I didn't write this. That's the difference. I didn't write the Bible. You know, these real actual cults are people that just made stuff up. You wonder why God was so serious at the end of the Bible, where the last few verses of the Bible, he's like, oh yeah, don't add to this word, and don't take away from it. Or you're cursed. You're gonna be damned if you take away or you add to my word. This is why in Deuteronomy chapter 18, verse number 20, the Bible says if somebody presumptively speaks my word, if somebody stands up and says, God said this, and that's not what I said, it's like, that person should be put to death. That's how God feels about that. Why? Because look at these vulnerable people and what's happened to them. Look at the damage that, I mean, lives have been ruined here. And look, more importantly than that, eternities have been ruined by this man, by this cult. But look, I didn't write this book, and guess what? You're all encouraged to read and know this book. You're all encouraged and you're saved. You have the same Holy Spirit that I do. It's not like the Holy Spirit that's in me is different than the one in you. You can sit down and you can read the Bible and you can understand the Bible. It's not a mystery. It's not a secret. It's right in front of you and we're telling you, I'm sitting here telling you to read it and to understand it. That's why I get so irritated when you hear people say, well, that's your interpretation. When you preach somebody the simple gospel and they're like, that's your interpretation. No, there's a clear wrong way and a clear right way to interpret the Bible. And again, it is so simple that a six-year-old can understand it. What gets complicated is when you start saying it takes works to be saved, then things get really confusing. You start saying it takes knowledge of some secret thing to be saved, to reach salvation, to reach some powerful point where you can be saved, whatever you even define that as. Because Scientology, there's not even this heaven or hell. It's just you're just floating spirit that just reattaches itself as you go through eternity. Boy, people are gonna be in for a big surprise. Think about this. Save people, understand the Bible and what's in it. Think about this. I'll prove it to you. All the guys that preach on men's preaching night, like there's a whole bunch of them here tonight. How many of you guys have I sat down with you and told you exactly what to preach? I have you turn in your topics. You know why I do that? I have you turn in your topics so I can get you to make a decision whether you're gonna preach or not. Sorry, that's a little secret. I just gave that one out to you. But I want you to make a decision like I'm gonna preach and I want you to be thinking about something while you're reading the Bible. I want you to be reading Ecclesiastes chapter one or Matthew chapter five or John chapter nine or whatever you're reading that week and I want you to think of a Bible topic and think of something to preach on and I want you to write it down. So then I can get you to make a decision that you're gonna preach for men's preaching night but I have never sat down with any of you and told you what to preach or how to preach it. How much heresy have you seen preached up here? Isn't that a miracle? Wouldn't you think that if it's just so easy to just misinterpret the Bible that we would just get, like we would have to have a hook up here and just be dragging every third person off the pulpit? If the Bible can just be interpreted willy-nilly? No, because you all have the same Holy Spirit that I do. You're all reading the same Bible that I am and you have the same Holy Spirit and it's the same doctrine. Pastor Jimenez, when I would preach at Verity or wherever he asked me to preach, not one time did he ask me what I was preaching or tell me what to preach. Sometimes I would ask him a question and be like, hey, what do you think about this or I don't really understand this and then he would help me but not one time did he ever tell anyone or me, anyway, what to preach. The same thing with me. It's because you have the Holy Spirit and the Bible's not super complicated. Yeah, we get into end time stuff. That's pretty complicated but the doctrines of the Bible are not complicated. So this, oh, that's your interpretation. No, the Gospel is the simplest thing, by the way, in the Bible. I mean, that was one of the, I mean, how many times, here's another good one, here's another proof of the Holy Spirit and of our truth of the Bible. How many times do we go out soul winning? I mean, I hate when this happens but how many times we send, look, we send out people soul winning three times a week here. We send out just, I mean, I don't know how many times we, you can't even count how many people we send out that door soul winning. We send in and week out. How many people come back Mormons? How many people come back Catholics even? How many people come back Lutherans or Protestants or how many people come back, you know, talking about it's really Zenu. Nobody. It's never happened. You've never even heard of it happening because the truth is the truth and once you know it, it's sealed within you and God keeps it there for you. So look at these cults. They created their own rules. This is, you know, there's going to be people, there's going to be people that say we're nuts but it's because they think the Bible is nuts. There's going to be people and look, as this country keeps sliding down this slope that it's sliding down, more and more people are going to get further and further away from the Bible. They're going to be like, hey, that's crazy. That sounds like a Zenu alien story to me. The Bible, I mean, the Bible might as well be Zenu the alien story to a lot of people but the point is, this is our truth. We didn't create this truth. We're just following this truth. I remember when I first found, you know, Pastor Anderson and Pastor Jimenez online, I was still in North Dakota and, you know, I was saved and I was listening to this preaching. I remember when I first heard those guys preach though, even before I was saved. One thing that was clear to me is like, hey, these guys, I've never heard people that know the Bible better than them. That was one of the first thoughts that I had and it's funny because a couple of the testimonials that I read to, they were like, in 30 years, some of these people were in Scientology for 30 years. They were like, in 30 years, I never looked at the other side of it. I never questioned it or was critical of it or looked at what L. Ron Hubbard had said like a quote I just gave you and the funny thing is one of the first things I did was go to Anderson and I actually didn't even find his preaching. I found his border patrol stuff on the internet and I found out he was a pastor through that. I did a little research on who he was and I went and I looked at contrary videos and it took me like three seconds to figure out like these people don't know the Bible but this man does and I didn't care. Look, I wasn't being like which one makes me feel better. I was looking at it from the context of which one of these views matches this book better and one matched perfectly because every single thing that Pastor Jimenez and Pastor Anderson and every single thing that I say, what are you doing? You're turned into this book and this is our guide. This is our guide with everything. These guys, these cults, they created their own rules. Dianetics is the Bible of Scientology. It's just like Joseph Smith. It's just like Muhammad and look, I believe that a demon gave them these stories. I believe that there was an angel in that cave that gave those golden plates and it was a demon. I believe that these men were taken over, possessed by, you know, minions of Satan. Satan definitely had a hand in this L. Ron Hubbard story. I mean, Satan's floating around. Are you kidding me? Demons are real. The good news. Let me just leave you with some good news. The good news and then I'll wrap it up here. The good news of Scientology is that it's shrinking. You probably never even met a Scientologist. They will claim that there's millions of Scientologists worldwide but most people estimate that it's 25 to 40,000 people and that's why, as a soul winner, you've probably never knocked on the door of somebody that's a Scientologist because they're very rare. They're very heavy in Hollywood and entertainment and, you know, powerful circles. People that have what? People that have a lot of money. That's what they're after. They're after a lot of money. And I mean, hopefully, I mean, the unique thing about it, though, is it really, especially Stages 1 through 3, you know, it might help people a little bit just because they're helping people let go of their past but when it gets into those upper levels, it literally turns into self-focused to the point of insanity for some people. And it's, the reason I said that it's kind of the opposite of true Christianity is because true Christianity is, it's completely Christ focused. And that is the definition of salvation is that you have to be completely Christ focused. I'll say that out so many. It can't be 90% Jesus and 10% you. Salvation is only, believe on is only 100% trust in Jesus. It's the most opposite of that. It's 100% focused on yourself. And you can see why people go insane. Because if you're just completely focused on yourself, I mean, it would. It would drive you crazy. And that's exactly what happens. But look, it's a total scam and hopefully, in 15 years, it's gone. But they have like three billion dollars in assets. They're incredibly wealthy even though many people are fleeing the religion. So let's just pray that more people see the truth and more people flee from this. I mean, it's satanic. You know, I will be like, why have people self-focused? Because I will be like, if I self-focus enough, if I self-focus enough, I can get these superpowers. And who is that like? I will be like the most of them. Satan himself. Let's bow our heads and have a look. you