(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. So keep your place there in Daniel. We're going to be in the book of Daniel pretty much exclusively throughout the sermon this morning. So Daniel is my favorite Bible character, not just because it's my middle name, but because I just, for many different reasons, I just really like Daniel. He's a great character in the Bible. He's a great example for us. In the Bible, we're going to talk about a little bit about one of those types of examples of Daniel this morning and how he shows us, you know, how we should be prosecuting our Christian lives. But we're going to look at Daniel 5 in detail, the story of this handwriting on the wall to Belshazzar, the son of Nebuchadnezzar, the emperor or the king of Babylon. The title of the sermon this morning is Daniel and the New World Order. Daniel and the New World Order. So the New World Order or the World Order, you know, I mean, we're all, you know, to one degree or another conspiracy theorists in this church, but the New World Order, that term is a common term that is used today, talking about the World Order. So what does it mean? What does a New World Order or what is the World Order? What does the definition mean? What are people talking about when they say, oh, the New World Order's coming or he's pushing for a New World Order? What does that mean? So I'm going to show you, first of all, let's look at Wikipedia, which we know is not a great source of information, but Wikipedia, what does it say that the New World Order is? Let me just read you the definition of the New World Order from Wikipedia, then I'll tell you what the New World Order or World Order actually is, and then we'll look at Daniel and the New World Order, all right? Look at, in Wikipedia, not look at Wikipedia, hopefully you don't have Wikipedia on your phone right now. Wikipedia terms or defines the New World Order as this. It says the term New World Order refers to a new period of history evidencing dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power in international relations. So first of all, I agree with half of that definition, but this idea that it's a dramatic change in world political thought, that's actually a New World Order teaching right there. So the Wikipedia definition of the New World Order, it kind of has some globalist language in there, you know, showing you that, oh, there's going to be a, there needs to be a dramatic change in political thought in the world. That's what the globalists are teaching today, is that everybody kind of needs to rethink how they look at things. They need to rethink how they look at philosophies, how they look at politics, all these different things. So the Bible says, you know, the Bible's nothing new, we know this, right? The Bible says, this is why we're a fundamentalist Baptist church. Why? Because we stick to the, I'm not up here preaching new stuff to you every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday evening. I'm not preaching anything new. We're teaching what? We're teaching the fundamentals, meaning what the Bible already says. You know, in Ecclesiastes, it says that there is no new thing under the sun. So that's what people are trying to teach today, though. They're trying to teach that there is some new thing. That's what people are trying to teach, you know, all these different weird philosophies that you see today, and I don't care, it's just going to keep getting weirder and weirder, but they're saying, oh, no, no, no, no, we're more progressive now. We're more enlightened now than we ever have been in the past. So they're teaching all these new things because, well, why weren't these new things taught before? The reality is these new things, they're not new things. They've always been taught before. But, you know, we need to get back to the fundamentals of the truth, the fundamentals of the Bible. So this is a false definition right here, talking about, it's just trying to get you to, you know, getting people to try to accept, getting people to accept this idea that there needs to be a new idea, a new political thought process so people can come together in this globalist, you know, cabal, right? So half of the definition is literally a globalist definition. Half the definition of Wikipedia, I mean, irony, right, that Wikipedia would define the term new world order to try to get you to accept a new world order. But a world order or the new world order, the actual definition is simple, right? The Bible, the Bible documents many new world orders. And that's what we're going to look at this morning. But the new world order is simply a change in the balance of power in the world. That's it. That's all it is. It's not a complicated thing. It's simply a change in who is in charge, a change in power structure. Well, you know, in the balance of power in international relations, Wikipedia got it half right, but then half the definition, they're trying to actually get you to accept new thought, new political ideas, right, when there is no new thing. All the wicked things that are being taught today, taught before, and it's nothing new at all. So we're going to look at Daniel and the new world order, all right? So a new world order, if I say to you that there's a new world order coming, what that means is that the balance of power in the world is changing or is about to change or is shifting. And we're going to talk about that, you know, this morning at the later, latter half of the sermon on how that will affect us if the balance of power does shift in the world, just like it is shifting in Daniel's world here. So we're going to look at Daniel, how he handles it, and then we'll look at how we should handle it. Very simple. Look at Daniel chapter five and verse number one. We're looking at Daniel and the new world order. Looking at Daniel, this great example of a Christian in the Old Testament. Let's look at how he handles, you know, change, how he handles, you know, global change in power structure. Look at verse number one. So we see this famous story that I don't even know if I've really preached this story before, but it's a great story, great example in the Bible of a shift in world order. Belshazzar, the king, made a feast to a thousand of his lords. This is the son of Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian Empire that has taken the nation of Judah, the lower kingdom of Judah into captivity. Belshazzar, while he tastes the wine, commanded to bring the golden and silver vessels, which his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple, which was in Jerusalem, that the king and his princes, his wives, and his concubines might drink therein. So here they're, I mean, right there, that kind of just makes me nervous just reading that, that statement right there. So he takes, of course, the Babylonian Empire destroyed the temple in Jerusalem. We're talking about Solomon's temple, the first temple, he took the vessels out of the temple, destroyed the temple, and now Belshazzar, you know, Nebuchadnezzar's son is having a party with all his buddies and all his princes, and he's like, hey, let's get the vessels from that temple that we destroyed, and let's use them for our party. Right? Look at verse number three. Then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the house of God, which was at Jerusalem, and the king and his princes, his wives, his concubines drank in them. Now it gets even worse. So they drank wine and praised the gods of gold and of silver, excuse me, and of brass, of iron, of wood, and stone. So I mean, right away, you can tell like, hey, this isn't going to go well. You know, this party is not going to end well, right? This king is going and he's just blaspheming God. He's taking the things of God and just, you know, I mean, go out and look at somebody that touched something that was, I mean, look at the guy that his name, I'm not good at bringing up names, I forgot one of my friends' names today in the announcements, but look at the guy that touched the ark and who was just killed, you know, Uzzah, thank you, and he was just killed. Why? Because he touched a holy thing and it wasn't for him to touch the holy thing, and they weren't doing things the right way, and he wasn't supposed to put his hands on the holy things, and this guy has literally taken the vessels out of the temple of God and is using them for a party with all his friends and all his princes. Look at verse number five. In the same hour came forth fingers of a hands man, so God responds to this immediately and rode over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the king's palace and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote. Then the king's countenance was changed and his thoughts troubled him so the joints of his loins were loose and his knees smote against one another. So right away he sees this writing on this wall after he's having this, during this party where he's, you know, blaspheming God basically, and he becomes very afraid. He becomes, his countenance changed, he's not having fun anymore, his knees are shaking, he's afraid for himself. Look at verse number eight. Then came all the king's wise men but they could not read the writing. So he goes and he gets, you know, very similar to his father. He goes and he gets all the wise men and the magicians and they try to figure this out and of course they can't because they're a bunch of charlatans and tricksters. Then was King Belshazzar greatly troubled and his countenance was changed in him and his lords were astonished. Now the queen by reason of the words of the king and his lords came into the banquet house and the queen spake and said, oh king live forever. Let not thy thoughts trouble thee nor let thy countenance be changed. So that the queen's about to give him some pretty wise advice here and she says, there's a man in thy kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy gods and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom like the wisdom of the gods was found in him whom King Nebuchadnezzar thy father like thy kings I say thy father made master of the magicians astrologers Chaldeans and soothsayers. So it's interesting in verse number 11 here the wife comes in and kind of gives this advice to him but she's clearly not saved. She's clearly not somebody that believes in the one true God. All she knows and all Belshazzar knows is that all she knows is that there was this he was the one that was able to figure out the truth for your dad. He's like you know he must have had the power of the gods in him when she you know she doesn't realize that it was the one true God and he was the one that only he was the only one that had a god because all these gods of wood and idol or wood and stone you know they're not gods the Bible teaches. So Daniel was the only one that was believing on the one true God you know she just all she knows is that he was able to give the right answers. Look at verse 12. For as much as an excellent spirit and knowledge and understanding interpretation of dreams and showing of hard sentences and dissolving of doubts were found in the same Daniel whom the king named Belteshazzar. Now let Daniel be called and let him show the interpretation. Then was Daniel brought in before the king and the king spake and said unto Daniel art thou that Daniel which art the children of the art of the children of the captivity of Judah whom the king thy father brought out of Jewry. I have even heard of thee that the spirit of the gods is in thee see they don't understand and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in thee and now the wise men the astrologers have been brought in before me that they should read this writing make known unto me the interpretation thereof it cannot show the interpretation of the thing. And then he says to him he says I've heard of thee that thou can't make interpretations and dissolve doubts now if thou can't read the writing and make known to me the interpretation thereof thou shall be clothed in scarlet and have a chain of gold about thy neck and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom. So he tells him the same thing that he told all the magicians he's like I'll make you rich I'll make you this powerful ruler in the kingdom and you know what does Daniel think about that then Danny answered and said let thy gifts be to thyself he's like keep your gold and give thy rewards to another he's like give all the stuff he's like I don't care about the stuff he's like give all the gold to somebody else he's like but I'll interpret it for you yet I will read the writing unto the king and make known to him the interpretation. O thou king the Most High God gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdom and the majesty and glory and honor and now Daniel's kind of starting to tell him the answer here he's starting to tell him what the problem is and why the writing came in the first place in verse 18 and verse 19 and look at verse 19 it says and for the majesty that he gave him talking about Nebuchadnezzar he's literally talking about this kid's dad here and this kid it's interesting because Belshazzar this new king he knows the story of what happened to his father you know he says it here I mean he says that he knew what you know God or who he thinks is the gods did to his dad and for the majesty that he gave him all people nations and languages trembled and feared before him whom he would and whom he would slew and whom he would keep alive and whom he would set up and whom he would put down so the Bible here is saying it's interesting verse number 19 and this is really a context that you need to get about this chapter in Daniel chapter 5 and how that differs from what we're seeing today and how that differs from what we're gonna see and just like what it what we're gonna see in the end times okay so look at verse 19 where he's talking about Nebuchadnezzar and he's talking about the powers that he had it's talking about who gave him the powers but it says here it says for the majesty that he gave him so God gave Nebuchadnezzar this what he gave him all people nations and languages and they trembled and feared before him so what you need to understand about this Babylonian Empire and about some empires that we're going to talk about later in the sermon is that this was a world Empire this was the power in the world here they ruled I mean but the Bible is literally saying that Nebuchadnezzar had rule over all people nations and languages and they all trembled and feared before him so Daniel is just saying stating the fact of what Nebuchadnezzar had and who gave it to him so who gave it to him God gave it to him he was the one power in the world we don't have this today there is no nation that has the there's the complete control over the entire world this does not exist today keep that in mind that'll be important as we look at the later part of the sermon more on that verse 20 but when his heart was lifted up and his mind hardened in pride he was deposed from his king we throne and they took his glory from him and he was driven from the sons of men and his heart was made like the beast and his dwelling was with the wild asses they fed him with grass like the oxen and his body was wet with the dew of heaven till he knew that the Most High God ruled in the kingdom of men and that he meaning the whole the the Most High God appointed over it whomsoever he will so God humbled Nebuchadnezzar got prideful God caused him to lose his mind caused him to you know turn into have the mind of a beast he's walking around with the animals eating grass like I mean he was sent into madness by God why so God could humble him Daniel is telling Belshazzar this Daniel is telling Belshazzar that the reason God did this to your father is because he got prideful and he forgot that God God appointed over it whomsoever he will God rises up kings and God brings down kings you are only ruling because God is allowing it buddy that's what Daniel is telling Belshazzar look at verse 22 and thou his son O Belshazzar has not humbled thine heart though now thou newest all this he says to him now you're prideful even know even though you know what happened to your dad he hasn't even interpreted any writing on the wall yet he's just saying this is why this hand appeared and wrote this down now I mean if you're Belshazzar and you're listening to this do you really even want to hear the interpretation at this point I mean you're kind of like Daniel's kind of sitting him down in his chair saying you're doing worse than your dad did and this is what happened to your dad because you knew you knew why what happened to your dad and why it happened he says you knew thou knewest all this and then you're doing the same thing look at verse 22 or verse 23 but has lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven he didn't say the God of gold and they have brought the vessels of his house and have brought they have brought the vessels of the house before thee and thou and thy lords thy wives thy concubines have drunk wine in them and now has praised the gods of silver and gold of brass iron wood and stone and then look what he says which seeth not nor here nor no this is the same thing that Habakkuk talks about 1st Corinthians talks about that they were carried away unto dumb idols what he's saying is you have taken the the Lord of Heaven's holy thing and then you have brought them and you have you are blaspheming the Lord of Heaven by you know defiling the holy things and then you're praising these gods that know nothing that they're dumb I Daniel saying is there's no gods there wood there's stone there gold there silver that's all there that's why the Bible says dumb idols why because dumb idols dumb idols are what is it doesn't mean dumb like stupid idiot it means dumb like they say nothing they have no mind they're not real a rock is dumb in the sense that it can't reveal anything to me it's silent this is like you know deism from last week it turns God into in it makes God dumb it makes God to where he can't reveal anything to us where there is no Word of God there is no revelation there is no prayer there is no intervention it makes God a dumb God that's what deism does by just equating God with the creation it makes God a dumb God we don't have a dumb God we have the Lord of Heaven is what Daniel is saying again does he want to hear the writing what the writing on the wall says at this point what a great rebuke this is and the God in whose hand thy breath is he's saying again right it's again you've done all these things to the God that gives you your next breath and whose are all thy ways thou has not glorified then was part of the hand sent from him in this writing was written and this thing that was written mine mine Tico apportion this is the interpretation of the thing mine God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it he says you're done being King when now 27 Tico thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting Paris thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians then commanded Belshazzar and they clothed Daniel we said I mean at least he made good on his his his promise here they clothed Daniel with scarlet and put a chain of gold about his neck and made a proclamation concerning him that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom just what he promised in that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain and Darius the median took the kingdom about threescore and two years old so what do we see we see that the world order changed here this is what Daniel is declaring to Belshazzar he's like the world order is about to change now you are about to be overthrown and not not by some Babylonian King not by your brother like a literal new Empire is coming in to overthrow the Babylonians and this case you know it was one kingdom like going to war and just overtaking another Kingdom this is the the change even secular history documents this the change of the Babylonian Empire being overtaken by the Persian Empire now turn to Daniel chapter 2 so in this case in this case the New World Order was ushered in you know very quickly you know in one day the Bible says here it was ushered in it was ushered in through war through violence in this case literally the king was killed here in Daniel chapter 5 okay and that's what Daniel literally was telling Belshazzar because God raises up and God takes down look at Daniel chapter 2 Daniel chapter 2 we're going back now we're going back to Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel chapter 2 you know it is this story of Daniel interpreting this dream that Nebuchadnezzar has and this dream that Nebuchadnezzar has is I'm not gonna get into every detail about this story but this dream that Nebuchadnezzar has about this statue is literally a dream talking about New World Orders it's talking about just the the shift of world power global power global kingdoms again something we do not have today all right look at Daniel chapter 2 look at verse 31 so the king he he he sees this this he has this dream of this image what we mean by an image is a statue so when the Antichrist is going to set up an image in the temple the abomination of desolation you know we assume that it's going to be some sort of statue of himself or something similar okay look at verse 31 says thou king sauced and behold a great image this great image whose brightness this is Daniel telling Nebuchadnezzar what this means okay this great image whose brightness was excellent stood before thee and the form thereof was terrible and the image his head was of fine gold and his breasts his arms of silver his belly and his thighs of brass his legs of iron his feet part iron and part clay thou saw us till a stone was cut without hands which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay and break them to pieces then was the iron the clay the brass the silver the gold broken to pieces together and came like the chaff of the summer threshing floors and the wind carried them away that no place was found for them and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth I mean if you were if last Sunday morning sermon was a prerequisite to this by the way all right you're already hopefully seeing it this is the dream and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king so remember you know Nebuchadnezzar said to his magicians you have to tell the dream and then you know what it means right thou o king art king of kings for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom power strength and glory and whosoever the children of men dwell the beasts of the field and the fowls of heaven that he had given into thine hand and hath made thee ruler over them all this thou art this head of gold so we got this image we got this image and it's got all these different parts made of different things now Daniel is going through and he's telling you know Nebuchadnezzar what each part of you know different materials that this image is made of the statue means and so he starts with the head of gold and he says you your kingdom is the head of gold so it's not hard for us to understand you know really what this means especially as we can look back look if we were in Daniel's time we would not know you know other than the head of gold we would not really see forward you know what these other kingdoms these global empires were but now we can easily look back and see what these global empires are on this statue look at this it says after thee shall rise another kingdom inferior to thee and another third kingdom of brass which shall bear rule over all the earth so in verse 39 he talks about the next two empires okay so he says you know we know so even Daniel would know that you know the next kingdom after would be this Medo-Persian Empire and he says it's not as great it's not as great as your empire and it makes sense because the Medo-Persian Empire only lasted about 200 years it was not a very long you know Empire but it was a global Empire lasted about 200 years so you got the Babylonian Empire is the head of gold the next Empire is that Medo-Persian Empire and then this third kingdom of brass is now we can see this by looking back through history is the Greek Empire that took over the Medo-Persian Empire and this is about you know if you want to look at timelines here you look at the Babylonian Empire starting out with the captivity of I mean obviously the Babylonian Empire went back several hundred years before that but the Babylonian Empire ends right around that 550 BC point and then the Greek Empire starts right after the Medo-Persian Empire right at that 330 BC and basically this is Alexander the Great and if you ever read about Alexander the Great he conquered he conquered the known world you know and then he was pretty much killed right after but he went all the way up to about 80 BC you know somewhere around there I mean and it varies depending on who you read what historians you look at but basically from 330 BC almost to the birth of Christ you have this Grecian this Hellenistic they call it the Hellenistic Empire of Alexander the Great ruling in Greece and you know then there's all the treachery and that's usually how it you know the the great leader dies and then the treachery begins and and the thing falls apart right well right after the go to verse 40 the fourth Kingdom shall be strong as iron for as much as iron breaketh in pieces and subdue with all things and as iron that breaketh all these shall it break in pieces as bruised so now we have this strong of iron Empire well what's the next global Empire that came up right after the Grecian Empire during the time of Christ and that was of course the Roman Empire so the Roman Empire then ruled the known world at that point so the Roman Empire is this fourth Empire of iron like I said we know this looking back throughout history of these global empires this statue is representing so the Roman Empire lasted a long time I mean the Roman Empire lasted you know up to I mean if you measure just the entire Roman Empire not just the Roman Republic it went all the way up to like 600 600 some AD I guess so it lasted you know several hundred years so it wasn't a short Empire like the Persian Empire and it lasted much longer than even Alexander the Great's Empire so the Roman Empire was a very long-lasting very powerful Empire now we see this future Empire though we see this future Empire so what are we talking about here we're talking about just New World Order New World Order New World Order we're talking about like when I say world order I mean world dominating empires and that's what this statue represents okay so world dominating empires look at verse 41 and where I whereas thou saws the feet and toes part of potters clay and part of iron the kingdom shall be divided and there shall be in it of the strength of clay of iron for as much as thou saws the iron mixed with miry clay so now we have this this mixed Empire you know it's got you know it's got it's the feet it's the ten toes right of this statue and as the toes of the feet were part iron part clay so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken so so much for you know diversity being strength right there I mean the Bible is like literally proving against you know diversity being strength it's it's much I mean a kingdom is stronger if it is unified same as a church by the way I mean if we're like this and this we're not talking about race race is fake it's made up okay we're talking about you know a church I mean the Bible in the New Testament is talking about you know a church should not be divided we should not have you know we should not we are here's what we're not looking for here we're not looking for diverse cultures here what does that mean does that mean all I can't be from India and come to church here I can't be from you know North Dakota and come to church here I can't be from you know Midtown LA or whatever and come to church here that's not what this means what this means is it doesn't matter where you from our culture is here our culture is the Bible I have friends that grew up in LA and I grew up in the middle of nowhere in the Midwest and we are we have more common more in common than any friends I've ever had we are we are more in line with everything in our lives because our culture is the Bible our culture is the same diversity is not strength it's a lie it's a globalist why and you can see that that is what this last empire is going to be it's going to be this mixed up empire it's going to be diverse it's going to be have all these different things but that means what it's not going to be strong it's going to be partly broken partly strong you know it'll be a little strong over here partly broken because it's talking about clay mixed with iron I mean hello you mix iron with what is it zinc and you get steel but you mix I mean go ahead and start a factory start a building materials factory and you're gonna say we're gonna make this new material it's clay and iron put together and we're gonna build buildings out of it and you're gonna go broke and all the buildings are gonna fall down it's not gonna be strong it's like talking about mixing metal with dirt this is I mean comparing the Roman Empire which was an empire of iron it's it's talking about the strength that they had to this yeah there's some strength there but it's mixed with dirt and weakness it's like putting straw and concrete right I mean it doesn't it's cheaper because you have to use less concrete but it doesn't increase the strength all right got to use steel you got to use rebar good verse 43 and whereas thou saws iron mixed with miry clay they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men they shall not cleave to one another even as iron is not mixed with clay I mean they've been they've even done studies like this I mean that people will not mingle together people that are diverse it it's it's you know neighborhoods used to know each other and everybody would know each other and everybody would be friendly in neighborhoods but the more diverse neighborhoods got the less people trust each other it's just that I mean that's just psychology that's just a study that anybody will tell you but you know that's not supposed to be the case here it doesn't matter where you came from it doesn't matter what color you are our culture is the Bible and that you know what that does that makes us unified and that makes us strong the opposite of what's happening here look at verse 44 in the days of these case now these are that I'm not going to get into this I don't really have time to preach on this this isn't really a clues and milestones series but these are the ten kings in Revelation chapter 17 these are the ten kings that make up this this world government that the Antichrist is going to lead it says in the days of these kings now we see something different here so we got this last Empire this can be these ten toes you know partly strong partly not it's diverse mixed with clay and the days of these kings meaning the kings of these toes shall the God of Heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed what happens right after that but the Antichrist Kingdom we have the wrath of God and then what happens right after the wrath of God the wrath of God Jesus comes back and sets up his kingdom that's what we're talking about here and the kingdom shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdom what was Jesus doing with the rod of iron he's breaking in pieces he's breaking I mean how many times did you see that in the sermon last Sunday morning where Jesus is he's using the rod of iron to break in pieces people that are against him to make sure that Jesus's kingdom is truly free and does have that true biblical freedom that you know God wants us to have it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and shall stand I mean when will Jesus's you know Kingdom end it's gonna go beyond the millennial reign Jesus will always rule for as much as thou saw us that that stone was caught out of the mountain who's the stone Jesus Christ is this stone that was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it break in pieces the iron the brass the clay the silver and the gold the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter and the dream is certain and the interpretation thereof sure so basically what this is proving is that when Jesus comes back to rule and reign it's just gonna basically this statue the image is this this statue at the end not only does he break in pieces the toes it just it just shreds the whole statue Jesus is coming back to rule and reign he's gonna show how to do it he's gonna shred all these other men men's philosophies and all these other ways that these global empires came to power and fell from power and he's gonna show us how to do it correctly he's gonna show us how to rule and reign in a just way in a perfect way which he's been trying to tell us from the Bible but no one listened all right all that to say this though all that to say this these are major world order changes in this statue in this statue from the head of gold down to the toes with all these different empires these are new world orders you say what's a new world or this statue is just new world order after new world order after new world order after new world order what's the point of all this why bring this up this morning I got three points to apply this to us this morning to apply Daniel's life Daniel's interpretation of this statue the things that Daniel has seen to our lives the first point is this world orders change they change I mean how many we what do we see four or five world orders change here Daniel and his life saw three or lived under three different world orders there's a very famous speech by George HW Bush you know the the the older Bush from September 11th I'm sure if you you've ever you know seen any document documentaries on 9-eleven or anything like that I'm sure that this clip was used but you know and I think it was using after the tribulation actually but there was a September 11th speech in 1990 where the George Bush senior who was the president at the time says that a new world order he uses this word he's like we're gonna have a new world order he says quote where diverse nations are drawn together in a common cause that's a quote right from George HW Bush and right away I mean you think about 1990 what happened in 1990 well it was September 11th 1990 which is interesting but he says that there's there's coming a new world order and what he was talking about was you know he was gonna you know he quotes again in the speech he says to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind peace security freedom and the rule of law so he's basically saying they're seeing the fall of the Soviet Union there was this unique thing that happened in 1990 of course the Soviet Union officially fell in 1991 but in 1990 the United States was getting ready to go to war in Iraq in the Middle East for the first time this was Desert Storm most of you maybe aren't old enough to remember this but in Desert Storm we went to you know save the Kuwaitis from you know Saddam Hussein and there is this this narrative put out that Saddam Hussein was was creating these weapons of mass destruction this is what it all started in 1990 the Soviet Union actually got on board with us to do that intervention this is why George HW Bush stood up and said there's a new world order coming meaning we are going to lead this coalition into the Middle East we're gonna lead this he's saying like the Soviet Union is no longer against us they are with us we now have this carte blanche ability to do whatever we want in this part of the world okay and then he says later in the speech of course he says we're gonna achieve peace security freedom that's what we're gonna achieve all right of course then the Soviet Union fell a year later so that just made it even it just gave the United States more operating freedom so to speak to do whatever we want now this the other competing world power you know kind of fell off the map and it became the Russian Federation at that point but the new world order that George HW Bush was talking about is now we he wasn't talking about now we're a global government he was saying we have more power as the United States to achieve our goals basically unilaterally there's people there's not people that are opposing us that's what he meant so that's what he meant by a new world order he's talking about a shift in power not we're suddenly a global Empire and we are to a degree a global Empire right I agree that with that but not one that rules all mankind at this point of course 1991 the USSR falls and then the US the United States had this power we had this power to bring this promise that George HW Bush told the American people that we were going to bring what peace security and freedom what did we do though what did we achieve you know there's some there's some memes out there on that on the internet and some of that there's some there's some memes out there you know addressing this issue here there's like I'm going to read you a couple of them and I have to kind of censor one of them but there's one it shows a bunch of Marines kicking indoors and it says you know the meme that quote and the meme says you know they're kicking indoors in Iraq or some some Middle Eastern city some like mud hut somewhere and there the quote says excuse me sir do you have a moment to talk about freedom one of my favorite ones and I can't say the whole thing but one of my favorite ones is like it's like a b2 bomber just like dumping bombs like you can just see the bombs coming out and it's and it says we're gonna free the blank out of you it's like here we're bringing you freedom by bombing you basically but the point I'm trying to get at is this promise that the US gave in this when this shift of power happened in the in the early 1990s this promise we did not succeed at this is all I'm trying to say you know it's like it's it's the definition of it's the definition of you know the men you know the men in the Bible you know the fathers are supposed to rule their home the fathers are supposed to rule their children the father is supposed to provide for his home in first Timothy chapter 5 verse number 8 Ephesians chapter 6 you know verse Ephesians chapter 6 verse number 1 I think says you know you know children obey your fathers you know but then in verse 4 it says fathers provoke not your children to wrath so this is a father who would lead his home as a tyrant who would just go into his home and just like you're gonna do this or I'm just every single thing you're gonna do this or I I'm going to punish you I'm gonna do this or this is eventually you're gonna provoke the people that you're following to wrath this is true in your home and it's also true you know as as a country as a nation you know all these things that apply to you individually also apply to families also apply to churches also apply to nations many things in the Bible can be taken that way so the u.s. is not succeeding at this you know imposing their will on the world they have not succeeded at this because people are rejecting it people we've provoked many people to wrath in the world we provoked many people to wrath and many people in the world for many different reasons are saying you know I don't know how we haven't figured this out and every single president say all those those Republicans every single president I figured this out when I was in my mid 20s because I was a diehard Republican when it was in 1990 I was diehard Republican like yeah you know whatever but look then I started to realize that every single president did exactly the same thing every single president you know you look at you know Obama and all this oh we're not going to be in war he's dropping bombs on weddings and killing 50 people to get one guy or whatever even if the one guy was bad you just created 49 enemies we provoked the entire world the wrath by this shift in world order that we had we are not succeeding at this however as the Bible tells us the Antichrist whoever this person is I'm talking about the Antichrist he will he will succeed at this he will succeed at leading this coalition that becomes these ten toes this diverse group of nations with with under these ten kings he will succeed at this what I'm seeing now is we are not succeeding at this for the last 20 or 30 years we've had the power to succeed at this we have not though we have not done it so the second point I want to make is this turn to Daniel chapter 5 what can we as Christians take away from this so that's just something to to understand that you know the United States had this shift in power given to them and they did not succeed at this promise that they gave the world that we're going to bring peace and security to everybody instead we provoke people to wrath we driven them away it's good to notice that all right it's good to notice that the second thing is this and this is more for us as Christians look at Daniel chapter 5 and verse 21 this is the verse of the week and he was driven from the sons of men and his heart was made like the beasts and his dwelling was with the wild asses and they fed him with grass like oxen and his body was wet with the dew of heaven till he knew that the Most High God ruled in the kingdom of men that was the point of all of this that Nebuchadnezzar would know who is really in charge and that he appointeth over it whosoever he will this is a good one for pastors too this is a good one for me to never forget as you know who rules this church Jesus Christ rules this church and God you know promotes God appointed over it whosoever he will God go to Psalm chapter 75 as Christians we need to understand that it is God that allows people to rule Psalm 75 look at verse number six God lifts up and puts down as a Christian we must always remember that God lifts up and God puts down we get Psalm 75 verse number six the Bible says this for promotion cometh neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south but God is the judge and he put it down one and set it up another this is great for you individually as a Christian this is great for the man that goes to work you know what go to work work hard but stay humble you know it but then nobody will know what I did no work hard and stay humble it doesn't matter if nobody knows what you did don't be the guy that goes into the morning safety meetings or the morning whatever and be like look at all these great things that I did because God promotes work hard be humble learn stay humble learn more stay humble this is a hard thing to do not many people succeed at this I can't tell you I've said this many times but it is often the most skilled person in their trade in their profession whatever it is that is the most difficult to deal with you say why is that because they know they're skilled because they know they're the best because some you get some guy who's super good at what he does he knows that that company that boss that whoever needs him so what happens he gets super prideful and he's very difficult to deal with this is the this is the old guy at work that's just horrible to everybody they just treats everybody else like they're an idiot that just yells at everybody all the time like it's it's a it it's such a common thing you say why I can't tell you how many big projects I've been on where there's just been this guy and it's like you need him though because he knows everything but he knows it he's super prideful he's super difficult to deal with what you have to understand as a Christian is that work hard learn be that guy be that master be that cunning man but stay humble because as a Christian it is God that promotes and it is God that puts down I mean this guy was that he was the king of Babylon in Daniel chapter 5 and God just put him down why because he was prideful Nebuchadnezzar God put him down why because he was prideful so it's God that lifts up and puts down now overall in our lives you say what does this have to do with the new world order because look here's what we need to realize folks as an individual real I take that home with you take that to work with you take that to your homes ladies with your kids you know it's it's it's a hard thing being a housewife and a homeschool mom and all these things and many times and you know I'm sure this is my fault as a husband and this is your fault as a husband too that we don't show our wives enough appreciation and we should show that appreciation even though we get busy in our lives and you know but we need to take time and show that appreciation but ladies know this God lifts up and God puts down God will lift you up and God will put you down yes a husband should love his wife and should be you know we should all be better at this we should all be better at appreciating our wives because look they don't get the praise of men like you will they don't get the praise of men when you're at work and people say good job way to go and way to do that you know our wives don't get that we should we should give that to our wives because without our wives staying home and teaching our children the Word of God like we have no future family we have no future generation so we always need to be better at that I need to be reminded of that from the Word of God you need to be reminded of that from the Word of God but ladies God rises up and God puts down you can also take that comfort but what about us when we look at the world when we just look at the world you know you look at all these these elections coming up and all these political you know you know events coming up and all these different people that want to be our political leaders and all this stuff and and you're gonna have here's what you're gonna hear in the next year as we head into an election season you're probably already hearing it this is the most important election of our lifetime that's what you're gonna hear don't worry about it I mean look we talk about it and we talk about these details and we're very knowledgeable about these things but don't worry about why cuz God lifts up and if he feels we deserve it he will help if not you know Biden part two whatever I mean whatever it's gonna be I mean if we don't deserve it you know God won't it cuz God lifts up and God puts down so you don't have to give yourself an ulcer over these types of things what's the third point I want to give you I want to give you to this morning on on new world orders on shifting world orders the third point is the most important point turn to Daniel chapter one turn to Daniel chapter one Daniel lived through three different world orders think about that for a minute he was under the the lower kingdom of Judah he then he went under the Babylonian rule and then he went under the Persian Empire Daniel literally lived under three different world orders in his life so the question is what changed for Daniel and that's our answer today nothing changed for Daniel yes his world changed around him but his convictions did not change look at Daniel chapter one look at the first major shakeup in Daniel's world order look at verse number three the Bible says and the king spake unto Athens the master of the eunuchs they should bring certain of the children of Israel and of the king seed and of the princes children in whom was no blemish but well favored skillful in all wisdom cunning in knowledge and understanding science and such as had an ability in them to stand in the king's palace in whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans so they're looking for some smart stock here they're looking for some smart kids to learn their language and to be a benefit to this Babylonian Kingdom and the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat and the wine which he drank so nourishing them three years and at the end thereof they might stand before the king so they didn't even meet King Nebuchadnezzar for three years they just brought them to the Babylonian Kingdom from Judah and they gave this diet they gave them this this this meal that they are to eat to sustain themselves and among these were the children of Judah Daniel Hananiah Michelle and Azariah unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar and the Hananiah of Shadrach and to Michelle of Meshach and to Azariah Abednego this of course you know Shadrach Meshach and Abednego the very famous story of the fiery furnace but Daniel purposed in his heart verse number eight this is the key that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat nor with the wine which he drank therefore he requested the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself Daniel said no I'm sticking to my ceremonial meals and what I eat and what I don't eat it doesn't matter that this new ruler is over me I'm sticking to what I have purposed in my heart now God had brought Daniel into favor and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs what what does that say in verse number nine how did he get in favor of the prince of the eunuchs it says God brought Daniel see God lifts up so Daniel was loyal to God and God made sure Daniel was lifted up perfect example of this of Psalm 75 in verse number nine there and the prince of the eunuch said unto Daniel I fear my lord the king who hath appointed your meat and your drink for why should he see your face is worse liking than the children which are of your sort then he shall make me endanger my head you shall make me endanger my head to the king he's like you're gonna get us all killed is what he's telling Daniel he's like cuz you're gonna be all skinny and all frail and all the other people that didn't you know aren't taking your vow as you are are gonna be all healthy and looking good and the king's gonna cut my head off then said Daniel the maelstrom when the prince of the eunuchs that said over Daniel and I Michelle and as where I okay I'll do it he says prove thy servants I beseech thee ten days and let us give us pulse to eat and water to drink so look he just said I'm just I'm sticking to the way I do things you know then in the Medo-Persian Empire they actually tried to kill him again they try to kill me and they get together and they try to kill him but turn to James chapter 4 we'll look at that in just a few minutes we'll get James chapter 4 look at verse number 10 just to drive home that God lifts up the Bible says in James chapter 4 in verse number 10 if what though if what and you'll notice one of the great things about Daniels you'll notice every time every time that Daniel does one of these great things for a king he immediately gives all the credit to God he's like just give all the stuff away I don't want some stupid gold chain give it to somebody else he's like it's God that will give you this answer it's the one true it's the Lord of heaven he says in Daniel chapter 5 that can give you this interpretation it's not me he doesn't go take credit for things but then he ends up being the second in command of the Babylonian Empire and then literally the Babylonian Empire gets destroyed by the Persian Empire and he's second in command of the Persian Empire I mean who's ever even heard of a story like that where an empire comes in because look when a company comes in and buys another company you know it's always the small company that says look we're gonna do things we're not going to change no they've come in and bought you they're gonna change everything they're gonna fire half the people they're gonna change everything because they bought you they came in and bought you took over you they are gonna tell you how things go that's exactly how it works when empires come in and take over other empires yet this guy was lifted up to basically to run both empires I mean basically Nebuchadnezzar and you know the king of the Persian Empire it's not like he's gonna let him be king he's gonna keep that title but he's got this guy running everything he's like we're keeping this guy the Bible says in James 4 10 humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up but the point I'm trying to make on this last point is this make your convictions clear in your life make your lines bold in your life make your lines bold draw them biblically draw bold biblical lines in your life and then when these shakeups come when these shifts in world order come and the world goes nuts and things change and people are you know doing things what things are changing now that's why I'm preaching this sermon so you're noticing things in the world changing now the world order is shifting now it's kind of exciting if you ask me because I mean we're living in exciting times even though the world order is shifting away from the United States and look we're practical in this church and I like talking about practical things and hey what does this mean what does this mean for you know prices what does this mean for you know how we're gonna be able to support my family this year versus next year and all these different things and I love talking about those things that's why God gives us this detail in the Bible so at least we can see it coming we can see the things coming and look we know the reasons behind everything we know that the direction that things are headed people without the Bible must be so confused people without the Bible they're just like what in the world you know that's what I think you know I'm starting to think that Daniel Daniel 12 for when it says many shall run to and fro I'm starting to think that maybe that's not so much travel and it's people like just running around like with their hands in the air like what are we gonna do seriously I'm starting to think that maybe it means more towards that because what did we see I mean what did we see with with COVID we just saw people running around with their hands in the where in in there what are we gonna do everybody's life is just completely upended but the point the first point for us is that nothing changes for us that's the beauty of the Christian life that's the beauty of what Daniel shows us here as he went through three different empires he lived in three different world orders nothing changed for him but instead our goals are the same even during COVID even that mix-up I mean that wasn't really a change in world order but it was definitely a shake-up of the way things did things but you look at people their their lives are completely upended running to and fro some kids were out of school for like a year and a half it's crazy it's crazy to even think that like nothing really changed for us though church soul winning you know we kind of adjusted soul winning we adjusted church there for a while we thought we're gonna get you know arrested or whatever so we did some things a little bit different but church soul winning even conferences it's all the same it's all the same everybody else is all mixed up everybody else is running to and fro you know they're running around like they're crazy they're all worried about dying I mean we're just like what do you do what they're just hands waving everywhere no look we should see these shifts and we should be prepared we should be prepared for what's happening we shouldn't just be blind I mean that's what Jesus tells us to do in mark 13 is watch it's why I tell you these things he's like I'm telling you all these different details all these things that we go through inclusion milestones why so you can watch so you can be ready but our goals stay the same so as we see you know that there's this gonna be this big push we see a push for globalism today we see a push for globalism today it's not the first time though this statue in Daniel chapter 2 we're looking at global empires that actually were global empires so even though there might be part of the world today that's pushing for globalism it's not the first time that that's happened it's not the first time that it was actually achieved I mean the Antichrist is actually going to achieve it but even that achievement has been achieved before United States tried to achieve it or is trying to achieve it look as the United States and the West is pushing for globalism I don't think it's gonna be the last push that we see that's that's all I'm trying to get that's just my opinion on this whole thing unless you see like clown world succeeding and getting everyone to follow them but as I said we're a gazing stock as I said there's there's over 50% of the world that wants nothing to do with what we're selling the Antichrist though is actually going to achieve this but you know the shifting that we see today is significant it's interesting times it's all good to be prepared it's all good to talk about these things it's all good it's all necessary but back to the main point in the last point that I want to get you to understand if you don't have convictions now and you don't have lines drawn now in your Christian life look get your priorities and your convictions now because you will never hold them or keep them or even have them if times get difficult this is the point of math or of Daniel here is that he had these convictions and he held them all the way through world orders change world orders change and look sometimes dramatically in one day that's not what we're seeing now we're seeing this slow shift and maybe this slow shift turns into some dramatic change I don't know but you see world orders change dramatically you see them change subtly you see shifts of power you know we should notice these things we should adjust accordingly but ultimately our convictions as with Daniel should be bold lines and they should not move go to Daniel chapter 6 in verse number 13 we'll end it here they should not move and guess what folks they should not move even when people demand that they move I mean what if what if a government think about this for a second what if a government came in what if there was a shift in the world order and a government came in and said you can't be a Christian anymore that's not that does not mix with our clay and our iron and that doesn't mix with the diversity that you know we want to push what if they said you can't be a Christian anymore under this new world order that we've now achieved you can't have a Bible anymore you can't go to church anymore if you're caught with a Bible you're you're gonna be executed you think this is new you think this has never happened before turn to Daniel chapter 6 in Daniel chapter 6 these are the Persians that come in and Daniel what does Daniel do Daniel has a prayer life Daniel has a prayer life and he prays to God three times a day so these wicked evil princes of the Persian king they pass this they pass this loss as you can't pray to God anymore and Daniel's like I mean they literally passed the law saying you can't be a Christian anymore and what does Daniel do he just keeps doing what he always did he kept doing what he did as a Babylonian he kept doing what he did when he was in Judah he just prayed to God three times a day look at verse 13 it says then answered they and said before the king that Daniel which is of the children of the captivity of Judah regardeth not the O King they tricked the king into passing this decree they say King it passed this decree it'll make you great and people will worship you nor the decree that thou has signed but make us his petition three times a day so what do they do they throw them in the lion's den and God of course protects Daniel but the point is Daniel changed nothing they passed some law and Daniel changed nothing in verse number look at verse number 17 of Daniel chapter 3 where Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were also you know they had to worship this image of you know of Nebuchadnezzar and they're just like no we're not going to do that like because that's not what we do and you know it even I love the answer of Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in or not Daniel but Shadrach Meshach and Abednego are going to be thrown into this furnace look at verse 17 they're like if it'd be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of that hand O King they're like it's possible God will save us but whatever we're still not worshipping your image they're like what do they change it became illegal to be a Christian it became illegal to not worship idols kind of like what's going to happen in the end times what did they change this new world order came in that it's illegal to be a Christian now and they're like well I guess we're going to the furnace you see why your convictions need to be made strong and those lines need to be made bold now we have no trouble otherwise there's no chance there's no chance that you will hold convictions you're like yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna start working out when the workout is the hardest well you gotta you gotta work up to these things you have to build the strength of those things so the point is this like world orders shift and they change I mean look folks this right here is people drawing and holding lines look at how thick that book is it is people that were told this is nothing new there is no new thing under the Sun it's not just the story of Daniel in the Bible it's people that were told stop baptizing people stop preaching the gospel to people stop having Bibles and what happens it's the martyrs mirror they were all killed they were all killed many people don't even know then in pre-revolution America Baptists were persecuted for preaching Baptists were beaten and imprisoned for preaching the gospel in pre-revolution America but by the Protestants we're not Protestant never have been so the point is it's been illegal to be a Christian before world orders change all the time and sometimes those world orders are very against Christians but the men in the Bible the martyrs throughout history they're all just like hey this is my line that's it do your worst and that's where we need to be it's a I mean that's a hard thing to accept but the story of Daniel the story of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego you know our world order shifting they're changing and the Christians should not that's that story of those men they're great examples for us they're great examples for us in the Bible that's why the martyrs are there for us to see other Christians doing what we one day may have to do I mean I hope we're not in the end times I hope we have more time and I hope that you know you know people don't accept you know the the clowns of clown world and all that man I don't think they're going to but you know I've been wrong before I'm sure I'll be wrong again but it doesn't change anything for us is really the main point of the sermon world orders change they shift and they're shifting now we're watching them shift now let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer