(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen all right this morning We see in Ephesians chapter 4 here Paul is talking about He's talking to the Ephesians, and he's talking to them about you know putting off the old man And in in giving you know them this exhortation on how they should now be acting now that they're saved He's talking to them a lot about you know the things that they should be doing now and going forward and one thing that he Brings up a couple times here is the conversation that comes out of their mouth. He calls it corrupt Communication in verse number 29 in verse number 22. He calls it. You know corrupt Conversation in verse number 22 so this morning I want to talk to you about you know how that you know what we say matters Not not only you know with the things that we say matter, but how we say those things Matters as well, and you know specifically I want to talk to you this morning about the subject of cursing or Swearing and you say really are you really gonna talk to me about cursing or swearing? I'm not talking about cursing. You know like putting a curse on somebody. I'm not talking about you know shimmy-eye with David He was literally cursing David right he wanted David to die and all these things that bloody man But he was saying yeah But what I want to talk to you about is actually using swear words this morning the words that come out of Your mouth and why am I going to bring this up because it's a huge problem today And I see this problem getting worse and worse and worse I can literally look back 10 20 years in my life, and I can see that we are way further down this Bad road than we were you know just a decade or two ago. It's a huge problem It's it's it's just it's perverting our entire society today in this country All right, so let's talk about you know cursing swearing Let's see what the Bible has to say about it and then at the end I want to kind of give you some some tips on how you can navigate your life because look you are gonna deal with this Especially men as you go out, and you work in this country you are going to deal with people swearing Unfortunately, I'm here to report you, but that it's becoming such a normal thing today It's it's sickening All right Point number one is this look down at Ephesians chapter 4 and verse number 29 That we just read Look I even see it. I mean you know I even see it amongst Christians. I'm sorry and You know you're gonna see that maybe I say some things here this morning where you're like Oh, well, maybe I shouldn't be you know saying things like that Or is he talking about some of the words that I've said yeah I am Because we need to kind of reset ourselves here because this is one of those things Where you will be affected by other people you will be affected by people around you and just because your line is here and Somebody else's line is way over here way worse than your line I want to show you this morning that the Bible's line is way over here, and that's where we need to be okay So we don't need to move along with society, but just be better with society We need to be what the Bible says that we need to be the first thing is that cursing swearing is literally corrupt Communication look down at verse number 29 of Ephesians chapter 4 let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth But that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace unto the hearers and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God Whereby ye are sealed Unto the day of redemption let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all Malice so the Bible says here that you know there can be corrupt Communication that comes out of your mouth corrupt in this in this context means you know infected communication or contaminating Communication all right contaminated speech think about that, and you know what that sounds about right? From where I stand you know infected speech that means that if you speak this way that it will you know it I mean infected infection I Mean do we need to explain that today? No coughing But it will spread to others is what it means if you speak this way You know it's it's perfect because you know this is true If you speak this way if you use swear words if you use corrupt communication the people around you it will affect them And it will affect them in a negative way All right look look down at 2nd Timothy in chapter 2 the second point is this that swearing and using corrupt communication is unclean Most swear words, and this is something that I think that is forgotten today Most swear words are references to filthy things Look at 2nd Timothy chapter 2 look at verse number 16 the Bible says But shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness Look swearing is profane and the Bible says that if you speak in a profane way It will lead you into ungodliness, so you're speaking you're saying It's just what I say, but the Bible says it will lead you into Ungodliness it will it will change your actions It will change first your heart on how you feel about things you'll be desensitized to things And then it will change the way you actually act Most all swear words even words look even words that aren't even considered swear words anymore They you know They're references to profane things All right I mean you drop something and look I told myself That when I wrote this sermon that I'm not going to give you any examples of words You're just gonna have to think about it in your mind, and hopefully you'll understand what I'm saying But if you drop something or you break something you say oh that that whatever You know that's unfortunate But you know replace unfortunate with some other word that you would probably use look those words even though They might not be considered a swear word by the general public out there today. They're still references to Filthy profane things and so we shouldn't be using them right but they have profane and perverse origins and original meaning so just because you know you've made Speaking like that a vain repetition, and it's lost that meaning to you because that's what will happen with vain repetitions Right if you say things over and over and over and over again you lose the meaning of that's why Jesus said don't pray To me that way. I want you to pray to me with things that with words that matter to you with with the thoughts of your heart You know he gave us an outline of things that you know a structure of the way we should pray But he's like don't use vain repetitions to me because the words Lose their meaning if you constantly use swear words, and you constantly use these pseudo swear words look They they'll lose their meaning to you But they're still profane to other people if you have some you know Bible believing Christian And you're speaking that way in front of them. They're gonna be like Because they haven't lost you know somebody that doesn't speak that way it hasn't lost that meaning turn to Colossians chapter 3 Colossians chapter 3 look at verse number 8 Colossians calls it filthy communication But now you also put off these anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy communication out of your mouth Look this has become the new Status quo, I'm telling you, and I'm sick of it personally You know look I often wonder about I'm gonna talk to you about women at work a little bit this morning I often wonder about women in the workplace because look I see women in the workplace Luckily in my field I haven't worked with a lot of women But I do see women in the workplace and look I would never want my mom or my sister or somebody Hearing the things that go on in the workplace I would never want that and Look, this is one of the things and the reason that I bring it up is because this is the one of the things That in my lifetime My look my career 21 years I've seen change I have seen this change Where people you know look it's a sign. It's a sign of the character of our nation It really is it's a sign of the character of the men of our nation I'm sad to report to you because look it wasn't always like this even in my short career. It was not always like this Where this you know there used to be a change on the way that a man would speak Whether it would be with there was a woman in the room or not a woman in the room there used to be a difference There is no longer There is no longer, and it was not like this and it really wasn't like this You know many many years ago. Let me read you a letter written years ago by a general to his army and Sound and let me as you read as you're listening to this letter think about whether a general today would write this to the men in his unit or in his army the general is Sorry to be informed that the foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing a vice Hitherto little known in our American army is growing into fashion He's saying this this vice was was was not known in our army before he's like I'm hearing of it happening now Imagine you're like this must be like 500 years ago, right? Listen a vice hitherto little known in our American army is growing into fashion. He hopes he's speaking about himself He hopes that the officers will by example as well as influence Endeavor to check it and That both they and the men will reflect that we can little hope of the blessing of heaven on our army if we insult It by our impiety and folly he's saying that by the cursing they're insulting heaven is what he's saying Added to this it is a vice so mean and low without any temptation that every man of sense and character detests you hear that and Despises it he's saying any man of sense and character Despises swearing and cursing. Is that the way it is today? Are you kidding me? everybody it speaks In disgusting language today in the world But he says that he says that every man of sense and character will detest this that's what this general says signed August 3rd 1776 George, Washington We We've come a long ways from this Look there used to be a time that I can remember where men would Watch their mouth when a woman was in the room in the workplace and just elsewhere in my short life Think about it. It's changed very fast. I Mean women in the workforce. I mean are you you know? The This the problem is this folks the same moral character that sent women to work in this country is is still dropping in the men of this country as they're at work with these women and you know what it It's one of the greatest things It's one of the greatest things that you can do to be known as a person of character today is watch what you say Because you will stand out if you do not swear you will stick out like a sore thumb today People will people will realize it if you start a new job People will realize it the first day of your job. I Mean, it's like it reminds me kind of like tattoos. I mean everybody used to want to get a tattoo to be unique, right? I'm gonna get a tattoo and be unique you're unique now if you don't have a tattoo. I Mean if you don't have I mean you have tat people tattooed from the head to the toes It's normal now to have a tattoo. It's not odd. It's now it's odd To not swear today. It is odd. You will stick out and it's like you know what I'll take it I'm glad that you stick out if you don't swear, you know, you're the weird one The third point is this turn to Exodus chapter 20 And This is probably, you know the biggest point to make right here Exodus chapter 20 look at verse number 7. The third point is this swearing is blasphemous Swearing is blasphemous Look at Exodus 20 in verse number 7. The Bible says thou shalt not take the name of thy of the Lord thy God in vain For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that take his name in vain So this could mean, you know using the Lord's name as a swear word people do that all the time, too but also look It could also look it's talking about taking the Lord's name in vain So one of those one of those ways that you could do that is like by literally using God's name as a swear word You know something bad happens and you use the Lord's name. I mean People do it all the time, you know, they're they maybe they're not saved But I mean, I mean God forbid somebody that was saved would take God's name and use it as a swear word God forbid but look Using God's name in vain could could be more than just using it as a swear word You could use God's name to justify sin in your life You could use God's name to justify, you know, just not wanting to do a clear commandment in the Bible. I Mean, what's what's a big one? We always thought, you know coming to church is a big commandment, right? I mean Whatever sin that is in your life or whatever situation that is in your life, you know, it's God's will that you know I you know do this and that that reason I can't go to church No, you're using God's name in vain because like the Bible says that you are to do this specific thing and Anything that it takes you to do this specific thing is what you need to do. That's God's will What God doesn't speak to us verbally that's why we have to read the Bible when there's a clear commandment in the Bible Commanding you to do something whether it's you know, be sober or go to church or go soul-winning or whatever Look, that's just what you do. And if you're doing something that is is not allowing that Then you know, that's not God's will It's that simple. So don't say that Oh I just think it's God's will for me to be right here right now if it's stopping you from doing something That is a clear commandment in the Bible. You're using God's name in vain Because look God, I mean God's will is never gonna It's never gonna contradict his word So don't sit there and try to plug your will You know into God, you know plug God's will into what what is your will I mean people do this all the time It's using God's name in vain It's using God's name in vain. Look you could you could claim God's Word falsely You know, you could look misusing the Bible to make points that you want to make you know look all you men that are gonna you know preach on on preaching night and Some men are gonna be preaching full-length sermons here, you know, hopefully in the next year or whatever whenever you know but look here's a here's a here's a sermon writing tip don't take one of your ideas and Then try to you know Make the Bible like prove it you start with something in the Bible and you and then you write the sermon from there The the root is God's Word not some idea that you have Right. Okay, you know lots of people do it Right, lots of people just have like some idea and then just try to grab Bible because look you could you could make the Bible Say whatever you wanted if you just want to grab a verse here grab a verse there Make sure you're starting with God's Word and You're plugging you know You're you're it's good to have ideas and applications and creativity when writing sermons for sure But make sure you're starting with God's ideas and you're building from there. All right That's why I like, you know, I was really nervous and you know, I still kind of am nervous about you know Having to preach three sermons a week because I'm like, you know who would want to listen to me for three sermons a week I mean who I mean think about it. You listen to me for three hours a week. How could I possibly Be interesting for three sermons a week, but what it's not me It's just it's that that's my that's my say that's my parachute Right is I don't have to sit here and be interesting and come up with like a giant spider story Every single sermon because I can't do it because I'm not that interesting Right. I'm not that interesting but the Bible is interesting So all I have to do that's why Wednesday nights are the easiest nights because it's just a chapter in the Bible and that's what we're gonna talk about right, so look God's Word is God's Word. We go with God's Word and we build from there. That's what we do All right, so don't use, you know false Bible versions are claiming God's Word, but they're not God's Word They're changing God's Word, but they're claiming it. That's that's using that's using God God's name in vain Okay So don't look Bible words, here's another one Bible words I don't Know how many times I've heard all that word, you know, somebody uses a swear word and they're like what's in the Bible? No Just because a word is in the Bible. Look if you're not using it in the context of The context that the Bible used it You're using God's Word in vain If you're sitting there and you're you're swearing and then you're saying that particular word is in the Bible, so it's okay I mean, first of all, most people are joking. It's not funny though You're using God's Word in vain All right. So look Use it in the context that the Bible uses it. Otherwise, you're using God's Word in vain All right, so there's lots of examples of Corrupt communication people out there you I mean taking God's name in vain using it as a swear word People just speaking filthy Disgusting language out there. So the question is this I mean the question is this how do we navigate this? You say I'm not gonna do it. How do we navigate a world like this, you know and the ladies In this church if you stay home and you homeschool your kids and and you know, you're you're protected from that. Thank God Another good reason by the way to have you know Your wife stay home and raise your children and teach your children because look your wife is not That the woman is the weaker vessel. They're not designed to be able to go into that garbage And I and I hate seeing women in it and having to put up with it personally So the first the first way to navigate this is this folks Just don't do it at all That's step one Okay, you say that seems pretty simple, you know, look train yourself. Don't go look don't go around saying pseudo swear words either Because guess what if somebody else, you know swears and then you use like you use the same sentence But you use a pseudo swear word that is some made-up non word And you're just it's it's filthy communication. It's corrupt communication. You notice how it didn't say corrupt words It's a corrupt. You're communicating in the same way You're communicating in the same way It's no better Made up words for the Word of God same thing You're communicating in that people people that swear will just look at you as a wimp anyway People that swear will just be like, oh you're just a wimp You're still speaking the exact same. Does that make sense? You're still speaking in the same context You're still doing it the same thing as them. Don't do it. You need to speak Differently than others you need to look you need to have different communication than other people and That will set you apart even further. But What will I mean, you know what it will show actually it will show that you have a different heart Than people that constantly swear and curse, you know, I mean if somebody you know something bad happened This way says what the blank or whatever, you know, and you're just like Okay, how can we fix this problem? I Mean that's a different way to communicate. That's a different way all together of dealing with a problem, right? I Mean it's a different way of communicating. It's a different. I mean somebody else, you know swears at you or comes at you You know Just focus on the solution to the problems at hand and it will show everyone there that you have a different heart towards situations and You'll be surprised how many people will appreciate that different attitude towards situations Don't have a swearing mindset It's that simple It does nothing anyway, except make you look stupid in my opinion Point number two on how to navigate through this in the world is this Don't get too casual with unsaved people Or Pete or or people that swear hopefully there's not you know, save people that are just you know Swearing like sailors out there, but look when people think that they can relax and tell jokes You know, that's when the profanity and the filthy communication will begin look around people, you know Especially to be profane just I mean this this is what I do. It's just all business all the time. That's it I mean people probably think I'm too serious But that's okay It's gotta be all business all the time around people like that. Look you should be working at work anyway, I Mean you shouldn't be you know, what? Avoid lunches avoid after work things, you know all these situations Just avoid them all together because that's where things will get too casual and that's where all this these these Conversations that you don't want to be in will come up This is where things get inappropriate unfortunately, so always Stay Appropriate and stay formal especially with people that you know to be profane period Alright, the third one is this and this is going to be this this will take some courage to do this But you know, I don't know if you've ever heard of Pavlov's dog We're going to talk about conditioning the people around you All right The third point is this on how to do this is that you need to specifically measure your reactions To people because especially as you go into situations where you don't know people or you don't know You know the who's who in situations you're gonna end up in these types of situations, especially men You're gonna end up walking into a group of five guys and there's a conversation that starts or has been going on You find out about it. Look Never show approval at all If you're in a group of people and you're talking about work or business or whatever and somebody brings up something That is inappropriate and everybody laughs you don't even crack a smile This is what I do It works because people know Pavlov's dog that's what it is Pavlov's dog if you haven't heard about it It was this this scientist and he did this experiment with this dog All right, and look when a dog saw a steak the dog's mouth would start salivating So what Pavlov did was every time that he was going to give the dog a steak instead he rung a bell and Then the dog came and then after the dog came he would give them the steak And after he did this over and over and over again pretty soon when he rang the bell the dog would start salivating Not at the stake but at the bell because he's conditioning the dog to be trained To know that you know, the steak is coming right after the bell And it actually conditioned a response in the dog. So look if you do this it will condition people To act differently around you It will it might take some time, but it will condition people but if you look if you if you show approval Maybe you don't let oh, I'm just not gonna laugh as loud as everybody else. No No, you don't crack a smile and whenever something like that is going on you politely excuse yourself. I Mean people will figure it out That's that's the bell ringing and it might look it it might be uncomfortable It might be uncomfortable for you and you know, I often think that you know, people probably think I'm pretty boring but I Could care less. I mean literally I could care less People will learn you need to train the people around you and you can do it in a polite way You can do it in a polite way, but don't you crack a smile? Or give even the slightest hint of approval Look and my wife has told me and I've told you you all this you all priority know this but when I don't approve of something Yeah, I mean it's all over my face. So I mean that's a benefit in this case That's a benefit. All right point number four is this intervene when necessary and Appropriate now. This is a touchy one. Okay, but look Sometimes You can say something Sometimes you can say something When you have authority in a situation, it's pretty easy Okay, we'll talk about authority first But we'll also talk about when you don't have authority. So if you have authority in a situation, it's pretty easy You can simply establish your leadership as being against profanity It's it's pretty simple you can I mean if you own the company or you're the boss or whatever It's pretty easy to establish that you don't like that kind of behavior and you'd usually don't have to say anything Usually it just kind of it comes across because they're you know, people want to please the boss They want to please the owner of the company. They want it you can establish that you can establish that culture In your company in your group in your workplace, whatever All right, remember George Washington's quote He says he hopes he's talking about the general himself that the officers will by example as well as influence He's saying the officers. I want you to take the role here to establish the example and That will influence people because he knew how it worked He knew that if the officers would establish this culture that it would be it would just it would spread throughout the ranks Right, I mean he knew what he was talking about so you can influence those around you Especially if you have the authority to do so That's what I mean. That's that's why leaders are so Important and it's so important that as a leader in whatever situation whether it's your family or your workplace or wherever that you get it right Because you can spread good influence or you can spread bad influence. You can also establish a culture of just not caring You can also establish a culture look it's not enough to just you know, maybe you don't speak that way But everybody else does and you don't really seem to care and you laugh at stuff and you think it's funny So you establish that culture that it doesn't matter You need to establish that culture that it does matter but and here's what I've here's what I found people like it people will appreciate it and Especially like with with the whole women in the workforce thing. Look I have taken so many anti harassment classes It is not funny. But you know what I agree with them Because I don't think that some woman should have to go to work and be harassed by some filthy Conversation. I mean who would think that that's right as a Christian But I mean I Mean, I actually think that those anti harassment classes, you know benefit the Christian as well Cuz that cut I don't want that conversation going on either You don't have to be a woman to not want to hear that stuff I don't want to hear it either So that anti harassment stuff. I really don't have too many problems with that. It's good I mean who wants to listen to that garbage all the time? You know, it's funny this happened to me you know, I had a small, you know group that that I was leading a few years ago and some new guy came into this group and He came in and there was a woman in this on this team and This guy came in and he just like his first day. He just started like dropping, you know Bombs and like somebody had turned somebody turned to me after he left and they're just like he didn't get the memo But the thing is that everyone just I never there was no memo It's just established and then when somebody comes in and they don't fit in it's obvious. But look It's nice people like it First of all people like that There's not that kind of conversation going around them and then and then when you see the people that used to be like that You realize how many people speak like that because everybody else speaks like that That's the only reason they do it But when they go home look I often think about these guys Often think about these guys and when you speak that way around your children You go home I mean you're gonna come here and you're gonna be you know in this group or in this meeting and you're gonna speak like that Do you speak like that around your kids? Do you speak like that around your wife? I Often think that but look they shouldn't if they do and So it's nice to see people change for the better And I mean you could be part of that you say I don't have any authority I just started, you know, I don't have any authority. Well, this is more difficult, but it's still possible All right. Look the first step is to not be around it To remove yourself from it. If you have no authority in the situation, just don't be around it nobody can force you to be around that type of You know language and it's also and I want you to be careful here But it's also in extreme cases if you feel you can do so without offense It's okay to say something It's okay to say something. Look We're not talking about being in a group of five people and trying to dress somebody down About the way they speak that's probably not gonna go well for you But what I'm talking about, especially I've done this especially in cases of you know, blasphemy I have I have pulled somebody that I work with I had no authority in the situation I worked with this man and We work together every day and he would just use the name of Jesus all the time as a swear word And I just pulled him aside and I was like look, you know, could you just not? Say that in a nice way. I just said look that you know, that's it's offensive to me. Could you not use that word? And no problem. No problem. I didn't dress him down in front of ten people You know, I but I just politely Asked him to not do that. And guess what? He stopped saying that he stopped saying pretty much every other thing Because he understood that you know, it was offensive to me. We worked well together. He what look he wasn't a reprobate Okay, I mean he he wasn't a he wasn't a terrible person. You'll find these people Okay, if you have some just wicked Disgusting, you know pervert that you work with there's nothing you're gonna do there there's nothing you're gonna do there and the best thing is just to avoid that person and look if Turn to 2nd Peter chapter 2 These filthy vulgar people you just need to you need to you need to avoid them period And if you're in a workplace I've seen I've seen this as well and I've been worried about it with my own son going into the workforce That's why I asked, you know, when Garrett started working a couple years ago I would you know, I would ask him all kinds of questions. He probably didn't understand why I was asking these questions We sit down at the dinner table Who you working with? Who is your boss? What's his name? How old is he? Is he married? What? What's he is he a nice guy? Because I knew that if somebody was filthy, you know, Garrett wouldn't answer positively in a lot of these questions See a nice guy. How does he speak? I would ask that simple question. Is there a lot of vulgarity? You know things like that because he's not an authority where he was working and I knew that but look If you get in a workplace where there's nothing but filthy vulgar people you need to find a different workplace It's that simple It is that simple look and I and I don't want to because look look at 2nd Peter chapter 2 in verse number 7 You say I don't but I don't speak that way, but I don't talk like that The problem is this in for 2nd Peter chapter 2 is talking about lot It's talking about when the angels took him out and it says and delivered just a lot Vexed with the filthy filthy conversation of the wicked look it affected him and it will affect you it will affect how you think it will affect how you how it'll affect your heart and It may start affecting how you speak You may start, you know Saying things that you normally wouldn't have said and you become you become vexed with that filthy conversation Look, there's there's some you know, I don't like blanket statements but there's some trades and I'm not going to list them where I would never want my My children going into just because it's just I've seen it. It's just every single time It's just a certain type of people are in that trade and they speak a certain way and they're all and I'm not saying that You know, there's not good ones Okay, but the point is that if you're in a workplace where it's nothing but filthy vulgar people You need to not work there. You need to not be in that job. That's not something we are to be you know, we are to go out in the world and work the Bible says but There's got to be a line because it will affect you Turn to Ezekiel chapter 36 You know our nation as a whole is getting more and more Vulgar and I don't know, you know what it is. I think I bet you that the internet has a big You know a big part of this responsibility the fact that just filth on the internet is is not it's not taboo anymore Filth is not taboo anymore. It's so sad. It's so sad. Look at Ezekiel 36 and verse 23 What does that mean for us the Bible says and I will sanctify my great name which was profaned among the heathen So he's saying look God's saying I have a great name that was profaned among the heathen Which ye have profaned in the midst of them and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord sayeth the Lord God When I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes So what he's he's saying that you know the heathen profaned and then you profaned with them I mean look you will become more profane if you're around this stuff turn to Leviticus chapter 21 7 the Bible talks about profane women Too because I'm seeing women get more profane I'm not only seeing men act profane around women, but it's affecting the women. It's affecting the culture The Bible talks about profane women look at Leviticus 21 verse number 7 caution not politically correct upcoming Leviticus 21 in verse number 7 They shall not take a wife that is a whore or profane Neither shall they take a woman put away from her husband for he is holy unto his God. Look if You say all whore it said whore. Well, look if only women could understand this passage today They I mean that speaking profanity is going I mean basically this is equating profanity to being a whore This is basically saying that look I mean look I'm for women you understand. We're at we're at the park yesterday and there's this teenage girl dressed Completely inappropriately and she's with these three guys and they're sitting around this thing in the park My wife and I were walking laps around the park so we kept going past this one spot and I'm listening to the Conversation of the guys that are with this girl and it's disgusting How do you think they're I'm just like I'm like, I'm just I'm like why? Where's your dad? Why are you there? Why are you there? Why are you there? Why are you there? What are you doing with these dirtbags? What are you doing? How do you think that they treat that girl? I Didn't hear her speak, but I it's very likely that she spoke very similar to them In a profane manner, but what is she doing with those profane? People because they will equate her to what the Bible says right here. And that's how they will treat her That's how she will dress It's a disaster Why would anyone want to go down this road look If the women look if women in the are in the workplace if there's women at the job, that's not my business I am NOT their husband, but look they should be treated appropriately period But it's not happening It's not happening from my experience because the same conversations that I hear I know the women in that office here as well I know the women in those workplaces. They hear those conversations at all. Look. I understand that they shouldn't be there. But look They shouldn't not be there for the reason that all men are filthy dirtbags. Okay. Does that make sense? They should be there for other reasons that the Bible says but look it's not my business where some man You know has his wife, but look women should be treated appropriately always and women should act Appropriately and that's why the Bible says in Leviticus 21 7 look Men can learn from this too because guess what how you speak will in many ways dictate how you are treated look Speak like a lady you will be treated like one Or you know, you should be treated like one guys You speak like a rapper You're gonna be treated like one That's that's it I mean no one will take you seriously if you talk that way These people became and started speaking profanely as the heathen Is the bottom line that's how the heathen look that's how the heathen speak That's not how we should speak. It's another look. It's it's a it's another it's another case for separation Right, but we as men Especially have to deal with it. We have to deal with it turn to Ephesians chapter 5 Ephesians chapter 5 We'll go to Ephesians chapter 5. We'll go to Proverbs 18 and Then we'll finish up for those that swear look at Ephesians chapter 5 verse number 3 The Bible says but fornication and uncleanness or covetousness. Let it not once be named among you as become of Saints neither filthiness Nor foolish talking nor jesting which are not convenient convenient meaning proper or becoming but rather giving of thanks look at Proverbs 18 and This is the one that Hits home for me Proverbs 18 in verse number 6 the Bible says a fool's lips enter into contention and his mouth calleth for strokes a Fool's mouth is his destruction and his lips are the snare of his soul Look ultimately these people that like swear, you know They'll use five swear words and two sentences. They're they come across as fools They come across as fools I mean if that's how you speak you have no command of the English English language or you choose to not use it if you Do what because choosing to not swear choosing to be different in that way? It's a choice It's a choice the nation our nation is becoming more vulgar with both men and women Period it's unfortunate. Don't do it. Don't mimic it Don't don't think by changing the word around and and and coming up with a pseudo swear word that doesn't you know Speak differently Speak differently avoid it change it where you can I mean we can be a force for good out there Changing some of these things if we see some inappropriate situations around Ladies or even even around men, you know, we can do what we can as Christians to change those situations To be an influence for good to lead that situation down the right path Look, I mean, it's serious in Exodus chapter 20 when you know The God talked about taking his name in vain. It said the Lord will not hold him guiltless It is something that that's what you need to think about as a Christian that this is something that will be punished by God It will be something that's punished by God. We should be In this society that we live in today You should you should stick out you should stand out Just by your conversation just by showing what's in your heart through your mouth You should I mean people will know I mean and look it's a great It's a great way to garner some blessings in your life, too Because it's something that people will notice right away and most people will like it Whether they like it or I mean whether whether you think so or not. Most people will appreciate it They will appreciate the fact that you don't speak like everybody else and that you're you're taking that culture out into the world All right, so it's a big deal Don't do it. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for your work. We thank you for today Lord We thank you for the beautiful day outside. I ask that you bless church today bless our entire day bless soul winning Keep us safe out there and bring us back for church this evening in Jesus name. We pray. Amen You