(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction. We physicists believe that our universe is like a soap bubble. We live on the skin of the soap bubble, we're like flies trapped on flypaper, we can't get off our soap bubble. And so it isn't that the Bible is true, it's that the Bible is the precondition for the manifestation of truth. God in heaven? Where's heaven? Who's God? What are you talking about? In the first Corinthians chapter one for just a few minutes, so tonight we're back into Confounding the Wise, the sermon series. So we're going to do another sermon in that series tonight. What is this series about? So this series in first Corinthians chapter one, Paul is explaining, especially in the last half of the chapter, that there are plenty of people out there that will declare their own wisdom, is what he's saying. They will tell you how smart they are, how much they know, how correct they are. And Paul is saying that the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God, is what he's trying to get people to understand in this chapter. He's saying there's going to be plenty of people that come into a church even and say, look at my wisdom and look at how smart I am and look at all the things that I know. But when it comes to the Bible, that's the only wisdom that matters and that's the only wisdom that holds true. He's saying that all this self-declared wisdom is foolishness to God. And in verse number 27, that's kind of the verse that is the anchor of the sermon series. It says, God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. It's saying that God takes these self-declared wise people of the world and confounds them. And we've looked at, who have we looked at? We've looked at scientists that have just been confounded. They just go around chasing silly things. Their entire career they will accomplish nothing because God's confounded them. Because they've declared their own wisdom. They're confounded. They will do nothing. All right, but it's interesting because we're going to really focus on these words here in the topic tonight, in the personality that we're going to look at tonight. God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. Now many times that we've looked at, those are foolish philosophies. Those are foolish ideas. But, you know, the cares of the world. But tonight we're going to look at, you know, someone who literally looks at the things of the world as, you know, the things, the actual stuff in the world has confounded this person. All right, so tonight we're going to look at the confusion of Andrew Tate. The confusion of Andrew Tate. Now let's have an honest show of hands here. How many people have heard of Andrew Tate? All right, so we've got some ladies that haven't heard of him. Good job. All right, you win a prize after the, you get an extra root beer float tonight. All right, so who is Andrew Tate? And the only reason my decision to preach this sermon is solely based on his influence. It's solely based on how much influence that he has in the world today, you know, for the last probably couple of years. I don't know how far back his influence goes. But young people especially, young men especially, is who he has massive influence on. He's, whether, you know, whether people like him or not, many people dislike him very heavily. I'm going to show you tonight the differences between what he says and what the Bible says. And, you know, that he should be avoided at all costs by any young Christian man especially. But whatever you think about him, he is one of the most influential people in the world. He's literally one of the most Googled people in the world. If you go just look up who's the most Googled people, he literally comes up in the top few. I mean, sometimes, depending on who you ask, he could be the most Googled person. I don't know how far that goes back, but he's extremely influential. That's why I am preaching the sermon tonight. Now, I'm going to first tell you we can't enhance this sermon because I'm not going to show videos of this person. Okay? This is not a person that we should have anything to do with or listen to or watch. And I will explain that in a few minutes. But when I tell you about this person and who Andrew Tate is, I'm going to stay away from mainstream media articles because they're liars and they lie about everybody. They lie about me. They lie about everybody. So why would I use mainstream media articles? I'm just going to give you facts about Andrew Tate, and then I'm going to give you personal quotes from Andrew Tate. Alright? Now, look, I had to be very careful about personal quotes from Andrew Tate just because of the fact that he is a very vulgar person. Okay? Let's put it that way. So, who is Andrew Tate? Let's start here, and then I'll tell you the two points that I'm going to really talk about where the Bible differs extremely and where the confusion comes in. I kind of narrowed it down to two areas, and we'll talk about that. But first of all, who is he? Alright? Andrew Tate III was born December 1st, 1986. I think this is Wikipedia right here. Not that Wikipedia is like this, you know, paragon of truth, but it's the best we can do. Alright? He's a British American social media personality, businessman, and former professional kickboxer. Tate began practicing kickboxing. Now, just pay attention to these dates here. Okay? Tate began practicing kickboxing in 2005 and gained his first championship in 2009. So, basically, he went from, hey, I might kickbox, to basically being a world champion, from what I understand, in just a few years. That is impressive. Okay? And that doesn't happen. That doesn't happen on accident. That doesn't happen because that happens from hard work and training and dedication. Okay? Which is one of the issues that we'll talk about this evening. Alright? So, that's the first thing. So, he was a professional sports star. He was very good at it. He attracted wider attention in 2016 when he appeared on the British reality show, Big Brother. I'm not sure what that is. And it was removed from his comments, after his comments, on social media attracted controversy. He began offering paid courses and memberships through his website and rose to fame as an internet celebrity, promoting an ultra-masculine and ultra-luxurious lifestyle. Tate's misogynistic commentary, meaning, like, he is against women, basically, is what this is saying, has resulted in his suspension from several social media platforms. On December 29th, 2022, now this is just an accusation. I want to clarify that. Andrew and his brother, Tristan, were arrested in Romania along with two women. All four were suspected of human trafficking and forming an organized crime group. Romanian police allege that the group coerced victims into creating a paid pornography site for social media. On March 31st, all four were moved to house arrest. While an investigation continues, prosecutors have said that they have until late June to send the case to trial. He denies all of these charges, to be fair, okay? So, he's a very wealthy person and he's a very influential person. When I started doing some research, I didn't have too much interest in watching things that he said or interviews or anything like that. I just go off quotes that I've gotten from people that have put quotes together of his or whatever. But I was curious on how he became so successful. He's supposedly worth 50 to 365 million dollars depending on who you talk to. I was like, okay, is he skillful? Does he have skills? He talks a lot about having skills and being skillful. So, here's how he made his money. Online ventures. Tate's website offers training courses on accumulating wealth and male-female interactions. You know, I don't know if that means advice with, like, women advice, things like that. According to the website, he also operated a webcam studio using his girlfriends as employees. Tate and his brother Tristan started the webcam business employing as many as 75 webcam models, all to sell fake sob stories to male callers claiming to have made millions of dollars doing so. He later said that the business model was a total scam. Tate operated Hustlers University, a platform where members paid a $49.99, this is something separate, $49.99 monthly membership fee to receive instruction on ways to make money outside traditional employment. So, he's trying to teach people how to get out of, he calls it the matrix, which is traditional employment. You know, the Bible says work by the sweat of your face all the days of your life. So, right away we see, you know, I gave a sermon in the beginning of the year talking about, you know, get rich quick. Okay, right away we see that this is starting to have some familiar rings to me as I'm reading this. I'm like, is there something special or something, you know, unique that this guy did, some special skill that he has that he's really good at something? And I'm just like, oh, it's all the kind of the same thing, right? So, he's selling this university that's going to tell people these things outside traditional employment, how to make money outside traditional employment, such as cryptocurrency, copywriting, e-commerce, which was facilitated by pre-recorded videos. So, basically he had all these pre-recorded videos on how to make money doing these risky, get rich quick schemes, basically. The website employed an affiliate marketing program, listen to this, where members received a commission for recruiting others to the platform. I'm just like, oh. I'm like, okay, it's a multi-level marketing scheme, you know, where you make money by, you know, you sell something and then you sign a bunch of people up and then they make money by signing a bunch of other people up. What are my hands starting to look like here as we sign up more and more people? If I could draw a shape, it would be like this. It's a pyramid scheme, right? So, I'm like, all right, at the end of the day, how did this guy make $365 million or whatever it is? Basically, he created a persona. He created an image, an online social media image. He's a shock jock. He's a shock jock. He says things that are very shocking, that are very provocative. He got a bunch of subscribers, and then he recruited his followers to promote him. That's basically what it is. I mean, look, I mean, he's not stupid, but if you follow him, you are. I mean, that's kind of how pyramid schemes and multi-level marketing schemes work. I mean, some guy who's a great salesman and can manipulate people into things, he signs a bunch of people up and gets a bunch of people to sign a bunch of other people up and all these different things, and maybe they have some inherent value to what they're selling, like alpacas or whatever. Alpacas was one of these, I think, many years ago. It's all the same thing. There's no new thing under the sun is what it took me to realize about this guy after about four minutes of research. All right, continuing on who he is. That's how he made his money. Religion. Is he religious? Is he not religious? Tate was raised Christian Orthodox. Okay, that's basically the Slavic version of Catholicism, to put that lightly. He was raised Orthodox and later became an atheist. By early 2002, he identified as Christian again and then said that he tithed 16,000 pounds to the Romanian Orthodox Church on a monthly basis, so much for do not your alms before men. After a video of him praying at a mosque in Dubai went viral in October 2022, he announced on one of his social media accounts that he had converted to Islam. All right, so now he's a Muslim, okay? So you say, like, why focus on him? You know, I even came home Thursday night and I was talking to my wife about this sermon and I was just like, you know, he's a bad guy. He's a bad guy and, you know, I don't know if I should even preach a sermon on this guy, but here's the thing, folks, everybody knows him. Everybody knows him and he even says, you know, things that in a world where masculinity is being killed and trampled upon, he says certain things where even, like, God forbid young Christians could say, oh, that sounds right and that's why I'm going to preach this sermon tonight is just talk about what he is actually saying versus what the Bible teaches and it's not even close. It's not even close. I mean, look, he has a massive influence and, look, people may even think, may even think that some of the things that he says are funny or, you know, are right a little bit, but let's just look at what the Bible says, okay? I'm going to focus on two. There's lots of problems with this person, but I'm going to focus on two main areas. I'm going to focus on two main problems with Andrew Tate versus what the Bible says and then I'll wrap it up with should we be paying attention to any of this, all right? The first one is this. The first main problem is this. His views on women and relationships. His views on the man-woman relationship, okay? And I'm going to use his quotes and I can't use 95% of his quotes because they are not usable in a sermon, but you will get the idea of what he is saying, okay? First of all, like I said, most comments can't be repeated, but needless to say, you know, the way he thinks, you'll see and then we'll look at what the Bible says, okay? Here's a quote from Andrew Tate. I think the women belong to the man, okay? Notice there it says I think the women belong to the man, okay? Another quote is this. He's talking about his many girlfriends or whatever he has. He says, you know, in relation to these many women that he has a relationship with, he's saying how can I use these women to make me money? He's quoted saying that, okay? Another quote that he said is men can cheat, women can't. I mean, so you kind of get the idea of, you know, this person and the things that he is preaching. He's also stated that women belong in the home, that they can't drive and that they were given to the man and belong to the man. Many, many other comments that I can't repeat. The problem is that many think and many young Christians and immature Christians can start to think that this is based in the Bible, okay? And I'm going to show you how that is not true. So first question is this. He mentions women as property. Turn to 1 Corinthians chapter 7. You're in 1 Corinthians chapter 1. You just go over a few chapters to 1 Corinthians chapter 7. 1 Corinthians chapter 7. First question is, you know, he mentions women as property in the same sentence as a car or, you know, some kind of possession along those lines, right? But look at 1 Corinthians chapter 7. Let's just let the Bible do the speaking here. Are women property? Look at verse number 2. And this is a common problem actually amongst young men today. I've even seen young men in a church have this problem, okay? Look at 1 Corinthians chapter 7 in verse number 2. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband. There's two statements of possession there, right? A man is to have his own wife. My wife is sitting in the church tonight and she's mine. But then look what it says. It says the wife, the woman, is to have her own husband. So the first thing here is that we're talking about a husband and a wife. This is the first major difference right here. It's a huge miss. It's a huge miss. And the second thing is, yes, my wife is mine. But I'm also hers. Okay? And this comes from, let's just keep reading. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband. You see how it's like, bam, bam, both sides of it here? The wife hath not power over her own body but the husband. So, like, my wife, her body is my body is what it's saying. It belongs to me. That's what the Bible is saying here. But, and also likewise also the husband hath not power over his own body but the wife. You know where this comes from? This comes from Genesis chapter 2 where the Bible literally says that in marriage therefore shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall become one flesh. This is talking about how when a man gets married to a wife they become one. That is what 1 Corinthians chapter 7 is talking about. In verse number 5 it says, 1 Corinthians chapter 7, defraud ye not one another. It's talking about the physical relationship between a man and his wife, a wife and her husband. So don't defraud each other, the Bible is saying here. So the point is this. My wife is mine and I am also hers. So that's the first miss is that we're talking about a marriage. We're talking about a marriage as when you get married you become one flesh. Turn to Exodus chapter 20 in verse number 17. So, I mean, is my wife my property is the question. Well, I guess only as much as my arm is my property. I mean, I wouldn't really say my arm is my property. You know, but the problem is you can't, you know, property is not really the right terminology here because she's literally a part of me. We become one body. We become one flesh. And it's not just she's mine, it's I'm hers. This is why it's okay. This is why it's so important to understand the difference between jealousy and envy, right? Because jealousy is something that, you know, I am covetous over something that's mine. That's okay. That's how God can be jealous over us. God literally says one of his names is jealous. So we can be jealous over, you can be jealous over your wife. My wife can be jealous over me. If I'm, you know, just going somewhere that, you know, where my wife is thinking like, you know, I'm, you know, looking at things I shouldn't see or something like that, it's okay for her to be jealous over her husband because I'm hers. I'm part of her body. Same thing with a husband and a wife. So look at verse number 17 of Exodus chapter 20. The Bible says this. It says, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. See? She belongs to him. That's why. You're not to want something that is not yours, including your neighbor's wife who is part of him. Nor his manservant, his maidservant goes through there. So the first miss here, the first miss is that Tate is not married. Andrew Tate is not married. This does not apply to girlfriends. Andrew Tate is what the Bible would call in the category, and we'll get there in a minute, but he's in the category of a whoremonger. That's what the Bible calls that. That's what the Bible calls an unmarried man that is engaging in physical relationships with women that are also unmarried. Okay? Being a whoremonger. Look at another quote that he says about men and women. If we talk about tradition, he's talking about dating, etc. If we talk about tradition, traditionally, every single man in history had multiple wives. First of all, that's completely not true. And there was not a single woman who was celebrated for having multiple husbands. Female promiscuity has always been frowned upon. So he's basically saying, he's putting forth this idea that it's okay for a man to be unfaithful, and it is not okay for a woman to be unfaithful. First of all, he's completely off the reservation here because we're talking about the context of marriage, is what the Bible is talking about. He's talking about just fornication. All right? So what about the man, though? What about the man? Turn to Proverbs, chapter 5. What does the Bible say? Look, I'll prove him wrong even within marriage. I'll prove him wrong that, let's say that he was married and he was talking about marriage, which he's not. He's just talking about fornication, which is ridiculous. God condemns fornication for the man and the woman. God condemns fornication. That's why it says whores and whoremongers in the Bible. That's what it means. Unmarried people that are going and just engaging in physical relationships outside of marriage. But what about the man within a marriage? Is that true that a man could just be in a marriage and just as long as his wife doesn't be unfaithful, he can just do whatever he wants? Look at Proverbs, chapter 5. This is completely false. Look at Proverbs, chapter 5, and verse number 3. Solomon, if you look at the beginning of Proverbs, chapter 5, Solomon is talking to his son. What was the problem that Solomon had? Solomon had a problem with women. Solomon was one of these men. Let me address that every man in history had multiple wives. First of all, there was the kings mainly in the Bible that had multiple wives. And God told them to not multiply wives. God told them to not do that, but they did it anyway. They just defied God. But look, exactly what God said would happen, happened to these men. So Solomon, the author of most of the Proverbs, is writing to his son. Look at the first verse. He says to my son, he's talking to his son saying, please don't have the same problem, don't fall into the same things that I fell into. Look at verse number 3 of Proverbs, chapter 5. The lips of a strange woman drop as in honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil. Here in these coming verses, we're going to see the dangers of the strange woman. The strange woman is, and I'm going to prove to you that he's talking to someone that's married. So again, this doesn't even apply to anything Andrew Tate has said. But he's warning the married man against the strange woman. What is the strange woman? Is it some woman that's all like... No, it's like this woman that is outside of his marriage, that is coming and trying to entice him outside of his marriage. He's warning against this and he's literally telling his son what's going to happen if he engages with the strange woman. The strange meaning outside, unknown, not his. Look at verse number 3. They're smoother than oil. It's going to look good. It's going to look like it's the right thing. It's going to look enticing. But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death and her steps take hold on hell. He's literally warning this married young man, that there's going to be women that go out there and try to entice you away from your wife. And her end is, those women, he's basically saying those women are from hell, is what he's saying. It's pretty strong language here. Lest thou shouldst ponder the path of life, her ways are movable, thou canst not... Lest thou shouldst ponder the path of life, her ways are movable, that thou canst not know them. Hear me thou therefore, O children, and depart not from the words of my mouth. He's saying, please, listen to me. Remove thy way far from her, this strange woman, and come not nigh to the door of her house. Lest thou give honor unto others and thy years unto the cruel. This is what he's saying. He's like, your honor is going to go away. He's like, any reputation that you've had... You know, this is the thing about your reputation and what the Bible says about your name. Your name takes years and years and years to build up. And it's lost in one moment. And he's saying this type of woman, this strange woman is going to try to entice you away, and will do this to you. And it says, and thy years unto the cruel. And you will suffer for this one decision for years, is what he is saying. Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth, and thy labors be filled with thy wealth. Now he gets really specific. You're not only going to lose your name, he says, strangers will be filled with thy wealth, and thy labors be in the house of a stranger. You know what he's saying? He's saying, you will lose everything. I know men. I know men who, it literally, I remember this man that I used to work with, and he was, I mean, the guy was incredibly successful. He was incredibly smart. He went to the top military academy in the country. He was like a high ranking. Everything he did, he was excellent at. Every single, but he had a woman problem. He couldn't be faithful to a wife. And I think by the time I knew him, I was just in my early 20s, he was about 15 years older than me. I think by the time I knew him, he had been married three times. And he was going on his fourth. The guy made insane money, and he was broke. He was broke. Because he's paying all these ex-wives, and he's paying all this child support. I mean, the Bible's true, whether you like it or not. The Bible's true whether you believe it or not. So the Bible here is saying, you'll lose everything, son. You watch out and stay far away from this woman. And thou mourn at the last, and look at this, it's even more specific. Here's what you won't hear from Andrew Tate. Here's what you won't hear from Hollywood. Look what they're saying here. And thou mourn at the last when thy flesh and thy body are consumed. You know what they're saying? This is what Hollywood won't tell you. Hollywood will show you some sitcom that runs for 10 years where the lead character in the sitcom has 120 different partners or whatever that they fornicate with. But here's what they won't tell you. They won't tell you about if you actually went and did that, how many diseases you would get. How it would literally destroy your body. It would literally destroy you. This is the danger of this kind of teaching. This is Hollywood fake dangerous stuff. The Bible is saying your body, your flesh will be consumed. And say, how have I hated instruction and my heart despised reproof? And have not, he's like, you'll just regret it. You'll just regret it. Why didn't I listen to my dad? Is what he's saying you'll say. Look at verse number 17. Actually, it says, verse 15, drink waters of that own sister. Say, you know what? Stick with what's yours. You know who that is? Your wife. In running waters of that own well, let thy fountains be dispersed abroad in rivers and waters in the streets. Let them be only thine own and not strangers with thee. Verse 18, let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice with what? With the wife of your youth. Solomon is trying to teach his son not to make the same mistakes that he made. Notice how Solomon didn't say, rejoice with the wives of thy youth. Because there was a time when Solomon had one wife. And he's saying, rejoice with that wife, is what he's saying. But the point I'm trying to get you to understand is this. Turn to Matthew chapter 19. In both cases, a husband, in both cases, the wife, being unfaithful, is condemned. The husband, God is also warning the husband in Proverbs chapter five. But look at Matthew chapter 19. He warns the husband again here. Look at verse, Matthew chapter 19, look at verse number nine. The Bible says, and I say unto you, Jesus also repeats that in the beginning he made them male and female, verse four, and he said, for this cause shall the man leave father and mother, then cleave to his wife, and the twain shall be one flesh. And I say unto you, verse nine, whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another. Who's he talking about here? Whosoever shall put away his wife, and shall marry another, comitteth adultery. He's talking about the man committing adultery here. So this idea that the man can cheat and the woman can't, first of all, he's not even married, he's just a whoremonger. He's talking about, he's in the whores and whoremonger world. That's where he's at. But even in marriage, that's not what the Bible teaches. Turn to Hebrews chapter 13. Hebrews chapter 13. Hebrews chapter 13. I mean, Deuteronomy 17 and 17, while you're turning to Hebrews 13, just talking about multiple wives and the kings, the Bible says about the kings, neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart not turn away, neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold. Yeah, there was many rich men in the Bible that had multiple wives, but that was against the advice and the direction of the Lord. But they were also in those situations where there was multiple wives. That was not a fornicating situation. I mean, they were at least his wives for forever. It's not like those wives were his wives for a week and then, like the entertainment situation is just completely out of control. Like I said, it's just a whoremonger situation is what it is. Look at verse number four of Hebrews chapter 13. The Bible says, marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. So the Bible here is saying, but whoremongers and adulterers, it's talking about the fornicators and those that are not faithful in marriage, God will judge. Entertain is part of this first part, the whoremonger part. In the Bible, I mean, that whoremongers, the definition of a whoremonger in the Bible is a fornicating man. Is a man that is not married that is in fornication. Okay? So, I mean, again, it's just like there's no new thing under the sun. This is just a, this is a typical young man. This is a typical immature young man thing. A typical immature ungodly young man that just thinks women should belong to him, women should follow him, and women should listen to him. It's a twisting of truth. It's a complete perversion of the Bible, first of all. And since no one knows the Bible anymore, it's easy to do. It's easy to come up with these things that maybe sound like somebody heard something one time in church and be like, oh, that sounds right. No, it's completely wrong. So, look, he says women are his property, the Bible, and while he's living the life of a whoremonger, he's a Hollywood movie. He's a Hollywood movie, and that's really the dangerous part of it is he's selling this promise of this thing and telling nobody about the dangers. He's making it look like you're gonna walk through a field of flowers when, really, you're gonna walk through a field of disease and poverty is what you're gonna walk through, what the Bible says. He's not mentioning anything about the bad. But the Bible says, he says women are his property. He's not married. He's a fornicator. He's a whoremonger. The Bible says my wife belongs to me and I to her. That's the difference. See, Andrew Taint is appealing to these young men that are, maybe they've had, he's trying to sell them this idea of how to get girls. That's what he's selling in this first point that I'm making. But you know what the Bible will teach? The Bible will teach how to get the girl. That's the difference. That is the difference. See, the Bible will teach the guy on proper dating and proper courting and fleeing fornication and being appropriate. And it'll teach him what he should be looking for in a girl, how he's looking for someone to be a helpmeet to him. He's looking for someone. He's looking for someone, as we talked about this morning, the young biblical man is looking for someone in an appropriate way, in an appropriate relationship, who will follow him. He's looking for what the Bible says, a meek and quiet spirit. He's looking for someone who will be a good teacher and a good mother to his children, to be a good keeper at home, the Bible says. That's what he's looking for. And yes, I mean, he's looking for a wife that he can lead. That's what the young man is supposed to be looking for. That's what the Bible will teach as far as how to find the girl. That's what he is looking for. I mean, he's not looking for the loud, profane feminist. That's what he's trying to avoid, the biblical young man. But the young lady, how about the biblical young lady? The biblical young lady, she's looking for a leader. She's looking for a leader. And he, the young man, he's sort of interviewing for the job. If you think about it that way. And guess what? As we talked about this morning from Deuteronomy chapter 30, as this young man is courting in an appropriate way, this young lady, he's sort of trying to, because guess what? He's in charge of nothing yet. He's not in charge of her. He's sort of interviewing for the job. And guess who he's got looking over his shoulder? Deuteronomy chapter 30. Dad. Looking over his shoulder. Why? Because the dad is ordained to protect that young lady from making what? Making a bad vow. Making a bad decision. So dad's in there and he's kind of watching this situation too. See, because he's not in charge of anything yet. So the young man, the best thing that he can do, the best thing that the young man can do is work on himself. That's what the young man needs to do. He needs to work on himself and convince a young lady and her father that he can command a household in the ways of the Lord. Look, that's what it takes. That's what it takes to marry a biblical young lady. And you say, you know, so let me tell you something. Young men, young men, people are watching you. People are watching you. You know what? Because if you can't command yourself, dad's not going to have you trying to give a shot at commanding his daughter. This is why that protection is put in there. God cares about the young lady too. God loves that godly young lady too. God loves that faithful young lady who's coming to church three times a week. She's soul winning. She's just ready to serve the Lord with her life. He's not just going to throw her to the wolves. That's why he's put these protections in place. He needs to work on himself. You know what? Can I provide? Can I provide for a family? Can I go out and do something that can provide for a family? People are going to be looking for that. Do I have drive? Do I have work ethic? This is where people say, this is where people praise Andrew Tate. It's like, oh, he's got drive. He's got work ethic. Yeah, I mean, look, I'll give it to him. He went from 2005 to like, ah, what's this all about? Trying to kick box to being a world champion in a few years. Impressive. He's got drive. He's got work ethic. It's just completely misfocused. Let's get back to Andrew Tate. Let's look on that direction. He's completely focused in the wrong direction. Here's some of his statements on masculinity and what that means. And people really gravitate to this stuff, because masculinity is being crushed today. Masculinity is being destroyed from every possible angle today. Here's a quote from Andrew Tate. The masculine perspective is that you have to understand that life is war. I'm like, man, if he would have quit talking there, I might have been OK with that. But he didn't quit talking there. It's a war for the female you want. It's a war for the car you want. It's a war for the money you want. It's a war for status. Masculine life is war. And the young men are all like, yeah. As they sit there eating Cheetos off their chest, playing their video games. Society's expectations. Here's another quote. Society's expectations of men are much higher than the societal expectations of females. That's a pretty big blanket to throw right there. I kind of understand where he thinks he might be coming from on that one, but that's a pretty big blanket to throw. He also says life is harder for men than it is for women. I guess that depends. Women are abused and used in the society that's being pushed today. Here's another one. If you could choose, you'll start to see where young men that just have no roots and no anchor kind of gravitate to this stuff. He says if you could choose to build yourself from the ground up, like from a video game, just tick characteristic boxes and build yourself, nobody would choose to be a liberal soy boy. Nobody would choose to be a small, weak guy who has to cry when he gets upset. I mean, that's not wrong. But he pushes actual masculinity and toughness, which is under serious attack today. I mean, everyone is so effeminate today, which the Bible's against. But here's the thing, folks. A broken clock is right twice a day. Because just as somebody says something that might seem to be right, in one quote, you just be like, oh, OK. The problem is his philosophies on life are completely wrong. And really how he defines masculinity and the funny, again, again, there's no new thing under the sun. I was surprised the more I started looking at him, how unoriginal it was. Because he's pushing this idea of masculinity. It's the same idea that Hollywood's been pushing for 70 years. This idea that a masculine man is a womanizer. A masculine man is somebody that drinks whiskey and smokes cigars and all this kind of stuff. That was Satan's goal to destroy men. That was Satan. I mean, that image of masculinity is what worked in tandem with feminism to give us what we have today, where people don't even know what a man is anymore. And so he's got this twisted moral code, which leads me to the second main problem. So with male and female relationships, men and women, he's completely off base. He's not married. He's a fornicator. And he's pushing that blindly on foolish young men, is what he's doing. But here's the second problem, second main problem that I want to address. His life goals. His life goals. You say, all right, he seems to be driven. He seems to be into skills and work ethic. This all sounds good. But the problem is his life goals. Driven in what direction? Here's another quote. I've got mixed reviews about the color of my Bugatti. I'm going to use his. Some people like it. Some people don't. So I said, what color is your Bugatti? You know, his supercar or whatever it is. Here's another quote. I realized yesterday that I can actually genuinely right now nothing that I'm going to read this one again, because I don't want to mess this one up. I'm going to try not to start laughing when I read the whole thing. I realized yesterday that I can actually genuinely right now nothing is stopping me from becoming Batman. Nothing. I have a Batcave. I have an Alfred. I have a Batmobile, a Bugatti. I can fight. And the young men are like, yeah! He's all about riches and money. Turn to Proverbs chapter 28. Here's another thing you need to understand with people like this. There's a lot of people like this out there. Being rich does not make you right. Just because you did whatever you did to get $365 million does not mean you are correct. As a matter of fact, most extremely rich people got there by immoral ways. And the Bible cares how you got there. God is not against you making a couple bucks. God's not against that. But God cares how it happened. God cares how you got the gain. Look at Proverbs chapter 28. Proverbs chapter 28, look at verse number 8. The Bible says, He that by usury and unjust gain increases his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor. That's saying there's unjust gain. God is saying there's ways to make money that are not just. There's ways to make money that are not right. Scamming people, lewdness, dishonesty, casinos, theft, whatever. It matters how you make your money, folks. And this idea that I'm going to give people advice on how to not go to work every day and be traditional and labor by the sweat of your face, and instead I'm going to tell people they can get rich quick by all these immoral things is wicked. And here's another thing, turn to 1 Timothy chapter 6. So first of all, it matters how you get the money. So the Christian should have no part of anything like this, people that talk like this. But the real problem is that money is not the prize for us. Money is not the prize. God doesn't care if you make money, but if you start to love the money, you better look out. If you're saved and money starts to be the goal for you, God's going to fix that for you in a hurry. Look at 1 Timothy chapter 6, verse number 9. See, his goal, and what he's selling is if you do what I do, you can have a Bugai. You can be rich, like me. I'm right from everything that I say. You'll see him use this tactic in interviews or whatever, where somebody argues, well, he says, well, I'm, you know, we'll call her your Bugai. You know, I'm rich, thus I'm right. That's a dumb argument. Money is not the prize, though. Look at 1 Timothy chapter 6, in verse number 9. But they that will be rich, boy, isn't this true, will fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts. You know what this is talking about? This is talking about the person that gives Andrew Tate $49.99 a month. Why? Because they want to keep playing video games. They want to keep being lazy. They want to keep being a bum, and they want to make money overnight by paying somebody this money to show them how to magically make $365 million. They will be rich. They have the will to be rich. And the Bible says you're just going to fall into temptation. You're going to fall into snares. You're going to fall into all these hurtful, you know, situations, and you're a fool, is what the Bible is saying. Turn to Titus chapter 1. Look, folks, overall, overall, I think maybe he's playing a part. I think maybe he's playing a part. You know, you think about, he basically, he found success through this brand of his personality. He started this personality cult that harvests his followers for money. Does this sound familiar about something that you've read about in the Bible? He's harvesting his followers for money. He's a false prophet of sorts. I mean, to a real man that knows the Bible, he's just another clown. You know, but in this particular case, he's a damaging clown. There's another, I had another conspiracy theory pop into my head when I was reading about it, and I'm like, you know what? Maybe he's working, maybe he's really a feminist. Maybe he's really hired by the feminists to advance the feminist movement, because then the feminists, they can just paint any Christian man with his brush. Any Christian man that says, you know, a wife, he's looking for a wife that will submit to his leadership, and a Christian man that believes what the Bible says about marriage and the structure of the family. You know, like, oh, are you like that Andrew Tate guy? It's like the ultimate straw man for, you know, the feminists today. Look at Titus chapter one. Look at verse number 10. Look at Titus chapter one, verse number 10. The Bible says, for there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially they of the circumcision, whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not. Why? For filthy lucre's sake. He's very similar to a false prophet, as he harvests people that follow him for what? For money. That's it. I mean, he's up front and open about the fact that all he cares about is just the money. It's just money. But the problem is, the problem is, he's damaging biblical roles, is the problem. The problem is his influence is damaging what the Bible actually says that a man should be, what the Bible says that masculinity should be. So, literally, we've got this family, we've got the biblical family under attack, we've got the dads under attack, we've got the moms under attack today, and we've got the kids under attack from the radical left, and now they're under attack from the right, or whatever side this is, but they're under attack from every angle. You should have nothing to do with this guy. Go to Proverbs chapter four. Go to Proverbs chapter four. Proverbs chapter four. We should have nothing to do with people like this, and don't go look into them. Don't go look into them. I sacrificed myself for you, okay, by reading some of the quotes that this guy had said, but I know that people know who he is, so I wanted to make sure that we got these things cleared up. Look at Proverbs chapter four and verse 24. The Bible says you should have nothing to do with people like this. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. This man is, out of all the people that we've looked at, he is the most perverse out there. He's extremely perverse, and if you find yourself liking the things that he says, you need to check yourself. Stick to the Bible. See, the thing is, folks, I mean, it's like the Jehovah's Witnesses that are walking down the streets, it's like their ladies wear dresses, too, but it's not like, oh, we're like the same. No, we're completely different. We're completely different. They have a false gospel. See, people even kind of think like this. They think like the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but guess what? Christians can't operate that way. I've even talked about this. Wars in the Old Testament. Wars in the Old Testament. The enemy, the enemies of the nation of Israel were constantly going and making alliances with all these wicked nations just to fight Israel, but God literally told, literally told Israel that no, you do not make alliance with the Syrians. You do not go and hire people, because who do we have? We cannot make alliances with the wicked even to fight the wicked. God says no. You know, God can give you much more than this. What about the money we paid them? Amaziah. We cannot operate under those rules. And why? We don't have to. Why? Because we have God. We don't have to go hire a bunch of wicked people. We don't have to go and put our arms around wicked people to fight our enemies. Why? Because God fights for us. That's why. That's how it works. Tate is somebody who simply found a niche. He found a niche, and the niche is with immature young men, especially in this case. He rings in their ears. He rings in their ears. He, you know, they have, we have a lot of young men in this, I talk about this all the time, that our kids are gonna do so well because everybody else, these next generations are all like this. So you have these young men that are growing up and they have this resentment because of the lack of success in their life, and they don't know how to work, and they don't know how to do anything. They don't have any skills. They never pick up a tool in their life. They're just, they're lazy. They're bums. They play video games all the time. They don't know how to work even if they wanted to work. This is a major problem. So you got this resentment. They're like, oh, but we're broke. We got, you're not gonna live with my parents till I'm 30 because I can't make any money. I can't succeed in this world. Every time I try to go out in the world, it chews me up and it spits me out. It's because you're lazy. It's because you're not doing what the Bible says. The Bible says, in Proverbs 22, it says, a man who's diligent in his business will stand before kings. You don't need Andrew Tate to tell you that. He will not stand amongst mean men. He will not be amongst the average, a man who's diligent. What does that mean? That means he works hard all the time. That's what it means. That's what these kids need to learn. They need to learn what the Bible says. They need to learn what the Bible says, what it doesn't say, and when somebody's spewing a bunch of perverted garbage, they need to be able to reject it. You know what? That's not what the Bible says, buddy. The Bible says you're a whoremonger. The Bible says I'm not supposed to care about riches. The Bible says I'm not supposed to try to not want to go to work every day. The Bible says I'm supposed to go to work every day. That's what God literally tells me to do. God tells me that I should marry, that I should be pure. That I should not fornicate. I should be pure and I should marry someone who's also pure, and we should have a fulfilling marriage and have children, and I should go and I should work hard to support and protect them. That's what the Bible says. This is the opposite of this. I've met young men in church like this, and let me tell you something. You get young men like this in church that are this type of young man, and it won't take long for the man of God to, if he won't change and he won't respect the authority of the man of God, it won't take long for a true man of God who has some masculinity to grab him by the belt loop and chuck him out the door. I have seen men like this in church. They'll eventually get kicked out, and it's because of that authority thing that we talked about this morning. So look, Andrew Tate. He's ripping off. He found a niche. He's ripping these people off is what he's doing, and he's also ripping them off They're not going to become millionaires. And what he's doing, which is extra wicked, is he's selling the lust of the flesh, which is exactly what the Bible says that the young man needs to fight against. The young man needs to fight against the lust of the flesh, as 1 Corinthians 7 is saying the young man needs to get married. To get married, that young man is going to need to be diligent. He's going to need to be faithful. It's going to take some work from that young man to get married. You know what? Here's another thing. This guy, I just have this. I felt the same way about Alex Jones many, many years ago. I wouldn't put a penny on the fact that this guy even believes this stuff. He created a character. You know what he reminds me of? Have you ever seen a play? You know how when you see a play live on the stage? Don't go see a play. But when you see a play live on the stage, the actors have to overact everything. They kind of have to be more like... Stage actors have to be like, I can't even do it. But they have to be like, Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Bob! All this kind of stuff. They have to overdo everything. That's what this guy's doing. That's what this guy's doing. Alex Jones is a salesman. I'm just like, I don't know. Okay, so he's right on a few conspiracies. He's probably right on a lot of them. I don't know. But, like I said, a broken clock. Either way, here's what young people today need to understand. Young people today who are into the electronic age and the phones and the internet and all these different things and the TV and all the different media that they're doing and the TikTok and the Instagram. I'm kicked off Instagram and I've never been on Instagram. I've never been on Instagram, by the way. I don't know how I got kicked off. I was trying to just look at somebody's Instagram and they're like, You're banned. And I'm like, What? I've never even been on Instagram. So I'm like, Alright, I'll start an account. I start an account. Immediately when I start the account, your account has been banned. I'm just like, I don't know. But anyway, all these young people that are just into all this social media, all this just taking all these things in, what you have to realize is this stuff is not real life. It's not real. Reality TV has never been and never will be real. What you see on Facebook is not real. That's why you see somebody's perfect little life on Facebook and they're always going on vacations. They've got the perfect family, young, 30-year-old couple. They're on vacation and they've got the two perfect kids and all these different things and then they murder each other or something. You're like, What happened? I thought they were perfect. They were never perfect. It's not real. It's fake. You're being presented with an alternate reality and that is definitely the case here. But I mean ultimately, he's just another false prophet making merchandise to people. There's no new thing under the sun. Ecclesiastes. Only the Bible will lead you down the path of a great marriage and following this clown will guarantee the opposite is what the message is for the young people today. Let's bow our heads and have a word with it.