(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Place there in Ecclesiastes chapter 4. It's kind of depressing. I Love Ecclesiastes, I mean you got a love You got a love, you know lessons learned from you know Somebody that's been there been done it the wrong way and is telling you that's why I love you know, how Ecclesiastes starts It's like, you know the words of the preacher right and it's like if you can't learn from preaching, you know You can't learn right so look tonight the title of the sermon tonight is an handful with quietness and Handful with quietness what I'll talk about tonight is I want to look at a little bit of Ecclesiastes chapter 4 and I want to look at walking that line of hard work and Being satisfied with what you know, the Lord provides you in your life. All right, look, I mean there's there's a spectrum Out there on this thing, right? So on one hand you have these people who just you know, don't want to work Right. They don't want to work at all in their life. And look there's plenty of these people. We all know it, right? They don't want to work and then they they vilify Those that do work, right? They'll vilify people that work by like, oh, you know You're just you just love money and all this kind of stuff and then you know So that's one end of the spectrum Ecclesiastes chapter 4 talks about this whole spectrum Okay, and that's what we're gonna look at tonight The other end of this spectrum is those that that work to just pile up riches for themselves All right, and you know, of course those people, you know, they vilify, you know, the people that don't work, right? Well, they're both wrong. All right, and that's going to show you tonight and we're going to show you that that's what Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 is going to tell us. So let's explore the Bible and the words of the preacher tonight Look so much can be learned by listening to preaching preaching, especially in this case You know learning from the experience of others That's why I like, you know Ecclesiastes so much because it's the direct experience of somebody That that has learned something not necessarily the easy way the hard way, right? So let's look down at Ecclesiastes chapter 4 Let's just start in verse number 1 and just look at the beginning of Ecclesiastes chapter 4 where the Bible says so I returned and considered all the oppressions that are done under the Sun and Behold the tears of such as were oppressed and they had no comforter and on the side of their oppressors There was power but they had no comforter Wherefore I praised the dead which are already dead more than the living which are yet alive He's saying it's so bad that you know people I just Praise the people that are already dead Yea, better is he then both they which had not yet been who have not seen the evil work that is done under the Sun Again, I considered all travail and every right work that for this a man is envied of his neighbor This also this is also vanity and vexation of spirit You know, those are two words that you'll see, you know Two phrases that you'll see in the in Ecclesiastes over and over again vanity vanity meaning. It's just it's just worthless It's just something that's just carnal for you in this life and then vexation of spirit meaning it's it's depressing It's gets you down right to even think about these things right? So look he's talking about in the beginning here He's talking about, you know oppression, you know oppression that is going on in the world, right? I mean look turn to first Kings chapter 12 Look there will always be the only lesson here is that you know, there will always be oppression in the world Okay, and the irony of this beginning part of the Ecclesiastes chapter 4 is that even Solomon himself? Oppressed people Okay, that's that's a little bit irony in Ecclesiastes chapter 4 turn to first Kings chapter 12 if you remember his son who is about to take over the kingdom the people came to his son and they they brought this to him and in first Kings chapter 12 in verse number 3 the Bible says that they that sent and called him in Jeroboam and all the Congregation of Israel came and spake unto Jeroboam saying thy father made our yoke grievous. They're talking about Solomon Now therefore make thou the grievous service of thy father and his heavy yoke, which he put upon us lighter And we will serve thee. So look, no one knows the whole truth here on how oppressive You know Solomon was but this is like the first union grievance in the Bible It's kind of the way I look at it Right all the people got together and they tried to negotiate a better deal they said, you know Solomon, he's either he's either working us too hard or taxing us too much or both and Punishing us too hard or whatever it is, but look there was some oppression there There was some level of oppression by Solomon, right? So that's not the point of the sermon. It's just interesting as we begin Ecclesiastes chapter 4 But now let's get back to the point of the sermon and back to this spectrum this spectrum of either doing nothing in your life and not working and being lazy or just Working to just build up riches on this other side in Ecclesiastes chapter 4 in verses number 5 through 8 Give us this spectrum. Look at verse number 5 The Bible says in verse number 5 the fool foldeth his hands together and eateth his own flesh And then in verse 6 it says better is in handful with quietness than both the hands full of travail and vexation of spirit Then I returned and I saw vanity under the Sun There is one alone and there is not a second. Yea, he that neither that hath neither child nor brother Yet there is no end of all his labor neither is his I Satisfied with riches neither sayeth he for whom do I labor and bereaved my soul of good This is also vanity. Yea, it is a sore travail. No, there's a lot there There's a lot there but up in verse number 5 and we're not going to spend a lot of time on verse number 5 But basically in verse number 5 he says the fool foldeth his hands together and eateth his own flesh Translation, you know the fool just foldeth, you know He just lays around doesn't do anything And basically what he's saying is is that this man who does nothing who is slothful who's lazy will destroy himself That's what he's saying in verse number 5 now that is totally true Today, I mean you can see it. You can see even even men today that don't work and That start to just take this free life that by the way is being offered a little bit more and more Every single day every single week every single year. It's being enticed in front of people every single day more and more And the more they take that free Money that they did not work for welfare you can call it the more it destroys them it destroys Their character it destroys their odds of ever becoming the men that we're going to talk about in the rest of the sermon Because I mean look if you're just sitting there you're just getting all this free stuff It takes a person of character to stop taking that and But look if you have character you wouldn't take it in the first place Right. Look look this isn't the point of the sermon, but if you don't think that there is an agenda out there today to get people on Government assistance and get people taking free things from the government more and more and more whether that be straight-up money or food or Medical care if you don't think there's an a there's not an agenda to it today You're living in a dream world And here's what it is, it's about control Because when they provide everything for you, they can tell you exactly what to do And there's nothing you can say about it. Look you send your kids to public school You have nothing to say about what they teach there shut your mouth That's what they'll tell you You send your kids to public school. It's a centralized machine that cannot be controlled at the local level It's designed that way you can't get on the school board and change it You can't it's designed to not be changed So you send your kids to public school shut your mouth and just that's what they're gonna teach them That's what it is. You can't change it You go to get government health care and all this they'll tell you what shots to get We're paying for it They'll tell you what insurance you can get what they will cover what they won't they'll tell you what's healthy What's not you wait? It'll get worse and worse and worse and there's a lot more of that coming from what we're seeing today You just wait it's all about control So look that's not even the point of the sermon But the point is is that the man that does nothing that sits there and folds his hands together will destroy himself Period and then it says better then he gets into you know who you should be Better is it so he's moving through the spectrum He's like here's the lazy bum Who wants to just have everybody do stuff for him? And then he's moving to where you should be and he says better is in handful with quietness Then both the hands full with travail and vexation of spirit. This is a man here Who's just satisfied with what the Lord has given him? Alright, so verse six is where you want to be and then from there a line is crossed the other way You know this guy that he's talking about in verse number seven or verse number eight He's talking about this guy who doesn't have any children. He doesn't even have a brother, you know Implying he doesn't even have any friends or any of that yet. He's just working working working Working to pile up riches. He's never his eye is never satisfied. You know this guy I know this guy Heaping up riches and look it implies in verse number eight That it gets worse as he gets older Now I've seen this I can't tell you how many times people that get older and they just become obsessed with their possessions Because look if you you get to be 70 80 years old and you've worked pretty hard in your life. Look I hate to break it to you. But if you work hard, you can still make it in this country. Well Maybe two weeks ago but if you work hard, you can still make it in this country and if you work hard your whole life and You're not an idiot by the time you're 60 70 80 years old. You might have a few bucks You might have some possessions But I've seen people that are verse number eight and they just it just it overtakes their life and you're like, you know what you're not going to be alive much longer on this earth and all you care about is stuff I mean you would think You would think that it would get you would just care. I mean, that's where I want to be, right? That's where you want to be like the older you get. I mean, it doesn't even what does it even matter? It doesn't even matter. I mean you don't even need it, right? I mean, there's certain things that as we're raising families, you know, we might need a car We might need a place to live all these different things as you get older and older and older You don't even really need a lot of those things yet. You become more and more and more obsessed This is the person in verse number eight look, I mean by Studies actual secular studies show that as long as you Happiness from being poor to being rich happiness is only really affected and until you have enough Like if you're just dirt poor and you have nothing, you know Then having a little bit more resources does make you happier But until you have enough and I don't know what that that salary is or what that number is but basically they found that when people have enough where they can Provide a decent living for their family then that happiness curve as they get more it just flattens It doesn't make them any happier secular people will tell you this So this is I mean once again the Bible gets no credit Right. I mean the Bible gets no credit the Bible tells you this, you know Don't just sit there and labor and labor and labor to heap up riches And then the funny thing is is that he doesn't even know who's gonna get it He doesn't even know who's gonna who's good there's nobody in this case turn to Psalm chapter 39 But I've seen poor people obsessed with money and I've seen rich people obsessed with money It goes both ways Turn to Psalm chapter 39. Look at verse number six So there's this idea that this guy doesn't even know, you know, he doesn't even know Who's gonna he says for whom do I labor? He doesn't even know who he's gonna leave it to he doesn't he may even you don't know who they are Look at Psalm 39 verse number six He says surely every man walketh in a vein in a vain show surely they are disquieted in vain He heapeth up riches and knoweth not who shall gather them. So let me ask you this for whom do you labor? For whom do you labor? Look the Bible talks about you know, this word called a heritage You know, it calls this this word a heritage, you know, and the Bible actually mentions, you know, you should leave a goodly Heritage, right? So so what is it? What is a heritage? That the actual definition of a heritage is your allotted portion Turn to Psalm 16 So The Bible says that you should want, you know, if you've been left a goodly heritage, that's that's good, right? Look at Psalm 16 in verse number 5 So what type of heritage should you leave first of all, let's just look at this idea of leaving and heritage Psalm 16 the Bible says In verse number 5 the Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup thou maintainest my lot The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. Yea, I have a goodly Heritage turn to Psalm 61. So I mean, I hope my kids can say that I left them a goodly heritage So let's look at you know, what that is what that means Look at Psalm 61 in verse number 5 For thou O God has heard my vows thou has given me the heritage of those that fear thy name So here he's talking about the heritage of people that have taught him to fear the Lord Okay, so he's talking about you know This idea that he had these these people that pass this heritage down to him to fear the Lord Well, that's a good that's a goodly heritage Turn to Psalm 119 Psalm 119 What other type of heritage should we you know, look at leaving to the next generation Psalm 119 Look at verse 111 Psalm 119 the longest chapter in the Bible verse number 111 The Bible says thy testimonies have I taken as in heritage forever For they are the rejoicing of my heart He's talking about I mean Psalm 119 is just how he just loves the law And he just loves the Word of God and he's talking about, you know, the Word of God thy testimonies That's that's that's God's testimonies is the Word of God. He's saying, you know, I've taken them as in heritage So that's his heritage. So God's laws a heritage that you can leave to those that come after you We talked about this, you know this morning through your testimony through your actions of your life You can pass Along the what the fear of the Lord and the love for his law You can leave that Heritage period that's a good heritage. So let's get back to You know the earthly possessions and these types of things. So where is this line? Where is this line? What's the application of? Ecclesiastes 4 Onto your life. Where is this line? So I want to apply it in two areas I want to apply it to number one your life on this earth and then your heritage that you leave I Want to apply it to those two things turn to Luke chapter 12. Let's look at your life tonight So we're going to look at your life And we're going to look at your heritage and we're going to apply Ecclesiastes chapter 4 to those two things turn to Luke chapter 4 Luke chapter 12. I'm sorry. We're going to look at your life first Luke chapter 12 in verse number 15 Very famous story in the Bible here. The Bible says in Luke 12 15 It says any say it said unto them take heed and beware of covetousness For a man's life consisted not in the abundance of the things which he possessed it possession possessed Eh, and he spake a parable unto them saying the ground of a certain rich man brought forth Plentifully and he thought within himself saying what shall I do because I have no room where to bestow my fruits And he said this will I do I will pull down my barns and build greater and there will I bestow All my fruits and my goods and I will say to my soul soul Thou has much goods laid up for many years take thine ease eat drink and be merry But God said unto him thou fool this night thy thy soul shall be required of thee Then whose whose shall those things be which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God So here's a man who did well and God killed him God took his life. So what was the problem here? What was the problem here? Let's break this whole story down. Look the the ground the ground brought forth Plentifully in verse number 16. So first of all, you know who did that? Who did that? Who makes your the the works of your hand, you know, just turn into you know Things that just work out for you. That's that's the Lord blessing you, right? So then he went he he built these storehouses Right. He built these storehouses to put all his his fruits and his his you know What the ground provided to put all these things in it now, let me ask you. Let me ask you something. Was that the issue? Was that the issue was that he built bigger barns and he built bigger storehouses Look is God upset at you if you grow your business Because let me tell you something. I've heard this story used to preach against financial success I have heard this used that way I'm gonna explain it to you. There's two lessons in this story All right, there's two lessons here number one. God does not want you storing up treasure With the end game of laying around eating and drinking I Mean This does away with most people's idea of retirement, I'm sorry in America anyway I'm gonna store up millions. I mean this is this has always sounded stupid to me I'm gonna store up millions so I can lay around and do nothing for the last 30 years of my life 30 Years of my life. Are you kidding me? I Mean how first of all it's never even made secular sense to me But no, thanks, you know what that doesn't mean. I'm not saving no, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't save That doesn't mean that you should shouldn't be responsible with the blessings that God has given you but look to Americans That's that's the dream To get to this point and just do nothing but eat and drink I Mean it is pitiful that Americans have nothing to do except sit around and get drunk. I mean that is crazy But we're also winning on Thursday Well, this isn't even part of the show. We're also winning on Thursday, and that's all people are doing. I mean people are sitting home and They're just getting drunk They say alcohol sales since the whole lockdown thing have gone up like 60 to 80 percent Depending on what kind of the booze or whatever there is and it's true. We're walking up and down the streets I mean we walk up to this lady. I'm like I tell Garrett this is perfect. She's sitting in a lawn chair She's like she's got a chain link fence right there The fence is like that tall and she's like 10 feet on the other side of the fence She's sitting in a lawn chair staring at the street bored out of her mind I'm like, this is like shooting fish in a barrel I told Garrett and I walked up to her and I'm on the other side and I got these nice big font You know things that we made and I'm like, hey, you know, would you like one of these and she's like, yeah You know and I'm like I didn't even get to open it because she's just like oh That sounds really interesting, but I can't even talk now. I've been drinking all day and she couldn't even speak. She's so drunk There's Your chance Yeah, what if that was her only chance what if that was her last chance What if God shows her at the white throne great white throne and says, you know what sent somebody to you You're sitting there doing nothing and you're drunk out of your mind Nice I could tell she's a nice lady just drunk And she and it wasn't that she didn't want to Hear she was embarrassed that she was drunk She was embarrassed that some church guy showed up and is standing there and she's drunk. She's like, I'm sorry. I Kicks the bottle over. I'm Not in I can't listen to the Bible right now because I'm embarrassed that I've been I'm drunk That's what Americans are doing right now. They're eating and drinking and I don't know. Is that Mary? It's pitiful So he does not want you storing up treasure with the endgame of that It's pitiful even to a secular person that should be pitiful Number two, he wants you using this success Which he provided by the way To be rich towards him To be rich towards him. I mean go back to the go back to the story verse 21, he laid up treasure for himself and Is not rich towards God. That was the problem He just laid up all this riches and he wasn't rich towards God period. I mean look maybe Hold on to your seats here. Hold on to your seats. Maybe just maybe if you develop a methodology in your life early of Being Rich towards the Lord maybe Maybe this will work for your kids too. Just an idea Maybe if you develop a methodology in your life early about being rich Towards the Lord when he gives you that handful maybe You will use it to enrich his kingdom and not yours Turn to Psalm 51. Look if I could redesign this guy in Luke 12. This is what I would do I'm not going to change the Word of God here But I'm just gonna I'm just gonna give you a hypothetical if I could redesign this guy's heart This is what it needs to look like turn to Psalm 51 Psalm 51 look at verse number 13 If I could just replace look what does that what did that guy say in verse 19? He said and I will say to my soul soul Thou hast much goods laid up for many years take thine ease Eat drink and be merry. He's just like take it easy. I'm gonna take it easy now That's what he's saying, you know if I could replace That heart with Psalm 51 13. I think we might have something here We might have a guy that didn't get killed by the Lord Where the Bible says then I will teach transgressors thy ways and Sinners shall be converted unto thee if that guy was like, you know what? I just built up all these barns and I'm gonna put all this stuff in these barns He's like, I don't really have to work on the farm anymore. You know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go I'm gonna teach transgressors their ways and I'm gonna convert sinners Under you Lord. I bet you he wouldn't have died Because He would have used those riches that God gave him to enrich the kingdom of God on earth period Everything would have been good That's what God wants to see With your success. God doesn't want you to not be successful But God wants you to use it For his kingdom. Well, God is not against economics He invented it You know, I wish I wish more people understood economics, you know economics is not the stock market You know the whole you know, the economics is like gravity It just exists like the invisible hand You know who you know when you get a bunch of godly people that love the Lord freely interacting with you Pete with each other and That turns into a society of godly people interacting with each other and you have this invisible hand This is all sudden just creates all these wonderful things. That's the invisible hand that all these secular economic guys write about. It's God's hand But then but then you don't you see with every single society as soon as they start getting, you know, whether it whether it's avarice Which is unchecked greed or it's you know, just you know immoral behavior in societies. I mean look at us for crying out loud Then guess what you start to see you start to see those societies like Or It doesn't work anymore The invisible hand of economics is God's hand Wonderful things can happen life-sustaining societies are created But God fearing look God fearing is the key there God fearing I mean look we elected these morons these evil people We I mean maybe you know, you didn't and I didn't but this country elected these evil people We deserve it So look God wants you to use the success that he gives you to further his goals that's what happened with the guy That that God took his life He he he didn't he wasn't rich towards God. It wasn't the success. That was the problem God Look to preach that that Story in the Bible as is that the success was the problem God made the success God made the the abundance for him God did that So either in this life for the next look, he'll you know turn to 1st Timothy chapter 5 1st Timothy chapter 5 in verse number 18. I Mean the Bible the Bible God is not against you, you know being successful 1st, Timothy chapter 5 in verse number 18 the Bible says for the scripture saith that thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn and the laborer is worthy of His reward look God understands that God understands that labor is worthy of reward So the moral, you know resources the Lord gives you the more of a force multiplier you can be for the kingdom of God on earth with your life, you know, it's That that's what God wants You'd be rich towards him in that way. So be a good steward and use it to enrich his kingdom That's the that's the first point there That's that's your life. That's what God wants for your life is to I mean he wants you to use it to Bless your children and create those generations that go out and bless future generations Generations that go out and bless future generations and bless the world Even if you don't see it He wants you to do what you can with what you have in this life for his kingdom That's your life and what God wants you that's what yours to do with your handful of Ecclesiastes chapter 4 All right. Now, let's talk about your heritage Your heritage now, here's another topic Another subject that can be taken too far in both directions Right, I mean you have these people out there They're just like, you know They're so irresponsible and they could never save a penny if you try to force them to and they're like I'm not gonna leave my kids anything and all this kind of stuff and then you have these people that just want to just Make their kids rich and just give their kids everything both are wrong once again Go back to Ecclesiastes chapter 4. I mean, is it bad to leave your kids? I mean look you should leave your kids with the fear of the Lord leave your kids with you know The love of God's Word. I mean, those are all the things that are gonna exponentially bless future generations That's what we talked about this morning. But is it is it wrong to leave your kids? some some possessions No, it's not go back to Ecclesiastes chapter 4. I'm gonna read for you Psalm 39 verse number 6 The Bible says surely every this I'm reading this again for you surely every man walketh in vain show surely they are Disquieted in vain he heapeth up riches and knoweth not Who shall gather them turn to Proverbs 13 keep a plate keep your finger in Ecclesiastes 4? Proverbs 13 look at verse number 22 Proverbs 13 in verse number 22 The Bible says a good man Leaveth an inheritance to his children's children and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just now go back to Ecclesiastes chapter 4 so it's not a bad thing to you know, lay up, you know Some some possessions for your children and your children's children. That's not a bad thing But there's a there's a catch here. Look at Ecclesiastes chapter 4 in verse number 13 Ecclesiastes 4 in verse number 13 The Bible says better as a poor and wise child Than an old and foolish king who would no longer be admonished for out of prison. He cometh to reign Whereas also he that is born in his kingdom become of poor I considered all the living which walk under the Sun with the second child that shall stand up in his stead That's you know, that's your child right there that will stand up after you're gone There is no end of all the people even of them that have been before them They also that come after shall not rejoice in him Surely this is also vanity and vexation of spirit Look, this is spoken by a man who is not liking what he's seeing in the next generation This is spoken by a man who's not liking what he's seeing look at verse 14 You know, he's basically saying, you know, he's better as a verse 13. Sorry don't spoil your children Leaving an inheritance is a good thing But you should front-load that inheritance that inheritance because look they must Understand it'd be better that they were poor Then if you just took these these children that knew nothing where that came from or knew nothing of who they're you know What they're the generation before had to do, you know, we saw this with Joshua, right? As soon as that Generation that couldn't see what Joshua and those elders had done as soon as they couldn't see it anymore. It was disaster It's the same here They must Understand how to work for things You know, they must look they they must understand how to use the riches that the Lord may bless them with to further his kingdom So in order to understand that they need to see through your testimony Through your life. They need to see the fear of the Lord They need to get that Heritage from you they need to get you know The love of God's law from you and then on top of that they need to know Who labored for them? You see that you see how that's a common theme here where it just says the next generation They don't even know They don't even know where it came from or who knows who that this next generation is. They should know They should know Where everything came from they should know where that fear the Lord came from they should know where you know that love for the law came from through your testimony and Then they should know if they do in it by God's grace Inherent a few bucks from the their dad or their grandfather or whoever they should know what it took to Make those few bucks Period turn to Luke chapter 15 Let's look at a rich and Unwise child so it says better as a poor and wise child Let's look at a rich and unwise child and see if it's true. Look at Luke 15 Turn to verse number 11 Better as a poor and wise child But I mean it's not bad for kids to grow up poor It's not bad Look at Luke 15 in verse number 11 And he said a certain man had two sons and the younger of them said to his father father Give me the portion of goods that follow to me and he divided unto them his living and not many days after the young Younger son gathered all together and took his journey into a far country and there wasted his substance with riotous living and when he had spent all there arose a mighty famine in the land and he began to be in want and He went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him into his fields to feed swine And he would have feigned to filled his belly with the husk that the swine did eat and no man Gave it to him. Look there's this saying It called a fool and his money are soon parted you ever heard that well, it's actually Proverbs 21 20 It says there is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise but a foolish man spendeth it up There's a saying when I grew up there was a saying, you know, because you would have a lot of situations where some farmer You know would have just just worked really hard for 40 years and built this big farm or this big ranch or whatever There is a saying when I grew up and if you would have asked anybody I grew up with Where there would have been people my age schoolmates, whatever everyone knew a story like this They said it takes one generation to make it and one to lose it. We've all seen somebody work 40 years 50 years and build up this huge operation or business or farm or ranch and have their just they die or something happens and their son takes it over and they were they were a rich and unwise child and They lost it in five years They lost 50 years worth of work, but they knoweth not they kneweth not Their dad was a man of character He was a man who worked hard, but he just didn't pass any of that heritage down to his son So it didn't matter he worked all his life He knoweth not who he leaves it to and it was all gone in five years and who cares because it's just money anyway but I mean the point is that it's better to be a poor and wise child a Poor and wise child. That's what you want They need to understand your kids need to understand how hard it is to earn Because look you're commanded you're commanded men to go out and earn, right? How are they gonna how are they gonna know? How are they gonna know how to earn? If You never show them if everything's handed to them. It's like it's like child welfare Right. It's like the it's it's destroying them a little bit at a time. They have to start Being part of it. They have to start learning you have to teach them to fish Then when someone gives them a few fish They'll understand what it took to catch a fish you see and this Because look they they not only knew but they were there helping catch the fish and They witnessed those fish being caught you see That's how it has to work and that's that's what people mess up so no, it's not wrong To leave, you know your children in inheritance like a actual physical inheritance, that's not wrong But if you don't want it to destroy them, you know it's they need to they need to know who caught the fish and They need to know how to catch those fish and what it takes Remember Psalm 39 where it says he heapeth up riches and knoweth not Who shall gather them? So this guy who heaped up the riches? He was just he was just heaping up the riches the whole time just like that farmer he was just working plowing forward all the time just more land more cattle more whatever and He just he forgot To teach the next generation and then it was for nothing and it's all vanity and vexation of spirit Right and look if you don't if you don't teach them that first heritage that that you know that heritage of you know From your testimony of loving God's law and fearing the Lord, even if they do inherit something They're not going to use it to enrich the kingdom of God anyway So it's a whole package right man. There's all these things I have to get exactly right. Yep That's why so many people don't get it right. Are you starting to understand? I mean haven't you wondered haven't you looked at all these people out there and be like man. That's a really good man Man, that's a really that's a strong Christian. Why did his kids turn out that way? Well, because because this if it was easy everybody would do it There's a lot of things here. You have to pass on that actual heritage of the Lord or the other heritage will be wasted They'll be they'll be begging for for swine food to eat even if you give them a million bucks Or whatever the guy gave them here It doesn't matter and then even if you know that you raise them to be some businessman and they don't want to serve the Lord It's all wasted. Anyway, you still lose Those blessings still aren't passed on like we talked about this morning You got it they got to have that fear of the Lord and They got to know how to work and they got to know all the things that it took to get those things those blessings in This world and how to manage those blessings from God. It's a lot Yeah, I mean are you nervous dad? You should be because it's a lot You need to start teaching them now You start teaching them now It also says in Ecclesiastes chapter 4 for whom do I labor and bereaveth my soul of good you should know Who you labor for? So we see this idea the person getting the inheritance not even knowing how it was earned the person giving not being connected to those Receiving, you know what? It doesn't work. There's a lot that you have to connect together here and it should make you nervous There's A line between not working and heaping up riches. That's what we've seen take your handful work hard for it when the Lord gives it to you take it with quietness and Use it for the Lord and then and then teach your children to take that handful and and if they if they inherit a partial handful They should already know how to use it for the Lord they should already know how to manage it and Then they will rejoice in you and they'll rejoice in their heritage from you and they will say Yay, the lines have fallen to me in Good places. I have a goodly heritage. They'll say and They'll use those riches for the Lord as well. So no God is not against financial success But it's to be used for his kingdom period it's really simple And to pass that to pass that down and that's really kind of the the the conclusion of both sermons You know today is to pass that down Successfully to the next generation. First of all, there's great reward in it There's great reward in it for for the world for the generations that come after it's an exponential force multiplier We saw but it's not the easiest thing in the world to do Because that means that We have to walk by faith. It has to be real. It can't be fake. We have to I mean We got to do it, right? We got to do it right. This is this is why you have to come to church This is why you have to come to church and and and not only just come to church but you have to read your Bible and you have to know what it says and And as you're getting attacked by all these things that want to derail you and choke you out and all this kind of stuff in This world you just have to stay focused because let me tell you something when it comes to the next generation You're gonna blink your eyes and your kids are gonna be 20 So you need to start when they're four and they're five You need to start teaching them these things this heritage that you're gonna pass to them. Let's bow our heads and have a word prayer Dear Heavenly Father. We thank you for this church. We thank you for this evening I pray that you just Just be with us as parents and be with us in this life Lord that we may just just live out our faith Lord and and that that would just project a testimony on to the next generation and That we just get this thing right Lord and help us always be in our Bible and and learning and applying What we both read in the Bible and hear from the pulpit Lord. We love you, and we thank you in Jesus name. Amen You