(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And so continuing in the book of acts and we're looking at acts chapter 12 for the second week in a row So we're looking at acts chapter 12. We only got through a couple of verses. We we kind of took a Detour last week and we looked at the the life of James James the You know the Apostle who was the disciple who was killed in verse number two He's the first of the twelve disciples to be killed. So we looked at him last week His brother of course was John but we're going to continue through acts chapter 12 and get through the rest of the chapter Look at this story and look at kind of the the players and what's going on here. We're going to focus heavily on Herod in this chapter since he's kind of the the main character here along with Peter But if you look at just this idea of Herod, you know, who is Herod you think about that turn to Matthew chapter 2? We've heard of Herod. We've heard his name come up Again and again throughout the New Testament, especially In the Gospels in Matthew chapter 2, of course the birth of Christ There was a Herod who also You know was who killed all the children in Bethlehem to try to get rid of the Messiah This this king of the Jews that was born. He was afraid of this situation Then of course Joseph took on his family was told by the angel to get out To Egypt until you know Herod died look at Matthew chapter 2 in verse number 19 The Bible says but when Herod was dead behold an angel the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt saying arise and take the young child and His mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead which sought the child's life So this is obviously isn't the same Herod as we're dealing with in Acts chapter 12 as a matter of fact You kind of have to do a little bit of study in the historical Kings that ruled over the underneath this Roman Empire But basically the Bible talks about there was more than just four but the Bible talks about four Harrods now Herod it was a family. It was a dynasty I guess you could call it that ruled for the Romans they were given rule over Judea They were allowed to rule Judea. I'm for the Romans It was kind of a you don't want to talk about like contracting it out Maybe it's kind of a good way that we could compare that but this family of Herod So the first Herod, you know, if you read historical books, he would be called Herod the great He was kind of the king over all of Judea is what we read about in Matthew chapter 2 He was the one that was after Jesus when he was born then Joseph fled and and then Herod died And he came back and then you remember there was another Herod that persecuted John the Baptist Actually killed John the Baptist turn to Matthew on chapter 14 turn to Matthew chapter 14 this is the son of Herod the the great as they would call him if you would look up on the you know The dynasty of the Herod dynasty, but this is the son that persecuted John the Baptist And again this son actually met Jesus as well look at it Matthew after 14 look at verse number one It said at that time Herod the tetrarch heard of the fame of Jesus now This is when it goes into you know, the story of you know John the Baptist where he he beheads John the Baptist and then in Luke chapter 23 this same Herod he also Meets Jesus. He was in Jerusalem at the time. Of course Pontius Pilate was very happy that this Herod was in Jerusalem He was hoping that Herod could deal with Jesus and he wouldn't have to deal with this situation So this was the same here but Herod the tetrarch the reason he's called Herod the tetrarch was because Herod the great the the Matthew chapter 2 Herod he after he died. His kingdom was broken to four Pieces so tetrarch means, you know part of four maybe one of four So he's basically he kind of broke the family farm up into four pieces if you want to think about it that way And then his four sons You know presumably the Bible doesn't say his four sons But we know at least one of his sons Ruled one of those one of those four Parts if that is who persecuted killed John the Baptist that is who met Jesus met Pontius Pilate Because he was actually the the tetrarch of Galilee where Jesus was from that's why Pontius Pilate was all like Yes, it just so happens that you know, the the contracted ruler of this land Is in town he can deal with this mess because if you read the story of Jesus and Pontius Pilate You know that Pontius Pilate he was uh, he was an ambitious man He didn't care about he didn't care one way or another about these Jews. He didn't care one way or another about Jesus He just wanted this problem off of his hands. So there we see there's two Harrods right there. We have Herod the great that was over all of Judea that it was broken into four pieces We have Herod the second Herod his son Was the one that met Jesus the one that killed John the Baptist then we see the third Herod in Acts chapter 12 Which would be the grandson of the first Herod so this way is what who we're dealing with in Acts chapter 12 and verse number 3 and you're like Why is there four because actually? Herod Agrippa who the Bible doesn't call him Herod Agrippa But you would think Herod Agrippa one is who we're dealing with in Acts chapter 12 And if you look at Acts we're gonna look at Acts chapter 24 25 and 26 when Paul actually meets a king Named Agrippa that is actually Herod Agrippa 2 okay, because obviously it can't be it can't be this Herod because this Herod only he only makes it through one chapter in the Bible and that's what we're gonna look at this evening, but all that to say this Okay, whenever you see the word Herod in the Bible, it's not talking about just one single guy, okay Otherwise, you'd have to like believe he's immortal or something because he just keeps dying, right? but we're talking about kind of a Family dynasty and we're talking about a king and his sons that were ruling over Judea at this time Okay So we're looking at the the grandson of the first Herod of Herod the great in Acts chapter 12 Let's continue through our story here just to give you some context on who we're talking about Okay So look at verse number three It says and because he saw it pleased the Jews and I'm gonna just I'm gonna go over that for now And we'll come back to that statement. He proceeded further to take Peter also So he's just killed James and now he see he's like he's like Whoo, they like this so he's kind of continuing to do this and I'll get into why that is I'm towards the end of the sermon, but then he arrests Peter. Okay, and For there were the days of the unleavened bread So the festival was coming look at verse 4 and when he'd apprehended him He put him in prison and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him. So that's four sets of four So this is 16 soldiers that are guarding That are guarding Peter and then he said intending after Easter. It's the only time by the way so if you say like Oh Easter Easter's a Pagan holiday. No Easter just means the Passover. That's all it means It means the season of the Passover and the only time the word Easter is in the King James Bible is actually right here But there's nothing magical about it. There's nothing You know sinister about it. It just means the time of the the time of the Passover is coming Okay, so intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people So he's got 16 soldiers that are guarding Peter and then he's going to bring him forth to the people You know and we will see why in a little bit We've already kind of seen that but look at verse number five. So now we see this this this miraculous event That happens with Peter Peter's been arrested. He's under heavy guard He's and he's literally not only under heavy guard, but he's in the prison here and look at verse 5 He says Peter therefore is kept in prison But look what's happening prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him so These people were praying consistently. So the church is praying for Peter. They're praying for Peter's release They're worried about Peter and they're just beseeching the Lord now, how do they pray by the way? How do they pray do they the church, you know had a five-minute prayer? No, they're just like they're in that they're in the house and they're just praying for Peter. It says without ceasing They're praying they're very serious about this look at verse 6 and when Herod would have brought him forth the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers bound with two chains and the keepers before the door kept the prison and behold the angel of the Lord came upon him and a light shined in the prison and He smoked Peter on the side and raised him up saying I'll rise up quickly and his chains fell off from his hands So this angel just walked up to Peter and basically just kicks him or whatever, you know He hits him in some way, you know smokes him on the side And says get up. Let's go and the angel said unto him gird thyself He's like put your you know, put your clothing on and bind thy sandals And so he did he said on cast thy garment about thee and follow me. It's interesting I mean just I don't even know that this is even relevant. Just I just thought about this when I was reading this that In in Joshua chapter 5 remember so we know that we know that the person in Joshua chapter 5 verse 15 That Joshua comes across on the river and seas We know that that was the Lord Jesus Christ because what did that what did that messenger say? What did that guy say the captain of the Lord's host? He said take your shoes off He's like take your shoes off for where you stand as holy ground. This guy's just an angel We know this isn't the Lord Jesus Christ. He's just an angel. He just you know, he's just like get your shoes on Let's go. He's just there to do a job He's just set there to give a message to quickly get Peter out of the prison He tells him to put his shoes on anyway, just not that there's any deep doctrine there just something that is interesting verse number nine and he went out and followed him and Which not that it was true that what was done by the angel, but thought he saw a vision. He sees he's still sleeping He doesn't even know, you know what's happening He's just kind of like going on is how quick this is happening and they were past the first and second ward He's walking him through the prison They came under the iron gate that leadeth under the city which opened to them of his own accord So it was just unlocked It just opened and they went out and passed on through one street and forthwith the angel departed from him So this angel comes there and miraculously knocks the chains off miraculously gets him up miraculously Takes him out of the prison through the lock gates through all the you know, no no guards woke up Nobody nobody knew what was happening just a complete and absolute total miraculous event here and look at verse Number 11 and it must have happened. So quickly Peter didn't even know really what was happening when Peter was come to himself He said now I know of a surety that the Lord hath sent his angel And it delivered me out of the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews And we need consider the thing he came to the house of Mary the mother of John whose surname is Mark Where many were gathered together doing what here they were in this house and they were praying for Peter now This is I mean if this is an irony, I don't know what is so here these people are praying For Peter this miraculous event happens Peter literally comes to the house where they are still praying For him that he would you know get out of prison and here's Peter now. Look what happens Now this is so I hate to say but this is so us This is so people right here and look what it says It says and Peter knocked at the door of the gate and a damsel damsel came to Harken named Rhoda It was she knew Peters voice So she obviously knew who she didn't even know she said that she just knew Peter look what he looked like She knew him well enough to where when he spoke she knew who he was. So this is someone that knew Peter She opened not the gate for gladness but ran in and told how Peter stood before the gate She's so shocked. She didn't even open the door for him She just runs in and tells everybody and they said unto her thou art mad But she constantly affirmed that it was even so then they said it is his angel. So I Mean, you know, we kind of I want to kind of reflect this upon us This evening and I mean we're gonna talk about Herod further But you look at this story and sometimes you read stories in the Bible and and especially with the the kingdom of Israel Especially with the nation of Israel you read the stories in the Bible and you're like boy these people are idiots You're like what in the world? It's like that they they get right in the very next chapter that wrong again and you're just like how could this be? But if you really think about it We are exactly the same way when you think about it when you when you look at the these things in the bottom Look at these people it seems crazy. They're sitting there and they're praying. They're just beseeching the Lord without seizing the Bible says For Peter to be released from prison and then guess what happens? Peter is released from prison He's released from prison and he shows up at the door He shows up at the door and the lady says they're all in there and they're praying for God to release Peter Peter's at the door and they're like you're crazy Like you're nuts. They tell this woman look We need to make sure in our lives That but this is exactly what we do is what I'm trying to get you to understand We need to make sure and and I'm glad that we go through a prayer list at the church Because this has really opened my eyes as well because we have the prayer list Think about you know my computer at home We have the prayer list from this week and we have the prayer list We have the prayer list every week for three years We have the prayer list I can go back and I can see the things that we were praying about as a church a year Ago, maybe you don't remember but I can go and I can pull up these documents and I can see all the things that we prayed About that's why I'm constantly and as the ministry went on is the satellite ministry went on I started to notice this more and more as we could see these old, you know have an advantage over you I could see these You know these older prayer lists and the things that we prayed about the things that were on the prayer list the things that came Off the prayer list. Let me tell you something most of the time that things come off the prayer list it's because those prayers have been answered in this church and And I just want to make sure and that's why I always constantly bring up I'm like a broken record even when we're praying as a church during the week I constantly bring up like let's not forget the things that used to be on the prayer list We need to be thankful because the reason that they're not there anymore is because God said yes, and he answered those prayers I mean so think about These people here these think about these people they literally just had their prayer answered and they were having a hard time believing That it even happened. I'm not saying that they were unthankful, but it's like why wouldn't they? Expect it to happen or why would they be surprised that it happens? You know, we just need to keep that in mind is all I'm saying. Don't be surprised when your prayers are answered don't be surprised and When you're not surprised then make sure that you're thankful because I think that I think that sometimes we think In in our in our minds. I look I do you do these people did I sometimes we think sometimes in our mind that like our prayers can't be answered or you know, God's God doesn't move like he did in the Bible. No, he does He does move just like he did in the Bible. We had the the great privilege of going and seeing Baby, John yesterday we got to go like they opened up the the rules or whatever They went up the rules and my wife and I I'm actually got to go into the hospital and actually like see the baby Like right there like he's right there. We're not just seeing pictures and all this and well I mean, I'll just give you a little report first of all He was bigger than I thought he was gonna be for some reason in my mind He thought I thought he was gonna be really small, but he was bigger than I thought Yeah, he looks he looks like a newborn baby That's that's what that's what he looks like to me and you know, he's small and all newborn babies look small to me But one thing in brother Trevor and I were talking about this too. I'm just sitting there and I'm watching I'm watching the the nurses and I'm watching all the things that they can do in the monitors and the mask and all these things and and brother Trevor said It not said it many times and there was it just like it's amazing what they can do Like it's amazing like all the monitors and the things that you know I'm a technology guy and I'm amazed at the things that they can do there you know, they're monitoring his foot and all these different things and there's a screen that I'm glad I don't look at it is for as many hours as they do because it would drive me crazy watching the numbers like that, but It's amazing what they can do and then there was there's all these ladies there the nurses and this one lady that was working I mean you could tell she cared she was I mean you could tell this this woman cared about what she was doing She wasn't phoning it in to work and I'm just like I'm sitting there. I'm looking at this like it's amazing What what they can do and I'm like, it's amazing. I've been said I was like you have a great job I said to this lady and and I don't know if she really understood what I was saying You know what I meant by that really but like she's just doing all these things I didn't even really know what she's doing and and she really cared about you know, the baby you could tell so there's just all amazing things Happening but turn to Genesis chapter 2 one thing that I just like we always have to remember and and I know Brother Trevor and his wife and family and we all remember this but it kind of relates to this to this story And we're not any at one thing that I was thinking about especially in there. It's this mask Where was the mask he was right over his nose and I just kept thinking about you know, the breath of life And and and God and what he's about the I think it's really interesting if you look at Genesis chapter 2 in verse number 7 I said the word God formed man of the dust to the ground and Breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul in job chapter 27 He talks about the Spirit of God being in his nostrils and what we always have to remember is Whoever has surgery or whoever has a medical thing going on and all those things There's I'm so happy that we're blessed with all these things and all this but look it's it's God that gives the breath of life To us and it's it's God that allows all these things to happen So just like these people they were just like they couldn't you know, they couldn't fathom, you know that Peter was there We just need to make sure that we always remember, you know that because I think like I do that You know, you can you can see something, you know get fixed or you're praying about something you get fixed and just think like, okay It got fixed because I know it's like no that was an answered prayer. We need to make sure we acknowledge These things in our life. It's God that is giving the breath of life to John and thank God for that So happy for that he does it through these people he does it through These these this technology and he's allowed us He's allowed us to have these these discoveries of machines and these these people that care and all these things In our lives, it's just a great example of just acknowledging, you know an answered prayer In our lives, so these people couldn't believe it at first Okay, they couldn't believe that Peter was even there which seems ironic because that's exactly what they were praying for So when God answers your prayers Don't be surprised Be thankful is I guess the conclusion of my point there just you know Recognize it acknowledge that God has answered your prayers, you know Why is you know, keep a running prayer list in your own mind and just you know If you're not praying about something anymore, you're not worried about something anymore. Why aren't you worried about it? It's probably because God answered your prayer Just make sure you're acknowledging those answered prayers as they as they go through your life, you know Don't be this don't be a person that's not acknowledging when God answers your prayers So let's always keep that running list in our mind. Look at verse number 17 Peter continued knocking. He's like hey, they're in there arguing Like who is that? Who is that out there and they open the door and saw him they were astonished But he beckoned unto them with the hand to hold their peace declared unto them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison and he said go show these things unto James and so the brethren and he departed and went into another place so They finally acknowledged it is a great miracle now look at verse number 18 now Herod comes back into the story We see there's some people in trouble here. Look at verse 18 The Bible says now as soon as it was day, there was no small stir among the soldiers. I bet not What had become of Peter and when Herod had sought for him and found him not he examined the keepers now When you see that word examine the keepers typically throughout history If you know what that word examine means, you know, he didn't go and and ask them questions. He was like Beating and torturing them to find out you know, what had happened to Peter and they're saying we don't know and he's you know Examining and you know when people are examined it means they're being you know, they're being Under put under pressure to tell the truth. All right and commanded then he just like he can't find out Alright, he can't find out there like we don't know we don't know what happened And so he just has them all put to death and he went down from Judea to Caesarea and their abode and Herod was highly displeased with them of Tyre and Sidon but they came with one accord and having made blastus the king's Chamberlain their friend desired peace because their country was nourished by the king's country. So here we got a We just got this political dispute going on in verse number 20. He goes there. He's got some political issues With Tyre and Sidon, but they kind of come together and figured it out by appointing this guy Chamberlain kind of brought the situation to a halt but look at verse number 21 It said upon a set day Herod a raid and royal apparel sat upon his throne and made an oration Unto them so here Herod goes and he solves this political situation and and you know makes peace or whatever and then he goes out And he gives a speech. Okay, he gives a speech To these people he made an oration unto them now look at verse Number 22, let me turn back there Myself look at verse number Acts chapter 12 lost my place here one second and verse Number 22, so he goes and he gives this great speech and it must have been a really good speech because basically people thought That he was God himself look at verse number 22 And it says the people gave a shout saying it is the voice of a god and not of a man So, you know the guy's a good speaker I mean if you can get up and you can give a speech and people literally think you're a god afterwards He must have been good at it. All right, so he gave this great speech And people thought he was a god turn to 2nd Peter chapter 2 the Bible actually warns us about this though The Bible talks about you know people that would use great words that would use words that would get people Riled up and get people to follow them and do what they want. Basically look at 2nd Peter chapter 2 To follow them and do what they want basically look at 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 And look at verse number 17 so this guy gets up and he gives this great speech and everybody thinks he's a god All right These are the the Bible says this it says these are the wells without water clouds that are carried With a tempest we're talking about false prophets here to whom the midst of darkness is reserved forever some pretty strong Words talking about false prophets look at verse number 18 it says for when they speak Great swelling words of vanity they what they allure through the lusts of the flesh Through much wantonness those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. Look at verse 19. It says While they promise them liberty They themselves are the servants of corruption So it's saying there's going to be people out there in this case false prophets in second peter chapter 2 It says that use great swelling words of vanity what that means is they come out and they they are able to speak these I mean they're able to speak what people think are great words That you know, basically are are not true and and are trying to raise them lift themselves up And they're making promises that aren't true. They're they're promising freedom. It says in verse 19 But they're servants of corruption All right, so the bible is warning us about that in jude chapter 1 i'll just read for you in verse 16 It talks about people like this again. It says these are murmurers complainers walking after their own lusts so again It's pointing out that people that use great swelling words are trying to get people to come after them They're trying to get people to follow whatever agenda it is that they have and their mouth Look at this speaketh great swelling words having men's persons in Admiration because of advantage so here in jude chapter 1 and jude 16 It's saying that these people come out and they speak great swelling words to get advantage over people to to get people to Follow them to get people to that are walking in their own desires and their own lusts Notice that are we supposed to walk in our lusts? Are we supposed to be these people that hey whatever feels good that's what i'm going to do it But but what these people have great great swelling words do Is they're targeting people like that. They're targeting people that that want to satisfy their own desires lusts covetousness And they're getting those people to follow them by these great words these great Speeches all right now look this is this is a major problem today. This is a major problem today This has been a major problem throughout history when you think about I mean it most people when they think about great You know wicked people with great speeches they think of hitler You know he hitler was very good at um hitler would rehearse his speeches You know, there's nothing wrong with being a good speaker Okay, and i'm going to tell you how to how to you know, kind of get past and how you can you know Tell if okay, is this guy a good speaker that's actually saying something good or is he just a good speaker? That's just using great swelling words to lure people that that are that are after their own lusts Hitler would actually rehearse his speeches. He would rehearse his hand movements He would rehearse how he raised his voice. He would use like certain emotive words Um in his speeches and if you've ever seen like, you know, most you know, they're in german But I mean if you've ever seen like a hitler speech by the end of the speech The people are literally in a frenzy They're literally in a frenzy there. He's got he's got the crowd so whipped up In a frenzy, but these are great swelling words and he's playing to the loss Of the crowd and this is exactly what harrah did people literally thought That he was a god after he got done speaking. He must have been very good at this. So how do we avoid this? How do we avoid this this method that evil people could use? To attract people with you know, lustful desires to get them to follow him turn to proverbs chapter 28 The bible like gives us the answer for this the bible gives us the answer for this look at proverbs chapter 28 The bible tells us how to be immune From this. All right, look at proverbs chapter 28 and look at verse number 26 So he gets up he gets up and if you look back if you look back you go to proverbs chapter 28 I'll just read for you. But if you look back At verse number three of acts chapter 12 You can tell what his motives are you can tell his motives are to get these people To follow him to get these people because he didn't care about peter. He didn't care about peter He just he didn't even care about james. What did he do? He saw that it pleased the jews So he saw that it was pleasing to the people that he was ruling over That's the only reason he was persecuting the church just to to To appease the jews Just to make them happy and then he goes and he gives this great swelling speech. We don't know what he said But we know that he was trying to get the people to follow him To follow him and they literally thought he was a god. We know it wasn't good We know whatever he said wasn't good, you know If I ever get up here and give a sermon and you walk away thinking I think pastor is a god Then I have said something horribly wrong. I may have said it like really powerfully But i've said something horribly horribly false so we know that what he said wasn't good All right, but he said it very well look at proverbs 28 and verse 26 This is the problem and this is how we avoid this problem. This is how you're immune from it Look at proverbs 28 26 he that trusteth in his own heart is a fool But whoso walketh wisely he shall be delivered So we we see that we need to have wisdom and it says don't follow your own heart What that's saying by not following your own heart is it's saying don't follow your emotions It's saying how you feel Is not how you should react to things you shouldn't just go after however something makes you feel guess what? Guess what music will make you a certain way You can play a certain it there doesn't even need to be words in it You can play a certain Tune and it will make you feel it will make you feel angry It will make you feel aggressive Or you know hymns will make you feel joyful. They'll make you feel, you know, spirit filled the bible says that look There's there's things that can that can that can play with your emotions and the in proverbs 28 26 is telling you don't trust Your emotions look at proverbs 14 And i'll just read it for you proverbs 14 12 says there's a way which seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof Are the ways of death so the bible is saying here whatever, you know, if you're somebody speaks great swelling words and you're you're you're You're lustful you go go towards that because it seems right to you And you don't check that against anything else. It's like you're going to be trapped in by these people You're going to be and they're going to lead you into death is what it's saying. They're going to lead you into Trouble, they're going to lead you into a snare go back to acts Chapter 12. I mean look, I mean, this is why you have to be careful today with I mean, this is like slogans, right? I mean this is you know, people that come up with slogans anybody, you know, who else was a great speaker You know, i'll freely admit brock obama was a great speaker brock obama was a great speaker brock obama would get up and he would say great slogans like We're gonna we're gonna protect women He's like we are going to protect women. We are going to protect Reproductive rights and you're like people are hearing this and they're like, yeah, and he would say it in such a way That was just great swelling words and people were like yay And you know people's emotions are all whipped up and maybe people that aren't even bad They're all emotions are all whipped up because it just sounds great. But here's the thing. You're not to be led by your emotions And you have to check everything against the bible So if you're not led by your emotions look, it's good I mean, I hope that I can deliver a good sermon in a in a way that is tolerable to hear But you have to always be listening to what i'm saying Because what i'm saying matters you need to be look you need to be studying to show yourself approved You need to be listening to what i'm saying and like you're in the bible Hey, is that is that in the bible? Like I hope you trust me But I mean the point is is that you need to be you need to be not listening to how things make you feel You be Filtering that through what the word of god says because it doesn't take too much filtering to realize that Well, i'm for protecting women To realize that what he's really talking about is actually murdering people You know, I mean it's just it's great swelling words that are that are lies They're slogans that are lies. I mean you think about all the just all the things out there you think about you know Minimum wage laws. What do they do? We have to provide people Uh, they're playing on your your heart your emotions. We must provide people with a living wage And you're like i'm for that i'm for people living They don't tell you, you know The all the bad things that happen that people are going to lose their jobs and that jobs are going to go away And you know that you know, people are going to get fired and you're like i'm not for that But here's the thing. You can't be led by your emotions. I mean you The student loan thing. I mean look we have these we have these kids in this country. They're being crushed by debt They're being crippled you're like I don't want kids to be crippled I don't want this they they can't live their lives You know, these are great swelling words trying to play on people's emotions. Look it works It works because people are like, oh man, these these these poor kids i'm exaggerating but the people are like these these poor kids They're being crippled. They can't start families They can't live their lives because they're being crushed By debt You know, but what does the bible say forget your emotions? What does the bible say look at psalm chapter 37? Look at psalm chapter 37. You have to be like wait a minute. I know how that makes me feel But what's the bible say? I know how that makes me feel But what's the bible say look at psalm chapter 37 verse number 21 the bible says it says The wicked borroweth and payeth not again But the righteous showeth mercy and giveth You're like, okay. Whoa Well, they borrowed And it's wicked for them not to repay. So we're actually we're actually encouraging wickedness. Oh, but it sounded good at first You know, it sounded good at first proverbs 22 7 says the rich ruleth over the poor and the borrowers So the bible not only told the the person not to get into debt in the first place But then it tells them hey, but if you don't repay it, it's wicked You're like but you know, shouldn't we just shouldn't we just pay everyone's bills like people have these bills And I think we should just get rid of people's bills and you're like that sounds pretty good. I don't like bills I don't like bills. Why can't you know the government pay my bills? The problem is is because where do they get the money they they put some guy on the ground They put a gun to his head and they steal all his money and then they give it to somebody else And the bible says in proverbs or not proverbs exodus 2015 thou shalt not steal you're like, oh the bible there it is again So you gotta be careful with your emotions Because this is exactly what people are doing. If people don't know the bible they have no chance They just go with what sounds good You know and and you don't have to think about this stuff too much if you know just even a little bit I mean we literally just went over thou shalt not kill and thou shalt not steal These are not complicated doctrines In the bible, but these great swelling words try to get these things past everybody all right, it's just We can't be ruled by our emotions We must be ruled by the bible and what it says love is love Well, that sounds pretty good I mean i'm not I mean love love's a good thing You know, that's a good thing until you realize that you know what they mean is abomination is good I mean, it's it's just it doesn't take too much bible knowledge to figure out you must just You can't go with what these things how they make you feel you have to look at what the bible actually says Okay, turn to ephesians Chapter we ran into one today. My wife had a good example of this today. So let's look it's not just politics It's not just tax policy it's not just you know abortion it's not just you know, uh perversion It's everything it's false doctrine too. It's false doctrine. Look at ephesians chapter 4 in verse number 14 Look, we must filter everything through a biblical lens You can't just let your emotions rule you or you will be deceived look at ephesians 4 14 The bible says that we henceforth be no more children Tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness Whereby they lie in wait To deceive so these great swelling words. They're there to fool you to trick you into thinking that you want something They're trying to you know, the abortion You know people or industry or whatever, you know or the wicked evil devils that are trying to you know, abort More people in this country they're trying to trick you and deceive you They're trying to they know most people aren't for this wicked evil, you know murder so they're trying to trick and deceive you by saying things like You know, we're here to protect women and you know reproductive rights and they they don't say like hey, we want to kill babies We think you should be able to kill your own child. That's they'll never say that even though they know that's exactly what it is So the point is we must give everything a biblical filter and the bible is even saying that if we don't things a biblical filter in verse number 14 and 15 of ephesis chapter 4 will fall into false doctrine too Because there's going to be people out there teaching all kinds of false doctrine. You're just going to be tossed to Tossed from one day you'll believe one doctrine. There's a lot of weird doctrine out there I mean my wife. I mean the more I the more I learn and actually meet jehovah's witnesses The more like evil this that look I look i'm all for like Say getting as many jehovah's witnesses saved as we can but this is a wicked cult. I am telling you it is crazy It is crazy. This lady this lady told my wife today My wife said I kind of got in an argument with the jehovah's witness today. I said good It's like we're not for arguing but like good argue with a cult leader any day of the week But do you know they don't believe in a literal hell? I mean, that's that's convenient That's convenient if you're if you're starting a cult That's going to send everybody to hell The first thing you need to do is teach people that that hell doesn't exist right, but she said I I just Do my wife is just showing her bible verse after bible verse about talking about eternal damnation like how like, you know torment is eternal Like hell is forever And then it's real. I mean luke say hello luke 16 It's real and it's forever And this this woman she's just like well, she doesn't care what the bible says so the bible means nothing to her and she's like I just I mean she looks at my wife. She's like do you believe in a god that would I just don't believe god would ever Invent something like that That's just uh, I mean, do you believe in a god that would send people to hell? To an eternal place of suffering But you know what that sounds pretty good That's how you know that there is no place Of eternal suffering on its face you're like That to most people that sounds pretty good. That's why a lot of people they're not even jehovah's witnesses They just don't believe in hell because they're just like they've invented their own god And they're just like because it sounds better that nobody really goes to hell That's why you've got so many doors and most people or not most people But a lot of people think that most people are going to go to heaven When the truth is the opposite Because It seems more pleasant to them. It seems more pleasant to their emotions because look You give the gospel to somebody and you go through hell and how they deserve to go to hell. Nobody likes hearing that And most people that get saved they're like they either like they're here's what they do. They're like They know it though Their conscience tells them it's true But look, it's not a pleasant thing People's emotions and their heart wants to lead them astray on this issue But look, you know what the truth of it is you filter it through the bible go listen to the sermon if there was no hell Because this would be a terrible wicked place if there was no hell This would be a terrible wicked place. There would be no justice. There would be no peace. There would be no jesus If there was no hell So so that jehovah's witness she wouldn't you know, I say no I I I can't imagine a god that wouldn't have a hell Because that's the biblical Lens that we need to look at things Through look the bottom line is that the problem today and the reason that so many great swelling words are leading So many people astray is because it's just like what hosea 4-6 says it's like my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge People don't know I mean, how can you filter how can you filter something if you don't own a filter? How can you filter something through something you don't have people don't know what the bible says turn to james chapter 1 Turn to james chapter 1 turn to james chapter 1 James chapter 1 and verse number 5 here, but here's the thing God wants us to have wisdom God wants us to know what his word says So much so that he tells us look i'll give it to you I'll give it to you. Look at james 1 5 the bible says if any of you lack wisdom So this is for all the people out there They just have no idea what's going on that just gets sucked into everything every slogan works for them If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of god That give it to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him This is one of those prayers that god says he will answer, you know, there's certain prayers You know seek me you'll find me There's certain prayers that god like literally says like hey if you ask for this. I will say yes If people ask for wisdom look the first thing that he wants is for them to be saved But then look if you just keep praying for wisdom, this is such a great prayer for a christian right here This is such a great prayer for a christian that doesn't understand something that's going through a weird time That maybe doesn't understand like hey i'm having some i'm having some problems with my marriage I don't know why I'm having some problems with my kids. I I don't know why and maybe you know, you're just like I don't want to ask anybody I don't want to ask anybody. Look just pray for wisdom Pray for wisdom and read the bible And and god's like literally saying right here. He's like He give it to all men liberally that means that doesn't mean god's a liberal That means he's like that means he's gonna liberal liberal has gotten to be a bad name But he's like he just give it to you in abundance what he's saying He's like you ask for wisdom and then read the bible read my word He's like i'll give you wisdom and then you won't I mean the great swelling words They just like they'll just bounce right off you you'll hear these great swelling words and you'll just be like that is so dumb Why do people believe that? Because you'll just see exactly what it is, you know, you'll see it for the truth of the bible so Get acts chapter go back to acts chapter 12 God has literally had enough of this guy God has had enough of where did we end at verse number they called him a god In verse number 21 they said no verse 22 the people gave a shout saying it is the voice of god and not of a man and immediately The angel of the lord smote him because he gave not god the glory and he was eaten of worms and gave up the ghost But the word of god grew and multiplied so god went and got his man He killed this fool who was Lifting himself up And then we see the introduction of barnabas and saul coming back from jerusalem when they fulfilled their ministry and took with them John whose surname is mark we see mark entered the picture here and we'll talk about him in the coming weeks, but Herod we see he was just it's a great example of just not being we we should not be ruled by our emotions in our life And as long as as long as look that doesn't mean you can't have emotions That doesn't mean that that doesn't mean that you can't you know, you know walk away from a sermon or walk away from you know, uh, Reading the bible and just and be moved emotionally by that. That's not what i'm talking about Emotions are good, but emotions can leave you astray lead you astray. You just need to have emotions coupled with The word of god and if you have emotions coupled with the word of god, then you'll be able to check yourself and say Yeah, i'm feeling right about this or you know you listen to some Music or some song comes on and all of a sudden you're just like all aggressive and angry or something and be like hey This isn't right, you know, this is not correct and you can kind of correct yourself back All right, but your emotions folks that's kind of the idea here this evening your emotions will lead you astray Your emotions will lead you astray. So check everything with the bible and you can't do that if you don't know what it says All right, let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer