(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) was free. Pardon, there was multiply to me. There my burdened soul found liberty at Calvary. Oh, the love that drew salvation's plan, down to man. Oh, the mighty goals that God did span at Calvary. Mercy, there was grain and grace was free. Pardon, there was multiply to me. There my burdened soul found liberty at Calvary. Now I've given to Jesus everything. Now I gladly own Him as my King. Calvary can only sing of Calvary. Mercy, there was grain and grace was free. Pardon, there was multiply to me. There my burdened soul found liberty at Calvary. Amen. Wonderful singing. Let's start off our service with the word of prayer. Dear Lord God, Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us just another wonderful and beautiful day that we can come to your house, hear the preaching of your word and fellowship with our brothers and sisters here. And we thank you for Calvary, Lord, for your sacrifice there, that we shouldn't have to face death, Lord, or go to hell, Lord, that you've saved us all from our sins and that you would take us to heaven and give us eternal life, Lord. And we just thank you for this day. I ask that you please bless the service, please make it edifying, and please fill past me here with your spirit as he preaches unto us. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. You may be seated. Please turn your song to song number 147. Song number 147, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. Song number 147, all together on that first verse. What a fellowship, what a joy, you find leaning on the everlasting arms. What a blessing, what a peace of mind, leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms. Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms. Oh, how sweet to walk in this pilgrim plane on the everlasting arms. Oh, how bright the path grows from day to day, leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms. Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms. What have I to dread? What have I to fear? Leaning on the everlasting arms. I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms. Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms. All right, great singing. Thank you for being here. Welcome to First Works Baptist Church. Just a few announcements here. Before we sing our next song, which will be song number 148, Jesus, Only Jesus, song number 148, if you want to get that ready. In your songbooks, if you did not get a bullet, go ahead and raise your hand and one of the ushers can get one for you. Important information on there. Of course, our Sunday morning service is at 1030 Sunday evening at 5 p.m. and then we have our Thursday night Bible study at 7 o'clock. We are currently going through the book of Matthew on Thursday evening, so I want to encourage you to be there for that. We are a family integrated church and so infants and children stay in the main service with their parents. We don't have Sunday school classes or nurseries, but for your convenience, there is a mother baby room located in the back of the building should your child need some diversion, changing tables, speakers, screens are available there and of course that's just temporary and then you can bring them back into the service at your discretion and then you see the soul winning times and teams. If you want to learn how to preach the gospel, how to get people saved, how to witness to your family and friends, see me after the service to be placed on the team. You'll get trained there under a leader and we don't put you necessarily on the front lines right off the bat. Okay, so it's not like we go out soul winning and it's like all right, go for it. Let's see what you got. You obviously get to observe for quite some time for a couple weeks or even months until you are ready to preach the gospel yourself and so if you're interested in that, please see me after the service. You see the list of expecting mothers and the important reminders there at the bottom. Some of the upcoming church events. We have the Barstow soul winning resuming on Monday, May 1st. We meet here at the building at approximately 11 30. You can see brother Ulysses Hernandez for more details about that. We head out to Barstow. We have dinner out there as well so hope to see you come to that. We have a men's prayer night coming up on Friday, May 5th and then the end of school picnic is on Tuesday, May 30th. We'll give you more details as we approach that date. No food or drink allowed in the main auditorium except for water and coffee. Please make sure you're not loitering in the foyer fellowship hall during the preaching service unless you are a dad taking out your children during the service to distract them a little bit. You're able to utilize the fellowship hall for that. Quiet time this afternoon is from 3 p.m to 4 15 throughout the whole building and then lastly please make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service and that is it. Let's go ahead and sing our next song. Song number 148. Jesus only Jesus. Song number 148. Song number 148. Jesus only Jesus. All together on that first verse. I walk the path of pleasure. I toil for earthly treasure. But peace beyond all measure. I found in only Jesus. My sins are all forgiven. The chains of sin are riven. And all my heart is given. To Jesus only Jesus. My most in goodness failed me. No cure for sin that ailed me. God's spirit then prevailed me. To leave my sins on Jesus. My sins are all forgiven. The chains of sin are riven. And all my heart is given. To Jesus only Jesus. God's word I long resisted. His spirit called, insisted. My sins are all forgiven. The chains of sin are riven. And all my heart is given. To Jesus only Jesus. O Christ for love unceasing. For blessings ere increasing. For all my fears releasing. My praise and love by Jesus. My sins are all forgiven. The chains of sin are riven. And all my heart is given. To Jesus only Jesus. Amen. Wonderful scene. At this time the ushers have come forth to receive the offering. You can turn your Bibles to Titus chapter number one. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We're in Titus chapter number one this morning. Titus chapter number one the Bible reads. Paul servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ according to the faith of God's elect and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness in hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the world began but at the due times manifested his word through preaching which is committed to me according to the commandment of God our savior to Titus mine own son after the common faith grace mercy and peace from God the father and the Lord Jesus Christ our savior for this cause left I thee in Crete thou should have set in order the things that are wanting and ordained elders in every city as I had appointed thee many be blameless the husband of one wife having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly for a bishop must be blameless as a steward of God not self-willed not soon angry not given a wine no striker not given a filthy lucre but a lover of hospitality a lover of good men sober just holy temperate holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught you may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and convince the gainsayers there are many unruly in vain talkers and deceivers especially they have the circumcision whose mouths must be stopped who subvert whole houses teaching things which they ought not for filthy lucre's sake one of themselves even a prophet of their own said the cretians are always liars evil beasts slow bellies this witness is true wherefore rebuke them sharply they may sound in the faith not giving heed to jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth under the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled they profess that they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and unto every good work reprobate let's pray dear lord god thank you for this opportunity to gather here for the preaching of your word uh just ask what you would uh bless pastor here with your holy spirit now and please just use the preaching to edify us and equip us to be better christians and in jesus name we pray amen amen all right we're in titus chapter number one this morning look down at your bibles of verse number one says paul servant of god and an apostle of jesus christ according to the faith of god's elect and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness in hope of eternal life which god that cannot lie promised before the world began verse number three but hath in due times manifested his word through preaching which is committed unto me according to the commandment of god our savior and the title of my sermon this morning is why we call it hard preaching why we call it hard preaching hard preaching is essentially the way we would describe this style or this flavor of preaching and when we talk about hard preaching this obviously isn't at the exclusion of biblical preaching it's not at the exclusion of sound preaching in fact hard preaching essentially is saturated with the bible if it's hard preach if it's if they call it hard preaching but you don't have the bible included you're not preaching doctrine you're not using the word of god you're not essentially bringing forth what the bible actually says about these matters you can't really call it hard preaching because the bible is essentially the backbone of hard preaching you need the bible in order to back those things up and we see here in titus chapter one that the bible tells us that god has manifested his word through preaching what does that mean well essentially what this is talking about is that our preaching should essentially be a reflection of the word of god when we preach the word of god when we preach the bible it obviously should include what the bible is saying it should be a reflection of it and obviously there's people out there that will essentially say well you're not preaching the bible you're just preaching your opinion even though we quote verses even though we're saying what the bible actually says about it they'll completely ignore that completely negate it and just kind of focus on how the preacher is saying it right and in fact this is a common phrase that you'll hear about my type of preaching the preaching that our church does or churches that are like-minded they'll say well you know i like what he said i just don't like how he said it it's not what he's saying it's how he says it how many of you ever heard something like that okay now this is the most dumbest comment ever i'm explaining to you why because nowhere in the bible will you ever find god saying hey obey my commandments unless whoever says it says it kind of mean at that point you're free to just disobey that whatever they're preaching right nowhere in the bible does god ever say hey you know obey my commandments make sure you follow through keep my commandments unless whoever's preaching it it has a bad spirit right nowhere in the bible does it say any of that and in fact the bible never describes anything of that nature it just tells us to obey the commandments of the lord to obey the preaching of god's word and so preaching hard preaching is a manifestation it's a reflection of the bible it's a reflection of the word of god and he's manifested that through preaching and so the the preaching of god's word obviously should be indicative of that now go to second timothy chapter number four if you would second timothy chapter number four let me start off by explaining why we need hard preaching we're going to get into the different elements that make up hard preaching but i want to talk about for by way of introduction why we need it now you're going to second timothy i'm going to continue to read in the book of titus titus chapter two verse verse 15 says these things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority let no man despise the look at second timothy chapter four very famous passage of scripture that we often use to talk about the subject of preaching it says in verse number one i charge thee therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing in his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine so he's writing to timothy and he says hey make sure you're preaching god's word and you're doing it when it's popular but you also do it when it's not you do it when the preaching is in season you do it when it's out of season you do it when everyone's for you but you also do it when everyone's against you that's what it means to be in season and out of season and then he gives the elements to this preaching he says reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine notice it doesn't say motivate motivate motivate say nice things say nice things say nice things no in fact he says reprove and rebuke what does that mean to strongly correct someone in their error to strongly rebuke them to correct them to let them know that they are in error and he says it twice he says reprove and rebuke but then of course he balances it out with saying exhort meaning build up with all long suffering and doctrine what does long suffering mean well long suffering essentially means it's another way of saying patience okay because when you're preaching to a congregation there's obviously people at different levels of spiritual maturity and so you're preaching and you want everyone to get what you're saying you want everyone to obey the commandments of the lord but you know what some people are just not going to get it right away so therefore you preach it you rebuke you correct them you reprove them however you also have to be long suffering and recognize that everyone grows at different rates okay so you do it with long suffering but you also do it with doctrine so you not only correct people you not only rebuke them and reprove them you show them from the bible why it's true what you're saying right it's not an opinion now why is that why does god tell us hey make sure you're preaching the word why doesn't he say make sure you give a ted talk why doesn't he say make sure you give a motivational speech why doesn't he say make sure you're nice about how you're conveying my word because if not you're going to misrepresent me or something like that why does he say these things well look at verse number three for the time will come and by the way i believe we are in that time when they will not endure sound doctrine now what does that mean referring to the fact that there's going to come a time which i believe we're in that time now where people don't want to listen to the bible they want to listen to sound doctrine they don't want to listen to the doctrine period they rather hear quotes from gandhi quotes from unsaved individuals they rather hear other people's philosophical ideologies rather than the word of god they don't want to endure sound doctrine and notice that this is referring to believers or people who claim to be believers so there's going to come a time when they can't endure sound doctrine so what will they do instead it says there but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables so in other words if the preaching is absent of doctrine it's if it's absent of reproving and rebuking exhorting with all long suffering and doctrine eventually your church will go apostate it'll start following fables and lies and false ideologies and they won't be able to discern the right type of preaching from the wrong type of preaching okay go to jeremiah chapter 23 if you would jeremiah chapter 23 so this is why it's important that we preach hard and we rebuke and we reprove we call out the sin not only the sin but your sin we call out where you fall short in we call out where the church falls short in first works baptist church because we want to stay on the straight and narrow we want a correct error and you know what i don't care what your favorite preacher says out there from some non-denom church where it's just like we got to love people and love them to christ folks the bible says if you love me keep my commandments you know what sometimes the commandments of the lord kind of rub you the wrong way and if you're not living righteously if you're involved in sin and your ideologies don't match up with the word of god you know this kind of preaching is going to bother you but you know what god needs to bother some of us though in order for us to change and so we need to hear sound preaching we need to hear hard preaching we need to be corrected we need to be rebuked we need harsh preaching to correct the errors in our lives okay so let's talk about why we call it hard preaching well number one let me just say this we call it hard preaching because the bible likens preaching to a hammer not you know a little slap not some flimsy stick or something like that it's like a hammer look at jeremiah 23 verse 28 the prophet that hath a dream let him tell a dream and he that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully what is the chaff to the wheat saith the lord it's referring to the fact what is the believer to the unbeliever he says or the unbeliever to the believer verse 29 is not my word like as a fire saith the lord and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces the bible says so number one the reason why we call it hard preaching is because the bible likens the word of god and the preaching of god's word to a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces right you know it's just like oh no you just call it hard preaching because that's just what independent fundamental baptists have always called it well that might be true however we could look in the bible and see that the bible likens it to a hammer not to some little plastic stick or something like that and notice he says this is the difference between biblical preaching and unsafe preaching because he says what is the chaff to the wheat you see you can go to these fun centers high steeple no people type of churches where you go there and just like no people are saved they don't know any doctrine and you know what you'll get your ears tickled you're gonna hear some preaching that's not offensive to you it permits for you to just remain in rebellion remain in sin and it's not gonna hit you like a hammer but you know we should be a part of churches that hits us like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces okay now go to ecclesiastes chapter number 12 because we're gonna see why the bible likens it onto a hammer let me explain a couple things here why preaching hard preaching is like a hammer first and foremost you think of a hammer you know it could be used to fasten nails of a tabernacle right look at ecclesiastes chapter 12 in verse number 10 it says the preacher sought to find out acceptable words and that which was written was upright even words of truth the words of the wise are as goads and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies which are given from one shepherd so you think about this you know a hammer is often used to nail down a particular tabernacle to keep it from moving right well you know the preaching of god's word operates as a hammer that's nailing down those convictions in your heart you see the reason we need hard preaching is because of the fact that you know we need to make sure that we don't we're not swayed with a different way of salvation so we need to preach against the repent of your sins crowd we need to preach against baptismal regeneration we need to preach against these works based salvation type churches and churches that teach that you could lose your salvation because we're trying to fasten those nails as a tabernacle being fastened so you don't move you see a lot of people are tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craft in this whereby they lie in wait to deceive that tabernacle of theirs is always moving like a wind right we as god's people want to make sure we know what we believe we can stand on what we believe we have those convictions will never change on that area when someone says why do you believe that we can show them from god's word but you know what that doesn't happen if you don't have the hammer constantly hitting you yeah hitting you on the head like hey one saved always saved hey you can't lose your salvation hey it's not by repenting of your sin hey those guys are heretics hey look what the bible says in this regard hey it's not by keeping the commandments hey it's not by your deeds not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us like oh man i'm just tired of that hammer well you know you better get used to it because without the hammer your tabernacle is going to fly all over the place you're not going to be essentially what the bible is saying here in ecclesiastes 12 you're not going to be fastened okay by the masters of assemblies your tabernacle your heart your belief system will be all over the place and this exists you know you think to yourself well you know i've never really quite been that way i know what i believe that's because you've listened to hard preaching but i'm telling you right now the vast majority of churches out there they don't know what they believe the members of these churches don't know what they believe the pastors don't even know what they believe they have a hard time judging they have a hard time explaining what the bible actually says they have a hard enough time even quoting the bible if you could believe that but you know why because they're not hammering those nails of convictions in their hearts to make sure that they don't forget they're not they're not stirring up their pure minds by way of remembrance and so folks when you come here sunday morning sunday night thursday night and you're hearing preaching that you've heard before well you know what i'm doing i'm just hammering that nail of that belief of that doctrine more and more into your heart oh that's called brainwashing yeah call it what you will that's cool i like that term i like that term brainwashing i think it's a perfect term to describe what we do here we wash your brain from all that filth and nonsense and false doctrine and so you say well you know i just i just feel like you shouldn't yell so much though i agree with what you're saying but the volume you know it's just let me read to you from isaiah chapter 30 by the way in verse number uh verse number nine it says he's speaking to isaiah telling him to preach this is that this is a rebellious people lying children children that will not hear the law of the lord so who we're talking about we're talking about god's people who hate hearing the bible what's the bible saying right hate hearing the bible verse number 10 which say to the seers seers is just another way of saying prophets so keep in mind these are god's people telling the prophets this see not and to the prophets prophesy not into us right things speaking to us smooth things prophesy deceits you know there's a lot of preachers out there that are smooth okay they're really smooth and you know but what what does the bible liken their speeches unto unto deceit right so according to the bible based upon this if someone is smooth they're basically they're lying to you when they preach right however if the preaching is a little rough if the preaching isn't smooth if it's a little rough it's a little coarse that's the right type of preaching because smooth preaching is deceitful preaching course preaching is biblical preaching so a hammer could be used to fasten the nails of the tabernacle go to titus go back to titus if you would chapter one titus chapter number one the bible says in first peter chapter five verse number 10 but the god of all grace who had called us into his eternal glory by christ after that you have suffered a while make you perfect establish strengthen settle you the bible says so why do we need hard preaching because it's just hammering those convictions down in your heart it's hammering those beliefs into your heart and look you say well you know i don't appreciate that you know it sounds like you're just trying to convince me that your doctrine is right well then go to a different church where they teach heresy if you want and they can serve you that over there no one's forcing you to stay amen but if you know that this is the truth if you know that this is what the bible says allow yourself to be fastened by the masters of assembly what does it what does the hammer also do well breaks up the fallow ground and here's an important aspect of hard preaching listen to this is that you know sometimes as a christian your heart can become hardened towards the things of god another way of saying that it becomes apathetic it's kind of bored with the christian life it's not you know the bible's not as exciting anymore so you know what you need you need hard preaching to break up the fallow ground of your heart sometimes soul winning can become a little monotonous in your life you don't have that passion and that fire for soul winning anymore you know what you need you need hard preaching to get you back out there to preach the gospel sometimes just living the christian life is difficult it's hard you become apathetic you're not very excited or passionate about the things of god you've lost your zeal so you don't need you need hard preaching to light a fire under your rear end to get you back on track you don't get that with the motivational speech love god give your life to him give your life to god god to him your life i mean it's easy to give a motivational speech see how easy that was just say one phrase and just switch the words around but you know what we need you know you know what we need is hey stop being a lazy bum and start reading your bible turn off the social media and start getting into the word of god get off of facebook and get your face in this book it's just like we're all sinners we all make mistakes fornication you know god love the fornicators and you know they're right about that but here's the thing is that god doesn't want you to continue on fornication though yeah so stop fornicating or you'll get thrown out how about that see that's the truth you know drunkenness is a sin but jesus turned the water into wine it's the kind of preaching that's out there whereas what we need to tell people is hey drinking is for idiots and and if you don't realize how wicked alcohol is then look at budweiser you're tranny tran on a can well now they're putting trick i mean if that i don't know if there's christians out there to drink budweiser okay if there is they need to get right with god what an embarrassment to first of all drink alcohol that's the devil's poison it's the poison of asps the bible says it's the vine of sodom that's what the bible actually says number one so you know you're drinking wine you're drinking beer drinking alcohol well it's called the vine of sodom sodomites but now they're actually putting a tranny on the can which from what i heard like budweiser is like regretting it now because who wants to like look at a tranny i guess when you're getting drunk hey doesn't the bible say that dying eyes shall be whole strange women can't get any stranger than a tranny i mean the bible is just like awesome it just predicted all these things right simpsons don't predict squat the bible predicts everything but we need hard preaching to say hey instead of fighting this battle of having a tranny on a can why don't you just not drink alcohol at all since alcohol is so wicked since it can destroy your life give you cirrhosis of the liver make you a complete loser turn a man into a woman by raising his estrogen levels that's the kind of preaching we need we need preaching listen to this and by the way preaching in the bible is the type of preaching that would actually shame god's people god expected for the prophets in the old testament to preach in such a way that the people of god were ashamed because you know what motivates us to change shame right so we need to shame drinking alcohol we need to shame fornication we need to shame divorce we need to shame adultery we need to shame all these things we need to shame the people of god so they get right with the lord don't be like transformation church yeah pastor mike todd or i as i like to call him pastor uh abihu pastor nadab offering strange fire before the lord where he's just like trying to he's cow telling to all the trannies out there he's just like i wish i don't know why god make male and female you know i wish god would have just done a b c d n e you know i don't know why which by the way transformation church that's like a fitting name for that church because this is a church for trainees you're like oh that's mean no this is hard preaching to help you to realize the wickedness that's out there and look mike todd is this guy who spit a loogie in his hand i'm not even done yet first of all that's like i know that's gross isn't it like he spit a loogie in his hand and anointed one of his church members eyes with it talk about a false prophet and then recently he just had this easter this the most blasphemous easter service that you know i have ever seen i only saw a couple clips of it but honestly if you just turn off the music turn off the audio and you compare it to the grammys it's basically the same thing it's just satanic worship is what it is okay but you know there's people out there like that because it's smooth folks we need hard preaching to get us on the right track to break up the fallow ground of our heart when we grow apathetic towards the things of god when we're involved in sin when we are cold towards soul winning we're cold towards our spouse we're cold towards serving god we need hard preaching to get us back on track you know i can't tell you how many times i preached and i'll preach on a specific sin and not because anybody's telling me about it you know where i'm going with this right it's like i preach on a specific sin or a specific topic and like someone in the church is like who told the pastor that i was doing that or they'll tell their spouse like did you you told them huh and they'll come to me like hey i know you know my husband or wife you know told you about this and so i'm like i don't know about that that's just what preaching does but we need that don't we don't you need to come to a service and you know you're guilty of something you need to hear something you need to hear hard preaching doctrine that'll correct that in your life that's what you need you don't we don't need to come to a service to alleviate our conscience by hearing some motivational speech or something like that we need to hear the truth my friends we need to hear hard preaching and you know the purpose of my sermon this morning is to make sure that you either maintain or develop an appetite for hard preaching it's like a hammer because it breaks up the fallow ground of our heart but it also just breaks down false doctrine when have you ever seen a liberal church try to debunk false doctrine never because they're the ones teaching it they're the ones always teaching it so why would they try to debunk it the bible says in titus 1 9 holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and convince the gainsayers for there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers listen to this especially they have the circumcision so you know what hard preaching does also it's specific i'll get into that later but it calls the names he didn't say especially of those of the the gesticulators he's like the circumcision referring to the jews he's not afraid to call it out whose mouths must be stopped who subvert whole houses teaching things which they are not for filthy lucre's sake one of themselves even a prophet of their own said the cretians are always liars evil beasts low bellies this witness is true wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith not giving heed to jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth sounds to me like we need hard preaching we need the hammer of god's word to break down false doctrine break down heresy so that no one is confused about these things go to ezekiel chapter six if you would ezekiel chapter number six so why do we call it hard preaching well number one because it's like a hammer hammers aren't soft my friends and hammers aren't meant to hit whatever is hitting in a soft manner either i mean we get that term we gotta hammer this truth hammer this doctrine but number two let me say this is that hard preach the reason we call it hard preaching is because of the fact that because of its dynamic nature okay what do you mean what do you mean by its dynamic nature you know typically those who preach hard are kind of wild do you agree with that they'll get a little wild when they're preaching hard i mean you can't really preach hard without getting a little wild and crazy a little dynamic the way you would preach why because you're trying to communicate the severity of the situation and you can't really do it like hey we should really stop drinking guys and fornication is really bad and you know adultery is wicked you know we just can't be doing these things no it's like in order for us to communicate the severity of the sin and the consequences the ramifications of iniquity we have to communicate it in such a way that you know where we mean business now you're in ezekiel chapter six look i'm going to read to you from isaiah 58 verse 1 first verse first phrase cry out loud why do you have to raise your voice because the bible tells me to cry out loud and spare not now what does it mean by spare not means yell as loud as you possibly can and if you don't know how that sounds i won't do it yet everyone's all bracing themselves come in june don't miss the service in june and i'll show you what that sounds like you say why are you so mad in june why do you yell so much in june why do you look so angry in june because the bible tells me to cry out loud and spare not you say why do your eyes get all big and wide and angry because i am angry you see you wouldn't take me serious if when i started preaching on sodomy i did it with a smile on my face with low volume low decibels just not serious at all you would think this guy doesn't believe what he's saying cry out loud and spare not lift up that voice like a trumpet the bible says and show my people their transgressions don't judge show my people their transgression that's what the bible says i mean think about that judge not lest you be judged show my people their transgression that means hey this is your sin in the house of jacob their sins look at ezekiel chapter 6 verse number 11 thus saith the lord god smite with thine hand and stamp with thy foot and say alas for all the evil abominations of the house of israel for they shall fall by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence i mean that doesn't sound very nice so he's specifically telling ezekiel hey when you preach this sermon you're right before all the people and you're preaching make sure you're smiting with your hand and you're stomping with your feet these are some physical dynamic things that he's making them do in order to communicate the severity of their sin so the next time you see me kick a pulpit or take a hammer and break an xbox on the pulpit and or what was it a bad take a bat and just beat the living snot out of an xbox on the floor don't come at me with oh that's a little exaggerated you're you're getting a little too wild there bible says here smite with thine hand and i don't want to break my hand on the xbox so i i smote it with with the baseball bat stamp smite with thine hand stamp with thy foot and then he says there alas for all the evil abominations of the house of israel for they shall fall by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence now what does that last phrase show us it shows us that ezekiel is being judgmental you see you're going to die by the sword you're going to die by the famine and you're going to die by the pestilence who are you to judge i mean this is what the prophets of old have done my friends when people get involved in sin they get involved in the wickedness of this world we need to convey to them the consequences of those actions hey guys you commit fornication you'll produce bastard children oh man that's kind of rough there yeah the sword famine and pestilence are the pretty rough things to say hey you you sleeping around you become a whore or whoremonger you might contract some disease also as the bible refers to it as a pestilence you said what's the purpose of that to keep you from doing that to save you from making dumb decisions look at ezekiel 21 so he says smite with thine hand stamp with thy foot but it doesn't sound like he's kind of like limp roasted or anything like that you know i i just don't i can't see ezekiel with like torn jeans preaching on a bar store or something like that or a pulpit made of glass or something you know these preachers today they might smile with their hand but they're just kind of like you know come on guys they don't do any of this give me a wild-eyed preacher and this is the only preaching that i've known because i got saved in independent fundamental baptist church and most independent fundamental baptist churches that i've been to have had these wild-eyed preachers you know what i thank god for them because they kept me on the straight and narrow i thank god for their their explicit preaching their hard preaching that kept me on the right track look at ezekiel 21 verse 14 therefore thou therefore son of man prophesy and smite thine hands together and let the sword be doubled the third time the sword of the slain it is the sword of the great men that are slain which enter into their privy chambers so again he's saying smite with your hands go to second corinthians 11 second corinthians 11 i'm showing you these verses to kind of show you why preachers like myself preachers of churches that are like our church get a little crazy when they preach why they kick their pulpits why they punch and yell and scream and foam out the mouth because it's biblical that's why yeah again you're not here to listen to a tet talk you're not here to get a motivational speech this is preaching preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but until us which are saved it is the power of god the bible says and that applies yes to the gospel but it applies to preaching just in general look at second corinthians 11 and verse number four it says for if he that cometh preaching another jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which you have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted ye might well bear with him what is he saying you know you guys are so doctrinally just off course that if someone comes preaching different doctrine a different jesus a different spirit you might like accept them into your congregation we don't want to be like the corinthian church my friends we want to make sure that when we preach we are saturating the church members with enough bible for them to discern when false doctrine comes right and he says in verse number five for i suppose i was not a whip behind the very cheapest apostles he says but though i be rude in speech yet not in knowledge this is one of my favorite verses in the new testament because the apostle paul is saying you might think i'm rude the way i'm saying it but you can't say the knowledge is rude you might say i have a mean spirit but you can't say i ain't got the holy spirit you can say i'm just a rude person but you can't condemn the knowledge is being put forth from the pulpit which is the most important part of it though i be rude in speech yet not in knowledge see there be there be an issue if i was rude in speech and i also didn't give any knowledge because then there's no authority to the preaching but because we're using the word of god we're are showing forth what the bible actually says coupled with rude preaching makes for a good sermon though i be rude in speech yet not in knowledge we have been thoroughly made manifest among you all in all things go to john chapter six john chapter number six if you would john chapter number six john chapter number six i'm telling you the stupidest thing i've ever heard is just it's not what he's saying it's how he's saying it because who cares how someone says it right if they say it rude if they're mean about it if they're being passionate about it they're only trying to convey what the scripture is telling us right and so obey the obey the word of god and most of the time you know people who say these things are just soft i'll just be honest with you okay they've been saturated with soft preaching and they can't handle the truth which leads me to my next point number three hard preaching listen to this is offensive very offensive so i commend you for being in church because you're coming to get offended you're like i'm running the risk of getting offended this sunday right and i commend those of you who go to all three services because then your chances increase to be offended it's like you make it through this service you're like i didn't get offended yet however they're still tonight and then you come tonight and then you're just like and you're like wait but then there's thursday so you're running the risk of just getting offended because biblical preaching hard preaching is offensive it's very offensive look at john chapter 6 verse 59 these things said he in the synagogue referring to jesus christ as he taught in capernaum many therefore of his disciples when they had heard this said this is a hard saying who can hear it so these are the disciples they're like man this is kind of hard to take in who's able to handle this kind of preacher and i want you to notice the apology that jesus christ gives after that oh wait it's not there he didn't get up and say hey you know i'm sorry guys i am the word of god i should have i should have figured out a better way to say it let me just take all that back real quick when jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it so when they say it is a hard saying who can hear it jesus christ takes that as oh you're complaining because murmuring means to complain right when jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured that he said it to them does this offend you because it offended the the pharisees it offended the religious leaders and then he looks at them he's like oh are you guys offended too what and if ye shall see the son of man is sent up to where he was before it is the spirit the quickness the flesh profit is nothing the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and they are life i miss the apology there i miss where he changed his tone i miss the part where he changed the way he said things he didn't apologize for anything that's why i'm not into apologetics because we don't apologize for anything that we preach he's saying there doth this offend you what does that show us it shows us that the truth can be very offensive listen to me if you get offended at our church at the preaching of god's word it's only an indicator that you need to realign your beliefs to the bible and that's what it means because if you're by the way if you're offended at something that's not biblical okay then you know that you're offended at my opinion or something like that that's a different story but if you're offended at something that is clearly stated in the word of god that's not my fault because great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them hard preaching is offensive it's hard to get offended at these non-denom churches how how how can someone get offended at joel osteen's church i mean the only person that would get offended at joel osteen's church is me or you if we were to ever attend because it's such a whack church it's just like this whole service is offensive preaching is not hard enough your face is offensive joel that hair is offensive this preaching offends me because it's not biblical enough we're talking about biblical hard sound preaching is offensive and it's meant to be offensive now if you go through the services you're never offended that probably just means that you're just right with god you're walking with the lord you know those are typically everyone's favorite sermons because you know they know people who are guilty of those particular things and they're just like yeah get them you know they're just like yeah get some or get my husband get my wife or something you know or or get my kids or something right it's like yeah yeah get them but it's one that when the preaching starts stepping on our toes and it's just like oh i don't agree with this i don't think that's biblical you know i think i i have a different interpretation you can have a different interpretation just say it's the wrong interpretation though right because there's certain things in the bible that are just clear as day crystal clear clear as day that and here's the thing folks even when i first got saved i mean the whole bible was just offensive to me because i just never read the bible i was a worldly person who lived in the world i was part of the world and so everything that my father-in-law preached was just offensive to me it's like man come here every week and he's just ripping my face off can't can't get a service in just like without getting ripped but you know i'm thankful for that because it transformed me and made me to what i needed to be and so hard preaching is offensive but it's only because of the fact that it's just showing us areas in our life that we need to change ideologies and belief systems that we need to change ways of behavior that we need to change manners of conduct that we need to change you know if someone comes in our church for example let's just get specific you know guy comes into our church looking only feminine he's probably going to get offended at some of my preaching yeah and he puts lotion on his face or gets a manicure or something like that does his eyebrows getting kind of quiet in here he uh you know gets rid of his unibrow or something like that i don't know well what's another thing that feminine people do feminine guys what earrings tight clothes these are all people who are saved out of that lifestyle no i'm just kidding you know they have they're just kind of soft you know it's kind of womanly you know not not they're not sodomites just effeminate they're going to hear preaching that is going to i mean this whole segment might offend them you know because they're just like dang he called out my lotion or something but you know what's the purpose of it the purpose of it is to teach them the bible says that being effeminate is a sin and the bible clearly states that we need to make a distinction between male and female and when you behave in an effeminate manner you're basically rejecting god's model for man of how they're supposed to behave and act so man up you know what they do they go home they throw away their lotion or give it to their mom or whatever or or should i say give it back to their mom you know and they start manning up and they start changing that's the purpose of it it's not so we can just defend them and put them on the spa and shame them it's what the purpose of changing them it's what the purpose of them getting right with god and changing their behavior and living a life that's pleasing unto the lord where did i have you turn did i have you turn anywhere else go to the book of jude go to the book of jude and then we're going to go to isaiah chapter 40 hard preaching is offensive but it's not just offensive so we can get a kick out of you being offended or something like that the reason it's offensive is because sometimes offensive things helps us to change our belief systems our manner of conduct our manner of behavior which is what god wants us to do it helps us to repent of sin you understand so hard preaching is offensive and look at this offensive preaching here look at jude in verse 14 and enoch also the seventh from adam prophesied of these saying behold the lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints to execute judgment upon all to convince all that are ungodly among them of their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all of their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against them i mean good night he's just like ungodly ungodly ungod he didn't even use that thesaurus he's just like i'm gonna stick with ungodly go to isaiah chapter 40 isaiah chapter 40 why do we call it hard preaching because it is offensive but the reason it's offensive because it gets your attention helps you to change it shames the people of god with the intention of having them change that we may change and get right with the lord that's the problem with a lot of churches now is that they don't shame sin they don't shame church members they don't shame sin so they're therefore no one changes lastly let me say this is that hard we call it hard preaching because it leaves no stone unturned it leaves no stone unturned what i mean by that it's plain to understand you see there's preaching out there that's so vague it's so cryptic and obscure you walk away wondering like who or what was he talking about you guys know what i'm talking about it's like was he talking about someone specific whereas when we preach you don't have to go do research i'll just tell you the name i'll just give you the name of the pastor i'll give you the name of the church i'll give you the name of the sin so that you're not left wondering like i wonder what he's talking about you don't have to wonder because hard preaching leaves no stone unturned we speak with great plainness of speech the bible says in second corinthians you're in isaiah chapter 40 verse 12 it says seeing then that we have such hope we use plainness of speech look at isaiah chapter 40 verse number three the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness prepare you the way of the lord make straight in the desert a highway for our god now this is referring to john the baptist right talked about this on thursday and when it says he made straight the way of the lord he's essentially removing all of the obstacles all of the obstructions from the path leading up to christ speaking very plainly okay preaching very plainly who jesus christ is and in fact when they asked them art out the christ he was like no he's not going to give you a jordan peterson answer right jordan peters was like you believe in god oh what do you mean by believe you know believe has so many different definitions and he gives you like this 20 minute spiel and you walk away like man that was pretty intelligent but i don't know what the heck that guy just said it's like so do you believe it's like yes i believe in jesus christ but he's not going to give you that answer because he speaks with obscurity he's very vague because he doesn't want to lose you know that particular crowd that he's he's preaching to john the baptist is very clear when he's preaching against harrod you know what he's preaching against harrod about it's not lawful for you to have your brother's wife committing adultery it's wicked yeah but that'll get your head cut off then so be it the truth needs to get put out there no matter what the consequences are the names need to be named it's not like he got up and was like you know there's some politician out here that uh is involved in adultery i'm not gonna say who it is it's like just say it's harrod he says every valley shall be exalted every mountain and hill shall be made low and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough place is plain what does this mean it means that the road to the truth is paved by preachers like john the baptist who removed the bends from the road you know when something has a bend in the road you don't know what's on the other side whereas a straight road you know exactly what is before you this is describing his type of preaching he's not going to take you through loops through bends where you just don't know what he's going to say next you know exactly what he believes you know exactly what he teaches you know exactly what he's preaching in fact what did the apostle paul says thou has fully known my doctrine it says in verse number five and the glory of the lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together for the mouth of the lord hath spoken it turn with me if you would to mark chapter seven but hold your place there in isaiah though go to mark chapter seven we live in a day and age my friends where pastors are just scared they're always afraid they're afraid of preaching against sin they're afraid of preaching against their church members they're afraid of preaching against other pastors who preach false doctrine and heresy they're just scared all the time and they always have to be obscure about what they're talking about because they don't want to offend anybody so it's like if you don't want to offend anybody go be a politician then stop being a pastor but we live in a day and age when no one wants to declare the truth and just tell you plainly what they mean they're just kind of you know they tuck their tail between legs and that's it look at look at uh mark chapter seven and we're going to come back to isaiah mark chapter 7 verse 32 i'm going to show you the problem with a lot of these preachers verse 32 says and they bring unto him one that was deaf and had an impediment in his speech and they beseech him to put his hand upon him and he took him aside from the multitude and put his fingers into his ears and he spit and touched his tongue and looking to heaven he sighed and said unto him ephphatha that is be open and straightway his ears were open and the string of his tongue was loose and he spake plain so you think of someone who has a loose tongue that's something associated with like drunkards right people get drunk they have like a loose tongue which is another way of saying that they're bold right because when people dream to become emboldened right but here's the thing is that drunkards when they get emboldened to just say whatever obviously that's wrong because of the fact that they're drunk they're under the influence of alcohol and most of what they're saying is stupid anyways but you know what we need we need preachers who are sober who have a loose tongue you say but what if that preacher just because of his loose tongue just kind of says something wrong or something something like sinful well out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaking a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringing forth good things so that's why it's important folks that pastors just preach the bible and just let it rip and have nothing to worry about because if their heart is filled with righteous things only righteous things are going to come out you understand whereas a lot of these other preachers who don't have a loose tongue they're essentially dumb as the bible puts it right they're mute they can't speak the reason they don't want a loose tongue is because they might actually tell you what they really believe which in turn can be false doctrine flattery deceit things of that nature what they need is to have a loose tongue though and just be bold about the word of god because the reality is this you know there's pastors out there they believe just like we do but they don't want to declare it for fear of of the rainbow people or something they're scared of what the rainbow people are going to do they don't want to speak out against the trannies they don't want to they don't want to say anything during june they're like these companies who just kowtow to them or something because they're afraid of the ramifications if they do speak out against them but it's like what are you going to do like what are they going to do hit us with their purse protest us say mean things about us online blow up our church what are they going to do been there done that go to isaiah 56 preachers need to have loose tongues amen that's not to say that preachers won't make won't make mistakes every once in a while maybe some some particular word might just come out of their mouth you know at a passion or something like that you know so these these these particular words might and look i'm not for that but i'm not saying it will never happen to me because who knows because june comes around you just never know it you just sometimes i'm just going off and the words are just and it's it's if it's in my heart if the hatred is in my heart my friends you know i'm just asking you in advance to forgive me though if it does happen i'm a i'm a i'm a sinner i make mistakes and i and i hold to this doctrine that that a preacher's tongue should be loose preach the word of god that's why you know i use notes but not really i'll just be honest if you look at most of my preaching i'm like all over the place i'm just quoting scripture i'm just talking because i'm i use this to kind of keep me on track kind of thing you know it's like where am i in this sermon okay i'm right here most of the stuff is just coming from my heart but the reason most preachers have to read from you know like verbatim because they might teach them like heresy or something they're just like and the bible says gay people are bad oh wait that's parentheses that was my notes or whatever you know it's just don't call it say what you really want to say yeah say it like we need to hear it look at israel 56 verse 10 his watchmen are blind they're all ignorant they're all dumb dogs they cannot bark sleeping lying down loving to slumber the bible says what's another way of saying dumb in other words they can't speak they can't bark and this is referring to the preachers and the prophets in those days these watchmen who are supposed to watch over the souls of men they're dumb dogs they're not even alerting the owner or the congregation of god when the wolf cometh when satan cometh when the lion cometh to devour god's people and it's our job in a sense to bark right when the false prophet comes when the false doctrine comes and not be sleeping lying down loving to slumber you know the bible tells us that god is not an author of confusion but of peace what is peace it means you're reconciling things right and you know the bible tells us that he's not the author of confusion he's the author of peace so what are we to do as god's people as preachers we're to reconcile ignorance with knowledge if someone is ignorant regarding a specific topic we want to reconcile that and give you knowledge about it we want to we don't want to leave any stone unturned we want to preach what the bible actually says and not by the way not use confusing terminology either how do you describe salvation believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved it's pretty simple we don't say give your life to christ you know just give your life to god like are you talking about suicide or it's like what are we talking about here that's confusing terminology give your life to god and serve god okay but what does that mean though you know sin is bad okay but what sin are you talking about you know we should love god yes but how do we love god though we can't use confusing terminology you know it's just like i have god in my heart which by the way to a certain extent you can you can you can reconcile that in the bible but when we're talking about salvation we want to make it as clear as possible my friends and say i believed on the lord jesus christ i placed my faith in him and you know what here's one of the best ways to just convey salvation just cool scripture for by grace are you saved through faith in that not of yourselves that is the gift of god not of works that any man should boast not like well you know i'm a i'm a christ follower dude i follow christ bro bro dude i'm awful following christ bro what does that mean bro that's it did what does that mean did because most of the time they don't even know what that is it's just like a catchphrase that they use to try to seem religious or something like that or seem like they're christians or that they're serving god you say what do you say let's go soul winning how about that that's specific no bro let your light shine bro just let your light shine bro okay let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven how about that let's soul win let's go to church no bro let's let's just like worship the lord together bro which we're worshiping the lord but you know what that phrase has been used and abused so much sometimes we just got to say let's just go to church where are you going i'm going to church to hear the preaching of god's word to sing the hymns and fellowship with the brethren that's too that's legalistic bro well good because i love the law the law of the lord is perfect my friends you know bring your bibles to church it's not like well you know what what bible do you think is the word of god oh the bible the bible is the word of god but which one well you know some would use this and so which one is the word of god though see here you don't have to wonder what we believe about that it's the king james bible yeah but are you against other versions yep like you you not even the the new king james nope what about the niv hiv i mean like not only are we against the modern versions of the bible we like trash those bibles we will tell you what exactly what we believe in in that regard we're not going to be like well you know they just got a couple things off there's a couple verses you know they're blasphemous books you don't have to wonder where we stand on those issues don't use confusing terminology hard preaching will tell you what the bible actually says about it go to act chapter 20 act chapter 20 you see when there's hard preaching you can come to a church and walk away thinking i know exactly what that person believes i know exactly what that church believes you don't wonder like i wonder what his stand is on that ask us about any doctrine any belief anything in the bible will tell you clearly what we believe unless of course it's just an obscure topic right because you know pastors differ on various topics that are obscured they're not necessarily 100 clear in the bible we'll tell you you know this is what i believe others believe different but things that are clearly laid out in the bible we're not going to you know beat around the bush we'll just burn the bush down and say look this is what we believe right burn the bush down and just tell you clearly what we believe you never be afraid to ask me a question or anybody in our church hey what do you guys believe about this because every single person in this church will tell you this is what we believe now not everyone will probably be able to like explain clearly why it is that we believe that some better than others but for the most part we'll tell you this is what we believe so what do you believe about like gay people it's just like where do i start where do you want me to begin most people in our church are like man i've been waiting for someone to ask me that have a seat it's like get a coffee you know we want to make sure that we are dissolving doubts right dissolving doubts leaving no stone unturned look at act chapter 20 verse 27 that's why you know churches like ours i mean when we preach we preach for an hour sometimes hour and 15 sometimes hour and 30 like today i'm probably gonna go like an hour and 35 or so i'm just kidding everyone's like whoa but there's churches out there that will only go about 15 20 max 30 minutes and that's like with using like two bible verses or something like that but what does the bible say look at acts 20 verse 27 for i have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of god the bible says what does that mean you're gonna hear everything now obviously we can we can only get so much in one sermon we can only get so much in one week of preaching but for the most part when you come here you're going to hear the entire counsel of god if you stay here throughout your lifetime as a christian you come to the services you come to hear the preaching of god's word you're going to pretty much hear every single topic or at least close to every single topic in the bible being hit and obviously there's exceptions to the rules like for example tonight i'm going to be preaching on a synopsis of revelation preaching on the book of revelation the synonym i'm going to explain the book of revelation from beginning to end and i preach dozens of sermons on that but sometimes we need to be reminded so why are you preaching on the synopsis of revelation because we need a refresher so that we so we don't make sure we ain't got no preachers in our church or something like that you know what i mean but we just need a refresher because most people know what they believe about and times but as far as like the logistics and the details and the timeline and even just the book in general they can become very confused about it and not really know how to explain it or study it so we're going to go over that tonight so you know a lot of the sermons are just repeats of other sermons but that's because we need to be reminded of these things we need a refresher right so what's the sermon today you know the sermon today is this don't be ashamed of hard preaching and listen to this don't be ashamed of calling it hard preaching well i prefer biblical preaching i like biblical preaching too but you know the non-denom church claims they do biblical preaching too though so i'd rather like say something that makes us distinct from the feminine pastors of this world what do you guys do hard preaching yeah but if they hear hard preaching they're gonna think you guys are ignorant and just these small churches these radicals these religious people that sounds good you know a kid at the computer's like sounds good to me yeah but if you say that you're gonna you're gonna scare people away well here's the thing let's say i never use the term hard preaching because i don't want to scare people away those people who would get scared of me saying hard preaching they're going to get scared when they come to our church eventually like they're going to run out screaming or something like that i mean we've had people come to our church the preaching didn't even start we were singing a hymn what hymn was it does anybody remember oh happy day it was like the second verse of oh happy day there's a guy sitting in the back and he just could not take it he got him he's like this church is so judgmental i was like he freaked out and i don't remember what sermon i was preaching that morning i think it was on judging actually it could have been on judging i just remember thinking because when when he first came when the guy first came everyone was really nice to him of course our church is very friendly but he just right off the bat just did not like our church like i wouldn't introduce myself he's like he's like i'm sorry i'm not like dressed like you or whatever and i'm just like it's okay you know we don't have a dress code here no apparently you no apparently you do have a dress code here i'm like no we don't there's no sign that says you know if you don't have a shirt coat and tie thou shall not enter or something i'm thinking myself unless it's like a sodomite or something yeah for sure right you know but he was like already complaining about everything and and after i met him i thought to myself if he thinks just meeting us is bad wait till he hears what i'm preaching today this guy's gonna freak out i'm like this is gonna be a fun one but the guy couldn't even handle oh happy day oh happy day was offensive to him he said what did he do he ran out to the foyer threw his coffee in the trash he should have thrown himself in the trash too he ran out got his bike and put it on 10 speed and like like his bike was right in front of here and he just like took off like as if we're gonna be like it's like there's people out there like that folks so you you may think to yourself well you're exaggerating no that actually happened no you know i've had people walk out of my preaching because i was preaching against the jews well the sermon wasn't against the jews it was just one i had a one-liner it was a one-liner right sometimes it's just that one-liner and this lady got up she was like no no no and she and she just like ran off like ran down the aisle like a pentecostal and just like left and i just kind of looked at everyone like did i say something like is it me folks call it hard preaching don't be ashamed of hard preaching what kind of preaching this first works baptist church do it's hard preaching yeah is it biblical yep call it hard preaching why because hard preaching changes lives and i hope that you develop and maintain an appetite for hard preaching you would never balk at it hate it dislike it you know hard preaching is the meat this nice preaching is like cotton candy hard preaching is nutritious you know the soft preaching is just like it's lame like i'm doing any good it's not going to help you spiritually and so let's develop and maintain a love and a desire for heart preaching let's pray father we thank you so much for your word thank you for the hard preachers who have preached to us lord in times past i'm thankful for the ones in my personal life lord i pray you help us as your people to continue to develop and maintain that appetite for it and not be ashamed to call it just that may you be honored and glorified in all that's accomplished today in jesus name we pray amen please hear your song books to song number 377 song number 377 rescue the perishing as our last song for this morning song number 377 all together nice and strong on that first verse rescue the perishing care for the dying snatch them in pity from sin and the grave weep for the erring ones lift up the fallen tell them of jesus the mighty to save rescue the perishing care for the dying jesus is merciful jesus will save though they are sliding him still he is waiting waiting a penitent child to receive leave with them earnestly plead with them gently he will forgive if they only believe rescue the perishing Jesus is merciful Jesus will save down in the human heart crushed by the tempter grace can be sore touched by a loving heart wakened by kindness will vibrate once more rescue the perishing care for the dying jesus is merciful jesus will save rescue the perishing demands his strength for thy labor the lord will provide back to the narrow way patiently win them the poor wanderer a savior has died rescue the perishing care for the dying jesus is merciful jesus will save amen wonderful singing we have a baptism please turn your song books to song number 65 song number 65 just over in the glory land song number 65 all together on that first verse i the home prepared where the saints abide just over in the glory land and i long to be by my savior's side just over in the glory land just over in the glory land i'll join the happy angel then over in the glory land just over in the glory land the mighty host i'll send just over in the glory land i am on my way to those mansions fair there to sing god's praise and his glory share just over in the glory land just over in the glory land i'll join the happy angel just over in the glory land there with the mighty host i'll send just over in the glory land what a joyful thought that my lord i'll see just over in the glory land and with kindred same just over in the glory land just over in the glory land so just over in the glory land just over in the glory land with the mighty host i'll stand just over in the glory land with the blood washed wrong i will shout and sing plant those annas to christ the lord and king just over in the glory land just over in the glory land the happy angel man just over in the glory land we're in the glory land there with the mighty host i'll stand just over in the glory land amen turn to song number 63 song number 63 what a day that will be all together on that first verse there is coming a day when no heartache shall come no more clouds in the sky no more tears to dim the eye all is peace forevermore on that happy golden shore glorious day that will be what a day that will be when i look upon his face the one who saved me by his grace is there'll be no sorrow there no more burdens to bear no more sickness no pain no more being over there and forever i will be with the one who died for me what a day glorious day that will be what a day that will be when my jesus i shall see and i look upon his face me by his grace when he takes me by the hand and leads me through the promised land what a day glorious day that will be amen turn to song number 44 there is a baptist song number 44 will work till jesus comes all together on that first verse old land of rest for the eyesight when will the moment come i shall lay my armor by and well in peace at home will work will work till jesus comes will work and will be gathered home to jesus christ i fled for rest he made me cease to roam home and lean for succor on his breast till he conduct me home will work till jesus comes will work till jesus comes and will be gathered home i saw at once my savior's side my steps shall roam with him i'll brave death chilling tight and reach my heavenly home will work till jesus comes will work till jesus comes will work till jesus comes and will be gathered home amen see i told you come on up you're gonna sit here facing that way oh step on there and then step in here facing that way watch your step there you go have a seat wow yeah it's on scoot forward a little bit all right tell us your name uh caleb caleb caleb yeah have you trusted jesus as your savior yeah okay upon your public profession i'm gonna baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit going to cross your arms over your chest buried in the of his death grace to walk in units of life congratulations thank you all right let's pray and we will be dismissed father we thank you again for this day thank you for our salvation for the word of god for the baptism today and uh pray that you'd bless us as we go on our way bless the soul and the service tonight and may all things be done for your honor and for your glory we love you we thank you pray these things in jesus name amen you are dismissed