(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 All right, good morning everyone. Welcome to First Works Baptist Church. Let's all find our seats. As you find your seat, please grab a song book. Turn to song number 310. Song number 310, Footprints of Jesus. Let's all stand together for this first song if you are able. Song number 310, Footprints of Jesus. All together nice and strong on that first verse. 🎵Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling, Come, follow me🎵 🎵And we see where Thy footprints falling Lead us to Thee🎵 🎵Footprints of Jesus That make the pathway glow🎵 🎵We will follow the steps of Jesus Where'er they go🎵 🎵Though they lead o'er the cold dark mountains Seeking His sheep🎵 🎵Or along by Siloam's fountains Helping the weak🎵 🎵Footprints of Jesus That make the pathway glow🎵 🎵We will follow the steps of Jesus Where'er they go🎵 🎵If they lead thro' the temple holy Preaching the Word🎵 🎵Or in homes of the poor and lowly🎵 🎵Footprints of Jesus That make the pathway glow🎵 🎵We will follow the steps of Jesus Where'er they go🎵 🎵Then at last when on high He sees us Our journey done🎵 🎵We will rest where the steps of Jesus End at His throne🎵 🎵Footprints of Jesus That make the pathway glow🎵 🎵We will follow the steps of Jesus Where'er they go🎵 Amen. Wonderful singing. Let's start up our service with the word of prayer. Dear Lord God, Heavenly Father, we just thank you so much for giving us another day. Then we can come to your house here, Lord, and to hear the preaching of your word. Thank you for every precious soul in this building this morning, Lord, and I ask that you please just bless our service, have your hand upon us as we sing, and please fill past me here with your spirit as he preaches unto us. And I ask, Lord, that you please give us your spirit also in the congregation, that we may take what's preached unto us and apply it to our lives, Lord. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. You may be seated. Please turn your songbooks to song number 197. Song number 197, Singing I Go. Song number 197, all together nice and strong on that first verse. 🎵The trusting heart to Jesus Clings for any ill or bald🎵 🎵But at the cross of Calvary sings🎵 🎵Praise God for lift in loaves🎵 🎵Singing I go along life's road🎵 🎵Praising the Lord, praising the Lord🎵 🎵Singing I go along life's road🎵 🎵For Jesus has lived in my load🎵 🎵The passing days bring many cares🎵 🎵Where not I hear him say🎵 🎵And when my fears are turned to crash🎵 🎵The burdens slip away🎵 🎵Singing I go along life's road🎵 🎵Praise the Lord, praise the Lord🎵 🎵Singing I go along life's road🎵 🎵For Jesus has lived in my load🎵 🎵He tells me of my Father's love🎵 🎵And never slumbering I🎵 🎵My everlasting King above🎵 🎵Will all my needs supply🎵 🎵Singing I go along life's road🎵 🎵Praising the Lord, praising the Lord🎵 🎵Singing I go along life's road🎵 🎵For Jesus has lived in my load🎵 🎵When to the throne of grace I cling🎵 🎵I rise above his throne🎵 🎵The mighty arms upholding me🎵 🎵Will bear my burdens too🎵 🎵Singing I go along life's road🎵 🎵Praising the Lord, praising the Lord🎵 🎵Singing I go along life's road🎵 🎵For Jesus has lived in my load🎵 Of course our Sunday morning service is at 1030 Sunday evening at 5pm and then we have our Thursday night Bible study at 7 o'clock. We are currently going through the book of Matthew and so hope to see you during our midweek service there. We are a family integrated church and so infants and children stay with their parents in the service. We don't have Sunday school classes or nurseries. However for your convenience there is a mother baby room located in the back of the building if your child needs some diversion. There are changing tables available as well. So if the children kind of get out of hand during the service and they start crying or throwing a little fit or maybe they just need to be distracted a little bit you can utilize those rooms and come back in at your discretion and so there are screens and speakers available in there as well so you can still tune in to the preaching. And then happy birthday to all of those in August. So whose birthday is in August? Raise your hand. We got one right here, one right there, there. What else? One right there. All right we got quite a bit in August. All right let's go ahead and sing happy birthday to those in August. Ready here we go. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday God bless you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. All right. Hope you enjoyed those healthy donuts outside for those of you who came today and then you see the soul winning teams and times. We added some new soul winning times there. You can look over that and get in contact with brother Ulysses if you would like to participate in those areas. You see the list of expecting mothers continue to pray for them. And we have a special announcement here for Miss Olivia due to health issues that are dangerous for both Olivia and the baby. Olivia Lee is scheduled for a c-section on Friday. The baby will only be 32 weeks and will have an extended stay in the NICU. We would like to be a blessing by providing gift cards or monetary gifts that they can use while Olivia and the baby are recovering. So please talk to Miss Tamara Brash to sign up via mealtrain.com And so please keep them in prayer. Keep her and the baby in prayer and of course brother John as well. And of course this is a difficult time for them so if you can pray for them and if you can be a blessing to them I'm sure they would appreciate it. Miss Tamara where is she? Is she here? She's not even here yet right? Well if she's not here we need someone else to talk. Brother Miss Sarah my wife so raise your hand my wife. You can talk to her and so if you have any questions about that. And then the important reminders there at the bottom please make sure you're supervising your children in the building. No children should be in the mother-baby room alone without their parents. And of course no men allowed in the mother-baby room or in the women's fellowship restroom. Men if you need to take your children out if you have diaper duty or something the restroom right here the men's restroom has a changing table and you can utilize the foyer if you need to step out for a little bit as well. The upcoming church events TJ Solany tomorrow so we're going to Mexico tomorrow and if you would like to participate in that by the way you have to speak Spanish I don't know if you know that. It's Mexico so if you would like to participate in that and you speak Spanish we would invite you to come we're going to meet at the building here at 9 am we're going to head over there have lunch go sowing and have some delicious tacos as well okay which is a great incentive to go to TJ so you know if you don't really feel like going to preach the gospel I'm going to use carnal means to reel you in which is they add good tacos and Mexican coke and so coca-cola I mean okay I got to clarify that and it's important to clarify these days so we're going to meet here at 9 am if you have any questions about that you can see brother Ulysses and brother Glenn actually went to TJ with the group and he had a lot of success there I believe about 15 people got saved and so lord willing we'll see a great harvest of souls tomorrow be in prayer for us and then the whole fast sowing marathon is this Saturday August 12th the church van will be leaving at 5 am promptly brother Glenn is going to be heading that up and I'll be there as well we want to make it to the Saturday morning preaching at 10 am pastor Aaron Thompson is going to be preaching and then we're going to be sowing thereafter and so if you'd like to be a part of that you can see brother Glenn or brother Ulysses Hernandez for more details ladies prayer breakfast is coming up on Saturday August 12th and a meal will also be provided of course during that time and you can see miss Janelle Gonzalez regarding that she heads that up for the ladies prayer breakfast no food or drink allowed in the main auditorium except for water and coffee make sure you're not loitering in the four year fellowship hall during the preaching service and then quiet time this afternoon is from 3 pm to 4.15 and please please please please make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service and that is all let's go ahead and sing our next song 152 security song number 152 song number 152 all together on that first verse more secure is no one ever than the loved ones of the savior not young star on high abiding nor the bird in homeless hiding on his own rich in his holy courts they flourish like a father kind he spares them in his loving arm he bears them neither life nor death can ever from the Lord his children sever for his love and deep compassion comfort them in tribulation little flock to joy then yield thee God will ever shield thee rest secure with this defender at his will all surrender what he takes for what he gives us shows the father's love so precious we may trust his purpose only tis his children's welfare solely amen wonderful singing at this time the ushers will come forward to receive the offering you can turn your bibles to proverbs chapter number 14 piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano morning proverbs chapter number 14 the bible reads every wise woman buildeth her house but the foolish plucketh it down with their hands he that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him in the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride but the lips of the wise shall preserve them where no oxen are the crib is clean but much increase is by the strength of the ox a faithful witness will not lie but a false witness will utter lies a scorner seeketh wisdom and findeth it not but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth go from the presence of a foolish man when I perceive is not in him the lips of knowledge the wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way but the folly of fools is deceit fools make a mock at sin but among the righteous there is favor the heart knoweth his own bitterness and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy the house of the wicked shall be overthrown but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish there is a way which seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death even in laughter the heart is sorrowful and the end of that mirth is heaviness the backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways and a good man shall be satisfied from himself the simple believeth every word but the prudent man looketh well to his going a wise man feareth and departeth from evil but the fool rageth and is confident he that is soon angry dealeth foolishly and a man of wicked devices is hated the simple inherit folly but the prudent are crowned with knowledge the evil bow before the good and the wicked at the gates of the righteous the poor is hated even of his own neighbor but the rich hath many friends he that despiseth his neighbor sinneth but he that hath mercy on the poor happy is he do they not earther devise evil but mercy and truth shall be to them to devise good in all labor there is profit but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury the crown of the wise is their riches but the foolishness of fools is folly a true witness delivereth souls but a deceitful witness speaketh lies and the fear of the Lord is strong confidence and his children shall have place of refuge the fear of the Lord is a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death and the multitude of people is the king's honor but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince he that is slow to wrath is of great understanding but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly sound heart is the life of the flesh but envy the rottenness of the bones he that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his maker but he that onereth him hath mercy on the poor the wicked has driven away in his wickedness but the righteous hath hope in his death wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding that which is in the midst of fools is made known righteousness exalteth the nation but sin is a reproach to any people the king's favor is toward a wise servant but his wrath is against him that calleth shame let's pray to the Lord God we thank you for your word and for this opportunity to hear preach now let's ask that you would meet with us here now please bless Pastor Mahir with your Holy Spirit and please just be with us as well please bless the preaching to our edification that we can be better Christians and in Jesus name we pray Amen Amen okay we're in Proverbs chapter 14 this morning and look down at your Bibles in verse 15 it says the simple believeth every word but the prudent man looketh well to his going and the time of my sermon this morning is why believing in aliens is stupid why believing in aliens is stupid now this may seem like a silly sermon but the reality is this is we're living in 2023 where this is actually a thing even to the point where it's going into the realm of Christianity and Christians are even buying into some of this stuff and so it's important that when we come to the house of God we go to the great equalizer that which tells us what we should believe and discard fables and nonsense and lies and stick with what the Bible actually says now let me say here is that the Bible is saying in Proverbs chapter 14 that a simple person will just believe every word now what is a simple person is referring to a simpleton the modern term would be someone who is stupid and the reason it says that is because of the fact that someone who is a simpleton someone who we would call a stupid individual doesn't really investigate anything doesn't make inquiry doesn't really want to know the truth they're just willing to believe anything that anyone says and according to the Bible that's wrong you know the Bible tells us to make diligent inquiry to prove all things hold fast that which is good and not to just blindly follow whatever anyone says now the only time it's appropriate essentially to believe what someone says is when it's God who's saying it right because the Bible says let God be true and every man a liar the Bible always talks about that the witness of God is greater and it's important that when we approach the word of God we approach it in faith and recognize that everything that the Bible says is true all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for proof for correction and instruction in righteousness the Bible tells us that knowing this that no prophecy of the scripture is given of any private interpretation the holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and so a couple things that is always true in this life is you know we're always going to pay taxes death is certain and the word of God is always true and so the point of the sermon this morning is to make sure that you don't become a simpleton or if you are a simpleton that you graduate to having some intelligence some common sense and stop believing in the stupidity of aliens the Bible says in Jeremiah chapter 10 go with me there if you would Jeremiah chapter 10 Jeremiah chapter 10 we're just going to talk about some things by way of introduction Jeremiah chapter 10 in verse number 1 the Bible reads hear ye the word of the Lord which the Lord speaketh unto you O house of Israel thus saith the Lord in verse number 2 learn not the way of the heathen and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven the Bible says for the heathen are dismayed at them so this is literally referring to the fact that in these particular days in Jeremiah's days there are individuals who would look at the signs of heaven whether that were the celestial bodies known as planets the stars the moon and they would be dismayed at them they would think that they would have some sort of spiritual significance some sort of celestial significance to them spiritual impact and they would be dismayed at them you know they would observe times and months and years and they would essentially become afraid at the heavenly bodies well today obviously there might be individuals out there that are still afraid of these heavenly bodies but the reality is this now we have people who live in the United States then when they see a flying object of some sort in the sky you know the sign in heaven the UAPs automatically they're like Star Wars I knew it was real and they start coming to these ridiculous conclusions that just because there's some sort of flying object that maybe they've never ever seen before other than in a sci-fi type of a movie some technologically advanced object automatically they come to the conclusion there must be extraterrestrial life out there because I've never seen something like that before but the Bible tells us don't learn the way of the heathen you know the way of the heathen is that they jump to conclusions the way of the heathen is that they look at something in the sky that they're not familiar with something that's foreign and alien and automatically think oh you know this is extraterrestrial this is something that comes from a different planet you know that's a stupid conclusion okay don't be dismayed at them don't learn the way of the heathen you know create reasonable conclusions based upon logic based upon information and facts based upon just being reasonable okay now what is an alien I can't believe I'm preaching this but what is an alien according to the modern definition well an alien when we think of an alien you know the Bible does talk about aliens but when the Bible refers to aliens it's referring to just foreigners okay someone who is from a foreign country you know and they use it essentially even today referring to illegal aliens right but when the most popular use of aliens today is referring to an extraterrestrial the ETs you know the monsters from outer space the Martians okay now why are people so obsessed and or afraid of aliens well I'll tell you why it's because of movies okay it's because of the movies I mean we live in a culture that is saturated with talk and movies about aliens books are constantly being promoted there's constant movies about aliens independence day type things where it's just like the possibility of an alien invasion it's always possible and then you have these pseudo scientists that buy into that stuff and because people give them credibility based upon whatever degrees that they have you know they put forth these theories that there's these advanced civilizations out there and other planets and other galaxies and what people do they just buy into that stuff okay so they become afraid what if there is an alien invasion do we have a plan for an alien invasion what happens if we make contact with life on other planets etc and so it becomes very much an obsession of the culture and by the way it's an obsession of American culture notice that all these sightings of these so called UAPs only happens in America you know I saw a meme the other day it's just like aliens in a movie how they view the world and it's just only the United States there's like no other country on the globe it's just the United States okay why is it popular today why is the concept of aliens the fable of aliens should we say popular today well because of so called whistle blowers okay these so called whistle blowers these sightings of UAPs unidentified anomalous what's the P stand for phenomenon right unidentified anomalous phenomenon that's what they call it so it's no longer UFO unidentified flying object now it's unidentified anomalous phenomenon okay and you know you have these whistle blowers that are going before congress and you know they're making news and you know essentially promoting the existence of aliens and so people are very much intrigued by this okay now you say well what's the purpose of promoting aliens if they're not real why would people promote aliens if they're not real well let's just look at a couple concepts here of the possibilities as to why they would be promoted number one it could obviously be a smokescreen for other things that the government is doing okay you know promoting lies is not something that's far fetched for the government to do and so it's possible that the government is just promoting this nonsense because we have a dumb culture that just believes anything including the existence of aliens and bigfoot and all these other nonsensical ideas and so it could be a smokescreen for something else that the government is up to another reason why they would be promoting aliens is essentially you never know it could have some end time significance to it where after the tribulation takes place and then the rapture comes and all believers are taken up to go home to be with the lord that could be something that the government promotes the new world order promotes is saying oh aliens took you know all these people or whatever it's an alien invasion we don't really know it doesn't really matter at the end of the day the bible tells us that the law of the lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the lord is sure making wise the simple and so again the purpose of the sermon is to help us to no longer be simple to avoid simplicity and buy into knowledge buy into reason buy into biblical ideas now one of the reasons I want to preach this this morning is obviously there's unsafe people that believe in this stuff because they just watch too many movies and they want this to be real but for some reason you know Christians also buy into this stuff as well and I don't want to get ahead of myself but you know Christians there's Christians out there that won't blatantly say they believe in aliens they'll just make an excuse for what it is you know it's not an alien it's a demon you know that's what it really is because they don't know any other way to explain it and so automatically they say well it has to be an angel or a demon or something like that which I'm going to debunk that in this sermon so let me just give you a couple points this morning as to why believing in aliens is just really stupid and I hope no one in here believes in aliens but if you do you'll be convinced by the end of the sermon that it's a stupid idea now number one reason number one why aliens are stupid but why believing in aliens are stupid is the most obvious and that is that there's zero evidence to prove that they exist there's no evidence whatsoever that aliens exist oh what about like those UAPs how is that proof of extraterrestrial life it's a ship it's an aircraft and in fact you know years ago prior to the government you know showing the stealth bomber they would fly it over it was a secret project and people literally thought that it was an alien aircraft because it was very foreign to what was currently you know considered an aircraft by the government you know stealth bombers they look pretty radical and obviously now we know what they are but people when they saw it in those days they're like oh it's an alien it wasn't an alien just because it wasn't able to be tracked by radar or whatever it was just advanced technology that the government was holding on to it wasn't showing to the public you understand now again the Bible says to prove all things hope fast that which is good and you say to yourself yeah but I've seen so many YouTube videos though of like dead aliens you know there's something called Hollywood though and Hollywood can make some pretty convincing corpses of aliens okay I mean they have to you know they have CGI they have people who work with that stuff and so you know YouTube videos where the videos all pixelated there's no high resolution I've never you know it's incredible to think that we live in a day and age where 4K is so prevalent and available but yet we don't get 4K images of these extraterrestrials or of Bigfoot and look people still believe in Bigfoot today and I heard a funny joke it's just like you know why all the images of Bigfoot are pixelated it could be because Bigfoot is pixelated you know but if Bigfoot was real we would have found some sort of corpse of that animal in the forest within the last 10-20 years because you know Bigfoot if it's real it's gonna die why haven't we found any skeletal corpses or anything of that nature you know it's people who just want to believe in these sci-fi ideas they just think there's something outside of what already exists and folks you know God's creation is enough already okay and if you want to look for aliens or things that look like aliens just study and observe the animals that dwell in the deep ocean those things are alien enough when you look at those things you know the angler fish for example it just looks alien but it's actually something that God created you don't need a flying saucer to satiate your desire for that which looks alien you know the Bible tells us that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine now one of the reasons go to Deuteronomy chapter 19 if you would Deuteronomy chapter 19 you say what are the ships that are in the sky then what is that because obviously there are these UAPs there's enough footage of that of these aircrafts that are traveling at incredible speeds okay through the air things that we've never seen before technologically and so what is that well in my opinion it's just the government having new technology I mean the reality is this and you know they're actually creating technology and I forgot what it's called right now but there's a specific form of transportation that could essentially go from New York to it's a transatlantic transportation that could go from New York all the way to Europe in a matter of 45 minutes okay they're creating that and that's that's great technology is it not I mean to be able to travel at that speed is great it's not demonic it's like well that's that's so evil why is that evil the drive through is not evil okay you know being able to travel from point A to point B in a limited amount of time is not an evil thing that's technology that's a good thing okay I'm just saying that there's technology out there that we don't know about that is going to be introduced to this world later on and if you think that is crazy wait till you see the abomination of desolation okay that's able to destroy people and kill people and the Bible is prophesied of those things and so there's technology out there that you know we haven't seen that is foreign to us that when we at one point or another is going to be the norm for us for example how about the iPhone today right you know where you have a computer in your pocket that is able to take pictures it is able to record videos it is able to record those UAPs and the so called bigfoots and it's you know you can text message people you can contact people on the other side of the world I mean this is something that was very foreign to people a thousand years ago that obviously it's a technology that's very much advanced and even 20 or 30 years ago if you were to propose that to someone they would say what in the world that sounds too advanced that sounds alien okay now we'll say this I'm waiting for the flying cars to come out it's like you got all these other can we get some flying cars can we get some what is it the Jetson type of technology out here already but think about this okay regarding these UAPs because again in my opinion it's just government that has advanced technology and you say yeah but how can a person you know actually be in that type of aircraft and travel at that velocity and not like disintegrate or something I'll tell you how they're not in there have you heard of like unmanned aircrafts you're like oh I don't know about that folks I own a drone but I don't actually fly in the drone and here's the thing you know I saw a really funny meme I get a lot of memes and I feel like they communicate truths very well sometimes but you know the people who are really advanced in this area of drones they're able to essentially fly up I'm going to throw a number out there because I don't know exactly how many there are let's say there's like a hundred drones into the sky that have these particular lights and they can create these images in the sky it's very beautiful you know they have like this technology drone art where at night they fly these drones and they fly them in formation and create these images very just it's awesome and I saw a meme one time that said why don't we fly a hundred of those to some indigenous tribe and make a face and become their god right and it's just like it probably would work you know if we were to take if time travel was possible which it is not if I were to take a drone back to the biblical days two thousand years ago and I flew a drone many people would freak out at what's in the sky I mean people would freak out to see an airplane in the sky two thousand years ago people could not imagine that human beings would be flying in a massive aircraft from one continent to another I mean this is the world in which we live okay and so don't think you know just because there's a UAP or an aircraft in the sky flying at some incredible velocity automatically the conclusion should be that there's aliens that exist now give human beings a little more credit human beings are capable of incredible technological advancement and just read for example the book of revelation where there would be a technology which by the way already exists for as precursors to the mark of the beast where no man might buy ourselves safe the heed that had the mark and so you know putting it on the right hand or on the forehead and being able to purchase things I mean you think of neural link for example you think of just Amazon one for example where they literally put a chip into the hand and you go to the store and boop you just buy something by just waving your hand around it I mean that's advanced technology okay now obviously it could be used for good but it's obviously going to be used for bad in the long run but technology in and of itself is not evil it's how people use technology you know it's like for example the internet the internet can be used in a great way to preach the gospel to get information out biblical information out there to give exposure to the word of God but obviously people have used the internet for nefarious reasons as well okay and so number one the reason believing in aliens is stupid is because there's zero evidence to prove that they exist it doesn't exist they're not real and the reason as of recently why this idea has caught momentum is because there's a man by the name of David Grush who went before Congress who was working for you know the UAP task force that they created about a year and a half ago or something when these UAPs started showing up you know Congress was just like trying to hold the government accountable and was like we're going to make a task force and they're going to investigate this and we're going to get to the bottom of this if aliens are real so this guy David Grush comes out and he's being interviewed by Congress as far as what the findings are and he's considered a whistle blower okay but here's the funny thing is that they're making it seem as though like he's really putting his life in danger by coming out and talking about this and exposing this but they gave him permission to do it the task force literally said yeah and this is what all the things that you can talk about right here and so they gave him a list of things that he can talk about and that's all he could and they said you know don't give him any images any you know videos or any images we don't want you to do any of that this is just the only thing you can talk about now he goes before Congress and they're asking him are there unidentified anomalous phenomenon are there aircrafts out there and he's like yes there are and he's like and they ask him like are there you know I don't know exactly how they worded this but like are there alien bodies he's like well typically when a aircraft crashes okay typically there's dead pilots in there so yes there is some sort of biological entity that we recovered from these aircrafts basically saying yeah there's aliens in these aircrafts okay and everyone in the back is just like yes you know no no pictures no nothing he said well isn't that valid enough though for him to just say that if you work for the task force well let me just say this is that every single time he's asked about these very detailed descriptions of the physical bodies and the ships he's not giving his first hand account of this he's saying that when he joined the task force he was debriefed that these things were real he was debriefed on the supposed corpses that were taken out of the alien aircraft he was debriefed on the aircraft but he himself has said like I've never seen it though now this is the main guy that everyone's excited about you know he's exposing you know the alien cover up and area 51 and all these things but he didn't see it it's hearsay exactly which does not hold up in a court of law hearsay is just like you know in the court they just say hearsay in other words this is not their first hand account he's getting it from someone else it's second hand which is not valid you understand now look at Deuteronomy chapter 19 if you would Deuteronomy 19 verse 15 it says one witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity or for any sin in any sin that he sinneth at the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three witnesses shall the matter be established and a witness is not someone who has received the information second hand it's a person who witnessed what took place right now obviously in the Bible there are instances where someone was a witness of something that they heard okay you know if someone committed a murder they're worshiping false gods they were a witness of something that they heard and at that point if there's more than one witness in that case then this is what happens go to Deuteronomy chapter 17 Deuteronomy 17 it says in verse number 2 if there be any of thy gates which the Lord thy God giveth thee man or woman that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the Lord thy God in transgressing his covenant and hath gone and served other gods and worshipped them either the sun or moon or any of the host of heaven which I have not commanded and it be told thee that thou hast heard of it and inquired diligently and behold it be true and to think certain that such abomination is wrought in Israel then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman which hath committed that wicked thing and unto thy gates even the man or that woman and shall stone them with stones till they die in other words if they hear about it okay now the next step is that they have to inquire diligently they have to actually investigate to see if these things are so this is not a debriefing in other words there has to be substantial evidence to claim that these things are true so that a person may be punished and the same thing can be added and applied to this particular situation people are giving so much credibility to this guy who is literally getting it second and third hand and he's like you know well I worked with this guy all my career and he came up to me and he debriefed me on this and he said it was true and so yes it's true you know there's alien bodies and alien aircrafts but folks that's not enough evidence now look you know the aircrafts that are being viewed in the sky that's good evidence that there's some sort of aircraft that is foreign to us to our knowledge right and there's tons of that and there's a lot of pilots who have even said we saw this I filmed it I mean many many pilots who have said this and in fact even John's father who's a pilot even saw a UAP okay but not a single witness of an actual alien why because there's zero evidence that they exist because they don't exist they're a figment of your imagination not yours but the people who actually want to believe in them okay and so why is it stupid to believe in aliens because there's zero evidence that they exist whatsoever okay number two go with me if you would to Genesis chapter one Genesis chapter one Genesis chapter one and here's the thing folks you know if there's so many videos really bad quality videos of these dead aliens or whatever if there's you know people say yeah but there's so many videos out there though you know they're so okay then it's time for the government to just show them right I mean that's basically their way of kind of showing that they exist why not just kind of show us that we've made contact or something right I'll tell you why because there's no one that doesn't exist it's not real so they have to keep putting out these false videos and allowing them to circulate on the internet to create this delusion that extraterrestrials are real and that they're hiding it it's nonsensical okay now reason number two why believing in aliens is stupid to believe in aliens is to assert that God created beings listen to this superior to man right because anytime aliens are mentioned in the public it's just like they're just an advanced civilization okay they're advanced and they have these advanced technologies and you know you even have well I'll get into that illustration later actually I was going to talk about Joe Rogan but that's that's point number five okay but they're saying you know they're so advanced and so from a biblical perspective what they're saying is that there's a civilization out there more advanced than human beings which does not line up with the Bible because according to the Bible we are the greatest of God's creation human beings are the greatest they're the superior race in this world okay the human race is superior than all the animals all of God's creation we are the most important in the eyes of God as proven by the fact that God commended his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us okay now let me read to you a couple verses here before we get into Genesis 1 Colossians 1 16 says for by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things and by him all things consist now look at Genesis chapter 1 and verse 25 it says here referring to the creation story and God made the beasts of the earth after his kind and cattle after their kind and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind and God saw that it was good God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth listen to this so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them so according to the biblical creation account God created man in the image of God right in other words we are as a lot of liberals like to call it the image bearers of God okay now this poses a problem for the alien believers because if they're superior to us why they look so freaky like these little green men with big heads and big eyes I mean they just look anemic and you know just weird right and they don't bear the image of God because God didn't create them and so obviously if they don't look like human beings because they don't okay then that would mean that there's some form of creature that God created well then you have a problem because we're supposed to have dominion over all of creation and according to the narrative the public narrative aliens have essentially dominion over us they're constantly watching us they are kidnapping human beings you know probing them and doing all types of experiments sounds like they have a lot of power over us and so it obviously doesn't fit the biblical narrative because of the fact that they weren't created by God they're not even a creature that was created by God because we don't have you know it'd be cool to have dominion over aliens or whatever but it's just not real okay and by the way you say well yeah but what if he created you know aliens on other planets and you know he died for them or something after he left Earth well first of all the Bible doesn't give any type of account of that nature but secondly again they weren't made in the image of God and then thirdly let's just say okay they don't maybe they don't sin though you know they're dissension beings who just don't sin well then you know you have a problem because they're still created beings and the Bible tells us in Romans chapter 8 that all the creatures are subject to vanity so all of creation everything that you see in the universe is subject to vanity everything is being destroyed everything is essentially coming to naught because we're subject to vanity that's how the world and the universe works you know this is why for example every single planet in the universe every single planet in the universe is sterile okay people are like oh man I just want to go visit other planets why all planets suck you can't sustain life on other planets it's terrible Earth is the most beautiful planet in all of existence it's the perfect planet it's the only planet that has oceans and vegetation and human beings and beauty obviously there's planets out there that are beautiful but they're hostile environments that can't sustain life that's just the bottom line and in fact you know think about this you know they don't know this but obviously you know there's gas planets even in our solar system and you know people have made this claim like oh there's certain planets that you know it rains glass or it rains diamonds and in our minds we think oh man diamonds are just so valuable so expensive but the reality is this is that actually in the economy of the universe wood is actually more expensive than diamonds because we're the only planet that has wood every other planet even if you have diamonds is not enough because in the economy of the universe God put wood only here okay to create houses and things that we can utilize but at the end of the day aliens if they don't sin we have a problem because all the creatures of God are subject to vanity and the Bible also tells us that all the creatures are waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God okay in other words they're waiting for the redemption which means that either if they're created they should be subject unto us or if they're superior to us then we got a big problem with the Bible but obviously the problem is not with the Bible the problem is with these lovers of sci-fi okay now there's a guy he's an Italian scientist and he basically posed this particular paradox it's called the Fermi paradox and this guy's not a Christian but he basically determined and he put forth this this statement here Enrico Fermi determined that any past intelligent species in the Milky Way listen to this would require 1 billion years to colonize our 13 billion year old galaxy these mathematics demand that we should have met ET by now so because if you think about it the concept of aliens requires the false concept of evolution to exist because you know they think to themselves well you know the galaxy or the universe is billions of years old and so if it's billions of years old there's probably some other civilization that existed billions of years ago well they would only require 1 billion years to create technology to essentially overcome and rule all these other galaxies these mathematics demand that we should have met ET by now what does the great silence tell us about human existence he basically posed this he says where is everybody if they had 1 billion years the so called advanced civilization with these UAPs and all this advanced technology if they've had 1 billion years to essentially advance so dramatically and so drastically then where is everybody this is known as the Fermi Paradox because it poses a problem to the evolution theory which is not a theory it's false because they're just like well you want to say that this universe is billions of years old and that aliens have existed for billions of years and they're super advanced then why aren't we being ruled by these so called aliens why are we alone I'll tell you why because we are alone he said then why would God create this vast expanse of space with all these galaxies and planets and stars it's called for his glory that's what it's for it's not so we can travel from Earth to go to Pluto who wants to go to Pluto anyways I don't even want to go to Antarctica I don't even want to go to the coldest place on Earth what makes you think I want to go to a place called Pluto that's far away from the sun I have no interest in that it's a hostile environment all these planets are sterile I want nothing to do with them they're wandering stars and so turn with me if you would to go to 2 Peter chapter 3 so to believe in aliens is to assert that God created beings superior to man and if they're so superior why are they hiding why are they making it so hard to find them if they're so superior they can just come here like Superman or something and just like take over if they wanted to take all our resources you know have a world of wars type thing where they take all our resources and enslave us and what not I mean it's stupid it's nonsense it makes for a great movie you know and you know that's the only place aliens exist is in the movies you know and movies have to twist all types of them they make all types of mental gymnastics in order to create these types of environments I mean you think of like Star Wars for example okay where every planet just so happens to have oxygen right no matter where they go it's just don't worry there's oxygen you know why because of the fact that it doesn't work in the real world there's only oxygen here my friends number three why believing in aliens is stupid number three it makes Christians twist the Bible to substantiate the claim that aliens exist in some form because you know most Christians agree with those first two points but then when you get to like the evidence and the UAPs then Christians they start scrambling and they're like they don't know how to make sense of these aircrafts these UAPs these phenomenons that are taking place you know in the United States you know they don't know how to really make sense of it so their default setting is oh they're just demons and angels or something hey do not bring a railing accusation against the demons and aliens of this world my friends okay now look at second Peter chapter three verse sixteen and I hear this all the time I see this on social media all the time where people are just like aliens and then the Christian is just like I know you demon you know just because that's like their default setting they don't know how to think about things reasonably and just understand this is just technology or something okay not everything is the devil the devil is responsible for a lot of stuff this is probably not one of them now I'm not saying that the people that are in charge of these things are not demon possessed and have wicked agenda behind it I'm just saying the demon is not the pilot you know we're in the Bible and we'll go to Ezekiel in just a bit we're in the Bible do you ever see like a demon just like flying an aircraft and then they get to you know their destination and they're like dude they saw you on camera you gotta be careful bro like you just like you didn't put invisible mode on or something you know look at second Peter chapter three verse sixteen it says as also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction now what this is referring to is the Apostle Peter is talking about the Apostle Paul's writings which if you've read the Bible for any length of time obviously the New Testament you see that there's certain things that the Apostle Paul writes about that are kind of hard to understand he writes in a cryptic way sometimes very deep and so when you have these deep scriptures in the Bible these are often the portions in the passages of scripture that people who don't know the Bible or people who want to twist the Bible will use to teach some sort of false doctrine because of the fact that the scripture is so encrypted, enigmatic, obscure it's kind of open for interpretation type of a thing right and so what he's saying here is that people who are unlearned and they're unstable they will rest which another word for rest is wrestle they'll twist those scriptures to mean something that it doesn't really say now turn with me if you would to go to Ezekiel chapter one let's go to Ezekiel chapter one while you're turning I'm going to read to you from Hebrews chapter number five in verse 12 it says we don't use the Bible to try to fit everything that's going on in the world right we view the world in light of the Bible and so if you see something that doesn't make sense to you and you can't necessarily filter it through the word of God you just need to read the Bible more gain some discernment and don't start jumping to these sci-fi conclusions or even start saying like it's just a demon or something like that let me read to you from first Timothy chapter one verse number one or verse number three excuse me listen to this neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith so do what is a fable it's a made up story it's ET it's Star Wars it's Star Trek things aren't real and so the apostle Paul is telling Timothy people who don't know the Bible shouldn't be teaching the Bible desiring to be teachers of the law understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm because when they do they're going to start teaching things that are fables they're going to start teaching lies and unfortunately the population even amongst churches they love hearing fables but we need to reject fables and study to show ourselves to prove them to God a workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth stick to the truth and shun profane and vain babblings the Bible says now let's talk about Ezekiel 1 because of the fact that when Christians are confronted with this topic of aliens their default setting sometimes is aliens are demons aliens are angels and they'll often go to Ezekiel chapter one as a proof text to say that this is why this is valid this idea is valid now let's read it here Ezekiel chapter one verse number one says and listen to this so when you read the book of Ezekiel you'll see that Ezekiel is probably one of the prophets who receive the most visions now what is a vision it's not something that's happening in real time per say like in reality it is essentially a supernatural occurrence where God is allowing him to view things he's not having an out of body experience he's just viewing things through the spiritual realm it's not physically happening at that moment you understand so he sees this vision it says in verse number two in the fifth day of the month which was the fifth year of king Jehoiachin's captivity the word of the Lord came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest the son of Buzai in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar and the hand of the Lord was there upon him and I looked and behold a whirlwind came out of the north a great cloud and a fire unfolding itself and a brightness was about it and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber out of the midst of the fire so what he's about to see is essentially a celestial body which is known as a cherubim which people commonly refer to as an angel although they're not necessarily the same things it's a created beast of God that's in heaven that has this very exotic look to them I mean you have fire the Bible says enfolding itself so you think of a fire a flame is just constantly enfolding itself it's coming out going back in coming out going back in it's very exotic right it's kind of cool to think about out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures and this was their appearance they had the likeness of a man everyone had four faces and everyone had four wings and their feet was straight feet the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf's foot and they sparkled like the color of burnishing a burnished brass so he's describing what's known as a cherubim and a cherubim is not your classical angel most people think of angels as having wings they look kind of gay you know what I mean it's just kind of like they're really soft you know they're just they're like half naked right just like the Catholic angel the cherubim whereas the cherubim in the Bible is very exotic and in fact very terrifying to look at so they have this anthropomorphic body in other words they look like a man like the body of a man but they have four faces the face of a man even though it's still considered a beast then you have the face of a lion the face of a calf and what's the other one that I'm missing the face of an eagle okay so that's this anthropomorphic type of a thing and even their legs they have legs of calf's feet so it's just as our legs they're kind of like they go down and make an L shape the legs of a cherubim is like a calf so it just goes straight down okay it's like a stick and then they're sparkling with the color of burnished brass verse 8 says and they had hands of a man under their wings on their four sides and they excuse me and they four had their faces and their wings their wings were joined one to another they turned not when they went they went everyone straight forward so the way these cherubims actually move the way they travel is essentially they go one way they go north south east west essentially okay they kind of just move like like this okay and the reason for this because of their four faces so in either case they're moving forward if it's in the direction obviously of that particular face the eagle or whatever the man verse number 10 says as for the likeness of their faces they four had the face of a man the face of a lion on the right side and they four had the face of an ox on the left side and they four also had the face of an eagle which is indicative of the four gospels as we also see in revelation chapter 4 and 5 that the cherubim are made this way to depict the four gospels and I won't get into that preach that in other sermons verse 11 says thus were their faces and their wings were stretched upward two wings of everyone were joined one to another and two covered their bodies look at verse 12 and they went everyone straight forward whether the spirit was to go they went and they turned not when they went so they're not going like this you know what I mean they're not like spinning you understand they're just kind of moving again north south east west type movement verse 13 says as for the likeness of the living creatures their appearance was like burning coals of fire and like the appearance of lamps and went up and down among the living creatures and the fire was bright out of the fire went forth lightning and the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning you know like those UAPs they're just like really fast right verse 15 says now as they beheld the living creatures behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures with his four faces and the appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the color of beryl and therefore had one likeness and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel Now how do we describe this? Well you basically can describe it as a sphere ok it's basically saying there's a wheel within a wheel and the best way that I can describe this as far as like you know today would be like a luggage ok now you look at the bottom of a luggage bag those wheels they don't necessarily move forward a bag where you can kind of move it wherever it's like a wheel within a wheel right it's almost like a sphere so that no matter where you turn they just kind of roll in that direction you understand so this is what this is describing here verse 17 says when they went they went upon their four sides and it turned out when they went when the living creatures went the wheels went by them and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth the wheels were lifted up so on and so forth so the reason people use this portion of scripture to try to validate that there's proof that there's aliens is because of the wheels because you know in the 50's 60's and 70's when aliens were seen or whatever it was always like a wheel that was spinning what do they call it a flying saucer which you know ironically the twilight zone also had flying saucers when depicting aliens and stuff ok but this is not the same thing that's being described here because the wheel is within a wheel essentially creating a sphere you understand almost like a ball kind of that rolls and helps these celestial bodies get from one place to another now what is the point of showing this in this particular passage of scripture to debunk the existence of aliens well because of the fact that all this is being done when? In a vision and there's no example in the bible where a cherubim shows its actual formation its actual created body in real life because it's a vision now are there angels that go into the physical realm in the bible and appear you know and kind of discover themselves before human beings absolutely but they never come as a lion as an eagle as an ox they're not just moving all over the place and believers are like whoa whoa slow down bro you know can you just stand still they come in human form why because angels when talking or communing with human beings on this earth come in the form of humans as well see this in Genesis 19 and even in the historical books and even in the four gospels they always come in the appearance of an actual man you understand in bright clothing or whatever it's never these cherubims that are appearing you know with a wheel within a wheel and a lamp just going up and down and they're moving as fast as lightning that is for a celestial supernatural vision that God gives to Ezekiel and others who have seen this okay so cherubims are manifested in their created form through visions because of the fact that cherubims are spiritual beings okay angels when manifested in the physical realm embody human form demons possess humans and or animals they don't embody spaceships is what I'm trying to say here okay nor do they use spaceships to travel because it doesn't match up with the biblical description of cherubims traveling in Ezekiel chapter 1 and Ezekiel chapter 10 he said well how do you know that these are cherubims because it doesn't state that in chapter 1 well in chapter 10 it does describe them as cherubims and it calls back to chapter 1 saying these are the ones that I saw in the beginning of the vision at the river at the river Chebar okay so it's referring to those cherubims there and they never possess inanimate objects either so you know stop watching those horror movies of the psychics or whatever what's that what is it no not that one you're watching too many movies I'm talking about the psychic lady who always like the conjuring you guys know what I'm talking about what's the lady's name someone in here knows I won't embarrass you what yeah yeah come on anyways this lady and her husband they're like psychics and they're like exorcists obviously they're phonies is what they are they made a lot of movies about them but anytime they go to a particular place to exorcise a demon or a devil they always take an object from that particular incident and they bring it back home and they basically claim that it's like possessed with the devil this is where like that doll Annabelle ah see everyone knows what I'm talking about okay that doll Annabelle well they have that doll Annabelle and they have it in this particular cellar and anytime people go visit them they're just like don't look just don't look at the doll okay you know if you walk by just don't look at it because it just has all these demons in it I wish I can go visit over there just so I can just like slap that thing around exercise my dominion over that thing you know because it's an inanimate object isn't it crazy that there's people who are literally afraid of a doll who has no life whatsoever what's that called superstition okay and so you know they don't possess inanimate objects they can't possess vehicles a saxophone or you know a doll spacecrafts ships they don't do those things and they don't need physical objects to travel in because they're spiritual beings you know it's not like you know once they fell from heaven their transportation license was revoked or something and they can no longer travel as cherry bims it's just like you know they have to get a regular vehicle like everyone else or something and you know you have this one demon who is on his way to tempt some believer and they just got caught on video camera and that's where this whole thing comes from it's nonsense my friends why do you think that demons are driving these aircrafts to get from point A to point B folks angels live angels and demons live in the spiritual realm they don't live in the they're not bound by the physical realm that we live in okay they're probably laughing the demons are probably laughing at people for giving them credit for flying these UAPs and in fact these demons are able to probably travel faster than those UAPs okay now here's another argument that people give and that is well maybe you're right but demons gave them the technology though how many of you heard that before well they'll say by the way go to Exodus chapter 31 Exodus 31 cause you know they always gotta explain it away somehow but it's like why? why can't you just accept the fact that humans can create these things just because you've never seen it before I mean it's just not it's not you're not being reasonable okay but they'll say you know I think that demons are giving these people this advanced technology to create really fast aircrafts and what do you think they're gonna do with those aircrafts what's the nefarious agenda being able to travel from point A to point B you know what is so wicked and demonic about that that's what I'm wondering okay now here's the proof text because we I've talked to people personally who believe this okay and it just didn't seem legitimate and this is the scripture they point to this is the scripture a lot of people point to Exodus 31 verse 1 says the Lord speaking to Moses saying to work in all manner of workmanship to devise cunning works to work in gold and in silver and in brass and in the cutting of stones to set them and in the carving of timber to work in all manner of workmanship so here we see that God endows a human being with particular knowledge in order to advance in cunning works gold silver things of that nature so their belief was well if God does that that means demons can do it too in other words elevating the knowledge of demons the capability of demons to God but you know one example we don't have is demons doing this in the Bible you're like well you know what about all these technologies that are just beyond the normal human capacity and they're being used for evil Romans 1 listen to this referring to reprobates says this listen and this is this is the coup de gras that they are listen to this inventors of evil things people invent things my friends if demons and devils and Satan was capable of just you know superimposing wicked knowledge of you know technology into people he would have done it just to the entire population you say well you know then how are these people getting this well here's my opinion of why these people in high places have this knowledge or have the positions that they have obviously the position is given to them by Satan but you know why the position is given to them by Satan because of the fact that either they already have knowledge and or the resources this is why Satan doesn't set up just anybody because not everyone fits the criteria to be as wicked as he would want them to be because people have a free will you understand so who is Satan going to use he's going to use the most qualified person with the most potential for wickedness people with the most money people who are very knowledgeable people who are very intelligent he's not going to just use everyone because not everyone is intelligent you understand or he could just say well you know he could yeah but he doesn't have the capability of just superimposing knowledge into some guy who doesn't have a job he doesn't read and you know why doesn't he do that if God if Satan is capable of just giving knowledge to a person in that manner why doesn't he just go to the entire population and just give them knowledge just knowledge knowledge for wickedness knowledge for evil knowledge for iniquity knowledge for nefarious agenda because of the fact that that's not the way it works people gain knowledge by themselves this particular case is obviously a unique case where God gave someone particular knowledge and of course this person thereafter passed that on to his children passed that on to other employees you understand so it's one of those things where like God got the ball rolling and then that person just kind of taught everyone else it's kind of like the way we have the Bible today the Bible is given to men of God God spoke to them but we don't need God to speak to us today because we have this already you understand what I'm saying and so you know the thought of like oh you know I think demons are giving people this technology it's such a dumb concept in my opinion okay you know it's just like yeah but what about AI you know didn't Satan give that I don't think so because AI is helping a lot of people today AI is beneficial artificial intelligence is beneficial and you're like yeah but haven't you seen like Terminator and the Matrix what about what if that happens or something well I'm a Christian so I don't believe in that stuff I'm not saying AI can't be dangerous in the long run or something I'm just saying that it is it is amoral okay the people it depends on the person whether you make it good or bad though okay because obviously people couldn't use AI for wickedness but people could use AI for good as well I mean it streamlines a lot of work okay it just it's very beneficial and I was even sharing this with someone in our church a couple weeks ago and I was thinking to myself you know think about Instagram okay you know my Instagram is filled with preachers who have died a long time ago died a long time ago like Jack Hiles he never would have thought that thousands of people every day would be listening to his preaching or watching him preach on the little computer screen he would think like that's like whoa what like that's incredible you know they had tapes back then or something he never would have thought like people would just be viewing and listening to his preaching non-stop that there are entire accounts dedicated to him listening to his preaching and he's been in heaven for so long but if you were to tell him that 30, 40 years ago or whatever he would have been like what you know that's that seems incredible but here's my opinion let's say for example AI can become so advanced that let's say if the Lord tarries 100 years from now let's say 50 years from now let's say I die okay I pass away but there's enough content of mine on the internet because here's the way AI works if there's enough of your voice on the internet enough of your speech and your talk on the internet AI can basically put everything together and cause you to just speak like that that is a thing right now like even on TikTok and Instagram where it's just like people who have been dead they can actually talk and speak and obviously a lot of parodies are made of like Joe Biden and stuff which is pretty funny if you ask me but you know let's say 50 years from now I'm dead 60 years from now 100 years from now what's it say that a person can say pull up Pastor Mejia's sermon on why believing in aliens is stupid and it just pops me up it's not me but it's there's so much video content, speech and my doctrine and preaching on the internet AI could literally put it together and just like preach that sermon in their living room through AI you're like aw you're getting too much into that sci-fi stuff I mean Apple just came out with those goggles where literally you can work from home and everything is just viewed through like it's just I can't even explain it but it's just it's very much like minority report type thing where you're just like moving stuff and all that that seemed like fake back in the days but now it's like a real thing so they could just pull up a preacher Pastor Steven Anderson just comes up Pastor Steven Anderson tells what you believe about the reprobate doctrine and there's enough mannerisms online that that AI generated image can mimic how he is it's a possibility so it could be used for good where it's just like 100 years from now I'm still preaching the gospel through AI or whatever to someone who just uploads all the images and content and sermons and all the visual aids through AI where the gospel is still being preached you're like I don't know about that Jack Hiles is still preaching a ton of preachers who have died in times past are still preaching today because of technology so it can be used for good are you trying to tell me that a demon gave a demon is like no no that's not what it's for he's preaching the gospel I told you not to give him that knowledge it's nonsense my friends anyways that transatlantic vehicle that I was talking about is a 75 passenger luxury hybrid concept which I still believe it's possible craft that is designed to travel at 7,672 miles per hour that could allow you to travel across the Atlantic Ocean in 40 minutes and you say impossible what if we told the people in bible times about the technologies that we have now they would probably say impossible alright let's move on here I'm almost done go to 2 Timothy chapter 2 2 Timothy chapter 2 give me 5 minutes and I'm done ok and I will not talk about aliens anymore hopefully not ok why is believing in aliens stupid because it opens the door to more stupid theories that's why look at the bible says in 2 Timothy 2.15 it says study to show thyself approved unto God a workman and he is not to be ashamed riley divide in the word of truth but shun profane and vain babblings why for they will increase unto more ungodliness it says and their word will eat as doth a canker of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus who concerning the truth have erred saying that the resurrection is past already and overthrow the faith of some so when it comes to this subject of aliens then you get someone like Joe Rogan who is putting forth this theory like well I believe that like these aliens are just like actual human beings in the future who have created these bodies because they won't need these physical bodies so that's why they look like these little green men or little grey aliens and then you know they've invented time travel and they're actually trying to come back to us to kind of like warn us what? the guy sounds high and he probably is high he's not only high he's on that what? that DMT the Amazon drug or whatever what? Ayahuasca he's probably on that Amazon crack and that's why he's coming up with all these weird theories because it increases into more ungodliness this is why the Bible says we need to shun profane and vain babbling aliens exist no they don't the only alien that I've ever known is my family who came from Guatemala those are the only aliens I know personally and they don't look like the pictures either and so it's important folks that when stuff like that starts coming up in our church that we shut it down immediately bring people down to reason to biblical thinking not to fantasy and sci-fi worlds go to 2 Timothy chapter 4 2 Timothy chapter 4 just ask them more because once you get into aliens then you get into time travel once you get into time travel then you get into vain babblings of well if we can time travel what if I move a piece of rock or something and I go to the past and everything changes then Jesus is not born and then it's just like it's just vain babbling minister questions rather than godly edifying and lastly this at the root of this it adds credence to the delusion which moves people away from the Bible this is why believing in aliens is stupid because it's just another facet to give to this world whereby the world can reject the Bible and accept nonsense you're like do you really think that people will buy into it to the point where they reject the truth by accepting it they are rejecting the truth and just think this the world one day will accept the antichrist as the god of this world and according to the Bible that's referred to as a strong delusion and so we need to reject things that cause people to believe something other than the truth of the Bible and understand this the Bible is timeless because he thinks to himself well how can you preach an entire sermon on aliens using the Bible there's enough in the Bible to refute lies and nonsense and vain babblings I mean we did it today and so we need to make sure that we reject that and here's the thing folks I only believe in one alien there's only one alien I believe in because an alien is someone who is not of this world and that's Jesus amen cause he's really not of this world I would never call him an alien I'm just saying for the sake of the sermon alien is someone who is foreign to this particular world and in a sense like we're illegal aliens here as well cause this is not our world our citizenship is in heaven in the new Jerusalem you understand but it's so funny I find it hilarious if I make that comparison if I may that people are like they see some sort of like frozen ice on a different planet and they're just like life on other planets and then you try to point to the baby in a woman's womb and they're just like oh that's not life but you want to believe some piece of ice on Mars is life and we tell them Jesus Christ came to this world he created all things by him all things consist he came to redeem the world he's in heaven and they're like that's so stupid what about aliens oh yeah that's true though and we were created by aliens billions of years ago folks we're not the stupid ones here that's stupid and it's just like they're pointing at us mocking us for believing in God who created everything and by the way you know the God who's even in control of that which is unseen the spiritual fear not him which can kill the body but afterwards can do nothing fear him who's able to destroy both soul and body in hell okay but yet they want to buy into aliens okay it's nonsensical and so that's it you know if you are into aliens and your favorite movie has an alien involved well you know as long as you understand that it's just not real okay you know you just keep it at the entertainment level and don't try to make excuses as to you know maybe this is possible maybe there are Kryptonians in this world maybe reptilians are real vain profane and babbling my friends let's pray father we thank you so much for your word thank you for the truth of the Bible and the fact that we can use it Lord to tear through the nonsense lies and deception and nonsensical things of this world Lord I pray that you'd help us as your people to be sound in faith and not to be carried away with diverse and strange doctrines and that we would continuously fall back onto the word of God and prove all things hold fast that which is good in Jesus name we pray amen please turn your songbooks to song number 372 song number 372 let the lower lights be burning song number 372 all together nice and strong on that first verse brightly beams our father's mercy from his lighthouse evermore but to us he gives the keeping of the lights along the shore let the lower lights be burning send a gleam across the wave some poor fainting struggling sea man you may rescue you may save dark the night of sin has settled loud the angry billows roar eager eyes are watching longing for the lights along the shore let the lower lights be burning send a gleam across the wave some poor fainting struggling sea man you may rescue you may save trim your feeble lamb my brother some poor sailor tempest toss trying now to make the harbor in the darkness may be lost let the lower lights be burning send a gleam across the wave some poor fainting struggling sea man you may rescue you may save Amen. Wonderful singing you are dismissed.