(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Preaches and give us attentiveness and the ears to hear Lord Jesus name. I pray. Amen Okay, we're in Matthew chapter number 10 this morning and the title of the sermon this morning is when family attacks when family Attacks look down at your Bibles at verse number 34 of Matthew chapter 10 It says think not that I'm come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace but a sword For I am come to send a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law Against her mother-in-law and look what it says in verse 36 and a man's foes shall they be of his own House hold the Bible says a man's foes shall they shall be they of his own Household now stay there in Matthew chapter 10. I'm gonna give you some introductory statements and then we're gonna move around to different portions of scripture Let me start off by saying that, you know, there's a lot of blessings that come with being a Christian, right? I mean, it's it's a great life. It's a wonderful life I think of Psalm 84 verse 11 where the Bible says for the Lord God is a son and a shield He will give grace and glory No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Amen If you're looking for good things Well, you find good things in the will of God you find good things by reading God's Word by serving God by following the Lord And God said I'm not gonna withhold good things from you The Bible tells us that the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and he addeth no sorrow to it the Bible tells us It's a group. Excuse me. It's a great life. It's wonderful to be a Christian It's awesome. And you know, there are certain advantages and even perks that come with being saved and being a churchgoer, right? I mean, you don't serve suffer certain consequences that everyone else faces you get blessed by God You have you have God with you in your life You're able to raise your children and the nurture and the admonition of the Lord with the instruction of God's Word You know you have God's favor upon your life and you can succeed in so many different areas of your life just by being a Christian and Obviously we know that because we've heard it over and over again that although we're blessed by God by being God's people and by Serving God obviously it comes with a price, right? It comes with a Price that you and I have to pay now the price of salvation was already purchased right purchased by Jesus Christ He purchased it with his own blood. We know that to be a fact about the Bible tells us that he purchased us He purchased our body purchased our spirit They belong to him but the price of being blessed in this life actually still requires a payment, right? The Bible tells us in Luke chapter 14 You don't have to turn there verse 28 for which of you Intending to build a tower Sitteth not down first and what counteth the cost Whether he have sufficient to finish it. So what is God telling us here? He's giving us this example here and he's saying look if a person before he even builds the tower He sits down and he pulls out his little ledger to see if he has sufficient to finish it How much more should the Christian who's seeking to follow the Lord and keep his commandments and read the Word of God? You know, they should also count the cost of building a spiritual tower building a spiritual house Succeeding for the things of God we need to make sure that we're counting the cost Why because there's a lot of people out there who are Christians they get saved and they gunhole on Christianity But then they all of a sudden they fall by the wayside why because they didn't count the cost They didn't think you know persecution was gonna come they didn't think hardships were gonna come tribulation was gonna come Affliction was gonna come they didn't count the cost and they weren't able to finish the tower that they began to build and the Bible Says that people will begin to mock, right? When you get saved and start serving God just know this you have a target on your back Okay. Now who are the ones that are targeting you? Well, number one is the world Number two is the flesh and number three is the devil You have the world against you because the world has a polar opposite Ideology than the Word of God and if you actually believe the Bible you start living out the Word of God You're teaching God's Word you live in it according to its guiding principles and doctrine The world is gonna become your enemy because the Word of God is completely against the world, right? You're gonna have your flesh as your enemy now the world, you know You can get away from the world every once in a while, but you can't get away from your flesh You know the flesh lives with you The old man is constantly there and you're constantly battling with the flesh and the old man In order to to succeed in the Christian life and live a life that's pleasing unto him You have the flesh as your enemy and then lastly Of course, we have the devil and the devil hates us the devil wants us to fail The devil wants us to to get out of the will of God and kind of do our own thing and deceive us, etc So we have the world the flesh and the devil and these things are pretty obvious Like when we get saved, we know that we have the world against us We know that we have our flesh against us We know it's pretty obvious that the devil's against the Satan's against us, but what a lot of Christians are not prepared for It's for the opposition that comes from family and friends You know if the devil hates you it's like well, yeah, I mean that's pretty odd I'm not trying to get the devil to love me You know if the world hates you it's just like well, I mean that's pretty obvious because the world is stupid It has weird teachings and ideologies. It's not a place that I want to be a part of. I'm not of this world, right? You know the flesh obviously, you know, it's not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be These are pretty obvious oppositions that we have but sometimes Christians are not prepared for the opposition that comes from loved ones and loved ones You know when we say loved ones, we're referring to family or friends that are like family I mean don't we have friends out there that we would get there are not necessarily blood related But there are close friends or close acquaintances There are people that we love the people that we grew up with, you know, your BBF or something like that You know your cousins that you know, yeah, you're you're blood related, but you're really close. You're like brethren. You're like sisters you can receive opposition from them for being a Christian and This is something that can catch you off guard and unfortunately causes a lot of grief and pain Okay, and if you've been a Christian for any length of time you've experienced something like this or people who you thought were loyal to You were your friends, you know a spouse a child a brother a sister They completely oppose you because you became a Christian or just because you come to our church Right. I mean, yeah, we get that that you can receive opposition for being a Christian But some people even get on top of that opposition for just being a part of our church. Okay Now hold your place there go to Psalm 55. We're gonna come back to Matthew chapter number 10 And if you were to be honest You would admit that to say yeah, it hurts It's painful. It causes me grief It causes me sorrow of heart to have people who I love Turn against me because of my beliefs because I'm a Christian because I come to this church because I believe these doctrines You know, it hurts to have that and you know that can catch you off guard a little bit Because of the fact that sometimes when you when when you first become a Christian or you first begin to believe what the Bible says You know, you're not really prepared for that. Look at Psalm 55 We're gonna we're gonna look at someone who can relate to us or should we say we can relate to him David here Psalm 55 verse 12 says this for it was not an enemy that reproached me then I could have borne it What is he saying? Well, obviously my enemies hate me When someone when when an enemy reproaches me I can bear that and it's not it's it's a piece of cake It's a cakewalk When when when the when the reprobates of this world are reviling you and reproaching you it's not like oh man Don't say that about me You know when they say all manner of evil against you you're not like oh that hurt my feelings When they start making fun of you and mocking you and you know saying all manner of evil against you, you know I don't know anybody here who would say oh man that that hurts so bad and I can't why are you so mean? to us is like It's like a water off a duck's back It's kind of expected. It's kind of humorous actually You know, we kind of thrive off of those things right? Why because when it's our enemy that's reproaching us we can bear it That's what David said for it was not an enemy that reproached me then I could have borne it Neither was it he that hated me that didn't magnify himself against me then I would hid myself from him It's like if it was like an enemy who hated me I can just simply you know get away from that person if And not have to deal with that issue, you know, if it's a person who just hates my guts, you know I can just move to a different city You know, if it's a group of people that just hate you you could just move somewhere else and just hide yourself from them That's what David is saying, right? He says in verse 13, but it was thou a man mine equal my guide and mine acquaintance we took sweet counsel together and walked unto the house of God and company and I believe he's actually referring to a hit the fell in Context. Okay, because he was his guide and his acquaintance But this could be applied to all of us when it comes to our family and friends, right? It's like man, you know, if it was an enemy who reproach me I can I can handle that Someone who hates me I can deal with that but because it's my friend. It's my acquaintance. It's my equal It's it's it's my guide, you know that hurts Hey that hurts okay, and This morning. I'm gonna give you three simple points that will explain why this happens and what you can do about it Okay, go back to Matthew chapter number 10 if you would Matthew chapter number 10 and keep in mind David is a picture of who Jesus Christ. So although this literally happened to David It's symbolically representing Jesus Christ who was despised and rejected of those whom he was closest to and in fact think about this What about this verse he came into his own and his own received him not? You know, he came to visit his people and what did his people do to him crucified him? Now Let me give you three points this morning on when family attacks and the reason I'm preaching this is because of the fact that this is part of Christianity folks and I'm gonna give you somewhat of a Reality check this morning to help you to recognize that if you're going through some persecution From your own family from your spouse from your children from your sisters from your cousins or whatever, you know Marvel not Marvel not but it hurts. I know I know it hurts but don't marvel at it Because this is part of the Christian life Okay, and I'm gonna give you some some counsel I'm gonna give you some wisdom and I'm gonna give you a biblical perspective on how to deal with these things Okay, so let me give you some points to consider. It's gonna be an illiterate it outline so you could remember it Okay point number one. I'm gonna give you the reality The reality what's the reality the reality is that not everyone is gonna like you or love you or accept you for what you believe That's the reality. Okay. This is not a prosperity gospel church We don't believe in this prosperity gospel where well if you just believe the right things everyone's gonna be happy with you You know, both sides are gonna love you and you know Everyone loves Jesus and everyone loves the truth wrong If you believe the Bible Folks people are gonna hate you for believing the Word of God and let me say this not just the world I'm talking about your family You can have family members who will literally Separate you from their company because of what you believe, right? That's the reality Why does it have to be that way? well because of the fact that they separated Jesus from their company and if we're Christians, you know Christ Ian's if We're like Christ then we can expect the same reproach as well There will be times when some of your greatest foes your greatest foes will be those of your own Household why well, I'll tell you why because Christianity is a divisive religion And yeah, I said it. Oh, you guys are being so divisive. Yeah, cuz Christianity is a divisive religion It brings division It's not meant to unify people and you know, hold hands kumbaya all around the world Let's see if we could get everyone to hold hands all around the world so we can agree No folks the reconciliation and the peace comes when we go to God on his terms Not bringing him to our terms now. Well, let's just agree to disagree Well, no, actually God wants us to agree with him and his word And it just so happens that we're on his side and we believe his words so therefore we're gonna go with God Christianity is a divisive religion and I'm sick and tired of Pastures and churches trying to make it seem as though it's not Why are you apologizing for what the Bible says? Why are you making excuses and Apologizing for how divisive the Bible really is folks, you know, oh you shouldn't cause the vision I don't cause divisions Jesus does Why because it doesn't leave room for varying beliefs about God's salvation and morality, right? You know the Bible is an absolute book and if you don't agree with it, then you're wrong Right Well, that sounds arrogant and prideful Well, that's because you just don't know what the Bible actually says the Bible is God's Word, which is the final authority Okay, and we don't live in this world where there's two types of truths that are varying one from another no There's only one truth And if you don't adhere to that one truth from God's Word, then here's it here's this here's the conclusion of the matter You're just wrong But here I got news for those of for those who are listening to this who don't agree with this I was wrong at one point, too We all were Right. None of us were right we had to come to God on his terms and believe what he said and believe his word and Recognize that we were wrong and have a renewing of our minds because we were wrong as well. Okay Look at Matthew 10 verse 34. It says think not that I'm come to send peace on earth. I Love this verse You know, it's like oh you should be a peacemaker Jesus said I'm not coming to send peace on earth. I Came not to send peace and look at this extreme opposite here, but a sword Whoa Cuz the opposite of peace is what war? So he says I'm not coming to send peace or what are you coming to do? Jesus bring a sword a Sword I'm sorry. What I thought I thought you just said sword you meant Ward here something right? No sword Which is the word and what does the sword do it brings division it divides? Well I think you're taking them a little out of context, you know I mean he you know, he's not saying that he's coming to bring war or or be divisive Well, it's always good to keep reading. Amen verse 35 for I'm come to set a man at variance against his father Yeah He's like I'm coming to draw division between you and your dad my dad My dad is like the closest thing I have He's my father he's the one who bore me and Jesus says yeah, I'm coming to set a difference between you two variants between you and your dad and the daughter against her mother Now this third one You know, it's just It's kind of like okay. Yeah, that one's pretty easy right and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Okay Now there's some daughters-in-law that they get along with their mother-in-laws my wife's mother-in-law is great you guys didn't catch that You'll get that at lunchtime What does variants mean it means disagreement or a difference? So let that sink in for a little bit Jesus is saying I'm coming to bring a disagreement between your family you and your family Why why would you do don't you want to unify us no He wants you to be unified with his beliefs and guess what if your family or you don't agree with God Then you're on the wrong side He says I'm coming to bring a disagreement how many you've had a disagreement with your family because of your beliefs Right Well, I still think you're taking him out of context look at verse 36 a man's foes Shall they be shall they be of his own household Your enemies will be those who live with you Those are the hardest enemies to have you know why because you live with them because you see them every day Well you know I just think you know you're being a little extreme about this I think you're reading too much into it. Well. It gets a little more extreme Verse 37 he that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me Now wouldn't you agree that you love your parents? I? Love my parents. I love my mom. I love my dad There's there's a special love that a child has for their parents and vice versa right this is natural love and Loyalty that we have towards our parents because they mean a lot to us there are parents So You have this relationship between parents and children, it's just like I love you mom I love you dad, and I love you Bruce, and and then Jesus comes in and says so do you love him more than me? Because if you do then you're not worthy of me That's powerful That's reality and That kind of rubs people over the wrong way sometimes right, but what does this mean it? What Jesus is saying is like I want your total loyalty I Mean talk about loyalty He goes after the closest relationship that you can have in this world other than those in marriage He goes to that closest relationship and tells those hey if you love your parents more than me. You're not even worthy of me He says and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me Now those of us with kids that's hard. We know that's hard because we have this natural Love for our children. You know we love them We'll do anything for them. We'll protect them. We have this this natural benevolence towards our children and They they bring us a lot of a lot of joy. I mean we give our lives for our children, right? Like if our children were in some sort of danger we would give our lives for our children. I'd die for my kids without question and Jesus comes and says well if you love them more than me, then you're you're not worthy of me That's powerful He that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me Now we'll say this is that he's not saying hey you got to forsake all these things in order to have Jesus Right in order to follow the Lord but it just so happens that we live in a world where you know your children who are maybe older or You know your parents may not agree with the Word of God and at that point you have to make a choice Right because some people you know because you know it's costing them a Relationship because it's putting a difference and a disagreement with their family. They have a tendency to what to compromise On their beliefs compromise on the Bible compromise on what the Word of God says and they decide to go with their Acquaintances their family and friends because they don't want to lose them Whereas God says no Then you're just not worthy of me then you can't have both Unless they agree with what the Bible says Now some of you in here. You know you have your family in church with you And you should do like a spiritual backflip if that's the case It's spiritual because not all of us can are that athletic so you know Hey some of you you have your parents in church with you You should thank God for that and not take it for granted because you have your mom in church or your dad in church Guys not everyone can say the same thing There are some parents who are at enmity with their children because of their beliefs. They're they're they're foes So Instead of complaining about oh we got to go to church Your mom has all these strict rules and dad says this and all these things Why don't you just be thankful that your parents are not your foes? Why don't you be thankful that they're joining you at an independent fundamental Baptist Church that they're coming to first works Baptist Church with you Because there's plenty of people in this room that did do not have that at all Not only did their parents not come to church their their parents are against our church Against the Bible they are the foes in their own household Hey, you know if you have your children in church. You should do a spiritual backflip Depending on how old you are right if you can do a physical one I'd recommend that as well But if you have you have you know children and your children in church And you should be excited about that because that's not always the case Some some children have strayed from the Lord They're not serving God they're against their parents for coming to a church like this or for believing the Bible They have been they've made themselves a foe of their family We want to be Worthy of Jesus and this isn't referring to salvation right because of the fact that you know Jesus bought us You're bought with the price, and you're not your own the Bible says so we belong to Jesus when it says being worthy of Jesus referring to the fact being worthy of his blessing of having him in our life You know to favor us and to be and to serve him. That's what it's referring to okay Go to Luke 21 if you would Luke 21 The reality is this you will have foes in your own household Don't be surprised about that now. I will say this don't bring that upon yourself willingly either You understand what I mean by that Where you just have this lack of wisdom lack of discernment lack of discretion You just you're just calling everyone a reprobate in your household And you know they're not even saved, but you're trying to convince them about the Jews and all these it's just like you know you're you're doing yourself a disservice and That's probably partly the reason why they've become enemies of the Bible or enemies of you We're just talking about you living a godly life You're letting your life so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father Which is in heaven and they look at that and still become a foe then at that point? There's nothing you can do about that, right? look at Luke 21 verse 15 for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your Adversaries shall not be able to gain say no resist and ye shall be look at this word betrayed both by parents and brethren and kinsfolk and Friends and some of you shall they cause to be put to death and you shall be hated of all men for my name's Sake, I mean think about that The parents that raised you the parents they wiped your bottom Changed your diapers provided for you took care of you live life with you the Bible says here that some of these parents will actually betray their children because of Jesus I Brethren kinsfolk friends go to Matthew chapter 12 Matthew chapter 12. So the reality is this hey, you can't expect all your family to join you on this road here Now throughout I've been saved actually my spiritual birthday was this past Thursday believe it or not 14 years. Amen. I got saved on July 22nd 2007 and Throughout my years of serving the Lord You know, I've noticed people who just serve God on their own, but then you'll have this this anomaly of People that will like just reach their entire family sometimes It's not very often, you know Jacob. I think is like one of those cases This guy fills up his entire like row with his family and I didn't praise God for that you know, I was talking to his mom on Thursday and And so funny you know, we're just talking about the church and preaching and and and she hadn't she had mentioned something like We're talking about pastor Anderson and she was like, all right. I was telling his his other family That's what it was. I was telling his family. I'm like, yeah, you have to build up an appetite for this kind of preaching You know what? I mean? Because it's like you kind of don't like this preaching right off the bat Some people do some people don't and she was like, oh, yeah. Yeah, you're right about that She's like when I heard pastor Anderson for the first time. I was like He's mean So mean you know and She's like but the more I came here the more I started reading the Bible and she says now I read the Bible every single day The more I actually like the preaching You know and so they have to build an appetite for that right, but but I think of him I think of Jacob I think it's great. You know, this is very rare Jacob. So you better think you better count your blessings son Right Count your blessings that you have your you have your aunt your uncle your mom your dad Your brother's right next to you your fiance, right? I mean, she's bringing her family Good night It's rare, but it happens Because when you look at the the pattern of the Bible that all that doesn't always happen Sometimes your family will stand without right and Don't feel bad when that takes place because that's what they did to Jesus I mean Jesus Christ was the Son of God. He's God himself. Look what the Bible says in Matthew 20 Matthew 12 Excuse me verse 46 While he yet talked to the people so what he's doing he's ministering. He's preaching. He's taking care of business He's serving God right while he yet talked to the people behold his mother and his brethren stood without Desiring to speak with him now don't you know bypass that that's a very Telling statement there because you have the multitudes coming to Jesus to hear and preach right there They're listening to him intently. They think the world of him. They're getting saved. They they're honoring him You know, they they love him. They're listening to him and where are his parents and his brothers without and They desire to speak with them. So they don't want to be you know included with the group They don't want to be included with the church they don't want to be included with the with the congregation they'd rather just be outside of these walls and Even with Jesus they stood without Now, how do we apply that to our lives? Well, you know, you probably have family who refuses to set foot in our church They're just like I love you I believe in you But your church is crazy Church is nuts, and I can't believe you would ever go to a place like that. Therefore. I'm standing without You know what that does it hurts a little right, I Mean folks I have family who stand without and I'm the pastor of the church. I Have family who will refuse to step foot in my church because of my beliefs They'll talk to me over the phone if there's some you know barbecue without they would definitely join me there But they would not step foot here at this church, but should that surprise us that's what they did to Jesus And it could hurt it's like man you're not willing to come to church with me, you know willing to just come and visit I You know, I'm supportive the fact that you're Christian. I'm glad you're you're doing the church thing, but I'm gonna go ahead and stand without He Said what should our reaction be? Well, look what it says in verse 47 Then one said unto him behold thy mother and thy brother stand without desire to speak with thee, you know They thought they got these privileges Can you go ahead and call our son his family wants him over here Where we want to speak to him? I'm his mother and these are his brethren Verse 48, but he answered a sense him that told him who is my mother And who are my brethren and He stretched forth his hands towards his disciples and said behold my mother and my brethren For whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in heaven the same as my brother and sister and mother Burn That was a burn can you just picture Mary I Was a burn and he's not he didn't say like hey who are my brother who's my brother and sister Behold my mother my brother my sisters. No, I'm sure he preached that It was like who's my mother who are my brethren and he just showed his parents his family The this is my family right here because they're the ones who do in the will of God Burn So, what is the answer when you have family that stand without well, don't worry you have a family here You have a family who's doing the will of God here. You have family that will support you here Hey, you'll have honor here and amongst God's people Why do they do that why do they stand without? Why why are they so against what you believe why they're against the Bible well, let me just say it's just reality of it That's just what's gonna happen sometimes Go to John chapter 3 John chapter 3 and then we'll go to Matthew chapter 10 again So that's the reality I'm gonna give you the reason the reason they do this Let me just break it to you. It's not because of you It's not because of you it's not because of your attitude it's not because you don't know how to convey the message Well, it's not because you change your clothing or you change your hair or you're no longer Doing drugs with them or drinking or barbecuing on a Sunday or doing whatever it's not because of any of those things It's because of Jesus Jesus is actually the most hated man on the face of the planet He's Hated by everyone when I say everyone obviously, I'm referring to just like the world and the reason They don't like you is because I don't like Jesus so the reason I say is because I'm It's important to mention that because you shouldn't take it personal sometimes because it's hard, you know You take it personal especially if it's your family. It's your husband. It's your wife. It's your children. It's your friends You're just like and we were we were so close together. What's going on? It's not you. It's Jesus The Bible tells us you're in John chapter 3 I'm gonna reach you for Matthew 24 verse 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my Names say John chapter 3 verse 20 for everyone that doeth evil hated the light neither cometh to the light Lest his deed should be reproved. You know, you bother your family because of the fact that you're Christian You Know it actually bothers them to see you clean up your life You don't actually bothers them to see you succeed and try to work on your marriage It actually bothers them to see you trying to raise your children in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord You know, it bothers them to see you get up early in the morning on Sunday some of you and you know Get ready for church and and make church a priority come to church and spend the day at church and go So any you know that actually bothers them? You know actually bothers them the fact that you don't just you know cuss all the time and you don't do the worldly stuff anymore You don't listen to the worldly music. You don't act the way you used to act before, you know, that actually bothers them That rubs them in the wrong way, you know, it bothers you or you know, it bothers them that you're no longer wearing pants ladies That bother that right there Pisses them off They do not like that at all You say why? For everyone that do with evil hated the light. Oh Wait, where's your pants? Are you wearing dresses now? But folks if you were to take those same people and put them at you know They go to the White House or something like that or or some sort of convention with class. They're gonna wear a dress, too They just don't like the fact that you like to be classy all the time You Know they don't like that about you, you know, they don't like the fact that now you have a work ethic young man That now that you have structure and discipline in your life, you know, they don't like to really see that You see they like you they want you to succeed on their terms But when they start seeing you succeed and and go forward and change your life, they don't like those things Now I'm not saying all of them because some family members I'm sure you have them and I have them as well They're not an agreement with me, but they're they they're happy That you know, our lives got kind of turned around by the Lord. They're happy about that, but others are not You know, they're not they kind of don't like the fact that now you want to have a bunch of kids Believe it or not. Are you gonna have all kinds of kids? And oh, you're gonna do this, you know, they don't really like that And they'll give you a hard time about it. Hey, they don't like that. You're submitting to your husband now. Oh They don't like that at all they don't like the fact that your husband's your boss They don't like that They think you should be running him Doing your own thing They don't like that But I'll tell you what what it is it's the things that Jesus taught that they don't like They hate the light and it bothers them go to Matthew chapter 10 I remember when I got saved and I started going to church and and Just kind of getting involved in church and in the service of the Lord One of my relatives came to me and says I feel like I lost my my friend here He came to me he told me told me that It's like I feel like I lost you as a friend If you're my brother and I lost you like lost me to what I'm going to church. I'm not lost. I'm found What are you talking about lost I'm found He's like yeah, but we don't hang out anymore. We don't party anymore. We're gonna do any yeah, but it's like but those things We're destroying my life Yeah I Look at Matthew 10 verse 25 it is enough for the disciple that he be as his master the Bible says So if you're rejected of your family, hey join the club You're in good company Because they Jesus was rejected of his own family to the Son of God. I Mean Mary who knew he was the Son of God Right She knew the prophecy of the coming Savior She saw the angel. I mean she was there She knew that he was gonna come die for the sins of the whole world and he's she still rejected him at one point Underminded his authority at one point So don't feel bad When your family who you're just close to you're tight-knit You're just you know the bond is strong and all these things if they reject you you are in good company my friend Because they did the same to Jesus You are as your master and The servant as his as his lord if they have called the master of the house beelzebub How much more shall they call them of his household? Hey, don't don't don't feel bad when they say you're in a cult They call the master of the house beelzebub Don't feel bad when they say oh you're going that cult. Oh You're one of those the new IFB Are you following that that Muslim looking pastor? Are you going that's a cult You shouldn't be surprised at that or be hurt from that. Just know this. Well, they did call Jesus beelzebub Hey, that's pretty good You're saying I'm a part of a cult. I'm in good company here with the Lord So why why do they do this? What's the reason why because of Jesus, but let me say this sometimes You know, it's Christians who persecute you Sometimes you have family who are believers who are Christians who persecute you, right? Why do they do it? Well, let me say this it's because of ignorance Ignorance it's not because they hate the Lord. It's not because they hate the Bible it's because they don't know the Bible and it's because they're ignorant of What the Bible actually says go to John chapter 7 John chapter 7 So It hurts when unsaved family and kind of mock us and they reject us But doesn't the knife go in just a little deeper when they're Christians When they're believers who do that When other believers reject you and mock you and persecute you that hurts a little more Because you kind of expect them to know to know better, right? Look at Matthew or John chapter 7 Verse number 1 says after these things Jesus walked in Galilee for he would not walk in Jewry because the Jews sought to kill him Now the Jews feast of tabernacles was at hand his brethren therefore said unto him Depart hence and go into Judea But the disciples also may see the works that thou doest For there is no man that doeth anything in secret and he himself seeketh to be known openly If thou do these things show thyself to the world for neither did his brethren believe in him. They're mocking him They're telling him. Yeah, go to Judea Go show your disciples where you where you're able to do no one does anything in secret Show yourself to the world Jesus Why because they didn't believe in him, right? I Mean how humiliating is that? Where Jesus Christ who who just let you know created everything He made like the universe. He created the cells that are dwelling in his own brothers He could be he can just like snap his finger and then just drop dead right there. Who's laughing now kind of thing Yeah, if you wanted to he could But even Jesus's brethren mocked him why because they didn't believe in him So there was a time and look it's not because they're bad people These are Jews who I'm sure were raised, you know listening to the Word of God Listening to the Pentateuch being preached they went to the temple, you know, they they did the sacrifices they adhered to the religion You know, they were they grew up in a in a Christian home Obviously wasn't Christian then but I'm saying they grew up in a believer's home. So to speak I mean they grew up with Jesus as their brother and Yet they are mocking him. They don't believe in him verse 6 as then Jesus said unto him My time has not yet come but your time is always ready You can die any moment son I Like what he says here The world cannot hate you So he kind of flips on them, you know, it's like all these people hate you, you know And he just kind of responds and says well the world can't hate you What is he saying is like you're you're unhatable you're not doing something right So when people look at you like yeah, look all these people hate you, you know And they're trying to look down their nose at you and and kind of kind of make you look inferior Just say this. Well, that's easy for you to say the world can't hate you Because what's the implication there? You're not doing God's will right? You're not doing anything worthy to be hated up Jesus said the world cannot hate you, but it hate but me it hated because I testify of it that the works thereof are evil Yeah, it's easy not to be hated when you keep your mouth shut And you're not actually saying what the Word of God actually says The world cannot hate you but me it does hate Look at Genesis 37 Go to Genesis 37 So sometimes your family will persecute you just out of ignorance They're ignorant what the Bible says they're ignorant of and I'm not saying ignorant like they're stupid. Okay, so don't get me wrong I'm not mocking them or saying that they're idiots or anything. They're just ignorant of what the Bible actually says, right? And out of ignorance, what do they do? They mock you they persecute you Etc. Look at Genesis 37 verse number 3 now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age And he made him a coat of many colors and when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren they hated him and could not speak peaceably unto him and Joseph dreamed a dream and he told that his brethren and they hated him yet the more and he said unto them here I pray you this dream which I have dreamed for behold we were binding sheaves in the field and lo my sheaves my sheaf arose and stood and also stood upright and behold your sheaves stood round about and made obeisance to my sheaf and his brethren said to him Shout thou indeed reign over us or shall thou indeed have dominion over us and they hated him yet the more for his dreams and for his words and They dreamed yet another dream and told that his brother and they said behold I have dreamed a dream more and behold the Sun and the moon and the 11 stars made obeisance to me and he told it to his father and To his brethren and look what it says and his father rebuked him. I Mean, this is a righteous man Jacob is a righteous man. Israel is a righteous man But yet he's rebuking Joseph for a dream that God gave Joseph and Sentence him What is this dream that thou hast dreamed shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to? The earth and his brethren envied him, but his father Observed the same so this bother Jacob why because you know, he's older He's been around a lot longer He's known Christianity longer than you have and you're gonna come to him and try to tell him what the Bible actually says You'll get a rebuke for that I mean very experienced something like that where you run into Christians who are been a Christian a little longer than you They've been around the Christian blog longer than you and you come and kind of share the Word of God with them And they're just like I've been a Christian a lot longer than you Who are you to tell me? What the Bible says? Now here's the thing because Jacob is a righteous person Because he loves the Lord and he wants to do God's will you know what it says it says he observed these things Just like he basically walked away saying hmm. Maybe there's some validity to what he's saying So that should give you some hope you know if people in your family are mocking you They're kind of deriding you and they're they're unwilling to adhere to you, but they love the Lord. They love the word eventually They'll probably come around I Mean how many you have had family who didn't like what you believed at first, but now they embrace what you believe anybody like that There you go right not many, but we have some You know it some people are just like I'm not in agreement with this But then they kind of hide these things in their heart, and they observe these things So sometimes you know they the reason they persecute you or they're fighting use because obviously number one because of Jesus Number two is because of ignorance But just know this the third reason would be this just so you can experience the fellowship of his suffering So you can experience what it's like to be rejected That's the fellowship of a suffering so if you've ever cried yourself to sleep at night If you've ever hurt had pain and sorrow because of these relationships in your life that don't seem to be working because of Christianity is coming between you and your family and You're you're in you're in pain. You're in misery. You're in agony. You're you're you're feeling mournful in your heart That Is the fellowship of a suffering See the fellowship of a suffering is not lifting up. Holy hands and here. I am to worship. Oh I just feel so great church, bro. You know it's I'm a part of this fellowship of suffering No, the fellowship of a suffering is when you're grieved When you feel betrayed and you're rejected and it hurts and you weep and you cry and you feel sadness in your heart and You you almost feel like you you're like they don't love you anymore When you get to that point Then you you've delved into the realm of the fellowship of his suffering Because Jesus felt just like that I mean the Bible says he was despised and rejected And it can get pretty bad for you, but just know this they crucified him It's important to know the fellowship of his suffering and Sometimes it requires for you to feel some of the worst pain and some of the worst pain comes From the people you love the most Go to Luke chapter 9 So The reality is that not everyone's gonna agree with you. Not everyone's gonna follow you Not everyone's gonna be there for you. I remember when I first got saved I had I had a lot of friends and these these are my boys like we kind of grew up together and you know We take them I'll take a bullet for you and all these things and we're really close and we're really tight But when I got saved and I started going to church, oh man, it's like the true colors came out And It was very odd to me because these guys, you know There were people who followed me and they're just like hey whatever you do will do will follow you Because you know, you always seem to know the way and so we'll follow you But once I got saved it was just like okay, but not that though And then you know they and they try to kind of have it both ways or it's just like well You could do the church thing, but come hang out with us as well And I told him I said I can't And they said why I said cuz Friday I'm doing other stuff. I'm not in party What about Saturday? I'm sowing What about Sunday? I'm going to church. What about Sunday night? I'm still in church What about okay, what about Tuesday we're out sowing what about Thursday I'm in church I Said so I got a better idea. Why don't you come with me? to church And they're like Yeah, I'm good with that I Thought we were friends That were homies that were boys But they turn on you like that and I remember, you know, I went out to eat with one of them and it was very awkward obviously because you know, I would talk about the Bible he didn't want to talk about the Bible and And he actually came to pick me up and went out to eat and then he dropped me off and he said hey the next time I come out here to come visit you he's like don't bring up Jesus anymore and the Bible and And and before I close the door I said, hey, let's just let you know there won't be a next time. I Was like see you later and I closed the door and I never saw him again Look at verse 6 But where are we Luke chapter 9 sorry verse 5 57 And it came to pass that as they went in the way a certain man said unto him Lord I will follow thee with us. Whoever thou goes. I'm gonna give you the resolution to this How do we reconcile this? We know the reality. We know the reason now, what do we do about it? Verse 58 and Jesus sent it to him foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests But the son of man had not worked to lay his head He's like do you really want to follow me? Are you willing to count the cost? I don't even have a place to sleep Verse 59 he sent him to another follow me and he said Lord suffer me first to go and bury my father I mean the guy's dad just died Verse 60 Jesus sent him to him. Let the dead bury their dead. Oh, man Why don't they ever have like verses like this at Hobby Lobby? They never have this at a Hobby Lobby let the dead bury their dead and beautiful cursive writing or something, you know But Go down and preach the kingdom of God and Another also said Lord I will follow thee but let me first go bid them farewell which are at my home Let me just say goodbye to everyone Jesus said unto him no man having put his hands to the plow looking back as fit for the kingdom of God Now given the reason he's so, you know Osteer about these things is because of the fact that his ministry is only gonna last for three and a half years So we can't have wishy-washy disciples He has to have people who are all in or they're all out It's like it's either it's either me or you can hit the road Jack I'm here to change the world I'm here to do a great work Okay What's going on over here keto I see something keto wise keto coming in here, I'm not ready for that I'm just kidding. There's a keto ice cream there He's Saying this Having put his hand to the plow looking back is not fit for the kingdom of God. He says if you look back You're not ready. That's right and Although this was a very austere statement made by Jesus during this time. We can apply it to ourselves today Why because we're putting our hands to the plow when we serve God and he's saying this don't look back So Here's the resolution you get it you need to be resolved to go forward and never look back Take out your song books real quick Go to go to 316 This is where this song comes from is from this portion of scripture here in Luke, okay What is he saying I want 100% loyalty I Want you to just go forward and put me first and never look back Let's sing it together acapella. We there you don't have to play Verse number one. I have decided to follow Jesus I have decided to follow Jesus I have decided To follow Jesus No turning back No turning back now pay attention to verse number two Though none go with me Still I will follow Though none go with me still I will follow Though none go with me Still I will follow No turning back No What is he saying even if just I'm doing this thing by myself My mom doesn't join me if my dad doesn't join me if my sister and brother whom I love my friends I'm still just gonna do it and I'm not gonna turn back that's hard and And I'll be honest with you when I first got saved, you know, there's many nights of Tears and sorrow because I wanted my family to come with me. I wanted my brother to come with me I wanted my sister. I wanted my family to join me and My expectation was that they were gonna join My expectation was they're gonna come with me and we can do this Christian thing together But you know, the reality was it was all by myself I Was all by myself But then you realize you're not by yourself, right? and Then I sung this song and I thought to myself, you know, what don't none go with me. I'm still gonna do this Though no one join me I'm still gonna follow and I'm not gonna turn back looking first number three the world behind me the cross before me the world behind Me the cross before me The world behind me the cross before me No turning back No turning back. What's the resolution to this? Well number one be resolved and never look back Don't turn back. Just keep going forward. Even if no one goes with you. Don't turn back Recognize the recompense, you know, you have a reward waiting for you because you've forsaken everything the Bible says in Matthew 19 verse 29 and everyone that has forsaken houses or brethren or sisters or father or Mother or wife or children or lands from my namesake shall receive a hundredfold and shall inherit Everlasting life but many that are first shall be last and the last shall be first Go to Matthew chapter 5 when we're done Matthew chapter number 5 What's the last thing? What's the last resolution? Here's the last resolution Reward your family with love So those who persecute you who do you wrong who? Revalue who criticize you who criticize me or the church or you know the beliefs Don't reward evil for evil Railing for railing but rather Blessing for blessing look at Matthew 5 verse 43 you have heard that have been said thou shall love thy neighbor I didn't hate thine enemy, but I say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you So why? Well, because you just never know that five years or ten years from now that they can have a change of heart And you never want to leave a bad taste in their mouth You never want to be a bad testimony to your family Because you may have believed all these doctrines right off the bat, but other people takes time and I've noticed this Sometimes they're really just waiting to see if this is real to you Sometimes they just think oh he's just going through a phase She's going through a phase This will blow over They will change they always do something like this they go into something new they start doing something new and it's just a phase It's just this you know and they're kind of waiting to see when you fall out Go back to your old ways Right that's what they're waiting for and what you need to do is be consistent Folks one of the greatest qualities that you can learn and obtain is Consistency in the things of God Not perfection Not sinlessness because it doesn't exist consistency in church consistency in your Bible reading consistency in your service consistency in your attitude consistency in your love consistency in your beliefs consistency consistency consistency Because when people see an inconsistent life they don't buy into that stuff But when they see you're consistently going to church you're consistently going soul winning you're consistently reading your Bible It becomes a reality to them Reward your family with love Hey if you have a mom or a dad that is against you Or Against your beliefs and you live in the house with them You make sure you do things that you typically wouldn't have done prior to salvation If you didn't normally tell them I love you Bring that up Say mom. I'm going to church. I just want to let you know. I love you That's like don't just like white people do stuff like that Isn't that like a white thing or something No, it's a Christian thing And you know what you might catch your mom off guard with that Hey, if your dad's there before you leave home say dad. I just want to let you know. I love you Mom, I love you If you don't say that regularly to your kids say it to your kids do something out of the ordinary that you typically wouldn't have done before Christ To make an impact on them Be a pleasant person around your family Don't be this radicalized jerk In your family, you know don't be the black sheep of your family be a white sheep Don't be the one that they're burdened to have around cuz oh man here he comes again Let me talk about vaccines and the masks and reprobate doctrine and homo this and homo that pedophile this and pedophile that Come to them and just love them be a good testimony to them Because you want to see that. There's a change in you. What am I saying? I'm saying James 2 is what I'm saying Add works to your faith What's the sermon today the sermon simply this family your family will attack you at one time or another And if you haven't experienced it yet, you will experience it one day Stand your ground do it with kindness and benevolence love them. You know Recognize the reality of it See the reason that they're doing it and then reconcile it by number one recognizing. I'm not gonna go back I'm not gonna turn back I know there's a recompense for this and I'm just gonna keep rewarding my family with love until I can win them over Amen inspire hasn't have a word of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word and Thank you for the for the many Christians and Saints throughout the years who have experienced the same Temptations that we have and I pray Lord that you'd help us to remain steadfast and unmovable Always abounding in the work of the Lord you deserve our 100% loyalty and Lord obviously if there's someone in our family who just hates you if they're a reprobate that that's kind of easy to figure out what to do in that situation, but sometimes it's hard when it's people that we love and they love us and we're close to them and There's division that's brought. I pray that you'd help us and give us wisdom Lord, but no matter what happens Lord help remind us that we're to be on your side and Doesn't matter what they say or what they do or how close we are to them You deserve our 100% loyalty and you're the preeminent one in our life even above our own children our spouse our wife Our husband or our daughter our sons our brothers or sisters no matter who it is you're the most important one and Lord help us to be resolved to make that decision in our life. We love you so much We thank you pray these things in Jesus name. Amen