(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright look down at your Bibles at 1st John chapter 3 verse 17 It says but whoso hath this world's good and seeth his brother have need and shutteth up his bowels of compassion From him how dwelleth the love of God in him my little children Let us not love in word neither in tongue But indeed and in truth and the title of the sermon this morning is true love True love that's what I want to preach on this morning Now we as Christians should be very familiar with love right we know about the love of God that was it's shed abroad in our Hearts we know that God commandeth his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us You know we should be familiar with loving God loving our neighbors and definitely loving the brethren right and in fact the Bible tells us in John chapter 13 verse 35 by this shall all men know that ye are my Disciples if you have loved one toward another and what is the Bible telling us here? You know the world can look at us and see the kind of fellowship that we have The unity that we have and when they see that they perceive that we are Jesus disciples We are God's disciples because we have loved one toward another you say well. How is that relevant to today? Well today you have churches that have zero unity You know the pastor can't get along with the congregants the congregants can't get along with one another There's always division and strife and there's always Battlings betweens between the people within the church, and you know people look at that and say these people are hypocrites You know how can these people claim to be Christians? How can these people claim to be the disciples of Jesus Christ? They can't even get along with one another But when they see a church that dwells in unity brethren that endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit What do they say man these must be Christians right they see that they can get along? They see that they love one another and you know the love can be defined in many ways obviously You know we have obviously we understand that love is an emotion We think about our wives our husbands, and we love them not just in our actions But our emotions our heart loves the people within our families our spouses our children, and there is a definite Association there with our heart and with our emotion, but definitely that you know love is an action as well We can't say that we love someone and not really show any and still claim to love them And if you say you love God, but you don't keep his Commandments You don't really love God you know if you say that you love people, but you're not out there giving them the gospel You don't really love people you can say it all you want with your mouth You can say all you want with your words, but in actuality You know there needs to be actions that are associated with that love love can be expressed your words and through actions But at the end of the day we know what the love of God is now You know what's interesting about the Bible it tells us how to love But it also tells us how not to love and there's a lot of people today They'll say well you're not very loving and you need to love people you need to be kind to people you can't be mean-spirited But they never really tell you how not to love according to the Bible right because obviously we need to love God Obviously we need to be kind to one another we need to be kind to people But they never really taught you know tell us how not to love and in fact look what the Bible says in verse 17 verse 18 My little children let us not love So he's telling them hey, this is the wrong way to love He says let us not love in word neither in Tongue now. This is basically the same thing being reiterated twice He's saying look you should not be characterized your love should not be characterized by just your words Or just the way you know the way you talk telling people you love them You know you should not love in that manner in fact the way to properly love people is in deeds and in what truth He's saying look God sees love as truth When you give people the truth You know when you give the lost and dying world the truth when you give you know people who are involved in sin who have a? False concept of what the Bible tells us if you give that person the truth the Bible says you love that person You know what about the deeds well the deeds is this if a brother or sister be naked or destitute of food And you don't provide those things which are needful for the body You're not really loving them Right because true love is not just saying it with your mouth But it's actually expressing it through actions is expressing it through giving the truth and let me say that today There is a fraudulent type of love that is being propagated and fomented from the pulpits of America that is being propagated and fomented through Christians who just have a misconception of what true love is And it's funny that most of these people who want to school you and what true love is don't even know what the Bible even says Who for God's who loved the world That's like the only verse they've ever learned You know for God so look yeah, he did love the world, and I love John 3 16 And yes, that is true, but guess what the Bible says a lot more things about love than just John 3 16 And it actually instructs us how we should love our brethren how we should love the lost how we should love God We don't want to be the kind of Christians that just make up our own definition of what love is right well I think you know in my opinion the way you're supposed to love is by not hating anyone You're not supposed to be mean to anyone you shouldn't be angry you shouldn't preach against other people since you're not reading the Bible And you have a fraudulent love that stems from the philosophies of this world you sound like Buddha That's Buddha love okay It is garbage So we see there that he tells us how not to love now go to Roman chapter number 12 if you would Roman chapter number 12 There's a fake love today That Christians are being sucked into and let me just say this when they say you should love the world What they're basically let me translate that for you tolerate their sin tolerate their blasphemy Tolerate their hatred towards Jesus Christ towards God towards the Bible. They're basically telling you. Oh, you should love them Let me translate it you should tolerate everything that they do But that's not what the Bible tells us to do You know that which is done in word and in tongue is fake It's not a real type of love look at Romans 12 verse 9 let love be without The simulation what is he saying don't have fake love don't be a hypocrite Okay, let love be without the simulation You should not have a fake type of love and look in the day and age in which we live whether social media Facebook Instagram there's a whole lot of fake love going on around there, right? Were you posting the concepts and the verses of the NIV ESV HIV? You know I want to see so I want to see someone what we got back there He shall be hated a ball man. I want to see some Psalm 139 You know I want to see look you said well That's you know that's hey well There's a time of love and a time to hate and they work in tandem one with another you can't love people you can't love Children without hating that which would harm them and destroy them right Don't have a fake love let love be without the simulation look what it goes on to say of whore that which is evil So in the same phrase in the same sentence in the same verse where he tells you don't have fake love Let me show you how to have the real love of whore that which is evil What does the poor mean hate it? Ye that love the Lord hate evil, right? Cleave to that which is good and look this is what people say yeah But you know you always use Jesus as an example that he's gonna burn people in hell or David Psalm 139 But you're not David You're not Jesus You're not God and let me just let me just tell you what they mean by that because it's a confession out of their own They're not like Jesus, and they have no desire to be like Jesus, right, that's what they're saying Well, that's Jesus. We're not Jesus. Yeah. Yeah, you're right Thank you for confessing that to me I knew it before you told me, but now you just it's just confirmed right because the very name our very name What are we associated with being a Christian? Which is to be like Christ well, that's only in the love part show me in the Bible Show me in the Bible where you're we're supposed to cherry-pick the attributes of God and only pick that which is appealing to us We need both right So it says there let love be without the simulation don't be don't have this hypocritical love this feigned Love where it's just loving in words and in tongue But you're not doing it in spirit and in truth the Bible says in Matthew 15 verse 8 It says this people draw nigh unto me with their mouth and honor with me with their lips But their heart is far from me You see God is not necessarily interested in the words that are coming out of our mouth But rather what's really in our heart and how that expresses itself in our actions, okay? You say why is that we'll look at Proverbs go to Proverbs if you would chapter 26 Proverbs chapter 26 I'm gonna reach you from Psalm 36 verse 2 for he flatter it themself in his own eyes until his iniquities be found to be Hateful you see a person who has a dissimulated love. It's a fake love They have to you say well You know how can you judge a person's heart if they say that they love people and all these things well the Bible actually calls that flattery Because they want to puff themselves up by claiming to love God and to love others But if their actions don't speak that it's actually a hypocritical love And so if we see that they're not doing that which they say that they could they claim to do The Bible is actually telling us that what they're actually saying is actually flattery Because they're trying to make you think that they believe something that they really don't Right look at Proverbs 25 verse 26 when he speaketh fair. What does fair mean beautiful? You know when he speaketh fair believe him not for there are seven Abominations in his heart. I think God is concerned with honesty God is concerned with truth, and he defines love as truth, okay He says look when you find people and they just speak fair They just have these swelling words and these beautiful words, and they just sound like they love God don't you just love God man? God is so good. I love the Lord You know and it's just like Yeah, I agree amen you want to go soul when he's like. Oh, no. I'm good. I do it my own way, man You know I do I do you know I think we should be a light into the world Lifestyle evangelism you know, but it's beautiful what you guys are doing out there, man. It's beautiful. What do you think? It's so beautiful. Why don't you like join us? That's not well. You know I got a lot of things to do man. You know Well what you say sounds beautiful? But your actions are actually pretty, but ugly Not matching up Right this is what the Bible's telling us here and look This is why I like my preacher friends Because they're rough around the edges, but they'll tell you the truth They'll tell you the truth, and they'll do truth. You know I Grew up in a church or spiritually speaking. I grew up in a church where? You know even pastor friends amongst each other. They were just fake with one another because they're trying to impress one another Right they want to impress one another so they had to have all the glitz and glamour and Even the way they talked to one another it was just it was a show is what it was I Want to hang out with people where I could just let my hair down a little bit You know just like be me right and look we ought to be us everywhere Not be fake not have this fake love You know the Bible tells us to love indeed and in true Jesus said in John 14 15 if you love me keep my Commandments love is strongly associated with our actions go with me if you want to Ephesians chapter number 4 Ephesians chapter number 4 I'm gonna read to you from Galatians chapter number 4 in verse 15 It says where is then the blessing as he spake up for I bear you record that if it had been possible You would have plucked out your own eyes and have given them to me So he goes he's rebuking the church the churches which are in Galatia, and he said hey remember when you said That if it had been possible you would have plucked out your own eyes and given them to me This is they didn't really do this. They said this with their mouth You know you picture. This is like all Paul. We love you so much man Did this eye condition that you have if it was possible? I pluck out my own eyes have give them to you brother He's like you remember when you said that I Sounds beautiful. It's just oh so powerful man. This guy's just has so full filled with love And he says am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth because now they're rejecting them, right So when he went to the churches at Galatia He's being rejected of the brethren there And he's just like what in the world didn't you just tell me you would even pluck out your own eyes if I needed them And now like I'm your enemy because I'm telling you the truth you have a fake love is what you have It's a fake love it's Superficial you know it's based upon the words that you're saying But it's not based upon the actions that you have look at Ephesians chapter number four This is a common verse that people will use When they hear about us, and they're like hey you guys are so hateful I agree we gotta tell the truth, but we got to speak the truth in Love right look what it says in verse 15 speaking, but speaking the truth and love may grow up into all Into him in all things which is the head even Christ now This is what they mean when they say you got to speak the truth and love What they're saying is this speak the truth, but compromise Okay, you know speak the truth, but you got to tolerate people's sins Speak the truth of God's Word in a compromising manner so as to not offend the recipient Right because today you have pastors. There's just like they're not pastors or politicians So they have to please both crowds Well in order to please everyone you have to lie to some Right because not everyone's gonna agree But if you want everyone to like you if you want everyone to accept you then guess what you have to tell some people Some people lies you got to lie to their faces because not everyone agrees with one another and so What the Bible's telling us here when it says to speak the truth and love it's basically telling us Hey when you speak the truth it had to come from a heart that loves the person you're giving it to That's the way it's supposed to be done You know You're not just giving them the truth to shame them You're not just giving them the truth to to build yourself up the reason we're even giving the truth is because we love the people We're giving it to You know when we're out there preaching the gospel We're not just preaching the gospel just to come back and say I saw 30 say 50 say We're actually going out there because we love the people were giving it to We're going out there to pull people out of the fire out of the pits of hell because we actually love them therefore We speak the truth Okay We need to be loving and it's not loving to be hateful mean and angry. This is what they'll say You're so mean you're so mean spirited. No, I'm Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit You know, we need to use the Bible to define itself and not seek to apply man's wisdom They said well, you know This is the way you're supposed to love is you just can't like just tell people what the Bible says like right off the bat And stuff like that. You might offend them Well, you know the Bible actually says that's called secret love and the Bible tells us open rebuke is better than secret love So your secret love where you're just hiding everything that you actually know hiding the ramifications of sin Hiding what this what Satan and the world and the flesh can do to people you're actually hiding that the Bible says that secret love And God is telling us open rebuke when you openly rebuke people that's way better Than secretly loving people by not giving them the truth go with me if you would to Proverbs 27 Proverbs chapter 27 There's a lot of fraudulent love out there You know guys will say well, I love my girlfriend or girls as I love my boyfriend. Therefore we're gonna fornicate That's a fraudulent love That's not real love You know, oh you love your girlfriend You love your boyfriend so much that you need to prove that by fornicating and sinning and destroying that person's life That's not love That is a fraudulent love that stems from lust Right, you know a real man Would just say you know what I love you and because I love you we need to wait until we get married Because this is the right thing to do because you're not some whore You're not some you're not some slut that just I'm gonna use and abuse I'm just gonna lie to you and flatter you Just so I can get what I want You know a real man will have some self-control Will have some temperance about themselves and yeah Maybe they might have some some some desire towards the girl that he loves and vice versa But at the end of the day true love says this I'm gonna wait Because I love you and I want to get married to you and I want to destroy your life and look they think ahead They think about their children To say I want to be able to tell my children That both of us went to the altar pure This is true love not this fraudulent love. Well, if you love me you say you love me But you're not willing to come together with me. They put them they put the their their boyfriend girlfriend to these guilt trips That's a fraudulent love. That's garbage. That's nonsense. That's the world's philosophy. Oh, let's live together for a while You know, let's get to know each other first before we get married. That's a fraudulent love How about this parents will say oh I love my children therefore I can't chastise them or discipline them I just love them so much. I Just can't picture myself like spanking my children. It hurts so much you liar. You're just lazy is what you are Because spanking children takes work Spanking children requires work. It requires you spanking them when you don't feel like it when you're tired It requires for you to do it consistently when even when you feel like it's not working You're like this is not working this this child's will is strong The will is strong with this one You know, you're just like this he just keeps doing it keeps doing it and then and then parents will make this excuse Well, I love them. I just can't do it. Just hurt so much to just do it. No, actually the Bible says you hate them You Hate them. Well, I don't hate them, you know, we actually have an alternative. It's called timeout You know, we put them in a corner and look Billy you can't play with your Xbox You can't play with your iPad Until you've learned your lesson Okay, this is nonsense. It's garbage. The Bible tells us differently. Okay, and in fact The Bible says this you're in what did you have your turn? Proverbs 27, I'm in Proverbs 13. I'm gonna read you from Proverbs 13 says he that spared this rod hated the Sun But he that loveth him Chasteneth him be times the Bible says what does that mean early, you know, if you love your children You're you'll chastise them early so they don't suffer the consequences the ramifications of their foolish heart and the actions that they commit later on Yeah, you know what obviously it hurts us when we spank our children We see them the tears. We hear them cry, but we know that they need it We're trying to rescue them from the bad decisions that these that this attitude will lead that person into right We know that if we just leave these children go unfettered making whatever decisions they want. We don't chastise them We don't give them a consequence for their actions. They're gonna grow up to be some horrible people They're gonna grow up to go live in San Francisco Right, we do not want that for their lives therefore chastisement is Necessary, you know, I love my children therefore I don't want to spank them and let me say this if you don't spank your children if you don't just have immediate Consequences to their disobedience or whatever it may be And you put them on timeout Okay, this actually causes them to be grow bitter towards you Because here's what children here's what we all like we all like a conclusion to a matter Right. We like it when when when you know, if we did something wrong, we just just give it to me now Just give me the punishment now Rather than sending them to their room go to your room go to the corner and you just don't talk for hours and the child is just like Thinking about this for hours on end. Look I didn't grow up in a Christian home. I Didn't have Christian parents and you know, my mom did the best she could to raise me and look I thank God for my mom because my mom she did whoop me She would me a lot But you know, I'm not dead. I'm not some gangbanger, you know, no matter what they say out in YouTube land and training day Baptist I'm not a gangbanger. I'm not a drug dealer. I'm not a crackhead. So guess what? My mom did something, right? And she did it. Well, cuz guess what? I'm pastoring a church You know, but you know there was times when even with the spanking where you know, my mom would spank me It was just like silent between us for hours or even days. How many know what I'm talking about? he's like you would just not talk to your parents for a while and then You know you break the silence by like, you know, I Don't know, you know food like what's for dinner? But there was no conclusion to it So you're just like man, is she still mad at me is he still mad at me am I still in trouble No, you know the way God wants it. Is that we we received the just punishment for our sin and Then guess what? God doesn't remember it anymore. We confess it before him and he doesn't remember it anymore, right? He doesn't hold it over our heads we can move on There needs to be a conclusion to the matter and look don't use well I just you know the day and age which we live the statistics the sign shows this it's science false is so-called stick with the Bible I Love my church too much to tell them the truth, you know And look they don't say that hourly but their actions do Right where the pastors have all this Bible knowledge They know who the false prophets are They know who the wicked people are out there And in fact, they know that their people are listening to them But they're not willing to call out the names Like this is one pastor. I'm not gonna say who it is Just like he's very dangerous and you know, he has a lot of false doctrine. I Don't want to say any names, you know, it's just like You're basically tell me there's like a wolf who's out to get me But you're not describing where he is or who he is and it's just like what in the world like so What do I what do I do? This is not true love folks True love names the names And it's fun to name the names I don't care what anybody says When you name the names it's it's great at least at least you know who I approve of who I don't At least you know for a fact. I don't leave you in obscurity wondering whatever he was talking about. No, just ask me I'll tell you Names are labels for people so we know who they are. I Know that was deep Names of churches Okay, and so we need to make sure that We are having the right type of love not a fraudulent love look at Proverbs 27 verse 6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful Isn't that weird? We would think like well, I thought like kisses would be faithful and Wounds would be deceitful because wounds cause harm harm is evil. No according to God's economy He says that when a friend wounds you he's actually telling you the truth and yet hurts But he's trying to save you from harm and destruction. It's when the Judases of this world come to kiss you right Come to kiss you but they're inwardly backstabbing you Just like Joe at right when he came up to the guy and he and he gave him a kiss He tugged his beard and stuck his sword into the fifth under the fifth rib. I Rather have someone he literally wounded him at that point You know, we don't want to have a fraudulent type of love We want to make sure that we have the right type of love now go with me If you went to first John chapter number one first John chapter one The reason I want to preach this I was thinking about this this week But I actually didn't even think about when we went to San Francisco, you know, we went to San Francisco on Friday We're out there doing the soul winning marathon And some people thought we were crazy for doing this This is new IV, baby You know, we went out there because we want to see people saved and here's the thing this this trip this event is Like in the bag So, what do you mean by that? Don't people think like we're just the most hateful people ever You have all these pastors. You need to love the faggot, you know, you need to love the homo You need to do this. You need to do that. You're so unloving towards the the homosexual LGBT community Why can't you be loving to God says to love them all okay, then I'm gonna go to San Francisco I'm gonna take a bunch of my church members with me and we're just gonna witness to whoever's out there So, let me ask you this Oh pastor Oh Man, who loves just everyone. What is the last time? You took your church Invested your time your finances your effort and talents to go to San Francisco If you like that so much if you just love them and they need to be saved and God look Jesus Christ died for them We shouldn't hate them. Okay, then you go to San Francisco wimp You hypocrite Because some of the most hateful preachers Banded together 166 soul winners for hours Went out for hours people drove from hours away to go to San Francisco The bed of sodomy Just the most wicked place you can think of when people think of bag of trees like San Francisco And then what we go there He said did you witness to any homos, I don't know maybe I wasn't asking Now obviously, there's some pretty flamboyant faggoty looking guys. They're just like nope Walk walking feces all over the town, you know This guy is just like looks like feces and it's just like I'm not talking to this person at all This is he's pretty obvious. He has a sign you know, but other people, you know, we ran into some like Some some effeminate looking people and guys and stuff like that. I just figured they're very feminine and they listen You know, could I have witness to a fag on accident? Probably maybe Okay, but here's the thing. We got one up on you old IV You want to condemn us And say that we're hateful and say we don't love people. Okay, so here's our challenge to you Why don't you go to San Francisco? Well, that's not very wise to do You guys didn't go about that in a wise way Well, so what is the wise what you want me like fly an airplane and drop like a care package? Of gospel invites and DVDs like tell me the wise way to do this. Well, I just see that's not very safe I know it's not safe. We got our van broken into our over there Some stinking derelicts in broad daylight at the park Broke into our van. Okay shattered the windows and took his iris things and raised things Okay, and you know they look The crime over there is just like look those of you. I know some of you from Arizona Those of you from Southern Cali. I love Southern Cali You Know it's it's not as bad in Southern Cali as it is north in San Francisco back Okay now and you said well, how do you know that didn't you get your car stolen here after the mega marathon? Yeah, but here's the thing in San Francisco. We're walking down the streets pastor Anderson We're walking down the streets You know going to our area and I'm looking at a vehicle and it literally has like a three by five tape to the window That says please don't break the window. There's no quarters I Have to put signs I'm just picturing like a bum walking by like They literally put that sign there, that's how bad it is they see said they have 70 car thefts a day 70 car thefts a day and we're wondering like what's taking the police so long Because we have to like it was a rental So we have to like make a report before we actually go turn it in and we're waiting and waiting and literally there's police They're driving by us And they're not stopping, but then we realize oh it's because this happens all the time and then when you ask them It's like you know hey, you know you're gonna do anything about it. They're like we're working on it Like what do you mean by that? You know He said why do you tell that story well because to show you you know we took a picture right in front of that And the people who got their stuff stolen had a bigger smile than anybody else Zara had a big smile on her face. You know throughout the whole time. I'm like hey there. I'm really sorry about this She's like that's cool It happens you know whatever you know I told Ray I was a hey I'm really sorry about that, and then he's just like that's cool. You know just close You know what these people are people who actually love people and to them It's a small price to pay to see 15 people saved You know and so what I'm saying is you know this is true love right here True love is willing to go into the belly of the beast pun intended To go preach the gospel to whoever is there so all ye old IFB pastor who wants to condemn us and try to hang this over our heads and tell you congregants Yeah, you shouldn't listen to them online. Don't go to their churches. They're so hateful They're hate preachers. Hey congregate. Hey congregants. Tell your pastor. Well. I heard they went to San Francisco Where all the homos are at to go sowing there? Yeah, but What are they gonna say What are they gonna say? nothing Keep their mouth shut. Oh, no. This is what they're gonna say yeah, but They don't like the Jews though It's not one thing it's the other Okay You know they need to sit down and shut up And let this next generation of preachers come up and do the job for them You know the reason they don't want to go to San Francisco is because they're scared You know they're scared. They're sissies. They're a bunch of little punks is what they are You know well, but they don't say that they say they love people a little pastor Yeah, it's called loving in in word and in tongue They say they love homos though It's called loving in word and in tongue Yeah, but they let them into their church because it doesn't require them to put in the effort for them to come to their church They just submit when they come to them They just won't kick them out You see we want to have actions that are paired up with what we say so if we hate bag of tree You know some faggot walks in here into the church the pastor will personally pick that fool up and throw them out Because why because I love the people in our church. I love my kids. I love your children These are the actions that we should have You know I love the people in San Francisco the ones who are not reprobate Therefore I'm willing to go out there take a group out there and just roll the dice That whatever door we knock on. I'm just gonna assume. It's not a homo to give him the gospel And look there's some normal people out there There are normal people out there Very kind people you know I I got to lead a guy to the Lord there he was a white gentleman and he was married he had children and he was a Catholic and man he received the gospel. He was very receptive, and he was just like thank you so much He said thank you. I really appreciate that you know pastor Anderson ran into a Person who was already saved, and he was he gave him the the the DVDs I don't thank you. He's like 100% sure that if he died today you go to heaven. He's like yeah, I'm sure He's like what church do you go to he said I go to Sunset Church or something some non-denom church What do you have to do to be saved? He's like just trust Christ as your Savior, and that's it He's like is there is if it works. You know do you have to do anything? He's like no can't lose it You know I've been saved for a while, and so you know pastor Anderson said well great You know I'm happy to hear that maybe you can say a prayer for us because we're out here Evangelizing here, and the guy said yeah, let me pray for you now, and as he was praying. He said God these men Help these men who have come to a strange city And I'm just like He knows I Was like that and I told pastor and I was like that was true in more ways than one It's a queer city out here. You know and You know and look the area we went to there's like a lot of Chinese there, too So aside from the fact the most old IV pastors won't go to San Francisco because of the homos They won't go there because of the coronavirus either They'll find some reason not to do anything There's a lion is always in the streets to the lions without They always have all kinds of excuses. Okay. We were there. There's prior coronavirus is someone we talked to We literally went into a donut shop pastor Anderson and I and there was a group a group of old Chinese guys And they were talking and then like you know I was using the restroom, and I came out pastor Anderson's like these guys They just were like talking right now. They're like Coronavirus He's like that's not good And I was like Are you sure you sure is crying he goes I know it was Fact one of our friends Justin's on from things from Indiana, right? He came out he flew out to to come preach the gospel and I gave him a tip. I said look you're Chinese man You need to use this to your advantage I was like some homo you have some homo answers the door and starts like ripping on you say you better shut up We're all cough on you He's like oh, dude, that's a good idea I'll sneeze on you Use it to your advantage. There's probably people out there who say who cares you know God is the one protecting us We're doing God's work You know you know drink water take some vitamin C and just trust the Lord and go have fun and go do it But the but the person who loves in word and in tongue will make up all kinds of excuses why they can't go You know this is not the type of love that we need to have we need to make sure that we have the proper Type of love look at first John chapter 1 verse 6 It says if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness We lie and do not the truth so the person who says well I love God, but they're involved in all types of fornication They're involved and drunkenness they're involved in darkness the Bible says you're lying. You're not doing the truth Well, you know we can drink we can smoke we can fornicate and God is still happy with me wrong That's a lie You're lying. You're not doing the truth look at chapter 2 in verse number 5 It says but who so keepeth his word in him verily is the love of God perfected Hereby, we know no weed that we are in him go to 3rd John if you would 3rd John I'm gonna keep reading 1st John chapter 2 verse 15 says love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man loved the world the love of the Father is Not in him chapter 5 verse 2 says by this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his Commandments look at verse 3 This is for I rejoice greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee Even as thou walkest in truth go to James chapter 2 God is concerned with us walking in truth Living an honest life before the Lord before others. This is true love Obedience to the Word of God is true love Right And with that being said, you know, we need to if we properly love God we're gonna properly love others as well, right You know, there's there's often people You know within our circles, okay in our churches that There's just disdain by other churches You know, they claim to love the brethren but at the end of the day they will cast people out of their church They would disassociate cast them out just hate them in the name of love This is wrong Look at James 2 verse 1 says my brethren have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of glory with respect of persons For if they're coming to you in assembly a man with the gold ring and goodly apparel and they're coming also a poor man and vile raiment and ye have respect him to wear the gay clothing and saying to him sit down here in a good place and Saints of the poor stand out there or sit here under my footstool. Are you not then partial in yourselves and are become judges of Evil thoughts he's saying look if you're partial you claim to love others But you're showing favoritism towards the biggest tighter in your church. This is not true love True love is impartial true. Love is not a respecter of people. The man seeks to love everyone equally, okay We Need to make sure that we have the type of love that does that go to mark or let's see go to Go to mark chapter 14 if you would mark chapter 12, excuse me Love is long-suffering right Bible tells us that In first Corinthians chapter 13 while I was over there. We were actually trying to do with two birds with one stone and I got there early. We got there early on on Friday. When did we get there? I don't remember anymore What day is it today? Just kidding. We got there on Friday right Friday morning, and I had Scheduled an interview with a with a guy. How many ever heard of the movie Vaxxed? Okay, there's another one called Vaxxed 2 and the editor and the one who filmed it was willing to do an interview with me He's a really cool guy not saved but he's part of he's really big in the vaccine community anti-vaccine community and So we got there we did the interview with him and it kind of went over time So like we have to and we have to shoot some b-roll and do other things So we went back to the same location. I got contacted by a young lady who saw a clip of mine on YouTube This is she's not a listener. She wasn't even safe She what she did was she wanted to basically cut her hair short. Okay, and She thought she was a Christian she went to like a Christian Church and she said this she's like well I want to know what God thinks about this So she went on the internet. She typed in she typed in you know short hair on Christian women and My clip popped up and I remember I put this clip on YouTube like a like a long time ago It's not even it doesn't even have a whole lot of views to be honest with you And it's just me like ripping on women with short hair You know, but I'm biblically explaining why you shouldn't have short hair as women and And she was like really mad at it But she could not get over it she's like this guy's so mean But she was like, but it sounds true though so it was just like Festering up in her into the poem where she contacted me and she's like I saw your clip on YouTube You know, obviously, I think it was very mean that you said that but Can you just tell me some more about it like? What else does the Bible say about it? And I'm not good with like messages. So I said I just told her I was like, why don't you just give me a call? I'll just explain so she calls me and I and I just I lay it out for her and And I realized that she was not saved. So I began to give her the gospel and man she had like a lot to overcome You know, you know your typical gospel presentation to someone who's receptive last about ten minutes Maybe you know Well, this one lasted for almost like 35 to 40 minutes brother Marcos was there with me and I'm just like pleading with her I'm like begging her. I'm like helping trying to help her to understand and finally she's just like okay, I believe that and she ended up getting saved, you know and And she said, you know what I'm not gonna cut my hair short anymore you know and the reason I tell that story is because you know That clip is me It is But you know if it wasn't for that clip this person wouldn't have gotten saved And in fact, someone even commented on that clip on that clip and said they're like, I don't like your attitude Your disposition or something to the extent that they didn't like my delivery and how I said it She's like but after watching this, I don't think I'm gonna cut my hair short anymore Well, you know what the job's done You know and the the person who loves indeed or excuse me The person who loves in word and in tongue will look at something like that It's like you're not gonna reach people like that. You're gonna scare people away You're gonna offend people like that. Yeah, but you know what if they get offended this person got offended They still got saved and I was able to lead them in a way of righteousness in one specific category with my mean spirit So guess what God can use a mean person like me, too God can use someone who's rough around the edges who's just mean spirited and just not very nice Well, you know what God got to use me. He used me to see this person safe And I'm thankful for that You know, I'm thankful that we're pull this person out of the fire by being mean and look some saved with fear Pulling them out of the fire and I literally was in the vehicle with Talking to her when Marcos was there and I said I told her this I said I'm begging you if you don't get saved You're gonna split hell wide open If you don't get saved right now, and you just want to think about it. You're not promised tomorrow You're gonna die and go to hell I'm begging you please please And fine. She just said okay. I want to get safe You know We need to have the type of love that is truthful. Not a type of love that is hypocritical There is a time of to love and there is a time to hate But we need to make sure that when we love and it is a time to love that it's not a fake The simulated love that does not please the Lord and so, you know The main reason I want to preach this today is because oh, this is the story I want to talk about so on Thursday, we had some visitors come to our church here and I Knew these people from from my old church We got a couple of people in our church from our old because I'm like, I'm like your your friendly neighborhood sheepstealer So I'm stealing your sheep left and right I Put out a MailChimp to all people. I'm like come to the church You know, I text people I follow up so I'm stealing sheep left and right That I'm in the business of stealing sheep from the wolves But these you know, there's some some folks who came these two girls they came from my old church here and When I saw them I was like, oh man, they're not gonna like this place I'm like, they're they're just not gonna like this church. So and I was preaching on Revelation 8 So it's all wrath My favorite subject, you know, I mean The trees and I'm just going on right and then I'm thinking to myself like they're gonna leave like this is a horrible place And So I saw him afterwards and I went to go talk to one of them and I said it's good to see you know How's your parents and and now is everything going and and I was honest with them and I told him I said look I'll be honest with you. I don't think you're gonna like our church and I'm not saying you can never come back I'm just thinking you probably won't you know, this is basically how I preach and You know, I just don't hold anything back and they and she said this. Oh, I know She said I've been listening all night And she's like and she told me the sermon that she heard there's a sermon that I preached called when the grass is greener It's a it's a red-hot chili type of a sermon It I just like went off on that sermon and she's like I heard when the grass is greener. I was like And you still came I'm like, well welcome, you know and she literally said this she's like I Wanted to come because I know that I know that you at least tell me the truth She's like you're not gonna lie to me You're not gonna lie to me. You're not gonna try to deceive me At least I know you'll tell me the truth. And that's why I wanted to come And I said well great, you know, I'm glad I'm glad you said that, you know, so people appreciate it more when you give them the truth, even if you're a little rough around the edges when you're giving it I Prefer a doctor to tell me I have cancer in the meanest way Then to have some doctor not tell me I have cancer in the nicest way Right Like no, you're good, man You're good to go Go eat whatever you want and live life. It's okay. I'm just like I'm dying. I Rather have a doctor to say you're dying if you continue down this path You're gonna die and you're you're gonna die in the next couple of months if you don't do this or whatever You know, you need to fix it. You need to fix this. It's your fault that you're in this situation. I Need it. I rather hear that Because at least he's telling me the truth. This is what God desires. This is what he emphasizes the most Now look, we need to have determined though, obviously Don't don't just like tell the truth in such a abrasive way Just so you really yeah, I took truth man Don't like it to jump in the lake Well, you know, you gotta have some discernment obviously, especially when you deal with unsaved people You know when you're dealing with unsaved people you need to approach them with meekness and fear Because their soul is hanging in the balance You know, so what's the message today? Hey, this is true love and and we had some California love The Real California love This weekend when we went to Northern California to go see some people saved. He said well there there's only 15 people saved Okay, then one up us old IFB Go do better then You got more buses. You got more Bible college students. You got more resources. You have more money make it happen, bro If you if you don't like what we produce if you think we didn't do a good job Oh, hey, by the way, isn't there like a church up there called North Valley Baptist Church There you go, I got a great idea why doesn't pastor Jack Treiber and North Valley Baptist Church Because he's got a big church He's got a ton of Bible college students and and I actually did not tell the truth right now I am not the world's best sheep stealer He is Because he has a Bible college who he he he They have such a great sheep stealing Strategy out there. They actually have recruiters that go into different churches from different states and just bring them in But hey if you want to use them, you know, you're closer to San Francisco than I am Treiber, why don't you take your group up there if you think we're so hateful and do a better job than we do How about that Let's pray father we thank you so much for your word And thank you for the love of God that is shed abroad in our hearts Lord Thank you for being willing to to to use us Lord and obviously we don't deserve it but we're so thankful for the opportunity we had this weekend to go and to see people save there and You protected us while we're up there and we got that we've not only got to see people say but we got to plant some Seeds and pass out materials. I pray that someone would view those films and their their life would change And I pray if anybody's in here Who Does not agree with this message that they would search the scriptures themselves I get a lot of scripture to back up what we say what we're doing and Help that person to have a paradigm shift To transform their mind Lord, we don't want to have a hypocritical type of a love. We want to have a love that's pleasing unto you that's pleasing unto others a love that moves us and motivates us and propels us to go out and reach the loss to be a blessing to our brethren and Live a life that's pleasing unto you by obeying your commandments and I pray that you'd help us to do so in Jesus Let me pray. Amen