(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're in Galatians chapter number six look down at your Bibles at verse number 13 it says for neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law but desire to have you circumcised that they may glory in your flesh but God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world. The title of the sermon this morning is the Vainglory of False Testimonies. The Vainglory of False Testimonies. Now here in Galatians chapter six we have the Apostle Paul making a statement that you see frequently throughout his epistles and his letters and one of the things that he constantly says and he rewords it differently in different letters is that God forbid that he should glory but he's going to glory in the cross of Jesus Christ. What does that mean? Well it basically means that he wants to honor he's going to extol he's going to brag on the cross of Christ right he's going to brag on Jesus he's not going to brag on himself he's not going to talk about all the things that he was able to overcome to be saved he's not going to talk about how what a wicked person he was or the things that he used to do when he's preaching the gospel when he's preaching the gospel what is he doing he's preaching Christ and him crucified is what he's doing and what does he do when he does that well the Bible tells us that he's not glorying in himself he's glorying in the cross of Jesus Christ now obviously I'm preaching this because we just excommunicated these two freaks out of our church who basically were doing this they were they were glorying in their past they were glorying in who they were or actually who they still are right but the fact of the matter is is that the work that Jesus did for us on the cross that's what really we should be focusing on that's why when we talk about soul winning we don't we don't tell people hey make sure you get your testimony down log make sure you tell people who you used to be what you used to do that stuff means nothing when we're all preaching the gospel you know no one cares if you did drugs back in the day when you were like when you're preaching the gospel what you should be preaching is Christ and him crucified what you should be preaching is the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ you should be talking about the gospel the fact that they're sinners that there's a hell that they deserve to go to but that Jesus Christ died for them and that all they have to do is believe in order to be saved in spite of who you are so he wasn't going to glory in his past and this is in stark contrast to those who who whom he's referring to which are the Pharisees right because Pharisees glorified themselves all the time you know that they fasted and that they gave tithes of all the men in ruin and everything and that you know they're of the seed of Abraham their reputation or their confirmation that they were God's people was their that they were descendants of Abraham right according to the flesh well they're glorifying themselves and things that don't even matter in fact go with me if you would to Matthew chapter 3 Matthew chapter 3 they were glorying in their own flesh and look here's the funny thing is that the Pharisees even though they gloried in their flesh there are a bunch of hypocrites they didn't even do the things that they said they were doing there are a bunch of hypocrites they didn't do the things that they said they were doing they were breaking the commandments they're breaking the law you know they're telling people laying heavy burdens on people but they themselves weren't even carrying out those commandments you know what does that call it's called a hypocrite so when you hear someone like these freaks who came to our church say oh you know you know we used to do this and we used to do that but we overcame it they're still doing it they're still doing it they have this holier than thou overly spiritual hypocritical attitude and I find it funny that they're calling me a Pharisee when they're actually the ones who are guilty of this garbage look at Matthew 3 verse 9 says and think not to say within yourselves we have Abraham to our father for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham who is he talking to the Pharisees when they came to John they didn't say hey we believed on the Lord right what's your testimony oh we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ we're no longer in Judaism we're no longer Pharisees we're saved right what do they say no we're sons of Abraham go to John chapter 8 John chapter 8 John chapter 8 is one of the most disrespectful things that Jesus Christ has ever said to the Jews okay and look the book of John is a very lovely book it's a book for believers but often it's actually some of it tells some of the most condemning things about the Jews from the mouth of our Lord Jesus Christ look at verse 39 of John chapter 8 it says they answered and said unto him Abraham is our father Jesus saith unto him if you were Abraham's children you would do the works of Abraham but now you seek to kill me a man hath told you the truth which I have heard of God this did not Abraham he's like it's funny it's funny you say you're of Abraham's seed because actually you're trying to kill me so how does that look you know just like these bunch of reprobates who they want to say that they're saved but they want to come and threaten and fight me I'm like oh that's funny you say that funny you say you're Christian funny you say you're more godlier than me when you want to come and fight me but this is the attitude of those who have these type of testimonies right now go back to Galatians 6 verse 1 what does it look like when someone's glorying in themselves what does that actually look like well look at Galatians 6 verse 1 it says here brethren if a man be overtaken in the fault ye which are spiritual restore such one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ for if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself this is in context of what we read later on so people who glory in themselves they think that there's something you know they think there are all that in the bag of chips they think they're basically saying when they give you their testimony look at the catch that Jesus got who's the one who benefits from the from the salvation not themselves Jesus oh because Jesus saved this crack addict this heroin addict you know this drunkard this fornicator no the bible's telling us here that these people are deceiving themselves now there are people today that have that same vainglory they want a glory that they were former drug addicts murderers criminals or whatever and look there may be people in here who are guilty of drugs you know being fornicators and I'm not talking about you because to be quite honest with you I don't know who you are would you wish you know what that shows is that you're not glorying in it because here's the thing one thing that same people have that these freaks don't have is what shame you think we want to talk about the things that we did in our past as if it's a good thing oh yeah I used to do all kinds of stuff I was involved in this and that that's a shame it's a shame to speak of those things which are done in them in secret but you know what the people who don't out don't have shame are those who foam out their own shame those who don't care about you know who it may defile who it may offend they just blur stuff out and they just want to let everyone know because they want to make it seem as though Jesus Christ got himself a good catch okay and look most of the time these people focus on the sins that they repented of don't they just like these guys we just booted out when we asked them about their salvation testimony he didn't say I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ two years ago he just said my testimony is this I got saved from this it's like so what are you saying that you didn't do those things before and you say why didn't these people tell you that they're involved in that thing that they told that other person because they're trying to recruit people that's why they have an agenda to defile the minds of the people they're going around seeing who is the young Christian in Christ right they knew that Damien was a young Christian in Christ you know that he was a young that he was a babe in Christ so that's exactly who they look for to try to defile their minds okay well that's my testimony well look I don't care about your testimony tell me what you're gonna do in the future let's talk about what we're gonna do let's talk about the sowing that we're gonna accomplish let's talk about the salvations that we're gonna see in the future let's not dwell on the things of the past now groups that are notorious for this is like victory outreach you guys know about victory outreach the cholo church that's what it is it's like a cholo church is what it is a bunch of people who you know they they got saved in prison you know they get saved in prison then they come out and you know they no longer wear the long socks they actually wear like Dickies they go all the way down with dress shoes you know and they often are these these these guys who focus all on repenting of your sins they don't have the right gospel they're self-righteous as the day is long you know and they're like these street preachers on the corners of East LA preaching to people how they need to repent of their gangster lifestyle look I know people who are saved who are gangsters and they're not in church because they're still living their wicked life and God's chastising them and they're not happy about that these guys want to make it seem as though they're still gangsters you know oh geez for the Lord that's wicked forget that stuff look we're new creatures in Christ amen we ought to be working on becoming more holier we ought to be working on living a life that's pleasing unto the Lord forgetting those things which are behind and pressing forward to those things which are before victory outreach Calvary Chapel Pentecostals where they want to focus on your testimony okay what's your testimony I got a testimony you know God saved me from being a whore I used to sleep around day in and day out with all kinds of men who wants to hear that garbage no one does don't divulge that nonsense to us I don't want to hear about your your your nights of where you gone out and did all kinds of wicked stuff I don't want to hear about your drunkenness I don't want to be here about your drug addiction I don't want to hear about your problems in the past I don't want to hear about it that stuff is filthy I want to keep my mind clean I want to keep the mind of our children clean that stuff is not pertinent to the things that we're doing today look and I'm not saying there's probably people here who struggle with those things you know and after salvation they started cleaning up their lives and they got victory over some of those things amen to that but you know what those same people don't go around telling people what they used to do and in fact when they do they're very subtle about it they're very general about it and they don't go into detail which is gonna be a point that I'm gonna go over in just a moment you know these ex-gay members that get saved and you know in prison they want to turn over a new leaf they base their salvation in their ability right how much they cleaned up their lives it's vainglory of a false testimony is what it is you know when I look we screw and we're screening people so much more now so you better get this thing right we want to know when did you get saved and you know when we talk to you about when you got saved the words that should come out of your mouth is I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ maybe a couple weeks ago maybe last year you know I heard a sermon or a soul winner came that's it and then after that you say you know I used to be involved in like gangs or I used to be involved in drunkenness but you know I heard some sermons that cleaned up my life and man I want to I want to get in church I want to become a soul winner I want to go forward for the Lord you know but people who do that they don't they don't give all the details of you know that their throw up and their parties and all the nonsense that they partook it this is vainglory they have zero shame and what they did now now let me just say this okay because we have a young church and we have a lot of people who are first-generation Christians so you know what that means is that we probably have a lot of people who were involved in those things in times past okay whether it was a party lifestyle drunkenness smoking weed fornication you know maybe you're a divorce prior to getting saved or after or whatever you know you had a rough background before you even got into church but you know you're starting to clean up your life I'm not condemning anybody like that because look I got saved when I was 21 years old so what did you do before you got saved the things that 21 year olds do you fill in the blank I was a 21 year old living in Long Beach living a worldly lifestyle with my gangster buddies that's it you can fill in the blanks when it comes to that you know and look after I got saved and look I would say I'm a rare case and this is the reason I'm saying this because after I got saved I started cleaning up my life right away and I'm explained to you how I was able to do that and why these elements that I'm gonna share with you were basically the reason why I was able to clean up my life basically so well like I got rid of a lot of my friends I got rid of a lot of the habits and this is the reason why when I got saved I came to church I got saved under the preaching of Bob Gray jr. not senior I always got to make a disclaimer Bob Gray jr. the guy who's still right with God he's preaching the right gospel and everything I got saved under his preaching I was at Pacific Baptist Church I got saved and right away I just started going to church and you know what the preaching was hot my father-in-law preached against sin and you know what made me do it made me want to clean up my life and not only that but I got into soul winning right away which guess what it did it gave me new friends so the reason I was able to get rid of my old friends you know the old friends that I learned all the bad habits from the reason I was able to do that was because I got new friends it's called the principle of replacement we believe in replacement theology man it's the principle replacement so I got new friends I was in church I got new friends and let me let me tell you don't throw your tomatoes at me one of the main reasons why I was able to clean up my life so quickly and look I'm not perfect still there's things that I still struggle with there's things that I still need to clean up for my life areas of my life that I'm still growing in but the run of the reasons I was able to get rid of those things is because a month after I got saved I went to Bible College yeah yeah I know you know what though a month later I went to Bible College and Bible College is good for me I know you don't want to hear that but it's fact and if it wasn't for me going to Bible College you wouldn't have me here today you know why because Bible College even though Bible College was garbage doctrinally they had rules that I had to abide by they had structure they taught me when to wake up when to go to sleep how to work you know they we were refrained from doing certain things that you know other people were not and you know what that was good for me the structure that Bible College gave was good now obviously these things should have been taught from the pulpit and I just should have learned it in church but because they weren't they had the Bible College there I went there and it gave me a lot of structure and it helped me to be to refrain from doing certain things I did that consistently for five and a half years I was in Bible College yeah I was there for that long you know what by the time I graduated most of my friends have moved away I was away from those things and you said oh what you first got saved did you are you saying that you know you didn't have a desire to do those things well you don't immediately no I didn't because I had like this love for the things that was new to me but that's not to say that months after I didn't struggle because I'm still in my flesh so months after I got saved yeah there was a temptation but you know Bible College and church taught me is that you burn certain bridges so that when you're tempted to go back you can't and here's the reason why people backslide so frequently it's because you haven't burned the bridges look I've told it before and I'll say it again you know my major subling block was my friends my friends influenced me to do bad stuff so I knew that was gonna happen so at the height of my being spirit filled I said well what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get rid of all the numbers for my friends all their phone numbers so that I'm not tempted to call them when I'm when I'm weak and then just take it a step further I got a new number so that they can't call me so that way I burned that bridge completely down so that when I was struggling guess what I couldn't contact them they couldn't contact me I was just forced to be wherever I was at and just plow through that time of discouragement depression whatever it may have been and I was able to you know stay alive spiritually speaking so you know one of the things that helped me as soon as I got saved was that I got plugged into church but look desires come and go don't they if you're not reading the Bible if you're not walking in the spirit those desires to do wicked things are gonna come back those desires for the bad habits or your your old lifestyle are gonna come back if you're not constantly trying to walk in the spirit being in church doing so any reading your Bible praying you gotta have you have to do those things if you're gonna keep that stuff alive you can't feed the old man is what I'm saying so what I'm saying is this is that some people are able to turn over a new leaf quickly but you know what if I never did those things or I'm sorry once I turned over a new leaf so to speak when I first got saved when I was out so many and even to this day I never gave my testimony never what out because we were taught that that's not the gospel we were taught when you go out so many hey that's great that God did this for you and then God is helping you through these things through your church through the preaching through the Bible but we're all going so many you don't give your personal testimony because it's not pertinent to what we're talking about and look when you do those things you're not glorifying Jesus you're glorifying yourself you're trying to show people how holy you are how great you are and what a catch the Lord Jesus Christ got because he got some heroin addict crackhead the people look what about the people who never even involved in that stuff what about the people you talk to who find that disgusting they're just gonna be like I don't want to talk to you victory outreach member I don't want to talk to you a recovering drug addict if that's what you're all about we're here to give the gospel because here's the thing when it comes at the end of the day we all people are saved we all have that same testimony which is what Jesus Christ and him crucified that we're all saved from hell that's it look if that's the testimony you're talking about amen to that I'm good with that if your testimony is yeah I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and God saved me from hell then amen but you know what don't come at people with this garbage well God saved me from drunkenness well no he has not saved you from drunkenness because we're still waiting to win the redemption of our body drunkenness is a sin that is committed through our flesh which we still live in so he has not saved you from fornication yet he has not saved you from drunkenness he has not saved you from drug addiction you will battle that for the rest of your life if that was you and we're still waiting to wit the redemption of our body redemption means salvation we're still waiting for a salvation our souls are eternally secure the Bible says that we're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise until the day of redemption of the purchase possession you know what that means is that our soul is saved but guess what this flesh is still wicked this flesh still desires the wickedness you said well how do you explain that then you know you say you don't desire certain things well you know what that's because I'm trying to walk in the spirit and when you walk in the spirit you crucify the lust of the flesh but you know what if you start feeding the flesh zombie apocalypse that dead man comes back to life and starts trying to overcome you then you don't read your Bible you start hanging out with your buddies smoking weed drinking doing things you ought not to because you're allowing your old man to reign over you so it's a constant battle that takes place over a lifetime so don't say oh yeah God saved me from this no he didn't he saved you from the consequences of those sins which is hell he did not save you from fornication because you're still you look like you're still living and we're still waiting to wit the redemption of our body you understand look that's why it's important that we practice this principle go to first Corinthians chapter 1 we had to practice the principle of replacement okay now I don't want to discourage anybody from going to people and say yeah I used to be involved in this what I'm saying is you know sometimes say people can have a tendency of doing that but you know who really does have the tendency of doing that it's wicked people like the guys we just threw out because they have no salvation testimony they have no legitimate salvation testimony because they don't know the Lord they're wicked people and look these guys that we just threw out they are reprobates through and through wicked disgusting reprobates I hope they die and if they watch the sermon I want you to die I'm praying that God strikes you dead you filthy faggot I want those guys to burn quickly to burn in hell and you can't tell me you're not afraid of hell you know you're going there cuz you're wicked cuz you hate the Lord that's why they know they're going to hell you think these people are innocent you think these people don't know anything no they come to infiltrate they come to infiltrate to defile to destroy our church not on our watch I hate them with perfect hatred and since the day that I found out that there are a bunch of filthy reprobates I've been praying God please destroy them please kill them please you know what some of those earthquakes that are taking place please just open up the earth and just let them fall straight into hell quick into hell so they don't harm any other church I don't care if they're boxers they can box their way down to hell see how good that does you when you fall into hell you filthy reprobate trying to strike fear in the hearts of God's people look we're not afraid to die because to me it delivers Christ and to die is gain buddy you're afraid to die you're afraid to die because you know as soon as you do you're going to hell and I prayed that God gives me the privilege to judge your butt on Judgment Day and throw you into the lake of fire disgusting what was I talking about forgot first Corinthians chapter 1 let's just go to the Bible here okay verse 26 it says here look what it says for you see your calling brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise and God has chosen the weak things of this world to confound the things which are mighty and base things of the world and things that are despised hath God chosen yea and things which are not to bring to not things that are that no flesh should glory in his presence but of him are you in Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption that according as it is written he that glories let him glory in the Lord so we're not telling you hey don't glory just don't glory in yourself you glory in the Lord you know Jesus did all the work for you Jesus died on the cross for your sins Jesus went to hell for three days and three nights Jesus Christ resurrected from the grave three days after you know he was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification but I find it interesting that there's people out there who just want to partake in that salvation don't they they want to add they want to feel like they had some part in it you have no part in it other than believing on him you didn't pay for the gift you're gonna pay for your sins if you want to pay for your if you want to pay for that gift this is how God's gonna have you pay for it just go to hell because for the wages of sin is death that's the way it works go to chapter 2 so after he finishes saying this look what he says in verse number 1 of chapter 2 and I brethren when I came to you came now with excellency of speech or wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God so he's given in the is he given his own testimony no he's given the testimony of God by the way another word for testimony is what witness for I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified and I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God you see we don't want people to stand and have faith in our words and my testimony why because of the fact that it's the gospel that has the power of God into salvation who cares about what we used to do who cares about the things that we're involved in the only thing that can save someone is Jesus Christ right that's the testimony that's the witness you know I remember being in an old IFB Church and people will take blessings I mean you ever been in old I be Church where you take blessings okay Sunday School blessings I enjoy those days you know talk about what God has done but every once in a while you get someone you can tell that they're not giving glory to God they're glorifying themselves you know you know John the Baptist said he says I must decrease and he must increase you know and look like man the church is growing we're seeing a lot of people saved amen and you know what the reason why is because we're probably the weak things of this world we're probably the weak things we're foolish to the world we're not the wise men we're not mighty we're not noble so that way when people look at our church and see the great works that are being done they're not gonna say it's because of us they're gonna say it's because of God because they'll say those those guys got no filter those guys are like you hear that pastor he's like cussing from the pulpit and like saying all kinds of stuff and they don't want to fight everyone obviously that's those salvation's were because of God not because of those people that those people are a motley crew you know and that's what we want amen go with me if you would to 1st Timothy chapter 1 because surely someone will say well how can you say the Apostle Paul never gave his testimony there's so many verses in there where he did give his testimony you know there's so many thought times they talked about him being a Pharisee and you know all the things that he did yeah but now when he was preaching the gospel because our text verse that we get from the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 10 said that thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved testifying of God look at 1st Timothy 1 11 according to the glorious gospel of the Blessed God which was committed to my trust and I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who hath enabled me for that economy faithful putting me into the ministry so is he talking about salvation or is he talking about serving serving verse 13 who was before a blasphemer and a persecutor and injurious but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief so here we see that the Apostle Paul yeah he's talking about how he was a blasphemer he's talking about how he was a persecutor and injurious but what's the context of what he's talking about him serving the Lord ministry right because of the fact that he's going to the apostles and they're like hey this guy used to like persecute us verse 14 and the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus go to Philippians chapter 3 I don't think so I think he I think it was important that he gave his testimony well let's see what the Apostle Paul thought of his testimony and this this attitude that he's gonna show right here is the same attitude that all of us should have look at Philippians 3 verse 4 though I might have also excuse me that I might though I might also have confidence in the flesh if any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he must he might trust in the flesh I more circumcise the eighth day of the stock of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin and Hebrew of the Hebrews as touching the law of Pharisee concerning zeal persecuting the church touching the righteous which is in the law blameless but what things were gained to me those I counted loss for Christ yea doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ there's your testimony it's done dung means poop dung means feces which means something that has no value and look he's saying I'm of the tribe of Benjamin you know I'm a Pharisee of the Pharisee I got the credentials I got the pedigree but you know what they mean to me dung means nothing that I may win Christ verse 9 and be found in him not having mine own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ and the righteousness which is of God by faith that I may know him in the power of his resurrection the fellowship of his suffering being made conformable unto his death so there goes your testimony and that's the same exact attitude that we should have you know if you did things in the past kind of a dung kind of a dung you know if you used to be a drunkard a fornicator it's done it's done go to Ephesians chapter 5 most of these phony testimonies are so filthy too by the way I heard that when they for these guys first came they're like we are saved from a wicked lifestyle no one who listens to Pastor Anderson for four years uses that type of terminology right I got saved from a filthy lifestyle that's weird and you know what that does that raises suspicion what do you mean by that right look at Ephesians 5 verse 1 be there for followers of God as dear children and walk in love as Christ also hath loved us and have given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling Savior but fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness let it not be once named among you as become its saints neither filthiness nor foolish talking nor jesting which are not convenient but rather giving of thanks for this you know that no whoremonger nor unclean person nor covetous man who is an idolater hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God let no man deceive you with vain words for because of these things come at the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience be nigh ye therefore partakers with them for ye were sometimes darkness but now ye lie in the Lord walk as children of light for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth proving what is acceptable unto the Lord and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them for it is a shame to speak even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret go to Ephesians chapter 4 so it's telling us here that these things are shameful don't think it's cool to talk about how drunk you were prior to Christ I used to smoke so much weed man I was like toking every day smoking bowls and buying marijuana you tell me any kind of marijuana Brent I did it that's shameful you tell that to me I'm gonna tell you you're stupid stupid for telling me that and stupid because you smoke that much you're probably stupid because marijuana kills brain cells amen that's why you can't pay attention in church Ephesians 4 29 let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace unto the hearers and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice the Bible tells us in 1st Corinthians 15 33 be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners now let me just say this if you've been involved in those things and that stuff comes up in conversation you know my wife was telling me about someone who who divulged some information to her but the person gave my wife the information in such a way that she has no idea specifically what she was referring to but she knows that it was something that was not good it wasn't sodomy or anything like that the person just said you know I messed up my body pretty bad so I got to work on you know kind of rebuilding my body you know eating healthy and doing certain things because prior to being saved I just was not saved and I messed up my body pretty bad that's all we need to know right okay she could be talking about like heroin she could be talking about crack she would talk about drugs she could be talking about drinking messing up her liver we don't know but the thing we do know is that this person was clearly ashamed of what they had done they were ashamed so they rather not given give all the details the people who want to give the details are the wicked people who like to hear about that stuff and they're fishing to see if you like to hear about that stuff that's what they're doing they tell you to see if you perk up when you hear that so they can divulge more perversion and see if there's any reparates in here that they can team up with so look if you're involved in any of those things and those that stuff comes up in conversation give a very general response with shame you should be able to blush when you talk about those things no blushing means it means you're ashamed shame facing this I see you guys in the back talking because your dark skin I get it okay you can't blush I already knew that was gonna happen there should be some shame right because you're embarrassed look and look I wasn't like a gang member anything but things that I've done it shames me I'm never gonna talk to my kids about that stuff I don't want my son and my daughter and my my other son to know anything of those things why because it's a shame they're shameful things you know that's why look and like my mom has like all these pictures of me back in those days your mom's probably had the same thing of you any chance I get I try to throw those things away when I when I go over there holes our memories bad memories people always done oh let me see a picture of you with your mohawk when you first got saved no that's a shame to me yeah you'll never find it you'll never find it and people always I was like oh man I wish I could see a picture that I don't you know I never want people to remember me like that that's BC amen before Christ so those stuff you know I moved on from that and I don't want my kids to see that either why because there's shame we should be ashamed in fact the Bible says what fruit had even even in those things were of year now ashamed for the end of those things is death Romans chapter 6 we should learn to be ashamed shame is good amen to have shame is good when people can just divulge all kinds of perversion with no shame there's a problem there means there's their conscience is here to the pure all things are pure but to them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure they're defiled themselves so they have no governor of what is right reparates have no governor in their mind to basically divulge any kind of filthy information they just kind of let it all fly go to Psalm 119 if you would and look so this way you know and this is in Baptist churches you know give me your testimony let testify give me your testimony and they got it from the Liberals is where they got it from that's where they got it from and this is an important doctrine because of the fact that you always hear about people even Baptists talking about well I believe sodomites could be saved I heard this one testimony right of some lesbian who got saved and then you google it up and he's like well she believes in like repent of your sins you're just gonna take that as face value so open but she said that was her testimony I don't care if they if it's not Christ and him crucified and if they say they're burning in their lusts one toward another sorry to break it to you almost can't be saved I'm not sorry to break it to you actually Psalm 119 verse 46 says I will speak of thy testimonies also before Kings and will not be ashamed you see our personal testimony should cause some shame shouldn't it but when we speak of God's testimony there's no shame in that that's what the Bible tells us to be spirit filled when we go preach the gospel because we yes would meet this in fear but without shame we speak with boldness we speak with confidence we speak unashamed of Jesus when we go out there oh yeah you know we go there and we want to win them to Christ believe are you guys those once saved always saved yep that's me oh we don't agree with that well see ya aren't you ashamed of that no I'm not for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth should not be ashamed of that but in the contrast of that is my personal testimony I am ashamed of that that's something I don't really want to talk about you understand but what other people it's like that it's the other way around these guys they were ashamed of the gospel but they were not ashamed of their filth there's something wrong with that okay look at verse 144 the righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting give me understanding and I shall live the Bible says and by the way whenever someone tells you oh yeah but you know you guys don't believe you know sodomites can be saved and you know but I heard this testimony this is what you tell them the Bible tells me thy testimonies Oh Lord are my delight and my counselors so if I have some fag with some testimony saying that they turn over a new leaf and that they're a Christian and I have the Bible telling me that reprobates can't be saved I go with God's testimony if I have some some cookie cutter faggot who's wearing a shirt and tying he's in a Bible believing church and he's oh yeah he was burdening at his loss but God gave him victory over that sin see these homosexuals are also our brothers in Christ I go with the testimony of God and say he's lying let God be true and never man a liar I don't care how good the testimony is and look most of these freaks when they divulge their testimony and you actually see what they believe they're all repenting your sins thanks mark every he's right every single one of them so the simple believe every word and are punished you know what the simple do oh your testimony say Christians will just believe it why don't you go do your research you'll find out that these people believe a false gospel and look I'm not talking about people who were coaxed by their pervert boyfriend to get involved in some homosexual act and they were disgusted by it I'm not talking about I'm not talking about the guy who was molested or whatever maybe you know that's different okay I'm talking about the people who burn in their lust and then they supposedly turn over a new leaf garbage false not true vainglory of a false testimony is what it is thy testimonies are Lord are my delight and my counselors I don't care how convincing they are the I get my counsel from God's Word and shame on people who want to who want to believe someone's testimony rather than God's testimony I know that's what the Bible says but this person says this I could care less the boxes are full of deceit and look even what would sodomites you know I'm thinking like these guys they learn to say the right things they learn to say the right terminology the right words because they're trying to infiltrate go to first John chapter 5 and we're done so if you hear of some homo getting saved don't believe it it's not true it's false you know and the good thing about these guys who came to our church is that they were because they're reprobates they were foaming out their own chain so all it took was for us to be with them for just a couple of hours that's what all that's all it took I never really had a long conversation with them in our church look at first John chapter 5 we're done here for there are three that bear verse not verse 7 for there are three that bear record in heaven the father of the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one and there are three that bear witness in earth the spirit the water and the blood and these three agree one if we receive the witness of man the witness of God is greater so remember if we receive the witness of men just remember this the witness of God is always greater doesn't matter how convincing someone can be and obviously these guys were not convincing at all but let me say this you know our church is about to go independent in about a month and over these last two years we've had a lot of bozos come through here but they are these guys with a bozo of them all they're the worst filth they're walking feces in my eyes now one of two things is gonna happen here after either they're just gonna get worse and worse or they're gonna become more subtle you understand what I mean by that so they're not gonna be as outlandish and faggoty as these guys and just kind of like weird and quirky as these guys they're probably gonna become more subtle and at that point we need to remember hey if we receive the witness of men the witness of God is always greater you understand so we do need to have the attitude in our church to suspect no one trust no one and look I know there's guys here they get mad at me because like I'm lenient with certain people you keep getting mad at me you suspect them that's fine I want to make sure that I have an attitude for our church that I just go ahead and just by default trust everyone I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and if you're mad at me for that then too bad you're not gonna change me you understand I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and once someone shows themselves to be some wicked reprobate then yes at that point we'll do what we did today so oh you didn't see that coming what's up with you what's wrong with you well yeah because I didn't talk to them but look if you if you saw it coming and you didn't tell me anything so who's who's the one who has the problem here then right so we want to make sure that obviously we we trust no one suspect no one and we just we understand that the witness of God is greater and look we don't want to have this attitude where like everyone comes in like today I was like that I'll just be honest with you all right I was like how long you been listening to Pastor Erickson what you know about him you know you believe in a reprobate doctrine I wasn't like that but there's a temptation to be that way because of these freaks who came but you know what this does for us it heightens our senses of what it does you know I'm interested in hiding the senses of not necessarily the ladies I want to hide the senses of the man because look obviously I'm not gonna know every single Tom Dick and Harry that comes to our church but you know we should have eyes all over the church they keep an eye on things hear things and report them when needed because our church is doing great works for God therefore a lot of these freaks are gonna try to come in and infiltrate and try to hinder us in our work you understand so what's the sermon today the sermon is I'm glad we booted these freaking disgusting reprobates out of our church took the trash out and we need to and we need to make sure we use the right terminology when we talk about our salvation right and look the next time someone comes to our church talk about their testimony either you correct them on the spot or you come get me and I'll correct them zero tolerance on that I'm done with that I'm done with giving someone the benefit of that when it comes to that like what about someone hasn't heard the sermon they better listen to the sermon online before they come here and fix that well that's not fair well that's what the sermons are online to see if you like the church or not and if you don't like it online you're not gonna like it in person that's why I put out the clips I give you the hottest part of the sermon to see if you can get offended if you don't get offended you do great here let's pray father we thank you so much for this day thank you for our salvation we're thankful that we had nothing to do with it that you died on the cross for us you paid for all our sins past present and future you paid Lord and you went to hell for us you resurrected on the third day and all we have to do is believe on you and we are thankful for the redemption of our bodies we understand that we're not delivered from those things as of yet and that we have the responsibility to walk in the spirit to not fulfill the lust of the flesh and I pray that you continue to continue to help us through that thank you so much for the tools you've given in our lives to help us to have that victory on a day-to-day basis whether it's our Bible it's the Word of God it's it's prayer it's the church it's brothers but we also need to understand that we're not fully redeemed yet we're still waiting for that the day will we will no longer be tempted by sin and we thank you for that glorious day one day that will come and we pray God that you continue to make manifest a folly of the infiltrators and those who come help us to have our senses heightened to be vigilant and to trust no one but suspect no one as well we want to make sure that we're friendly to everyone that we love people and but also understand there are wicked people out there there's reprobates who wanted to destroy us destroy our church and I pray that your hand be upon us continually may you protect us and please destroy Hophni and Phinehas out there and that they may not harm anybody else and in Jesus name we pray amen