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Amen, we are in Romans chapter 11 verse number 25 where the Bible reads here for I would not brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in and so all Israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of Zion the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob and the title of my sermon this morning is the times of the Gentiles the times of the Gentiles now there's a lot of confusion in regards to this subject in Christianity today okay obviously the greatest confusion is found in the pre-tribulation crowd and those who hold to a dispensational position of end times Bible prophecy and they'll say the times of the Gentiles we're in the times of the Gentiles right now and when is that fulfilled when the last Gentile gets saved and then the rapture takes place and then you have what's called the time of Jacob's trouble okay which is God dealing with the Jews at the end of the the the prophecies that we see in the book of Revelation now the fact is is that there's a lot of confusion over these two subjects but here's the thing though is we don't need to be confused over these things and in fact in verse 25 it says I for I would not brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own conceits so it says don't be ignorant of this subject the Bible clearly talks about these things and it says this lest you should be wise in your own conceits so where are all these false teachings coming from they're coming from people who are being wise in their own conceits they are translated they're interpreting the scriptures according to their own wisdom according to their own interpretation and it's false okay now before we get into the times of the Gentiles I want to highlight what verse 26 means and give an explanation of it as well where it says and so all Israel shall be saved now you talk to anybody who holds to a Zionist position okay you can give them even if you have a shallow understanding of a replacement theology as we would like to call it you know let's say you just use Romans chapter 2 verse 28 to 29 and then you use Romans chapter 9 you use bits of Romans chapter number 10 and Romans 4 you use Galatians 3 Galatians 4 where it clearly talks about how the Jews are not God's chosen people and those who are chosen are those who are saved those who are believers in Christ you give that explanation to people and you can use all the verses you can use Hebrews 8 where the Bible says that he regarded them not save the Lord and without question the people you're talking to will say yeah but Romans 11 26 says all Israel shall be saved obviously they can't deny what Galatians 3 16 says they can't deny Romans 2 verse 28 to 29 they can't deny Romans 4 they can't even deny what Jesus said in John chapter number 8 okay you can't deny any of these things but they wonder that one verse they hold to is like 1st Corinthians chapter 6 right in verse number 10 where it says you know abuses of themselves with mankind they say see homosexuals can't be saved but that's not what it even refers to and if you don't know what abuses of themselves with mankind is you need to listen to the sermon on Romans chapter 6 that I just preached on Thursday where I completely debunked that stupid interpretation but that's what they do so they out of all the scriptures that they have in the Bible that teach contrary to what they believe they hold to this Romans 11 26 verse okay now I love Romans 11 26 it's in the Bible and I believe it but I don't believe what they're saying it means all right so it says there and also all Israel shall be saved as it is written this shall come out of Zion the delivery shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob and by the way let me say this there's people who even hold to a post trip pre-wrath rapture position they will interpret that verse just as the pre-trippers do and even if I mean they even believe that the Jews and I got chosen people but they have a hard time interpreting verse 26 and they'll say yeah you know we're God's chosen people but I still believe that God has a plan for Israel in the latter times in the end because verse 26 of Romans 11 says that all Israel shall be saved you know and that's false okay that is a false teaching that the Jews are God's chosen people and it's a cop-out okay you have all these scriptures that teach contrary to that and all of a sudden you get this one verse just remember this if there's one verse that looks like it contradicts all the other scriptures obviously it doesn't but you go with what the majority of the text say in the Bible than that one verse for example we obviously understand that the Bible teaches us that we're saved by grace through faith by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ well what do you do with the verse in Matthew 24 where it says they that endure into the same shall be saved well we're not going to take that one verse and say okay I guess it's not by faith I guess you have to endure why because you have hundreds of scriptures that teach that don't teach that so that means you're just misinterpreting that one verse okay so this is not and what they're saying when they when they believe that all Israel shall be saved this is what they're referring to they're saying that the time of Jacob's trouble which is not has nothing to do with Bible prophecy but they'll say that's Daniel's 70th week which we're going to get into that what that means the 70 year tribulation where God is dealing with with with Israel he's dealing with the Jews and what's going to happen is at the end of those seven years after God's you know dealing with Jacob and he's dealing with Israel and he's they're going through all this tribulation what's going to happen is Jesus Christ is going to come on his white horse and when he comes at his white horse with the saints the Jews they're going to see him and when they see him they're going to be like oh he is the Messiah he's in he's coming from heaven on a white horse guys hey that is the Messiah let's believe on him before he touches down that's what they believe and if you ask them where where do you get that they'll tell you well it's because the Jews require a sign and that's the sign that they're looking for the coming of the Messiah but what they neglect to think about is what Jesus said when he said an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign okay and there shall no sign be given to it but the prophet the prophet Jonas for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the well in the well's belly so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth the Bible says so the only sign that God gives of the Messiah is the fact that he that Jesus Christ died was buried and he resurrected okay see God is not a respecter of persons okay he doesn't he doesn't have different dispensations so you can get saved one way in one dispensation and another way in a different one no it's all the same so they'll use that and they'll say yeah that makes sense because all Israel shall be saved that makes perfect sense because in Rome in Revelation chapter 19 when Jesus Christ comes on his white horse they're all going to look to him because they're all looking for a sign now that's false okay now I'm going to explain to you what this what that means before we get into the times of the gentiles just know this that every time the word salvation is mentioned it's not always in reference to eternal life anytime the word saved is mentioned it's not a reference to eternal life sometimes it's just simply being rescued as far as your flesh is concerned for example you have Acts chapter 2 and verse number 20 to 21 where it talks about the sun and moon being darkened this is in the book of Acts and it talks about the sun and moon being dark and then it says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved now that's obviously a verse that we use in our gospel presentation according to Romans 10 verse 13 right but we can obviously see that in that context it's talking about salvation as far as eternal life why because it says in verse number 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thy heart that God had raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved and he uses this verse as far as whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved because it works in tandem with what he's saying in verse number 9 but this verse right here in Acts chapter 2 verse 20 to 21 is actually a quote from Joel chapter 2 verses 31 through 32 where it says the sun and moon being darkened and then it says this for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered so it renders it as being saved in Acts chapter 2 but it renders it as being delivered in Joel chapter 2 he said well isn't that being saved still given eternal life because we're delivered from hell well you have to compare other scriptures with this because it gives us the events that take place right before they do that which is the sun and moon being darkened and if you go to Matthew chapter 24 we see that they that endure into the end the same shall be saved is in context of the sun and moon being darkened afterwards and then Christ comes to rapture his people okay after the tribulation so we see multiple times in the Bible saved or salvation is not necessary in reference to eternal life though the majority of the verses are but you think about in Jeremiah where the Bible says the harvest is past and the summer is gone and we are not yet saved well that doesn't mean you know the harvest past summer is gone no soul winners come to my door knocked on my door and giving me the gospel that's not what it's talking about it's saying we're not saved from from the wrath of God you know he's judging Israel during that time he's like we're not being delivered from this okay we're gonna be taken into captivity etc now so keep that in mind okay when you're reading Romans chapter 11 or any other scripture you need to find out what it's saying in context with that in mind go to Proverbs chapter 25 when you get to Proverbs chapter 25 make a right hold your place there and go to Jeremiah chapter number six Proverbs chapter 25 and we'll go to Jeremiah chapter number six this is very important so keep Romans 11 26 in mind keep that concept in mind that it's not referring to eternal life we're gonna explain what this means so in Jeremiah chapters 20 chapter 6 in verse number 30 we find the definition of what a reprobate is okay often people say well what is the definition of a reprobate we take them to Jeremiah chapter 6 because Jeremiah chapter 6 in verse 30 is the first time reprobate is mentioned well there's there's a an unwritten rule of the Bible that if you want to know a definition of a word you go to where it's first mentioned in the Bible and often that'll give you the definition of what that word means well this is the first time reprobate is mentioned in verse 30 and look what the Bible says here in verse number 30 reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them now so what does reprobate mean according to verse 30 means rejected okay they're new you they're used anonymously in that one verse now that's a great verse to use it when we're talking about sodomites and what a reprobate is and we compare it to Romans chapter number one but in context it's actually talking about something else look at verse 28 it says they are all grievous revolters walking with slanders there are brass and iron they are all corruptors now if you read the chapter you'll see that he's talking about Israel he's talking about the fact that they have gotten away from God they're not adhering to his commandments they are corruptors they are revolters and look at verse 29 says the bellows are burned the lead is consumed of the fire the founder melteth in vain for the wicked are not plucked away so what is it saying here in verse number 29 he says look the founder which is God he's trying to burn this silver okay you say what comparison is he making there well when you're burning silver you do it with the with the with the motive of relieving it of its impurities taking all the way the impurities from the silver from the treasures from the brass that's why you burn it but the Bible saying here in verse number 29 that the founder melteth in vain so he's like burning in he's putting in the fire and guess what the impurities are not being removed therefore it's in vain and then he come and then he makes the application to the nation of Israel he says for the wicked are not plucked away so the wicked are is is an example of the impurities right the that which they're trying to remove and he says look God is melting the in vain he's judging in vain why because the wicked are not plucked away from Israel they're staying there they're remaining in their ways they're not adhering to God so he's so they're basically there that the impurities are staying the wicked are staying then we get into verse 30 reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them because the founder will look at the silver and said this is no good I can't remove the impurities from this it's rejected he said why does he call it reprobate silver because if you remember in Exodus they were supposed to be a peculiar what treasure unto the Lord well here we see that because the wicked are not plucked away right that they are now reprobate now they they are as a nation they are become rejected does that make sense to everyone so keep that in mind so we have the comparison that God is this analogy that God is giving of a founder melting in vain he's melting the silver the silver is referring to Israel right now they are rejected because the wicked are not plucked away now with that in mind go to Proverbs chapter 25 Proverbs chapter number 25 and look at verse number four the Bible says here in verse number four of Proverbs chapter 25 take away the dross from the silver now what is dross that's the impurities that's the the filth that's that's what it's talking about what we see in Jeremiah chapter number six take away the dross from the silver and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer referring to God now there is a secondary application to this because we can apply this to our personal lives you know we ought to work at removing the dross from our personal lives so we could be a vessel for the finer where do we see that well the Bible tells us that a man if a man purge himself therefore from these you know he shall be sanctified and meet for the master's use and previous to that it says he that name it the name of Christ let him depart from iniquity so as we clean up our lives we remove the dross from our lives we can be a vessel and to honor meet for the master's use we see that in verse number four says take away the dross from the silver and there shall come forth the vessel for the finer but what is the primary interpretation look at verse number five take away the wicked from before the king and his throne shall be established in righteousness so what does it say the dross is reference to what the wicked and God is saying here when you remove the wicked from before the king now the kingdom can be established in righteousness why wasn't the kingdom able to be established in righteousness in Jeremiah chapter 6 because the wicked were not plucked away you see what I'm saying now with that in mind okay I know we got we're keeping a lot of things in mind but this is important go back to Romans chapter number 11 Romans chapter number 11 so we see here the salvation is not always in reference to eternal life we see that Jeremiah chapter 6 talk it talks about the refiner melting in vain and therefore because the wicked are not plucked away reprobate silver shaman call them for the Lord has rejected them we see the principle and in Proverbs chapter 25 where it says that if we remove the dross from the silver there shall come forth a vessel for the finer and that means when you pluck the wicked away therefore the kingdom can be established in righteousness now Romans chapter 11 verse 26 what does it say and so all Israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come forth a deliverer out of Zion a deliverer and shall turn away what ungodliness from Jacob so why is Israel being saved because ungodliness is being removed from Jacob it's not like they're being removed okay now you guys can get saved you know all the wicked people are gone now you you know all your buddies are gone now you can pray this prayer because the wicked are gone from you that's not what it means it's saying now the kingdom can be established in righteousness which is in Revelation chapter 19 the millennial reign why because now the ungodly are being plucked out of Jacob so how are they being plucked out we'll get into that but it's called the days of vengeance okay now does that make sense to everyone okay because this is important for people to understand because I don't want you to get stumped when people say this to you yeah but all Israel shall be saved it's like that's not what it's talking about so how do we know what it's exactly being saved is talking about look in verse number two context here the Bible says in verse two God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew why ye not with the scripture saith of Elias how he maketh intercessions to God against Israel there's someone who prayed for Israel right but he prayed against it verse three Lord they have killed thy prophets this is quoting Elijah and dig down thine altars and I am left alone and they seek my life but what saith the answer of God unto him I have what reserved to myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal even so then at this present time there's also there is a remnant according to the election of grace so verse number four says God in his response to Elijah says this relax there's still seven thousand who are reserved who have not bowed the knee to Baal that means other than those seven thousand there were people who are bound in a need to Baal and if you read the story a lot of them get killed okay so this is in context of what we see Romans 11 verse 24 to 25 25 to 26 where he says all Israel shall be saved what does that really mean it means all Israel shall be reserved see saved and reserved are used interchangeably because if I were to say hey mark I know you got that party on Saturday but I'm gonna be late so please save me a seat what am I asking him I'm asking him to reserve me a seat why is all why shall all Israel be reserved why will there be no one who bows the knee to Baal because everyone who does in Revelation chapter 19 is being destroyed because the ungodly are being plucked away they're being removed it can now be a vessel for the finer so when it says all Israel shall be saved we got to go to where it's talking about as it is written there shall come forth to deliver out of Zion that shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob that's referring to the millennial reign and in order for the millennial reign to be established in righteousness the wicked need to be plucked out well that takes place and we're gonna look at that in just a bit so don't let anyone to stump you on that verse okay and don't let anyone squirm their way out of that you quote Romans to quote Romans chapter 4 quote Romans 9 10 and quote Jeremiah Galatians chapter 3 and 4 and John chapter 8 in Hebrews 8 quote all those and when they say yeah but Romans 11 you'll say yeah let me show you what Romans 11 says too because that was the next scripture I was going to by the way Romans the beginning of Romans 11 is the worst scripture for people to use to prove that the Jews are God's chosen people simply for the fact that the Bible says that Israel had not obtained that what you seek it for but the election hath obtained it so obviously they have a false doctrine that teaches that the Jews are God's elect well you got a problem there because it's usually it's making a distinction between the election and the Jews okay that was all free that was all introduction so I want you to understand that part because it's very important to understand this in regards to the times of the Gentiles now let me explain to you what the times of the Gentiles is not the times of the Gentiles if you look it up and you ask anybody everyone's gonna give you a fairly different answer from one another because they don't know what they believe in regards to it but the most popular teachings of the times of the Gentiles is in reference to what's called the church age the church age is a false doctrine taught by dispensationalists okay and the church age what they'll say is that we're living in the church age right now where do they get that from well their interpretation of end times Bible prophecy is that the seven churches right the John wrote to in Revelation chapter two and three is actually seven different church ages now I know we're gonna talk about some Bible prophecy here but don't let me lose you try to try to keep pay attention so he's they're saying that chapter two and chapter three are seven different church ages well when that last church is referenced or talked to then you have revelations chapter four which they say is the rapture which we don't believe that okay so those say that those seven different churches are church ages and right now we're living in the church age this is the times of the Gentiles is what they'll say this is when all the Gentiles other than the Jews are you know they're getting saved and when the last Gentile is saved then that kicks off the rapture and then you had the time of Jacob's trouble where God is dealing with the Jews that's not what we believe I'm just telling you what they believe okay now what is the times of the Gentiles according to them because then some people will say well that's separate from the church age we don't believe the times of the Gentiles but in reality they do okay they're saying the times of the Gentiles is now and it ends at the rapture and then it's the time of Jacob's trouble but then you also have these people who believe in times of the Gentiles and what they'll say it is they're more concerned with the land okay so they're concerned that the Jews get their land so what they'll say is the times of the Gentiles actually began in 587 BC when Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon took over Jerusalem because they're Gentiles right and then it and then it progressed into the the Medo-Persian Empire then you have the Greeks who took over then you have the the Roman Empire the Ottoman Empire and all these Gentiles who have taken over Jerusalem they'll say that's the times of the Gentiles because they're trotting under foot Jerusalem they've conquered it they've obtained that land and let's say they're in the we're in the times of the Gentiles right now and they say when it ends is in Revelation chapter 19 when again remember the Jews look upon Jesus and they believe on him and they'll say now that land will belong to them that's when it actually ends okay that's what they that's what they'll say so the term times of the Gentiles begins with Nebuchadnezzar and ends at their what they call the second coming which what they call the second coming is not what we call the second coming the second coming for us is the sixth seal when the sun and moon are being darkened right and then Christ comes in the clouds the second coming from them is found in Revelation chapter 19 he said well hold on a second how can it be the second coming in Revelation chapter 19 if it says he comes in Revelation chapter number 7 6 through 7 well simply for the fact I don't know why they believe that okay you know I don't know if it's coming 1.5 or what it is that's what they call it the secret rapture imminent coming because they can't really say he comes but he does come but it doesn't really come because no one sees him it's weird so the times of the Gentiles is about Gentiles ruling over Jerusalem and it ends with Christ coming that's what they'll say now both of these views are wrong the church age is wrong for so many different reasons obviously the Bible teaches us in Ephesians chapter number 3 the glory shall be in the church throughout all ages thank you Paul for writing that so we can use that today but here's another reason why it's so stupid to believe in a church age okay because if you dig into what they believe in this and about this doctrine they'll say that the different church ages if you read those those stories in Revelation chapter 2 the characteristics of those churches is what characterizes that age of the churches of the churches in that age does that make sense to everyone you know for example they have the Laodicean era right which is the Laodicean church and the Laodicean church obviously was a lukewarm church in the Bible so they'll say yeah we're living in the Laodicean era because all the churches are lukewarm you know speak for yourself we're not looking for I know we're going in and all these things we're preaching hard we're preaching the Bible people are fired up about the things of God you can't call us Laodicean Baptist Church but they'll say that those churches in Revelation the characteristics that you see there are the attributes of the churches of that age does that make sense to everyone which is a stupid way of interpreting because of this within those seven churches in revelations two and three you have a church called the church at Ephesus which is an actual church that we can find in the Bible that Paul wrote to called the book of Ephesians okay does that make sense to everyone well the problem that the church at Ephesus had is that they had left their first love right they had left their first love and the first love that it was referring to is the first works which is talking about soul winning well guess what other church you have when the book of Ephesians was written you have the book of first and second Thessalonians and what is the book of first second Thessalonians say about the Thessalonians from them sounding out the word of the Lord all right so these people at the church of Thessalonians were known for what for preaching the gospel fervently to the point where their message will be was being sounded out in all the earth and IKEA and all those other places so how does that fit if they're in the same church age but they have different attributes then your seven church ages theology falls apart because the church at Thessalonika is not like your church at Ephesus okay so it's a stupid way of thinking that's why we believe in local visible churches because the church down the street that is lukewarm as the day is long that doesn't go do any soul-winning that likes reading Calvinist books and doesn't do squat for the Lord that that's not us don't don't bundle me up with them you know we're teaching the Bible we're so winning we're doing the things of God we love the Lord so we can't that's why the Bible talks about local churches so that church age is wrong for obviously many reasons but only that the church is comprised of what believers right so they say the church is raptured up in Revelation chapter 4 then you got a problem because we see believers all the way to Revelation chapter 13 now the false view of the times that the Gentiles is wrong simply for the fact that they'll say well you know it starts with Nebuchadnezzar 587 and then it ends in Revelation chapter 19 well that's a long time Revelation chapter 11 verses 1 to 2 says it only lasts for 42 months that's not a couple thousand years that's a long time okay 42 months is three and a half years so it actually tells us when it starts and when it ends and that's only for three and a half years okay so when does the time of the Gentiles begin according to the Bible begins at the abomination of desolation it passes the rapture and it ends at Revelation chapter 19 with the millennial reign now the times of the Gentiles is actually mentioned four times in the Bible don't don't let me lose you I know this is like we're this is teaching right here and and you know I'll rip face on the sodomites some other day and I'll rip on whatever you guys want you know some other day our enemies but we need to learn some Bible right now okay this is important because look it's good to say yeah I'm post trip pre-raft rapture you know the secret rapture is garbage but can you prove it because what if you have someone ask you so what about these verses right here you like after the tribulation which is a good answer but guess what there's more to the Bible than just that after the tribulation is where you start okay it's like well I'm I know it's the post trip pre-wrath rapture because it says after the tribulation but it's time to grow out of that and learn a little bit more details in regards to end time prophecy okay so this times of the Gentiles is actually mentioned four times in the Bible we see it in in Romans chapter 11 verse 25 to 26 we see it in revelations chapter 11 verses 1 through 2 we see it in Daniel chapter 8 verses 13 through 14 and then we also see it in Luke chapter 21 verses 20 through 24 I believe now why is that important because there's enough information in these four passages of Scripture to help us to understand what it is when it takes place and what are the events that surround the times of the Gentiles we need to have a foundation of before we get into that we need to have a foundation understanding of two things okay to understand this one is what is Daniel's 70th week and number two what is the abomination of desolation and when does it take place these are two very pivotal things for you to understand what they mean what they are and where they're found in the Bible now go to Daniel chapter number nine Daniel chapter number nine Daniel chapter number nine brother Marcos can you give me water please then brother David can you check with the AC's on I don't know if it's warm in here or if it's just me what is Daniel 70th week now if you were to ask a pre-trib guy and in a post-trib person who hold both who hold different positions they will both agree on the term Daniel 70th week because it goes without saying that in the Bible in the in Revelation there is a seven year period mentioned in the Bible now what we differ on obviously is what takes place in those seven years specifically in regards to the rapture but Daniel chapter 9 and verse 24 is where we find this concept of Daniel 70th week look at the Bible says here in verse 24 by the way write these scriptures down if this is going over your head okay let it go over your head but write it down and read it afterwards okay Daniel chapter 9 verse 24 says seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city to finish the transgression and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks and threescore in two weeks the street shall be built again and the wall even in trouble is times so it's telling us here that from the going forth of the commandment to restore the building in Jerusalem what is that that's when the Antichrist makes a covenant for one week with with many and this is until the time that the Messiah the Prince shall come seven weeks and threescore in two weeks are determined now if you add that up what is threescore a scores 20 is 20 threescore is 60 then it says seven weeks 67 and then two weeks after that which is 69 okay so therefore there is a 70th week that is missing where is it it's found in Revelation and if you look at all the numbers in Revelation you'll see that it adds up to a seven year period okay so it's telling us there go go to hold your place there in Daniel because we were going to come back to Daniel go to Matthew chapter 24 so that is what Daniel 70th week is referring to is that 70th week that we just saw in Daniel chapter number nine the 70 weeks are determined now why does it say 70 weeks simply for the fact you say well how do you know it's not actual 70 weeks right just like I would see in Jeremiah where 70 years of captivity but it pictured what seven years okay so we know that it's not referring to a literal 70 weeks in the sense it's referring to that seven year period where all these events take place but the next thing we need to understand is the abomination of desolation what is that and when does it take place look at Matthew 24 verse 13 but he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come when he therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place whoso readeth let him understand then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains now please look up here so why is this important to understand what the abomination of desolation is because according to the Bible it is the marker that we as believers or God has given to us to understand hey when you see this happen you need to pay attention when you see this happen then you need to flee into the mountains and look look what why why is that look what it says here verse what really above on verse 17 let him that is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes and won't and that are with childhood to them that gives suck in those days but pray you pray ye that your flight be not in the winter neither on the Sabbath day for then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time nor no ever no nor ever shall be so this is very important why is that because it's saying that after the abomination of desolation is set up then you have what's called great tribulation we'll get into the what does that mean in just a bit verse 22 and except those days should be shortened what the great tribulation there shall no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened so it's telling us here that when this great tribulation takes place if it was allowed to go any further than the short period of time that God is allowing it to no Christian should be saved physically they're all gonna die so that really shows you the severity of these of this great tribulation the small period of time where there's gonna be a lot of martyrs okay Christians are gonna be dying left and right it's gonna be a terrible and horrible time but he says that God is shortening in those days for the elect's sake now skip down to verse 29 immediately after the tribulation that great tribulation so it says right after that's done of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven the powers of the heaven shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the Sun in man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Sun a man coming in the clouds in heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with the great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other what is that talking about the rapture that's when we are raptured Christ comes back for us we're taken up in the clouds to meet him in the air so if as we see that in verse 30 31 we see why it's important to know when the abomination of desolation takes place because it says this hey when you see that take place start running we need to start going places and not staying in one city we need to make sure why because we know that these days are shortened but we see that also according to Revelation chapter 13 that the Antichrist is gonna make war with the Saints okay and whosoever does not worship the image of the beast referring to the abomination of desolation shall be killed so when those days are shortened the Bible tells us in Luke chapter 21 lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh because you just got that small period of time that's why this is important because after the abomination desolation we can say okay now the rapture is coming up soon okay now you don't have to turn there but let me read to you from 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 and verse number 1 says now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him what is gathering together that means when we're raptured okay they be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand that day of Christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means for that day the gathering together shall not come except there come a falling away first the falling away is referring to apostasy false doctrine have you heard of something like that in recent days and in weeks it says here and that man of sin be revealed referring to the Antichrist the son of perdition who opposeth and exalted themself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he as God senteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God so these this is what takes place at the abomination of desolation he actually exalts himself and we'll see later on in Daniel that he causes the oblations to cease there's a time right before the second seal is open that the sacrifices are implemented he causes them to cease in the abomination of desolation to set up that image and then he calls himself God okay now go to Revelation chapter 13 still hold your place there in Daniel chapter and Daniel I think you're in chapter 8 or 9 we're gonna go through all of those Revelation chapter 13 look what it says here in verse number 11 it says and I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon and he exercised it all the power of the first beast before him and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed so this man this false prophet is making everyone in the earth worship the Antichrist verse 13 says and he do with great wonders so that he make fire he maketh fire to come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live so revelations 13 and what we just saw in math chapter 24 it's referring to an image that abomination is referring to an actual image that is set up we don't know exactly what that's gonna look like I don't know if it's a robot or an image I just know this at the speed that technology is advancing today don't be amazed if it's something that you've seen in a movie or something I mean I'm shocked to see some of the the abilities and the technology to do great wonders I mean people have been able to imitate someone who's been dead for 10 years right and put them on a screen it looks like he's actually there how much more can they make this image that can speak and spew fire and kill and do all these things I don't think it's preposterous I don't think it's out of the reach of the technology of today especially in those days now go back to Daniel chapter number nine so the abomination desolation is referring to that image that is being set up and it's it works in tandem with what the Antichrist actually does which he opposes and exalted himself above all that is called God or is God okay Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 when does that take place when is the abomination of desolation taking place because we got to know when it is because it's important because once it takes place we understand that shortly thereafter we have the rapture taking place well look at Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make a desolate even into the consummation and that determined shall be a poured upon the desolate the Bible says so where does it say that this takes place in the what midst which is in the middle of the week which the what week is it talking about Daniel 70th week this is why I'm not mid-trip okay cuz you know anytime you say yeah you know I believe that the rapture is after the tribulation what do people tell you oh you're mid-trip then well first of all I'm not mid-trip because I don't believe the entire seven years is tribulation but secondly mid-trip the tribulation it doesn't take place in the middle where does it take place what takes place in the middle the abomination of desolation and the rapture is actually a little bit after the midpoint so mid-trip is not a appropriate term at all to even reference who we are we're post-trip pre-wrath rapture but that rapture takes place a little bit after the midpoint does that make sense everyone okay so the abomination of desolation is in the midst of the week we have three and a half years before three and a half years after go to Daniel chapter number 11 verse number 31 it says here in the arms shall stand on his part and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength and they shall take away the daily sacrifice and they shall place the abomination that make it desolate and by the way I think the reason obviously the reason why the sacrifices are being implemented in the first place and why the Antichrist is allowing this it's because he's trying to trying to woo the Jews you know he comes and he builds the temple and they're like yeah because if you ask any any Jew or if you look it up they don't do any sacrifices because they're waiting for that temple to be rebuilt well he's gonna allow it to be rebuilt and what's gonna happen they're gonna start the sacrifices but there's gonna come a point where he's gonna say all right no more sacrifices I'm God now the Jews are not gonna before that okay whoa hold on a second you're supposed to be a political ruler you know taking over the world you know Rothschild or whatever you know and then by the way that's what desolate means abomination of desolation that's what it's talking about as well is when they get rid of the Jews okay it says there verse 32 and such as do wickedly against the Covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits you say man I know we need to learn information but can you inspire me okay there's an inspiration okay they they do know their God will do great exploits so don't be discouraged when we're going to this time if we're allowed to go to this time if we were not killed or even if it's this takes place in our lifetime guess what the Bible says we're gonna do great exploits we're gonna see a lot of people saved God this is the greatest time for Christians ever okay well we can do great things for the Lord verse 33 and they that understand among the people shall instruct many yet they shall fall by the sword and by the flame by the captivity and by spoil many days now go to Daniel chapter number 12 verse number 8 the Bible says in verse number 8 of Daniel chapter 12 and I heard but I understood not then said I'm oh my lord what shall be the end of these things and he said go thy way Daniel for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end many shall be purified and made white and try but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand and from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away and the abomination that make a desolate set up so these two are used interchangeably there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days well that's that's 43 months so it at first glance you might think well that's a discrepancy because if there's a thousand two hundred sixty days in the beginning part okay from from the time that the Covenant is made up until the abomination of desolation but then there's also a thousand two hundred and ninety days afterwards how does that make sense well simply for the fact that and this is the way it works so obviously our calendars there's there's months in the days there's days in the month that have 31 28 etc but in the biblical calendar doesn't work like that every month in the Bible in the biblical calendar had 30 days in that month okay well that would be kind of weird because at the end of a year how many days would you have if you have 30 days in a month 360 so you're missing five days well if you keep doing that then your your your calendar is just gonna be all off so what they would do is that at the end of six years at the beginning of the seventh year they would add on a month of 30 days okay then you multiply that six times five the five days that they miss what does that equal to 365 right and that would equal to the seventh year so what they would do is the last month is called 8r at that seventh year they would add another month that was called 8r to so that six times five would equal 30 would make that last month does that make sense so that's that's why it's saying that so it makes perfect sense because you have a thousand two hundred sixty days in the beginning and thousand two hundred ninety days that makes perfect sense it adds up to the numbers that we see here but the abomination of desolation takes place there look at verse 12 blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days but go thy way till the end be for thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of days now this is very important and it's very cool okay because here's the thing anybody who criticizes what we believe will say oh you guys are setting a date to the rapture you know which we don't believe in date setting obviously okay and the reason they're saying that is because we say well it's after the tribulation okay and the reason they also say this for what I'm about to say right now but here's the thing the numbers that we're about to show right now it doesn't give us the specific time and date that this is gonna happen why because we don't know when that covenant shall be signed for many with one week for one week shall be we don't know when that is what we do know is is that once that abomination of desolation comes up oh okay I know what that is that marks the one thousand three hundred and thirty five days which if you were to subtract one thousand three hundred and thirty five days from one thousand two hundred sixty days what do you get seventy five days so from the time that the sacrifice from the time that the covenant is signed all the way to the time of the times of the about excuse me the abomination desolation is set up it's a thousand two hundred and sixty days okay from the time that the sacrifices begin all the way to the Rapture you have a thousand three hundred and thirty five days so because it gives those markers of the abomination of desolation and the Rapture as well as when the sacrifices begin and the coven is being signed you have those markers of the abomination desolation as well as the Rapture so you subtract those numbers and you get seventy five days so when the abomination desolation is set up you know oh man we got 75 days until the Rapture takes place you're setting a date we don't know where to measure that from though so how can we set the day it's not like we're saying it's gonna be on March 15th you know 2000 whatever you know we don't know we just know that at the abomination of desolation we can say okay now it's 75 days after that but no man know what the day or the hour but here's the thing at one point we will won't we I mean when we're in heaven are we still gonna be like hey man no man know what the day or the hour so I don't know when the Rapture is it came and went I didn't even catch the date did you catch what day it was was it Tuesday you know was it in the morning I can't remember it happened everything happened so fast we're gonna know one day so is it is it heretical to say that we'll know at the abomination of desolation no because we're not making these numbers up we're making we're we're we're basically saying that 75 days based upon the numbers that the Bible gives us in regards to the abomination of desolation and the sixth seal does that make sense to everyone I know that's that's kind of deep but write down the numbers write down the passages do the math it'll add up and then you'll be like wow that's pretty cool you know now go to Revelation chapter number two and by the way you said well how do you know how do you know that the end of that thousand three hundred and thirty five days is referring to the rapture though how do you know that because it only says till the end of days well because he tells Daniel that he will stand in his lot at the end of days what days the thousand three hundred and thirty five days well that makes perfect sense because at the rapture what happens the dead in Christ rise first then we return our alive and remains shall be caught up with them in the clouds so that's how we know so he's referring to the rapture because that's where Daniel is gonna be at the end of days okay now here's something pretty cool in Revelation chapter 2 verse number 10 this is a picture here this literally happened because we understand this is a literal church but we can make application to end times prophecy and there's no mistake that revelations to verse 10 is found in Revelation and it's given us this this phrase right here to understand better what takes place in the end times verse 10 says fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that you may be tried and he shall have tribulation 10 days be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life now I believe this is something that literally happened that's something that literally took place with the church of Smyrna but here's the thing is I believe it's also a reference to those that great tribulation so well hold on a second didn't you just say that the great tribulation is only 75 days why does it say it's 10 days and there if you're saying it's 75 days well we don't have time to go all the way back to Leviticus 23 but in Leviticus chapter 23 you have what's called the Feast of the Lord in these Feasts of the Lord you see different feasts that God ordained and and wanted his people to celebrate those first three feasts what you have is the Passover Feast of Eleven Bread and the first fruits are feasts that God did Jesus Christ actually fulfilled when he came okay the Passover he was our Passover Eleven Bread he's the bread of life the first fruits is when he resurrected then you have the Feast of Pentecost which took place in what Acts chapter number two well the last feasts that we see there are the harvest feast those have not taken place yet okay and that is the blowing of the trumpets and then you have the day of atonement which is in relation to the trumpet of the Jubilee the year of Jubilee he said why is that important the blowing of the trumpets actually when he told me this is when you're supposed to do the blowing of the trumpets was on the first day of the seventh month now where is the seventh month in a year it's right in the middle right now here's here's where the preacher of crowd gets it mistaken because they say well the the blowing of the trumpets that's referring to the rapture you know the trumpet not necessarily because if you look at other portions of scriptures often the blowing of the trumpet signifies war we're going to war well if you compare that to end times bible prophecy what takes place in the middle of the week the abomination of desolation what what does that kick off that kicks off great tribulation that kicks off what the bible says this the antichrist will make war with the saints so when they blow that trumpet it's like okay that's signifying now we're in great tribulation there's going to be war with the saints christians are going to be put to death etc okay does that make sense to everyone now this is really neat because for the the the one about regarding atonement is also in reference to the year of Jubilee the trumpet of the Jubilee which the trumpet of the Jubilee gets when they're supposed to blow that one so the blowing of the trumpets happened on the first day of the seventh month the Jubilee gets when that sounded 10 days after right of that seventh month and we said what is the Jubilee that is when they proclaimed liberty to his people and they were able to return back to their homes etc what is that a picture of the rapture so why does revelations chapter 2 verse 10 says that they child tribulation 10 days well that is a direct reference to the feast that we see in Leviticus chapter 23 where you see the first day of the first month antichrist what is he doing he's waging war against the saints 10 days later what do you see you see the trumpet of the Jubilee where he's proclaiming liberty to the the people of the land who are in bondage those who are in prison well that's what's taking place during the great tribulation so when that trumpet sounds that's referring to the sixth seal after the sixth seal when the dead in Christ rise first Christ comes into clouds etc if you didn't get that it's all right just study the feast it's an interesting subject okay very interesting and it just opens up what I mean God is putting this everywhere in the bible for us to have this understanding of it now go to Daniel chapter 8 we're almost done this may be a lot of information just write it down if you have a question you can ask me right afterwards look at Daniel chapter 8 and verse number 13 and by the way when you study this subject you need to study not just Daniel you need to study revelation you need to study first and second Thessalonians you need to study Matthew chapter 24 why because Daniel is very cryptic and not even he understood what he was being said to him when it was told him he was like I don't understand well because he didn't have the book of revelation well we do that's where we have more understanding than Daniel in this regard okay verse 13 look what it says then I heard one saint speaking another saint said unto the certain saint which spake how long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice and the transgression of desolation to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden underfoot does that sound familiar talk about the the times of the gentiles and he said unto me unto two thousand three hundred days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed that's six about 6.3 years but he's saying there from the time concerning the daily sacrifice so remember that's right before the second seal after he signs that covenant up until the end that's about a little over six years okay now here's the interesting thing about this because Daniel chapter 8 obviously has a future tense interpretation of it which is end times referring to the antichrist right but it also has an immediate one okay and I'm sure you've heard pastor Anderson's message on it when he talked about um Antiochus epiphanies right now who is that well Nebuchadnezzar obviously is the first ruler of that image that we see then we have the middle Persian empire then we have the Greek empire well when the Greek empire fell it was split into four four kingdoms the two most prominent kingdoms was the north and the south the Seleucid empire of the north and then you have the kingdom of the south which took place which was stationed in Egypt well this man by the name of um and I'm sorry I forgot his name and Antiochus epiphanies these guys need to get better names uh he was part of that northern kingdom okay now this guy was very I mean resembled the antichrist very much and to to the point that the coins that he made say said god manifests but not only that he in my opinion he literally did these things he caused the sacrifices to cease even in these days now you notice that it says the transgression of desolation not abomination of desolation I believe the reason it says transgression of desolation not abomination is because obviously this is taking place in the old testament what was one of the commands given to by god to his people is that they would do sacrifice if they cease from doing that that was a transgression okay so that's why it's called the transgression of desolation now so the daily sacrifice begins after the antichrist confirms the covenant before the second seal and then of course the abomination is desolation set up now go to revelations chapter 11 this would be the last portions of scripture that we go to I hope that made sense and if it didn't I'm sorry you know just takes time sometimes took time for me I mean I had to learn all this stuff too revelations chapter 11 and verse number one now the title of the sermon is the times of the gentiles and the times of the gentiles is a concept that's very easily understood if you have all these factors involved and you understand these factors okay these numbers revelations chapter 11 verse number one says and there was given to me a reed like unto a rod and the angel stood saying rise and measure the temple of god and the altar and them that worship therein but the court which is without the temple leave out measure it not for it is given unto the gentiles and the holy city shall they tread under foot 40 and two months that's three and a half years now the people who teach the false doctrine in regards to the times of the gentiles they're saying that the gentiles are just unsaved people who are going to get saved but what they don't understand what they fail to understand is that gentiles in the bible is synonymous with what nations so when it's talking about the times of the gentiles it's talking about the nations that are going to tread jerusalem under foot okay so it's not necessarily referring to unsaved people though these guys are unsafe but it's not just talking about because they're making a distinction between jew and gentile well no we're we're the jews okay according to the bible now go to luke 21 this is the last portion of scripture we're going to turn to because this is where we see the times of the gentiles being fulfilled and what takes place during that time luke 21 and verse number 20 says and we shall see jerusalem compass with what armies then know that the desolation thereof is nigh what are the armies talking about those are the the gentiles that are trotting jerusalem underfoot then let them which are in judea flee to the mountains and let them which are in the midst of it depart out and let not them that are in the countries there uh countries enter there into for these be the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled so the desolation is referring to what the days of vengeance vengeance on who the jews which is funny because they think oh we're gonna get the land one day you ain't getting nothing in fact the parable that we read in in uh i believe it's luke chapter 10 what do we see that the land is taken from them and given unto us because we see that parable about reigning over 10 cities and the wicked servant who does nothing that's actually the jew if you read the parable in its context what does it say about them take the 10 pounds from him and give it to or take the pound from me and give it to him to have 10 pounds well who's the one who had 10 pounds the one who rules over 10 cities so they can blabber all they want how they want the land that's ours he's giving it unto the one giving it unto us what will you say where are they getting vengeance he's executing vengeance upon them you see i believe that all israel shall be saved unsaved israel but they shall be saved reserved for wrath reserved for vengeance because it says there for these be the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled what is that talking about the fact that you know they mocked god they hated the lord jesus christ they rejected him they blasphemed his name you think god's just going to allow them to get away with that he's just going to be like you know all the wicked wars that they were a part of and the banking systems and all these wicked things the pedophilia the sodomy of hollywood and all the wickedness that they're responsible for god's not going to wink an eye at that you know all they're they're treasuring up wrath until the day of wrath you know what's going to happen the days of vengeance that's what's going to happen where he's going to execute vengeance upon them look at verse 23 but woe to them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days for this shall be great distress in the land and wrath upon who this people and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations and jerusalem shall be trodden down to the gentiles until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled when is that fulfilling taking place in revelations chapter 19 when christ comes in the clouds and the wicked are plucked away you see god is using the anti-christ to kill the jews but when christ comes he's also going to make some desolation because what do you have at this at that coming you have the battle of armageddon okay when christ comes and he destroys everyone by the with the brightness of his coming okay that's the times of the gentiles right there so we're not in the times of the gentiles right now okay we're not in the times of the gentiles it's not taking place right now when is it it's it takes place for only 40 in two months and it starts at the abomination of desolation and it ends at what at revelations chapter 19 i think it's very clear when we looked at the scriptures if they if you didn't catch everyone over your heads just read it over again but you say well it says this people well later on it says lift up your heads so he makes the distinction between this people and your heads okay what is the sermon this this morning sermon this morning is don't get stumped on romans chapter 11 verse 25 okay when someone says all israel shall be saved you know go ahead and agree with them like yeah i agree with that they shall be reserved for vengeance they shall be reserved for wrath they shall be reserved to be made desolate i believe that you know watch their jaw drop as soon as you say that but it's true but all israel being saved is not talking about the unsaved israelites it's talking about saved israel because they are not all of israel which are of israel according to the bible amen let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for this day thank you so much for these passages i know we went a little deep today but i think this is necessary to talk about to understand and i pray that you continue to open our understanding and give us wisdom in regards to these things and lord thank you so much that you've allowed us to see these markers in the bible such as the abomination of desolation help us not to be ignorant and lest we be wise in our own conceits i pray that you'd help us to take heed to these things because if they do happen in our lifetime we need to be read up we need to understand these times and and so we can be prepared and i just pray that you'd help us lord and if the tribulation comes in our in our time i pray that you would count us worthy to make it through that tribulation up until after the sixth seal when the lord comes and praise things in jesus name amen