(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] Thank you for this opportunity to be in your house this morning. I just ask that you be with our pastor now and please strengthen him, fill him with your Holy Spirit, and give us the ears to hear your word, and introduce him and pray. Amen. Amen. Okay, we're in Romans chapter 1 this morning, and look down at your Bibles at verse 18. It says, For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath showed it unto them. And at the time of my sermon this morning is the revelation of God, the revelation of God, why humanity is without excuse, why humanity is without excuse. You know, sometimes people are under the impression that the only revelation of God is the word of God itself, and obviously it is the most precise, profound, specific revelation and detailed revelation of God, which is the word of God. However, God is also built in certain systems in place in this world that essentially point people in the right direction. And if we're to compare it to anything, I'd say it would be compared to a compass, where you have north, south, east, west, and these systems operate like that compass, always pointing people north to the right direction. And the only way someone can veer off and go somewhere that's off course, off direction, is if they break the compass. You understand what I'm saying? But no matter what part of the world you're in, the systems that operate in this world will always point to the God of the Bible. And they're so efficient that at the end of the day, humanity is without excuse. And the reason I say that is because you have a lot of people in this world that will look at Christianity, and they'll have this impression that it's only the Western world that is Christianized, and they're the only ones who have the Gospel. And the rest of the world, well, that's why they're involved in paganism. That's why Hinduism exists, and Buddhism, and all these false religions are prevalent. It's because of the fact that they don't have the Gospel. So it's not right for you to say that people are going to go to hell if they've never heard the Gospel. How many of you have ever heard something like that? How can you say that people are going to go to hell in Southeast Asia, in India, different parts of the world, different islands where there's indigenous individuals there? How are you going to say they're going to go to hell if they've never heard the Gospel? Well, it's because of the fact that verse 18 states that the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness. So think about that. It doesn't just say that it's revealed to the righteous, to those who are just. And in fact, it specifically says that God's wrath, God's punishment, the consequences of people's actions is actually clearly revealed from heaven against all ungodliness. It says, and unrighteous men who hold the truth in unrighteousness. Now what does that mean when it says that they hold the truth in unrighteousness? It means they know the truth. They know who the Creator is. They know the compass is pointing them to in the right direction, but they decide to veer off and go some other direction on purpose. And let me just say this, is that if people choose not to believe on God, or there's people in this world who believe in a false god, they have to intentionally believe in a false god. People don't just get into a false religion just because they're just deceived. We know that deception exists. However, people actually have to decide to go and believe a false god. They have to decide to go and be a part of a false religion, and they have to decide to reject the true God of the Bible. It says there, verse 19, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them. He says, for God hath showed it unto them. It's not like God's hiding himself from the world. You know, God wants the world to be saved. He's long suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He wants people to be saved, and obviously, they have to use the compass that he's already given them to go in the right direction and ultimately what? Lead them to the foot of the cross where they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Okay? And so I want to talk about the revelation of God through these three specific avenues. Of course, the third one is the most important. Look at what's inside the body. You're a creator. You look at that and you're like, wow, this is amazing. This just kind of happened. All of this just kind of evolved by itself. No one thinks that. You have to intentionally veer off the truth to believe that. It's just like you look at a human being like, wow, can you? And to think we all came from a monkey. You have to intentionally veer off the truth to believe that. And you might have believed that at one point or another, but you intentionally made a decision to choose to believe that because of whatever educational system you grew up with. But then when you got to yourself some common sense and you saw how stupid that idea is, now you don't really brag about that stuff that you believed in. Because it's shameful. Because at the end of the day, you're not holding the truth in unrighteousness. But when you look at creation, you look at the intricacies of what we can see with the naked eye, it causes us to realize, even before salvation, that there is a powerful creator, a powerful designer. And at the end of the day, when you think about it, it provokes the question within humans, why am I here? Because you see how grand and large and massive the world is and the universe. And when you begin to study all those things and you look at the world around us, you realize how insignificant you are. It produces a sense of humility within yourself and then you kind of wonder, then why am I even here? And of course, that provokes you to seek after the Lord and get to know or seek out the creator. But let me just say this, is that more than anything, more than that, I believe what this passage is referring to is not necessarily that we look at that which is created and think to ourselves like, oh there's a creator, obviously that's part of it. It not only causes us to provoke us into the question of why was I made, I think this is the main reason why creation is used to point us in the right direction. And that is that it helps us to be amazed. And when we're amazed at something, when we stand in awe of something, the natural reaction for every human being is that we want to worship. What does that mean? To give credit to. To accredit someone for that which we are beholding. So when we look at the vast oceans, and we look at those weird animals in the deep ocean and the octopus, and you look at all of the animals in the animal kingdom and all the different types of birds and mammals that exist, and you look at the stars, it causes you to just be in awe. You're just like, wow. And you know what it does? It invokes worship. The natural byproduct of looking at something so incredible is you want to worship. And I think this is the main reason, or this is the main thing of when it comes to creation, is it's supposed to push us to worship the true God of the Bible. Now look at Romans 1 again, and look at verse 20. It says, for the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen. Isn't that kind of funny? It's like the invisible things of this world are clearly seen. And I think part of what this is referring to is the fact that, for example, when we look at the sky, we look at the heavens, right? And the work of His hands, our imagination carries us further than that. And we imagine like, wow, if this is what I can see with my eye, what's beyond that? It's clearly seen. Being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. He says, because that one day knew God. Now, don't confuse that. Knowing God in this particular fashion in verse 21 doesn't mean that they're saved. Okay? And by the way, getting saved is not necessarily you knowing God. It's actually God knowing you. Because in order for us to know God, we have to read the Bible. And knowing God requires a lifetime of just reading the Word of God, memorizing scripture, serving God, suffering for Him. That is what is required for us to know God. But when we believe on Jesus Christ, we are officially known of Him. We are children of God and now God knows us permanently. Okay? But here when it says that they knew God, it means they viewed creation and it led them north to a Creator. But here's the problem. They glorified Him not as God. Neither were thankful. I mean, think about the times that you've looked at the heavens. Think about all the natural disasters that you've behold, that you've been able to behold with your eyes. Think about the oceans and all the incredible landscapes and what great swelling joy of thankfulness it created within you. Right? You're like, wow, I'm so thankful that this exists or I'm so thankful that I'm not caught up in that tornado or whatever. He says, but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. So it sounds to me as though this person who viewed creation knew who was responsible for the creation. And what did they do? They were like, I'm not going to glorify God then on this behalf. And I'm not going to be grateful. And in fact, I'm going to create a vain imagination, meaning I'm going to say that this just happened from a big bang. I'm going to say that chickens came from dinosaurs. I'm going to say that we came from monkeys. That's a vain imagination. Just empty, it's stupid. Oh, and in fact it says, and their foolish heart was darkened. Another word for foolish is stupid. Because they come to the conclusion that there is a Creator and then in light of that, they intentionally choose to reject the Creator and go with their dumb interpretation, their dumb imagination, Star Wars, you know, Star Trek, we come from aliens, or whatever thing that's out there. But not only that, it says in verse 22, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. So aside from the fact that they're intentionally rejecting God and embracing a foolish imagination, now they're publicizing and telling everyone that they're actually wise because of this. Oh, you know these foolish Christians that believe that, you know, everything came from nothing and God created all things. Folks, we came from a primordial soup. It's just like, are you gaslighting us? You know, you're criticizing us and claiming that, oh, you know, Christians are the ones who are exercising faith, we're using science, but somehow we're supposed to believe that because you tell us that we came from a rock, that's science? Can't be observed, no one's ever seen it? Oh, you know, we're supposed to believe that we came from monkeys even though monkeys still exist? We're supposed to believe that we came from apes even though they're still here? And in the entire time that we've been here on Earth, as people, as humans, we've never seen an ape transition into a monkey? I mean, we've seen people transition into other things, right? But at the end of the day, they're still people. I mean, a dude can't even make himself a woman as much as he tries. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things. So what is it saying? Well, it's explaining the fact that in light of creation, people begin, it invokes worship in them, but then they intentionally reject the God of the Bible and begin to worship either themselves or birds and four-footed beasts. You know, PETA, people who worship trees and, you know, whales and animals and things that really don't merit worship, that's what they begin to do. And here's the thing, you know, you have people who are like, oh, how do you say that your God is the God of the Bible or your God is the true God when you have someone else around the world who grew up worshipping their God? Well, the question should be asked to that person, what makes them think that their God is the true God? And how do they even come to the conclusion that that's their God? You see, the compass of creation will always point you to the God of the Bible. That's the only direction it goes into. You say, well, how do you know? Because God's the one who put it there. He intentionally made that compass so you can find the God of the Bible. It doesn't take you anywhere else. It's only one direction, one road. You have to intentionally break the compass or dig a road somewhere else to intentionally go somewhere else to go worship another God, okay? Man was made to worship. Let me read to you from Acts chapter 17, verse 23. It says, For as I passed by and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To the unknown God, whom therefore ye ignorantly worship. Him declare I unto you. So even these people in Mars Hill, they understood that there's a God out there and they called them the unknown God, but they were ignorantly worshiping him because of the fact that all they went by was creation. But it's showing you here that even though they didn't know the name of Jesus Christ, even though they didn't know the word of God, they somehow innately began to worship something. He says, verse 24, God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands, neither is worship with men's hands, as though he needed anything, seeing he giveth to all life, breath, and all things, and hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation. Meaning it really doesn't matter where you're born. It doesn't matter what island you're from, what part of the world you grew up in, whether it's in America, whether it's in Canada, Africa, South America, it's parts of Europe, it doesn't really matter. Because at the end of the day, wherever it is that you're born, God determined the bounds of your habitation. And thankfully, no matter what bounds or what part of the world you're in, you always have access to the compass. The compass is always there. Yeah, but you guys are more fortunate in America. Well, I give you that, yes we are. And the reason why is because our ancestors, so to speak, spiritually speaking, people who came to America, followed a compass. Sorry that the people in Southeast Asia didn't do that, but that's why they're in the mess that they're in. That's why they're worshipping false gods on every corner. Now given there's idolatry and worship of false gods in America, but for the most part, people in America have sought out the compass and have gone north and have found the God of the Bible. So we are enjoying the fruit of previous generations that actually sought out Jesus, they sought out God, they intentionally drove people to seek the Creator, and they responded to that compass. But it doesn't matter where you're at, at the end of the day, if you're in Iceland, for crying out loud, the compass, it still works. Because God is the one who instituted that system to be operated in such a way that it points everyone, it's already in them. And it creates within them a desire to worship. He says there that he puts the bounds of their habitation, that they should seek the Lord. If happily they might feel after him and find him, though he be not far from every one of us, for in him we live and move and have our being, as certain also of your own poets have said, for we are also his offspring. You know, we look at the heavens and they declare the glory of God. We view cells through a microscope. We view the intricacies of a snowflake. And we see how beautiful they are, even though they vary. You won't find two of the same snowflakes, right? Very unique. And it creates within us a desire, a swelling desire, to worship something. The difference is that some people will look at all that, veer off the course, veer off the road, and begin to worship the creature more than the Creator. Okay? Now, is it any coincidence that Romans 1 is also talking about sodomites? Because that's how they began, right? Because this is talking about the fact that they knew the Creator, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, they became foolish, they abandoned their imagination, their foolish heart was darkened, they worshiped to serve the creature more than the Creator, and what it's trying to get across here is that every person has in them the thought of God. Like, as soon as we're able to understand things, it's like, God. We may not be able to verbalize it, we may not be able to, obviously we don't, some of us at one point maybe didn't even know the name of Jesus, but you know what? God. I mean, my wife was just telling me about her sister-in-law, about her sister-in-law, she was a former communist in China, Communist China, that's where she was born, and she was saying that in China, they intentionally tried to teach their people that Jesus did not exist. Look, folks, you look at atheists all around the world, they all know that Jesus existed, they just see him as a historical figure or something, but they don't believe in him as being the Savior. But there, they're just telling people, like, no, he did not exist. It's like they're just smashing the compass. Like, no, no! But you know what? My sister-in-law, while she was there, she got saved here, she would say, like, I knew that there was a God, and I would often pray to that God, because I knew within myself that there was a God. And you say, wow, she's so special and so unique. No, everyone in China knows that. Everyone in China knows that God exists. They have within them a desire to worship that God, but they're becoming vain in their imagination, and the nation is constantly just smashing the compass. As children grow with that compass, they're constantly breaking that compass, smashing that compass, because they don't want Jesus in China. But at the end of the day, it's all in them. What does Romans 1 say, though? Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge. So you have to be a special kind of wicked to just want to just extrapolate even the concept of God that's already built in there from your mind. They're just like, I don't even want to retain God in my knowledge. So what does God do? He gives them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. And here's the funny thing about that, is that He doesn't remove their ability to believe in God. So those systems are still there. They just can no longer get saved. So it's just like, okay, I'll remove your ability to believe the gospel, but you're always going to know that He exists. So it's not like God does a spiritual lobotomy where they just don't even know that God exists, and they don't know that Jesus exists, and they don't even have the concept of God. No, all those things are still there. It's just that now they're, it's like they get to keep the compass, but the compass is broken. You know, you ever seen a compass where it's just like, it's like a Bermuda Triangle thing, you know? Where the little needle is just spinning round and round, and they'll never be able to figure out where it's north or south. I mean, they'll know where south is, eventually. But, you know, they didn't want to retain God in their knowledge, the Bible says. So this is showing us that unsaved people have the knowledge of God to a certain extent. They don't know the Bible, they don't know the deep things of God, but they have that compass that God has already built within them, and that desire to worship. And look, Sodomites desire to worship. You know, people who are pagans and heathens, who worship false gods, who worship animals, who worship trees, and they're all about the environment, and, you know, we got to save the environment, and, you know, whatever dumb agenda they got going on out there, they're worshiping something. Because they can't help it. Man is made to worship, to adore, to praise, it's built within us. But the thing is, is that your worship is only satiated when you worship the true God of the Bible. I'm satiated when I worship God. Because he actually meets the expectations of what is worthy of worship. He not only meets the expectations, he exceeds the expectations. I mean, here I am 17 years later as a Christian, and I'm still in awe of God. I'm still astounded by the Lord. I'm still, I still stand in awe of his word. I'm still learning new things, and he just keeps surprising me. The more years that pass by, how incredible he is. But you know what, when you worship an animal, they stop being incredible after a while. Let me show you how, they die. You know what I mean? Trees stop being incredible after a while. Because it's just a tree. It's incredible for sure, but it only goes so far. You know? All of these things that God has created, is supposed to point us to the Creator, causes to regress, and worship that which has been created. But again, that's something that people have to intentionally do, because the natural byproduct of actually looking at creation. Someone's having a party inside the restroom there. You know, they have to intentionally what? Actually veer off the course, and worship something that's not God. So don't let anybody tell you, and try to evoke empathy from you, and be like, oh these people in the islands, this untouched virgin island with this indigenous group, they're cannibals, and they kill everyone who comes near them, but it's because they don't have the gospel. No, it's actually because they reject creation. And they're in a part of the world where they should view, I mean they see a lot of creation. And I've even seen like, there's memes on Instagram where it's just like, have you guys ever seen those guys who pilot like a thousand drones at the same time? And they're able to create images in the sky? They're like, we should take one of those to some island, and just become their god. You know what I mean? Because they can make faces, and make it look like it's talking. But here's the thing, it's funny, but at the end of the day, it's too late, they're already worshipping something else. They're worshipping themselves, they have some false god that they're worshipping, and the reason they're naked, the reason they're cannibals, the reason they are as wicked as they are, is because they refuse to use the compass that God gave them to point them to a creator. And the closer you get to God, in proximity to the truth, the more moral you become. The further you get from God, the less moral you are. And so, man was made to worship. And then, obviously, in America, you don't really have paganism per se, being like a main religion, or people being involved in those things. You know, the religion of America is essentially evolution. People thinking that we came from apes and animals, primordial soup, the big bang theory and all these things. But, folks, obviously, the Bible teaches us that by one man came sin. And that Adam was the first created man, that God created everything in six literal days, rested on the seventh. He created all these things. And so, it's important for us as Christians to make sure that we understand that, and that we believe that. And not trying to make excuses for the evolutionists because you want to reach them. And let me just make this statement real quick, is that I don't believe in creation evangelism at all. I think it's a fool's errand. And people who get involved in creation evangelism is a complete farce because of the fact that creation was never meant to save anybody. And, you know, really what creation evangelism is, is someone just trying to spout off their knowledge of creation, but they have no intention of getting anybody saved. And if they do, they're not going to get anybody saved. You know, creation science should be for Christians. We enjoy creation science because we already were saved already. We believe the Bible. But, you know, if you're trying to argue with some evolutionists and try to prove creationism, folks, they already know creationism is real. They already know that. You're like, no, but they say they don't believe it. It's called lying. People lie to you. It's called a front. Because the only reason they're even an evolutionist is because they broke the compass and they decided to go somewhere else. They intentionally rejected creationism and went to evolution. You understand what I'm saying? And so it is a wild goose chase. It's a fool's errand to try to use creation as a way to evangelize people. It was never meant to be used that way. Because here's the thing is that everyone already believes that God created the world and the heaven and everything that is there in. Everyone believes that. Even if they're not saved, they believe it. And if they tell you to know, they're just lying to you. Because everyone already believes that. You say, well, how do you know that? Because it says that it's in them. Are we going to argue against the Bible and say that it's not? Well, yeah, but there's this one person. Yeah, that one person is just really good at lying to you. They're just good at trying to convince you of a lie. But the Bible says that this stuff is in them already. You understand what I'm saying? It's not like he put that in them in a certain select group of people of this world. He did it to everyone. You say, why? Because he is the creator who set these systems in place. The devils didn't set these systems in place. Satan didn't set these systems in place. God did. The Bible says in Hebrews 11, verse 3, Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. John 1, 1, when talking about Jesus Christ, it says, In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made, the Bible says. And I'm not for this interpretation of, well, you know, he used the big bang to create everything or something. It's just these Christians who try to like kowtow to evolutionists because they want to win them, but it's just like, win the person at the door. They're a lot easier to win. The person is a full-blown evolutionist who believes that chickens came from dinosaurs and the wheat came from apes. They already know what you're telling them. And they're already, it's already in their mind. You're trying to put in them something that was already there. Understand what I'm saying? Like, what's the point of that? What's the point of giving someone the knowledge of creation to an evolutionist when they already have it? It's like they're wasting your time. So I'm completely against creation evangelism. I'm for just evangelism. Called solvening. And I know that's inferior to a lot of people, but at the end of the day, the Bible says that the gospel is the power of God and to salvation. It doesn't say that creation is the power of God and to salvation. Creation has its place as a compass to point people north so that when they get further down the road, they come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ because they run into a soul winner, someone who has the truth, gives them the gospel, and they get saved. They're just like, oh no, we gotta win these university professors and we gotta try to, if we can just win them, they can be used so greatly. The reason they're a university professor is because they rejected creationism. They rejected the truth. They're holding the truth in unrighteousness, the Bible says. So that's the consequence. You know, because they're so wise, they profess themselves to be wise, in God's eyes, they're fools. Because what is a fool? It's to know the truth and to reject it. A fool is someone who knows what the truth is and intentionally disregards it and does something else. That's what a fool is. And again, you know, there's people out there who, you know, you see like a reel, for example, and it's some reel of like, you know, some animal eating another animal, which is pretty cool. There's this account called Nature is Metal. Sometimes me and my kids just sit there and just watch those. And you look at the killer whales, for example. It's one of my favorite fishes of the sea. That's not a fish, it's a whale. Well, you know, the Bible calls it a fish, though. It's in the water, I'm just going to call it a fish. And it's an incredible animal. But you know what, anytime I think about the killer whale, anytime I look at those animals, it always points me back to God. And it makes me think like, man, God made that. He made that animal with that level of intelligence, with that ability to strategize, and be a killer. You know, I just saw another video of a killer whale just bullying a great white shark. You know, and for me, I always thought like the great white sharks were like the bullies of the ocean. But there's a new kid in town, apparently, and it's just the killer whale. But here's the thing, like me viewing those videos and seeing that, it doesn't make me like, oh, man, let's save the world. Like, I'm going to start a petition to save all killer whales if they become endangered. I don't care if they're endangered or not. I just enjoy looking at them. You know what I mean? Like, people are like, oh, man, we should not encage these animals. Why? Why? Because it's either you go to a San Diego zoo or you have to go to Africa to go look at those animals. I'd rather just look at them behind a glass. And I'm like, oh, man, I'd rather just look at them behind a glass. And it does the same thing. Like, I still praise God for it. Just look at the tiger and like, huh, nice. But it doesn't evoke a desire to like save them. And I'm not saying to be cruel to animals or anything like that because they do it on their own. You know what I mean? Animals are cruel to other animals on their own. There's no need for us to get involved and be cruel to animals because if you ever see a lion go after a gazelle, people get mad at us for eating meat. But, folks, we do it in the most humane way possible because there's animals out there that just will eat a baby. And it won't even cook it. Just eat it on the spot. But you'll find these videos of the heavens and stars and you'll find people in the comments section that will say like, wow, glory to God. But I guarantee you, most of them are probably not even saved. But they're worshiping God like it evoked an emotion of worship towards God. You know what? The Bible says, let everything that hath breath praise Him. So that means like not just Christians, everything is going to praise Him. And you know what? Even the people who hate God and they reject the Bible, when they view those things, it evokes within them a desire to worship God, but then they just kind of douse that voice and they choose to say, no, we came from monkeys. Like every time. Because at the end of the day, the natural reaction to seeing that is to worship God. That's why people are just like, wow, praise God. God is so powerful. God is so grand. And they're not even saved. The vast majority of them are probably not even saved. But it's that system that's just built into them to worship God. Because you know what? God deserves worship even from the unsaved. Because obviously He deserves worship for redemption and for Jesus Christ, but God has created all things. Like He's the reason we're here. He's the reason earth exists in the vast cosmos, this small little planet that is unique from all other planets. In comparison to all the sterile planets out in the universe, the billions and billions of planets out in the universe were the only one that can house life. And have oceans and trees and oxygen and people and people have existed here for over 6,000 years. It's an incredible thing. So when you look at these things, it invokes worship. You desire to worship the God of the Bible. And obviously there's people who, children, they grow up, they get into public school, and you have these people who profess themselves to be wise who begin to deceive the next generation and try to convince them that evolution is real. And the Bible talks about this. It says, beware, lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, the Bible says. The traditions of men after the rudiments of this world and not after Christ, the Bible tells us. 1 Timothy 6, verse 20 says this, O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and opposition of science falsely so called. It's like, avoid that stuff. Which some professing have erred concerning the faith, grace be with thee, amen. So the Bible likens oppositions of science falsely so called as being profane and vain babbling. Because it is dumb. Some of the stuff they come up with is just like, how do you, do you really believe this? You expect, it's like, you know, the history channel is just bent on gaslighting. Discovery channel is just bent on gaslighting. I mean, they've even gotten to a point where they have like a series, I don't know if it's on Discovery or something, it's one of those nature channels, where like, they're like, oh, this is how life is probably like on other planets. Okay. It's like, this is how life is like on other planets and it shows all these creatures, you know, just this sci-fi nonsense. It's like, dude, you can't even get to Mars. But they're talking about planets and other galaxies and what they're capable of and it's just like, I think there's moisture over there. I think there's like frozen lakes over there. But you know, you listen to them, you think to yourselves, if you're a Christian, you think to yourselves like, this is really stupid and it's hypocritical because they will look at a baby in a woman's womb and say, that's not living. That's not a human. But then they look at some bacteria or something, supposedly, on some ice lake in Mars and they're like, life on Mars. So the baby in a woman's womb is not life, but somehow this bacteria, this amoeba or whatever that exists, they don't even know they're making it up. On another planet it exists. Stupid. You know, and again, they have vain imagination because they look at that and say, oh, that means there's a society on Mars and Mars used to house people and it's a red planet now, but it wasn't before. It used to be just like Earth. And then they left and came here and that's why we're here and Nephilim. Una Anunnaki. They get involved and it carries that. I mean, they smash that compass because they just refuse to go north. They don't want to go north. They don't want to go north. But the compass can only take you in that direction. So you have to intentionally just spin that needle and break it so you can just go anywhere you want. So this is what happens when people reject it. So we're talking about the revelation of God, why humanity is without excuse. Well, number one is because of creation. And I think we as Christians should appreciate and praise God for his creation and look at the heavens and the stars in the sky. If you ever visit Big Bear Mountain and places like that, you look up at the sky and you see all the stars, it should create within us a desire to worship God and create all within us. The Bible's not the only thing that invokes all. So does creation. Trees and animals and lakes and oceans and octopuses and sharks and killer whales and birds. I mean, think about some of the birds that are out there. You look at some of God's creation when it comes to animals and you're like, God has to have a sense of humor. Because this thing is funny. Because I see this one bird with his mating call and he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he And, uh, you know, you look at that and you're thinking to yourself like, God did that intentionally to create all within us. Because really what purpose does it really serve? Because he could, he could literally just put within that bird just to go make that that's it. But he did that, not because of evolution. It's not like, Oh, something switched billions of years ago, and that's why they do this it's a survival tactic it's literally to entertain it's literally entertaining to watch you just cross your arms you're like look at that I mean think about octopuses think about those you know there's an octopus in Indonesia that will literally not just in color but actually in form essentially transform itself or mold itself into animals marine life that it has come in contact with and actually scientists have discovered new species but you know new types of animals because of this octopus because it'll it'll come into contact with a certain animal certain fish and it'll like mimic it almost to the tee and then scientists will actually end up finding that particular fish or marine life and they're like wow this thing was right but that's literally what it does and you know they saw it one time and it was it was at the ocean floor it made like little legs for itself and it's just like running on the ocean floor I mean it's entertaining to watch anything just over you know that's kind of like goofy though you know well job 12 verse 7 says this but ask now the beast and they shall teach thee and the fowls of the air and they shall tell thee or speak to the earth and it shall teach thee and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee who knows not in all these that the hand of the Lord has wrought this it's like come on who's gonna look at something like that and be like no it wasn't God oh yeah yeah that can't that happened by accident the guy has perfect form when he's dancing but somehow that's on accident you know he's like prancing around and it looks absolutely beautiful but somehow that was on accident it's nonsense and it even says that the the fowls of the air shall tell thee they'll teach thee you know how many airplanes and aircrafts have they designed with birds in mind because God's creation is superior and so God has benefited this world tremendously even to the unsaved he's created a world where with even the world itself improves our society improves our way of living it helps us to become inventors and create things and yet people still don't glorify him or they choose not they choose not to glorify him but the revelation of creation is powerful it's a powerful tool it's a powerful thing and so you know the next time you look at you know an opossum or something you know hey there's there's animals out there that I truly believe that God created to be so ugly and so just disgusting looking it kind of just makes you think about sin I'm not joking you know you how about this how about the anglerfish that sucker is ugly yes oh who knows what the who doesn't know what an anglerfish is okay you need to go on YouTube and ask you look it up and worship God for once all right just kidding anglerfish are fish they literally are found in like the deep ocean where no light exists it's just very dark and they are the ugliest most demonic looking fish you'll ever see and you kind of wonder like Lord you could have just you know not made them look that ugly but there's a reason why and you know it's like it has like these teeth it looks demonic and then the reason to call it anglerfish is because it has like a little bait thing that it puts out it kind of emits a little light and that's how it attracts prey because the prey come for that little thing that's hanging off its head and you know every man you know is tempted when he is drawn away of his own less type of a thing right and then they get consumed and you say why do you think God made him so ugly well because that which is in darkness is ugly so it's associating ugliness and that which is terrifying and scary and sin with that which is dark understand and so some of the ugliest animals that you will ever see are those in the deep ocean and it's just like you would never know that they existed we're not for modern technology that can actually shed light on how ugly those things are right it requires a human being to shed light on it so you can see what it is and that's basically how Christians are you know Christians we're shedding light on this dark world and showing how ugly truly sin is that it's not just sinful but it's exceeding sinful but anyways I am I digress go to Romans chapter 2 if you would Romans chapter 2 how about the revelation of God why people are without excuse creation is one reason it's a very powerful thing that invokes worship and this is why there's so many false religions this is why people in Southeast Asia end up worshipping false gods it's because they already have that built within them and they've chosen to reject that they've chosen to go a different way and to worship the creature more than the Creator but what is another thing that God uses to reveal himself through well that's our conscience okay our conscience is something that God has instilled within us that also operates as a compass and in fact it's not just the compass like the one that we see with creation that points us in the right direction it's a compass it's a moral compass is what it is and it kind of helps us to realize that we fall short okay now here's the thing is they and I want to talk a little bit about this because I kind of dealt with this this week well let's read Romans chapter 2 real quick and verse 12 it says for as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law and as many as sinned in the law shall be judged by the law what is that saying there's no exception so if someone grew up in a nation without the Bible without the laws of God they shall perish without it too God's no respecter of people it's like well this person didn't have the Bible you know that this guy in the jungles of Congo he didn't have the King James Bible and therefore we're just gonna give him a free pass to heaven doesn't work that way if they've sinned without law they will perish without law but at the same time those who have sinned in the law meaning they know about the Bible they know what the Word of God says they will also be judged by the law verse 13 says for not the hearers of the law are just before God but the doers of the law shall be justified for when the Gentiles referring to unsaved people which have not the law listen to this do by nature the things contained in the law these having not the law are a law unto themselves which show the work of the law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another so what is this telling us it tells us that every single human being has this thing called the conscience that tells them right from wrong can't save them they don't know the intricacies of God's law they have the bare basics though murders wrong dishonesty is wrong you know theft is wrong they have they innately know all these things and obviously they might grow up in a nation where the nation's laws permit those things but at the end of the day the law that is written in their hearts has already told them that it's wrong okay so you say well how does this point to the Savior how does this assist someone in that direction where they can be saved later on we'll go to Romans chapter 7 if you would Romans chapter 7 the awakening of the conscience brings guilt and a desire to be exonerated and forgiven now everyone is born with the conscience but not everyone I mean excuse me everyone is born with the conscience but it's not activated immediately at birth okay regardless of what the Catholics teach you now the Catholics believe like basically they you know the Catholics and the Reformers are just they're just the same they just vary in their doctrine but it's basically teaching the same exact thing because Catholics will they don't want to say this outright because it just sounds super wicked because you know it is but they will teach that if a baby dies and it wasn't baptized they'll go to hell I mean that is super evil and wicked but if you have a corner a Catholic to like ask them they're not gonna give you a straight answer because they're crooked and they're not willing to act because they know how wicked it sounds because their belief is that every person is born with original sin okay we've inherited the sin nature from Adam and therefore if a child dies and is not baptized to wash away their sins which baptism does not do that baptism like from a practical standpoint just gets you wet okay they say if they're not baptized and that baby will go to hell and it's just like you would hold a child responsible for the so-called you know what they call original sin and it's like what about what about babies who are stillbirths what about babies who are aborted did they also go to hell because how are you gonna baptize them because Catholics believe that life begins at conception so then what about in that nine-month period when a child dies if it when a child dies because it happens stillbirths miscarriages abortions do they go to hell because they weren't baptized you see how you see how like inconsistent that logic is it's obviously inconsistent from the very beginning but it becomes even more inconsistent the more you think about it right and then you have the reformers who are the stepchildren of the Catholics they're not even steps here they're literally the children of the Catholics because that's where they came from their Protestants they protested the Catholic Church they came out from the Catholic Church therefore they still hold to the same beliefs as the Catholic Church and they'll say well we don't believe that but you know we believe that some people are reprobates and that they're born reprobates so if a child is not elected by God and they die in the womb or thereafter they will go to hell because they're reprobates I mean both these ideologies are super evil and wicked okay he said well then how do you explain that the whole original sin though because don't we inherit like the sin nature of Adam and the answer is yes of course everyone inherits the sin nature of Adam even children inherit the sin nature of Adam however if children are completely ignorant of the laws of God believe it or not they're not held accountable for their actions it's one of the reasons and so if a child were to die you know in the womb or as an infant they will automatically go to heaven and this is one of the reasons why the Bible says that he's the Savior of all men but especially those that believe because the child is incapable of believing a baby can't believe right they don't understand the concept of sin and hell and the gospel and therefore you know because some people say well they're safe not safe no I think they're safe too because he's the Savior of all men especially those that believe and so they are you know in the eyes of God they have not violated the laws of God because they're not held accountable for those things because they can't understand those things now every single person in this room who has gotten saved and I'm assuming everyone is saved here there was a time and we can't really point to it because you know we talked about the age of accountability and this is what's so annoying on social media people like but what's that age though I don't know the Bible doesn't say eight years old five years old age is just referring to the fact that when they reach a certain maturity level where they understand and let's let's use the Bible to prove that okay because I'm telling you these performers and these Catholics they're always harping on this and I always think myself why are you why are you fighting so hard to prove that babies go to hell that's so weird but okay let's spar look at verse 7 what shall we say then is the law sin God forbid nay I had not known sin but by the law for I had not known lust except the law has said thou shall not covet so the Apostle Paul is writing here and again he's not saying that this took place yesterday for him this is some time in his life where there was a point where he didn't know sin and it wasn't until someone brought him the law and showed him where it said thou shall not covet that he knew what lust was because lust and covetousness are interchangeable but I want you to notice that he says I didn't know sin though verse 8 says but sin taken occasion by the commandment wrought in me all manner of concupiscence for without the law sin was dead I want you to notice these next four words in verse 9 for I was alive well that's very important because the Bible says that those who get saved were once dead in their trespasses and sin you understand what I'm saying so they're dead and here the Apostle Paul saying that he was once alive now what is he referring to he's referring to the fact that when he was a child he was alive because in order really if you think about it to go to heaven you have to be alive your spirit has to be alive but the reason we need to be saved is because the law slays us it kills us and we become dead in our trespasses what is trespassed well sin is the transgression of the law so when you come to the understanding that this is what God's law says and you have the mental faculties to understand that at that point you're dead now your spirit dies he says for I was alive without the law once but then the commandment came sin revived and I died this is referring to the you know that Paul literally physically died no he's trying to get across here that there was a point where he was spiritually alive which is as a baby because a baby's innocent and yeah you know he had corruptible flesh but God's not gonna hold him accountable to that as a child as a baby because what is he really what does God hold people accountable for because here's the thing folks you know all of us have corruptible flesh and even after salvation we retain our corruptible flesh you ever think about that the corruptible flesh is retained until when the resurrection so people are like oh once you get saved you'll never sin again oh so you resurrected is that what you're saying have you been transfigured is that what you're saying because we're gonna sin every single day until we go to heaven and in fact when we go to heaven is just our spirit and we're not gonna get a glorified sinless body until the resurrection the resurrection is the answer to our original sin but you know as it as a baby as an infant they're alive the Bible says because in order for them to be dead in their trespasses and sin which is what takes someone to hell they have to understand the law of God but it requires a certain level of mental faculties to actually understand that you understand he says in the commandment verse 10 which was ordained to life I found to be unto death for sin taken occasion by the commandment deceived me and by it slew me so it's saying that there's some point in the Apostle Paul's life I don't know when if he was five six seven who knows and there's a reason why God doesn't give us an age because it's different for everyone because folks there's people who are 25 years old who are mentally handicapped who have the mind of an infant they can't understand still they don't have the mental faculties even though they're physically grown in their bodies their mind is not there God's not gonna hold those people accountable and for you to say he is then you have an unjust view of God and not only that but you just don't even have a biblical view of God because this is the process you're alive and then you have to die and in order for you to die you know or in order for you to be saved you have to be redeemed from that death and the blood of Jesus Christ redeems those who are dead the person who's alive dies in that state they go straight to heaven because he's the Savior of all men he's the Savior of all men the infants and children but he's especially the Savior of those who believe because that person was once dead in their trespasses and sin and now he saved them and so this is what the conscience is the conscience what it is it is awakened at one point in their life you know as a child growing up you know you become a teenager who knows something happens where they finally understand that they have sinned against God okay and we can't really go beyond that to give an explanation beyond that because the Bible doesn't really give us that many that many details other than what we see here in Romans chapter 7 and I don't think it's profitable to naval gaze and ask questions that are unprofitable and say yeah but what about folks just take what it says here in Romans chapter 7 and that's what it is and here's the thing you know if you're if you have children in church preach the gospel to them you know they're gonna you know they need to get saved they're hearing the Word of God and don't have this attitude I'm afraid my kid might be a rapper or something they hear the truth so much that they're not gonna get saved it doesn't work that way okay children who grew up in church are constantly hearing the truth they're more readily they will readily get saved faster than some of us in here when we were younger as adults because they're there their faith is a lot greater it's just that you're kind of training their minds to understand these biblical truths okay and so God uses the conscience to do that and this is why the Bible also says that the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ you know the law showed us that we fall short of God's glory that we can't keep God's commandments perfectly you can't just stop X Y & Z sin and you know be saved that way it wasn't the law could make no man perfect it can't establish any righteousness within you it's supposed to show you you don't qualify so then you're supposed to panic you know what I mean like you see the law like I broken all those oh what am I gonna do let's start panicking because you can't save yourself but there's someone who can and there's this there's this one thing that God has done is and that's he sent his son Jesus to die for you and if you are willing to humble yourself and believe on him for salvation now you qualify not because of your righteousness but because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ you get his credit score okay that's what you get so you qualify now and you know the Bible describes this in various ways one of the best ways that it describes this as as is as being the light you think about when we say you know they respond to the light that God gave them that light is referring to like the conscience that the fact that they know that God exists they've broken God's commandments that's what it's referring to and as they respond to that because here's the thing once you know that you've sinned you have this desire to be forgiven and even prior to salvation if you've sinned you feel bad about it you want to be exonerated and this is why you have a lot of people throughout the world with the concept of forgiveness in their doctrine because they have a desire to be exonerated from their crimes against God for their sins but they have no way of washing that away because the only thing that was satiate that desire is the blood of Jesus that's the only thing that can do it and once you get saved you're forgiven of all sins past present and future and it's just like a weight is lifted off your shoulder it's like wow I've been vindicated I'm like just in the sight of God because you responded to the light that God gave you and this is why the Bible says in Proverbs 13 verse 9 the light of the righteous rejoiceth but the lamp of the wicked shall be put out because you know we have this light and we rejoice in the light but there are individuals who reject the light they don't want to come to the light lest their deeds should be reproved then they don't want to retain God in their knowledge and what happens their lamp shall be put out permanently because the light is what tells us what is right and was wrong you understand but a person who's a reprobate is someone who the lamp goes out they no longer have light they're like the angler fish who just dwells in darkness Proverbs 20 20 says who so curses his father and mother his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness and so here's the last thing and I'm done now creation is great causes us to worship God causes the unsaved person to seek after the Lord because they worship they want to worship God the conscience works great because it helps us to create a desire within us to be forgiven to be exonerated but you know what none of those things work unless you have the gospel and the greatest revelation of God is the gospel of Jesus Christ and here's here in lies the message my friends you're that witness and you're that revelation because the gospel doesn't work unless you take it to the gospel is insufficient it's not powerful unless you put it in your mouth and you open your mouth boldly to make known the mysteries of the gospel greatest revelation of God is Jesus Christ but you know what no one's gonna know about him unless we preach him no one's gonna know about him go to Romans chapter 10 and we're done and here's the last point that I want to make is that let's not forget folks as much as we love the created world as much as we understand the concept of the conscience and we understand that people who reject that light they get a seared conscience we know that at the end of the day the most powerful way to reveal the Lord unto this world is by preaching the gospel to them you're not gonna win your cousin over showing them creation you're not gonna win you're definitely not gonna win your cousin over showing them Ray Comfort and his emphasis on the conscience and the law and all that the only way you're gonna win them is by preaching the gospel to them let me say this every Christian should know how to preach the gospel not just me it's not my job only I'm the pastor and I know how to preach the gospel and I've been preaching the gospel for 17 years but you know what it's your job to not just mine you know and obviously it's not something that happens overnight it's not something that you just learn and you just become efficient at overnight it takes time but let me say this it is your responsibility to preach the gospel you have the duty to reveal God to this world through the gospel not through lifestyle evangelism people are just gonna look how wonderful I am and just get saved you know I'm just gonna let my life so shine before men that they may see my good looks and glorify God in heaven no it doesn't work that way you actually have to learn the Romans Road memorize the verses get on a team in our church to learn how to preach the gospel to be a full-fledged soul winner why because your family needs the gospel your friends need the gospel strangers need the gospel Mexicans in Mexico need the gospel people need the gospel everywhere and it's your responsibility to reveal that unto them now hopefully when you talk to them they responded to that creation and more than likely they've been slain by the law so you don't have to do a creation evangelism there you know here's here's another good point that I want to make when you preach the gospel you have to start in Genesis yeah it's just like whoa in the beginning God created the heaven and God created this in six liter shut up just preach the gospel skip all that they learned that later and they already know that they already know that God created it if they're listening to you they already know you so well who's who's done that work to teach them that God put it in them it's already built in you're doing the work that God already did a long time ago just just stick to the Romans Road you don't have to start in wherever in Genesis and in Revelation to preach the gospel you know don't be a long-winded soul winner are you going to the historical books and through the book of Judges and let me just tell you about the Jews and let me tell you about rapper but just preach the gospel preach Christ in him crucified look at Romans 10 verse 5 says for Moses described at the righteousness which is of the law that the man which do with these things those things shall live by them but the righteousness which is a faith speaketh on this wise say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up Christ again from the dead but what saith it the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thine heart that is the word of faith which we preach that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved look at verse 13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved amen no not amen yet got you look at verse 14 how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed though and how shall they believe in him in whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher and how should they preach except they be sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them to priest the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things what is it saying here you know what the gospel is the power of God unto salvation but it's only as powerful as when it's coming out of your mouth though hey Easter's coming it's a good opportunity for you to invite your family and friends or to get them saved prior to them coming to church and bringing them in to be soul owners it's a good opportunity it's a good reset button for you to start thinking about your family and friends that neighbor that just you've been thinking about inviting but you're so shy you're just I don't know now's a great time well I was thinking about sending about creation science DVD first there you know it well see I think I feel like I got it like the laws got to slay them first they're already slain I gotta do is preach the gospel and if you don't know how then you got a couple weeks learn here I mean what was Easter's like what three weeks out right you got some time and if you don't learn it by then you can just bring them here we'll preach the gospel to them what's the sermon today you know the Bible the sermon is the revelation of God why humanity is without excuse and here are some powerful ways that God has revealed himself to this world through creation so you don't have to do it through the conscience you don't have to do it but you know one thing you do have to do is you have to preach the gospel because without that they can't be saved amen let's pray father we thank you so much for your word and we're so thankful for creation Lord and even as believers who are already saved we can still appreciate and at all the wonders of the world and be in awe and worship you because of the the world that is seen around us Lord help us to continue to praise you for it and Lord we're so thankful that we still have the conscience and even though we're saved and we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us we also have a good conscience as the Bible says that is exercised to discern both good and evil and we can understand the Word of God so much better because of it but Lord through this sermon I pray that you would help us once again to hit that reset button on the importance of just learning how to go sowing how to preach the gospel how to get other people saved to learn how to communicate the gospel because that essentially is the most important revelation of God is through Jesus Christ in the gospel and I pray you bless this as we go on our way we love you we thank you pray these things in Jesus name Amen