(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, we're in Matthew chapter 13. Look down at your Bibles at verse number 1. It says here, the same day when Jesus out of the house and sat by the sea and great multitudes were gathered together unto him so that he went into a ship and sat and the whole multitude stood on the shore and he spake many things unto them in parable saying behold a sower went forth to sow and when he sowed some seeds fell by the wayside and the fowls came and devoured them up some fell upon stony places where they had not much earth and for which they sprung up because they had no deepness of earth and when the sun was up they were scorched and because they had no root they withered away and some fell among thorns and the thorns sprung up and choked them but other fell into good ground and brought forth fruit some a hundredfold some sixtyfold some thirtyfold who hath ears to hear let him hear and the title of the sermon this evening is the false teaching of false converts the false teaching of false converts now what do I mean by that well you think of a false convert as someone who claims to be saved and isn't saved right or someone who thought that they were saved but they're not really saved this is the most common perception that people will think of as being a false convert I'm going to explain what a biblical false convert is but before I get into that I'm going to show you what the false teaching of a false convert is and mainly I'm focusing on this group which we would refer to as the Calvinist or the lordship salvation group they would claim that someone who believes in one saved always saved they say they believe on Jesus Christ but they don't go to church they don't go sowing you know they don't do the works they say well that person is a false convert that person is not really saved why because they're not doing the works so they base whether a person has been converted based upon whether the person is doing the work or not they say well if the person is not living a holy life if the person is not living in righteousness and in holiness that person is not really safe he's a false convert but this is a false doctrine okay now it's foolish to the recipient for the fact that the Bible tells us over and over again in fact salvation is the most clearest doctrine in the Bible he spends books yea chapters in the Bible just expressing and explaining and putting the cookie on the bottom shelf when it comes to salvation why because he's willing he's not willing that any should perish but that all should go to repentance he wants people to be saved therefore the doctrine of salvation how to be saved is something something that's very simple to understand you know you can give a Calvinist Romans chapter 10 verse 9 and 13 and they just completely reject it you know that if thou should confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thy heart that God has raised it from the dead thou shalt be saved and they say well yeah no it's not just confessing though you have to have the works you got to make sure you're in church yeah sure they profess Christ but you know what if they're not in church if they're not following Christ they're not really safe to begin with that's false now go with me if you went to James chapter number two this is all introduction here James chapter number two this is James two is their favorite this is their life verse chapter okay now unfortunately they don't even know what it means James chapter two is their go to chapter phrase whatever you want to call it verse to go to in order to prove prop up their false doctrine of you know if you have faith but you don't have works you know you're not really safe to begin with and sure enough well where will they go they're not going to go to Romans chapter four they're not going to go to Romans chapter number 10 they're not going to go to John chapter three they're not going to go to the clear script the teachings of salvation of eternal life where they going to go James chapter two look at James 2 verse 14 says what doth it profit my brethren though a man say he have he hath faith and have not works can faith save him if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you saying to them depart in peace be warmed and filled notwithstanding you give them not those things which are needful to the body what doth it profit even so if it even so faith if it hath not works is dead being alone there you go we can pray and go home right it just proved it up and down right there look here's the problem with these false teachers when they try to expound on a chapter like this they completely negate what the theme of James chapter two even is which if you read the beginning of the chapter it teaches us to have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with respect to people with respect to persons what does that mean if you're saved you shouldn't have that faith with respect to persons what does that teach us then you can have the faith with respect to persons you know if he told you not to do that that means you can have it you see what I'm saying so the fact is is that James chapter two is teaching us how to exercise our faith okay well that's what we're talking about you gotta exercise your faith in order to be safe no you exercise your faith in order to be a testimony in order to help a brother who's in need in order to be justified before God no to be justified before man let's keep let's keep reading here it says here verse 18 yea a man may say thou hast faith and I have works show me thy faith without thy works and I will show thee my faith by my works now who's he saying this who's saying this it's a person okay he's saying there thou hast faith I have works show me thy faith without thy works and I will show thee right the person my faith by my works he's not saying I will show God you know why because how are we justified before God well the Bible says therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law see we're justified by God when we have faith when we place our faith in Christ for salvation but how can I prove to a person that I have faith well by putting my faith into works right making it work providing for their needs loving them going out and preaching the gospel these are the things that we should do as Christians in order to show that we have faith it goes on to say here verse 18 or verse 19 thou believes that there's one guy that I'll do as well the devils also believe and tremble but wilt thou know o vain man that faith without works is dead was not Abraham our father justified by works when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar so it tells us when he was justified by works when when he offered up Isaac whereas the Bible tells us in Romans chapter number four that he was that righteousness was imputed upon him when he believed on God and it was counted unto him for righteousness when when was that well quotes that has been in Genesis chapter number 12 so he was justified by God at the age of 75 when he was yet in uncircumcision the Bible says when he offered up Isaac was years after the fact so this clearly shows us the Romans chapter number four and James chapter two work in tandem one with another because Romans chapter four is being justified before God James chapter two is being justified before man but the Calvinists want to take this and say oh you gotta have works if not you're a false convert you know and we're gonna get to the person who is the biggest propagator of this false doctrine in just a minute so according to them a false convert is a person who claims once they've always saved but doesn't work is not really saved in the first place okay now go with you if you would to first John chapter two now I'm not saying that there's no such thing as false converts you know even in Matthew chapter 13 talks about those who have hardened their hearts you know less I should less they should be healed I should convert them right and there are certain people in this world they will claim to be saved but they're not really saved right now here's the thing he said well that's what we're saying that's what the Calvinists will say but it's not the same thing because these people are willingly deceiving people so that they can think that they're saved in order to take advantage of them so what the Calvinists say is the person who thinks he's saved is not really saved right whereas what we're saying is the Bible is teaching us is the Bible the person who says that they're saved but are taking advantage of people they're just saying that in order to take advantage of people they have a wicked agenda we would know them as reprobates or false prophets false teachers look at first John chapter 2 verse 18 says little children it is the last time and as you have heard that antichrist shall come even now are there many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time so obviously we understand that in the end times of the book of Revelation we see that there is one antichrist that will arise right that will deceive the whole world but the Bible is telling us here that even now whether it's in John's day or in our day there are many antichrists verse 19 they who's they just like the person who was in church who thought they believed is that it no they's referring to the antichrists they went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us oh no no that's referring to the person who says he believes but then he goes out into the world starts fornicating and drinking no it's saying that it's referring to the antichrist who are they these are wicked false reprobate teachers prophets right who are the Bible says that their folly shall be made manifest and when their folly is made manifest they went out from us because we don't tolerate false prophets amen go to Galatians chapter 2 so this is the real false convert if you want to say it the only difference is this false convert knows he's a false convert you know he's giving lip service as if he's actually saved but he's doing it because he has a wicked agenda behind that statement when I talk about a person who you know thinks that they're saved but they're not really saved that's not it okay look at Galatians 2 verse 3 it says but neither Titus who was with me being a Greek was compelled to be circumcised and that because of false brethren unaware is brought in who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that they might bring us into bondage to whom we gave place by subjection no not for an hour that the truth of the gospel might continue with you so what do we see here a false brethren what does that mean someone who claims to be a brother but is not creeping in unawares came into privily what does that mean privately spy out our liberty which we have in Jesus in Christ Jesus so this is a person who comes in and pays lip service to say that they believe like just like us they believe right on salvation but they're coming in to teach false doctrine go to second or go with me if you would to Matthew chapter number seven Matthew chapter number seven now who are some examples of false converts in the Bible well we have Cain you have Balaam Korah how about Judas now there's a guy by the name of Ray Comfort okay and he I have his book right here Ray Comfort revival's golden key okay and in this book he talks about how he says that Judas was a false convert but not the false convert of the Bible the way we're talking about it he says he's a false convert in the sense of he thought he was saved you know and he claims that he thought you know he just he just has a wicked heart you know he was the deceitfulness of riches the deceitfulness of riches you know and what is he trying to do here well he's trying to first of all he's confusing a whole lot of people who when the Bible actually says that Judas was actually the son of perdition not someone who's confused not someone who was just you know the deceitfulness of riches is just driven away drove him away from God no he's the son of perdition he's a son of the devil he's a devil he was a devil from the beginning the Bible says and abode not in the truth this is not a person who thought he was saved this is a person who knew he wasn't saved and was with the disciples with Christ because he was greedy of gain okay he wanted to take advantage of the finances look at Matthew chapter 7 and verse 15 beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly there are ravening wolves now this is funny because last week we are what was it no Thursday we had a guy come in and he was judaizing proselytizing you know Zionist loving guy and you know he ended up leaving but he was like you can't judge judge he was just he was telling me he's just like no judging no condemning you know and look I try to be as kind as I can to brand new people you know and I try to be as kind as discrete as I can you know he's like you shouldn't condemn anybody I'm like well yeah you're right you know the Bible says they're condemned already so I was trying to like agree with them as much as I could yeah they're condemned already and all these things and he just kept going on he's like you know you're not supposed to judge you're not supposed to judge and then I'm quoting him all these scriptures I'm trying to I'm trying to help him out and then he's like let's just open up the Bible you don't quote it you're not you're not giving me any Bible I'm like all right I was like Mark let's just open up to Matthew 7 and he says you got to read the whole chapter all right man you know I will you know then we go to Matthew chapter 7 judge not and I'm reading it judge not the be not judge oh stop right there you see you're judging I was like well hold on a second you said I need to read the whole chapter he's like no no I want to I want you to read that right there I'm like I agree with it so he would not let me move on from that you know either don't judge don't judge it says right there don't judge you're condemning yourself because you're judging he doesn't I told him I was like you don't realize that Matthew 7 is Jesus Christ judging people and in fact not only is he judging people he's telling us to judge them beware of false prophets right he shall know them by their fruits what does that mean you're gonna judge them by their fruits to know that they're a false prophet now he's a Zionist and he was just like the Jews are God's chosen people and God wants to reconcile the Jews and the Jews and the Jews and Zionism and you know worship them and all this stuff and and you know I'm like well you know he's a Jesus never condemned him I said well you know in John 8 44 he said hear of your father the devil and the lust of your father will you do he was a murderer from the beginning of bow down in the truth you know and I was just kind of giving him these scriptures and then he was just like you know the trick triggered right you're just triggered but at the end of the day he's just a heretic because we I gave him more than two admonitions because I was trying to be merciful with him and if I he's just I'm leaving you know yeah I want to leave I was like all right I like this guy's gonna punch me in the jaw he looked like he wanted to assault me but it just so happened like that Saturday I just trained the man how to physically take someone out of the church I'm like this guy picked the wrong time to want to like pick a fight with anybody here because we just finished training the man hey this is how you take someone out of the church physically if they try to get physical with us so he ended up going but the main point I'm trying to get at the reason I was saying this Matthew 7 is a chapter on judging look at verse 16 ye shall know them by their fruits do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringing forth evil fruit skip down to verse number 22 many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have you not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works and then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity so what is he saying here this is a person who's depending on his works and in context it's actually a false prophet all right this isn't a person who thinks he's saved he knows he's not saved because the Bible tells us that this is a false prophet he's a wolf in sheep's clothing this is all in context of this now go to first Corinthians chapter number 15 so yeah there's false converts but in actuality false prophets are not necessarily false converts they make you think that they're a convert they would they try to look like a sheep you know they try to they try to look like sheep they try to look like they're saved like they're Christians they try to talk to talk and walk the walk but at the end of the day they're doing it for the sake of deception they're doing it for the sake of taking advantage of people now I will say this is that sometimes people pray but they don't get saved and the reason for that is because it's a multitude of reasons one maybe the soul winner was not thorough enough or maybe even sometimes people go along to get along you know and then it just goes over their head or whatever you know I remember I was witnessing to this girl one time this is like probably about 11 years ago I was at my job we're out we're on break and this girl was going through a tough time and I was I was using that to give her the gospel because her heart is tender she's going through a tough time and I'm just going I'm going through the gospel plan with her I'm giving her the verses and she's just listening attentively I'm like man this is in the back she's gonna get saved and then like you know she's just nodding her head and and then I finally get through the entire thing and then I said do you understand everything that I explained she's like yeah I understand you know I said would you like to get saved would you like to trust Christ as your Savior she and she literally said this and I'm not exaggerating I'm not kidding okay you guys ready for this she looked at me she said wait a minute are you telling me that God wants me to be a model and I'm thinking ways I looked at her and I was like just completely went over her head she's I'm like she just wasn't paying attention at all she's just nodding the whole time but not paying attention right and I just kind of turned around I just walked away now that's an extreme example but there's people like that when we go out door knocking well they'll say yes to everything we're saying but they're not really getting it they're just trying to be nice okay not all the time but it does happen and there I guarantee you there's times when you pray with someone and they actually don't get saved not because the gospel has no power or not because it's not by faith alone it's because they don't really believe in their heart okay now look at first Corinthians 15 verse 1 it says moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also ye have received and wherein ye stand by which also ye are saved if ye keep in memory what have preached unto you unless ye have believed in vain so what is the Bible telling us you can't believe in vain what does that mean a person who claims to believe but never really does believe you know a person who claims to have been saved to believe in their heart with all their heart but in actuality they really didn't okay they just kind of went go along to get along they're just repeating some words they don't fully understand it they just are going along to get along it does happen okay now by the way that's why it's important that when you go soul winning you're very thorough now don't be so thorough that you just confuse someone okay because that is possible where you could be so thorough where you know they think you're you're they're giving you the right answers but because you keep asking them they're like maybe it's not the right answer and they start going chasing a rabbit or whatever it may be and they don't understand we want to make sure that we're thorough but we're also simple we give them a simple presentation that they can understand look at Galatians chapter 4 verse number 4 says but when the fullness of the time was come Galatians 4 verse 4 God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons and because of your sons God had sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying have a father wherefore there are no more a servant but a son and if a son that an heir of God through Christ how be it then when he knew not God he does service unto them which by nature are no gods but now after they have known God or rather are known of God how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage ye observe days and months and times and years I am afraid of you lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain what is he saying I'm afraid that you're not even saved now why is that is it because of their works no it's because of the fact that they're actually starting to believe something different you see because they're observing times observing days months times and years it seems as though they're going back under the law well he drives in this point that the law can't say he talks about how the laws are schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ so if they're still in bondage to that that would go to show even if they claim to have been saved and they never really got saved in the first place okay why because they're trusting in their works you understand so some people can believe in vain in the sense of they never really believed in the first place but how do we determine that well we determine it if a person claims to have been saved but then they believe they don't believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God what do we say oh that person wasn't didn't get saved in the first place that person believed in vain okay or how about this you know they claim to have gotten saved but then they're still going back to Catholic Church worshiping Mary and thinking that Mary can still save at that point well that person's not saved not that they lost their salvation it's just that they believed in vain they didn't quite understand the gospel okay these are things that we can understand or how about this you talk to a person and they claim to have been saved but then they still think it's by works well no no you know I believe it's faith alone but faith is never alone you know you got to work you got to make sure you got to repent of your sins and there's staunch on it that person's not saved it's pretty simple okay now with this in mind go to Matthew chapter 13 oh it's the same thing though no it's not the same thing because a person can be saved and still live a very worldly life a person can be saved and being drunkenness being fornication and I don't care who criticizes that statement or what they say about it it's fact to him that work if not but believeth on him to justify the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness the Bible says that's that's in the Bible how do you even like how do you get over that his faith is counted for righteousness now that's not to say that God will not chastise someone who is a child of God who's living in sin obviously that's gonna happen because the Bible tells us the word sons of God and a and our Heavenly Father will chastise us and punish us if we're not living in accordance to his word but we will look at someone who's living a worldly life and say well that person's not really saved you know why just because they're living a worldly life now there's a difference between that and believing with Arab Ballesteros believe where about Sarah say well you know the one is people are actually saved you know even though they believe in a different Jesus okay then let's just say that the Jehovah's Witnesses are safe because they got a different Jesus who or the Muslims or the Jews or the Mormons they got a different Jesus you know we didn't kick Eric out just for no reason no we kicked him out for heresy okay that's heresy now Matthew chapter 13 the reason we're using Matthew chapter 13 is because Ray Comfort basis his doctrine of false converts off of Matthew 13 he uses Matthew 13 to prop up his false doctrine okay obviously he can't but he misconstrues and it twisted to mean something that it's not so he claims that the four seeds right that are being sown in Matthew chapter 13 is a representation of three false converts and one true convert now why is that well because the last seed that was sown what does it do it bears fruit obviously that guy has to be saved because he's bearing fruit you know obviously this person's save he's bearing fruit some 60-fold you know some 30-fold some tenfold this person's bearing fruit hundredfold you know obviously that person's safe because he's doing great works well not that's not the way it works okay now look at Matthew 13 and verse 18 hear ye therefore the parable of the sower when anyone hear at the word of the kingdom and understandeth it not then cometh the wicked one and catch it the way that which was sown in his heart this is he which this is he which received seed by the wayside so let's look at the first one here the first seed that we see is the one that was sown by the wayside who is this these are those who just don't get saved you go in and give the gospel you know this is the girl that I talked to 11 years ago okay God's gonna make me a model okay just I mean Satan came and just ate that seed up like before it even dropped okay now look at verse 19 verse 19 explains expounds upon what this parable means it says when anyone hear at the word of the kingdom and understandeth it not then cometh the wicked one and catch the way that which was sown in his heart this is he which receives seed by the wayside so what's the main reason why they're not getting saved because they don't understand now there's an extreme side to certain Baptist churches where I've seen this like one two three pray after me okay and what they do like there's certain churches and what they'll do is they go they'll go so any and they can care less if people understand or not they care if you just repeat yes after me okay and they'll literally they're literally it's just like you believe you're a sinner great you believe that you know because of sin you deserve hell great look you believe on Jesus Christ all right great let's pray real quick like literally one two three pray after me by the way don't be doing that stuff here okay and look if we find out that someone's doing a one two three pray after me we're coming down hard why because at that point you're doing a sloppy presentation don't be such in a rush that you're just want to just just throw it all out there all at once just so you can raise your hand and get a number of someone who got saved let's be thorough better to be thorough get one person saved then not be thorough and supposedly get like five or six or seven seconds or tensing okay and Molly most groups are who do that one two three pray after me that's exactly what it's for you know there's churches where people raise their hand like I mean you see say 15 20 25 I mean that's like the norm on a weekly basis per person one two three pray after me and I'm not exaggerating am I exaggerating that's exactly what they do okay look we want to make sure that they understand so this person is a person that when we talk to them the seed is sown that's the gospel right and they don't understand Satan comes he takes the seed out of their heart they don't get it now hold your place in Matthew 13 let's look at the parallel passage and Luke 8 because I honestly believe that this person did not get saved and I'll explain why because Luke chapter 8 is the parallel passage to what we see of the of the parable of the sowers in Matthew 13 look at Matt Luke 8 verse 11 it says now the parable is this the seed is the Word of God those by the wayside same place are they that here then come with the devil and take it the way the word out of their hearts lest they should believe and be saved so the person who doesn't understand him in Matthew 13 is the person who does not believe and is not saved in Luke chapter 8 pretty simple right and look that's gonna happen okay every single person we've talked to is not gonna get saved more often than not the majority of the people are not gonna get saved okay now go back to Matthew 13 hold your place turn in Luke if you could put a piece of paper or a pen there so those are the ones that the that Satan comes and steals the Word of God out of their heart they don't understand so how do we compensate for that be thorough how do we compensate for that what do we mean by being thorough ask questions okay and look I'm all for answering questions answering their questions but we also have to make sure that when we give the gospel we're letting them answer the question to make sure they understand don't just be like you know you believe that right right just they're like right you know make sure that when you when you explain it say do you believe that and wait for them to give an answer why because we want to make sure that they understand because in order for them to be saved to believe to believe in to understand they have to make we have to make sure that they actually are comprehending the content that we're given to them okay now the second point the second seed we see here is the seed that is sown on stony ground these are the people who they get saved but they're not grounded in the Bible okay now keep in mind right comfort says that this person is a false comfort why because for a while they believe right that's what that's what it says and in Luke so he takes that as all this person just never got saved in the first place never got saved in the first place it's a false false convert it's a false convert look at Matthew 13 verse 5 some fell upon stony places where they had not much earth and for with they sprung up because they had no deepness of earth and when the Sun was up they were scorched and because they had no root they withered away now you don't have to turn there you can if you if you want to because I know I already have you in two places Mark chapter 4 verse 5 is another parallel passage and it says here and some fell on stony ground this is the parallel where it had not much not much earth and immediately it sprang up and because it had no depth of earth but when the Sun was up it was scorched and because it had no root it withered away now you're in Matthew 13 skip down to verse 16 it says these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground who when they have heard the word immediately receive it with gladness now let me explain something when the Bible often uses that phrase that they received the word with gladness that equals they got saved because they that gladly received his word or what baptized well what comes before baptism getting saved so when they gladly received the word they were baptized that's referring to being saved so we see there that they immediately received it with gladness verse 17 and have no root in themselves and so endure but for a time after when affliction or persecution arises for the word's sake immediately they are offended so what is this person this is the one who gets saved they receive the word with gladness but they're not reading their Bibles they're not rooted and grounded in the Lord they're not fortifying their convictions they're not learning doctrine they're not learning how to pray they're not becoming faithful they're just kind of riding the wave of emotion okay but they got saved and what happens persecution comes afflictions come and they tuck tail and they run from it they get out of church now Ray Comfort will say this is a false convert claims to have gotten saved but you know what they didn't endure until the end the same shall be saved that's what they'll say you know they believe in what's this false doctrine called the perseverance of the Saints which means if you're really saved you'll stay in church your entire life now they don't say you know if a person gets out of church they won't say that you know they lost their salvation oh that person was never saved in the first place you know because this person should have just stuck it out if they love God you know they have the Holy Spirit of God living within them they should have just stuck it out and if they don't they're not really safe and they'll use first John chapter 2 they went out from us for they were not of us you know but here's the thing that's talking about Antichrist it's not talking about just regular Joe Schmoe who believes there is a major difference between the two now you're in Luke go to Luke flip over to Luke 8 chapter 13 excuse me Luke 8 verse 13 this is the parallel passage it says they on the rock are they the stony place is what it's referring to which when they hear receive the word with joy and these have no root which for a while believe in a time of temptation fall away now the heretic that we threw out of our church used this to prop up his false doctrine to say that people could just stop believing in Jesus Christ if they're safe you know it's like one time you're saved and the next minute you're just like you know was I saved I don't think I was saved did I believe I don't think I believed and he has this weird devilish doctrine that says that a person can just amnesia you're their their salvation out just forget that you just were even saved in the first place okay and you say look for which for a while believe and a time temptation fall away you say well what does that mean though brother here this does say for a while believe well let me ask you this after you believe on Jesus Christ for salvation that we just not believe in him for anything else don't we have to trust him to provide for us don't we have to trust them to protect us don't we have to trust them to clothe us to give us a roof over our head to protect us from wicked people don't we have to exercise faith for other things of course so here's the context that we see here is this person believes for a while what does that mean they're exercising their faith they're James 2 in it for a while but here's the thing faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so if the person's not reading the Bible they're not increasing their faith and if they're not increasing their faith when trials come they fall away okay that's what that's referring to they're not this well you just they no longer believe well you know I did trust that Jesus Christ was the eternal Son of God at one point but you know Tyler Baker's making he's making a lot of sense now you know I think he's on to something he's not the eternal Son of God okay that's false that's not what that's talking about now let me read to you from you don't have to turn to 2nd Timothy 2 10 says therefore I endure all things for the elect's sake that they may also obtain salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory it is a faithful saying for if we be dead with him we shall also live with him if we suffer we shall also reign with him if we deny him he will deny us if we believe not yet he abideth faithful he cannot deny him self so when it says if we believe not it's referring to the fact that he's gonna believe that we believe whether he's gonna deliver us from afflictions from persecutions from sufferings you know if we don't believe he's still faithful no matter what happens okay go back to Matthew 13 so what's the principle there the principle is this when you get saved get grounded when you get saved get into a hellfire damnation preaching Church get into the King James Bible you know get into soul winning start growing start learning because the trials are going to come and when they come you don't want to be a mushroom Christian that is just knocked over at the sign at the first sign of a trial you want to be like a redwood right you just I shall not be moved but that happens when you're grounded in the Bible you're learning concepts you're learning biblical concept you're being faithful to church okay this is important now look at number three the seeds we're gonna look at the seeds that were sown among thorns verse 7 says and some fell among thorns and the thorns sprung up and choked them now go to Luke 8 Luke chapter 8 I'm gonna read to you from Mark 4 verse 18 says and these are they which are sown among thorns such as hear the word and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the lust of other things entering in choke the word and it become it unsaved become it unfruitful so this person is the one who is going forward but what happens he allows covetousness into their into his life he allows the lust of others other things enter in into his heart and what happened it chokes the word and he he's unfruitful because when you're involved in sin when you're involved in fornication when you when you have a covetous heart you're not thinking about the things of God when you're fornicating you're not thinking about soul winning you're not thinking about lost people I don't know if you understand that when you're involved in sinning and drunkenness you're not thinking about spiritual things at all so if you're not thinking about spiritual things what do you become unfruitful you see the purpose of a Christian obviously is to be fruitful but if you allow the cares of this world to enter in so what are the cares of this world just bad things that happen you're locked in life you know the cares of this world can enter in and it caused you to be over oh I'm just gonna stay out of church for a while I'm just going through a lot right now I'm going through a tough time I think I just need a break from church no you need a break from the world a permanent break we're just snap it off you need a break from your your buddies from your cousins and those who have caused you to stumble you need a complete break from them and separate from them if they're causing you to become greedy you know covetous a drunkard a fornicator these things are wicked and these things will cause you to become unfruitful and eventually you just get out of church okay now look at a Luke 8 verse 14 it says here and that which fell among thorns are they which when they have heard go forth and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life and bring no fruit to perfection again Ray Comfort says this is a false convert because if you're saved you're gonna want to do right batteries come included when you're saved if you're saved you're gonna want to do so winning you're not gonna want to sin you know you're not gonna want to do any sin you're just gonna be sinless okay this person was a false convert all right now let me read this to you here this book is called revival's golden key with Kirk Cameron that wasn't a joke that's what it's called okay now Kirk Cameron's from growing pains that's the guy from growing pains and you know he was like they made this whole the what is it called left behind series and now he's post-trib you know still not saved but he's post-trib okay this is his this is this is Ray Comfort's take on this parable here let me read you let me read this first okay it says here the article went on to quote Barna serving surveys showing that of these same teens 65% said they pray daily an amazing 72% believe the Bible however over a three-month period 66% confessed that they had lied to a parent or a teacher 55% had scx 55% excuse me 55% had cheated on an exam and 20% had either gotten drunk or used illegal drugs a Christian youth leader was interviewed recently on a popular national radio program he spoke with great concern of the fact that the young people were leaving the church in droves then he cited the number one reason they were turning their backs on God he had taken a survey to find out why and discovered that it was lack of opportunity in the church so this guy say look maybe the people the young people are leaving because there's not an opportunity to serve now I don't agree with that but you know it's wrong but basically he's putting that in the book to to debunk what he's about to say because it's like no it's not because of the lack of opportunities they're not really saved mate okay ask any pastor in there if there's opportunity to serve within his church and he will not he will no doubt tell you of the lack of people to teach Sunday school to visit the sick and the elderly to go out with the evangelism team to clean the church building etc the truth is if someone's heart is still in the world if he is a Judas at heart he will find any excuse to go back there if Judas has been given a survey form to fill out he would have likely have had many justifications for his betrayal of the Savior and has fallen away here's some of the excuses he was publicly humiliated by Jesus when he suggested giving funds to the poor so he's just completely just adding this to the Bible here he felt the deep sense of rejection because he was not part of the inner circle he needed money the chief priests made him do it the devil made him do it the responsibility of looking after the finances became too much for him he was abused as a child he's saying that these are the things he'd probably say he had a betrayal syndrome just can't stop backstabbing people he lacked the father figure he didn't think his actions would have the the grisly repercussions they had there are some who don't believe that Judas was even a Christian there is a good reason for this Jesus said of him one of you is a devil that's not something one would be likely to say about one of God's children Judas Iscariot was a hypocrite a pretender he had no idea who Jesus was he complained that an act of sacrificial worship was a waste of money I'm gonna skip some things here the Bible tells us that Judas was lying when he said he cared for the poor he was actually a thief who so lacked a healthy fear of God that he was stealing money from the collection bag so what does he equate Judas actions with you just didn't fear God no let me wake you up break comfort it's cuz he hated God so he says well Judas did all these things cuz he just didn't have a healthy fear of God he said well what's wrong with him saying that he's saying that those who leave church have a Judas heart that the reason they're not serving God is because they don't fear God they're not living in holiness it's what he's saying no Judas was a devil from the beginning Judas was a wicked false prophet it's not like he was just deceived he was the one doing the deceiving when Jesus gave his disciples the parable of the sower it seems that he lacked they lacked understanding of its meaning let me read some things here in other words the parable of the sower is the key to unlocking the mysteries of all other parables if any message comes from the from the parable it is the fact that when the gospel is preached there are true and false conversions this parable speaks of the thorny ground the stony ground and the good soil here true and false converts Judas was a false convert so he thought he was saved it would seem that he was a thorny ground here the Bible says of the thorny ground here the cares of this world the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things entering in choked the word and it becomes unfruitful some of these professing Christians stay within the church others leave it in droves false converts do have a measure of spirituality so who is he saying that Judas was a false convert and he says that false converts they do have a measure of spirituality what happens the deceitfulness of riches the lust of other lust of other things entering in choked the word and he became unfruitful no he's a wicked false prophet he was stealing the money because he's a wicked false reprobate but he equates and he's saying that anybody who goes out from us has a Judas heart you know you said why would he say that because he's a Judas that dude's a false prophet Ray comforts one of the most wicked bastard children ever sending people to hell by the droves okay with his wicked teaching Judas was never saved he was a false prophet you said well and by the way I I believe he's one of the seeds I do just not one of the four seats look at Matthew 13 verse 24 another parable put he forth unto them saying the kingdom of heaven is likened into a man which sowed good seeds in his field but while men slept his enemy came and so tears among the wheat and went his way but when the blade was sprung up and brought forth fruit then appeared the tears also so the servants of the householder came and said unto him sir didst not thou sow good seeds in thy field from whence then hath it tears and he said unto them an enemy hath done this the servant said unto him wilt thou then that we go and gather them up but he said nay lest while you gather up the tears ye root up also the wheat with them let them both grow together into the harvest and in the time of harvest I will say to the Reapers gather you together first the tears and bind them in bundles to burn them but gather the wheat into my barn so what was Judas he was a tear he wasn't that he wasn't the the seed one of the grounds that the seeds were sown on which is the Word of God he was the one that Satan had planted into the New Testament there look I believe in church plants I believe that Satan does church plants what is it what is a satanic church plant is when Satan plants a tear among the wheat you know when he plants a reprobate false teacher heretic child of the devil into the congregation of the Lord that's a tear among the wheat so he doesn't fall into the four categories that we see earlier in Matthew chapter 13 he's a tear among the wheat you see not a false convert okay a child of the devil a false prophet is what he is now look at go back to or you're in Matthew chapter 13 so the thorny the thorny the person who falls among the thorns is the person who simply allows other things to take him away from the work of God and look this is something that happens all the time and it can happen to anybody okay where you're going forward for God one bad decision over another you know you your heart becomes covetous because you're making a little bit of money your heart becomes covetous because you start making a lot of money and what happens is you're able to buy the things that you've always wanted and what happens you become discontent then that that overtime on Sunday seems a little better that overtime on Thursday seems a lot better and what happens eventually you're out of church why because the cares of this life the deceitfulness of riches and the lust of other things entering in choked the word and you become unfruitful okay that's why we got to make sure that we set our affections on things above none of the things of this earth you know check your heart make sure you're not being carried about with other things that can take you out of church or take you away from so many by the way you can come to church and still be taken away from Sony you know what I mean look those who work in balance one with another you shouldn't just go so winning and not come to church that's kind of weird he's like I got a heart for souls but not for the preaching of God's work you know priorities duties never conflict amen both of those are our duties we ought to fulfill them simultaneously go to church go so any not you know you don't not go to church and you do go so winning and you don't not so win and but you do go to church you should do both of them simultaneously in fact the preaching of God's Word is what encourages you to go so winning it's what teaches you to go out and preach the gospel okay now Matthew 13 verse 8 it says but other fell into good ground and brought forth fruit and some 100 fold some 60 fold some 30 fold so the last one that we see is the seeds that were sown by the good ground okay now this is the person that basically gets saved gets into church reads his Bible and says you know what I want to start preaching the gospel to I'm gonna go to that training on Saturday shameless shameless a little you know commercial break there I want to learn how to do that you know because I want to start producing fruit in my life as well by the way think about this didn't someone lead you to the Lord then in someone give you the gospel well I got saved through a YouTube video well that's someone still okay I mean didn't someone take the time to learn how to preach the gospel put in the time the effort the memorization of the scriptures to see you saved in the future think about that are we on not to reciprocate that to someone else as well someone put in the time to learn how to preach the gospel to win someone they've never met before which is you to win you to the Lord likewise we should take that and say man I want to learn so that I can win someone like this person won me as well okay to bear fruit and look keep track of your fruit you know how are you progressing as a soul winner how are you doing as a soul winner look this is having teams is not just so we can say we have teams having teams is to confirm and to help you to understand where you're at as a soul winner okay and look commercial break here don't buck the authority of your team leader okay they're the leader of that group and they're there to help you to be a better soul winner well I already know how to so I can do it already by myself you know I've already done it for years and so then you know what you know you haven't done if you have that attitude you know why because we're always supposed to be learning we're always supposed to be growing and that's that person is there and he's available to help you to be able to become become a better soul winner take advantage of that learn take everything you can learn so you can be the best so where that you can be okay so let's keep reading here now again Ray Comfort says well this is the only person that got saved because they're the only ones they're bearing fruit okay well news flash rate comfort you're not bearing any fruit so you don't even measure up to your own standard because every single video that I've seen of you you don't win nobody you don't get anybody to pray you don't get anybody to believe you don't even get anybody to repent of their sin you don't get anybody to do anything so even by your own standard you don't bear any fruit so you know you got room to talk right when you're over here week after week month after month hours on end with your stupid little camera walking around with the microphone in Huntington Beach which is not far from here you know looking for people just to make fun of them and you humiliate them on camera you're not winning anybody to Lord you know his book is basically about him be like me mate when people like me man you're not winning anybody what are you talking about you're a bad example the Bible says in Mark 4 20 and these are they which are sown on good ground such as hear the word and receive it and bring forth fruit some 30-fold some 60 some a hundred the Bible says Luke 8 15 but they on good ground are they which in an honest in a good heart having heard the word keep it and bring forth with a bring forth fruit with patience what does that mean they start bringing fruit over the years it's like well I just want to win my first soul right off the bat doesn't work that way sometimes it takes a while for you to learn how to be a soul winner okay but they do it with patience so what is the sermon today service is look there are false converts out there but they're not the false converts that this fool says that they are you know they if you're not in church you have false convert no you're a false teacher teaching a false doctrine yeah that's just a backslidden Christian okay someone who gets out of church is just a backslidden Christian is what it is okay and the true false converts are actually Ray Comfort okay because he claims to be saved he knows he's not he claims to be saved he knows is not but he's fooling thousands of people into thinking that he is in order to make greed to make filthy lucre in order to damn people to hell okay we want to make sure that we are the good ground obviously okay they were constantly producing fruit not to not to maintain our salvation but in order for us to receive rewards and then let's go ahead about our heads and have a word of prayer father me thank you so much for this day thank you for your word Lord we're thankful for the soldiers that came to us they were diligent to study to memorize the scriptures in order to win us to the Lord in the future and those people will forever hold a special place in our heart but I pray that that you would help us to be that type of soul winner as well that we would win many people to Christ and Lord I pray that you would help us to be diligent to continue to grow and be a learner not just feel like we've arrived in this matter of so many but that we would be a learner and I pray God that you help us to continue to do so thank you so much for all that you do for us in Jesus name we pray amen