(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, we're in Proverbs chapter 22, I want to preach a sermon geared towards fathers. Of course today is Father's Day and I believe it's important to understand the role of a father and our responsibility and in order to have a strong church we have to have strong dads. We have to have strong men, we have to have strong leaders and so sermons like this are very much important. Look at verse 24 of Proverbs 22, it says make no friendship with an angry man and with a furious man thou shalt not go, lest thou learn his ways and get a snare to thy soul. Be not thou one of them that strike hands or of them that are sureties for debts. If thou has nothing to pay, why should he take away thy bed from under thee? Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set. Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men. The title of the sermon this morning is the landmarks which thy fathers have set. The landmarks which thy fathers have set. Now what is a landmark? Well, a landmark is basically a prominent object on a land that serves as a guide. It's basically something that people who are owners would set forth in their property, their land to basically set the boundaries of what belongs to them. What is their inheritance? What is it that belongs to them? We would say like a fence almost. Back then they can use stones, they can use stakes. Basically something that distinguishes the landscape to mark a site or a location. And it's something that was used to mark the boundaries that pertain to a family, to a father, to his children. And these landmarks were placed in specific areas by a previous generation, by a previous father, grandfather, and it was there in order to establish what was rightfully theirs. And look at the passage once again in verse 26. This is Solomon speaking to his son and he says here, be not that one of them that strike hands or of them that are sure to use for debts. If that was nothing to pay, why should he take away thy bed from under thee? Remove not the ancient landmarks which thy fathers have set. Now what is Solomon teaching to his son? Well before I get into that, I want to just first address the fact that I love the way the Bible's written because of the fact that in the book of Proverbs you have a father giving instructions to his son. Now this could be likened unto our heavenly father giving instructions unto us. And in fact when you read the book of Proverbs and you hear about the father's instructions to his son, we immediately think about God instructing us in the way of righteousness, telling us how to live practically in this life, you know how to do things right and honest. Solomon is basically teaching his son here is to be honest in his dealings. Verse 26 is telling him not to go into debt. It says in verse 26, be not that one of them that strike hands or of them that are sure to use for debts. Don't be someone who goes into debt. You should owe no man anything but your love. Verse 28 is explaining that he should not increase his property at the expense of stealing from others. And as God's people we should never get rich or increase our goods by wrongdoings, right? Unjust gain as the Bible would call it. A father could own a piece of property and leave it to his children after his passing and this was considered a righteous thing and in fact the Bible tells us a good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children. And the wealth of the sinners is laid up for the just. Now obviously we can apply this in a practical sense, in a literal sense of leaving a house to our children, leaving some sort of physical inheritance but obviously as Christians we want to leave a spiritual inheritance, right? We want to make sure that our children are not rich in money but in faith. Why is that? Well because of the fact that when you're rich in money you raise up a bunch of spoiled little brats who don't depend on God. They increase their love for money and eventually they end up destroying their own lives, okay? And let me give you an example of this. A couple weeks ago I went to Sweden and, excuse me, I went to Sweden and when I went to Sweden you know I just thought there was just white people in Sweden. I mean I think that's a right judgment right there. So I didn't bring my Spanish Bible. I know how to preach the gospel in Spanish. I speak Spanish fluently and I remember thinking well I'm not going to need this so I go to Sweden and then I start running into all these Spanish speakers. From South America primarily and I was pretty shocked but I was kind of like wow this is cool. The first Spanish speaker I ran into I started talking to him in Spanish and I'm like hey camaraderie we speak Spanish and they're just kind of like, they didn't really want to talk to me and I'm thinking like these people are different out here. You know typically if I run into some Hispanic in a different state or a different country and they find out we're from like the same region you know like Central America or something like that you know there's like a camaraderie there and you start talking in Spanish you just like you know have a good time. But it wasn't like that over there and I kept running into these Hispanics from like different parts of the country like Peru, Colombia, Chile and but they were just really rude and pompous and just didn't want to talk. You know just kind of like they looked down on me for some reason you know and I'm like what's up with this place? I don't understand it. So I asked one of the guys there I said hey is there a reason? Is this my imagination? Is there a reason why these people are so rude and pompous and just like they're just mean? Why is that? And he said well this is the reason why. And it was profound. I thought it was a profound observation. He said a lot of these people were immigrants obviously or their parents were immigrants that came from South America and their parents came for the socialist dream. Because Sweden is a place that caters to immigrants and gives them free money, gives them free everything, just gives them everything that they want so they raise up a generation of kids who are just given everything that they want. All kinds of money, houses, anything they want and you know they want a better life for their kids so they want this socialist paradise but they actually end up raising spoiled brats. And I thought to myself I compare the immigrants there to the immigrants here. You know what the immigrants who come here, not all of them I understand but the vast majority of them they come and they work, start their own business, mow lawns right? You know they start their painting business and they make money off of honest work. And these are some of the most receptive people, even the people that we find out here. And so I see here that they want their children in Sweden to have this inheritance right? But it's actually destroying them. You know whereas we as Christians I'm not saying we need to have this lifestyle that's just poor and not have anything because you're just going to be a wicked person. No, have that which is needful and necessary but at the end of the day we want to make sure that we impart a great amount of faith into our children right? To depend on God because here's the thing, at the end of the day when we die what are they going to do right? They need to make sure that they depend on God, that they have faith and I don't want to get ahead of myself here but this is the inheritance that we want to leave for our children, an inheritance to our children's children. Go to Deuteronomy chapter 19, Deuteronomy chapter 19, I'm going to read to you from Deuteronomy 27 verse 15, it says here, cursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image and abomination unto the Lord, the work of the hands of the craftsman and putteth it a secret in a secret place all the people shall answer and say amen. Cursed be he that seteth light by his father or his mother and all the people shall say amen. Cursed be he that removeth his neighbor's landmark and all the people shall say amen. Now why is that person cursed? Because they're being dishonest. What they're trying to do if you had a stone for a landmark is they're basically increasing their property as they're decreasing theirs, little by little, moving that landmark little by little and stealing their property saying, cursed be that person who removes that landmark. Why? Because they're thieves, they're being dishonest. Look at Deuteronomy 19 verse 14, thou shall not remove thy neighbor's landmark which they of old time have set in thine inheritance which thou shall inherit in the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee to possess. So this is something that belonged to them, it was an inheritance and he's telling them don't remove that which their forefathers have given to them. Let me read to you from Job 24 verse 1 it says, why seeing times are not hidden from the Almighty do they that know him not see his days. Some remove the landmarks, they violently take away flocks and feed thereof, they drive away the ass of the fatherless, they take the widow's ox for a pledge. Now this could be likened to our government today, man. You know we can't like, we got to make sure we cut this tree down and we can't have this in our property. You know everything they say belongs to us but in reality it belongs to them, right? They're robbing the landmarks of something that belongs to the people. So go back to Proverbs 22 if you would, look at verse 29, verse 29 is teaching that success is gained by being diligent and not by being crooked because it says, see a style man diligent in his business, he shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men. Now when it says mean men, it's not talking about like, oh he's mean, you know like he's just, oh you're so mean, you know like they're just being rude or something like that. Mean just means average is what that's referring to and he's saying look if a man is diligent in his business, he's not going to stand, he'll stand before kings, he'll stand before prominent men, he's not going to stand before average people. Why? Because he's diligent, okay? He works hard and the emphasis there is he's trying to teach, hey don't try to get gained, don't try to get riches through being a thief, through lying, through unjust gain, you should get it by being diligent. You should get it by hard work, by being honest because honesty is the best policy. Lying lips are an abomination unto the Lord. Diverse weights are an abomination unto the Lord and this is referring to Christians obviously. We want to make sure that as Christians that we're honest in our business, we're honest in our dealings because of the fact that we know that we have a God in heaven who's watching us and he can take the carpet from under us at any time. Proverbs 28 verse 8 says, he that by usury and unjust gain increaseeth the substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor. But what is the spiritual application that we can derive from this passage? Well the obvious answer would be that we as fathers should establish a spiritual landmark for the generations to come. Spiritual landmarks, specific landmarks that cannot be moved. Now let me say this is that there are landmarks today that we are benefiting from the previous generation. What is that? The King James Bible. You know being an independent fundamental Baptist with the right type of music, sowing all these landmarks and you know what, they're all in the scope of thieves who are trying to move those landmarks aren't they? You know you have churches today that at one time were King James only but then you have these thieves and these robbers and these liars coming to remove that stone right? Trying to push the boundaries of our inheritance to say well you know the King James Bible is the best translation but it's not necessarily the word of God, it's not the perfect inspired preserved word of God. No it's the perfect and inspired indestructible inerrant word of God. That's the landmark and we're not supposed to remove it okay? You know the landmark of modesty. How about the landmark of just modesty? You know how about the landmark of manhood? Where a man is supposed to look like a man. You know a man is supposed to resemble a man and not look like a woman. You know the Bible says that a man who's effeminate, that's sinful okay? Long hair on a man is still sinful, it's still effeminate, you shouldn't do it and look you say well I have long hair then cut it because the Bible says that's sinful okay? You know a man should look like a man, a woman should look like a woman. That is the landmark that God has set forth in the Bible for us to learn and to observe and to keep. We're not supposed to remove it. You know hey pants on a woman is still sinful, amen? Pants on women are still sinful. You say oh you know that landmark was removed years ago, we've grown out of that, society has come out of that. No that's a landmark that should not be removed. Remove not the ancient landmarks which the fathers have set. He said well those fathers are long gone and dead, they're in the age, no I'm talking about my everlasting father. I'm talking about God who has set forth the landmark of standards and of modesty to say hey this is where I draw the line, this is where I place the landmark, don't move it. Don't move it and we have pastors today in churches who are moving these landmarks left and right. How about just the landmark of conservative music, right? Singing hymns, psalms and hymns and spiritual songs so you can make a melody in your hearts and to the Lord. What do you have today? Well you have a landmark being moved into CCM, you know contemporary Christian homo music for Christians and that's what it is. Oh you shouldn't say that. Homos write that music. Homos sing that music. And it's the agenda of the Sodomite community to sodomize Christianity and to remove the ancient landmarks. We need to make sure that these landmarks that are set forth in the word of God that we don't move them, that we keep them there and we make sure that we teach our children hey when I'm gone don't move it. You keep it right where it's at. How about just the landmark of being Baptist? You know there's churches out there that they're ashamed to be Baptist. You know if our church was called, you know if our church was called Faithful Word Baptist Church and if there's another church that was called that and you know do you have churches that were just you know we're just faithful. Welcome to faithful. Faithful what? You know oh and then and here's the thing people think that's not a big deal but you go to that church five years from now they're gonna remove Baptist from their from their name. You know what I say I think they should. Any church that wants to remove Baptist from their name I say go for it because you don't deserve that name. Okay it's good that you do but we those of us who esteem and understand the importance of having Baptist on the name of our church understand that that's a landmark that should not be removed. That's a landmark that we should we should proudly wave around as a banner amen and state hey we're an independent fundamental Baptist Church. Okay how about the landmark of just sowing? You know that line landmark has been moved a couple times to a door hanger to just a track drop to an evangelistic service right where they have a concert they bring people in and they had they do the Joel Osteen prayer you know that's a landmark that's been removed but that's not a landmark that we're gonna remove. We need to make sure that we keep it right where it's at right where it needs to be. The Bible tells us that the thief cometh not before to steal and to kill and to destroy I'm come to them I have life and then they may have it more abundantly and so go with me if you would to Ephesians chapter number let's see here Ephesians go to Ephesians chapter number one and as and of course this is geared towards dads because at the end of the day you know we have the responsibility to lead our homes okay if you don't think so just look at the previous generations that have come before us look at look at how perverse and wicked today is you know why it's that way because the fathers of old did not keep the landmarks where they're supposed to be they didn't fight off the thieves they just let them move the landmarks and just move it and move it and they did nothing about it you know oh you shouldn't say that about the previous generation that's why we're in the mess that we're in today that's why sodomy is so prevalent that's why everyone wants to accept the homosexual agenda because the previous generation did not fight it they did not fight to keep that landmark where it's supposed to be he said what landmark is that just keeping the homos in the closet okay and I'm not even saying put them to death because at the end of the day we don't live in a society that does that unfortunately you know I was good with just them being in the closet obviously under a rule under the mosaic law they were supposed to be put to death and it would be nice if our government instituted that once again you know that would be a great day but it's not gonna happen obviously you know how about just the landmark of hard preaching this is all introductory by the way the landmark of hard preaching where the Bible tells us to cry out loud and spare not and show my people their transgressions oh if you're young I don't like that spirit that's a that's a that's you know we just we're not for that spirit well the Holy Spirit that's called the Holy Spirit you know cry out loud and spare not show my people their transgressions that's called judging right to show the people their transgression is to judge them and that's a landmark that has been moved by many pastors in many churches because they don't they're afraid to offend the congregants they're afraid that there's some drunkard in the congregant in the congregation some fornicator in the congregation somebody who has a fag for a cousin and they don't want to offend them you know we need to make sure that we strengthen these landmarks oh but the world's gonna look at us weird they're gonna look at you like you're weird either way they don't like you either way okay we're peculiar people amen you know we need to make sure that we strengthen these landmarks and that we don't move them and look people think we're crazy you know we had this conference to make America straight again conference and they think we're crazy for doing that look if we did that conference 50 years ago that would be like the lamest conference ever because everyone's like we are straight we don't have this problem you know but we have a 50 years later people think we're crazy you know why because of the fact that the landmarks have been moved so far they've been moved so far out the boundaries have been moved the sites and the locations have been moved so far that we have a conference like that and we just look like a bunch of psychos to them you know that's just normal we just didn't move the landmark our landmark is still here so anyways I mean I still got a little bit of the conference in me you know you know let me just preach that I'm just kidding throw my notes away part two I'll be tonight so as dads we're gonna talk about that right you know as dads we need to make sure that we said it like cuz this is important you know we as fathers we need to make sure that we set landmark we show our sons the landmarks you know and I remember like old IFP churches not all of them but a lot of them they lost their children you know they lost their children whether maybe they didn't get saved or they did get saved and they went to like liberal churches or they just didn't want to do the things of God you know it's because they didn't show them the landmarks they showed them the what but they didn't tell them the why and we need to make sure that as dads we not only showed our children the what but we also explained to them the why now when obviously when their toddlers they don't need to know the why in fact the why is because I said so but as they grow up and you know the the gray matter is starting to remove from their brains and they they start inquiring and wanting to know certain things we need to explain to them why why because at that point we want that to be a personal conviction of theirs we want that to be a personal belief of theirs and for them to be inspired to also maintain that landmark that we have taught them about so let me give you a couple points here how to set an ancient landmark within your family as fathers okay now you say well I'm not a dad and look if you're not a dad you're a teenager you this you may think to yourself this isn't important but I guarantee you one day this will be important to you I promise you that you may think to yourself well I'm not even married I don't have children I don't have to worry about this when you become a father it'll be important to you and look it should be important to you now because you can apply this in a spiritual way just for spiritual children right so number one have an inheritance to give first and foremost so before we even set the ancient landmarks you know the ancient landmarks are foreign inheritance well first and foremost you need to have an inheritance look at Ephesians 1 verse 10 that in the dispensation of the fullness of times you might gather together and one all things in Christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him and whom also we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of his of him who work with all things after the counsel of his own will that we should be to the praise of his glory who first trusted in Christ so what is the the spiritual inheritance it's salvation and salvation is given to those who are the sons of God how do you become a son of God by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ now look none of this will matter if you're not even saved yourself you know having an inheritance none of this will matter if when you die you split hell wide open at that point it doesn't matter you know we need to make sure they are our fathers we need to make sure that we're saved amen examine yourselves you know and examine yourself if you be in the faith you know making sure that you're saved you know that there's no doubts within you and look if you doubt whether you're saved or not you need to get that taken care of like today before you leave these doors okay to make sure that you're saved but that's that's the most important thing because of the fact that God endows a particular wisdom unto Christians obviously people who are not saved and have experience have a sense of wisdom they have a sense of wisdom that comes with just living life with the failures and the successes that they've made but there's a particular wisdom that comes when you are saved why because the Bible talks about the spirit of wisdom and that spirit of wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit it comes from reading God's Word understanding the Bible and you need that wisdom in order to even have landmarks in order to even try to observe them and point them out you need wisdom to know how to raise your children in this wicked crooked perverse nation you know there's dads out there that are just blind as Christians that they're not even like teaching their children they expect the church to teach the children amen you know we need to make sure that we take the responsibility hey this isn't Sunday school class amen this is church but this isn't Sunday school class and look if your children will make it for God it's not my fault if your children don't serve God they're not you can't blame the pastor you know you blame yourself because the responsibility is not it's not the pastor's responsibility to raise your children that's why we don't have Sunday school classes that's why we don't have nurseries that's why we don't have you know patch the pirate or whatever you know these little these little classes and little rooms where other people are teaching your children you teach them that's the lazy man's way and you know when you do it the lazy man's way you get the lazy man's results which is a shallow Christianity they don't learn any Bible they don't they're not they don't have those convictions driven into them they don't know the landmarks because of the fact that God's way of doing things is for the parents to teach their children oh I don't know a whole lot of Bible then learn Bible case closed well I just I just don't know a whole lot of doctrine then learn it because God has placed you as a sole person in the life of the family to teach the children now obviously when they come to church they're gonna hear a sermon and those beliefs are gonna be reinforced aren't they you know they're gonna be reinforced they're gonna learn some doctrine but at the end of the day you're the pastor of your household okay and you need to make sure that you're saved okay the Bible says in 1st John 2 13 I write unto you fathers because he have known him that is from the beginning you know it'd be good if dad's know God not just in the manner of salvation but just how about just knowing him through his word you know it'd be a blessing if the children could look at dad and say my dad knows God my dad reads the Bible my dad has a prayer life my dad is a man of God oh is he a pastor no no he's not a pastor but he's a man of God you don't have to be a pastor to be a man of God you just have to be a man who adheres to God's Word is filled with the Holy Spirit is filled with God's power to be man's God's man okay says I've written to you fathers because he have known him that is from the beginning I've written to you young men because you're strong and the Word of God abideth in you and you have overcome the wicked one turn with me if you would to first Corinthians chapter number three so you got to have an inheritance period you got to make sure that you're saved okay and coming to church doesn't mean that you're saved labeling yourself a Christian doesn't mean that you're saved what does it mean to be saved it means that you've trusted Christ as your Savior it means you believe on everlasting you believe that Jesus Christ can give you everlasting life and that you can never lose it okay now the second thing here that I want to say is that we need to make sure that we lay the right stones that define your inheritance okay I'm gonna read to you from Psalm 62 now here's the thing is we need to make sure we laid the right landmarks because of the fact that you think of those times past where they try to steal the property that means those rocks weren't very heavy then if they're just able to move them right if there's but what if you put like some huge stone there a large heavy weighty stone doesn't matter how hard they tried they're not gonna be able to remove it the Bible tells us in Psalm 62 verse 1 truly my soul weighteth upon God from him come into my salvation he only is my rock and my salvation he is my defense I shall not be greatly moved look at the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 3 verse 11 for other foundation can no man laid that is laid which is Jesus Christ so it's not just a matter of you know having the right inheritance you got to make sure that you build upon the right foundation which is Jesus Christ and even on top of that having the right doctrine having the right doctrine hey dads I want to encourage you and challenge you to make sure that your house is centered around doctrine centered around doctrine that's a landmark that's been moved to the point where it's just like oh you're into doctrine oh yeah that's like well you'd like to go down deep and come up dry no I go down deep and come up soaking wet that's the kind of that's the kind of pool I want to be in you know and doctrine it you know they they've they basically forfeited the doctrine to be taught by the Bible colleges and it's not they're not even being taught doctrine there to be honest with you I'm sure there's a Bible College here and there that's teaching some right doctrine but it's very far few and in between the vast majority of them are not teaching the right doctrine the vast majority of them are teaching dispensationalism they're teaching repent of your sins they're teaching false doctrine and you are forfeiting your right to teach your children to someone else who knows no doctrine and in some cases they're not even saved okay we need to make sure that we help them lay the right foundation center your home around doctrine and what does doctrine mean it simply means teaching God's Word you know not standards but God's Word doctrine oh that's dangerous oh you know well here's the thing if you have the right doctrine you have the right standards but you can have the right standards and not have the right doctrine and at that point that's bad you can have the right standards you know I know I know a bunch of churches that dress modestly they have the right type of music but they're gonna split hell wide open because it's not about standards that's not the most important thing the most important thing is the doctrine and the byproduct of having the right doctrine is that you'll get the right standards afterwards okay you know they say I've been often told oh man you know yeah but you got to make sure we have the standard of no CCM and and you know having the right music I'm all for that but you know what if you believe the right doctrine you're not gonna listen to CCM if you have the right doctrine you're not gonna be pumping you know homo music to your radio why you're by yourself why cuz you have the right doctrine you know that God is against it it says verse 12 now if any man build upon this foundation gold silver precious stones wood haste stubble every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is Matthew 7 24 says therefore whosoever hearth these sayings of mine and do with them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock look I want to make sure that my children have these landmarks that are so heavy so weighty they're not even they can move it the convictions so deep within them the belief is so rooted in them that they can't deny it but it's also so heavy that the philosophies and the ideologies and the garbage and the filth of this world can't move it either to the point where you know let some evolutionists and let some atheists and let some agnostic try to challenge the beliefs of my children they will not be moved cuz they know hey this is a landmark is deeply rooted it's not gonna move you know I want my children to grow up and and look at evolution is just like a fairy tales a stupid fairy tale like that's stupid that's a stupid fairy tale you know I want my children to grow up and look at the ideologies of this world and all the false teachings and just look at it as fables look at it like a Jewish fable pure foolishness that's what I want them to do but you know in order for me to do that in order for them to do that that stone needs to be heavy so heavy that it cannot be moved okay encourage your children to be in God's Word rather than in worldly philosophy you know what that takes that takes you taking away the iPad from your children amen and actually putting now look if the iPad has like you know the the make America straight again you know sermons on it then alright that's that's good that's that's alright you know turn it up okay but if it's something else that's not helping them spiritually you know that's not gonna help you're just making that stone lighter and lighter okay and I can park it on there for quite some time because we live in a day and age where the new babysitter is the iPad Ephesians 4 20 says but ye have not sold her in Christ if so be they have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus that you put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust and be renewed in the spirit of your mind you know it takes work to put those stones in your in your family put those landmarks those heavy landmarks into your family but you know the result is the result is is they won't move them and no one will move it for them either okay go to Ezekiel 44 Ezekiel 44 here's another thing number three about landmarks teach your children the necessities of boundaries teach your children the necessities of the necessity of boundaries okay what were the landmarks for is to show us we don't go past this right this is no man's land you don't go past this boundary it's called rules okay and at that point you know we do need standards at that point but now that we got the doctrine taken care of let's go ahead and set up some standards that will protect our doctrine okay teach them boundaries look at Ezekiel 44 verse 22 neither shall they take for their wives a widow nor heard that is put away but they shall take maidens of the seat of the house of Israel or widowed that hath that had a priest before and they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane and cause them to discern between the unclean and clean what does that mean they're teaching them the boundaries and if you don't teach them the boundaries some drag queen filth of this world will drag queen story time at the library if you don't teach them the boundaries if you don't teach them God's boundaries someone else will their uncle will their cousins will their friends will the world will teach them the boundaries and guess what that boundary is far and in fact their boundary doesn't even exist you know we need to make sure that we teach them the boundaries and look what's the war that we're fighting today wars against the sodomites okay I know as you've been mentioning that you know throughout the sermon yeah because you know that's the war that we're in today the war that is waging right now in Christianity is not the CCM we got that beat you know that's that's that's that's small cake right there okay that's pretty that's a piece of cake it's not necessarily modesty but we got to remind people about those things that's that's easy right there you know what the war that we have to fight right now is the war for our children against the sodomites right because they are trying to take over our nation they want to recruit our children you know and how do they do it by trying to instill fear in us by trying to persecute us you know you know we need to make sure that we as God's people take a bold stance against the filth of this world oh what happens if something happens to us you know you need to make sure you review the first point and if you're saved you ain't got nothing to worry about what if they kill me then to be absent from the bodies to be present with the Lord amen you're good to go you know you can you can clock out in other words okay but this is the war that we're fighting here and we need to teach our children look son this is filthy this is disgusting oh we shouldn't teach them words like that no those landmarks need those landmarks of words need to be instilled into their hearts so they understand that mom and dad said that this is filthy this is disgusting it's vile why because we don't want the world to condition our children to think that it's okay for a man to be with another man for a woman to be with another woman for a man to dress in drag and think that it's normal you know we want our children to grow up and say that's disgusting I want to throw up because if not he's like well we're just gonna take a passive position on this you know that passive position you're basically giving them over you're giving your children over to them is what you're doing because they're fighting for your children too and we need to make sure we teach the boundaries hey teach the boundaries of marriage right that we stay married to the same person forever we don't use the d word in our family amen we don't use divorce in our family you know it's till death do us part and we need to make sure that we teach our children hey son daughter we stay married to the same person for the rest of our lives you say well you know I made the mistake are you preaching against me no I'm not preaching against those who've been divorced in our church I'm preaching to those who have not gotten married yet and I'm preaching to the dads who have children that you can teach them to not make the same mistakes that you made set those boundaries you know set the boundaries of what marriage is set the boundaries of what a church should be set the boundaries of of what you know the gender roles hey dad works mom stays home and amen to that dad works mom stays home you know she's a keeper of the house oh that's so old-fashioned yeah it's an ancient landmark that's what the bible actually calls it you know I prefer to use ancient you say old I'll make it older than that ancient landmark okay you know we need to make sure that we teach these landmarks to our children and set those necessary boundaries so that when we're gone you know what they're fighting for those boundaries as well okay isaiah chapter 5 and verse 20 says well unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter you know and look as they're growing up don't think that like a two-year-old is not catching some of this stuff they soak it up like a sponge you know they learn very quickly okay you know my son is constantly asking me he's constantly asking me like who's that papa I'm like you know maybe it's like a person in the street that looks a little weird he's like is he wicked I said no he's not wicked son you know I think he saw like like a spider-man dancing at Costco he's like papa this is spider-man dancing at Costco he's wicked I'm like no he's just he's just weird you know he's just he's just a dancer and then later on he's like we're we're we're talking and he's like yeah he kept talking about that spider-man at Costco he's like but he's not wicked papa he's just a dancer you know what am I doing I'm teaching him the difference between good and evil you know I want to make sure that he understands what is good and I want to make sure that he understands not by experience but by the teaching from his father what is evil okay you know hey people think it's weird that I teach my son that dispensationalism is wicked I'm glad he knows that and it that's deeply rooted in his heart that's good I'm not kidding there's like a there's like a three-year-old that lives across from us and like one day he was at the door because there's like gate doors and she was there too and he's like hi friend dispensationalism is wicked okay here's the thing is like it's like if there's one thing you would you can tell your friend what would you tell them he's like I just want you to know this one thing but you know what I'm glad that's good because that that landmark is being set it's being grounded you know hey just bible stories for your children my wife is just telling me that like that his grandma was telling him the story about them being in the boat and how jesus you know came and saved him and go and she was telling him this story uh this biblical story in the gospels and he goes he's like grandma no no no no no the water was getting into the boat grandma and that's why because she kind of skipped that part not not because she wanted to or anything she was just briefly giving a synopsis of the story and he's like the water was getting into the boat grandma and she's like oh I'm sorry about that okay yeah the water was getting in but you know what I'm glad that my wife is teaching them these stories so they're a part of who he is those landmarks you know at that point you don't have to worry about your children removing the landmarks they become the landmarks they become those landmarks because it's so deeply rooted in who they are because he says I shall not be moved right the bible tells us in deuteronomy go to deuteronomy chapter 6 if you wouldn't i'm gonna read you from hebrew chapter 13 verse 17 obey them to have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls as they must give an account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you and look children obey your parents obey mom and dad look who said park it all right i'm gonna park it then okay amen look we live in a day and age where the disobedience of children is not it's it's like people don't make a big deal about it anymore you know kids throw tantrums in grocery stores if they don't get a candy bar or whatever you know we need to make sure we raise a generation who obeys their parents and look if you're under your parents roof you need to obey and obedience is yes ma'am yes sir without the the exorcism yes ma'am yes sir right obedience is not just obedience it comes with respect and we need to teach our children to be respectful there's a lot of teenagers out here there's a bunch of disrespectful little brats and you can tell that their parents never whooped them never chastised them you know we need to make sure that we raise respectable children who obey their parents you're like well you know i kind of feel bad because i wasn't obedient to my mom i wasn't obedient to my dad and i feel bad trying to impose that upon my children no you're gonna make it worse okay so let's just not teach them that and then your then your children become worse than you you know why not use that and say well because i didn't obey and i'm suffering the consequences of not obeying my parents i want to teach my children to obey i want to give them the right example teach them how to obey mom how to obey dad yes sir yes ma'am no sir no no ma'am be polite so they can not make the same mistakes that i made and look example right here i was disobedient to my mom too i was don't look at me like that you were too i was just i was not saved i disobeyed my mom you know now i will say this is my mom chastised me so i couldn't i couldn't disobey a whole lot you know but i look at the mistakes of my past and think to myself i don't want my son and my daughter and my other son to make that same mistake so we're going to teach him to obey we're going to teach him to be respectful okay and look teenagers look young adults if you're living under the the roof of your parents respect dad respect mom let me say this respect dad you know oh but he doesn't know more bible than i do oh this is does it say you know obey him only if he knows more more bible than you no you respect him because he's your dad you respect them because he's your father you respect her because she's your mother this is what god wants and look you're sowing seeds for the future and when you grow up and you realize what it's like to have a family you're gonna wish you're gonna wish you had respected your parents in times past you know do it now look at deuteronomy 6 verse 5 says and now shall love the lord thy god with all thine heart with all thy soul with all thy might and these words which i command thee this day shall be in thine heart and thou shall teach them diligently unto thy children and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou lies down and when thou rises up you see this is the method of teaching your children the bible it's not like all right people you know come here family pull out pulpe and start preaching to them actually you teach them the bible just throughout the day as you're just living life you teach them concepts you use the physical surroundings of your life the the circumstances of life to apply a biblical concept to help them to learn that okay that's what you do you take advantage of life and use life to define the bible you use the bible to define life you use the circumstances of life to illustrate a biblical concept okay that's how you teach him the bible and look it takes work and sometimes you don't feel like doing it but you better do it because if not years from now that landmark will be removed if you don't okay here's the last point it's not it's not much fight to maintain the ancient landmarks okay we need to make sure that we've still within our children the importance of fighting okay the importance of going to war the importance of battle because here's the thing we have the war against the sodomites today but it might be a different war for them tomorrow when we're gone but what we want to do is we want to make sure that we say son daughter look you're always going to fight this side of eternity don't lose the fight within you when that war comes to your doorstep when whatever war comes to your doorstep whatever false ideology and false doctrine is trying to infiltrate your household your church you need to make sure that you're ready to fight you say we're gonna fight this no matter what because that's what dad taught us but more importantly that's what god taught us you gotta instill within them the desire to fight okay and look you say really are they gonna have a is there gonna be a generation that has to fight other battles have you heard of the new world order hello have you heard of someone called the antichrist have you heard of the new world order and the antichrist and how he's going to make war with the saints you want to make sure that we're teaching our children because ultimately they're going to produce the generation that's going to meet the antichrist in the new world order and we have to instill the fight within them in order to overcome that okay what's the sermon today it's simply this hey let's not remove the ancient landmarks let's strengthen those landmarks and teach our children hey this is what we believe here are the boundaries here are the guidelines and i'm teaching this to you because dad's not always going to be around you can look you may not even be that old but you can die tomorrow what if you died this week would you feel comfortable with the landmarks that you've already set within your children this last week that's good that's good you know are you confident that you've taught your children well enough even within this last week or last year to be gone tomorrow could you say you know what i did my best i've taught them well i've taught my children well or it's like man you know what i haven't taught them anything you know don't wait till they're five don't wait till they're 10 definitely don't wait until they're 20 that point is too late do it now teach the landmarks now inspire hasn't a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word and thank you for those who have set those landmarks in in our lives whether it's in a physical way or in a spiritual way and i pray that lord you help us to take this serious and help us to set forth those landmarks and strengthen those stakes and bury them down deep set those convictions deep into the hearts of our children and i pray god that you bless our service thank you for all the fathers who are here and i pray god that you bless the food and all there is in jesus name we pray amen