(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And ten faith is a victory song number four hundred and ten there in your hymnals as you find your seats And if you are able to let's all stand together for our first song this evening faith is a victory song number 410 seen on that first verse and camped along the hills of light he christened soldiers rise and press the battle where the night shall Bell blowing Against the bow in bales below let all our strength be heard Faith is a victory we know That over comes the world Is a victory faith is a victory Oh Victory that overcomes the world his banner Is our sword the word of God We tread the road the Saints above with shouts of triumph By faith they like a whirlwind's breath swept on Or every The faith by which they conquer death Is still our shining shield Is a victory The victory Oh Glorious victory that overcomes the world on every And the bow we find drawn up in dread array Let tens of ease be left behind Onward to the grave Salvation's helmet on each head The earth shall tremble or trend And echo with a shout Hey, there's a big There's a victory That over comes a world to him that overcomes White Raymond shall we give? Before the angels he shall know his name Confessed in him Then on from the hills of mine our hearts will love We'll vanquish all the host of night in Jesus Is a victory faith is a victory Victory Amen wonderful scene let's start our service with a word of prayer Dear God only father. We thank you so much for God for just allowing us to be here in your house this evening We pray that you please with God just bless every aspect of service Please bless some singing unto you and most of all the preaching of your word Help us with God to just be attentive in the congregation with open hearts and open ears with God And I pray that you also just be with our pastor with God guide him through the scriptures bring to remembrance of things Yes, you're paying all these things in Jesus name. Amen. You may be seated song number 263 barely barely summer 263 there your news as our second song Six three 263 First verse oh What a savior that he died for me from condemnation he had made me free That believeth on the Sun Ever lasting Barely barely Barely barely Message ever new That believeth on the Sun Ever lasting Iniquities on him were laid. Oh my indebtedness by him was pain Ever lasting Message ever new Oh Though poor and needy I can trust my Lord Oh message every child I say unto you Barely barely message ever new He that believeth on the Sun Though unworthy yet, I will not doubt For him that cometh he will not cast out He that believeth all the good news show I say unto you Barely barely message ever new He that believeth on the Sun Last All right, great scene thank you for being here this evening Welcome to first works Baptist Church. Just a few announcements here before we sing our next song which will be 472 if you want to get that ready in your song books, this is my father's world 472 our Sunday morning services at 1030 Sunday evening at 5 p.m And then our Thursday night Bible study is at 7 o'clock and we have a Bible study during the midweek service on Thursdays And that's when we go over the book of Matthew currently and so one encourage you to be here for that It's a expository sermon verse by verse Where we cover a specific book of the Bible and as I mentioned we're going to the book of Matthew So hope to see you then and then you see the soloing times and teams If you'd like to learn how to preach the gospel You can see me after the service to be placed on a team and then of course the list of expecting mothers there if you can Keep them in prayer and then the regular reminders there at the bottom men's prayer nights coming up on Friday September 1st 7 p.m. At the church building We will have dinner for all the men who come when I encourage you to bring your sons to pray with you And so that'll be this coming Friday and then the TJ soul winning is on Monday September 11th and Meeting here at the building. We'll be leaving here at 9 a.m Promptly if you have any questions and want to participate in them, you can see brother Elise's Hernandez You do have to have your passport and so just keep that in mind But be in prayer that we see a lot of people saved for that little mini marathon that we got going on there and then on Sunday September 17th is our sixth year anniversary and We'll give you more details of what we're gonna do what we have planned for that special day Of course new no food or drink allowed in a main auditorium except for water and coffee Please make sure you're not loitering in a four-year fellowship hall during the preaching service Of course men if you have if you're on duty as far as taking care of your kids is concerned you have to take them out you can use the foyer and There are speakers and screens available there But just don't want people just out there just kind of loitering just hanging out and talking and so just keep that in mind And then please make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service Let's take some so many numbers from this past week salvations from Monday to Thursday any salvations from Monday to Thursday Yes to okay anybody else how about Friday and Saturday salvations for Friday and Saturday one Two okay anybody else outside of those opening times, and then how about this afternoon salvations for this afternoon one for the Glen's team two Four for the Marcus's team two for the Morris team did I miss anybody okay? Keep up the great work Let's go ahead and sing our next song four hundred and seventy two This is my father's world Number four hundred and seventy two this is my father's world 472 See it on that first verse. This is my father's world and to my listening ears Oh nature sings Round me rings the music of the spheres This is my father's world I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees skies and Is This is my father's Their carols phrase the morning light There may first praise this is my father's world He shines in all that's fair In the rustling grass I hear him Everywhere this is my father's Let me never forget That though the wrong So My father's world Is not done Jesus who died I Amen wonderful scene at this time our ushers will be receiving the offering and please turn your Bibles to revelations chapter 2 You You You Good evening, so now we're in Revelation chapter 2 and the Bible reads The angel of the church of Ephesus right these things say say if he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand Walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks I know thy works and thy labor and thy patience and now thou canst not bear them which are evil now it's tried them which say they are apostles and are not and it's found them liars and As born and as patience and for my namesake has labored and has not fainted Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou has left thy first love Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works or so I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy candlestick out of his place except thou repent But this thou hast that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans which I also hate He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith under the churches to him that overcometh Will I give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God? And unto the angel the church and smear no right these things say at the first and the last which was dead and is alive I know thy works and tribulation and poverty but thou are rich And I know the blasphemy of them which say they are jews and are not but are the synagogue of satan Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison That you may be tried and you shall have tribulation 10 days But thou be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches he that overcometh Shall not be heard of the seven golden candlesticks of the church of God Shall not be heard of the second death and to the angel of the church in Pergamos Right these things sayeth he which hath the sharp sword with two edges I know thy works where thou dwellest even where satan seat is and thou holdest fast my name and has not denied my faith Even in those days where an Antipas was my faithful martyr who was slain among you where satan dwelleth But I have a few things against thee because thou has there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam Who taught balak to cast a stumbling block before the children of israel to eat things sacrificed unto idols and to commit fornication So hast thou also them which hold the doctrine of the nicoleatins which thing I hate Repent or else I will come unto thee quickly and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith under the churches to him that overcometh Will I give to eat of the hidden manna? It will give him a white stone and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth saving he that received it And unto the angel of the church of thyatira Right, these things saith the son of god who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass I know thy works and charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works and the last to be more than the first Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou suffers that woman jezabel Which called herself a prophet is to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and he thinks sacrifice unto idols And I gave her space to repent of her fornication as she repented not behold I will cast her into a bed And them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation except they repent of their deeds And I will kill her children with death And all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reigns and hearts and I will give unto every one of you according to your works But unto you I say and unto the rest in thyatira as many as have not this doctrine And which have not known the depths of satan as they speak I will put upon you none other burden But that which you have already hold fast till I come And he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end to him while I give power over the nations And he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers Even as I received in my father And I will give him the morning star he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches Let's pray to you lord god. Thank you for every soul at this church right now. Lord. We thank you for Salvation in the king james bible lord. We thank you for pastor We pray that you bless him fill him with the holy spirit right now as he preaches your word unto us And that us and the congregations have ears to hear what uh message you uh, that pastor's prepared for us lord We pray this all in jesus name. Amen Amen, okay, we're in revelation chapter two and look down at your bibles in verse number 20. This is notwithstanding I have a few things against me because i'll suffer as that woman jesabel Which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication And eat things sacrificed unto idols and the time of my sermon this evening is that woman jesabel that woman Jezebel and I want to talk about just kind of do a character analysis On the biblical character jezabel and what the bible has to say about her now obviously he's here in revelation chapter two It's obviously not referring to the same jezabel that we see in the old testament in the historical books in first kings However You know jesus christ is obviously using this name as sort of uh insult Or to describe this particular person that does exist in the church of thaiatara and Who knows maybe her name was jezabel, but if I were to guess I would say her name's not jezabel He's just kind of calling her that as an insult and also because of the fact that people already have some sort of idea Of what is meant when he calls someone jezabel because there's so much information In the old testament regarding her now when we think of jezabel the picture That the bible gives us When we think about jezabel is this basically this pagan? You know domineering Just self-willed odious repugnant woman Honestly, that's what you get you say well, I don't get that then you probably have never read The entire account of jezabel and think about this, you know what christian parent has ever called her daughter jezabel Nobody because they already know it's it's like calling your son judas You know what? I mean? It's like something you just don't do Because of the fact that they have a bad reputation in the bible And so if we obviously understand that two thousand years after you know What's taking place here in the book of revelation? Now obviously jesus christ and those who are in the churches knew about jezabel from the old testament and her reputation and how wicked She was and so in this sermon I'm, just going to go ahead and just talk about some of her wicked exploits some of the things that she did And why she earned herself such a wicked reputation now go to first kings chapter 16 if you would first kings chapter 16 We'll come back to revelation chapter 2 towards the end of the sermon We're going to start off talking about first her husband her and her husband, which is ahab, okay? And let me start off by saying that when it comes to jezabel The first thing that we can note about her is that she's just an unsaved devil worshiper, okay? Now I might be exaggerating a little bit because honestly we don't know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was unsaved But based upon the account here, she sounds like she's just unsaved because she's worshiping bale. She's worshiping false gods The god of the bible is not her god. Okay And ahab who is essentially the king in israel, of course during this time The kingdoms were split so you have the northern kingdom and you have the southern kingdom you have israel being the northern kingdom judah being the southern kingdom and the kings of the southern kingdom Uh, you know, we can't say all of them were saved but in general there are pretty good kings obviously save a couple of them But the kings of israel on the other hand, they're just like always bad. Okay, they always had a bad reputation They always did that which is evil in the sight of the lord, of course with the exception of few One of them in which we're going to cover tonight, which is jehu the son of nimshi Who's actually a very righteous king in israel, uh during this particular time and so look at first kings chapter 16 In verse 28, it says so amrai slept with his fathers and was buried in samaria samaria being the capital of israel and ahab his son reigned in his stead And then the 30th and 8th year of asa king of judah began ahab the son of amrai to reign over israel And ahab the son of amrai reign over israel in samaria 20 and two years And ahab the son of amrai did evil in the sight of the lord. Listen to this above all that were before him So we have some pretty evil kings prior to ahab, but they don't even hold the candle to ahab because according to the bible He did worse in his entire time in office as a king than anybody prior to him now One of the reasons why is because of the fact he had a wicked wife So essentially the the wicked efforts kind of tripled with uh jezabel being at his side And we'll see in just a little bit as to why it says in verse 31 and it came to pass Listen to this as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of jeroboam instead of nabab That he took to wife jezabel the daughter of ethbal now She's the daughter of ethbal, okay? bail referring to satan So obviously this is this means that she's physically the daughter of this guy But it could also be figurative Spiritually speaking that she's a child of the devil since bail is satan, okay? It says king of the zidonians and went and served bail and worshiped him So when it says that it was like a light thing meaning he didn't really care about it He's just like, you know He's walking in the sins of jeroboam and he doesn't really think anything of the fact that he's going to marry He's ahab king of israel A nation that is supposed to worship the god of the bible and then he just takes this pagan wife this unsaved pagan heathen wicked woman to marry Who doesn't worship the god of the bible and in fact clearly worships satan? And to him it's like a light thing. It's just like man, you know Him and jessie, you know, this is like Oh, maybe she has a good heart or something like that, you know Verse 32 says and he reared up an altar for bale in the house of bale which he had built in samaria And ahab made a grove and ahab did more to provoke the lord god of israel to anger than all the kings of israel That were before him. So the first thing I want to point out is ahab's unequal yoke to an unbeliever Okay, now hold your place there and go to deuteronomy chapter seven if you would deuteronomy chapter number seven You see ahab by himself was obviously pretty bad And he made some really bad decisions, but you'll see that ahab is one of these guys You know who essentially it's kind of tossed to and fro So he can essentially go with the current of the times So as long as he has some strong willed person beside him kind of provoking them to do right or wrong He's going to do right or wrong And the reason I know that is because of the fact that later on in in the life of ahab He actually repents He humbles himself before the lord God shows him mercy which shows that there's still somewhat of a heart for the lord there. Okay And so this would indicate that ahab is just a weak-willed leader The guy does not have the backbone to lead a nation. He doesn't seem to have any wisdom To you know of what kind of spouse to choose so he's just kind of carried about with every wind of doctrine By the slight of a woman and her cunning craftiness, right? Look at deuteronomy chapter seven And verse number one you said why why is it such a big deal that he married jesabel? I we get it. You know, she was a devil worshiper You know, he maybe trying to win her over to the lord though or something Well, here's the thing is that according to the bible god has specifically said that believers should not marry unbelievers Okay And that is something that is clear in both old and new testament And when we talk about unbelievers, we're talking about people who are just not saved Like well, I married, you know, someone who's like a mormon kind of like in the realm of christianity. No, that's not same thing Okay Well, I married like a catholic or something and they kind of believe in jesus wrong. That's an unbeliever according to the bible god commands believers to marry believers and I know this is a foreign concept today in the culture in which We live but who cares what the culture says? We have christian culture And christian culture says that christians should marry christians believers And of course, there's other things that we should look for in a spouse aside from them just being saved But at its most rudimentary level it should be that they're saved that they believe in the god of the bible that they believe on the lord jesus christ Well ahab's not even in the same ballpark He goes for like a satan worshiper out of all people Well, look at deuteronomy seven verse number one god warned of this he said in verse number one when the lord thy god Shall bring thee into the land where thou goest to possess it and has cast out many nations before thee The hittites and the gergashites and the amorites and the cananites and the perizzites And the highvites and the jebuzites seven nations greater and mightier than now And when the lord thy god shall deliver them from before thee Excuse me, deliver deliver before thee thou shall smite them and utterly destroy them Thou shall not make no covenant with them Nor show mercy unto them. So basically what he's commanding here is when they go into the promised land They're going to run into these groups of people And we see the list there the hittites gergashites amorites, etc And he says when you do that, make sure you wipe them all out Now some people wrongly think that any time israel would conquer a specific land They just have to wipe everyone out But not really it was just these particular people where they had to do that and the reason why is because these nations Were guilty of some of the most abominable acts known to mankind Okay, and we know a lot of them based upon the book of leviticus, etc So he tells them you need to just wipe it all out because there's so much disease And filth and perversion and abomination within those lands. You got to get rid of it. You got to get rid of them So he's sanctioning them to do that, right? He says in verse three neither shalt thou make marriages with them So he says when you go there Make sure you destroy them don't make any covenant with them Don't make any contracts with them. Make sure you don't show them mercy and don't marry them either Thy daughter thou shall not give unto his son nor his daughter. Thou shall take unto thy son Why look at verse four? Well, the reason why is because of their skin color And because of their race and because they're black or because they're brown or because you know, they have this type of you know Hairstyle or clothing no, it actually says on verse four for they will turn away thy son from following me So what is the major thing that god is concerned about he says I don't want you to marry into other nations Not because god is like some racist It's because he knows that these particular nations don't follow the god of the bible And so if they marry into the hitites the hitites serve a false god And the son who follows that false god will lead astray the daughter of israel You know the son who marries a daughter of the hitites who worships a false god She's going to end up causing his heart to depart and follow a false god It says verse four for they would turn away thy son from following me that they may serve other gods So will the anger of the lord be kindled against you and destroy thee Suddenly but thus shall you deal with them? He shall destroy their altars and break down their images and cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire For thou are and holy people unto the lord thy god The lord thy god hath chosen to be a special people unto himself above all people that are upon the face of the earth Now this isn't just an old testament concept You know, oh, you know, that's old testament, you know, god of the old testament is so mean He just wasn't tolerant and he had all these rules Well, go to second corinthians chapter six if you would go to second corinthians chapter six So again when he said this in deuteronomy 7, he's he's basically telling the children of israel Don't worship or excuse me. Don't marry into these other nations because these other nations don't they're not saved And what these nations are going to do is they're going to cause you And cause your heart to drift away from the god of the bible You're going to worship false gods and you're going to provoke me to anger And what happens when you provoke god to anger people start dying? Judgment starts coming and bad things happen. Okay, so he's trying to spare you from An incredible chastisement that he's going to lay upon you for marrying that mormon And then you know your mormon wife is just like well, I went to your church. So now you got to come to my church We got to go to the mormon tabernacle and so you go there and start partaking of Their whatever sacrilegious services that they have and partaking of their you know, whatever it is that they do I don't know what they do in the mormon church. I don't know be weird and stuff and You know talk about what planet they're going to inhabit or something And it's just like yeah, but I don't really believe it. Yeah, but hold on a second Even if you don't believe it god's not pleased with it, though Okay Even if you're doing it to appease your spouse god's not pleased with that. So And you say well, you know, what am I to do because I did that, you know, I married an unsafe person Well, really who i'm talking to are those who have not yet gotten married That's what i'm really talking to. Okay, obviously if you've already gotten married that ship has sailed, you know And and there's specific instructions that the bible gives in first corinthians chapter seven As to what to do and according to the bible you can win your spouse over Okay, it's going to take a lot of work and in some instances some people were able to win their spouse over They got him in church and then it ended up working out very well, but sometimes it doesn't Sometimes there's major conflict within marriage Because of the fact that they have different religious views Okay, and it was all you know fun and games It's all roses and daisies in the beginning. You're willing to put your differences of religious beliefs aside until the stuff hits the fan You're married six months down the road a year down the road And now you are Have this conflict within your marriage because you guys don't believe alike Okay, because she's the joe's witnesses because uh joe's witness because he's a mormon because they are a buddhist or something like that You know that's cause for conflict in a marriage Because god requires 100 loyalty to him Okay, so guys and ladies in order to avoid all this Marry a christian Look at second corinthian six verse 14 says Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers Now obviously you could apply this to just relationships in general But if it applies to relationships in general, don't you think it would apply to marriage as well? Which is one of the greatest relationships that we will experience this side of eternity He says be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Why for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? What communion hath light with darkness? What concord hath christ with belial? And what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? What agreement hath the temple of god with idols for you're the temple of the living god as god had said I would dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their god and they shall be my people What is he saying, you know if you marry an unbeliever? There's going to be a lot of conflict. You're going to have a lot of trouble in the flesh You're not going to be able to serve god 100 of the time There's going to be bumps in the road Unless you make a considerable effort to win your spouse over to christ, but even then my friends There's a major uphill battle sometimes even thereafter now. Thank god if you win your spouse to christ That's really all that matters, right? But even thereafter try to get them faithful to church to read the bible to believe the doctrines of the bible I mean a lot of that is an uphill battle so better for you to just find someone in church Who's saved of course Who believes the bible is going in the same direction as you so that even though marriage can be an uphill battle Sometimes the hill is not that steep for you You know, the hill is very steep for someone who is married to an unbeliever It's so steep. It's almost vertical And it almost seems hopeless sometimes But for someone who is saved who's married to another safe person. Yeah, you're gonna have problems down the road. There's gonna be Conflicts and and you guys aren't going to get along sometimes you're going to experience all the conflicts that all marriages experience within the christian life But the hill is not that steep It can be fixed because at the end of the day you are of like faith and you have the bible Giving you the principles leading the way so you're not just trying to figure things out on your own Okay, and here's the thing, you know, obviously We're talking about safe people Christians getting married to other christians But you know, I would always encourage and I can't prove this 100 from the bible This is just my opinion to marry a fundamental baptist Because sometimes you know, you can find a safe person, but maybe they go to some non-denom church And they don't have the same standards as you Now obviously you can bring them to church and they can learn the ways of the lord here And learn your preferences and that's good, you know But it doesn't always guarantee that you guys are going to see eye to eye on everything either. Okay Sometimes there's going to be major conflicts. It's like they use the niv or something and you're over here using the king james And you're just like that's trash That's toilet paper Throw that in the trash and they're just like what are you talking about? This is god's word This is how i've had relationship with god, you know, and they use different lingo and so there's more conflict, right? And so the best way To just find a spouse sometimes just in church or a church that's like-minded with your church a person who's saved And therefore you won't experience a lot Of what other people have experienced in times past and it's just it's a common thing unfortunately, but it does happen Okay, and so, you know go back to uh first kings if you would so ahab marries Jezebel who's just it's not like she's just saved and just worldly. She's just a legit pagan Just a heathen devil-worshipping woman And you know ahab really is just like a hemp-pecked husband. He's seriously hemp-pecked. He's a major pushover Like this guy is a punk The guy's a weenie. I mean, I don't know what else to say. He's a wuss You'll see throughout his his life. It's just like Jezebel was the one wearing the pants in the family for sure Okay She's the one leading the whole thing And and all that and so really ahab he could have turned the whole ship around Of who israel was worshiping if it wasn't for jezebel Now ahab shouldn't have been a king in the first place because the guy is such a compromiser But you know what if jezebel was a was a righteous woman. She was saved. She could have provoked him To serve god and and love the lord and turn the nation to righteousness and been a help me to him But instead she just made him wax worse He ended up building up altars to Baal And and doing all types of wickedness and the practical thing that we can learn from this is that oftentimes Spouses can't serve god because of their spouse They can't serve god fully because of their spouse And so, you know, we need to be careful even within church. Obviously, we're all saved here as far as I know You know, there might be you know Someone's a person here. I don't know But sometimes spouses are hindered by their others by their spouse by the significant other from serving god And the ideal situation would be that both of you are serving god together Both of you are sowing together You're reading the bible. You're leading your family in a christ-centered Manner where jesus christ is the preeminent one and you guys are on the same page Okay, it's important that we as couples are on the same page spiritually. We're going in the same direction Obviously there might be a case where one spouse is a little more spiritual than the other May know a little more bible than the other but in the at the end of the day that you're both going in the same direction Okay, spiritually speaking And so this is what happens when ahab thinks it a light thing To marry jezebel. Hey guys, don't consider it a light thing to just marry some jezebel out there Some instagram thought out there And I know what thought means now I learned it means that hoe over there Am I am I right did I get that right? Okay, i'm hip see I know Oh, yeah, you you may think it's all fun and games You know marrying some instagram influencer And all this because she's so beautiful or he's so handsome or whatever But folks, you know beauty is vain At the end of the day and I don't know if you know this but you know when you get married You know, obviously you're physically attracted to each other. But let me say there's something called age It starts creeping up on you And you know what you're gonna you and her are gonna get old That's just how it is And so beauty begins to fade It's not as you know, I don't know beautiful as it used to be. That's just the way life is And so if there's if the relationship doesn't have something of substance Where you love the soul you love the person You know, uh, then you're going to be miserable, you know that that that's the The physical features is not going to please you in the long term You need to actually love the person for who the person actually is. Okay, obviously the looks are a cherry on top But you know, it's vain and it's not it's not going to last forever. That's just the end. That's just the truth I mean, especially if you plan to grow old together you know you get old and that's Just get old, you know, it's just not i'll stop there You know what I mean I'm not saying it's bad to grow old, you know, I want to grow old with my wife And you know, i'm very attracted to my wife but at the end of the day we're gonna be old and and you know saggy and you know, we're just wrinkly and gray-headed and You know, i'll probably get bald, you know And We're just not gonna look the way we used to look but you know what that's okay Because I love my wife for who she is on the inside. I know that sounds cheesy But it's fact And vice versa, I think you know Nah, she's she's stuck And so And you say why are you saying that Ahab married Jezebel because of her looks? I'm, just kind of throwing that out there because at the end of her life she painted on her face So maybe that was the case. That was the reason why You know, he he's probably You know, I mean it kind of adds up to be honest with you consider what kind of man he is And what kind of woman she is that's probably what it was about and it cost them a lot. Okay And so we see that Jezebel is a wicked woman because she's worshiping satan. She worships false gods She caused Ahab to also worship those false gods and began to set up altars in Israel Where the god of the bible should be worshiped And essentially causing the people of the land to worship those false gods as well. Look at first kings chapter 18 if you would Go to chapter 18 So not only was she a pagan A devil worshiping pagan This woman was murderous She was a blood thirsty woman And she had no quarrels About killing people and more specifically killing righteous people Okay, look at first kings 18 in verse number one It says and it came to pass after many days that the word of the lord came to elijah in the third year saying Go show thyself unto Ahab and I will say and rain upon the earth And elijah went to show himself unto Ahab and there was a sore famine in in samaria. So Famine is basically is the scarcity of food. There's no rain to feed the crops and therefore there's no crops Starvation is essentially the result of that And so, you know god is essentially withholding the rain From coming upon israel because he's punishing israel because of the leader ahab And by the way, let me just say this is that nothing has changed Okay, if america is being punished in any certain way, it's because of our leaders Okay Obviously we should stand in the gap make up the hedge But at the end of the day sometimes nations suffer because of their wicked leaders It says in verse three and ahab called obadiah Which was the governor of his house now obadiah feared the lord greatly for it was so When jezabel cut off the prophets of the lord that obadiah took in hundred prophets And hid them by 50 in a cave and fed them with bread and water. So obadiah is this conservative type of Governor here And he fears god And so in light of the fact that jezabel is cutting off the prophets. What does it mean that she's cutting them off? What does that mean? It means she's killing them And just to make sure we that's true. The bible actually says in verse 13 Was it not told my lord what I did when jezabel slew the prophets of the lord? So she's she's going on this campaign To kill the prophets of god What does that tell us? She hates the man of god She hates what they're preaching she hates what they believe she hates the fact that they exist So it's not like she's just trying to kick them out of the land and say hey, it's all about paganism now Go to a different country. No, she's like i'm just going to take your lives I'm going to kill you and just wipe you off the face of the earth. I mean, this is a very wicked thing to do Murder is wicked period but when you're murdering the righteous people, I mean that's super wicked. Okay? Okay So obadiah because he has compassion he's a man who fears god He's trying to do his best To protect the prophets and so he takes them by hundreds and essentially hides them in a cave And uh, you know today in today's standards, it would be like, you know The the fundamental old ifb fundamental baptists that are dependent upon the republicans to save them Okay, they're dependent upon the governors and the presidents of this world to protect them. So they go hide in caves And yeah, maybe there might be some some well-meaning republicans out there and conservatives who actually care for The men of god, but i'd rather be with elijah Out in the open preaching because god will protect me. Amen Look at chapter 19 So she's on this campaign and by the way, it says jesabel cut off the prophets of the lord not ahab Okay, so she's like doing her own thing She's killing them not ahab ahab has nothing to do with this as of yet look at chapter 19 and verse number one I find this verse very funny by the way And ahab told jesabel all that elijah had done So he's like he goes and he complains to his wife Look what elijah's doing And with all how he had slain all the prophets with the sword because what's happening here? Well, It's the famous story of mount carmel where elijah goes head to head with all the false prophets of bale, right? And of course they put up the sacrifices And the prophets are trying to invoke the name of their false god to send down fire upon the sacrifices And obviously it doesn't happen. Okay, and you know, uh, elijah begins to troll them and he's just like hey Where's your god? Is he sleeping? Maybe he's on a journey or something like that. Okay He's just kind of mocking the false prophets which is my text verse of why I mock false prophets Because elijah is a good example of that. I don't see anywhere in the bible Where god's like, hey, you did a good job of that stuff. You said was not very christian, you know Because you know, he's he's he's probably mocking them too. He says I will laugh at their calamity God gave elijah a sense of humor, okay And so, you know, he they're cutting themselves Blood is going all over the place because they're trying to get the attention of their false gods It's not going to happen Okay So then elijah comes and he's just like all right my turn So he gets all these barrels of water and he pours He pours the water on all the animal sacrifice just douses him in water, right to kind of show them like This is from god because if these burn up even though they're doused in water it shows you it's from god So then he calls upon his god the god of the bible The god of israel And a flame of fire just comes down and just consumes the animal sacrifices and licks up all the water and just it's very obvious Elijah, you know ko'd The false prophets it's like flawless victory type of a thing. Okay You know, it was just very evident that god is on elijah's side so that happens that everyone was just like So then elijah comes out and he says all right kill all these false prophets And so they slay all the false prophets because it basically shows that they're a bunch of phonies who worship a false god And I mean, this is an incredible feat here Incredible accomplishment, right? So elijah is on a mountaintop right now I mean this is it's like a savage moment, right? I mean he's like mocking their false god God showed himself strong on his behalf and then he slays all these false prophets I mean, this is every kid's hero right here right You know you think of people were there just looking at him with admiration like man. You're the man That was cool. He did it in style But you know because he's on the mountaintop a lot of emotional energy is being expended in doing that so he's essentially emotionally just kind of You know depleted and so when jezebel threatens him he like runs for his life, which is weird But that's what happens So when he slays all these prophets, you know ahab goes to jezebel and he's just like did you hear what happened? You know Uh elijah killed all the prophets with the sword It's just like what is that to her You're the king You do something about it But he's going to his wife so his wife can do something about it Which shows us that he she's the one who wears the pants in the family Okay Verse two says then jezebel sent a messenger into elijah saying so let the gods do to me and more also If I make not thy life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time, I mean how brazen is this woman? She's like that's nothing the gods do more to me and more also Basically, if you don't end up like one of those false prophets, which is basically she's threatening elijah So she's killing all these all these prophets of god, which shows that she hates the man of god But then she's going after the man of god specifically elijah in light of the fact that God sanctioned the killing of these false prophets and she doesn't care You know normal person would be like, you know what? I think i'm gonna switch religions Yeah, I believe in yeah, I believe in god now, you know Oh, i'm, sorry, just tear down all these what are these doing here? Just tear down all the idols and everything like wow This is gross man, you know Stupid false gods, you know just And get right with the lord, but she instead what does she do? She just goes further into her stubbornness And wickedness and even goes as far to threaten the man of god and say like you're going to be just like them by tomorrow Verse three says and when he saw that he arose and went for his life and came to bersheba Which belonging to judah and left his servant there? But he himself went a day's journey to the wilderness and came and sat down under a juniper tree And he requested for himself that he might die And said it is enough now. Oh lord take away my life for I am not better than my father So he's kind of having a pity party and he's emotionally depleted here and this always kind of like You read this and you're like Dude, you just took down all these false prophets Like you just show them up and then this woman comes after you and now you're all scared but I think what it is is he's just He's kind of reached his limit. You understand? And so any christian can get to that point where they reach a specific limit they're emotionally depleted They're just kind of exhausted and he's he's so exhausted. He's just like, you know what? I just want to die Because i'm not better than my father's, you know, I even though he just accomplished something great that we're talking about thousands of years later But he feels this way and of course god ends up feeding him and replenishing him and restoring him And obviously he did he was pleasing unto the lord elijah It doesn't matter whether he was better than his fathers or not at the end of the day. He did what god told him to do And he's one of two people in the bible who was raptured in style too I mean enoch walk with god was not for god took him but Elijah was taken up in a in a chariot of fire In a whirlwind. I mean that's pretty cool, right? You just have a chariot of fire. Just come down pick you up and you're just like You know look at jezebo you're like I mean that's cool And so obviously god God is honoring elijah By picking him up like that, right? And he didn't see death He didn't see death. He was able to I mean what a great life He just comes in preaches a bunch of great sermons kills a bunch of false prophets, you know And does a great exploit gets fed Passes on the baton and just gets taken up in a whirlwind You know a chariot of fire whirlwind and and he's in heaven right now in that body that he was in when he was on his earth It's pretty amazing Look at verse 17 I'm, sorry. Yeah, go back to chapter 18. Excuse me chapter 18 So jezebel is wicked for many reasons she's a pagan devil worshiper She's murderous And then also we see in according to chapter 18 In verse 17 that she caters to false prophets. It's bad enough that she's attacking the man of god But she's also siding with the wrong people Look what it says in verse 17 it came to pass when ahab saw elijah that ahab said unto him art thou He that troubleth israel I love this he answered it. He answered I have not troubled israel But thou and thy father's house and that ye have forsaken the commandment of the lord and thou has followed balaam I love this passage because a has like you're the reason why our nation is the way it is It's like no, you're the reason You know, it's like it's christians like you that give christianity a bad name. No, it's compromising christians like you They give us a bad name Thou troublest america Verse 19 now therefore send and gather to me all israel Unto me unto mount carmel and the prophets of bel 450 and the prophets of the gross 400 which eat at jezabel's table Not at ahab's table at jezabel's table. In other words, she's like Funding these false prophets. They're sitting at her table. She's feeding them now I have a really funny story about this before I forget When we went to the bonfire and what was it again in newport, where was it? Where was the bonfire at? balboa on our way there We saw this church And I think it was a it was a catholic church. It was a catholic church and it was literally called this our lady of mount carmel Let me say that again our lady of mount carmel well in the bible there's only one lady of mount carmel and that's jezabel I mean think about it. I was just like my son's like that says our lady of mount carmel. I'm like what in the world That's crazy that you didn't you name it, but you know, I saw another church that has nothing to do with this in los angeles That was called like Canaanite baptist church or something. It's just like You know, we should just name things because it sounds cool. Like you should find out what it means first Canaanites were wicked, you know And the bible is like kenanite baptist church. It's like what in the world Anyways Now what's the what's what can we learn from this particular story right here is don't hate the man of god You know, it's one thing that if you don't like a certain preaching or something like that But this woman not only hated the man of god. She sided with the wrong people as well Okay And at the end of the day The man of god has a responsibility to preach the bible. Don't get mad at me for giving you the message And this is something that's going to happen throughout the years As a church is that there will always be people who are mad at my preaching They're mad at what I say, but at the end of the day don't be a despiser of those that are good You know, we should love the word of god. We should love the preaching of god's word not despite prophesying And we should love be a lover of good men Not be a lover of wicked people and false prophets and and so forth and so She's obviously a devil worshiping murderous woman But also she's just like hating the man of god. She wants to kill him. She's threatening him and she's siding with and funding The wicked false prophets of her day go to first kings chapter 21 first kings chapter 21 Don't name your daughter jasabel So First kings 21, what's another quality Aspect of jasabel. Well, she was a slanderer and a railer for unjust gain Now this story is crazy, okay now if you weren't convinced that she was wicked Before which I don't know how you couldn't be but let's just say you're giving her the benefit of the doubt This story right here should just put the nail in the coffin for that Look at verse one it came to pass after these things That naboth the jezralite had a vineyard Which was in jezral hard by the palace of ahab king of samaria And ahab spake unto naboth saying give me the thy vineyard that I may have it for a garden of herbs Because it is near into my house and I will give thee for it a better vineyard than it Or if it seemed good to thee I will give thee the worth of it in money Naboth said to ahab the lord forbidded me that I should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee So basically, you know ahab he sees this this beautiful vineyard and he's just he wants it Okay, so he's trying to bargain with naboth regarding this vineyard and naboth is just like it's not about the money It's not about a better vineyard. It's the fact that it's in it's my inheritance. Okay It's something that we want to keep in the family in other words So, you know ahab instead of just like, oh, you know, that makes sense I got you it makes It was a fit This is a grown man Look at verse four ahab came into his house heavy and displeased Because of the word which naboth the jezralite had spoken to him For he had said I will not give thee the inheritance of my fathers and he laid him down upon his bed And turned away his face and would eat no bread and you could probably add into that he probably started sucking his thumb, too So he he starts throwing a fit because he can't have this xbox game or whatever You can't have this particular thing You can't have a particular car. You can't have a particular I don't know piece of clothing or shoes Or you know, whatever it is that young guys like nowadays, I don't know So he goes home He's the king mind you He lays in bed And he just kind of gets in a fetal position And just you know, it's time to eat he's just like i'm not hungry He's throwing a fit this is what a three-year-old does This is what a four-year-old does and in fact my son is seven years old And it would be justified for him to do that, but he doesn't do that Because we don't let our kids just throw fits Kids throw fits, but we don't let them just continue in their fit Because they need to learn that when no is no You don't just whine and complain and throw a fit to get whatever you want. That's what he's doing He's throwing a fit because he he wants someone to sympathize with him and that someone obviously is his wife Because his wife is the one that wears the pants in the family So she's going to do something about it But he's over here whining throwing a fit Laying himself down turning away his face Not eating bread. I mean you're a king ahab I'd be like, you know what? Let me just plant a better vineyard And and just kind of rub it in his face afterwards I mean if you want to be petty about it, but instead he just throws He just starts whining and complaining because he can't have his xbox Verse five says but jezebel his wife came to him and said why is that spirit so sad that thou eatest no bread? Verse six and he said to him Because I spake him to name up the jezerolite And said unto him give me thy vineyard for money Or else if it please thee I will give thee another vineyard for it And he answered I want to give thee my vineyard I'm assuming he probably said that like in that way You say how do you know because that's how my kids explain things to me when they're throwing a fit Sometimes my kids are explaining to me like what's wrong and i'm like, I can't understand you you're whining And then they try to explain it again. I'm like you're still whining. I can't understand you Stop whining and then explain to me what happened And then it's just like And i'm just like I don't know what you're saying You're gonna have to first stop whining and then tell me the problem So i'm assuming that's what ahab is doing here, okay He's throwing this little hissy fit all for a vineyard Verse seven and jezebel his wife said unto him dost thou not govern the kingdom of israel. Ouch Dang Arise Eat bread and let thy heart be merry I will give thee the vineyard of naboth of jezreelite. This guy has no dignity whatsoever He's such a freaking weenie You know, his wife his wife's always like i'll take care of you know, what is she she's a boss babe basically, right? I will give you the vineyard of naboth of jezreelite and i'm sure he wiped his tears away and You know stopped sucking his thumb and then went to go eat after that or something No, not yet Look at verse eight So she wrote letters in ahab's name and sealed them with the seal And sent the letters into the elders into the nobles that were in the city dwelling with naboth And she wrote in the letter saying proclaim a fast and set naboth on high among the people And said to and said two men sons of belio before him to bear witness against him Saying thou didst blaspheme god and the king and then carry him out and stone him that he may die So she hires these sons of belio meaning sons of the devil reprobates the baser sort To essentially bring this railing accusation against naboth in order to turn The people against naboth so that they can essentially kill him Because in jezabel's mind it's like well, I know how to fix the problem Just kill naboth and you can have the vineyard. I mean, that's wicked Verse 11 and the men of the city even the elders and nobles who were The inhabitants in the city did as jezabel had sent into them And as it was written in the letters Which she had sent unto him by the way You kind of think like isn't there anybody in that kingdom who? like has dignity Isn't there someone who's just like, you know, should we be listening to jezabel? You know, isn't there something wrong with this but they're all like yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am Verse 12 they proclaimed a fast and satan naboth on high among the people And there came in two men children of belial and sat before him And the men of belial witnessed against them even against naboth in the presence of the people saying naboth did blaspheme god and the king Then they carried him forth out of the city and stone him with stones that he died Then they sent to jezabel saying naboth is stone and is dead and it came to pass when jezabel heard that naboth was stone And was dead that jezabel said to ahab arise Take possession of the of the vineyard of naboth the jezerolite Which he refused to give you for money for naboth is not alive But dead and it came to pass when ahab heard that naboth was dead The ahab rose up to go down to the vineyard of naboth the jezerolite to take possession of it So he's just like oh goody So then he just runs down and he takes the vineyard. I mean this guy doesn't know how to fight his own battles And let me just say this, you know, obviously this is an extreme case but men learn how to fight your own battles Don't get your wife to fight battles for you Don't get your wife to defend you or to have to throw blows for you or something like that be a man We're the protectors of our home my friends We're the ones who are protecting our wives our children Don't be a person who you're just depending on your jezabel to get you out of a difficult situation You should be the one on deck, you know leading your home defending yourself when needed not doing this This ridiculous thing here where jezabel is literally lying and you're plotting the murder of an innocent man Naboth did nothing wrong You know, he had an inheritance and Unfortunately, he came in contact with with with ahab who's just an idiot Okay, who has a wicked wife? And so it's a very sad story unfortunately, but it shows you the extent of her wickedness that she's willing to do whatever it takes By any means necessary to get something done Even if it's the most immoral thing and taking the life of an innocent man, I mean, it's wicked Okay, go to first kings 21 first kings 21 First kings 21 So Not only that but she provoked her husband to work wickedness i've already mentioned this but let's look at a couple verses here Look at verse 25, but there was none like unto ahab Which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the lord? Listen to this whom jezaba his wife stirred up You know what? This tells me it tells me that a spouse Is someone who can either provoke you and stir you up for good or can stir you up for bad You know our greatest influence In this world is our spouse to a certain extent if you're married, of course You know, they have major influence in our lives And so, you know husbands provoke your wives unto good works Wives provoke your husbands unto good works Don't hold them back from serving god if they want to go all in for the lord Let them go all in for the lord if they want to just be zealous and just You know all in and fired up about sowing they want to come to church three times a week don't douse that flame You know stir them up unto righteousness That's what you're there for Okay, and husbands as well, you know, if you find out that your wife is just excited about the things of god She wants to be in church. She wants to learn her biblical role According to the bible. She wants to do those things give her the liberty to do those things. Don't hold her back Why are you getting a little crazy there you're getting a little wild there You know, all right, you can wear dresses when you come to church, but You know throughout the league I want to see some pants or something. That's wicked Let your wife be godly if she wants to be godly Let your wife serve the lord in that manner. Don't hold her back. And in fact, you know, don't let her run laps around you either Catch up Learn the bible walk with god Be someone who stirs up your spouse onto righteousness unto good works You know, uh be the individual in your relationship With your in your marriage where when your spouse is excited about reading the bible is excited about sowing that you feed that fire You throw more gas into that fire of just like let's do it. Let's go sony. When do you want to go? Let's let's practice these verses together Let's go out on these particular days. Let's read the bible. What do we have to do feed that flame? Don't be a hindrance in your marriage You know if your spouse is just like do you want to go back on sunday night? I want to go but I don't know if I should don't be the one that says Let's just stay Be the one that says you know what we should go Because it's right to do You know and and let's go let's just go let's go sunday night Let's go thursday night be the one that provokes one another into good works. Don't be the one that provokes unto compromise You're stirring up your spouse to compromise in the christian life And to scale back on your commitment to the things of god, okay? He says in verse 26 and he did very abominably in following idols according to all the things As did the amorites which the lord cast out before the children of israel it came to pass when ahab heard those words That he rent his clothes and put sackcloth upon his flesh and fasted and lay in sackcloth and went softly He says in the word of the lord came to elijah the tish by saying see is thou how ahab humbled himself before me Because he humbled himself before me. I will not bring evil in his days But in his day in his son's days, will I bring evil upon this house? So what does that show me? It shows me That the the major problem with ahab Isn't necessarily ahab it was jezebel Because when he hears about the word of the lord, he's just like oh man, I need to humble myself I need to get right with god You know, and so she's obviously the culprit And we're not saying that jezebel Is it's like oh and all marriage is just jezebel because there could be like a male jezebel, too You know someone who's wicked, you know, um, i'm his name is fleeing me right now there's abigail and what Nabal Was another example, right? That's like the antithesis of this particular couple where you have abigail who's a woman who feared the lord But then she had a wicked husband who was the son of belial named navel, okay Now go to second kings chapter nine if you would second king chapter nine. We're almost done Let me just breeze through some of these points here point number five regarding jezebel She sought to seduce the prophet all the while threatening him Look what it says in second king chapter nine now, let me just say this is that during this time There's this really gangster king that just rises up It's my favorite bible character of the old testament and that is jehu the son of nimshi This guy is awesome. Okay He is anointed by elijah By the instruction instruction of elijah and he tells him like hey, I want you to be the king You're gonna take over and then he tells jehu. I want you to wipe out the house of ahab And then wipe out jezebel, too And he's just he's just like wipe everyone out All these wicked people in the land all these leaders. You're just a hitman and I want you to just destroy them all And jehu's not like, you know, well, isn't there like a good person? He's just like got it Say less You know, he's just like I got it and you know what this guy is awesome And let me just explain one of the awesome things that he did He basically he goes to the false prophets of the land And he says this he says, you know ahab worship bale little I shall worship him much You're like what? Yeah, I mean, that's what he said He basically saying like oh you think ahab worship bail You haven't seen nothing. Yeah, i'm going to worship him more than ahab So he's basically trying to gain the trust of the people of the land And he's like i'm going to throw a big banquet for all for bail and I want all the false prophets He doesn't call them false prophets But all the prophets of bail to come and we're going to show up in this house and we just got this this banquet This mess all this food just to honor all the prophets of bail So they all come bunch of idiots. They all come He gets them into this this this building And then he tells every he tells his guys Kill them all And he goes and anybody who escapes your life will go for theirs I mean, obviously he's a little dishonest But you know it worked, you know because they got them all into that building and he just wipes them all out Okay, it's kind of like, you know, the rat traps we have sometimes where it's just like, you know We put a little peanut butter in there And it's just like it's for you little mouse But then once they go in there, they're just electrocuted to death, okay This is jihu And so he wipes them all out and the guy is just super savage and let me just say this he does not fear jezabel at all He has no quarrels about jezabel, he's just like You're done look at verse 29 and in the 11th year of joram the son of ahab began at haziah to reign over judah And when jews come to jezrael Jezebel heard of it and she painted her face And teared her head and looked out at the window so she knows that he's coming to whack her So this is why she paints on her face she gets her hair done, you know Gets her hair all fixed up And as you entered into the gate, she said had zimrai peace who slew his master Now, what does this mean? Well, I believe the reason she's painting on her face and kind of getting herself dolled up Is because she is to a certain extent trying to seduce the prophet But in like manner she's also threatening jihu with this statement here. See why? because zimrai like jihu Came in and just wiped everyone out before him and then he ended up dying a real dishonorable death They they ended up encompassing about and then he went into the king's house and he basically lit it on fire And just died in there, okay Because they were coming after him. So she's saying had zimrai peace who slew his master She's basically saying you're going to be like zimrai She's putting him in the place of zimrai in other words Now jihu doesn't have a response for her He doesn't say hey, what do you mean by that? What's that supposed to mean? You know, are you saying i'm zimrai or something? He just ignores her verse 32 looked it up his face through the window and said Who's on my side? And they're looked out to him two or three eunuchs Now eunuch is a person is a man Who in the bible had his privy members cut off? And sometimes this would happen So that they can serve a queen And there would be no You know physical intercourse taking place. There's no possibility of that And so that's what would happen, you know Unfortunately, that's what they did in those days. I mean daniel was a eunuch Okay Now let me just say something is that eunuchs because they have their privy member cut off You know that They don't necessarily produce a whole lot of testosterone Okay So they kind of become very soft and effeminate that's just how it kind of is And so when jiu comes he's just like who's on my side they kind of look out the window because they're serving the queen there And he said throw her down So they threw her down and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall and on the horses and he trowed her Underfoot so jiu is such a powerful leader That He can even get eunuchs with no stones no privy member to man up And throw jezebel down I mean, he's just like no testosterone. No problem. I'll give you some of my testosterone And emboldened them to just get rid of the queen They threw her off the balcony They dead lifted her off the balcony P rd Off the balcony And apparently her her fall was so bad that her blood splattered on the wall and then It got on the horses and the horses are just kind of stepping on her And when he was come in he did eat and drink He's like that was easy He just gets off it goes in he's like what's what do you guys got? What kind of food you guys eating here? And said go see now this cursed woman and bury her for she is a king's daughter Because you know, she's she's royalty. So royalty deserves, you know, somewhat of a a noble, I guess burial so he's just like go see what's going on with this cursed woman because she is a You know, she's a king's daughter. So she needs to be buried or whatever But what happens is well, i'll get into that in just a bit so We see here how wicked she was even to the very end. She's still threatening the man of god All the while painting on her face trying to doll herself up To look appealing maybe to the man of god, but you know, he sees all he sees past that he's not It's he's not going to fall for it Which leads me to my next point is that she was of little worth in the eyes of god Look at verse 35 and they went to bury her but they found no more of her than the skull And the feet and the palms of her hands Wherefore they came again and told him and he said this is the word of the lord Which he spake by his servant elijah the tishbite saying in the portion of jesrael shall dogs eat the flesh of jezabel And the carcass of jezabel shall be as dung upon the face of the field in the portion of jezrael So that they shall not say this is jezabel You say what how does that prove that she's of little worth? In the eyes of god. Well, because the bible says give not that which is holy unto the dogs Yeah And so he fed jezabel to the dogs and all that will remain was her feet her palms and her skull I want to see this in a sunday school lesson You're like i've never heard that story, you know why because pastors don't like to talk about this stuff Because they're afraid they might offend some person in the church folks. This is the bible These are incredible stories and this isn't fiction This actually happened Okay, jew was a real man who did this. He actually said these things You know and basically saying so you're not even being able to identify the body. No one's gonna be like, oh, yeah, that's jezabel And so, you know god didn't see fit he's just like well, you know, she's not worth anything she's such a wicked person That it's it's only it's me to give her to the dogs because she's not a holy person Here's my last point is that essentially at the end of the day she's an example of what kind of woman You don't want in church Because in revelation chapter two the one who's speaking in revelation two when we started is who it's jesus Jesus is the one speaking and he talks about that woman jezabel Which calls itself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and eat things sacrificed unto idols and he's saying basically like Basically like you need to get rid of this woman and or she needs to repent and by the way, let me just say this is that This entire story about jezabel shows me how long suffering god is with people Because of the fact that you know The fact that jesus said this in revelation chapter two about jezabel because later on he says I gave her space to repent He gave jezabel space to repent too so, how do you know because ahab repented He gave ahab space to repent and he actually did repent obviously he did stupid stuff afterwards He ended up dying a horrible death, too But he did give her give them space to repent and he gave jezabel space to repent she didn't and so therefore She suffered the consequences of her actions for blaspheming god killing the prophets of god Threatening the man of god just not being under authority just being a murderous pagan devil worshiping pant wearing You know when I mean pat worries like she's the man of the house apparently Type of a woman And so, you know, there's not anything good to say about jezabel my friends There's certain people in the bible that they don't have a good start and they don't have a good ending and jezabel's one of them And so what can we learn from this sermon regarding jezabel? Well number one don't marry a jezabel Because they're still around they're just not named jezabel Okay, don't marry jezabel and stay away from people like that You know, i'm not saying any every woman who paints her face on is a jezabel either So don't take that too far and be like, oh, you know any woman with makeup. No you That's a ridiculous interpretation Obviously, there's nothing wrong with makeup. Okay The fact that the bible talks about her painting on her face is an indicator that she tried to seduce people Okay she's trying to uh, essentially Cover who she really is Her murderous intent towards jihoo because at the end of the day if she had a chance she would have killed you too Stay away from the jezabels don't marry a jezabel and don't name your kids jezabel either Let's pray father. We thank you so much for your word and thank you for elijah. Thank you for elijah And thank you for jihoo lord. I pray that you'd help us to have discernment as christians to stay away from the jezabels of this world lord, and um, I pray that you'd Give our young men discernment as well lord and recognize that beauty is vain And so lord, may you help us to take these things to heart And to recognize the importance of fearing you and serving you regardless of what threats come our ways whether through family or friends or the world Help us lord as your people to be resolved in our service for you like jihoo was in jesus name. We pray. Amen Man song number 136 is your last song master. The tempest is raging song number 136 Song number 136 we'll sing it on that first verse Master the tempest is raging The billows are tossing high The sky is o'er shadowed with blackness Blackness Her help is mine Charis thou not that we perish How canst thou lie asleep? When each moment so madly is threatening a grave in the angry deep The winds and the waves shall obey my will Please be still Whether the wrath of the storm does see or demons or men or whatever it be No water can swallow the ship where lies the master of ocean and earth and skies They all shall sweetly obey my will Please be still Please be still they all shall sweetly obey my will peace peace be still Master with anguish of spirit I bow in my grief today Awaken and save I pray Torrents of sin and of anguish Sweep o'er my sinking soul And I perish I perish dear master Oh hasten and take control The winds and the waves shall obey my will Please be still Whether the wrath of the storm does see or demons or men or whatever it be No water can swallow the ship where lies the master of ocean and earth and skies They all shall sweetly obey my will Please be still Please be still they all shall sweetly obey my will peace peace be still Master the terror is over the elements sweetly rest Her son in the comin' is mirrored Linger O blessed Redeemer And with joy I shall make the blessed harbor And rest on that blissful shore The winds and the waves shall obey my will Please be still Whether the wrath of the storm does see or demons or men or whatever it be No water can swallow the ship where lies the master of ocean and earth and skies They all shall sweetly obey my will Peace be still Peace be still they all shall sweetly obey my will Peace peace be still Amen, we have a baptism as we wait for the baptism. Uh, let's sing song number 24 and can it be song number 24 Song number 24 Sing on that first verse And can it be that I should gain An interest in the savior Fly He for me Caused his pain for me Till death purged too Amazing love how can it be? Thou my God Shouldst die for me Amazing love How can it be? That thou my God shouldst die for me He left his father's throne above So free so infinite His Grace emptied himself of all but love and fled for Adam's helpless race Tis mercy all Him and Set free for all Oh my God It found out me Amazing love How can it be That thou my God Shouldst die for me Long my embrace and spirit play fast found in sin and nature's not thine I defuse acquit me reign I woke the dust inflamed with light my chains fell off my heart was free I went forth and followed me Amazing love How can it be That thou my God Shouldst die for me Thank you Father we thank you so much for this Sunday and all that was accomplished the souls that were saved and those who made decisions throughout the sermons Lord I pray that you bless us as we fellowship after church and throughout the week Lord may we think upon the Lord of the Lord and ask you to help us Lord to be filled with the Holy Spirit and be filled with the Holy Spirit and be filled with the Holy Spirit and be filled with the Holy Spirit we thank you to help us Lord to be filled with the Spirit and keep us safe Lord and bring us back safely on Thursday and next Sunday as well we love you and we thank you we pray these things in Jesus name Amen