(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Also he is a mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. For finding fault with them he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord. I will put my law into their minds, and write them in their hearts, and I will be to them of God, and they shall be to me a people, and they shall not teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord, for all shall know me from the least of the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. And that he saith in the new covenant, he hath made the first old, now that which decayeth and waxeth old, is ready to vanish away. We thank you, Heavenly Father, for this new covenant you have given us to your Lord. We thank you for the King James Bible. Thank you for our pastor. Please bless him as he preaches your word unto us, in Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen. Okay, we're continuing tonight with our Bible study on the book of Hebrews, and tonight we're in chapter 8, and we're going to talk about the superior covenant of the new covenant, of course, and up until this point, we've been looking at the fact that from chapters 1 to 8, the Apostle Paul explaining why pretty much everything, virtually every aspect of the New Testament is superior to that which is in the old, and he finishes off in chapter 7 talking about the fact that our high priest is superior, and why is that? Well, because of the fact that Jesus Christ is our high priest, and so he is our high priest, which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities, but was at all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. And the way he explains it in chapter 7 is by explaining the fact that Melchizedek of the Old Testament in Genesis chapter 14 is Jesus Christ, and the reason that's significant is because when you look at Genesis chapter 14 and the appearance of Melchizedek for the first time, we see that he comes bearing wine, and he comes bearing bread and wine, which is symbolic of the New Testament. And that has a lot of significance of what we're going to look at this evening in chapter number 8, but then of course we know that he's superior to the Old Testament prophets, to the angels, we know that he is superior to even the mediator of the Old Covenant, which is Moses, he's superior to the high priest, which is Aaron, he's superior to the Old Testament Sabbath, I mean in all cases, he is better. And this is why chapter 8 says that this is the sum of all things which we have spoken. Because he's basically going to sum it all up together, and explain that basically if he's pointing out all these superior factors of the New Testament in comparison to the Old, what is he saying? He's saying that the New Covenant is better than the Old. And what he's trying to get across here is the fact of, oh it's better, well who's the one who's bringing in this New Covenant? Well it's Jesus Christ. Well hold on a second, if he's better and the New Covenant is better, are you saying that the people of God have changed as well? Because that Old Covenant is made up of the physical nation of Israel. Well if there's a change in the Testaments, if there's been a conclusion of the Old and an inception of the New, that means the people of God have changed as well. This is why I believe he's talking about the sum of all things. He's going to hit him with this truth that basically the Jews of the Old Testament are no longer God's chosen people. And chapter 8 is one of the clearest passages of Scripture when dealing with the subject of replacement theology. Which simply means that the New Testament believers have replaced the physical nation of Israel as being God's chosen people. Now look at verse number 1. It says here, now the things which we have spoken, this is the sum, we have such an high priest who is set on the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens, a minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord pitched and not man. Now the first thing I want you to notice first and foremost here is the fact that he's referring to a tabernacle that apparently existed prior to the physical tabernacle that was here on this earth when the children of Israel were in the wilderness. And in fact he describes it as being the true tabernacle. Not to mean that the tabernacle that was here on this earth is false, but the tabernacle that was physically here on this earth was foreshadowing the true tabernacle. So basically that little era that we know as the Old Testament, the Levitical law, was simply supposed to foreshadow that which is already in existence, okay, in heaven. And a lot of people seem to misunderstand this or they just don't know this particular aspect is that much of what took place in the Old Testament regarding the tabernacle and the mercy seat, all that was simply a copy of something that had already existed in heaven in the eternal with God. And in fact when Moses went up to Mount Sinai in order to get the instructions on how to construct the temple and how to construct the mercy seat and all the accoutrements, God was giving him the blueprints of things that already existed already in heaven. So as he's explaining how to make these things, it's not like he just created them out of just nothing, they're a copy of things that already existed in heaven, okay. Now why is that significant? Well because of the fact that there's a lot of things in the Old Testament that people think just started when in actuality they've always existed from eternity's past. And you think of course the most practical of those examples would be the tabernacle, but how about salvation? You know, the animal sacrifices, they could not save any single person, but salvation has always existed and it's always been the same throughout history, you understand what I'm saying? And although the institution of animal sacrifices was given at Mount Sinai specifically for the nation of Israel, the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who should take away the sins of the world and that essentially he was sacrificed even before the foundation of the world, you understand? So a lot of what we see in that Levitical era so to speak are simply foreshadowing things that have already existed, things that God already had in mind when it came to salvation, when it came to the Savior, etc. Now here's another thing I want to mention regarding that and that is when you look at your physical Bible you will see that basically our Bible is broken up into two parts, right? You have Old Testament and New Testament and a more specific way of addressing those would be Old Covenant and New Covenant, okay? Now if I were to tell you go into the Old Testament, the first book of the Old Testament, you're gonna go to the book of Genesis because that's basically, that's what's included in our physical Bibles, however the Old Covenant also known as the Old Testament did not start in the book of Genesis, it actually started in Exodus when the children of Israel were in the wilderness and Moses essentially sacrificed the animal and he sprinkled the book and the blood that was the establishment of the Old Covenant, okay? Now we have it physically in our Bibles to tell us that you know it's you as a reference point so to speak that's how we can find the books of the Bible but if you really want to get specific about it the Old Covenant began with Moses and the children of Israel when an animal was sacrificed he took the blood and he sprinkled the book and the people at that point is when the Old Covenant Old Testament was revealed that's when it began, okay? And of course we know that it concludes at the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and so even though if you're to go to your New Testament you start off with the book of Matthew really Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are still part of that Old Testament, why? Because it's a it's essentially addressing the life of Jesus Christ up until his death so it's not until he's crucified on the cross and he sheds his blood that that New Testament begins and we'll see next week that a testament is only of force when you see when you have the death of a testator and so the death of Jesus Christ brought about that New Covenant that New Testament, okay? Now you say that's kind of weird though you know why would why would they put our Bibles like that? You know putting Genesis there and there's an entire history in Israel and in this world that's involved or included in the Old Testament physically in our Bibles well one it just helps us practically right go to the Old Testament Genesis is included but as we're going to look at tonight the Old Covenant though it literally physically started at the death of Jesus Christ on the cross that covenant was promised even prior to Moses going to Mount Sinai and who was it promised to? To Abraham who was in the book of Genesis understand and so that old that old excuse me that New Covenant that precedes the Old Covenant okay I know that sounds kind of weird but the New Covenant that we have in the New Testament precedes the Old Covenant because of the fact that salvation has always been the same the plans of God have always been the same they've always been that God wants to reach all of the Gentiles through faith in Christ and it was revealed unto Abraham in the Old Testament as well that he would be a blessing to many nations because through him would come the Messiah through which many Gentiles would believe and become the people of God you understand what I'm saying and so it's it's kind of mind-boggling to think about this way but this is basically what it is you have the New Covenant prior to the New Covenant you have that Old Covenant but you kind of still have the New Covenant before that being foreshadowed and this is why Melchizedek shows up in Genesis chapter 14 bearing bread and wine foreshadowing the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the New Testament okay you say then what's the point of even doing the whole Old Covenant well it's to prime the minds of the nation of Israel to prepare them for the Messiah okay and so this is what he's referring to here when he talks about that true tabernacle he's referring to that which is in heaven he's referring to the spiritual tabernacle that's in heaven that's not made by man but God actually made verse number three says for every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices wherefore it is of necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer for if he were on earth he should not be a priest seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things we see that phrase again as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle foresee saith he that thou make all things according listen to this to the pattern showed thee in the mount showing us that this existed prior to Mount Sinai now look at verse number six it says but now hath he referring to Jesus obtained a more excellent ministry now what does that word excellent mean we often think it's excellent as in you know it's superior it is better but it can also be described as that which excel it right because that because of the fact that the New Covenant excels the Old Covenant so this ministry that Jesus Christ is inheriting is a more excellent ministry it says by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant which was established upon better promises now why is he calling the promises of the New Covenant better than the promises of the old well if you read Deuteronomy and all the things you have to do to remain the people of God it was hard I mean I'm not saying it was impossible but there was a lot of rules that came with being the people of God a lot of curses that could come upon the people of God a lot of blessings but basically it was just like a list of to do's and don'ts and if you violated those you would not be a part of the people of God if you violated those okay whereas the New Covenant carries with it better promises because all you have to do is believe on Jesus and then basically you get the New Covenant you're a part of that New Covenant which basically means that new contract that new agreements that's what covenant is okay so it's established upon better promises because it includes salvation for everyone in this world but also includes the privilege of being God's people in the new without having to be circumcised or participate in the meats drinks and divers washings okay and so all of that is basically consolidated in Christ so that when you believe on him you just inherit it all you understand and now us in the New Testament we can enjoy the Old Testament from the new you say how by just reading it you know we don't have to participate in it we don't have to do the meats drinks and divers washings and the purity laws and the dietary laws thank God amen you know you don't have to abstain from from from shrimp and you know pork and shellfish or whatever you can have all that and because we have better promises in the new you know that's why silly when people are like oh you believe in the Old Testament laws what do you stay away from shellfish no I don't because it's permitted in the New Testament and what they're referring to what they're criticizing is God's moral law that was instituted the penalties were instituted at Mount Sinai it was given to Moses to institute in the nation of Israel but they preceded Mount Sinai okay because the gods moral laws have always existed people just want to lump them together though and claim well if you're gonna accept the law if you're gonna say that sodomy is an abomination that means you can't wear clothing with mixed fabric or something no yeah you can wear clothing with mixed fabric if you want who cares because of the fact that that is something that was repealed in the New Testament because the fulfillment of that shadow has already been accomplished we are in the New Testament and God's moral law regarding sodomy adultery fornication theft murder all of those things were still bad even prior we're still criminals even prior to Mount Sinai and people have a hard time distinguishing the two and it's not really hard I mean all you have to look at is Hebrew chapter 9 where it tells you that which falls under the category of meats drinks and divers washings cardinal ordinances were imposed upon the people until the time of Reformation if it falls under those categories then we no longer observe them in the New Testament that's it yeah but you got to observe the Sabbath no because Jesus Christ is our Sabbath you're missing the point here okay and so you know and by the way when we talk about God's law God's laws as I mentioned existed before the laws being instituted in Mount Sinai but when we talk about God's law it could be just referring to God's Word because it's used interchangeably to describe the statutes of the Lord the precepts of God the Word of God the laws of God the testimonies of the Lord that's what it's referring to okay and so Jesus Christ his ministry is greater than the ministry of the High Priest of the Old Testament he's a better mediator than Moses because he can't die Moses is dead currently right now his body is in I mean it's buried somewhere on this earth no one can find it but you know he Jesus Christ ever liveth to make intercessions for the Saints because he is that everlasting priest and he's a mediator of this covenant that has far better promises than the old covenant now here's the great thing is that anybody from the old covenant can be grandfathered into the new right during this particular time if you had people who were the people of God in the old covenant as long as they believed in Christ they can retain the title of being the people of God okay because here's the thing when it comes to the old covenant is that there is there is people in the nation of Israel who were considered the people of God even though they weren't saved did you know that you know this is a major difference you have people in the nation of Israel within the camp of Israel who were not saved but they were still considered the people of God because of the fact that being the people of God then it required for them to be saved it just required for them to keep that covenant of the book of Deuteronomy to be circumcised to adhere to those laws you understand what I'm saying whereas the transition in the new is that we just have to believe on Jesus and we have salvation and we have that title look at verse 7 for if that first covenant had been faultless then should no place had been sought for the second now please pay attention here verse 7 is telling us that God looked for a second because he's saying there if the first covenant was faultless then he we shouldn't have looked for a second one so because the the fact that there is a new covenant tells us that there was fault with the old okay you guys following me here so even though the old covenant is a legitimate covenant that existed at one time the mere fact that there's an existence of a new covenant shows us that something went wrong with the old contract so there's something that went wrong with the old agreements where God had to make a new agreement a new contract a new covenant so if he's saying there if the first covenant had been faultless what is he implying that it's not faultless there it is inferior something is wrong with this old covenant and it's not on God's end okay because we know that God is not a man that he should lie he doesn't breach a contract he's not a truce breaker he's not someone who's just gonna break a contract on his end someone messed up here so there is an agreement and a covenant that was made between God and a particular people okay and they breached that covenant now why is that important to know well because you have Christians today that constantly believe this this weird narrative that the Jews are God's chosen people and they will say you know he has a covenant with them he had a covenant with them and I don't know if you know the way contracts work but if that contract is breached then it's null and void and in fact when a contract is breached you need to make a new contract you understand and so this is the Bible here my friends verse 7 is God's Word and it's telling us that the old covenant had fault and it wasn't God's fault it was the other party's fault they somehow breached the contract they lied about their agreement you say well what do you mean by how well if you just read the Old Testament they breached that covenant over and over and over again because part of the covenant was that they could not have false gods you know one of the most basic of rules of the Old Testament to be a part of God's people is that you know God had to be your God you couldn't have Moloch or Remphan, Baal, Beelzebub, all these false gods of these heathens around the world you could not adopt those gods as your God if you did you breach the contract because the contract says thou shalt have no other gods before me well once you breach that you're no longer you're no longer God's people you understand what I'm saying and it's crazy to think that people are like well no they're still God's people how can they be God's people if they worship another God that's weird there's like well they're still my people even though they worship Satan that's not you can't do that what agreement at the temple of God with idols and so he's kind of building this up here to let the recipient reader or the listener know hey the old covenant was great but the new covenant is superior we have a superior mediator a superior high priest established upon better promises and just to let you know that old covenant if it was just like that good then we wouldn't be looking for a second one but the existence of a second covenant a second contracts lets us know that something happened in the Old Testament where the the party one of the parties breached that contract okay and so let's continue reading here it says in verse number eight for finding fault with them well big surprise right he says behold the days come saith the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers not according to the covenant I made with their fathers what does that mean it's a complete different new contract he's like don't mistake it with that covenant that I made with their fathers because it's not the same thing you know you're not gonna be observing times and months and years you're not gonna be doing animal sacrifices you're not going to be involved in meats drinks and diverse washings it's not according to the covenant that I made with your fathers can someone get this to old IFP churches and you can we go I know I know Hobby Lobby is really like just liberal especially with that commercial they just put out can we can we just petition for them to make a wooden sign that has this and just send it to every old IFP pastor because it's not according to that covenant they got a covenant with it's not according to the covenant that he made with their fathers so keep this in mind you know in the mind of the old IFP pastor and every pastor who believes in this dispensational garbage the Zionism they still think the old covenant is valid so it's just like well how can both occupy the same contract you can't it's either one or the other and he's saying there that he's going to make a new covenant with Israel and with Judah and just so you're not mistaken it's not gonna have the terms and services of the old covenant meaning that just because you're a Jew doesn't mean that you're the people of God just because you're a Jew according to the flesh you know a born Jew you're in Israel and you know you you got the hat and all that and you claim to believe in the first five books of the Bible that's not sorry that's part of the old contract that you breached so that's not enough in fact that's worse in fact you're making it a covenant with Satan when do you want you join that religion because Judaism is essentially the synagogue of Satan that's what Jesus said so how can you say that Jews of today are God's chosen people when the authority of the words of Jesus Christ say that that's the synagogue of Satan can someone explain that to me how can you say they're God's chosen people when Jesus himself said in John 8 44 to the Jews ye are of your father the devil no God is their father no Jesus said ye are of your father the devil the lust of your father will you do he was a murderer from the beginning in a boat not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it so how can you claim that the Jews are God's chosen people oh he made a covenant with them why don't you read Hebrews chapter 8 and you'll see that that covenant is no longer is made null and void doesn't it has no authority in that area because God tore it up and he says I'm gonna make a new one with Israel and Judah and it's not gonna have the terms and services of the old covenant that I made with their fathers he says not according to the covenant I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt because they continued not in my covenant and I regarded them not sayeth the Lord now this is a very important verse right here why well because this is actually a quotation from Jeremiah chapter 31 in verse 31 okay he's quoting Jeremiah 31 31 but there's a slight variation in the quotation though and when you research what scholars believe about this they'll say that it's you know oh a copyist error or something like that they'll claim that a scribal error you know this is why it's there's a variation in the interpretation or in the translation here when they copied it it's just you know a lot of people have different opinions but really at the end of the day it's a scribal error because these two words kind of sound the same no no it's replacement theology if you believe in replacement theology will make perfect sense you say what are you talking about well in Jeremiah 31 31 it basically says the same thing the difference is he says which my covenant they break although I was a husband unto them saith the Lord so instead of saying I regarded them not saith the Lord in Jeremiah 31 he says I was a husband unto them now why what's the difference here well the difference is is that in the old testament God was like a husband unto the nation of Israel because they were still under that old covenant that old contract however now that we're in the new covenant he doesn't regard them now he's like well that's kind of mean well no because of the fact that they're the ones who broke it so why would he regard them if they don't want to be regarded and this is what the Bible yeah but they're Jews yeah but the Bible says for he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision outward in the foot you know the the circumcision that would make you a part of the people of God in the Old Testament we says as that circumcision outward in the flesh made of hands but he is a Jew which is one inwardly in circumcision is that of the heart and of the spirit not of the letter referring to the Old Testament whose praise is not a man but of God when it says whose praise is not of men but of God it means whose record who God recognizes as being a Jew not who man recognizes as being a Jew and a lot of a lot of Christians out there are only concerned with what is man think about this you know our Church Father said this or my Bible College said this my Bible College professor said that they're God's chosen people because shut up that's why and I've heard this narrative I was in Bible College now I was a Bible College teacher I never taught that garbage in fact I taught replacement theology in my Bible College and it was very difficult to say the least I just got to let the text speak for itself amen but you know I was taught this and they never really gave a valid answer other than he has a covenant with them but you know you're not a student of the Bible if that's what you're saying because a true student of the Bible will not ignore these clear passages of Scripture that this new contract is not according to the old contract and in fact we need to reconcile the fact that in the old covenant he was a husband unto them but in the new he doesn't even regard them he doesn't recognize them as being God's chosen people it doesn't matter if they call themselves Jews you know what you know what Jesus said they would call themselves Jews and do lie why because who is a liar but he that denied that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist the Bible says and that's what Jesus is saying he's saying they're lying just because they say they're Jews doesn't mean it's true they're lying to you and so this quotation here is very important he was a husband unto them it's not a scribal error we're in the New Testament in the New Testament the variation is based upon the breach of covenant made by the physical nation of Israel which is why he doesn't regard them as being God's chosen people they can say that all they want they could pump Zionism into the Bible colleges they could pump Zionism and to all the churches in the south they can they can take missions trips over there and try to claim that oh that's the Holy Land where God's chosen people are and all Israel shall be saved one day bless God they can shatter from the housetops it doesn't make it true because I can whisper this verse and it has more authority than that let me read to you from Exodus 19 verse 5 you don't have to turn there says now therefore if you will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people for all the earth is mine you know I miss that part where he said you know and if you decide to worship God don't worry I'll take you you know it's okay there are all many paths lead to God or whatever you know there was no exception to that rule it's like zero tolerance if you don't listen to me if you break the contract then you know you're done with you can no longer be my peculiar treasure my peculiar people and look throughout the generations you have that taken place where one generation forsook the Lord God punished them and then another generation would rise up believe on the Lord they would be the people of God then they would forsake God then they would be taken into captivity another generation would rise up be brought back to Israel they would believe on the Lord and the cycle would continue and it ended when Jesus Christ came physically to this earth and that was the last that was the straw that broke the camel's back because God was very patient with Israel for many generations hundreds of years just giving him a chance to repent to get right to worship the God of the Bible and then you have Jesus Christ coming who's the Son of God this is what the Bible refers to as the time of their visitation when God himself appears and you would think they're like oh man you know let's get right with the Lord we're God's people he's sending us his son now what do they do crucify him kill him let's take his inheritance and so basically that was the last straw and their act of crucifying Jesus Christ brought in the New Testament so you know what they you know what they thought into evil God meant it into good because their hatred and crucifixion of Jesus Christ got our foot in the door to be God's chosen people of course once we believe on him go to Galatians chapter 3 if you would Galatians chapter 3 let's read a couple verses here in Galatians it's always good to read if you on your own to read the book of Hebrews in conjunction with the book of Galatians a lot of the information is stated in both books there of course in various ways but it brings a lot of clarity look at verse 13 of Galatians chapter 3 verse 13 says for Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed as everyone that hangeth on the tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith brethren I speak after the manner of men though it be but a man's covenant yet if it be confirmed no man does annulth or addeth thereto so what covenant he's referring to he's referring to the covenant that he made with Abraham and he's saying that basically God's not breaking this promise okay that he's making to Abraham no man can disannul or add to so in other words that covenant transcends the old covenant and once even the old covenant was done with it still continues to exist and in fact it's essentially fleshed out because Jesus Christ is here on this earth you have New Testament churches starting etc says in verse 16 now to Abraham and his seed where the promise is made remember the promise is referring to that covenant he saith not and to seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is Christ proving conclusively that Gentiles getting saved and becoming Christians and God's people was not plan B it's not like God's like oh man didn't work out with my beloved Jews I guess I'll go for the goyim now you know maybe maybe they'll accept me or whatever they're just grasping at he's always wanted the goyim to be saved that's that's been his plan from the beginning he told that to Abraham before the nation of Israel ever existed before Israel and the twelve tribes ever existed and they became this proud pompous nation who hates the Lord he gave that promise to Abraham and even Abraham knew that this that this message would be a blessing to all nations because you know what Abraham actually loved people and he wanted everyone to have the God of the universe not like these crooked Jews who is just like they want to be a they want to be God and they think they're superior to everyone else they have a superiority complex about themselves he says in verse number 17 and this I say that the Covenant that was confirmed before God in Christ the law which was four hundred and thirty years after can't have this at all that it should make the promise of none effect so the Covenant that God made with Abraham which precedes the Old Covenant is more powerful than that Old Covenant that Old Testament because he's saying there that that covenant only came like 430 years after the promise was made to Abraham and because it came 430 years after it has no power authority to disannul the Covenant that God made with Abraham that exists still today you know the only way to be to be able like you you'd have more of a chance to disannul you know or to destroy the tabernacle in heaven than to disannul the Covenant that God made with Abraham which basically I'm saying is just impossible you might as well try to you know break down the tabernacle that's in heaven well it's impossible to do well in like manner it's impossible to disannul the Covenant that God made with Abraham prior to the Old Testament institution he says there verse 18 for if the inheritance be of the law it is no more of promise but God gave it to Abraham by promise well what's the point here the point is that we often view old and New Testament as beginning in Genesis ending in Malachi beginning in Matthew and in Revelation but really what it is is that this new covenant that we're currently in pre-existed the Old Covenant institution at Mount Sinai because it encapsulates God's plan for humanity that they would believe on Christ to be God's people understand and obviously it was not there was no culmination of the old covenant excuse me the new covenant prior to the institution of the old because Christ had not yet physically come to this world to be born live a perfect life and be crucified you understand and so God had to allow that history to happen throughout Israel to prime the minds of the Israelites to prepare them for the coming Christ so that they would understand that one day Jesus Christ would come the Lamb of God and this covenant that God made with Abraham would would be finalized by the death of Jesus Christ okay go back to Hebrews if you would so I hope that made sense because I know it could be a little confusing but at the end of the day what I'm saying is that the New Covenant existed even prior to the Old Covenant that makes sense that everyone not because it had it was already set in stone per se here on this earth now in heaven it was set in stone and here's proof my friends that here's proof that God wanted everyone to be saved not just the Jews here's proof everyone's name starts off in the book of life there you go because he wants all people to be saved the Old Covenant and the commands that were given in the Old Covenant were essentially a microcosm of a bigger thing of a bigger plan that God had okay look at verse 10 for this for this is the covenant that will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my law into their minds and write them in their hearts so let me say a couple things first before I move on because I want to make sure that I covered everything and I talked I said everything that I wanted to say about that okay yeah so remember we're still in the context of making this New Covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah now if he's saying a New Covenant is this referring to like a New Testament for the Book of Mormon or something like that there's only two covenants so this isn't like a separate covenant that God is doing with Jews right the New Covenant is referring to is what we're currently in so when he says I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel with the house of Judah we are also included in that covenant the difference is that in context he's addressing the house of Israel in the house of Judah understand you could turn that off because I think people are getting cold now verse 10 is extremely important I know the I said the other verse was really important this is really important okay because this right here is like the coup de gras to show you that the Jews are not God's chosen people today and it's in just it's impossible to refute this without twisting the scriptures or just it just not looking at the Bible the only the only way you could just not see it is if you just don't look at the Bible because you know what God wants us to read the Bible with common sense he's given us common sense you know it's like you don't have to be super smart just use common sense as I sit down that's my son for you visitors they're like man he just yells at kids like that that's my kids mom's not here so I thought I have to also so you know you have to use common sense when you read the Bible right and I feel like the old IFP they lack common sense sometimes and you know maybe it's just you know they just I don't know I don't know I don't know why I can't answer for them because I try to have common sense and when I read the Bible I want to have common sense I want the Spirit of God to come you know to come upon me as I'm reading the Word of God but I just want to let the scripture speak for itself and you know what you want to thank God that if you came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ with no preconceived ideas man the Bible is very easy to understand okay now let's read it because we're in the New Testament let's read this for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days say the Lord I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts listen to this and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people that's weird you know it almost seemed like he's implying that he's not their God right now because if you're saying I will be to them a God the implication there that he's he's currently not their God right just common sense and if he's saying they shall be to me a people well wouldn't that imply that they're currently not his people common sense but yet you have people today they're like the Jews are God's chosen people then how does this promise apply because he's saying they shall be to me a people implying that they're currently not you know someone should say how can they shall if they already are God I'll tell you how cuz they're not God's people and so you know us as replacement theologists when we read this it just makes perfect sense because there will come a time and maybe even today where people who are Jews are coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and now God is their God and now they are his people but if they're unregenerated they reject Jesus Christ yay they hate the Lord then God is not their God I don't care what Fox News says what you know Peter Ruckman, Robber Breaker, Gene Kim they can shout it from the house tops as much as they want but the Bible clearly says here that they shall be meaning that they're currently not and it seems to indicate in its context that God can only become their God and they could only become the people of God if they're a part of that New Covenant which you can ask any Christian outside of the subject of replacement theology and say how can I be a part of that New Covenant and they'll tell you if they're not some heretic believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you can be a part of that New Covenant but somehow we're supposed to believe that the exception to the rule are Christ rejecting Jews I mean this is in the context of the nation of Israel so apparently it applies to them too you know there's not like a separate aspect of the contract that says you know oh in order to be a part of the Covenant be God's people you have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ except unless you're part of the physical nation of Israel then you just get a free pass or something right you know just sign on the dotted line right here or something no it actually is addressing the house of Israel northern kingdom and the house of Judah southern kingdom he's just basically encompassing all of the tribes just in case now go to Romans chapter 9 if you would Romans chapter 9 now you say what do people say when you bring up this this argument they call me an anti-semitic person they say you're anti you're just anti-semitic but really they're the anti-semitics okay they're the ones who obviously they don't care about the salvation of the Jews and they don't care whether the Jews are a part of that new cup in fact they're trying to keep Jews in that old covenant which is null and void now here's the thing is that obviously I'm not a big fan of Jews you know most of them hate my Savior they hate my Savior the blaspheme is name if you have a believer that goes to the physical nation of Israel they harass them they spit on the ground when they hear about Jesus they say F Jesus I mean that you know that doesn't make me very happy and so you know do I have a little more favor towards maybe Muslims than Jews yeah because Muslims aren't I've never really had a disrespectful Muslim you know say F Jesus or something now obviously you know even then I want to get you saved but the reality is this in my experience as a pastor and as a Christian I haven't seen a whole lot of Jews saved and it's because of the fact that they most of the time hate the Lord Jesus Christ believe it or not but I'm not a big fan of Jews because of the fact that their adherence to the religion of Judaism so you know I'm not a big fan of rabbis just like I'm not a big fan of popes and priests and you know shamans or whatever any leader of whatever false cult there is out there of course I'm not a big fan of them because they're leading people astray they're leading people to hell look at Romans 9 verse 6 it says not as though the Word of God has taken an effect for they are not all Israel which are of Israel neither because there are the seed of Abraham are they all children but in Isaac shall thy seed be called that is they which are the children of the flesh these are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seed and I heard this interpretation well it says the children of God but you know they're the people of God there's a difference between the people of God the children of God I mean just come just grasping at straws but you know what you can't take the context here and apply that because it says that in Isaac shall thy seed be called and they believe that the physical nation of Israel those physical Jews are the seed of Isaac and that's why they're God's people but here it says that the physical nation of Israel the Jews according to the flesh are not the seed of Isaac which would prove conclusively that when we're talking about the children of God and or the people of God they're one in the same look at verse 25 as he saith also in OC referring to Hosea and of the Old Testament I will call them my people which were not my people and her beloved which was not beloved now let's use common sense if the Jews were the were God's people of the Old Testament that would mean if we were to deduce the information here that would mean that the Gentiles were not God's people right and we could live with that I'm not offended I'm not here in the new coming life man we weren't like God's people back then not because that's just how it is you know I'm not gonna get mad at that because you know I'm God's people now you know so it doesn't matter but we can see based upon this verse that Gentiles were not God's people but then the promise is given in the Old Testament that those who are not God's people of the old will be his people in the new and those who are not beloved of the old are now beloved in the new so if that's referring to Gentiles and it is no one can deny that if it's referring to Gentiles that means the Gentile believers have replaced the physical nation of Israel as being God's people because there's a change there look at verse 26 it shall come to pass then the place where it is said unto them ye are not my people there they excuse me there shall they be called the children of the living God so again it's using the children of the living God interchangeably with what being the people of God cuz he just got finished saying those who are not my people shall be my people and they shall be called the children of the living God so this Bible calls interpretation of look at the children of God on the people of God those are two different things we're the children of God but we're not necessarily like the people of God like like they're the people of God it's like these mental gymnastics that people are doing they're jumping through these loops it's like just believe the Bible it's saying they're the people who are the people of God what shall be called the children of the living God because they're both one and the same you know it's just like well those are my children but they're not my people though it's just like a stupid way of like interpreting the Bible go back to Hebrews so he says in verse number 11 and they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying no the Lord for all shall know me from the least to the greatest for I will be merciful to their own righteousness and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more verse 13 in that he saith a new covenant he had made the first old now that which is decayed and waxeth old is ready to vanish away and he's implying that the old covenant that had the institutions of the meats drinks and diverse washings even though there's people in the New Testament during this time who were observing those things it's dying out as it should right and the reason he's saying that is decayed and waxing old is because people who were practicing the rights of the Old Testament who are saved people are coming to them and preaching Christ unto them so if they're preaching Jesus and telling them that Jesus is the Christ then they're just like oh cool we're gonna stop doing this then we're gonna stop observing times months and years we're gonna stop doing the animal sacrifices I'm turning in my membership to the synagogue or I'm not turning in I'm removing my membership from the synagogue and where is this thing you guys call a church why cuz now he's a new covenant Christian he's a New Testament that's why we call ourselves New Testament Christians you understand and he's saying it's ready to vanish away now here in 2024 it's already vanished it's gone it's already gone the reason he says it's ready to vanish away because even when you read the book of Acts you see believers who are still kind of like observing those things because you know there's this like transitional period even after the death of Jesus Christ where the ministry of the Apostles is almost twofold one is like you got to go preach the gospel to the Gentiles so they can know Christ as their Savior but like another ministry is like they need to go to people who are already saved who don't know the name of Jesus and teach them hey the Christ you believe in it's his name is Jesus understand that's why you see that phrase a lot in the Old Cup excuse me in the book of Acts you know where people are just mildly convincing others that Jesus is the Christ because many of the people believed on the Christ they were saved but they didn't know the name of Jesus as of yet now if there's an individual who is just like no I don't believe that you know they believe in another Messiah then it just shows that they weren't saved but most people who were in that era of the book of Acts once they heard the preaching of Jesus they were pricked in their hearts and they're like brethren what shall we do you know they're just like I don't you know Jesus is the Christ and they would transition into that New Testament it would get baptized etc and so I love this chapter I think it's a very powerful chapter and I think in my experience people who are Zionist Christians who believe the Jews are God's chosen people they don't like this chapter because they have a lot of explaining to do once they read it because it just kind of like destroys what what they claim you know the Bible says you know they can take a lot of verses from the Old Testament to prove the Jews are God's chosen people it's like oh duh you're pulling verses from the Old Testament when they were God's chosen people why don't you come over to home field you new to the Testament Christian you know you like to play you know and you like to play at a different sport you know what I mean in the Old Covenant but why don't you go ahead and play try to use those tactics in the New Testament you know we're not old covenant Christians my friends we're new covenant Christians we're New Testament Christians and we love the Old Covenant we love the Old Testament and everything about the Old Testament but make no mistake about it we are New Testament Christians because there's a major difference between the two amen let's pray father we thank you so much for your word and thank you for our beloved New Testament and what it means to us and how it was instituted through the the shedding of blood and just as that old covenant was established by the sprinkling of the blood upon the book and on the people and like man of this new covenant that we have we are a part of to the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins and I pray that you'd help us to think upon those things Lord and I do pray that if there's Christians out there who are still straddling the fence regarding this subject Lord I know that this probably wasn't the nicest way of saying it but at the end of the day when we're looking for the truth we need to look for what the Bible says and I pray that you would work in their hearts to help them realize what the truth is regarding the New Covenant the Jews the Gentiles and the Church of God Lord and and the Bible becomes so much more pleasurable to read when you understand replacement theology help us Lord as your people to continue to emphasize it as New Testament Christians we love you we thank you pray these things in Jesus name amen please turn your songbooks to song number 325