(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I Were in Psalm 92 verse number 7 look what the Bible says here It says when the wicked spring as the grass and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish It is that they shall be destroyed forever But thou Lord are most high forevermore for lo thine enemies O Lord for lo thine enemies shall perish All the workers of iniquity shall be scattered But my horn shall be thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn I shall be anointed with fresh Oil and the title of sermon this evening is staying fresh in the Christian life Okay, or we can call it the apathetic checklist the apathetic checklist now when I say staying fresh in the Christian life I'm not referring to this urban phrase that people like to use, you know, this ghetto, you know word We're saying, you know, I need to stay fresh and and you know have like the best clothing and and you know Look all bougie and try to look as fresh as you possibly can This is not what this is referring to and that's not what I'm talking about So don't take me out of context and say oh, you know Bruce is preaching a ghetto sermon. Okay now When we talk about the word fresh in here specifically in verse number 10 He's speaking about the anointing of that fresh oil now oil in the Bible is symbolic of the Holy Spirit now we understand that once we get saved the Bible tells us that we are sealed with the earnest of our inheritance Which is the Holy Spirit. Okay, we're sealed with the Holy Spirit of God until the day of redemption He's sealed in there. He's the earnest of our expectation. He's the earnest of our inheritance He is what basically God's down payment when we first get saved that seals us Okay, so we can never lose our salvation. Why because he's sealed there Alright now That's not to say that we're constantly walking in the Spirit and that's not to say that we're constantly being filled with the Spirit You see those attributes or those characteristics of someone who's been who's walking in the Spirit someone who's filled with the Spirit takes the effort of the person who's actually Indwelled by the Holy Spirit they have to put in the effort to daily be filled with that fresh oil Okay. Now that word fresh simply means new We would use also the word to be renewed okay, so when we're being renewed we're being filled with that fresh oil We're being filled with the Spirit again Now it says there in verse number 10 But my horn shall thou exalt like the horn of a unicorn that horn is symbolic of strength Okay, which it goes to show you that when God exalts our horn he does it by anointing us with fresh oil Why so in order for us to be strong in the Lord and the power of his might we have to be filled Spirit you see you could be in dwell with the spirit still be a weakling of a Christian And I'm not talking about physical strength I'm talking about the spiritual strength and the fortitude to be able to withstand difficulties and hardships and afflictions and trials to be able to withstand Persecutions and anything that the devil can throw at you. We need spiritual strength for that We need emotional fortitude and mental strength in order to withstand That was the world the flesh and the devil tries to throw at us But how do we do that by being anointed with fresh oil? And so look at look with me if you went to 1st John chapter number 2 And this is all introduction here 1st, John chapter number 2 This is a familiar portion of Scripture But but it's it's good to reference in regards to the subject verse 27 says but the anointing which he have received of him abideth in you and Ye need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you all of all things And is truth and is no lie and even as it had taught you ye shall abide in him You see we all have that unction. We all had that spirit, but does everyone learn the Word of God? There's everyone who is indwelled by the Holy Spirit Do they actually learn and grow in the knowledge of the Word of God? No, because why because they need fresh oil They need to be constantly be filled with the Holy Spirit in order to gain that inspiration Now that's what I'm referring to there is Inspiration how to stay fresh in the Christian life What am I referring to how to stay inspired in the Christian life? You see the opposite of inspiration is what? Apathy what is apathy is when you can care less about the things of God. It doesn't bother you You're just you don't really have an opinion. You're kind of you're not to the left. You're not to the right You're just kind of stuck right in the middle. It's when the things of God stop interesting you It's when the things of God have become a chore. You're no longer exciting You're no longer passionate about the things of God. You're apathetic. Okay, what does that mean? That means you lack zeal now It's important that we have inspiration Now there's a group in Christianity that only wants to be inspired and they don't want no information, right? They only want to be inspired and they just want to feel good and have passion, but it's a zeal That's not according to knowledge. They don't know the Word of God. They're not out there So many they just want to talk about the love of God and the grace of God and that inspires them But you know what? That's not where the Christian life ends. There's more to the Christian life than just love and grace There's an entire Bible written for us for us to learn and be inspired through now Let me go on and say that I'm not negating the fact that we need character. Okay? Inspiration is important but character is also important Why is that because character helps us to do what we're supposed to do even when we don't feel like doing it You know, we're not perfect. We we fail we falter and sometimes we get lazy And when you get lazy, guess what? You don't feel like doing the things you're supposed to do But guess what? You're still supposed to do it. You're still supposed to drag your butt to church You're still supposed to read the Bible. You're still supposed to go so any you're supposed to get sin out of your life Whether you're inspired or not Amen, so whether you're inspired or not out of discipline and character and knowledge that this is what's right to do You want to do it? You see if you only do that which is right when you feel like doing it You're not gonna be doing right very long or you're not gonna be doing right very often We need character Okay And I'm not excusing character character and discipline are very much an intricate part of the Christian life We need it. And if you don't have character, you need to get some character. You need to get some discipline You need to make sure if there's an area in your life like man, I'm struggling to do X Y & Z I just struggle to do this. Okay. Well, let me just give you a Lesson here you like in character You have no discipline you're probably just being lazy and you're giving into your laziness. Well, what should I do? Stop being lazy Okay Put a system together put a goal together and stick to that system and do that what you're supposed to do but that's not at the excuse of having inspiration because Inspiration is when we get excited about the things of God and in fact the Bible commands us Okay, don't lose this the Bible commands us to be excited about the things of God The Bible commands us to be zealous for the things of God. What does he'll mean it means to have passion and That how do we express passion with our emotions? You know what? I mean with our emotions with the way we act but primarily it's what the things with regards to our emotions How we express about our excitement about the things of God and that's important. Okay now It's important to be inspired because when we look at the big picture of our Christian lives And what is the what is the goal? What is the end in mind? You know a lot of the times the goal that we have is years from now the fulfillment of that Accomplishment and the fulfillment of that goal comes years from now. So what do we need we need? inspiration to help us to envision what could be and What does character do character helps us to get to that point? Inspiration helps us to visualize the end in my having the end in mind But look if you only have character, but you're not being inspired guess what you just become apathetic over the things of God Okay, you just don't want we're just going to church. I'm just reading my Bible I'm just sowing in or probably not even that you just kind of blah about the Christian life be inspired Look the major difference between independent fundamental Baptist churches and any other church is the fact that we're crazy And we're zealous for the things of God That's why the most of most of the preachers Independent fundamental Baptist Church at 50 years ago were these slobbering foaming out the mouth pastors and People were attracted to those kind of churches Why because there was zealous for the things of God you look at the vast majority of the pastors in our movement the new I of B You know why people are attracted to listen to those kind of pastors because there's zealous for the things of God They're a bunch of nutcases for the Lord. They're fools for Christ. What are the they're excited about the things of God We're not the type of pastors that go down deep and come up dry They just preach a sermon and just not excited about the whole thing No, we're teaching knowledge, but it's according to zeal. It's zeal according to knowledge. Excuse me Okay, we're zealous about the things of God, but it's based upon knowledge that we need zeal In fact, the Bible tells us thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart With all thy soul with all thy mind with all thy strength You see God wants us to love him in indeed, but you know what? He also wants us to love him in our hearts What is that that is the seed of our emotions? Okay, and the Bible talks about delighting yourself in the Lord Okay now go with if you went to John chapter number two, so the enemy of inspiration is apathy and Everyone struggles with this everyone's gonna have to fight this and if you don't fight it, then you know what? Apathy is a step right before backsliding What is backsliding when you just stop doing the things of God? You just stop coming to church you're not reading your Bible you're not praying you're not Sony you're not getting sin out of your life You're just throwing in the towel. That's a backslidden state Well, what's the step right before that apathy when you stop caring about doing those things, but you're still in church You stop caring about gaining knowledge But you're just reading your Bible just that as a chore so you can go ahead and hop on your social media Okay That's what I'm talking about. So unless you think well, then this is not important Well, you better make sure that you don't have these things because this is a step right before you backslide. Okay? But I want to I want to prove to you that zeal is important because sometimes people look at The preachers in our movement or just Christians just in general who are zealous for the things of God And they're like that they like offend them or something. It's like oh man, you need to calm down man Like hey, why are you so zealous for the things of God? Look look everything in moderation brothers, you know Let your moderation be known. It's all men. That's not about zeal Look what John 2 verse 12 says By the way, typically people who do that are the ones who are apathetic and you're making them feel uncomfortable Because they're a bunch of lazy slothful Unpassionate Christians and your example is like salt on a wound You know the Bible tells us that we're the salt of the earth if the salt hath lost its savor Wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden on the foot of men What does salt do? What are the properties of salt? Well number one it preserves, right? It preserves before refrigerators even existed people would douse meat with salt It would preserve it why because it kills the bacteria within That can possibly come out and destroy that meat and so salt will preserve Well, how do we apply that to our personal life our lives as soul winners? What are we doing when we go out there? We're preserving people. We're keeping them from dying and going to hell, okay But not only that but salt also gets flavor Right. I mean I like salt to my food. Okay, not a lot, but I do like salt like when we eat lunch dinner I'm always telling my wife does this have salt if it doesn't I want some salt in there I'm not like a like I don't I don't douse it in salt But I do like a little bit of salt like my rice with a little bit of salt Okay, why cuz it adds flavor to it, you know that our lives ought to add flavor to this world We're not we're not of this world We're in this world, but I'm not of this world and people ought to look at our lives and say man I want what that person has, you know that that person's interesting Well, I mean, you know, they look like they that couple loves each other Look, they have a bunch of kids that are happy during an obedient to them. These people seem to have it together What is it? What is it? What are you doing? You're adding flavor? Okay, but not only that what does salt do what do you if you have you an open wound and you pour in salt into that Open wound it irritates it Amen, so you know what we assault do we irritate the people who are not right with God We testify that their works are evil and They look at it saying oh you can't don't be so zealous, you know, hey I know you guys like so anybody do you got to do mega marathons? You know, yeah, yeah, I agree we got to preach hard on sin, but man, yeah, you need to tone it down No, we need to tone it up we need to turn it up and keep preaching harder on sin and The people who typically had that viewpoint are those who have become so apathetic that they're backslidden And they don't want no one to take them out of that condition I want to make sure that when I'm in my 50s 60s 70s and 80s, I'm still ripping face I'm still getting mad about sin. I'm still ripping on the faggots I'm still preaching hard from the Word of God I don't want to grow apathetic in my Christian life and it's unfortunate a lot of people in their older age Pastors specifically in their older age. They stopped fighting like I mentioned this morning. What happened? What happened with Esau? He grew faint therefore. He sold his birthright, you know pastors who they get tired of fighting You know and at one time in their 20s and 30s, there is zealous for the things of God There is Ellis In fact, there were our examples for what a zealous Christian ought to look like But now they're in their 50s and 60s and what are they doing? They're condemning those who are zealous There's like what were you talking about, man? I'm behaving like you did you it made you successful Yeah, but you know, I got wisdom now and No, you're a fool You don't got wisdom. You have the wisdom of this world But not the wisdom of God You know, we need to make sure that we keep our zeal Intact and we're feeding our zeal on a constant basis and not condemning those who are overly zealous you know the only time I Pull try to pull back the reins on one of our guys if they're being overly zealous is if the zeal is not according to knowledge But I never want to douse someone's zeal I never want to douse someone's passion why because that's what's gonna propel them to keep going forward for the Lord We ought to be we ought to be excited about the things of God more than anything else, okay Look at John chapter 2 verse 12. It says after this he went down to Capernaum He and his mother and his brethren and his disciples and they continued there not many days and the Jews Passover was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem and found in the temple those that sold Oxen and sheep and doves and the changers of money sitting and when he had made a scourge of small cords He drove them all out of the temple and the sheep and the oxen and poured out the changers money and Overthrough the tables. I want to hear more sermons on this from the old IFP You know, it's all about how he came lowly and you know on the ass is cold and all these things But they never talked about John to work. Come on. Can we picture this? He's making the corn. He's like He goes into the temple and he's not just chasing him he's whipping them He's flipping the tables over. I saw a funny meme on Instagram Like it was like obviously I don't agree with any image of Jesus But it was like an image of Jesus and he's like whipping everybody and the people in the temple like hey You're not acting like Jesus that's not Christ like You know, there's a lot of people who are actually like that though. If Jesus were to do that today They would condemn him and say hey, that's not you're not being very loving Okay. Yeah, he's not being very loving. Yeah, you got that right? I'm glad you noticed that good So you understand that I hate it then okay, as long as we make ourselves clear on that note But here's a little let's read on it says he over by the way, he overthrew tables. I Mean talk about someone who's ticked off Throwing stuff around I mean people be like hey, you don't have self-control right now It was in the verse 16 then said unto them that sold doves take these things Hence make now my father's house a house of merchandise Verse 17 is disciples remember that it was written but the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up He's like, oh, yeah the Bible does say The brother why is he doing this? Oh, wait, that's right. The zeal of thine house has he made that's what it looks like When the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up, that's what it looks like when the when Jesus spoke those words when he Inspired the writers to write down those words. That was the fulfillment of that right there Flipping tables over whooping people. I mean, how would you want to interpret that the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up It's just like yay, Jesus God is so good. No, it looks like whooping people out overthrowing the tables and yelling at people But you know a lot of Christians today. Well, you're that hey, that's not that you're not walking in the spirit No, in fact, you're not only walking in the spirit. You're filled with the spirit when you do those things You see zeal is an important thing Jesus had zeal he was the pit of me of zeal go to Numbers chapter 25. We're just gonna look at some examples here Because I want to show you the importance of zeal and in the danger of being apathetic in the Christian life You know and it's easy for anyone to fall into this trap, especially if you have a lot of character Why because at times you can solely depend on your character to get you through and you no longer delight in the things of God I mean, I knew a guy back in the day that had read his Bible through scores of times He read through the book of Psalms like in one day. I remember you know, but he was the most Apathetic just non soul winner just loser to be honest with you. He was just very lukewarm He just read it because he just loved to read but it wasn't affecting many because there's I mean the book of Psalms There's a lot of emotion in the book of Psalms You read that in one day and you're not zealous I mean if I read that in one day I'd be like man I need to get right with God or something because there's a lot of emotion that I'm not I'm not you know Adding to my life here or something. I need to make sure that I owed examine myself, but that's not what he did Look what the Bible says in Numbers chapter 25. This is a great example of someone who's zealous And in fact, this is an example of someone who handled the situation not in the politically correct way Look what it says in numbers 25 verse 6 and be held and behold one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a media night ish woman in the sight of Moses and inside of all the congregation of the children of Israel Who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the congregation? So all of Israel is congregating right now and God is about to judge Israel for its sin Verse 7 and when Phinehas the son of aliens and then I'm sorry So in verse 6, this is the this is the scene that's taking place everyone's weeping there they're repenting and then this fool takes his media night ish woman in the sight of all the Congregation and takes her into a tent to basically go fornicate with her in the sight of all the people This blatant sin in the in front of God and everyone In verse 7 and when Phinehas the son of Eliezer the son of Aaron the priest saw it he rose up from among the Congregation and took a javelin in his hand. So you picture this all these people they all saw this I Mean, why is it the only Phinehas was the one who got up? He saw and he was just like where's my favorite javelin? I'm gonna take care of this right now. And by the way, he wasn't gonna go spank him Look what it says in verse 8 and you went after the man of Israel into the tent and thrust both of them through The man of Israel and the woman through her belly. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel What do you do? He made human shish kebab And that goes to show you because it says through their belly how they were positioned in the very act He did it he went in there was just like oh, you know now I'm sure that a lot of people were like whoa Phinehas You should have talked to them discipled them for like six weeks You know teach them that you know, they still need time to grow Man, you're a little too rough He's like no in his zeal He made human shish kebab of these people He made an example out of them is what he did But what it says in verse 9 and they and those that died in the plague were 20 and 4 Excuse me, uh, yeah those that died in the plague were 20 and 4,000 and Lord's spake unto Moses same Phineas The son of Aliezer the son of Aaron the priest Had taken it too far But it says no it says hath turned my wrath Away from the children of Israel while he was zealous for my sake among them that I consumed not the children of Israel in my Jealousy, you know what Phineas did he stayed the plague You Know because of Phineas and his zealous act God came and said right I'm no longer gonna plague because of that guy cuz he Manifested with that javelin what I wanted to do And that was honorable a man. Well, then I want you to notice in his zeal Well, some people are saying oh you took it too far. No, in fact, he did just right He did it just fine and he pleased the Lord and in fact He rescued many people from dying from the plague because of it. Okay now go with me if you would to Go to Isaiah 59 Isaiah 59 You know the Bible tells us come and see my zeal for the Lord and our attitude always should be hey I need to make sure I examine my zeal and it ought to be a zeal that would provoke very many You know just like the church at corn though our zeal would provoke others unto good works Hey, not just provoke those who like us, but even those who don't like us You know the people the old IFB would look at our church and see the works that are being accomplished the sermons that are being preached and say I don't Like them, but let's go ahead and try to do better than that Hey, amen to that You know Even if you never talk to me ever again as long as you start so anymore You put you start putting more soul winners out there you're preaching the gospel you start preaching a little harder Hey mission accomplished, buddy We never have to be friends again, but as long as the zeal provokes you but you know what? That's why it's important to have zeal, you know, you want to inspire others. You need to be zealous for the things of God Okay Look at the Bible says in Isaiah 59 and verse 17 for he put on righteousness as a breastplate and a helmet of salvation upon his head and he put on the Garments of vengeance for clothing and was clad with zeal as a cloak So what is a cloak is it's something it's a coat you put on and he says he's clad with zeal as with the cloak It's like he's just he's just cloak clad with zeal right here is smiling Everyone subscribe to his channel if you have not already or a cloud was he'll put a plug in for brother Milan over there He's clothed in zeal It's not he's not a shoe It's not a sock You know, it's not a hat. It's not a tie. He's clothed in zeal Does that show you that we ought to be inspired that we ought to be passionate and zealous for the things of God This is not just some small little Topic that God says. Oh, yeah, just make sure you're zealous every once in a while. No be clad with zeal as with the cloak You wake up in the morning you put on your your your your zeal You know put on the Lord Jesus Christ, okay, which is the epitome of zeal now go with me if you would to Let's see here. Go to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 4 The Bible says in Revelation chapter 3 verse 19 as many as I love I rebuke and chase and be zealous therefore and repent You don't have notices those who get right with God those who repent are typically those who are the most zealous Why because zeal produces that type of attribute zeal produces a repentance I'm not talking about people who are not saved I'll talk about saved people Okay, save people who have been involved in sin if they're zealous for the things of God according to the Bible that produces zeal And in fact the Bible says that produces vengeance Ever reduces a holy righteous vengeance. What does that mean? They're basically just Revenging their own disobedience There are one way at one time, but they've completely turned around and start doing the exact opposite You know, so when people tell you oh man Remember how you were back in the day and all of a sudden you just you're a hypocrite Remember we used to do those things. It's just like yeah, well, I'm zealous for the Lord now That's why I've gone completely the opposite way Okay So zeal produces repentance. That's why it's important to be zealous Because if you don't have zeal you're apathetic you're not realizing that certain sins you have displeased God You know what I mean, and I'm getting ahead of myself, but you know what every sermon we should be thinking Hey, is this for me? Well, how Lord is it I? You know the problem lies when you hear a sermon you're like, you know, yeah, that's good for someone else Not me though. Well, yeah, well, you know what? You're the you're the person I'm talking to This is the sermons for you actually, you know, so we need to make sure you know What does that show that shows a tender heart because the tender heart always wants to be right with God the tender heart The tender heart breaks when we displease God You know when we do things that are displeasing unto the Lord, you know that that ought to hurt us That ought to bring a tear to our eyes and say God I failed you and I'm sorry, you know This wretched body that I have and Lord help me to get right with you help me to do right Help me to do that which is pleasing in your eyes. I'm sorry for doing this You know it ought to break our hearts when we displease God, but that's produced when we have zeal Why because that zeal loves the Lord, okay The Bible tells us in 2nd Corinthians 4 16 for which cause we faint not But though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day So this whole argument that as you get older you get a little wiser You're not as you're not as zealous anymore that goes out the window with this verse Because the Bible says though the outward man perish. What does that mean as you get older? Because as you get older guess what happens your outward man perishes. Okay, it says right there. The inward man is renewed day by day You know, I just I'm 33 now. I turned 33 last week, you know, and I'm getting older, but I'm feeling younger Okay, I'm getting older, but I'm feeling you know, why because I'm more zealous today than I was when I first got saved People's are you've changed. Yeah, I'm glad you recognize that because that's what's supposed to happen You're supposed to change you ought to become more zealous as you grow older. You ought to become more zealous Why because now you've had more time to read the Bible you've had more time to get right with God You've had more time to meditate to soul win and to and to make mistakes and to correct them You ought to become more zealous for the things of God as you get older I mean when I first got saved I had a zeal but it wasn't according to knowledge I did a lot of stupid stuff. I said stupid stuff I did stupid things, but you know as I grew in my knowledge of the Word of God now I could have zeal according to knowledge never negating zeal As you grow older so well, you know as I get older in my Christian life Just gotta take it easy and just enjoy the others who are zealous for the things of God No, you're Z ought to provoke them You know, I love it when I see someone who is older than I whether in their 40s 50s 60s and 70s And they're still on fire for God They're still ripping face. They're still standing for the same things. They stood 30 years stood on 30 years ago That's a challenge to me Why because that person has been saved and alive lot longer than I have and you know what they plow through their times of apathy They smash their apathy and they're still zealous for the things of God that ought to be a goal that we have as well Okay, so it says the inward man is renewed day by day go to Romans chapter number 12 Romans chapter number 12 And look I'm not saying that every single day is gonna be like roses and daisies you wake up out of bed And you're just like yeah zeal Where's that Israelite guy and that median ish woman? Where's my javelin? It's not always gonna be that way right you wake up you get your pour over coffee. Amen. I'm just kidding See I'm trying to wake you guys up You know you you you get up and you you character carries you through that day But you know there are to be times in your life where you are inspired Okay, if you're constantly on this just discouraged Apathetic trail you're on the wrong trail Okay, you're doing things for the wrong reason. Look what it says in Romans chapter 12 verse number 1 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice Holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world But be transformed by the renewing of your mind They may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God So we see there that the renewing that fresh oil begins in our mind That's why it says be renewed in the spirit of your mind in Ephesians chapter number 4 We got to change the way we think okay, if you're apathetic it all starts right here It's the way you're perceiving things to be Now let me reach you from Isaiah 40 in verse 28 says has thou not known Has thou not heard that the everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not Neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding He giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increase its strength Even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as Eagles They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint you see it gets tiring sometimes Right, we get tired with work our responsibilities. There's family There's church, you know traffic if you live in LA that gets tiring after a while, but you know what? Everyone grows tired and that's not a time to grow apathetic. That's a time to wait upon the Lord That's a time to pray. That's the time to say Lord, you don't enlarge me Okay, enlarge my steps enlarge my heart so that I can take care of all these temporal things But still be zealous for the things of God. Okay, don't let the things of this world choke the word out of your heart Okay, don't let work and all these responsibilities these things ought to add To your zeal these things ought to supplement you so you can continue to serve God don't compartmentalize God You know what that means? It means you will you know, God is only for when I come to church Okay, being a Christian acting like a Christian is only when I come to church when I'm home It's different when I'm at work. It's different when I'm with my family is different No, you ought to be completely the same all everywhere. Okay? The worst thing that can happen to a Christian is that they just stop caring Okay, you just stop caring for the things of God. It's not important to you anymore You know doctrine is not important. The Bible is not important. Prayer is not important souls are not important at that point You've become apathetic. Okay, and look, you know again, we're gonna go through seasons, you know No, the blessing in our church is that ladies are expecting amen. That's all I love that I love that, you know with the the the pregnancy list is just growing. Amen We're getting more children in the church and and that's a that's a huge blessing But you know that also comes with the season of just not kind of taking you out of what you're normally used to You know ladies they get more tired. Okay, and look husbands when you're when your wife is pregnant You know don't expect a whole lot From your wife. Okay, we need to go sewing in you make sure you're preaching the gospel still We need to make good because it's not we're not gonna be right with God didn't you hear brother Bruce the sermon on zeal? You know, are you being apathetic? Don't do that, you know when someone the lady is expecting, you know, they're making eyeballs and like elbows and stuff You know that takes a lot of work Okay, and so they're like Tired they can fall asleep talking to you. That's how tired they are because they're making another life within them So that's a season though Okay And when they're in that season be patient help them out and just recognize it's only a season and ladies Don't think that you're not right with God if you're going through that season. It's like We're just you're busy making a life right now, okay It's like so, you know, you're off the hook, you know Take it as a season of time when there's change and ride the wave during that time. Okay, that was free Look at good Isaiah 64. This would be the last verse of the introduction. Amen. This is all introduction by the way. Sorry Isaiah 64 look at verse 7 Sorry verse 6 It says but we are all as an unclean thing and all our unrighteous Excuse me, all our righteousness are as filthy rags And we all do fade as a leaf and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away And there is none that called upon thy name that stirs up Himself to take hold of thee for thou has hid thy face from us and has consumed us because of our iniquities He's a look. There's no one who's stirring themselves up. You see you can't expect To have someone make you zealous. You need to stir yourself up to become zealous You can't expect someone to light a fire under your rear end, you know, sometimes you just got to do it yourself grab that match put some gasoline and light that thing on fire and You need to learn how to light yourself on fire Okay, look when someone first gets saved They need the assistance of other people to help them kind of get going But after a while after you've been saved for a while, you need to know what makes you get on fire for God You need to know yourself. Okay, and when you're going why because The people who help you get on fire are not always gonna be there for you when you're in times of Discouragement when you're in times of apathy you're these people are not always gonna be there So you need to learn how to get yourself on fire to encourage yourself in the Lord Okay, that's what's important because again your authorities or whoever inspires you is not always gonna be there You need to make sure that you figure out what inspires you and what gets you going for the things of God Now let me give you the apathetic checklist, okay So we went through the importance of why we're supposed to have zeal and wide apathy is dangerous, etc But I'm gonna give you a list so you could examine yourself and say man You know, do I have any things in my life, you know, this will help you to understand whether you're being apathetic or not How do you know if you have apathy number one? go to Psalm chapter 1 if Bible reading becomes a chore and it's no longer a delight you're getting to be apathetic Okay, what is the chore is just like we're just gonna do it. I'm just gonna do it just to do it You're reading through it and you're just not really getting anything You know when you read through a chapter and you're halfway through the chapter, you don't even know what you've read You know what I'm talking about You're halfway through is like well, why don't I just read I'm too busy thinking about her I'm too busy thinking about this or that, you know at that point Bible reading is actually becoming a chore to you Okay, and it's no longer a delight. You said well, I thought we needed a character Yeah, we need character, but we need the light as well because look at the Bible says in Psalm 1 verse 1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly Nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in the season His leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever doeth shall prosper whatever but where does it begin? delighting in the law of God Having a sincere desire to read the Bible look The New Year's coming up 2019 amen and what do people have what do people do for the New Year New Year's resolution? I'm gonna be resolved to do something To help better myself. Let me give you a word of advice for your New Year's resolution Okay, this will help you because this is what happens news resolution people start on January 1st, and they finish on January 5th It's like I can't do it. This is too much I can't you know and then you're discouraged for the rest of your like maybe in 2020 I'm gonna make the change in 2020. This is what you do Okay, and if you don't like this then you can throw it out and keep sticking to your January 1st resolution It takes about 60 days to start a habit, okay, so you're if you start now you're a little behind, but it's okay It takes about 60 days. So if you if there's a plan you're making for 2019 start now As if it's January 1st Okay, so start now. You know wait hold on, but Thanksgiving's coming up man like I Want to exercise more, but you know you gotta eat. You know the turkey you mentioned the turkey in the half Start now Start tomorrow Your New Year's resolution, whatever you want to call it your new goal Because here's the thing this is the this is what happens if you start today when January 1st rolls around Rolls around you're already in it You're already succeeding You're already accomplishing the goal, so now you have this you know this feeling of you know what I'm already succeeding I'm starting the year succeeding But you know what if you start on January 1st, you're gonna feel like you're a failure on January 5th Whereas you can get those failure moments out of the way in November It's like well. I'm just gonna keep at it cuz 2019 is not here yet So I'm gonna just keep keep trying keep trying keep trying and by the time 2019 rolls around you see New Year's resolution should begin in October or November To be honest with you that way you roll into the new year succeeding okay? But part of it I mean one of your New Year's resolutions for a lot of people's like I'm gonna start reading the Bible Why don't you just start reading it now? You know why don't you start your goals now now? We're gonna get Bible reading schedules for 2019 And hey guys don't be jacking the Bible reading schedules that are in the back all right I saw some Bible reading schedules lying around all right make your own until 2019 But you know you need to make sure That you have that goal, and then your goal should be to delight in the Lord okay to lie in the Word of God now How do you do that well for me? I'm we're gonna give out my reading schedules But I don't follow the Bible reading schedule cuz I follow I got my own schedule because I know what excites me when I read the Word of God You know I go start a New Testament go to the Old Testament read this read that study certain specific things make your Bible Reading and exciting okay, and look one of the ways to help you to grow zealous for the Word of God is ask questions Don't just read the Bible and just read over things if something you come across something ask questions about it Why because the Bible is quick and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword. It's a wonderful book We don't have some fake Bible You know we're not in some liberal church with the new King James or some stupid NIV or ESV We got the King James Bible, man This is the Word of God. This is the source of inspiration so What we need to do if you've grown apathetic Over the Word of God, and you know you don't delight if it bores you then you're apathetic Then you know what maybe you need to stop reading Leviticus and just jump in a book that does excite you I'm serious You know yeah, but I need to read through the whole Bible Yeah, you do, but here's the thing you're not gonna be reading any Bible If you're not excited about the if you're not delighting in the law of the Lord So jump into Revelation jump into John jump into whatever need you need to get you Started and get those gears turning to get that character, and then you'll jump into Leviticus later, okay Go to 1st Peter chapter 2 1st Peter chapter 2 You see I have two kids right now and Lord will I'll have many more my daughter Breast feeds okay, and she drinks her mother's milk and she delights To drink that milk. Okay. It's not a chore for her at all I mean she's mad if like she's not eating. Okay. She gets very upset I don't have to teach my daughter to delight in Drinking the milk why cuz she just that's what she wants so look what the Bible says here in 1st Peter 2 verse 1 wherefore laying aside all malice and all guile hypocrisies and Envies and all evil speakings as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow By the way it says there grow thereby Okay, let me just chase this for a little bit here The Bible tells us that when we read the Bible we grow thereby You know what these stupid new versions say they may grow into salvation NIV grow into salvation ESV grow into salvation NKJV grow thereby with the little parentheses you click on it into salvation You know 1960 reign of Alera growing to salvation and many of the Spanish versions had that unfortunately and the reason for that is because the Latin Vulgate infiltrated these translators who were translating in 1550 in 1543 Okay, well the 1543 is good actually the Encinas after that the revision of the Encinas which is the Pineda and the Casa The Bibliadero so they use the Latin Vulgate to try to translate those Bibles and guess what happened? They used the rendition of the Latin Vulgate in 1st Peter 2 2 which is growing to salvation But you know if you look in the text of Deceptus, amen, it says grow there by All but you don't understand you're going to salvation it's like a process because you're growing in your salvation, you know, no, no No, it's called heresy It's called false doctrine. It's called the Bibles of Devils is what it is Okay, and I don't care how many Spanish churches use 19, don't you understand that all these sowning Spanish churches use the 1960 Yeah Any Spanish Church that is a sowning fiery Baptist Church is because they were taught by people who are using this book Not the 1960 You know any Spanish independent fundamental Baptist Church who's a fiery sowning Baptist Church got their doctrine from a English pastor who's using the King James Bible. They've got their doctrine from the King James Bible Not from the rain over there in 1960 that piece of trash Bible. That's toilet paper Bible right there It teaches false doctrine But everyone you I don't care if everyone uses it That isn't that is invalidate if it's a good Bible or not If everyone's using it all kinds of liberal churches are using the NIV that doesn't validate if it's true or not It's a false Bible and Spanish churches need to get off the 1960. Amen Hop on the Gomez. Amen or these other versions that we see from times past and put that stinking Bible in the trash The 1960 is a corrupt version. I have two Greek texts I have a Texas Receptant exam to corrupt text you look at first Peter 2 2 and it tells you you could distinctly see it grow thereby comma Grow into salvation comma is what the corrupt text says Okay, so don't give me well, you know, don't try to explain away Well, you know if you just you know, if you just look at it from a different it looks perverted every way You can throw that you could put that thing upside down and you'll still be wrong. I don't care how you put it It's wrong. Oh, but this commentator said yeah, he's wrong You understand people are wrong And if you're wrong you're wrong in the 1960s wrong Okay, okay pastor It says grow there by because that's what happens when you read the Bible you don't grow into Salvation you grow there by How do you get salvation by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ? How do you grow you read the Bible pretty simple? Okay, and don't try to explain it away if you've been using the 1960 for years well, you know what That's your fault for not researching it As soon as if you've been reading the 1960 for years and you've never questioned first Peter 2 2 then you got a problem But if you've seen the 1960 that's wrong in first Peter 2 2 you should have been like and tossed it out Because it's wrong Okay Now back to our regularly scheduled program, okay so We didn't make sure that so so he said I'm forgot what I was saying man. I was like Bible-reading battery. That's what I'm talking about. All right, it ticks me off It makes me so mad You know that all these Spanish people want to defend this stupid Bible and then all these English pastors who are King James only They have a Spanish ministry with these Spanish pastors using a 1960 These English pastors will thunder from the pulpit how they're kjv only if you ask them Yeah, we're King James only we reject the NIV. Do you accept the new King James? No, we reject the new King James version Then why are you allowing this guy to use the Spanish version of the new King James Bible? That's exactly what it is. It takes out hell out of the Bible. What is hell in the Bible in Spanish in fear? No, you know what it has say all She'll the protective cover, right? It completely removes the word help From the Bible and in fact, I led a lady to the Lord Okay, a Hispanic lady to the Lord. This is a couple months ago weeks ago, and she was very open to the Bible And she's like I want to have my Bible with me And so she's looking at the verses and stuff and I'm and I have my Gomez, you know And then I'm giving her the the gospel and I got to the second point about hell and then she said wait Excuse me. I'm sorry. Can I ask you a question real sincere? She said does hell exist? And I said, yeah it exists, you know, I gave her all the verses about hell. She goes, that's interesting I've never seen that in my Bible never in my Bible many times I was a what kind of Bible you have and she looked at it up and said 1960 She did not believe hell existed why because a stupid Bible that she had You say all instead of inferno and by the way, that's the least I mean that there's so many problems with the 1960 Okay, it's not even funny But at the end of the day, you know and people people say well, you know, yeah But not many people use the Gomez and because 2010 and what what what church do you know that has a Gomez is a fiery Church. Well, we got one right here What's up? We got all kinds all across the country who use the Gomez and guess what they're fiery Baptist so many churches so don't give me that you show me the I'll show you the fruit of the Spanish churches with the 1960 okay, and it's not good So we need to make sure that in order for us not to become apathetic We grow in our desire for the Word of God that we delight in the Bible as we read it. It excites us Okay, you know the disciples on the road to a maze What do they say did not our hearts burn within us while he talked with us by the way and why he opened to Us the scriptures it ought to be that there's there's times when you read the Bible that your heart burns Okay, so checklist number one is hey, do you see Bible reading as a chore? Is it a delight and if not, you know, you probably slipping into apathy number two Go to Jeremiah chapter six When you tolerate sin and the things that these displeased God you're probably growing apathetic Okay, when you're just kind of when sin doesn't really just bother you it's just like, you know, whatever, you know You probably become apathetic Because sin ought to bother us Our own sin the sins of others the sins of our nation It ought to bother us. Look at Jeremiah 6 15 says were they ashamed when they had committed abomination Nay, they were not all ashamed neither. Could they blush? Therefore they shall fall among them that fall and at the time that I visit them They shall be cast down sayeth the Lord says here didn't even blush. It didn't bother them What does it mean to blush? It means you turn red. I mean, I remember when I first got saved and You know, my pastor would get up and rip face from the pulpit and I felt like he was talking about me Guess what? My face was real red It's just we could get it was like who told them about that, you know, I blushed But there comes a point if you're not careful that it's not important to you anymore Okay, here comes another sermon on the faggots or here's another sermon on xy zone drinking and fornication Yeah, here comes another sermon Okay, unless unless you fix your heart. You mean you better make sure you hate those things You better make sure you check your heart to make sure you hate those things cuz here's the thing if you grew up pathetic for those Things you get married. You have kids your kids are gonna probably be involved in those things and then guess what then your heart will break You see if you don't hate sin, okay Then be apathetic have a family your kids will be involved in that sin and then your heart will break Then you will begin to hate fornication then you'll begin to hate drunkenness Then you'll begin to hate the things that God hates why because now it's affecting your children What you need to do is hate it now Even though it has not affected you as of yet hate it now for the sake of the second generation You know people think it's weird, but I I think it's great that my son has learned these things I'm thankful for the new I have be churches and the way we were patterned as a church that we have the children in The services and I know he has his moments and he's getting spanked and all that stuff Hey, that's okay. Okay, but I like the fact, you know, he he came he came to me or last week He went on this on this he was just on this role about Hector the guy who got the heretic won his heretic, you know The one is heretic who got kicked out of old paths My son my two-year-old son came my wife and said Hector got kicked out He said Hector's bad And my wife's like, yeah, that's right son and we're like, how did he even know that does he have Facebook or something or what? And then like throughout the week, it's just like dad Hector's bad It's bad. He got kicked out. Like I'm like, yeah, son. That's absolutely right. You're absolutely he's wicked and he's bad He's it's wicked. It's wicked. I'm like, yeah. Yeah, I don't doubt that I want him to understand these things from very young go and ask my son What he thinks about reprobates and his two-year-old little voice is a reprobates are icky Icky Dad reprobates are icky. I mean the other day he there's there's a little girl who lives across across the way and She's almost about the same age as my son and he saw her through the game. He's like hi friend Heresies wicked, okay And the girls were like what But you know what because she was his friend that's what he wanted her to know Hey, man, he's like with the smile. He's like Harris. He's wicked. Okay That's good, you know, but you know, I rather but what if I'm apathetic I'm like whoa son Don't don't don't say stuff like that You know, he's gonna get the impression that dad doesn't believe that you know why he's saying that cuz he knows that that's what that believes That's what mom believes. That's what dad believes and but we don't teach him. Hey say this say this he just hears us talk Yeah Kids learn from just you talking every single day He's preaching at his sister the other day. He's babies like that. I saved the Lord Thou shall have no other gods before me. He's telling us his sister doesn't know that he does probably doesn't even know what he's talking about But you know I want him to know those things from very young and I'm I need to make sure that I don't grow apathetic in the things of God Because I because when I'm gone I want my son to live for the Lord I want my son to hate sin when I'm dead and I'm gone. I've gone home to be with the Lord I would hope to say that my son is in good hands. I've trained them well enough that he knows Okay, but that's not gonna happen if you grow apathetic for the things of God Love the things that God loves and hate the things that God hates. So that's another thing So you've got to make sure that in order to not grow apathetic Hey, are you are you apathetic towards sin? Does it bother you? You know when it's when we when I talk about fornication or divorce Again, yeah, you probably growing apathetic for the things of God number three when you're not burdened for souls You're probably growing apathetic in your Christian life Because the mark of a Christian life is the fact that they are the mark of someone who follows Christ Is that they're fishers of men and why do we want to be fishers of men? Because we love our fellow man We love our fellow people to the point that we don't want them to go to hell Okay, and go to a mark chapter 10 mark chapter number 10 And again, this has its ebb and flow I understand that there's gonna be times when you're more zealous for so many that other times But for the most part we need to make sure that we check our heart and still make sure that we are burdened For lost souls not just the lost souls of people that we don't know but the lost souls even in our own families You know, don't be so busy winning the whole world to Christ that you neglect your own family Make sure you're praying for them. Make sure you take opportunities to witness them Hey, Thanksgiving's coming up Some of you are gonna spend time with your family Christmas was coming up spend time with them and give them the gospel You know, you ought to have that same love for them Even though even though, you know, you may not agree on a whole lot of things The most important thing is that they get saved You know, I have family members that I don't agree with on a lot of things, but you know I want them to be saved Don't ever lose that burden for that and don't lose the burden for the people who are out there who are strangers Sometimes it's easier to have a burden for them than our own families though You know look at mark chapter 10 verse 17 and when he was gone forth into the way there came out there came one Running and kneeled to him and asked him good master. What shall I do that? I may inherit eternal life Jesus said unto him why call us not me good. There's none good but one That is God that knows the commandments do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal do not bear false witness The fraud not honor thy father and mother and he answered and sent him to a master all these have I observed for my youth Then Jesus beholding him Loved him and said unto him one thing that lack is go thy way so whatsoever that has and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come take up the cross and Follow me. So we see here. What is he saying? You know, he did he rivers like you prideful pompous arrogant idiot you're gonna split hell wide open man No, you know what the Bible says Beholding him you love them. No, that's called that's called a burden for souls, you know, cuz Jesus wanted him to be saved Okay, and we need to make sure that we keep that in check in our own personal lives that hey You know when someone rejects you at the door that kind of hurts you a little bit Not because of your ego or because you're embarrassed or anything that'll hurt you a little bit because you know That person is probably gonna go to hell You know, we talked to a man who was in his he's he's up there in years he looks like he's gonna you know be dying soon and He just rejected the gospel and I and I tried as best as I can to really just kindly tell him like please Just let me show you and he's like no, I'll find out when I when I die, you know and You know that kept that kind of broke my heart because I'm thinking myself this guy's closer than most of us to that day you know and He had his entire lifetime to be saved and I'm sure that's not the first time he got the gospel That guy's gonna pray good. He's gonna go to hell. He's not probably he is gonna go to hell And you know what that did I wasn't like yeah, we're good. That guy's gonna burn I'm gonna be laughing at that when I see him with a judgment seat, you know No, you know what they did it actually broke my heart Just like that sucks I really does suck cuz I really want that person to be saved So but you know I'm not gonna say that I act like that all the time because there's times when I when I go out of character and I'm Not as burdened but for the most part I try to keep my heart in check to make sure that I love people To the point where I'm burdened that I want I want to see them saved Okay, and we need to make sure we keep that in check The Bible says you don't have to turn it act 17 16 says now Well Paul waited for them in Athens His spirit was stirred in him when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry You know make sure you don't turn it turn soul winning into this like Competing with one another or it's just like you just want to raise your hand to see to say a bunch of numbers You know, that's important by the way, you know seeing a lot of people saving is important And I'm thankful when I see when we see a lot of people saving hallelujah. Praise God for those who get saved but Personally, we need to make sure that when we go out there we're going out there because we actually love people Because it's commanding for us to go out preach the gospel but also because we love people We genuinely want to see them say we don't want to see them going to hell, okay And my way one thing that'll help you one thing that was told me years ago That'll help you to genuinely love the person you're witnessing to is pick that realize that that's someone's mom Realize that it's someone's dad. Okay and Witness to them as though you're witnessing to your own family members Right, that'll help you to kind of keep your heart in perspective to have that burden number four When you feel like you have arrived in your knowledge of the Bible You're probably gonna grow apathetic in the things of God Okay, now I won't spend too much time on this because I've talked about this a lot But just make sure they look you just say well, I know everything I know they're everything there's to know about posture pre-wrath and the Reverend Ray doctrine and all these things you've not arrived The Bible says a lot more than just that Okay, you need to make sure that you're constantly growing and I'm just gonna I'm gonna segue into that fifth point When you stop intentionally growing Then you're gonna grow apathetic Look growth does not happen by osmosis I'm just growing, you know, we grow as the years go by physically some like this and some like this. Amen but Spiritually speaking spiritual growth has to be intentional It's not gonna happen by osmosis It's not gonna happen by you just coming to church and just listening to the sermon because guess what if you're if you're not a Doer of the word and you're here only guess what you're deceiving yourself. I'm growing so much. I heard a great sermon Yeah, but what are you gonna do with the sermon? You just heard If you don't do nothing with it, guess what you're deceiving yourself. You're just a here only you're not a doer You know the one who grows is the one who says hey, that's a great sermon But let me go ahead and write some things down and intentionally change some things in my life That's the person who grows. That's the person who's a doer of the word They're the ones who are gonna be blessed in their deeds Why because they're actually applying what they're lit what they're hearing. They're intentionally growing the Bible says in Proverbs 2 verse 1 my son if thou will receive my words and Hide my commandments with thee so that thou incline that ear into wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding Yea, if thou Christ after knowledge and lift us up thy voice for understanding if thou seekest her as silver and searches for her As for hid treasure then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God You see it has to be intentional. You see the words there apply Incline seek dig all these verbs and say hey, this is what you need to do in order to grow Not just sit down and listen. That's that's where you start but it sit down listen then apply it Apply it. Yeah, but there's so much in the sermon or whatever. I don't even know where to start. Well, just pick one Pick the point that bother you the most Pick the point where I take you all off the most It's okay. Maybe that's the part where I need to change You know cuz it by he stepped on my toes a little bit Maybe that's where I need to change and guess what you grow Because of it, but it has to be intentional if you think or it's like well, I've just arrived You know, I'm already in the Baptist Church. I'm saved. I've been baptized. I go Sony, you know, what is there more? You know, there's a lot more You need to keep growing and be intentional about your growth if you have to go home and Write out a chart of your goals go do it Write out a chart with the goals You want to accomplish Monday through Sunday and check them off every single day as you accomplish them If that's what you got to do, then that's what you have to do, but be intentional about your growth Don't let the week pass you by and you've done nothing Don't let the week pass you by and you just take care of your responsibilities We got responsibilities, but on top of that we need to grow. Okay? Go to Psalm 84 If you're not growing you're gonna be apathetic I'm not saying you're gonna be pathetic. I'm saying you're gonna be apathetic. Okay, I gotta slow that down when I say it You're not growing you're pathetic. Okay Number six when missing Church becomes the norm You're growing apathetic Okay, well, it's just like you just miss here miss there And again, I'm not talking about things like if you're sick and you have like the flu and you're just like You know, don't come spreading all your viruses around here. Okay? Well, Mike came this morning. He look I gave it to Mike Okay, but that guy looked like he was just like in his own little asylum or something. He had the mask He had gloves he was like hovering, you know, he's just like wasn't touching anybody Okay. Now if that's what you if that's what you want to do then. Okay, then go for it. All right He was very intentional about that. He's just like don't touch me. Don't even look at me, right? But there's times obviously when we can't make it to church you're sick you're throwing up if you're throwing up don't come to church If your kids are sick, don't come to church You know Coming to church or not coming to church if your kids are sick doesn't make you any less of a person It means your kids are sick And guess what? The other parents will appreciate it if you don't bring your kids if they're sick Because you know why that spreads and then they get sick and then it goes around and then the whole house is sick Okay, I'm not talking about that or how about this? Let's say the ladies one of the ladies in our church They're expecting, you know There's gonna be times when you're expecting when you can't make it to church because you're so stinking tired You're just like I don't even know I'm a tip over or whatever, you know, it happens. Okay I'm not talking about those seasonal things that take place sicknesses or you die don't come if you die. Okay That's I understand if you can't make it to church if you're dead, okay You're in a better place but Missing church for no reason Or because your hair hurts I just I don't yeah, I just had this thing and or because you're too lazy To get your butt up out of bed and get yourself to church. That's not a good reason. Oh It's just I want to make it to church. I just couldn't get up. It's just you know church starts at 1030. I Mean unless you're working like you're coming home at like you're doing graveyard Okay, I understand if you wake up late, but if like you don't have a job Or or how about this if you if you are not working on a Saturday or for whatever reason you got to sleep Do you need it, but you just can't get up. That's a different story. Okay We need to make sure that we're not making missing church the norm Okay. Now sure enough. I'm gonna miss church this week or something. You know, something's gonna happen to me I'm a mystery, but I'm talking about things where you can't things you can't control You can't control but things you can you should control. Okay. Look at the Bible says I'm gonna reach you You don't have to turn there. I'm gonna reach you from Psalm 27 verse 4 one thing I desire to the Lord that will I seek after that? I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life To behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire at his temple David saying here. Look I want to be in the house of God all the days of my life and If I could attribute one element in my life that has helped me to be successful in the Christian life is the fact that I've always been in church. I Haven't been perfect. I've made mistakes I've had failures in my life But you know what one thing that I can attribute any type of success that I have is because I've been in church I try to stay in church don't go through these seasons Where you're in church for three months and you're out of church for three months in church for one month out of church for a Couple for a couple weeks or whatever it may be, you know make it a consistent thing to be in church Look at Psalm 84 verse 10 says this is a good attitude right here for a day and night courts It's better than a thousand I'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness They say I'd rather be an usher and hey, I sure is a good position in our church. Amen So if you want to join that ministry, and I'm just kidding. Hey, the Gushers are doing a good job We had a hundred and one today in our church service and my wife was telling me like the ushers did a good Job, like, you know getting people their seats and stuff like that. So good job guys, right? We saying that I'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God Than to dwell in the tents of wickedness If there's a place that I'd rather be on a Sunday, it's church If there's a place I'd rather be where would you rather be on a Thursday in church? Well, what if you weren't preaching I still want to be in church. I always want to be in church Well, what if you weren't working on staff? I still want to be in church and in fact when I was not working for any church Guess where I was I was still in church Make it happen Okay, cuz why because church is life Church is important. You see my fan. I want to raise my family. They understand where my son's not asking here We're going to church. It's like no we're going to church It's not a question whether we're gonna go to church We're going to church because church is a part of life. Don't make missing Church the norm Okay, and if that happens, you're probably going apathetic over the things of God There's something outside of these walls that are grabbing your attention and it's making you think that that's more important than coming to church Number seven when you no longer say thank you you're probably going apathetic in your Christian life When you're no longer saying thank you You see the Bible tells us in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you and what does thank you mean Thank You stems from a heart of gratitude a Recognition that someone has done something for you that you did not do for yourself Someone did something that benefited you in a certain way and in recognition of that and humility of heart you gave thanks to that person Or you give thanks to God or both? We need to make sure that we remain a thankful people. Hey when pastor Anderson comes to preach for us. Thank him Thank make sure you go and say hey, thank you for starting this church You know, thank you for and being the answer to prayer to start this church and giving me and my Family a church here in Los Angeles. Thank you. There's nothing wrong with saying thank you He said well, he's heard it already, but you know, there's nothing wrong with what saying it again You know, there's plenty of things that I've told God thank you for that I continually tell him thank you for I thank God for my salvation every single day You know that happened 11 years ago, but 11 years later. I'm still thankful for it Have a heart of gratitude if someone does something for you. Thank them Hey, if you have a husband that puts bacon on the table and Pancakes or whatever else that he brings if we bring if he's paying the bills, you know what? Thank him Why I say hey, thank you for providing for our family You know if you have you know Whatever may be if you have a wife that that reverences you and submits to you and obeys you and stuff like that Thank her Say thank you for being such a godly wife By the way, that'll spice up your your your marriage. Amen You know, it's okay to get good. She every once in a while with your wife Okay, nothing wrong with that. You're weird if you don't do those things That's how I see you. Oh, yeah, that's like the honeymoon says yeah, which I'm trying to remain in the honeymoon stage I want to delight in my wife Okay, and I tell my well, you know, I dance with my wife when we go home. Yeah, I'm not talking about salsa. Okay That's for later. I'm just kidding, you know, I'll then and I'll play with my wife I tell her thank you I say sweet things to her why because you know, I'm thankful for my wife and Looking if you're not thankful then this is what you do picture today and tomorrow in this entire week without your wife What if you lost your wife today? Now what? You know you would you would wish you had said thank you earlier. Okay, be thankful Have a thing for if you're not thankful you're growing apathetic in your Christian life Okay, be thankful for the people that have been a blessing to your life be thankful for for anybody Just be just have a grateful spirit, you know, and I was I didn't think about this But yeah, this was this Thursday's Thanksgiving. Amen. Now's a good time to start You know if you're an ingrate now, it's time to become grateful Yeah, man Next number eight because I'm like way out of time when your joy comes from the things of this world more than the things of God And you probably grown apathetic Okay, because the Bible tells us that godliness with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into this world And it's certain that we can carry nothing out having food and ramen. Let us there with be content now Look, there's things in this world that brings us joy and happiness and the Bible tells us that we can enjoy those things But we are not to live for those things the things that we have to find joy in is the things of God and care our families the things of God, you know, I used to hear this happiness comes from happenings But joys of the Lord, but you know what not every happening is gonna be happy Sometimes bad things happen in life, but that joy that stems from God is always present. It's always available It's always accessible to us, you know Make sure that you're keeping your heart in check and you're not just the lighting and worldly things Over the things of God and I'm just breezing through a lot of these right now. I'm gonna skip some of this I Just finish up on this last one and I already mentioned this earlier in the sermon But but it's worth mentioning when you listen to a sermon and you think not me You're probably going apathetic if you're not examining yourself We as Christians need to make sure that we're constantly examining ourselves. Okay. Look at Psalms 26 and we'll finish with this verse Psalm 26 You Know you hear a sermon you just want to nudge your husband Was like that's you right there. Are you not your wife like mmm. That's you right there. He's preaching to you Are you like come on? That's right. Come on. You just look at your wife, you know Yeah, it should be though that you know, we obviously we joke sometimes I had to I used to do it I remember my whole church I had this I had this I used to do this to my wife all the time and my I've worked on helping my wife coming out come out of her shell a little bit, you know And I remember like up my pastor would mention something about marriage and my wife We sit next to me and we're like sitting in the middle, you know It was a big church and I would go like this And just like look at her and she was just like shake her head and people are like laughing I'll do it all the time. I just like You know We joke like that. Okay, and if you see me do that in church, it's not cuz she's guilty of that I'm just messing with her We need to make sure that we're examining ourselves Okay, if you hear something you're like, you know, I know what he preached on. I know the doctrine that he's mentioning there How can I apply it to my life? You know, what is that? What is that part of the sermon that I need to apply to my personal life? You know look what it says in Psalm 26 verse 1 judge me. Oh Lord Man, that's a strong statement Whoa, that's bold, right? I mean this guy's sincere. He's judge me. Oh Lord for I've walked the mine integrity I've trusted also in the Lord. Therefore. I shall not slide Examine me. Oh Lord and prove me try my reins in my heart. I mean, that's a good prayer to say They try me see if there be any wicked way in me, you know So when we hear a sermon not just here, but maybe you're listening to a sermon online. Don't you say man? I was good. He ripped face You know say that and then tag along with that. So how can I apply that? What's an area in my life that I need to change? Am I guilty of something, you know Lord examine me when you stop doing that then at that point Then you're probably growing that pathetic You know how I know the eleven disciples were on fire for God and how they had a tender heart then when? Jesus Christ was prophesied under the person who's gonna betray him. What did all of them say Lord? Is it I Like man is am I the one that's a good heart to have Because they weren't so high above us. I was not me for sure You know because I like do a lot of soul winning, you know He complimented me the other day, you know or whatever they all went they said Lord. Is it I Am I the one who's gonna do that? That's a good heart to have okay, but when you start thinking nah Not me that's right here then at that point, you know, you're probably slipping into apathy So what's the sermon today? The sermon is this? Hey stay zealous for God and if you're not zealous get zealous How do you get zealous? Well, you need to make sure you stay away from these things right here and you need to make sure that you're applying These principles and not allowing yourself to grow apathetic in these areas of life Be clad with zeal a man Be zealous be zealous for the things of God understand that excitement comes in seasons But if you've gone many seasons without zeal then there's a problem. Amen. Let's have let's bow our heads in a board of prayer Follow me. Thank you for your word and thank you for the example of zealous people in the Bible And it's great to think that people even 2,000 years ago were of like passions with us and that inspires us Lord Thank you for the people in modern days Pastors and Christians in modern days who have inspired us to do great things for you and and to to repent and to get right And and to correct things in our personal lives. Thank you for that. I'm thankful for for pastor Anderson I'm thankful for all the pastors in our movement who have influenced me and have helped me Lord And of course, we're thankful for salvation I pray that God you help us to continue to grow zealous in the things of God as the years go by and Help us to keep this this matter of apathy in check that we would never fall into that trap Because we don't want to backslide. We don't want to get out of the will of God I pray God that you'd help us to do so in Jesus name we pray. Amen You