(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You You Grab a hymnal turn to song number 191 in my heart there brings a melody Let's all stand together for this first song if you will which will be song number 191 in my heart there brings a melody. I have a song that Jesus gave me all together nice and strong in that first verse I have a song that Jesus gave me Oh Oh Oh Oh Dear Lord God Heavenly Father, I thank you for this day Lord Thank you for the service this morning And I thank you for the souls that were saved this afternoon And I just ask that you please bless this service Bless the singing and most of all bless the preaching of your word in Jesus name. I pray Amen Go ahead and turn to song number 87 Song number 87 just when I need him most Song number 87 all together nice and strong in that first verse just when I need Jesus is me Just when I falter Just when I fear Jesus is And she just when I need Just when I need For safety Just when I need Just Fearing my burdens all the day long Just when I need him most For all my sorrow giving a song Just when I need him most Just when I need him most Just when I need him most Jesus is near to comfort and cheer Just when I need him most Just when I need him, he is my own. Answering when upon him I call, tenderly watching, lest I should fall. Just when I need him most. Just when I need him most. Just when I need him most. Jesus is near to comfort and cheer. Just when I need him most. Alright, great singing. Thank you so much for being here this evening. Welcome to First Works Baptist Church. Just a few announcements. If you did not get a bulletin this morning, you want to raise your hand to get one. One of the ushers can get one to you. Our services are as follows. Sunday morning is at 10.30. Sunday evening is at 5 p.m. And then we have our Thursday night Bible study at 7 o'clock. And you see the so many times and teams there as well. The list of expecting mothers. Of course as we mentioned in prior services, the important reminder is regarding supervising your children in the building. No children should be in the mother baby room alone without their parents or any room in this building for that matter. And so please keep that in mind. And obviously no men allowed in the mother baby room. If dads, you need to watch over your children, and you want to take them out of the service, you can go into the fellowship hall. So just keep that in mind. You see the church announcements there. We had the March birthday breakfast. And so happy birthday to you all who have a birthday in March. Pastor Roger Jimenez is preaching for us on Thursday, March 25th. He'll be here with his family. So that's going to be exciting. Invite your friends, family to be a part of that. And then we do have a zoning marathon in Santa Ana on Saturday, March 27th. And so looking forward to that. We'll give you more information as we approach that day. But I'm foreseeing that the areas that are near here are going to be really receptive. I know Anaheim is going to be receptive. I know Santa Ana is going to be receptive. All these areas. And even Fullerton, right, is pretty receptive. What are some other surrounding cities? Buena Park is receptive. You know, it's going to be great. And then we have a special Easter service and breakfast coming up on Sunday, April 4th. There will be an Easter egg hunt for the kids as well. And so invite your family, friends, cousins to that service, especially if they're not saved. You know, you can invite them. The message obviously will be geared towards the resurrection. And then, you know, Lord Willem will have an opportunity to give them the gospel, have soul owners ready to talk to them after the service. But there will be an Easter egg hunt. And so if you have a hard time in getting your family here, you can kind of motivate them by letting them know that there will be an Easter egg hunt after the service for their children. And so looking forward for that day. And then, of course, there's going to be special music as well. And then the quiet time from 3 to 4.15 p.m. in the main auditorium and mother baby room. So just keep that in mind. And of course, no food or drink allowed in the main auditorium except for water and coffee. And then, of course, please silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service. And that's pretty much it. Let's go ahead and take some soul winning numbers from last week. Salvations from Monday up until Thursday. Any salvations from Monday to Thursday? Yes. Two. Okay. Anybody else from Monday to Thursday? How about Friday and Saturday? Friday and Saturday? Yes. Three. Okay. Three for Friday and Saturday. Anybody else? All right. How about this afternoon? This afternoon? Yes. Two. Okay. Brother Mark had two. Brother Paul? Three. All right. Brother Jacob? One from last Sunday. Okay. One from last Sunday from Jacob. So count that. Yes. One for today? Two? I'm sorry? Two today. Two today. Okay. Don't say too many twos. Anybody else for this afternoon? Going once, twice, thrice. All right. Keep up the great work on soul winning. Let's go ahead and sing our next song. Song number 247. 247 in your song books. Save, save. Lift it up together on that first verse. I found a friend who is all to me. His love is ever true. I love to tell how he lifted me. And what his grace can do for you. Saved by his fiery might. Saved to you I'm so blind. Life now is sweet and my joy is complete. For I'm saved, saved, saved. On that second, he saves me from every sin and harm. Secure my soul each day. I'm leaning strong on his mighty arms. I know he'll guide me all the way. Saved by his fiery might. Saved to you I'm so blind. Life now is sweet and my joy is complete. For I'm saved, saved, saved. On that last nice and strong, when He opened me and all alone. In love he said to me, Come unto me and I'll lead you home. To live with me eternally. Saved by his fiery might. Saved to you I'm so blind. Life now is sweet and my joy is complete. For I'm saved, saved, saved. Great singing. At this time the ushers are going to take the offering. Go ahead and take your Bibles and open them up to James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James number 3. James 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. 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James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. James chapter 3. The mercy would say they don't have genuine love for people. Now here's the reality. It's all those. Right? If we were to just look at it from an overview an overview perspective of what's wrong with churches we would say well it's all of those. But from the perspective of each gift we would probably give that first answer. You understand? That kind of will help you to gear you or point you in the right direction. Now I will say this is that as we go through this series the tendency for people is to reject what their real spiritual gift is and try to become what they would want to be. Okay? Well no, I don't want to be a prophet. You know, prophets are mean. I'm more of a mercy servant. Because that sounds very graceful. It sounds like a very noble gift to have. But let me just say this. Just embrace whatever gift you have. It's the one that God gave you. It's how you're wired. Learn other qualities because if we're supposed to it just means that this is how you're naturally wired. The reason I make that statement is because I remember even at my old church they would teach this concept and the prophets were the most looked down upon. They're just like, oh yeah he's a prophet. They're just mean people. Everything is gloom and doom for them. And it was almost like a curse to discover that you're a prophet. When the ladies would find out that they were prophets they would go into depression or something. Because they're just like, I don't want to be a prophet. I'm a mercy servant giver. Everything else that sounds good or something. But they would find out that they're a prophet and they would just be in denial. But it's because the culture was well prophets are always bad. Prophets are always just mean spirited. They just preach on sin and they're just gloom and doom. All these things. We should never have that attitude obviously when it comes to how we're wired. Embrace it. Love it. Develop it. And seek to develop the other areas in your life that are lacking. Other spiritual gifts. And again Jesus Christ exemplifies every single one of these. So if we're like Christ we are going to develop these areas as well. And so we talked about the last couple of weeks what spiritual gifts are available. You have the gift of prophecy. The person with the gift of prophecy possesses the ability to speak in God's stead with accuracy, authority, and power. The gift of ministry or the servant. This is the person who has possesses the ability to see a need and fulfill it. This evening we're going to talk about the teacher. The gift of teaching. Now the gift of teaching Let me lower this a little bit. The person with the gift of teaching possesses the desire to prove all things and hold fast that which is good. Look down at your Bibles at Romans chapter 12 and verse 6 Having then gifts deferring according to the grace that is given to us whether prophecy let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith or ministry let us wait on our ministering or he that teacheth on teaching. So a lot of times people will get this confused and say well you know I'm not really good at teaching people though. You know I'm not really I'm not very gifted at putting the cookie on the bottom shelf and being able to explain doctrines well you know and so therefore I'm not a teacher. But a teacher isn't necessarily the person who is able to explain things in layman's terms. They just are able to give you a lot of information. Okay. And here's one thing that I've learned. Now let me just say this is that a lot of what I'm preaching tonight and teaching in regards to the teacher and all these other spiritual gifts we're going to give biblical proofs of these things and principles but let me just say this is that a lot of this is just things that I've learned over experience of dealing with people who have these spiritual gifts. And one thing I've learned about the teacher is that they're just a well of knowledge. Okay. They know a lot about different subjects. And obviously in different arenas. Okay. You think of an individual who you know is a doctor for example and they're a teacher you know they're going to be able to expound upon their area of expertise you know regardless of what their occupation is maybe their occupation is structural engineering they're able to talk a lot about that even when it comes to the Bible a lot of different things they're just a well of knowledge. Now go to Acts chapter 17 if you would Acts chapter 17 Acts chapter 17 Now why is it important to have teachers in the church? Well because of the fact that they want to prove all things hold fast that which is good. They want to make sure that the doctrine is pure in the church. Now look all of us want that but they're more naturally inclined to think that way. Okay. The mercy is not necessarily inclined to think that way. But they know it's important. The prophet not necessarily inclined to think that way but they know it's important. Okay. The teacher on the other hand that's exactly how they think. They base what church they're going to go to based upon how's the doctrine. You know. Is it pure? Is it right? Is it correct? It's very important to them and that's good. And let me just say this is that if you're going to hear some things about the teacher tonight that you may think to yourself well I don't really have that well you have to develop that. We have to develop the strengths of a teacher. Just like we have to develop the strengths of a servant the strengths of a prophet but the teacher these things kind of come naturally to them. Now look at Acts chapter 17 in verse number 10 it says And that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so so we obviously understand that the Bereans were not saved at this point they ended up getting saved but I will say this is that I'm sure after they got saved they're still searching the scriptures daily to see if those things are so. It's part of who they are. Right. Well in like manner this is how the teacher operates. The teacher loves to study. The teacher loves to investigate. Okay. They are investigators. They like to search diligently to see if the teaching if the doctrine matches up with the Bible. And you can see why that's important in church. Right. You know a lot of churches that have gone apostate they get off doctrinally don't have enough teachers in the church. And sometimes the teachers keep the pastor accountable. You know. And you know what a lot of pastors today would do well to have teachers in their church to make sure you know so they so he knows like hey I got to make sure my doctrine is right because the teacher is listening. Because you know the pastor is not above that. Right. You know the pastor is preaching obviously he's the leader he's the pastor but it's important that you open up the Bible to see if these things are so. And the teacher is more naturally inclined to lean that way and to investigate whereas others may not necessarily pay attention some things may go over their head. The teacher is keenly paying attention to what is being taught from the Bible and that is important. Now we'll get into that a little more later but go with me if you would to go to Proverbs chapter 17. So number one let me give you some things about the teacher. Number one there often as I mentioned a well of knowledge. The Bible says in Proverbs 1 5 a wise man will hear will increase in learning and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsel. The teachers that I've met in my personal life whether in our church or in other places I've learned that they are very interesting people. And what makes them interesting is the knowledge that they carry. Okay. They seem to know a lot about different subjects. Now they may not be able to express it eloquently or even with simplicity but you know a man of understanding will draw it out. And you know some people don't like talking to teachers because sometimes what the teachers say just kind of goes over their head but you know what if you learn to just draw out from that well of knowledge you could actually benefit a lot from a conversation with the teacher because they have some good stuff. And I'll be honest with you like the teachers in our church I like talking to them. I just don't like talking to a teacher if a teacher is talking to another teacher. If two teachers are talking together I'm like I just stay away from that conversation because it becomes like a vortex in a black hole of just knowledge and it's just like I'd rather just not deal with that. I'd rather just talk to a teacher by himself you know. And so teachers and let me say this most teachers in my experience how can I put this nicely? I don't want to say they're antisocial but that's really what I want to say. They're not very social. Or they're very shy. Very quiet. And just observe it. If you know a teacher in our church you know that's true. And why are they shy? Or why are they quiet? Why aren't they you know loud or just always expressing an opinion because they're always analyzing everything that's being said. They're analyzing everything and here's the thing is that even though they don't speak a whole lot when they do and if you allow that individual to talk for too long whatever they're saying becomes complex and no one understands what they're talking about. Let me just say this. Teachers are not the best at telling jokes. Because it's too smart. It's too complex. A joke's not supposed to be smart necessarily you know. I mean it can be. But when it becomes too complex but that's how that's you know and I'm just going to be honest with you. Moses is an example of this okay. Moses comes with a joke and the joke lasts for like two minutes. Like the explanation of the joke is like two minutes long. And we're just kind of waiting for the punchline and before we know it the punchline has already come and gone and we missed it. The cadence of the joke just kind of goes. Now here's the thing. At the end of the joke no one's laughing but he is. And you know why he's the only one laughing? He's the only one smart enough to understand what the joke was about. Okay. Now if permitted to speak for too long you know if you talk to a teacher for too long they could often perplex you, confuse you, like what are you talking about? But let me say this. The teachers are actually great one-liners though. They're great at giving you like one line. Okay. And it reminds me of this verse in Proverbs 15 23. A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth and a word spoken in due season how good it is. I've heard some teachers in our church they don't pipe up much but when they do it's like oh man that was good. That was like a good way of phrasing him that was good wisdom that's good knowledge. So they hold it all in for that one moment of glory kind of thing you know. But then it's like yeah exactly. And you know I like having teachers around me because sometimes I have trouble you know putting into words something that I'm thinking but they're like listening and then they kind of finish the sentence like that's exactly what I was thinking right there. They're able to speak a word in due season and it is good okay. Now look at Proverbs 17 verse 27. Why is it that the teacher is so quiet? Well look what it says in verse 27 in Proverbs 17. It says he that hath knowledge spareth his words. The man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. So typically the person who knows a lot doesn't say a lot. Because they don't need to. They already know like I already know I already know what I'm talking about. Okay. The person who's typically talking the most is typically the one who doesn't know much. Okay. Right? The person who's constantly just just spouting off information maybe that they don't know what they're talking about. You know most people will understand okay they don't know what they're talking about. But the teacher on the other hand often does and you know by that one-liner. Okay this guy's catching on. He knows what's up. He has knowledge. He has wisdom. He knows what he's talking about. Okay. Even a fool the Bible says when he holdeth his peace is counted wise and he that shutteth his lips is esteem a man of understanding. So when we look at an individual who brings that one-liner we think to ourselves this person has understanding. Okay. They have wisdom. They have understanding. But the teacher needs to make sure that they just cut it off at that one-liner sometimes. Okay. Because then it's just like that was good and then they just keep going it's like okay you just killed it. Now you just lost everyone. Okay. Go back to James chapter 3. James chapter 3. I'm not saying that you know people who are teachers automatically come with knowledge built in. But their their natural propensity is to investigate, to study and they often retain quite a bit of information large chunks of information they're able to retain it. And it's pretty interesting because I've talked to some teachers and it almost seems as though like when you ask them a question about their area of expertise they almost have like a mental Rolodex or a filing cabinet where they're able to just kind of like go through it pull out that file and just give it to you. I'm serious. You know. Some of us like me for example you tell me something I'm like oh man I got to think about that for a while. Like I haven't taught I haven't preached on that in a while I haven't talked about that in a while but teachers on the other hand they have this ability where they're able to recall dates, facts, information they're wired to memorize large portions of information in whatever area that they see is interesting to them. But here's number two so they're a well of knowledge but because of this what's the natural tendency? To be puffed up. And not easily entreated. So look if you have knowledge that's great but you know what knowledge does? It puffs up. Because you're like you're Mr. Know-It-All you're Mrs. Know-It-All you think you're just God's gift to the church I mean the teacher is like the best one because you have all this knowledge. Well look what James 3 verse 13 says Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? Who is it? Let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. So what does it say? Look if you have knowledge that's great but be humble about it. Be humble. Verse 14 says But if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts glory not and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above but is earthly sensual devilish for where envying and strife is there is confusion and every evil work but the wisdom that is from above is first pure then peaceable gentle look what it says easy to be entreated full of mercy and good fruits without partiality without hypocrisy and the fruit of the righteous is sown in peace of them that make peace. So if the teacher's not careful because he has so much knowledge he can become so proud that he feels like he or she feels that they don't need to learn anything else from you. And if someone and if a person comes to them correcting them trying to teach them something if they feel like they already have made up their minds in that area they're not easily entreated. They will not be convinced. So the strength of the teacher is that he just has loads of information he knows a lot the weakness that comes along with that is that he can't learn anything else from you. Understand? Or if he's already convinced about a specific subject he's not going to relearn it from you. Now here's the thing obviously that's not biblical, right? Because we should be people who are constantly learning. We are students of God's word we're students of life. And we should never have an attitude that just because we have knowledge no one else can teach us. You understand? Be easily entreated have peace be gentle be full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now look, teachers we want your knowledge. I want your knowledge. People want knowledge. People want to speak to people who know what they're talking about. But they won't want it if you're not easily to be entreated if you're not easily to be entreated. They will actually resist who you are resist your knowledge resist your gift if you're proud and puffed up. You see we want people if, you know, if we have knowledge we want people to search us out for knowledge. We want people to ask us questions and ask our advice and ask our counsel but they will not if they sense that you are a prideful arrogant individual who's just a know-it-all. You got to have a balance of having knowledge but have meekness of wisdom have humility recognize that you can still learn from others recognize that even though you may know more than this individual they probably still have something that they can teach you out of life. And be willing to learn things and let me just say this be willing to unlearn certain things as well. Because the reality is we not only have to learn things in life we have to learn the Bible but you know there's things that we have to unlearn as well. There's certain ways of thinking cultural things or bad doctrine whatever it may be that we have to actually renew our minds change our minds about and we have to be willing to be a student of other individuals. There's Brother House who said this you know, every man is my teacher and this man was the man who had the biggest church in America for quite some time you know, he was the pastor of the biggest church in America for a while and yet he said every man is my teacher I can learn something from everyone. Okay. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 8 verse 1 Now as touching things offered unto idols we know that we all have knowledge knowledge puffeth up but charity edifieth. So the teacher needs to make sure that if he knows something if he has knowledge that's great but you better couple that with a little bit of love not a little bit of love a lot of love and have charity because if your knowledge is going to be effective in this world or even if it's going to be effective in the church it needs to be propelled by love you know if you want to give someone knowledge and have them learn from you they need to know that you love them right? It's often said let me see if I get this quote right people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care that's true isn't it? they don't really care how much you know unless they know that you care you know if you come and correct an individual and the individual thinks that you're just doing it out of spite they're going to resist you but if they know that you're doing it out of love you have genuine charity and love towards them they'll accept that correction I'll be honest I have a hard time accepting correction from someone who I think doesn't love me right? now I know there's always a little bit of truth in each correction but you know I'll readily receive more correction from an individual who I know loves me because you know they're not doing it out of malice you know they're not doing it out of envy or strife they're doing it because they are they are esteeming you as a brother or as a sister in Christ ok? and so it's important that if you have knowledge amen but you need to temper that and it needs to be wrapped up in charity have charity be easily entreated be peaceable be willing to learn be humble, be meek have the the sincere love that says you know I know a lot of things by the way don't say you know a lot of things but you know in your mind you know I know a lot of things but I can still learn from others ok? never get to a point in your life where you feel like you just know everything already you need to get to a point where you're saying well I need to keep growing, I need to keep learning every person is my teacher and there are certain things in this world that I just don't know about and you know maybe you've had some experiences well you need to realize that other people have had experiences, they've been around the block too and they can teach you something ok? and so they are a well of knowledge it's important to have them because they want doctrinal purity they're very interesting people to talk to um but not only that we see that they want facts they don't want experience so the teacher when they heard me right now say I'm going to talk to you from my experience they kind of like they don't really like that too much like just give me the vibe just give us the facts where are you getting this information from? fact check you! ok? yeah fact checkers are teachers who are just not saved and wicked on facebook right so they want facts not someone's experience the bible says study to show thyself approve them to God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness so for the teacher it's important that they, you give them the sources they want to know the source they like the bibliography they want to know where you're getting this from ok? how'd you get that from? how'd you come to that conclusion? where'd you learn that from? that's what they want to know they don't care about the experiences but here's the thing, experience is important and sometimes God allows us to experience things that are not necessarily found in the bible but still holds water ok? you know we gain knowledge and wisdom by experience go with me if you would to Ecclesiastes chapter number 12 if you would Ecclesiastes chapter number 12 now obviously there's churches out there that are kind of like the opposite they don't give any doctrine they don't give any verses they don't teach anything of the bible and all it is is just like a motivational Joel Osteen type speech and that's wrong you know everything should be saturated with the bible we should have biblical references to whatever we're talking about but even if it's something of experience we should have some sort of biblical principle that we can pull from that what'd I have you turn? Ecclesiastes 12 but not only that they possess an inquisitive nature ok? now what do I mean by that? now what do I mean by that? they question everything everything now this is good right? to a certain extent because it's just like where is that from? you know and you know they don't necessarily believe every conspiracy theory that's out there because they question everything even if the majority of people believe it they're still like I don't believe it I want to see facts I want to see if this is true where are they getting it from? so they have an inquisitive nature and that's great because of the fact that we need inquisitive people not just people who are simple and believe every word the simple believe every word and are punished the simple just believe every word they just take it at face value and they don't question anything you know we live in a society today that just believes everything that they hear they read Fox News they watch CNN and they look at all these media outlets and they just believe everything that they say they read the LA Times about our church and just believe everything that they say they don't put nothing to the test they just believe everything and you know what? the teacher is the exact opposite of that which is good they're not just going to believe every rumor they're not going to believe every conspiracy theory and you know there's some there's some conspiracy theories out there that are not true like the flat earth it's not true ok you know there's other conspiracies out there and you know oh man I don't even want to get into this because I just might divide the church right now no I won't divide the church I like having the teacher around because the teacher is not just going to blindly believe everything doesn't matter how many YouTube videos there are out there about it doesn't matter how many views that YouTube video has they're more like I want the facts ok now look what it says in Ecclesiastes 12 verse 8 vanity of vanity saith the preacher all is vanity and moreover because the preacher was wise he still taught the people knowledge yea he gave good heed and sought out and set in order many proverbs the preacher sought to find out acceptable words and that which was written was upright even words of truth so the preacher seeks out wisdom he seeks out the truth he investigates to see if these things are so and you know for example let me say this is that the vast majority of people who are truthers who are against vaccines I guarantee a whole mess of them are teachers started off as teachers investigating whether these things were so like hey maybe we need to start looking into what's found within these vaccines before we just blindly accept everything ok and you know what I know some anti-vaxxers out there who do their due diligence they have wells of information about vaccines and how wicked they really are and all the harmful substances that are found there in but you know someone did all that homework and I guarantee you as a teacher someone who investigated and thrives on that there's entire social media accounts dedicated to just exposing the lies doing their homework investigating etc now how can this become detrimental so the teacher is very inquisitive they question everything but you know what sometimes they even question authority so that's where it becomes detrimental to the point where they question so much that even like your pastor is not even right your church members aren't even no one's right and they can get to a point where it's just like hey dude you need to chill out like does everything really need to be questioned like do we really need to question this is it that important because they can get to a point where it's just like well no conspiracy theory is true you know no conspiracy is true I don't believe in any of this because this is wrong therefore these must be wrong as well I don't believe at all and that's a wrong attitude to have because we obviously understand there's things that are not true there's things that are false there's things that are wrong but not everything okay and I'll give you an example of this okay the flat earth is wrong okay the moon landing is right but you know what I guarantee there's a lot of people who because they question whether the earth is flat they also question whether someone landed on the moon even though there's a lot of evidence to show that we did land on the moon not we I didn't land on the moon but I'm getting quiet in here dang you know that inquisitive nature it needs to be balanced and when sometimes you can show facts to someone they're just like nah I still don't believe it because they're so inquisitive they question everything and even within the spiritual realm in the church people can get to a point where a teacher just questions the pastor on everything you know and look this happens sometimes in the new IFB I guarantee you there's new IFBers who go to old IFB churches and they just they just scrutinize the pastor on everything everything oh you know I don't know he just doesn't you know he does this or he says something a little different it's like yeah he's old IFB what do you expect you're not going to find yourself a leather lung 100% doctrinally sound just old IFB pastor they're not built that way anymore but the but the teachers it will scrutinize and tear that person down and just question everything that they're doing and say everything's wrong now go to uh go with me if you would to 1 Corinthians chapter 7 hey it's good to inquire it's good to have an inquisitive attitude but you need to temper that a little bit okay you need to temper that and recognize that not everything is a conspiracy not everything is is is that's considered a conspiracy is a lie or it's truth you need to be tempered and balanced in all these areas okay and look you have some some truthers out there they're on the opposite side of that spectrum that are teachers and they believe in the flat earth right they believe in the flat earth they think there's all kinds of evidence for it and therefore they deny everything else as well flat earth is real moon landing is fake and reptilians are real hauler earth is real it's all real nephilims nephilims are real and they just go off the deep end but most of those people are not even saved amen okay and so we need to make sure we never have this attitude where you just go overboard on being inquisitive to the point where you just question even God's word right cause you are questioning God's word when you believe in the flat earth amen cause it says the circle of the earth and the circle is not referring to a two dimensional object cause two dimensional objects don't exist in the real world right you know in the Hebrew I don't speak Hebrew but I'll tell you what the Hebrew says it says globe and you know what if you don't accept that you're like well give me your source well I'll tell you what the Spanish Bible says Spanish Bible says global thank you my Mexican friend amen amen it says global in every Spanish edition from 1569 even to the 1960 can you believe that they all say global okay amen now look there's times even here where maybe an individual will come to me and they'll question me on something and I have zero issue with that you know I'm very comfortable in my position of authority as a pastor I'm not like well you don't question me don't correct me if I'm wrong about something come tell me and I'll fix it amen but here's what I do have a problem with the attitude that you come with right what does the Bible say rebuke not an elder but entreat him as a father and the younger men as brethren now brother Cody he was messing around earlier and I know that was a joke but just in case it wasn't I'm calling you out I'm just kidding no I'm just joking he wasn't rebuking me he was entreating me and you know and it wasn't on some majorly doctrinal issue or anything like that but what I'm saying is you know there are people like that though we're like uh you said believe it says believeth uh you said eternal says everlasting oh I'm sorry you know they strain and enact and they swallow a camel okay and then look if even if that were to bug someone let's say that I did that let's say I said eternal instead of everlasting or vice versa and that really bothers someone if they come in and say hey pastor you said eternal but it actually says everlasting I noticed that you did that but I know they're the same thing see that wouldn't even bother me but the person who says uh pastor I need to talk to you you're so you got ordained by pastor Anderson right so you've read the Bible multiple times okay well can you read this for me please read that right there I'm exaggerating but you know what it's out there where they strain and enact and they swallow a camel and they almost to a certain extent want to embarrass you and and you said what do you do at that point I embarrass them right back I'll just rebuke that person to their face I won't even answer their question I'll say that was a stupid question stop being stupid because if they want to make me look stupid I'll make them look stupid too you know rebuking an elder is not biblical folks and look I've had pastors that I disagree with when I was under their leadership I never rebuked them never I've always entreated my pastors as a father when I went to them even when we disagreed on major things they felt was major I still with meekness intrigued them and they had to like pull out of me what I believed I'm just like well you know I'm just like yeah I don't believe the Jews I gotta show some people I believe they're the sons of the devil I had to like with meekness because I don't want beef with my pastor Amen and you shouldn't either okay well yeah but I'm a teacher though I'm trying to keep the doctrine of purity in here now sometimes when I get up and I preach I'll give you my opinion I'll give you my opinion what I expect even as a standard I won't teach her as a doctrine because obviously at that point it becomes wrong but I will tell you what I think and I will tell you this is how we're going to run our church you know this is how we're going to do our services this is how we're going to do it and if you come to me and say well where is that in the Bible well if it's a preference it's not in the Bible it's a preference but you know what the difference is I think I have the spirit of God look what the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 7 verse 5 regarding marriage and even some of this referring to divorce as well look what it says in verse 5 defraud ye not one another except to be with the consent for a time that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency but I speak this by permission and not of commandment now we know that this is the word of God right this is the word of God and it's in our Bibles but here he specifically says I'm giving you this by permission and this is not a commandment but you know what it would be wise if we follow that who's going to tell Paul I don't know Paul I think you're getting out of line there if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of God only give me the Bible Paul well here's the thing Paul had the spirit of God skip down to verse 7 for I would that all men were even as I myself but every man hath his proper gift of God one after this manner and another after that I say therefore to the unmarried and widows it is good for them if they abide even as I but if they cannot contain let them marry for it is better to marry than to burn and unto the married I command yet not I but the Lord so he's saying look I'm going to give you my opinion it's better if you remain even as I because he's unmarried he doesn't have children he doesn't have a wife and in his opinion it's better and you know what he's right it is better because at that point he can do more for the Lord but look that doesn't mean we can't disagree with Paul right? because I disagree with them apparently I got married I have kids I don't want to burn I want to have children I like having a wife you know it's great but here's the thing I guarantee the curriculum is like oh man give us only the Bible Paul I only want to hear what the Bible has to say skip down to verse 37 verse 39 excuse me the wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth but if her husband be dead she is at liberty to be married to whom she will only in the Lord but she is happier if she so abide after my judgment and I think also that I have the spirit of God hmm see what this tells me is that men of God pastors, leaders who have the spirit of God are able to make proper judgments and you know what Paul's expecting? he's not expecting them to obey what he's saying he's expecting for them to respect it that if he has a preference or he is you know showing a little bit of wisdom a little bit of judgment because he is a man of God he's a servant of the Lord people are not going to despise him for that and the reason I want to make this this point here is because obviously when I get up I'm going to be preaching doctrine giving you verses and proving things when it comes to doctrinal issues but you know what sometimes I am going to give you my judgment I'm going to give you my judgment and here's the thing the wrong attitude is this where is that in the Bible? this is what I'm going to tell you it's not but I'm the pastor here and in the gray areas where God is not explicitly clear I make a judgment call and you know what if it's bound here, it's bound up there there you have it and as the leader here I've been ordained to make certain decisions to make certain judgment calls to lead the church in a specific way and God has given me the liberty to do that what we don't need is carnal teachers right? say no, no, no, we need to go by the letter of the law let's study how they operated in church in the book of Acts I want to see every new ushers are not biblical this is not biblical, where's that in the Bible? where's offering place in the Bible? where's ties in the Bible? where's the suit code in the Bible? it's not! I speak by permission I'm giving you my judgment because along with being a pastor I'm not only supposed to preach the word of God I'm giving you my judgment as well because a pastor comes with experience a pastor comes with wisdom and judgment and that's what we're supposed to impart there's certain things in the Bible that are black and white, other things are not it's a gray area and at that point God gives us the liberty to choose what kind of rule to make in that area okay? go to 1 Corinthians 12 let me read to you from 2 Thessalonians 2 therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which ye have been taught whether by word or by our epistle a tradition is something that's kind of passed on from one person to another, it's not necessarily the word of God now in some aspects he's said by our epistles but in other parts he's said by our word so it's like this is the way we do things here and so follow that and you know what? First Works Baptist Church has traditions now quiet time between 3 and 4.15 tradition show me where there's a quiet time in the Bible I want to see quiet time in the Bible I don't believe this is biblical to do this show me a quiet time in the Bible okay, how about eudicates or something? I'll just throw out eudicates, alright? there's your quiet time there there's something like that in the Bible and I never said there was it's a judgment that I've made as the leader of the church look what it says in 1 Corinthians 12 verse 3 wherefore I give you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus a curse and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost now, there are diversities of gifts but the same Spirit there are differences of administrations but the same Lord there are diversities of operations but it is the same God which worketh all in all but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all so what is Paul saying? hey, some people operate church differently than others some people administer things differently than others, just know this it's the same Spirit now, I'm not saying it's like the same between us and the Pentecostal church down the road because obviously our spirit is of God and their spirit is of the devil I'm talking about independent fundamental Baptist churches Baptist churches or just biblical churches that are preaching the right doctrine you know, how come we don't do things the way they're doing over there? well, because of the fact that they have a different administration over there they have a different operation over there okay they have a different operation, a diversity of administrations but it's the same Lord well, which administration? I want to follow God's administration, what does God say about that? well, he didn't say anything specifically about this so you know, I'm just going to go ahead and make a call here hey, there's nowhere in the Bible we should have a pulpit I'm still going to have it though show me a mic in the Bible and you can see how this can get, people can get carried away with this type of spirit it's good to be inquisitive it's good to inquire and not just blindly believe everything but it can go overboard to the point where it's just like, well, I want specific proof for everything that we do in our church and don't come at me with that attitude you know, I'm very, I try to be very gracious and merciful you know, and patient, but here's the thing, with people who don't come at me with the wrong attitude okay, you know, the right attitude, you receive grace and peace and mercy and kindness but if you come at me with an ugly attitude and just try to come at me like you're rebuking me and you know, it's not happening I'm just saying, this is preventative you know, I don't tolerate that and so go to James chapter 3 once again and we'll finish there so back to the the sermon here on teachers hey, I'm thankful that teachers are in our church, I think more churches need to have teachers you know, I don't think churches should be a stupid place to be I think people should be intelligent in the local New Testament church you know what helps that intelligence is having intelligent people you know, go and talk to some of the teachers in our church, go ask them questions inquire, let them teach you something, let them impart knowledge onto you you'll benefit from it but teachers, you know, know understand that though you have knowledge, you need to have charity, though it's good to inquire you need to have it with the right spirit and then lastly, teachers need to develop the practicality of doctrine and not just the knowledge so it's not just about knowing the right things, it's about putting it into practice too of course we know what James chapter 1 says be a doer of the word and not a hero only but look at James chapter 3 again, verse 13 says who is a wise man and a dude with knowledge among you let him show out of a good conversation works with meekness of wisdom you know the temptation sometimes for teachers is why I just know a lot so I don't have to do a lot I know a lot so I don't really have to do a lot I'm just, you know, a Google search you know, a walking Google search or whatever or my walking Wikipedia, you know I don't really have to do a lot, but teachers need to recognize that it's not just about the knowledge that you have you got to put it into practice whether that's soul winning, whether that's love yeah, tell me what the Bible says about love that's great, but show me better what the Bible says about love yeah, tell me what the Bible says about the Gospel, why don't you show me though, how to preach the Gospel tell me what the Bible says about doctrine that's great, but why don't you just show me about your life what the Bible says about doctrine it says, but if you have bitter envy and strife in your hearts glory not, and lie not against the truth this wisdom descended not from above but is earthly, sensual, devilish envy and strife is there is confusion and every evil work Romans 12 verse 11 when talking about the teacher says to be not slothful in business fervent in spirit serving the Lord so teacher needs to take that knowledge and make sure they're not slothful make sure that they're fervent and make sure, am I serving God am I serving God today and look, obviously God has commanded us to study His word and understand knowledge and love knowledge, but it never stops there we need to take it and put it into practice and so I hope you learned something about the teacher I think, obviously all these spiritual gifts are great and I think every single spiritual gift has a specific unique attribute that people can appreciate when I look at the teacher, I'm like I really appreciate their knowledge I like the fact that you can just ask them a question about a specific area and they just vomit all this information thank you, I'll pick some of that up I don't know how you retain all that and I think it's important to have teachers in the church because of the fact that they will keep the church pure now obviously it's my job to keep the church pure but they're like my ears and my eyes to help me realize that every person is teaching a weird doctrine here or they're saying this is not correct they scrutinize the doctrine that's great, but they need to make sure that they do it with meekness of wisdom Amen? Father we thank you so much for the spiritual gifts and I'm thankful for the teachers in our church Lord and I pray God that you'd continue to fill in with your power and your spirit to profit with all and a lot of churches today in America are lacking, not just prophets in my opinion but teachers and it's for that reason that they're off doctrinally they're teaching weird stuff Lord there's people some of these dispensational churches need teachers these fund centers need teachers because they need to scrutinize the doctrine and the pastor needs to allow them to do so and keep an ear to the ground in that regard and I pray God, Lord that you'd help us to hone in on our spiritual gifts and develop them and capitalize on the strengths and develop our weaknesses we love you so much and we thank you we pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen 75, all together on that first verse 75, all together on that first verse 75, all together on that first verse 75, all together on that first verse 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