(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) amen we are in Romans chapter number five this evening and we'll begin reading in verse number one where the Bible reads here therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God and so right in the beginning of chapter number five and verse number one you see that word again therefore and one common thing that you'll see between chapters one of Romans all the way even up to chapter number six is it'll give in the beginning of the chapter a phrase or a word that basically denotes continuation of a thought previous in the previous chapter for example if you go back to the end of Romans chapter number one obviously we know that Romans chapter one the beginning part is emphasizes the gospel and how it's the power of God unto salvation the latter end of Romans chapter one places a heavy emphasis on the doctrine of the reprobate doctrine right and it gives the characteristics why they became a reprobate etc then in chapter two in verse number one it says therefore right so it's denoting a the fact that it's it's continuing with that same thought and this is our an inexcusable man whosoever thou art that judges for when thou judge'st another thou condemn'st thyself for thou that judges do is the same things and we obviously know the chapter two is talking to the Jews right and we know that by verse number 17 where it says behold thou art called a Jew so he's speaking to a third party the Jew and we've said it before but the the commonality that the Jew had with the reprobate is that the Jew has rejected Jesus Christ right for when they knew God they glorified him not as God the Bible says he came into his own his own received them not so chapter two is a continuation of chapter one the latter end of chapter two he just bashes this whole concept that you know Jews according to the flesh right he says for he's not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision of that of the flesh outward in the flesh but he is a Jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit not in the letter whose praise is not a man but of God so he gives a clear definition of what a true Jew is right but then in chapter three verse number one it says what advantage then hath the Jews saying saying you know if he's not a Jew which is one outwardly so what advantage do they have and the advantage is that the oracles of God were committed unto them they had the promises the adoption pertain to them etc so we see a continuation the end of chapter excuse me it goes into chapter three the end of chapter three obviously it's just just demolishing this thing of that we can be justified by the works of the law right and in fact in verse number let's see here verse number 28 of chapter three says therefore we conclude that a man is not that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law so over and over again he just hammers this concept you can't be saved by keeping the law well then in verse chapter four verse number one it's a continuation again it says what shall we say then that Abraham our fathers pertaining to the flesh hath found then he talks about how he believed on on God and was counted into him for righteousness much of Romans chapter number four focuses on Abraham and a great great chapter to use to prove the salvation is by grace through faith to prove that is by believe only simply for the fact that he came before the law right the latter end of Romans chapter number four finishes off with being delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification so then we pick off in chapter number five where he says therefore therefore according to verse verse 25 of chapter number four therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ so go with me if you would to 2nd Corinthians chapter number five and a lot of chapter five I mean obviously is reiterating a lot with chapter one taught chapter two taught especially chapter number three and chapter number four and this is a concept that Paul is just constantly hammering the salvation is by believe only you can't lose it that we're justified we have peace with God and here's the thing Christians might get tired of it and I don't know how you can get tired of it right but obviously God is emphasizing a very vital aspect of doctrine which is this matter of salvation okay that is by believe only and you see that the doctrine that is the most corrupted in all the world is this matter of salvation okay you'll find sects of religion who claim to be Christians or maybe they're not Christians but they say they believe in and God they say they're Catholic and they believe in the Bible they believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God but they got salvation all messed up okay and that is the doctrine that is the most attacked today obviously is this matter of being justified before God but I want you to notice here it says that we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ why is that well look what the 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse number 18 says it says in all things are excuse me all things are of God who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and I've given to us the ministry of reconciliation to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and that's committed unto us the word of reconciliation so see here in chapter number five that the peace that he's talking about is the fact that we've been reconciled to God amen and that's great news the fact that we have peace with God means that we've been reconciled by Jesus Christ and what is what is reconciled mean it basically means to make peace due to significant differences between one another right I mean when you have to reconcile yourself with someone it means there is a difference between you and them there's a falling out you guys didn't agree on certain terms well the Bible says obviously that we didn't agree with God beforehand we're working our way to heaven which is not the way we're supposed to do it it's not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us the Bible says and so the reconciliation is the peace that we've received and in fact Romans chapter 3 you don't have to turn there verse number 10 says as it is written there's none righteous no not one here the differences there is none that understand it there is none that seeketh after God they're all gone out of the way there are together become unprofitable there is none that do with good no not one their throat is an open sepulcher with their tongues they have used the seat the poison of asps is under their lips whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness their feet are swift to shed blood destruction and misery are in their ways look what it says and the way of peace have they not known there is no fear of God before their eyes so we see there's large differences there right I mean we're completely contrary to God before salvation but when someone a soul winner came that they gave us the gospel we got saved now we have peace with God and look that should be something that we never get over with right the fact that we're saved and we ought to be thankful for it never be proud over the fact that we have the right gospel but be thankful that we're saved that we're delivered from from hell that we have the right Bible we're in a great church we ought to counter blessings every single day verse number two in Romans go back to Romans chapter number five says by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God so there's a couple things we want to I want to mention here hold your place there go to 1st Peter chapter number 5 1st Peter chapter number 5 1st Peter chapter number 5 1st Peter chapter number 5 I want you to notice that says we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand it says 1st Peter chapter 5 verse number 12 says by Sylvanus a faithful brother unto you as I suppose I have written briefly exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein ye stand and go to Matthew chapter 7 if you would so the Bible is telling us that we're standing on the grace of God right and what is that referring to it's referring to the fact that we're saved by grace through faith and what does it say stand what is it what does it use that terminology I think we'll find the answer in Matthew chapter 7 and verse number 24 obviously Matthew chapter 7 is a great chapter to use in soul winning you know when we're talking about those who believe that you know they prophesied in his name and and his name have done many wonderful works they've cast out devils and Jesus was saying to them I never knew you you that working they would depart for me that work in equity I never knew you right but then right after that verse 24 says therefore whosoever here at these sayings of mine and do with them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon what a rock and everyone that here at these sayings of mine and do with them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon the house and it fell and great was the fall of it now obviously there's a secondary application we can get a regarding that that you know we need to build our house we need to build our spiritual life upon the Bible right upon the Word of God but I believe it's actually just talking about the fact that that we were saved right and the salvation is by grace through faith we're standing on the rock which is Jesus Christ we're not trying to stand on our own righteousness we're not trying to use our good works or our good merits to get us into heaven no we're dependent upon Christ right and only upon Christ and I think it's interesting to note that it says the rains descended the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock you know someone who is saved right can't lose your salvation obviously right but not only that I believe that though we can be deceived we can't be deceived for law okay why is that because I believe that if you are saved and you're reading the Word of God the King James Bible you know and you believe some false doctrine because you've been listening to some preacher some repent of your sins guy or some just false doctrine that's out there you might be deceived for a little time but you know what because you're saved you have the Holy Spirit of God living within you and if you're in the Word of God you're proving all things holding fast that which is good eventually you'll come out of that okay you will escape the corruption of false teachers eventually okay why because the Bible says that my sheep hear my voice and a stranger will they not follow okay so eventually you you'll get away from those things and that's what the Bible says that we be no more children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine right well Matthew chapter 7 it says the winds blew beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock now go to Psalm 62 Psalm 62 you know we could be deceived for a little time and there's a lot of Christians out there that are just plainly deceived right maybe they're believing a false doctrine or they just were carried about with by some form of doctrine by the sleight of men cunning craftiness but eventually if you're in the Word of God if you're reading the Bible on a daily basis you're gonna find some things that's gonna help you to get back on track and praise the Lord for that amen that we can read the pure unadulterated Word of God and they can get us back on track look at Psalm 62 verse 1 says truly my soul waited upon God from him cometh what my salvation he only is my rock and my salvation he is my defense I shall not be greatly moved so yeah well we moved every once in a while yes but not greatly why because we're founded upon a rock skip down to verse number six he only is my rock and my salvation he is my defense I shall not be moved amen and praise the Lord for that and look the Bible says there in in Matthew 7 that it fell not right and that doesn't mean that a Christian can't fall obviously right just man falls seven times but the Bible says riseth up again right but not only that the Bible says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighted in his way though he fall he will not utterly be cast down for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand amen so it's not like we can slip into perdition right it's not we could just lose our salvation we're not at the Bible says if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in them but we're not of them to draw back into perdition but believe to the saving of the soul that's what the Bible says in Hebrews so it's a great concept here that we see in Romans chapter number five that we not only have peace with God we're reconciled but we're standing on the grace of God amen and it's not a grace that's mixed with works it's not grace that's mixed with any other keeping of the commandments because in all reality we break God's commandments every single day and even the people who are out there I mean if anything they'll know only ten of the commandments right and of those ten don't even know like two of them they could quote but that doesn't even compare to the hundreds of commandments that are found within the Word of God we break them every single day and we thank God that we don't have to keep the commandments in order to be saved go back to Romans chapter number five and honestly he's like man I know these things but you know what we need to hear them we need to hear them from different aspects different forms of what of different scriptures in the Bible to reinforce those beliefs right and we got to keep salvation right okay and the way we keep it right we just talk about it over and over and over again okay look at Ephesians you have to turn to Ephesians chapter 2 verse 18 says for through him we both have access by one spirit in Romans chapter 5 it says by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God so when we got saved we also have access to God and in the practical sense this could be applied to the fact we have access through prayer right because here's the thing unsaved people pray all the time but guess what God doesn't hear their prayer the only prayer that you listen from them is when they confess when they confess to God right as far as for salvation but they don't get any prayers answered God doesn't listen to them that's not their Heavenly Father you know who God listens to is his children and we ought to be thankful for the fact that because we're saved we have the Holy Spirit living the Holy Spirit of God living within us crying Abba Father we can ask for things in fact God commands us to ask for things and look you say man I've been praying I've been wanting this thing and and we need this thing but we don't have it well you had not because you asked not okay so the Bible's telling us that we have to pray without ceasing ask God for those things and that is faith putting being put into practice how's your prayer life today when's the last time you asked God for something that you needed you said well I have everything I need you know what that's when you need to pray even more because when you have everything you you need you have everything you want you have a tendency to just slip into trusting in yourself for the things that you have whereas if you recognize every good gift and every perfect gift coming from above from the father of lights and whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning you recognize I still need to ask God for my daily bread even though the paycheck's coming in every single day right because look what if God takes your legs tomorrow or if something happens then you can't work you still need to depend on God and you don't want to wait till something drastic like that to happen to depend on the Lord you always need to depend on God and look the Bible says the horses are prepared for the day of battle but safety is of the Lord and so that teaches us that yes obviously God is the one who provides for our needs he gives us the things that we want or at times the things that we want but more so the things that we need but that doesn't mean we don't prepare that doesn't mean we don't work that doesn't mean we don't do our part amen but thankful that we have access right in fact Ephesians chapter 3 verse number 8 brother David it's getting hot in here verse number 8 says unto me who am less than the least of all saints is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ we'll skip down to verse number 11 according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him you know when we pray we ought to have confidence when we pray you know and the way you gain confidence is by simply obviously confessing your sins every single day making sure you're walking up rightly okay and doing the best you can to live a life that's pleasing unto the Lord right but really our confidence comes from comes from the fact that we have access already you know and in fact the Bible says that we may boldly come before the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy to help in the time of need okay and look if you don't go to God for your needs you're prideful okay you're dependent on yourself you're dependent on your paycheck you're not asking God for help therefore you're depending on yourself okay we need to make sure that we have faith in God for all our needs okay you say well my my refrigerator is full but you don't know if it's gonna be filled forever you should ask God for strength to work and strength of the needs that you have go back to Romans chapter number five Romans chapter number five the latter end of verse number two I like what it says here says and rejoice in hope of the glory of God now when it says rejoice and hope of the glory of God obviously it's referring to the rejoice in the hope that we have right which is glory it's heaven and that's something that's really easy to do actually you know to rejoice in the fact that you're saved you know just that you know David when he sinned and he repented he got right with God he said restore unto me the joy of thy salvation it's very easy to rejoice over the fact that we're saved but then look what it says in verse number three and not only so so it's saying but don't just rejoice over the hope is this but we glory and tribulations also knowing that tribulation work of patience man okay so it's easy to joy over the fact that you're saved but what about when you're going through a hard time you know you know my father-in-law used to say happiness comes from happy means the joys of the Lord right you see it's easy to be happy when when the bills are getting paid you got the materials that you want you know or whatever may be the happenings of life it's a different story when you go into tribulation what your attitude may be right what if you don't have anything can you still have joy absolutely because joys of the Lord okay and the Bible says that we are a glory and tribulations also why now to glory and tribulations that's hard because when you're going through a hard time it's hard to have a good attitude okay it's hard to put a smile on your face it's hard to do the things you're supposed to do heck it's even hard to even pray when you're going through a hard time sometimes right because you're just you're fleshly you're carnal you're upset whatever may be but the Bible says here knowing that tribulation worketh patience you see if you're going through a tribulation a trial some sort of thing in your life you won't make it if you don't understand that it works patience you're like man I don't know when this thing's gonna end well look the things concerning me have an end the Bible says right and the fact of the matter is we need to realize that trials and tribulations they don't last forever in fact the Bible says there that they work patience now what is patience go with me if you would go to Proverbs chapter 15 Proverbs chapter 15 so the Bible says the tribulation works patience patience means simply to be complete right or to be mature so the Bible teaches us the tribulations trials they actually mature us okay and why is that because if you stick it out you're reading the Word of God you're praying you're you're attaining Church you're building fortitude in your personal life you see the weak babe in Christ sometimes they go through a trial and they let that get them out of church or they stop reading their Bibles or they stop praying or taking care of just their responsibilities day-to-day responsibilities right but if someone just plows through that trial you go through that tribulation and you don't get you maybe you're discouraged but you just keep pressing forward you become a church you know why because babes in Christ think that it's always gonna be just roses and daisies throughout their whole life but the mature person recognizes no there's an ebb and flow to life there's good times and there's bad there's valleys and then there's mountaintops okay and if I'm going through a valley today that's okay because tomorrow might be a mountaintop that's just the way life is and you can't live life thinking that everything is always gonna be okay nothing's ever gonna happen your marriage is always gonna be alright your kids are always gonna obey money's always gonna be coming in you can't think that way you got to realize that tribulations come in this world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world okay and recognize the tribulation works patience it helps you to be mature and look we all need a mature okay and it's good to have Bible knowledge it's good to know the Word of God and where all the doctrines are at to prove the post-trib pre-wrath and why sodomites are reprobates and they can't be saved but you know what every Christian needs they need to grow up okay they need to grow up get mature grow up in the Lord gain some experience go through some trials get some spiritual fortitude so you can deal with life because here's the thing you can know all the doctrines in the world but if you're not mature you're not gonna make it the slightest little problem comes you're just gonna fall apart okay no you need some trials in your life you need some tribulations you need some pain you need some sleepless nights some nights where you're just like I'm just too worried I can't sleep or I need to pray today I need to I need to it those are nights like that you know as now obviously now that I'm married I have I have children went on the way what are the ways that God does that is just due to the sickness of your children your your child gets sick you know it's it's a different story when you're sick right but when your child is sick they're a little bodies are just like they're just like suffering and your heart goes out to them and or you know the fever right and the fever starts going up and it starts hitting the the triple digits what do you do you pray and it's a trial you can't sleep you're worried you're just sleepless nights and you wonder if your your child's gonna be okay that that that matures you a lot okay that mellows you out a lot it humbles you is what it does and see every Christian when they start off a babe in Christ they're on fire they're zealous and praise the Lord for that but you know what sometimes trials need to come in tribulation need to come in sweep the carpet from under you so you can grow up a little bit okay and recognize you need to be humble all right because once you hit your first trial second trial third trial you start realizing man I don't have it all together as much as I thought you know I'm not all that in the bag of chips I thought I was but I guess I'm not and that's good because when God humbles you and you get humble through trials guess what you get more grace and the Bible says the tribulation worketh patience you become more complete okay and the Bible says impatience experience all right we're gonna go to Proverbs 15 just a bit so it says tribulation worketh patience and patience experience now again experience is so important in life okay why is that because experience just means you've been around the block a little bit you know what's up with life okay you know the ins and outs of life you have what's called wisdom okay and not everyone no one's born with wisdom you learn wisdom you gain wisdom by being with wise people but also by going through some trials in your life and it's it's what do they call it um trial and error right you blew it is like well I suffered in that one I'm not gonna do that again you know and what happens you become wiser that's why it's okay to fail every once in a while it's okay to make mistakes you know because when you make mistakes you learn from it you're like wow well I guess I won't do that again and if you make the same mistake again then you just you're just stubborn or something you're not learning in fact look the Bible says in Proverbs 15 31 the ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise you know when you hear the reproofs of life when you're being chastised for the stupid decisions that you make and you hear that you say okay I won't do that again you're abiding among the wise God says you're a wise person okay and you can learn two ways there's a couple ways you can learn wisdom or excuse me three ways you can learn wisdom the Bible says you can ask of God who giveth to all men liberally and abraitheth not that's the best way obviously right to the Word of God you could be amongst wise men he that walketh with wise men shall be wise or you can just the reproofs of life okay and unfortunately sometimes those first two they get neglected right you don't get around wise people you don't ask God for wisdom so what what happens you go through some trials that helps you to be wise okay why is that because pain is a good teacher you know when you touch the stove and you realize that it's hot and you burn yourself you like won't do that again you know my son the other day he um there's a there's like an exposed outlet in my office right here and he's all boop you know he stuck his finger in there got shocked you know he's just crying and he's just like you won't do that again and my mom always tells me let him let him I was like that's a good teacher right there he won't ever do it again you know what my son's the wiser now because of that he's like nope you know now he stuck his finger in there but the other day now is he was trying to stick what was it a fork in the outlet so maybe he didn't you know our key he was trying to stick a key so maybe he's not as wise as it yet you know his ears not a biting him on though but he knows the finger doesn't go in there but he says maybe the key can you know I mean so patience and experience so it's the Bible says the more we're complete we build experience in life okay and everyone needs experience okay you need experience the Bible says experience hope okay so here's the thing the goal with me if we went to James chapter 1 let's go to James 1 talk about trials here and then we got to learn doctrine and we are gonna learn doctrine tonight and we're gonna reinforce some things but sometimes we just need to talk about something like subject of trials because we're all gonna go through trials we're all gonna go through hard times and hardships and there's gonna be difficulties and there's gonna be times when you're discouraged okay and you need to learn how to encourage yourself in the Lord and and you don't have to smile all the time but you got to keep pressing forward okay there's gonna be deaths in the family sicknesses or persecution you know trials come through different avenues and and different things and you have to prepare yourself mentally for these things and know that they're gonna come down the pipeline you know you can't just believe that nothing's bad is ever gonna happen okay expect these trials and when they hit you the impact won't be as hard because you recognize it's there you know but James chapter 1 verse number 1 says James the servant of God of and of the Lord Jesus Christ of the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad greeting my brethren counted all joy when you fall into diverse temptations knowing this that the triangle of your faith worketh patience but let patience have a perfect work that you may be perfect and entire wanting nothing skip down to verse 12 blessed is a man that endureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to them that love him the Bible says so it says there that we ought to count it all joy that's kind of hard to do when you're going through a trial right it's like all right time to be joyous because we're going through a hard time that's why you got a predetermined to be joyous you can't really make the decision to be joyous when you're already going through it because you're already ticked off at that time you know what I mean you're just like yeah but if you already predetermined you know like Daniel did he purposed in his heart if you're to predetermined that it's it'll be it'll be a lot more helpful because you expect the trial once it comes it's like well we've got to count on all joy you know but you don't have to turn to Acts chapter 14 verse 22 says confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith and then we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God you see we can't have this pre-tribulation mindset right they were never gonna go through tribulation you know it's like tribulation is part of life we must we must through much tribulation entrance in the kingdom of God a lot of trials a lot of difficulties a lot of hardships that we got to experience go to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 12 2nd Corinthians chapter number 12 and you know sometimes trials come when we think we have it all together you know when we think we just everything's downpacked we got it all taken care of we know what we're doing and then God just allows a trial into our life and it's just like stink I guess I don't have it all together you know but there's lessons learned within that and here's the thing is you know no man lives unto himself right so it's not like you're just living the Christian life for yourself because the Bible teaches us that we're supposed to be in samples to the flock right obviously he's talking to pastors but every Christian can take that commandment for themselves and recognize that you're being an example to someone else because no there are no temptation taking you but such as common to man so that means whatever you're going through today tomorrow yesterday or wherever it may be someone else is gonna experience that same trial and they need a template to go by sometimes you know that the saying goes misery loves company right and sometimes and look sometimes you go through a trial and you even find a solution and just life is terrible but just the fact that you know that someone else is going through the same thing is comforting enough you know even if they didn't get out of it you're not gonna because what is this like well I guess I'm not alone on this you know because the reality is sometimes when we go through trials we think we're like the only ones that are going through it it's just like man I'm the only one you know there's no you know I'm the only prophet God you know they've killed all the problem it's just me no there's still seven thousand out there who are going through the same thing you're going through you know and sometimes even worse so when you realize there's someone out there going through something worse this is like dang I guess my problems are not as bad as I thought they were you know but we all need we all need to be an example to people look the worst thing you could do when you go through a trial is quit you quit on God you quit on the Bible you quit Church you know because people are watching you and when they watch you and they realize that you went through a trial you just quit that affects a lot of people you know you need a man up quit ye like men gird up thy loins like a man and just plow through that thing and just make it through pray your way pray your way through it don't quit 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 1 says it is not expedient for me doubtless to glory I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord I knew a man in Christ about 14 years ago whether in the body I cannot tell or that of the body I cannot tell God knoweth such and one caught up to the third heaven and I knew such a man whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth how that he was caught up into the into up into paradise and heard unspeakable words which is not lawful for a man to utter so he's saying here man I mean obviously it's the Apostle Paul right and he's saying how he went to heaven I mean I can't wait to see what heaven looks like you know when I was a kid I used to think it was just like ghosts and clouds and stuff like that you know but obviously as I read the Bible it gives you some sort of vision of what it may look like and all the beautiful things that we're gonna see in fact Paul said some of those things are just unspeakable so it's just beautiful things and he went up there and he got to come back but look what it says in verse number five of such and one will I glory yet of myself I will not glory but in my infirmities so he says you know I'm gonna glory about the infirmities the infirmities are the difficulties right and and it's he said why would he glory in his infirmities not the fact that he you know that he was able to see heaven well probably because maybe when he saw heaven he realized the rewards that are gonna be waiting there right and he's just like I need a plow through this make it through go through the temptations go through the trials because it's worth it or whatever you know and he says this for though I would desire to glory I shall not be a fool for I will say the truth but now I forbear lest any man should think of me above that which he seemeth to be or that he heareth of me unless I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations there was given to me a thorn in the flesh the messenger of Satan to buffet me lest I should be exalted above measure so obviously Paul the Apostle was endowed with a lot of spiritual revelation and wisdom I mean he's been teaching us for the last thousands a couple thousands years you know and he says I'm not gonna glory in that for this thing I besought the Lord thrice that it might depart from me and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect and weakness most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me therefore I take pleasure in infirmities and reproaches and necessities and persecutions and distresses for Christ's sake for when I am weak then am I strong the Bible says that's awesome man that's like that's a I mean that's those are some hard sayings right there but he's saying look if I want the power of Christ upon my life I needed glory and temptations 1st Peter chapter 1 verse number 5 says the word kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time wherein he greatly rejoiced though not for a season if need be you are in heaviness through manifold temptation temptations make you heavy I don't mean like physically right you know bad food makes you heavy amen but I'm talking about like heavy as in spiritually sometimes you ever I mean you ever had a bad day emotionally you just like drained you kind of feel you know that's like man no man cared for my soul you're just heavy you know that's what he's talking about the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perishes though it be tried with fire might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ whom having not seen you love and whom though now you see him not yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your souls so obviously it tells us we're gonna skip a lot of verses here that I wanted to go over what is that what is that what is the teaching there is that we ought to make sure that when we we go through an infirmity we don't just like disregard it you know and just quit on God I mean I've met Christians throughout my Christian life they're just constantly in and out of church always in and out of church you know they go through a trial they allow not to take them to the world and they stay out of church and they get away from God they get away from the Bible they get away from the things the responsibilities are supposed to have and then you know everything's fine and dandy or something bad in their life happens and they come back which praise the Lord when they do but then you know what happens that becomes a pattern you know that becomes a pattern in our life we're just in and out of church in and out of church and the slightest trial comes in to just get out of church you know no we got to be just be consistent look better to go through a trial with God's blessing on my life while I'm in church then go through a trial out there where the devil's just chewing me up you've ever tempted you like man should I just go back to the world well you know what if you stay here in church you know with God's people in the Bible you have not only God helping you out you have God's blessing on your life but you have a church they can pray for you that can help you that can encourage you if you're out there you got a bunch of stinking unsaved people you know but you got you got the devil trying to chew you up and spit you out it's gonna be worse okay so might as well just stick it out in God's will amen go back to Romans chapter number five I spent a lot of time on that but it's important to know and just talk about that every once in a while you know verse number five says and hope maketh not ashamed it doesn't disappoint us because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us and of course we know you know obviously that the Spirit bears witness with our spirit there were children of God you know God confirms that through the through his Holy Spirit etc verse number six says for when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet peradventure for a good man would some would even dare to die but God commanded his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us man that's awesome you know and you know you ought to meditate on that every once in a while and and you know it's it's not good to be an emotional Christian in the sense where you're just like you know your emotions drive you in and out of church but it's good to allow the Word of God to just move your soul and your emotions you know you know meditate upon those things you know let a tear come to your eye every once in a while just thinking about your salvation that God commanded his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners man we sin against God he you know we're on our way to hell the Christ died for us you know he it's and he gives a comparison he says for scarcely for a righteous man will one die you know people would be hesitant even to die for someone a good moral man let alone a sinner someone who's just sinned against you you know I love my son I don't know if I would ever give him the life of my son for someone else it's just I don't I can't do that so it just goes to show the magnitude of God's love for us and that he was willing to sacrifice his only son for us so we can go to heaven meditate on those things it's okay to think upon that reflect on that and allow that to create within you a spirit of gratitude to be thankful for your salvation the fact that you've been forgiven of all your sins and God has given you heaven the Bible says he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things amen to that verse number nine says much more than be now justified by his blood by his blood amen justified by his blood we shall be said we shall be saved from you took man you just took my appointment just kidding we shall be saved from wrath through him he said that were justified by faith we are but we're justified by his blood I thought it was by grace to faith it is but it's also there's blood it's all-encompassing for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life so the Bible tells us that the blood is very important you know that's why we throw out all the versions of the Bible okay or I'm sorry I because the perversions of the Bible is what I mean because why they remove the blood in fact we had a visitor on Sunday come and you know I was preaching on the on post trip and the six seals and you know he's like I've never heard of an independent fundamental Baptist Church you know he was he was like a Southern Baptist or something like that and you know he was just like what do you guys believe here you know and I was just kind of giving them the general aspects of what we believe I checked on his salvation he said he was safe you know he said he believed in salvation by grace through faith you could never lose it but he used an ASB and I was telling I said you know we are a King James only Church that wasn't like we're King James only Buster you know like you know King James all or nothing no I was just like yeah we're King James only Church and this is why you know we believe that the other versions of the Bible obviously corrupt he's like why do you think they're corrupt and I said well they take out verses out of the Bible and I was giving them some examples and he said really I didn't know that I said yeah you know he goes why I use an ASB he said and I told him I said well the NASB puts brackets within the verses with notes at the bottom questioning those verses found within the Word of God and they actually remove the blood you know and he said really I said yeah which goes to show obviously he's not reading it right but that's why we're against those versions of the Bible because the Bible tells us that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin right and the blood according to Leviticus I believe chapter 17 the blood is what's made is that which makes atonement for the soul we need atonement for the soul the way that's done is through the blood of Christ which we believe was sprinkled on the mercy mercy seat in heaven but I want to in these last few minutes that we have here I want to focus on verse number 10 because I was I was shown this verse I've been shown this verse many times when we when we're talking about the reprobate doctrine okay verse 10 says for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life so the Bible says that we were enemies before we were saved now the reason that people I've heard people bring that I don't know if anybody else has ever heard that that argument used I've heard that used many times we'll say well obviously we believe that like for instance sodomites are reprobates right and that they can't be saved and in fact they're the enemies of God and even when we're I've even heard this when we're defending when I defend the doctrine of the God hates people now I'll be honest with you I did not always believe that okay it wasn't until it was brought to my attention and I realized well this is what the Bible says then I got to go with the Bible says because I'm King James only if the King James Bible says I'm gonna believe it okay now obviously the Bible tells us that you know for instance David the most godliest man one of the most godliest men in the Bible you know says I hate them with the perfect hatred I count them mine enemies right and we would say the those who God hates are God's enemies therefore we ought to hate God's enemies and we believe that amen so a reprobate is someone who has rejected Christ as someone who is you know obviously the fruits of it is the fact that they're sodomites right now I've had people say well you know you say that but you know the Bible says that we were enemies of God and the reason they're bringing that up is because they want to say that that's why sodomites can still be saved because if the Bible says if we're for if when we were enemies and then it says how we're justified reconciled they say the enemies of God you know the sodomites they can be saved as well and let me just preface is by saying the sodomites obviously cannot be saved and I think sometimes people obviously there's there's there's a sect of Christians that are just stubborn they're stiff-necked Christians who even when you show the truth they just reject it and they don't want to look into it and you know they just they're just you know I don't know what's wrong with them they're spiritually on drugs or something I don't know but there's another sect that they just don't think they just you need to look into it okay because they think we're saying a sodomite you know a sodomite can't be saved because you know they're a reprobate or whatever which we believe that but here's the thing they believe what we're talking about is saying this so you're saying that a sodomite you know they can't be saved what I'm saying is they won't be saved first and foremost because you're getting the sequence wrong someone who's a sodomite was it doesn't mean they became a reprobate afterwards because they're a sodomite someone who's a sodomite just goes to show that they were a reprobate before and the sodomy is a product of them being a reprobate I think that makes sense obviously right so they were in the so that there's three steps they reject Christ therefore they become a reprobate and then they produce these works of being a sodomite as well that's what the Bible teaches in Romans chapter 1 and we preach many messages on that I don't have to reiterate that but they have it backwards they think well you know you're saying he's a reprobate because he's a sodomite oh well here's the thing that's what the Bible says that's is that because the fact that we see that he's committing the sodomite acts it goes to show he's already reprobating he rejected Christ so the Bible teaches us that that person is an enemy of God all right he said well what about this okay go to Colossians chapter number one so remember the sequence of events they rejected Christ became a reprobate became a sodomite just remember that so the reason they're sodomized because they beat their reprobate the reason they're reprobate is because they rejected Jesus Christ okay now look at Colossians 1 verse 19 by the way we were enemies of God but there's two categories and I'm not adding to Scripture there are the enemies of God who have rejected Jesus Christ therefore they become a reprobate and then there's these type of enemies Colossians 1 19 says for it pleased the father that in him should all fullness dwell and having made peace through the blood of his cross by him to reconcile all things unto himself by him I say whether they be things in earth or things in heaven and you that were sometime alienated and look what it says and enemies in your mind by wicked works yet now hath he reconciled you see according to the Bible the reason we're enemies of God is because we were trusting in our works not because we rejected Christ it's because we're trusting in our works that makes sense so someone who is a reprobate is someone who's not trusting in their works they've completely rejected Christ whereas someone who's an enemy of God according to Colossians chapter 1 in Romans chapter 5 is someone who is an enemy of God because they were trusting in their works now go to Hebrews chapter number six Hebrews chapter number six Bible's falling apart here Hebrews chapter number six verse number one the Bible says therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on unto perfection not laying again the foundation of what repentance from dead works and a faith toward God you see God expects for us to repent of our dead works trusting in our works to get us to heaven and have faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ correct but someone who's trusting in their works that's the reason they're an enemy of God because they have not done that but that doesn't mean they've rejected Christ you know I've met tons of people who have not gotten saved simply because they're still trusting in their works but they're not reprobates because they have not rejected Jesus Christ they have a misconstrued perception of who Jesus Christ is they believe that they trust Jesus Christ and works whatever we've all heard that before but someone who is a reprobate an enemy of God who is a reprobate is someone who's completely rejected Christ they do not want to retain God in their knowledge therefore they become an enemy of God in that aspect okay I hope that makes sense because I people have used that verse on me all the time they're like oh you're an enemy of God too therefore Hasidimites can be saved because you're saying that they're enemies of God well but I didn't reject Christ you know trusting in my works and when Christ was presented to me the atonement the fact that he died resurrected and so on and so forth I trusted in him God didn't reject him Romans chapter 5 verse number 11 says and not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement and again we see that in Leviticus chapter 17 in verse number 11 why that is verse 12 wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sin of course now now we get into this matter of the fact that we were sinners and and and going back to Adam as and as to why verse 13 says for until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law so verse 13 says that for until the law sin was in the world so what is it saying obviously before the law came into play people are still sinners okay and the reason he makes that emphasis or that distinction is because when the law came it slew us right because it allows to see the standard of God okay you know Paul said I had not known less except the Bible the Word of God has said the scripture has said thou shall not covet okay and then he talks about it Romans 7 how the law slew him the commandment slew him but here it says for until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law so it's saying this sin is not imputed if there is no law so those who didn't have the law their sin is not imputed unto them did you know that you say why is that because when someone dies they don't get judged the Bible says they lift up their eyes in hell and in Revelation chapter 20 verse 12 to 13 we see the what the white throne judgment and that's when they will become they would get judged by their works the fact that they've broken God's commandments you know God's gonna reveal their sin to them okay now here's the thing another thing is this is that sin though the people in the Old Testament before the law didn't have the law the Bible says there are law unto themselves okay so they have the law written of God law of God written in their hearts obviously right but sin is not imputed when there is no law so no one can use the excuse oh we didn't have the law you have the law of God written in your hearts but it will be imputed the day you get judged according to your works in Revelation chapter number 20 and here's the thing that's why it's important that we understand the sequence of even how someone goes to hell because people don't get judged by their works as soon as they die I mean there's people in hell today they're like what the heck just happened you know like how do I even like I thought I was you know and they're just burning well there's gonna come a day in Revelation chapter 20 where they're gonna realize why they're there now obviously I'm sure people are there they know they hated God whatever it may be but there's people obviously who trusted in their works all along right they trusted in the works the religion they thought they were doing right and and you know all these things but then on that throne judgment they're gonna say you know had not we done many wonderful works and then I named cast out devils and I named done many wonderful works depart for me I never knew you you that work iniquity okay and so that's what that verse is talking about that verse 14 nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression who is the figure of him that was to come so death reigned from and I know we're talking some doctrine here so just bear with me a little bit all right we just we need to go over this rain from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression what is that saying right there a similitude is basically the appearance right and what he's saying there is that obviously death reigned from Adam to Moses in other words people still died right they're paying for their sins or whatever it may be even though they didn't commit the same sin that Adam did which they didn't bite into an apple right but they still sin okay and it says this who is the figure of him of him that that was to come so when it says who is the figure of him that it was to come is referring to he was the figure of Jesus Christ okay you know you we've seen the Christmas song right second Adam from above reinstate us and I love Jesus Christ is the second Adam okay because Adam simply means man right and Jesus Christ is the Son of Man and you see throughout the Old Testament you'll see a lot of figures of Jesus Christ now this is the interesting thing here you don't have to turn there in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 21 says for sins by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead for as in Adam all died even so in Christ shall all be made alive verse 45 says and so it is written the first man Adam was made a living soul the last Adam was made a quickening spirit how be it that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual the first man is of the earth earthy the second man is the Lord from heaven okay verse 15 in Roman chapter 5 I'm trying to breeze through this a little bit because we're already out of time but not as the offense so also as the free gift for if through the offense of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Jesus Christ hath abandoned unto many now the first portion says in the but not as the offense so also is the free gift what does that mean what that means is simply this obviously in Adam all our all our mates oh excuse me death reigns right and then affects everyone so what he's saying there is just as Adams transgression affects all of mankind so also is the free gift so the reason God calls the reason the Bible calls Jesus Christ the second Adam is because the impact of what he did affects all mankind now obviously you know it's two opposite sides of the spectrum Adam screwed up for everyone right but Jesus Christ through him everyone's able to be justified okay and you'll see that throughout the Old Testament even like for instance the the brass serpent you know who's within the world you know as as Moses lifted up the serpent social the center man be lifted up and we think how can that be compared to like the serpent if it's the devil well it's a picture of something that Jesus Christ did on the opposite side of the spectrum okay if you believe on him you know you can be saved you can have your sins forgiven and that's what he's saying there just as the offense just spread abroad to everybody everybody all of mankind the gift is for everyone as well so God is Paul is using to compare what Jesus Christ did to what Adam did okay because we know that Adam sinned because of that it affected all of mankind therefore people are in hell today etc well the free gift is just as the same the impact is the same okay verse 16 and not as it was by one that sin so was the gift for the judgment was by one to condemnation but the free gift is of many offenses unto justification I love how the Bible uses that says one of us from condemnation Jesus Christ is a justification for if by one man's offense death reigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and that the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation we're not gonna park it on there we already understand you know Calvinists the false doctrine they believe all of those that really mean all so on and so forth even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life again just emphasizing the impact there friends by one man's obedient disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous moreover the law entered that the offense might abound but where sin abounded grace did much more bound now why does it say that moreover the law entered that the offense might abound again people before the the law had sinned because they had the law of God written in their hearts but once the law was instituted they saw that the offense abounded okay in fact Romans 7 13 says was then that which is good made death unto me God forbid but sin that it might appear sin working death in me by that which is good that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful okay obviously we know we sin against God because we have the law of God in our hearts but once we see that the law of God says it you know becomes exceeding sinful does that make sense okay verse 21 that as sin hath reign unto death even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord and I liked up the what he says there you know sin sin hath reign unto death you know someone who's in hell will be there forever there's no end to that and it's it's a mind-boggling sobering thought to think that hell is forever but again Paul the Apostle in retrospect is comparing that eternal life okay that eternal life by Jesus Christ will reign as well forever as well amen so we can't say well you can lose your salvation well someone who's in hell obviously you know even people who believe you can people who believe that people will go to hell that people are in hell today they don't believe they can ever get saved they'll ever come out they know that's forever well what he's saying there that grace can reign through righteousness unto eternal life that's forever as well okay you can never lose it and praise God for that let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for the book of Romans and so much doctrine top and obviously we can't do justice to it all and I pray that you would help us and just of course the first portion is the part that I really wanted to focus on a lot just on the trials Lord and we know that in this life we shall have tribulation but we should be of good cheer and I pray that you would strengthen us help us to learn ways to encourage ourselves in the Lord whether it's to reading the Psalms it's to prayer it's to fellowship and you know often I know in my personal life when I go through a trial the temptation is just to isolate myself from others and that's often a big mistake that even I make and I pray that you'd help us not to do that I pray you help us to remain in fellowship and and you know Mary heart does good like a medicine just be around God's people it makes our hearts Mary reading the Psalms comfort comforts our hearts singing helps us to have a lot of joy and help us to really just have all these avenues and all these methods that we can do to just keep going forward for you and doing that which is pleasing in your sight and we praise things in Jesus name Amen