(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen all right we're in Romans chapter number four this evening and we'll start in verse number one where the Bible reads here what shall we say then that Abraham our father as pertaining to the flesh hath found for if Abraham were justified by works he hath where of to glory but not before God and so in verse number one it says what shall we say then that Abraham our father is pertaining to the flesh hath found now Romans chapter four is picking up basically where Romans chapter three left off and if you remember in Romans chapter number three Paul the apostle is simply just demolishing this matter that the salvation is by faith alone it's not by works he's constantly saying that not by the works of the law in fact if you look in Romans chapter number three go with you there if you would in verse number 28 the Bible says therefore we conclude so this is the conclusion of the matter okay this basically seals the deal the discussion is over with just this verse he says therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law so Paul the apostle is saying look you can be justified without by faith without the deeds of the law so then he picks up in verse number one of chapter four he says what shall we say that okay that Abraham our father as pertaining to the flesh hath found so if people are not justified by the law or by the works of the law so what about Abraham because obviously they call him the father of faith right when verse number two says for if Abraham were justified by works he hath were of to glory but not before God now it's interesting to know that he says if Abraham were justified by works obviously right so it goes to show that he wasn't justified by works he says if he were justified by works he hath were of to glory he hath were of to boast in other words why is that because the Bible tells us in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 through 9 for by grace are you saved through faith in that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast see a person who gets to heaven the person who's supposed to get to heaven by works they can boast I mean someone can get there and say you know I kept all the commandments I fulfilled all the law I haven't sinned I haven't done all these things and they can boast but guess what there's none that doeth good no not one there's none righteous no not one the Bible says do not just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not it doesn't exist but here it says if Abraham were justified by works he hath were of to glory but not before God now go with me if we went to James chapter number 2 we're going to go back and forth for just a little bit from Romans 4 and James chapter number 2 now James chapter number 2 is a scripture that many heretics like to use to supposedly back up their point okay and in fact I remember when I had one also to the Lord years ago they brought one of their hounds on me their little wolves from their false cult to try to show me up right and of course they pull out the most the obvious ones they go to Matthew 7 right and then they'll say well go with me if you want to James chapter number 2 I'm like dude I can quote James chapter 2 if you want let's just go ahead and just handle this right now and look false cults this is what they do all the time they isolate one verse right they don't compare scripture with scripture and they they basically create this false doctrine based off of isolated verses you can take any verse in the Bible isolate it and create some crazy doctrine that's why you have to compare scripture with scripture right but Abraham is mentioned in Romans chapter number 4 and he's mentioned in James chapter number 2 now look look down at your Bibles at James chapter 2 and verse number 20 we're going to explain a little bit of James chapter 2 but we're going to first just hit this point right here verse number 20 says but what thou know old man excuse me but what thou know oh vain man that faith without works is dead was not Abraham our father justified by works so they'll point to that and say see Abraham was justified by works there you go and often even some Christians who are saved they'll get stuck on something like this because it says well man is the Bible contradicting itself you know Romans chapter 4 says that you know Abraham was not justified by works he believed on God and it was counted into him for righteousness but James chapter 2 says he was justified by works what's going on well we obviously know that the Bible doesn't contradict itself okay and often when you run into a verse in the Bible that seems a little just like man I don't know what it's saying really what you just need to do number one you need to pray okay you need it number two you need to read the passage over and over again and number three just just believe it by faith okay because there's going to be a lot of things that are hard to be understood obviously especially if you just got saved you know you haven't read through the Bible many times things are going to look pop out and say man I don't know what that means what's going on here well often you just got to read it over and over and over again okay and so and of course compare scripture with scripture but here's the key to this verse look what it says there it says was not Abraham our father justified by works when when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar so it tells us when he was justified by works it's when he offered Isaac his son upon the altar now go back to Romans chapter number four Romans chapter number four we're going to read in verse number three it says for what saith the scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness all right so here's the thing the Bible it says there what saith the scripture in other words it's this is saying this somewhere else other than Romans chapter four and what it's talking about there that's actually quote you does anybody know what that's being quoted from that's actually being quoted from Genesis chapter number 12 and also is Genesis chapter 15 and Genesis chapter 22 and here's here's the thing it's important to know the sequences of events okay because if I were to tell you yeah I got baptized we would obviously know baptism comes after what salvation okay now if someone says they got baptized before salvation we just tell them well you just got wet okay because you got to get saved first then you got to get baptized that's the only way it works right that's how symbolic it is but here's the thing when the Bible says that he believed God and was counted unto him for righteousness that's actually found in Genesis chapter 12 and in Genesis chapter 12 he obeyed the voice of the Lord to go out from his own country to a place where God would show him and I'm paraphrasing here and the Bible tells him that God gives him a promise and what did he do he believed him then he really reiterates that same promise in Genesis chapter 15 what and then in Genesis chapter 15 it actually says that he believed in God and it was counted unto him for righteousness all right then he talks about again of course in Genesis chapter 22 but here's the thing when he was circumcised that was long ago after he believed in God so we got to know the sequence of events the Bible says in Romans chapter 4 that he was justified by faith before God he believed God was counted unto him for righteousness but that was in Genesis chapter 12 and circumcision came long after that he said why did he say that he was justified by works then brother Bruce because James chapter 2 is not talking about being justified before God he said well how do you know that well the Bible says that faith you said well faith without works is dead being alone brother you know that was that's why you got to have faith that's why you gotta have works with your faith says the Calvinist right but here's the thing the chapter actually begins and it says this have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with respect of persons so if I have the faith of Christ with respect to persons that still means that I have faith or if I don't have the the respect of persons I still got the faith so it's given us instructions how we should use our faith right if we have faith correct we should have works but if you don't have works you still have the faith okay and the whole entire chapter in James chapter 2 it's talking about our relationship with others because here's the thing the Bible even tells us that God looketh on the heart but man looketh on the outward appearance so we can't prove to anybody that we're saved other than by our works that's why the Bible tells us in Ephesians 2 that we're saved by grace through faith and says not of works that any man should boast well the very next verse what does it say we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works okay and we're gonna hit this matter of works in just a little bit but it's very important to know that Romans chapter number four is talking about an event that took place in Genesis chapter 12 whereas the circumcision happened long after we're gonna hit that in just a bit so hold your place number we're gonna continue in Romans chapter number four so verse two says for if Abraham were justified by works he hath whereof to glory but not before God now go to Genesis chapter 22 go to Genesis chapter 22 Genesis chapter 22 and verse number 16 the Bible reads here in Genesis chapter 22 verse 16 and said by myself have I sworn saith the Lord for because thou has done this thing and has not withheld thy son thine only son that in blessing I will bless thee and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven of the heaven and as the sand which is upon the seashore and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies and in thy seed shall all nations of the earth be blessed because thou has obeyed my voice that was a promise that was reiterated in chapter 22 along with 15 and 12 okay now here's the thing okay this is very very important to note this because there's a false teaching out there and we're gonna we're gonna hit this thing over and over again why because Romans hits it over and over again okay this matter of dispensationalism this this heresy that teaches that people were saved different times in different moments and the salvation and the Old Testament is different from the salvation of the New Testament and in fact two people in in this very church today were hit up by some guy who's a dispensationalist trying to prove that oh you don't understand that you know salvation was by works in the Old Testament first of all you obviously don't know the Bible okay because Abraham though the Old Testament started in the law Abraham would be considered before the law but he's still in the Old Testament and the Bible says that he believed in God and it was counted unto him for righteousness so that's problem number one problem number two we're gonna look at David and David was actually after the law you guys get that so guess what he was saved by faith as well so to say that people were saved by works and they had to do the sacrifices is impossible that the blood of bulls and ghosts can take away sins the Bible says it's impossible so how would you teach that why would you teach that other than you're just a pervert of the gospel okay go to Hebrews chapter number six and the Bible says here in Genesis chapter 22 that God swore by himself he's given him the promise and by the way just a little side note here the promises that were given in Genesis chapter 12 and 15 it says seed right and of course we're gonna look at Galatians chapter number three and what seed he's talking about but he'd get get this okay cuz we're King James only amen and even those who would disagree with us who are King James only would have to agree that this was what the Bible says because it says seed there is no s attached to that now if you look at the modern versions of the Bible okay in Genesis chapter 12 it doesn't say see you know what it says it says descendants referring to the to the physical people why is that because the new modern versions have an agenda to promote Zionism okay so it has to say descendants it has to say so that's why all these liberal churches that use these Bibles promote Zionism like crazy he said well why do the independent Baptists promote it then if they're reading from the King James Bible because they're reading books by the liberals who are inserting their doctrine within those books and then the Baptist just inserts it into his preaching without looking at it himself but the Bible doesn't say descendants it says seed okay and thy seed which is Christ the Bible says all right and of course we are of Christ and therefore we are that that seed as well when I return Hebrews chapter number six verse 13 look what the Bible says here for when God made promise to Abraham because he could swear by no greater he swear by himself I mean that's big he said he could swear by no greater therefore he swore by himself this is the promise that he gave I mean that's a huge swear right there right there and I wasn't trying to rhyme that verse 14 saying surely blessing of a blessing multiplying I will multiply thee and so after he had patiently endured he obtained the promise for men verily swore by the greater and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife wherein God willing more abundantly to show into the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel confirmed it by an oath immutability means it can't change it doesn't change God does not change the promise so if he promised that salvation was by faith in the Old Testament he's not going to change that in the New Testament it's immutable that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie we might have a strong consolation amen that's a that's a great phrase right there to just think upon it says we might have a great consolation what is consolation comfort we have the comfort of knowing that God is not going to lie though this promise was made thousands of years ago is still being being put into effect even today okay that's a great consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope that is set before us and I like this verse verse 19 which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast in which enter into that within the veil you think of an anchor that goes into the water it buries itself in the rocks within the ocean and it keeps the boat from moving I mean it keeps the boat from not moving but it keeps it from from going astray right well the Bible tells us that we have an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast who's the anchor the Lord Jesus Christ okay the Bible says that when we got saved the Holy Spirit of God came to live within us and he is the the propitiate or excuse me he is the the the inheritance that we receive the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 14 that when we believed on Christ that we were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise unto the day of redemption okay and he calls it the the inheritance that we receive why is that well simply because the Bible calls the Holy Spirit as if he's like a down payment on our souls okay what is the down payment it's simply when when you buy something you place a down payment on that thing it's not the full price it's just enough to say look I'm telling the owner I'm serious about purchasing this thing well the Bible says that the Holy Spirit I'm thinking of the Spanish word Arras I can't think of the word in English Ernest there you go in Spanish is Arras so you guys just learned something new man Arras but in earnest of our inheritance in other words he's the he's the deposit he's the down payment on us why is that because one day he we're waiting to with the redemption of our bodies right now our souls is redeemed our souls sinless okay our soul is saved but our flesh is not so anyway so go back to Romans chapter number 4 but this even the first two verses of Romans chapter 4 demolishes dispensationalism because of Abraham thanks Abraham you know helped us out a lot verse number 3 let's let's keep reading here for what say it the scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness now this is very important to know and I want to I want to talk about this for just a bit some of you may know this but some of you may not when the Bible says that it was counted unto him for righteousness what does that mean obviously we know if we were to compare scripture with scripture means he was saved right we can just conclude that he's saved but why would he say counted unto him for righteousness now this is important to know because this is the effect of believing in Christ right it says that he believed in God and it was counted unto him for righteousness so that promise is for everyone so everyone who believes righteousness will be imputed righteousness will be counted to them so what does it mean what does righteousness means well what does righteousness mean excuse me go to 2nd Samuel chapter 22 I think we can find a good definition in 2nd Samuel chapter 22 of the word righteousness 2nd Samuel chapter 22 turn there myself and verse number 20 the Bible reads here he brought me forth also into a large place by the way this is also in Psalms David is the one who is quoting this he delivered me because he delighted in me the Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me skip down to verse number 24 I was also upright before him and have kept myself from my iniquity therefore the Lord hath recompensed me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness in his sight the Bible says so according to these verses right here righteousness and cleanness are used interchangeably he says righteousness and he says cleanness and in verse 24 he uses the word upright so obviously to be righteous is the state of being just before God correct but if we were to say on a practical level from the Bible's definition we would say it's to be clean in the eyes of God that's what it means now go to Isaiah 64 I'm going to read to you from Proverbs chapter 20 keep that definition in mind as we go to these scriptures go to Isaiah 64 if the Bible says that righteousness means to be clean okay then we need to ask ourselves the question that the Bible proposes in Proverbs chapter 20 in verse 9 where it says who can say I have made my heart clean I am pure for my sin well here's the answer no one okay because there's none righteous no not one there's none that do with good no not one no one is sinless all for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God the Bible says okay we've all sinned against God we've all broken his commandments you say well I've kept you know one of ten well if you know if you if you keep the whole commandment yet offended one poor you're guilty of all according to the Bible look at Isaiah 64 says in verse number six the Bible says here but we are all as an unclean thing and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags and we all do fade as a leaf and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away so this is very important because the Bible tells us that righteousness is cleanest well here's the problem none of us are clean okay according to the Bible the Bible says we're all as filthy rags as an unclean thing so there's no one in this world who can say you know I'm sinless you know the Calvinist the hypocrite can't say well I don't sin at all well the Bible says here we are all as an unclean thing our righteousness are as filthy rags and that's why the Bible says that when we believe God he has to impute righteousness unto us why he has to give us his cleanness okay now go to Revelation chapter number seven Revelation chapter number seven I'm gonna read to you from 1st Corinthians chapter number six and verse number 11 where the Bible reads and such were some of you but ye are washed but you are sanctified but you're justified in the name of our of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God you see spiritually God looks at our clothings our spiritual clothing and says you guys are as an unclean thing you're as filthy rags okay you're not righteous before God but look what Revelation chapter seven verse 13 says and one of the elders answered saying unto me what are these which are arrayed in white robes and whence came they and I said unto him sure thou knowest obviously this is referring to the rapture and he said to me these are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb so remember according to according to Isaiah 64 the Bible says that we're like an unclean thing our righteousness are as filthy rags but what happens when we believe on Christ righteousness cleanness is imputed unto us we're given a white robe we're made we're made clean in the blood of the Lamb and praise God for that you never once in a while you ought to just you know with this fast-paced society and with work and all the responsibilities that we have we ought to just reflect every once in a while on the blood of Christ and be thankful that it's washed us from all the iniquities is washed us from all our transgressions the Bible says that God has separated our transgressions as far as East is from West that's a blessing we've been washed we're clean in the eyes of God now go to John chapter 13 John chapter 13 I think this this story that we're about to read illustrates this this principle this doctrine greatly John chapter 13 is a story where Jesus Christ is washing the feet of his disciples okay if you if you remember the story and obviously the principle these trends teaches is you know to be a servant okay but there's doctrine even of salvation within this portion of scripture look what the Bible says we'll start in verse number six then cometh he to Peter excuse me Simon Peter and Peter saith unto him Lord does not wash my feet Jesus answered and said unto him what I do now what excuse me what I what I do thou knowest not now but thou shall know hereafter Peter saith unto him thou shall never wash my feet Jesus answered him if I wash thee not thou hast no part with me Simon Peter saith unto him Lord not my feet only but also my hands on my head Jesus saith unto him he that is washed needeth needeth not safe to wash his feet but is clean every wit and ye are clean but not all so what is Jesus Christ teaching here obviously there's a there's a principle of salvation in here because he says this he says look if you if I don't wash you you don't have a part with me and even what does Peter say well man get my hands on my feet also get everything and he says well with you only have to wash your feet because he that is clean is clean every wit wit means every single part okay so he's saying you're clean completely I just got to wash your feet because obviously and the principle there is this when we get saved we're cleaned every wit right but because we're still in our flesh our feet go where then it's not supposed to go it does what it's not supposed to do so what do we have to do we have to clean our feet within the word of God okay because the Bible says that the word cleanses us right it cleans and obviously the Bible teaches us that we ought to confess our sins on a daily basis and we confess our sins the Bible says that he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness you know sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth as we spend time in the word of God the Bible cleans us and you say well how do you know it's referring to salvation well look what it says and ye are clean but not all verse 11 for he knew who should betray him therefore said he ye are not all clean obviously he's referring to Judas right because Judas was not saved and so it's a wonderful picture of salvation because Jesus is saying look just just relax man I don't have to wash your hands in your head you're clean every whit you're good to go you know but I do have to wash your feet because you know we sin on a day-to-day basis okay now obviously we know we don't have to maintain our salvation but it is important that we clean ourselves within the word of God on a daily basis why so we can stay right with God okay so we can receive the blessings of the Lord we can understand the Bible we can win souls to Christ so we can earn rewards so we can be a better vessel and to honor and meet for the Masters use that's why it's important you see there's a lot of people out there that get saved and they just keep living their worldly carnal lives and by the way they're gonna go to heaven amen and praise God for that but you know what they ain't getting squat when they get to heaven well let me take that back they're gonna be ashamed when they get to heaven okay they'll be ashamed but hey praise the Lord they'll be saved yet so as by fire as the Bible says okay but that's why it's important that even after salvation we work for the Lord we try to stay clean we keep our hearts clean our minds clean try to live a life that's pleasing unto the Lord wash our feet spiritually speaking amen physically you can do that too go to Romans go back to Romans chapter number four Romans chapter number four and of course if you think about it you know these Israelites they got sandals on so they get pretty dirty you know they're in the desert walking around and and that's why it was it was customary to wash the feet of your guests that would come right because they got dirty feet okay but it's a good principle there so the Bible says what say the scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness so when we believe on God when we believe in Christ now obviously because that's the name that's given to us in the New Testament the Bible says that cleanness or righteousness is imputed unto us okay we get we were saved verse number four says not to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of death so what is he saying there the Bible says if someone who's working you know if someone has to work for salvation then why would God call it salvation by grace he didn't say it was salvation by debt you know like hey you owe me this so you got to work to maintain your salvation he said salvation is by grace through faith right that not of yourselves and so right verse 4 what it's talking about is the person who works you know if that were the case then God shouldn't call it grace he should call the salvation is by debt because we're indebted to Christ so on and so forth but that's not the case in verse 5 verse 5 is a verse that all heretics need to memorize and just meditate upon and just answer what it means because it says this but to him that worketh not so what does it mean not to work let's go to the Greek real quick it means you don't work look wrap it however you want to do it it means you don't keep the commandments it means like you're like the thief on the cross he didn't work okay he died he just hung on that cross until he died okay yet Jesus told him today that shall be with me in paradise so it says here but to him that worketh not so he inserted this verse to say look obviously you're supposed to work after salvation and the Bible commands us to not for salvation not to maintain it but it's what we're supposed to do because God commands it but just in case you get confused about that to him that worketh not but believeth on him to justify the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness are you trying to tell me that if someone gets saved and they trust Christ as their Savior and they don't go to church and they don't read their Bibles and they don't keep the commandments they still drink and smoke pot and they're fornicating they're doing all these wicked things that they're still saved yes the Bible says it there if he just believes I know that's a greasy grace I'll take it as greasy as you can give it to me the best burgers are the greasiest okay but here's the thing God is the one saying that not me God is the one who's saying look believeth on him that justified the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness he said look that still counts because it's not of works okay now you don't have to turn it around it's probably on the same page there Romans 3 26 says to declare I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus that's why this doctrine of believing is so important you said why is that because it's so easy but people have complicated the Bible says that people have beguiled unstable souls right the simplicity which is in Jesus Christ they've made salvation very complicated whereas to believing is very easy even to the point where he's willing to put within the word but to him that worketh not okay very important now let's read on verse 6 so Abraham is pretty so okay let's just give the dispensation was that all right you know Old Testament started in the law okay I get that all right and Abraham was before that so we'll give him that okay but now we're getting into the law okay even as David also described the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputed righteousness without works now I'm sure dispensation will say well he's talking about the blessedness of those in the future you know I mean you know who no that's not what it even what it even says he says even as David also described the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputed righteousness without works saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin now we won't go there for sake of time but that's a quote from Psalms 32 okay you can write that down read that afterwards but this is very important right here verses 7 through 8 is very important by the way these are very good soul winning verses okay to show people amen son yeah he thinks that's good but I like what he says there's his blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven that's past okay that's past tense and I've always when I go so many always tell them God forgives you of your sins past present and future you know because Pentecost was in Charismatics will say you know yeah you're forgiven but you know you're gonna sin in the future and you can lose your salvation in the future no the Bible says there that whose iniquities whose sins are covered present blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin he will not impute it to their account that's in the future okay that's future tense and so the blood of Christ the Bible the Bible teaches us that the blood of Christ cleanses us from all our sin that's past present and future well you say well that's kind of go to Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter number 10 so the iniquities are forgiven sins are covered blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin and this is a great thing to think about just to know that God will never shove our sins in our face you know when we meet him face to face okay you know we'll get rewarded for the things that we've done you know someone suffer shame obviously because they didn't do anything but at the end of the day what sins are you talking about I don't remember them anymore from the book of life they've all been what is it I was gonna say blown out torn out you know I don't remember them anymore praise the Lord for that that's a great that's great news now people who necessarily or people who wouldn't agree with us as far as one saved always saved I'll say so you believe that you can just sin and just get in all kinds of wickedness and you know you're you're saved and you're still safe yes but here's the thing the Bible doesn't teach us that we will live without consequence okay now the consequence of our sin which is the first one the penalty which is hell we'll never have to suffer that ever again but there are consequences to sin even in this lifetime okay you will suffer the consequences of sin why because the Bible says that the Bible says that it but as many as receive them to them gave you power to become the sons of God so the Bible tells us that when we get saved we become children of God and the Bible tells us in Hebrews chapter 12 that the Bible teaches that God chastises whom he loves and every son whom he receiveth so if we're involved in sin we're involved in all kinds of wickedness God will make sure you pay for that on this earth you will suffer the consequences of that okay by the way but that's a very small price to pay in regards to I mean the eternal fire right and that just proves that God loves us okay in fact that even proves that we're saved if we're getting chastised by God okay and praise the Lord for that and obviously during that time when you're getting chastised you know it doesn't seem joyous you know you're getting whooped by God it doesn't feel good you know but it yields the peaceable fruits of righteousness the Bible says and it confirms man we're children of God you know God's not gonna let me just go straight he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna spank me and if I don't get it right you'll probably kill me okay and that that creates within us the fear of the Lord all right and that's the sermon for another day Hebrew chapter 10 in verse number one look at the Bible says here for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things dispensationalist can never without those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers there aren't you perfect so it's telling us there that those laws that you think you can keep to be justified because people were saved by works in the Old Testament it says right there they can't make anybody perfect it's a shadow what is a shadow if I'm casting a shadow over something is that me that's my shadow okay another way if I hit a corner and you see my shadow before I come you're knowing that I'm coming because there's a shadow there is that there's a person that's coming around the corner I see a shadow and so the Bible tells us that these things that we see in the Old Testament the works the excuse me the sacrifices the meats and drinks and diverse washings and cardinal ordinances these were a shadow of things to come and not the very image see my shadow is not my image this is the image that just goes before me to show people hey there's there's there's a figure coming okay look what it goes on to say verse 2 for then would they not have ceased to be offered because that the worshippers once purged should have no more conscience of sins he's saying look if there was possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins they should just once be offered and that's it and they'll have no more conscience of sins verse 3 but in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins wherefore when he cometh into the world he sayeth sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not but a body has thou prepared me and burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou has had no pleasure then said I lo I come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do thy will Oh God above when he said sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not neither has pleasure therein which are offered by the law so the Bible is telling us that God doesn't have pleasure in those things okay that won't please someone to be don't please God to justify someone verse 9 then said he lo I come to do thy will Oh God he taketh away the first that he may establish the second by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ look what it says once and for all and every priest stand a daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins never but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down on the right hand of God so the Bible says that once Christ did it it was once and for all see those who believe that you can lose your salvation they're they're crucifying Christ afresh over and over and over again no he already he doesn't have to die multiple times for you it was just necessary to do it once and once out and that's it and righteousness will be imputed unto you your sins will never be will never be brought up ever again they're forgiven once and for all and praise the Lord for that go back to Romans chapter number four so verses 1 verses 1 through 8 referring to being sanctified excuse me being justified right he was the example of Abraham before the law he uses the example of David which was in the law he gives many verses to prove that and then he says this in verse number 9 come with this blessedness then upon the circumcision only or upon the uncircumcision also for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness so why does he say that well you know the common theme that we see in Romans is that Paul the Apostle is just rebuking the Jews okay why because the Jews believe that they're blessed and that's why he says there come with this blessedness then upon the circumcision only who's the circumcision those are the Jews those are the Israelites according to the flesh okay and he says do they come on the Jews only the circumcision only why is he posing that question because Jews say this I'm of Abraham right and what did John the Baptist tell the Jews in the Gospels he said saying that think not within yourselves you have Abraham to your father for God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham you see they weren't trusting in Christ for salvation they were trusting in the fact that there are physical descendants of Abraham okay and Jesus told him look you say you're Abraham see but you seek to kill me if you're of Abraham you know you would do the works of Abraham what are the works that he believed and then he's and then he basically just slams them in John chapter and says look you're your father the devil he was a murderer from the beginning a bow down in the truth for the truth is not in him he was he's a liar and the father of it the Bible says they're children of the devil according to the Bible and here's the thing is the Bible tells us that they're so prideful okay that they think that the blessing of Abraham came upon them which is not true and look Christians today teach this they teach this matter of being pro-israel being zionists they'll even use a scripture such as Galatians chapter 3 & 4 to say that Isaac is the is the seed of Abraham excuse me is the Jews and the Ishmael is the Muslims and say we have all this problem in the Middle East you know the Bible prophesied in Galatians chapter number four no what happens is you're just racist is what you are okay and just because it says Arabia you know it says oh there you go the Muslims the Palestinians there you go no you're just watching too much Fox News okay and you're reading some commentary of some Jew lover you know what I mean who wants to contort the the the scriptures and pervert them to say that the Ishmaelites are the Muslims look actually you know what the Bible teaches the Ishmaelites are the unsafe Jews so newsflash for you right there so who's Isaac right here right here baby Isaac we're the children of promise he said no no no no Ishmael you see it what about Ishmael? Ishmael wasn't even a bad guy you know and here's the thing is the go to Galatians chapter four this is not in my notes but I loved you Galatians chapter number four I taught this while I was in Bible college it was it was great you know and again you say man did the college students get offended they loved it they ate it up okay look at the Bible says here in verse number we'll start in verse Galatians chapter four verse number 22 for it is written that Abraham had two sons the one by a bond made and the other by a free woman for he who was of the bond woman was born after the flesh but he of the free woman was by promise so this is referring to Sarah and Hagar okay Hagar is the one who birthed Ishmael which is the children of the flesh by Abraham correct and the other one of course was Sarah and then she bore Isaac but he who was of the bond woman was born after the flesh but he of the free woman was by promise which things are in allegory for these are the two covenants the one from Mount Sinai which generith to bondage which is agar okay so it says by the way what took what's the event that took place in Mount Sinai the Ten Commandments who is the who are the people that adhere to being those of Mount Sinai those who would keep the law the Jews right because they're always trying to keep the law and it says it generith bondage what does that mean it produces bondage because the law can't save anyone okay there's no commandment in the law that says it'll give you everlasting life the law was there for our schoolmaster to bring us into Christ the Bible says and what does the law do when we see it the Bible says that you know Paul said I had not known sin I had not known lust except the Bible would or the the scripture saith thou shall not covet so the law teaches us the worst sinners a gender with bondage helps us to realize man I am a sinner before God look at the Bible says in verse 25 for this agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and there's the Muslims because Fox News said it okay Bill O'Reilly said it you know Trump said it for this agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and answer it to Jerusalem by the way these people I already know the comments on YouTube who listens to Fox News who doesn't everyone says that my beard is Muslim they're Fox News it's like you must really hate Muslims or something just because if someone has a beard is like dirty Muslim whatever verse 25 for this agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and answer it to Jerusalem which now is now the word answer it simply means it reflects okay because in Proverbs it says as water answer to water so the face answer at the face it talks about the reflection so when you look into water you see your own reflection so what the answer it means reflection so what does the Bible say there it says this agar is Mount Sinai and answer it to Jerusalem reflects Jerusalem which now is and then it says this and is in bondage with her children verse 26 but Jerusalem which is above is free which is the mother of us all referring to Sarah and look what the Bible says verse verse 27 for it is written rejoice thou barren thou bearest not break forth and cry thou that travailest not for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath and husband now we brethren as Isaac was are the children of promise but as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted that him that was born after the spirit even so it is now they'll use that verse to say see that's why the Muslims are trying to get into into Israel and into Jerusalem because they've always been persecuting the Jews ever since the very beginning why don't you read the book of Acts and see who that's talking about the ones who've been persecuting the true child the Christians have always been the Jews which in the in the book of Acts you say well not in Galatians Galatians was all about that that's one of the main reasons Paul wrote that epistle okay because false brethren unawares were creeping into the churches in Galatia teaching that they had to obey the law in order to be saved that's referring to those who are a part of the religion the false religion of Judaism and it goes on to say verse 30 nevertheless what say the scripture cast out the bond woman and her son for the son of the bond woman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman that's very when I when I read that I think of what Jesus said when he was talking to the centurion do you remember that he says you shall see children from the east and from the west sitting with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the children with the kingdom cast down to outer darkness they shall there shall be weeping and wailing the gnashing of teeth and guess who he was talking to you was talking to the Pharisees okay which were Jews obviously but the Bible says here for the son of the bond woman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman now we're spending too much time on this but this is good go to go to John chapter 8 very interesting here John chapter number 8 why does he say you got to cast them out well look at the Bible says in John 8 verse number let's see here verse 31 says then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him if you continue my word then you're you're are you my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free they answered him we be Abraham's seed we're never in bondage to any man how sayest thou you shall be made you shall be made free Jesus answered them verily verily I say unto you whosoever committed sin is a servant of sin and the servant abideth not in the house forever but the son abideth forever you see the Jew who thinks that they're saved by the Covenant because they're children of Abraham they're gonna be cast out cast out where to outer darkness where this shall be weeping and wailing the gnashing of teeth that's what the Bible is teaching us there and so this blessing this then come it says in verse number 9 of Romans chapter 4 go back there cometh his blessing is then upon the circumcision only or upon the uncircumcision also for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness how was it then reckon was he when he was in circumcision or uncircumcision not in circumcision but in uncircumcision so this is very important because he's saying look does the blessing has only come upon those who were circumcised or those who are uncircumcised well the promise was given to Abraham when he was not circumcised and God did that on purpose okay the promise was given to Abraham while he was yet in uncircumcision by the way 24 years prior to this when Abraham actually got saved first number 11 says and he received the sign of circumcision of seal of righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised that he might be the father of all them that believe though they be not circumcised that righteousness might be imputed unto them also amen so he did it for the Gentiles he did it for everyone okay and this is very very important even I mean scripturally just because in the book of Acts we see the Pharisees approaching the disciples saying if you not be circumcised according to the law of Moses he cannot be saved well then Abraham is not safe okay but that promise was given to him even when he was uncircumcised according to the Bible and of course circumcision is just a picture okay it's just a picture it's like baptism is a picture today all right that's that's what it signifies circumcision of the heart all right and of the spirit and not of the letter who's praised not of man but of God verse 12 and the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham which he had being yet uncircumcised for the promise that he should be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law but through the righteousness of faith okay she's saying what still when he's referring to seed is referring to the Jews okay then that says through the law not through the law okay but through the righteousness of faith now you're in Galatians chapter 3 or go go back to the Galatians chapter number 3 because this is also that phrase that Abraham believed God was counted unto him for righteousness is found in Galatians chapter 3 it's also found in James chapter 2 Galatians chapter 3 verse number 6 says even as Abraham believed God and it was count accounted unto him for righteousness knowing therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham father Abraham had many sons many sons had father Abraham I am one of them and so are you so let's just praise the Lord amen keep singing in the bus ministry churches teach those kids that they're children of Abraham if they're saved amen verse 8 in the scripture foreseen that God would justify the heathen through faith preached before the gospel into Abraham saying in these shall all nations be blessed dispensationalist come on it says it right there God foreseen that he would justify the heathen through what faith because of that he preached the gospel which is by faith unto Abraham I mean I don't know how much clearer it can get we need to bring up a washboard and make some jot or make some something to show the salvation has always been the same now you say why would they teach that though I mean obviously some people are just led astray in this doctrine but the people who know that they're that they're teaching wrong why would they do that because they're preparing people for the Antichrist okay so that they can take the mark of the beast and they'll cut off their hand like like what's his face says what is it Robert breaker I got I got the video and I'm gonna put it in the in the in the in the documentary that I'm gonna make where he's like you know just gotta cut off your hand yeah you know that's if you if you can take the mark of the beast you're you know you can lose your salvation and then he said this he goes but here's this here here's the solution just cut off your hand and they said and then he said this you said well well what if you put it in your forehead he goes cut off your head these are these are spiritual crackheads I mean that's insanity nobody with an IQ of a rock would even think that just cut my head off I mean we we laugh and it does it's funny cuz we're saved right but there's people who are gonna believe these things unfortunately okay so that's why we got to constantly refute these doctrines and constantly teach what the Bible has to say about it now we won't go there for the sake of time of course but in Genesis chapter 12 that's when he gives the promise and he said but it says you know that they shall inherit that the sea shall inherit yeah but it was the Word of God that was given to to Abraham and the Bible says that faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God okay let's see here go back to Romans chapter number four I'm out of time we need to kind of hurry through this verse 14 I'm tired of hearing about dispensationalism I mean or and and Zionism but but Paul hits it so much within these things you know and a lot of people are being deceived by this but it's it's simply what the Bible says verse 14 the Bible says for if they which are of the law be heirs faith is made void and the promise made of none effect because the law worketh wrath for where no law is there is no transgression what is he saying there you say look the law can't save you it works wrath it teaches you that it the Bible says in Romans chapter number seven that it slays us okay verse 16 therefore it is a faith that it might be by grace to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed not to that only which is of the law but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all so obviously God was interested and still is and seen Jews saved amen because the promise obviously as the Bible puts it in in Romans chapter three that the advantage of the Jews what that the oracles were given to them in Romans chapter 9 that the promises were given to them God obviously wants him to be saved okay but there are those there are those Jews who according to Isaiah prophesied of them they've closed their eyes they've shut their ears that they should not believe and be converted now obviously there's some out there maybe ignorant of the whole thing and they're gonna get saved in the Lord willing they will get saved but the vast majority of those who are caught up in Judaism they don't want to be safe okay but he's saying right there that this promise was for them but also for us all verse 17 as it is written I have made thee a father of many nations before him whom he believed even God who quickened at the dead and call us those things which be not as though they were verse 18 who against hope believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations according to that which is spoken so shall thy seed be that's very important because obviously Abraham we call him the father of faith right and obviously he believed God and was counted unto him for righteousness but at the same time he was he lived by faith I mean to go into a country to execute all the things even when he offered his son Isaac right and then he didn't offer him but he was willing to do it he was stopped before he actually did it but it goes to show that this this man Abraham was was a very the Bible calls him in James chapter 2 a friend of God look if you want to be a friend of God obey God's commandments you say why because Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments right and those who are God's friends are those who keeps keep God's commandments you see obviously are we're justified by faith but after that we ought to work for the Lord we ought to keep his commandments we ought to be obedient to the Lord why so we could be a friend of God who wouldn't want to have God as a friend but that doesn't look we need to throw out this whole I have a relationship with God thing okay well and typically people who say that are people who are involved in the most heinous of sins they're drunkards or fornicators they're there people who who don't even read the Bible okay they're not doing these things but here's the thing they're they have a relationship with God no no the Bible says if we're gonna be a friend of God we need to keep his commandments see God has stipulations to that relationship okay I'm not against people having a relationship with God we obviously do but there are stipulations to that God gives conditions to that he says look you want to be my friend keep my commandments obey me okay not don't don't go according to this liberal philosophy that oh you know come as you are leave as you were you could be involved in fornication though the fornicators get thrown out the drunkards get thrown out okay they have time to repent they have space to repent but if they don't want it they need to get out okay and once they get out we deliver them unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh until they decide to repent and come back amen but you become a friend of God by keeping God's commandments okay you know those who glory in the Bible the Bible says let him glory that he understand it to know with me but how do we know God through the word okay to the King James Bible all right but here see the Abraham was was he had faith verse 19 says and be not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb he staggered not of the promise of God through unbelief was strong in faith giving glory to God man that's this is he was hundred years old he hadn't even received the promise but you know the Bible says he's like I'm old but hey God said it you know Sarah's womb is dead but hey I'm not even gonna consider that God promised it that's strong faith that's why it says who against hope believed in hope you know he's looking says like that guy's hopeless you know well against that he believed in hope he said well if God promised it's gonna happen you know verse number let's see here verse 21 and being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform and by the way the Bible says being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform until the day of Jesus Christ we ought to have that that that belief in God even after salvation amen whether we ought to seek him for our provisions for the things that we need on a day-to-day basis you know praise God that we got salvation to begin with but there's a lot of other things that God can provide for us we need to have faith you say well how do I exercise that faith by praying asking him for these things and having faith that he can be he can provide for those for those needs and therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness look at verse 23 says now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him but for us also to whom it shall be imputed if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead who was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our justification amen what a wonderful chapter to read in the book of Romans that just confirms this matter of being justified by grace through faith and just demolishes dispensationalism by using Abraham demolishes dispensational by using David and demolishes that this blessedness only comes to the Jews no it comes on even the uncircumcision as well according to the flesh but book of Romans is a great book to really demolish those things and learn from those things let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word thankful for the book of Romans and Lord we just pray that you help us to have a greater appreciation just for salvation in general and you know maybe someone's wondering why is why is there so much talk of this in the Bible and one reason is because God wants to make it very clear there's things hard to be understood within the Word of God there's doctrines that take years to even learn and to comprehend but salvation is the easiest thing to know and the reason for the reason for that is because you want people to be saved you want people to understand you want even a little child to comprehend the concept of salvation and we're thankful that you place these doctrines within your word so we can comprehend it obviously we're saved but there's different facets of salvation that we can learn about different portions of scripture that that just reinforce that belief but I just pray that you'd help us to give us a give us a deeper understanding of it and a greater burden to go out there and see people saved because of it Lord and we praise things in Jesus name Amen.