(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen we are in Romans chapter number 15 and we're almost done with the book of Romans by next week we'll be done and we'll be starting on a new book but tonight we're in Romans chapter number 15 we'll begin reading in verse number 1 where the Bible reads we then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification so Romans chapter 15 the I guess you would say the gist of Romans chapter 15 has to do a lot towards the latter in referencing the Old Testament and how God is to reach the Gentiles not just the Jews but also the Gentiles but he starts off Romans chapter 15 with the thought that we see in Romans chapter 14 in verse number 1 where it says him him that is weak in the faith receive you but not to doubtful disputations for one believe it that he may eat all things another who is weak eateth herbs let not him that eateth despising him that eateth not and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth for God hath received him so the Bible's teaching us in Romans chapter 14 that those who eat herbs are weak it simply says it right there so obviously last week we talked about vegetarians and those who are vegans you know and let me just go on and say it again in case you forgot I don't believe that you're not right with God if you only eat herbs I believe the person who's not right with God is the one who teaches militantly that other people have to eat herbs and those who teach militantly that say well you know the Bible teaches that you should only eat herbs and stay away from meats well according to the Bible that person's weak well why is that well simply for the fact that you see scriptures over and over and over condoning this matter of eating meat now I won't preach that we preach that entire sermon but chapter 15 and verse number 1 then begins off to say we then that are strong referring to those who we meet ought to bear the infirmities of the weak now there's many applications that we can basically apply to this specific scripture we understand that someone who's weak in the faith you know we ought to help them along bring them along be patient with them and it doesn't necessarily mean we bear the infirmities of the weak as if we take on their infirmities what does it mean it's saying that we ought to bear with them forbear them be patient with them so someone who is weak in the faith is obviously someone who doesn't know the scriptures very well okay maybe they're a babe in Christ they haven't been saved for very long they haven't learned biblical concept as much and so the Bible teaches us here that we that are strong in the word we who know the doctrines of Christ we ought to bear with those infirmities we ought to be patient with those people so if there's someone personally that you know in your life who hasn't been saved for a whole long for a long time it's only been saved for a couple years or maybe even a couple of months you ought to be patient with that person okay why because there's still a baby in Christ they don't have it read through the Bible cover to cover and so you may know some deep doctrines or some extra doctrines within the Word of God that don't have to do with John or Romans or some basic teachings on the Word of God of the New Testament you know what just because they don't know those things doesn't make them not right with God it just makes them it just shows them that they have to learn the Bible and so we ought to bear with their infirmities you know we ought to put up a little bit with the fact that they don't know the Bible as much okay why because the Bible commands us there and it says we ought not to please ourselves in other words don't just focus on yourself and what you know and all the doctrines that you can adhere to why don't you go ahead and focus on someone else and helping them grow as well verse 2 says let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification so what's the purpose of bearing with someone it's to their edifying so they can be built up you see today we have churches that bear with people but it's not to their edification so they allow them to stay in fornication they allow them to be to be involved in drunkenness and all kinds of wicked sin and they don't do anything about it they bear with us like well we need to be patient with people yeah but you know what being patient with people for the purpose of them being edified for them getting right with God for them learning biblical principles and concepts and commandments of the Lord so they can get right with God so it's not just a matter of bearing with someone and then that's the end of the story no the Bible teaches us we ought to bear with them for their edification so they can grow in the Lord now go with me if you would to 1st Corinthians chapter number 10 1st Corinthians chapter number 10 I'm a read to you from Philippians chapter 2 verse 3 where the Bible says let nothing be done through strife or vainglory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves now the Bible clearly teaches us that someone who is mature in the Lord will just take their eyes off of themselves and start focusing on other people and we talked about that today what does it mean to respect others it means to esteem them and we as Christians ought to esteem others better than ourselves so in other words when we come to church yes we ought to come ready to hear the Word of God ready to learn but you know what ready to be a blessing as well okay you want to come to church willing to talk to new people don't just click up with you the regulars that you see on week in week out basis that's fine but you know if you see a brand new person that you've never met or never talked to you go out of your way to go talk to that person okay that's what a mature Christian does they get to know new people they get to learn their names you know their occupation how is it that they heard about our church etc why because the mature Christian takes their eyes off of themselves and they put it upon other people look at 1st Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 23 says all things are lawful for me but all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but all things edify not let no man seek his own but every man another's wealth now that's not necessarily like a you know a commandment to go steal and go rob someone like you better seek someone else's wealth go Jack someone what is saying the wealth that it's talking about is their edification okay their wealth their well-being that's spiritual well-being is what they're referring to so it's saying you know what yeah you have a lot of liberty in your personal life but you ought to recognize that there are certain things you ought to abstain from or be a partake of for the sake of other people's edification for their wealth now go with me if you would to Philippians chapter 2 Philippians chapter 2 I'm gonna read to you from verse 4 it says look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others and referring to Timothy in verse 19 look what the Bible says but I trust in the Lord Jesus excuse me to send to Mothius shortly unto you that I also may be of good comfort when I know your state for I have no man like-minded who would naturally care for your state for all seek their own not the things which are Jesus Christ so what do you see here what's the characteristic of Timothy well the reason Paul sent them is because he had a natural care for the people of God he naturally cared for them he wasn't like other preachers well they all they wanted was the money right he actually wanted their edification he wanted them to grow and that's what that is an example that we can follow as well we can look at Timothy and say we want to be like Timothy there were focused on the benefit of others all right we want them to grow we don't want them to be in darkness we understand that the Bible teaches us that my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge therefore when you come to church you're gonna get knowledge you're gonna learn concepts you're gonna receive concepts and if you put those concepts into practice you will have a successful Christian life now go back to Romans chapter 13 or excuse me Romans chapter 15 mmm verse 3 says this for even Christ please not himself but as it is written the reproaches of them that reproach thee fell on me so we see the the example of Christ and he says look the reason we ought to bear the infirmities of the week the reason why we ought to we ought to not look not upon ourselves and the wealth of ourselves but on the wealth of others it's because Christ didn't do that okay the Bible says that he was rich yet for your sake became poor they eat through his riches might become excuse me you through his poverty might become rich the Bible says and so the Bible is teaching us here you have a halls thanks he's not sneaking me money or anything like that thank you so the Bible is teaching us here that we ought to follow Christ example in that regard right I mean the Lord was rich but yet he became poor for our sake that we through his poverty might become rich all right and that's the mindset we have to have now this verse right here go to Psalm 69 that's where you'll find the scripture Psalm 69 is where you'll find this and this is very important because he talks about the reproaches of them that reproach thee fell on me Psalm 69 verse 9 is actually quoted twice in the New Testament and look what the Bible says in verse 9 says for the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up and the reproaches of then there approached he fell upon me now the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up obviously he's found John chapter 4 you know when when Christ is whipping the people out of the the temple for selling in the house of God okay and you see the anger of the Lord Jesus Christ because of this great sin and he says he makes a cord of what is it of cord a scourge of small cords is that what it is and he whips everyone out of the temple and you and you can't do that today people freak out if you started whipping people out of the church for selling but here's the thing the Bible says when the disciples saw him do that oh the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up so what is he saying they're saying that zeal provoked him to do that so he wasn't sinning he wasn't doing wrong the Bible says it was the zeal of the Lord that caused them to do that now I've heard this multiple times well this is so hypocritical but so funny at the same time you know people want us to be just like Christ right but when they want us to be Christ like they want us to be me lowly humble merciful gracious but when it comes to things like this they're like well you know that that's God though you know yeah I know he did that but that's God you got to let God do that no no we're to we're to imitate him in every way so it's not just God has no command where it says you know only imitate my love and my mercy and my grace but stay away from my judgment because I take it too far when it comes to that no we ought to walk as Christ walked okay and the Bible clearly teaches us that the Bible tells us in Isaiah that we ought to clothe ourselves with zeal like a cloak okay well the zeal of thine house has eaten me up what does that do it takes you off and it expresses that anger it expresses that that fury that judgment when you're zealous for the things of God so when someone looks at you and says oh you know you're just being angry you know all you are just being angry and you're sinning because you're angry no anger is a biblical concept the Bible says to be angry and sin not but what is what is it a byproduct of being zealous for the things of God see someone who's not passionate for the things of God they can care less what happens in the church tell all you want loud fornicators loud faggots loud anything you want there's nothing wrong with it but someone who is zealous for the things of God no they'll say this is wrong okay this needs to be taken care of we're gonna make a big deal about it this is wrong but that's not the sermon tonight it's just for the zeal of thine house that's eating me up and the reproaches of them the reproach thief fell upon me now you'll see throughout the Psalms the David a lot of scriptures foretelling of Christ are found when it found in the Psalms and there's an immediate interpretation as far as David experiencing these things but there's also a future revelation of that in Christ why is that go to John chapter 15 so the Bible tells us that the reproaches that fell on us are falling upon him why is that well in Isaiah 53 we see that basically the whole entire chapter speak is a prophecy of Christ and the Bible tells us how he was wounded for our transgressions you know so on and so forth so we see that Christ received a lot of what we were what we deserve but not only that we understand that anytime we're approached for the things of God the reproaches fall on Christ you know when you want Sony knock on doors and someone rejects you and they cuss you out or they cast out your name as evil you really think they're talking to you they don't even know who you are that's why you should never get offended when someone cusses you out or they threaten you David said someone threatened to sue him today right you know they said they're gonna call the FBI on him I was like didn't even know the FBI's number stupid people you know but the thing is when they do that they're not didn't even know who David reels is that even though he lives in Linwood or Compton okay you know who they're rejecting they're rejecting Christ so when they were approaching David there were approaches that fell on him are actually for Christ so there's times obviously look there's times when people know who you are and they reproach you even then they're approaching crisis what they're doing okay so the Bible tells us we ought to leap for joy when things like that happen when people reproach us they cuss us out whether it's it's people in the church who said there were devils and we're satanic you know that ought to cause us to leap for joy because why because the fact that they were approaching us shows that we're doing that which is right look at John 15 17 says these things I command you that you love one another if the world hate you you know that it hated me before I hated you if you were of the world the world will love his own but because you're not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you that's a strong word right there it says the world hates you so don't get discouraged when the world hates you allow that to help you to recognize hey you're doing something right they hate your guts okay that's a good thing and let me say this if you're not hated probably goes to show you ain't doing nothing for God okay bottom line why because a measuring stick by our success if we're Christ like is if we're hated now we're not going around you know wanting people to hate us but the fact is when you practice biblical Christianity you will be hated that's just a natural outcome okay they will they will call you be elves above they will call you satanic and of the devil and that doesn't mean we don't we just take it you know and just say oh man you know that's what that guy says no we'll rebuke it from the pulpit and say no you're of the devil we're calling us of the devil but you know we're not gonna have a pity party and going under the juniper tree like Elijah and say oh man what was me I'm just you know my life and no one likes me and who cares if no one likes you you know the Lord loves you you know you got a group of people in church that love you you know and here's the thing don't find your worth and what people think about you okay don't find your worth of how people you know think about you or what they make up about you that are you out of care less what people think and when you care too much what people think you start caring excuse me when you start caring too much about what people think it just goes to show you don't care what God thinks because ultimately what's gonna happen when you care about what people think you're gonna change your life based upon the opinions and and the opinions of other people instead of what God says okay and that's not right we need to make sure that we fall in line with God's Word and when we're approached we ought to rejoice because of it go back to Romans chapter 15 so the reproaches that fell on thee are falling upon me Jesus said and it's kind of interesting that he kind of he puts that in between bearing the firmities of the week you know and often I think you know there's times when we help people you know and they get away from God or whatever or people who were our friends who we served with the ministry or they were our mentors or we mentor them and what are they doing now they're approaching us you know the Lord had a lot of people turn on him you know he had his disciples turn on him Peter turn on him for a minute right and that's gonna happen in our Christian life I mean there's tons of people that turned away from me when I joined the movement people who I never thought would it's like man you weakling are you serious you're gonna allow this little thing by the way that is just exposes who true friends are you know it's like this guy was a fake to begin with from the very beginning either that or he reading this Bible for him to just allow this little thing to get in the way and just you know completely disassociate himself for me just because of my beliefs but you know what it does it also it also brings out who the real friends are okay you know John John didn't didn't necessary forsake till he was there right Peter on the other hand he scram you know he was out and of course he got right afterwards now look at verse number four so we transition to verse number four says for whatsoever things of course we quoted the Psalms and so he gets into verse four says for what so whatsoever things were written a fourth time were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope now go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 10 this is very important right here because there's a false teaching called dispensationalism that teaches us that we can only refer back to the Pauline epistles right we can't refer to the Gospels we can't even refer to James we can't refer to you know Jude we can't refer to Revelation we can't refer to the Old Testament only the Pauline epistles whereas so the Bible's teaching us here that whatsoever is written a fourth time referring to the Psalms is written for our learning so when the Bible says when the Bible talks about teaches about hatred okay do not I hate them they hate the Oh Lord a lot of people say well that was in the Old Testament well here's the thing verse four is referencing verse number three which is found in the Psalms so in that Psalms it says there that it's written for our learning why because when we get saved we don't know that we're supposed to hate people certain people right we have to learn okay you know we have to learn to do well we have to learn righteousness well part of learning righteousness is hating sin ye that love the Lord hate evil and as you read the Word of God you be the more you read the Word of God the more you grow in your hatred for that which is evil you don't tolerate it it disgust you you hate it okay you recognize the evil in the in the wickedness that it did it does in the lives of people and it creates it conjures up a biblical hatred for these things but the Bible says there that Psalms is written for our learning so when they say well you know oh that was in a different dispensation well news flash it says it's written for our learning so we're supposed to learn from that so it's not like we don't reference it no we reference it and we learn from it as well okay now look I'm gonna read to you from second or no we'll start in 1st Corinthians chapter number 10 we'll give you an example of this it says moreover verse number one moreover brethren I would not that ye should be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea and we're all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea by the way dispensation lists are ignorant he says I would not that you wouldn't you should be ignorant well they're ignorant because they're not reading that they're like that's that's not for us you know verse three and did all eat the same spiritual meat and did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock that follow them and that rock was Christ so you know they all how many even heard the the the saying well you know that Jesus is meek and lonely in the New Testament you know the God of the Bible of the Old Testament is different from from Jesus Christ with the God of the New Testament well Jesus Christ was in the Old Testament it says it right there but with many of them was not excuse me with many of them God was not well pleased for they were overthrown in the wilderness so there's plenty of stories of what took place in numbers how God just overthrew Israel because of the fornication their idolatry and all these wicked sins that they did and the Bible says in verse number six now these things were our examples to the intent we should not luster after evil things as they also lusted neither be idolaters as were some of them as it is written the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play so let me ask you this if we're not to refer to the Old Testament at all we're not going to refer to numbers or Psalms then you got a problem because the Bible says here they were written for our examples well that's why you have a lot of dispensationalists committing idolatry with Ruckman because they're like well that's not for our dispensation yeah we're not supposed to refer to that well it says here they're written for your example an example is something that you go by that's a template that's something that you learn from and you copy okay when you see David who is a man after God's own heart and you want to be a person after God's own heart you got to see what David did and through his example you can learn how to be a godly person okay but at the same token when you see people commit sin in the Old Testament right they do wrong you learn from their mistakes they're an example unto you and that's why it says that we should not lust after the things that they lusted after so he says the reason those things were written was for your admonition and your learning so that you don't end up like them okay and by the way Ruckman was divorced how many times you know he should have read in the Old Testament where it says you know that God hates putting away but you know he didn't read that that's why he put away over and over and over again go to 2nd Peter chapter 2 the Bible says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God it's profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction and instruction in righteousness it says that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished perfect into all good works so according to the Bible you can't be perfect and thoroughly furnished if you don't have all Scripture to go by yeah see if you only have the Pauline epistles you can't be perfect thoroughly furnished you know if all you have is the Pauline epistles you don't have anything else it's not sufficient you need all Scripture okay what I have you turn 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse number 5 look what the Bible says here verse number 5 says and spare not the old world but save Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow making them and in sample that's just another word for saying for saying example unto those that after should live ungodly so what is it saying well he's obviously talking about the sodomites okay we're not gonna refer back to Genesis 19 where that story is found where he overthrows him he burns them with fire and brimstone kills the whole city well the Bible says that the reason that was done is to show the sodomites of today that's where you're gonna end up God's gonna overthrow you that's an example that's an example to us how is an example to us to show you how much God hates sodomites I can't think of another time in the Bible I mean correct me if I'm wrong is there another time other than the prophets of Baal who are reprobates as well where God rains down fire and brimstone I mean literally it's like he went into the the center of the earth got all the because because obviously the hell is full of fire and brimstone and just scooped up fire and brimstone is just dumped it on Sodom and Gomorrah I mean that's that's like that's crazy right there you know but it goes that we should look at Genesis 19 Christians and churches and say God doesn't love everyone look what don't you know what he did in Genesis 19 he freaking killed everyone with fire and brimstone he just dumped it on them see though the person with the brain in their head will say yeah that's not something you do to someone you love right I mean that's like someone someone does when they're when they're ticked off you know to rain fire and brimstone on them is it but it's an example the Bible says to show us hey God doesn't love everyone let me give you an example Genesis 19 let me give you an example judges 19 let me give you an example with the prophets of Baal let me give you an example in Revelation let me give you an example that God doesn't love everyone just by the mere fact that God is willing to just destroy someone in a very just quick and violent way I mean that's a that's a terrible way to have a flaming rock just fall on you you ever been hit with a rock multiply that times 20 on fire I mean just you could kill someone with the rock he engulfed it in fire I mean when you're adding to how you're gonna destroy someone it goes to show you the amount of anger and wrath that's involved in them so it says there for an example now go to Jude the book of Jude by the way the in samples also that we understand that God is a righteous God who will who will execute judgment one day because we often think man how can these these pedophiles and these you know these criminals just get away with everything where they're not gonna get away with everything now God might not drop fire and brimstone on them but they are going to a place of fire and brimstone and they're gonna be there forever so that's an example to us like hey they're not gonna get away with it it just so having the Sodom and Gomorrah just at that moment that God decided to do that but God will do that to them one day Jude verse 7 says even a Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire so it's bad enough that they burned up but they burned up unto burning up because they died by burning up and guess where they go they go to a place where they burn with fire and brimstone but I find it interesting that it says even a Sodom Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner so there are cities that were destroyed there were not mentioned but there were surrounding Sodom and Gomorrah goes to show you don't even go near that stuff you know don't even don't even I would even sympathize with them it's not even safe to even do that because God will destroy not only that but he'll destroy anything that even surrounds that I want to be as far away from that as possible no sympathizing no nothing where we at here now go back to Romans chapter 15 so the Bible says that that's an example and you know a lot of churches need to go back to these examples you know it's good and look more is written in the Old Testament than in the New Testament okay there's a lot more books in the Old Testament than there are in the New Testament and there's a reason for that is because there's so many stories and principles that are executed within these stories and within these books that we need to learn from okay I mean how many times have you heard a sermon preached about David falling into adultery or getting into adultery right we read that we say okay this is what he did X Y & Z to get them to that point that's something we shouldn't do right and we hear about stories of people who've been successful in the Christian life whether it's David fighting Goliath and getting the boldness to be able to take on something bigger than himself well you glean wisdom from those stories okay and they're they're written for admonition in our learning verse number five says now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be like-minded one toward another according to Christ Jesus they may with one mind and one mouth glorify God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ so verse five and six says we ought to be unified and unity is very much important in a church but notice why he says we ought to be unified because according to verse four talk about the scriptures so what ought to unify us the Bible okay the Word of God being unified saying hey we're in agreement with this doctrine we're in agreement with this teaching we're in agreement with the Bible by the way the King James Bible okay I am on Thursday I got to do an interview with some vaccination people who want to interview me for the vaccination documentary and you know they're like a Christ community church or something like that you know and I said hey yeah get the word out let's get the word out so they interviewed me and and the interview was only supposed to be about vaccinations but I threw everything in there I talked about pastor Anderson I talked about pastor Jimenez I talked about local churches and they're saying you know where do you think the disconnect is you know what these pastors who don't want to get up and say something about vaccinations I said right here this is the disconnect right here they're not reading the King James Bible I said I said just let me say this is that I believe the King James Bible is the inspired and preserved Word of God it's the only Bible you know and the reason these guys are not getting up and saying because they don't have the right Bible they don't have the boldness in the spirit because the Bible says the word we're filled with the spirit is right here right my words they are spirit in their life so as we read the Word of God we get filled with the Spirit of God and they were just like amen well I think they agreed with me I think you know they posted it and everything I think was great but it's important that we be like-minded you know we got to be like-minded in regards to our doctrine and that we can't just have this like ecumenical template to our church okay this ecumenical movement where it's just like well let's just get a conglomerate of different churches with different beliefs and we agree upon these little things and so that that that way we can stay connected together it doesn't work that way because here's what the Bible says though hand joining hand the wicked shall not be unpunished so ecumenical churches and wicked people can join hand in hand and be in agreement with one another but if they're not in agreement with the Word of God they're not gonna be unpunished atheists can join hand in hand all across the globe but guess what it ain't gonna do them any good because the wicked shall not be unpunished the Bible says we need to have unity from God's Word okay how do we get along with one another because we agree on specific things that's why that's what brings unity doesn't matter what race you are what background you come from the reason we agree we get along so well it's because we have the same beliefs okay and it creates unity now look at verse 7 says wherefore receive you one another as Christ also received us to the glory of God now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God to confirm the promises made unto the father so here we see that the Bible is telling us that Jesus Christ was a minister to the circumcision when the Bible says circumcision is referring to the Jews okay and says for the truth of God to confirm the promises made into the fathers so we're not gonna go through all the scriptures go to Matthew chapter 10 we see obviously that the Bible teaches us that Jesus Christ came and he fulfilled the law but he also fulfilled the prophecies that he was gonna come unto Israel and the Bible says that they did not I'm misquoting it they didn't know the time of their visitation is what the Bible says in other words what Christ would come and visit them all right and the Bible clearly tells us in John 1 it says that he came unto his own his own received them not okay now look at Matthew chapter 10 verse number 5 says these 12 Jesus sent forth and commanded them saying go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand now there's a preacher I heard long ago this this I mean this is like back back back in the day I mean he was old back in the day okay so I don't even know how old he is now but he would he had the sermon says to the Jew first you know to the Jew first and he his ministry was to the Jews and only to the Jews you know he liked going to Israel and going to what's the army Israeli army called I don't know what they're called the what you say Isis just Muslim what okay well the Israeli army yeah and he was ministering he believed that the Israeli army was like 144,000 weird stuff and he had this sermon that he would always preach called to the Jew first to the Jew Jesus was a Jew to the Jew first now what he's saying is the Jews were more important than anybody else is what he's saying okay and he will take you to scriptures like Matthew chapter 10 and others that we'll look at in just a bit and you say see there you go to the Jew first well here's the thing when Jesus came yes he came to the Jew first obviously okay but his ministry only lasted for three years approximately three years if you were to take you know if you were to take all the feast and calculate in the Sabbath you'll see it amounts to about three years but within those three years yes it was to the Jews first but here's the thing Matthew 28 it says to go you therefore into all nations okay now why would he's not between even Matthew 28 and the beginning of his ministry there's a bunch of people who are not of Israel who got saved okay because he wasn't against Gentiles or Samaritans getting saved in John chapter what was it John chapter 4 we see the Samaritan woman getting saved okay so there's plenty of examples of people getting saved so you say well why do you say right here go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel well it would be like this thank you it would be like when we started the church here in Omani now if we started the church here in Omani and then we started sowing in Maywood would that make any sense no why cuz we're in Omani right now will we eventually get to Maywood yeah eventually we will you know what should we go to Highland Park tomorrow you know go mess up with Jack Rodriguez's got going on over there eventually we will I'm just kidding but here's the thing is the reason we're we're saying well Omani first because this is where we're starting you know so we want to make sure we get the gospel out as much as possible in the city of Omani now are we limited to only Omani no there's so many make a marathon we're in the city of Pico Rivera and even then we went to East LA right to the Madhavi a projects over there so we're not limiting ourselves to that we're just saying that since we started here this is where we're starting okay now go to Matthew chapter 15 but there's a group out there that that says that the Gentiles which is us are plan B you know Sam Gipp doctrine that says we're just plan B and God didn't you know he didn't really want us and we're just we just kind of got lucky or whatever no and by the way the reason he says that is because he doesn't read Isaiah he doesn't read Psalms where the Bible clearly says that he's going to the Gentiles as well you know even people in the Old Testament got saved they were not of Israel happened all the time yeah Rahab was out of Israel okay Ruth was not of Israel there's plenty of people in the Old Testament that were not of Israel that got saved okay but here's the thing because they only stick to the Pauline epistles they don't know that they don't think everything else is written for their admonition and they're learning now look at Matthew 15 verse 22 and behold the woman of Canaan came out of the same coast and cried unto him saying have mercy on me O Lord thou son of David my daughter is grievously vexed with the devil but he answered her not a word and his disciples came and besought him saying send her away for she cries after us but he answered and said I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel then came she and worshipped him saying Lord help me but he answered and said it's not me to take the children's bread and to cast it to the dogs man how's that for meekness and she said truth Lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table then Jesus answered and said unto her O woman great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt and her daughter was made whole from that very hour so we see even the woman of Canaan got saved now the reason he said it's not me to take the children's crumbs and give it to the dogs the children obviously he's talking about the children of Israel he's saying I'm sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel now my personal belief is the reason he kind of gave her a hard time just to kind of test her out a little bit and she was just kind of adamant you know she was just coming back she says yay Lord but you know even he we need to even he's just like man this lady has faith okay but it shows right there that even within his ministry of those three year ministry a woman of Canaan got saved so wasn't as if like Jesus Christ said okay only Israelites no Samaritans allowed no Gentiles allowed if they come and ask you to for the gospel don't give it to them no we see it right here this girl got this lady got saved okay go with me if you would go back to Romans chapter number 15 but what does Sam Gibb teach he said well he teaches we're plan B well he's wrong because right here plan B was already executed before Christ was even crucified right according to his theology right the plan B theology that weird conversation that Jesus had in heaven you know with God the Father verse number nine and that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy as it is written for this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles and sing unto thy name and again he saith rejoice he Gentiles with his people and again praise the Lord all you Gentiles and laud him all ye people and again Isaiah said there shall be a root of Jesse and he shall rise to reign over the Gentiles in him shall the Gentiles trust so over and over again it's like the Gentiles and what does he say as it is written well what is he talking about the things that were written before time okay so this is not a New Testament concept this was talked about even in the Old Testament now when the Bible says Gentiles often it when you we're not going to read every single scripture from here but often you'll see the Gentiles is rendered as nations in the Old Testament so that's those scriptures if you look them up you'll see the scriptures fairly similar but they'll say nations instead of Gentiles okay what is a chapter 11 you know but according to the dispensation list that doesn't make any sense you know no no no no no the Gentiles are plan B they're supposed to you know we're in the times of the Gentiles that's what they'll say they'll go to Romans chapter 11 says we're in the times of the Gentiles right now you know and when the last Gentile is saved that's when Jesus Christ is gonna come and the rapture is gonna take place no that this is not how it works because the times of the Gentiles according to Revelation chapter 12 or 13 it says that it lasts for three and a half years 40 and two months so so if it's lasting for 40 and two months that's not a very long time I mean three years have already passed and there's Gentiles have been saved before that and there's gonna be Gentiles they're gonna be saved after that three and a half years Isaiah 11 verse 1 says and there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots I don't know why I had you turn I just wanted you to read that go ahead you're in Isaiah since you're in Isaiah go to chapter 52 so salvation was for the Jews and for the Gentiles the problem is the Jews rejected it okay now according to their theology because we're in the times of the Gentiles no Jews can be saved but you know what there's Jews that can be saved even today right you know there's I'm sure there's Jews that I don't hear of many getting saved obviously because by and large they have rejected Christ but I guarantee you there's been Jews that have been saved because the Bible talks about the remnant right in reference to Israel in Romans chapter number 11 people who are saved okay it's not a lot a remnant is just like a residue it's just a small group of people that have been saved but there are Jews that are saved and they can be saved now we obviously understand there's there's a group of those Jews you know for example like the Pharisees who the Bible says that God has shut their eyes that they should not see close their ears that they should not hear and be saved actually they should be converted the Bible says we would say that that person is a reprobate okay they can no longer be saved is what the Bible teaches us there Isaiah 52 verse number 10 says the Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations in all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God well that's not referring to Israel it's saying all nations so God is even saying in Isaiah 52 and by the way Isaiah 53 is a prophecy of the Lord bearing our iniquities and and basically it's the gospel is what it is okay so it's very ironic that we see Isaiah 52 talking about how he's gonna get the gospel into all the nations Isaiah 53 tells us how he does it by the fact that Jesus Christ bore our sins etc go to Acts chapter 13 so there's this false doctrine that the salvation was only for the Jews is false okay it's it has no place in Scripture now here's the thing the disciples thought that too apparently right because if you look in the book of Acts most of the disciples who are they going to the Jews only to the Jews you know and that's why a lot of these dispensations will be Paul's our apostle because he goes to the Gentiles you know no it's just the fact that Paul was obedient to the commandment then when the Jews rejected him he just wiped dust off his feet and he goes to the Gentiles where the fish are biting okay Acts chapter 13 verse 46 says then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold and said it was necessary that the Word of God should first have been spoken to you but seeing you put it from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life lo we turn to the Gentiles so what does Paul say he's like look yeah the Word of God came unto you why because the Bible tells us in Romans chapter number three that the orals oracles of God were committed unto them okay the Bible tells us that in Romans chapter 3 what advances is what advantage hath the Jew I can't quote let me let me go there instead of butchering the verse verse number three excuse me verse number one says what advances then hath the Jew or prophet is there of the circumcision much every way chiefly because unto them were committed unto the oracles of God and then when Jesus Christ came he came to preach the gospel to them but then what do they do they rejected it and the Bible says here lo we turn to the Gentiles why cuz they're the ones who are open to the gospel verse 47 for so hath the Lord commanded us saying I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth and when the Gentiles heard this they were glad and glorify the Word of the Lord and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed and the Word of the Lord was published throughout all the region now you say well why does Sam give to teach such a stupid doctrine well honestly I just believe so we can condition people for the New World Order yeah okay and you can call me a conspiracy theorist all you want amen right I believe in conspiracies right the only conspiracy I don't believe in is aliens so I believe that to be true because he's preparing people for that okay why because he's invited into churches that don't believe the right gospel okay and he's gonna and we obviously know that the only people who are gonna be deceived in the end times who are Christians are the Christians that are not even saved okay Baptists were not even saved you know they don't believe the right gospel and other types of churches these are the people are gonna be deceived through these things well they need us an idiot like Sam Gipp propagating this garbage even an independent fundamental Baptist churches because there are IFB churches that are not saved why because they're a teacher repenting your sins etcetera so Satan needs to have a puppet in these churches to teach these false doctrines to uplift the Jews in such a way okay you said why is that because the Antichrist is gonna be a Jew okay if you didn't know that he's a Jew okay now go to 1st Peter chapter let's see no actually go to go back to Romans 15 by the way in Deuteronomy 32 this obviously is the law it says here in verse 43 rejoice all you nations now listen he's talking to the nations here with his people for he will avenge the blood of his servants and will render vengeance to his adversaries and will be merciful unto his land and to his people so this is a promise even of vengeance to the nation's obviously those who adhere to the right type of gospel again it goes back to what we were talking about this morning God is no respecter of people so it's not like the Jews are more important than the Gentiles no anybody who's willing to adhere to the true and living God can basically be partakers of these promises that we find in his word now verse 13 let's read on here it says now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost and I myself also am persuaded of you my brethren that ye also are full of goodness filled with all knowledge able also to admonish one another nevertheless brethren I have written the more boldly unto you in some sort as putting you in mind because of the grace that is given to me of God that I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles ministering the gospel of God that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable being sanctified by the Holy Ghost what he's saying in verse number 14 or excuse me verse 15 he says I'm bold about these things then that's why he wasn't scared to go into the Gentiles because he knew what the Bible said about it I'm sure he had people in other disciples you know it gets kind of lonely if you have all the disciples going to the Jews and you're the only one going to the Gentiles you start questioning so like man am I doing that which is right but because he knew what the Bible said about it he's like I'm bold about this you know I know I'm not wrong and we can apply that with any form of doctrine that when you feel like you're the only one who believes this specific doctrine you know if you know for a fact that that's what the Bible says you can have boldness even when you know that everyone else is against you now thank God that we have a church where we have like-minded believers and we no longer have to feel like that right but there was a time when all of us or some of us you know we felt like we were like a remnant you know it's just like man am I crazy these people like you know everyone's saying I'm wrong and that this is heresy and love the Jews and pre-trib this and all this other stuff and you're like no I know it's in the Bible you know it's just like I know I'm not crazy but you know what when you know what the Bible says that's why it's important that you know doctrine and these people who aren't you know because there's still people who are in these churches right who are anti us okay anti what we believe but you know the problem is a lot of the times for these people who are in these churches they don't know what really the Bible says about what they believe they hear a sermon is like that sounds right and they go up to the pastor it's post read and they can't really back it up you know they don't know how to rightly divide the word of truth they don't know necessarily what scriptures to go to and so you know then they get discouraged because maybe the pastor is more knowledgeable about preacher than he is about post trip you see what I'm saying so it's important that we know what the Word of God says so we can have boldness when we speak of these things I've had multiple conversations with people who were my teachers my mentors and you know I showed them what the Bible says they rejected it well that's fine but at least I know I'm not crazy because the Bible says it so what provides boldness what provides boldness obviously is the feeling of the Holy Spirit as we read his word and we know what the Bible says about it okay and that's basically what he's saying there he's like no I'm going to the Gentiles I know I'm not crazy because I just quoted a whole bunch of scriptures in Psalms and Isaiah that talks about going to the Gentiles I'm just fulfilling that right now okay verse 17 I have therefore whereof I may glory through Jesus Christ and those things which pertain to God for I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ hath not wrought by me to make the Gentiles obedient by word indeed through mighty signs and wonders by the power of the Spirit of God so so that from Jerusalem and roundabout unto Eliaricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ we see here verse 19 man Paul's thorough and one thing we need to learn from the Apostle Paul in verse number 19 is we as the church need to be thorough you know that's why we need to fill up that map we will have times throughout this year where we go to different cities you know we do like a Sony mega-marathon maybe it's like Santa Maria where we'll go with with brother Perry Philip Perry but we want to make sure that we're thorough and we fill up that entire map and I honestly I believe that we can fill up 80% of that map by the end of the year at least 80% of the map but we got to be thorough well we can say like Paul I have fully preached the gospel of Christ now we'll knock on doors and we don't be times when we can't talk to everyone but at least we gone out we went out there and knocked on the door okay and we went track dropping or something I'm just kidding it's funny who was it Jacob Jacob and Paul Jacob put an Instagram story up you know because Paul was knocking on the door they didn't answer and when someone doesn't answer we're not against track drops okay in a sense of leaving a track if no one answers the door right so Paul knocked on the door and he's just having the Jacob filmed him as he was putting the job he's like track dropping caught in the act you know he knocked the door right he was trying to give him the guy who wasn't just like you know he just put the track on there but our goal and look we've had a lot of people who come to our church believe it or not from a track on their door okay so it's not bad but our goal when we go out there the motive is everything if they're up to us everyone would open the door we would love for everyone to open up the door so we can give the gospel to everyone now obviously that's not gonna happen okay but we want to be able to say yeah I fully preached the gospel in all these regions right here in the city of Omani verse 20 says yea so have I strived to preach the gospel not where Christ was named lest I should build upon another man's foundation but as it is written to whom he was not spoken of they shall see and they that have not heard shall understand so obviously with Paul's ministry he was going places where you know Peter hasn't gone to why because they weren't going to the Gentiles right they were going only to the Jews now there is a teaching out there or a methodology where these Baptist churches have this they have this thing where it's like you can't start to be two Baptist churches in one city you know and they honest they'll say it's unethical for you to start a church in their same city well first and foremost the stupid thing about that is that one church can't knock on all the doors or excuse me maybe they can knock on all the doors but they won't talk to every single person in the city so the more churches the better okay we've already had a church down the street get all ticked off at us because we're here you know and they're a Spanish Church and of all things it's like well you know we're an English Church so but they're mad the fact that we're here like they found our check I can't believe these guys are here you know they should look at and say oh man they got the right gospel praise God you know more work is being done you know if anything they should team up with us because when the sodomites start coming don't worry man we got your back preach a preach a sermon preach a hard sermon on the sodomites we'll be there for you man you know we'll back you up but no I can't believe these people are here you know they need it why why can't you believe it what's so hard about believing that that's weird now I will say this if there's a church in this city look if there's I don't have no problem like obviously I'm not gonna start a church like right across the street from like a Baptist Church you know but let me say this I would start a church from right across the street from a Baptist Church that preaches a false gospel right like hopefully we'll start a church in Highland Park one day right across the street from will of God Baptist Church but that's what he's saying he goes he's saying I'm not gonna preach where Christ was named in other words man I'm gonna I'm gonna branch out I'm gonna go where the works not being done and as far as I know I don't know what kind of gospel these people preach obviously they're not getting a lot done but as far as I know there hasn't been a gospel preaching Church like a sowing Baptist Church here in the city of a city of Omani for a long time okay and the city surrounding it because I've knocked on doors and they're like wow we've never seen people knock doors here you know we never we've never met anybody who's actually gone out and preaching the gospel I ran it to save people who have said who have said that so it says a lot about the churches that are in this area they're not getting the work done and look we're trying to knock doors everywhere in the nice areas in the ghetto areas and every area in between I hate knocking on the nice areas you know those blocks I hate it because they're not receptive obviously but you know what it needs to get done okay we're not gonna neglect them and say well no one's gonna get saved there won't someone might get safe but either way it's our responsibility go knock on that door so we ought to just do it okay we need to get the work done verse 20 or excuse me first yeah verse 28 so have us so have I strived to preach the gospel now where Christ was named lest I should build upon another man's foundation but but as it is written to whom he was not spoken of they shall see and they that have not heard shall understand but for which cause also I have been much hindered from coming to you now obviously he's referring to the Jews the Jews hindered him a lot because they would persecute him verse 23 but now having more no more place in these parts and having a great desire these many years to come unto you once however I take my journey into Spain I will come to you for I trust to see you in my journey and to be brought on my way thitherward by you if first I be somewhat filled with your company but now I go into Jerusalem to minister unto the Saints for I have pleased them of Macedonia and to make a certain contribution for the poor Saints which are at Jerusalem it hath pleased them verily and their debtors they are for if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things I like what he's saying here is like look okay yeah you're saved but guess what now you're gonna get part of the work start giving it's our soul winning okay yeah you're a part of that covenant now Ephesians chapter number two you're part of that that citizenship okay but guess what now you also have a responsibility to adhere to the commandments of God to give to the ministry to go so wanting to be a part of a local church we have that same responsibility as everyone else verse 28 and we're just gonna read through some of these verses not a whole lot to say about these things are kind of self-explanatory when therefore I have performed this and I've sealed to them this fruit I will come by you into Spain and I am sure that when I come unto you I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ now I beseech you brethren for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake and for the love of the Spirit that you strive together with me in your prayers to God for me that's a by the way that's a good verse right there isn't it you know we need to be a people of prayer often we focus so much on just like our abilities to preach the gospel how eloquent we are we neglect prayer you know we got to pray we got to pray that people continue to get saved you know I would consider faith forward about the church a soul-winning powerhouse this is a soul-winning powerhouse that this doesn't take place in a lot of places okay we hear about it but it doesn't take place in a lot of churches and I'm sure a lot of you can testify to that but you know if we're gonna keep that going we need to oil that thing with with a lot of prayer and just continue to pray Lord please continue to use us to see more people saved you can continue to use may you may you add more soul winners to the church so the work of God can continue it says in verse 31 that I may be delivered from them that do not believe in Judea we yeah there it is need I say more and then my service which I have for Jerusalem may be accepted of the Saints that I may come unto you with joy by the will of God and may be with you or excuse me excuse me and may with you be refreshed now the God of peace be with you all amen I like when he says in verse 32 obviously these people in Rome were mature Christians because Paul will can go there and what be refreshed it's good to be able to have fellowship with someone and it's just like it's not work it's just like we're being refreshed by the fellowship by the way after church that's what we're doing right we're gonna be refreshed we're gonna just hang out talk a little bit fellowship about doctrine talk about whatever false prophets and all the goods you know that refreshes people sometimes you know and that's that's a good testimony that they have here so what's the gist of Romans chapter 15 that the gospel is not just to the gent or to the Jews it was also for the Gentiles as well and he quotes enough scripture in Psalms and Isaiah of these books that were written a fourth time for our learning and by the way a part of that learning was what hey the Gentiles need the gospel to okay man let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer follow me thank you so much for the book of Romans and so much good meat found within this chapter alone I pray that you'd help us not to just be minded of ourselves but we may we focus on others primarily in this matter of sowing I pray that you'd help us to be thoughtful of those who are lost in the city of El Monte but we understand Montebello needs a gospel preaching Church Monterey Park needs a gospel preaching Church East LA needs one we think of Rosemead Alhambra Baldwin Park Whittier and so many cities that surround this area they need a gospel preaching Church but until that happens help us as your people to get as much done here so we can branch out into different cities as well and may you bless the work Lord please continue to use us we don't deserve it but we're so thankful for it in Jesus name we pray amen