(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen this evening we are in Romans chapter number 13. Roman chapter 13 is a very short chapter it only has 14 verses within it but it's packed with a lot of truth specifically in the very beginning of the chapter and the beginning of the chapter has a lot of meat in regards to authority. Now obviously I think for the most part all of us know that this is a chapter that is very misconstrued in different versions of the Bible. Now let me say this, anytime other versions of the Bible drastically change something in the Bible it's because they don't want you to obey what the Bible really says about that subject. Now you say well how drastic is it? I mean doesn't it say basically the same thing? Well here's the thing, obviously there's some points within even the King James Bible that it takes from but it changes words, it changes concepts because the devil just can't come out and just give a lie. No one's just going to bite into a lie. It has to be mixed with a little bit of truth. And here's the truth, the truth is we do have authority, the government has authority but here's where the lie comes in is that we have to submit ourselves to every ordinance or any authority that exists. Even to the point where people say we have to obey those authorities even if it contradicts the Bible. Which the Bible does not teach that. Now these other versions of the Bible teach that doctrine and there's so much we can go, so far we can go into it to the point where you say well why would they do that? Well simply for the fact that there is a new world order coming that's being put into place and they're going to be able to use these new versions of the Bible to propagate their agenda to so-called Christians who aren't saved obviously but will be considered a part of the Christian population. They'll use these modern versions of the Bible in order to get them to submit to the authority that God has not placed there. But I'm getting a little ahead of myself so let's start in verse number one. It says here, let every soul be subject unto the higher powers for there is no power but of God the powers that be are ordained of God. So let's define some of the terms here to lay a foundation of what we're talking about. The first thing I want you to notice is the word subject. Subject simply means to be under the dominion of someone or something. So what's commanded is to be under the dominion of the powers that be. Now specifically it says unto the higher powers. Now in the modern versions of the Bible it just says authorities. Whereas the King James Bible says higher powers. Now what is that you say what's the big deal with that? How does that even, what's your point? Well the point is this, the fact that it would use the phrase higher powers denotes that there is different levels of power. Power obviously means authority you know. That's often what the Bible uses a synonym for authority would be power. But it says higher powers. You say well yeah the government is a higher power. But here's the thing, there's a higher power even more than the government. Which is God. In fact 48 times in the Bible you'll see this phrase the most high. Referring to who? To God himself. So if the Bible says we have to subject ourselves to the higher powers well that means who's the highest power? The most high. The Lord Jesus Christ through his word. So according to verse 1 we ought to submit ourselves to the higher powers. And the higher power obviously is referring to God himself. You say well does that mean that we don't subject ourselves to the laws of the land? No obviously there's power in the law of the land. There's authority. But we have to realize it's not the final authority. And a lot of Baptists unfortunately have been into this doctrine where every single authority is an authority set by God. You say well where does that come from? It comes from a man by the name of Bill Gothard. You say well I thought it comes from Calvinism. Bill Gothard was a Calvinist and is a Calvinist. And he taught for decades on end that regarding this false doctrine of the sovereignty of God. Where God is the one who puts up all these leaders whether evil or good and you ought to obey them because they were placed there by God. Well that's just a flat out lie. Because God did not put Hitler there. He didn't put Stalin there. And you can go through decades and centuries of history of evil wicked men and evil kings and we can't look at them and say yeah God put them there. Why? Because that would contradict the Bible. God wants to raise up righteous leaders and righteous men and men that are not corrupt, men who are according to the word of God. So that would contradict the Bible if God was the one who put up Hitler or Stalin or any of these other wicked communists. But this is the false doctrine that a lot of people have been into because of Calvinism. Which teaches that everything, everything whether good or bad or even evil is ordained of God. That's not true. We're going to look a little bit as to why it's not true according to the Bible. Now so we know that the Most High is who we ought to obey more than anybody else. You say well how do you know that? Because oh how do you know what is it that we have to obey? Well the Most High has given us a Bible. It's given us the word of God. It's given us laws to abide by. You say well hold on a second if that's your law you know is the word of God then does that mean that you should be putting people to death? Well no not us. Because here's the thing we're not under a theocracy. At the time of course in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy for that time period God was the king of Israel right? Obviously not in Genesis excuse me but Exodus and 4 God was the king. And what did he do? He instituted laws and he deputized his own people to execute those laws. It was called the theocracy. But who was the first king that rose up a human king was King Saul. After that it was no longer a theocracy it was a monarchy. At that point yes God did appoint the king which was King Saul but at that point even even during his time a lot of the laws that were found within the mosaic law were not being instituted. You say well you know is that the way God wanted it? Obviously not. Okay there's not that they disregarded all the laws of God but they did not they did not regard a lot of the laws that we see within the word of God. And from that time forward what do we see? That God has not been a king over a nation since that time. Now in Revelation in the millennial reign we're going to be under theocracy again. And at that point he will deputize his people once again to execute the laws found within his word. Okay so for people to say well yeah if that's the case then why don't you put in people to death? Because we're not under theocracy right now. Okay and we have to subject ourselves to the laws of the land to the extent that the word of God allows us to. Okay so in other words if the law of the land tells me to do something that is contrary to the word of God well then I have to go to the higher power. Which is God's word. Okay and that higher power which is God's word if it tells me not to do that then guess what that authority is now null and void. Why? Because there's a higher power which is the most high that's commanded me to do something that's not found within these laws of the land. Okay now the highest law after the word of God is the Constitution. Okay now unfortunately our country's just been very dumbed down and a lot of people don't even know these things. Okay and they think that the highest law is the President of the United States. Okay and you say well doesn't he have authority? Look he has authority but he doesn't have authority even over even the Constitution. He actually made an oath to keep the Constitution. Okay and that Constitution is and this is not a history class but that Constitution was placed there to protect our rights. And let me say this the Constitution is not divine. It's just the law of the land and if there is anything even in the Constitution that contradicted the Bible then we disregard the Constitution. Okay and we go to the word of God. But here's the thing is that's still a very high law on the land and it does protect our rights as Christians. Okay now go to James chapter number one. James chapter number one. James chapter number one. This is a false doctrine and here's the thing a lot of Christians have been into it. That's why like you can't even you go to the average independent fundamental Baptist Church it's like taboo to speak against the president. It's so weird you know and especially a Republican president. Don't you dare. Now here's the funny thing about that they'll speak against what do you call Democrats all day long. You know they'll bash Obama from the pulpit all day long and make fun of him. Well get a Republican in office guess what they it's like oh no what the Bible says we have to pray for that guy. The Bible says we have to honor him and obey him and love him and kiss his feet. You know why because they've been influenced by Fox News. They've been influenced by the conservative talk radio you know and there they become more conservative than Christian unfortunately. Okay now here's the thing James 1 13 says let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man. So the Bible tells us there that God doesn't tempt any man for evil. So what does that have to do with anything? Well if a king if he's the one who sets up the king right the authority in that land and that authority is doing wrong and they say well God you know is moving them to do that you're basically telling me that he's telling them to do evil. But God tempted no man with evil. Okay you said what's the only other answer the only other answer is this and here's where this is this is very important God has given everyone a free will. Okay and kings have their own will they're not moved by God to do evil that's under that comes from the imagination of their evil heart that causes them to do that evil. Now you don't have to turn there but in Hosea 8 4 it says they have set up kings but not by me. Okay they have made princes and I knew it not of their silver and their gold have they made them idols that they may be cut off. So the Bible does tell us that throughout the ages people have set up kings and authorities not according to the dictates and statutes of God's Word and this is a whole sermon in and of itself but in the Bible it actually teaches us how to choose leaders people who fear God people who are able people who are not who hate covetousness the Bible says these are the kind of people we ought to be putting as judges okay not wicked evil pedophiliac presidents and people who fornicate and adulterers and liars and drunkards which guess what most of the president presidents are all but Trump though you know Trump is just you know he's the last Trump you know and here's the thing you study Trump's life it's very evil and wicked right okay yeah but he's a Republican and that means nothing I just saw a quote I don't know if I saw on an Instagram or something it was a quote from Donald Trump from 1998 where he said this he basically said you know what if I ever ran for president he said I run as a Republican because those those people are idiots don't vote for anybody who's Republican he goes I'll win them over and he said he goes I'm pretty sure my numbers would be pretty high he said that and by the way everything he said came to pass you know yeah he prophesied but it's the truth you know and you say why do Christians why do they get on this horse of being a Republican I'm gonna tell you why okay because if you ask a sincere person who is a Republican they're Baptist or they're saved you know they'll say well because they're the ones who are gonna protect our rights that's what they'll say so what rights are they talking about you know obviously preaching the gospel being a Christian and in the rights that we have as Christians protecting our religious rights but here's the thing they're placing their faith in a government to protect their rights so what they want is basically they want to they want someone to basically back them up so they don't lose their rights because they're afraid because they say well what if someone what if they make preaching the gospel illegal well then then they're going into hiding or they'll stop preaching the gospel but here's the thing if you go according to the law of the Most High doesn't matter what law they create it doesn't matter if they say it's illegal to preach the gospel well sorry guess what now we go to the higher power okay and our higher power says we can preach the gospel we do what we're supposed to do even if it goes against the laws of the land okay but a lot of these Christian conservative Republicans the reason they prop up even these wicked evil men is because they're grasping at straws because they don't want to lose their rights but guess what we never lose our rights see God has already deputized us with these rights and it doesn't matter what Joe Schmo says what would the president says those rights are not stripped from us so well what if they kill you guess what we go to heaven you know we you know it's a win-win situation so that's the mentality that Christians today need to have is the laws that we are subject to is the laws of the higher power which is God himself okay and think thank God for the Constitution I think God that I live in America where a lot we do have these rights amen and we can comfortably obviously go out and preach the gospel but if those days are done away with and they're taken from us guess what we just bump up that higher authority we go to the authority over God's Word say well we're still gonna do it because the Word of God tells us that we can now go to Revelation chapter 13 so the Bible says in Hosea that they set up kings but not by me and people will up and down say that like Trump is a godsend you know that he's a godsend he's an answer to prayer I mean if you remember when they voted him in I mean Christians were like stressing big-time staying up to like 12 1 o'clock in the morning 2 o'clock in the morning because they had to know who's gonna get it voted in and they're worried they're like what if Hillary it's like I mean they're both wicked the only difference is one's a man one's a woman who acts like a man that's the only difference but see when you place your and here's the thing one of the common phrases that I've heard growing up spiritually and independent fundamental Baptist movement was this the answer is not in the White House it's in the church house but then they'll go around and they'll place their their hope in the White House it's like why don't you just go preach the gospel and practice what you preach if that's what you believe I had a conversation a while back with people they're like you're not voting I'm like no and I thought I was like voting for what because the president who's gonna be present I'm like oh that's today it's like nah I said I'm not gonna vote you know because I don't it's it's pointless to vote I vote Jesus and you're like you ought to be ashamed of yourself you know you have a god-given responsibility to vote I was like did all that Dave already picked the president a long time ago and said I thought you but aren't you a Christian I told him I said what about you know a place in our faith in the church house not in the White House whatever happened to that phrase he was like oh yeah you're right I guess it's true but you know we should we should still vote for what to make yourself feel better acting like you made a difference no the Illuminati has already chosen Trump okay it's already been done this is all show it's like WWE you know the winners already been chosen they do the fight so people can you know get caught up in this whole I remember when I was a kid I used to believe WWE was true I admit it was like kids soap opera novellas you know and then my cousin came he was like he's like Bruce these guys they already chose a winner I'm like don't say that I was like no they didn't like dude he's them they go have a beer together afterwards they love each other okay they're working for the same guy I'm like what but here's the thing the WWE generation who rises up they still believe that only they take it into politics okay no the vote counts it does not count at all okay look at revelations 13 verse 1 it says and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his head the name of blasphemy and the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and his great authority now see if we if we believe that God is the one who sets up all the kings then you're calling God a dragon you're saying that God is the one who set up that evil wicked man that's not true you know the dragon gave him his power referring to Satan himself okay he's the one who gave him his power he's the one who gave him a seat he's the one who gave him his authority go to go back to Romans chapter 13 so when the Bible says be subject to the higher powers guess what that means we were subject to the authorities but the final authority is God's Word is the King James Bible and anything that would want to contradict that or go against the Bible then we reject that okay verse number two of Romans chapter 13 says whosoever therefore resist that the power resisted the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation now this says obviously has a double meaning because obviously the most high which is God himself he has power he's the one who has the authority and whoever resists that authority well they receive to themselves damnation because the Bible says as now as Janus and Jambres withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth right men of corrupt minds reprimand concern of the faith so anybody who rejects Jesus Christ guess what they receive damnation they go to hell but also in a in a in a physical aspect that is also true for government because anybody who resists the power the authority that God has given to them to execute righteousness okay they will suffer the consequences of doing that all right now verse 3 says for rulers so it tells us who these powers are the rulers verse 3 are not a terror to good works so that right there shows us that these rulers who God has put who the Republicans say yeah these are the authorities well it says right there those rulers are not supposed to be a terror to good works that means they're not supposed to punish good people Christians who preach the gospel living according to God's Word they're not there for that it says but to the evil wilt thou then not be afraid of the power do that which is good and now shall have praise of the same now hold your place we're gonna go to 1st Peter chapter number 2 and this is kind of like a parallel passage of what we just read in Romans 13 verse 3 so rules were never meant to be a terror for good works you know what are the good works well anything according to the Bible okay the the rulers were there to basically protect us by executing righteousness upon evildoers and we'll look at later on they don't bear the sword in vain a sword is not something you spank with you kill with the sword okay that's what it's meant for so God has deputized people okay to take the life of someone who is worthy of death that's who there they are a terror to 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 13 says submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake whether it be to the king and supreme or unto governors as unto them that are sent by him for the what punishment of evildoers see a lot of people like to focus on verse 13 where it says yeah to the king of Supreme you're supposed to be subject to every ordinance for the you know the king supreme and governments yeah but it says there as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of what evildoers so they're there to punish evildoers and for the praise of them that do well so they don't not supposed to punish people who do well verse 15 it says for so is the will of God that that with well-doing you may put the silence the ignorance of foolish men as free and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness but as the servants of God honor all men love the Brotherhood fear God honor the king so you know what it's teaching us there is that we are obviously we have to be law-abiding citizens and look the United States is filled with a lot of laws that are not biblical but they're not necessarily sinful at the same time so in that case obviously we ought to obey these laws and these rules simply to honor the king okay you said when do we not obey it when it contradicts something of the Word of God all right now go to Acts chapter number five because this false teaching has permeated a lot of churches well they'll even say yeah well you you know if he tells you to the king or whoever the president institutes some sort of law that contradicts the scripture well because the scripture says we ought to be subject to those powers we ought to do those things and you look throughout history that's how communism ran that's how they instituted their unlawful deeds that's how they took over the people is by instituting this and and how are they gonna do in the United States by using these false versions of the Bible that teach that false doctrine but here's the thing if the laws of this land ever teach you to do something that's contrary to God's Word we see example after example in the Bible where it teaches us of prophets of people of God who rejected that and obeyed God instead he said well you you know you're a rebel you're you're trying to create anarchy no no no no anarchy no corruption we just go to the higher power and look and you can use Romans 13 from the NIV ESV all you want but the fact remains is there's plenty of examples in the Bible Old Testament a New Testament of God's people who have usurped the authority of the government when the government try to take rights they were given to us by God look at Acts chapter 5 verse 27 is a perfect example of that and when they had brought them they set them before the council and the high priests asked them same did now we straightly command you this is a law they should not teach in his name and behold you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine and tend to bring this man's blood upon us then Peter and the other apostles answered and said we ought to obey God rather than man so the Bible is teaching us there hey you can institute that law if you want but we're obeying God rather than man you see Peter today and the apostles today will be considered anarchists according to conservative Republican Christians all you shouldn't do that you should just obey the laws of the land God's given us these authorities no Satan has given us these authorities okay these authorities in the United States that they are trying to institute ungodly rules and laws where so the Bible tells us no we ought to obey God rather than man so here's the thing you may think we're breaking the law but guess what God's saying we're keeping the law by obeying God rather than man go to Daniel chapter number three we'll just give a couple examples here but that was the New Testament New Testament shows the apostles they said we're gonna obey God rather than a man they suffer the consequences they got beat some of them were were thrown into prison they suffer persecution but they kept the law of God rather than the law of the land Daniel chapter 3 verse 16 this is another great example here okay of course during this time the the King during this time was King Nebuchadnezzar verse 16 says Shadrach Meshach and Abednego answered and said to the king Oh Nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer thee in this matter so let me give you a little background of the story so King Nebuchadnezzar sets up this almost like abomination of desolation right where is this huge statue of him and he says anytime the sack but the salt tree and all these instruments play the the law of the land was everyone just had to drop down and worship that that idol well here's the thing that was against God's rules so here we see there they came to these guys and these were the only guys who were not bowing down and I don't know if obviously Daniel's not in there we don't know why he's not named among them I'm assuming because obviously Daniel also took a stand he didn't he wasn't there and he didn't he didn't bow down before the idols as well but here specifically talk about Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they didn't do it they're like we're not gonna do it that's that's breaking God's commandments so they're about to be thrown into the fiery furnace verse 17 if it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine handle King but if not be it known unto the old king that we will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image without has which thou has set up verse 19 then was Nebuchadnezzar full of fury in the form of a visage was changed against Shadrach Meshach and Abednego therefore he spake and commanded that they should heat the furnace one seven times more than it will then it was want to be heated and he commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace on and so forth and of course we see an appearance of Jesus Christ here in the fiery furnace with them but what is this this is an example of God's people standing against Kings standing against the rulers of this world if they're here today the churches of today would say we shouldn't have done that you guys are just trying to be rebel rousers you guys are just why don't you just submit you know God God's giving you Nebuchadnezzar as a king you should have just done it no that's not the way it works John the Baptist preached against the the king of that day okay Jeremiah did the same thing multiple times throughout the scriptures we see men of Elijah went up against the king and slew prophets of Baal during his time okay these guys would be considered a rebel rousers and anarchists and non-republican Democrats they didn't have all kinds of labels for these people okay but no the fact remains is the Romans 13 teaches us the higher powers the most high powers okay go back to Romans 13 verse 4 so those rulers are there to punish evil doers now we're gonna look to what exactly that means verse 4 says for he is the minister speaking of the ruler for he is the minister of God to be for good so this is supposed to serve us for good but if thou do that which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for he is the minister of God a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil now verse 4 this is New Testament teaches this matter of capital punishment okay capital punishment is when God deputizes a nation or people judges specifically to execute a person who has committed a crime worthy of death and we one day I want to preach on just all the things that are worthy of death just go through what the Bible says of what's worthy of death okay but the Bible is teaching us here that that's what they're there for is to execute that all right now so God had a solution for the crimes committed in the land back in those days okay prison was never a solution it was never a solution okay I've had cousins I've had family members who have been in prison for a long time and they never come out better you know you maybe you may have heard of that how they don't come out better I've seen how they don't come back better it's like man this person is like 20 times worse you know yeah some of them even become reprobates in prison okay but prison was never a solution in fact you say you know so you don't believe prison should exist I don't okay but here's the thing obviously if some if there's like a pedophile here we're gonna turn them in and guess what take them to prison why because obviously I'm subject to the law of the land here okay but personally me do I believe in prison absolutely not now in the Bible the only time you see prison mention is when it's done by not those who are not God's people friction for example the Egyptians right when they put Joseph at the prison okay and the only time you see God's people even instituting anything even close to a prison it was called a ward and that Ward was there simply to put a person in while the mind of the Lord was given to them regarding an issue so it's almost like just wait here until we have to figure out what we're gonna do with you but guess what prisons today that's not what it's for they're just lock you in a cage isolation for 30 days till you go crazy and you become a they think prisons reforming people and in fact some of the worst gangsters they like going to prison they think they could pull strings from prison they call the shots from prison okay that was never God's solution to crimes committed you know and there's people in prison obviously you don't even deserve to be in prison I mean how many times have you heard of stories of guys who are people who went to prison because they were falsely accused you know and then 25 years later they found oh we're wrong sorry and then they let him out the man's wife divorced them lost his children can't get a job now he's been in prison for 25 years but he was innocent the whole time and what does the judge do the judge lived 25 years of his life and luxury and peace and he just ruined this guy's life that happens more often than not that's never the solution you know obviously if you steal you know there's laws according to you have to give restitution so on and so forth if you murder or if you kidnap if you're sodomite the solution is you just put to death okay and that's not cliche it's simply what the Bible teaches us and the reason they had that law instituted for murders for pedophiles for sodomites for witches is so others may fear so if there's like a pedophile who wants to go out and do something that's wrong well if they see that execution they're gonna think twice before they do it okay I remember when I was in Guatemala when I was 10 years old I don't know if they do it now if they still do it but when I was 10 years old when I went to go visit they did it and these three men had had violently raped and murdered a little girl and they put it on live television I remember my aunt saying come here come here I want you to see something it was live television three men tied to three poles a band of soldiers with ak-47s and I'm like what's going on you know and they're like these men killed the little girl so we're gonna kill them I'm like really and they're like yeah watch you know they put blindfolds on them they tied them and then firing squad it shot them all to death you know and then they just slumped over you know and that was the end of it but you know what any and they put it on live television so that those who are watching that say hmm maybe not you know it makes them think twice in fact I know like in places like it for instance in Peru by the way capital punishment still being executed throughout the world and a lot of places these are just the ones that I know about I know they do it in Iraq and stuff like that but in Peru in the little what they call pueblitos which are the little towns there is a guy who basically violently raped and murdered a little girl and the town itself found out about it they they they witnessed it and what they did is basically they dragged the man from his home to the center of the city or the town while they beat him I mean they they had four by fours with nails sticking out they were just lodging into their heads as they're being and they dragged him to the middle of the town poured gasoline on him and lit him on fire while he was alive and when they did everyone's all cheering and dancing he's like that's inhumane no that's the way you do it well don't you think there should be a humane way to put someone to death there is no humane way to put someone to death they're dying death is not humane death is death it's very ugly no matter how you do it okay and if that's the way they want to institute it then that's the way they're supposed that's the way they're going to institute it okay so prison was never an answer in the Bible okay now in our government obviously we have three branches okay and these three branches a lot of people say they actually got them from the Bible but there's there's the legislative branch there's the judicial branch and then there's the executive branch okay the legislative branch is the branch that basically are the ones who make the laws all right that's why we have like tons of laws that you won't find in the Bible these are people who have made those laws now we operate the same way the only difference is our legislation is from God it's the Bible the Bible is the one that gives us our laws then you have the judicial judicial branch which are the ones who basically are the ones who who interpret the law okay they're the ones who basically say this is what needs to be done and in the Bible that was that was also done okay now go to Exodus chapter 18 they apply it they basically interpret the laws they apply it to different scenarios etc you say well yeah I mean if that's what we're doing in this law then what's wrong well here here's the problem most judges in the United States are corrupt okay they're very corrupt and they're not saved you see in Israel the judges were saved people look at Exodus chapter 18 verse 19 says hearken now unto me unto my voice this is the counsel that Jethro's given to Moses obviously through God this is I will give the counsel and God shall be with thee be thou for the people to God word that thou mayest bring the causes unto God and thou shall teach them ordinances and laws and shall show them the way wherein they must walk and the work that they must do moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men such as what fear God rule number one they got to be able men rule number two they need a fear God men of truth I mean there's multiple lies always being thrown in the courtrooms okay men of truth so what is that men according to God's Word who are using the truth of God's Word hating covetousness that means they can't they can have financial motives backing them up in their decision-making okay and place such over them to be rulers of thousands or rulers of hundreds rules of fifties and rulers of tens and let them judge the people at all seasons and it shall be that every great matter they shall bring unto thee but every small matter they shall judge so shall it be easier for thyself and they shall bear the burden with thee so that was a judicial system at that time okay able man who feared God men of truth hating covetousness well you look at the judges of today they're the exact opposite of those qualifications all but they're set up there by God no they're not because they don't meet the qualifications of what a judge is supposed to be okay then you have the executive branch these are ones that carry out and enforce the laws okay and of course you have the president but then you have police well in the Bible guess what the police was it was us the people were supposed to be the ones who execute these things okay now go to numbers 35 you say are you against the police look if again if there is a criminal in this church I'm calling the police 911 please come and get this bag you know that's that's what we're gonna do cuz we're under the laws of the land look I don't go around disrespecting police I'm not gonna go if I see a police officer here I'll give him respect as a human being obviously he's an authority in this land I'm not gonna go talk trash to him I'm not gonna try to be a jerk to him you know but that doesn't mean I agree with him doesn't mean that I agree that he should exist but I know police officers and I don't think they're bad people I think some of them are sincere of course we know the large portion of them are corrupt but here's the thing in in the Mosaic law during that time God deputized his own people to say hey you protect yourselves he said who's the one who's supposed to execute murderer the first person who saw him in fact in Romans chapter 13 in verse number 4 talks about the revenger right this wasn't a full-time executioner you know the way you know that give the movies they have the executioner and he has the I don't know he's the one who's at the guillotine and stuff like that that wasn't in the Bible the revenger was the person who you killed the family member of or the person who was there witnessing the crime because the Bible actually said that the person if you're to witness a crime done such as such as sodomy for example God commanded the person who witnessed that to be the first person to lay hands on that person to stone them they're the ones and it was God says you're the one who gonna lay hands on them first and then everyone else so the revenger of blood was the person who witnessed it so if if someone murdered my wife I'd be the revenger of blood and by the way that's why they call it the revenger of blood because I'm gonna get revenge on you for murdering my wife you said well that's wrong thou shall not kill thou shall not kill is premeditated murder executing someone for slaying someone else is not considered killing or excuse me it's not considered murder because God has deputized us look we all agreed that in the millennial reign we're gonna have glorified bodies and we're gonna be executing these laws so when we execute an evildoer in the millennial reign that's not called killing because we're in our glorified bodies we can't sin therefore God basically takes off that no I'm because God is the one deputizing you to do that then it becomes righteous it's not evil okay but just keep that in mind it calls it the revenger of blood I mean if you witness someone molesting your child in these days I mean I mean today too by the way but in these days if you if you witness someone molesting your job guess what the Bible says you're the revenger of blood you lay your hands upon him stone them with stones oh you know stony is so barbaric but you know what they lived in the desert that was what you yeah you know today is a gap or whatever it's a 45 right back in those days it was just stones because there's a lot of stones around you you know they're like in abundance you didn't have to buy weapons they were there on the floor but God is the one who deputized him who said you lay hands on them you're the revenger of blood now if someone killed someone unawares you know then God had a solution that they had the cities of refuge okay and the reason he had that there is because there are still revengers of blood because even let's say for example if someone kills my son on accident does that mean I'm not gonna get ticked off about that you know I still have passion I'm gonna be angry I'm gonna be upset you know and that person is still gonna want revenge well that person is is allowed by God to go into the city of refuge until the revenger of blood goes away because obviously the revenger of blood and it even says that if that person if you leave the city of refuge and is then it's not the revengers of bloods fall if he kills you this is gonna be waiting for you you know what I mean so the Bible calls it a revenger of blood numbers 35 verse 15 says these six cities shall be a refuge both of the for the children of Israel for the stranger and for the soldier and are among them that everyone that killeth any person unawares may flee thither and if he smite him with an instrument of iron so that he die he is a murderer the murderer the murderer shall surely be put to death and if he smite him with the throwing a with excuse me if he smite him with throwing a stone wherewith he may die and he die he is a murderer the murderer shall surely be put to death or if he smite him with in hand weapon of wood wherewith he may die and he die he is a murderer the murderer shall surely be put to death the revenger of blood himself shall slay the murderer when he meeteth him he shall slay him I mean God's hit right there when he meets them look God is merciful and God is gracious but you know how he manifests that grace and that mercy by understanding that you're pretty mad because that guy took your family members life you shall slay him when you meet him you know God understand God's not unjust see these people who don't believe in this stuff they believe God's unjust it's like we just have to just forget about it and love that person anyways and no the God says no go you're gonna go go ahead and get revenge I understand that you would want to kill that person yeah verse 19 the revenge of blood himself shall slay the murder when he meeteth him he shall slay him but if he thrust him of hatred or hurl at him by laying of weight that he died or an enmity smite him with the hit with his hand that he died he that smote him shall surely be put to death for he is a murderer the revenger of blood shall slay the murderer when he meeteth him now go to Deuteronomy chapter 13 now there's there are certain states that still execute that have execution capital punishment and thank God for those little states obviously California is not one of them but even then even even then there's still not laws according to God's Word why you should kill why you should slay a murderer or excuse me slay like a witch a sodomite so on and so forth Deuteronomy 13 verse 6 says if thy brother the son of thy mother or thy son or thy daughter the wife of thy bosom or thy friend which is as thy known soul enticed secretly saying let us go and serve other gods which thou has not known thou nor thy fathers namely of the gods of the people which are round about you nigh unto thee or far off from thee from the one end of the heaven of the earth excuse me even unto the other end of the earth thou shall not consent unto him nor hearken unto him neither shall thine eye pity him neither shalt thou spare neither shalt thou conceal him but thou shall surely kill him thine hand shall be first upon him to be to put him to death and afterwards the hand of all the people so God say look if someone's trying to entice you to serve another God your eye better not pity him I'll put with a seat though maybe he doesn't know he just didn't know any better God says you better not pity him I mean God is like righteous this is like rats right here he's like he's telling you you better man up cuz obviously killing someone takes some takes some fortitude because you're thrusting someone through you're gonna you're taking the person's life and I'm sure it's a scary thing to do that to do so but guys that's why God is saying you better not pity that you better not say well maybe he didn't mean it that maybe he didn't mean gods it was just the s just slipped you know he means the the God of the Bible no he's like no if you heard him say that don't spare don't pity and you better be the first one to lay hands on him I mean just think let those words sink in your mind in your ears that's how much is like God's like deputize the people and it's not murder okay it's capital punishment look at verse 13 since we're on the subject certain men the children of Belial are gone out from among you and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city saying let us go and serve other gods which he have not known then shall they inquire and make search and as diligent behold if it be truth and the things certain that such abomination is wrought among you thou shall surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword destroying it utterly and all that is there in and the cattle thereof with the edge of the sword so even the children of Belial okay which the Bible obviously references that as reprobates as sodomites etc go back to Romans chapter 13 so we see here that the ones who are supposed to execute capital punishment are the people themselves you say it's are you gonna go out and kill people no because we're under the law of the land we're not under a theocracy at this moment now we'll preach on it we'll say that's what the Bible says we'll say it's wrong the way they're doing it but we're not gonna try to usurp and create anarchy and go against the government okay as some would like to do unfortunately these these fools out there who want to do that let's bear arms against the government no we fight it not against flesh and blood at this time against principalities powers and rules of darkness of this world you know but the fact remains is that this is that we're still supposed to be subject to this law we don't teach that anybody should take matters into their own hands and be a vigilante we're just teaching you that in during these times God deputized his own people to do so okay verse 5 we're only in verse 5 good night wherefore you must needs to be subject not only for wrath but also for conscience sake for for this cause pay ye tribute also for they are God's ministers attending continuing upon this very thing render therefore to all their dues tribute to whom tribute is due custom to custom fear to fear honor to whom honor so obviously that teaches right there we ought to be subject to the laws of the land and tribute means taxes so the Bible says there we ought to pay taxes okay you know can't open spend time in jail for not paying taxes right not good you know and look whether you agree with it or not according to the Bible we ought to pay taxes because obviously for instance even the pastor has to live off of the ties right well these rulers who are executing this they have to live off of something too so that's what the Bible says tribute to him tribute etc and obviously we know that Jesus taught that okay when they try to tempt them and bring them the coin with the superscription you know what did he say render therefore to Caesar the things which be Caesars and render to God the things which be God's now here's something interesting go to go to Matthew 17 Matthew chapter 17 this is a story where they come charge taxes and Peter basically asked Jesus like you know should we do this or what or what do you think about this you know and here's the mentality that every Christian should have is what Jesus said right here verse 24 says and when they were come to Capernaum Matthew 17 verse 24 and when they were come to Capernaum they that received tribute money came to Peter and said does not your master pay tribute he said he saith yes and when he was coming to the house Jesus prevented him saying well thinkest thou Simon of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute of their own children or of strangers Peter saith unto him of strangers Jesus saith unto him then are the children free that's pretty crazy right there so he's saying what he's basically insinuating is we're not free we're not free verse 27 says notwithstanding lest we should offend them go down to the sea and cast and hook and take up the fish that first cometh up and when thou has opened his mouth thou shall find a piece of money that taken given to them for me and for thee now I wish that when I paid the windows time to pay taxes and stuff it's like let's go fishing real quick go get some coins out but it doesn't work that way right but it there goes to show that he's telling Peter we're not free right now so unfortunately the reason we're paying taxes because we're not free guys we're not free now the Bible tells us in Hebrews chapter 11 the obviously we're looking for a city to come right this isn't our home we're pilgrims the Bible tells us you know we're looking for a heavenly city a heavenly Jerusalem etc and and we're looking forward to that obviously but at this time we're not free you know and and I like what Jesus says he goes look unless we should offend them and look the person the Christian who only gets stuck on these temporal things obviously they're not soul winning obviously they're not focused on the the eternal aspects of things because here's the thing when you're eternally minded these physical things you're just like we're just gonna do it just to do it because it's I don't want to take time away from that which is most important which is winning souls you know getting rewards serving God and this is only for a short time then we don't have to deal with it amen now go back to Romans chapter 13 and it tells us there in verse 8 says oh man oh no man anything but to love one another so he he's referencing taxes like don't know anybody anything but to love one another for he that loveth another has fulfilled the law so in verse 8 he's telling us look don't owe any man anything but the love on another and then he relates it to the law of God so what is he saying look fulfill the laws of this land do what you're supposed to do because the most important thing for you to focus on anyways is the law of God fulfilling the law of God okay verse 9 says for this thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not covet and if there be any other commandment it is briefly comprehended in this saying namely thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself love worketh no ill to his neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling of the law and it's great because you know sometimes Christians get hung up on the laws of God you know and and it's like man we got to keep all these Commandments but here's the thing you can fulfill everything if you just love your neighbor because if you love your neighbor you won't kill them you won't steal from them you won't commit adultery with his wife with her husband you know if you that's why when they asked Jesus what's the greatest commandment I love the Lord that God with all our hearts all mine and strength and the second commandment is like unto unto the first love thy neighbor as thyself on these two hang all the law and the prophets why because if you love God you're not gonna steal right if you love the Lord you're not gonna purposely go into some wicked sin but at the same time if you love your neighbor you're not gonna do that against them as well so if you keep that as your focus of you know I'm just gonna I'm gonna love the Lord and I'm gonna love why because if you love me what does the Bible say keep my commandments how does God measure if you love him if you keep the commandments of God okay now we're gonna skip a lot here go down to verse to verse 11 of Romans 13 we're already out of time it says in that knowing the time that now is it is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation near then when we believe so what is it saying here it's basically say high time basically means you know the time is at hand in other words okay and what does it mean what it says salvation is not referring to salvation as far as our souls are concerned talking about the redemptions of our body okay and it is near because obviously from the vastness of eternity it's near see what I'm saying and this reminds me of 1st Corinthians 15 where the Bible says a way to righteousness is sin not for some have not the knowledge of God I speak this to your shame so what does it tell us like hey man wake up now it's high time now it's time to get serious about the things of God wake up stop sinning some have not the knowledge of God why because because of you I speak this to your shame okay now it's high time now it's time to get serious about the things of God okay if you're like halfway in halfway out you go sowing sometimes you don't go so many other times well you know what now's the time to just buckle down and do what you're supposed to do why because now the time is near I mean after Saturday we might just kick off the tribulation or something I don't know now it's high time now it's not the time to be a lukewarm just lackadaisical Christian now is the time to get on fire for God get the sin out of your life read your Bible pray learn how to go soul winning get on fire for God be zealous for the things of the Lord and do that which is right on his side why because now it's high time a way to righteousness and sin not obviously for every one of us we can die in any moment but the fact remains we are in the last days okay now it's not the time to just put it on cruise control you know you need to buckle down okay buckle down on your doctor and buckle down and your family like buckle down is a Christian get serious about the things of God you know there's a lot of Christians just like yeah you know what I'll get serious but I'll get serious next week I'll get serious after the the sony mega marathon for sure you know or as soon as this happened this event happens in my life and God's like no now it's high time you should get serious now by the way tomorrow never comes you want to start reading your Bible tomorrow tomorrow will never come why cuz tomorrow you're gonna have a new excuse as to why you can't do the things of God you know well tomorrow I'm gonna obey my husband tomorrow I'm gonna I'm gonna be good to my wife no do it today now it's high time now's the time to do if you have a desire to read your Bible more you need to do it now don't wait till tomorrow if you feel like you're lacking in your prayer life next week I'm gonna just buckle down on my prayer life no you need to do it now if God doesn't if God has put it on your heart that you're like it's like your prayer life is lacking then you need to get it handled now why cuz now is high time okay verse 12 says the night is far spent in the days at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness let us put on the armor of light let us walk honestly as into the day not in rioting and drunkenness not in chambering and wantonness not in strife and envy so he's saying look then the night is far spent the days coming now's the time to clean up your life and do that which is right and like when he how he finishes off verse 14 says but put you on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof so what is he contrasting he says look if you're doing wantonness and drunkenness what are you doing you're fulfilling the lust of the flesh but if you put on the Lord Jesus Christ you can fulfill the law of God you're gonna fulfill the lust of the flesh lust or you can fulfill the law of God okay it's all based upon if you're gonna put on the Lord Jesus Christ all right now obviously that's a daily decision you have to make every single day you put on the Lord Jesus Christ and you fight those those spiritual battles against your flesh against the the world against Satan but you have to do it every single day okay if you're gonna fulfill the law of God so what's the sermon this evening it's simply this obviously this in the law of God is the authority of God and it's interesting how it starts off talking about the higher powers which is the law of God it gives you everything in between as far as the laws of the land and then it finishes off with fulfilling the laws of God so you don't fulfill the lust of the flesh okay so what's the sermon the sermon is simply this let's be Christians who love the Lord love our neighbor by fulfilling the law of God and let's have the right perspective of what authority is this does not teach us to be just rebellious against everyone okay let me say this even even we ought to even submit to the preferences of others if it doesn't go against the Bible you know the preferences you say well my parents you know they have this preference and I don't agree with it yeah but if it's not violating God's law you need to do it here's the thing if they tell you to do it guess what it's law if your parents tell you to do something and you say well that's not in the Bible obviously if it's not sin it becomes law to you from God because the Bible says as unto the Lord if you choose to disobey that law you're disobeying God and you're resisting that power okay and by the way there's a there's a warning in the Bible for children here's how you get insurance life insurance I'm serious the Bible says honor thy father and thy mother which is the first commandment given with promise you what the promise is that your life may be long you want to cut your life short disobey your parents God says I'll take your life just like that by the way God kills children too God kills children too he'll take he's done it in the Bible he'll do it again okay you want good insurance obey your parents honor them well I don't know again I don't wanna fine then die that's what's gonna happen he says that your life may be long on the earth he says if you want to live long honor your father and your mother to this day I'm 32 years old I do my best to honor my mom and my father to this day because I want my life to be long okay I don't want to live a short life I want to live for decades on it to serve the Lord but if you don't want to do that you can cut your life short by disobeying your parents you know that's the way it works on that note let's pray follow me thank you so much for this day thank you for our salvation for your word I pray that you'd help us to to have a biblical understanding of what the law of God is but not just the law the authorities the the powers that be and we obviously know that you are the most high power in this land in the end and in all of existence and help us to measure everything according to your word according to your law help us not to be ignorant Christians my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge knowledge of the Word of God and I hope it's not to just blindly follow everything to be balanced of course but not to be anarchist not to just be rebels for the sake of being rebels but if the world calls us rebels because we're obeying God's Word then so be it I pray that you help us to have the right balance in Jesus name we pray Amen