(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. This evening we're going to start the book of Romans and we're going to start in Romans chapter number one. This is the book that we'll be studying for the next few weeks or so. But just to give you an introduction of the book of Romans here, the book of Romans is a great doctrinal book dealing with specific subjects in great detail. And I want to encourage you to get familiar obviously throughout these next couple of 16 weeks to get familiar with the book of Romans so you can get familiar with the doctrines found therein. But you'll find key teachings laid out very comprehensively within this book. In fact, the book of Romans elaborates very extensively this matter of salvation, right? You'll hear often in the book of Romans about justification and then you'll also hear about sanctification and glorification. But it's also a book that dismantles the false teaching of Zionism. And people often say, well, you know, where do you get that in the Bible? Well, this is a very good book to study if you want to learn what the Bible actually says against Zionism. In fact, it spends many chapters just covering it and debunking it very thoroughly. And then, of course, towards the latter end, it gives more practical principles for Christian living. And we know that obviously doctrine is very important to learn, to understand, to have knowledge of the Word of God. But the practical aspect of fleshing that out and living that out is very much important as well. And we see that in the book of Romans. So there's a lot of good doctrine being expounded in this book and obviously it goes without saying that it's written to who? It's written to the Romans, right? Now, even though there are times when Paul actually deviates from speaking to the Romans and he almost begins to talk to like a third party, not someone specifically found within Rome but just kind of generalizing. You'll see that in Romans chapter 2 when he's talking to the Jew and you'll see that also throughout the book there but specifically also in Romans chapter number 10. We're going to start in verse number 1. We're starting in Romans chapter 1. We'll start in verse number 1. Look down at your Bibles and the Bible says here, Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of God. So right off the bat, the apostle Paul establishes himself as being a what? A servant, right? And I think every single Christian ought to have this mindset always that we're servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, correct? But right off the bat, that's what he says. What does he mean by being a servant? Now hold your place there in Romans and go with me if you would to Galatians chapter number 1. Galatians chapter number 1. It's important to be a servant. We know a servant is someone who subjects himself to service others and in different facets of life and specifically in the Christian life but what is he referring to specifically here where in verse number 6 of Galatians chapter number 1, he reads here, I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we are an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let them be accursed. So the Bible obviously has a great condemnation on those who would desire to rest, to twist, to pervert the gospel, right? That means to teach anything that the Bible doesn't have to say about the gospel. This will fall into the category of repenting of your sins or keeping the commandments in order to be saved or being baptized. But the Bible says let them be accursed, that they won't be saved, they're accursed of God. But it goes on to say here in verse number 9, as we said before, so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let them be accursed. For do I now persuade men or God or do I seek to please men for if I yet please men, I should not be the servant of Christ. So we see here that in context, what is Paul talking about in Galatians chapter 1 as far as being the servant of Christ, preaching the gospel. And he makes the contrast of those who are seeking to please men, they're typically the ones who are perverting the gospel. Whereas if you have someone like Paul who wants to please God, what is he doing? He's preaching the gospel. There are those who pervert the gospel and there are those who just preach the gospel. Who are the ones that pervert it? Those who want to please men. Those who want to get their churches filled with members, they want their tithe, they want everything that they have to offer financially, they don't care about their souls. Guys what does Paul say? I want to please God, therefore I'm going to preach the gospel. So the really in context if you go back to Romans chapter number 1, Paul the apostle right here is talking about being a servant in regards to the gospel. Being a soul winner, going out there and preaching the gospel to every creature. And I'm thankful that soul winning is something that every single Christian can be a part of. You say man I've had a rough background, I have a rough life, you know I'm kind of rough around the edges, I just got saved, but you know what you can be a great soul winner. You can still preach the gospel, God can still use you to do something great. Yeah maybe if you've done something that would disqualify you from being a pastor, you can never be a pastor. Maybe you can never be a deacon but you can always be a soul winner. You can always be a servant of Christ through preaching the gospel and seeing people saved and that's what he says in verse number 1. Paul a servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle, what does he say there? Separated unto the gospel of God. Paul was a separated man. You know often we hear Christians talk about separation right? And separation is a very vital aspect of the Christian life. But we hear so much that we need to be separated from the world, right? Separated from bad habits, from the world, from things that will destroy our lives and that's good and we need to do those things. But you know what the Bible teaches us? That we need to be separated not just from something but unto something as well. And Paul the apostle here is saying this, I'm not only separated from the world, I don't touch the unclean thing, have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them. What fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? We know what Paul the apostle teaches about that but guess what he said here, I'm separated unto the gospel of God. See it's worth nothing to try to live a holy life if you're not doing something with that holy life. You know? It's not worth anything if you're like, you know how to dress right, you know how to talk right, you know how to do everything right, you know every single book of the Bible, you know all the doctrines, but you're not a soul winner. It means nothing. You need to go out there and preach the gospel and Paul says here, I'm a servant of Christ, why? Because I've been separated unto the gospel of Jesus Christ, he was a separated man and we as Christians need to keep that in mind, we've been given the ministry of reconciliation, the word of reconciliation and thank God that at our church we have a lot of soul winning times but we as Christians need to be soul winners at all times. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, whether it's with our boss, it's with family members, we ought to be soul conscious and recognize that whenever we have the opportunity to give the gospel to somebody, we ought to give it, why? Because we are servants of Christ, therefore we're separated unto the gospel. Verse number two goes on to say here, which he had promised the four biased prophets in the holy scriptures. Now go with me if you went to Genesis chapter 22, hold your place there in Romans 1, Genesis chapter 22. So according to the Bible, this matter of the gospel was promised, even in the Old Testament a four from the holy prophets the Bible says. You know and we just preached the message on Sunday on dispensationalism, the dispensation of heresy. And dispensationalism teaches that there are different gospels given at different times, no one was saved by grace through faith just, or excuse me, no one was saved by grace through faith in the Old Testament, it's only in the New Testament that we see that and then even thereafter people are saved by works. Well that's false. Okay, because this gospel that Paul the apostle's referring to right here, he said it was talked about even in the Old Testament, a four by the holy prophets. I'm gonna read to you from Genesis chapter three verse 15 where it says, I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed, it shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise his heel. That's a prophetic mentioning of the Lord Jesus Christ. Talking about when Christ was going to come. Now obviously look, we didn't, or excuse me, the disciples didn't know specifically how everything was gonna turn out. He didn't know, they didn't know about the crucifixion, they didn't know specifically how it was gonna pan out, but guess what, we do know this, that they knew that he was gonna sacrifice himself. Okay. They knew that he was gonna come for their transgressions. He was gonna die for them. He was the lamb of God who should take away the sins of the whole world. We know that they believe that, but look at Genesis 22 verse eight, Abraham and Abraham said my son, this is when he was gonna sacrifice his son Isaac, right? Abraham said, my son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering. So they went both of them together. Now obviously that had an immediate interpretation, right? Because this soon thereafter, when God stopped Abraham from slaying his son, they saw a ram caught in the thicket and they were able to sacrifice that instead, correct? And that was Abraham's foreseeing that God will provide a sacrifice for them. But that was also a foreshadowing of things to come, because God will provide himself a sacrifice. Well Jesus Christ is the one who gave himself for the sins of the whole world. He's the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. First Peter chapter number one, first Peter chapter number one, I'ma read to you from Isaiah chapter 53 where the Bible reads here in verse number five, but he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed. That's in the Old Testament. These are things that they knew about, these are things that they read about. Yes, it was through a glass darkly, they didn't understand everything. Everything wasn't as clear as it is for us in the New Testament, but they understood it. The Bible says in first Peter chapter one, verse number nine, receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls, of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you, searching what or what manner of time the spirit of Christ which was in them did signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow. So the Bible teaches us they knew. They saw, they preached about the sufferings of Christ. They talked about how he was going to give a sacrifice. This is how the gospel was given a fourth time. And what do they have to do in order to be saved? Just believe. Right? They didn't have to know every specific detail, they just had to believe God and it was counted unto them for righteousness as the Bible puts it. Go back to Romans chapter number one. Romans chapter one verse three goes on to say concerning his son Jesus Christ our Lord which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh and declared to be the son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead. This is, these are two very interesting verses that really highlights the humanity of Christ but also the deity of Christ. Right? Because in verse number three it says concerning his son Jesus Christ our Lord which was made of the seed of David according to what? To the flesh. So Jesus Christ was 100% man according to the flesh verse four and declared to be the son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead. So we see here the dual attributes of Jesus Christ as being God but also being man. Right? And yes he was the son of God according to the spirit but verse three says he was the seed of David according to the flesh. This is very important because we need to make a distinction between the two. Right? Simply for the fact that this false teaching of modalism is crept into the churches unfortunately. And they don't make a distinction between God the son and God the father and say they're one and the same. No the Bible teaches us here that God Jesus Christ is not only God in the flesh or excuse me yeah he's God in the flesh but guess what he's God but he's also a man. Okay he was both. And if you search the scriptures even within the gospels this reiterates it over and over and over again. We see that the Bible teaches us that the word was made flesh and doth among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth. But what does it also say that when Jesus Christ was crucified my God my God why hast thou forsaken me? Because we see that when Jesus Christ was baptized God the father said to Jesus Christ what did he say to him? This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. When Jesus Christ was about to die or when he was on the mountain of transfiguration this is my beloved son hear ye him. So we see there's constant distinction between the two throughout the gospels. They're not one and the same. They're one and the same in regards to their essence and power in regards to the fact that they are God. Right? They are three distinct people as the Bible teaches us in 1 John. Now go back to Romans chapter number 1 verse 5 says by whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for his name among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ to all that be in Rome beloved of God called to be saints grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. So I want you to notice there verse number 5 it says obedience to the faith and often you know false cults or people who believe in a works based salvation they'll use that verse very you know frequently. They say see you got to be obedient to the faith. Now I believe obedience is necessary for salvation. Okay? You say what do you mean by that? Now go with me if you would to 2 Thessalonians chapter number 1. Second Thessalonians chapter number 1. And we got to keep in mind that what Satan often does with his apostles of light his angels of light his ministers of light is they will take truth and what will they do? They'll pervert it. Right? They'll rest it. They'll twist it. So yes obedience is necessary for salvation. Why is that? Because 2 Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 7 says and to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels inflaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. So obedience is necessary but to what? For the gospel. To be saved. To call upon the name of the Lord. To believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That's what obedience is for. That's what it's talking about there. It's not talking about obedience to keeping the commandments of God. Right? In fact the only command that we need to obey in order to be saved is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. But how many times have we knocked on doors and we talked to people who say well you know I believe it's by faith but you know what you also have to obey God. You got to make sure you do your part. You got to make sure that you keep the commandments. Well the Bible teaches us that therefore we conclude that a man is not justified by the works of the law. It's impossible. And in fact if you keep one part the Bible says if you offend another you're basically guilty of all. So it's impossible. But obedience is necessary. Go to Matthew chapter number seven. Obedience is necessary but obedience to the faith, obedience to the gospel. The Bible says, the Bible teaches us that God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance right? Matthew 7 21 says not everyone that saith unto me Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. And people will use that all the time right? So you got to do the will of God in order to be to enter into the kingdom of heaven. I believe that. But they need to be specific what will is he talking about? Because in John chapter 6 and verse number 40 the Bible says and this is the will of him that sent me that everyone that seeth the son and believeth on him may have everlasting life. And then we'll raise him up in the last day the Bible says. So what is it talking about when it talks about doing the will of God? It talks about obedience to the gospel, it's talking about obedience to the faith. It's not referring to a works-based salvation as others would put it. In fact the Bible says but God be thanked that you were the servants of sin. But you have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine that was delivered to you. What form of doctrine are they talking about? Teaching all nations right? Because doctrine means teaching and the Bible teaches that Matthew 28 says what? Teach all nations baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost but that teaching is referring to what? The gospel. Okay now go back to Romans chapter number 1 a lot of truth found even in these first couple of verses of Romans. A lot of things to ruminate on, a lot of things to meditate upon, a lot of things to take into consideration. Verse number 8 says first I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. Man that's that's like amazing. I mean these people at Rome had a testimony without Twitter, without Facebook, without Instagram, without emails, without YouTube, right? Their faith was spoken of throughout the whole world. Goes to show that someone who is spirit filled no matter what age they're in the word is going to get out if they're doing the will of God, right? If they're doing a great will, a great work for God, if they're preaching the word as it ought to be done it's going to spread abroad. Go with me for what the first Thessalonians chapter number 1 we're going to read verses 6 through 8. That's a great testimony to those of Rome. He would be able to say that their faith is spoken of that means that people are talking about it. People are talking about the work that's being done. People are talking about the souls that were being saved and the stand that was being taken. That's a great testimony. First Thessalonians chapter 1 verse number 6 says and he became followers of us and of the Lord having received the word of much affliction with joy of the Holy Ghost so that you were in samples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia for from you sounding out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia but also in every place your faith to God were to spread abroad so that we need not to speak anything. Wow what a great testimony. He says man your faith is spoken abroad in Macedonia and Achaia and in everywhere. I mean you're known. And I'm sure these people in Thessaloniki and I'm sure these people at Rome that wasn't their goal right? They didn't want to just become popular, they didn't want to just be famous but guess what's the byproduct of preaching the word of God as it needs to be preached? People are going to hear about it. And it's going to inspire people to want to live the same. It's going to provoke many to zeal. It's going to cause people to be bold in their faith to take a stand to go out there step step out in faith and do that which is right in the sight of the Lord. Go back to Romans chapter number one. So these here these people at Rome I mean they were some pretty mature Christians. Their faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. Verse number nine says for God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit and the gospel of his son that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers. Now that's a very you see the heart of the Apostle Paul there don't we that he wasn't just interested in preaching the gospel he wasn't just interested in preaching the word of God but he had a heart for his people. Even those people who maybe he didn't congregate on a continual basis he had a heart for them even to the point where he says man I don't stop to pray for you guys I don't cease to pray for you guys. I'm always thinking about look in order to pray for somebody you have to be thinking about them. Right? In order to be praying for someone you have to think about them and the Bible teaches us that we have to pray without ceasing. How do we do that? We need to think upon people all the time. Think about their needs, think about the trials they may be going through, the tribulations or even this. We say well I don't know anybody who's going through a trial, well why don't you pray for those in our church who need boldness, right, to preach the gospel or need boldness to just take a stand. Or why don't you pray for those who maybe in our church or someone that you know who's lukewarm in the faith they're not bold in God they don't care about the things of God yeah they're saved but they're just sitting on their rear ends doing nothing. We need to pray for them as well. That God will light a fire under them to get them on fire for God zealous for the things of the Lord. When's the last time you prayed for someone to be that way? You know prayer works, okay, and often we think well you know I already gave the word of God showing what the Bible says hey praise the Lord for that but you know maybe you need to pray for them a little more, you know what I mean? Because we need to ask God that God would work in their hearts, soften them, help them to recognize the fact that they need to get on fire for the Lord and that's what he says he goes without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers making requests if by any means now at length I may have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you for I long to see you that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift to the end you may be established that is that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. Now I would not have you ignorant brethren that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you but was let hitherto that I may have some fruit among you also even as among the Gentiles. So we see here in verse number 13 that the apostle Paul this is something that he often repeats even in the New Testament where he wants to go somewhere or he has the goal of preaching the gospel somewhere but he's hindered and by the way it says right there let hitherto of course in our modern vernacular let would mean allow right? But here in the Bible it's actually referring to hindering is what it is and it'll use both words interchangeably throughout the whole Bible you say well how do I know which one is it talking about just read the context and you'll know okay let hitherto he wants to go there but he can't we obviously know that means to hinder and he's saying here that he was hindered from coming among them so he can preach the gospel among them and see people saved. Now go with me if you would to to Galatians chapter number two Galatians chapter number two I'm gonna read to you from Romans chapter 15 you know reading even the the the not the gospels but the the Paul's what we would call the the Paul's epistles the Pauline epistles we'll see that often he's hindered you know he wants to do something he's hindered not forbade because we obviously know that the the Holy Ghost forbade him at one time to go into Asia right but here we see that this is actually something that's hindering him it's something outside of himself it's it's something that's not God that's hindering him in Romans 15 22 it says for which cause also I have been much hindered from coming to you and again he's referring there in chapter 15 as in regards to preaching the gospel first Thessalonians 2 18 you don't have to turn there the Bible says wherefore we would have come unto you even I Paul once and again but Satan hindered us so we see that he's hindered then we see what it was Satan that was hindering right well look at Galatians 2 4 says and that because of false brethren unawares brought in who came in privily to spy our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that they might bring us into bondage now you read further in Galatians what does he tell the Galatians the Christians at Galatia he said this who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth you know often what's it's not just some some outside force or you know a tree crashes and you can't get to the church or you can't preach the gospel you know what it is as Satan uses his instruments false teachers and false prophets that would hinder people from getting the gospel because really that those are the the main proponents opponents I should say of the gospel are those who don't believe in the salvation by grace through faith and those those who believe in a repent of your sins and those who would believe a false doctrine those are the people who would want to hinder us right false teachers false prophets in fact what the Bible would term as reprobates and we're gonna see that in just a little bit these are people who would love to stop us these are people who would love to stop the message these are people who would love to hinder us and who knows there might be a time when we are hindered from doing the work of God or there might be a time when we may be hindered from preaching the gospel to a people but that doesn't mean they can stop us because obviously Paul the Apostle was not stopped yeah he was hindered in this area he was hindered going to Thessalonica he was hindered into going to Rome but there's a bunch of other places he did go to and we got to realize that there's gonna be times in our Christian life even in our church when we will be hindered from doing the work of God but guess what when when one door closes we need to go for another open door and let me say this when the Bible the Bible teaches us that there's an open door there's always an adversary there waiting for us for great and effectual doors open unto us and there are many adversaries so that's something we just got to prepare for and there's gonna be times when we're hindered but that doesn't mean we're stopped from doing it right that doesn't mean someone can cause us to cease to do these things in fact in Luke 11 52 says well unto you lawyers for you have taken away the key of knowledge he entered not in yourselves and them that were entering in he hindered you see there's people who have an agenda to keep people from getting saved he said no I don't believe there's really people there's workers of iniquity they really haven't who want to creep in privily to bring in bring in damnable heresies why because they don't want them to be saved they want to hinder them from accepting Christ they want to hinder them from trusting Christ as a personal Savior why because they have an agenda they have a plan there's something construing in their mind they're evil wicked people they desire to hinder us but they can hinder us but they can't stop us okay and we can't get discouraged and say oh man this door closed what are we gonna do now move on to the next door move on to the next city move on to the next door move on to the next opportunity that God presents to us so we can go through and be successful and go back to Romans chapter number one verse 14 the Bible reads here I am a debtor both to the Greeks and to the barbarians both to the wise and to the unwise and I often thought to myself why is he saying that I'm a debtor you know why is he a debtor to the Greeks why is he a debtor to the barbarians to the wise and to the unwise we'll go to Romans 13 hold your place in Romans chapter one I think this will clarify what that means there and just remember that he's making reference to the gospel right all this is in context of the gospel Romans 13 verse number eight the Bible reads here oh no man anything so someone who owes something is what in debt right they are what's called a debtor well the Bible says here in verse number eight oh no man anything but to love one another for he that loveth another has fulfilled the law so why is Paul the apostle saying that he's a debtor both to the Greeks to the barbarian both to the wise to the unwise because he's saying I owe them the gospel I owe him the love of going out there and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ you know and all of us have to have that same mentality we would say we're debtors we're debtors to El Mani we're debtors to Montebello Montebello we're debtors to Monterey Park to the Los Angeles area to your area why because that makes us think that hey oh no man no nothing but your love right we ought to make sure that we want to get the gospel out there to as many people as we possibly can and to have our mentality hey I'm a debtor to these people I need to give the gospel to them I need to make sure that I'm doing my part to see people saved go back to Romans chapter 1 and verse 15 he he reiterates that he says so as much as in me is I'm ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also and that's that's a strong statement I'm ready you know be ready always to give an answer to every man to ask after the faith that is in you with meekness and fear verse 16 for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God into salvation to everyone that believe it to the Jew first and also to the Greek so we see in the verse the first few verses of this chapter Paul is what he was separated into the gospel but he was also ready to preach the gospel and he wasn't ashamed of the gospel you know he was separated onto the gospel he was ready to preach the gospel and he wasn't ashamed of the gospel and I think that when you have those three components those three elements evident in your life you know what happens you begin to burn a little bit okay what does it mean to burn is to have that desire to go out and preach the gospel to see people saved go to John chapter 5 hold your place there in Romans chapter number 1 John chapter 5 I think a great example of this concept is John the Baptist I mean John the Baptist preached the gospel a lot when it while he was while he was on this earth and verse 34 says but I received not excuse me but I received not testimony from man but the but these things I say that he might be saved verse 35 referring to John the Baptist he was a burning and shining light and you were willing for a season to rejoice in his light but I have greater witness than that of John for the works which the Father hath given me to finish the same works that I do bear witness of me that the Father hath sent me so on and so forth but in verse 35 says he was a burning and shining light you know he was a man that we could honestly say yes he was separated onto the gospel I mean his whole ministry was to bring in Christ right he was separated into the gospel but he was ready he was ready and he wasn't ashamed of it he preached it to the Pharisees he preached it he preached the Word of God to the Sadducees he preached it to Herod he wasn't ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and I believe that each person if they have these three elements will have a burning desire to preach the gospel you see often in the Christian life if we're not careful you know what happens we grow cold we grow cold our heart becomes callous we just aren't on fire as we used to be and it's like man I don't feel like soul winning I don't want to tell people about the gospel well you know what you're missing these elements in your life you're not separate you say well I'm coming to church but you're not separated onto the gospel you say well I'm doing it yet but you're not separate into the gospel of Jesus Christ he said well you know I know the gospel but are you ready to preach the gospel you say but you know I go out on Saturday sometimes but you know what are you ashamed of the gospel what about when your family's around what about your friends what about those who you know who are unsaved that you want to see come to Christ are you ashamed of them but when you have those three elements guess what there's a burning desire to get the gospel and see people saved in fact you say man where are you getting this concept from go to Luke chapter 24 I'm gonna reach you from Jeremiah chapter 20 Jeremiah chapter 20 verse number eight verse number nine excuse me Jeremiah says here then I said I will not make mention of him nor speak anymore in his name but his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and I was weird with forbearing I could not stay you know when you have the Word of God within you what happens it burns there's a desire to get it out right look at Luke chapter 24 verse number 31 and their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight and they said one to another did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures the heart burns you know how does your Christian heart burn today right but do you have those three I don't have Christian heart but you maybe you know you probably don't have those three elements you know you're not separated into the gospel maybe it's the fact that you're not ready to preach it maybe you're not you're not memorizing the scriptures necessary to go out there and lead someone to Christ maybe you got to get that right okay or maybe you're just ashamed of the gospel and when the opportunity presents itself you just kind of shy away from it no you need to have all those three elements you can have a burning desire so you can be John the Baptist a burning and shining light go back to Romans chapter number one verse 17 says for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith so the Bible says so here in verses 1 through 17 he highlights the Christian that burns for the gospel I mean that's important we're gonna be talking about a lot about the gospel in the book of book of Romans right now in verses 18 to 32 he highlights the reprobates okay but look at the contrast here please because in Romans chapter 1 verses 1 through 17 he highlights the Christian who should burn for the gospel and then in verses 18 to 32 he highlights the reprobates who burn in their own lust one toward another what a contrast right look at verse 18 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness because that was that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God had showed it unto them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened so here in verses 19 to 21 we see the progression or rather we should would say the decline right of someone who has rejected Christ they've rejected the gospel and the Bible says that they've been given over to a reprobate mind now this is a doctrine that really is rejected even amongst Christians right they don't want to come to this this conclusion this biblical conclusion that it can get to a point where it's too late for a person okay it does a person can get to a point where it's too late they've rejected the gospel so much that they could no longer be saved and that's Bible okay and the Bible calls that a reprobate we say what do you get that that that that definition from from Jeremiah chapter number six where the Bible says reprobate silver shall men call them for the Lord had to rejected them it uses the parallel definition in Jeremiah chapter six to define what a reprobate is reprobate silver for the Lord has rejected them reprobate and silver are used interchangeably in that chapter right there but go to Ephesians chapter number four and hold your place there in Romans 1 Ephesians chapter number four I want you to notice first of all that the Bible says in Romans chapter 1 well you're in Ephesians chapter 4 but I'm a reach him from verse 21 of Romans 1 that they knew God yet they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became bane in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened so the Bible says that they knew God okay now there's a false doctrine out there that says that Christians can become reprobates okay and and it's something that's that's widely adapted something that's propagated by Bill Gothard and and and SM Davis that kind of crowd that really believes that a Christian could be and they'll say well someone can get into immorality for even to the point where they just become a reprobate but that's just first of all that's a false teaching but that's a foolish way of thinking because reprobate means rejected okay and a Christian can't be rejected in fact if a Christian goes out and commits the most heinous of immorality not talking about sodomy but the most heinous of immorality you know the Bible says that God will destroy them they won't get to the point God it'll get to a point where God will simply destroy them and they'll never have the desire to be with another man to be with another woman of the same gender it's just impossible Ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 says this I say therefore and testify in the Lord that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their minds see the parallel terminology here that it uses with Romans 1 having the understanding darkened being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart so in Romans chapter 1 it talks about how their foolish heart was darkened and Ephesians chapter 4 it says that because of their blindness of their heart they're using the changeably there verse 19 who being past feeling keep that in mind being past feeling the Bible would say that they're seared their conscience is seared with the hot iron if you sear something that means you know if you ever burn yourself someone your skin so bad that it just kills the nerves and you can't feel it anymore I mean it's just like numb well the Bible says that these reprobates because they're their their conscience has been burned right with the hot iron that they're seared their past feeling they can't feel these things that's why when you hear in the news about these reprobates and pedophiles and these faggots who go out and do these heinous crimes and you're thinking yourself how can this person even come to the to do such a wicked act it's because they're past feeling you know we think about a pedophile and a person who would take advantage of a small innocent helpless child and we would think how can they bring themselves to hurt and molest and rape a child it's because their past feeling that's why they don't feel those things it doesn't bother them well the Bible says who being in past feeling have given themselves over until lasciviousness now of course we know they're given over to these things because God gave them over to a reprobate mind to work all uncleanness with greediness you see the Bible teaches us that these people who are reprobates they're greedy of committing lasciviousness well what's something that's greedy something that they can't have enough of it right well the Bible teaches us we'll see in Romans chapter 1 that they're full of unrighteousness and second Timothy chapter 3 it says they're laden with sins lady is just another word for loaded right and in second Peter says that they have eyes full of adultery so we see that this is a category of people that cannot cease from sin these are people who are laden they're loaded with sin they work all uncleanness with greediness this is not your typical sinner okay and that's what people can they get confused about it wasn't you know I mean are we all haters of God is no not everyone is a hater of God I mean look growing up in the ghetto I've met some pretty bad gangsters out there I mean some thugs but even some of them they had like a certain reverence to God I mean they believed in God you know they would even have a respect for a pastor anybody you know if you've gone so many in ghetto areas I don't know about you but I've been ghetto and so many in some of these areas right here and sometimes they get the the gangsters they respect you they're like oh man you're a Christian area oh he's a pastor or something you know they have like a reverence for that I'm not saying all of them do but there's a good amount that do but reprobates aren't like that these are people who are past feelings people who they have their evil wicked workers of iniquity as the Bible puts it go back to Romans chapter number one so the Bible says their past feeling keep that in mind keep that in mind and I want to see what people have to say about that you know because Christians can be past feeling right we can't be past we have the love the love of God and the fact of the matter is is we can't have we can't commit lasciviousness with greediness okay I'm talking about lasciviousness as far as sodomy is concerned no Christian would be involved in that it's impossible verse 22 says professing themselves to be wise they became fools now why is the Bible say that reprobates profess themselves to be wise well I'm gonna read to you from 2nd Timothy chapter 3 it says ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth you know some of the most wicked reprobates are those who are like atheists they're up there you know in status the the the Richard Dawkins you know of this world the what's the guy's name the guy in the wheelchair what meet you okay Steve Hawkins these are people who profess themselves to be wise but what does the Bible say about them they're ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth they will never be saved and the Bible says now is Janice and Jabri's withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth see it's it's interesting that they said the Bible says that they're ever learning never able to come to the knowledge of truth there's all poor people they're never able to come to the knowledge of the truth because they're ever learning no the Bible says here it's because they resisted the truth you see it says these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds a reprobate mind reprobate what concerning the faith see it's very important we understand what are they reprobate concerning because in Corinthians what does it say about Paul he says though we be as reprobates as he's saying that always be as these wicked filthy faggots sodomites no he's saying though we're behaving as though excuse me though we are those who are rejected because we're being rejected by you right but here it says that they're reprobate concerning the faith okay the faith to believe obviously verse 23 in Romans chapter number one says and change the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds into four-footed beasts and creeping things verse 24 wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of God into a lie we worshiped and served a creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen so here it says that these people change the glory of God they they were given up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies they change the truth of God into a lie now go to second Peter chapter number two we're going back and forth I know but this is important and in these scriptures that we're going to highlights what the Bible talks about here second Peter chapter number two let me turn there myself the Bible says second Peter chapter number two in verse number one but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privately shall bring in damnable heresies look what it says here even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction so you say why would you turn to that passage of Scripture because in Romans chapter 1 and verse 25 says they changed the truth of God into a lie you see what I'm saying and so these are people are not just the people who are out there you know the gay pride parade and all that junk or whatever this is actually now categorizing the specific people who actually changed the truth of God into a lie they're the ones who actually had the agenda of bringing in damnable heresies what's a damnable heresy a heresy is a false teaching something that's damnable is teaching that will send you to hell okay send an unsafe person to hell and what they do why and it's in context of Romans one of the reprobate they change the truth of God into a lie you say well what if they if then okay I agree that's what that's what it's talking about but what if they want to be saved what if they want to change and they want to be safe well the Bible says here that they denied the Lord that bought them you see what I'm saying so in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 it also says that they resisted the truth but here in 2nd Peter chapter 2 it says that they denied the Lord that bought them these people who bring in damnable heresies these people who are reprobates according to Romans 1 they've denied the truth they've resisted it but they denied the Lord that bought them as well you got to keep those things in mind so it's not just them because often I'll hear this yeah but what if they you know what if they they want to be saved and they're trying they're not going to they've already denied the Lord that's what it says and bring upon themselves swift destruction the Bible says this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves sound familiar right covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy think of those terms and it sounds very familiar to Romans chapter number 1 verse 3 without natural affection that's a big one right truce bakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good I mean if that doesn't define a reprobate I don't know what does right they despise Christians they despise those that are good traders heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God and then it says this having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away you see now it now I get now here's what the rubber meets the road because now it says that they look like like they're godly in fact the Bible says they have a form of godliness you see that's why in second Peter chapter 2 they're able to privately come in and bring in damnable heresies why because they have a form of godliness but you got to understand something they've denied the power thereof they've denied the Lord that bought them the Bible says does that make sense so here says from such turn away okay now go back to Romans chapter 1 verse 26 it says for this cause now all those things that it just said right that they've resisted the truth they they all these things about changing the truth of God into a lie that the effect of that is in verse 26 is for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections you got to keep that in mind because a lot of people say they had those things flipped around so you're saying you know they're reprobate because they're committing sodomy no they're committing sodomy because they're a reprobate you got to get the chain of events the way it takes place to cause an effect they're not we're not saying oh that person's a reprobate because they're committing sodomy now we could obviously look at someone who's involved in that in that faggot tree and say yeah that obviously that person's a reprobate okay but it just goes to show that they were a reprobate long before they actually began committing those sodomy acts why because that's the fruit of it and in fact in 26 it says this for this cause God gave them up to vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and let me say this there's nothing cool about being a faggot okay because here in our culture especially in the public schools and amongst teenagers it seems like it's a cool thing to be a little faggot or to have girls kiss other girls that's not cool that's unclean it's reprobate he said well I know someone who's who's a homo and they're like they're they're like a really cool person there's nothing cool about them in fact the Bible says that they're they they're thinking of weakness to do unto you and they could they get you drunk and rape you you see you need to get off the Hollywood and off the movies and off the things that would teach you that oh it's an acceptable lifestyle it's a death style is what it is and these faggots are not to be revered as someone oh they're just a part of this culture no they're to be condemned preach against and exposed and look amongst teenagers that's big you know and you're gonna think it's real cool until some faggot comes and rapes you right then what how cool is that not cool at all you see the biblical interpretation of what these homos are that's reality I mean you want to see how cool they are going to read Genesis chapter 19 go ahead and read Judges chapter 19 going to see go read about the Benjamites go read about the sodomites and what they did nothing good about it verse 27 says likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another so the Bible says that they left the natural use what does that mean it means that that one time they were using the natural use and now they no longer use the natural use so this this whole terminology of oh you know they this guy he's a homo but he only likes guys he doesn't like any girls it's false okay and look we're Bible believe in Christians here right we believe in God we believe in the King James Bible we trust that what God is saying is true judges 19 says it these filthy wicked sodomites and judges 19 the Benjamites the sons of Belial they came to rape the man but instead what they said they settled for the woman instead we see they go both ways so don't give me this oh you know they're just you know they're not interested in any any of their opposite no they are they are to them it's just easier to go for the same gender but the Bible says here that they're burned in their lust one toward another now you say how do I know that maybe myself I don't think there's anybody in here or someone I know you know how do I know that I'm not a reprobate because sometimes people struggle with that even even in our Christian movement people are like man you know some things happened in the past how do I know that I'm not well here's a clear way to know if you're not if you're a reprobate or not do you burn in your lust one toward another because the burn means like man I have the strong desire a strong physical desire for this guy now if that's you get the hell out of this church but if it's not you if you're just like man you know there's some things in the past or or whatever for whatever reason but I'm not burning in my last one toward another you know that's a different story okay the Bible talks about people who are burning in their last one toward another okay and look there's there's cases of people of children who were molested in the past okay and they were confused later on or for whatever reason and that's different but I'm talking about people who actually burn in their lust one toward another what a contrast we as Christians we ought to burn for the gospel these reprobates they burn in their lust one toward another men with when working now which is unseeming receiving in themselves that recompense of the air of their error which was me now when it talks about receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was me obviously we would say you know that's aids right that's aids that syphilis is gonorrhea chlamydia and all the other diseases that come with with being a part of that but in context what is the recompense and content is being burning in your last one toward another why because God gave them over to those vile affections so they received in themselves that recompense of their error which was meat does that make sense that was God's punter he's like fine you want to reject me I'm going to give you over to the most filthy acts a human being could ever commit and that's your recompense verse 28 and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient and then the key word key phrase here verse 29 being filled with all unrighteousness because I've had people even come up to me with this verse and say well disobedience of parents you know haven't you ever been disobedient to parents we're all reprobates you know no stupid because this is being filled with all unrighteousness I'm not filled with murder I've never murdered anybody in my life okay yeah I dishonored my mom and I disobeyed them but I'm not constantly constantly disobeying my parents I'm not living like this okay these are characteristics of someone who's filled with all unrighteousness and that's why it it just ticks me off when people say how can you say a homosexual is like a pedophile because they're one and the same they're filled with all unrighteousness pedophilia falls under the category of unrighteousness and they're filled with that too okay you see well I know someone who's a sodomite and they never molested a child well either number one they're lying or number two they haven't had a chance to but they will you say how can they do that because there goes back to Ephesians their past feeling and they look for opportunities to pray on those who are innocent okay now verse 30 excuse me let's see here where were we at 28 29 we already read verse 29 right fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whispers backbiters haters of God so take you know those who believe that Christians can become reprobates and those who believe that the reprobates can be saved explain this to me because if the bible says here first of all they don't want to retain God and their knowledge but the bible says here that they're haters of God how can you trust someone who you hate you can't now go with me if you would to Psalms 139 verse 21 that's why it's important that we understand this principle of hating them okay I'm gonna explain to you what I mean by that Psalms 97 go to Psalms 139 I'm gonna go to Psalms 97 I'm gonna read to you a command of the Lord okay this is a commandment the bible says in Psalms 97 verse 10 ye that love the Lord finish it off hate evil right ye that love the Lord hate evil well that's hate the sin brother Bruce that means hate you gotta hate you know weed you gotta hate alcohol you gotta hate you know whatever but let's finish the verse he preserveth the soul of the saints he deliverth them out of the hand of the wicked you see in context the parallel passage there when it's referring to evils talk about a person delivering them out of the hand of the wicked so ye that love the Lord hate evil look at Psalms 139 21 says do not I hate them oh Lord that hate thee and am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee I hate them with perfect hatred I count them mine enemies now go to Psalms 45 we obviously know that's like our life verse right obviously hate them with perfect hatred I count them mine enemies but I'm explaining to you what is the what is the biblical reasoning or what's the cause and effect of of having a perfect hatred a complete hatred I'm talking about a biblical healthy hatred I'm gonna read to you from second chronicles 19 verse 2 and Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him and said to the king to king Jehoshaphat shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them to hate the Lord therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord so obviously the Bible what is teaching us here is when we love those that hate the Lord wrath is upon us right I mean that ought to be like the quintessential motivation to say man I need to bump up my hate life I don't want God's wrath on me you know I want to make sure that my hatred is perfect I don't want wrath God's wrath upon me but just know this anytime God gives a commandment there is a consequence to disobeying it but there's also a blessing to obey it so we know what the consequence is right wrath is upon thee from before the Lord if we help those who love to who hate the Lord so on and so forth but look at Psalms 45 verse 6 says thy throne oh God is forever and ever the scepter of thy kingdom is a right scepter thou lovest righteousness and hatest wickedness therefore now what does therefore mean because of these things right therefore God God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows you know what I've noticed that those who have mature hate are some of the most happy people being honest being in this movement I realize that those who have the most perfect hatred are some of the happiest people joyful people they're very happy why because the Bible teaches us here that when we love righteousness and we hate wickedness God will anoint obviously this is a reference to Jesus Christ but we can we can apply this to ourselves as well because the commandment is to us as well you that love the Lord hate evil when we have a perfect hatred we not only um we not only avoid the consequence of having the wrath of God on us the Bible says he will anoint us with the oil of gladness above thy fellows you see some of the most grumpiest meanest people are those who are suppressing their hate for things that they ought to hate you see what I'm saying because they're like they're like man this sodomy makes me mad but we gotta love everyone you know I just you know or it's just like they can't pray against anybody they can't pray against the person who murdered their child they can't pray that they die and go to hell they can't pray against pedophiles they can't pray against Obama they can't pray against anybody so what do they do they just have all that hatred inside they don't get it out I think we're a bunch of happy people here you know and maybe we could perfect our hatred a little more but you know as we do so the Bible says that God will anoint us with the oil of gladness makes us happy people why because when we hate it gets out and then we're like ah I feel better you know I mean when you hit the bag enough you know while you're boxing you let all that stress by the time you're done you're spent you're just like man I don't feel like fighting anymore you know but you know when you're holding that in day in and day out you're gonna kick your dog you're gonna go off on your wife you're gonna you just why because you're holding all that in better to have a healthy hatred love the Lord and hate evil hate wickedness and be anointed with the oil of gladness that's the cause and effect it's good despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things I gotta finish we're I'm out of time disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them so the Bible obviously teaches us here that God is still saying that the death penalty should be applied to those who commit sodomy that's in the new testament Paul said that they're worthy of death okay well no they're worthy of a spiritual death oh no no Jude covers that later on okay twice dead plucked up by the roots okay God already said that he's talking about physically they ought to be put to death and you say well I just don't understand why you think they would say you know Jesus didn't think that way Jesus said who's our affinity one of these little ones to believe in me it were better I mean we think of something better and you know they were what's I'm looking at the crowd who's listening to Jesus like what is he going to say you know no it were better than a millstone be tied about his neck and be cast into the depths of the sea that's mafia style yeah I mean you guys remember the mafia they would put like put their feet yeah cement and just throw them in the water Jesus said I got something better tie a noose around their neck and cast them into the depths of the sea a millstone that's that is the the that is him promoting capital punishment for those who offend little ones and by the way when you molest the child that's what you're doing you're offending them okay you're violating them is what you're doing so it's nothing this is nothing radical this is a biblical concept that the bible teaches romans chapter one is a great chapter and I encourage you to read it over and over again but it really contrasts two types of people doesn't it contrast the christian who ought to be burning to get the gospel out right and then it contrasts those who burn in their lusts one toward another well you know what we ought to preach the gospel to reach those young children before they become a reprobate all right we ought to make sure that we're burning in such a way that we get the children before they can be turned over given over to a reprobate mind to reject christ and then be turned into that monster okay amen let's pray father we thank you so much for the book of romans so much truth packed into this one chapter and I pray that you'd help us to be christians like john the baptist who are a burning and shining light i pray that you help us to be like the apostle paul who the bible says was separated into the gospel but he was ready to preach the gospel and he wasn't ashamed of the gospel and obviously he had a great influence on those christians at rome who the bible says their faith was spread abroad in all places their faith was heard of throughout the world and i pray that you'd help us as faithful word baptist church in omani to be that type of a church that the work here would spread abroad not just for popularity's sake we want it to spread abroad to provoke others onto good works to provoke others to zeal to boldness and to partner with us to get the gospel out even further than that and i pray that you bless the time now in jesus let me pray amen