(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're in Revelation chapter number five this evening now chapters four and five are basically introductory chapters dealing with Introductory chapters to the beginning of sorrows and great tribulation what we're gonna see in Revelation chapter number six Now, let me give you just a brief overview of what we read in chapter number four in chapter four We're introduced to two prominent groups of characters known as the four beasts and the twenty-four elders Now as I mentioned last week the four B's basically they rep their representative of the four Gospels You have the line one that looks like unto a lion the other like an ox the third like unto a man and the fourth like unto an eagle and these are symbolic of the four Gospels and the Bible even tells us that they're full of eyes before and behind and what that basically Represents there is the fact that people in the past have heard of the gospel people in the future will also hear of The gospel you say well, it says eyes before and behind why would it be, you know? Not everyone has seen the Bible not everyone has read the Word of God But this is simply symbolic to say that people have been able to perceive it. They've been able to see it It's come to them in other words, you know when the Bible tells us in Hebrews chapter 6 that they have tasted of the Word Of God, it doesn't literally mean that they picked up the Bible. They're just like licking it, right? We know that to mean that the Word of God has come unto them. They have seen it They perceived it and in fact the Bible even tells us in Matthew 13 verse 14 or chapter 13 verse 14 and in them it's fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah's which saith by hearing you shall hear and shall not understand and seeing you shall see and shall not Perceive so we see there that the Word of God comes into people and we spiritually perceive it now This is basically telling us in regards to the four beasts that People throughout the centuries from the beginning of time until now have heard the gospel preached unto them Okay You know the Bible tells us that their sound went into all the earth and their word words unto the end of The world and so these two groups play an important role in John's vision Now the four beasts are used basically to assure John into the vision of the four horsemen of the apocalypse This is why they play a vital role They're the ones that you see in chapter number six from the first horsemen to the last basically showing him telling him come and see in order for him to get that vision of what's taking place during the beginning of sorrows and One of the elders many of the elder or some of the elders there they're used to interact with John You know they see him weeping over the fact that the book cannot be opened or no one is found to open the book and then later On in chapter number seven when he when we see the vision of the rapture taking place He comes before him and he's basically telling him You know, who is this this great company of people and he interacts with John there So these are pretty vital characters or groups of people that we see in chapter number four Now these particular chapters are meant to help us to focus on The our place our attention on the worthiness of Christ to open up the book Okay, and I mentioned that last week now, this is very important. Okay. He said well, we know that We know that he's worthy to open up the book We know that you know, he's worthy to open up the book and to lose the seven seals But the question is this what is the significance of that? Why is it that he is worthy to open up the book and why is he worthy to lose the seven? Seals and we're gonna answer some of that in this sermon. Look at verse number one. Let's start reading verse number one It says here and I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside Sealed with seven seals and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice Who is worthy to open the book and to lose the seals there of now? Let me just start off by saying that there is many false doctrines that are preached using revelation chapter number five now Why is that or how do they do that? Well, we know that chapter four is used by preachers to teach a pre tribulation rapture, right? The preachers have to fit the rapture somewhere in the book of Revelation because it is the book of Revelation It's dealing with end times Bible prophecy. It's dealing with the second coming of Christ. Where can they put the rapture? They don't want to put it in chapter 6 because chapter 6 is the tribulation We know that they know that so they have to try to insert it into chapter number 4 where John is caught up in spirit It's not a bodily resurrection He comes back and we debunked that last week, but they use chapter 5 to basically reinforce that position now Why how do they do that? well The reason or in the manner of which they do it is that verse number one basically tells us that He sees in the right hand of him to stand on the throne a book written within and on the backside Now written by who by God God is the one who writes this book, right? He's the one who writes this book. He's the one who has it on the right hand Jesus Christ comes takes it from him and he's the one who is worthy to open up that book So they basically see that as this that this book basically embodies both tribulation and wrath that's how they see it Okay, then when the book is open It's both tribulation and wrath and therefore it is God The what God is the one who is inflicting both tribulation and wrath upon the world now, I don't believe this obviously We don't believe that God is the one bringing tribulation upon the world We don't believe he's the one doing any of these acts from the first seal all the way up into the fifth seal We obviously see that it's the Antichrist is doing this. That's pretty evident But what I'm telling you is that they believe that this is all all tribulation is all wrath wrath and tribulation are synonymous, right? That's what they believe that all seven years of the tribulation what they would consider to be tribulation is both tribulation and wrath and They'll use chapter 5 to reinforce that because they say God is the one who wrote that God is the one who is basically writing This he's the one who's allowing this. This is what's taking place, you know And because the book is written by God Therefore the contents of the book that highlight those seven seals are the wrath as well. Okay I'm just telling you what they are teaching now. This is obviously false Let me just say this is that I don't base whether we're gonna go through tribulation off of chapter number five of Revelation You see Revelation chapter 5 is a reinforcement of what we believe but it's not where we get our main teaching from Where do we get our main teaching from? Well, how about Revelation 6? How about 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 and 5? How about Matthew 24 mark 13 Luke 21? How about all these scriptures that clearly tell us that we're gonna go through tribulation You see you never want to go to an obscure scripture to base all your doctrine off of right? It's like when people believe that you know The Jews are still God's chosen people and God's not done with Israel and what do they do go to Romans chapter number 11? All Israel shall be saved. Why don't you first go to Ephesians chapter 2? Why don't you first go to Galatians chapter 3 and 4? Why don't you go to Hebrew chapter number 8? What about what about Revelation 2 and 3 when it talks about the synagogue of Satan? Why don't you go to every other place in the Bible where it clearly teaches us? How about John chapter 8? Where the Bible says that they're children of the devil then let's talk about Romans chapter 11 Okay, let's go to the clear teachings of the Bible first then we'll use Romans 11 20 verse 26 to reinforce that position Okay, because look I've talked to people and I've quoted them all those scriptures gone through the Gospels showed them through Romans chapter number 2 Right Romans chapter number 8 9 11 You know, I've shown them through Galatians chapter 3 and and 4 and they'll say yeah But that one verse in Romans chapter 11, though I'm just saying the wrong it's like hello You don't use Romans 11 to define all these other scriptures you use obscure scriptures to Reinforce what you believe what the other scriptures are clearly teaching but you don't use that as a basis for what you believe And in like manner we're not going to use Revelation chapter 5 To reinforce or to excuse me as a means to a Foundation to teach what we believe it just reinforces what we already believe. We got to go to the clear scriptures folks But the reason they have to go to the obscure scriptures to prove what they believe is because obscurity obscures your vision Right and it leaves it open for interpretation is what it is. Okay, so this is false This these scriptures actually reinforce what we believe okay chapter 5 actually reinforces what we believe now How do we know that? Well because of the fact that the wrath is not poured out into the seventh seal That's clear and look people can say whatever they want interpret scriptures. However, they want they cannot deny That wrath is not being poured out at least until after the fifth seal Because what do we see at the fifth seal the under the altar the souls of them they were slain for the Word of God And for the testimony which they held are you trying to tell me that God did that? And if so, why are they saying under the altar? How long the Lord holy and truth does thou not judge and avenge? Our blood on them that dwell on the earth That is basically the coup de gras to teach Hey wrath has not yet taken place if they're still waiting for this to take place. Okay We have the sixth seal opening up where the Sun and Moon are being darkened the stars fall from heaven Everyone is just shaking like, you know sizzling bacon because they're afraid they're fearful of the wrath of the Lamb We have the commercial break in chapter number seven giving us a vision of what the rapture looks like in heaven And then we have chapter number eight where the seventh seal is open There is silence in heaven for a space of a half an hour and then the seven trumpets take place after that Consecutively with the seven vials and then later on the three woes. So that's very much clear. You cannot refute that Who's gonna tell us that the fifth seal has anything to do with the wrath of God when we clearly see that they're being killed Not by God, but by the enemies of God and particularly the Antichrist who's making war with the Saints according to Revelation chapter 13 okay, so Let me just say this is that I don't believe that the book that we see here in chapter 5 is Talking about the tribulation at all. I'm talking about the contents of the book Okay, and I'm explained to you why you see what is it that represents the seals? Excuse me. What is it that represents the tribulation? I already gave you the answer The seals, right? The seals themselves Represent the tribulation not the contents of what's being written in the book. Okay, I Believe the content of the book itself is wrath that is being carried out by God the apex of the opening of the seals is when the book is finally open in its Completion in chapter number seven with the seventh seal because at that point that's the last seal that's open and then you're able to see Everything that's in the book, which is the wrath of God. Okay Now go to Ezekiel chapter number two. Hold your place there in Revelation Now what does this have to do with anything I mean does this change anything absolutely not In fact, it reinforces what we believe and I'm explained to you why? But I just want to I want I want to touch on this because of the fact that people will use Revelation chapter 5 to say well God is the one who's doing the tribulation He's the one who's doing the wrath therefore the synonymous one with another because the book within the con the contents of the book is Tribulation and wrath. No, it's not the seal itself is Representative of tribulation the contents found within the book is the wrath of God Okay, that's why in chapter 5 he says to open the book and to loose the seven seals It's making a distinction between the two now you're in Ezekiel chapter 2 I'm a retreat from Isaiah 29 verse 11 says in the vision of all has become unto you as the words of a book that Is sealed which men delivered to one that has learned saying read this I pray thee and he saith I cannot For it is sealed and just as we saw in Revelation chapter 5 No one is able to open the seals nor to look in the contents found within the book. Okay, it's sealed Zechariah 5 1 says then I turned and lifted up my knives and looked and behold a flying roll a Roll would be like a scroll is what they would refer to as a book also and he said unto me What's he a style and I answered I see a flying roll The length thereof is 20 cubits and the breath thereof 10 cubits then said he unto me This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth for everyone that steal it shall be cut off as On this side according to it and everyone that swereth shall be cut off as on that side according to it So we see there that the scroll has the cursings of God upon our peoples the judgment now look at Ezekiel chapter 2 verse number 7 And now shall speak my words unto them whether they will hear or whether they will forbear for there are most rebellious But thou son of man hear what I say unto thee be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house Open thy mouth and eat that I give thee and when I look behold a hand was sent unto me and lo a roll Of a book was there in and he spread it before me and it was written within and without you know like in Revelation chapter 5 what it's written within and on the backside right and There was written what they're in lamentations and mourning and whoa Well, what do we see in Revelation chapter 1 verse number 7 when Christ comes in the clouds? We see that everyone is wailing because of him. What is that? It's lamp. It's lamentations. It's morning. It's woes Now go to Revelation chapter number 6 And I believe Ezekiel 2 is figurative. It's foreshadowing This book that we see this book of wrath so to speak okay now once it's open. What are the contents found there in? Lamentations Mourning whoa wailing revelation 1 7 look at Revelation chapter 6 in verse 12 and I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black a sackcloth of hair and the moon became his blood and the stars of heaven Fell into the earth even as a fig tree Casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind and the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain and island removed out of their places and the kings of the earth and the Great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bond men and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and Set into the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne from the wrath of the lamb for the great Day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand how do we summarize what just happened? lamentation morning and woe It's exactly what it is So this is what I believe are the contents that are found within this book, I believe it's a book of wrath So well, how do you explain then? You know, how does that fit in? How does that work with the seven seals? Because we can see how they could use that and misconstrued that to say well They're one in the same if God's doing that then he's doing the tribulation well This doesn't you know because people say this proves the pre-tribulation rapture Pastor me here because they're synonymous the tribulation and wrath. No actually the loosing of the seven seals Predicates the wrath of God. That's what that proves Because in order to get the contents of the book you got to first open up the seals So all this proves is that the seals predicate the wrath of God? This shows us that in order for the wrath to be fulfilled to come in In order for God to pour out his wrath upon a wicked world that has rejected Jesus Christ You have to open up the seals first That's what all that shows You know, he's not the one I don't believe that the seals are being opened and then you see the white horse You know obviously in Revelation chapter 6 the Bible says that the lamb would open a seal and he heard it in the midst of the Four beasts say come and see there went out a white horse, you know He went forth conquering and to conquer but here's the thing the beasts that are saying this are simply saying come and see come and see What the vision of what's taking place of the occurrences that are taking place during this time? Okay, and so I think The I believe that the book here is actually referring to the wrath of God, but in order to reach that point Where God is pouring out his wrath the seals need to be peeled open Jesus Christ is the one worthy to open that up and to do so Okay So it proves that in order for the contents of the wrath to be revealed the seals need to be Removed now go back to Revelation chapter number 5 Revelation chapter 5 he says and I saw in verse number 1 in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book Written within and on the backside Sealed with seven seals and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice Who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals there are verse 3 and no man in heaven Nor an earth neither under the earth was able to open the book neither to look there on so what do we see here? We see that There's not one single human being from the beginning of time up until now that is capable of opening this book By the way, what I'm about to show you right now will reinforce the fact that this is a book of wrath Okay, because why is it that he can't find anybody worthy to open up this book when he says people that are in heaven He's referring to save people who have already passed on to be with the Lord When you talk about people who are in you know under the earth is referring to people who are in hell People who are on the earth are people who are already alive So there's no one in times past or even today or whenever who is capable of opening up this book of wrath Why is that? What is it teaching us? Well throughout the century just keep this in mind. God has always deputized Nations peoples and governments right to punish evildoers right He's always deputized people to do that Romans chapter 11 teaches us that our chapter 13 teaches us that that he's always deputized Governments to put people to death for righteous You know means if they have done wickedly if they're evil doers that They're to be put to death for specific means if it's for adultery sodomy, whatever it may be kidnapping But God has instituted the government to do this But here's the thing as good as a government may have been in times past. It still wasn't perfect And you know what's gonna happen even under even under a theocracy at times is that people are gonna make mistakes I'm talking about in the Old Testament You know, they've made they may have accused someone falsely an Innocent person might have suffered the punishment for someone else. Why because man is fallible Okay, so even a man who loves the Lord who is a righteous person so to speak is not perfect He's gonna make mistakes He might condemn someone who is innocent and might allow a guilty person to go free because he doesn't have perfect wisdom He doesn't have perfect knowledge He doesn't have the perfect understanding of these things So even a nation who wanted to uplift the laws of God and enforce the laws of the Lord They still weren't a perfect government They were still not able to execute perfect righteousness and justice in the land, but hold on a second. There is one man who will Right, you see no man in this world has ever been worthy To execute perfect justice in this land. No, man Because they're sinners every single human being has been a sinner Every single person has sinned and no matter how much they want to follow the law of God No matter how much they love the Lord. They're still gonna make mistakes, but hold on a second. There is one man There is one man who's gonna be able to come and execute perfect righteousness Who's the one who's worthy to open up that book of wrath Jesus Christ? There Can be all types of governments they wanted to enforce God's laws and and execute the homos and Execute the adulterers and the kidnappers and enforce God's law, but at the end of the day, none of them were perfect People still got away Even today. I mean our government today is not nowhere near any government times past. It's probably the most corrupt. I Mean wouldn't you agree that many people have gotten away? From the punishment that they deserved People who have murdered people who have kidnapped people have committed adultery and sodomy and you know what they were able to escape The justice that they deserve to get for their crimes, but hold on a second Not everyone, you know Jesus Christ is when he comes back as good is worthy to open up that book To execute perfect justice upon this land and it's gonna happen Okay, this is what this is referring to here. Perfect. Justice has never been served But it will be When Jesus Christ returns, okay mere mortals cannot execute perfect justice Governments cannot execute perfect justice. No man is capable of administering that perfect justice for the wickedness that is taking place This is reserved for Jesus Christ himself Okay, and in fact You know the Bible even tells us you take away the dross from the silver and then shall come forth a vessel for the finer Take away the wicked from before the king and his kingdom shall be established in righteousness We have many symbolic people in the Old Testament who figured Jesus Christ in that manner. What about Solomon, right? Solomon before he took the throne. What is he doing? He's just whacking people like a mafia like a mafia boss Right, he's taking out, you know shimmy I he's taking out Joab I mean He's just whacking people left and right and finally at the end of all that when he just destroys all these people Then his kingdom was established the Bible says he's symbolic of Jesus Christ Why because after the three and a half years of the Antichrist reign of terror? You have three and a half years of wrath Culminating to the millennial reign when Jesus Christ comes and he basically wipes out all the enemies of God and at that point his kingdom Is established in righteousness? You know at that point guess what all those laws that people hated all those laws of God that they despised Are going to be enforced with perfection? Right because the Bible even tells us that if we overcome we keep the word of his patience That we shall rule and reign with him with the rod of iron the Bible says Obviously Jesus Christ rules with the rod of iron, but we're gonna rule with the rod of iron as well We're gonna be executing the righteousness of God because at that point Perfect justice will be served now. This should serve as comfort for us Because don't you get frustrated when people get away with things? Don't you get angry because people get away with crimes they seem to get away with things They never get punished this side of eternity maybe for the things that they do, but hold on a second There will be payday is someday Payday someday the times of restitutions will come when it's time for them to pay up You know Jesus said the Bible tells us in Romans chapter 12 Vengeance is mine say the Lord I Will repay Time to pay up And look people pay now There's sodomites in hell today There's people that are that are gonna suffer the punishment for their wickedness even in this world But not perfectly not yet because there's still people out there that are permitted to just continue in their wickedness They're permitted to just continue to hate the Lord They just continue to carry out their wicked agenda But there's gonna come a day when all that will be taken away the Bible even tells us in Acts chapter 3 I quoted it but it says here in verse number 20 and he shall send Jesus Christ Which before was preached unto you whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things Which God had spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began So this is why he's worthy and in fact, what does the Bible tell us in Philippians chapter 2? Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and Things in earth and things under the earth just like we saw in Revelation chapter 5 No one is worthy, right? No one in heaven and earth or even under the earth But hold on a second Jesus Christ is worthy and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father so he has the right to judge this world. Okay, go back to Revelation chapter 5 look at verse 4 That's comforting for me to know You know, I think of all the people that that they reproach me. They hate me They hate the Lord and they make a mockery of Jesus Christ to make a mockery of the Bible They say all manner of evil against my wife and my children Wicked reprobates payday someday, baby You'll get yours one day. I may never meet you because you are you're hiding behind a screen Little sissy, you know little wuss is hiding behind the screen behind a different perfect Profile picture with a different name. You're so bold behind the screen It's alright, you're gonna be you know, there's gonna come a day when you're gonna keep hiding You're gonna want the rocks to fall on you And to hide you from the face of him to sit up on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb For the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand Guess what YouTube's not gonna be able to help you to hide suck up You can choose whatever profile pic you want You're not gonna be able to hide from the wrath of the Lamb sucker No one's gonna be able to hide you can ask Mount Everest to fall on you and it's not gonna help you Times the restitution are coming Look at verse 4 says and I wept much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book Neither to look thereon and one of the elders saith unto me weep not Behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah The root of David has prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals there Let me reach you from Isaiah chapter go to Isaiah chapter 11 So he says weep not now notice that if you paid attention to the chapters as brother Chris read it You notice that it begins with weeping the chapter begins with weeping who shall open up the book But then it ends with rejoicing because Jesus Christ is gonna open it You know and this kind of signifies how every believer feels at one time or another They feel like there's injustice they feel like, you know, we have not been repaid They feel like people just get away with things and we weep for it But then when Jesus Christ actually opens up the book we rejoice We praise God Amen Isaiah 11 verse 1 says and there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots and spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of Knowledge and of the fear of the Lord and shall make him of quick understanding and the fear of the Lord He shall not judge after the sight of his eyes neither approve after the hearing of his ears But with righteousness shall he judge the poor and Reprove with equity for the meek of the earth and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked and Righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins and faithfulness the girdle of his reigns. What is he saying? He's gonna be the perfect judge Go back to Revelation chapter 5 So he's the root of David He is the lion of the tribe of Judah Look at verse 6 and says and I beheld and lo in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as it had been slain having seven hit seven horns and seven eyes Which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth now Here's something that's interesting about these two verses that we just read. Okay because he's weeping and Then the elder comes to him and he says, you know weep not He say it's because the lion of the tribe of Judah The root of David, you know, he can open up the book He says the lion of the tribe of Judah, but yet when John looks in the midst, does he see a lion? No, what does he see? He sees the lamb Why is that? Well, I believe this basically symbolically just pictures God's perfect nature Because he's aligned to those who he's gonna execute justice upon But he's a lamb to us Because he's the Lamb of God who should take away the sins of the world You know, this is a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ because you think of Revelation chapter 6 why everyone like we're just like You know Seen it to two different lenses here for him for us. It's like, you know lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh You Know my head's flying off that guillotine is just coming right back and rejoicing because I'm about to get raptured My Savior is coming. Whereas what are they doing in Revelation chapter? They're just wailing. They're scared They know that the line that the tribe of Judah is gonna come and destroy them. Oh He's just the lamb though He's just so me can yeah to us He's our Redeemer He's the one who forgave us. He's the one who paid for our sins. He's our Savior. He's our God He's the he's the lamb But to them he's like a lion Now look when we preach we preach both You see we preach the lamb when we're out there, right? Preaching the gospel, but we preach the lion When we're in here We preach the lamb when we go out there and preach the gospel see people save and tell them Behold the Lamb of God that should take away the sins of the world He paid for your sins, but you know what when we're expanding on the Word of God We ought to talk about him being a liar Because he's both we have to have a balanced presentation portrayal of Jesus Christ. He's both So they say look the lion the lion and when he looks he sees the lamb because he's seen him through the lens of his salvation Okay, and he is the central figure here Obviously we see him in the midst of the 24 elders and of the yeah, the 24 elders and the four beasts He's in the midst of everything. He's a central figure So he's the Lion of Judah. We see that in Genesis 49 verse 10 He's the Lamb of God the Bible tells us in Isaiah 53 7. He was oppressed and he was afflicted yet He opened not his mouth He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb So he opened not his mouth and I'm so thankful that when we see him we see him as the Lamb of God We never have to see him as our judge for our sins, right, you know We're not gonna be fearful when we see him now look given there's gonna be some people who are not gonna be fearful They're gonna be ashamed Before man is coming Because there were just lame Christians fearful Christians Ashamed of the testimony of Jesus Christ and of his word. They didn't want to go and preach the gospel They didn't want to go do what God told them to do and this time is gonna come and they're gonna be and they if they Remain in that position. They're gonna be ashamed And let's just do just just do what God tells us to do It'll pay off We can see we can that that means when he comes we can we can we can see him with confidence, right? So John sees him through the lens of faith this summarizes by the way his first and second coming The first coming was as a lamb to take away the sins of the world The second coming is as a lion go with me through it to Hosea chapter 5 hold your place there in Revelation Now notice that like Many of these symbolic features that we see of Jesus Christ doesn't Satan try to imitate those as well right You know Jesus Christ is portrayed obviously. He is the Lamb of God, but in Revelation chapter 5 He is the Lamb of God with seven horns We see in Daniel chapter number 8 the ram who is Satan the Antichrist Who has ten horns and In fact in Revelation chapter number 10 when they see the Beast come out of the sea He has seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns So we see it's an imitation of what Jesus Christ is and we often think of Satan as being the the the the lion Who's walking and walking about seeking whom he may devour? But he doesn't hold the candle to the line of Judah So the true lion is not Satan. The true lion is Jesus Christ He's just an imitation now why is he pictured also as a lion referring to Jesus Christ look at Hosea 5 14 For I will be unto Ephraim as a lion and as a young lion to the house of Judah. I Even I will tear and go away. I will take away and none shall rescue him Why does he come as a lion because no one's gonna be able to run you can't run from him No one's gonna rescue you You guys ever seen like those those Those posts like on social media like on Instagram or like a line grabs like a person or they grabs like a like a gazelle Or you know some sort of animal or something. It just drags it away and the whole family's just looking at it Just like we can't help you You're already in the clutches of the lion. You're done Well, this is like a thousand billion kajillion times worse because when this lion Jesus Christ gets a hold of this world No one's gonna rescue that I mean you can you can ask Buddha, but Buddha's not escaping either He's in the same predicament as you are He's in the same predicament as they are You know they can go to Muhammad. They can go to Buddha. They can go to the Virgin Mary They can go to whoever they want. No one's gonna help them none can rescue them You Think of like lockjaw when the when the pit bull just bites down you when Jesus Christ bites down his jaw so powerful No one's gonna rescue you're done Go to chapter 13 I'm thankful that he's our land You know we don't have to see him as our as our lion Against us obviously look at Hosea 13 verse 8 I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps and I will rend the call of their hearts and will And out excuse me and there will I devour them like a lion the wild beast shall tear them Good night. I mean when he's saying that he's gonna rend the call of their heart I mean just grab all the way to the very inner recesses of the heart. He's like I'm just gonna eat everything That's what he's saying What is this this is a perfect it's a complete devouring is what it is so when he comes You know when the second does the sixth seal is open and he comes and this judgment takes place for three and a half years culminating to the millennial reign It's gonna be a complete destruction is what it is Okay, and nothing survives not even the trees So all these activists these vegan activists You know I had some guy contact me This week, and he found like one of my vaccine sermons and stuff. He's like hey, this is great Hey, but you also need to join me in our fight against you know for animal rights and stuff And you know he was like a vegan, and I'm just like oh And technologists say hey, man. I was like this is an area that we have to agree to disagree I appreciate the fact that you're fighting against vaccines, but I eat animals Every day I Have zero feelings towards animals other than the feeling that they give me when I eat, and I feel full you know and He's like no He's like you need to watch Dominion This is this documentary right he's like you need to watch this documentary Dominion It shows you all the rape and bestiality and all this stuff. I just eat them when he's like oh I Was like I don't even kill the animals though. I would not you know if it came to it. I definitely do it You know I mean if I have to eat man's got to eat I'm not a hunter. You know what I mean, so I'd batter I'd figure it out. I Got a gun just shoot that thing. We'll make it happen And he's like no. I can't believe and he's like how can you say that God loves the animals? I was like God loves to kill the animals and give them to me That's What he loves to do And he was just like you can't use acts 12 as it means to prove your doctor. I was like I don't I use the whole Bible the entire Bible tells us you know and You know we went back and forth and I was and honestly I wasn't trying to like belittle him or anything like that I just because I told her are you a Christian are you saved? He's like no I left church a long time ago because pastors are hypocrites and all this stuff and blah blah blah and And I told him I was like why base everything I believe off the Bible not off some stupid documentary called the mean I Don't get my view of animals from Dominion Here's here's my view is like we all we have Dominion over the animals Okay, prove it well bring some stupid dog That's trying to eat me and I and I'll pull out my nine millimeter, and I'll show you who has the minion Will prove who has the minion over who okay? You know I Told him I was like I'm for the slaughtering of animals and look to be honest with you I said there's no good way. There's no like humane way to kill an animal You're gonna bleed either way Right There's no humane way to kill an animal you're gonna Do it look and I thought I was like you cannot be a vegan animal activist and be a Bible believe in Christian. It's impossible You know and in fact I told him I was like the Bible teaches what you say what you're saying now a doc is a doctrine You're trying to get me to abstain from eating me. I love me. I told him I will forever eat me And look I said oh, and this is what I told him I said so you believe Jesus end Oh, you can't use that you know he just you know I said he's like yeah, but you know he used it for different purposes I was like no no no I'm talking about when he just like just did a random act of violence Towards swine just threw him in the ocean and just drowned them How many I don't know how many swine were there two thousand two thousand swine just just kill them all Me I would have been like these could have been used to eat pork and bacon he just like destroyed them all and Didn't even why he didn't wind and it mourn them and asked him. I was like the Jesus sin when he did that He just wouldn't answer that Cuz he knew I can't say that Jesus sinned You know and if you did I'll be like your rapper man I Don't even get off on that what was I talking about oh The lion in the lamp yeah, I'm okay, so yeah, oh by the way look how about this vegan animal protest Why don't you do this first okay? Go protest in the jungles of Africa? Against the Lions that are brutally murdering zebras and gazelles and all manner of animals and look at least when At least when we do it. We just cook them. I mean they don't even wait to cook them Sometimes they'll kill the children and just eat them right then and there protest them and try to get them to be vegans And then we'll talk Right go protest the crocodile In the water and try to get them to become vegetarians and vegans and then we'll talk Yeah, you know yeah, that's right. Thanks Alex Even plants eat me and look so-called herbivores by the way Will also go into stages when they actually eat meat as well I'm not kidding. You know giraffes. They're there's there's their studies done when giraffes will just literally start eating other animals And plants do eat me they do yeah, okay? Good point there Alex. He's been waiting to say that for like the last couple weeks. He's like. This is my chance It's gonna say something else about that Anyways yeah try to protest those animals there and see how that works out for you not gonna happen, okay? Veganism is the diet of the New World Order It's the diet of the New World Order you study all these politicians and famous people all vegans All vegans why is that because they're trying to make the masses vegans because when you're a vegan according to the Bible you're weak Not just physically though physically for sure you're weak those guys look like they belong in it in a kitchen concentration camp Okay, you know I'm talking about Mentally emotionally weak because they're so filled with soy They're so filled with just just plants Look folks your body is not made up of plants. It's made up of proteins and fats Your cell membranes are made up of proteins and fats People get sick because they have breaches in their cell membranes. How do you rebuild that fats and proteins folks? Steak and fats and butter and all that goodness not plants Plants are rigid. We are mobile. You know we're kind of like we're flexible. That's how meat is Hey veganism You know and I was telling this guy I'm chasing a rabbit here But it just frustrated the fire to me, and I said look I said you just keep fighting the vaccine war you know I mean, but just keep me out of this veganism stuff Okay, cuz I'm not for it, and you know the Lord is not for it either. Okay, and it's making you weak It's it's it's ungodly. It's not biblical at all and look. Why is it a doctrine of Devils? It's a doctrine of Devils because of the fact that they're trying to get us to go back to the Garden of Eden conditions without Christ Hey during the millennial reign we're still gonna be eating meat in our glorified bodies folks You like hot why if we're already perfect because God likes when we eat animals We could say it's I would say look if I heard a conjecture why we keep eating meat in the millennial reign it's for pleasure Because we don't need we won't need it. We're glorified but for a thousand years We're still killing animals and eating them now. I give you that at the new having a new earth we become vegetarians Okay, we become vegetarians. You know we no longer eat meat because there's no more death We eat fruits, but you know what that's a long time from now And you know what that's why the Bible tells us that everything is beautiful in his time It's ugly if you try to do it now, okay? Go back go the go Revelation chapter 5 We're gonna go eat meat after this We got some folks here from pastor McMurtry Church So we're gonna go out we're gonna go out to eat Some some meat Verse 6 says and I beheld and lo in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts and in the midst of the elders Stood a lamb as it happened slain having seven heads seven horns Excuse me and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth now We obviously understand that the seven Spears don't really necessarily mean literal spirits This is basically referring to his attributes because if we were to compare what Isaiah chapter 11 you see its knowledge and wisdom But I want you to notice that it says that it's sent forth into all the earth You know the Bible tells us that the eyes of the Lord are in every place Beholding the evil and the good. So what do we see in Revelation chapter 6? He's testifying of the evil not that he's doing but that he's beholding Understand this is why the seven spirits are sent forth into all the earth because it's beholding its looking It's witnessing the evil that's gonna come upon Christians. Okay, and look it says Beholding the evil and the good in Revelation chapter 3 when he's talking to the church at Sardis he talks about he that hath the seven spirits of God I know thy works Why because the seven spirits behold and they witness of the good works that a church does that a Christian does but in like manner It's also beholden the evil that's gonna be done as well Okay Look at verse number seven He says and he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne When he had taken the book the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the lamb Having every one of them harps and golden vials full of odors Which are the prayers of the Saints and they sung a new song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the Seals thereof for thou was slain and has redeemed us to God By thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nations and has made us unto our God Kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth now This is a song that both of these groups are singing but it's not necessarily a song that they're singing about themselves We know that because of the fact that the four beasts are singing this they weren't redeemed. These are seraphims Okay, but the way we would sing a hymn today, you know, maybe it was written for a different person. We're speaking in the third We're speaking about another person that went through some of these things if we sing the songs for example We're just singing a song that someone of an experience that someone else had and this is exactly what they're doing Verse 11 says and I beheld and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beast and the elders and The number of them was 10,000 times 10,000 and thousands of thousands saying with a lot of worse voice worthy is the land that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and Honor and glory and blessing. What do we see? There are seven attributes Remember what we see in the previous verse that he had seven horns. This is symbolic of authority and power Well, we see those seven here power Riches wisdom strength honor glory and blessing. There's seven of them right there And Then he says in verse 13 and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are In the sea and all that are in them heard I saying blessing and honor and glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne and into the lamb forever and ever Oh, he has seven horns the lamb has seven horns, which is often a number of perfection Because his rule will be a complete rule You understand whereas you have the horns of the Beast coming in Revelation chapter 13. It's not complete. It's false. It's fake Okay, it's an imitation type of a rule. It's a wicked rule. Whereas his rule is actually perfect It's complete verse 14 and the four beasts said amen and the four and 20 elders fell down and worshiped him that liveth forever And ever now next week, we're gonna get into revelation chapter 6. This is the a lot of the meat is Held in Revelation chapter 6 where we get into the beginning of sorrows. And of course those last 75 days We'll compare that with Revelation 13. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word and God we're thankful for the seven spirits of God as those attributes of Jesus Christ that rest upon him Beholding the evil and the good and we know that there's no evil that's done in this earth that you have not seen that you're not Recording so to speak that you're not keeping track of we know that Everything done in darkness and in the night where people cannot see it in obscurity the wicked things that take place in this world You see it all and those times of restitution are coming. We're so thankful that Jesus Christ is our Lamb who took away our sins and Lord but we're also thankful that he is the lion of the tribe of Judah He's coming to recompense the world for their wickedness and the rejection of you and I pray God that you'd help us to continue to appreciate both aspects and attributes of God of Jesus Christ and May you continue to bless us as we go through the book of Revelation. May it purify us May help us to live godlier lives and help us to prepare for the time to come and in Jesus name we pray. Amen You