(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Revelation chapter 15 and 16 tonight and so we're actually gonna go over two chapters We're gonna finish the book of Revelation a little a week early because of that but it's okay So the reason I'm doing that is because chapter 15 is a very short chapters about a verses long It is 8 verses long. So, you know, there's there's not a whole lot of content found in there But really chapter 15 is a preliminary passage Leading up to the vile judgments that we're gonna look at in chapter 16 So I want to spend more time in chapter 16 than in 15, but there is a lot of important stuff in chapter 15 So I'm gonna give you synopsis of chapter 15 and summarize the contents and then we'll move on to the following chapter Now, where are we on the prophetic timetable when it comes to the book of Revelation? Where are we exactly? Well, if you remember from last week, we were in chapter 14 and chapter 14 really picks up On the second half of the book of Revelation really where everything leaves off as far as the the the tribulation Great tribulation is concerned, you know, we started again in the first century AD in chapter 12 We moved into the tribulation and great tribulation in chapter 13 and then chapter 14 if we're following that same Pattern that we saw in the first half of the book of Revelation. What should we expect to see? Well, we're gonna expect to see the 144 thousand and we're gonna expect to see the rapture If you remember in chapter 6 of Revelation, you have the beginning of sorrows Then you have great tribulation chapter 7 you have the 144 thousand and then the great multitude Which no man can number known as the rapture chapter 8 you roll right into the judgments of God It's the the the trumpet judgments of God And so when we hit the reset button on this timeline as far as the second half is concerned We're gonna expect the same chronology on the second half and last week We saw there's many subjects that we saw in chapter 14, but the primary Content the primary content that we see in chapter 14 is the hundred and forty four thousand and then you see the rapture as well And in fact go to chapter 14 if you wouldn't let's look at a couple things here the latter end of chapter 14 Finishes off with the decree of wrath that shall come upon the world Okay and look at verse 17 It says that another angel of chapter chapter 14 and another angel came out of the temple, which is in heaven He also having a sharp sickle and another angel came out from the altar which had power over fire and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle saying thrust in that sharp sickle and Gather the clusters of the vine of the earth for her grapes are fully ripe and the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and Cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God and the winepress was trodden without the city and blood came out of the winepress even into the horse bridles by the space of a thousand six hundred fur long so the latter end of chapter 14 we're given this intense image of God's wrath right and he uses the metaphor of clusters of grapes being being placed into a Winepress really to describe the weight of judgment that's gonna come upon the world You know winepress is used to press out every single, you know a little bit of liquid That's within with the wine that's within the grapes and in like manner God's wrath is gonna be thorough You know God's wrath is gonna be so thorough anyone who hates the Lord anyone who despite God Will be punished during this time It's gonna be a thorough purging right of the floor as we saw in Matthew chapter 3 Says whose fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly purge his floor and gather his wheat into the corner But he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire, you know throughout the years. We've seen God pour out his wrath Upon a society that hates God you have the examples of Genesis chapter 19 You have other examples such as Pompeii for example And you have different events throughout history where we see trickles of God's wrath being poured out upon the world, but not entirely Whereas in the book of Revelation during the wrath of God his judgment his outpouring of his wrath will be so thorough That he will at the at the end of his wrath will subjugate the entire world He will set up his millennial reign his kingdom can be established in righteousness because the wicked the draws are removed from the silver It's gonna be a thorough purging that God is gonna do here And that's why he uses this description of the wine press and the grapes going it into the wine Press to push all that all the the wickedness and the vileness that's in this world He's gonna expose it all and he's gonna destroy it now the trumpet judgments They happen concurrently with the vile judgments as well, right? They're simultaneous they happen collectively and so you have you know, the first trumpet first vial second trumpet second bow, etc Now one factor that will prove beyond any shadow of a doubt That these judgments are happening concurrently, but they're separate. They're separate events, but they're happening concurrently We can actually find them in chapter 16 because you have people that say no, this is it's continuing chronological order You know, this is happening throughout the entire time This is not a you know, chapter 12 is not a reset button on the prophetic timetable what we see in the book of Revelation You know, this is you know When you leave chapter 11 you go right into chapter 12 and it's just carrying forth until the very end But that's not necessarily true We know for a fact the chapter 12 all the way up until the end is Reiterating what we saw in chapters 1 all the way to chapter 11 and in chapter 16 We find definitive proof of that look at chapter 16 and verse number 10 It says in verse number 10 of chapter 16 and the fifth angel poured out his vial Upon the seat of the beast and his kingdom Was full of darkness and they nod their tongues for pain. We'll get into that specific Judgment in just a bit, but I want you to notice that the Bible says here that this is the kingdom of who of the beasts What does this tell us it tells us that his seat in his kingdom is still established You said well, what does that have to do? How does that disprove? You know what you're just talking about well go back to chapter 11 of Revelation go back to chapter number 11 You know chapter 11 is where we finish the first half of what we saw of what we're looking on the prophetic timetable look at verse number 14 of chapter 11 says the second will was passed and behold the third will cometh quickly and the seventh angel sounded and there was great voices in heaven saying the Kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever So what do we see in chapter 11 prior to chapter 16 that the kingdoms of this world? Have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. What does that refer to the millennial reign? So if the millennial reign is being established in chapter 11 It wouldn't make sense if this is a continuation and you still have the beast Having his seat and great authority or excuse me having his seat and his authority in this world his kingdom of darkness in this world If the kingdoms of our Lord have become the kingdoms excuse me The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ in chapter number 11 This is evidently referring to the fact that the rapture is already taking place. They're going the the the wrath is taking place They're going into the millennial reign and then the button is reset once again telling the story once again in chapters 12 Thereafter, okay now go to Revelation chapter 15 if you would revelation chapter 15 So 15 is a preliminary passage Really just gearing us up for the wrath of God that we're gonna see in chapter 16 dealing with the vials Okay, look at verse number one It says and I saw another sign in heaven great and marvelous seven angels having the seven last plagues for in them is filled up the wrath of God and I saws it were a sea of glass mingled with fire and Them that had gotten the victory over the beast and over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name Stand on the sea of glass having the harps of God now, what is it that we're looking at here? Well, if you're seeing the multitude in heaven These are the people that got victory over the mark that was implemented during great tribulation When the abomination of desolation is set up known as the great tribulation, you know We can safely assume that this is referring to the great multitude, which is in heaven This is the rapture. Okay, and We know that for a fact as it says they got victory over the beast now There are some that would say well what that means is that you know? These tribulation scenes they ducked and dodged the mark of the beast and you know They weren't they didn't take the mark of the beast They didn't capitulate to the government the government try to impose the mark of the beast upon them and they didn't take it No folks when it says they had victory what it's referring to is the fact that they were saved Because how do you get victory over the mark of the beast by being saved It's not by ducking and dodging look folks if they find you during this time you're dead if you're saved You know, they're not gonna be able to implant a chip into you They are gonna use the chip being implanted into unsaved people to single you out to find you to put you to death So the reason it says there that they had victory over the mark is because of the back to the because of the fact that The Bible tells us that whatsoever is born of God Overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith You know, and I'm not saying you know, this could obviously also include people who got saved during the tribulation During the Great Tribulation where soul winners are going out. They're preaching the gospel They're getting to people before the government can and they're preaching the gospel to them They're getting them saved and what happens at that point they have victory over the mark. Hey put it this way that victory over reparation Because once someone gets the mark, they're reprobate. They're completely damned or condemned forever This is a great victory that people get during this time. Okay, and So, you know This isn't referring to the fact that you know You have like John MacArthur who states that unsafe people can take the mark of the beast and they can still be saved No folks, once they get it, they're damned forever. It's all hope is lost at that point This is referring to people who are already saved You know what? I mean during Great Tribulation and They have victory over the beast over his mark and over his name because of the fact that they were already saved That's what gives them the victory Looking for somebody that's the only way to overcome the mark of the beast It's not by sending up camp in the middle of nowhere off-grid with food piled up for weeks on end for 75 days straight It's not you know, making sure you have all your guns and your ammo and everything, you know He that lives by the sword shall die by the sword Okay. Well, I don't know about you, but I'm not gonna let the government tell me what to do during that time I'm gonna fight back. I'm gonna shoot them if they come after me. No folks. Hey ours ours battles is a spiritual But it's not a physical battle The weapons of our warfare are not carnival mighty through God through the pulling down of strongholds and guess what that commandment is not extracted during this time You understand we're still fighting the spiritual battle at that time And you know, I believe that those who are sowing those who are preaching the gospel those who are still living, right? God will keep them from the hour of this temptation I believe those who seek to go and hide in their little bunkers and you know try to amass a Lot of food and try to you know survive the this tribulation. I believe a lot of those people are gonna die Because God has no use for them You know the ones that God is gonna preserve are those who are doing the will of God those who are serving the Lord And by the way, I'm not talking about the preservation of the soul Obviously, you know, we don't have this teaching by the way, that's by John MacArthur, too That says, you know they that endurance at the end the same shall be saved And what he means by that when he says save he believes that that was referred to the justification of the soul We know what that's referring to is the salvation of the body To be able to survive those 75 days physically speaking to be able to see the Son of Man coming in the clouds Okay We shall be saved because we shall lift up our heads at the end of those 75 days and we can lift up our heads Because our redemption draweth nigh Christ will be coming at the cloud in the clouds during that time And so that's the only way to overcome the beast look at verse number three and they sing the song of Moses So this is the great multitude in heaven This is the rapture It says they sing the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb saying great and marvelous are thy works Lord God Almighty just and true are thy ways thou King of Saints now This is obviously alluding to Deuteronomy chapter 32 which in Deuteronomy chapter 32 It's a song that God instructed the children of Israel to sing as a means of remembering that God will execute vengeance upon the wicked And look folks God wants us to know he wants us to be assured of that vengeance is his he will repay Even to the point that he dedicated an entire chapter for the children of Israel to remember as a song You know to keep in mind that hey if you get away from me If you stop serving me if you serve other gods if the generations to come after you become Paganistic and they're in their dealings and you just forsake me I'm gonna execute vengeance upon you and he's saying to those who are unsaved obviously, okay, and It it really relates and it hits home during this time on the prophetic timetable Because of the fact that you have saved people in heaven Singing this because what's gonna happen there after God's wrath is gonna be poured out so they're singing the song in Deuteronomy chapter 32 as a Precursor as a preliminary event taking place before the wrath of God is poured out upon the world And look God wants us to rejoice over that You know, some people are like, how can you be so happy that this is gonna happen to the world? You know why because the world is wicked folks It's a wicked world run by wicked people in high places Run by wicked politicians and rulers of the darkness of this world who think they can commit crimes Against humanity crimes against people and just get away with it. No folks not gonna happen You know God is remembering every single evil deed that people do he's gonna remember all of the Blasphemies and all the mockeries and all this everything that the world does the atheist and the agnostics of this world who hate the Lord God's gonna remember that And that's why he wrote that song Because he wants you to remember it that it's coming upon this world one day and we get to sing this song. Amen. I Mean think about those who just made it to You know made it made it through the Great Tribulation Right, they're making it through Great Tribulation and they saw the persecution. They saw the tribulation They saw how people were coming after their lives or maybe potentially even killed their families lives, you know How refreshing would it be to sing a song like this? Once you get to heaven, it's like you get to heavy like man. Where's that song sheet? I'm ready to start singing You know and sing the song, you know, sing your little special your little solo Wire up in heaven as a reminder to those who are in the world that they're gonna suffer the consequences of hating God Okay Look at verse 4 who shall not fear the old Lord and glorify thy name For thou only art holy for all nations shall come and worship before thee for thy judgments are made manifest and after that I looked and behold the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony of heaven was opened and the seven angels Came out of the temple having the seven plagues clothed and pure and white linen and having their breasts girded with golden girdles and one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God who liveth forever and ever and the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power and No man was able to enter into the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled now Here's one thing I want to point out about this, okay Because people like us are often condemned by you know lame Christians and Christians who are like sissies and stuff and they're just like Oh, you guys want to talk about is the judgment of God the wrath of God and you know, that's not God That's not Christ like and you're not spiritual and man. You're such a bad person and they just say these Phrases and they have this misconstrued conception of who God is right, but think about this God's wrath is being accentuated so much in the book of Revelation that he had to break it up into two parts You know because the vials and the trumpets are happening concurrently right collectively There are two separate things that are happening one after another But they have so much content They have so much judgment so much wrath that he's like, you know, let's just break this in half I'll explain what the first seven trumpets do and then I'm explaining what the seven vials do later on That's how much he wants to focus on the wrath of God So don't tell us all you guys do this focus on the wrath of God and how God is no folks The book of Revelation focuses on the wrath of God It's God who focuses on his wrath You know if you think we're focusing too much on it, you know Then don't get saved and you'll see what happens if you survive the great tribulation you make it up to the wrath of God How much focus there is on there of the wrath, of course, I'm joking get saved But what I'm saying is this is that you know seven trumpets by the way Wouldn't you say that seven trumpets from a human perspective would just be enough? Not for God God says no vials Because the trumpets signify what war The trumpets signify I'm declaring war on you one battle After the next you have the first war of the trumpet burning up all the the trees and all the green grass You have the second trumpet turning the water into blood the the the seas into blood destroying the ships. I mean he's declaring war And then aside from that he takes the vials which symbolize his wrath being poured out without mixture into the world I mean, this is something that he wants to focus on. Okay? So That's what I want to say about chapter 15 on let's get into the actual wrath of guys I thought you've been talking about the wrath of God this whole time We're just we're just talking about what the Bible says here and and you know what that you know eight verses Did a good job, but that's why there's chapter 16 and we're gonna go through every single one of these Look over verse 1 says and heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth and The first went and poured out his vial upon the earth and there fell a noisome and grievous sore Upon the men which had the mark of the beast and upon them which worshipped his image now We know that those who take the mark of the beast they're damned Right, you can't get saved. They can't get saved. You know, they can't come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ Don't listen to that nonsense someone who takes the mark. They're damned forever, right? So think about this He's sending a noisome and grievous sore upon the men. Okay Who what what men those who are already damned? Those who are already damned those who are already condemned. He's sending it upon Them why cuz he wants them to repent no because he just wants to destroy them He just wants to cause such a grievous pain upon the man who hate him he's not gonna allow him to die right away He's actually sending a grievous annoysome sore upon them first before they even go to hell So put it this way. They're they're experiencing a level of hell before they even reach the center of the earth where hell literally is That's not loving folks Right. This is not a loving thing to do. Let me show you where God is not loving Where he's pouring Noisome and grievous sore upon men who are already damned. They're already going to hell. How do you explain that? Well, this is how you explain it. It's war. This is how you explain it This is the punishment that they deserve and by the way, you think to yourself. Well, that's just not nice. That's just not fair How can they do something like that? Well, you got to think about it the same men who are here the same ones later on in the chapter who are blaspheming the name of God In fact, look look at the Bible says in verse number 11 and Blaspheme the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores and repented not of their deeds. Oh No, I think they're gonna get saved. I think I think you do have to repent of your sins here It says they don't even repent of their deeds in Spite of the grievous annoysome sores in spite of the trumpets that are being poured out in spite of the fact that God is Pouring out his wrath without measure They're still not repenting of it So folks the purpose of God pouring out his wrath is not to get these reprobates to repent It's not to try to get them to get right with him It's just to punish them because we see right afterwards that they repented not of their deeds By the way, there goes your so-called unsaved people receiving the mark and getting right with God afterwards getting saved Well, let's lose let's let's use the Bible to see if that's true because here it says that those who have the mark Don't repent of their needs Well that just went out the window Now let's let's look at the parallel passage to what's taking place here go to Revelation chapter 8 if you would hold your place You're in 16. We're going to compare both of them Revelation chapter 8 verse number 7. It says the first angel sounded and there followed hail and fire Mingled with blood and they were cast upon the earth and the third part of the trees was burnt up and all green grass Was burnt up verse 3 Go back to Revelation 16. So in chapter 8 we see that God sends fire He sends hail mingled with blood and it burns up the third part of the trees all the green grass This potentially could be the source of the sores and the grievous noise and sores that men are receiving It says in verse number 3 in the second angel poured out his vial upon the scene It became as the blood of a dead man and every living soul died in The sea now picture this you have this vial being poured out You know, it becomes as the blood of dead men you see in Revelation chapter 8 that a great mountain burning with fires cast into the sea and the third part of the sea becomes Blood and everything dies. I mean if you ever smelled fish it stinks How much more when it's mixed with blood and it's the entire ocean So aside from the grievous and noisome sore aside from the fact that they're dealing with the fires, you know The properties are burning down They are you know, maybe people are asphyxiating from the smoke of the fires that are taking place You have the fact that they're also inhaling the blood or excuse me that the the odor of Dead fish whales sharks large animals worldwide So he's affecting every sense that a person has right grievous and noisome sores Their property their smell everything's being affected. I mean he's causing the most grievous discomfort that a person could ever experience Okay It tells us revelation a verse 9 and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea and had life died And the third part of the ships were destroyed. So hey those of you who are trying to save the whales you're wasting your time Those of you who want to preserve these endangered species in the ocean and man, we got to save the whales We got to be before they go into extinction. God will make sure that they go extinct He's gonna destroy them all and you can put all the effort you want and to saving whatever Mammals in the sea and whales and all these other animals It's gonna come crashing down because God will eventually just destroy them all by the way. He has the right to eat. It's his problem He made it But he's driving out a point here and it even tells us that the third part of the ships were destroyed as well Look at verse number four of chapter 16 It says the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of water and they became blood and I heard the angel The water say thou are righteous O Lord which art and was and shall be Because thou has judged thus now, why is he saying this? Why is why is it important for him to state that God is righteous for doing what he's doing because there's a lot of people Not only today, but during this time they will think this is an unrighteous thing for God to do Why is God allowing this to happen? Well, you know what? He's righteous in doing so Okay For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets and now has given them blood to drink For they are worthy and I heard another out of the altar say even so Lord God Almighty true and righteous are thy Judgments, you know when I think about people who have shed the blood of saints and prophets I think of those who have committed an abortion I think of those who have you know been partakers of human sex trafficking of children Kidnapping little children for vile reasons I think of people who are in high places who are manipulating the masses in order to carry out these wicked things You know what? They're gonna pay one day and You know, it tells us here why because they're worthy of it they are worthy they deserve it Look at verse number eight, I'm gonna read to you from Revelation 8 verse 10 It says and the third angel sounded there fell a great star from heaven burning as it were a lamp and It fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters and the name of stars called Wormwood and the third part of the waters became wormwood and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter look at verse number eight and the fourth angel poured out his vow upon the Sun and Power was given unto him to scorch men with fire and Men were scorched with great heat and blaspheme the name of God which hath power over these plagues and they repented not to give him Glory, so what do we see here? Well, obviously this is all symbolic right because I don't believe in a literal angel is traveling to you know The star known as the Sun to pour out a vial and then you know, I don't know flames Are coming out to consume people and scorch them with fire, you know, what I believe it's taking place here is That you know if you study the Sun if you study Astronomy or study the planets you'll see that when it comes to the Sun the Sun is able to release Ultraviolet light right and that ultraviolet light can actually burn I mean if you're outside and you know Thank God for the ozone layer that he uses that layer that's in the atmosphere that protects us from that ultraviolet light By the way, most of that is gone because of chemtrails and whatnot, but some of it's still there And in fact, we know it's still there because we are in the Sun and we're not being scorched with fire We're not gnawing our town our tongues for pain Well, what I believe is happening here is that? God Will pour out a valve upon the Sun and this is symbolically representing the fact that he's gonna basically increase that ultraviolet light so to speak those solar flares They will travel to the world because that's what happens solar flares always come to the world right to the earth But at this time there's not gonna be an ozone layer. So when people are outside, they're gonna be scorched with fire they're gonna receive the radiation of Those solar flares of that ultraviolet light and it's gonna scorch them It's gonna burn them and I want to get into that just a bit But let's read let me read from go to Revelation chapter 8 because we're gonna look at what's happening concurrently with what we see here in Revelation chapter 16 it Says in verse number 12 of Revelation 8 and the fourth angel sounded and The third part of the Sun was smitten in the third part of the moon and the third part of the stars So as the third part of them was darkened and the days shown not for a third part of it and the night Likewise, this is very interesting Because it's it's telling us that The Sun is smitten but only a third part of it is smitten so it's not It's not radiating any light from that third part We see that the stars and the moon likewise and it causes that the third part of the day does not shine nor of the night right, so Let me explain something it's important to note that when God carries out These astonishing exploits or catastrophes, you know, he will often do them by breaking the laws of nature Right. I mean we see that throughout the Bible. That's what that's what we refer to as a what a miracle a miracle is when God miraculously comes and He breaks the laws of nature to show himself strong on our behalf, right or you know to show his power We see that throughout the Bible see Jesus multiplying the fish and the bread. That is a miracle that is him Breaking the laws of nature in order to accomplish that wonderful task We saw him throughout his ministry in the Gospels how he's healing the deaf the blind he's resurrecting the dead from the grave He's doing a lot of miracles. These are I mean, he's constantly breaking the laws of nature Okay in order to provide these miracles, okay so a miracle is an event that is contrary to the established laws of nature and I believe that obviously there's gonna be a lot of miracles in the book of Revelation. Obviously a lot of these things are miraculous, right? however, I also believe that God will also use natural means and The built-in forces that they contain in order to do his will So yeah He will break through the laws of nature and just miraculous to create Multiple fishes and bread in order to feed his people he will send a raven right to come and feed his prophet He will do all these things by means of miracles where he's just doing something that's contrary to the established laws of nature But let me say this is that sometimes he just doesn't need to do any of that Sometimes he will you just use what he's already created and the built-in forces that's contained within those things in Order to do his will and we see that throughout the book of Revelation I mean immediately when the first trumpet sounds what do we see the stars falling from heaven? right and Look, I don't think that's a miraculous thing. So to speak I think those are just literal meteors that exist In space. I don't care what any of the flat earth was out there saying and I'm gonna receive a bunch of comments Oh, they're literal start. Well, that's funny. If those are the literal stars then what our stars still doing in chapter 16 Everything about that all stars fall from heaven. Well, that's funny if those are literal stars Then why is it that in? Chapter 8 it talks about the third part of them being smitten and it also talks about them in chapter 16 Cuz they're not that's referring to meteors folks. Okay. I'm unsubscribing from this channel It's fact What I'm saying is that he uses natural means to carry out as well. Sometimes he doesn't need to do a miracle Sometimes he would just use that which he's already created in order to get something done I mean he's using the Sun Already created in order to scorch men with fire. I mean why reinvent the wheel, right? Why crazy of the new when you have a big ball of fire? It's already burning he can utilize to execute punishment upon a world. Okay, you say well, you know Does that really happen throughout the book of Revelation? Yes. I mean think about this How about the locust from hell? So I think that's a miraculous not me. I just think that those are literal creatures That God has in hell How can literal creatures live in hell because of the fact that God is a consuming fire and he can you know? Create fire that has the properties that can burn something without actually consuming it and making it disappear. I Mean there's souls in hell today that are not that are being burned, but they're not being you know Consumed to the point where they're disappearing God can do these things. That's how he created them So you have the physical locust from hell that are coming out. They're tormenting men for five months I mean, I believe this is something that he created right that he's gonna use for his purpose and will thereafter and so I'm just giving you that Those statements in order for us to understand what's taking place there. Okay, so Or how about this earthquakes We have earthquakes happening during the wrath of God Those are natural occurrences that God will use you have hail you have fire You have the locust you have all these things that God has already set in place that already exists And he's gonna use what they can do in order to carry out as well Look, here's the perfect example of this, you know when God wanted to punish the children of Israel Did he create just some monster to come and just get them or something? Now he would just use a foreign army Right human beings to carry out as well Okay to go and punish them for him. All right So I believe that's what we're seeing here When it comes to that now Let's read Revelation 8 again, it says the fourth angel sounded third part of the Sun was smitten third part of the moon Third part of the stars. So as the third part of them were darkened and the day show not for a third part of it And the night likewise now often Terminology in the Bible is given from the perspective of those who are looking upon the event, right? I mean the most famous of these is in Joshua chapter 10 verse 13 where it talks about the Sun standing still and this doesn't literally mean that the Sun stood still because the Sun is always standing still and Everything revolves around the Sun right all of the planets, you know, Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus all these planets are actually wandering about there's there's there there They are rotating around the Sun which is a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ, right? Because Jesus Christ is the son of righteousness and he is the center of all attention. He is the preeminent one, right? But from the perspective of someone who saw the Sun They would say that the Sun was standing still. Okay, where it's actually them who's moving But so how do we explain what we just read in Revelation chapter 8 Because it's telling us that the Sun was smitten. So I don't believe this is referring to like literally the angel smites You know an angel or God smites the Sun and then there's just like one little light bulb goes out of the Sun Because I don't believe the Sun is just the light in the sky Okay, I Believe that it's a burning ball Right, and I don't think a third part of it can be basically turned off I believe what this is referring to the fact is that people who are Experiencing the event they're observing what's taking place? What seem as though the third part of the Sun stars and moon would be smitten because they're not capable of seeing it So this would be this could be likened to like a celestial body that is Blocking the Sun the stars and the moon over a third part of the earth So this would make sense because if you have over one part of the earth, you know a third part of the earth being Blocked by this celestial body. Let's say if it's a comet or something like that You know, you know They would not be able to see and then if the earth is constantly rotating What do you have is all the world experience at least a third part of the earth? Constantly experiencing darkness from not being able to see the Sun the moon and the stars now I'm not saying it is a celestial body Okay, I think a more likely theory can be found in Revelation 8 verse 10. Look at verse 10 of chapter 8 It says here the third angel sounded and there fell a great star from heaven burning as it were a lamp and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters and The name of the star is called Wormwood and the third part of the waters became wormwood and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter now Wormwood is Referring to that meteor that basically strikes the earth, right? well when you have a meteor strike in the earth it can cause what fallout and Fallout is when you have this radioactive particles that are carried into the atmosphere and Who knows maybe this meteor can strike the earth with such intensity that it creates this fallout where it literally covers a Third part of the sky at that time during that during that place So you said well, how would that make sense? If you know if only a third part is experiencing this but the whole world experiences it Well, if you have fallout in the atmosphere that is completely blocking the Sun is blocking the moon It's blocking the light of the stars, but it is being carried with the currents of the wind God can make such a way with that current of that the fallout is being carried to the third part of the world You know as it rotates So it's traveling through those canals of the wind going to different parts of the world where different parts of the world are Experiencing this fallout you understand you say well, that's that's a stretch. Well, it's in the Bible though So Obviously this is happening Okay, and look folks it's a stretch because something like that really hasn't happened today But you know what the the entire book of Revelation contains things that haven't really happened yet Okay. No, I get it. There's certain things that have happened, you know people want to say, you know Hey, you notice there's a lot of earthquakes happening nowadays, you know, it's like dude. This is like always earthquakes happening It's just that you just bought a red car So now every time you go on the freeway, you notice every red car that's on the freeway You guys know what I mean by that? You know whenever you you get something and you're focusing on something specific you see it everywhere Alright, so it's just like, you know, there's always earthquakes But just because we have this crisis taking place everyone sees earthquakes everywhere's like man earthquakes ever Yeah, but not everyone's died. I mean the most the biggest earthquake that just took place. No one died It was like a seven-point something earthquake and no one died folks Let me just remind you about the earthquakes that are taking place during the tribulation of gripper people die Yeah Well, I'm just saying that there's always earthquakes you'll know We will know okay when you start seeing earthquakes that are just destroying the fourth part of men were You know, the fourth part of the population is just dying. Okay, maybe at that point You can raise an eyebrow and say maybe we're in the tribulation But in actuality, we won't know until what the abomination of desolation is set up, right? But don't don't just observe every single red car just because you yourself got a red car. All right, I Know that's the temptation But what I'm stating here is that this fallout? That can be this potentially created by wormwood Goes into the atmosphere it Completely above it. It could be responsible for destroying the ozone layer, which is the reason why men are being scorched with fire from the Radioactive ultraviolet light that's coming from the Sun. So think about this if this is happening concurrently, you know You have the people who don't have the fallout over them by the way radiation causes burning as well All right, you have people are not affected by it They're seeing the sunlight but guess what it's burning them. But once they get the fallout over them, then that's burning them as well There's no comfort whether day or night It's it's a miserable existence, right? So this can be a cloud of some sort in the atmosphere that closes the sky So that it doesn't receive the sunlight but guess what? It's not like your normal clouds that we see today. This is a very Dangerous and threatening cloud, you know fallout Etc. It says at verse number 8 of chapter 16 The fourth angel poured out his vial upon the son of the power was given unto him to scorch men with fire men were scorched with great heat and Blasphemed the name of God which hath power over these plagues and they repented not to give him glory now What is the same verse 9? It says men were scorched with great heat and blaspheme the name of God which has power Over what over these plagues? So what does that tell us? It tells us that at the end of the day who's in control goddess? All right. Now obviously this is happening because of God you understand But let me say this even the plagues of today are In the hands of God because if God wanted to he can just wipe away the so-called coronavirus, right? COVID-19 if you wanted to but you know what if he doesn't want to it's his choice, you know, everything is in his hands And it tells us here that he has power over these plates now. Look you said where do you stand on the coronavirus? I'm so sick and tired of hearing about the coronavirus. Let me just say that I'm sick and tired of hearing of kovat 19 I'm sick and tired of everyone's opinions about the coronavirus and their stance. I'm sick and tired of it all That's where I stand now You want to delve deeper into it? Yeah, I believe it was manufactured Obviously, that's what I believe, you know others do not believe that but does it really matter does it change anything? I believe it's manufactured I believe that the powers that be those who aren't the higher-ups Those who are the rulers of the darkness of this world have created this in order to potentially do, you know Population control Whatever it may be but here's the thing at the end of the day God allowed it folks. I Mean does not God allow the tribulation that's taking place in Revelation chapter 6 Did not does not God allow the wars and the rumors of wars and the pestilence and all these things that are taking place Obviously these are happening by the hands of the ringleaders of the New World Order You have you know, the red horse the black horse the pale horse the white horse You have the Antichrist who's spearheading that agenda, but at the end of the day God is allowing it So what do we do as Christians? We need to keep living a righteous life Walking with God praying reading your Bible, you know Preaching the gospel when you're able to okay and look people want to complain to not able to go out and preach the gospel door-to-door Well, you don't want you go preach the gospel when you go put gas in your tank Why don't you go preach the gospel when you're out, you know at the grocery store Why don't you preach the gospel in between times when you're out and about doing taking care of your hands? And I know people are on lockdown. But you know, let's be honest. Not everyone really is on that lockdown We're not on communistic lockdown to the point where you just can't leave your house at all I see people out and about all the time folks This is not you know Communistic China as of yet or it's just like you have police officers waiting outside If you go in they tell you if you go out you did tell you to come back in we're not there I mean, how many of how many have gone out today? Oh, hello everyone, right? Cuz you're here How many were stopped by the police coming over here Right, how many been stopped by the police this entire time? No one has folks. Okay, so it's not that bad You know what? What you need to do is take advantage of this and just read more Bible Maybe you need to catch up on some Bible reading, you know Take care of some of those books in the Bible that are a little more difficult for you to read You got more time to do it. Why not? You know pray read your Bible take advantage of this time and look as God look Obviously this this whole thing is is just uncomfortable. It's discomforting. I don't like it Of course, I don't like it But here's the thing wouldn't you say that this is softening the hearts of many people? So isn't this being used together for good? To get more people open to the gospel. Amen to that There's a lot of people out there that are receptive towards the gospel because of the events that are taking place So we have to rejoice because of that. I was able to lead three people to the Lord last week because of this You know where you know the situation caused unrest in the hearts of these people they contacted me because of it and they got saved Hey, man You know, hey at the end of the day we still come out winning You're like, yeah, but I just you know, I just wish it would go back to normal, you know, well, you know I'm sure that's what the children of Israel said when they were taken captive into Babylon You Know wasn't right for that. Well, you know, it wasn't right for them to not keep the Sabbath But you know what some of those people weren't keeping the Sabbath and that's why I got that to punish them right So what I'm saying is that? You know, I you know my opinion again is that this is a man-made play You know and I'm not gonna argue with anybody because of that because I feel like it's there's no reason to How can you say it's a man-made play? Look I've talked to different pastors on this subject and pastors that I disagree with but you know at the end of the day at The end of the conversation we both agree that God can change this if you wanted to I mean is God not able to do that if you wanted to? God is able and look is the answer in the White House No is the answer in politics. No, the answer is in God folks You know and look folks we can prosper as Christians during the play like this prosper anytime Because this book of the law shall not depart out of their mouth But thou shall meditate there in day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is rendering for then thou Shall make thy way Prosperous and then thou shalt have good success Did it say unless there's the kovat 19 at that point you're on your own? No, you can prosper at any time and it all goes back to this seek He first the kingdom of God in his righteousness and these things shall be added unto you God look God fed Elijah through a raven in the desert God fed the woman You know who fled into the wilderness for 40 and too much for a thousand two hundred sixty days God can take care of us as well. We can prosper Let's take advantage of this time and recognize. Hey, the plague is in his hand. He hath power over these plagues, okay So we see that there look at verse number 10 What I'm saying is this is that you know, how do we relate this to the book of Revelation? How do we relate this to chapter 16? Well chapter 16 is just simply teaching us that God is the one who has authority over these events But even if these events were conjured up by wicked people God can pull the rug from out under them at any time. He wants whatever time he wants right You said what should we pray for? You know, just pray that God gives you more understanding of the Bible. Why not? My god, I got more time. Can you give me more understanding of your word? Looking for summer 10 the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast and his kingdom was full of darkness and they nod their tongues for pain and blaspheme the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores and Repented not of their deeds and the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates and the water thereof was dried up That the way of the kings of the east might be made it might be prepared So this is referring to the fact that the four angels from the great river Euphrates what we saw in chapter number eight Excuse me chapter number nine Come out you have the 200 million horsemen that go out and they kill men with fire with brimstone and with smoke and their tails are capable of Biting and and and causing pain upon men. This is what that's referring to So up until this point just keep in mind everyone is observing all of these events, right? I mean they see people in pain grievous sores a Noisome sore they see, you know, all of these things taking place where there's fallout. There's wormwood. There's fire I mean at one point or another people are gonna say I think God is the one who's doing this Because It's just one thing after another right So this one is very reminiscent to what to the plagues that took place in Egypt Where you have Moses coming and he's he's causing all these plagues and you know He's trying to get fair to let go of his people So what is what is Pharaoh do This Pharaoh say okay, you know at the drop of a hat. He just says go ahead No, he brings out Janus and Jamborees Who were his? magicians Who are capable of? duplicating the miracles So, what do we see it? I mean, there's nothing new under the Sun. What are we gonna see here? Look what it says in verse number 13 and I saw three unclean spirits like frogs Come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast And out of the mouth of the false prophet for they are the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of God almighty Why is it that there are just ejecting these? Spirits the frogs are liking them to spirits into the world because of the fact that they have to try to duplicate what God is doing if They don't people will be convinced that this is of God and what is it gonna do well to those who have not taken the Mark, it's gonna cause them to be receptive and open to the gospel, right? So just as Moses when he did these plagues Janus and Jamborees Kim They duplicated it wanted to do a hard in the heart of Pharaoh and it hardened the heart of the peep the hearts of the people as well Working miracles go to chapter 13. Hold your place there in chapter 16 It says in verse 13 He do with great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth and the side of men Referring to the false prophet and deceive it them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles Which he had power to do in the side of the beast saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and Did live so what do we see the world? What kind of spiritual condition is the world and it is at this time? Well, what we see is that they just become a bunch of Pentecostals All right, because they want these signs They want these wonders and the Bible tells us that a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign you know and After this takes place when you go into the wrath of God, even though God is poor and all these things They're still depending on those wonders Because wouldn't you agree that the vast majority of the population will not be saved during the wrath of God Remember we talked about last week. There's only a berry here, you know, there's a fruit here just like the corners Gleaning the corners of the world just only a few people are probably gonna be saved during the wrath of God Why because the vast majority of them are being deceived by the wonders that the beasts are doing? Okay, and it's interesting that it says that you know these frogs come out of their mouth and they are these spirits there's demons and It's likened unto, you know spirits because of the fact that you think of the Old Testament talks about a lying spirit It's coming to deceive people to try to get people to just draw them away from the truth and to believe the lie Now, what should the Christians do during this time? Because there are Christians during this time during the wrath of God those who get saved during the wrath of God What are they supposed to do look at verse 15 says behold I come as a thief Blessed is he that watches and keepeth his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame You see even in Revelation 19. He's coming as a thief. He's coming again. This is this will be his third coming, right? When he comes to establish his millennial reign and he's admonishing the Christians who are there like hey, you better be in the spirit You better walk in the spirit you better serve the Lord you better praise God You better serve the Lord during this time because I'm gonna come as a thief and if you are watching You're keeping your garments in other words. You're walking in the spirit You know, I'm not gonna see your shame and I'm actually gonna preach more on that on Sunday Looking for 16 and he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon and the seventh Angel poured out his violent to the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying it Is done by the way? How big does this deception have to be in order to convince the world that they can beat God and Armageddon? It's like hey we can beat him we can be Jesus we can be God, you know We're gonna gather together and we're gonna we're gonna bring him down. It's like that's a strong delusion We can say everybody you guys are delusional if you think you're gonna beat the God of heaven, but that's how strong That deception is shows you how powerful the deception can be from Satan, right? it says in the revoices and thunders and Lightnings and there was a great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth so mighty an earthquake and so Great, and so we complete chapter 16 with the vows next week We start with 17 referring to Babylon mystery Babylon and we're gonna get into the father of before Chapter 19, which is the third coming of Christ where he comes to establish his millennial reign. Let's fire heads and have a word of prayer Father we thank you so much for your word and God. We're thankful that we're saved and if there's anyone out there listening to The sermon Lord, I pray God that you would um, they're not safe. They would get saved obviously, this is not something that I would wish upon any unsafe person who has not become a reprobate and Lord I pray that people out there would would flee from the wrath to come but they would come to the foot of the cross that would get saved Lord believe on you and And be able to serve you Lord so they could escape this wrath. That's that's to come But I pray that Lord that the wicked would treasure up wrath against the day of wrath That Lord They would just dig themselves deeper and deeper So they could experience the full wrath of God and I pray God I pray against those people I pray against those who are wicked and vile in this world who hate you Who seek to hinder us who seek to destroy us Lord? I pray God that you would execute vengeance Speedily upon them upon their heads Lord those who who are reprobate Those who are already damned those who are twice dead plucked up by the roots Lord and to us as Christians the reason why? The wrath of God is applicable even to us today is because it reminds us that You have not forgotten the evil deeds of this world and you will repay one day And may we take solace in that Lord because we don't we don't take vengeance upon ourselves We don't we don't seek out vengeance on anybody. We're not trying to hurt anyone, but we we leave that up to you We know that you will take care of that one day and I pray that you would speedily do something Jesus