(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This morning I'm actually going to start a series entitled proverbial personalities and I'm going to give you an overview of each of the individuals that King Solomon through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost describes in the book of Proverbs and of course a proverb by definition is simply a short effective statement that imparts wisdom prudence and knowledge and it can also be defined as a riddle you often read the book of Proverbs and sometimes it seems a little obscure seems a little ambiguous and it's for that reason that you know often the Bible also describes a proverb as a dark saying okay you need someone to shed light on it or other portions of scriptures to really shed light on that particular proverb in order to gain the understanding of it and the book of Proverbs is 31 chapters of basically continuous statements that communicate nuggets of wisdom that will that really universally apply to everyone not just Christians because often we think well the whole Bible is for Christians and that's obviously true but when you read the book of Proverbs these are statements and applications that anybody anybody can apply because it talks about working hard being faithful to your spouse you know how to succeed in this world it's simply giving you nuggets of wisdom prudence and knowledge to apply to your life and the purpose behind the book of Proverbs is to give wisdom or excuse me is to give you wisdom and to make wisdom a priority in your life okay and let me say this you know a lot of Christians can actually become godly God wants you to be godly a lot of Christians can become godly and Christlike but still lack wisdom okay and the goal of every Christian should be that we want to be godly we want to be Christlike but we also want biblical wisdom in order to you know have a successful life here in this world in order to make wise decisions there are people out there that have a zeal but it's not according to knowledge the Bible says okay and in fact the Bible tells us in Proverbs chapter 4 you don't have to turn there verse 7 says wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get under standing he says wisdom is extremely important you need to make sure that you try to obtain wisdom get it and with all thy getting make sure you understand what that wisdom is trying to teach you Solomon of course is the one who wrote the book of Proverbs he wrote approximately 3,000 of them and Proverbs is one of the books that are known as the poetic books you have the book of Proverbs you have Psalms Ecclesiastes and Job and they all impart some form of wisdom that will help us in our day-to-day lives now Proverbs is also a book written of probabilities so in other words if you do this action this is the result you're gonna get okay if you commit this in this is what's gonna happen to you it's all talking about the cause and effect of life and it's also a formula for success now this morning I'm gonna be focusing on one of the prominent individuals in the book of Proverbs because there's many types of people that the book of Proverbs talks about and this morning we're gonna talk about the simpleton or as the Bible also puts it the simple person the simple man the simple woman now what does it mean to be simple what is the definition of being simple when you and I think of someone who is simple or something that is simple it's something that's easy to be understood it's not complex it's not elaborate it's something that's made easy right and the Bible uses that definition as well because the Bible talks about the simplicity which is in Christ right and we often think about salvation for example salvation is very easy getting saved is something that is very easy it's very simple it's not complex at all all it requires for you to do is believe on Jesus Christ plus nothing minus nothing that's very simple right that formula for salvation is extremely easy to be understood all you have to do is place your faith in Christ plus nothing minus nothing and so that is definitely a definition that we see in the Bible but it can also refer to someone who is without knowledge okay they're ignorant they're absent of the complexities of knowledge in our modern vernacular people would often say this they're stupid okay and I know that's a you know people get offended really easy just when you use that word but that's basically what it means you're just without knowledge you're ignorant you don't really understand there are people who are without discernment and simplicity simply avoid okay so here's the thing with this with this matter of being simple being simple-minded is that it's it's not always good and it's not always bad because the Bible commands is to be simple concerning evil in other words not necessarily know the complexities of that which is evil and wicked not know all the details of all the wicked things of this world or the things that the devil puts forth but it also means that you can be simple concerning that which is good in other words you don't really know what the Bible says about cause and effect of sin about righteousness so it could either be good or bad it's simply having a deficit of knowledge you understand of good or bad but here's the thing you know we want to be simple concerning evil okay but we don't want to be simple concerning the things of God you understand we don't want to be children because often the Bible relates simplicity to children no children are very simple-minded they don't really understand a whole lot we as adults especially as Christians we definitely don't want to be simple concerning the things concerning God because of the fact that if we are we're gonna suffer the consequences of it okay and the goal of the simple is to be wise all right so we want to exercise ourselves unto godliness we want to learn righteousness we want to pursue these things we want to pursue charity and and holiness and these things that will please the Lord but equally we also want to learn wisdom okay we want to learn how to discern things you're in Proverbs chapter 4 or excuse me Proverbs chapter 1 I'm gonna read to you from Psalm 19 the Bible says the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple so when you study the Word of God often God describes his word as being the Word of God it describes it as being precepts it describes it as statutes but it also describes it as testimonies and when you think of that word testimony you think of well a testimony of a person right you know what they represent what their life brings forth and the testimonies of the Lord in my opinion is referring to the stories of the Bible when we look at the testimonies of the Lord the stories of the Bible we see the mistakes that people have made and if we learn from that we gain wisdom okay you know it's better to learn wisdom not necessary from your own experience but from the bad experiences of others okay you know you don't necessarily need to get drunk you know to get in a crazy car accident or to get a DUI or to get molested or raped right in order to know the alcohol is bad you can learn that from someone else's experience and in fact guess what the Bible has all of those except for car accidents you know it has all those in here when you read the testimonies of the Lord you say well according to this alcohol is bad so I'm gonna stay away from it you just gain wisdom so your simplicity in the area of alcohol has now been eradicated by adhering to the testimonies of the Lord the stories of the Bible folks the stories of the Bible not just there to entertain you although a lot of times they're very entertaining they're there to teach you this is what you do if you want to be successful this is what you don't want to do if you if you don't want to be you know if you don't want to be a failure if you don't want to fall into sin or destroy your life make sure you adhere to the testimonies of the Lord why because they're sure they make wise the simple they will increase your knowledge the Bible says in Psalm 119 verse 130 the entrance of thy words giveth light a giveth understanding to the simple so if we want to gain wisdom and not be simple-minded we need to start with the Word of God not with the wisdom of this world not with the books of this world not to say that you know there's not books out there that can give us wisdom but the source of wisdom is the Word of God okay so when we want to move from being simple-minded to being a wise person we need to start at the entrance of God's Word read God's Word learn God's Word in order to gain simplicity excuse me in order to gain wisdom and get away from simplicity look at Proverbs 1 and verse number 1 it says the Proverbs of Solomon son of David king of Israel to know wisdom and instruction to perceive the words of understanding to receive the instruction of wisdom justice judgment and equity look what it says here to give subtlety to the simple and to the young man knowledge and discretion so at the end of the day we all start simple-minded you know as children we start simple-minded but even as we grow as adults we get experience but then we're still simple concerning the things of God and what God is saying is this he wants to give you subtlety subtlety is discernment subtlety is being able to understand situations and have wisdom and experience to the young man knowledge and discretion now I'm gonna give you just a couple points regarding the characteristics of the simple person okay and this is important for you to know because you know you might be a simple person today don't be offended by that it's just fact it just happens to everyone we all start simple-minded at one point or another and if this is you you need to apply these principles in order to move from simplicity to being a man of wisdom being a woman of knowledge and discretion okay this is extremely important so you're in Proverbs chapter 1 first and foremost let me give you a couple characteristics here number 1 the simple can love simplicity to their detriment the simple can actually love simplicity to their detriment how many you've ever heard this statement before ignorance is bliss you ever heard that before ignorance is bliss if I just if I don't see it I don't hear it you know if I don't know about it it's not gonna do me any harm well you know to a certain extent that can be true but more often than not it's actually false because of the fact that we need to make sure that we gain wisdom not of evil not of wickedness but gain godly wisdom in order to not fall to the traps of this world of Satan of temptation etc look at verse 22 says in Proverbs 1 how long you simple ones will ye love simplicity now when I think of this I can also think of a church for example where sometimes people come to church they hear preaching and they're like I don't really want to read the Word of God for myself the less I know the better you know to me I don't want to know all this stuff about the Bible because then I'm accountable for more you know what if I run into things I don't understand I'd rather just read the book of John or something which is a great book but you know you got to move on from that and move on to wisdom well you know I'm just afraid that I'm gonna read something that God's gonna require something of me or you know he's gonna require commitment well you know you already have a little bit of wisdom there cuz yeah he doesn't he is gonna require that of you okay but don't love simplicity he says how long we simple ones will you love simplicity you know oh you're like I want to go to church where they just kind of give me a Psalm 23 type sermon for 24 weeks or whatever you know just give me just encourage me no why don't you attend a church where they actually teach you doctrine they go down deep into doctrine they teach you the depths of the Word of God and they transform you for being simple-minded to being wise don't love simplicity now look I love the simplicity of salvation but I also love the complexity of the other doctrines found in the Word of God like well I don't really like complexities I'm just gonna stay away from the book of Revelation I'm just gonna stay away from the book of Daniel it's too complex it's too crazy it's too elaborate it's too there's too much in there well you know don't be simple-minded concerning the book of Revelation especially in the day and age in which we live and we didn't know what's going on we need to read the Word of God and and you know we need to understand have an understanding of the times you understand and so how long you simple ones will you love simplicity and the scorners delight and they're scorning and fools hate knowledge so the simple one is actually coupled with the scorner and the fool now they're not all the same but they do say they do share some of the same characteristics because the fool hates wisdom but here's the thing he knows wisdom he just hates it you understand the scorner knows wisdom and he laughs at it he knows what the Bible says but he scorns at he laughs at he mocks it the simple one doesn't know knowledge doesn't have prudence doesn't have wisdom and here's the kicker all three of these are gonna suffer the same consequences so even though the simple guy is noble maybe he has a good heart maybe he has the right intentions he's gonna suffer the same consequences as the fool and as a scorner because he is absent he has a deficit of knowledge he will suffer the same consequences regardless of his intentions okay so the goal should be not to love simplicity if you understand that you're simple-minded today hey there's your first step into moving on to knowledge and wisdom and prudence he says in verse 23 turn you at my reproof now what does this insinuate it insinuates that you don't have to remain simple-minded right it means you don't have to stay that way I'm just dumb I just don't understand anything I just can't get it I just don't have it and you know well here it says turn you at my reproof so that means you have a choice whether you want to remain simple-minded and suffer the consequences of it you know whether you want to love simplicity or actually change and gain knowledge he says turn you at my reproof behold I will pour out my spirit unto you I will make known my words unto you that's a great promise oh man I don't know about these the book of Leviticus and the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation I rather just stick to the simple stuff in the Bible well here's the thing if you are willing to move on to perfection perfection not meaning sinless is perfection meaning completeness maturity wisdom God says turn okay he'll pour his spirit upon you and he'll teach you the complexities of the Word of God you understand he will help you to decipher that which is difficult to understand in the Bible okay so that even though you're not a pastor you're not a deacon you're not an evangelist you're not full-time so to speak in in church you know you as a regular you know layman or a person who sits in church can open up the Word of God and teach others because you've gained wisdom you've left simplicity you have forsaken the state of simplicity and moved on to the complexities of God's Word because God will teach you those things most is that the Spirit of God you know searches all things yay the deep things of God and it's that Holy Spirit that dwells within us that teaches us these things now obviously it's not gonna be overnight it's not like you just get saved yesterday and then tomorrow you're just like solving every problem you know you're just deciphering every single code in the Bible you just understand everything obviously it takes time it takes years of reading God's Word understanding God's Word praying and familiarizing yourself with the content of the Bible in order to learn these things and sometimes God doesn't teach you right away just because you're not ready for it right it's just a lot for you to digest you understand but there does come a point where you can you recognize that your simple-minded concerning the Word of God you say I want to move on you know I want to learn something new and not new as in like it's never been taught before it's just new to you something that you've never learned but obviously preachers have been preaching it for thousands of years okay he says in verse 24 because I have called now what's the consequence if you don't choose to turn he says because I have called and he refused I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded but you have said it not all my counsel and would none of my reproof I will also I also will laugh at your calamity that's a that's a I mean God has a sense of humor folks you know it might it might disturb you a little bit you know what his sense of humor is like he says here he's gonna laugh at you when you fall on your calamity because of your rejection of knowledge that's not my God well that's the God of the Bible I mean I'm reading the same look I will laugh I also will laugh at your calamity I will mock when your fear cometh when your fear cometh as desolation and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind when destruction anguish cometh upon you he says he said man why would God do that because you're not listening you're not listening so if he's constantly telling you here's wisdom here's prudence here's knowledge do this turn you I will pour on my spirit he's given you every resource imaginable for you to understand wisdom and gain knowledge and you say nah I'm good no I'm gonna remain simple-minded God says okay then when your calamity comes upon you I'm gonna laugh at you then because you're making a mockery of me is basically what he's saying because you're obviously not taking serious what God's Word says that's why when we listen to God's Word being preached or even read God's Word and we come across passages where he makes sin look exceeding sinful we need to give heed to that and and understand that God's not playing around right God's not playing around he means business and if you take it lightly if you steam lightly the rock of your salvation at that point you will fall and your calamities shall be laughed at and mocked at by God okay and as the Bible puts it you actually become a byword in a proverb I mean the Bible talks about people becoming a byword and a proverb because of the rejection of God's Word look at verse 32 he says for the turning away of the simple shall slay them it can cost you your life he says it's a it shall slay them and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them but whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from fear of evil go to Proverbs chapter 22 if you would Proverbs chapter 22 we're talking about the simple man here you know if you remain in simplicity and you bask in your simplicity and being simple-minded it can be to your detriment it can destroy your life Bible says in Proverbs 10 21 the lips of the righteous feed many but fools die for want of wisdom you see I thought we're talking about the simple one well the simple one is a fool the difference being that he just doesn't have knowledge the fool has the knowledge but rejects it the simple-minded does not have the knowledge but will still suffer the same consequences as the fool and the Bible says that the fool will die for want of wisdom want means lack Proverbs 22 verse 1 look what the Bible says a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches and loving favor rather than silver and gold the rich and the poor meet together the Lord is the maker of them all a prudent man foreseeeth evil and hide itself so here we see the example of a prudent man he's looking ahead he's planning ahead and he can foresee evil he sees evil coming down the pipeline and because there's enough space between him and that event prudence tells them I need to prepare for this event so what does he do he hides himself he escapes whatever evil shall come upon him when that evil arrives look what it goes on to say the prudent man foreseeeth evil and hide it himself but the simple pass on and are punished the symbols like not really caring doesn't really read the Bible to know and look I'm not saying you know you got to know what the news says you got to know what with all the news outlets are talking about in order to foresee evil folks we foresee evil as God's people through God's work we discern we have understanding of the times like the sons of Issachar because of God's work and we already know what's going to happen because I mean how many you've read the book of Revelation already that's us for seeing evil we already know what's going to take place some people are like the vaccine is the mark of the beast it's like you obviously are not prudent you are simple-minded concerning the Word of God my friend because the vaccine is taking our excuse in the mark of the beast is taken to the right hand or in the forehead and as far as I know no one's ever taken a vaccine in their forehead dr. Rita had have you ever heard of anybody taking a vaccine in their forehead we have a doctor here no yeah but I know someone and they know all the complexities and they know about all the conspiracies folks yeah but we know the Word of God their testimony is not sure testimonies of the Lord are sure they're not deficit you know God's Word is not it doesn't have a deficit of knowledge or wisdom we're able to foresee the future not like in a charismatic Pentecostal way I'm talking about we're able to foresee the future because the future has already been given to us here in the Word of God so we foresee evil and we can hide ourselves from the evil day but here's the thing you know if you choose to remain simple-minded look you could be simple-minded have worldly knowledge but you're simple-minded concerning the Word of God okay he says the simple pass on and are punished by humility and the fear of the Lord are riches honor and life the Bible says go to Proverbs chapter 7 Proverbs chapter number 7 talk about the simple one are you simple-minded today are you lacking the complexities of knowledge and wisdom and prudence the Bible says that knowledge crieth at the gates not knowledge and wisdom are seeking you out and it's not difficult to have wisdom we can get it by praying the Bible says we can gain wisdom we can gain wisdom by being with wise men and we can gain wisdom from God's Word okay we don't have to remain simple-minded in the things of God or just even in the things of life so the simple man love simplicity to his detriment never have this attitude well you know I'm a Baptist so I'm just you know I don't really know anything about the world I don't really know anything about life I don't know anything about marriage I just all I know is soul winning and that's good to know so winning a man but aren't we supposed to be well-rounded Christians well we know the Word of God we know how to lead a family we know the intricacies of prophecy we know how to raise children we know how to be functioning members of society we want to be well-rounded perfect perfect means complete amen do not remain simple-minded do not bask in your simplicity it's gonna be to your detriment number two simplicity is common among the youth it's common among the youth it's often the young people who are very simple-minded he said give me an age range okay the person who asked that that's you you're in that age range okay but this is common obviously we understand that children are simple-minded that's why parents we have to protect our children that's why they're very easily moldable you know we got to we got to protect them from what they hear what they see because anybody can influence the simple-minded as our children you know our children are easily influenced we have to protect that and that's another good definition of being simple-minded is you're easily influenced okay but as you grow even as a young adult you know a teenager you can still be simple-minded look what the Bible says in Proverbs 7 verse number 6 for at the window of my house I looked through my casement and beheld among the simple ones I discerned among the youths a young man void of understanding so he's looking through his window and he's like oh man look at all these simple guys look at all these simple-minded guys right and he's looking at the youth and then he he he kind of filters through this group and he sees one guy who's just void of understanding now why does he particularly pick on this guy verse 8 passing through the street near her corner now the hers referring to the whore that the Bible is describing also the prostitute okay and he went the way to her house so why does Solomon say this guy is void of understanding he's a simple-minded person well number one because he's passing near the street of the horse corner and he's going the way to her house what is he doing he's making provision for the flesh look what it says in verse 9 in the twilight in the evening you know the people who are out most of the time late at night young people us old codgers we want to go to sleep we're tired we got to work in the morning we got things to do we're not trying to be out late at night unless it's at the church and we're with each other amen but I'm talking about you know you know what I'm talking about young people who just want to go out late at night and you know what when you're out late at night your will is at its weakest as we can see here he says in the twilight in the evening well how late in the black and dark night and behold there met him a woman with the attire of a harlot and subtle of heart now remember in chapter 1 of Proverbs the Bible says to give subtlety to the simple and he received that the harlot or the woman with the attire of a harlot is subtle of heart what does that mean she has more discernment than this guy she's smarter than him look at verse 21 with her much fair speech she caused him to yield oh you're so cute you look so good do you work out I mean I don't know what fair speech people use today but you know give me something I don't know what did the what what are the young people say today got me what are the young people say today where's a young man here who's not void of understanding huh Damien Damien what what what do they say today Damien you know why he doesn't know because he's not out in the twilight in the evening and the dark night that's why he's like how would I know I'm not simple-minded I'm simple concerning evil amen good move Damien so she has more discernment than him and with her much fair speech she caused him to yield yield to what to the flesh with the flattering of her lips she forced him he goes after her straight way as an ox go to the slaughter or as a fool to the correction of the stocks till a dart strike through his liver as a bird hasted to the snare and knoweth not that it is for his life the Bible says so he's so simple-minded he doesn't know that this is gonna destroy his life that this woman with the attire of a harlot a harlot a harlot is a whore prostitute she you know smooth talks him talk about how handsome he is or you know I don't know what how they spoke in these days you know he he has legs as pillars you know just his teeth are as white as goat goats milk and all these things you know and she's flattering she's flattering him and he ends up destroying his life because of it why because he's simple-minded Solomon is looking observing this young man from a distance and he's saying this simple they're all simple-minded but this guy's really simple-minded because he's following after temptation he's not protecting himself he's not being wise concerning he's not being wise concerning good and simple concerning evil go to Proverbs 9 Proverbs chapter 9 if you would and this is common amongst the youth okay the youth you know when they're out there in the world they're just getting involved in all kinds of nonsense and craziness and fornication and drugs because of peer pressure they never take into consideration the consequences of it they don't foresee the evil of doing that act or being with this person or hanging around this group or going there at night they don't foresee the consequences therefore they pass on and they're punished because of it okay look at verse 17 of Proverbs chapter 9 it says stolen waters are sweet and bread eaten in secret is pleasant for all you keto guys out there breaking keto no I'm just kidding verse 18 but he knoweth not that the dead are there and that her guests are in the depths of hell so we see that the youth who are simple-minded only care for that which is immediate the immediate gratification which would mean that that person is simple-minded okay he's not saying it's a consideration that if he goes with this woman it's like a cemetery he says the dead are there and that her guests are in the depths of hell I mean this is a pretty strong language you say well how do I just not be simple-minded then well this is how you can deter simple-mindedness and avoid it listen to what I just read so for all reading the same passage you can read that and say well I'm not gonna go out late at night by myself or my girlfriend calls me for you young ladies you know wants to go out late at night I'm not gonna do it the only time I'm gonna go out late at night is with my parents go get an ice cream go hang out oh that's so boring though go hang out with my parents oh yeah I mean getting an STD is so much more exciting yeah getting HIV potentially getting raped getting drunk getting you know killed way more exciting than getting a cold stones ice cream with your parents folks the cold-soled ice cream is free the HIV is gonna cost you something more than you want to pay go to 1st Samuel chapter 3 so young people can often be simple-minded okay it's common among the youth that's why the parents it's important to keep your kids and teenagers in church so they can learn wisdom how do they learn wisdom by the preaching of God's Word but also being around older godlier men who can school your young man to be a wise young man there's a lot of idiot teenagers out there can I get a witness right there's a lot of teenagers out there they're just doing crazy stuff it's like what happened to the youth she's getting worse and worse and worse we want to preserve the youth here amen doesn't mean they can't have fun and have a great time I mean we want our young people to stay young and and you know enjoy their youth right now but to be wise about it okay to be protected to have wisdom to be people of knowledge and you will stand out look at first Samuel chapter 3 and verse number 1 it says in the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli and the word of the Lord was precious in those days there was no open vision and it came to pass at that time when Eli was laid down in his place and his eyes began to wax dim that he could not see and ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord where the ark of God was and Samuel was laid down to sleep that the Lord called Samuel and he answered here am I and he ran into Eli and said here am I for thou callest me so here's an example of a young man it's not a bad guy Samuel he's simple why because he can't really discern the voice of God but he's noble because he said here am I he's polite got some manners and he goes to Eli the man of God who should have some discernment you know who should be listening to God's Word he goes to him he's like here am I and he's just like I didn't call you he says in verse 5 and ran into Eli and said here am I for thou callest me and he said I called not lie down again and he went and lay down and the Lord called yet again Samuel and Samuel rose and went to Eli and said here am I for thou didst call me he answered I called not my son lie down again now Samuel did not know yet know the Lord neither was the word of the Lord yet revealed unto him and the Lord called Samuel again the third time and he arose and went to Eli and said here am I for thou didst call me and Eli perceived that the Lord had called the child therefore Eli said unto Samuel go lie down it shall be if he called thee that thou shalt say speak Lord for thy servant heareth percent so Samuel went down excuse me went and laid down in this place the Lord came and stood and called as at other times Samuel Samuel then Samuel answered speak for thy servant here so Sam is a great example of this this is kind of simple-minded after a while we as adults would be like okay this is obviously the Lord you know if we're in his position and we're already older Eli obviously understood but Samuel is young he can't really discern so what does he need he needs someone older to teach them to hear the voice of the Lord to discern the voice of God and so what I'm saying is this is that young men and young ladies you know you're here in church what are we doing we're helping you to hear the voice of God you understand and no not an audible voice like you hear that I'm talking about hearing God's Word from hearing God's Word from God's Word from the preaching of God's Word you understand to be able to discern what God is speaking to you about okay well God is saying through his word the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 3 1 I brethren could not speak unto you as the spiritual but as into carnal even as into babes in Christ I have fed you with milk and not with strong meat for hitherto you are not able to bear it neither yet now are ye able etc so what he's saying here is that certain people are still simple-minded even as Christians because of the fact that they're carnal they're not capable of understanding their babes in Christ go to Proverbs chapter 9 are you what Proverbs are you guys in oh no you guys are you you guys in the same go to Proverbs chapter 9 if you would Proverbs 9 I'm gonna read to you from a couple other verses Proverbs 8 verse 5 says always simple understand wisdom and he fools be ye of an understanding heart verse 25 oh you simple understand wisdom or verse 6 here for I will speak of excellent things and the opening of my lips shall be right things Proverbs 9 verse 4 says who so is simple let him turn in hither as for him that wanteth understanding she says to him come eat of my bread drink of the wine which I have mingled forsake the foolish and live and go in the way of understanding this is a good call for young people young people forsake the foolishness forsake the childish things of this world forsake your friends that just kind of live to be just live and just like nonsense and have no purpose in life forsake that get around people who are actually doing something with their life you know people who like you know have like this thing called the job they have like a schedule it's like church work gym or jujitsu you know what their extracurricular activity is actually something productive not like some video game or something right get around people who actually are being productive with their lives in order for you to gain wisdom look at Proverbs 9 verse 13 this is a pretty rough verse here look what it says verse 13 a foolish woman is clamorous it's loud loud so I mean they're loud mouths is what it's referring to you want to give you an example he's simple-minded I'm trying to help perfect his knowledge so there that's what it's clamors means they're being allowed mouth right they're just kind of going off and and not they don't have a filter they're not discreet okay and look what it says she is simple and what knoweth nothing right ouch so when you see a loudmouth oh this is good Sunday morning a little service here you know when you when you see a loudmouth according to the Bible it should automatically tell you this woman knoweth nothing right because she doesn't understand that this is making her look bad according to the Bible it's very unattractive are we good or what I'm preaching the Bible today man a foolish woman is clamor she is simple and knoweth nothing see but a woman who is who is not simple the opposite of that is what discreet and both men and women need to learn discretion because there's some men who are loud mouths too you know I'm saying there's some men who just open their mouths too much okay and what does it show they're simple they know nothing they're not self-aware all right so discretion is the ability to understand that you are self you're aware of yourself you're you are aware of the decibels of your voice you're aware of the words that are coming out of your mouth could it be offensive to others around me etcetera verse 14 for she sitteth at the door of her house on a seat in the high places of the city to call passengers who go right on their way who so is simple let him turn in hither as for him that wanteth understanding she saith him stolen waters are sweet bread eaten and secret is pleasant but he knoweth not that the dead are there and that her guests are in the depths of hell so this foolish woman who is simple may not have the worst intentions but she's just kind of like making friends with all guys basically is talking about like a flirt here she said it at the door of her house what does that mean she's idle she's sitting at the door of her house means she's idle it's not doing anything and when you're idle an idle mind is the devil's workshop you could just get involved in all kinds of stuff sitting at the door of her house why are you sitting there go bake something there's a pie baking contest coming up go like learn how to bake a pie so you can win yeah I'm out shoving this on a seat in the high places of the city to call passengers who go right on there which is talking to random people and then of course they get in trouble and so this is and this is among the youth okay this is possible among the youth so you say well what should I do as a young lady to make sure this is not what I'm doing well here's here is a lost virtue of today it's called reading reading books you know make an activity of going to the library getting some old books learning something you know if if you don't if you don't if you're not in a Christian home where your parents are exemplifying Christian virtues you know find a mother in the church who you can kind of shadow and learn things from you know it's of my opinion because the Bible says it that women ought to be keepers at home learn how to love their husbands and raise their children I mean that's a successful position according to the Bible that's a that's a lofty position according to the Bible and if you don't agree with that then you just don't agree with the Bible this is what the Bible says that's what God said you know and so young ladies should learn how to be mothers how to be wives how to be a housewife how to keep the home how to learn these things you said where am I supposed to learn well there's a bunch of wives here who do that that's right so learn from them be around them learn from them etc okay don't be a simple-minded girl don't be a simple-minded young man get some wisdom go to Proverbs chapter 14 Proverbs chapter 14 Proverbs chapter 14 number three the simple are gullible what does it mean to be gullible well look what Proverbs 14 15 says the simple believeth every word every YouTube channel every Instagram post every Facebook post every statement they just believe everything you know we condemn these so-called fact-checkers on Facebook and the reason we condemn is because they say this is not true but they don't give a reason why that's not based on their narrative you know but you know what we should be fact-checkers amen we should prove all things hold fast that which is good and when information comes our way we should take that information regardless of the severity of the accusation and say well let's let's investigate this to see if it's true the simple on the other hand are so gullible they just believe everything oh that person said it was true folks the only thing that a person we can take at face value is God when God says it's true every other person you know we need to have some invest an investigative spirit not a critical spirit but a spirit that says well I'm not gonna believe it a hundred percent until I see the evidence the simple believeth every word but the prudent man looketh well to his going the Bible says go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 don't be a simple-minded person just believe everything that people say if they don't have any evidence to back things up and I'm trying really hard not to steal my thunder for tonight okay but just because look just because a pastor gets up and starts you know saying stuff and even if he says it with fervor or or or just sincerity you know people can be sincerely wrong doesn't matter who it is hey it doesn't even matter if even if it's me folks that's why I tell you to bring your Bibles to church that way you can prove all things hold fast that which is good investigate the truth that I'm telling you if you don't think it's true investigate it then no problem with that come talk to me after the service if you want I have no problem with that question it if you are sincere about it question it no problem answering those things the issue is when you have pastors who make statements and they don't want to be questioned they make accusations but they don't want to be questioned about it well where did you get this from oh are you trying to be rebellious or something I just want to know where you got it from right you know we should be able to go to a church where the pastor is willing to talk to the congregation where you know the pastor is not lording over the flock I said it so therefore it's true don't question my authority type thing you should be able to have a conversation with the pastor and say hey you said women ought to be keepers at home that seems a little much there pastor can you prove that from the Bible I'll show you other people like no just believe me as if there's some sort of final authority or something but the simple here's the problem this we don't want a church of simple-minded people because look when you have a church of simple-minded people the pastor can say whatever he wants because no one's gonna question him that's right he can he can say he's flat-earthed he can he can say that the vaccine is the mark of the beast he can make all kinds of railing accusations against anybody and if it's a simple-minded Church that won't even question it they'll just say well I stand by my pastor like by his lies by his lack of evidence right look I'm all for loyalty folks I'm for loyalty but here's the thing loyalty with principles behind it and the principle is this is like you know it should be factual statements that you're making and it's not to say that we're not gonna make mistakes because I'm a pastor I've made mistakes even in the four years that I pastored here over four years going on five right yeah you know I made some mistakes yeah I made a mistake right there you know even I've made mistakes and I've owned up to them and if when people tell me hey you made a mistake here I'll own up to it and say oh yeah you're right I did make a mistake because we're human understand we make mistakes too but the reality is this is that I don't want a church of simple-minded people I want wise people in the church and not have a church that's just a bunch of yes men we don't want contrarians but we don't want yes men either we want somewhere in the middle where you just you have wisdom okay and not just believe every word that goes out there you're gullible you're simple-minded you'll believe anything that some preacher gets up and says and yells and screams about with no evidence to back it up you're being simple-minded don't get offended that's just biblical look at 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 3 but I fear less by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ for if he that cometh preaches to another Jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which he have not received or another gospel which he have not accepted you might well pair with him he's like you're so simple-minded that if people come with these dandable heresies you might you might even just put up with it just because you're so gullible well maybe he didn't mean it that way well maybe that's not really what he meant that's not really what he said when it's like recorded when he live streams he puts it on his videos or whatever he said it like three times or something you might bear with them don't be a simple-minded church pastors are some pastors out there even in the old IFP would rather have a simple-minded church that way they can just fly off the handle say whatever they want they can say don't study the Bible all you need to do is know Jesus just don't study the Bible and people in that church will accept that and that's a true story of the church that I helped start years ago in Monterey Park where the pastor of that church got up and said that okay and there's plenty of witnesses for that they don't study the Bible only know Jesus like what search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are which testify of me search those scriptures Eve was an example of this was was she not she just believe what the serpent told her go to first Kings chapter 13 we're almost done actually we're gonna skip that because it's a long passage I'll just I'll just give you an overview of that passage just believe me okay go to Proverbs 19 go to Proverbs chapter 19 but you can write it down Proverbs our first Kings 13 verse 11 is the story of the young prophet and the old prophet and God commanded the young prophet to to a specific task the old prophet came and heard about it and basically lied to the young prophet and say hey God told me that you shouldn't stay here you should go with me and the young prophet because he's gullible even though he's godly even though he's a prophet even though he loves the Lord he was gullible he believed him went with the old prophet and ended up being slain by a lion because God said you disobeyed me so that's an example of someone who is godly they're righteous they're a prophet they know the Bible to a certain extent but yet they're gullible they just believe every word it was the old prophet who said this therefore I'm just gonna believe it what he should have done is said Lord did you speak by this man's mouth is this really what you said instead he just believed it don't believe every word don't be simple-minded last one number four and I'm done the simple learn from the punishment of the scorner so a good way for you to learn if you're simple-minded is by observing the punishment of the scorner look what the Bible says in Proverbs 19 25 smite the scorner smite is an old word for sock them slap them hit them smite the scorner and the simple will be where now those of you with children know what I'm talking about right when you smite the scorner and your family the other children are like they're all acting all wild and one of them just goes you know they they they cross that line and he's the one that gets the spanking all the one were like what do they do they beware they learn from the punishment of the scorner smite a scorner and the simple will be where reprove one that hath understanding and he will understand knowledge go to Proverbs 21 Proverbs 21 so the simple is made aware like whoa this guy's getting it I'm got to make sure I don't do what he's doing I'm gonna be where verse 11 of Proverbs 21 when the scorner is punished the simple is made wise and when the wise is instructed he receiveth knowledge the Bible says go to Romans chapter 16 Romans chapter 16 this is important so one way that you can understand or to gain knowledge and transition from simplicity to wisdom is by observing the punishment of fools and scorners and people who just cross the line let me just say this this is one of the reasons why we practice Church discipline okay our church believes in Church discipline I don't mean like smiting people and stuff I don't hit anybody here okay but what we do do is if a person is guilty of the sins in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 you can look up that sermon if you want there's particular sins that you can actually get kicked out of Church for if you're unrepentant it's not like if you're committing that right now we're just like we're not people are coming to the doors like did you fornicate did you drink did you do or an extortioner are you doing these things obviously that's not the case people think that that's how we do it that's not what we do if a person is doing that we find out about it and we confront that person say hey are you committing fornication yeah okay well it is what the Bible says about it here are your options you can you can stay here but you have to stop committing fornication or you have to get married to the person you know God forbid that you would get married right you know you could get married to them or if you don't agree with that then you can't come to this church and if they say if they say something to the extent of like well I'm not I'm not I'm gonna keep fornicating or I'm not gonna stop like okay then you can't come here it's the devil or something never falsely accused the devil of things like that okay that is a false accusation they're just weak stands is what it is we excommunicate them meaning we we we kick them out of church understand and so and look this is something that's that publicly takes place so we we go before the church and say these people were kicked out of our church because of X Y and Z say why would you do that because so the simple will be where like oh you know what I think it's time for us to get married yeah that's a really good idea cuz I don't wanna get kicked out of church I like this church it's kind of it's kind of embarrassing to get kicked out of a church because we're we're drinking alcohol because we're extortioners or whatever railing or whatever and they're like I'd rather just get that right so what does it do it causes the simple to be where it causes them to be wise and it causes them to get right with God the Bible says them that sin before all excuse me then that sin rebuke before all that others may fear so the punishment the chastisement on an individual helps others to get right with God okay look at Romans 16 verse 17 now I beseech your brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them this is another passage that reinforces Church discipline because when it says mark them it doesn't mean like you can you grab a sharpie and you put it on their forehead they can stay in church but they're gonna have this mark on their forehead so that you know you stay away from them or something someone is talking about mark them basically says they can't be here or even if it's someone who's not from our congregation which I'm gonna be marking people tonight just let you know that you know spoiler alert you mark them in other words you tell people stay away from this person because they're guilty of a railing accusation they're committing this they're unrepentant they're not willing to get right with God and we do that and we tell them avoid them verse 18 for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple so these people affect simple-minded people so marking them helps the simple to step it up a notch and become wise you understand and let me just go ahead and say it I don't want to pass for stupid people amen that's rude well I don't think you're stupid so we're good I think everyone here has a level of wisdom but there might be someone here who is simple-minded and I want to help you to transition from simple-mindedness to wisdom and knowledge be a wise person why not why not be a person of superior knowledge and wisdom from God's Word why be why would you want to be a person of inferior knowledge and just be simple-minded and allow all the punishments of this world to come upon you because you're ignorant of it take advantage of the source of wisdom which is the Word of God Jesus Christ take advantage of this preaching to gain wisdom to gain knowledge and forsake simplicity amen let's bow our heads in our word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word and Lord we're thankful for the men of wisdom and knowledge who taught us and of course we all started simple and we were we had a deficit of knowledge and wisdom we had a void Lord and someone helped us along the way to teach us and I pray God that you help us to give heat to that Lord and if there's areas in our life that we're simple-minded in I pray that you'd help us Lord to to perfect that area to gain wisdom to gain knowledge prudence that we may adhere to the testimonies of the Lord we love you we thank you pray these things in Jesus name amen