(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all right we are in the book of 1st Corinthians chapter 14 and the title of the sermon this morning is no more children no more children okay you say whoa hold on a second is this like a pro-choice you know pro abortion pro murder sermon no it's not as you can tell we just had a baby right now okay look down at your Bibles in verse number 20 says brethren be not children in understanding how be it in malice be children but in understanding be men and in fact the phrase that I'm using no more children can be derived from Ephesians chapter 4 words where it specifically says that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of man of cunning craft in this whereby the inliant way to the sea you see these admonitions that we see in the Bible in Ephesians chapter 4 in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 is what Paul the Apostle specifically saying here is this grow up right it's time to grow up it's time to mature it's time to start maturing in the Lord getting rooted and grounded and learning to be a mature a mature you know spiritual adult so to speak okay and look it should be our lifelong goal to grow up right you know as it's your lifelong goal to grow up physically you know your lifelong goal as a human being as a Christian should be to grow up spiritually as well grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Bible says but speaking the truth in love may grow up into him in all things which is the head even Christ you never want to be a Christian that once you get saved you're fine with everything and you're not gonna go to church you're not gonna read your Bible you're not gonna learn doctrine you're not gonna learn how to preach the gospel no you should want to grow you should want to go forward you should want to want to press toward the mark for getting those things which are behind pressing forward to those things which are before learning doctrine learning principles learning how to be a functional member of society this is important today why is that well first and foremost because our society is filled with a lot of men who never grew up right filled with 20 year olds 30 year olds 40 year olds who have never grown up still playing video games still living in their mom's basement still you know depending on someone else to support them no this ought not to be the case for the biblical Christian the biblical Christians have a desire to say you know what I want to be responsible I want to grow I want to mature I don't want to be a baby anymore okay now let me say this is that all of us when we first get saved when I talk about being saved the Bible uses that word saved in reference to being rescued from hell how are we how are we rescued from hell well the Bible says that we have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ it's not based upon how good of a person you are it's not based upon how well you can keep God's commandments or if you were baptized in times past salvation is solely based upon your faith in Christ because he's the one who died on the cross for your sins he's the one who bore his our own sins on his own body on a tree and the Bible says that when we place our faith in him he gives us his righteousness his perfection right and that allows us entry into heaven but let me say this when we first get saved we start off as babies okay and in fact the Bible specifically uses this term a babe in Christ okay it's not referring to like a babe the way people use babe today okay babe simply means like they're an infant they're a child they are a newborn okay so this term baby in Christ is not a term that it's not a slam on anybody okay how are you calling me just an immature little baby well actually the Bible refers to newly saved people as babes in Christ and look not just newly saved people sometimes people who have been saved for decades but never really grew they never got into a good church they never read their Bible they never learned anything they anything spiritual so to speak they never or maybe they went to a church where they didn't teach any doctrine you know they didn't grow those people can still be babes in Christ and it's not an insult it's not an offensive thing to say that because we all started off as babes in Christ okay it's not a slam it's just a term to identify those who are newly saved or who have not grown in the Lord okay it's a biblical word to describe this and we see this throughout the New Testament 1st Corinthians chapter 3 Hebrews chapter 5 we see this in 1st Peter chapter 2 all describing the person who is a babe in Christ so just know understand this this is not a term that's used to say you know you know a person's been in church for 30 years I'm not a babe in Christ cuz I've been in church for 30 years that doesn't determine whether you're a babe in Christ or not because people could be in church for decades not learn anything not apply anything not putting anything into practice they could be a hearer of the word and not a doer and they're a babe in Christ because of it okay you know how long of a time you've been in church how long you've been saved for does not determine whether you're a babe in Christ or not what determines it what you do with what you know that's what determines it okay and look this is a great comparison here why because a babe a physical baby shares a lot of attributes and characteristics with the babe in Christ now I know this more than anything today because of the fact that we just got a brand new baby in our household as I is okay I'll spare you the the the story of how that came about and have my wife you know went into the trunk of the car so she can go to the hospital not because I forced her in there right we were like what in the world she's like I can't handle it then she ended up leaving and stuff like that we weren't fighting or anything okay we're going to the midwife and she's like she's getting these contractions and then she's like I can't sit in the front and so she crawls into the trunk you know of our van and I'm not gonna fight my wife okay she's giving birth yeah two blocks down she's like I can't do this pull over in the busiest street okay and I'm like alright so I get out and just all four corners are filled with people in cars I open the trunk my pregnant wife is like crawling out with contractions how does this look to everyone when this Muslim looking guy gets out of the vehicle and they're like this this this Muslim guy is having his wife putting his wife in the trunk it's like she told me to do that okay but now we have a baby or she has the baby she had the baby and you know what as I as I observe him I'm reminded of how similar a physical baby is to a spiritual babe okay go to Galatians chapter number four Galatians chapter four in fact the event the moment of salvation is compared to a birth okay the Bible says in John chapter 3 verse 3 Jesus answered and sentenced him verily verily I say unto you unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God so often the Bible references salvation to being born again all right it me it compares it to a birth 1st Peter 1 22 says seeing yet purified your souls and obeying the truth of the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren see that you love one another with a pure heart fervently being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever how are we born again we hear the Word of God faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God we believe it we believe on Christ and that's how we get saved look at Galatians 4 verse 19 now we're in the book of Galatians on Sunday nights and I'm actually teaching through Galatians chapter 4 tonight and so I don't want to steal the thunder from this verse but it's a great verse Paul the Apostles speaking to those whom he led to Christ and he says my little children he's not referring to the physical children he's referring to his spiritual children verse 19 my little children of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you what is he saying there well to travail you know if you ladies know what I'm talking about what it means to travail in birth you know the screaming the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth when you're when the baby's coming the contractions that's travailing okay so what is what is the Apostle Paul saying here he's travailing in birth until they get saved basically okay because what he's doing is he's trying to be as thorough as possible to push the gospel unto them just as a woman pushes out right so they could understand have a clear understanding of the gospel so he knows hey these people are saved that's what he's talking about there this is not referring to you know helping them grow in Christ he's like I'm travailing in birth until you are born again until you can come out right of the matrix as the Bible puts it and you are a born again Christian okay I desire to be present with you and to change my voice for I stand in doubt of you so much of the time the Bible refers to a newborn Christian as a baby a physical baby because of the way they get saved the way they come into this world so to speak you know they're a new creature in Christ as the Bible puts it but you know another reason why is because they're very dependent a baby is dependent okay they can do nothing for themselves they don't know how to do much okay the Bible says in 1st Thessalonians 2 7 but we were gentle among you even as a nurse cherishes her children you know what babes in Christ need cherishing they need someone to take care of them babies need someone to feed them right you know my son Isaiah's he is eating from his mother's milk and she needs to he can cry but he you know he can cry and weep and gnash his gums together but he can't feed himself he can just open his mouth right he needs my wife to come and feed him and regularly feed him well in like manner when someone gets saved they need someone to feed him he said well who's that the pastor they need to get into a Bible believing church where they're preaching the Word of God they're not just giving you some motivational speech they're not giving you some just encouragement they're giving you doctrine they're giving you the Word of God they're teaching you doctrine they're feeding you because if you think about it you know there's a difference between milk and meat right meat is when someone can pull out a fork and knife cut it and put it to their mouth and eat it milk is when you are actually having someone else feed you okay now obviously there's times in the Bible where milk is also referred to just the basic doctrines and the meat of the word is are those deep doctrines but it's also symbolic of how we feed how we eat when we have milk is when someone is actually feeding you when you're having me is when you're doing your own Bible reading at home and you're feeding yourself okay but they need someone to feed them they need to come Sunday morning Sunday night Thursday night to hear the Word of God to be fed you know they may not understand the Word of God right away you know they may not understand the deep doctrines of the Bible but that's why the Bible says that God has given pastors evangelists for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry that we henceforth be no more children so in order for our children to grow they need two essential things food and sleep right they need food they need to constantly be fed and they need to sleep a lot so their brains can develop well in like manner Christians when they're when they're born again they need to be in church so they can be fed okay so they can grow spiritually but they also need someone to help them to regulate their body temperature okay until they can get that brown fat I'm talking about babies okay you know you ever see a baby and they're just super chunky you know their thighs are really chunky their arms it there you got these cheeks you know and I love it when my children are like that okay that's brown fat why because they are incapable of shivering when it's cold therefore they have brown fat to warm them up they need someone to help them get warm well in like manner it's the same thing with a new believer you know new believers need someone to light a fire under their rear end to get them on fire for God right they need to be around other Christians who are zealous for the things of God they're excited about the things of God they love the Lord their God with all their heart soul mind and strength you know what that does that rubs off on people hey but you know what when you're around a bunch of lukewarm lame Christians that rubs off too you become lax you become lazy spiritually speaking you become just disinterested and dull of hearing when it comes to the Word of God and that rubs off but you know in like manner when you're around zealous people that helps you to regulate your body temperature spiritually speaking that gets you on fire for God okay you know they need someone to change them right you know why cuz babies make messes learning that again this week okay they can make some pretty big messes now we want them to make messes because they have to make messes right but you know what Christians brand-new Christians they make a lot of messes to say things they shouldn't say do things they shouldn't do so what do they need they need someone to change them right you know how you put a diaper on you know a baby I'm not saying we're putting diapers on adults what I'm saying is hey they need someone to come to them and correct them and say hey you shouldn't be doing that you know you shouldn't be watching this you shouldn't be listening to that you shouldn't be hanging around these kind of people these are bad influences in your life they need someone to help them to change is what I'm saying to be renewed all right hey they need someone to teach them how to communicate you know as children grow you want to teach them how to verbalize their needs how to communicate talk about when they're hungry when they need to use the restroom when they have a specific need well we need to teach Christians Christian ease right how to use biblical language and how to use Bible terms and not use terms of the world in relation to the Word of God okay well I just want a relationship with God that's not a biblical term okay you know we need to teach them biblical words how to communicate you know the Bible says that the righteous teacheth his lips right they need to be ready to give an answer to every man that asketh them of the reason of the faith that is in them with meekness and fear so we want to teach them how to preach the gospel right when a Christian comes they're just you know being a Christian is not just coming to church it's learning how to be a gospel preacher how to go soul winning well they need someone to teach them that okay they need someone to love them you know my son right now even my son Bruce and Kyla and his eyes they all need love they all need someone to come gently and nourish them and love them and care for them you know because of the fact that maybe they're getting rid of some other bad influences in their lives and they don't have the friends that they used to have well here's some friends right here you know they need someone to take them to go get a coffee a burger to go fellowship with to have friends they need someone to love them okay hey they're emotionally emotionally unstable how many know that those of you have toddlers don't toddlers have like a breakdown at least once a day or two times or three times or four times or five sometimes they're just like you know right now my kids are a little jealous of the newborn so their breakdowns are more frequent they're just like crying they don't want anything they're just emotionally unstable okay and you know what new Christians are the same way because they bring baggage with them okay and sometimes I don't want to go to church and you know I'm going through all these things you know we need to teach them how to rule their spirit right to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might to have rule over their own spirit to do things because they should do it not because they feel like doing it you know that marks maturity when you say well I'm gonna go to work not because I feel like going to work but because I have to go to work I'm gonna go to church not because I feel like it not because they're giving caramel apples but because the Bible says forsake not the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is right they need someone to teach them to be emotionally stable all right hey newborns can't control their urges they cry they just use the restroom whenever you know they don't know how to control themselves we need to teach them how to control themselves right well the same thing with Christians you know some Christians they just give in to sin very easily you know they make provision for the flesh to fulfill the luster of they're very susceptible to just you know you got a guy who used to drink alcohol in times past he's in church he's getting the alcohol out of his life but he's still hanging out with his buddies who drink 40s right that's not very wise or he used to smoke weed and I'm not gonna smoke weed one because I know that's that's dishonoring to God but you're still hanging around your cousins who smoke weed you know still hanging around the same old friends who use drugs you know this is not a wise thing to do we need to teach newborns hey he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed okay and often they're destroyed without remedy you need to get away from these people these bad influences they're gonna make you a loser in life control this they and look babies often don't know what they need all right you know kids are crying is like you need a nap just like you need to go to sleep you can tell it's just like okay nothing is satisfying him he's not hungry you know they're not whatever they're just tired they just need to go to sleep and then they may protest that all day but as soon as you lay them down they just knock out because we know what they need well in like manner newborn Christians often don't know exactly what they need okay you say how do they learn in church that's why it's important that people are rebuked reproved right the Bible says to preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine you know we need to preach on sin we need to preach not just on your sins we need to preach on the sins of our nation some people just need to change their minds in regards to what's been they've been influenced by by the culture they sometimes don't know what they need but the Bible does God does the pastor does and look we're not a church where it's just like well just take my word for it hey prove all things hope that's that which is good you open up the Bible and see if that's true what I'm saying or not okay so these are some similarities between physical babies and spiritual babies and look we all started off as a spiritual babe in Christ you may be a spiritual babe now you may have been in times past but no matter what we all started that way but here's the thing you shouldn't stay like that you should have remained a baby you should have a goal I want to grow up don't be a Toys R Us kid right I don't wanna grow up I'm a Toys R Us kid I don't know how it's not don't be Peter Pan please don't be Peter Pan Neverland like you never want to grow up you just want to stay a kid forever no grow up mature in the Lord be strong in the Lord and the power is might to the point where people are now dependent on you to help them to grow that should be the goal not you depending on someone else but someone depending on you okay and look I'm gonna give you just three basic points today very simple but this is very necessary and let me just illustrate it this in this way okay when you are first saved or maybe you've been saved for a while but you understand that you're a babe in Christ you have some choices you need to make okay you're gonna travel down a spiritual road and you're gonna come in a fork in the road and this is gonna determine whether you're gonna stay a babe in Christ or you're gonna grow up okay and these are the these are the forks and the roads that I'm gonna talk about this morning so if you want to grow if you want to grow up you don't want to be a Toys R Us kid you don't want to live in Neverland you want to grow up this is what you need to do number one you have one of two choices with this fork in the road remain unstable or become teachable you could either remain unstable or you could be teachable and there is no third option well I'll just take this path there is no other path there's one or two choices you could either be unstable like water thou shalt not excel or you can be teachable okay go with me if you would to go to James chapter number one if you would look babies are naturally unstable they're not firm I mean have you ever carried a newborn you carry them like you have to like be careful with their neck because they're just like neck falls back and stuff they have no control you need to hold their head you need to be very gentle you know they can't control themselves okay well that's a perfect picture of a brand new Christian they're just very unstable okay they're not firmly fixed on the Word of God why because our stability comes when we know what the Bible says and we don't change on it you know we have our loins girt about with truth our core values is who we are and we're not going to change you understand this is important they don't have core values they can often waiver you know they're strong in the Lord in one day and then the next day is just falling apart you know they're reading their Bible ten chapters a day one day and then the next day just forsake the Word of God completely they're praying and they're just on fire and then the next day to just sizzle out this is in this is an unstable person okay we want to be the kind of Christians not that are always up here you don't want to always be down here you want to be just right here just stable well you know I just feel you gotta read 20 chapters just start with three right you know especially if you've never read in your life you know if you didn't have the habit the discipline of reading reading the Bible can be very difficult you need to be able to develop the habit and the appetite to read okay and don't give yourself this insurmountable goal of 10 chapters a day if you've never even read a book in your life and I'm not talking about dr. Seuss that does not count okay you know they can often waiver and look the element of success for the Christian life is stability that's what it is what's the key to succeed in the Christian life well first be stable be stable in church be stable in your in your spiritual disciplines be stable in soul be stable as a husband be stable as a wife be stable as a son and as a daughter as an employee just be stable start off with that well but teach me about the timeline of the posture pre-wrath rapture now let's talk about being stable first let's talk about your stability first in your discipline first your character first that's what's important all those other things come later okay because in order to grow and succeed you need to be grounded the Bible says I'm gonna reach you from Colossians 1 23 if you continue in the faith grounded and settled and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you have heard and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven whereof I Paul and made a minister 1st Peter 5 10 says but the God of all grace who hath called us into his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after that ye have suffered a while make you perfect stablish strengthen settle you settle down okay don't be a wavering type of a Christian hey how about the admonition the the prophecy that came to Reuben in the book of Genesis from his father Jacob what did he tell his son unstable as water thou shalt not excel because you're so unstable you're just wishy-washy you wave everywhere you go you will not excel you are not going to succeed in life you will not succeed as a Christian wife because you're unstable Reuben thou shalt not excel you know water can be unstable it just conforms to everything you can't just pour it out and then it just stays in its original form it's gonna make a mess is gonna spread and Christians are like that they need structure to keep them where they need to be they need the structure of the cup in order for the water not to get all over the place if not they won't excel okay look at James 1 verse 6 it says but let him ask in faith nothing wavering for he that waver it is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed for let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways what is a synonym for someone who is unstable they're double-minded you know I'm all in for God and then they're they're not you're wavering and you know what God is saying don't think I'm gonna give you anything if you ask for it now look ask and you shall receive you have not because he asked now but if you ask and you're wavering God says you're not getting nothing I'm not getting anything hey you want your prayers answered don't be wavering be settled established don't be unstable if you're gonna succeed in your prayer life you need to make sure that you're not wavering that you're not double-minded well I'm gonna try this Christian thing out I'm gonna try this church out I'm gonna try soul winning out and if I don't like it doesn't work that way nothing wavering just be fixed be settled on the things of God babes and Christ are often unstable and look this could be applied to all types of areas in our life go to Hebrews chapter number five if you would Hebrews chapter number five hey for those of you who have jobs be stable you know unless obviously you get a raise or you get a better offer but don't always look to find that perfect job the perfect job is the job that pays you that's the perfect job the perfect job is the job where you can work and you earn a paycheck to pay your bills oh yeah but I want this amount of money well why don't you stay there be stable and then you'll get a raise to earn extra money all right hey ladies those of you who are not married yet be stable as a Christian girl so that before when you get married this is what the kind of wife you're gonna be when you when you're actually married when you have a husband not an emotionally unstable wife where you know you're in for God at one point and you're out you're having trouble teaching your children you're having you're having trouble serving your husband that's unstable we want to make sure that whether female or male whatever role we are fulfilling that we're fulfilling it as a stable person okay hey you know don't be the kind of Christian that goes from church to church to church to church to church to church to church to church now if you are in a lame church then yeah it's time to move on if you like you're not growing in your church that's not your fault this is not a slam on you you know what maybe it's just time for you to move on to a church where you can actually grow but you know some Christians they're not happy no matter where they go you know what that is an unstable Christian they find you know the littlest flaw in the pastor or in the church or in the people and they just you they want to use any excuse not to be in that congregation they're just unstable is what it is okay but you know sometimes unstable Christians can often even misinterpret the Bible that's why it's important to get in church let me read to you from 2nd Peter 3 16 as also in all his epistles speaking in them and them of these things and which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction so who are the people who are responsible for twisting the scriptures the most obviously false prophets do but they do that willingly but you know who also twists the scriptures people who are unlearned and unstable you know you got a guy who's been saved for like six months to a year and they want to come and correct me on doctrine and they haven't even surpassed the New Testament they haven't gotten into the Old Testament yet they want to talk about end times Bible prophecy they want to talk about you know replacement theology all the intricacies of deep doctrine but they didn't even know the basics they're unlearned unstable rest means they twist it on a I'm different though I you know I I've watched all the sermons on YouTube I got them all memorized yeah but did you read all the Bible that's different okay you know we learn from other people but you know a person who is unlearned and unstable is a person who has not developed the disciplines to learn on their own you need to learn how to learn on your own not Google something everything every time you don't understand something why don't you actually just open up the Bible and actually try to learn it yourself okay or do you need the bottle you need someone to warm up the bottle put the cap put it into your mouth and feed it to you and act like you ate stink no you know we need to make sure that we as Christians yes we're learning from pastors yes we're learning from church but you know what you're learning on your own you have to learn on your own and newborns often have this attitude that this know-it-all attitude this prideful know-it-all attitude when the Bible says that they're desiring to be teachers of the law understanding neither what they say neither whereof they affirm okay look at Hebrews chapter 5 verse 11 this is often an attribute of a babe in Christ and you know what does it stem from pride pride because you know what pride does it doesn't want you to admit that you're wrong and it doesn't want to admit that someone else knows more than you you know the prideful person knows everything the prideful person you can't teach that person anything you can't even catch them off guard because they already know like are you I already know that you did not teach me anything I already know all these things well you know the Bible says if you think you know something you don't know anything at all actually whereas the person who's growing understands I don't know and if you can teach me something all the better look at Hebrews 5 11 of whom we have many things to say and hard to be uttered senior dull of hearing for one for the time you ought to be teachers you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God and are become such as have need of milk and not of strong meat for everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a babe but strong meat belonging to them that are a full age even those who by reason of use have their senses exercise to discern both good and evil just understand this knowing doctrine is great practicing doctrine is greater because you're actually exercising your senses to discern both good and evil and look if you only have the knowledge but you don't you're not a doer of the word you're gonna forget so the nausea you're taking in it's gonna go out because you're not putting it into practice you're not discerning between good and evil okay so baby in Christ look this is one of the reasons why we're not I'm never gonna send out anybody who doesn't know the Bible who is a brand new Christian look I won't even consider you I won't even consider you to be a pastor if you've only been saved for like a year or two years why because you're a novice a novice is a newborn and the Bible specifically tells us not a novice less being lifted up with pride he fall into condemnation of the devil okay oh don't call me a novice that just showing you that you're a novice if you get offended at that it shows your novice when you actually get offended at that because great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them if you actually love the Word of God and you're like well I guess I'm not ready then but Justin I should just enjoy growing enjoy being in church enjoy soul winning enjoy learning how to be a leader and enjoying how to communicate enjoying learning how to mature but if you get offended I said no I'm already ready you're not ready don't ask me you know if you haven't even done the basics this is important because you can't be a novice according to the Bible and look this is why newborn Christians you guys got to be careful what you look who you listen to on the internet because there's a lot of false prophets out there that beguile unstable souls the Bible says well I you know I heard this dispensationalism you know I don't agree with them on the other stuff but he got some pretty good stuff on the on the reptilians and then the hollow earth or whatever you know he's he's got some pretty interesting things on the on the give me one of those stupid conspiracies what please you know I didn't I didn't say retarded I said stupid okay flat earth is retarded okay no you know the skinwalkers I just he provides good evidence for these skinwalkers you know if you are into that stuff you're a babe in Christ if you even consider those things you are a baby in Christ I find that offensive point proven thanks for proving my point you know well you know there is some strong evidence oh you mean the pixelated video on YouTube is that what you're talking about you mean that the heavily pixelated video of some dog that's walking in South America at one o'clock in the morning or something is that what you're talking about this is stupid don't expect me to respect your intelligence if you even consider those things you know I don't I agree with pastor me healing everything else but just the skinwalkers not the skinwalkers I just don't agree on the flat earth there's so much overwhelming evidence where like on social media did you know that that's not how you study to see if a thing is true or not you don't go to Instagram you don't go to the biggest account on social media to find out that's true or not that's a babe in Christ okay you said why do they believe that because they're unstable and they've been beguiled because of that okay this is why you know and look I'm not saying stay off the internet we're on the internet amen but at least you can prove what I'm saying is true or not based upon the Bible you know I'm not giving you a pixelated video I'm not talking about weird stuff on the internet you know oh whatever what your thoughts on on area 51 in the UFOs I don't think about it and if end of discussion I just think they're they're hiding something there who cares okay and look it'd be wise for you to not open up your mouth and even entertain that thought or even just about it as though you believe it cuz by the way most people who do that they're testing the wires to see if you actually you know you believe the same thing and then once you mock them you like oh yeah yeah that's stupid yeah that's what they do no conversations about no skinwalkers you do you will be mocked severely by the pastor this is foolishness and folly this is this is for children go to Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 this is someone who is unskillful in the word of righteousness look we have people in our church who are formerly Flat Earthers formerly for you see former to what being saved or maybe they just got saved and they got sucked into that but then they realize this is stupid you know why cuz they grew up they grew up and anytime we mention the Flat Earth YouTube Baptist Church gets so offended at this because there's so many people out there and they're just like I can't believe you said this you're wrong you know the earth is not round it's flat there's so much evidence it's like you're a babe in Christ you're either not saved or you're just a babe in Christ okay come out from among them and be separate Ephesians 4 11 look what look what the Bible says and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints when it talks about perfecting it doesn't mean to make them sinless it's talking perfecting means to complete them okay for the perfecting of the Saints why so they can just be smart no for the work of the ministry see knowledge in and we work these things out right for the edifying of the body of Christ so we can have intelligent laborers in this local body of believers till we all come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of flat earth doctrine by the sleight of men and cutting craft in this whereby the in line way to deceive you know these people who believe these stupid controversies or these these conspiracies the people are teaching them don't even believe it they're like laughing at you like I can't believe we got that got to believe that we got him to subscribe to the channel okay so what am I saying what I'm saying is this you know if you got offended at any of that you're still babing Christ but here's your choice you could either be unstable and remain in that way or be teachable allow someone to teach you and look specifically to teach you that you're wrong you know we don't become better by always succeeding did you know that we only become better by failing and by evaluating that failure and learning from it so we need someone to teach us you know the greatest lessons that I learned were from people who told me that I was wrong and look I want to be right don't you but you're not you don't learn to be right all being right all the time or acting like you're right all the time you learn to be right when you recognize I'm wrong sometimes and I can learn from that okay you know the Bible says go with me if you would to Proverbs chapter 17 Proverbs 17 Bible says in 1st Corinthians 8 1 now it's touching things offered unto idols we know that we all have knowledge knowledge puffeth up but charity edify Proverbs 1 5 says a wise man will hear and will increase in learning and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsel but look at Proverbs 17 verse 27 because what are we talking about we're talking about succeeding as a baby in Christ like moving on from that not being unstable but being teachable look what it says in Proverbs 17 verse 27 he that hath knowledge spareth his words yet that means typically those who know the most don't have to say that they know the most people kind of know that about them okay spare with his words look what it says and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit what does excellent mean well remember to excel this is a successful person here an excellent person is someone who excels excelent right so why is he a person who excels because he understands he spares his words when he gets the knowledge we want to be excellent people people who excel but if you're unstable you shall not excel be a person who's willing to learn okay and there's nothing wrong with getting into a conversation after church and you don't know what's being taught or you don't know what's being talked about there's nothing wrong with you saying yeah no idea about that but I'm willing to learn about that teach me about that you know I love talking to some of some of the people in our church I really love I gravitate towards like brother Eddie is one of them you know why because he knows a lot and he knows more than me in regards to history ancient history these things intrigued me but you know I know that he knows more than me look he knows a lot about Spanish history I don't know those things nor will I act like I learned those like I know those things okay when I when I talk to him I listen I learn same thing everyone has strengths in this church where you can learn from Dr. Reed is one of them right everyone has someone that they something or someone that they know that they can learn from look I'm learning Greek but there's people out there who know Greek far greater than I do when I talk to Pastor Anderson I don't act like I'm at his level like I understand everything that he's talking about I sit there as a pupil as a student to learn from him because I know that he has excelled in that area and I'm not gonna be so foolish as to think yeah yeah I already know all that don't teach me that Pastor Anderson I know that you treat me like a contemporary when it comes to Greek no no that's a babe mentality the right mentality is he knows more than I do that's why when we do the Greek live streams I just keep my mouth shut you know I'll pipe in every once in a while if I if I have a thought but for the most part I keep it shut you know why because he knows more than me so why act like I know more than him or as much as him I'm there to learn not to prove something and someone who thinks like they know it all they're not trying to teach you they're trying to prove something they want you to have this you know this perspective of them as if they know everything this is a babe in Christ so what's what's your options your option is this continue to be unstable or just be a teachable person he said how do I know which one I am well when you get corrected does that person ever come back to you to correct you if they do you're a teachable person if they don't you're not a teachable person you know why because that person probably realized this person got offended I don't want to correct that person again because they can't take it you know the Christian life is not all not all exhortation sometimes it's a lot of correction okay go with me if you would to 1st Corinthians chapter 3 the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 8 verse 2 and if any man think that he knoweth anything he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know don't be a know-it-all okay no more children guys no more children ladies right now keep having you know children physically but as far as spiritually speaking you know it's time to move on from that and to grow up okay so the fork in the road for new for newborns is hey you could either remain unstable or become teachable number two here's a big one now listen misplaced loyalty or following leaders as they follow Christ this is a problem that the old IFB had immensely why is that because of the fact there's a man by the name of dr. Jack Hiles great preacher great man of God but some people follow him blindly even to the point that if you disagreed with anything that brother house head you're like a heretic okay this is not a characteristic of a mature person what's the characteristic of a mature person someone who says I follow anybody who follows Christ and the power of God is not subject just to one person okay now to prove to you that this is a mentality that babes in Christ have looking for strength in three verse one and I brethren could not speak unto you as into spiritual but as into carnal even as it's a braves of Christ I have fed you with milk and not with strong meat for hitherto you are not able to bear it neither yet now are you able for yet for year yet carnal for whereas there is among you and beings and strife and divisions are you not carnal and walk as men for while one sayeth I am of Paul and another I am of Apollo's are you not carnal who is in who then is Paul and who is a pulse but ministers by whom he believed even as the Lord gave to every man I have planted Apollo's watered but God gave the increase so then neither is he that plants at anything neither is he that water is but God to give it the increase what he's saying I'm nobody because he's talking about himself now he that planted than he that water they're one and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor for we are laborers together with God year God's husbandry ye are God's building now what am I saying specifically well there's often not just a new old IP but even with us okay we're babes in Christ have this undying loyalty to one person to one leader whether that's myself whether it's pastor Anderson whether it's pastor a menace and let me say this that's not right it's not right to pin leaders against one another as if one's better than the other let me give you an example of this okay are you criticizing pastor Anderson pastor is like a father and he agrees with what I'm saying right now and by the way this is my church so I can say whatever I want for the pulpit now look but he agrees with me and this is a true saying worthy of all acceptation let me give you an example okay because if you're not careful babes in Christ could often have this mentality where for example Tyler Doka okay you know the Apostle of the flat earth this when he was found out to be a false prophet or whatever I heard many people say well you know that's why I'm only gonna listen to pastor Anderson and pastor a menace it's just like you think God is only working through those two what about pastor McMurtry what about how you know pastor Jonathan Shelley what about pastor Dave persons not only only Apollo's and Paul I am of Apollo's and I'm a Paul you know and I can only trust these two that is a babing price mentality okay that shows me that shows everyone that you don't understand what he's specifically saying here he's like I'm nothing and look I remember when I first went to faith forward Baptist Church and whoever went there as well can attest to this you're a little soft starstruck okay right oh snap he's right there that's him right there he's walking he's walking he's walking you know and then you're there it's just like Disneyland for the Christian and honestly I was like that but I remember having conversations with pastor Anderson and he said this he told me this he goes you know what there's nothing wrong with having that attitude in that mentality but if you stay like that that's weird that's weird he go he's he just calls me Bruce and he's like Bruce it shouldn't be like that between you and I wasn't doing that like continuously like oh that's right you know but he was just like now we're friends we're contemporaries you're my friend I'm your friend you teach me I teach you you know we have to move on from that and it's like stalker status if you don't because he even specifically said at the end of the day I'm just a man you know and look I'm no one popular but we've had people even start trouble at other churches because their church is not operating like us not believing like I do that's foolishness and folly you follow your pastor you make sure that you honor him you respect him that's your man of God amen and don't think that God can only work through me or through pastor Anderson or through just past three minutes no God there's seven thousand prophets who have not bowed the need to bail and look there's seven thousand more who are coming afterwards to you understand look there was seven thousand prior to any of us because guess what I think it was a brother Milan he preached a sermon one time called different prophet same God this is always gonna be a different prophet but the same God so we need to make sure that our load we don't have just this undying loyalty because here's the thing what if I fall into sin for example you know at that point you know you can't have this respect our person's mentality you know God forbid what if that happened to one of our pastor friends we can't have that respect our person mentality it's not bad to honor to admire to love but there has to come a point where we say well we follow anybody who follows the Bible we respect and honor anybody who follows the Bible oh no no no I only only one guy I just want one guy on my list you're a babe and basically what you're saying is that God is only limited to only using one person that's what you're saying right that God could only use one person no you know what this may even surprise you but God could even use you God could even use a person like you you know because at the end of the day it's really dependent on the person who submits themselves to God now look there'll always be a special place in our hearts for those who change our lives there will always be a special place in our heart for those who led us to the Lord or even for people who helped us who helped us to grow in Christ Pastor Anderson will always have a special place in my heart I didn't get saved through him but you know I learned a lot from him he's like my mentor I will oh and look there's a special place in my heart for my old pastor yay even for Bob Gray jr. not senior I have to clarify that okay why because it was through Bob Gray jr. that I got saved but you know what if any of those guys make a left turn well guess what I don't mind I don't have this this undying loyalty to them I don't care if he's gonna repent of your sins that he's teaching the flat earth I love that man no it's just like well like I'm following Christ there's look it's not like this but there's an extreme that I saw in the old IFB where when Jack Scott was found out you know that wicked false prophet when he was having these these physical relations with this teenage girl you know there's people from that church they were like well I love Jack Scott no matter what he's innocent it's like the evidence is right here ah they're lying and all this he said it out of his own mouth hello but it's just this unbiblical loyalty that people have towards a person the person and not towards Christ you know there's gonna be new pastors who come into our movement that I've never even heard I'll follow them as long as they stick to the Bible I'll look up to them I'll learn from them because it's God working in them now look let me give you an example this go to 1st Corinthians chapter 9 look Barnabas had to do this for Paul because everyone was like oh no you know who's Paul and then Barnabas is like hey he got saved God's using him to preach the gospel to the Gentiles yeah but Peter you know Cephas and John these guys are pillars and these guys have been there since the beginning yeah but God is using Paul though too look at 1st Corinthians 9 verse 1 Paul the Apostles saying this about himself now remember he established the church at Corinth right he's saying verse 1 am I not an apostle am I not free have I have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord are not ye my work in the Lord if I be not an apostle unto others yea doubtless I am to you for the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord mine answer to them that do examine me is this have we not power to eat and drink have we not power to lead about a sister a wife as well as other Apostles and as the brethren of the Lord and Cephas what is he saying just because I came later don't you think I could even leave Peter don't I have the authority and the power to do that of course he does you know what cuz God is using him to okay so what I'm saying is it and look what it goes on to say verse 6 or I only am Barnabas have now we power to forbear working so he's defending himself saying look I know I came later on you guys don't respect me but you know what God can still use me as he can use you as he's you Cephas and look Galatians chapter 2 God used Paul to rebuke Peter even though he came later on in the game okay what's the solution we need to make sure that as if you're a babe in Christ do you make the decision to say you know what I want to follow Christ and follow the men who follow Christ no matter who they are right no matter who they are if they're following Christ if they're preaching the Word of God if they are being used of God then you know what I want to be associated with that person okay and look we all have a right to be associated with anybody all right look pastor Aaron Thompson doing a great work was a blessing on Friday I'm thankful to be associated with him you say well why because God's using him and look we disagree on some things you know we've talked about it we disagree it on it but you know I still had him come down and preach for us he thought that I was gonna disagree with him on something that he set up here that's all I agree I agree with you on that there's other things that we disagree about but you know why at the end of the day God is using him and I can learn from that man and I have learned from him you know why because he has older children he's been around the block longer than I have and I'm not gonna be so foolish as to think well you know I'm new I have v2 you know haven't you seen my youtube channel haven't you heard my sermons you know no for me it's just like I could learn from pastor Thompson he has something that I could learn and I can I could learn from I can glean wisdom from so be followers of Christ follow the man who is following Christ though okay don't take it to the other extreme here's my last point go with me if you would to first Peter chapter 2 no more children you know you children and this is good obviously but this is just a really raw example you have children were like you take them to their cousins and they just or their family you know and they just don't want to go with anybody just want to stick with mom and dad which by the way is good because sometimes children actually can feel the vibes of some wicked person but sometimes they're just being weird like that or they're just like no I don't want to go with anybody you know and after a while they start lining up they start having fun and then they get away from mom and dad and go play with their cousins or whatever okay well a babe in Christ has to do the same thing okay you need to learn how to listen to others and follow others as they follow Christ no more children so you you can either remain unstable or become teachable have misplaced authority or follow leaders as they follow Christ and here's the third one you could either stay carnal or you could lay aside your sin on a daily weekly basis or whatever okay look at look at first Peter first Peter chapter 2 what I mean by that I'm working on you right now right but when you leave you need to work on yourself you need to work on yourself you know you look don't come to churches just wait for that one sermon that's gonna change your life why don't you just read your Bible and change your life you know look at first Peter 2 verse 1 wherefore laying aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisies and envies and evil speakings as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby so what he's saying look just as newborn babes desire the milk so they can grow that's what you need to do but how does that happen by laying aside you know sins and look at verse 3 says if so be you have tasted that the Lord is gracious you see when someone first gets saved they don't have this is unjust I mean I'm just gonna read the entire Bible cover to cover and I just have this strong desire to do so that that appetite that desire comes as they taste right so it's like desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby if so be the have tasted you know start eating vegetables and start liking it unless you haven't tasted vegetables at all you can't desire something you haven't tasted right so what does that mean that means you have to go home open up your Bible and start reading it on your own and then you start I was actually pretty good I think I'm gonna do this every day and then guess what here's a really cool thing you start reading the Bible on your own then I'm preaching you're gonna hear something from the sermon that you got from your Bible you're like man I just read that I was just thinking the same thing I just learned that today I learned that last week see you don't only want to be learning things when you come to church when you come to church what's going on the principles are being reinforced of things that you already learned in your own time okay we're not a Catholic Church or it's like just believe me take my word for it and you know close your Bibles look up here that's not the way it works you open up the Bible and if I'm wrong come tell me after the service that I'm wrong and show me I'm not afraid of you that's what we tell everyone to open up their Bibles and go to the scripture so you can see it for yourself but you know what you have to be able to taste it and work on yourself on your own okay you need to make sure that when throughout the week you're applying that what you're learning now look if you want to be a babe in Christ okay then stay carnal stay fleshly stay carnal stunt your growth and stay where you're at but you know I don't want to do that I want to get stable I want to still be teachable I want to make sure that I'm still following Christ I want to make sure that I'm learning that I'm continuously reading the Bible you know I want to make sure that I'm stable even though there's there's times in life where you can become unstable I want to make sure that my life is characterized of stability you know I want to make sure that even though my love for certain leaders has exceeded my love for other leaders in times past then my loyalty is still to Christ you know look I the men in the new IFB the pastors of the new IFB have helped me grow even more so than some leaders in the past exceedingly very grateful for them but you know what at the end of the day I have to recognize God has used these people to help me to grow it's God who's done it and lastly I got to make sure that I stay in the Word of God that I'm them continuously learning hey no more children guys no more children don't call me a child don't call me a baby you're just proving the point it's time to grow up no more children learn these things and when you come to the fork in the road take the right side be teachable follow the Lord and make sure that you're you're cleaning up your own lives and then inspire heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word God I pray God that you'd help us Lord to continue to grow in grace I'm thankful for the men of God in my life whether in present time or even in times past who taught me these things and Lord because of that I can say I'm not a baby in Christ and if I was a baby in Christ I shouldn't be the pastor here and God I pray that each and every person under the sound of my voice who are babes in Christ that they would make that decision to be teachable to follow the Lord and to work on themselves that they would be no more children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine and help us to do so Lord we love you so much we thank you pray these things in Jesus name amen