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Teach on it what the doctrine of the reprobates are okay very important and I'm referring to reprobates and when we think of reprobates we think of sodomites you know we think of atheists specifically we think of homosexuals and we're gonna talk about that but you know reprobates is not only subject to sodomites okay in actuality a sodomite is really a product of being a reprobate because when God gives someone over to a reprobate mind the Bible says they do those things which are not convenient they do those things which are which are disgusting and vile things that are against nature as the Bible would put it but before we get into that go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 15 I'm gonna give you some points here why is it important to know the doctrine of the reprobates okay it's a topic that I think obviously in our in our movement in our churches it's very popular we like to talk about it why because we've seen the opposite of the teaching of this so much in within the independent Baptist churches and I think it's important as I mentioned a couple weeks ago that we repeat things over and over and over again why because we've heard the opposite over and over again we've heard lies over and over again we need to condition ourselves to believe what the truth is but why is it important to know their doctrine of the reprobates well 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 34 the Bible reads here a way to righteousness and sin not for some have not the knowledge of God I speak this to your shame so let me say this first and foremost it gives us an urgency to win souls before it's too late let me say this not everyone in this world is a reprobate okay there are a select few that are reprobates their reprobate concern in the faith and we'll explain what that means in just a moment but not everyone starts off as a reprobate okay people aren't born reprobates they're not born that way after all okay they're given over to that mind and so this doctrine is not it's it's important to learn because it helps us to realize man we got to get to certain people before it becomes before it gets too late you know we got to give them the gospel and plead with them in and in hope that they would get saved and and and pray for them why because we don't want them to become a reprobate you know the majority of those sodomites and the homosexuals and the pedophiles they were victims themselves at one point and and look I've met people who have been molested and those who have been violated and they've chosen not to go that way they've chosen to not become a reprobate they've chosen to actually look for God okay in that affliction but there's others who didn't there's there are those who became they became bitter towards God and why what happened they actually rejected the gospel because of that it became reprobates so it should it really should motivate us to go out and win souls and try to reach people before they become reprobates I think of yesterday when we went out soul-winning I went out with brother Moses and and we won ten people to the Lord it was it was a fruitful Saturday and three of those ten were children it was probably the best ones out of all of them because these the children were seven eight and nine and it's one of those things I'm not necessarily an emotional kind of guy but when you see someone so readily received the gospel and it's so simple to them it's so easy and their their eyes just light up it just creates like a gulp in your throat like man this this kids getting it you know and all three of them they're they're giving the right answers they understood everything and they got saved and I told him I said man today is October 28th it's the day that you got saved so when someone ever asked you throughout your whole life when how do you know you're going to heaven they said because I believed on Jesus Christ and by the way they're the ones are answering me that and I said and I said what was the day that you got saved they said October 28th it was on a Saturday you know they're just hanging around but you know what they will never become a reprobate never and praise the Lord for that okay and so it ought to motivate us to go preach the gospel more to reach the children to reach people before it becomes too late because let me say this there is a point where it gets too late and no we're not Calvinists okay everyone has an opportunity to be saved but there is a point there is a deadline where it's just too late and we'll explain why in just a moment but none of that go to Deuteronomy chapter 23 so wait your righteousness to sin not some have not the knowledge of God I speak this to your shame we want to take personal responsibility to go out and preach the gospel and say it's my responsibility it's not no one else's responsibility they they are accountable to themselves I have the responsibility to go and preach the gospel to see people saved and impossibly to rescue someone from becoming a potential reprobate one day but not only that it helps us to be aware of the dangers of allowing just anyone in the church okay very important this helps us to realize that church is not just for everyone it's for the believers it's for people who are saved and the Bible places restrictions on certain people they cannot be in our church very important look what Deuteronomy chapter 23 and verse 17 says the Bible says there shall no whore of the daughters of Israel nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel thou shall not bring the hire of a whore or the price of a what of a dog so here we see that sometimes what God does within a passage is he defines a word by placing them together okay we see the whore right and then it repeats the whore of the excuse me it repeats the the hire of a whore and then it says a sodomite and then it says a price of a dog and the Bible says that that that's what God refers to sodomites as they refer to them as dogs why is that because they do things that are unclean I've had dogs okay dogs do very unclean things they'll eat their own dung though they'll throw up and they'll eat their their they'll lick up their vomit and the Bible talks about that they do very unclean things and what the what does the Bible say that's why God compares them to dogs because that's what sodomites do as well they do things that are inconvenient things that are unclean and look what the Bible says thou shall not bring the hire of a whore the price of a dog into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow for even both of these are an abomination unto the Lord thy God was the same they shouldn't be in the house of God they should never be in the house of God and unfortunately independent Baptists have received this teaching of you know what well anybody can be saved anybody could come to church churches that is a hospital for sinners no it's not sorry but that's not what the Bible teaches you know the churches for churches for the saved okay and our responsibility is to come here be edified be instructed learn what the Word of God says go out there preach the gospel and then bring them in okay and many of them will come and we've had visitors come over the last couple of weeks of people that we've unto the Lord that's exciting but it's for safe people it's not just for everyone go to Jude chapter 1 go to the book of Jude and here's the thing is knowing the reprobate doctrine helps us to realize that you know what church is a very special place okay and it belongs to the safe people and unfortunately over the decades you know it's it's it's because of the influence of the liberal churches the doors have opened to anybody and what happens sodomites come in reprobates come in children become get molested I mean you look there's a special on I can't remember what channel was but it was exposing the independent Baptist the IFB movement and the majority of them were filled with sodomites and they're criticizing them because the pastors were molesting children there's people who there's children who are being molested and they say see what's going on in the IFB Church yeah because they allow the sodomites in that's why that's taking place okay you say but there are pastors no and that's another thing we're gonna get into when the Bible talks about reprobates and sodomites it closely relates them to false teachers and prophets and like the Bible like we just read who creep in unawares okay they creep in they look like us they talk like us they'll act like us but they're not us they're doing they're being deceitful and why because when reprobates see a church they see an opportunity why because church people man I mean they're kind people they're trustworthy people they have children it's it's not archers but it's more of a lax environment so they come here looking for an opportunity you say are there really people out there like that yes there's people the Bible says there's people they won't even sleep until they do evil they exist but look what Jude 1 4 says there for there are certain men crept in unawares who are before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ go to verse number 12 these are spots in your feast of charity when they feast with you man sometimes the Bible says that they'll be with us among us and by the way that's why it's important that we be vigilant not careless don't let your children just go with anybody okay and my look this is a principle that I learned even at my old church okay you don't just let your children just roam all over there but this is a faithful word Baptist Church you don't do it okay why is that because we're not trying to be a suspicious of everyone but we're not trying to be careless either okay and you need to watch your children you need to keep them close to you and and and allow them to just be with you okay but the Bible says these are spots in your feast of charity when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear clouds they are without water carried about of winds trees whose fruit withers without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots it says that they're twice dead why is that because the Bible says that for the wages of sin is death right that's the physical death but the Bible also says and in revelations 21 8 that it gives a list of people are going to be in hell and says and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the what the second death so there's some obviously the people who are in hell are experiencing the second death right well the Bible is just simply saying that these who are who are reprobates they're already dead just as if they're already in hell that's how God sees them as if it's too late because we don't understand that those who are in hell it's already too late for them right well Bible says that the reprobates are twice dead they're living here it's already too late for them okay go to 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter number 2 we're gonna look at a lot of scriptures this morning 2nd Peter chapter number 2 verse number 13 the Bible says here and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they they counted pleasure to ride in the daytime spots they are and blemishes sporting themselves with their own deceiving while they feast with you okay and let me say this don't go around suspecting that everyone's a sodomite okay or reprobating our churches like man he's feasting with me is this is this scripture fulfilled here or you know no look we give everyone the benefit of the doubt amen we ought to give everyone the benefit of the doubt now this time sometimes when someone comes in it's just like mmm I don't know you know you're just a little suspicious but for the most part we were to give everyone the benefit of the doubt but the Bible says here that they feast with you having eyes full of adultery and then that cannot cease from sin let me say this sodomites I'm gonna mention later on they go both ways the Bible says they have eyes full of adultery adultery is a sinful act between a man and a woman a married man and a married woman or are the other way around but they go both ways you know the the cultures taught us no you know gay people they only they only go for men or women they go from no no they go both ways having eyes full of adultery and they cannot cease from sin see here's the difference between a regular sinner and a reprobate the sinner this the Bible says here that the reprobate they cannot cease from sin they have eyes full of adultery Romans 1 says that they're full of unrighteousness okay 2nd Timothy chapter number 3 the Bible talks about how they're laden with sins that lady means to be loaded with sins you know I've had people tell me well Romans 1 you know they're disobedient to parents weren't you ever disobedient to your prayer no the Bible says that they're full of that I'm not fully disobedient to my mom and dad okay we're not fully giving over to these things this is not we're this is not what we're characterized by the Bible says that these people are though they're full of unrighteousness and look what it says that cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls and hard they have exercised with covetous practice cursed children the Bible says that they're beguiling they're fooling they're trying to they're trying to deceive unstable people that's their agenda that's what they come into churches to do I believe that any parent with any sense look and look common sense would say if you're a parent okay you would not allow your child to be around a sodomite I mean even I believe the unsaved would even say that say that right they would say no no no way that guy's a child molester they're not going nowhere near my children but isn't it hypocritical to say that it's okay for them to come into church to be around other people's children right I mean now I'm talking about Christians for a Christian because any Christian who would disagree with us and the reprobate doctrine and say they can be saved it should be allowed into church etc you know they would they would they would honestly say I would not allow my child to be around a reprobate around a sodomite but yet they say it's okay for them to come into church to be around other people's children that's a little hypocritical okay that's not right because look though we love our children more than we love other people's children we there ought to be a certain level of love for other children to say no they shouldn't be around my children but they definitely should be around their children as well go to Psalms 97 so the it's important to know this because look we're not just gonna let anybody into our church okay and and some fag walks in here and and and they come in here with the purse they come in here looking like a homo guess what we're gonna have to approach that person ask them twice to leave they don't leave we're kicking them out so that's not loving I know it's not loving it's hateful and it's biblical okay why because I love my children so here's the thing it's it is it hateful for me to kick them out for the sake of me loving my children why don't you say hey that's very loving that you do that for your children why are you defending the sodomite and not defending the innocent little child that I'm protecting them from why don't you take those things into consideration second Peter would I have you turn Psalms 97 but not only that it helps us to gain a healthy perspective of God's love you say what what are you healthy you're talking about hating these people yeah well it's a healthy perspective and I'm gonna show you why Psalms 97 verse 10 the Bible says this ye that love the Lord so even those who disagree with us right they would say yeah I love the Lord well hate evil ye that love the Lord hate evil he preserveth the souls of his Saints he deliver at them out of the hand of the wicked go to Psalms chapter 5 verse number 5 this is a healthy view of God's love because here's the thing there's a lot of people who have become bitter towards God because of this teaching that reprobates can be saved why because they were violated they were molested by some sodomite and then they go to a church to tell you well you need to forgive them you know God loves them too and it's just like what are you talking about they violated me they did they did this to my little sister they did this to my child and they're constantly struggling with this thing of man God just loves everyone and so I mean what's what's the deal here no God doesn't just love everyone and here's the thing people are more readily to be on fire for God and be all in and have a healthy perspective of who God is when they realize that God will judge these people Psalms 5 5 the Bible says here the foolish shall not stand in thy sight thou hatest all workers of iniquity you know that's very comforting to someone who's been violated by a sodomite if you tell them that hey God hates all workers of iniquity and the workers of iniquity are those people right there that's very comforting for those like man God is a God of justice he is a God of righteousness he will execute righteousness and judgment on these people and that causes people to have a balanced healthy view of who God is you know the God of Gandhi that's that's not that's not who we serve you know love the sinner hate the sin no I hate the sinner I hate the sinner that's the perfect that's that's the real view that's the Bible's view of what the Bible says go to Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter number 1 we most of us know Romans chapter 1 we're gonna go through it we're gonna explain it but what is a reprobate sometimes we throw around that word kind of loosely like reprobate reprobate reprobate we want to see what a reprobate is all right and let me say this I mean I remember being in church I didn't really hear a lot of people talk about reprobates you know it wasn't necessarily a popular term to talk about the only time I heard someone talk about it was this and I mentioned him a couple weeks ago by a guy named Bill Gothard how many have ever heard of Bill Gothard anybody in there still no one's ever heard of Bill Gothard don't look him up but he I'm serious he influenced the independent Baptist in a large way and specifically with this was with this teaching of reprobates because he was the only one who would use the word reprobate but he would say the Christians could become reprobate and he would relate it to immorality you know you get into pornography long enough you're gonna become a reprobate you know you become very lascivious in your way of thinking and here's the thing I believe that Christians can get involved in some pretty bad sins okay immoral sins but here's the thing I never believe that I can I can never believe that a Christian become a homosexual why is that because the Bible teaches us that God will destroy a Christian before they even get that point to that point because if they defile the body the Bible says him will God destroy and before they could ever ever get to that point God will just put an end to it just say you know what you've just become very unclean I'm just gonna take you home okay Romans 1 let's read through this verse number 21 the Bible says here because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fools by the way the Bible says professing themselves to know God right professing themselves to be wise we know that they're not wise we know they don't know God why because the Bible says in Romans at the end of Romans one that they're full of what deceit the lighting you know and we're gonna get into that what people say why what about that testimony I've heard of a testimony of this Christian he turned his life around they're full of the seat buddy they're lying to you professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like a corruptible man and two birds into four-footed beasts and creeping things wherefore because of these things God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of God into a lie and worship and serve the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the women burned in their own lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was me and by the way the Bible teaches us in Deuteronomy that there are certain diseases that people get when they turn against God okay and let me say this yes AIDS is one of them so it's syphilis so is gonorrhea so as all those sexually transmitted diseases that is the recompense that is meat for them and that's what they get I mean that God says that's that's what you get okay for being involved in such filthy wickedness look I'm married to one woman I've never ever gotten an STD okay why cuz I'm with one woman these guys these sodomites it is said that they have up to 500 partners in their lifetime that's he that's unfathomable and it's no wonder they receive that recompense that is me for them okay verse 28 and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient let me ask you something the Bible says there they don't want to retain God in their knowledge and the these watered-down Christians say well what if they want to believe they just said they don't want to retain God in their knowledge well but what if they they are truly looking they don't want to retain God in their knowledge I mean how do you want me do you want me to pull out a washboard and color for you and do the lines and stuff if they don't want to retain God in their knowledge what makes you think they want to be saved because to be saved you have to believe that Jesus Christ is God right but they don't want to retain God in their knowledge look what it says God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled with all unrighteousness look what it says fornication that goes to show you they go both ways wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignancy whispers you say they're not full of murder well have you ever heard of John Wayne Gacy you ever heard of Jeffrey Dahmer full of murder okay you ever heard of a Ted Bundy who's a reprobate who supposedly got saved you know the guy from Calvary Chapel interviewed him and he thought oh yeah I accepted Christ as my personal Savior and here's the key words and I repented of my sin these people are full of murder you see why no homosexuals that haven't murdered because they haven't had a chance to murder they haven't had an opportunity to do so okay back biters haters of God so tell me this can you get saved if you're a hater of God I mean come on let's just come on come on can you get saved if you're a hater I hate God but I want to be saved though I God commended his love toward me and that while I was yet a reprobate you know Christ died for me come on seriously think about this okay haters of God despiteful proud boasters oh this is yeah inventors of evil things you study the lives and don't do it but you study the lives of these people some of the wicked things that they invent to do to people very wicked disobedience of parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection my wife just told me this week of something that came up on the news of these parents who just they allow their children to die I mean one parent they they kept them in a swing I was it a swing right a swing for a whole week without feeding them or changing them and the child and we died look I have a hard time just spanking my son okay I do it because the Bible commands me to do it and I want him to live a righteous life and I love him how can I even fathom what parent could ever fathom to doing something like that to their own child a reprobate can why because here's the thing my wife has a natural affection towards my son and you don't have to teach my wife to love my son it just comes naturally you want to hug them you want to take care of them you want what's best for them you know they mean the world to you but here the Bible says that these reprobates are actually without natural affection that's how you can understand why a person can do that to a child because they don't have that natural affection they're reprobates okay without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable what does that mean don't try to appease these homos don't try to don't try to meet them halfway why because it's not gonna it's not gonna work implacable means they cannot be appeased they cannot be calmed down you can't you can't have peace with them okay they're implacable so you might as well just take what the Bible says preach hard on them hate them do what you need to do to stand against them because if you do that or the other way they're still gonna be implacable towards you so might as well live a life that's pleasing to God and take the stand that God wants you to take instead an unmerciful the Bible says they're unmerciful all right go to Jeremiah chapter number six so we're gonna go back to Romans one we're gonna go back to a lot of these scriptures but we're just explaining here what are the reprobates these are the characteristics of a reprobate and by the way a reprobate is someone who is the one the Bible says they're giving over to a reprobate mind they're giving over to a rejected mind they've been rejected so God gives them the mind of a person who's been rejected by God their moral compass has been removed you know even unsafe people understand the murders wrong right they understand the child molestation is wrong they understand that adultery is wrong they know these things that are wrong they have a moral compass okay the Bible says that the law of God is written on their hearts well when they become a reprobate they're given over to a reprobate mind that moral compass has been removed Jeremiah chapter 6 and verse number 29 the Bible reads here this is where we the this is where we get our definition of what a reprobate is okay Jeremiah chapter 6 and we'll go verse 29 the bellows are burned the lead is consumed of the fire the founder melteth in vain for the wicked are not plucked away verse 30 reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them again we see that God defines something when he basically compares it with another verse just like we saw in Deuteronomy he says reprobate silver shall men call them why because the Lord has rejected them reprobate rejected both found in the same verse it defines it for us okay and here's the thing this is a perfect scripture to really illustrate that because it's talking about Israel as a people okay and Israel had given themselves over to idolatry for so long that the Bible says in verse 29 the founder melteth in vain for the wicked are not plucked away what is he saying but you know when you the Bible says remove take away the dross from the silver and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer take away the wicked from a month from before the king and then his throne shall be established in righteousness so where's the Bible say you take away the wicked then that throne that King will be established in righteousness well Israel had given themselves over to such idolatry that the find the founder God burns in vain they're not the wicked are not being plucked away so what is he saying they're rejected they're just reprobate already and the Bible called them reprobate silver why because Israel according to the Bible was a peculiar what treasure right there were a peculiar treasure and Bible says now now that just reprobate silver you know I can't pluck away the evil from them they just they're just bent on doing evil so that generation died and another generation had to rise up to believe on the Lord okay but that's where we get our definition from reprobate silver shall men call them white because the Lord hath rejected them they are rejected of the Lord now go to Genesis chapter 19 so keep that in mind reprobate means what rejected okay now throughout the Bible you will see the word rejected you won't see reprobate a whole lot but you'll see the word rejected used in the way it's used as what it means but reprobate specifically at times in the Bible the New Testament is in reference to sodomites it's a reference to unclean peoples in reference to false prophets but it carries the connotation of being rejected and we'll look at in just a moment in the New Testament but go to Genesis chapter 19 verse number one this is the second time where sodomy is mentioned the first time is with Noah and his son and the thing is with no in his son we know this an unclean act was was committed based upon the wording of Noah right but here we see I mean plain and simple what took place here all right Genesis chapter 19 verse number one the Bible says here and there came two angels to Sodom at even and lot sat in the gate of Sodom and lot seeing them rose up to meet them and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground and he said behold now my lords turn in I pray you into your servants house and Terry all night wash your feet and ye shall rise up early and go on your ways and they said nay but we will abide in the streets all night and he pressed upon them greatly and they turned in unto him and entered into his house and he made them a feast and did bake unleavened bread and they did eat but before they lay down the men of the city even the men of Sodom compass the city excuse me compass the house round both old and what and young keep that in mind all the people from every quarter you think about the whole city from every quarter was there old and young okay verse 5 and they called unto law and sentence him where are the men which came in to thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them okay now let me give you just a little bit of teaching here know them doesn't mean like hey I just want to get to know you here so what do you work you know so what do you live with your address man let me get your number man this is fellowship let's let's hang out what are you guys doing what are you guys eating I'll never live in cake great can I have no that's not the kind of knowing that they're talking about the knowing is a sexual connotation okay and just you gotta picture this first of all these are angels you're out there when you want to rape angels okay second of all it's the old and young coming to ask to know them all right verse 6 and law went out of the door unto them and shut the door after him and said I pray brethren do not so wickedly behold now I have two daughters which have not known man let me I pray you bring them out unto you and do you to them as it is good in your eyes only unto these men do nothing for therefore came day under the shadow of my roof now I mean lots pretty stupid himself isn't he I got something I got daughters you want the daughters and they said stand back and they said again this one fellow came into sojourn and he will needs be a judge now will we do worse with thee than with them and they and by the way that's pretty bad what do you think they were even planning to do to the angels and he says we're gonna do worse to you why because they're inventors of evil things they're implacable see lot tried to placate the sodomites what happened it backfires we're gonna do worse to you and they press sore upon the man even lot and came near to break the door but the men put forth their hand and pulled lot into the house to them and shut the door and they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness both small and great so that they wearied themselves to find the door I mean okay now picture this so now the angels came in boom you know blinded them and what are the sodomites do they're still trying to look for the door I mean they're blind but they're still trying to commit their wicked acts they're still looking for the door that's insane it's not like you know what I'm blind I need to go home can someone like walk me home this is crazy no it's just like no we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna get this done we're gonna look through the door verse 12 and the men said unto law hast thou here any besides son-in-laws and thy sons and thy daughters and whatsoever thou hast in the city bring them out this place for we will destroy this place and let me say this in second Peter the Bible says that these people are meant to be destroyed that's what the Bible actually says meant to be taken and destroyed well that's what God's doing right here because the cry of them is waxing great before the face of the Lord and the Lord had sent us to destroy it let me say this why did God say that the cry of them well here's the reason why because the Bible says look we obviously know the sodomites can't reproduce themselves they don't reproduce they what recruit right they molest and they recruit that's that's just how it works okay so that means these children were recruited okay so these sodomites were having children with women obviously because that's the only way you can have it and then these children were recruited okay well that's the cry they got her because of the children the children who who were recruited into this who were molested okay you see you're looking too much into the scriptures no it's plain and simple right there God doesn't hear the cry of the wicked he hears the cry of the righteous okay and children are righteous you see what I'm saying they're innocent all right great before the face of the Lord and the Lord has sent us to destroy now go to judges chapter 19 it's ironic that both instances of sodomy and sodomites are found in the 19th chapter I mean there's Genesis 19 that's how you can memorize it Genesis 19 judges 19 he said no I still don't believe that homosexuals go both ways you know I know someone and and you know they're they only go one way and they're not attracted to the men are not attracted to women they're only attracted to men and and you know no no and here's the thing if you're a Bible believing Christian shame on you if you believe that why because the Bible does not teach that we'll look at it in judges chapter 19 verse number 22 now as they were making their hearts marry behold the men of the city certain sons of Belial whose Belial is the devil so God is calling these people who were about to talk about sons of the devil beset the house round about and beat at the door and spake to the master of the house the old man saying bring forth the man that came into thine house that we may know him now that sounds pretty familiar right it's like the same thing and the man the master of the house went out unto them and said unto them nay my brother nay I prayed do not so wickedly seeing that this man is coming to mine house do not this folly behold here is my daughter a maiden and his concubine then will I bring out now humble ye them and do with them what seemeth good unto you but unto this man do not so vile a thing by the way what does the Bible call sodomy cause it's being vile disgusting verse 25 but the men would not harken to him why because you can't placate them you can't read you can't meet them halfway you can say well what about this they'll say no but the men would not harken unto him so the man took his concubine brought her forth unto them and they knew her and abused her all the night until the morning and when the day began to spring they let her go so these are sodomites who were looking to sodomize men and what happened instead they gave the concubine which is the living girlfriend and they abused her instead so don't tell me they don't go both ways okay the Bible says they're full of fornication they're full of wickedness and the Bible gives us a clear story right here that these sons of Belial who are the Benjamites at that time these are the ones who committed this wicked act with women okay they raped her a sodomite is someone who goes both ways and that's where we get and then someone said what about Gomorrah it's why don't you call him Gomorrah it's I don't know cuz the Bible doesn't calm Gomorrah it's okay call some sodomites so we're just gonna go ahead and calm sodomites sodomites you know people say well you know sodomites they're not they're not reprobates though you know I know someone and I've heard this multiple times why I know someone yeah we all know someone okay but I know someone they and they they honestly want to look for God they send scriptures you know yeah cuz they're deceitful go to Romans chapter 1 again now let's see if that's true if sodomites are not reprobates I mean that's the stupidest argument I could I've ever heard but let's go ahead and see if that's true okay verse 26 says of Romans 1 for this cause God gave up up to vile affections just like we saw in in judges 19 for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature it's talking about dykes verse 27 and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned and known less one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of the error which was me that's talking about homosexuality and the Bible says that they're giving over to a reprobate mind so guess what homosexuals are reprobates plain and simple and go to uh you know and then but I still believe they can be saved they don't want to retain God in their knowledge I mean just biblical logic tells us that okay go to Jeremiah to go back to well let's see here let me have you turn to first Samuel chapter 15 so I need you to follow along as I give you this this this teaching right here this concept and I'm preaching but I'm teaching right now as well okay because we need to understand how this works because we don't want to sound like dumb when we talk about reprobates you know when we're trying to defend the reprobate doctrine you know oh they're reprobates cuz a bunch of faggots you know where's the Bible I mean I by the way I agree with you okay but we want to be like uh well yeah because this is what the Bible says about it okay and here's the thing people get offended when you say the word faggot ten years ago that wasn't offensive a faggot is simply something that's a bundle of stakes that were burned well the Bible says that God's gonna bundle them up and burn them as well that's where the that's where the term comes from that's why people call homosexuals faggots because they understood that these people were gonna receive burning when they were gonna burn one day okay and let me say this it's like oh you guys are so radical the public schools of the 1950s came out with a documentary called boys beware huh beware of the homosexual they're in parks they're in the restrooms they tried to do all these I mean I mean they were warning unsafe people about these things in the 50s okay this is not just something like we just came up with it okay boys beware you know homosexuality is a sickness of the mind that's what the you know the it's very proper this you know Andy Griffith type type video very enjoyable to watch in fact we're gonna watch it when we get home the family we're gonna have family night you know but here's the thing it's not just us the unsaved people understood this years ago okay where to have you turn you're in a first Samuel okay I'm gonna read to you from Jeremiah again okay the Bible says reprobate silver shaman call them because the Lord has rejected them right so it's simply saying that the Israel has been rejected which we understand that right they've been rejected have been replaced they were rejected why because they were involved in idolatrous practices to the point where God says I'm just done with this generation another generation is gonna have to arise they've been rejected okay that's what that means now look at first Samuel chapter 15 and by the way it doesn't it's not saying that Israel became a reprobate necessary like a homosexual they've just been rejected as a nation right because obviously there's some people in Israel that did believe you know at that time but as a nation they became very corrupt therefore God rejected them as a nation well look at first time in chapter 15 verse number 22 the Bible reads here and Samuel said hath the Lord as great delight and burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken to the fat of Rams for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry because thou has rejected the word of the Lord he hath also rejected thee from being king so what is God saying because Samuel excuse me because Saul disobeyed God and really in his disobedience rejected the word of the Lord which is his decision first Baba says I've rejected thee from being king so we can see here that Saul in a sense was a reprobate concerning the kingdom why because he was rejected concerning the kingdom right and let me say this I mean that was fulfilled he never became king ever again neither did his children right that was fulfilled he says I've rejected thee from being king and why because Saul rejected the word of the Lord so it's on their part first to reject God and what does God do God rejects them so with that concept in mind go to 2nd Timothy chapter number three go back to 2nd Timothy chapter number three because here's the thing people are like well you know you're they're homosexual but I just don't think they're a reprobate yet I think they have time I think they still have an opportunity well we're gonna see that right now 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and verse number 5 having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lust ever learning never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now as Janus and Jambres withstood Moses so do these also resist the what the truth what is the truth the Word of God so we see the the the chronology there is at first they resist the truth right and look what it says men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith so just like Saul was rejected concerning the kingdom he was rejected in regards to that the Bible says that they're rejected reprobate concerning the what faith the faith to save you get what I'm saying here because for by grace are you saved through what faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not a worthless any man should boast so the Bible says because they've resisted the truth God says okay then I'm gonna go ahead and reject you concerning the faith okay go to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 13 2nd Corinthians chapter number 13 2nd Corinthians chapter number 13 they were rejected concerning the faith you know it's it's sad you know but I have no compassion because you know what there's people who have gone through the same thing they've gone through they got right with the Lord they decided to get saved they weren't bitter towards God when they were when they got the gospel they received it with all readiness of mind and and and they're safe people they decided to be bitter towards God though they decided to reject God they were sad they decided to blame God and blame him for all the things that happened look I know people who've been molested okay and they're not reprobates they chose him to to to to get saved and allow God to heal their wounds and allow God to fix up their lives after salvation but guess what they're not reprobates they don't hate God the Bible says here that these people hate God 2nd Corinthians chapter number 13 now 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 if this doesn't convince you I'd have no idea what will okay you have to be as the Bible says willingly ignorant you guys ever heard that term in the Bible they're willingly and what does that mean they're just want to be ignorant on purpose this verse right here it should just put everything to bed and just say okay never mind I was wrong this is right look at the Bible says 2nd Corinthians 13 5 examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith prove your own selves know ye not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be what reprobates so the Bible says Christ is in you unless you're a reprobate so that's going to show that if you're a reprobate Christ cannot be in you simple as that right because when you trust Christ as your Savior the Bible says that the Holy Spirit comes to live within you right you have God in you the hope of glory right well the Bible says here Paul said this how that Christ be in you except he be reprobates why because reprobates can't have Christ in them it says but I trust that you shall know that we are not reprobates now I pray to God that you do no evil not that we should appear approved but that he should do that which is honest though he be as reprobates he's a why you know they'll use that what about that he said though he be as reprobates because Paul's being rejected of them that's what that means okay and that's what he says for we can do nothing against the truth but for the truth because they're saved they could do nothing against the truth before the truth but what did the sodomites do they turn the truth of God into a lie you see what I'm saying here so the Bible says here that when Christ is in you that's why you never had if you're a safe person you never have to worry that you'll ever become a reprobate impossible because Christ is in you so what if I get involved in immorality and I fornicate and I come don't worry gotta kill you it's all good man gotta just slay you you know my God got this all taken care of man don't even worry about it live a clean life gotta bless you decide to live a horrible life God will just kill you you go to heaven you know so you never have to worry about oh man what if I become a reprobate it's not gonna happen if you're a safe person okay so why would God reject them look at verse number five of go back to 2nd Timothy chapter number three why would God reject them you know and I'm telling you this teaching that they could be saved comes from the from the definition of Bill Gothard who came up with this concept that the reprobate just means that they're lascivious that they're unclean which that's the that's the product of being a reprobate but how they got theirs because they've rejected God okay verse number five says having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof okay so the Bible says they have a form of godliness what does that mean they look like they're godly they couldn't even look like they're Christians but what is what does the Bible say they've denied the power thereof what does the Bible say that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation which is what they have rejected they had denied it they don't want to be saved verse 8 it is the power of God now Genesis and Jamborees withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith they have resisted the truth and here's the thing we have all kinds of independent Baptists trying their best making all these ministries all these Instagram posts all this Facebook junk saying we need to reach the homosexuals and anybody can be saved who serves or call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved yeah but except for the reprobate I agree wholeheartedly except for the reprobate because Christ is in you except he be reprobates and the Bible says that they've resisted the truth they don't want the gospel they've rejected it and the Bible says because that would that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it unto them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even as eternal power and God has so that they are without excuse because that when they knew God through these things they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened the Bible says you see there's a progression it's not like oh just God just gives them over to a reprobate mind no they had a choice people they had a choice look I have family members and not they're not my family anymore who are sodomites okay and I had someone asked me you know last week they're like I said me too I mean they're not necessarily my family you know they're sodomites and I will never I will never have communion with that person ever again I knew that person once and there were my cousin once you know I love them once but obviously they made a choice to resist the truth you say well you know but no no no you see you're looking at the fruit of a sodomite you're not realizing that that's a byproduct of becoming a reprobate so here's the thing but there's a lot of atheists today they're reprobates there may not be sodomites as of yet you get what I'm saying here because sometimes we say well reprobate society yeah I agree with that but not every not every reprobate is a sodomite as of yet okay because atheists have rejected the truth okay they've rejected the truth well you let them live long enough guess what they will become a sodomite eventually why because they're more compass has been removed that's why that Richard Dawkins that stinking disgusting pedophile who publicly said it's okay that pedophilia is okay mild pedophilia is okay just to mildly touch children is okay no you filthy sodomite is not okay and here's the thing that guy's are full-blown atheists and everyone's oh he said he's been thinking of that for a while now that's the byproduct of being a reprobate he's been given over to a reprobate mind now he thinks that that thing is okay it's an unclean thing it's a wicked thing go to Luke chapter 8 and here's the reason why this is a loving teaching okay here's the reason why this is this is love because in the by in the in the Old Testament God said that these people should be put to death okay so that's not loving that's very loving because what God is saying is we need to put these people to death so they don't harm anybody else because there's people that are there's children there's innocent people who live in this world that these people are going to corrupt if they continue we continue to allow them to live therefore they need to be put to death not by us okay we're not vigilantes we're not gonna go around killing sodomites and pedophiles now let me say this in the millennial reign you better believe what they will be God's good God's gonna deputize God's people to carry that out okay but right now we're not under a theocracy right we're under the United States and we're not we're not gonna take law into our own hands and and try to hunt sodomites or whatnot we'll preach against them we'll hate them but that's as far as we'll take it okay but here's the thing God says the reason they should be put to death is because I love the people who are not reprobates and in order to protect them we need to put these people to death and look Ted I mean when Ted Bundy died when they executed him how many how many you ever heard remember that ever seen in the news to you guys does anybody know who Ted Bundy is he's I mean he's a super wicked man murdered and raped tons of women okay but when he was put to death people are outside of the prisons with signs like yeah they celebrated when they put him in the electric chair it was like a celebration why cuz they're like man this guy will never be wandering the streets to cause fear and murder people ever again it's a time of rejoicing this guy's off the streets that's look same thing we just say that about pedophiles in fact with pedophiles it's even more because pedophiles go for children these are children my son can't defend himself you know he can't defend himself so you got to be very wicked to go for someone who can't defend themselves as small as a child what I have you turned Luke chapter 8 so let me say this and here's and here's another thing that will help us to understand why these people can't be saved okay there are two people that will keep people a person from being saved okay first of all it's the number one is the devil okay look at Luke 18 and here's the reason I'm bringing this up is because people say well you know the sodomites you know they just they're they're they've been blinded by Satan you know and we need to deliver them from that lifestyle and they're they're under the clutches of Satan no sorry that's not what the Bible teaches first of all the devil is responsible for causing people not to be saved Luke 8 11 says now the parable is this the seed the seed is the Word of God those by the wayside are they that hear then cometh the devil and take take out the way the word out of their hearts lest they should believe and be saved so look we often say when we go so many if we don't see anybody saved or something like that we say we sold seeds at least right and what and we pray and hope that the seeds excuse me they were sown in the hearts of the people will sprout another soul winner will come by we'll give them more understanding of the gospel and they will be saved amen that's our goal that's our hope and in fact the Bible says but if our gospel be hid it is hit to them that are lost and whom the god of this world referring to the devil has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them right so we understand that Satan blinds people sinners you know they the Bible says that people have to overcome certain ideologies in order to be saved well these ideologies are that which is constructed by Satan himself so good the God of this world has blinded the eyes of these people see up so yes when we go out today we preach the gospel there's a lot of people that are blinded by Satan now go with me to Matthew 13 so that's the first person okay the devil the devil keeps people from getting saved because once we preach the gospel he comes and tries to take the seed out of their heart but the second person is this and this is very vital for people understand the second person is themselves you guys get that first person is the devil second person is the person themselves because look at the Bible says in Matthew 13 14 and in them has fulfilled the prophecy of his eyes which saith by hearing you shall hear and shall not understand and seeing you shall see and shall not perceive for this people's heart is wax gross and their ears of dull of hearing and their eyes what they have closed less than any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart and should be converted and I should heal them so the Bible teaches us that yes the devil often will try to take the seed of the gospel out of the heart of a person so that they won't understand the gospel and we've met people like that right someone who just like you would go so and it just kind of goes over their head they're just they're just don't catch it that's fine you sold that seed and let it with time Lord willing with prayer that's that seed will begin to grow they will understand and then that's why sometimes when we got like okay yesterday when we saw those ten people save someone had already given the gospel to those people I'm sure multiple times before or before and that seed was sown because they readily accepted that teaching but here's the thing here the Bible teaches us that there's people who actually close their ears their eyes because they don't want to believe and the independent Baptists of today are trying to reach them no we want to reach the people who Satan has captured right they want to reach the people who say no I don't want to see I don't want to hear I don't want to be converted I don't want God so the Bible actually teaches there's two types of people the devil and then the person themselves okay go to Titus chapter 1 Titus chapter number one is this making sense you guys get this because here's the thing we often it's like well they wanted that you're misconstrued words here you don't understand certain concepts of the Bible someone you can't force anybody to be saved right not of the will of men or the will of flesh right as the Bible says but especially these people because they really don't want to be saved they've resisted they've resisted the truth they've closed their eyes and well it's a waste of time to try to witness to a sodomite okay now I've witnessed to some on accident you know forgive me for that but other people they full-blown tell me their sodomite is just like whoa see ya you know I don't want to talk to them this is a waste of time okay and we're gonna go around in circles we're not gonna get anything done Titus chapter 1 verse 15 now here's a good verse to help people to realize that these people can't be saved nor are they safe Titus chapter 1 verse 15 unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled in what unbelieving what is unbelieving mean means to not believe right so then they're not believing unbelieving means not to believe we English class here we guys get that right is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled why because they've been given over to a reprobate mind right verse 16 they profess that they know God I know God I'm a Christian I'm a sodomite you know but I know God you know they profess that they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and unto every good work what reprobate now what does reprobate mean again means rejected so what does that mean when it says unto every good work reprobate until every good work rejected what does that mean well go to Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter number 7 so the Bible teaches is there that they're defiled and unbelieving but they say they profess that they know God you see what I'm saying so don't be fooled by people well you know I heard doesn't matter if they say they know God that's not our test to see if people are saved or not Matthew 7 21 the Bible says not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that do it the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works and they will and then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart from ye that work iniquity see those are those are good works and the Bible says in Titus unto every good work rejected reprobate why because God doesn't accept that he goes ye that work iniquity and in fact the Bible says that God hates all workers of what iniquity see tie in all the scriptures it makes perfect sense God hates all workers of iniquity depart from me I never knew you all but they profess to know God but God doesn't know them yeah you see what I'm saying which leads me to my next point go to Psalms 119 what's the time here we got a clock now the only thing is is it it's it's cut off halfway so you know I can't really have to like dunk or something to see what time it is but if the numbers get above where it's cut off I'm just gonna keep going so you know sorry I'm just kidding so you know a lot of people say well you know what about you know I saw on the internet by the way you gotta be careful what you see on the Internet okay cuz I saw on the Internet this guy there's his testimony and he says he knows God and you know and and he says he's saved and you know what about this person they speak so highly of God Psalms 119 verse 24 says thy testimonies are my delight and my counselors you see I don't get my doctrine and my counsel from the testimonies of man I don't get what I believe from the professions of other people my counselors and my delight are the testimonies of God and if God says that sodomites can't be saved and that's his testimony that's what he's testifying and that this faggot says that he's saved guess what I'm gonna go over what God says