(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Welcome to First Works Baptist Church, if you could please stand with me as we sing Near the Cross, number 10, number 10, Near the Cross, go ahead and come on in, number 10 in your hymnals, Near the Cross, on the first verse. Jesus keep me near the cross, there a precious fountain, free to all the healing stream, close from Calvary's mountain, in the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever, till my raptured soul shall find, rest me on the river, near the cross a trembling soul, love and mercy found me, there a bright and morning star, sheds its beams around me, in the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever, till my raptured soul shall find, rest me on the river, near the cross, O Lamb of God, brings its seeds before me, help me walk from day to day, with its shadows o'er me, in the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever, till my raptured soul shall find, rest me on the river, near the cross I'll watch and wait, hoping, trusting ever, till I reach the golden strand, just beyond the river, in the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever, till my ransomed soul shall find, rest me on the river. Praise singing, let's pray. Father, thank you for this wonderful and beautiful night you've given us. Thank you for your mercy and your grace, Lord. Just pray for the preaching to come, and just pray for your spirit as we sing unto you, Lord. We love you, in Jesus' name, amen. Please be seated. Join your song, both the song number 244, Amazing Grace. Song number 244. Song number 244, Amazing Grace. On that first verse. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see. Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear, be how I first believed. Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come. His grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home. When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we've no last days to sing God's praise than when we first begun. All right, great singing. Thank you for being here this evening. Welcome to First Works Baptist Church. Just a few announcements here before we sing our next song, which will be song number five, When I survey the wondrous cross, song number five. If you did not get a bulletin, go ahead and raise your hand. One of the ushers can get one for you. Important information on there. Of course, our Sunday morning service is at 10 30, Sunday evening at 5 pm, and then we have our Thursday night Bible study at seven o'clock. You see the sowning times and teams and the list of expecting mothers. Brother Chevy asked if we can pray for his wife. The due date says the third there, but I don't, he says it's actually a lot closer than that, and so he said that she could have the baby any time now, and so if you can keep her in prayer, and then you see the important reminders there at the bottom, and then some of the upcoming church events. This weekend is our anniversary, our six-year anniversary, and so in light of that, we have a sowing marathon in Fontana, and that'll be on the 16th, of course, at 9 30. So it's basically the same schedule for all the marathons have been, which is we meet at the Veterans Park there. We'll meet there at 9 30 for breakfast, and we will dismiss and be at the sowing spot by 10 30. We'll sown up until 12 15, and then meet back at the park by 1 pm for lunch, and then there'll be sowing for two hours thereafter, and so keep that in mind. That's the schedule. If you're planning to be there, if you plan to participate, please make sure you sign up in the back just so we can get a head count on everyone who's coming so we can have breakfast and the lunch available for all those who come, and so if you have any questions about that, you can see Brother Ulises, but be in prayer that we'd see a lot of people saved in Fontana. Looking forward to a great, great time there. We were in Mexico on Monday, and it just wasn't as receptive as it was the last time. Last time we got 18 people saved, and this time we only got 16. I mean, I don't know what's up with that. It's just, you know, I don't know what's going on, but you know, sometimes your expectation is a little too high. You know what I mean? We're like preaching the gospel there. I'm like, why isn't people, why aren't people receptive? But then we thought about it. I was like, wait, we got 16. What are we complaining about? You know, you can't be murmuring like that, and so that was a blessing. It was great, and the tacos were delicious, and then on this coming Sunday, which is the 17th, of course, is our sixth year anniversary. We will have burgers and hot dogs, chips and watermelon and drinks after the service. The burgers will be for the adults, the hot dogs for the kiddos, and so in light of our anniversary, just I want to encourage you to be here. Invite your family and friends. As a time of celebration, I'm reflecting all that the Lord has done these last six years, and I was just kind of reminiscing with my wife earlier today and how stressful this week was six years ago, but thank God for everything he's done and all the souls that have been saved and people that have grown in our church, and even children have been born in our church because this church was started, and so thank God for that. And then on Friday, September 29th, we have a homeschool field trip that'll be at KidSpace Children's Museum at 9 45. You have the address there. Of course, that activity is free. If you have any questions, you can contact my wife. She has all the details for you, and then the regular reminders there at the bottom. Please make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service. Go ahead and pull out your prayer sheet there. We'll go over that briefly, and then my brother Cody is going to come up and pray over these needs. Continue to pray for our church corporately as we go into our seventh year of ministry here, that God would continue to do great works here. We'd get a lot of people saved, and the soul winning would increase, our missions would increase, and then the attendance as well, that those who are newly saved will get rooted and grounded in the church and start serving the Lord through soul winning and just in different areas of our church. Pray that God will give us a successful seventh year as he has these last six years, and then pray for our church family. I know a lot of folks, a lot of kiddos, of course, have been sick, and so pray for the families, the stomach bug that's been going around. That's pretty much it. If you have any additional prayer requests that you'd like to be mentioned, please put that at the bottom, and we'll make sure it gets on there for the following week. If you can just pray for, of course, specifically, brother Cody, for the Fontana soul winning that we get a lot of people saved and a lot of people participating. That is it. Brother Cody wants you coming up, and he'll pray over the knees. Let's bow our heads in a word of prayer. Dear Lord God, thank you for this church you've given us, Lord, and for the six years of this church being planted, Lord, and being established, Lord. I just thank you for every precious soul that we have at this church, Lord, and how we've grown during these past six years, Lord. We're just so thankful for church in this area, Lord, that soul purpose is to serve you, Lord, and to go soul winning and fulfill the great commission, Lord. And so just thank you for the church, Lord, for six years and many more to come, Lord. And we just pray that you continue to bless us and have your favor on our church, Lord, and just please bless our church and the individuals within our church, Lord, as the years go by and help us to be a church that continues to serve you and please you, Lord, in everything that we do, Lord. And so just please continue to have favor on our church, Lord, and to bless us as we continue to follow you and serve you, Lord. And we pray for the soul winning in our church, Lord, for the Fontana soul winning. We're going to have the soul winning marathon this week, Lord. I just pray that you soften the hearts of the city of Fontana, Lord, and the people that are in that city, Lord. I just pray that you lead us to those people who are receptive and want to get saved, Lord, want to know what it takes to go to heaven, Lord, and just pray that it all goes smoothly, Lord, goes well on that day, Lord, where we go out and preach the gospel to a lot of people, Lord. So just be over the soul winning and all the soul winning times we have, Lord, at Tijuana, Lord, even here and surrounding cities, Lord. Just pray that we continue to seek after the lost, Lord, and to find those people who want to get saved, Lord, and just pray for the continued receptiveness that we've been seeing, Lord, and just continue to soften people's hearts as you have, Lord. And, Lord, we pray for the missions trips, Lord, for the mission in Belize, Lord, that that would go well, Lord, and just have your hand upon that in Belize, Lord, in November. And within our church, Lord, I just pray for the growth of our church, Lord. Obviously, we continue to grow during these six years numerically, Lord, but even the people within our church, Lord, I just pray that you help us to grow spiritually, Lord, and just have a people that are on fire for you, Lord, and the new people that come, that they want to go soul winning, they want to get involved, and they want to get plugged into our church, Lord. I just pray for spiritual growth and those who maybe are not as consistent in church, Lord. I just pray that you stir in them to want to attend more, Lord. I want to serve you more, Lord, and just please just help us to grow spiritually and to seek after you at this church, Lord. And, Lord, I just pray for all of, I pray for, I thank you for our pastor, Lord, for these six years, Lord, that you just, he was just a man to stand in the gap, Lord, and be able to lead this church, Lord, and that's why we're here, Lord, is because of you and because of the work of Pastor Mejia, Lord, and so I just thank you for pastor. And, Lord, I pray for Brother Chevy and his wife, Lord, I just pray that you have a hand of healing on his wife, Lord, and just pray that she at whatever time, Lord, just has a smooth delivery, Lord, and so I just pray for Miss Rhea and that they would have a healthy baby, Lord. And I pray for the sickness in our church, all the little ones who have been sick, Lord, and just other people who have been sick, Lord. I just pray that they're able to get better, Lord, soon and by Sunday, Lord, so that they're able to come to church. And I just bless this service, Lord. Please bless the singing and bless the preaching as well, Lord, and just let this honor you, Lord. We love you, Lord, and we pray this all in Jesus' name. Amen. If you could, please turn your song book to song number five, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. Song number five. Song number five, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. On that first verse. When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glory died. My richest King, I count the loss. And for contempt on all my pride. Forbidden, Lord, that I should boast. Save in the death of Christ my God. All the main things that charm me most. I sacrificed Him to His blood. See from His head, His hands, His feet. Sorrow and love, Lord, mingled down. Dear, there's such love that sorrow means. O'er thorns come hosts so rich and proud. Over the whole realm of nature by, That were a present far too small. Love so amazing, so divine. Demands my soul high, high, high, all. As the ashes come forth for the offering, please turn your Bible to Matthew chapter 21. Matthew chapter 21. Thank you. Thank you. Good evening. So now we're in Matthew 21. Matthew 21 in the Bible reads. unto the meek and sitting upon an ass and a colt the full of an ass and the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them and brought the ass and the colt and put on them their clothes and they set him thereon and a very great multitude spread their garments in the way others cut down branches from the trees and straw them in the way and the multitudes that went before and that followed cried saying hosanna to the son of David blessed is he that cometh in the name of the lord hosanna in the highest and when he was come unto Jerusalem all the city was moved saying who is this and the multitude said this is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Nazareth of Galilee and Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves and said unto them it is written my house shall be called the house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves and the blind and the lame came in to uh came to him in the temple and he healed them and when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did and the children crying in the temple and saying hosanna to the son of David they were sore displeased and said unto him here is thou what these say and Jesus saith unto them yea have you never read out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou is perfected praise and he left them and went out of the city of Bethany and he lodged there now in the morning as he returned into the city he hungered and when he saw fig tree in the way he came to it and found nothing thereon but leaves only and said unto it let no fruit grow on these the hence for hence forward forever and presently the fig tree withered away and when the disciples saw it they marveled saying how soon is the fig tree withered away jesus answered and said unto them verily i say unto you if you have faith and doubt not you should not only do this which is done to the fig tree but also if you shall say into this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea it shall be done and all things whatsoever you shall ask in prayer believing you shall receive and when he was coming to the temple the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching and said by what authority doest thou these things and who gave thee this authority and jesus answered and said unto them i also will ask you one thing which if you tell me i and likewise will tell you by what authority i do these things the baptism of john was whence was it from heaven or of men and they reasoned with themselves saying if we shall say from heaven he will say unto us why did you not then believe him but if we shall say of men we fear the people for all hold john as a prophet and they answered jesus and said we cannot tell and he said unto them neither tell i you by what authority i do these things but what think ye a certain man had two sons and he came to the first and said go work go work today in my vineyard and he answered and said i will not but afterward he repented and went and he came to the second and said likewise and he answered and said i go sir and went not one of them twain did the will of his father and they said unto him the first jesus saith unto them verily i say unto you that the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of god before you for john came unto you in the way of righteousness and you believed not him not but the publicans and the harlots believed him and you when he had seen it repented not afterward that you might believe him here another parable there was a certain householder which planted a vineyard and hedged it round about and digged a wine press in it and built a tower and let it out to the husband men and went into a far country and when the time of the fruit drew near he sent his servants to the husband men that they might receive the fruits of it and the husband took his sermons servants and beat the one and killed the other and stoned another again he sent other servants more than the first and they did unto them likewise but the last of all he sent it to him them his son saying they will reverence my son but when the husband men saw the son they said among themselves this is the error come let us kill him and let us seize on his inheritance and they caught him and cast him out of the vineyard and slew him when the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh what will he do unto those husband men they say unto him he will miserably destroy those wicked men and will let out of his vineyard unto other husband men we shall render him the fruits in their seasons jesus saith unto them did you never read in the scriptures the stone which the builders rejected the same is become the head of the corner this is the lord's doing and it is a marvelous in our eyes therefore i say unto you the kingdom of god shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof and whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken but on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder and when the chief priests and the pharisees had heard this parables they perceived that he spake of them but when they sought to lay hands on him they feared the multitude because they took him for a profit let's pray dear lord god thank you for this evening we're assembled together to hear the preaching of your word lord we just pray that you bless pastor as he preaches your word unto us and that us and the congregation are edified by the preaching lord and so just bless this time we love you we pray this all in jesus name amen amen okay we are continuing this evening with the book of matthew we're in chapter 21 in chapter 20 from last week uh i basically explained that over the next five chapters we're gonna uh read about uh some basically jesus christ berating the jews through these parables and he is explicitly calling them out through these parables and it just kind of gets better and better with each chapter now with the exception of course of chapter 23 because you have parables against the jews in chapter 20 and 21 22 but 23 is just he there's not necessarily a parable against the jews there's just an entire sermon against them against the pharisees and the scribes and we'll get into that in a couple weeks but a lot of these parables although you can make a secondary application to them at the end of the day the primary application is against the jews and against judaism and so we saw that in chapter 20 and when you look at these it kind of when you look at these parables they kind of focus like on different facets of replacement theology or you know the fact that god has done with judaism he's done with uh israel according to the flesh in chapter 20 we see that an aspect that it really focuses on is the fact that you know god is focusing on those who came at the 11th hour right and the fact that those who came at the 11th hour the gentiles who got saved later on are essentially able to do great works for god and pick up for the slack of those who were supposed to be in the vineyard earlier but didn't get a lot done in chapter 21 one of the parables has to do with what i believe is referring to just israel as a whole but referring to saved israel and unsaved israel israel according to the flesh and then israel who essentially believed on the lord and they actually got saved they believed the preaching this is what the bible refers to as the publicans and harlots and of course these are the publicans and harlots that are within israel but they believe the witness of john they believe the witness of the prophets and therefore they got saved and that is the parable of the two sons and of course we'll get into the parable of the vineyard in just a bit thereafter now in the beginning of the chat of the chapter here we have the description of the triumphal entry okay and why is this important here and to talk about well because of the fact that this actually takes place listen to this about five days prior to his crucifixion okay and the irony of this is the fact that as he's coming as jesus christ is coming upon a cult the fall of an ass he's being praised by those in jerusalem you know they're saying hosanna in the highest blessed is he that cometh in the name of the lord and they're essentially accepting him as the king right i mean they're treating him as a king he's on uh the cult the fall of an ass they're laying garments before him which is a custom that was done a lot even in the old testament when someone was anointed king they would often lay their garments before them as they essentially came into jerusalem and so they're treating them as the king but yet these are the same people that in five days instead of saying blessed is he to come into the name of the lord they're going to say crucify him okay crucify him and his blood be on us and on our children and it's just like what in the world what happened in these last five days that caused you to change your opinion so drastically well here's the thing first and foremost this shows us that people are very fickle okay and they're very fickle they can they're they're swayed they're tossed to and fro very easily but here's my opinion as to why although they're accepting him as the king here in chapter 21 why they're going to say crucify him five days later and the reason for that is because here in chapter 21 although jesus christ is coming into jerusalem and into the temple to essentially take his rightful place as the king he's not setting up a physical kingdom right he's setting up a spiritual kingdom which is why his ministry is all about repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand it's not referring to a physical kingdom he's referring to a spiritual kingdom whereby people become citizens of that kingdom via believing on jesus christ for salvation okay well the israelites at this time they're not you know at least a lot of them they're not necessarily for that or they don't really understand that and they literally think that he's going to set up a physical kingdom at this time so what they want is for jesus christ to deliver them from the roman oppressors and to deliver them out of the clutches of the roman empire and to essentially fulfill the old testament prophecies of the messiah but in a physical manner okay now here's the thing is that the old testament prophesied of the messiah doing that but just not in this crime not in the chronological order that they see it okay because what they want is the kingdom to be established physically first right whereas what the bible teaches is that he was coming to establish a spiritual kingdom via the gospel of course we know that people were saved in the old testament but when he came he was born in bethlehem's manger he's establishing that spiritual kingdom by getting people saved and ruling in the hearts of the people becoming a king in the hearts of the people and then of course that physical kingdom is going to come way later in the future now here's the thing with these israelites is that i understand where they're coming from to a certain extent only because a lot of the prophecies in the old testament will have like the first coming along with the millennial reign kind of like in the same verse okay so a lot of these prophecies will refer to that first coming of jesus christ but then also kind of add in that same verse something regarding the millennial reign you understand so a lot of that will kind of be bundled together so you can kind of see why they were confused regarding the chronology of things you know but here's the thing at the end of the day if you're gonna accept them as a physical king you should accept them as a spiritual king too you know what i mean so obviously you should have believed on him to begin with which obviously the people who are rejecting him don't believe on him okay if they're saying crucify him they obviously don't recognize that he is the messiah he is the son of god which is why the bible says he came into his own and his own received him not okay now here in chapter 21 we see a wonderful thing regarding his triumphal entry okay which is what is referred to as this is what the catholics would would coin as being palm sunday okay and it happened on a sunday but here's the thing is that you know he's coming and he's coming very humbly in a meek manner he's fulfilling the prophecy of zechariah chapter nine verse number nine where the prophet prophesied of jesus christ coming on the cult the full of an ass and he's coming humbly he's not coming to take the kingdom by force he's not coming with armies to take over the kingdom he's coming in a very humble manner on a humble beast right and you say what's the significance of that well the significance of this is that when he comes again not referring to the rapture but referring to the conclusion of daniel 70th week he's not coming in that manner anymore okay now we're still in the season and in the era of god's mercy and god's grace and the fact that he came on an ass's cult the full of an ass meekly he's not enforcing himself upon anybody at this point you know people still have a choice to get saved they have a choice to believe on the lord and he's long suffering towards them not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance right but here's the thing folks is that at the end of daniel 70th week you have a battle known as the battle of armageddon and at that battle jesus christ is going to return and he's going to be on a piece but it's not going to be a cult the full of an ass humbly he's coming on a white horse drenched in blood and he's coming for war he's not coming meekly per se and and kindly and you know as he came the first time he's coming to make war okay and he's coming to destroy the enemies of god the anti-christ the false prophet and his dumb army who thinks they could actually win against jesus christ you know against this supernatural celestial army that's going to be present on that day he's going to wipe them all out and at that point he actually takes the world by force so right now he's not doing that you know we're not commanded to go out there and force people to get saved and force people to believe on jesus christ and force people to to have jesus christ as their king and we're not here to do that because that's not what god has commanded us to do however when he comes at the millennial reign you know the bible says he's coming to rule with the rod of iron so in other words there's no choice it's not like hey just want to let you know christianity is the law of the land but if you're muslim that's cool you know if you're buddhist that's all right if you're a hindu that's cool if you are some false sect of christianity there's zero tolerance in that world you understand and that's a jesus that christians don't really like to talk about and and here's the thing he is that jesus now it's just that he's not going to enforce that until later on okay because you know a lot of these progressive type christians they don't like the zero tolerance christian because they think oh that's unmerciful that's not kind but hold on a second you know he doesn't want any god before him his name is jealous and the bible specifically says that he's going to come with the with the rod of iron and you know the fact that he's coming with a garment dipped in blood just drenched in blood should tell you something okay it means he's coming you know he means business when he comes okay and so we see this this triumphal entry is meek he's on a cult and he's coming and people are saying blessed is he that cometh in the name of the lord but this is also figurative of when he comes the last time to establish his millennial reign the difference being is that he's actually going to establish his kingdom at that point now here's the thing with israel that they don't seem to understand what they didn't understand during this time is you know these people who wanted him to physically take the kingdom away from the romans and establish this physical kingdom and you know he didn't at that time you know here's the thing folks is they could have just believed on jesus christ and they would have inherited that physical kingdom later on but instead they rejected the lord they advocated for his crucifixion and they don't get the kingdom either you understand and so you know and by the way it's still like that today because you have christians so-called who are more concerned about the politics of this world than about the spiritual kingdom right we should concern ourselves with a spiritual kingdom getting people saved not looking to have some sort of physical dominion in this world because at the end of the day the meek shall inherit the earth one day amen and so we need to get our chronology in order and stop being like these jews in the bible who wanted the physical kingdom first and could care less about the spiritual kingdom or undermine the spiritual kingdom because they want a physical kingdom you understand and so you know the elections is coming up next year so maybe i just have to mention that or something and help you to realize that that physical kingdom that you're looking for is non-existent and it will not come until jesus christ actually comes to rule on this earth and even then we don't have to vote amen he's just you know there's no voter fraud at that point you know he just kind of takes it by force okay he's not looking to be the president he's going to be the king of kings and lord of lords he is that now but physically in this world that is what he's going to do now go to genesis chapter 49 if you would genesis chapter 49 because i want to show you an example of what i just mentioned regarding those old testament prophecies because literally this was fulfilled what's taking place in matthew 21 was fulfilled or was prophesied should i say is the fulfillment of zechariah chapter 9 and verse number 9 but this is also prophesied in genesis 49 when jacob is prophesying unto his sons regarding the things to come of course things that were uh intended for them specifically but also figuratively of things in the future look at verse number eight regarding his what he's addressing judah about it says judah thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies thy father's children shall bow down before thee judah is a lion's whelp from the prey my son thou art gone up he stooped down he couched as a lion and as an old lion who shall rouse him up the scepter shall not depart from judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until shiloh come shiloh is referring to jesus christ okay it's another name for the lord it says until shiloh come and unto him shall the gathering of the people be i just saw a flash am i am i tripping out here okay i saw something right i don't know where i saw that flash from don't worry we're not pre-trip uh christians here so you know i don't believe in that until shiloh coming unto him shall be the gathering of the shall the gathering of the people be i look at verse number 11 and of course judah by the way is the tribe from which jesus christ came from right so obviously this is in relation to jesus christ prophetic of jesus it says in verse number 11 binding his full unto the vine and his ass is cold unto the choice vine now this is a fulfillment or that is a prophecy of matthew 21 obviously we see the same wording there right but in the same verse look what it says he washed his garments in wine and his clothes in the blood of grapes his eyes shall be red with wine and his teeth white as white with milk that wasn't fulfilled in matthew 21 okay that is referring to war it's referring to judgment it's referring to his vengeance but notice how it's in the same verse of the prophetic statements made about what took place in matthew 21 so it's in the same exact verse but the second aspect of that verse it has not yet been fulfilled so although zechariah 9 9 has been fulfilled we see there that there's still prophecy that needs to be fulfilled later on he said why make that statement well you know there's a teaching out there known as preterism where they believe that a lot of this stuff in the bible has already been fulfilled it's already been you know it's already taken place and there's no such thing as dual fulfillment or whatever but it's nonsensical to think that the latter end of verse number 11 has already taken place because it has not yet well in a spiritual way it has no it hasn't because again he came meekly and the fulfillment of this is in revelation chapter 19 go to revelation 19 if you would revelation chapter 19 revelation chapter 19 and look what it says in verse number 11 of revelation 19 it says and i saw heaven open and behold a white horse so instead of the cold the full of an ass he's on a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make war so right now yeah we're in a spiritual war spiritual battle this is spiritual warfare but this is actually referring to like a physical war his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth go with a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he tread at the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty god see that is the fulfillment of genesis 49 verse number 11 the second half of it so the point that i'm trying to make here is that in matthew 21 you have a fulfillment of zechariah chapter 9 but it's still also figurative of what's going to take place in revelation chapter 19 because in revelation 19 after he destroys the antichrist and the false prophet guess what he's going to do he's also going to go into the temple just as he did in matthew 21. now in matthew 21 when he goes into jerusalem he goes into the temple what does he do he cleanses the temple he starts removing those money changers out of the temple and you know the money changers in revelation 19 if you can guess a little bit is referring to the jews too you know it's kind of figurative of the jews you say well i think you're taking that interpretation too far no i'm not you know i believe in replacement theology and i'm zealot but this is fact okay because in another parable in the book of luke the chapter is sleeping right now but another parable regarding the parable of the talents at the end of that he says they which would not that i should reign over them bring them before me that i may slay and slay them before me i'm kind of misquoting that a little bit and it's referring to that millennial reign because once the establishment of the millennial reign is set he's going to destroy his enemies he's going to go into the temple that was built for the anti-christ because if you have studied end times prophecy you know that there is another temple that's going to be built where the anti-christ after he receives a deadly wound to the head and his wound is healed he's going to go into that temple of god he's going to oppose and exalt himself above all that is called god or that is worshiped so that he as god sitteth in the temple of god proclaiming himself to be god well when that battle of armageddon takes place you know he's being evicted from that okay and he's going to remove the money changers he's cleansing the temple and people wonder well is he going to use that temple i don't i mean who cares if he does that's his business if he wants to or not you know i just know that when he takes over you know pretty much everything in this world belongs to him and if he wants to take that physical temple into himself and make a mockery of the anti-christ and the new world order i mean that would be a great sight to see but the point that i'm making here is that just as in matthew 21 when he enters jerusalem and goes into the temple and he cleanses it removing the money changers it's also figured of what he's going to do in revelation 19 because that's exactly what happens is that he has a triumphal entry he goes into the temple he cleanses it he removes the people from it and uh the rest is history from there because at that point then it's a thousand years with jesus christ and you know it's a thousand year vacation for us from all the nonsense that's taking place now and so go back to matthew 21 if you would matthew chapter 21 so that is what verses 1 through 11 is referring to here that triumphal entry and again it just kind of shows you how fickle the israelites are and you know that's not to say that there weren't people who were praising him and saying hosanna in the highest that some of those people obviously were saved okay there's obviously people within those groups and those crowds that were saved but in my opinion is that the vast majority of the jews rejected jesus christ and they were there presently you know they they feel like jesus christ failed them and that he didn't you know create an uprising or a revolt against the government and take down the roman government and he wasn't what they expected for him to be or whatever and so therefore they said crucify him five days later okay which is crazy to think about but you know that's that's what happened look at verse number 12 and it says and jesus went into the temple of god and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves and said unto them it is written my house shall be called the house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves now herein we see the balance of jesus christ right most people only want to focus on the fact that he's coming meekly on the on a cult the full of an ass but they want to ignore the fact that he's really pissed off here in verse 12 and 13 and that he's casting people out i mean he's making a scourge of small cords and he's removing individuals and you know flipping tables over and you know being a fundamental baptist per se right verse 14 says in the blind and the lame came to him at the temple and he healed them and when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did and the children crying in the temple saying hosanna to the son of david they were sore displeased and said unto him hear is that what these say and jesus saith unto them yay have you never read out of the mouth of babes and sucklings that was perfected praise and he left them and went out of the city in tibethany and he lodged there now in verse 18 it's not necessarily a parable but this is a symbolic representation of israel and judaism specifically the religion of judaism says in verse 18 now in the morning as he returned to the city he hungered and when he saw a fig tree in the way he came to it and found nothing thereon but leaves only and said unto it let no fruit grow on thee henceforth forever and presently the fig tree withered away now you know nothing in the bible is there by accident and this is not just telling us oh you know just want it's just kind of a filler or something god you know the bible just god just wants to tell us that jesus christ was hungry and that he found no figs on this particular tree no the tree represents judaism the tree represents israel according to the flesh okay and jesus christ is representing himself because he's coming to israel looking for the fruits that they're supposed to be producing that tree was supposed to produce fig trees or figs or whatever fruit for the husband men but there's no figs on the tree the vast majority of the israelites in juda and juda in jerusalem and israel at that time were apostate they're you know they're adhering to the religion of the pharisees and of the scribes they weren't saved they were rejecting jesus christ there's no fruit there's no fruit on there okay and so what does he do he says let no fruit grow on the henceforth forever and i believe this is a condemnation a judgment that jesus christ laid on the religion of judaism at this point and more specifically on the old testament now go to hebrews if you would go to hebrews chapter eight hebrew chapter eight because we see here that he says that it begins to wither away presently right meaning at that point it's just dying it's dead it's ready to vanish away look what it says in verse 12 of hebrews 8 it says for i will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will i remember no more and that he saith a new covenant he hath made the first old now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away and that is referring to that old covenant because once jesus christ was crucified on the cross that brought in that new testament that new covenant and the old covenant was ready to vanish away now i think the reason it says that it's ready to vanish away and it hadn't vanished away immediately is because during the time of this writing of the book of hebrews you still had believing jews throughout the world okay in close proximity to israel in different gentile nations who hadn't necessarily heard the name of jesus christ yet okay and in fact when you look at the ministry of the apostles in the book of acts specifically of course paul he's going to different gentile nations and he's preaching christ right and he's essentially affirming that the christ that they believe in is jesus of nazareth okay and this is you know obviously we have the example of them perfecting apollo's and he went and he he was already saved but they're telling them hey everything that you're preaching is actually about this man and his name is jesus so now you have to start preaching jesus okay now if there is anybody during that time who claimed to be a believer but then when they were given the revelation that the messiah was actually jesus christ and they rejected that then obviously they're not saved okay because anybody who's a believer obviously believed on the lord would believe the scriptures and would believe the fact that jesus christ is jesus is that christ okay so you got to keep in mind that even though churches are being started and people are getting saved and people are being converted they're still believing jews during that time who had not heard the name of jesus christ as of yet so much of the ministry was not only going out telling people who have never heard of the religion of the bible they were getting saved there was also jews who were scattered who were already saved but did not know that jesus was the christ because one significant difference between old and new testament is the fact that now when we preach the gospel we are to name jesus christ and they have to believe on his name right so it's not like we can just say believe on god believe on the lord these are great statements but we have to be specific about it and this is why when we go sowing when i go sowing and i'm preaching the gospel to a person and i'm kind of reviewing with them like what do you have to do to be saved if they tell me believe on god i always correct and say believe specifically on jesus christ so don't just take believe on god as an answer a good answer because although it's it's a decent answer we need to make sure that they understand that they're believing on jesus christ okay because there is no excuse now obviously two thousand years have passed and the vast majority of the world has heard of the name of jesus christ don't believe this nonsense that people have never heard of the name of jesus in southeast asia and it's satan's dirty little secret or whatever that they've never heard of course they've heard of them even through false religions they've heard of jesus christ okay you know people want to proclaim that people have never heard the name of jesus in southeast asia because it has such a muslim presence there but even within islam they talk about jesus christ what are you talking about okay and so and by the way even in the age of the internet these countries that people consider third world countries you can just because they got dirt roads don't mean they don't have the internet just because just because they eat dogs there doesn't mean they don't have the internet okay and so don't be deceived into thinking oh but they have you know they don't have good water or you know good toilets or plumbing or good wells but i guarantee you they got a phone with the internet on there and the day and age in which we live that's fact okay and so if they have a phone just mark it down they're going to hear something about jesus christ in one way or another okay and so no one is without excuse they don't have an excuse to say well i've never heard the name of jesus christ that doesn't exist but even if that were true let's say hypothetically they've never heard the name of jesus christ if they die they still go to hell that's not an exception to the rule okay because the way it works is if a person has never heard the name of jesus okay but they believe in some higher power or whatever then if they respond to that light the name of jesus will be preached to them eventually and a great example of that is cornelius who made alms he prayed he didn't know about jesus christ but you know what he responded to the light that god gave him and god essentially sent a soul winner an apostle to go preach the gospel unto him so he could be saved and so that method is still used to this day by god that he will send people soul winners and missionaries someone to give the gospel to someone who actually wants the truth every person that we went to the lord wanted the truth every person every person who called upon the name of the lord through our ministry at first works baptist church these are people who wanted the truth to a certain extent they were seeking out the truth they wanted that light and therefore they got it and so i'm chasing a rabbit there but i'm you know back to what i was saying uh previously is that the old testament the reason it says here that it's ready to vanish away is because we're still dealing with an era where there's believing jews who have not heard the name the specific name of jesus christ and so when did that era end we don't know but it was ready to vanish away understand you know where people there's jews out there who's still doing the animal sacrifices because they thought that they were still under the old testament laws but eventually someone came to them told them about jesus christ the name of christ and then of course they reaffirmed that they understood they're in the new covenant now and then that old covenant vanished away in their practices go back to matthew 21 so that fig tree is referring to judaism that it's and obviously if it was ready to vanish away then it's completely gone now okay it's twice dead it's plugged up by the roots i mean you know it's it's it's a really bad tree obviously okay and it's a curse tree the religion of judaism is a curse religion every religion of course is cursed because they preach a false gospel but judaism in particular is in my opinion the most cursed religion on the face of the planet more than mormonism more than the jehovah's witnesses more than islam why because it's a religion that actually goes out of its way to hate the lord jesus christ takes credit for his death and so you know and it's a religion that jesus christ specifically cursed you know he didn't he didn't verbally specifically curse islam although it's cursed just by by virtue of the fact that they preach a false gospel he didn't verbally curse mormonism obviously it didn't exist then you know although it is cursed by virtue of a false gospel but he literally cursed judaism he didn't call it judaism but that's what it is okay and so that's why they can't produce fruit so don't follow or listen to or give any kind of credit to these judaizers okay and this is the flaw of the old ifp churches where they think that you know these judaizers they don't call them judaizers but they think that these judaizers have some corner of the truth that because there are jews according to the flesh that somehow they have some specific knowledge of the bible because the oracles of god were committed unto them but folks a jew is as blind as a bat spiritually speaking and they don't know the bible like we know the bible we're god's people we have the holy spirit of god dwelling within us and the natural man and you can include within that jews receive it not the things of the spirit of god okay and in fact you're more likely to learn heresy and actually become a worse christian by listening to a jew because i don't know what they're talking about so they're just gonna make stuff up they're gonna it you know insert all types of leaven and mysticism and satanism within their doctrine and so you know you're like yeah but they blow the shofar and you know they they have you know they they they believe in god folks if you don't have the son you don't have the father so now and by the way not only do they not have the sun they hate the sun they don't want to retain the sun in their knowledge look at verse 20 says and when the disciples saw they marveled saying how soon is the fig tree withered away you know not soon enough amen because it created such turmoil within israel and it led so many people astray within israel and thank god for peter thank god for john thank god for these jews who actually like read the bible thank god for these jews actually paid attention in the synagogues when moses was being read out loud and actually believed moses you know we don't hate jews because thank god for these jews who got saved you know people always want to point to us and say you guys are anti-semitic dude paul said some crazy anti-semitic stuff more anti-semitic than anything i've ever heard of you know so did peter jesus said some pretty crazy stuff about the jews i mean he called them the children of the devil and so obviously you know he's referring to those who are advocates and adherents to judaism and so we should never praise judaism or think you know oh it's it's a good religion it's just that they don't have christ it's not a good religion it's a false wicked religion and unfortunately it has infiltrated a lot of churches and you know even to the point where they always put that little uh i forgot what it's called the little prefix where it says you know that they're judaeo-christian morality or judaeo-christian beliefs or whatever there's no such thing okay just just mark it down as apostasy is what that is you can't have both okay and and god doesn't want us to refer to him as rabbi either okay you know we're not referring to paul as rabbi paul or something like that rabbi peter you know and and stop being ashamed of the name of jesus too you know don't be bringing this yahashua you know yahweh stuff into our church none no one has but you know his name is jesus christ that's what his name has been and i really want to talk about an interview that i did this week but i'm gonna refrain myself for the movie's sake but you know i did an interview with this guy okay and it was about the book of he was an advocate of the book of enoch he's probably the most knowledgeable one and he just throughout an hour and a half of an interview and he just never wanted to save the name of jesus he would say all kinds of other stuff and he would always you know by the way let me just say this obviously the term messiah is not a bad word but let me just say this is that red flags always go up for me where they say yeah well messiah said this you know messiah said this and there's nothing necessarily wrong with that but that's just always associated with the hebrew roots movement okay because here's the thing folks is that we could simply say jesus christ said this okay you know obviously he's the most high obviously he is messiah but you know what the bible in the new testament refers to him as jesus christ and christ means messiah so just stick with christ and yes he is the messiah but you know there's a problem when all you want to do is refer to him as messiah said this the most high said this you just don't want you don't want to verbalize jesus christ his name is jesus and don't bring this nonsense that the greek new testament was actually in hebrew or something you know and you'll never find the name jesus in the greek new testament you don't even know greek you're talking about you're just repeating with some apostate hebrew roots movement due to saying on social media and just taking his word as gospel the name jesus is all over the new testament and to think and to say that the new testament was written in hebrew none of it was written in greek i mean you have to have less than two brain cells because of the letters that were written to the churches were found in greek-speaking regions thessalonica thessaloniki is a greek region you know bithynia and you have the church at effecis you have the church at corinth you have people who are native greek speakers with greek names apollos you think that the word of god is being preached into them in hebrew i mean give me a break it's nonsense my friends and so this attack on the name of jesus we need to make sure that as christians we proclaim the name of jesus christ loudly never be ashamed of it don't try to get cute with it you know i'm just going to refer to him as the most high as messiahs okay then call him jesus messiahs then if you want to call him messiah okay i'm all for that but just make sure you put in front of that jesus because there's a lot of false christ out there so we want to make sure you're talking about the right one anyways the whole time and i would literally say you know oh you mean jesus and it was just like yeah and i would say you're referring to jesus jesus right and he's just like yeah that's yeah you know but he reads the book of enoch you say how did you get away with that interview i mean i just he didn't ask so i didn't you know i didn't tell him and i was just kind and cordial throughout the whole interview i wasn't like attacking him or anything like that i'm just asking him the questions and then he eventually at the end of the interview he asked me like so you know what's your thoughts in the book of enoch you know and you said how did you answer that i said well the the documentary is both negative and positive because it's true i said you're the positive one you know but i'm getting both sides so i kind of just you know just kind of learn how to word things a different way and he's like do you go to church are you a pastor i said yeah you know when the documentary is complete you know at that point we'll have all the information gathered and you know you're going to be on there along with other people and so i never really answered him and so but but here's the thing if you were to ask me again like so who are you i would tell him like i am a pastor yes but you know he looks like he didn't care much because he didn't care to ask again and i had to get the interview in as soon as possible because he was going to be observing the feast of weeks in a couple weeks or whatever and so i mean he's one i mean he's the shofar blowing type of a dude i want to talk about the interview more because there's some good stuff in that interview but you shall have to wait all right let's read on here let's actually go down skip down to verse 28 because i want to get into these parables real quick before we conclude the sermon so here's the parable of the two sons now in chapter 20 the parable was mainly focused on the fact that god was integrating gentiles into being his people because the gentiles were integrated into being the laborers in the vineyard right and what we see in chapter 20 is essentially also taught in ephesians chapter 2 how of twain one new man is created right how there's no jew nor gentile but we're all one in christ jesus okay and so chapter 20 is that it's essentially that teaching that under the husband men we are all laborers as long as we believe on the lord jesus christ right regardless of ethnicity or nation that we come from but here in chapter 21 the parable of the two sons i believe this is actually distinctly talking about israelites both saved and unsaved because it says here verse 28 but what think he a certain man had two sons and he came to the first and said son go work today in my vineyard and he answered and said i will not but afterward he repented and went and he came to the second and said likewise and he answered and said i go sir and went not whether of them twain did the will of his father they say unto him the first jesus saith unto him barely i say unto you that the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of god before you for john came unto you in the way of righteousness and you believed him not but the publicans and the harlots believed him and ye when he had seen it repented not afterward that you should that you might believe him so again i think the two sons is actually figurative of the israelites who are both saved and unsaved israelites according to the flesh and then you have the israel of god according to galatians chapter 6 now go to romans 11 if you would romans chapter 11. romans 11 is the favorite chapter of old ifb pastors and advocates of the jews being god's chosen people this is like their go-to okay and for a while they thought they really had the upper hand because of romans 11 and the reason why is because romans 11 says that all israel shall be saved right and it also says in verse 1 of romans 11 i say then had god cast away his people god forbid and so in their minds it's just a done deal that god has not cast away his people that he's not done with them and he's still going to use them he still has a plan for the jews and so you know they're still god's chosen people because romans 11 says so okay but here's the thing folks is that they treat romans 11 one the way unsaved people treat matthew seven you know judge not they be not judged or they say lest you be judged right and what do they do after that they just ignore the entire chapter they're after and so it's important that we get the context so romans 11 one is to the dispensationalists what matthew seven is to the unsafe heretics of this world or the people that don't want you to judge right because it says here i say then hath god cast away his people god forbid for i am also an israelite of the seed of abraham and of the tribe of benjamin so let me just say this is that in this chapter it actually says that yes he did cast away his people because later on it says for if the casting away of them be the receiving of the world so has the world in general from this point on you know gentiles getting have gentiles been saved yes why because there is a casting away of jews according to the flesh you say then why does it say that god forbid about casting them away because there's a segment of the nation of israel that were not cast away and those are people like the apostle paul who though although he's of the tribe of benjamin he's an israelite he's the seed of abraham he's saved paul is not an unsaved person he is a regenerated believer look at verse 2 god hath not cast away his people which he fordo now that's something you can see in romans chapter 8 regarding who he foreknows why ye not what the scripture saith of elias how he maketh intersections to god against israel so if elijah is praying against israel but elijah is an israelite what does that tell us it tells us that we're referring to two different groups of people here saved israelites and unsaved israelites and in fact he goes on to say verse 3 lord they they have killed thy prophets and dig down nine altars and i am left alone and they seek my life now when you reference this in the old testament it's referring to israelites who are pagans they're worshiping a false god even though they're israelites so obviously these are israelites that are not saved because if they're worshiping false gods and they're tearing down these altars made unto the lord then obviously these are not saved israelites these are not saved jews verse 4 but what saith the answer i've gotten to him i have reserved to myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee unto the image of bale even so at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace and if by grace then it is no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace but if it be of work then there's no more grace otherwise work is no more work listen to this verse number seven what then israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for but the election hath obtained it and the rest were blinded now explain to me how is it that the israelites can be the elect when this verse is saying or making this a distinction between israel and the elect israel has not obtained it but the election hath obtained it uh paul you know israel is the elect no they're not that's right because elect is referring to save people whether jew or gentile and according to the bible israel has not obtained that which he's seeking for and in fact according to the bible they're blind meaning they're not saved and then we get into the imprecatory prayer of david of course and you know david is of israel as well so you have the example of isaiah towards the latter end of chapter 10 you have the example of elijah who's of israel praying against israel and then you also have the example of david who's an israelite praying against israel what's the problem with these guys are they committing like are they traitors or something you know no it's because they're praying against unsaved israelites because there's two different types one is a saved israelite and one is not like the two sons the difference being is that there's one son such as the publican the harlot who initially did not want to believe on the lord but then they came around and they actually believed on the lord and then you have the other ones such as the pharisees and the scribes and the sadducees who claimed that they were going to believe on isaiah and claimed that they wanted him but then they actually didn't get saved and they rejected him okay and of course we know that romans romans 9 teaches us that they are not all of israel which are of israel and the bible talks about the israel of god okay now go to go back to matthew chapter 21 if you would so this is great you know because of the fact that you look at two groups here specifically you think of the pharisees and the scribes they're very pious proud and arrogant they're they had a superiority complex and of course the publicans and the harlots are those who people would esteem as being like they would just they wouldn't esteem him as being very you know moral people but yet the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of god before these pious religious leaders because at the end of the day you don't go to heaven based upon what you do you know if you're a tax collector or a prostitute you know if you believed on the lord jesus christ you go to heaven it's not based upon how many tithes you've given throughout the week or how many how many times you've fasted if you tithe of mint and rue and cumin if you are so separated and so you know godly or whatever in the eyes of the world you know at the end of the day if you haven't believed on jesus christ you're going straight to hell that's a message for the Amish by the way because the Amish are so separated they're just separated from the world they just all look the same they don't even they they just you know they're they're horse and buggy and they got their weird looking beard and everything can't grow a mustache but you know what they're gonna burn in hell whereas the the the the gangster that comes into our church who's got tattoos and you know has had a rough life and isn't necessarily the most esteemed person in this world if he believes on jesus christ he's saved he's going into the kingdom of god before that Amish fool because that Amish fool can literally go to church sunday in sunday out and you know have their worship services with no instruments and claim he's not covetous and and just raise his kids to be Amish like him and just live a holy life but he's going to split hell wide open wouldn't it suck to be an Amish person and go to hell and be like man I live like an Amish person my entire life only to go to hell it has to be a sucky life to be Amish to look weird your entire life you know and and and just you know have this superiority complex and just think you're just god's gift to this earth but in reality you're just apostate not even saved and then you know the guy who you've been condemning your entire life for being so worldly and so you know pierced and tattooed that guy's going into the kingdom of heaven before before you because it's not about how you look it's not about what you do it's about believing on Jesus Christ all right lastly here verse 33 says here another parable there was a certain householder which planted a vineyard and hedged it about and dig the winepress in it and built the tower and let it out to husbandmen and went into a far country now I'm going to skip a couple verses here and I'm just I'm going to explain what's going on of course this parable is about the servants of the vineyard killing the messengers that the householder is sending to the vineyard okay and what's being pictured here is the fact that the vineyard is Israel the servants are the Jews and the the servants that come to the vineyard the laborers they are essentially the prophets who have come throughout the centuries to preach the word of God into Israel to help them to get right with God because I don't know if you know this but Israel had an idolatry problem okay they're just a bunch of spiritual whores because they're just constantly whoring around with the false gods of the land they just couldn't help themselves so God would always send prophet after prophet after prophet to tell them to get right with God the what we have the major and minor prophets but what would they do to them they persecute them they would slay some of them and so finally the husband sends his son which is Jesus Christ because obviously they should listen to the son of the boss but they end up killing him because they want to seize upon his inheritance and of course we know that this is referring to Jesus Christ look what it says in verse number 40 what oh excuse me when the Lord therefore of the vineyard cometh what will he do unto those husbandmen and I love this they say to him he will miserably destroy those wicked men the reason I think it's so funny is because it's like you guys are dumb you guys don't even know this is talking about you he's like self-condemning they're like self-condemning themselves you know but this this kind of shows you how prideful and arrogant they are they don't even realize that it's referring to them hey never be so arrogant and prideful than when I preach this sermon you just don't think I'm talking about you you should always think I'm talking about you you know don't even come ask me was that sermon about me because I'm going to be like yeah even though maybe like I initially didn't write it with you in mind I'm just going to tell you yeah it was all about you the whole sermon was about you this guy these guys are just like he's going to miserable because they're so evil and wicked and they think so highly of themselves they can't possibly be referring to them right and will let out his vineyard unto other husband men which shall render him the fruits in their seasons now okay let me share this one last thing about the interview okay just give me five minutes okay because this is funny because they the way they answer is that they basically said we're going to be destroyed and you're going to let out the vineyard to other husband men which shall render the fruits in their season right which is not what they want but it's what they're going to get because they don't realize that he's referring to them in this interview I was explaining you know we're going over the Jude controversy how supposedly Jude quoted Enoch and I was explaining to him do you believe that because it says that Enoch prophesied of these things that this is something that was passed down orally you know and therefore there is a variation of it in first Enoch one nine in comparison to Jude okay you know someone could have written it down which is which is something that's possibly may have taken place and I talked about it in the sermon and in the sermon when I preached the sermon I basically said that's why first Enoch one nine is wrong because if it was passed down orally it's not being preserved by God through that oral tradition per se you get some apostate Jews to get a hold of that statement and then they pen it down in first Enoch one nine and therefore that's why it doesn't read perfectly with Jude 14 and 15 because Jude 14 and 15 are is actually inspired by God you understand so I asked them I said you know if it was passed down orally you know do you think it could have been corrupted he's like oh yeah for sure I think things down orally people are going to tamper with it they're going to mess with they're going to miss some things there's going to be changes between what it says and what other manuscripts say and I'm just thinking like thou sayest it because that's exactly what happened all right back to our regular scheduled program so he says that verse 42 Jesus saith unto him did you never read the scriptures the stone which the builders rejected the same is becoming at the head of the corner this is the Lord's doing is marvelous in our eyes therefore I say unto you the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof and whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken but on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder often when the subject of replacement theology there's obviously different facets of it twain are made one but this is another aspect which is why we call it replacement theology that focuses mainly on the fact that the kingdom of God is actually taken from the Jews meaning they're no longer God's chosen people that title has been stripped from them and given to a spiritual nation that believes on Jesus Christ okay because they were God's chosen people at one time because under that old covenant believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation wasn't necessarily a requirement to be God's chosen people they just have to be a part of that covenant you understand but now believing on Jesus Christ is what's necessary not to say that people in the old testament who are part of that covenant did not believe on the Lord but there are obviously people within Israel who were not saved they were still considered God's chosen people you understand what I'm saying whereas now the requirement is to believe on Jesus Christ so now the kingdom of God is completely taken from them and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof and he's basically telling them like you've been replaced okay you're no longer stuff you're no longer my people and you know they shouldn't have a problem with this because they don't want to be his people anyways and here's the problem that I have with people who don't believe in replacement theology is that they're going against what Jesus is saying right here they're not happy with what Jesus is saying right here because they're still saying that the Jews are God's chosen people but folks how can you just ignore blatant scriptures you know you read Romans 2 28 to 29 that he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision outward of the flesh made of hands but he is a Jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart and of the spirit whose praise is not a man but of God I mean it's telling you specifically there that they're not even Jews in God's eyes okay and in fact that's why in Revelation 2 and 3 he says they which call themselves Jews and are not he doesn't refer to them as Jews he says he refers to them as they who call themselves Jews okay but how can old IFP people not just completely reject what Jesus is saying here what is he talking about he's talking about replacing them okay and I think sometimes old IFP and by the way on Sunday night I'm gonna preach a pro old IFP sermon I'm actually preaching a sermon on Sunday night called what the old IFP did right I think it's important to talk about that okay and not just write them off as just being an apostate group of people you know that Jack Howes is just this horrible person or something like that you know I'm gonna talk about some of the good things that he that they did as well okay because they did do good things and in fact you should be grateful for the old IFP okay and not just write them off as just being this apostate group obviously there's some that are apostate not everyone and you know the fact is people need to realize that some of the things that we do in our churches today are done because of the old IFP you know that Romans road we fall so faithfully when we win people to Christ that came from Jack Howes himself the term soul winning was was popularized by Jack Howes but I'm gonna preach that sermon but let me say this is that the old IFP because that's not that sermon tonight I'm talking crap on the old IFP tonight what was I gonna say yeah replacement theology they've been replaced I was gonna say something really good too anyways they've been replaced bro okay they're done all right this is I can't think of what I was gonna say but it was supposed to be really good what I'm trying to say here what I thought that I was trying to say is that um man it's not coming to me yeah I can't remember anyways verse 45 says that when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables I like that I like what it says here they perceive that he spake of them which I don't know if this is what I was gonna say but I thought I thought was real funny because the old IFP can't perceive that they can't perceive that he's referring to them but even these generation of vipers children of the devil they're like I think he's talking about us but the old IFP is like no he's not talking about you guys you guys are still the apple of his eye you guys are still oh that's what I was gonna say I remember now I remember old IFP are too superstitious they're like literally superstitious about the Jews and I'm telling you by a personal testimony because before I was replacement theology and when I started studying that replacement theology I believed it but even somewhere deep down in my heart I'm just like oh man I'm preaching against the Jews and there is like a certain it bothered me a little bit because it's just like it's been embedded in me for so long you're just like man you know I'm really saying this you know I'm really saying it but you know the more you say it the more you believe it and you know the more you read it the more you know it's true but I'm just telling you it's like they they're like really superstitious about the Jews so to speak out against them is just like they feel like oh man God's gonna strike them down or something like that and if only they can just believe what the Bible says and realize like Jesus has our back when it comes to these messages you know and if only they can read revelation chapter three and know that Jesus loves them more than he loves the Christ rejecting Jews who hate him because he says I want to prove to you I want to prove to them that I love thee he tells them you know but these superstitious old eye of beers they don't want to come to that conclusion because they're afraid that they're going to be struck down with lightning or something like that if they speak out against the Jews folks read the Bible amen and and preach against them because God's blessing is in preaching God's word and what it says and so that's it let's pray father we thank you so much for your word thank you for bringing into remembrance what I was trying to say and I pray that Lord you help us to appreciate what we have Lord I'm so thankful to be a part of God's chosen people through faith in Christ and that the kingdom of God was given to us and obviously that comes with a great responsibility of of preaching the word of God and reaching different nations and I pray that Lord you help us to have a heart of gratitude not to be high minded but to be thankful for the fact that we are now looked upon as the apple of your eye because of Jesus Christ we're accepted in the beloved and it's not because of our nationality our ethnicity our background it's solely on the basis of our faith in Jesus Christ and I pray that you'd help us to appreciate that and give us a great weekend Lord help us to see a lot of people saved in Jesus name amen all right if you turn your song book to song number 187 jesus loves me song number 187 song number 187 jesus loves me on the first verse jesus loves me this i know for the bible tells me so little ones who him belong they are we because he is strong yes jesus loves me yes jesus loves me yes jesus loves me the bible tells me so jesus loves me he who died heaven's gate to open wine he will wash away my sin let his little child come in yes jesus loves me yes jesus loves me yes jesus loves me the bible tells me so last jesus loves me he will stay close beside me all the way thou has fled and died for me i will yes jesus loves me the bible tells me so great singing you're dismissed