(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 Alright, good evening, everyone! Let's all make our way inside and find a seat. Welcome to First Works Baptist Church. Let's all grab a songbook. Open that songbook up to song number 162. To God be the Glory. And if you are able, let's all stand together for our first song. Song 162, To God be the glory, everyone all together nice and strong. To God be the glory, great things he hath done, So loved he the world that he gave us his Son, Who yielded his life and atonement for sin, And opened the life gate that all may go in. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear his voice. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice. O come to the Father through Jesus the Son of man, And give him the glory, great things he hath done. O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood, To every believer the promise of God, The vilest offender who truly believes, That moment from Jesus a pardon receives. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear his voice. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice. O come to the Father through Jesus the Son, And give him the glory, great things he hath done. Great things he hath taught us, great things he hath done. And great are rejoicing through Jesus the Son, But purer and higher and greater will be, For wonder our transport when Jesus we see. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear his voice. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice. O come to the Father through Jesus the Son, And give him the glory, great things he hath done. Amen. Let's open our service with the word of prayer. Father, thank you God, Lord, for allowing us, God, to be here tonight, Lord, and hear your word preached unto us, God. Pray, Lord, for the service, Lord, every aspect of it, God, that you would bless the singing, Lord, prepare our hearts and our minds, Lord, to receive the message that pastors prepared for us, Lord. I pray, God, that you would feel pastored with your Holy Spirit, Lord, as he preaches to us, God, and help us to apply that which we hear to our lives, God, and leave here differently than when we came in, God. We love you, Lord, and it's in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. You may be seated. Song number 364, Standing on the Promises of God. Song 364, Standing on the Promises of God. Everyone all together nice and strong on that first verse. Standing on the promises of Christ my King, Through eternal ages let his praises ring, Glory in the highest I will shout and sing, Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my Savior, Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promises that cannot fail, When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, By the living Word of God I shall prevail, Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my Savior, Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, Bound to him eternally by love's strong port, Overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword, Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my Savior, Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promises I cannot fall, Listening every moment to the Spirit's call, Resting in my Savior as my all in all, Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my Savior, Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. All right great singing thank you for being here this evening just a few announcements here before we sing our next song which will be song number 41 if you want to get that ready in your songbook song number 41 if you did not get a bulletin go ahead and raise your hand one of the ushers can get one for you important information on there as well as our prayer sheet our Sunday morning service is at 10 30 Sunday evening at 5 p.m and then we have our Thursday night bible study at seven o'clock and then you see there the first works family nights summer calendar we'll go over that in just a minute uh you see the important reminders right at the bottom please make sure you give heed to that and just as a reminder there is a changing table in the men's restroom here by the kitchen and so men if you have diaper duty please make sure you use that restroom do not use the ladies restroom in the fellowship hall for that some of the upcoming church events the fourth of July picnic is this coming Tuesday July 4th and we will have a there's a shot excuse me a sign-up sheet there in the back because it will be I think it's potluck style right and so if you can sign up for that we'll be meeting at the park at 10 30 and that'll be at eucalyptus park now there will be a map provided on Sunday for the picnic due to the parade last year there was a parade that was taking place and it kind of blocked off some of the areas where you're supposed to enter in and so there will be a map there in the back on Sunday to kind of give you directions on how to get to the park without being stopped by the parade and so just make sure you reference that on Sunday and then the men's prayer night is coming up on Friday July 7 7 p.m at the church building dinner will be provided and then we begin our family nights on Sunday July 9th after the evening service and we'll start off with uh carnival night I'm excited about this evening and so I mean this evening yes but I'm talking about the carnival night so I hope you would come with your family on Sunday night if you don't if you don't typically come on a Sunday night this Sunday night as far as the carnival night is a really good opportunity for you to get in the habit of coming on Sunday evenings okay and so um after the Sunday evening service we're gonna have a mechanical bowl okay I think John you're ready for that right okay and then we'll also have the jumper available as well for the kids and then we'll have about I think it's about 10 booths brother Elise is preparing 10 booths for the kids to play games in it's gonna be a lot of fun and then also there's gonna be food okay so we're gonna have like bacon wrap hot dogs and hamburgers that evening and so it's gonna be a lot of fun this this this side of the parking lot is going to be blocked off and so everything will be out there want to encourage you to be here for that and and stick around fellowship and create some good memories starting July 9th at our church there hope to see you there and of course the the 16th is the ice cream social and this is all after Sunday evening service and then the kids olympics along with the men's preaching night is on July 30th and then we conclude the family nights with the church bonfire on Friday August 4th and so we'll give you more info as we approach that day but want to encourage you to be here for that that those are the Sunday evenings that I'm going to be preaching on the family those weeks there and so don't miss out on that I hope to see you then Samaria soul winning is coming up on Monday July 10th we meet at the building at 11 30. If you have any questions you can see brother Ulises Hernandez for more details about that and then you see the regular reminders there at the bottom please make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service let's go ahead and go over the prayer sheet there continue to pray for our church corporately pray for god's favor for the sowing in our church the sowing teams I love visiting our friends churches because it just inspires me to just in ministry sowing and uh the the church there stronghold baptist church in in in Georgia is doing a great job under the leadership of pastor burzins they've seen a lot of people save over the last five years and so they're doing a great work and it just inspires me and so pray continue to pray for the soul winning of our of our church the missions protection of our church spiritual numerical growth pray for the new people that they would get grounded in our church and assimilate and start soul winning become faithful to all the services and then pray for just the different individual needs of our church family members there you see it there at the bottom and keep this throughout the week just keep these folks in prayer salvation for unsafe family members and friends for the families to continue to grow and pray for the summer because a lot of people have a tendency during the summer to just kind of get off kilter and not come to church okay that's just the nature of the beast sometimes you know there's vacations there's all types of things that take people out of church and so um pray that church members would be consistent even throughout the summer amen and how important it is to be consistent even during the vacation time and if you go on vacation somewhere go to church there amen and you say what if they have a Sunday school class go to the Sunday school class i mean i would you know and so i don't see a problem with that and you say what if they have a nursery well i keep i still keep my kids with me if they have a nursery or something like that and if they have a problem with it then we'll talk about we'll talk to them at the following service you see what i'm saying because we were we're not going to come back for that service and so if you're only going there for one you guys didn't catch that if you're going for one service just bring your kids with you and say now i'm going to keep my kids with me and if they got beef with you then just say you know we'll discuss it at the following service okay and then you just don't go back okay but um pray for people to be faithful pray for people to grow and just the different needs there and um it was a blessing visiting as i mentioned stronghold because they've grown a lot and so uh they're expanding and they're building a lot of new members and from the last time that i went and it was just exciting to see a lot of growth and then uh another thing pray to pray for is just pray for the social media platforms that we have because they've been really fruitful and i was i was talking to some of the guys about this on sunday night there at the church uh we had a family come who heard about their church through our my instagram and so they came and then they're going to start going there and then that evening someone contacted me from a different church uh one of our our friends churches and they had three new visitors that came to that service on sunday morning they got saved and then they had a family that's been going there for about two weeks who found out about their church to our instagram and so hey the social media platforms work amen they not only bring people to our church but they're sending people to different churches as well so pray that that would continue to be fruitful that more people would would get into church they would hear about salvation through those social media platforms that we would not be hindered uh in those areas and so that's pretty much it and then of course if you have any additional prayer requests you'd like to be mentioned you can put it at the bottom there and then put into the offering plate and we'll make sure that it gets on there for the following week all right brother moore is going to come on up at this time and pray over these needs mr bauer here to send a word of prayer dear lord heavenly father thank you for allowing us to be able to come to church and lord we just thank you for our church and and our pastor and and our and the and the brethren that we have here as well lord i just pray that we have your favor on our church as we serve you and um and do the things that you've asked us to do going soul winning reading reading our bibles lord and lord i just pray that um that we're that we have your favor on our church i pray for all of our soul winning efforts the soul winning teams i pray that you uh protect them and and uh allow the the teams to be a place where they can have a friend and they can have someone to help train them and disciple them as well lord and lord i just pray for the missions i pray for um casa male and and for beliefs as we're going there in um in november lord and i just pray that the time is fruitful and that we're able to potentially start a church there lord and lord i just want to also pray for protection for our church protection for our pastor and his family and lord uh protect us as we're going to and from church and work lord and as there's crazy people out there lord what i just want to pray for spiritual numerical growth lord i just specifically want to pray for the fact that as we're going into the summer that people are more consistent when it comes to church and that we're able to utilize um the events that we have planned in the future to kind of help catapult them into serving you and growing closer to you and being more consistent and adding more uh more church services and more bible reading to their um to the task that they're already doing but i just pray for more laborers i pray that that you send more people to come and and um get people saved and and learn and have put that that uh desire in their hearts so that they can you know fulfill the great commission lord i just also want to pray for the salvation of unsafe family members and friends lord just pray that you soften their hearts allow them to be able to um receive the gospel or receive the free gift of eternal life and and believe in the gospel lord lord i just also want to pray for um for the unspoken requests here and and lord i just pray that you meet those needs i pray for pastor burson's church i pray that you continue allowing him to do a great work for you and and uh i play i pray that you bless his ministry and the church members that he has over there and and we pray that you continue to allow his church to grow uh lord i also want to pray for social media outlets that we have lord i pray that they continue to be fruitful and thank you for all of the fruit that we've had and all the people that's gotten saved through these ministries and and lord i just also want to pray that um we're able to utilize these these um these networks as much as possible lord uh lord i just want to say thank you for um allowing us to be able to come to church and lord just pray that um we're able to be uh be able to listen to uh the message that pastor mean is prepared for us and that we're able to grow closer to you with uh your word lord i pray the assembly name amen open up your hymn notes to song number 41 sweet by and by song number 41 song number 41 in your song books sweet by and by song number 41 lift it up together nice and strong on that first verse there's a land that is fairer than day and by faith we can see in a farm for the father waits over the way to prepare us a dwelling place there in the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore in the sweet by and by we shall wait on that beautiful shore we shall sing on that beautiful shore the melodious songs of the not aside for the blessing of rest in the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful to our bountiful father we will offer our tribute of praise is and the blessings that in the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful in the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore great singing at this time the ushers are going to take the offering go ahead and take your bibles and turn to matthew chapter 12 so so so good evening we're in chapter 12 of matthew and the chapter reads at that time jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn and his disciples were in hungered and began to pluck the ears of corn and to eat but when the pharisees saw it they said unto him behold that disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day but he said unto them have you not read what david did when he was in hungered and they that were with him how he entered into the house of god and did eat the showbread which was not lawful for him to eat neither for them that were with him but only for the priests or have you not read in the law how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath and are blameless but i say unto you that in this place is one greater than the temple but if he had known what this meaneth that will have mercy and not sacrifice he would not have condemned the guiltless but the son of man is lord even of the sabbath day and when he was departed thence he went into their synagogue and behold there was a man which had his hand withered and they asked him saying is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days that they might accuse him and he said unto them what man shall there be among you that shall have one sheep and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day will he not lay hold on it and lift it out how much then is a man better than a sheep wherefore is it lawful to do well on sabbath days then saith he to the man stretched forth thine hand and he stretched forth and was restored whole like as the other then the pharisees went out and held a council against them how they might destroy him but when jesus knew it he withdrew himself from thence and great multitudes followed him and he healed them all and charged them that they should not make him known that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by his eyes the prophet saying behold my servant whom i have chosen my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased i will put my spirit upon him and he will show judgment to the gentiles he shall not strive nor cry neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets the bruised reach shall he not break and smoking flax shall he not quench till he sent forth judgment unto victory and in his name shall the gentiles trust then was brought onto him one possessed with the devil blind and dumb and he healed him in so much that the blind and dumb both speak and saw and all the people were amazed and said is not this the son of david but when the pharisees heard it they said this fellow did not cast out devils but by beelzebub the prince of the devils and jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand and if satan casts out satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand and if i by beelzebub cast out devils by whom do your children cast them out therefore they shall be your judges but if i cast out devils by the spirit of god then the kingdom of god is coming onto you or else how can one enter into a strong man's house accepts and spoil his goods except he first bind a strong man and then he will spoil his house he that is not with me is against me and he that gathers not with me scattereth abroad wherefore i say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the holy ghost shall not be forgiven unto men and whosoever speaketh the word against the son of man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the holy ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come either make the tree good and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit oh generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh the good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things but i say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment for by thy worst thou shall be justified by thy worst thou shall be condemned then certain of the scribes and of the pharisees answered saying master we would see a sign from thee when he answered and said unto them an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given to it but the sign of the prophet jonas for as jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth the men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it because they repented at the preaching of jonas and behold the greater than jonas is here the queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of solomon and behold the greater than solomon is here when the unclean spirit has gone out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest and findeth none then he saith i will return into my house from whence i came out and when it's come he findeth it empty swept and garnished then goeth he and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and the last date of that man is worse than the first even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation while he had talked to the people behold his mother and his brother and stood without desiring to speak with him then one said unto him behold thy mother and thy brother and stand without desiring to speak with thee but he answered and said unto him that told him who is my mother and who are my brethren and he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples and said behold my mother and my brethren for whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in heaven the same as my brother and sister and mother let's pray we thank you heavenly father for such a wonderful church you have given us dear god full of brothers and sisters and mothers dear lord and you are our heavenly father we thank you for our pastor please bless him with your holy spirit tonight as he preaches your word on to us in jesus name we pray amen amen okay we continue this evening with matthew chapter 12 and matthew 12 essentially starts off with the pharisees confronting jesus and really falsely accusing him and his disciples of profaning the sabbath basically saying that he's violating the laws of god he's violating the sabbath he's not remembering the sabbath to keep it holy only because of the fact that they're plucking the ears of corn and they're eating it and so according to their standard they are violating the scriptures there they're violating the old testament and they're not observing the sabbath now look at verse number one here it says at that time jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn and his disciples were in hungered and began to pluck the ears of corn and to eat but when the pharisee saw it they said unto him behold thy disciples do not do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day but he said unto them have you not read what david did when he was in hungered and they that were with him how he entered into the house of god and did eat the showbread which was not lawful for him to eat neither for them which were with him but only for the priest so we see here that the pharisees are obviously confronting jesus and at a first glance if you don't really know too much about the old testament laws regarding the sabbath it would almost seem as though yeah you know they weren't supposed to be doing that during the sabbath it sounds like this is a violation of the old testament laws but here's the thing that in the old testament there's nothing that the bible says about not being able to eat on the sabbath okay and when you look at the pharisees and the scribes and the sadducees particularly the pharisees you see that they essentially were promoting the laws of moses but really they weren't even adhering to the laws of moses and in fact they were teaching for doctrines the commandments of men they were adding to the commandments of god standards that essentially god was not imposing upon his people but that they were okay because again when you look at the old testament laws regarding the sabbath the bible tells us to remember the sabbath to keep a holy and really what that meant was that men were supposed to cease from their labors on the sabbath day right they weren't supposed to work during that time during that day and to do so in the old testament merited the death penalty you know we have an example in the old testament of a man picking up sticks on the sabbath implying basically because he was put to death that that was part of his job his employment was to pick up sticks of some sort or to do something with them and because of that he was killed he was he was he was uh punished by death and the reason for that is because of the fact that the sabbath is a picture of jesus christ okay you know god labored for six days and on the seventh day he rested and so the commandment there was that man was supposed to rest on the seventh day to signify that they were observing and respecting the six days that god worked okay and then the new testament the way that would work for us is the fact that you know we don't observe the physical sabbath that's saturday but what we do do is believe on the lord jesus christ and we are resting in the finished work of jesus right now the person who decides to not rest in jesus christ to essentially work for their salvation work in spite of the fact that god already labored for them you know they suffered the second death okay because they are working for their salvation in a spiritual way you know that's the spiritual application to that and so the command was that they weren't supposed to labor they were not supposed to continue in their employment on that day but here's the thing is that the disciples and jesus are not working right now okay plucking the ears of corn is not the same and eating them is not the same as laboring okay they're viewing it as oh they're threshing they're harvesting right but just grabbing food doesn't it isn't considered labor in god's word just to grab it and eat it but according to the pharisees it was because they were adding that standard to god's commands and it wasn't biblical for them to do so now here's what's really silly about this because if you think about it you know just as the working on the sabbath day was considered a work in the new testament someone working for their salvation and that's definitely true because they're they're laboring for their salvation they're not resting in the finished work of god you know there's people out there like the pharisees there's people out there today they would say oh calling upon the name of the lord is a work right you know asking jesus christ to save you is a work well you know you're plucking the ears of corn and eating them hey that's a work but not according to biblical standards though understand so just as plugging the ears of corn and eating them here in verse number one is not considered a work in god's eyes working on the sabbath okay jesus christ is right there with them and they're consuming it justice is not considered a work when like men are calling upon the name of the lord to consume the son of god spiritually because he is the bread of life it's not a work either but you know what the pharisees of yesteryear in the bible and the pharisees of today will say that yeah it is a work you know oh it's only by believing on jesus christ but you don't actually have to ask for salvation wrong the bible specifically tells us that if thou should confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and believe in thine heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved you do have to call upon the name of the lord for salvation and no according to biblical standards it's not considered a work okay just because you're plucking the ears of corn and consuming them does not equal a workspace salvation you understand this is obviously something that people today are adding to god's word by saying that calling upon the name of the lord is works just as the pharisees are saying that plucking the ears of corn was a work on the sabbath day and so there's no law in the old testament that says you can't pluck ears of corn and eat them because it's obviously a necessity to them they need to eat and therefore it's very much lawful for them to do so but but again you know the pharisees they're a bunch of hypocrites and the bible even tells us that you know the scribes and pharisees sit in moses seat right and then he says whatsoever they abid you to observe that observe and do but do not eat after their works for they say and do not okay they lay heavy burdens on men's shoulders but they themselves are not lifted with one finger essentially saying that they claim to come in the name of moses and tell you about the laws of god but in actuality they don't even observe it themselves they don't believe in the law of moses and they're adding to the law of moses a standard that's not biblical that's imposed upon the people based upon pharisaical law and not based upon the word of god okay so they're teaching for doctrines the commandments of men and that's what we see here it's like why you know why are they doing this it's not lawful to do upon the sabbath day they're adding a bunch of rules to what you can and can't do on the sabbath day that wasn't imposed upon them by god's work and then jesus christ he gives them this example of david here and i'll explain what this means in just a bit but let me also say this regarding the regarding the pharisees is the fact that you know a lot of the pharisees were really centered around the letter of the law but they're really missing the spirit of the law now when i say that they're they're focusing on the letter of the law obviously they didn't even do that right because they weren't even observing that they claim to be observing the letter of the law by being so strict but they're hypocrites and they're not really doing that right but what i mean by that is the fact that they want to impose the letter of the law but they're really forgetting the spirit of the law because the letter of the law basically tells us that if you work on the sabbath day you should be put to death however the spirit of the law is what that the sabbath was made for man to rest it's made for the benefit of man so they're completely negating and forgetting the fact ignoring the fact that the sabbath is made for man to rest as an observance of future events where jesus christ is going to be slain he's going to be slain physically here in this world and that we're to rest in the finished work of christ that's what it's supposed to signify but they're forgetting the entire spirit of the law they just want people to be condemned they want to pronounce people guilty for not observing the sabbath as they would but they're completely ignoring the spirit of the law that the sabbath is made for man okay the person who's supposed to benefit from observing the sabbath is man you understand and so they're completely ignoring that the fact that the disciples are hungry that they're eating and there's nothing wrong about that and of course he gives this example of david that you know david was in hungered and his men were as well and they go into the temple this is from first samuel chapter 21 where they go into the temple and abiathar ahimelech as he's also referred to as is there and david says you know he wants food he's hungry and what abiathar does is he gives him the showbread which is only lawful for the priest to eat okay the showbread being the holy bread it's not common bread it's bread that was supposed to be perpetually in the temple you know that the priests were supposed to eat off of and it was designated only for them to eat now of course abiathar understood the laws of god that even though it's designated only for the priest to eat they had the liberty to impart that into someone who is needy okay so when david showed up with his men and they're hungry he had every right to give him the bread for david and his men to eat because he's being kind to his neighbor you understand and so what we see that jesus christ is talking about here is he's showing him that they're completely forgetting what the spirit of the law is all about and that is to love your neighbor as yourself which is why in verse number look at verse number seven it says but if you had known what this meaneth i will have mercy and not sacrifice you would not have condemned the guiltless now what he's quoting there is actually hosea chapter 6 and verse number 6 where it says you know i will have mercy and not sacrifice meaning sacrifice in the old sacrifices in the old testament were very important obviously but so is mercy however if you were to look at the spectrum of god's laws mercy is actually more important than sacrifice now they're not mutually exclusive they're both important at that time especially when the old testament rituals and and all those things were being imposed upon the people they're both very much important but however you know mercy is a weightier matter of the law more than sacrifice understand and of course we know that the pharisees they would tithe of men anise and cumin but then they would also omit the weight of your matters of the law judgment mercy and faith they would undermine the important aspects of the law of being merciful to others they had no love in their heart for people is basically what it's saying there and so what the lord is teaching here is that the greatest of all the commandments obviously is what to love the lord thy god with all thy heart soul mind and strength and to love thy neighbor as thyself so if you're loving your neighbor as yourself you know that supersedes whatever other law there is because of the and again you don't have to violate the law to fulfill the law and in fact when you fulfill the law by loving your neighbor you fulfill all the law you understand and so giving food to someone who is needy giving and helping someone as we're going to see a man with a withered hand that's lawful to do because you're loving your neighbor you're helping them you're being a blessing to them and these guys are just being a bunch of pharisees they're straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel they're making a mountain out of a molehill and folks let me just say this is that we need to make sure that we uphold the laws of god right we need to talk about and uphold the laws of god but don't become a cold-hearted christian where it's just like i want to adhere to the law to the letter of the law but you just completely negate the spirit of the law which is to love people okay you know a great example of this would be you know soul winning for example soul winning is very much an important aspect of the christian life it's commanded by god for us to do to preach the gospel to every creature to get people saved and and to open our mouths boldly to make known the mysteries of the gospel but don't become so enamored with soul winning with the numbers of soul winning that you just don't really care about the people you're actually preaching to you just kind of view them as a number you just view them as you know someone that you can raise your hand and say i got them saved or a story that you can tell you know these are people that actually have souls you know these are people that actually like we're gonna go to hell and now they're going to heaven and don't become so cold-hearted towards people that so many even becomes just a chore whereby you know it's it's an avenue by which you can receive rewards or something like that obviously we know we're rewarded for soul winning but we should do it out of love for god we should do it out of love for people as well and this is a temptation for christians to allow their hearts to become cold towards people whereas god constantly reminds us love your neighbor make sure you love them and don't just view them as some expendable or a stepping stone to your success you should actually love the people that you're talking to okay and don't think yourself that don't think to yourself that you're better than them that you know uh you're more holy than them you just end up developing this prideful arrogant attitude and you just completely forget that these are people who are lost on their way to hell we need to get them saved you know it could be a temptation for any of us to think that way right especially if you consistently sow in you're you're always talking about the bible if this is something that you consistently do if you're not careful you can view a door as like i just want to get this over with kind of thing you know whereas what god wants you to do is when you knock on that door you know look upon that person with compassion and love and put yourself in a state of mind that says you know i need to make sure i'm spirit-filled and that i love this person and not just kind of write them off as just being another number understand and so have compassion have mercy because the bible says i will have mercy and not sacrifice if you can choose one of the over the other it's mercy over sacrifice okay and he says there you know he gives the example of david and of course we can talk on and on about the the the symbolism of david and the showbread because the showbread can be a picture of jesus christ it could be a picture of the gospel how abiathar imparted that bread to david someone who was hungry even though it was designated for him to eat it's for him he wanted to give it to someone else and in like manner we as god's people should view the showbread that's been given to us the gospel as something that we should be imparting unto others to fill them up the hungry souls that are out there those who are hungry for salvation we should view it as such and not say well i only want to give the gospel to a select few the only people who are my race or something you know or you know because there's churches like that who only want to reach a particular demographic or something like that and and they only want a particular demographic in their church or the only one that they don't really like a certain segment of the population or something like that because of their skin color so it's like i only want to preach to a particular group i mean we had a guy one time a couple years ago who anytime we would go to like south central compton area he hated it in fact he didn't want to go there and in fact i don't think he ever did go there and we would announce that we're going to south central compton area where you know it's predominantly black people okay and you know he was scared going there and he didn't like black people and of course we end up finding out this guy's a complete idiot he's a flat tard for one and number two he is who's a complete racist where he he just hated black people and in fact he hated mori okay and you know look i like mori i don't care what anybody says about him i think mori's a great guy okay he's a faithful man but he it's not it's not like he didn't like mori because of his character or because of his his his you know because he had bad soul winning or bad doctrine or anything of that nature it was literally because he was black okay such a ridiculous thing to even bring up such a carnal unchristian thing and this guy claims to be saved i mean i think he's saved but i don't know you know when once a person tells me that they're flat hard you know i start questioning stuff because i'm not saying you have to be smart to get saved but you know there has to be some level of understanding of the truth you have to accept the truth you understand and so you know he he said some pretty horrific things about mori and and you know the truth finally came out of what kind of person he really was afterwards you understand and so you know we should never have that attitude it's just like oh i'm not gonna go to south central there's all kinds of black people there so what you know jesus christ died for them too they need salvation as well it's like oh i'm not gonna go to this particular group of people because i have beef with them growing up or something like that and i don't i don't really like that who cares we're christians and christ there's neither jew nor gentile now obviously you know there's certain groups of people that are less receptive than others okay and no i'm not talking about black people either okay talk about those who say they're jews and are not but are in the synagogue of satan but even then folks you know if i run into a jew i'm going to preach the gospel to them so what now i'm i don't know if i'm going to get them saved or not and in my experience of preaching the gospel to jews not only are they not receptive they're disrespectful haughty proud arrogant and end up being what the bible says children of the devil okay because they hate the lord jesus and so you know that's not necessarily a demographic that i'm excited about going to you say well didn't you just say you should go anywhere well here's the thing folks south central and compton are fruitful areas and they're way more fruitful than hollywood you say are you ever going to go to hollywood to go preach the gospel it's at the bottom of the list it's at the it's next to israel i'm not saying we're never going to go to hollywood to go preach the gospel but i'm just saying you know um what did jesus say you know a couple of chapters ago you know basically you know this is like it's like sodom you know what i mean and so you know we need to go to every city but there's a lot more cities out there that are more receptive than hollywood and so we need to go i'm not going to cast my pearls before swine and and just preach the gospel to knowingly that these people are just haters of god and and it's more likely that you're going to run into reprobates in hollywood right whether it be jews or whether they be sodomites or both because a lot of times it's just both they're one and the same sometimes and they love each other the jews are the greatest uh supporters of sodomites so but we've had jews in our church come to our church we give them the gospel and so you know don't take that view so far that it's just like you demonize every single one of them in fact hey let me just say this there's a jew in our church now he's ethnically a jew but you know what if you're to talk to him he's like no i'm a christian now everyone in here is like wait what who you know folks who cares who cares don't bring that nonsense here don't bring your hitler loving theology here okay that's stupid theology we're christians here we believe the bible take that crap somewhere else where it belongs take that to um you know to uh what's that stupid thing called online that people go to you know discord go take that to your discord group where you guys can all pow wow together about how much you love hitler and and you know hate the jews or whatever this is a fundamental baptist church where we believe the gospel we believe the word of god and you know i'm not going to favor one race over the other and in fact the only race that i favor is the human race amen and so you know and look i grew up with all types of people of different shades and colors and um you know in california a lot of people are shocked about this but it's just the way it is you know it's just we're so comfortable around different races we we make fun of each other and even in this church you know what i mean because we don't take those things serious we make fun of each other's races all the time because we don't care about those things in fact we find it funny okay because we don't care about those things we don't i don't identify as a guatemalan or something you know i've had people who reach out to me who are guatemalans and they're just like yeah you know you're guatemala i'm just like dude i would never move to guatemala i'm like i would never move to central america guatemala ever and you know my family hears that they're just like you know they're just all offended by it but it's just like i was born here yeah my skin's brown and maybe some part of my blood is guatemala but i would never go there and it just shocks me it surprised me when people are just like mexican pride you know guatemalan prize but they're here you know your mouth and your heart are saying two different things because if you really love if you have so much pride in your country then why are you even here you're here because you know that this is better than what you got going on or what you had going on over there and people always tell me like oh don't you ever want to go visit guatemala or go back to guatemala i was like well you're implying that i was born there so and i've and i visited guatemala and let me just say this it's just not necessarily a great place that i think to live okay and especially from a spiritual perspective the areas that i've heard of is just close to the gospel not only that but they're very strong supporters of israel i got enough to deal with that here my country here already supports israel i don't need to go to a country where they do the same you know and they're you know it's just um no thank you okay and so you know i don't identify as being a guatemalan or and sometimes you know if a guatemalan says oh man you're guatemalan i'll just kind of rub it in their face and be like you know i'm mexican too because sometimes they don't get along i was like i'm salvadorian too i'm in fact i'm more mexican today i'm guatemala just to kind of get under their skin because i know it bothers them because at the end of the day who cares the thing that matters is the fact that i'm part of uh the royal priesthood that i'm part of a spiritual house that you know i'm of that chosen generation and and here's the thing my citizenship is not here it's in heaven okay i'm a part of a better country better than the united states better than guatemala better for sure better than israel okay but you know what these same people they're pharisees too because the pharisees were very much racist you know they didn't like the samaritans or anybody who was not of israel and and so you know it's a wrong idea it's a wrong ideology and if you have that ideology you need to clean up your mind and stop you know watching whatever youtube channel uh that cause you need to think that way read the word of god okay let that mold your mind into the image of christ and so he tells him that in verse number i don't even know how it got off on that but it's you know it's applicable he says in verse four how he entered into the house of god or skip down to verse five or have you not read in the law how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profaned the sabbath and are blameless you're like what did they really profane the temple well he's obviously being facetious here okay because they're not profaning the temple according to god's law they're profaning the temple according to the standard of the pharisees say why because according to the pharisees you're not supposed to do anything on the sabbath okay and they consider plucking an ear of corn as work but here's the thing folks is that obviously there's exceptions to the rule what is the exception to the rule well how about the priests they have to do animal sacrifices on the sabbath day that's their job so it's just like that's what they have to do so according to your standard pharisee they're profaning the temple even though they're doing what god commanded them to do you understand and when i think of that i think of the fact that you know the workspace salvation crowd always points to us and they they mock us or whatever and then they you know for believing once they've always saved and that you don't have to do works for salvation and then they're just like so why do you do works then you know it's like well we do works because we're as workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god has before ordained that we should walk in them it's not for my salvation it's because god has commanded me to do works and i'm not working for my salvation i'm working for reward i'm laboring and this is what god's commanding me to do so me working doesn't mean that i believe you have to do works for salvation me laboring is because i'm obedient to god and i want to earn a reward just as the priests in the old testament when they labored on the sabbath it's not that they're trying to violate the laws of god they're actually obeying god by doing those animal sacrifices and doing you know keeping up with the temple and all the accoutrements and everything that goes into that that's the responsibility and so the pharisees you know their their theology is all messed up and jesus is kind of mocking them saying you know according to you the priests of the old testament are profaning the temple because they're laboring in the temple on the sabbath day but in the eyes of god they are blameless because they're actually doing what god told them to do you know you look at the laws of god and they're very simple right just black and white this is what you do this is what you don't do it's when the pharisee gets involved that it becomes complicated right laws of god are very simple they're just laid out this is what you're supposed to do thou shalt this thou shalt not this it's when these unsafe heretics who don't know the bible who are natural men get involved that they begin to pervert god's word and rest the scriptures to their own destruction and then begin to complicate things folks the word of god is very much a simple book and when i say simple i mean in the sense of the basic doctrines of the bible are simply understood i mean the bible talks about the simplicity which is in christ jesus it's often heretics holier than nouns that make it more complicated than whatever it really is you understand and going back to this whole thing about calling on the name of the lord it's not complicated why do you have to complicate it it's like what if they're deaf or something like that or what if they're mute it's like good night the more you know if they're dead you know if faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of god that must mean that all deaf people just don't have faith or they can't get faith or something it's just like you're complicating things by your stupidity if the bible says faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of god it's not a complicated thing to learn and to understand don't overly complicate the christian life take it for what it says that's what it means and you say well so how do you explain the deaf person then well obviously they're they're the exception to that rule now aren't they because they can't hear and god made the deaf the blind the lame so if he allowed that person to be deaf then yeah they can still increase their faith by reading god's word even though they can't hear you understand and so you know these pharisee type christians because you know there's christians that can they can be that way save people they can be this way and they're often babes in christ who overly complicate the laws of god the commandments of god and you know it's just it's unnecessary so he shows them that there he explains that and then he says in verse number eight for the son of man is lord even of the sabbath day and of course they're forgetting the fact that this is god in the flesh and the fact that he supersedes the laws of god not necessarily because of the fact he that doesn't mean that he gets to violate them it just means that he's fulfilled them and so he is the lord of the sabbath because he's the one who instituted the sabbath he's the one who commanded the sabbath to be kept therefore it's at his discretion if he's allowing people to eat on the sabbath he's the boss it's like someone going to an an establishment and going to the ceo of that establishment and telling them what they can and can't do in their own establishment their own restaurant or business or whatever it's like this is the boss he can do whatever he wants he makes the rules he cuts the checks he says in verse number nine and when he was departed thence he went into their synagogue and behold there was a man which had his hand withered and they asked him saying is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days that they might accuse him so obviously they didn't catch it the first time they're not understanding the spirit of the law they keep going back to the letter of the law and they're like well is it lawful to heal in the sabbath you're missing the point buddy the point is it's always good good and permissible to do good he says in verse 11 and he said unto them what man shall there be among you that shall have one sheep and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day will he not lay hold on it and lift it out how much better than is a man better than a sheep excuse me how much then is a man better than a sheep wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days and of course he heals the man in his hand there so he's saying look you bunch of hypocrites if a man's sheep were to fall into a ditch you would immediately pull it out even if it was on the sabbath day so are you esteeming an animal more than a human being you know this is your first like uh pita people and and look this is i mean people are notorious for stuff like this now where they're so in love with their animals and i'm gonna get off the cats and just get on the dogs for a minute you know what i mean i've got enough on the cats already and i'm getting nowhere with the cat owners because of the toxoplasma it's just it's already taken them over and and but i have hope for the dog lovers okay but hey hey dog lovers at least the cats have the cat lovers have an excuse and that's the parasite what's your excuse for putting booties on the feet of your dog and treating them like a human being or something like that you know you guys even know what booties are the shoes right like the little but you know you have people today that esteem animals more than they would esteem the life of a human being and you know you you see like some video of a moose getting hit by a car or something like that okay pretty cool video you know it's not every day you see a moose just because mooses are huge you know not every day you see a moose just fly 100 feet in the air or whatever just like and just die or something like that let me rewind that real quick that's that thing flew you know and then you go to the comments section and everyone's like condemning the man who hit the the moose they're like this idiot he's driving too fast it's like dude the roads are made for vehicles it's the moose's fault and it's not like i mean it was like an icy road or something like that and it's not like the car has even that much time to like slow down and let me just say this is that what if the person that died because you know a moose you hit a moose it can go right through that windshield and just just destroy just completely destroy the person who's in there and you know a lot of people were like man i hope that guy died or something like that and they just don't esteem life anymore they esteem the life of the sheep more than the life of a human being okay you know god forbid that you know someone told me in this church i don't remember who told me they said they say for some reason it's socially acceptable to hate cats but it's not socially acceptable to hate dogs you know does anybody know what i'm talking about and when that who was that i think it was louisa who told me that when she told me i was just like oh you know what maybe you're right about that actually you know and but but here's the thing is that from a spiritual perspective that's also true you know because if you think about it you know the dogs who are the sodomites of this world it's it seems like it's not socially acceptable to hate sodomy anymore right it's just it's it's socially acceptable and i would hate to like compare us to cats but like cats christians yeah you know to hate christians but it's like not socially acceptable to hate sodomites or something but anyways you know they are completely mixed up in this area and they're completely being hypocritical about it um they're not even following the letter of the law that they're proposing or even the extra standards and preferences that they're imposing upon the people they're not even adhering to that because obviously they're false prophets they're not even saved and uh they hate the lord jesus christ so of course he ignores them and heals the man anyways because it's always good to do well on the sabbath day okay to restore the man's hand and he stretches it forth he heals him and he has a functioning hand look at verse 14 says then the pharisees went out and held the council against him how they might destroy him so it's just like he does a miracle he performs a miracle here he has sound doctrine he's obviously a man sent from god and they're just like oh we gotta kill him we gotta destroy him it's like what in the world this is how you know these people are wicked and it's not a man obviously i'm generalizing the pharisees here because there were some pharisees that actually believed on the lord okay there were some that believed on him they didn't confess him openly because they were fearful they were being weenies about it but they still got saved and there are many pharisees who still got saved but the vast majority of the sect of the pharisees who adhere to the religion of the pharisees were not saved they're children of the devil and so um this is this group right here verse 15 says but when jesus knew it he withdrew himself from thence and great multitudes followed him and he healed them all and charged them that they should not make him known now one of the reasons why he doesn't want to make him known that he's doing all these miracles is because he knows that the tendency of israel is that if they find out that he's the messiah they're automatically going to think oh it's time to establish the physical kingdom because again like i mentioned last week the prophecies in the book of isaiah the prophecies in the book of jeremiah regarding jesus christ and the messiah will often lump up his first coming with the second coming and even his second coming with the millennial reign and even the millennial reign with the new heaven and new earth so they kind of all lump them together there's not like a designated amount of time allotted in those old testament prophecies to kind of teach and instruct the people of israel that these events are spaced out by thousands of years you understand so you hear you hear about the birth of christ but then you hear about that the government shall be upon his shoulders so obviously those are events that are separated between you know with with thousands of years in between them we look at it and we understand that okay that's referring to his first coming the government being on his shoulders referring to the millennial reign and so there's a lot of space in between but when the israelites would read this they think to themselves oh it's all one event that's going to take place which is why they confused why jesus christ was uh you know crucified and that he they thought he was going to establish the kingdom so on and so forth so in order to prevent or avoid that in the initial initial stages of his ministry he would tell people hey don't spread this around that i'm doing these things because it's going to spread like wildfire and then everyone's going to want to make them king he says in verse 17 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by zaias the prophet saying behold my servant whom i have chosen my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased i will put my spirit upon him and he shall show judgment to the gentiles and of course later on we'll see that in his name shall the gentiles trust so notice that the gentiles are not a plan b he's preaching to israel to the jew first and also to the greek but this is an old testament prophecy indicating that he wants the gentiles to be saved and gentile just simply means nations by the way okay it just means nations so all the nations okay that's what he's referring to is all the nations shall trust in his name i like verse 19 here because of the fact that it's a good verse to use against these street preachers he says he shall not strive nor cry neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets that's a good verse for these people who want to use street preaching as oh you know jesus christ was a street preacher how he didn't cry or strive nor was his voice heard in the streets now let me just stop right here and say that that one dude israel who's a street preacher died recently and if you don't know what i'm talking about a couple years ago they made a documentary bbc made a documentary on hate preachers and they included pastor anderson but they also included as these heretical street preachers one of them his name is israel i don't remember his last name but he recently passed away in june okay and he was a major repent of your sins false prophet and no he wasn't just a little mixed up on it okay he was corrected many times and he would constantly preach you have to repent of your sins and he would go to these fag pride movements or whatever and like preach against the sodomites and people are like oh he's so bold it's just like what a waste of a life to just molest your eyes for years on end and then you die in june define irony you're preaching against the sodomites to their face telling them they have to repent of their sins and then lo and behold god allows you to die in june and i don't think that's on accident my friends i think god allowed him to die in june as as a way to mock him for preaching a false gospel for so many years okay and of course the sodomites are capitalizing on it and they're just like pride month you know um i don't know what they said they're taking credit for his death basically in june you know pride month you know claims another false or another pastor or something who's preaching against the lgbtq or whatever but i'm not going to mourn over that guy's death the guy was a false prophet and look when he died he lifted up his eyes in hell being in torments and you know he's thinking man i guess that that guy who i was on a documentary with was right because he's preaching a false gospel throughout this whole time so you know i'm not forestry preachers i think it's this it's a dumbest thing and i believe it's unbiblical to be a street preacher and you know yeah you know theoretically can there be a saved street preacher out there preaching the right gospel yes okay i've heard of a few but the exception proves the rule and the reality is this is that even if they have a right gospel they are extremely ineffective at getting people saved they're actually very effective looking like a complete idiot and turning people away from the gospel why because no one likes someone standing on the corner sounding like a drive-through blaring their voice through a whatever uh what are those called megaphone just yelling at them that's intended for the pulpit for church with believers not with unbelievers and a prime example that we have here is jesus christ he's not striving with people he's not crying out in the streets he's not just like standing on the corner with a sign that says turn or burn you know and i have people who contact me on instagram and they're like oh we love your preaching pray for us we're gonna do some street preaching i just never respond because they're not ready for that truth and you know i think most of them do it because they know i hate street preaching you know and you know i'm just like whatever you know it's a stupid thing to do and look i'm not saying that again i'm not saying that all of them are unsafe but the it's associated with the repent of your sins gospel okay you know i was going to a chiropractor i had my kids with me and lo and behold there's like some street preachers on the corner uh and the spanish ones they're the spanish ones which in my opinion are the worst they sound like they're i mean you put a beat behind it you would think it's reggaeton or something you know and he's like gasoline they're just like saying you know and you don't even know what they're saying you can pick out a word here and there it was like this guy is like trying to be like the christian daddy yankee but it's all a show my friends it's not an effective way to preach the gospel or to get people saved you're showboating or you're trying to show off that you're so bold to stand in a corner and annoy everyone okay it's not effective the biblical model is to go from door to door preaching the gospel that's not to say that you're not going to run into someone in the street but let me say this is that the servant of the lord must not strive so the bible says and street preachers that's all they do is fight with people on the street they're just arguing people debating people it's a complete waste of time you know it's just a prideful thing to do whereas the biblical model is that when we go out even if we run into someone in the street and we start preaching the gospel to them if they reject what we're saying we wipe off the dust of our feet and we move on we're supposed to be gentle toward all men the bible tells us okay and so i like that verse there in verse 19 it says in verse 20 a bruised reed shall he not break and a smoking flax shall he not quench till he sent forth judgment unto victory and in his name shall the gentiles trust now what i believe verse 20 is saying here is that jesus christ obviously is a well balanced man okay he's obviously god but he's also 100 man because what it's stating here is that when it says a bruised reed shall he not break you think of a bruised reed it's referring obviously to an individual it's symbolic of a person who's been bruised by sin right they are damaged to a certain extent either by sin or by the will of others who have damaged them or violated them in some way and he's like he's not coming to condemn the sinners because they're already condemned right he came not into the world to condemn sinners but that the world through him might be saved so those who were bruised by sin the harlots and the publicans those who were involved in sin he's not coming to just snap them in half or something like that he's coming to save them okay now this is not at the exclusion of preaching against sin though because we see the chapter prior to this he's preaching against entire cities he's calling them out he's going to call out the pharisees and those who are what unrepentant you see the attitude that we as christians should have is that we preach against sin generally and let's say in the church setting we preach against a particular sin and if a person is repentant then we have to we show them mercy right like if a person's involved in a particular sin that merits excommunication for example involved in fornication they are drunkards we give them time space to repent it's not like we just you know right off the bat you can't come through those doors if you're involved in these particular sins or whatever you need to give people time to grow and so if a person walks through those doors and a couple weeks in they're just like yeah i just really like the fact that jesus turned the water into wine you know so i can have a little wine for my stomach sake and it's like do you drink it's like yeah i drink you know i have some alcohol here every now and then then you we you teach them about it they hear preaching on it they repent what do we do we're not trying to snap that read we want them to clean up their life now if that same person is just like hey pastor mijia you know i like what you said in that sermon but i'm just not gonna let go of my you know jack daniels or whatever i'm still gonna have it it's like okay well then you can't come to our church then because you're not repentant of that sin you know if a couple comes in and they're not married and they're living together the bible considers that fornication and according to first corinthians chapter 5 merits excommunication if number one they don't get married or number two you know they essentially are unrepentant of it and they're just like we're going to continue to live together and fornicate and you know this is just who we are it's just like okay then you got to do it somewhere else you can't be here because the little 11 at the whole lump or they can just completely separate and not be together until they're they're willing to get married but the point that i'm trying to make here is the fact that we're not trying to just snap a bruised reed we want to obviously help people and help people to clean up their lives and if they're unwilling to they always snap the reed kind of a thing they're just like well we're not going to compromise in this area because you know a lot of churches get this mixed up they don't want to bruise the reed and so what do they do they just tolerate sin they just allow it to go unfettered fornication in the church you know railing in the church drunkards in the church people smoking weed in the church not in the church but i'm saying like they're like that's what they do and it's just like well you know we got to disciple them and you know help them to you know and then like years down the road they're still involved in it it's just like well you know pray for them did they just get that right or whatever it's just like man you're like nicer than god because god told us to address that issue and if they're not willing to get that right then they need to go so he says they're a bruised reed shall he not break and a smoking flax shall he not quench now when i think of the smoking flax and he says quench it's obviously a flax that's on fire and when i think of something that's on fire think of john the baptist because he was a burning and shining light and john the baptist was just like preaching against everyone he's preaching against harrod he's ripping the Pharisees telling them they're vipers you know what jesus is not doing he's not going hey john what would jesus do john i don't like the spirit you know your spirit is a little condemning john because he's not going to quench a smoking flax either so he's not going to bruise the reed but he's also not going to get on the providence and say hey you guys you guys are just a little too zealous there you know you're out of line there john you know now you're in prison well that's what you get you know no he's actually going to honor them he's going to speak well of them because at the end of the day jesus is the hardest preacher that ever lived okay and we're preaching what he preaches and so he's not going to just squelch their fire and tell them to turn it down and not say those words and not preach against this and not talk about these particular sins he's not going to quench a smoking flax he's going to let it burn okay and of course in his name shall the gentiles trust i'm out of time so verses 22 or excuse me verses 23 through 37 i'm not going to spend a whole lot of time on and i'm going to go over the the next half of the chapter next week but the reason i'm not going to go over chapters 20 or verses 23 through 37 is because i've already talked about this a lot which is it's talking about the blasphemy of the holy ghost and this is basically where the pharisees have completely sealed their fate okay and the reason why is because of the fact that they're claiming that jesus was possessed with the devil they're saying oh he's only able to do these works by the power of beelzebub and so he says let's just look at one verse here verse 32 says whosoever speaketh the word against the son of man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the holy ghost it shall not be forgiven him listen to this neither in this world neither in the world to come so people who don't believe in the reprobate doctrine you need to explain this verse to me then because the reprobate doctrine teaches that there's certain people that are beyond the hope of salvation even in this world and they're like anybody can be saved well here's the thing is that jesus said they don't have forgiveness in this world neither in the world to come and we all know according to the bible believing on jesus christ gives us the forgiveness of all sins past present and future so when he says they don't get forgiveness in this world neither in the world to come what he's saying is they can't be saved so you got to explain that to me if you don't believe in the reprobate doctrine and so uh a lot of the pharisees who believe that he was possessed with the devil they seal their fate they're they're they're doomed eternally and that's still happening today my friends now people always ask me like well what do you think the blasphemy of the holy ghost is you know is it to actually say it or to believe this and i would say yes someone who is willing willingly mocks god and says i blaspheme the holy ghost because they want to mock god well let me just say this is that person was probably already reprobate because unsafe people even if they're not christians and you know they're they're they're worldly maybe they're a little ungodly they have enough respect to say you know what or should i say they have enough superstition in themselves to say you know i don't want to mess with that i don't want to mess with that because who knows i don't want to damn myself to hell i mean they have more common sense than to just flippantly just talk about those things before i got saved i wasn't religious or anything like that there are certain things you just don't mess with right you just don't mock about you don't mock you don't mess around with and so it takes a a special group of people to be willing to do something like that understand and so um you know you're like well what if i did it you know i did years ago and i was messing around or something like that well here's the thing you know reprobates don't care if they're reprobates you understand what i'm saying reprobates do not care if they're reprobates so a reprobate is not going around wondering oh man am i a reprobate reprobates don't want to retain god or their knowledge they don't care if they're reprobate or not so if you're worried am i a reprobate it probably means that you're not a reprobate and one of the key questions i ask is like well do you hate the lord it's like no okay then don't worry about it have you believed on jesus christ yes do you hate the lord no you know and so that's that i'm gonna stop right there the main thing that you should get from this particular sherman is we need to uphold the letter of the law because it's important but not at the expense of the spirit of the law okay the letter of the law is what god tells us to do and it's almost as if the spirit of the law is like how we should view it as well how we should view the person we're talking to so they're not mutually exclusive because we need both we need the laws of god but at the same time not at the exclusion of compassion and mercy i think we can have both you know we can be merciful loving and compassionate towards people as we uphold and exalt the laws of god as well okay don't be a pharisee let's pray father we thank you so much for your word thank you for this chapter lord i pray that you'd help us as your people not to develop a pharisaical attitude that we continue to love people lord and win them to christ and help us to continue to be a people who who hate sin and we don't want to bear with them which are evil lord and so i pray that you'd help us to to continue to be a smoking flax of a church and but also heal those who are bruised and those who are broken and lord may you may continue to work in our church lord and the lives of the people in our church to do the will of the lord we love you we thank you pray the scenes in jesus name amen all right we have one last song it's on 248 now i belong to jesus song 248 now i belong to jesus everyone all together nice and strong jesus my lord will love me forever from him no power of evil can sever he gave his life to ransom my soul now i belong to him now i belong to jesus jesus belongs to me not for the years of time alone but for eternity once i was lost in sin's degradation jesus came down to bring me salvation lifted me up from sorrow and shame now i belong to him now i belong to jesus jesus belongs to me not for the years of time alone but for eternity joy floods my soul for jesus has saved me his precious blood he gave to redeem now i belong to him now i belong to jesus jesus belongs to me not for the years of time alone but for eternity amen wonderful singing you are dismissed