(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) together here and bless the fellowship to follow and just bless the rest of our day and we pray this all in Jesus name Amen Amen Okay, you're in Romans chapter number 10 what I want to preach on this evening is the subject of lordship salvation lordship salvation look at Romans chapter number 10 and verse number 9 the Bible reads that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and Shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised them from the dead Thou shalt be saved for what the heart man believeth unto righteousness and what the mouth confession is made unto salvation I want you to notice that it says in verse number 9 that if we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus It doesn't say if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. Okay, you said why doesn't it say that? Well because of the fact that it's already established in the Bible whether to save people or unsaved people that Jesus Christ is Lord No one needs to give mental assent or or should I say? of Obedience to God's commandments to say well he's Lord therefore I'm gonna go ahead and just you know Obey God's commandments to just confirm that what this is saying here is that we're confessing with our mouth that Jesus is Lord that he is God He is the Son of God and then it says that and shall believe in thine heart that God has raised them from the dead Thou shalt be saved So why do you use this verse to start off the sermon with well because of the fact that today you have people who believe In lordship salvation and they will often use this passage of Scripture not from the King James version But rather from other versions of the Bible to try to say well if you're really saved you'll make Jesus Lord of your life. How many of you ever heard something like that? If you're really saved you'll make Jesus Lord of your life And you know if you don't make them Lord of your life, and you're not really saved to begin with well Here's the problem with that is the fact that Jesus is Lord whether you try to make them Lord of your life or not Okay, first and foremost Secondly it doesn't say to make Jesus Lord of your life. It just says to believe on Jesus. Okay, who is Lord now? Those who believe in lordship salvation when they say make Jesus Lord of your life what they're saying is this you need to obey God's commandments You need to repent of your sin if you're gonna be saved That's what they're that's what they teach now think about this if they're saying you have to obey God's commandments You have to keep God's commandments They're saying you have to repent of your sins because part of the commandments is to repent of sin correct If they're saying you have to keep God's commandments that basically means according to this chapter in context They're going about to establish their own righteousness Because look at verse number three it says for they being ignorant and that's exactly what they are of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness the Bible says Have not submitted themselves until the righteousness of God and that's exactly what these people do Anybody who believes you have to repent of your sins to be saved. You have to keep God's commandments Just mark it down translate it as this they're trying to establish their own righteousness. They don't want the righteousness of God and In fact, it goes on to say verse 4 for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that keepeth them No to everyone that believeth it says For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth for Moses Describe it the righteousness which is of the law look what it says that the man which doeth those things shall live by Them so he's saying look if you're trying to keep God's commandments in order to be saved You better make sure that you're living by God's perfect standard of perfection Well, that's interesting because the Bible specifically says that there's none righteous. No, not one. There's none that doeth good No, not one it reiterates over and over again that everyone has fallen short of the glory of God, right? And it says in verse 6 but the righteousness was making a distinction there which is of faith Speaketh on this wise say not in thine heart who shall ascend from heaven into heaven That is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up Christ again from the dead What saith it the word is nigh thee even and even in thy mouth and thy heart that is the word of faith Which we preach that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God have raised And for the dead thou shalt be saved So in order to tap into God's righteousness it requires for you to place your faith in Jesus That's what it's saying And when you do that the Bible specifically translates that as you submitting yourself to the righteousness of God if You choose not to submit yourself under the righteousness of God He sees it as you trying to keep God's commandments and submit yourselves and establish your own righteousness Well, not by works of righteousness, which We have done But according to his mercy he saved us. That's what the Bible says. Okay And I said no, you know, he told his disciples why call you me Lord Lord and do not the things which I say So by them using that portion of Scripture to as a proof text to say we need to make Jesus Lord of our life They're basically saying they're better Christians than the disciples Because he's saying that to the Apostles He's saying why call you me Lord Lord and do not the things which I say They're basically saying well, we're better than the Apostles because we definitely keep everything that God says We keep all of God's commandments Well, but here's the thing who can say I've made my heart clean and I am pure for my sin. That's what the Bible says. So who in this world can actually you know say well You know, I've repented of all my sin. I've kept all of God's commandments. I've kept my heart pure. I've made myself clean I'll tell you who the liar will say that Right because at the end of the day we obviously understand that our righteousness are as filthy rags in the eyes of God We're all as an unclean thing. That's what the Bible tells us Go to Acts chapter 2 verse 30 I'm gonna go through a couple portions of Scripture in the New Testament dealing with this word repentance Okay, because you know when it comes to those who believe in the Lordship salvation that is their favorite term in the Bible to use Jesus is not the favorite word in the Bible believe is not their favorite word in the Bible repentance is their favorite word in the Bible and the reason they like the word repentance is because they automatically Insert after repentance or repent they insert of your sins Okay But doesn't the Bible say that when you add to God's words add thou not to his words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar That's what the Bible says, but yet over and over again What do we see people just adding repent of your sins to the Bible even though it's not there and Here's a great proof of that Acts chapter 2 verse 38. This is a portion of Scripture that people will use To teach you have to repent of your sins Now let me just say this when it comes to keeping the law, okay We're keeping the commandments Because they'll say, you know, you got to keep the commandments in order to be saved You got to repent of your sins. You got to keep God's commandments, but here's the interesting thing You know, they'll mock us for saying, you know that we Repeat basically what the Bible says that you have to believe on Jesus Christ and they'll often use what James chapter 2 where it says You know, even the devil's believe in tremble. How many ever heard that before? Yeah, but the devil's believe in tremble Yeah, but here's the thing. Devils can't get saved That's a stupid point that you're trying to make Trying to compare us to Devils as though Devils can get saved So are you saying that if Devils do works if Devils repent of their sin that can get saved Is that what you're saying? Because the implication of that very statement is basically well if the Devils, you know repented of their sin They can get saved such a stupid argument But think about this, you know for them to say you have to keep God's commandments in order to be saved You have to repent of your sins in order to be saved Well, that would make any law-abiding a citizen out there in the world who's not saved, saved Because aren't there people out in the world who don't murder? Aren't there people out in the world who don't commit adultery? They don't fornicate. They don't drink They don't lie. They don't steal. They don't do those specific things sometimes, right? There's actually moral people out in the world. Did you know that? Who are not Christians And in fact, there's people out in the world who don't commit murder. They don't commit adultery They don't drink and they often live a cleaner life than some of these wicked false prophets Guaranteed But yet they're not saved folks because the determining factor whether someone is saved or not is based upon what they believe And more specifically what they believe about salvation Okay, and look the Bible says that the Gentiles which have not the law do those things which are written in the law are a law unto themselves And I don't want to rehash my sermon from Thursday But you know, this is obviously referring to God's moral law that's written in their hearts It's not referring to the meats drinks and diverse washings and cardinal ordinances That was imposed upon the people until the time of the Reformation. It's not referring to the animal sacrifices You know, it's not referring to keeping the Sabbath. It's not referring to the diverse washings. It's referring to God's moral law So if you have people out in the world who are keeping that Who actually sometimes even based their the laws of the land based upon that morality. It doesn't make them safe now, does it? Why I talk about this Well, the reason it's important to talk about this is because the Bible actually tells us that we need to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered unto the Saints and it's important to reiterate and And re-emphasize the importance of the right gospel. Amen Which is in our church, we believe it's by faith alone for by grace. Are you safe through faith in that not of yourselves? It's once saved always saved. You can never lose your salvation eternal security. It's by faith alone in Christ alone plus nothing minus nothing Now look at Acts 2 38 It said by the way this verse right here I mean it's been crammed down my throat for the last two weeks like like no other time in history of my life Look what it says in Acts 2 38 then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized Every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost There you go. You got to repent of your sins You have to repent of your sins for the remission of sins, even though it doesn't say anything like that Even though it doesn't state Peter said unto them repent of your sins repent of your transgressions repent of your iniquity It says repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins now We know what this verse means. We understand that for a synonym for four would be because So the reason they're repenting the reason they're getting baptized is why because they received the remission of sins, correct? So if you want to play that game to say well that means repent of your sin Okay, then you have an issue because it says for the remission of sins It's not saying turn from your sins for the remission of sins Right But let's take it a step further What's the result of? them Repenting and getting baptized because they don't really talk about that What says there for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost Now think about that for just a minute Go to verse number 20. We're gonna come back to that specific phrase now I had someone show me this verse and say in context. It's talking about repenting of your sin in Context is about repenting because I told them I said look Nor in this verse does it say that you have to turn from your sin to be saved. It's in the context brother It's in the context and I said do you really want to look at the context? Because we'll look at the context we'll look at the context of the chapter We'll look at the context of the book of Acts and we'll get the context of the Bible But if you want to play that game, okay, let's go to verse number 20 The Sun shall be turned into darkness same chapter The moon into blood there before the great notable day of the Lord come and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall What call on the name of the Lord shall be saved? That's context So what do we see here? We see that salvation? according to verse number 20 21 is to call upon the name of the Lord and we know according to Romans 10 verse 9 and 8 verses 9 and 10 Excuse me What it means to call upon the name of the Lord is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ So he's already established what salvation is based upon verse number 21 that is to call upon the name of the Lord and that's interesting It actually says in verse 21 for salvation It actually says to be saved Right? It doesn't say to be saved in in Acts 2 38 But he had it spells it out clearly that it's talking about salvation in verse 21 So the context is this these people got saved He wants them to repent and be baptized because they received the remission of sins and this goes in Tandem with Matthew 28 regards to the Great Commission Go ye therefore and teach all nations and what? Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things whatsoever have commanded you And lo I'm with you always even into the end of the world So what is the order of sequence people get saved and then they get what baptized? Okay Go to Acts chapter 19 Acts chapter 19 Now let's address the the baptismal regeneration crowd. Okay, the Church of Christ rejecters Because Acts 2 38 is is a favorite portion of scripture for them to use as well Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins. Oh and also that you may receive the gift of the Holy Ghost That's what it says, right? It says repent me baptized for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Okay now look at Acts 19 verse 1 and It came to pass that while Paul's was at Corinth Paul having passed through up the upper coast came to Ephesus and finding certain disciples he said unto them have you received the Holy Ghost since he believed and They said unto him we have not so much as even heard whether there be any Holy Ghost And look what he says and he said unto them unto what then were ye baptized? Oh, that's interesting so these people were what baptized and According to Acts 2 38 when you get baptized you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost That's it. That's interesting because we have a group of people here who were baptized and they're like we don't even know who the Holy Ghost is And They said unto John's baptism out of all baptisms Because this John's baptism is everyone's favorite portion of scripture to use as a proof text that you have to be baptized in order to be saved Verse 4 then said Paul John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him Which should come after him that is on Christ Jesus the Bible says So that's interesting if Acts 2 38 is saying that you have to be baptized in order to be saved and to receive the gift Of the Holy Ghost. Well, you got a problem because you have a group of people who are Baptized and did not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost So explain that to me. Oh ye Christ rejecter No, actually the proper interpretation is the fact that yeah if God is telling them to repent of their sin and to be baptized It's because they've already received the remission of sins And the way you receive the remission of sins is by believing on Jesus Christ. That's that's biblical Okay Go to Matthew 21, let's look at some more proof Matthew 21 verse 28 It says here in Matthew 21 verse 28 But what think ye a certain man had two sons and he came to the first and said son go work today in my vineyard He answered and said I will not but afterward he repented and went and he came to the second and said likewise and he answered And said I go sir and went not whether of them twain did the will of his father They say unto him the first Jesus saith unto them verily I say unto you the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you For John came unto you in the way of righteousness and look what it says and ye believed him not but the publicans and the harlots believed him and Ye when he had seen it Repented not afterwards that ye might believe him the Bible says So you notice that it doesn't say anything about repenting of sin, but what's a word that we see believing? He says you didn't repent at his preaching verse number 32 Ye believed him not the publicans and the harlots believed him and ye when he had seen it Repented not afterwards that ye might believe him You know why because repenting in the Bible is not always about turning from your sin now. We're not like these hypocrites out here Who want to say the repenting in the Bible is always about sin? Because that's what they'll say And I love asking them that That's one of my favorite things to ask them Does repenting in the Bible always being turned from your sin? I always ask them that and I and I they're obviously gonna say yes, and that's that's where I get the checkmate Because see I'm not a hypocrite like you I Understand that sometimes in the Bible repenting does mean of sin, but you know what I also understand We're repenting other times does not that sometimes it just means to turn from a work turn from a belief or Just turn from an action Because if turning if repentance means to turn from sin all the time 100% of the time then you have a big problem we have a big problem why because God repents in the Bible a Repent of the Lord that he had made man on earth and I remember I asked one of these guys so does repentance always mean to turn from your sin and He said yes, it always means that sometimes but not always Because he knew where I was going with it He says yes always sometimes in context depending on context He's up, but in this verse for sure it means to turn from sin. Also you you impose the definition then It's based upon your standard way depends on your interpretation then Not based upon the context is based upon your interpretation Because I asked them does it always mean to turn from your sin? Yes It always means that sometimes and I literally responded always sometimes if it's always then it's not sometimes Thou fool always means always Means it's only that definition but see at least we're willing to admit that the Bible sometimes teaches to turn from your sin The difference is this never in regards to salvation Always in regards to a nation Whether saved or unsaved for the salvation of that nation not the spiritual salvation, but just so you know God won't destroy that nation like Nineveh, right Or for Christians who are already saved To save them from physical destruction But see the repent of your sins crowd the lordship salvation crowd They only want to say no repentance is always about self repenting from sin. It's always in the Bible about salvation There is no other definition. You are a liar. You're a hypocrite You're ignorant of the Bible at least we're willing to admit there's various definitions of repentance based upon the context in the Bible. I Mean right here verse 32 John came unto you in the way of righteousness and ye repented not of your sin. No ye believed him not But the publicans and the harlots repented of their sins No, it says the publicans and the harlots. This is a repented of their whore mongering ways of Their you know theft greed Covetousness that's it. Why God why wouldn't you just lay it out like that? We know that's what you mean, but The publicans and the harlots believed him. Hey public is our hearts what you do the devil's believe in also tremble that's what these repenting your sins people would say to them and Ye when he had seen it repented not afterwards that you might believe him Why does it say repent and not afterwards that you might believe him because the Bible says repent ye and believe the gospel and the? Bible says to repent from dead works and have faith toward God So you're supposed to turn from whatever you're trusting in for salvation and place your faith in Jesus Christ. That's what that's referring to Go to Luke 13 if you would Luke chapter 13 I Can't tell you how many times I've seen this where they literally impose of your sins in the text it Happens over and over and you almost think these people must be under some sort of delusion, right? They're under some sort of spell of the devil or something Their minds must be blinded. You know, the god of this world must have blinded their eyes or something Because literally you'll say it doesn't say of sins there. No, it does say of sins there Where does it say of sins there? It's not even the word sin. Do you know how to spell sin? Sin is spelled S I N This is you know, the the Bible is not scrabble where you just take whatever letters in whatever word and just make up a word there It does not say that at all. It does say it's right there These people have had like a spiritual lobotomy folks Look at Luke 13. This is another scripture that people brought to my attention and Here's the thing, you know when people bring scriptures to my attention. I embrace it because I love the Bible. I Love the Bible. I agree with everything that it says. I'm not oh, well, you know, you know the Greek it actually means this Why we don't need to do that we we believe all the Bible Whereas when we give them the scriptures they just completely avoid it. That's right. They just completely beat around the bush What do we do? We just take the weed whacker and just trim that thing down move that excuse move that argument Move the bush Luke 13 verse 1 there were present at that season some that told him of the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices and Jesus answering said unto them suppose ye that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans because they suffered such things. I Tell you nay, but except you repent of your sins and your transgressions and your drunkenness and all this other stuff No, except you repent ye shall likewise perish Or the 18 upon whom the Tower of Siloam fell and slew think either they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem I tell you nay, but except ye repent ye shall likewise perish So people actually brought this to my attention and say see he's telling them to repent of their sin But the crazy thing is is that in the text He literally says do you think that these people were worse than you? He says except your pain you shall likewise perish so they suffered a physical death Right and he's saying it's not because there were like some crazy sinners It's not because they were involved in crazy gross transgressions or sins or iniquities He says except you repent though ye shall all likewise perish now If this is referring to repenting of sin, do we have an issue now? We have a Bible contradiction Because you know one thing that we see over and over again in the book of John for example is how to avoid perishing right Because this is here except your pant ye shall all likewise Perish well most famous verse in the Bible It says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever repentseth of sin No whosoever believeth on him, you know shall receive shall have eternal life and they shall what never perish So if the avoidance of perishing is based upon Believing on Jesus Christ and if we compare that with Luke 13, we understand when it says except you repent it's saying except ye believe Ye shall all likewise perish He said then why did he give the example of people dying? Well because of the fact that when you die and you're not saved you go to hell You guys know that Like when you when people die and they're not saved they go straight to hell and he's saying look except your pen and the proof of that the the fact that the the the fact that he's saying this shows Because he's saying to them you think they were worse than you you think they were worse than anybody in Galilee You think there are worse than any person in this region? He's saying they weren't punished because they were sinners Sometimes things happen to people And he says except you repent you're gonna perish just like them even though they're not sinners above the rest Okay Go with me if you would to Acts chapter 17 Acts chapter 17 And one thing I've noticed about people who believe in this doctrine is that they they never reference the book of John Which is weird They know I don't know why they don't like the book of John. They never like to reference the book of John Where practically almost almost every chapter just talks about believing on Jesus Christ for salvation They always like to use these obscure scriptures dealing with other subjects They never want to go to the clear-cut statements of the Bible that tells us how to be saved Okay, because here's the thing. Yeah, they can pull up repent You know or if you love me keep my commandments or you know repent and be baptized for the remission of sins Well, there's still a little wiggle room for interpretation But there is no wiggle room in the book of John though That's right, man, there's no loopholes there's no wiggle room it's written in such a fundamental Clear-cut manner that anybody could understand it And in fact John wrote it in such a way so that it could be understood by unsaved people when they're given the gospel He that believeth on the Sun hath everlasting life You don't need to go to the Greek for that. You don't even need to cross-reference that in fact He cross-references it for you in the same verse He that believeth on the Sun hath everlasting life. He that believeth not the Sun shall not see life Oh, what does that mean? But the wrath of God abideth on him. I Mean that is very simple But you know why they don't want to go to those verses in the book of John because it's too clear They need to work with something a little more obscure a little more like a dark parable something that they can twist and and and Pervert you can't twist and pervert the book of John right a Lot of people twist and pervert a lot of portions of scripture in the Bible But one book of the Bible that you can't do that too is the book of John We're talking about first salvation, okay? Would I have you turn Acts 17 The Bible reads here verse 27 That they should seek the Lord if happily they might be they might feel after him and find him Though he be not far from every one of us For in him we live and move and have our being as certain also of your own Poets have said for we are also his offspring For as much then as we are the offspring of God We ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone graven by art and man's device At the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent and again People have brought this to my attention and said see there you go you have to repent of your sins in order to be safe God is commanding people everywhere to repent of their sin It's in the context that's what they'll say But let's actually read the context you said what does it mean what does context mean pastor Context means you read the verses before and after Right con means with text means the text So you go to the text the scriptures before and the scriptures after To define and to interpret the verse for you. He says in verse number 31 because he had the point of the day into which he would judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained Whereof he hath given assurance unto all men and that he hath raised them from the dead and when they heard of the resurrection of the dead Notice it is saying when they heard that he told him he hath to repent of their sins Is that what it says? Did they say you know when they heard oh, yeah When you told us to like turn away from our fornication and drunkenness No, it actually says when they heard that he talked about the resurrection of the dead some mocked Others said we will hear thee again of this matter. So Paul departed from among them How be it certain men clave into him and repented of their sin? They got they got the sin out of their life and you know now they're no longer You know doing whatever Greeks used to do back in those days and fornicating and you know, whatever No, it actually says how be it certain men clave into them and believed Among the witch was Dionysius the Aeropagite and a woman named Demaris and others with them Notice it doesn't say anything about turning from their sins And this is the book of Acts This is their this is their favorite book to go to because of Acts 2 38 Well, I see your little deception. Let's stick in the book of Acts then I'll show you what the Bible says about it Because it says here that he clave into him and believed what do they believe the resurrection of Jesus Christ Oh, doesn't the Bible say something about when you believe on the resurrection that you can get saved? Was that Romans 10 9 isn't that where we started that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine Heart that God hath raised them from the dead thou shalt be saved Doesn't the Bible say that? No, you're misinterpreting that That's out of context You're supposed to turn from your sin Foolishness and nonsense folks You know and people want to say yeah, but now, you know the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commanded that uh, all men everywhere to repent so in you know in their minds In the old testament God was cool with everyone just just living all kinds of sinful Doing all kinds of sin and getting drunk and fornicating god winked at that He was fine with that. No, actually he wasn't fine with that. That's why he told the children of Israel to go kill them all When he would go into different nations, right? So wipe them all out because of all the abominations that they're doing, right? No, what he's winking at is the ignorance of what they're trusting him for salvation Because they're talking about idols and idol is something that someone would believe in for salvation Salvation came from Israel folks and now that salvation has been given to Israel In the sense that the message has been propagated in Israel And now it's time to move on to the gentiles. What is the message he commands men everywhere to repent and to believe? Go to second corinthians chapter seven by the way to him give us the message Go to second corinthians chapter seven by the way to him give all the prophets witness That through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. That's a good verse for the dispensationalist by the way Where they want to believe that there's a different Dispensation and you know when john the baptist was on the scene, you know The gospel is about repenting of your sin And then you know the old testament you have to keep the animal sacrifices here It says that the prophets bear witness that whosoever believeth Shall receive remission of sins, right? But I want to talk about second corinthians chapter seven for a bit Godly sorrow worketh repentance Because here's the thing when you talk to these people and you kind of corner them And you show them God repents You show them that god defines repentance of sin as a work according to jonah chapter three verse 10 You show them all these scriptures then they try to finagle their way out of the conversation by saying well You know, it's not necessarily like turning from your saying you just got to be sorry for your sin You just got to have sorrow for your sin. You just got to feel bad about it And it's they keep moving the goalposts is what they're doing That's right They keep moving the goalposts to say well, you don't have to necessarily turn from your sin But let me ask you this. What is it a part of our being that makes us sin? It's it's our flesh For in me that is in my flesh dwells no good thing, right? And the bible makes it very clear that the flesh is corrupt. It's not subject to the law of god neither indeed can be That's why the bible says that flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of god This body shall not inherit the kingdom of god. This body is going to be transfigured Transformed and renewed into something completely different where it's sinless because this body is sinful So when someone says well i've turned from my sin I want to ask them Like how many of sins though? Or ask them this have you read the bible cover to cover? What sins are you particularly talking about I talk about like the 10 commandments Dude you haven't even been you you haven't even scratched the surface of your sins Because there's sins of commission which is lying stealing But then there's also the sins of omission He didn't know what to do good and do it to not to him it is sin according to the bible That's what the bible says so when you don't do that, which god tells you to do according to the bible that sin So you got you got a lot of sin to deal with You understand and look i'm not saying that, you know, obviously we're all sinners We're all sinners. Why are we all sinners because we live in a corruptible body that sins Okay, and anytime you walk in the flesh you're going to sin because the works of the flesh are made manifest That's what the bible says But here's the thing there's certain sins that a person doesn't need to partake of right You don't need to partake in drunkenness. You don't need to partake in murder There's certain sins that we can abstain from this side of eternity But even if you abstain from murder, even if you abstain from adultery, even if you abstain from drunkenness, there are other Subsins That you will do like this. How about pride? Right, which is exactly what these fools are guilty of A bunch of arrogant prideful self-righteous false prophets because they think they're sinless. Yeah They want to go ahead and parade their false doctrine as if they're the ones who are sinless As if they're the ones who they don't sin they made their heart pure. You're prideful. You're arrogant. You're wicked for for thinking that Because there's only one sinless person who's ever existed and that's jesus christ. Amen Because there's only one sinless person who's ever existed and that's jesus christ. Amen It doesn't matter how much you clean up your life doesn't matter how much sin you get out of your life You're still a sinner Because there's not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not And notice that he says there's not a what just man Don't don't overlook that there's not a just man. What is that a righteous man? A synonym for just is righteous And he's saying look there's no one who's righteous in this world who does good and does not sin but not according to these idiots According to them. No, you're never gonna sin You're never gonna desire to sin or you're gonna be really sorry for your sin. But what do you mean by sorry? What do you mean by sorry? How much is sorry for you? How much do you have to weep do we have to wail? Do we have to cry? Does our countenance have to drop? Do we have to rent our garments or something? Because according to these people, you know, it's based upon their standard And what I find it what I really find interesting is the vast majority of these repenting your sins preachers are a bunch of fat gluttons Just because they stop smoking And they stop drinking and they stop stealing And they stop doing all these stuff. Oh, yeah. Yeah, they just replace their sins though, right? Yeah the principle of replacement Oh they believe in replacement theology Oh they believe in replacement theology they Believe in replacement theology, right but here's what they replace they replace the drinking with mcdonald's Right excessive eating overeating but how about this they've replaced their sin of drunkenness with pride Yeah, they've replaced their sin of adultery they've replaced it with arrogance and self-righteousness. Yeah So when they say you have to repent of your sin to be saved they're actually saying you have to repent of my sin to be saved You have to do as I did that's really basically what they're saying Because anybody who says you have to repent of your sins to be saved you have to you have to ask them how many sins? How many sins? And here that's one question that i've never had anybody answer me when they say I have to repent of my sins I'll ask them. So have you repented of all your sins? And they'll never answer me And then they'll they'll you know, try to get me off track and i'll just ask them answer the question I just have one simple question for you It's a yes or no. Have you repented of all of your sins since you're the one You know propagating this doctrine. Have you repented of all your sins? And I think i've had one person answer me he said something to the extent no, but i'm trying Then according to your standard you're as screwed as I am then Hypocrite Second corinthian seven I even had this guy and I think I already mentioned this guy, you know, he he was a baptismal regeneration guy Okay And the guy was telling me you got to get baptized to be saved You got to get baptized to be saved all these things and he's like hammering this And and he thinks the one command when the bible says to keep god's commandments. The commandment is to be baptized Forget all the other commandments in the bible the one commandment you have to keep for salvation is baptism And you know what this guy said he hadn't even been baptized yet He said i'm planning to get baptized though So this guy's condemning me A person who got baptized 14 years ago, by the way not for salvation but i've been baptized and I baptized hundreds of people He's condemning me trying to teach me Trying to teach me that baptism saves and the dang fool hasn't even been baptized And look it's like it you know remember that story Of makaya and how like a lion spirit was sent in the mouth of the prophets You know basically to preach a false gospel or free of false doctrine and to confuse the king I felt like that guy just got a lion spirit just basically or a dumb spirit to say something stupid Because how stupid do you have to be to like admit that? Where you're condemning someone for not believing baptismal regeneration and you yourself you haven't even been baptized yet I mean at least go get baptized before you start talking crap, right? You know, you you gotta like have some validity and obviously even if you got baptized the guy's not even saying i'm just saying according to his standard The dude wasn't even baptized and he told me he wasn't baptized but i'm striving to Look at second corinthian seven these are the kind of people that are out there though Now this is this is uh the last one Okay, that people try to bring up to me that godly sorrow worketh repentance And they'll use second corinthian seven as a proof text because it talks about repentance for salvation Okay, and they love this portion of scripture because to them it's just like man. It's like a checkmate But here's the thing folks Don't get nervous anytime someone brings up a scripture. You just don't understand Because it has certain words that seem to back up their point or a proof text. All you have to do is just read it And and focus on the parts that they're not focusing on right Look at the aspects of the of the verse that they're not really talking about Because there's a reason they're not talking about it because they're natural men who understand not the things of the spirit of god, right? Verse eight says for though. I made you sorry with the letter. Let's start with verse eight I do not repent though. I did repent for I perceive that the same epistle has made you sorry though It were before a season now I rejoice not that you were made. Sorry, but that you sorrow to repentance for you remain Sorry after a godly manner that you might receive damage by us and nothing for godly sorrow worketh repentance for the world worketh death the bible says, okay, man, you beat me You you found me out You got me godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation case closed. I mean, what are we gonna say after that? They got us Well, let's break it down. Okay, so let me explain what's going on here in second corinthian seven Obviously we understand that in first corinthians seven we understand that in second corinthians seven we understand that in second corinthians seven So let me explain what's going on here in second corinthian seven, obviously, we understand that in first corinthians One of the major issues that paul the apostle was dealing with was what? fornication The man committing fornication and he addresses it in first corinthians chapter five and in first corinthians four he's basically telling him Do I need to come to you with a rod? He's basically saying like do I need to go over there and just let you guys have it and just punish you and chastise you As a spiritual leader because you don't seem to be like getting this right why because they were allowing fornication in the church Not so much as it's named among the gentiles and they were glorying it. They weren't doing anything about it So he's reproving them. He's rebuking them. They're not casting this guy out of the church Well, finally after that first letter The church of corinth is like, you know what? We should just like get right with god and cast this guy out And you know paul's right So what happens? They cast them out, but now they're going on the opposite side of the spectrum Because now the guy who was committing fornication He's getting right with god. He stopped fornicating. He's getting right with god, but now they still don't want to let them into the church Even though he got right with god So now paul has to come back and tell them like hey you guys are taking this a little too far A little too far you need to like get right and you need to allow him to come back and love him and confirm your Love towards him don't be bitter against him. So he's basically went from one opposite end to the other I mean that that's what they did, right? They're like no we're gonna keep him even though he's fornicating and then they're like, oh man This is bad cast him out and then he gets right and they're just like no he's not allowed to come back It's like you're going too extreme You don't have a balance So understand what's taking place here, right first corinthians dealing with the fornicator they cast them out second corinthians paul The apostle is trying to demolish him to allow a repentant brother to come back into the fold. Okay So let's read it again with that in mind verse eight For though I made you sorry with the letter I do not repent Let's break this down He says I made you sorry In other words, they felt bad Right and he's like I don't repent of that Oh, wait a minute though. I did repent Look at that For though I made you sorry with the letter. I do not repent though I Did repent? So the letter that was sent to them made them feel Sorry And in fact the bible says in verse 10 that that godly sorrow worketh worked repentance to salvation Now look folks if this is referring to eternal life, then this is weird Why because why is paul the apostle saying now I repent though that I gave you that letter Because if the letter moved them to repent for salvation Then we got an issue because paul the apostle literally said in verse number eight For though I made you sorry with the letter. I do not repent though. I did repent So paul are you saying that you're you're you feel bad that you like gave them this letter and they did They got they repented of their sin for salvation Right In other words according to their interpretation because they believe that salvation is referring to eternal life Well, the apostle paul feels bad that they got saved He's like man, why did I He's like jonah Right, he's like I was hoping you guys get destroyed Like I wrote that letter And I was like, yes, i'm gonna get them on this one and he sent it off He's like and then and then you know, he didn't repent but then afterwards he's like, oh man They're gonna get saved if they read that though They're gonna get they're gonna get eternal life if they read that though Crap, you know, it's just like what did I do? That's what it's saying according to their interpretation Because they received the letter they're like, oh man and then they're the whole church got saved And according to verse eight paul repented of that He's like stink. They all got saved now. I'm really gonna look like a big time like apostle now. I was trying to be humble here And like, you know not make it look like i'm doing too much Now it's really gonna look like i'm just like a superstar apostle like manly perry says And here's the thing if if that if it's talking about salvation then this is really weird Because he's saying that the whole church got saved So are you trying to tell me that the entire church of Corinth was not saved Then you got a problem because in first corinthians chapter one he addresses them as being saints So is he you know look at first corinthians one Paul verse one called to be an apostle of jesus christ through the will of god and sauced and he's our brother Unto the church of god, which is at Corinth to them that are sanctified in christ. Jesus called to be an apostle of jesus christ Which is at Corinth to them that are sanctified in christ. Jesus called to be saints With all the in every place call upon the name of the lord. Jesus Excuse me, the name of jesus christ our lord both theirs and ours. Oh, there goes that phrase again call upon the name of the lord So he's addressing saints He's addressing people who are calling upon the name of the lord But yet he regrets sending that letter because now he's going to get them saved for sure Can you can we explain it's like when people want to use want to say that baptism saves And then we see what what does paul the apostle say in second corinthians? He says Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel, right? I asked someone that the other day i'm like is baptism the gospel And he didn't say anything for a very long time He's like he repented at that point and he says well it's in the gospel It's in the gospel I said what did paul say that you know, uh, christ sent them not to baptize but to preach the gospel The implication being there that baptism is not the gospel How can baptism be in the gospel if the apostle paul is literally saying I didn't come to baptize I came to you to preach the gospel You know his conference should be like uh paul Baptism is in the gospel I'll tell you why because they're not the same thing. That's right But so according to them repenting of sin for salvation is necessary because of second corinthians seven Well, then paul the apostle is just a wicked person now, isn't he? Because he was so disheartened and angry over the fact that he sent the letter and it got them right it got them saved And according to them the whole church wasn't saved Verse 10 for godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation Not to be repented of now. Let me ask you a question can unsaved people have godly repentance How can an unsaved person be godly Because according to them again, it's referring to salvation It's referring to repenting ever since so can an unsaved person have any kind of Godliness, no and they can't Right because they don't have god So how can they have godly sorrow? That works them to repentance. It's not possible Why because they're natural men they receive not the things of the spirit of god neither can they know them for the spiritually discern He says in verse 10 for godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of i'll tell you what the real Interpretation of this verse is he sent them a letter He sent them a letter that made them feel bad for what they did. And what did they do? They repented Of their actions because they knew paul the apostles was going to come with a rod. That's why That's why and in fact verse 9 says this now I rejoice not that you're made sorry, but that you sorrow to repentance For ye were made sorry after a godly manner. Look what it says that ye might receive damage by us and nothing Nothing They're like before paul comes we need to make sure this guy comes back, you know, because uh, he's gonna damage us What does it mean to damage? He's coming with the rod Paul the apostle was on his way to chastise the church at corn to rebuke them for being so arrogant and prideful And unloving and not having compassion towards his brother who got right with god So what were they say from paul's wrath Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation and he says this not to be repented of So what he's saying he's like look godly sorrow work with repentance and don't turn back from this decision you're making here Don't repent of this decision Okay So but sorrow of the world worketh death verse 11 for behold the self same thing that you sorrowed after a godly sword What carefulness it wrought in you? Ye what clearing of yourselves? Ye what indignation isn't that interesting? One of the fruits of them repenting Is them clearing themselves wait a minute. I thought repenting was clearing yourself So how can they say oh, yeah you guys repented of all your sins, you know, you got saved and now you're clearing yourselves What do you mean? I already cleared myself in the first step I'll tell you why because this is not referring to repenting of your sins for salvation What carefulness it wrought in you what clearing of yourselves? Ye what indignation? Ye what fear? Ye what behemoth desire? Ye what zeal? Ye what revenge? In all things you have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter Wherefore though I wrote unto you I did it not for this cause that had done the wrong Nor for his cause that suffered wrong, but that our care for you in the sight of god might appear unto you go to matthew 27 That's not in context You're not interpreting that right you have to have godly sorrow you have to feel sorry for your sins Sorry, you have to feel sorry for your sin You have to be broken To come to the foot of the cross You have to hate your sin Well, let's look at an example of someone who did that Because there's examples of people that did that they felt bad for what they did Oh look here, let's talk about judas matthew 27 verse 1 When the morning was come all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against jesus to put him to death And when they had bound him they led him away and delivered him to ponchus pilot the governor Then judas which betrayed him when he saw that he was condemned. Look what it says. Oh that beautiful word repented himself And look and brought again the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders Dude, not only was this guy like felt bad for what he did He turned from he changed his actions The silver that he took he brought it back he's like take your 30 pieces of silver Saying I have sinned He's even acknowledging the fact that he's sinned I mean we got all the elements right here He feels bad. He's changing his course of action He's saying I have sinned and that I betrayed the innocent blood And they say what is that to us? Now here's a pretty clear example of someone who repented Yet judas iscariot is a set of perdition is burning roasting in hell today Judas is scared is burning in the lowest hell And you know judas iscariot represents all these wicked Damnedable heretics who believe you got to do the same exact thing to get right with god Isn't that interesting Is that all these wicked repent of your sins? Pastors out there who think you have to feel sorry for your sin You have to change your course of action. You have to say all these things you have to turn they're following the example of judas himself The example of judas himself isn't that interesting isn't that ironic? They're not following the example of the apostles right they're following the example of a false apostle judeus iscariot Because this is the only example you can point to of someone Who felt bad for what they did they changed their course of action. They said they were sinners And yet they're still he's roasting in hell today, that's right Doesn't the bible say ye are of your father the devil Doesn't the bible say that you know These these pharisees and these false prophets that compassion land to make One proselyte and when he is made to make them twofold more a child of hell to themselves You know what these false prophets are these repenting your sins of today. They're basically The generation of vipers they're basically descendants of judas right now because they're doing exactly what judas did They're preaching exactly what judas did as being a way of salvation Go to hebrews 12 hebrews 12 I'm going to read you from john 6 64 says but there are some of you that haven't repented of your sins Haven't repented of your sins No, but there are some of you that believe not For jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not And who should betray him? Well, even the devils believe Even the devils believe Well here he jesus said I know who doesn't believe and he's talking to people And more specifically he's referring to who judas is scary Look at hebrews 12 verse 26 Lest there be any fornicator profane person as esau who for a morsel of meat sold his birthright for you know how that afterward When he would have inherited the blessing he was rejected For he found no place of what repentance though. He sought it carefully with tears now, I believe esau was saved The point that i'm making is that even though this guy repented and he sought it carefully with tears He still didn't inherit the blessing right? So what's the point the point that i'm trying to make is this repentance? Biblical repentance is really based upon the context of whatever story you're reading But we know this for a fact that when it comes to salvation it does not require for you to cry It is not required for you to feel sorry for your sin It is not required for you to turn from your sin The repentance that is required is you Repenting of whatever you're trusting in to place your faith in jesus christ. Amen and look i've gone soul-wanting And met people Who were in tears when I got when I got them saved How many met people like that? just tears gratitude I love you I i'm gonna be at your church I'm gonna be i'm gonna be a member of your church. I'm i'm just i'm there bro. You just never see him again You just never see him again I've been saying for 14 years and i've seen that so many times my old my old pastor used to say the same thing He's he's to tell me bruce. If you ever have someone who tells you that Just mark it down. Just kiss him goodbye because you'll never see him again But i've met people Who are like a dial tone when you talk to them You guys know what a doubt this generation doesn't know what a dial tone is. You know what a dial tone is Okay Yeah, just like boo Like give them the gospel and they're just like yes No Yes No Do you believe in this? Yes You know and then you go through the whole plan of salvation They're just completely straight faced Have zero emotion whatsoever Would you like to get saved? Yes Can I assist you, you know, can I can I uh, basically assist you in telling god what you believe in your heart? Yes And they pray and guess what afterwards they say thank you so much for that that changed my life I'm really thankful for that I really appreciate that But you know that guy's more saved probably than some of the people who are just really emotional right I guarantee you And i'm not saying people who get emotion emotional they're not saved because obviously there's people who get emotional they definitely get saved Absolutely What i'm saying is this is that don't judge it based upon. Oh, yeah, that guy showed no emotion whatsoever He just kind of like whatever about it. He didn't really get saved. He needs to cry He needs to feel bad for his sin nuts to that You know god look at on the heart That's the time he needs to use that verse. Amen God looks upon the heart. He sees the repentance of the heart He sees the change of mind and the heart he sees him turning from what he believes in trust him for salvation trusting in christ in his heart That's why the bible says man believeth unto righteousness with what the heart He confessed with his mouth he believes in his heart For salvation it's with his heart. That's what god is concerned with And don't come up, you know, and the ridiculous thing is is that these people they think we're against repentance folks We preach repent of your sins all the time to god's people And I guarantee you these bunch of false prophets don't practice church discipline Because if they did they would have to kick themselves out Let's pray father we thank you so much for your word and thank you for your patience For your word and thank you lord that you gave us an opportunity to repent To change from what we were trusting in to believe on jesus christ and lord, I pray that you'd help us lord to to Clearly expound that into others lord and open the eyes of the lost lord to help them to realize that they don't need to be Perfect for salvation. They need the perfection of jesus christ that comes when we place our faith in him