(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Luke chapter 23 in verse 28. It says but Jesus turning unto them said daughters of Jerusalem Weep not for me But weep for yourselves and for your children for behold the days are coming into which they shall say Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bear and the paps which never gave suck Then shall they begin to say to the mountains fall on us and to the hills cover us For if they do these things in a green tree What shall be done in the dry and the title of sermon this morning is what shall be done in the dry What shall be done in the dry now? What is he referring to here? Well, let me just give you a bit of a background of what's taking place here in Luke chapter 23 Of course at this point Jesus Christ is about to be crucified. They have taken him to Pilate They're falsely accusing him of perverting the nation and the Jews are delivering him up to these people Pilate finds out that he's part of Herod's jurisdiction He goes to Herod Herod mocks him sends him back to Pilate. They continue to want him to be crucified What they end up doing is is Scourging him, but they the people are not content with that So what do they do they end up delivering him up to be crucified and to be sentenced to death now as he's walking Simon a serenian bears his cross and kind of helps him carry the cross with him and This is a very difficult time obviously for Jesus disciples they're seeing their Savior being mistreated just being falsely accused and he's being sent to go be crucified and what we see here look at verse number 27 it says in there followed him a great company of people and of women which also be wailed and Lamented him. What does that mean? In other words? They're crying. They're weeping They're sad that he's about to be crucified on the cross But verse 28 says but Jesus turning unto them said daughters Jerusalem weep not for me But weep for yourselves and for your children, so he's like this is not even that bad really You need to weep for yourself and for the future generations to come Why look what he says for behold the days are coming in the which they shall say Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bear and the paps which never gave suck man This is interesting because children in the Bible are a blessing of the Lord. Amen They are considered a blessing but yet he's saying here there's gonna come a time when people are gonna say That those who are blessed are those who don't have children those whose wombs Can never bear in the past which never gave suck they can breastfeed a child Okay, now by the way, this is not the sermon, but we're living in those days today Where today children are looked down upon having children are looked down upon, you know birth control is propagated in many churches Birth control is accepted by Christians not just by the culture But by Christians also and children are actually looked upon more as a curse than a blessing Okay, which is wicked Okay Why because children are a blessing of the Lord their heritage of the Lord and we should value children And verse 30 says then shall they begin to say to the mountains fallen us into the hills cover us now What is he talking about? well There's two schools of thought that we can really approach this with and one is he's referring to what's gonna take place In 70 AD when the Romans are gonna come and just completely decimate Jerusalem Okay, completely decimated and I believe he could be referring to that but more so than that I believe what he's referring to is end times Bible prophecy Because this is the same wording that we see in Revelation chapter 6 when the sixth seal is open the Sun and Moon are being darkened Jesus Christ comes and what do the people of the earth do they wail and they mourn and they even say that the mountains and Rock should fall upon them and cover them from the wrath of the Lamb. Okay, and then he says in verse 31 For if they do these things in a green tree What shall be done in the dry? So this is a riddle that he puts forth and what is he saying? What is he stating when he when he makes this parable when he delivers it when he tells this riddle He's basically saying this look if they're willing to do this when I'm here How much more they're gonna do when I'm not here because Jesus Christ is the green tree and He's saying the green tree is the obviously is the presence of Jesus and he goes look weep not this shouldn't surprise you if they're Willing to do this when the word was made flesh and dwelt among them and we beheld this glory as a little glory of the Only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth if they're willing to do that How much more are they willing to do when I'm not here? Now how do we know he's the green tree well go to Matthew Matthew chapter 10 if you would go to Matthew chapter 10. I'm gonna read you from a couple scriptures from Isaiah It says in Isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 and there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and Understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord This is a prophecy of Jesus Christ in chapter 53 It says who hath believed a report to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed for he shall grow up before him as a Tender plant, you know like that green tree and as a root out of the dry ground He hath no form nor comeliness when we shall see him. There is no beauty that we should desire him He is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him He was despised and we esteemed him not so what is this telling us? well, he's growing up as a plant as a tender plant and as a root out of dry ground But what he's telling us here is that when he comes he shall come into his own and his own will not receive him Right. He came into his own and his own received him not So in other words, it doesn't matter that Jesus Christ actually came in the flesh People who rejected him before he came in the flesh Rejected him when he came in the flesh and it will continue to reject them even after he leaves So his presence doesn't necessarily make a difference really the circumstance that God is there in the flesh does not necessarily make a difference And in fact people were there who believed on Jesus Christ before he came Right and they followed him when he came and followed him thereafter, but you know, there's people there like the Pharisees for example Who rejected Jesus Christ even before he came they rejected him when he came and they're still rejecting him even today In other words, the circumstance does not change. Okay, and What he's saying there is like if you think this is bad wait till I'm gone, you know, and it's true Why is that because if the world hates us we know that it hated him first, right? Look if you would at Matthew chapter 10 and verse 25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master the servant as his Lord if they have called the master of The house Beelzebub how much more Shall they call them of his house hold? So in other words what he's saying look if you think it's bad that they're calling me Beelzebub wait till you see what they call you You know, and by the way This is a good measuring stick for us to use to see if we are being Christlike if we are true disciples of Jesus If people hate us, I Thought we're supposed to be loved of the world. No, they're gonna call us worse than Beelzebub Beelzebub is the devil. Oh, I just want to get along with everyone. I want to kumbaya with everyone I want to be able to fellowship with everyone look though hand joining hand The wicked shall not be unpunished and the reality is is that if we are like Christ Eventually people are gonna hate us and they're gonna call us all kinds of names. They're gonna lie about us Why because yay all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution Well, I don't get persecution from the Mormons I don't get persecution from the Jehovah's Witnesses and yeah I don't even get I don't get persecution from anybody. That's because you're like a politician. That's why Because you just want to please everyone All right, but a Christian Shall not be above his master So this is proving that in spite of Jesus Christ being there in the flesh people would reject them that would hate him that would Crucify him the fact that he actually came didn't change anything and the same Pharisees Really are the same are the children of them that kill the prophets go to Matthew chapter 23 Matthew chapter 23 Matthew chapter 23 Because who are the ones that really deliver Jesus unto the Romans it was the Jews and in particular it was the Pharisees the adherence to Judaism, okay, and Here's one of their arguments look at verse 30 says and say if we had been in the days of our fathers This is the he's quoting the Pharisees here. We would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets So look and look look what Jesus says Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves that ye are the children of them to kill the prophets He said that you even recognize you are the offspring of the people who put the prophets to death That's what he's saying there, right? that's why John the Baptist calls them what a generation of vipers They were the generation that were generated by those who killed the prophets by the false teachers and false prophets of the Old Testament This is who they are verse 32 fill you up them the measure of your fathers. What is it saying? You're the same people whether I'm here in the flesh or not Nothing changes. Okay. Look at if you would at John chapter number 8 John chapter number 8 if you would John chapter 8 Hey, if they were willing to crucify the green tree, what shall be done in the dry, you know One application that we could get from this is that hey, it's not gonna get any better right We're not gonna Christian eyes the world That is a false doctrine. It's a false concept and it's an Unrealistic expectation and vision for Christians to think that we can evangelize and Christianize the entire world It's impossible. Why cuz the Bible tells us the evil men shall wax worse and worse Deceiving and being deceived. Our goal is not to Christianize the entire world Our goal is to go sowing witness people much people as we possibly can You know, our goal is not to Christianize politicians the White House You know and you know, it try to Christianize politics. That's not our goal. Our goal is to see people saved Well, aren't you concerned about politics the only kind of politics I'm concerned with is when Jesus Christ becomes a ruler of this world Right when the governor when the government is on his shoulders at that point then I care about who I vote for and In that point my vote doesn't even matter anymore because he's gonna be king whether I like it or not Right and obviously I'm gonna like it I hope to be one of his servants carrying out his will when he's on his earth Look at John chapter 8 verse 40, but now you seek to kill me a man that hath told you the truth Which I have heard of God that this did not Abraham ye do the deeds of your fathers They then say they to him we may not born a fornication. We have one father even God Jesus saith unto him if God were your father you would love me for I proceeded forth and came from God neither came I of myself But he sent me. So what is he saying here? He's basically stating You claim the year of God But you're not even listening to me and I'm God in the flesh You say what's the point you're trying to make pastor what I'm saying is this is that Circumstances in situation doesn't change a person Doesn't change them Whether the green tree is present or not. You are who you are. No matter where you go unless you make a purposeful change Unless you purposefully actually try to change who you are You're not going to change in spite of the green tree being there or whether it's not Okay, that's what I'm stating here under the perfect circumstances People will not change unless they put a purposeful effort to actually do so Look Adam and Eve had a perfect situation perfect environment. They still send Because people are who they are the presence of a perfect circumstance Situation or an environment doesn't always evoke the proper response of people, you know There's no concept of like oh, we just get the ghetto kids out of the ghetto, you know, they're just gonna be great people Hey, you could take the homeboy out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of the homeboy Unless the homeboy decides I'm not gonna be a homeboy anymore You are who you are no matter where you go well, I just if I could just live in this state If I can just have this job if I could just have this person I I can be who I need to be no You are who you are regardless of where you are regardless of who you're with and what you're doing Because you don't change the green tree does not determine if you change or not. It didn't determine for the for the Pharisees Now obviously there was people during those times that were not saved that when they saw the green tree they believed on Jesus Christ They saw the miracles and they heard the preaching they placed their faith on Christ and they got saved But you know the vast majority of them did not the vast majority of Israel rejected Jesus Christ They rejected the stone which the builders disallowed They didn't want Jesus and look this goes to show us right here Look if they're willing to do this in a green tree how much more when it's dry, right? We could apply this in this matter if they're if they rejected him for his first coming They're gonna reject him for his third coming as well You know when he comes and establishes his millennial reign and people think that the Jews are gonna be like oy vey Oy vey he's he's he's actually you know the king And then they're just gonna get saved like that. That's not how people get saved Well seeing is believing not in the Bible Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God If they're not willing if people are not willing to believe the Word of God they would not believe though one rose from the dead Though miracles were accomplished though. He comes in the flesh though He sets up his millennial reign and look news flash. There's gonna be people in the millennial reign that are not gonna get saved They're gonna be born. They're still gonna be sinners and they're still gonna reject Jesus Christ Why because the green tree being present then doesn't change the person? The situation the environment the circumstance does not change who you are You are who you are no matter what unless you decide I'm gonna change unless you have a paradigm shift, right? Well, you know, I don't know I think if I just have this perfect situation no, you know That's why I kind of like chuckle when people think you know, yeah, I'm gonna make it through the Great Tribulation I'm gonna be one of those guys and those martyrs and stuff. Well, can you make it to the fall program first? Can you be faithful to church first and then we'll talk about the tribulation later You know, you have all these high standards for yourself, you know, you see yourself so lofting such a godly Christian Well, I'm gonna be one of those guys and just you know do all that. Okay. Well, how are you doing now? Because who you are now is gonna be who you are then You know who you are now will be exactly who you are then unless you decide to change Because your circumstances look well if I start seeing the Antichrist, you know, and all these things taking place And you know that damn for sure gonna change you'd be the first one to go You probably the first one to die You probably the first one to try to get some food You'll be the first one who's trying to get off-grid Instead of going out there and preach the gospel Well, I'm gonna start soul winning during the Great Tribulation, you know, cuz that's that's all we're gonna be doing then If you're not so any now You're probably not gonna do it then Well, that's when I'm gonna really start reading the Bible and like study. Well, actually no you need to study end times Bible prophecy now So you're not walking through the Great Tribulation like okay. Wait, hold on a second. That's a yeah It's an image, but is that the image that like, you know No now What's going on, okay You know if thou hast run with the footman and they had wearied thee how can't thou contend with the horses That's what the Bible says I'm like one of those guys. It just goes I'm all in. Yeah, but hold on a second. So you think if You're running with footman if you're doing if you're struggling to do even that which is basic in the Christian life Basics such as church attendance basics such as Bible reading basis such basics such as soul winning and you're you're wearied How can you contend with the horses? If you can't keep up with the men, how are you gonna keep up with the horses? Now, let me give you a couple green trees Okay, because this is we got to apply this somehow and this is a great riddle that Jesus Christ puts forth It has a lot of truth to it You know if they're willing to do this in a green tree How should what shall they do in the dry and let me just say this is that most of us are already in the green tree You know what the problem is sometimes we're always looking for the grass that's greener on the other side you know But the the circumstance and situation Does not change who you are. You need to change That's what you need to do. Let me give you a couple green trees the green trees that people want Okay, now obviously the main green tree is Jesus Christ. Amen But we're gonna use this principle to apply it to different areas in our life now number one How about the green tree of more money? Right, I'm getting more green Right the green tree well if I could just make more money I just be so much happier Really? Now look the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 10 verse 19 go to Luke chapter 16 if you would Luke chapter 16 for the Paul Thank you Ecclesiastes 10 19 says a feast is made for laughter and wine maketh Mary, but money Answereth all things and to that I say amen What does that mean? It means money can buy? Necessities if you have health problems, guess what? What's the what's the answer to your health problems other than praying? Well, if you have money you can fix those health problems Magic Johnson because he's a stinking billionaire got rid of his HIV But because he has a grip of money You know, oh man, uh, you know, I need certain things Well, if you have money, that's the answer but you know, what the problem is is that people make money their master Instead of actually making money their servant Money is supposed to serve us. We're not supposed to serve money Look at Luke 16 verse 10. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful Also in much and he that is unjust in the least is Unjust also in much. What is this telling us? It's telling us that when you have the green tree of making X amount of dollars That's exactly the person you're gonna be when you have more than that So however much you spend today with the certain amount of money that you have Oh, I just need some more money. You're gonna spend that much more when you get that much more money Because it's who you are if You're unfaithful if you're unjust and at least you shall be unjust Also in much because the money or the amount of it does not matter. It's the person who you are It matters it's the character and the discipline and the perspective on finances that you have. That's what really changes Okay, if therefore verse 11 You have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon who will commit to your trust the true riches Oh, you know, I just if I could just win the lottery First of all, that's sinful Okay, that's presumptuous. That's sinful if I just win the lottery pastor I tied to this church You know if I if I could just you know I would tie that I buy the van do you guys want and you know, we get a new building and stuff. No Look, if you're not giving now You're probably not gonna give when you have millions of dollars Study every single person they have a book out there study the people who have actually won the lottery They they're either suicide they've been killed or they just went far more broke than they were when they before they even got the money Because they're the same people You put Millions of dollars into the hands of a person who already had a green tree and was not being a good steward of it You know what's gonna happen? They're gonna become drug addicts they're gonna spend their money frivolously and And They're gonna lose it within the next couple years if not year Why because they just they're the same person no matter how much money they have and look make money. Amen Get a raise. Amen Make money provide for your family. Enjoy life Look, he's giving this thing all things richly to enjoy the Bible says make money, but don't let money make you Don't let money determine whether you stay in this church or not. Oh, we're just not making it. I got to move to another state No, you need to move you Who you are? It's called living within your means Well, I'm just used to this, you know kind of living well, that's the problem then it's not the money It's you right if This is who you are during a green tree If it gets greener, it's not gonna help and get by the way, if it gets drier, it's not gonna help either All right, it's gonna just gonna get worse look at verse 12 Boy I'm sorry verse 11 for you if therefore you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon who will commit to your trust the true riches and If you have not been faithful in that which is another man's who shall give you that which is your own So this doesn't by the way, this is not teaching us to hoard money. I don't believe Christians should hoard money You know, let me just sit on this money tear down barns and build greater Let me just like save up for the rainy day you're like saving up for like the second Noah's flood And you're just saving up and saving up and saving up, you know I'm not against saving up but I am against sitting on something and just never using it because I've known people who saved up Tons of money for no particular reason. There's no goal in other words Like, you know if you're saving up because you have a goal like I'm trying to save up this amount because I want to buy this or whatever, you know for my family or for me and Or for pastor, I'm just kidding, you know, it's like I want to save this amount of money or whatever but some people just save just to save because they just don't want to spend and you wouldn't happens that person dies and They never even get to enjoy that money Or use it For God's kingdom. Amen because money is a tool to propagate the gospel. I've known people who are literally millionaires Who saved up millions and millions I personally know them millions of dollars and they died And you know what now everyone's fighting for the money. He didn't even get to use any of it Forget that Why don't we just use money as a tool? Okay to get things done to provide for our needs To be able to propagate the gospel So on and so forth go to Luke chapter 19 if you would Luke chapter 19 If Hey if you do these things in a green tree when you're making minimum minimum wage If you're undisciplined when you're making minimum wage, guess what? You're probably gonna be undisciplined later on as well Look at Luke 19 verse 20 and another came saying Lord behold Here is thy pound which I have kept laid up in a napkin For I fear thee because thou art in a steer man thou take us up that thou layest not down and reapest that thou didst not So and he saith unto him out of thine own mouth will I judge thee thou wicked servant Thou knewest that I was an austere man taken up that I laid not down and reaping that I did not So wherefore then gave us not thou my money into the bank that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury and he said unto them that stood by Take from him the pound and give it to him that hath ten pounds. What is he saying? Look you just sat on it You just sat on the pounds instead of actually investing it multiplying it and receiving eternal dividends Okay, and look some of you who are financially savvy, you know how to make some money don't be hoarders Make sure you use the wisdom of God to invest your money because here's the thing if you hoard your money It will go nowhere if you invest it in eternal things It's going somewhere and in fact the place where it's going it's going to be multiplying You want to be good investors. See the Bible doesn't teach us to waste our money. The Bible teaches us to invest it right Look at verse 31 for if they do these things are so I'm sorry verse 24 Verse 24 he said unto them that stood by take from him the pound and give it to him that hath ten pounds So what was the repercussion of this he took? That which he had bestowed upon this servant and gave it to someone else What happens if I'm not a good steward God can take from you that which you're not using and just give it to someone else It's called replacement theology He takes it from you and he just gives it to someone else Because he's looking for people who are good stewards of it And by the way, this is not just in regards to finances this for example the gospel You know where he removes a candlestick out of a church Why because they're not preaching the gospel and what does he do? He lights a candle somewhere else like Elmani Right because it's like well you guys aren't using it. Let me go ahead and put it right over here Give it to him to have ten pounds or in my case that has 200 pounds right at one point So look your bad situation about think about this Because everyone has a green tree your bad situation is someone else's green tree Think about that You know that the situation you always complain about you always worry about someone would like love to have that situation That's actually someone else's green tree So instead of whining and complaining and just like why can't we do this? And why don't I have this and you know? Why can't I have this kind of wife or this kind of husband or these type of children? You have someone else's green tree that they want You're a bad situation your bad circumstances is someone else's wishful situation Some other people are like man. I wish I had it like you I Wish I had this I wish I had that You know it's not the green tree It's the person who has the green tree and look we're not talking about asceticism here either Because what is asceticism? It's basically abstaining from any types of pleasures in life and to think that that's godliness, right? No, we want to live a modest life You know we wouldn't have an existence where we're providing for our family. We're not living luxuriously, but we can still enjoy life It's okay to have pie on November 10 You know I'm staying away from that now look if you have a lot of health issues, then yes stay away Okay, let you know unclean whatever you want to do You stay away, but look That doesn't mean that we can't enjoy that every once in a while Now look he that loveth wine and oil shall be a poor man So if you live like that and you love only wine and oil guess what you're not gonna be only a poor man You're gonna be a fat man Having these things in moderation is okay, and when we have them we enjoy them There's nothing wrong with going to lompoc and going to go eat at a restaurant for an hour and a half after or before soul winning Right that's a guts okay No, we should go soul winning. You know all throughout the entire time and just go preach the gospel I don't want to talk to anybody. I'm here to serve the Lord, then you go join the Hindus then And the Buddhist what they're you know ascetic lifestyle well, they don't want to enjoy anything else You know these are the holier-than-thou Christians No, I want to enjoy myself and look if we fellowship for two hours and a half amen Because fellowship is important the work is important, too We don't want to you know exclude one or the other, but they're both important But the bottom line is this is that we need to make sure that we're what's the principle here We need to be content with what we have Go to 1st Timothy chapter number six You know people think well more money Equals great gain More money more possessions whereas Jesus said that a man's life consists that none of the things which he possess it Consisted none of the things which he possesses Look at 1st Timothy 6 6 but godliness with contentment is great gain Why is godliness with contentment great gain because people who are content are not suffering? Thinking about the things that they want. You know why because they're already content. They're happy with what they have and People who constantly want things are not happy They're discontentment with what they have even if they were to get that which they want they won't be happy Because they'll want more Whereas the person who is content once he receives something a gift or whatever may be guess what they're grateful They're just like wow. I didn't even expect this. This is great. Thank you so much. I appreciate it That's why it's important. You don't spoil your children Just give them everything that they want because they're not gonna appreciate anything Godliness with contentment if you just help them to appreciate that which they have when they actually get something That's not it. You know in their itinerary. They're gonna be grateful, but you know that that's not the only thing we need godliness as well Because godliness because there's people out there in the world who are not Christians who are content But we need godliness with contentment, which is great game why this is godliness needed because godliness teaches us to have an eternal perspective and Understand the reason we're content with what we have now is because we're gonna get so much the more When we get to heaven, okay For we brought nothing into this world and it's certain that we can carry nothing out having food and raiment Let us therewith be content But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts Which draw men and destruction and perdition by the way food and raiment should keep us happy. Amen And look, how can food make you happy someone tell me how does food make you happy? When are you when are you happy when you have food? When you're hungry right To the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet But to the soul that constantly eats fast food McDonald's Pizza and all these things and that's the part, you know when they have pizza again, they're not gonna enjoy it. I Remember when I first started this little diet or whatever and I'm just like man, how can I sugar I love sugar This is my life You know, it's just like but when I abstained from it even the butter that I ate What? Personal testimony back there Even the butter was just Delicious you're like butter. I can have butter anytime I want Yeah, cuz you eat everything you want at all times Therefore you can enjoy specific things and look I've had sweet things like within recent days and I'm just like Like overload, it's just too much You know why because when you abstain from something and then once you have it even a minimal amount you actually appreciate it a little bit more You know salt tastes great to me meat tastes delicious It's just like man. This is great. But you know what if I had a diet of just McDonald's every single day first of all, I'd be like 700 pounds Secondly I wouldn't enjoy just the most basic meals You know That's why it's important that we are content with what we have and it helps our taste buds even like for example If you if you've ever fasted, for example How many I've ever fasted and then you're like maybe two days into it and you're like even the most Basic even nasty food. He's like man that even looks good Like I could I could just eat that you know or just bread you look at ready like I could that would fill me up you like dream of bread and You know, and so let's keep reading here it says in verse 9, but they which will be rich Fall into temptation and ensnare into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men and destruction and perdition For the love of money is the root of all evil. This is often misquoted as for you know, money is the root of all evil right But what the Bible says is that the love of money is the root of all evil Which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows But thou O man of God flee these things and follow after righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness skip down to verse 17 Yeah, are you saying that I can't be rich? well look there's people in this world that God is endowed with certain wisdom when it comes to finances and they're just gonna naturally make money and Amen to that. Amen But here's the instruction for those people look at verse 17 charge them There are rich in this world that they be not high minded nor trust in uncertain riches but in the living God who giveth us richly all things to enjoy that they Do good and that they be rich in good works ready to distribute willing to communicate So what is the same those who are rich? First and foremost you need to be rich in good works Prove your own self by being rich in good works as rich as you are financially You should be so much the more rich in your good works and he says ready to distribute distribute what the finances? Willing to communicate that's another way of saying to give verse 19 Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come that they may lay hold on eternal life Now this is not saying that if we give Financially that we are gonna have eternal life when it says that they may lay hold on eternal life. It's referring to their finances So if they invest their finances and eternal things what's gonna happen those? Resources will lay hold on eternal life. In other words, you're gonna see those finances one day in greater amounts Okay, go with me. What's the second Timothy? Second Timothy chapter 4 So what we're talking about we're talking about the green tree of finances. Hey Having more money is not gonna change your situation You need to change and adapt to whatever situation that you're in if you make less money now just live under your means and be happy Now if you're not happy with that then work hard get a promotion get a raise and stop being lazy. Amen But number two, how about the green tree of a perfect church? Right, by the way, you're in the green tree here Better say man, I'm just kidding Look bad church members in one church are typically bad church members in any church bottom line The church does not change who you are Well, I came from a non-denom church and all this stuff, you know, whoever you were at that church You're gonna be the same exact person here Well, I was in an old IV Church and this guy was such a heretic because he believed that the preacher relation rapture He's saved. Well, you know, he believes the preacher relation rapture And all these things were you a troublemaker there if you were you're probably a troublemaker here Because the church does not change who you are the green tree is Anywhere you could enjoy the green tree, but it's you who has to change Whether old I have beer new I have you now look if you're in a old I have be church and you're around this area I would say yeah, of course come to our church That's Like a no-brainer and like you believe like us your new I have be Absolutely. Now if you stay in that church that you know, you're still going to church and whatnot You're still doing what you're supposed to be doing. But what I'm saying is this is that Changing churches doesn't change anybody you have to change Now look if you're going to some non-denom church where they're like not preaching the right salvation They're allowing homos into the church They're doing all kinds of weird stuff they're backing up pedophiles and that's like the pastor's best buddy Yeah, that's not a green tree. That's a rotten tree That's a that's a tree plucked up by the roots Who's fruit wither it twice dead That candlestick has been removed long ago. Yeah, you need to leave that church. Okay, however You need to make sure that you change look if you were Uninvolved you didn't participate in your old church being in this church is not gonna help with that But look if you participated you were involved you got involved in the ministries at your old church That's probably who you're gonna be when you come here Because you carry you wherever you go It's not the church. It's you You know when I look my wife and I were out of old church, even when I stopped working on staff I was no longer working for the college. I was involved in my church I gave to my church. I sang in my church. I Showed up to church. I went sowing with my church if we had some sort of special event We were there if we had an activity we were there we were on board Why because wherever we go, it doesn't matter what church we are. It's us If I if I cease to be the pastor tomorrow, we went to some other church for whatever reason I would try to be the best church member there We would still be in church We would come Sunday morning Sunday night and midweek Bible study why because it's who we are. Oh You know, would you stop you know going so winning no, I would do so winning there like I would do it here I would study the Bible as Much there as I would here because I can't change who I am who I am. I take everywhere I go. Oh You know if I could just go to you know First works Baptist Church. I know things would be a lot different. No, would you be a lot different? Because that's what needs to change. Well, if I could just go to faithful word Baptist Church that that's what I that's the pastor I need no you need to change Well, if I could just say no if you could just change then things will be different oh You know, it's just California so scary, you know, like if I could just go to these one of these states Where they don't, you know, they're not pro vaccine and all these things, you know, I would be just fine No, it's not because California leads the way buddy You're only gonna you're only all you're doing is Minimizing the amount of time before that law gets there as well Did you know any other state in the United States as part of the United States? Right, oh I just if I could just be here in this location at this church I would be just so much more happy. No, if you're a miserable miser today, you're gonna be a miserable miser wherever you go Because it's you who needs to change And I'm not saying that you can't change people can change and if you're that person who came to our church because you thought well You know, the church is gonna make all the difference you can still change in fact after the sermon change In fact, come talk to me and I'll tell you change man. Just stop being that way Because the church doesn't change a person it changes the person if the person allows themself to be changed All the preaching over there so weak and watered down and fluffy and just cotton candy But then you come here and you get some hard preaching and you're still the same person. It's not the preaching. What is it? It's you you're here the word and not a doer, you know, what's gonna happen when you come here? Look I mentioned this in times past just remember that there's a honeymoon stage to everything He doesn't know what a honeymoon stages, you know when a couple first gets married It's just like I love you You love me and you guys are always you just enthralled with each other and it's but it's still like that, right? Yeah No, the honeymoon finishes doesn't mean you don't love your wife or your or your husband less means your love grows Right, but that kind of puppy love it's done It's immature. It's done right? But once it's done does that mean? Oh, man, we need a divorce. I don't feel the same way I used to feel you know, well each stuff a double-double With some grilled onions and you'll feel a lot better because we're not supposed to go according to our feelings Amen, but look there's a honeymoon stage even in church You know first words Then it's just like yeah, I don't feel like going to church tonight My hair hurts My nails hurt. I Just don't feel like it Well, that's funny because like when you first came you were so like pumped up about an independent fundamental new I have be preaching post-trib replacement theology homo-hating Church being here And all of a sudden you just got used to it You know what? It is. It's not the church. It's you You're In the green tree, but you know whether it gets greener or it gets drier you're not going to change unless you decide to change Okay Look at 2nd Timothy 4 10 For Demas hath forsaken me having loved this present world and is departed unto Thessalonica Cretans to Galatia Titus to Dalmatia. What is he saying here? Look, this is the Apostle Paul. Oh If I could just have this one leader That can be under kind of like the Apostle Paul well, obviously that even worked out for Demas Well, if I could just be in a church with this one type of pastor, I'll be so happy people in the New Testament forsook Paul In Corinth in Galatia. I mean think about this an apostle started that church That's pretty legit Because the signs of an apostle were wrought among them. They were able to see the miracles the Apostle Paul started I mean God has given them revelation of scripture right then and there And they still rejected him You know why because it doesn't matter if the if it's the Apostle Paul if it's pastor Bruce Mejia if it's anyone else it's you It's just you is what it is, okay Go to first corinthians chapter seven first corinthians chapter seven And Look this this this applies to the flip side of that Hey, if you're a faithful church member back in the day, whatever church you're at You're gonna be a faithful church member here, too If you participated in your old church, you were gonna participate in this church as well Even if we do things a little different, you know, maybe at your old church they had soul winning but maybe they had other things that you know, the parking ministry and nurseries and Sunday school class and teen activity and you know All these extra fluffy stuff that most churches have and you know, we don't have that here You're gonna find a way to assimilate to what we do have here and it's not like well If you guys don't do Sunday school with that where we can't get involved We do Sunday school No, it's gonna be like well if this is what you guys do then this is what I'm gonna do, too Because it's not the church. It's the person it's the mindset of the person Okay, whatever you do your old church is what you're gonna do here. This is the green tree You just got to see it that way. Okay? You know, what are you gonna do if this church disappears? If this is done in the green tree What shall be done in the dry if you're this type of Christian in a good church? I believe this is a good church. Amen What shall be done in the dry? You know, you got to think about that now, here's my next point how about the green tree of singleness Who you are as a single will be who you are when you get married If you're loud and boisterous young lady If you can't submit to your dad if Those are the characteristics that you have it's not gonna change once you get married Actually, I shouldn't even be telling you this. I should be telling your future husband that She's not gonna change. I believe I can change him. I Could believe I can change her No They will be the same exact person now look when when you're first courting or dating the person who's putting the best foot forward You know, they portray themselves as being the most godliest and just I love the Bible I read it ten hours a day and You know, yes father, you know Hello mother My son does that My son has been calling me father for some reason and I have no idea why We didn't teach him that but he for some reason calls me father. Okay? He's trying to impress someone in church He's like, you know, it's just like they put their best foot forward and they're trying to be just like this super godly Look, don't let it fool you. Okay There's nothing wrong with putting your best foot forward. Obviously. Okay, like brush your teeth and comb your hair and Act like you take a shower and stuff But here's the thing is whoever that person is before marriage. That's exactly what they're gonna be when they get married Hey, if he's a lazy good-for-nothing bum who can't hold down a job Who can't work who is just slothful and lazy he's not gonna change once he gets married He'll put this facade as though he did but once he gets married and the honeymoon's over back to the couch back to Xbox Back to Call of Duty Call of Duty they do to you exactly what it is, okay Because people don't change they are who they are before marriage and after marriage. Hey if she is very independent before marriage We're gonna step on some toes here. We're gonna step on some pedicures here if she's independent before marriage, she will be independent afterwards unless she makes a Conscientious decision to change that prior to marriage Hey, that's why if you are dating someone a woman who is working and you don't want her to work This is what you do. I'm gonna lose like half the church here. I'm just kidding You have her quit her job At least a month prior to getting married And say look, I'm gonna take care of you. I'm gonna provide for you. I promise you that Therefore you need to quit a month before Or whatever, you know before you get married Why because don't fall for this well, I'll quit as soon as we get married and Then what happens you're married is like you're stuck man. She's all psyched Still got my job. Ah, you don't believe it divorce It's true It's family time now, you know This Is the green tree of? Singleness. Well, I know I know she's just like this perfect woman and look every spouse should think that their spouse is perfect for them right and but here's the thing don't think they're perfect because they're beautiful or they're handsome or they're Muscular or whatever because guess what? There's something called age and it creeps up on you and You no longer look the way you used to look in your 20s and in your teens or whatever it changes Okay, and this is important because another aspect of this is like well, you know, I'm just you know I'm not happy right now. But once I get married, I'm gonna be happy. No, you're not You're gonna be as miserable in marriage as you are in singleness Now look, there's definitely benefits of marriage. I love marriage and I would hate to be single again Being single sucks I Like having me a wife All right I'm sure wives like having their husbands, but you know what? I was a happy man even as a single now I desire to be married But I was serving the Lord Well, if I could just get this wife I would serve God. No, you wouldn't you liar If I could just get this husband this pastor this guy who wants to be a pastor. I'd be so much happier No, you wouldn't you would destroy his ministry You would hinder him from being a pastor Don't try to change the person you change you If I could just get this I wish my wife was like That guy's wife No Don't look at the green tree over there. Why don't you plant fertilize and enjoy the green tree that you have now? You know don't covet which is sinful to covet some other person's spouse Well, you know, I I just got to keep dragging my wife or my husband along and you know He doesn't want to learn the Bible and I know so much more Bible than him Well to that man, I say hey you better stick in that start acting like a man and read your Bible more You better buckle up Don't let your wife know more Bible than you You better be leading that family spiritually, but to the wife I say enjoy that green tree Reverence that green tree Love that green tree. Don't look for someone else's green tree Okay Looking for a scren Theon 7 verse 6 But I speak by this part by permission and not of commandment for I would that all men were even as I myself But every man hath this proper gift of God one after this manner and another after that skip down to verse 32 But I would have you without carefulness he that is unmarried Careth for the things that belong to the Lord how he may please the Lord So what's the benefit of being single you get to serve the Lord more? You have more time in your hands to read more Bible do more soul winning serve God more be available throw out the trash vacuum in the church Be a blessing to others Verse 33, but he that is married cared for the things that are of the world how he may please his wife Let me say this the person in verse 32 once he gets married will become the person in verse 33 If he's caring for the things of this world, that means he has his priorities, right? Once he gets married his priorities are gonna continue to be right He's gonna care for the things of the world how they how he may please his wife and vice versa Marriage does not change a person You know you have to change and look there's things in marriage that as the years go by God uses your spouse to make you what you need to be Because it's a different person it's the opposite gender Women think differently than men like way different like way way way way way different You know and you need to learn how to live with that But it helps you But if you don't want to change You know don't look for another green tree because that's not that's not an option And look some people have gone for other green trees Ruined their life ruin their children by committing adultery Destroy the lives of their children and of their families and you know what you know what they wish I wish I would have just stuck with my tree Because I wasn't missing anything, okay Go to proverbs chapter 5 we're pretty much done I Was gonna go over the the story of Ruth because Ruth is a great example of this in the book of Ruth you have this Woman who is out gleaning the grapes or greening the corners of the field And she's just doing what she's supposed to be doing and her hat was to stumble upon This field and what happened Boaz saw her and he's like who's damsel is this? Hello, you know and he ends up marrying her, but you know what because she was who she was before she got married And she was who she was after marriage Okay Now in the subject of marriage We need to recognize that hey we need to take care of the green tree that we have and enjoy it Okay, don't covet other people's spouses This is obviously everyone knows this but we need to be reminded of basic things such as this Because that's a temptation if you're not careful You know where you look at you over accentuate the flaws of your spouse and Then it causes you to look for someone else Okay, not knowing that that person also has a bunch of flaws, too Okay, you need to make sure that you don't over accentuate the flaws you over accentuate the strengths and you appreciate that and Recognize that their strengths complement your weaknesses and vice versa, but let's go to the Bible look at Proverbs chapter 5 in verse 15 you Drink waters out of thine own cistern and running waters out of thine own well Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad and rivers of water in the streets Let them be only thine own and not strangers with thee let thy fountains be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth He's saying look you need to just be content right with your wife with your husband This is obviously talking about a wife but we wives can apply this to their husbands verse 19 Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe Let her breast satisfy thee at all times and be the ravished always with her love What does that mean when it says let her breast satisfy thee at all times and to be ravished always with her love? Well, obviously the breasts are in the chest area and when it says let her breast satisfy thee It actually defines it for us in verse number 20 and says and why I will thought my son be ravished with a strange woman and Embrace the bosom of a stranger. So what is he saying when he says let her breast satisfy thee at all times In other words, you should be satisfied with only embracing your wife Don't don't try to seek out the embracement of some stranger of some other woman Let your wives breasts let your wives bosom the embracement the hugging Let that satisfy you Okay For the ways of a manner before the eyes of the Lord and he pondereth all his goings His own iniquity shall take the wicked himself and he shall be holding with the cords of his sin He shall die without instruction and the greatness of his folly. He shall go astray. So what is this telling us? It's saying this. Hey, just be happy with the wife that you have Be content be happy with the wife that you have and the reason you're discontent is because you're allowing your eyes to wander somewhere else Where it's not supposed to be Be happy with your spouse be happy with that green tree, you know, don't seek another green tree Stay happy with the one that you have So what's the sermon today because I'm out of time the sermon is basically this you have a green tree But don't try or even if you're in you you think you're in the dry Don't think that looking for a green tree is going to change who you are Because the circumstance changes is no person It's you that needs to change So what's the application the application is this? Hey start working on changing If you're discontent if you're unhappy with your church with your spouse with your children with your job. Here's what you do. Don't move to another state Just change Just change. Let's pray father. We thank you so much for your word. Thank you so much for The green tree, which is Jesus Christ and thank you for the example the riddle that he gave showing us the the nature of man that Whether man's circumstances and situations change Then human beings don't unless we make a purposeful effort to do so And I pray God that you'd help us in all these areas if we're just content a certain area in our life whether it's the finances that we have or Maybe even the church that we'd recognize that it's us who needs to change our perspective our parrot We need to have a shift in our paradigm in order for us to change and we love you so much Lord And we thank you pray this things in Jesus name. Amen