(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And pray that we in the congregation be edified by the preaching and do you stay with Raymond? Amen, all right, we are in Exodus chapter 23 Look down at your Bibles at verse number one It says thou shalt not raise a false report Put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness verse number two says thou shall not follow a multitude To do evil neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to rest judgment And what I want to preach on this morning is this topic of the Wisconsin shooting from a biblical perspective the Wisconsin the Kenosha, Wisconsin shooting from a biblical Perspective now if you don't know what I'm referring to Let me just give you a brief overview Regarding the events that have transpired over the last week or so about a week or so You have a man by the name of Jacob Blake who is just this pedophile Who gets shot by the police because he's threatening, you know to pull out a knife then he's trying to go get his gun They shoot him they paralyze him which ends up sparking this mass protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin Well, the people there are on high alert They recognize that their businesses their homes their persons are in danger of these mobs because they're not peaceful protest Right. These are people who want to take advantage These are people who are opportunists who want to violate people and so these people these inhabitants of that area They decide to band together and protect their properties and protect the properties of others with assault rifles and so on and so forth You have this young man a 17 year old guy by the name of Kyle Rittenhouse Who was part of it wasn't part of the militia, but he was part of protecting the properties of the owners thereof And he's there simply protecting them. He has his rifle. He has a safety kit with them He's there just to simply protect that which belongs to others protect the innocent, right? Well, lo and behold you have one of the members of the mob attacking him He in self-defense basically shoots the guy and kills him. Okay, he shoots the man He kills him and even then he begins to call 9-1-1 Right to basically help the guy but the guy's already dead He then begins to realize that there is a major threat because the mob is Recognizing that he's shot this guy and he killed them and they begin to turn on him Which in turn causes him to run and to just get away from this mob Well, they begin to chase him and you see Just a multitude of people trying to hurt him acting like they're gonna punch him He loses his footing falls down a guy with the skateboard comes and tries to hit him in the back of the head Now, let me say this is that this guy is a cute. Okay, this guy knows what he's doing He falls to the ground and even though he's fallen to the ground He's able to keep his rifle and his mental composure the guy with the skateboard seeks to hit him He shoots him in the stomach and kills him Okay a Satanist it is good Folks self-defense is biblical Let me I'm not done yet a Satanist Rushes him pulls out a gun The young man is still on the ground points and shoots the guy in the arm blows his arm off Completely just disintegrates his muscles to the point where the guy's not able to let go of his gun Okay, and he was a Satanist. I mean you see pictures of him He has a scarf with the with the pentagram and Baphomet on there The guy's a Satanist by the way, all three of these individuals are all felons. The first guy who was killed, you know was a pedophile So basically, you know Kyle just basically took care of what what the government could not do He shoots the guy in the arm disarms him the guy's crying out for the police The 17 year old gets up he walks away he's going towards the sirens and he's trying to turn himself in Make a long story short. He turns himself in and is now facing listen to this He's facing first-degree murder along with other charges First-degree murder intentional homicide for defending himself Now, let me start off by saying that this kid is a hero folks He is a hero and should not be punished for defending himself against these wicked violent derelicts. Okay Now why are you say why are you preaching on this pastor? Are you preaching on this just because you want something exciting to preach about? No I'm preaching on this because it should be that when events like this take place in our Country in our state that the man of God should get up using the Word of God to tell the people of God What should be our perspective regarding this? It should be the people that Christians don't look to the media They don't look to the leftist liberal media or the news outlets to figure out what we believe We should go to the Bible, you know The Bible says that the house of God is the church which is the pillar and ground of truth And we should go to say what does the Bible say regarding this event that has taken place folks first-degree murder Is referring to the unlawful killing that is premeditated Okay, the Bible were actually refers to this as lying in weight and somehow They conclude that because he had an assault rifle He was planning on killing people You know, isn't that what they say? Oh, he had an assault rifle. Why does he have that assault rifle? Why does he have that gun? He's planning to kill people but I guarantee you they're not gonna hold that same standard to the Satanist Who had a gun? You know, it's funny I want to say that about a 17 year old who was literally defending himself But yet they don't want to say that about the Satanists who actually pulled out a gun on him Did that guy come with the intention to kill? Let me tell you why They are convicting Kyle of intentional homicide first-degree murder. I'll tell you why it's to placate the mob. That's why the only reason they are convicting him or they're trying to convict them of Homicide intentional homicide and first-degree murder is because they're afraid of the mob They're afraid of the evil multitude and what they're gonna do if they let them go free folks. Justice is blind Justice should be served doesn't matter what part of the of the side you're on whether you're a liberal whether you're Republican a Democrat doesn't matter Look down at your Bibles at Exodus chapter 23 verse number one Let's see what the Bible says about this thou shalt not raise a false report put not thine hand with the wicked to be an Unrighteous witness the Bible says verse 2 thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil Neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to rest judgment. What does that say? It's basically saying hey Don't pervert judgment by just capitulating to the mob You know, don't be an unrighteous witness. Don't give raise a false report Don't just go along with the evil multitude because you're afraid of them Don't decline after many only because you want to rest Judgment and let me say this this judgment that they're making that he is guilty of intentional homicide is a joke Why is it a joke because there's so much footage out there Showing the exact opposite. We're in 2020 folks. There's cameras everywhere You know the people with cameras on their phones, you know, there's security cameras everywhere You just can't get away with it And how are you gonna convict someone of a murder when you literally have the video of him running away disengaging the crowd Being assaulted and him defending himself It's nonsense. They're simply doing it to try to piece them up. Hey, look, there's nothing new under the Sun We see this throughout history folks. One of the most famous stories in the Bible of someone who did this is pilot Right where you have Barabbas who is guilty of murder in an insurrection Isn't that funny You know and what is pilot pilot wants to let Jesus go He's the innocent man, but what he doesn't instead is he capitulates to the desires of the mob? He declines to many to rest judgment that release Barabbas and then they convict the innocent person This is something that people do all the time pilot was just a weak leader who's afraid of the mob. Okay? Look don't appease the mob Don't go with the multitude to do evil punish the evildoers and there won't be any violent mobs or protests You know, the Bible says smite the corner and the simple will beware That's not only for the church and by the way that works for the church Does it not when a person is openly rebuked? They're openly corrected. They're openly just thrown out of the church You know other people in the church they beware They make sure that they dot their I's and cross their T's and walk uprightly Less the same should happen to them But I was a smite the scorner and the simple will beware The Bible says they that sin rebuke before all that others may fear these people become an example And you know what? It's great that he did this Because that tells other people who are tempted to go loot and violate people Maybe I shouldn't cuz I might get shot and killed I might die if I try to go violate someone I might die if I try to go join a multitude to do evil to loot and rob and pillage I'm something bad might happen to me. Yeah, exactly right. We got three examples of that from last week And I'm not mourning for those three guys evil wicked people pedophiles You know who sought to take a young man's life Okay, you know the Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 2121 and all the men of his city shall stone him with stones that he died They didn't have ar-15s in those days. Okay, that's stones, but I got the job done So shalt thou put evil away from among you and all Israel shall hear and what fear All Israel shall hear and fear You know what God's way to correct violence and those people who want to violate people they hear and fear Well, they got to hear the right thing They got to hear that people are actually standing up and defending themselves and this is biblical folks So let me just give you a couple things that we can learn from the events that have taken place and I'm for Kyle I think he's a hero. The guy is a stinking marksman The guy is very trained Okay, you know, I'm sure there's some who you know As soon as they fell to the ground they would have just left their ar-15 and just ran for the hills He kept his composure. He kept his mental composure. He kept his rifle The guy knows how to shoot obviously, you know, and people are trying to immortalize and make these guys who died heroes The first guy who died who's a pedophile who attacked him first They had they literally have him in a video prior to this and I'm quote saying shoot me nigga Shoot me nigga. Well, it looks like he got his wish This is what he said Well, that's exactly what happened to him. Okay Let me give you a couple things here that we can learn from these events that have taken place in Kenosha, Wisconsin Regarding the shooting there number one. Let's just keep in mind The reason I'm giving these points and these are points that you already know But we ought to use current events to reinforce the things that we already believe to prove that the Bible knows exactly what it's talking about Okay, it's not like well we're Christians that's not our arena we should just stay out of it things like that folks The Bible has everything that pertains to life and godliness The Bible should be the one that changes the way we think and if you feel offended by this sermon It's obvious that you don't know what the Bible says Well, I thought Christians are supposed to be pacifists, you know Just pacifist just let a guy come into my house and just rape my wife and kill my children And just let God sort them out doesn't work that way folks and that that's what you think It is then you have a war twisted view of the Bible Number one, what should we learn? We should never be hasty to shed blood Never be hasty to shed blood. Look folks life is precious according to the Bible Life is a precious thing and I guarantee you Kyle did not go out there hoping to kill someone as The media would like to portray it but you know who did was the evil multitude The evil multitude and in fact you one of the interviews with one of the guys that survived says, you know I wish I had killed the kid He wishes he would have killed him. Okay. These are people who are hasty to shed blood Go to promise chapter number one if you would promise chapter number one Let me read to you from Psalm 55 in verse 23 says but thou O God shall bring them down into the pit of destruction Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days But I will trust in thee a bloody and deceitful man is up is a violent person and let me just make myself very clear That the Bible teaches that self-defense and violence are two separate things You know, I know people say how could you have a gun? This is the Bible teach against violence Yeah, but it doesn't teach against self-defense Hello Violence means to violate someone it means to try to corrupt and pervert someone without their consent Right, it's just to come upon someone unawares Privately to take their life to rob them to vandalize their property. This is a violation Okay Psalm 11 5 says the Lord tried the righteous but the wicked in him that loveth violence his soul hateth There's a bunch of people out there who are protesting right now who God says I hate you Why because they love violence look at Proverbs chapter 1. Let's see if this Jives what we see today in 2020 verse 15 says my son Walk not down the way with them Refrain thy foot from their path for their feet run to evil the Bible says and make haste To shed blood look folks when you look at the videos, it's a group of people that are running to do evil He did he did it and everyone just rushes that person to kill them and look if Kyle wouldn't have had the ar-15. He would have ended up like the other guy who was not armed It was beaten to death and killed Right, but no one wants to talk about that For their feet run to evil and make haste to shed blood Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird and they lay wait for their own blood They lurk privately for their own lives. So are the ways of everyone that is greedy of Gain Which taketh away the life of the what owners there of? Make no mistake about these people who are looting who are rioting. They're willing to take your life in order to take your possession you know, I posted this this meme on my Instagram and It basically said, you know, the leftists will say, you know If you take someone's life who breaks into your house you value your things more than their life And then the response is so anyways, I started blasting You know and someone commented and said no just let them take your things, you know, their life is more precious Well, hold on a second first and foremost if someone breaks into my house and I kill them I kill them not for my things I kill them for my wife and my kids How do I know they're not gonna do something to my wife and kids second of all folks listen to what you're saying The person who's breaking into my house values my things more than their own life Right They obviously value my things More than their own life So why am I gonna value their life more than the lives of my children and my wife? It's ridiculous. It's hypocrisy. It's stupidity Okay So are the ways of everyone that is greedy of gain which taketh the way the life of the owners are of folks life is precious Go with me if you would to Deuteronomy Chapter 4 Deuteronomy chapter 4 So we should never be hasty to shed blood, you know, even when it comes to Being in the street or something and someone begins to try to violate you and try to fight you You know should be the response of the Christians just to run away Right and look, isn't that what Kyle did? He disengaged in Iran all the videos that I see him doing is him disengaging and running It's not until they catch up to him that he feels his life is in danger and he shoots them and he kills them End of story and look that should be our response Our response should be if someone's trying to jump me or fight me or try to violate me My response is I should run. I don't want to fight someone. This is what the Bible means by turning the other cheek But folks if they run faster than me Then obviously I can't keep running obviously at that point I need to do something to defend myself, okay But There's people out there that are hasty to shed blood they're hasty to shoot someone They're hasty to fight someone and that should not be the temperament of the Christian We should value life as much as possible and seek to stay away from those things as much as possible as well You know the Bible says he that hath no rule over his own spear is like a city that's broken down and without walls He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he that ruled the spear that he that taketh the city God Commends those and commends those that basically are able to have self-control, right? You know, we don't have this machismo mentality where we have to we feel we have to prove ourselves to everyone Oh, man, that guy looked at me all crooked-eyed, you know, he's mad dogging me and all these things. Let it go Let it go You know I don't want to kill anybody but folks if someone breaks into my house or someone's trying to beat up my wife out in the Street or do something to my children. It's on folks Or you're not valuing life. What are you talking about valuing the life of my children? Hello You don't value that person's life. I'm valuing the life of my wife What about your own life yeah, I value my life too My life has value folks. I'm preaching the Word of God I'm seeing people saved and you know what it's sanctioned by God to be able to defend yourself It's biblical and we'll see in just a bit. Don't be hasty to shed blood Why because when you're hasty to shed blood your blood shall be shed Okay But not only that what can we learn from this shooting? We learned that, you know, regardless if there's a multitude who's running to do evil They pay the price when they're hasty to shed blood, but not only that we need to define what murder really is Okay If you own a gun people are like hey thou shalt not kill It's like what in the world, you know cars kill people too, right? So it's like anytime you buy a vehicle to say hey man that shall not kill Yeah, but a but a gun is used as a weapon to shoot look I've known people I've had a gun for years and I've never had to shoot anybody People go their whole lives without killing people and still owning guns. Did you know that? But it's better to have a gun and not need it than to need it and not have it Okay, but they'll often come up and say hey thou shalt not kill Okay, so let's just use that all across the board for plants and animals and you know wicked people Let's just completely disregard the teaching of the death penalty in the Bible then, right? Because they define as kill is just the taking away of life for whatever reason Whereas the Bible actually sanctions the death penalty. Did you know that? You're in Deuteronomy 4 I'm gonna reach you from Exodus 21 verse 14 It says but if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbor to slay him with guile Thou shalt take him from mine altar that he may die Well, that means die spiritually. No, it means die like to take away his life Okay Why because he came presumptuously this is referred this what we know as premeditated Murder when someone comes to you with hatred They come to you with hatred with the intent to kill you The Bible says that person should be put to death according to the Bible Look at Deuteronomy 4 verse 13. It says verse number 4, excuse me Let me make sure I have the right verse here Deuteronomy chapter 4 I don't think I have the right verse here. Let me just read this to you. It says oil. I'm sorry verse 13 No still not the right verse. Sorry. It's in the Bible. Look it up. Okay? It Says and this is the case of the Slayer which shall flee thither that he may live who so killeth his neighbor Ignorantly whom he hated not in time past so, you know, there's times when people accidentally kill others You know, it's a freak accident. They didn't have an intention to kill that person. They did not hate that person It says as when a man goes into the wood with his neighbor to Hugh down to Hugh wood and his hand fetch fetch It the stroke with the axe to cut down the tree and the head slippeth from the health and lighteth upon his neighbor that he Die he shall flee unto one of those cities and live lest the avenger of the blood pursue the Slayer While his heart is hot and overtake him because the way is long and slay him Whereas he was not worthy of death in as much as he hated him not in time past So what is the teaching here the teaching here is this look? God in the Old Testament actually sanctioned the family member of the person who was slain to actually take the life of the person who? Took his family's life so if there is an actual person who had the intent to kill the third the person who Is supposed to lay hands on him and kill that person is the family's member the the person's family member Okay, but there was times when someone would kill someone not with the intent It was an accident, but that doesn't mean that their family member was not gonna be mad about right their heart would be hot They would want vengeance and so God created the system of the cities of refuge where the Slayer Can flee to to be protected from the person who wanted to kill him, but here's the thing if that individual Left the city of refuge for any reason okay, and the Slayer found him and killed him God says no blood shall be shed for the Slayer Because I commanded this person to stay away to stay in the city of refuge, and you know what the Slayer found him You know why because God understands God understands human emotion is what he understands He understands that this is this person's family member I made a way for you to be safe from this individual But if you choose to disobey the instructions that at that point I'm not gonna convict the Slayer for killing you Because of the fact that you disobey the instructions, okay? Go to Ecclesiastes chapter number three Murder folks look what we what you saw over this last week on Tuesday is what it was when it took place. It's not murder When someone is disengaging and running That's not considered murder, and I'm wondering if they would have convicted the Satanists for killing him No, they would have said oh, no self-defense Right well all of a sudden because the guy's white Because he has an ar-15 Because he's not part of the evil multitude all of a sudden. Oh, it's murder. Oh, so you're redefining. What murder is that? To fit your agenda and look they try to say this they try to say well. Yeah, he's a white supremacist Right, but here's the thing and this is a brown Hispanic Guatemalan saying this okay, if he's a white supremacist. He's still innocent Let's let's just imagine for a bit that guy's a white supremacist who hates my guts And he committed those things I still think he's innocent Why cuz justice is blind folks and the evidence speaks for itself? Okay, I don't care if he was white. I don't care if he was black. I don't care if he was brown folks Justice is blind. We need to make sure that when we look at the evidence. We don't come up with a false report an Unrighteous witness okay doesn't matter what color of skin they are and he's not a white supremacist by the way It's just something they want to cake on in order to make the kid look bad Now I'm hoping that he just gets a misdemeanor right for having a rifle. I'm hoping that's just all he gets If he gets charged for for for murder. I mean this is a really stupid country This country has lost its marvels With all of the of the evidence the footage and still convict them of murder first-degree murder This country has lost its intelligence Okay Which leads me into my third point you know what so what is murder murders when you premeditate to take someone's life When you hate them in times past you let you lay weight Privately in order to take the person's life, but folks when the Bible says thou shalt not kill That's actually what it's referring to it's not referring to killing someone in self-defense or because you're defending an innocent person who is Incapable of defending themselves which leads me to my third to my third point there is listen to me. There is a time to kill There is a time to kill now, it's not every time Look At the Ecclesiastes 3 verse 1 it says to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven a Time to be born and a time to die a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted look at this a time to kill and A time to heal a time to break down and a time to build up Well, you know you you're taking that verse out of con. That's not proper exegesis Folks it says what it says There is a time to kill and lest anyone should take my words out of context, I'm not referring to just any time There are specific times when God sanctions to defend your family to defend your property or you feel if you feel like your life is in Danger that is a time to kill Hey, how about this when the government should put those who are worthy of death to death. That's the time to kill You know, apparently the pedophile it was his time amen But people, you know and you have these pacifist Christians out there Who just want to completely disregard the Old Testament scriptures and this is what they'll say Oh, you guys always go to the Old Testament, you know to prove that you need a weapon and prove that you can defend people You know by killing someone else you always use the Old Testament scriptures, you know How come the New Testament doesn't say a whole lot about it? I'll tell you why This is why the New Testament doesn't say a whole lot about self-defense You know and taking someone's life because they are assaulting you I'll tell you why because God already spent an entire Old Testament telling you about it Problem solved Why is he gonna reiterate it in the New Testament he expects for you to already know Why is he gonna spend the New Testament which widely has to do with the local New Testament Church Soul-winning preaching the gospel folks. He's already covered that in the Old Testament So this is already common knowledge within the New Testament and look and Just in case you don't believe me or just in case you feel that's not true. Then Jesus himself said to buy a sword That's out of context we'll get into that just a bit He spent the Old Testament talking about these things so he doesn't need to reiterate it for you You need to get the Word of God Use both Old and New Testament all scriptures given by inspiration of God is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction and instruction in righteousness Look folks. The Bible is not just a spiritual book. It's a practical book on how to just live life Right how to have an earthly government how to govern people what type of laws to make what God sanctions and what he doesn't You think he's gonna reiterate all of that in the New Testament. He expects for you to already know he spent that much time To write it in the Old Testament. He doesn't need to reiterate in the New Testament, okay But there is a time to kill when well when protecting your family when protecting your friends Or even yourself, okay Protecting property is not only biblical. It's actually common sense. Go to Exodus chapter 22 Exodus chapter 22 Look God expects for us to just use common sense Right He's given us a brain. We should use it Right, and in fact some of the parables that he used in the New Testament shows the common sense that he wants us to have Let me read to you from Luke chapter 11 verse 21 when referring to your property Verse 21 says when a strong man armed Keepeth his palace his goods are in peace So what is the common sense teaching these trying to tell you hey when someone is keeping his household His goods and he's armed. He has a machete. He has a sword He has you know, some sort of weapon, you know, what his goods are gonna be in peace. Oh No, no, but that's just the parable. Yeah, but he's using a common sense parable to teach a spiritual truth And if the story or the principle that he's teaching here the actual, you know example that he's given has no validity Then he wouldn't have used it as a parable But When it's stronger than he shall come upon and we're overcoming Overcome him he take it from him all his armor wearing he trusted and divided his spoils He's saying look if you have a knife, but the guy comes at you with the gun. He's gonna take your stuff That's just what's gonna happen he's stronger than you We're gonna have you go Exodus, let's see here Hold your place there go to Nehemiah chapter 4 because I want you to see this we're gonna go to Nehemiah and Esther and obviously Nehemiah and Esther are not necessarily books that we would refer to as a Proof text of what we believe in this regard but because it coincides with everything else we see in the Bible we can use it Right. It's like basically it's like saying this, you know, we never want to use parables to prove our point We give clear statements of the Bible and parables reinforce our beliefs, right? Well in like manner what we're gonna look at here simply gonna reinforce What the rest of the Bible is already teaching look at Nehemiah chapter 4 verse 16 And it came to pass from the time forth that the half of my servants wrought in the work and the other half of them Held both the spears the shields and the bows and the haberghians and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah Now look are the people who are building the wall are these people soldiers? No, these are just common people Yeah, you should just leave the assault rifles and the guns and all this stuff You just leave it to to to the police and to the authorities. No according to the Bible. Everyone should have a weapon and Here we see that common people had spears shields both they had all manner of weapons to protect themselves verse 17 says they which build it on the wall and They that bear burdens with those that laid it Everyone with his with one of his hand wrought in the work and the other hand held a weapon So in one hand, you know, they got the hammer and the other hand they got the hammer You know these are common people and The point that I'm trying to make here is that the common man should have a weapon If you can afford it, I have a 9 millimeter, you know, it's a Smith & Wesson 9 millimeter It's not the most fancy gun, but it'll get the job done at close quarters Okay, I'm looking to expand my you know, my repertoire of Assault rifles and whatnot, but it's good for a person to have a weapon He said what if I can't afford it then get something that you can use Right a hammer a bat, you know, especially if you're married with kids It's important Look at Esther chapter 8 Esther chapter 8 Look I encourage everyone in our church to have a weapon and most people do in our in our church I encourage all of our people to have guns and most people in our church do hold your hand up if you have a weapon I'm not gonna say a gun. Just hold your hand if you have a weapon. Okay, it's good So YouTube sees it out there amen Well, that's California folks people think that because we're in California. We can't have there's a bunch of people out there who have guns You Know Legally or illegally. Let's just put it that way. Okay Look at Esther 811 wherein the king granted the Jews which were in every city to gather themselves together Look what it says and to stand for their life To destroy to slay to cause to perish all the power of the people in province that would assault them Both little ones and women and to take the spoil of them for a prey You said well, that's not right They're taking a spoil for prey, but here's the thing what he said previously whether you agree with that or not He's telling them hate protect your life Protect the lives of your little ones. This is a noble thing to do folks The cowardice thing to do is to allow people to violate your family That's the cowardice thing to do the cowardice thing to do is to have your wife assaulted and you just don't do anything about it You run Well, I'm running to get help You're you're a coward. You're weakling and if you don't have weapons, you better learn how to fight Okay Go to Exodus chapter 22 Let me read to you from Psalm 82 verse 1 it says God's standards in the congregation of the mighty He judges among the gods. How long will you judge unjustly and accept the persons of the wicked sealer? Defend the poor and the fatherless do justice to the afflicted and needy Deliver the poor and needy rid them out of the hand of the wicked What means deliver, you know, like win them to Christ deliver Well, actually it says here to rid them out of the hand of the wicked So God actually commands for us to protect those who cannot protect themselves Okay Psalm 94 you're in Exodus 22. We'll get there in just a bit Psalm 94 verse 15 I want to read these verses here It says but judgment shall return unto righteousness and all the upright in heart shall follow it Who will rise up for me against the evildoers or who will stand up for me against the workers of? Iniquity he says, you know God is looking for Heroic noble men to be able to stand up for others You know what? I mean to be able to defend people It's a noble thing to put yourself on the line to protect someone else's life Even sometimes at the cost of your own life Right, you know greater love hath no man than this that a man laid down his life For his friends. That's what Jesus said and obviously that's referring to him But that's practical all across the board if someone gave their life for you. You would say that person loved me To the they valued my life to the point that they're even willing to lose their own, right? I'm gonna skip some verses here Look at Exodus chapter 22 This is a familiar portion of Scripture that most of us know here Says in verse number one if a man shall steal an ox or a sheep and kill it or sell it He shall restore five oxen for an oxen for sheep for for sheep Look what it says in verse number two if a thief be found in breaking up and be smitten that he died There shall no blood be shed for him So, what is the teaching God is saying the narrator the one who wrote the Bible is saying look if a thief comes in And he's trying to steal and you smite him you slay him with the sword you beat him and you take the man's life away You're not held responsible for that person's life Now why is that? Well, look at verse number three if the son be risen upon him there shall be bloodshed for him for he should make full Restitution if you have nothing then he shall be sold for his theft look in other words What is basically insinuating here is that if a person comes in broad daylight? Trying and you see him taking your television or whatever your radio or whatever it is. You obviously know what his intent is Now even then it's still questionable in 2020 Is it not because some people come and they steal but they don't want to steal they want to rape They want to they want to kidnap We don't know what their intentions are but what he's saying here is that if you see him doing that Okay, you should not kill him. He should make full restitution. But folks we're living under a government. Well, they don't do that They can steal your stuff they go to jail for a couple days to get out and they do it again Happens all the time, right and the reason the person who kills the thief No blood shall be shed for him is because the insinuation there is that he comes at night And if a person breaks into your house at night You do not know what their intentions are And he can say while I was coming to steal he's like, well, I don't know that How do you know you're not coming to do something to violate my family? How do I know that you're not some Richard Ramirez? Right who would break into houses and just rape women and do all this manner of evil. We don't know that and That's why God says well you're in the right this person came in You had no idea what their intentions were and therefore you're justified in taking that person's life Okay, and I don't care what state you're in This is biblical all across the board Since the time of Moses up until today Doesn't matter what the Constitution says doesn't matter what the law says. This is what the Bible says Okay The Bible actually condemns those who choose not to deliver others. Did you know that go to Proverbs the book of Proverbs chapter 24? Proverbs chapter 24 Proverbs Chapter 24 and make no mistake about it folks. Someone breaks into my house You know, I walk into the living room and this person's in my house with the machete or something like that or some sort of knife I'm gonna cap him Why because I got a wife and kids I want my kids to live I Want my wife to live Even at the expense of if they take my life in the process, so be it As long as before he takes my life I take his and he's not able to take my wife for my kids life Okay You say man, I thought you want to live. Yeah, but you know what? I I love my wife my kids to the point I'm willing to give my life and you know what I have everlasting life. So it doesn't matter. Okay? You know live forever and I know that God will take care of my family You Know I remember one time when I was when we were living in the back house of my wife's family's house I had just gotten my gun because people were breaking in they were doing home invasions and These home invasions these people were pulling out knives and stabbing people inside their homes and I was like I need a gun Because if someone comes to try to do that, you know what I mean? Like I gotta handle business So I got a gun and then I remember my mother-in-law she of course my father-in-law is disabled at this time He's still disabled, but he wasn't at the house. He was still at the hospital and I remember it was around 1130 maybe midnight And my mother-in-law calls me and says there's a man who keeps knocking on the door By the way during this time they have it now They didn't have locks on their door so you can just like walk in for whatever reason It's just you know, but they they wised up and now they have locks but someone was knocking on the door and she answered the door and he was like, where's your husband and This individual was was helped by a church member and Basically, the church member said hey if you do some yard work right here in the back of the pastor's house You know, I'll give you some money or whatever and you know, he was just a real shady person and we told him like hey man, you gotta be careful who you like invite back here because you know They might be trying to survey the land here And sure enough he can you know, he ended up leaving and he ended up coming back and she's like he's like Where's your husband? And she's like, well, hold on. Let me go get him and she closed the door And she didn't know what to do. So she called her son-in-law and she's like, there's this guy out here It's the same guy from earlier You know, I don't know what his intentions are, but he keeps asking for my husband. Where's my husband? Where's my husband and I think he wants money And I was like, okay, I'll be right there. So I pulled out my 9 mil, you know, put on put on my slippers You know put on my bathrobe and you know and I loaded my gun cuz I don't know and look I have to protect my mother-in-law, too. I Have to protect her life too. So I went there and I asked her as a where's the eggs like he's out in front You know, he doesn't even know you're coming But just you know, so I opened the door and I stepped outside and he was on the sidewalk. His back was to me and I said hey And he turned around looked at me looked at my gun and said, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I even came I'm out of here and he took off You know, I'm sorry. No, he didn't take off. He just said I just wanted some money. I said you don't come at midnight You don't come knocking at someone's house at 1130 midnight asking for money first of all, you don't do that period right You know unless I know you or something But we don't know you You don't think it looks weird that you're coming to knock on her door to ask for money let alone at midnight and then you Tell the woman of the house, where's your husband? Suspicious, but you know what? He looked at me. He looked at my gun and say big mistake I'm not coming back here and he never came back One time by my brother-in-law my all my brother-in-laws are very big advocates of guns. They all have shotguns and guns and stuff like that and He was at church and he wasn't feeling well So he actually came home early and this is during the time of the home invasions We came home and he was just like I need to go lay down so he laid down for a little bit and he's someone Knocked on the door He went out and he heard like a lot of you know whispering Outside the door and he looked at the people and there was a group of men You know outside the door So he's like they're trying to do this home invasion and there is a vehicle that was running Still on with people inside there as well. So he went back and grabbed his gun And they knocked one more time and he just cocked his gun They heard it and they took off running. They got in their car. He came out. They saw the gun. They never came back But let's say I didn't have a gun Let's say he didn't have a gun. What would have they have done to him if he did not have the gun Folks, it's common sense Okay And I don't care what any Pacifist Christian says the Bible condemns those who do not protect the innocent look at Proverbs 24 verse 11 if thou forbear to deliver Them that are drawn unto death and those that are ready to be slain if thou say is behold we knew it not doth not he that ponder at the heart consider it and he that keepeth thy soul doth not he know it and Shall not he render to every man according to his works He said look if you are such a coward you're not willing to defend the innocent Don't you think God knows what your heart really is? Of course, you knew about it. God expects not just Christians. He expects men in general to be courageous That's a quality of man to be courageous to protect people to be to be the protector of the home of the city of our Neighborhood this is the quality that he wants us to have and he considers it a bad thing He considers it a cowardice type thing when they choose not to do he's saying don't you know that I know how you feel in Your heart don't you know that I know I'm considering your heart and knowing that you're lying about this whole thing Now go to Luke chapter 9 Luke chapter 9 Luke chapter number 9 They should let Kyle go free And be an example to everyone else and look folks if they let him go free a bunch of people are just gonna get Some boldness and say you know what this is right. We need to protect our property We need to protect our people and we need to have the guts to stand up to the evil mob. Okay? Here's one of my last points look owning a weapon for self-defense is biblical Okay, it is biblical to own a weapon. Look at Luke chapter 9 verse number 1 Let me say this it's biblical for Christians To own weapons Luke 9 verse 1 says then he called his 12 disciples together and gave them power and authority over all Devils and to cure diseases and he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick and he said unto them Take nothing for your journey Neither staves nor script neither bread neither money neither have two coats a piece now here We see that he says look when you go out, you don't need to stay. What is the statement? It's a stick It's not a walking stick It's a stick to protect themselves Because he's told not to take it it's like don't take the walking stick but go walking it doesn't make any sense This the insinuation here is that they did have staves before they did have some sort of stake Some sort of stick that they can protect themselves with from robbers from people who would grow violent towards them But he's telling them don't take it now. Why is that? Why did he tell him don't take a weapon when you go out because they had Jesus there That's why and even though Jesus wasn't present when they would go out into the cities Jesus was present on this earth So while Jesus was on this earth they had God's divine protection during that time because the work needed to be done, right? They had God's divine protection Jesus Christ was there providing for them and protecting them. This is why he told them don't have it now go to Luke chapter 22 Luke chapter 22 This is nearing the end where Jesus Christ is going to be crucified right he's gonna be taken from this world He's gonna fulfill prophecy by dying for the sins of the whole world look at verse 35 and He said unto them when I sent you without purse and script and shoes lacking anything and they said nothing He's saying look remember when I told you don't take anything Remember how I provided for your needs. I provided the financial needs. I provided the food I even provided protection because he's saying lacking anything if they would have like well protection God I mean, you know that robber they took they took my sandals or whatever You know Lacking anything they said nothing then said he unto them, but now he that hath the purse let him take it and Likewise his script he said now I'm gonna be taken You need to make sure you have some money with you because I'm not gonna be here with you I'm not gonna multiply the fish and the bread as a four-time, right? Well, we need to depend on the Lord. Yeah, but we also need to work to gain resources and finances That's what God told us to do, right? And he that hath no sword people hate this verse Pacifist Christians hate it. I feel like they if it was up to them when they get to heaven They want to say like why did you put that verse in the Bible? We ran into so much trouble with this Jesus said this and he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one Let me explain to you what it says in the Greek. Okay? The Greek there is if you don't have a sword sell your garment and buy a sword I'm pretty good in Greek, huh? Now why is he telling them that Why is he saying look if you don't have a sword you need to sell some of your possessions Because it's important to have a weapon on you Why is he saying that verse 37 for I say unto you that this is that this that is written must yet be accomplished in Me and he was reckoned among the transgressors for the things concerning me have an end He says I'm not always gonna be with you. I Can't always be there to protect you. So now you need to make sure that you at least have a sword with you folks Why would he say that? Why would he sanction the disciples to have a weapon if we're not supposed to have weapons? I mean people today are literally saying the exact opposite of What he is blatantly saying here in this passage of Scripture buy one Verse 38 they said Lord behold here are two swords You know when he says in moderation they do an excess And he said it's him it is enough, you know, you know, you don't need a third sword because you don't have a third arm Okay But he said it is enough He didn't say hey, well, we're not supposed to be violent What are you doing? We're not supposed to be killing people He's saying you need to buy a sword because the times gonna come when I'm not here and they're gonna come after you and you Have to defend yourself Okay, go to Matthew chapter 26 Matthew chapter 26 Now we don't use sorts today Right, maybe some of you still do. Oh, yeah. I forgot brother. John carries a sword with him like everywhere He goes it's that a Syrian in him, okay We Don't use swords like John does today Most people they buy a gun right they get some sort of weapon a shotgun an assault rifle handgun, whatever it may be Because that's the weapons that we use today look at Matthew 26 verse 50 says in Jesus sentence and friend wherefore art thou come Then came day and laid hands on Jesus and took him and behold one of them which were with Jesus stretch forth stretch out his Hand and drew his sword and struck a servant of the high priest and smote off his ear Then said Jesus unto him put up again the sword into his place for all they take the sword shall perish by the sword now The pacifist Christian will try to use this and say see there you go. That's supposed to have a sword by the way, I want to just know real quick that Peter is not trying to cut the guy's ear off He's not going for the ears you understand that He's like wait till I just slice off that ear You said what was he trying to do he was trying to decapitate the guy The guy ducked and sliced off his ear So what does that tell us that tells us that Peters crazy man? Okay, that guy was in it for the long haul He's I'm gonna take this guy's head off Now why did Jesus stop him because he doesn't want people to he doesn't want his disciples to defend themselves No, because he didn't want Peter to hinder or to stop what the scriptures, you know, the scriptures from being fulfilled Because Jesus was supposed to die He was supposed to be delivered. And in fact the sheep were supposed to scatter, right? Smite the Shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered the Bible says so he's not hindering him from defending himself He's trying to stop him in order for Jesus to fulfill Scripture and let me just tell you you're not Jesus a Lot of things that took place during Jesus time is like it was a unique time, right? There's a lot of things that he said and he did that wouldn't necessarily apply to us today Because of the fact that he had three and a half years to accomplish that what he set forth to do But it would be contradictory to say to tell them by a sword then he tells them what are you doing with the sword? Did I tell you to get that? I don't remember saying that He's stopping him because of the fact that he needs prophecy to be fulfilled he says thinkest thou verse 53 That I cannot now pray to my father and he shall presently give me more than 12 legions of angels. This is proof He says look, I don't need your sword I'm Jesus I can command Right 12 legions of angels and just completely decimate these guys and a twinkling of an eye if I wanted to I don't need you to protect me. That's what he's saying verse 54 But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled that thus it must be that's the proof there right there He's saying look don't try to defend me. I need to die for the sins of the people. Okay? I'm pretty much out of time, but let me go go to Psalm 144 Excuse me, Psalm 44 go to Psalm 44 And People will say yeah But you got to turn the other cheek turning the other cheek when it says if someone smites you on the cheek to turn the Other cheek smiting someone on the cheek is basically challenging them to a fight right And he's saying look don't just be this machista You know guy who needs to prove something if someone smites you on the cheek. First of all, you should have ducked Or parried right or backed away or something and then just get away from the fight. It's not worth it a Fight is different from taking someone's life. Okay? He's telling them, you know, you got bigger fish to fry You know, you should prove something to me by obeying my commandments and doing other things be a peacemaker Okay Here's my last point. Okay, and let me just reiterate what I said at the beginning Kyle is a hero He does not deserve the the you know, this first-degree murder charge. He does not deserve that He did this in self-defense just like any normal human being deserves if someone attacks them They have every God-given right to defend themselves To defend their family to defend their property and do the same thing that he did. Okay But ultimately, let me just remind us as Christians that ultimately the safety is not in the assault rifle It's not in the sword. Who's it in? It's in God Right horses are prepared against the day of battle, but let us not forget that safety is of the Lord Okay You know and it should be that we should pray that we would never get into an altercation Where someone's life has to be taken Even if it's some wicked person You know our job on this earth is not to take people's lives Even even in defending someone our job is to go preach the gospel now if we're put in that situation absolutely But we should not seek that opportunity so to speak we should not seek that situation We should do our best to avoid those situations as much as possible and look folks. That's why we should not be out at night Why because as the song goes the freaks come out at night Okay Look at Psalm 44 verse 6 through the verse 5 Excuse me through thee will we push down our enemies through thy name will we tread them under that rise up against us? For I will not trust in my bow Neither shall my sword save me. I mean this is who's this is David This guy's slain a lot of people and yet he himself is saying I'm not gonna trust in my bow I'm not gonna trust in my sword verse 7 But thou has saved us from our enemies and thou has put them to shame that hated us He's basically saying look and look David was trained with the bow He was trained with the sword But even then he said those aren't gonna be the things that I trust him I'm gonna trust in the Lord and then after the Lord, I'm gonna load my ar-15 I'm gonna load my gun cuz you gotta have both folks You can't say well, I'm just gonna trust on the Lord not own any weapon not trying to defend myself. That's not Incense God has given us a brain But we never want to take it to the extreme. Well, we only depend on the weapons that never depend on the Lord We should pray and say Lord, please protect my family and I today Please protect us when we go out soul winning protect us from the Rottweilers Protect us from the pit bulls protect us from wicked people who would want to rob us or cause us harm protect our church Smite those who would want to come to our church to harm us. May you smite them so that I don't have to smite them See what I'm saying? We need both But if we have to choose we choose the safety of the Lord. Amen. Hey free Kyle Let's bow our heads in our word of prayer father. We thank you so much For your word and thank you that it has everything that pertains to life and Godliness I pray Christians would wake up Lord and not allow their worldview to be molded by the news by the liberal media by News outlets Lord who can misconstrue the truth help us to go to the Word of God help us to look at the evidence the footage that which is already set forth and help us to look at it through the lens and the scope of the Bible and If anybody in here was offended by what I said, I prayed that their minds would be renewed That they would have their minds washed And not conform to this world, but renewed Transformed by the renewing of our minds Lord and I pray God that you'd I pray for Kyle I pray that Lord you would give him favor and that he would be released and That others would fear and in Jesus name we pray. Amen