(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen the part of the chapter we're gonna focus on this morning is found in verse number 10 where the Bible reads here and the angels said unto them fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people skip down to verse number 15 and it came to pass as the angels were gone away from them into heaven the shepherds said one to another let us now go even unto Bethlehem and see this great thing and see this thing excuse me which has come to pass which the Lord hath made known unto us and they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger and when they had seen it they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child and all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds in the title of my sermon this morning is how to spread good tidings how to spread good tidings in the part of the chapter that we're I'm actually focusing on here is when it says and when they had seen it they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child and you think about obviously Luke chapter 2 it's a very famous passage of Scripture and we would have related to this matter of Christmas right I hope you know in your family you would have the tradition in my family we have the tradition that on Christmas Day this is the chapter we read with fan with my family and it's just the time to reflect on the birth of Christ and and just you know the the traditions that we have as Christians but when we focus on the story I think it's very interesting to know that these shepherds these shepherds were the ones who actually spread abroad the birth of Christ right and in fact the Bible says that they spread abroad in Bethlehem so as soon as they got the good tidings from the angels they went out and spread it abroad to everyone else and I think that's a beautiful picture of when someone first gets saved and they receive the good tidings of great joy they get the gospel they get salvation what is the first thing that they want to do they want to go preach the gospel right they want to go tell others about Jesus Christ and I think that's a natural desire that every person wants to have especially if they're attached to a local church they want to learn how to get other people saved I mean I remember when I first got saved and July 22nd 2007 I remember the day that I got saved immediately after that I wanted to go and so and I wanted to learn how to preach the gospel why because I had family we're going to hell I have friends I had people who I love who I wanted to spread abroad the news and I didn't know exactly I didn't know the Romans road I know that I trusted Christ as my Savior okay and you know maybe my gospel presentation was a little sloppy at that time but because I was an independent Baptist Church where we learned soul winning we went out every week you know I ended up learning and I was able to spread abroad not just the gospel to my family and my friends but then to strangers as we went out knocked on doors and we went out preaching the gospel but I think that these shepherds are a good example to follow I think it's a good they're worthy to know that these men because they're in the right place at the right time they're taking care of their own business the angels came gave them the good tidings and what do they do they took the responsibility to go out and spread that abroad you know we as Christians we as a church ought to have that same goal okay look I'm thankful for church I'm thankful for fellowship I'm thankful for good doctrine I'm thankful for for El Mani here and and the fact you know we're gonna take pictures afterwards and tonight we're gonna we're gonna have a deserve fellowship I forgot to announce that we're having a deserve fellowship tonight so don't miss out on that okay but you know what why we're here because we want to get here to get equipped to go out and preach the gospel to see people save and you want not to be in our church for any length of time and not want to go out and preach the gospel that ought to be a goal that you have in your personal life that you personally become a soul winner to go out and preach it let me say this preach it right because there's a lot of churches out there then when they preach the gospel they're not preaching the right kind of gospel okay you got these these liberal churches with the repent of your sins and they're watered down have a relationship with God all these all this crap that gets no one saved and then they then they had this huge huge building with a bunch of people full of unregenerated Christians right that's not what we want we don't want to build a mega church here okay you know what we want to do we want to get people saved okay and yes we want to save people to come to church all right because that's a good thing all right so they can come get equipped learn learn the Bible and go out and preach the gospel but that's not what we want we don't want to just go out there and give some false doctrine no we want to know what we're talking about but obviously these guys knew what they're talking about you know as soon as they received it they went out and gave it out and that's why it's not hard to preach the gospel okay now throughout the years you're gonna learn better ways you're gonna sharpen yourself a lot more you're gonna be equipped we understand that but right off the bat you can get out there and do the work even if it's not necessarily the best way to do it but you can still preach the gospel and look the only reason you would is because you're just lazy okay you're lazy and look we all have reasons why we can't go out all right we all have reasons why we don't go out we all have reasons why we don't knock on doors oh yeah look Moses had a reason why he couldn't leave the children of Israel out of Egypt and God said where's Aaron you know it's just like he was just frustrated with him but let me say this you know God's not gonna tell you where's your brother he's gonna say no where you at you need to get out there and preach the gospel oh but you don't understand on my church who cares who cares then get into a church that preaches the gospel and teaches you how to do it and learn how to do it okay but they received a good tidings they wasted no time they jumped right in began preaching the gospel go with me if you're with to Romans chapter 10 we're gonna look at some familiar scriptures just by way of introduction Romans chapter number 10 and verse 13 I'm gonna read to you from Isaiah 52 in verse number 7 where the Bible reads how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publish its peace that bringeth good tidings of good that publish its salvation that saith unto Zion thy God reigneth and that is reiterated again in Romans chapter 10 verse 13 where the Bible says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe on in him in whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things look you don't need a manicure or a pedicure you just need to go preach the gospel to get some beautiful feet now don't look at your feet after you're done preaching the gospel especially if you do any kind of length of soul winning they're probably not gonna look their best right but God says man you got beautiful feet if you're out there preaching the gospel if you're out there giving good a good time and what is tidings it means news the good news of Jesus Christ that he died was buried and resurrected that he's the only way of salvation that's good news and that's the good news that we need to bring to a lost and dying world go to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 5 2nd Corinthians chapter number 5 I'm gonna read to you from Nahum 1 15 where the Bible reads behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publisheth peace Oh Judah keep thy solemn feast perform thy vows for the wicked shall no more pass through thee it is utterly cast off and you often see that when the Bible talks about good tidings it relates it to peace right good tidings of peace why is that because the Bible teaches us here in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 18 and all things are of God who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and have given to us the ministry of reconciliation see when we got saved we got peace with God we don't have the peace of God necessary you know we need to read the Bible and do all those things afterwards learn how to pray but the Bible says we have peace with God now we're reconciled to God and what does God expect of us when we get reconciled now we need to go reconcile someone else to the Lord right the Bible says in verse 19 to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation which is the King James Bible right amen go to Romans chapter 5 this is all introduction here look this is what Christmas is all about and you know last week we preached on cheap substitutes for Christmas I hope you're not celebrating Kwanzaa I hope you're not doing the los dia de los reyes okay I sure hope you're not doing Santa someone came out to me and say second clause not Santa Claus you know I hope you're not doing Hanukkah shame on you if you even recognize that you know when I go to when I go to in and out next time I'm bringing a sharpie and I'm just gonna sharpie how to cut Hanukkah nonsense fight Romans 5 one says therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God that's why it's a good tiding because now we have peace with God we're the sons of God okay now it's obvious that we as God's people need to learn how to preach the gospel right it's obvious that we the Bible commands us to it says you know going there for him preached the gospel to every creature and command after command after command that we need to be out there learning how to preach the gospel getting people saved go to 2nd Kings chapter number 7 2nd Kings chapter number 7 and look we have one up on those who supposedly believe in the gospel but they don't go out and preach the gospel churches that don't do the work right we have one up on them because we actually emphasize that here but you know it's dangerous and even in a church like we have here to emphasize this but not emphasize how to do it right and even when we emphasize how to do it sometimes every once in a while someone gets out out of kilter and they do it wrong okay and look there's two types of people that will do something like this we got our false prophet okay we got the false prophet who comes in here and tries to spread a bunch of false doctrine and once we find out about it we need to give them the boot and by the way you hear about that come let me know and nothing like that is going on okay well no there's no as far as I know okay now I have to service let me know and then Sunday night we'll do it but when the false prophets come in here spreading their garbage about repenting your sins and by the way if that's something that you believe you start believing right or get out that's just the bottom line okay why because this is not something this is not some hobby horse of our movement this is what the Bible teaches and the fact of the matter is if you don't preach the right gospel doesn't matter how you cover it up you're gonna send someone to hell and look you may look at us and say you guys are mean-spirited you guys are don't don't care about anybody you guys aren't humble but you know what it takes love to get some of the real gospel so they can go to heaven not to hell and we need to know what we're talking about when we're actually preaching the gospel so no false prophets allowed no homos no false prophets allowed okay but look that's not the problem that will come very often okay I'm sure everyone's look the Bible says that they will creep in and aware obviously right they are gonna come so we're not ignorant to think that that's never gonna happen we understand that that will that will happen we need to be vigilant and it's not like and look we're not the Baptist police where we're just gonna interrogate every single person to find out if you if you're a false prophet if you're a reprobate we're not gonna do that okay but look sometimes we as Christians can just get off kilter just just period okay whether it's sincerely or insincerely and and begin preaching the gospel in such a way that it's ineffective but not only ineffective it's not according to the Bible and at that point we need to correct it okay so how should we handle the good tidings okay like this is Christmas don't worry we're gonna get in the nice Christmas message tonight all right but this is a good Christmas message to write it's good tidings 2 Kings chapter 7 we're gonna look at an example here in the Old Testament in verse number 1 the Bible reads here then Elisha said hear ye the word of the Lord thus saith the Lord tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria then a Lord excuse me then a Lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God and said behold if the Lord would make windows in heaven might this thing be and he said behold thou shall see it with thine eyes but thou shall not eat thereof and there are four leprous men at the entering in of the gate and they said one to another why sit we here until we die if we say we will enter into the city then the famine is in the city and we shall die there and if we sit still here we die also now therefore come let us fall unto the host of the Syrians if they save us alive we shall live and if they kill us we shall but die and they arose up in the twilight to go into the camp of the Syrians and when they were come to the uttermost part of the camp of Syria behold there was no man there for the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots excuse me and a noise of horses even the noise of a great host and they said one to another lo the king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the Hittites and the kings of the Egyptians to come upon us wherefore they arose and fled in the twilight and left their tents and their horses and their asses even the camp as it was and fled for their life so this is an amazing story here okay what a great opportunity what we would call an open door right I mean these guys they're like we're gonna die anyways let's just go ahead and give it a shot you know if we go there they're gonna kill us and just put us put us out of our misery because we're lepers so what do we have to lose well because they took the risk to just do it they basically got to spoil okay and look at verse number eight and when these lepers came to the uttermost parts of the camp they went into one tent and did eat and drink and carried then silver and gold and raiment and went and hid it so they found all the all these treasures you know they got the the polos you know all the the what's a good brand I don't tell me someone tell me all the JC penny stuff Levi they still have Levi jeans man Levi jeans 501s whatever they found all the good stuff and they're like man we're loaded and what do they do they hit it and it came and came again and entered into another tent and carried then also and went and hit it so they were just I mean they're just going to each tent they're just like coming up you know verse 9 then they said one to another look what he says we do not well man he's like we do not well why this day is a day of good tidings and we hold our peace if we tear it till the morning light so mischief will come upon us now therefore come that we may go and tell the king's household so they came and called him to the port of the city and they told them saying we came to the camp of the Syrians and behold there was no man there neither voice of men but horses tied and asses tied and the tents as they were so on and so forth so we see these lepers they kind of come to themselves I mean they're enjoying what they're getting their spoils and one guy steps up and says look guys we do not well we're hiding this stuff and we're holding our peace we need to go spread this abroad you know we need Christians today to have that same attitude as that one nameless guy in the Bible and say look we're saved we got the gospel we got the right doctrine and if we're not out there we do not well we do not well to sit and stay at home on a Sunday stay at home on a Saturday stay at home throughout the week when you know the gospel but you're not getting it out there you do not well and look what the guys did right here they're hiding it look if our gospel be hit it's into them that are lost we need to get out there and look we have any we can come up with the best excuses is why we're not out so winning but your best excuse doesn't match up to the amount of people they're gonna die and go to hell because you're not going out there and telling them about the gospel we do not well but hey this guy got it right he says this day is the day of good tidings and we hold our peace if we tear it to the morning light some mischief will come upon us he says look better to just get out there what if what if we reap what we sow right and let me say this we as God's people we need to make sure that we take responsibility and make sure we do well and don't hide our light under a bushel don't hide the gospel from people get out there and do the work get out there and learn you said I don't know how to preach the gospel learn read the Bible memorize the scripture do whatever it takes but learn how to preach the gospel because let me say this each and every one of us we have unsafe people in our families what about them you have unsafe people in your family people are gonna die and go to hell and because of your laziness and your lack spirit they're gonna die and go there because you're not willing to learn and give them the gospel see that hits that hits more to home than the strangers across the street why don't you think about them but let me say this the people who are across the street they have family members too and they're waiting for someone obviously they're not gonna say it openly but like the Macedonian come over and help us we need to realize that okay and have a heart for lost people compassion to go out there and preach the gospel look I hope this breaks your heart I hope that you weep over these things I hope you weep over the fact that any one of your family members can die tonight and burn in hell forever let that sink in your ears if we're not out there we do not well we need to go we can't hold our peace we can't hide the treasure go with me if you would to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 4 these men were good examples of how we should preach the good tidings don't hide it don't hold your peace go out there and and and boldly open your mouth to proclaim the gospel the Bible says 2nd Corinthians chapter number 4 and verse number 4 the Bible says here but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the God of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them for we preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord and ourselves your servants for Jesus sake skip down to verse number 7 but we have this treasure wow just like the the lepers right we had this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us what is he saying look we're not like the lepers who had the treasures in the tents no we have it right here so we have no excuse every saved born-again Christian is able to preach the gospel sure someone can some people can preach it better than others some people have a better gospel presentation than others and look I haven't arrived I'm not yet apprehended I'm still learning why because I want to be a better soul winner but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be so arrogant and pompous to believe that I've arrived because I'm the one who's preaching that faith forward Baptist Church and I can't learn from anybody else no I want to glean wisdom from everybody because there's always someone who can do it a lot better but look even if I wasn't preaching here even if this wasn't my ministry and my church I still got there that treasure in an earthen vessel and it will still be my fault if I don't go out there and preach the gospel so what am I saying you go to go to second Samuel second Samuel what am I saying here look once we get the good tidings of glad tidings all right we need to go out there and spread that abroad okay and look 2017 was a great year I mean the latter end of it the middle is still rough okay a little stressful all right but the very end of it it was good but let me say this 2018 is a way is gonna be way better way better we're gonna see a lot more people saved we're gonna cover that map we're gonna preach the gospel we're gonna more people are gonna come to church more people are gonna get equipped more people we're gonna be a powerhouse of soul winning for Southern California we're taking it over okay and look we got a big vision here you say you got a small church but we got big vision we're gonna do something big you say well are you gonna build a church no I'm not no no building programs that's oh that's not what we're doing here you said what are you doing we want to preach the gospel that's way more important way more important because what if the building burns down that could happen you know but here's the thing they can't stop us because even if they listen let's just say they kill me okay first of all you did me a favor you just you just gave me a crown man okay just make it quick make it quick okay but here's the thing one thing about Christian history is that when you kill when they martyr a Christian the message spreads like that much faster so you're just gonna help us get the message out there so much so much the more well you know what we want to be as faithful or Baptist Church in Southern California we want to be you know there's there's churches that are known as a singing church as a singing church because everyone knows how to sing there okay I could give a crap if you know if you know how to look if you believe right and you sound like a crow trying to get to a screen door you know amen mark I'm just kidding mark does a good job he makes a joyful noise amen but we're not trying to be the singing church I want to be the soul in church the church to see people save but we as we got we have the good tidings of glad tidings of great joy we need to go out there and spread it abroad and have that as their motive look as 2018 rolls around you need to have a goal of what you want to do some of you know how to speak Spanish but you don't give the gospel in Spanish you know cuz XY and Z you got a you got an excuse why don't you start learning I mean we got the we got the Bibles back there we I pastor Jimenez preached the gospel in Spanish you can learn it that way we don't we look in the Danish where we live we have no excuse as to why not you know and look there's a bunch of Chinese people here and in El Monte I don't know how to speak Chinese full fully but I want to learn it's gonna take time right but here's the thing is we don't have an excuse as to why we can't get the gospel out there and you need to have a goal for this year this is where I want to be at the end of 2018 okay to be able to give the gospel see people safe on a weekly basis be faithful to so winning you know and look yeah I get it sometimes we get lazy just get lazy and and you get lazy you get lax and it's just like man I don't feel like going but look we need to get to a point in our Christian lives when we do what we're supposed to do not because we feel like doing it okay we're not babes in Christ now if you're a babe in Christ praise the Lord but you need to grow out of that and start doing things because you're supposed to do not because you feel like doing it okay so that's how we should handle the good tidings these guys did a good job you know they got the treasure they're like hiding it but then one guy said hey we're not doing well here we're just we're just kind of like it reminds me of the of the churches of today right they had their nice beautiful building they're saved they got a King James Bible they got all these things but what are they doing they're not doing well because they're not giving the glad tidings the good tidings to the rest of the people no as we're as we benefit from what we're learning as we benefit from the preaching from everything that's taking place we want to make sure we get it out okay so how should we not handle the good tidings all right and this is the crux of the message here second Samuel chapter 18 we're gonna look at another story here second Samuel chapter number 18 and verse 15 the Bible reads here and ten young men that bear Joab's armor come past about and smote Absalom and slew him and Joab blew the trumpet and the people returned from pursuing after Israel for Joab held back the people and they took Absalom and cast them into a great pit in the wood and laid a very great heap of stones upon him and all Israel fled everyone to his tent now Absalom in his lifetime had taken and reared up for himself a pillar which is in the Kings Dale for he said I have no son to keep my name in remembrance and he called the pillar after his own name and it is called unto this day Absalom's place then said Ahima as the son of Zadok let me now run and bear the king tidings now remember tidings is what news right how that the Lord hath avenged him of his enemies and Joab said unto him thou shall not bear tidings this day but thou shall bear tidings another day but this day thou shalt bear no tidings because the king's son is dead so what do we see here Ahima is just a messenger and obviously there's a big message that needs to be taken to the king and he wants to be the one in charge of that let me go run and let me go take care of it let me go tell him and job is like not today your time's not now okay some other time you can bear the tidings but not today all right verse 21 then said Joab to Cushai go tell the king what thou has seen and Cushai bowed himself unto Joab and ran then said Ahima as the son of Zadok yet again to Joab but howsoever let me I pray thee also run after Cushai and Joab said wherefore wilt thou run my son seeing that thou has no tidings ready so he's saying look look a guy comes back said please let me go let me go and do it he said what are you gonna go you don't you're not even ready verse 23 but howsoever said he let me run and he sent him a run then Ahima ran by the way of the plane and overran Cushai and David sat between the two gates and the watchman went up to the roof over the gate unto the wall and lifted up his eyes and looked and behold a man running alone and the watchman cried and told the king and the king said if he be alone there is tidings in his mouth and he came apace and drew near excuse me and the watchman saw another man running and the watchman called him to the porter and said behold another man running alone and the king said he also bringeth tidings so these guys are both running obviously these both look like they got news to tell the king recognizes this verse 27 in the watchman said me think if the running of the foremost is like the running of Ahima as the son of Zadok and the king said he is a good man and cometh with good tidings and Ahima's called and said unto the king all is well that's all he said all is well and he fell down to the earth upon his face before the king and said blessed be the Lord thy God which hath delivered up the men that lifted up their hand against my Lord the king now let me ask you something was that what he was supposed to tell him no I mean the first thing that comes out of his mouth is all is well verse 29 the king said is the young man Absalom safe and Ahima has answered when Joab sent the king's servant and me thy servant I saw a great tumult but I knew not what it was so he doesn't even know what he's talking about he gets there to the king all is well but he has no idea what he's talking about verse 30 and the king sent it to him turn aside stand here and turn and he turned aside and stood still so King David was like just stand over here just stand still right verse 31 and behold excuse me Cushai came and Cushai said tidings my Lord the king for the Lord hath avenged thee this day of all them that rose up against thee and the king sent unto Cushai is the young man Absalom safe and Cushai answered the enemies of my Lord the king and all that rise against thee to do the hurt be as that young man is what he's saying he's dead but he obviously he has some discretion when he was saying it right he goes basically just as I said how the the enemies of your enemies have died your son's basically the same you know verse 33 and the king was moved was much moved and went up to that chamber over the gate and wept and as he went thus he said oh my son Absalom my son my son Absalom would God I had died for thee oh Absalom my son my son so here you see there's two messengers okay there were there were given the responsibility one took it upon himself really to go out and give these tidings to the king that the king's son had died okay that was the message that he was supposed to bring to him because though David was concerned about winning the war he was far more concerned about the the the the state of his son he wanted to know if his son had died okay and two guys here Ahimaaz and Cushai were the ones coming to bear the king these tidings but guess what one knew what he was doing and the other one did it okay one knew exactly what to say and how to say it and the other one didn't okay and here's the thing we're gonna relate this to preaching the gospel all right it's a soul winning right now and I'm pretty sure you could as you read the story you see some correlations to preach in the gospel but we see that Ahimaaz did not do it right that's why he stood aside and stood still so even though he got there before Cushai did even though he outran him even though he got there and even though he had a sincere heart he wanted to do it he didn't do it right Cushai yeah maybe he was jogging I don't know got there a little late or maybe just on time but he gave the message right told him that his son had died told him everything that he needed to hear and he got the message across Ahimaaz did not always say about Ahimaaz got there first it doesn't even matter if he got there first because he didn't even get the message right look how many times have you been out preaching the gospel or no excuse me not even preaching the gospel maybe you're just like on a Sunday morning running to the store to go get something before you go to church and who do you see out there walking Jehovah's Witnesses I mean they're out there early sometimes I'm like man I mean I'm all for preaching the gospel but let's like do it in the afternoons when people are at least awake you know what I mean but they're out there early and we can say well look at them they got passion they got zeal they're out there early yeah but they're not even giving it right it's a wrong message so you can get there as fast as you want to get you can be as sincere as you want to be and let me say that there's probably some Jehovah's Witnesses that are sincere they're actually think that they're doing right but they're sincerely wrong you're damning people to hell we understand that oh but they're early that doesn't matter Ahimaaz was there early but guess what he wasn't giving the right message so we're gonna relate that to giving good tidings here as far as the gospel is concerned now look at verse 22 you pop in this um cough drop one of my fears when I pop in the cough drop is when I'm preaching hard it might just fly out yeah thanks Chad poke someone's eye or something so what was the problem with Ahimaaz we're gonna go through through this these chapters right here and we're almost finished well first of all we can say this this is how you don't do it first of all Ahimaaz was not ready just wasn't ready look at verse 22 then said Ahimaaz the son of Zadok yet again to Joab but who so ever let me I pray thee also run after Cushai and Joab said wherefore would thou run my son seeing thou hast not no tidings ready he's like you're not even ready you don't even know what you're gonna go say he's wanted to go do it see Ahimaaz's problem was that he wasn't prepared okay and a very important element of preaching the gospel is that you need to be ready you need to be prepared you need to know what you're doing this is not we're not track dropping we're not door we're not doing the door hangers you don't need preparation for that I mean what do you gotta do you just gotta just put it on the door right I mean I don't gotta deal with anybody right but that's not preaching the gospel we're actually preaching the gospel and so it requires what preparation go to Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter number 1 I'm gonna read to you from 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 15 says but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man this asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear so the Bible tells us that to an extent yes look we have so many times at our church right we have like five so many times right now we're looking to increase them 2018 but we have a lot of so many times and so why do we have that so you can have a designated time when you can come out and preach the gospel so you can have a scheduled time to do it and that's good and every church needs to do that we're always gonna do that but let me say this you also ought to be ready to preach the gospel even outside of those times because opportunities will present themselves you know at your job with your family maybe today when you go hang out with your family for Christmas you're gonna have an opportunity to preach the gospel you ought to be ready for that so it's not just during the so many times the so many times is like the training right so then when you're outside of those times you're ready to preach the gospel you're ready to give an answer okay to everyone that asks you of the of the hope that is in you now look at Romans 1 verse 14 says I am a debtor both to the Greeks and to the barbarians both to the wise and to the unwise so as much as as in me is I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also Paul said I'm ready and look what I mean by being ready let's just talk about practically speaking okay when you come to come when you come solely come with the ready mind with the right attitude okay let me say this don't be a grump you're gonna fight with your wife mmm before church or something like that get it right before you go so many all right we're gonna go so many we're just gonna go do this and and then you're like just mean-spirited let me be mean-spirited when I'm here okay but we're all given the gospel you ought to be kind and nice to everyone don't be a jerk okay there's some jerks out there to be honest with you just mean just like you're just like just a jerk it's the other way to put it you need to be kind the boxes with meekness you know and when you make this is basically you're coming to them humbly because here's the thing and look pastor Anderson preached a great message on giving the gospel just tips on helping people so in last week I took notes and we're gonna go over that for so many today I think it's important you need to be nice don't be a jerk okay because we're not there to argue with them you know and look yes we're looking to prove them wrong but with the motive of helping them to believe right right so it's not like don't and here's the thing sometimes people look to prove people wrong so they have a story to tell when they come back yeah yeah I ran into this one guy and there's just like didn't get saved or anything but yeah you're cool that's pretty cool man right on you know no not right on okay you need to be kind to them you need to be meek and look you need to learn how to be meek if you don't know if you're if you're just naturally a jerk then you need to learn how not to be a jerk when you're out so many look and unfortunately the liberal churches have taken this concept and just to the extreme but you need to be loving yes loving okay and look why are we going out there anyways right because we love lost people and we want them to be saved now I mentioned this before you know so I think sometimes people don't want to be too nice because they're afraid they're gonna run into some faggot you know and it's just like you know that happens but not very often now it happened to me like two weeks ago who was I with I was with David like I flat-out said I'm a queer I just threw up my hands and I walked away I was like I'll report you you know but that's not everything that's not every door okay that's just something every once in a while now that's fun to talk about right there okay but the main thing we need to be talking about the people we see saved you know and look meekness with humility going to them humbly you know we want them to be saved we want them to go to heaven okay but be ready come with the right answer bring your Bible bring your Bible and look use your Bible right that's a that's a novel concept use it okay use your Bible when you're out there now look memorize scripture if you don't use your Bible it should be because you've already have the scriptures memorized okay and there's times when I use my Bible there's times when I just use my memory but I know the verses and I know verses outside of the Romans Road okay I can go through the whole gospel presentation without using my Bible but sometimes I do use my Bible so I can show them but you need to be ready with something okay and look don't just give the gospel don't don't just give the points of the Romans Road give them the verses don't do this this crap where it's just like you know you're just giving them the concepts but you're not giving them the verses you're not sharing with them what the Word of God says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God our wisdom doesn't win anybody to the Lord we need to make sure that we're given and look if you don't have the verses memorized then yes you do need the Bible and look there's nothing shameful about that okay get up get a New Testament from back there it can help you it has the steps right there it's marked for you I mean it does pretty much everything other than preach the gospel for you open that thing up follow the steps walk through it if you don't know the verses by memory you have it right there read it to them show it to them but be prepared don't be just careless of how you preaching the gospel you need to make sure you know what you're doing be ready it's not like okay you're a sinner you understand okay yeah you know hell okay yeah Jesus you believe Jesus okay let's pray real quick that's a crappy way of giving the gospel and that will never be popular that will never gain momentum in this church and if you do something like that you need to repent get it right admit that you're wrong and do it right because that's not gonna be tolerated here we're talking about souls here and look we're not looking to artificially inflate the numbers of our church look we're gonna see numbers why cuz we're preaching the right gospel we're using the right Bible we're using the right methods and when you use the right things you will get the right numbers you'll get a lot we're gonna see a lot of people safe we don't need you to artificially inflate the numbers just you could come back and say well I got this many saved look I want to see hundreds saved yay thousands but I want to do it the right way not the wrong way there is a church in the Los Angeles area who's notorious for this we call them the one two three prayer after me now the the Calvinists and all these theologian you know theological idiots would call us that which I could care less what they say you know but these guys are the one two three prayer after me guys I mean their car salesmanship their car salesman is what I'm saying they'll go up and they're like you believe this believe this believe it and it's alright but just pray you know and they have this method and I don't believe any of them and they do it for the sake of numbers because they want to say well we got a hundred saved today and my old church we have people who came from that church and they would tell us all the horror stories of that church they would say that they would read they would baptize the people the same person like five times just so they can say just so they can say that they got that many baptized I mean they have bus ministry problem number one right and then this bus ministry they would they would literally they would the pastor would say you can't come unless you have this many you know and if you didn't get this many safe you need to go back out and get them saved or figure something out I mean this weird stuff all for the sake of numbers but we don't need to do all that to have big numbers we're doing just fine just doing it right doing it the right way okay and look there's times when I come back from soul winning and how many people do I see saved one one but I'm not gonna come here you're ashamed what does it Alex when six people and I come back and I win one I'm like oh man I'm like the pastor here I'm only winning like one you know just kidding I meant one plus ten I forgot to mention those other ten why you want I'm gonna do I'm gonna rejoice over the six he won and be thankful I was able to lead one look when it comes to Sony you just have your ebb and flows there's ebb and flows to Sony some weeks you see zero some weeks you see three some weeks you see one some weeks you see nine it just all depends but look just because you've been seeing zero for weeks on end doesn't mean it gives you an excuse to do it the wrong way you need to do it the right way and be ready to give the gospel don't do this sloppy presentation of the gospel now I know the some churches in our movement they've been struggling with this thing of calling upon the name of the Lord you know which you're retarded I mean I don't even know how you like who came up with like not having to call upon the name of the Lord oh the devil that's right sorry I just but that's that's not necessary issue we have here but look we will have issues here one of the issues right now is just you need to be thorough you need to use the Bible you need to be ready don't come here saying you have all kinds of people saved and then like you didn't even give a clear presentation of the gospel that's shameful okay be ready to preach the gospel at all times you're in second Sam in chapter 18 what I must hasten verse 23 but not only that he cut corners so he wasn't ready but he cut corners the Bible says in verse 23 but howsoever said he let me run and he said unto him run then a high mass ran by the way of the plane and overran Cushai so he the reason he outran Cushai is because he ran the way of the plane basically he took a shortcut is what we would say that's why he got there before Cushai so we would say in our modern vernacular he cut corners and one thing you don't want to do when you're out preaching the gospel is cut corners okay and then temptation is like look you're in our church all kinds of people seeing people save and you come up with no fruit and it's just like man I just want to see one at least one person and then what do you want to you want to cut corners in order to see that one person safe don't do it have some integrity I'll share that illustration just a bit let me reach you for 1st Thessalonians 2 7 says but we were gentle among you even as a nurse cherishes their children so being affectionately desires of you we were willing to have imparted unto you not the gospel of God only but also our own souls because you were dear unto us for you remember brethren our labor in travail for laboring night and day because we would not be chargeable unto any of you we preach unto you the gospel of God look don't just breeze over the message you need to get them to understand and after a while you you understand how to do because as you're talking to someone and they're just being kind of saying uh-huh but they're kind of just like looking around you know you know they're just like oh yeah I'll call you yeah and they're like doing something else okay they're probably not paying attention to what you're talking about okay you need to gauge that their attention span okay and I'm not saying they need to be in tears I've had people who like break down crying when I give them the gospel that's not every time I preach the gospel you know but you need to gauge how they're paying attention and don't just cut corners and say well let's just pray real quick let's just pray you believe okay let's pray don't do that no you need to be make sure you're thorough and when I say thorough I don't mean starting Genesis and then in Revelation I know people who do that I mean they like too thorough all right what I mean thorough is when I say thorough is giving them the verses and making sure that they understand what you're talking about okay go to your seconds to go back to second Sam in chapter 18 we'll read to you from another verse in Luke 24 this doesn't have to do with the gospel this does have to do with explaining the Word of God Jesus reprimanding the disciples in the world she may have says said this old fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken and beginning of Moses and all the prophets he expounded on to them in the scriptures the things concerning himself he was very thorough okay and obviously when we preach the gospel we don't need to be so thorough to the point where we confuse the person we need to have some simplicity when we're speaking to them but we do need to make sure that they understand what we're talking about okay but not only that we see that he left out details so a high mass had a lot of problems he wasn't ready by the way don't name your kid a high mass he wasn't ready he cut corners and he left out the details second Samuel 18 28 says and a high mass called and sent him to the king Paul as well and he fell down to the earth upon his face before the king and said blessed be the Lord thy God which had delivered up the men that lifted up their hand against my Lord the king he left out the details and that's why David was just like just stand over here I don't think you know what you're talking about you know stand still you know but he said all as well you know when we're out preaching the gospel we need to make sure we're giving the entire gospel and part of that God obviously the gospel is the death burial and resurrection right amen but there's things that people need to understand and realize before they even believe in that they need to realize they need to they need to admit that they're a sinner okay and no not the right comfort type of admit to your sin we're just slamming them and you're an adulterer and you do this and you're gonna go to hell and it's just no they just need to realize hey would you admit that you're a sinner yeah I admit that all right move on to the next point but what's the next point hell now this is very important here okay that we understand this people need to believe that they're going to hell in order to be saved if they do not believe that they're not going to hell if they don't believe that they're going to hell they can't get saved oh but they only have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ they have to believe they they are going to hell why there's a word that the Bible uses to communicate being born again what's that word I'm what I'm saved so this the word saved is not just some word we just throw out there just because it's like a cool word in the Bible it means something it's not like okay look I can get a Buddhist to call upon the name of the Lord and then without believing in hell because they're just gonna add him to the rest of their gods their deities right but that's why they need to understand that they're going to hell because in order to be saved what are they being saved from you're being pulled out of the fire you're asking him to save you from what from hell I remember a couple years ago I was the um I took over a Spanish ministry okay I was preaching in Spanish I was a Spanish pastor and right off the bat we went zoning and and I went with one of the guys there who was kind of like a leader and we went to a door and I just told my say I just want to listen to you you know cuz I'm new I kind of preaching the gospel in Spanish so I want to learn you know so I want to I want to follow your example just I'm gonna listen to you and he said all right so he's preaching the gospel he talked to this lady choose from my chiller or something like that and he went to the gospel presentation and said now do you believe that you're going to hell she's I don't believe in hell he goes okay well do you believe that Jesus Christ died for you she said yeah I believe that you and he said okay would you are we going to pray and ask him to be your Savior she said sure and I said that I was I was dumbfounded to be honest with you I don't know what to say I couldn't believe what I just heard and this guy's like been a Christian for a long time and I pulled him aside right after that I didn't interrupt because I was so flabbergasted because you know you're there and you're just here so I went to this I told him I said hey brother you just that person's not saved and he said what do you mean I said she didn't believe in hell he goes yeah but she believes on Christ I was like for what well to be your Savior Savior from what she doesn't believe in hell and he said I don't I'm not catching you I said people need to believe that they're going to hell if they're gonna get saved I mean I don't I mean I think it was there's no illustration to give to even explain this it just takes common sense it's logic look someone who's drowning in water does not want to get does not want the lifeguard to jump in if they don't believe they're drowning they're just swimming and stuff you even say he's like no dude I'm cool I mean if you want to pull me out that's fine yeah sure but I'm good I mean this logic says you need to believe that there's a hell who has warned you from the hood who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come right and in fact I went so in with Paul last week and and Paul talked to a guy who was a Catholic and Paul did a good job I mean he was real thorough and he was going through the points he was just reiterating everything and he said um all right do you believe that you know your sinner yeah I agree with that okay you believe that you're gonna help nope and Paul was like okay and so he kind of just like went over it again started explaining to him about hell and giving him verses and stuff like that and then he just started going and then the guy's like okay you go so you understand he goes yeah I understand that yeah yeah okay cool so you believe you're you're a sinner he goes yeah I believe that do you believe you're going to help nope and me and Paul looked at each other like and he kind of just threw up his hands like alright man well um well I hope you come by and visit us or something I mean what do you do right the guy was not willing to come to the conclusion that he now let me say this he believed in Christ he's I mean that's what he said but he did not believe that he was going to go to hell now let me say this it would have been it would have been very easy for Paul just okay well let's pray real quick don't worry we'll take care of that later when you die here go to hell right but he didn't he's like okay well you know I don't want to tell you you know the Bible says they you're condemned to hell you know the wrath of God abideth on you and I don't remember exactly all the words that he said but he was very thorough and he just left it at that we went to the next door you know and and he was we were there for like a good 20 minutes I mean he was like giving him verses and and it wasn't a waste of time obviously because he gave him he planted good seeds but he was not willing to get him to pray because that guy said no I don't believe I'm going to hell and look not every door is like that I've heard some guys say you know I struggle with that I see I meet people like that a lot I don't personally meet a lot of people that don't believe they're going to hell I think they some people are just confused and maybe we just need to work things a little differently to get them to understand but there are there are situations like that where the guy just was just like nope I mean he made a pop like nope you know it's like all right here's a Christmas CD you know it's like what do you say Paul said how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you but I've showed you and have taught you publicly from house to house we can't leave out details and hell is a very important detail I mean Jesus died he went to hell for us right you can't gloss over that and let me say this if you're someone in our church you need to get this right don't breeze over the hell doctrine don't breeze over it don't breeze over any of them you need to be thorough and give the details now look those of you who got this down pat relax with some of the people who don't have a down pat okay and teach them be kind to them because people some people in our church maybe they're just not you know mature soul owners yet and this is what you do if someone says something a little weird you confront them very kindly and say hey I noticed you did this when you're out there here's a better way of doing in fact this is a more biblical way of doing it can I show you real quick and you teach them how to do it then you say okay this is your next floor try that out okay they'll appreciate it because the fact that they're going out so many means that they want to learn so this is a better way of doing it and look if the person's older than you you need to meekly go to them and tell them that right now they're stubborn and they don't want to listen to it you know bring it to me or whatever but here's the thing in this matter of so many we're all on equal planes here and we need to make sure that we're doing it right don't be a high mass and leave out the details go back to let's see here go back to 2nd Samuel chapter 18 this is the last part we're done so it was the last problem that he had well he lacked knowledge the Bible says in verse 29 the King said is the young man epsilon safe and a high man's answered when Joab sent the King's servant and me thy servant I saw a great tumult but I knew not what it was you know he said he was like when I was there I saw stuff happening you know there's like a bunch of like people fighting stuff I don't know but I don't know it was you know I wasn't there you know he just say he saw a great tumult I mean he's just people fighting or something and what he didn't know what's going on you need to have some knowledge of the gospel okay and as the years go by of course you'll gain more knowledge if you're diligent if you learn but don't stay where you're at if you're lacking knowledge gain some knowledge about the Bible gain some knowledge about certain doctrines gain some knowledge about preaching the gospel so you can be better at it more and more the Bible says in Proverbs 16 23 the heart of the wise teacheth his mouth and addeth learning to his lips you know what we as Christians need to do we need to add learning to our lips especially when it comes to preaching the gospel okay and what's the message today it's a good message I promise okay good tidings amen but look we're family here okay so sometimes we got to have family time and this is family time preach the gospel right don't breeze over the hell message don't breeze over the sinner the point about being a sinner don't breeze over any of it be thorough so we can be like those shepherds that as soon as they got it they got it and they spread it abroad you know if they were if they were like weren't doing it right I don't think God would have put it in the Bible you know yeah we're not putting that because they didn't do it right you know no obviously they did it right yeah and that's why God put him in the Bible okay we need to be like those shepherds that are spreading the gospel abroad and doing it right all right let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for the good tidings of great joy we're thankful for this Christmas time we're risk we as Christians are just reminded of the importance of the gospel this is the good news and it reminds us of our responsibility especially for the coming year to blaze abroad that Jesus Christ died was buried and resurrected and I pray that you'd help us to be like who shy help us to be like those lepers Lord who didn't hide it all the silver and the gold and the treasures but they spread it to everyone else and help us not to be like a high mass who did it wrong and Lord if there's someone here who maybe is in that position I pray that you just help them to just get it right and Lord we're not a church that will condemn anybody but you know people need to fix things and so that we're all on the same page we're striving together with unity for the faith of the gospel and that's very important I pray you help us to do so bless the soul wanting to follow in Jesus name we pray amen