(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I see them with courage and fancy, glad in their brilliant array. Shouting the name of their leader, hear them exultingly say, not to the strong is the battle, not to the swift is a race, yet to the true and the faithful, victory is promised through grace. Conquering now and still to conquer, who is this wonderful king? When are the armies which he leadeth, while of his glory they see? He is our Lord and Redeemer, Savior and monarch divine. They are the stars that forever ride in his kingdom, will shine, not to the strong is a battle, not to the swift is a race, yet to the true and the faithful, victory is promised through grace. Conquering now and still to conquer, Jesus the ruler of all. Thrones and their scepters all shall perish, crowns and their splendor shall fall. Yet shall the armies thou leadest, faithful and true to the past, find in their mansions eternal rest when their warfare is past, not to the strong is a battle, not to the swift is a race, yet to the true and the faithful, victory is promised through grace. Amen. Wonderful singing. Let's start off our service with a word of prayer. Dear God, Heavenly Father, we thank you so much, Lord, your God, for allowing us to be here in your house this morning. We do pray that you please, Lord God, just bless every aspect of the service. I do pray that you please bless the singing unto you, Lord, your God. And I also do pray, most of all, that you please just bless the preaching of your word, that you would help us to be attentive of your word being preached. And also please just feel our passion through the Holy Spirit, Lord God, guide him through the scriptures, bring to remembrance of the things that he has studied, Lord God. And I pray that you would please, again, just bless us for being here, Lord God. And I pray now these things in Jesus' name, amen. You may be seated. Song number 296, follow on. Song number 296. Song number 296, seen on that first verse. Down in the valley with my Savior, I would go where the flowers are gloomy and the sweet waters flow. Everywhere he leads me, I would follow, follow on, walking in his footsteps till the crown be won. Follow, follow, I would follow Jesus. Anywhere, everywhere, I would follow on. Follow, follow, I would follow Jesus. Everywhere he leads me, I would follow on. Down in the valley with my Savior, I would go where the storms are sleeping and the dark waters flow. With his hand to lead me, I will never, never fear. Danger cannot fright me if my Lord is near. Follow, follow, I would follow Jesus. Anywhere, everywhere, I would follow on. Follow, follow, I would follow Jesus. Everywhere he leads me, I would follow on. Down in the valley or upon the mountain steep, close beside my Savior would my soul ever keep. He will lead me safely in the path that he has trod, up to where they gather on the hills of God. Follow, follow, I would follow Jesus. Anywhere, everywhere, I would follow on. Follow, follow, I would follow Jesus. Everywhere he leads me, I would follow on. All right, great singing. Thank you for being here this morning. Just a few announcements here before we sing our next song, which will be the song sheet. If you did not get a song sheet, go ahead and raise your hand and one of the ushers can get one for you. We're gonna be singing farther along, and so that'll be the next song there. If you did not get a bulletin, raise your hand. The ushers can get one for you. The services are as follows. Sunday morning is at 1030 Sunday evening at 5 p.m. And then we have our Thursday night Bible study at seven o'clock, currently going through the book of 2 Samuel. Hope to see you on Thursday evenings. You see the schedule to the fall program there on the left, as well as the point system and the rewards there at the bottom. Some of the upcoming church events. Today is the pie baking contest. And so let me read this real quick. Winners for the pie baking contest will be announced after the service, okay? So I'm gonna be preaching a really long sermon. And then after I'm done preaching that sermon, and then we sing one song. We might even have a baptism or something, you know what I mean? Things happen after the service. But after that is when I will announce the first prize winner, second and third. First prize will receive $100 gift card, second prize 50, third prize 30. And so may the best pie win. Now judges will judge during the offertory. Please do not leave service early to get pie before church is over. And winners are announced. Also, do not go out there during the service to go get a piece of the pie. You say, why would you even have to make that announcement? Because that's what happened last year, okay? People were sneaking out, you know, because they have to go get coffee or something. And the guy would get their coffee and their water. Oh, you know, and then they like, what is that? And then they just go over there and temptation is before them. And they no longer esteem the words of his mouth as their necessary foods. Now they're esteeming the pie. And so Brother Maury, I think he's still out there. He's guarding the pies. But ushers, just make sure, you know, if whoever's the doorkeeper of the house of God, make sure that you are just watching people and making sure they're not, you know, going over there and sneaking in a couple bites or something like that, okay? So just keep that in mind. But looking forward to tasting some pie and looking forward to seeing who the winners are. There's some pretty elaborate pies out there. Ladies prayer meeting and cookie exchange will be on Saturday, October 29th. Ms. DJ's baby shower is on Sunday, October 30th. And then of course we conclude our fall program with the annual Thanksgiving banquet on Tuesday, November 22nd. You can see the location there. Please make sure that you pay attention to what's on the bulletin. You know, don't message me or text me like, hey, so what city is it in? When is this gonna be? We've spent all this time on this bulletin, this nice little bulletin that Chris Cervantes makes for us. You know, he even puts their location, please RSVP, fwbcla.org. So, and we give these out every week. And so make sure you pay attention to that. Next week is Teens Sunday and Teen Night. I will be inviting all of the teens after Sunday night church to Yogurtland on pastor. And so hope to see you guys there. And then the following Sunday will be Apple Cider Fellowship after the Sunday night service as well, okay? Now let's go ahead and do our favorite thing of the week, which is fill out those beloved point sheet, quarter sheet that the ushers I'm sure handed out already. So go ahead and play some music. Brother Eric, you know that one song? There you go, that's the one. All right, go ahead and fill out your quarter sheets right now. If you did not get a pen, go ahead and raise your hand. Brother Mark needs one. We'll take a few minutes for you to fill that out. Using the, you know, you gotta be honest, okay? And so make sure you are actually putting, if you went to the services, you went soloing, you brought a visitor. Now most of you have probably already filled it out because just people of character, all right? As soon as you got it, you got it. All right, ushers, go ahead and collect these. Little more oomph, Brother Eric. Little more oomph. It'll help the ushers. There we go. All right, as they're collecting that, make sure you have no food or drink allowed in the main auditorium except for water and coffee. Don't loiter in the Foyer Fellowship Hall during the preaching service, but especially today because there's pies out there. We don't want to tempt you. And then quiet time, of course, is between 3 p.m. and 4.15 throughout the whole building. Thank you, Brother Eric. Make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service. And that is it. Let's go ahead and sing our next song farther along if you want to get that sheet out. Hey man, if you don't have a song sheet, please raise your hand and one of the ushers will come by and get you one. Anybody need a song sheet? Looks like we all got it. We'll sing it on this first verse, farther along. Sing it on that first. Tempted and tried, where art made to wander. Why it should be thus all the day long while there are others living about us. Never molested, though in the wrong, farther along we'll know all about it. Farther along we'll understand why. Cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine. We'll understand it all by and by. When death has come and taken our loved ones, it leaves our home so lonely and fear. Then do we wonder why others prosper, living so wicked year after year. Farther along we'll know all about it. Farther along we'll understand why. Cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine. We'll understand it all by and by. Faithful till death set our loving master a few more days to labor and wait. Toils to the road will then seem as nothing as we sweep through the beautiful gate. Farther along we'll know all about it. Farther along we'll understand why. Cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine. We'll understand it all by and by. When we see Jesus coming in glory, when he comes from his home in the sky, then we shall meet him in that bright mansion. We'll understand it all by and by. Farther along we'll know all about it. Farther along we'll understand why. Cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine. We'll understand it all by and by. Amen, wonderful singing. At this time, our ushers will be receiving the offering and please turn your Bibles to Hebrews chapter five. Pomp and Circumstance. You You Good morning today. We're in a Hebrews chapter number five Hebrews chapter number five Hebrews chapter five in the Bible reads Every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men and things pertaining to God that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins who can have compassion on the ignorant and on them that are out of the way for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity and My reason hereof he ought as for the people so also for himself to offer for sins And no man taketh this honor unto himself, but he that is called of God as was Aaron So also Christ glorified not himself to be made in high priest But he that said unto him thou art my son today I've begotten thee as he sayeth also in another place thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek Who in the days of his flesh? When he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto them unto him that was able to save him from death And was hurt and that he feared though He were a son yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered and being made perfect He became the author of eternal salvation that all of them that obey him called of God and high priest after the order of Melchizedek of Whom we may we have many things to say and hard to be uttered seeing your dole of hearing For when for the time you ought to be teachers you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God and I become such as of need of Milk and not of strong meat for everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness For he is a babe But strong meat belongeth to them that are a full age Even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. Let's pray dear Lord Thank you for the congregation here today Lord and for pastor as well I pray that you bless him and fill him with the spirit as he preaches your word and that we are edified by the Preaching today Lord and just bless the service and every aspect of it. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen Amen Okay, we are in Hebrews chapter number five and look down at your Bibles at verse number 12 It says for when for the time he ought to be teachers you have need that one teach you again Which be the first principles of the oracles of God and are become such as have need of milk and not of strong Me for everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness For he is a babe but strong meat belongeth to them that are a full age Even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil And what I want to preach on this morning is how to quantify spiritual maturity how to quantify Spiritual maturity. I want to talk about how is it that we can measure whether you've spiritually matured in your Christian life Whether you've matured in the Lord Jesus Christ in your walk with God or as the Bible puts it here Whether you are of full age now, obviously, you know, we understand that as Christians. We're constantly growing It's a the the process of sanctification is a lifelong process We always have to learn how to walk with God and learn more knowledge and increase and our understanding of God's Word But I personally believe that you can measure whether you have essentially become a mature Christian In your walk with God according to God's Word now make no mistake about it Obviously, we're never gonna become perfect this side of eternity. We're never gonna become without Sin, or you know have deficiencies in our lives or be defective in a certain area in our life Because of the fact that we have our sin nature We fall short of the glory of God still We have that old nature that kind of holds us back from reaching our spiritual potential so to speak Because of the fact that we're waiting for that resurrection to wit the redemption of our body But that's not to say that we should not put a considerable amount of effort into maturing spiritually, right? I mean you think of the Apostle Paul who said not as though I have already attained or were already perfect But I follow after if that if that I may Apprehend that which I am apprehended of the Bible tells us brethren I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do Forgetting those things which are behind reaching forth into those things which are before I press toward the mark for the prize of the high Calling of God in Christ Jesus and you think of the Apostle Paul, you know That's someone who we would say had a great deal of understanding of God's Word He was a mature person in the Lord. He won souls to Christ. He did a lot of missions work He started churches. He loved the Lord I mean we've learned so much from the Apostle Paul yet He himself understood that he had to continue to grow in his in his in his Christian walk and continue to strive and make an effort To grow and mature and so we as God's people should also endeavor To not stop and think to ourselves. I've already arrived. You know, I don't need to work on anything else No, we all got to continue to work on ourselves as Christians as children of God But I do believe that the Bible specifically teaches us that or gives us indicators that we have grown spiritually or that we have reached full age or as the Bible also puts it here in Hebrew chapter 5 of Full age maturity or also as the Bible puts it perfect now Perfect in the Bible isn't used the way we do use it today. Okay, sinless perfect just means complete entire mature of Full age now you think about the fact that Noah for example was referred to as a just man and Perfect, right, you know Joe was referred to as a perfect and upright man and one who has chewed evil Doesn't mean they're sinless it means that they were mature there are people of full age And in fact when you think about what the Bible says about the local New Testament Church It tells us in Ephesians chapter 4 that he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the what perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ and then he says to we All come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man Right unto the measure and stature of the fullness of Christ and then he goes on to say that we henceforth Listen to this be no more children Toss to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine etc. So obviously the Bible is constantly admonishing us instructing us Encouraging us to don't for us not to remain a babe in Christ not to remain a child in Christ But rather to grow into spiritual maturity, you know in James chapter 1 when referring to trials He says knowing that the trying of your faith work of patience But let patience have her perfect work that ye may be perfect and entire Wanting nothing and so obviously God wants us to be entire. He wants us to be mature He understands that you know going through trials and difficulties Matures us it helps us to be people who are not lacking anything spiritually Psalm 37 talks about marking the perfect man, you know and the upper beholding the upright man For the end of that man is peace So if we're to mark the perfect man That means there are some qualities that a mature person would have that we would be able to recognize and say, okay This person obviously has the distinguishing marks of a mature individual of someone who is a full age They're a perfect man. They're a perfect woman, etc 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and verse 16 when talking about the Word of God Says that all scriptures given by inspiration of God It's profitable for doctrine for a proof for correction and instruction and righteousness Listen to this that the man of God may be what perfect Right, and he says thoroughly furnished into all good works and so over and over again We see that this concept that God wants us to be perfect. He wants us to be entire He doesn't want us to be lacking anything spiritually, you know The Apostle Paul when he's addressing the church at Thessalonica Said that he was praying for them exceedingly day and night that he may perfect that which is lack In their faith and so that's what I want to do this evening or this morning Excuse me is talk about how is it that we can measure whether you have grown? To spiritual maturity whether you have reached full age as the Bible puts it now before I get into those specific points I want to give you some things that are not necessarily the best indicators that you have matured spiritually, okay That people would think yeah, this is a good indicator that I've matured spiritually But these aren't the best indicators. Okay, number one spiritual growth cannot be measured based upon these things number one How long you've been saved for? Okay You can't really measure whether someone has spiritually matured or has reached full age Based upon how long they've been saved for okay You say why is that well because of the fact that just because someone has been saved for a long time Doesn't necessarily mean that they have utilized that time to invest in their spiritual growth You know, you can have someone who's been saved for 10 years But has only read the Bible 3 out of those 10 you can have someone who's been saved for 20 years But they haven't been attending church or they've only attended church 5 out of those 20 You know you have someone who has been saved for 30 years, but they've only been so winning You know 10 or you know 5 years out of those 30 or whatever may be and so, you know When someone says well, I've been saved X amount of time, you know, that's great But it doesn't it's not necessarily the best indicator whether someone has reached full growth full age They're spiritually mature and I'll give you an example Years ago when I was a brand new Christian There's an individual that was very mad at me. Okay. They're very upset at me. I had offended them somehow and They were bringing this railing accusation against me and I don't exactly remember what it was But I remember that they were like threatening to go to the pastor and and just kind of rat me out or something Just tattletale on me and so so that he can get on me or whatever and and they were saying, you know You know you did this and I told that person Well, do you have any other witnesses to this? Because out of the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established and this is what this person said I've been saved longer than you And I'm thinking to myself It doesn't look like it though, you know, you obviously, you know You haven't grown much and so that taught me that just because someone has been saved for 40 years 50 years Doesn't necessarily mean that they're spiritually mature. Okay, and so that's not the best indicator of maturity You can't use you know, oh man, I've been saved for this amount of time That's why I am mature in the Lord. It doesn't necessarily work that way How about this, you know spiritual growth cannot be measured based upon how long you've been saved But it also can't be measured based upon how long you've been in church or how long you've been a Baptist. Okay So why is that? Well for one? Sometimes say people go to bad churches They go to some bad church with the false prophet as the pastor teaching false doctrine Obviously, they're not gonna You know grow spiritually or mature in the Christian walk if they go to some lib church where the pastor's not even say he preaches a repent of your sins gospel and you know does all types of nonsense or You know, maybe they do go to a decent church, but the pastor doesn't necessarily teach a whole lot of deep doctrine You know They're not he's not necessarily perfecting the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ Or how about this a person goes to a really good church But that individual is a hearer of the word and not a doer and therefore they deceive their own selves You know someone can come to this church and not mature at all and not grow and not you know, spiritually Increase why because they're just not putting into practice that which is being preached and not getting involved They're not soul winning. And so that isn't necessarily the best indicator that someone has matured Spiritually based upon how long they've been in church. Well, I've been in church all my life or whatever Yeah, but I mean what have you done with that time though? Have you applied the preaching of God's Word? Have you gotten involved? Have you changed? Have you been renewed? Etc. So I'm talking about the indicators or the I'm talking about the The factors are the elements that are not necessarily the best indicators. So one how long you've been saved for Two how long you've been in church three. How about this being a second or third generation Christian? Isn't necessarily the best indicator whether you've matured spiritually, okay Well, I grew up in a Christian home. Yeah, but have you stewarded that? That which has been given to you, you know, the lines are falling upon you in pleasant places And yeah, you know you have a goodly heritage, but have you actually used that heritage to actually mature spiritually? Okay, just because you're a second third fourth generation Christian doesn't mean anything because of the fact that God doesn't have grandchildren He only has children right every person has to make a decision to believe on Jesus Christ and then thereafter to read God's Word and And apply it and serve the Lord and follow Jesus Christ just because you're a second or third generation could just because your mom and dad are Christians you grew up in a Christian home or Your grandparents are Christians or they were pastors or their missionaries means nothing to you You don't become a Christian by osmosis just because your mom and dad and grandparents Or whatever are believers. Okay It's not the best indicator and then lastly Here's another one. That's not necessarily the best indicator of spiritual maturity Attending or graduating from a Bible college seminary or some sort of Bible Institute. Okay, I Know why you're laughing, okay You're like I know that already but let me let me make a couple things clear here You know because sometimes people can get this attitude that because they attended some sort of seminary or Bible college that somehow they've arrived Spiritually, okay, they've matured because they've learned the Bible. They've wasted. I mean they've invested four years of You know Bible college or whatever They've been involved in ministry and all these things and that can you know cause them to think oh, man I'm just like really spiritually I'm like the cream of the crop which is a message that a lot of leaders will feed their people They'll say the Bible college students They're like the cream of the crop and they'll often say, you know If you really want to learn deep doctrine, you got to go to Bible college because that's where you know The the cream of the crop are those are the ones who really want to learn doctrine or whatever and you know They can get this attitude. Oh, I've matured spiritually because I went to college. I'm attending a college Whatever maybe and I'll give you another example of this. Okay years ago Someone got into a conversation with brother David Rios and David Rios wasn't a part of our church I mean we didn't have this church actually at this time and He was he was getting in conversation with this with his Bible college student and they were talking about end times prophecy Okay, and and David was trying to explain to him that you know, the the Raptors after the tribulation You know, it just explaining it to him and this guy was just not having it You know, he was just like no, it's it's pre-trip blah blah blah And I just so happen to walk up while they're having this conversation and the guy looks over at me and he says He says Bruce You know tell this guy That the rapture is before the tribulation and here's the thing like, you know, I didn't want to cause any trouble I'm not you know, I didn't want to stir the pot. I didn't want to get in trouble my old church You know, I wasn't trying to become controversial But I thought to myself well if this person is sincere about looking for the truth and he's asking and this opportunity is provided You know, why not answer him in a meek way where I can present the truth and love and you know Maybe he can understand what the Bible actually says about this So I said well, you know When you compare Matthew 24 mark 13 Luke 21 And then you kind of compare it to the rapture passages such as first Thessalonians chapter 4 and then you compare that to Revelation 6 You know, you kind of come to the conclusion that it's after the tribulation and he was just kind of like They got him, you know, it was like they got him to kind of thing, you know, and then He's like Matthew 20. He's like Matthew 24 is about the Jews And then you know meekly I was just trying to explain to him like well not necessarily it doesn't say anything about Jews as the elect and I said if you look at context and I said I Said I said his name and I said what is context, you know, cuz I was trying to have this conversation with them And this is what he told me. He looked at me and he said how are you gonna ask me that? He's like, I'm a Bible college student And that's when I knew the conversation ended because I thought to myself well this guy's an idiot You know, this guy is paying all this money He doesn't even know what context is and he expects for me to just be like, oh, I'm sorry Oh great one of Bible College. I Forgive me your highness for not recognizing you as this cream of the crop or whatever You know and you know, he got mad or whatever But it showed me that just because you go to Bible College doesn't mean anything Just because you go to Bible College or attend a Bible College doesn't mean you've actually matured spiritually now I don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater Because in general yes There's a lot of bad people to go to Bible College or they don't mature spiritually at all But there are those who do go to Bible College and actually benefit from some things in there And in fact, your pastor is a graduate from Bible College, believe it or not, but I survived Bible College In spite of Bible College and there's people there's people in here who went to Bible College You know Marcus went to Bible College and you know, it didn't do him much, you know, and then you hit no I'm just kidding. You know Ulysses went to Bible College. There's a couple people that went to Bible College here Did you go to Bible College? Yeah, brother Ron. I'm calling him out to you He went to Bible College But it's not necessarily the best indicator of Spiritual maturity even though a lot of churches will tell you Oh, if you're really serious about you know, walk with God If you're really serious about full-time Christian service, you will go to Bible College. Okay, not necessarily the best now Here's the thing though Notice that I said they're not the best indicators of spirit of spiritual maturity But they can aid in your assessment of whether someone is spiritually mature or not So what do you mean by that? Well, if you look at a person and you recognize you see them you assess them you say this person is very mature Spiritually, they kind of they got their stuff together and you know, they they they know God's Word They seem to be very spiritually mature and then you ask that person how long they've been saved for and if they say 30 years for you to like oh, yeah, that makes sense You know, you've obviously utilized those 30 years to actually walk with God and and and utilize it So the amount of time that they've been saved can actually confirm your assessment that they're spiritually mature But it can actually be counterproductive for them as well Because if they're not mature if they are worldly, they're not mature They don't know anything about the Bible, but then they say they've been saved for 30 years Then it's just like okay this person obviously did not utilize that time Right and the same goes for everything else, you know If you see a spiritually mature person and you ask them how long they've been in church They say I've been in church for 15 years 20 years. You're like, okay that makes sense You know or yeah, I grew up in a Christian home My grandparents are missionaries my mom and dad raised me in a fundamental Baptist Church or and some sort of church Then you would say okay that makes sense. You've obviously stewarded that very well or you know I went to a Bible college or whatever, you know I don't know if they would want to divulge that information But in general these would aid in your judgment or your assessment of them that they are Mature people, but they're not the best indicators in and of themselves Okay So don't judge yourself that you're spiritually mature just because you've been saved for a long time Because the reality is this someone can be saved for 10 years Another person can be saved for five or three to five years But the person who's been saved for three to five years is more mature Than the person who's only been saved for 10 who's been saved for 10 years Okay, because they're actually utilizing that time to read God's Word and put spiritual things first and do those things And so I just want to say that and then the next thing I want to mention here by way of introduction is the fact That obviously Hebrews chapter 5 is not your quintessential chapter or passage on spiritual growth Okay, or spiritual maturity Obviously we can point to a lot of passages in the Bible that can help us quantify and measure whether we spiritually grown or matured But obviously not at the exclusion of using Hebrew chapter 5 I think Hebrew chapter 5 is a great passage of Scripture that we're gonna go through This morning to kind of make that assessment now you're in Hebrew chapter 5 Let me give you let me give you the points now number one. How is it that you can quantify? How can you measure? How can you determine? How can you assess whether you have matured spiritually number one? Do you have a firm grasp on the basics? Do you have a firm grasp on the basics? What do you mean? Look at verse 12? For when for the time ye ought to be teachers ye have need that one teach you again Listen to this which be the first principles of the oracles of God So obviously he's dealing with someone or dealing with a group of people who have been saved for a long time They adhere to the Word of God or claim to and he's telling them, you know for the amount of time that you've been a Christian for the amount of time you've been a believer You would think that you're able to like teach someone else, but it looks like someone needs to teach you again The first principles of the oracles of God and another way of saying the first principles of the oracles of God is the basics Okay, the basics of the Bible the basics of doctrine and let me explain to you what that means that doesn't mean end times proper prophecy It doesn't mean you know, it doesn't even mean the reprobate doctrine it doesn't mean You know replacement theology because those aren't basics as much as you would some of you would want it to be like the basic Doctrines of the faith. Those aren't the basics. Okay You said well, what are the basics? Well chapter 6? Explains to us what those first principles of the oracles of God are look at verse 1 therefore Leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ Referring to those first principles, right? Let us go on into perfection now. I want you to notice that So if he's gonna go on to perfection That means that those doctrines of Christ those principles Those first principles are just basic their foundational things He says let us go on to perfection not laying again the foundation You know the principles of repentance from dead works and faith toward God of the doctrine of baptism And of laying on of hands and of the resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment So he gives a couple basics that Christians in general should just know right off hand. Okay Now what is the first one repentance from dead works and faith toward God? He said what is that? Well at its most basic level, it's salvation Because when he says repentance from dead works faith toward God He's referring to repenting from what you're trusting in for salvation and placing your faith in God And of course more specifically Jesus Christ This is what this is referring to and so in order for you to assess yourself and say well, I'm spiritual mature Well, do you understand the doctrine of salvation? Do you understand what repentance from dead works and faith toward God is now again the basics of it though? You don't really necessarily have to understand imputation You know justification glorification and also in sanctification and that whole process You don't necessarily have to understand every nook and cranny of The doctrine of salvation because you can go pretty deep on that doctrine just the basics of it though Like are you able to communicate to someone else that you're saved? And why is it that you're saved? If someone were to come to you and say what I have to do to go to heaven Obviously, I'm not saying that you have to know the whole Romans Road and all the verses But can you just say what's because I believed on Jesus Christ, which means that I trusted in his death barrow and resurrection I know that he's sufficient to save me and then I can never lose my salvation because it's a gift from God He said well, that's pretty basic. Yeah. No, it's pretty basic, right? But you'd be surprised. There's a lot of people out there. They don't even know that basic truth They don't even know how to word it like, you know what do you have to do to go to heaven like have no God and relationship with God and You know, they just kind of give all these iffy answers, but it's because they're not spiritually mature And obviously it's you know, it might be because they're either they're not saved But even if they are saved It's because maybe they don't go to a good church or they haven't applied themselves to actually study God's Word and learn those basics Okay Learn the basics that you don't have to do works repent of your sins to be saved It's repentance from dead works not from sin, but from dead works faith toward God Now verse 2 gives kind of a couple things here that may third for a loop He says of the doctrine of baptisms and of laying on of hands Okay, now we obviously understand that baptism comes after salvation and laying on of hands is referring to ordaining someone Right, you are confirming someone you're a daining an evangelist or a daining a pastor not you But you know Church Authority is doing that and I think what the Apostle Paul is trying to address here Is that you understand Church Authority? Because these things are done under the authority of a local New Testament Church You understand like not just anybody could baptize someone it's like well, you know, you got saved I got saved too All right, let me baptize you and then when I would you come up then you could baptize me doesn't work that way You know an ordained person has to be the one, you know implementing that baptism and only an ordained person can lay hands on someone and You know confirm them in order for them to go out and and be an evangelist or a pastor or deacon or whatever Maybe so, I think what this is referring to is the fact that you just have a basic understanding of Church Authority Now if you understand Church Authority you understand that church is important So I believe what this is referring to here is the general understanding that church is not something that we should undermine Right. It's a place where we need to be the church was bought by the blood of Jesus Christ Okay, you know the Bible tells us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but so much The more as you see the day approaching now mature Christians recognize that They're like, oh, yeah church is important for sure Like I'm I'm gonna be in the house of God all the days of my life and they understand Church Authority So it's not like well, let's all be leaders here Let's all run this thing Let's all try to figure out what we can preach Let's all get a psalm. Let's all get a doctrine. Let's all get a hymn doesn't work that way You see a mature person understands authority Mature person reckon, you know recognizes the authority in the home and recognizes the authority in the church Just has a basic understanding of that Okay, and of course he goes on to say of the resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment now It should be given that when you get saved you understand that you will resurrect one day And in fact, if you don't believe in the resurrection, then you're not saved Okay, which is why the Apostle Paul is questioning the salvation of the Corinthian Church because in chapter 15 they're questioning whether there is a resurrection and It's another reason why in second Corinthians chapter 13. He's like you guys might be reprobates except Christ be in you because it's like if you're like rejecting me as your authority if you're rejecting the The essential doctrine of the resurrection, are you even safe? That's why in my personal opinion Even if there's a saved preterist out there None of them are spiritually mature You say why because their doctrine of the resurrection is all weird We've already resurrected Even though the Bible literally says, you know in in second Timothy or first Timothy, you know that there's people out there Hymenaeus who were teaching that the resurrection is passed already and That's not referring to some person with legitimacy. It's referring to a false prophet that was teaching that Understand and so when a person comes to me and says all the resurrection is passed already the rapture is passed already But they give me a clear testimony of salvation. I would say this person's a babe in Christ person Oh, no, nothing. You don't even know the first principles of the doctrines of Christ He doesn't even know the simplicity of the resurrection and what it means and the fact that it's not here yet Okay And any person who believes it's past is like where's these good? This is my glorified body the socks You know, it's not our glorified body we still have our natural bodies It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a theologian to know that but you'd be surprised how many Christians can fall into those traps you know, it's because they're tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine and The Bible labels those individuals as children because children believe anything So and of course eternal judgment referring to what? hell so you have to have a basic understanding of hell and Understand that it exists understand that it's fire and you know, obviously there's there's deep doctrine You can learn on hell and you know, sometimes people get confused about hell and the lake of fire But they understand that ultimately whoever goes to hell they're gonna go to the lake of fire So this isn't saying that you have to be You know have the pastoral knowledge of doctrine it's just saying if you want to be spiritually mature It doesn't matter how well you can comb your hair or how well you can dress on Sunday or how well you know how? To speak Christian ease, you know, it's like do you know these basics? You have a firm grasp on the basics now think about this you know the basics the people who need to learn basics are babes in Christ, right and You wonder why these churches out there only teach really basic things and they never get into the deep things It's probably because the churches are only filled with babes in Christ You know, thankfully we have mature people in our church, but we also have babes in Christ because you're actually supposed to have both Supposed to have spiritually mature people because it shows that people are growing But you also want babes in Christ because that means you're reaching new people If you're only preaching to babes in Christ, and there's no one maturing that's a problem But if you're only preaching to mature people, that's a problem because that means you're not reaching anyone new So sermons should be geared towards the spiritually mature, but also those who are babes and children in Christ, okay, and So do you have a firm grasp of the basics and it's just like oh man, what am I gonna do? Just learn these things Esteem these doctrines Don't think to yourself don't undermine the importance of them don't recognize Well, that's Hebrews chapter 5 and yeah, you know, I just I don't think I didn't you really learn that I'm never gonna be a pastor. Yeah, but you're a Christian though, and These are things that just Christians should know you know people have You know come up with this concept that just learning any kind of doctrine is like only for pastors and those who do full-time Christian Service, I mean this is what this is the main narrative at old IFB churches Or it's just like if you ask a doctrinal question, they're like, oh, yeah You should go to Bible college then if you really want to learn that it's like what in the world why? Can't you just learn that in church? Can't you just teach that from the pulpit? But it's just like in their minds is like oh, you know Church is only for how to overcome depression how to make it through the week how to you know Become a good giver in church and how to but I guarantee you they know all the passages about giving though Whereas you know the Apostle Paul says I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you and The whole entire Word of God is profitable So it should be my endeavor as a pastor That throughout the years as a pastor that I endeavor to just teach all the counsel of God as much as I possibly can Okay, and so number one. Do you have a firm grasp of that? Do you understand that? Well, if you do then you're on your way if you don't that's okay that can change today Because again, you don't need to dive in deep in that particular doctrine You just need to have a basic understanding of it and not be swayed In Salvation not be swayed if someone comes at you with some question about the resurrection not be swayed When someone tries to deceive you about hell not be swayed into thinking the church is not important Well, you could just watch online. Of course, you could just watch online if you're sick or something, but that's not church though Like we don't count people If they like my wife is at home with with sick kids right now I'm not like hey, brother Elise's make sure you count my wife and my kids for church attendance because Technically, they're watching, you know You guys are here with us in spirit doesn't work that way. Okay, and It hasn't worked that way for thousands of years. Okay You're in Hebrew chapter 5. What's another way to quantify? Spiritual maturity number two. Have you developed basic Christian conduct? So obviously, you know you have there's certain basic knowledge that you have but there also has to be basic Christian conduct That would you know essentially measure you or determine whether you are spiritually mature Now in a church like ours I personally believe you know, the doctrine is pretty settled like a lot of people know doctrine and even deep doctrine Sometimes it's the conduct That has not caught up with the doctrine Sometimes it's just like you have this this individual who just knows a lot about the Bible But they're just as worldly as the days long still Or they just don't know how to conduct themselves as a Christian and I know people are getting uncomfortable right now which which shows me that you know what this needs to be stated and Recognized you know what God expects for our conduct to be on par with our doctrine as well He wants you to behave like a Christian Behave like a believer look like a believer talk like a believer and not just believe right he wants you to act right, too Okay, and in fact the Bible talks about you know in Philippians chapter 1 the Apostle Paul talks about our conversation becoming as the of the gospel of Christ What does that mean? Well, the gospel is pure The gospel is without error. And so he wants us to have a conversation Conducted as above reproach that is not you know Contrary to God's Word this doesn't mean that you have to be perfect because we all make mistakes We all you know fall short of the glory of God and we have our moments when we become carnal We come fleshly and become worldly, but this shouldn't be the norm in your Christian life though Okay, look at Hebrews 5 verse 12. It goes on to say for when for the time he ought to be teachers I'm sorry. I forgot to mention one thing when it comes to knowing the basics one way You know that you know, the basics is if you can simply teach the basics Because when you know something it's easy you can transmit it to someone else on a basic level It's like why I know it. I just can't communicate it Well, you can communicate that you believe on Jesus Christ and that's what someone has to do, right? But he goes on to say for one for the time you ought to be teachers You have need that one teach you again Which be the first principles of the oracles of God and listen to this and our becomes such as have need of milk And not of strong me for everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness For he is a baby. You say what does that have to do with Christian conduct? Sounds like it's just referring to God's Word Well, go to hold your place here. Go to 1st Corinthians chapter 3 1st Corinthians chapter 3 So he's telling these Hebrews He says you're becoming Like one that just needs the milk again and not the strong me You're unskillful in the word of righteousness Therefore you need that milk Which basically means that you're a babe in Christ. Okay now do not take that label as a Condescending label like oh man. He's saying I'm a babe in Christ. We all started off as babes in Christ Okay, we're born again and we're a babe in Christ and we have to mature spiritually and grow on the Lord The the point is is that you don't remain a babe in Christ You should not be satisfied With just staying a babe or a child in Christ your goal as a Christian should be I want to mature in the Lord I want to mature in the Lord. I want to increase in my knowledge and in in spiritual stature I want to be able to know the Lord through his word and in prayer I want to be a person of discipline and Christian conduct look at 1st Corinthians chapter 3 Verse 1 relating it to the milk and the meat he says and I brethren Could not speak unto you as unto spiritual But as unto carnal even as unto babes in Christ now look up here real quick What is he relating a babe in Christ to someone who is what? carnal Carnal means, you know like carne. I know I said that really white carne carne, okay So someone who's carnal is not spiritual Someone who's someone who's not spiritual is essentially a babe in Christ doesn't mean they're not saved They're just kind of worldly they're carnal and then he says in verse 2 I have fed you with milk and not with me for hid the tree. You were not able to bear it neither yet Now are you able for you're yet carnal? Why? Whereas there is among you envying and strife and divisions. Are you not carnal and walk as men for while one saith? I am of Paul another I am of Apollos. Are you not yet carnal? So, what is he comparing being carnal and a babe in Christ to someone who just doesn't know how to have Christian conduct Someone who just constantly striving having divisions having problems just fighting with other people envying strife divisions Kind of placing themselves in certain camps or whatever. Maybe this is carnal my friends this is something that babes in Christ will do and what he's specifically referring to is the fact that Someone who needs the milk of the word needs to be taught how to act, right? You know our children need to be taught how to act right because they're children But adults should know how to behave themselves They need to know this is right. This is wrong. And because this is wrong I will not partake of this and because this is right I'm gonna strive and endeavor to behave in this manner and not be a carnal person You know, you say well put the cookie on the bottom shelf, you know, don't fight with one another in here You should not be bickering or fighting with each other in here over trivial things Okay, there should never be strives in the church where you guys are striving together Over something that you guys disagree with or over some comment that was made We should have we should be people of full age who are able to resolve conflict that when there is conflict you apologize well, that wasn't my fault, but you know what I've learned is just Apologizing and taking the blame makes me live a happier life because then we could just move on with our lives But the babe in Christ doesn't see that the babe in Christ wants to be the one who's right Like no, no This person needs to know that I was right and they're wrong and then what then you have like this awkward relationship in church Or something like that, you know being the person who's a full age and say you know what you're absolutely right I wronged you and I'm really sorry about that. Please forgive me and Let me go buy you a burger or something like that You know, let me go buy you a coffee like no, I don't know about that Yeah, cuz you're a babe in Christ See the babes in Christ don't like that the babes in Christ like to have the last word the babes in Christ Enjoy fighting and striving and causing division the person who's a full age. They want the meat like why are you telling me this on how to not fight with each other I already know this give me the meat of the word and Sometimes people want the meat of the word, but they actually need the milk You know, they want to know all the intricacies of revelation They want to know all the thousand two hundred sixty days the thousand three hundred thirty five days They want to know Daniel 70th week, but they don't even know how to conduct themselves as a normal Christian in a church Folks get that down first and take the rest of your life to learn end times Bible prophecy You know learn how to speak to people in church learn how to be a respectable person in church Learn you know learn how to not be in a nuisance in Church first be a person who people like to be around, you know be a person who's friendly well You know, I have something to say and I always want to say it. Well, it's because you're a babe in Christ You're a babe in Christ and according to the Bible. You're a fool, too Okay, because you just want to pour out foolishness and your ascent You should just have a sign over your head that says babe in Christ when you say those things I am carnal, you know, like when you say something dumb, you know, just just pull out a sign and say And so so that that person will be like, okay, it makes sense, you know I'm gonna make a sign. I'm just We'll put it at the ushers table You can pick them up on your at your discretion What I'm saying is that How can you tell if someone is a full age if they've matured spiritually? Well, you know, they don't really involve themselves with this nonsense They're not about division You know, let me say this. They're also not about division with leaders Yeah, I go to first works, but I'm all about pastor humanity though, that's my that's my pastor That's such a stupid thing to say You know, oh, yeah, I really like you know Pastor man here, you know, he's my past. He's my pastor, but I Rather just go to pastor Shelley's church though or something, which I don't blame you by the way I definitely don't blame you because I love pastor Shelley I think he's a great preacher and a great leader and you know If he was across the street, probably everyone here would go over there because he's such a great leader But here's the thing wouldn't it be carnal to think that way though Wouldn't it be carnal to just and to think that or even to say it, but you know what it's happened before And it's just an indicator that you're a babe in Christ because the Apostle Paul is just like why are you saying that you're of me? And that you're of Apollo's we're not gangs here Not gang banging here this isn't Christian gang banging Or you know, I rather listen to pastor Steven Anderson. I rather listen to so-and-so. I think that they're better We're all on the same team my friends and if you're not satisfied with my preaching Don't worry Church is almost over you can pop listen to whatever your favorite preacher is afterwards But you know, I'm a church Christian would just be like, you know, I just love preaching just in general He said do you have a favorite preacher? I have favorite preachers. I just like listening to my friends You know and I don't necessarily have time to listen to everyone but you know when I do this There's pastors that I prefer listening to not because I think that they're better than anyone else But you know, sometimes pastor Joe Jones has a good title I Just like hey, this looks interesting, you know And then you know, yeah, he has those thumbnails with the corn flakes or whatever and then you tap on it It's it's you know, it's it's clickbait because there is no corn flakes on the pulpit or whatever I'm just saying, you know a babe in Christ wants to cause that division and say, you know This one with this person is better. This church is better, you know this purchase this this church is not as esteemed First of all, these are all God's churches Right So it's like Jesus Christ bought our church with his blood and Jesus Christ Jesus Christ bought Mountain Baptist Church with his blood as well So does that you know just because they have they're like a smaller church Does that mean that their church is less esteem in the eyes of God than ours? No, they're they're highly both of us are highly valued in God's eyes because they're both his churches and So a mature person recognizes that a babe in Christ is carnal and wants to cause that division Okay. Well, I'd rather be baptized by you know, so-and-so or whatever that's carnal Just get baptized. And in fact, you know, the Apostle Paul said I thank God that I baptized none of you And then he named a couple he's like but then that's it. That's the only people I baptized The reason he says because then they would have used that to say. Oh, yeah, you should pause baptism is like awesome Like He watched it, you know, it's just like Just get baptized But let me say this if you're saved you haven't been baptized grow up become a full agent get baptized today Stop being such a babe in Christ You know, what do you got rabies or something? You're afraid of water? You know, you're afraid of obeying the Lord Well, I got baptized years ago. Yeah, but did you get saved before you got baptized? Well, no, then it doesn't count. You just took a bath You went inside a jacuzzi is what you did Okay, get baptized. Stop being a babe in Christ and don't don't think that you're a full age if you haven't been baptized I mean that's like the least of the commandments there That's like the first commandment that God gives you and if you think you can just be a full-age Christian and a mature Christian But just completely ignore Baptism, you know, you're obviously I'm still a babe in Christ. You're still carnal. Okay, and So have you developed basic Christian conduct go to Titus chapter 2 Titus chapter 2 you said well You know, he said milk of the word and meat of the word folks what we believe often determines how we behave Right and the doctrine that we learn. Yes, we learn for it to have knowledge But we also learn it so we can change our lives so we can change the way we behave Look at this example here in Titus chapter 2 verse number 1 He says but speak out the things which become sound doctrine What is he gonna get into salvation? The mark of the beast What is he gonna get to the rapid rate doctrine? Like what? What's that sound doctrine? Okay, let's look that the aged men be sober grave temperate sound in faith in charity in patience The aged women likewise that they be in behavior as become a holiness not false accusers Not given too much wine teachers of good things That they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chase keepers at home Good obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blasphemed, you know Sounds like sound doctrine is synonymous with your behavior He's like when you go to that church, make sure you preach sound doctrine All right, what which doctrines tell them how to behave themselves in the house of God? teach them how to like fulfill their own their god-given roles and Nothing annoys me more than someone who has all the knowledge up here But they're just as worldly and as carnal and their actions as the day is long Okay, they you know, they have all the knowledge of salvation and all these things but online They're just you know, these women are just rebuking man, and they're just loudmouths online or whatever Maybe you know, that's not Christian conduct my friends Or just young men who just have all this knowledge But they're just super disrespectful. They don't know how to hold their tongue They don't know how to just keep their mouth shut in a conversation with grown men Okay, you know I told my son and he's six years old I tell him when grown men are speaking you don't just get involved in the conversation and interrupt because he's a child He needs to learn those things, you know, what's that is when someone who is a physical age can't seem to understand that as well And just blur it out some disrespectful comment they say some some inappropriate thing They just say something that's just completely, you know off the wall Not Christian not becoming of sound doctrine So someone who's a full age recognizes. I'm not gonna say anything And in fact the reason that person wants to say something Is because they want to be esteemed as being a person of knowledge, but they have it backwards The Bible actually says if you want to be esteemed as someone who has knowledge You just shut your mouth and then people say hey, this guy's pretty knowledgeable because he's not saying anything Okay He says in verse 6 young men Likewise exhort to be sober minded and all things showing thyself a pattern of good works and doctrine showing uncorruptness Gravity sincerity sound speech Would you look at that? That cannot be condemned that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed having no evil thing to say of you And then of course he goes on to the employees there. What do we see? Is it sound doctrine is synonymous with your behavior. You want to be a full age learn Christian conduct and You know what? Like I've known churches that maybe don't necessarily aren't the best when it comes to doctrine and it's unfortunate But you know their conduct is really good though Their conduct they they know how to behave themselves as Christians. They know what's appropriate. They know how to be discreet they know their biblical roles and We need to make sure we don't undermine the importance of that, okay Let me read to you from oh go to James go to James chapter 3 And then we'll go back to Hebrews chapter 5 look at James chapter 3 verse 1 He says my brethren James chapter 3 in verse number 1 my brethren be not many masters knowing that we shall receive the greater Condemnation for in many things we offend all if any man offend not in word the same is a what? perfect man and Able also to bridle the whole body the Bible says so God says a spiritually mature person a man who is perfect a woman Who's perfect? complete entire wanting nothing Someone knows how to control their their their tongue. Okay. Now this is important in church, but it's important in marriage, too Amen You control your tongue with your spouse and don't just fly off the handle and and just say everything Did you wanted to say since last Sunday, you know to your spouse, you know, if you do that It just shows that you're spiritually immature You need to make sure that you recognize, you know A spiritually person as someone who's a full age can bridle the whole tongue a bridle the tongue and therefore bridle the whole body Go back to Hebrews chapter 5 So we see here that in order for you to quantify spiritual maturity You have to obviously have a basic understanding a firm grasp of the basics of the Bible the first principles of the oracles of God But you also have to have good Christian conduct Okay, and let me say this is that obviously we're a brand new church, you know churches is five years old It's not only new in the fact that it was established just not too long ago But there's a lot of first generation Christians here and with first generation Christians comes first generation worldliness first generation conduct first generation Conversation referring to conduct and so, you know, we got to put in a lot of work folks You understand we got to put in some work to be to to get that out of our lives and be spiritually mature So that our next generation is better than us We want our next generation to be better than us the Bible refers to our children as arrows, right? Why do they refer to them as arrows because arrows can go farther than we can ever go You shoot them out and they go far But you know what if you choose not to you got to put in the work for this generation in order for the next Generation not to continue to struggle with the things you struggle with Understand to be a full age and learn these things early on in life I wish I would have learned these things. I wish I would have gotten saved obviously earlier in life You know when I was young You know when I was a child and learn these things as a child, but you know That's just not our line life, you know, and so we need to put in the work now for the next generation Here's the next thing. How is it that we can quantify his spiritual maturity number three. Can you digest spiritual meat? Can you digest? Spiritual meat Hebrews chapter 5 verse 13 says for everyone that uses milk is unskilled for in the word of righteousness for he is a babe But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age Now, what does this mean? Digest what I mean by digest meat. Okay. Well look at verse number 10 He says called of God and high priest after the order of milk is a deck Look at verse 11 of whom we have many things to say and hard to be uttered seeing your dull of hearing Now I remember reading this in times past and thinking to myself like oh, he wants to talk about milk is a deck But he can't talk about milk is a deck because they're bored with that type of teaching or they're just disinterested, right? So he's not gonna talk about it, but it's actually not true because in Hebrews chapter 7 He spends an entire chapter talking about milk is a deck What he's actually saying here is what the text actually says He says we have many things to say and to be uttered because you have grown dull of hearing So it's like because you've become disinterested in this particular doctrine because you're apathetic Therefore I need to preach it to you again It's basically what he said in Philippians chapter 3 where he says, you know He does the Philippians for me to write the same things to you is not grievous but for you it is safe Basically, I need to repeat myself now if someone is dull of hearing what does that mean? It means they're not really sharp They're not smart about these things if you've grown dull of hearing it does mean that you've grown bored with God's Word you've grown bored with specific doctrines and And When that happens we need to teach those doctrines again to kind of reignite you and help you to be sharp again Okay, now let me explain what I mean We never want to become a church Where we need a pep rally every Sunday Where you need me to just hang off these mics and just like Doing backflips and all this stuff, you know Those are fun sermons and I like those sermons because that's naturally how I want to be sometimes But you know, sometimes we just need to teach basic stuff and If you're in church You just kind of like glazed over When we talk about being a full age It kind of shows me and it shows everyone it should show you that you have grown dull of hearing Because what essentially you're saying is that this isn't as fun or as important as other things Can you please talk about faggots? Can you please preach about reprobates? Can you please preach about transvestites and all these things like I want to hear something like that But no you're grown dull of hearing You need to listen to other things. You're dull. You're not your sword spiritually speaking. It's not sharp Okay, therefore when the Word of God is being given to you, you're just thinking about those pies You're just like Everyone's laughing because you know, it's true. You're like, how did you know that? He says I have many things to say hard to be uttered seeing that you're dull of hearing now think about this because you know I've been thinking about a certain passage for a while and It's it's the passage that states in the book of Proverbs iron sharpened it iron, right? Well, I was thinking, you know someone who has grown dull of hearing that's something that's in here But you'd be surprised how much that affects here Like it affects your countenance When you become apathetic towards the things of God, so I don't know about that. Well think about this, you know, what did God tell? Cain Why has thou countenance fallen? So he essentially Determined his the spiritual state of Cain based upon his countenance. You know, he's just like You know everyone's fixing their countenance right now There's just like You know, I just wanted to have a good guy everyone just smiling now. Everyone's really interested. You know, it was just like But you it's true though your countenance does essentially communicate what's in your heart and I was thinking about that passage because it says Iron sharpened its iron. Listen to this. So a man sharpened at the countenance of his friend You're basically saying like fix your face You know stop looking so disinterested with God's Word, you know, that's not the face you make when you play your video games It's probably not the face you make when you're you know, doing whatever activity, you know, because you're probably interested in those things Understand whereas someone who is actually interested in God's Word, you know, I'm not saying you have to just be You know, he's just like wide-eyed or whatever. Look at I'm just saying, you know, what is your level of interest in God's Word? What is your level of interest or apathy in God's Word understand have you grown dull of Hearing God's Word Do you need a pep rally every Sunday to keep you interested in on your toes when it comes to the Bible or can you? Listen to something really basic or deep and I don't even have to raise my voice and you're like, you know what? I really like this sermon now. I'll be honest with you. Like I love the the sermons were You know the pastors just screaming and yelling, I mean, I'd love to do that But I actually really enjoy other sermons where pastors are just not necessarily raising her voice the whole time You know, I'll give you an example, you know, and I don't think he'll mind me saying this and if he does then I'm too bad pastor Robinson. Sorry, you know, but pastor Robinson is not necessarily one who wouldn't necessarily Be bombastic all the time, you know, he can get that way Of course, I've seen him get that way, but I enjoy the sermons where he preaches where he's just like teaching the Bible And I I'm just like eating it up when he's when he's preaching and I'm listening at work and and you know I'm doing things I'm listening. I'm just eating it out. I'm like, man, that's good. I like that. I taste really good whereas other people are just like Because they want to get excited they want to get all you know, I remember a long time ago All this stuff happens a long time ago Well, I was in Bible college. There is there is a vegetarian and that does problem number one there's a vegetarian who's in Bible College, okay, and You know, and by the way, I am against vegetarianism and veganism because the Bible's against it and but he was vegetarian and he was really emotional like a really emotional person and And he's just like he's he was extremely like you couldn't you had to like walk on eggshells around him because he was so Emotional he was so easily offended I mean you just couldn't say anything and then you know He was one of those vegans and vegetarians who like try to recruit people like we'd have these conversations He's like, oh man, I have these persimmons and man It's just like it's like the best and I'm just there with the burger like really I'm just like You know and you know and let me just say this let me just chase a rabbit most vegans and vegetarians they want to eat me Okay, that's why they make the meatless burger because they're trying to get you know their food to taste like meat Which is kind of stupid because they say they say like meat is murder So it's like so what does that make your meatless burger? It's just like a like a parody of a murder something like you're acting like you're murdering an animal or something according to what you believe, but I remember you know this guy he just sung the praises of fruits and vegetables and that's all he would eat and I remember one time after Like a Wednesday night service at the church plant. We used to have this thing called We we eat McDonald's every Wednesday That's what we would say and we would go to McDonald's after Wednesday night at church to drown in our sorrows for being single and serving the Lord. So we're just like cheeseburgers and all this stuff, you know and You know, we're going there but he was with us because he was certain he was in the ministry with us And he went with us and I and I went to the dorms and I dropped him off I said I'm dropping you off because we're gonna go eat McDonald's right now And I'm not trying to like be offensive to you, but we're gonna do this though And then he's like no, no, let me go with you. I'll go with you I won't eat I'm like, you know, you probably shouldn't though Like I'm trying to respect you and your beliefs and stuff I'm not trying to put it like a stumbling block before I hear something I'm just letting you know that I'm gonna do it. You know what I mean? And so he's like no no, no It's fine. Don't worry about me. I want to go. I'm like, all right, you know and mind you This is the guy who would just constantly preach this doctrine Constantly get on us and you know You're eating that meat and it's gonna destroy your mind and blah blah blah as I'm like eating it I'm just kind of like, okay so we get to McDonald's and we're ordering and Then I turn around or I bring my food back to the table and we're like, where's this guy at? And he comes back with this massive burger I'm like, what are you doing? He's like, I can't take it anymore and he's just like Killed it And I'm just like no You're Ruining your life You know it's fighting him the french fries. I'm like And then he's just like this is so good. I miss this so much, you know, he's just like But I remember that this guy was so emotional He's so emotional not just like, you know easily offended But even like in chapel services where preaching was like if you weren't hanging off the chandeliers They would say like hanging off the chandeliers he would just come just didn't care about what was being preached I mean when you talk about countenance being fallen, this was the epitome of that like you're just like And if you raise your voice even like a decibel, you know, you just be like But then when he realized that you weren't necessarily gonna go crazy or anything then his countenance would drop again Because to him he just wanted to hear something that would get him physically going or something like that. You understand? But this isn't a rock concert my friends. This isn't a concert. This isn't a play This isn't entertainment. This is God's house where you're coming to hear God's Word and learn the Bible now Thankfully, you know, we keep it fun around here. Sometimes, you know, especially my stories, right? but you know more often than not you should be just content with Hearing God's Word and and not want you know, your your ears to be scratched. Okay people who want You know, they want to heap to themselves teachers having itching ears. Just tell me what I want to hear Tell me how to get to the week entertain me. No, you need to digest spiritual meats sometimes You need to be told how to be a husband sometimes You need to be told how to be a wife sometimes You need to be told, you know, hey, that's worldly. You need to stop that you need to be told Hey, this is evil. This is wicked. You need to be told who Melchizedek is You need to be told the strong meat You need that meat of the word you understand and and stop sucking on that milk for so long as a babe in Christ It's time to move on Okay to the meat of the word Hebrew chapter 5 here's the last thing How is it that we can quantify? spiritual maturity with lastly have you and here's the biggest one, okay, because the first three Even a babe in Christ can get away with it for a little bit like they can learn these things pretty pretty fast Okay, and and develop those things pretty quickly, you know, they can learn God's Word the basics they can learn the basics they can develop good Christian conduct They can also You know start eating and and appreciating spiritual meat but this one right here You just can't get oh, you just can't do this in a week This is actually gonna take you a long time Number four have you developed discernment? Also known as judgment This is what will call will will help you to realize if you are a full age Okay, look at Hebrews 5 verse 12 14. Excuse me. It's a strong meat belonging to them They're a full age even those who by reason of use Have their senses exercise to discern good both good and evil the Bible says so spiritually mature person Has exercised their senses. What are their senses hearing and seen? They've exercised them in such a way that they can look at a situation and make a godly assessment based upon that Because there's a thing wouldn't you agree? That if you're to put two people together Maybe once a babe in Christ and one is spiritually mature and if they're to look at one situation Both of them will come out with two different conclusions I've been in situations where I see something I'm like, okay, this is bad and other people are like well, I didn't see that which is because they don't they don't have that discernment and Discernment is something that you just can't get right off the bat There's no shortcuts to discernment Like well teach me your ways. Okay, show me your tricks There's no tricks to get discernment because one of the only ways to one of the the best ways and the only ways to Get discernment is by experience Yes, you have the same Holy Spirit that I have however, you have not exercised your senses to discern both good and evil and the Holy Spirit Cannot just Streamline your maturity to get you to judge things properly. Sometimes that takes years. Okay to develop and So, you know, that's why the Bible says he that is spiritual judges all things because they basically can discern situations and And and put a difference between the holy and the unholy between that which is profane between that which is unclean and clean And be able to determine is this right? Is this the right decision to make is this the right thing to do? Sometimes based in Christ, they don't just don't know those things. It doesn't mean they're they're a bad person It doesn't mean that they have a bad heart. It just means they're spiritually immature. Okay? Turn with me if you would to Matthew chapter 16, we'll finish there So you need experience So, you know, I know you're listening to those first three like got it check check You know conduct. I could get that this week I'll come in a sure in Thai next week Let everyone know how mature I am. You know, I won't say that stupid thing. I was planning to say after the service That's easy, you know I'm really interested when pastors preaching and then you'll say oh this guy's matured, you know just you know Pay attention really hard, but this is one you can't You can't you know fabricate you can't You know streamline is proper judgment You know and this comes with time it comes with obviously reading God's Word It comes when you get married Because we for some reason I believe that when you get married God kind of gives you just a little level of discernment because now like you're responsible for another life And so he's just like he gives you a measure of wisdom that you didn't previously have before okay It comes when you have children and it just comes the longer you are a Christian The longer you are faithful the more you read God's Word and you're faithful the more Discernment God gives you to judge righteously and this is the last point that I want to make is that Do not mistake this with judging that which is out there Like well, I have good judgment because I know Biden shouldn't be president But folks a five-year-old knows that about that Biden shouldn't be president You know my son knows that Biden shouldn't be president. That's not very you know, that's not necessarily impressive Okay, you know don't Determine you can't determine if you are a full age just because of what you can discern out there We're talking about spiritual matters. And in fact look at Matthew 16 verse 3 Jesus is trying to get this across to the Pharisees He says and in the morning it will be foul weather today for the skies red and lowering Oh you hypocrites you can discern the face of the sky, but can you not discern the signs of the times? He said you can discern things that are just out there the weather You know, you knew that Bitcoin was gonna do bad and cryptocurrency and all this stuff. You knew all the conspiracies You know all these things that you know, Alex Jones was talking about you had wisdom about that But can you discern the signs of the times? Can you actually discern the Bible and spiritual matters? Because look social media is filled with a lot of babes in Christ who think that they are full age They know absolutely nothing about the Bible. Okay, and I'm not impressed with that knowledge I don't even consider that discernment a lot of it's just common sense But discernment isn't common sense Discernment is beyond common sense. It's spiritual sense Understand even it would recognize and assess the situation and and and put that difference between the holy and unholy Profane the clean and unclean etc. And so what's the sermon this morning? It's just I'm just trying to show you how to quantify spiritual maturity okay, and I hope that as you're listening to the sermon you would desire that and Say, you know, I want a spiritual mature. I don't want to be a babe in Christ anymore I don't want to be a child in Christ I'm going to endeavor and put in the effort to do all these things and if you're like, yeah But it's gonna take so long. Well, that's why you're a babe in Christ Spiritually the person who's mature and recognizes I will take as long as it needs for me to mature in that area and I'm gonna put in the effort to do So as well, okay And so don't be someone who just uses milk get that strong me learn the first principles of the doctrines of Christ grow in your discernment grow in your judgment and That's it. Let's pray father. We thank you so much for your word I pray God that you'd help us as your people to grow spiritually but also to mature And obviously even when we've reached the stage of of maturity The the road doesn't stop there. We need to continue to grow and learn and Read God's Word because obviously we can regress we can go backwards and I pray Lord that you'd help us to do so help us to continue to press forward reach forth into those things which are before and Forget those things which are behind help us to press towards the mark Lord to spiritual maturity. We love you We thank you pray these things in Jesus name. Amen So Number 51 as our last song where we'll never grow old song number 51 Song number 51 seen on that first verse. I have heard of On the faraway strand is a beautiful Oh Built by Jesus on high there we never shall die Never Never grow old in a land where we'll never grow old Never grow old Never grow old Never grow old in a land where we'll never grow old In that beautiful home Where we'll never more roam We shall be in the sweet by and by Happy Praise to the King through eternity See tis a land where we never shall die Never grow old Never grow old Never Never grow old in the land where we'll never grow old When our work here is done and the life crown is won and our troubles and Trials All our sorrow And our voices will blend with the loved ones who've gone Never grow old in a land where we'll never grow old Never grow old Never grow old Never grow old in a land where we'll never grow old So that was the spiritual stuff let's get into the carnal stuff the winners of The the pie baking contest now. I want to let you know that I selected people who are a full age to judge this So don't get don't get mad if you didn't win. Okay. All right. Can I get a drumroll here? Let's let's talk about the third prize winner to the pie baking contest Wait a minute. Hold on a second You put one two and three that's first second third. Okay. I just want to make sure okay I see all kinds of numbers on here. All right. Oh, I see what you're doing. I see you All right, drumroll again The winner For the third prize pie baking contest 2022 first works BC and I'm California Number one Is is that you brother Maury? Oh Who's number one, did you ladies remember your numbers? Oh Okay, okay miss Courtney congratulations miss Courtney I For some reason thought you were clapping for your wife I was like such a good husband. He's happy. All right. All right second place for the pie baking contest 2022 the second prize winner is number two Can I get up a raised hand please who's number two? Oh Oh Okay, Caitlin Can you all can you all come in here? What do you guys you guys are disobeying the rules here? All right Congratulations number two All right For the champ The winner to the bragging rights for the rest of the year until next year's fall program the best pie at first works Baptist Church is number 16 Miss Ariel You all will get rewards in heaven and so Congratulations now you will be sending you your your gift cards after the service. All right. All right, that's pretty much it. You are dismissed