(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen the part of the chapter we're gonna focus on is in 1st Thessalonians chapter number 2 and verse number 18 where the Bible reads wherefore we would have come unto you even I Paul once and again but Satan hindered us and the title my sermon this evening is how Satan hinders us how Satan hinders us now turn with me if we went to Romans chapter number 1 Romans chapter number 1 here in 1st Thessalonians chapter number 2 we see that Paul the Apostle is speaking about preaching the gospel and we see a lot of Paul's heart for lost souls especially those in Thessalonica at this moment he says we're willing to impart unto you not the gospel of God only but also our own souls for you were dear unto us as a nurse cherished their children you know so we were affectionately desirous of you and we see really the heart of Paul for the lost souls that were found within this city and later on in that same chapter we see that the Jews actually came and they hindered Paul right but here in verse 18 we says or he says here wherefore we would have come unto you even I Paul once and again but Satan hindered us now I think it's safe to say that Satan basically used the Jews to hinder Paul okay and he says this is another sermon on the Jews no but it's just part of the chapter this is just what the Bible saying here but in my focus tonight is not necessarily gonna be on the Jews it's gonna be on Satan himself and how our excuse on how Satan will try to hinder the Christian now obviously before people get saved the thing that Satan tries to do the most is try to keep people from understanding the gospel and being saved right he will do his best and the fact the Bible says that he is the god of this world he is blind in the minds of those who are in this world so that they could not come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ he'll do whatever it takes whether it's you know the cares of this life to they get encumbered about things that really don't matter they get in they get infected with a lot of worldly ideologies and philosophies they even get injected with a lot of false doctrines such as repent of your sins even if they try to get close to God they get caught up in some false doctrine that teaches them they have to work their way to heaven and that's a way that Satan can hinder someone right but we know that after salvation Satan doesn't stop there after salvation he does try to hinder the people of God and he has different avenues through which he will do this now look at Romans chapter number one in verse number 11 the Bible says for I long to see you that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift to the enemy you may be established that is that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me now I would not have you ignorant brethren that oftentimes I purpose to come unto you but was let hitherto what does that mean hindered that I might have some fruit among you also even as among other Gentiles so this is often a thing that we see in the ministry of the Apostle Paul is that he was constantly being hindered from doing the work of God and that's one thing that we cannot avoid when we're doing the work of God we got to understand that we have an enemy and his name is Satan and he's gonna try his best to try to hinder us from doing God's work now what's the specific word that he's gonna try to hinder us from doing so winning why because that's the most important work right getting the gospel out there you say well how will he do that well first of all he's placed a lot of false doctrine out there that we have to overcome in order to get the gospel out to the people who don't know it right but secondly there's just a multitude of things that he tries to do and cumber us about with a lot of busyness that has nothing to do with God's work and it hinders us from coming to church or hinders us from going soul winning or hinders us from reading the Word of God maybe it's the matter of money right it's a matter of covetousness and he has all these tactics and methods and and things that he tries to put before the Christian to try to hinder them from getting the gospel out there let's just be honest there's a lot of safe people out there but not all safe people go so on him there's a lot of people who are saved they believe in salvation by grace through faith they're on their way to heaven but the Bible says that they're useless why because they're not giving the gospel now thank God that our salvation is not based upon doing something but the Bible does say that after salvation we're his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works right which yet before or day that we should walk in them the Bible says now unfortunately a lot of Christians don't walk in those works right and yeah often it's because just Christians are often just lazy they don't want to put in the work to do the work but you know sometimes it's just Satan hindering Christians right and here we see in Romans chapter number one he's like man I wanted to go over there but I was let hitter to he was hindered from doing that now go to Romans chapter 15 hmm Romans chapter number 15 we see something similar here in verse number 20 where the Bible says yea so have I strived to preach the gospel not where Christ was named lest I should build upon another man's foundation but as it is written to whom he was not spoken of they shall see and they that have not heard shall understand for which cause also I have been much hindered from coming to you so one thing we see here is Paul the Apostle is trying to create a work in a place where the gospel has not been preached right you think of any I mean we had an area today where I'm a hundred percent convinced that the gospel has not been preached there in a very long time he said why is that because the people just they just didn't understand it's just they weren't understanding and let me say this often we run into areas like that I was like man that's a closed area well really often what it is is just an area thank you it's an area that has not been hit they're not known sown seeds over there no one's preaching the gospel over there so this is the first time they're getting it there's so we're sowing the seeds there and maybe a year from now when we knock those doors again maybe they'll get saved okay but here we see the Paul the Apostles trying to go to areas and he said I'm being hindered from going there what is it who is that that's Satan Satan is doing the work of hindering God's people from doing God's work which is soul winning and look often we I mean sometimes people give Satan too much credit right right like oh you know I don't go church you the devil man it's the devil no sometimes you're just lazy okay yeah yeah I'm trying to read my Bible man but just the spirits you know it's just like these demons no you're just lazy you just need to read your Bible you need to pray you need to get your butt off the couch and go do something for God and often it's just the laziness of the Christian that's not permitting them right to do what they're supposed to do but that's not to say that Satan is not responsible for some of the things that take place right obviously Satan has this place in these things now go to job chapter number one job chapter number one we're gonna look at some things here first and foremost I want you to notice this Satan though he's powerful he has power he's on a short leash see a lot of the times Christians give Satan more credit and more power than he actually deserves okay he's not omnipotent he's not on my present he's not omniscient he's not all powerful he's not Almighty God is and the Bible says the greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world amen but that's not to say that Satan is not powerful but the Bible does teach us that Satan is on a short leash in Job chapter 1 verse number 1 the Bible says there was a man in the land of us whose name was Job and not job job amen job and that man was perfect and upright and one that feared God in his truth its shoot evil and they were born unto him seven sons and three daughters his substance also was 7,000 sheep and 3,000 camels and 500 yoke of oxen and 500 she asses in a very great household so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the East and the sons went and feasted in their houses everyone his day and sending call for their three sisters to eat and and to drink with them and it was so when the days of their feasting were gone about that Job sent and sanctified them and rose up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all for job said it may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts thus did job continually now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them and the Lord said unto Saint that once comest thou then Saints had answered the Lord and said from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it and the Lord said unto Satan hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and is true with evil then Satan answered the Lord and said the Job feared God for naught has not thou made in hedge about him and about his house and about all that he hath on every side thou has blessed the work of his hands and his substances increased in the land but put forth now put forth thine hand now and touch all that he hath and he will curse thee to thy face and the Lord said unto Satan behold all that he hath is in thy power only upon himself put not forth thine hand so Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord and if you read on of course Satan inflicts job with a lot of pain correct but let me say this it was at the permission of God you see he couldn't do it without God's permission he had to get God's permission to do these things and sometimes we often forget what you know people are afraid of the devil and they're afraid of Satan what can he do what do you think what if he hurts me well just know this he's on a short lease first and foremost okay and God's obviously has them on a short lease for a reason because he's not almighty he's you know when they when people talk about the battle between good and evil you know there is a battle going on but it's not like what's gonna happen in the end you know is evil gonna prevail this isn't a Hollywood movie God God's already won he's the controller of everything obviously we know that he's omniscient and he's gonna he's off we're obviously gonna come victorious at the end we understand that so we gotta understand first and foremost that obviously Satan is on the short leash but that is not negate the fact that he has power to hurt to harm and to hinder all right go to Luke chapter 22 this is all introduction here Luke chapter 22 so though he's on a short leash you got to understand something he does desire to trip up the people of God okay and he does have the power to do so and the reason he has the power to do so is because sometimes Christians give him the power to do so they give him the authority to do so what is because you're not reading your Bible you're not praying you're doing something that's sinful you're allowing Satan to have a place in your life to do something and attack you you see we're not of this charismatic movement where there's like a demon of alcohol and there's a demon of pot and there's a demon of fornication and there's a demon of pornography we don't believe in that garbage you know what you believe we believe our flesh is sinful okay and the Spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak the Bible says therefore what do we have to do we got to make sure that we're strong in the Lord and in the power of his might that we're reading the Word of God on a day-to-day basis that we're filled with the Spirit so we don't give into these temptations right but you know what Satan can take a weakness of ours and cause us to be tripped up now look at Luke 22 verse 28 says here are they which have continued with me in my temptations verse 29 and I appoint unto you a kingdom as my father has appointed unto me that he may eat and drink at my table my kingdom and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel and the Lord said Simon Simon behold Satan had the desire to have you that he may sift you as wheat but I've prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren so here the Lord told Peters like look Satan's trying to trip you up yes that he he he has a desire to sift you as wheat and here's the thing we can't be so ignorant and think well not me yeah well he that stand and take heed lest he fall he said well not me because I read the Bible every single day and I do this and I'm a soul winner you're probably the one that Satan's trying to get at and your own pride is gonna be your downfall first Peter chapter 5 verse number 6 or 7 and so in verse 7 says cast an hour you care upon him for he cares for you be sober okay and by the way sober means not drunk amen be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about just like in Job 1 seeking whom he may devour you see Satan's on a full-time schedule looking for to trip up Christians because here's the thing a Christian who is submitted to the things of God they're reading the Bible they're so winning they're dangerous those kind of Christians are dangerous if they know how to preach the gospel they know what the Bible says they're gonna hinder the kingdom of Satan so who's he looking for he's looking to devour those people okay now how does he do it now go to Galatians chapter number 5 I'm going somewhere with this Galatians chapter number 5 I got it take this thing out of my mouth it's like too big for me I feel like I'm gonna be preaching it's just gonna shoot out yeah he's gonna catch it so how does he do it well first of all I'm gonna give a couple things here how does he how does he hinder people he does it first and foremost to false teaching okay that's the number one thing he uses all right Galatians chapter 5 verse number 6 the Bible says for in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision but faith which worketh by love ye did run well who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth this persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you the Bible says so here we see that these people in these churches of Galatia were hindered okay and he said who didn't hinder you're running well you were doing so well but someone hindered you and what he's referring to is the teaching that they received they were receiving regards to the gospel okay even to the point where the Apostle Paul was questioning their salvation now let me say this a lot of Christians if you're not careful if you're not reading the Word of God you can be deceived as well now those who don't agree with us and who slam us they think that we're hindered right they think that we're going some other direction that we're believing some false doctrine but this is how you can tell if it's possible false doctrine or not show me where the Bible Word says that okay open up the Word of God let's see what the Bible says let's see what God says about it compare Scripture with Scripture and that's how we can tell but you know what there's a lot of Christians out there they don't give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine okay I got a phone call so I get phone calls now you know I was like maybe that wasn't a good idea to put my number out there like that you know I get these phone calls I'm going on a date with my wife and some guy calls me right and I learned early on and working full-time here that I need to block my number when I when I do phone calls when I mentioned the voicemails for pastor Anderson right because I don't know if you know them and I don't know how people like pastor Anderson did you guys know that if you know that or not so this guy calls me and he's just like yeah is this pastor Anderson I'm like no this is brother Bruce Bruce Mejia from faith world Baptist Church of Omani and he's like okay yeah yeah did you guys start a church in Omani I'm like yeah yeah we just started one in September and just kind of going to give him the information he was yeah I had a real I had a question for you and I'm thinking you know it's probably doctrinal or something like that and he's just like why do you have services on Sunday and I'm like that's what what do you mean you know and he's like yeah cuz cuz the law says you're supposed to keep the Sabbath you know obviously this is a Hebrew roots troll and and I'm thinking myself I'm going on I'm going on a date right now I don't got it why did I answer the phone you know and and he's like starts going on I'm like well look Colossians 2 says this book of Hebrew says it and I started quoting all kinds of scripture to him and I'm kind of just like giving him the benefit of the doubt maybe it's a guy who really wants to know the truth but he doesn't he just he just wants to know the truth well that wasn't the case okay he was trying to troll the whole time and he said look I'm on Wikipedia right now and Constantine is the one who instituted Heaven Church on Sunday and I said well what's your authority the Wikipedia or the Bible and he said God is I said but you're quoting Wikipedia I said the Word of God you should be listening to what I'm telling you because I'm giving you the Word of God this is what God's saying through his word and and you know give him I'm quoting all these scriptures and he's just not understand he's just not getting I'm like this guy's a troll I said okay I said did you listen to what I said I said have you read Colossians he says no I haven't gotten to that part yet I'm like oh well have you read Hebrews and what the Bible says about Hebrews how these things are done away with your shadow of things to come no I haven't read that yet I said have you have you read have you read the Bible cover to cover he says no not yet okay look if you're a troll listen it to me right now at least lie because now you look real it's like this guy won't even lie he's like yeah I haven't read it you know and I'm like then we have no business talking I said go back and read those scriptures and call me when you're done reading the whole entire Bible a few times but at least at least say yeah yeah I've read Colossians yeah yeah you know no he'd even say he's like yeah I haven't even gotten to that yet I'm like what in the world and the thing is I'd give him the scripture and he was just like it was just like he just wanted to argue I said I gotta go click you know and my wife was like alright you know calm down like I'm so ticked you know and I'll I had to it took me a while to just cool down a little bit for my date come on let's go have a good time you know but here's the thing is people get caught up in a lot of stupid doctrines and they get hindered right and here's the thing once they start believing those stupid doctrines God's just gonna allow them to believe those stupid doctrines you know especially when the Word of God is given to them and they reject it it's gonna hinder them okay I heard I could made a phone call to this one guy this has nothing to do with this but it has to do with phone calls right and and you know we're I'm answering the I'm answering the voicemails that you know not I was gonna say Evan Tyler Baker didn't answer so these are from like way back when you know so I called this guy and he's just like oh yeah yeah yeah I left a message and I'm like yeah you have a question you know what's going on he said is this Steven Anderson I'm like no this is Bruce Mejia you go okay okay well yeah well just let me ask you a question he said he said why do you work for such trash and I'm like oh man he caught me off guard on that I really thought he was gonna ask me a Bible question and I'm like that's a stupid question you know and he's just like he started cussing me out over the phone and all this stuff he said he was gonna do a documentary on pastor I was like good luck with your stupid documentary and hung up on him and I thought to myself maybe I should block my number you know I wasn't by going now I block my number right but it makes things exciting it makes good for good illustrations and sermons amen but here's the thing a lot of people they're just caught up in stupid doctrines what but you know what these stupid doctrines either way come from they come from Satan cuz Satan is the father of lies okay he's a murderer from the beginning a boat not in the truth when he speak at the lies speak at the bazon for he's a father of all lies so every single false doctrine that's out there it comes from Satan he construed it to lie to people and blind them of the truth and by the way Hebrew roots movement is a lie all this thing that we got to keep Jewish traditions is garbage write your stupid comments on the YouTube channels it's garbage and no Christian should ever adhere to any of that stupidity read Colossians 2 don't ignore it but here's these so how do we avoid that well the Bible says prove all things hold fast that which is good you see that's why when people told us about the post-trip pre-wrath doctrine or the reprobate doctrine we believe the way because we proved it according to God's Word as I well you're your influence to believe no we proved that according to the Word of God comparing scripture with scripture okay and let me say this a lot of us maybe some of you were we're conditioned to believe a certain way well you know what the Bible says that we need to renew our minds okay we need to what does that mean to clean it out we need to get brainwashed and yes we need to get brainwashed clean wash your brain from all of the foolish doctrines that are out there okay the Bible says but you have not so learned Christ and so be they have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus they even renewed in the spirit of your mind which after God has created a righteousness and true holiness okay we need our minds to be renewed through the Word of God now but one of the best ways to to avoid false doctrine obviously is simply by reading the Bible over and over again in fact the Bible says that some shall depart from the faith giving heat to seducing spirits and doctrines of Devils and in that same chapter he says give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine and then the latter part of first Timothy chapter 4 says this for in doing so thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee save ourselves from what from the false doctrine we see in verse number one now go to Matthew chapter 4 Matthew chapter 4 so how does Satan hinder where he uses false doctrine you know and don't think you're above it either if you don't give attendance to reading you're not reading the Word of God you're not listening to sound preaching and sound doctrine you will be carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive as the Bible says in Ephesians 4 we have to make sure that we're just constantly reading the Word of God and look if you read something in the Bible rubs you the wrong way it probably means that you just have some preconceived notions that you need to put away okay because sometimes what happens is we come to Christianity with some certain ideologies right and when we read the Word of God it's like the Word of God is having a hard time getting in because of these ideologies well this is what you do you pray you pray say God help me put away my my file of false ideologies and just take the Word of God for what it says okay so he hinders through false teachings but not only that he hinders through temptations as well look at Matthew 4 verse 1 says then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights he was afterward and hungered and when the tempter came to him he said if thou be the Son of God commanded these stones be made bread but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God then the devil devil taketh him up into the holy city and seteth him on a pinnacle of the temple and saith unto him if thou be the Son of God cast thyself down for it is written he shall give his angels charge concerning thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against the stone Jesus said unto him it is written again thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and saith unto him all these things will I give thee if thou will fall down and worship me then saith Jesus unto him get thee hence Satan for it is written thou shall worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve then the devil leaveth him and behold angels came and ministered unto him now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into the prison so on and so forth so we see here that Satan came to tempt Jesus using physical things and we see that Jesus overcame those temptations by doing what as it is written you see none of us is above this matter of temptation we're not Calvinists we don't think that as soon as we get saved we're no longer tempted to sin we live in a sinful body and in fact if that were not the case why would there be so many commands not to sin right to have a clean heart to do righteous and to live holy those things if we never were tempted to do those things after salvation there would be no commandment for it why because we just do it naturally but there's a commandment for it why because there is a propensity in our hearts to do wrong okay to have temptations you say so how do you overcome these temptations well there's obviously the the most obvious one is that the Bible says thy word have I hidden my heart that I might not sin against thee right you have to make sure that you're meditating and memorizing the Word of God you're reading on a day-to-day basis to make sure you keep your mind clean your heart clean for men it might be lust for women it might be fear and worry okay it could be any one any temptation and on those sides of the spectrum but they're both overcome by the Word of God number two you got to make sure you're praying when you're tempted that should be a red flag to you and a reminder I need to pray God help me to overcome this give me the power to do so help me to overcome this temptation and just remember this Satan knows your weaknesses so he'll tempt you with something that maybe someone else is not tempted with you know maybe you're not tempted with drunkenness you're like man I mean alcohol smells disgusting so it's like urine but to other people they're like you know what though I'm tempted by alcohol you see because Satan uses your specific temptation that's built for you right and so you have to make sure that you're constantly praying that's why the Bible says pray without ceasing right to deliver to be delivered from that temptation and the Bible tells us there are no temptation taking you but sisters common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you're able but look what it says but will with that temptation also make a way to escape they may be able to bear so anytime you're tempted they're always oh there's a way to escape that you know people say well I just I just fell into sin man I just know there was a way to escape you just didn't go that way okay yeah but you know I just I couldn't take it anymore yeah because the Bible here's the thing you're enticed by your own sin right but if you don't put in the word to say look I need to pray I need to read the Word of God and I need to go out that door to escape that temptation yeah you're gonna give in okay and of course memorizing the Word of God go to first Chronicles chapter 21 and temptation is big okay we can't live a sinless life here but we can sin less right you don't have to give in to the sins they used to give in to if you're putting in the work to read the Word of God you put you play safeguards and here's the thing one of the best ways for you not to be involved in the things that used to be in is get away from the people who still are see a lot of people get back involved in sin simply because they have friends family members deals teas primos whatever we who still do these things and you think well I'm a Christian I I got the strength I see the alcohol but I'm not gonna give in to it no that's a foolish way of thinking okay you need to get away from the people you know that's kind of cultish no that's Bible get away from the people who are involved in those sins and you won't be tempted to sit because here's the thing the first meeting you may not do it second meeting you may not do it but after a while you're gonna do it okay and the prideful person says I can withstand I can be in front of this I can do it okay the humble person says I'm not gonna go anywhere near it cuz I know how weak I am okay and you may not fall the first time but guess what the second time and third time you will and Satan is very patient okay now what's another way that Satan hinders us well first we said obviously that he hinders us through false teachings he can hinder us through through temptations but he also does it through doubt okay look at first Chronicles 21 verse number one says and Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel and David said to Joab and to the rules of the people go number Israel from Bathsheba even even to Dan and bring the number of them to me that I may know it and Joab answered the Lord make his people and hundred times so many more as they be but my Lord the king are they not all my Lord's servants why then does my Lord require this thing why will he be a cause of trespass to Israel you see God commanded the kings of Israel never to number the people as far as when you go to war because why because the war was in God's hands the victor was in God's hands and that was a that was a way to prove that they had faith in God but obviously David had doubt and when David had doubt what did he do he took matters into his own hands you see doubt is a very sinful thing to do why is that because doubt is the opposite of faith and without faith it is impossible to please God the Bible says and this can be applied in any area of our life obviously financially sometimes we just we don't have faith that God can provide for our needs whether it's faith and stepping out and standing for the right things with your family with coworkers whatever it may be and you have down like well you know I don't know what might happen if if I do stand for right or if I do start tithing or if I do give of my finances and my resources why don't you just trust God and lean on into that own understanding and all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths now go to Genesis chapter number three by the way in Matthew 16 I mean Jesus constantly corrected his disciples about this he says why reason you among yourselves you know regarding the bread and it's and he would often say oh ye of little what faith right because they had doubt and often someone who has faith will take risks someone who has doubt won't take anything right because they're afraid okay and by the way doubt creates fear and the Bible says that fear hath torment okay fear keeps us back from doing great things for God and often look often what you're afraid of never it really even takes place it's a boogeyman okay el cocuy okay that's so the Hispanic world la Llorona it's fake it's not gonna happen okay and but the thing is what does outdo it makes us think it creates this monster of an imagination or what if this takes place and what if this happens and and your imagination takes you far far of the possibilities of you standing for God or whatever may be but none of those things are even real you know better to just trust in the Lord obey his commandments and just do that which is right and look that's why it's important to have a lot of downtime either you know why because we have downtime your mind is like and you start thinking of all kinds of stuff your imagination can take you all over the world and create all kinds of scenarios and concepts that are not even real okay and so this that's why we've got to make sure that we stay busy whether physically or mentally we got to make sure we stay busy so our minds are not constantly thinking about things they the possibilities of the outcomes of the things that we're afraid of now yeah but we're supposed to fill our minds with the Word of God so we can so we can imagine upon those things amen and the possibilities how God can use us look at Genesis chapter 3 in verse number 1 now the serpent was more subtle than any beasts of the field which the Lord God had had made and he said unto the woman gay hath God said he shall not eat of every tree of the garden so we see like the first attack was what question the Word of God causing doubt right thanks Eve you know because and what did she do she doubted she questioned she took her the fruit she gave her she gave to her husband right he caused doubt and doubt is a very very sinful thing now go to 1st Corinthians chapter 14 and here's here's really the the crux of the message here so Satan hinders through false teachings obviously he hinders through just different averages through doubt through temptations but you know how sometimes he hinders within a church through disorder of God's order okay because most time people think well I got the doctrine down pack I know what the Bible says I'm not gonna be hindered you know I know what the Bible says I can defend myself you know I put safeguards in my life to keep away the temptations you know I think I'm a person of faith I pray when there's a need but you know how else he can get the people of God to stumble is when we get out of order God's order now look what the Bible says in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 31 for ye may all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be comforted and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets for God is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all churches of the Saints let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for a woman to speak in the church now look at verse 40 let all things be done decently and in order so this is on the context obviously of the church having order now when I think of disorder in a church I think of the charismatic movement and when and obviously is just like yeah they're they're way off I mean when you're rolling down the aisles and do backflips and front flips and holla shalaballa and the six-pack dolla you know how was it I should have bought a nice and I should about a Honda or whatever you're doing all that stuff that's disorder and we can rag on the charismatics all day long but you know unfortunately our independent Baptist brother are doing that same stupid junk go to the south all right you know picking people up shouting and you know just bunch of disorder there's no order it's a circus is what it is right but there is supposed to be order in the church now we understand that there's supposed to be a leader what this is in the democracy all right it's run as a benevolent dictatorship in a sense there has to and we understand that right the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 420 14 26 how is it then brethren when you come together every one of you hath a psalm hath a doctrine hath a tongue hath a revelation hath an interpretation let all things be done in to edifying I remember one time in Bible cause they showed us a video of this of this revival that was taking place at this Bible College and they showed this video and one person was leaving singing another person was praying this guy was preaching this person was doing I mean everyone it was just disorder look revival is taking place no it's a circus there's nothing orderly about that okay now the Bible says remember them which have the rule over you right so so according to the Bible God says there always has to be a ruler in his institutions right in the church but tonight we're going to talk a little bit about and these in these last few minutes about marriage in the family okay there needs to be order in marriage in the family you see if everyone was in charge in the church the church will be in chaos if there was no one leader to lead this whole thing it would be chaotic and look if you didn't agree with me well sorry I mean I'm the leader here so if you don't agree then that's too bad because this is God's order right but that applies to the marriage in the home as well because God is a God of order he has one leader in the home in the church that the followers need to adhere to okay now go to Ephesians chapter number five you say what does this have to do with like Satan hindering us because often Christians well-meaning Christians allow Satan to enter into their homes and cause a stumbling block caused this order simply because the family is not in order and let me say this the pastor of the home is the husband the Lord of the house is the husband this isn't a Joel Osteen dual pastor pastorship family 5050 you're a male chauvinist pig hog and it's Bible and I'm not saying this oh you know I'm gonna get the looks and here he goes again no no no I'm trying to salvage marriages and families because there needs to be order within the marriage and in the within the marriage and in the family now look I love my son my son is a joy to my life I mean I love playing with them we're gonna go home tonight we're gonna play we're gonna have a great time but guess what he's not more important to me than my wife guess what I don't know if you knew this but I knew my wife before I knew my son do you guys know that there's an order to that okay and you say he's like this doesn't even apply to me I'm not even married yeah well guess what one day when you will get married you're gonna come back and listen to discernment because you might even have problems later on because you didn't listen to discernment so why don't you take notes and learn these things see it because everyone's an expert when they're not even married yet and then they get married and they're like well it's not what I thought it was yeah take notes pay attention what look and look one of the best ways obviously is learn the Word of God but why don't you watch people who have a successful marriage and they will teach you how to have a successful marriage don't be a know-it-all learn you say yeah well I don't believe you know okay then do whatever you want we'll see you in five years see how it works for you okay and look there's people sometimes that they don't know a whole lot of doctrine but they have a whole lot of wisdom simply because they have maturity and life experience okay and you need to observe those people who have experience and wisdom in life you may know more Bible than them but they have life experience they have maturity they've been around for a while they've made the mistakes that you're gonna make if you don't listen okay what I have you turn Ephesians chapter 5 verse number 20 says giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God by the way that's where it all starts in the fear of God you see the husband is bitter towards his wife because he's not fearing God the wife has a hot has a hard time submitting to her husband because she doesn't fear God submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God verse 22 wives this is every man's of life verse amen submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord King James Bible Word of God it said it right there now obviously you know we chuckle we laugh but it is Bible though okay and the Bible says to submit yourselves to your own husbands as unto the Lord and in fact the Bible says that Sarah called Abraham what Lord now Lord doesn't mean like he's like deity okay you're not like burning incense to him or something like that what it means is this is that he is the boss of the house I don't like that because you've been influenced by too much feminism in of our culture that's why you need to realize that God has an order and the order is this the man is the boss if he's paying the bills okay he's providing for the family he's working he's the man he's the boss he said well he's not paying for the bills well man you need to start paying for the bills okay don't do the 50-50 thing we need to make sure he said well this is kind of this is a hard saying who can hear it well put on your seatbelts because this is what the Bible says okay and look and let me say this the ladies can't say you know don't be doing that okay because the fact of matter remains God still has the commandment for you to reverence your husband not to show him the Bible and say see right there pastor said it right there no no you still have your responsibility to keep regardless of that fact okay you still have to respect your husband and reverence him and obey him according to the Bible but it says here wife submit yourselves to your own husbands as unto the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he's the savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wise be to their own husbands and everything say oh yeah I'm not gonna listen to you haven't been married for that long okay you know what let's get an 80 year old to come up here and just read these scriptures does it change no let's get someone older come up here and read these same scriptures and it's gonna be the same thing so it's either me or someone else but someone's gonna say it and the Bible says it over and over again the fact remains is that the Bible says it right there therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wise be to their own husbands and everything now look what does that mean the wives need to follow and obey and reverence respect their husbands okay you say what how does that look like on a practical level well males have this thing called an ego okay this is the truth you know so they you know they have this balloon of a head and it's easily deflated by their wives you see the wives I'm basically supposed to be like a cheerleader you know and you're supposed to cheer your husband on he said well he doesn't deserve it neither do you you don't deserve you know the love but you know what we do because it's commanded right and we do it because it's right and look if you don't want Satan but remember the context of the sermon how does Satan hinder us as a family when we get out of order when ladies think well you know I know more Bible I know more doctrine I know more than my husband my husband's a doof and all these things okay now you're getting out of order and you wonder why your husband is struggling to maybe love you a little bit okay it's because you're out of order now God will deal with your husband if you just deal with the situation correctly but when you try to take matters into your own hands lean not into that understanding you got to understand something just do it the way God told you to do it and everything will pan out but if you don't you give opportunity for Satan to come in and do something okay now let me say this now the husband's are not off the hook okay because the words are like yeah you know no no the husband's are not off the hook he said why is that because we're in charge so if the operation goes bad guess what it's our fault we have to make sure that we're the kind of leader that should be worthy of follow shit okay but another thing is this we got to make sure that you were loving our wives and being patient with them because the Bible says that the wives are weaker vessels right now obviously we know weaker vessels means that they're just weak physically right but that also means emotionally often even spiritually sometimes and we who are the men ought to be strong we that are strong out to what bear the infirmities of a week okay look we can handle all works day come home go soul-winning you know fight false doctrine and all these things and just keep going sometimes the wives can't handle all that all at once okay and if your wife is not at the level do you want her to be you got to be patient you say well I can't take it anymore just well you married her amen so you got to deal with it I do I do you those words came out of your mouth so that means you took the responsibility to leave that person okay therefore it's your responsibility to lovingly bring that person along okay that's why the Bible says be not bitter against your wives right because it was like oh you know they're just like you tend to get bitter no just be patient okay you have to be patient with your wife and look let's go ahead and put these things into perspective what about Christ and how he deals with us the Bible says he's long suffering he's patient he's forbearing how many times could the Lord come down on you on us for our stupidity right but what did he do he was patient with us he had grace right he was gracious to us he's a god of second chances he's a long suffering God therefore we need to take that template as men and apply that to our marriages because your wives are not always gonna get it right and guess what neither are you so don't get mad if your wife is no again the wives are not off the hook either because the wives need to fulfill the responsibility of reverenting and respecting and following their husbands okay now look this is not popular whatsoever but this is not the popular Baptist Church and we're gonna talk about it look I'm sorry pastor Anderson I don't know if he's gonna preach on this later on but someone's got to preach on it and I totally tell you what the Bible says about it right he said yeah but I don't respect them don't listen then zone out and ruin your marriage whatever you want but the fact of the matter remains this is God's order and when we don't have God's order in the families it just allows Satan to come in and just ruin the entire thing get order in your family fix it yeah man I just want to give up what does that mean give up it's not divorce because divorce is wicked I mean I don't think we need to preach on divorce tonight because I think all of us know what divorce is divorce should never come out of the mouth of anyone within marriage it should be like a curse word to say I want a divorce that's wicked and you're a lazy slothful spouse wicked if you want to get divorce you say well it's hard well you know this isn't Candyland right this is reality here and here's the thing once the honeymoon is over it's just like you I mean you can't live on a honeymoon it gets expensive after a while sometimes you just need a cup of noodles and just do life together but it's not always gonna be roses and daisies sometimes it's hard there's hardships but you should never think well you know well we should you know we really consider divorce no you're wicked if you think that that should never be the thought of anyone and look if you're not married you should settle within your hearts before you get married I will never get a divorce if my wife nags me to death to the day that I die I will still never get a divorce because it's wicked and the Bible says that God hated putting putting you away he hates it we said we hate faggots amen well guess what we hate divorce too and God hates it the D word should never come out in marriage never never be considered never be thrown around never be joked about never threatened with I just think you think what divorce that should never be an option okay we say what is the option work on it you know just got to work on it just like anything else just got to work on it and it's not candy land so it's gonna be a matter of work it takes work it takes prayer and look it starts with the husband you got to put in the work man you're the man you're the leader you're the one who has to lovingly bring that person along you don't want to ask to teach that person you say well she know more Bible than me then you need to know more Bible than her bottom line you say yeah but she's been saved longer than I have doesn't matter God you're responsible look my wife grew up in an independent fundamental Baptist Church since she was born she's been there her dad's the pastor I have to make sure that I know more Bible than her why cuz I need to teach her I can't be like Sarah what does this mean can you can you tell me what this verse means please I'm preaching tonight I just don't know what it means no that's that's foolish that's embarrassing okay you say well you know I need a head start you need to just read the Bible pray and get you some Bible into your mind and listen to preaching and do whatever you can to know more than your wife okay that's what needs to be done let's see here verse number and let's look at verse number 28 saw meant to love their wives as their own bodies he that loveth his wife loveth himself whoo so here's the thing you know what God says you need to love your wife the way you would love your own body now what does that mean well you nourish and cherish your own body you make sure you get fed you take care of your body you check yourself out in the mirror when you get ready in the morning you make everything and make sure everything's looking good you needed that same care you need to have for your wife yes even the checking out part amen you need to make sure that you're loving your wife look and this is not in the notes compliment your wife every once in a while all right use words words are powerful obviously words you know can never hurt us necessarily but for wives for some reason they're very sensitive you know you can ruin your wife's day easy I can just destroy my wife's will hit my wife's week we're just like a phrase if I just put her down with one word it's over with okay you got to make sure that you're careful with your words look and let me give you an example don't don't ever like you shouldn't even call your wife names in the Hispanic culture that's big I have to be honest with you they name call like all day long you know what I mean and they say bad stuff sometimes all right that should never be a part of the household and by the way especially if you have children why is that because your children are growing up watching you as the example and guess what they're gonna do exactly how you do when they get a wife okay don't ever use I mean you're stupid you know that'll probably like cost you a month months worth you know I mean you're foolish no we need to make sure that we're loving even we have gracious words I mean we think of the wonderful gracious words of the Lord right you read the book of Psalms and when you're hurting you read the book of Psalms how gracious the Lord is with us we need to take that template with our wives and look that goes the same with the wives or their husbands don't put your husband down it's easy to put a husband down you know just spiritually speaking they're not up to par and you remind them of that you know what I mean you're just showing them his failures showing them this and that yeah you're not helping okay we got to make sure that we have God's order down packed yeah we got to learn doctrine yes so any Amen King James only post your pretty rad hate the homos absolutely but you know what Satan obviously sees that we're strong in those areas so guess what he's gonna attack the areas that we think we we were not strong and obviously which is the order in the home put some order into your home before before Satan comes and hinders that okay cuz look a church like ours is built upon strong families and strong marriages and I'm it's exciting to see like the young guys getting married amen I mean it's awesome and we have a couple more marriages to come and they're young guys are just getting on the ball and finding a wife and getting married praise the Lord for that that's awesome and the church is gonna be built upon strong marriages and men who are ruling their homes well but guess what if you don't apply these principles your marriage is gonna fall apart okay it's gonna fall apart it says for no man ever yet hated his own flesh but nourish it nourish it excuse me and cherish it that even as the Lord the church for our members of his body of his end of his flesh and of his bones and so on and so forth now let me see here how much time do I got left go to Titus chapter 2 and a lot of sometimes it's just a learning curve if you don't have an example to go by you know you kind of just learning behind the wheel it's just like you didn't have an example so you kind of just learning as you go but thank God I mean you're saved you have the Bible you can learn from what the Word of God says and that's sufficient obviously but look for examples in the church look we would say look if you're not a good soul winner we would say you need a you need a parable to some of the one of these guys one of the best soldiers to learn how stolen right so why can't it be the same thing for marriage why don't you put in the same effort in that area because the marriage is very much important to God why don't you say man I need to find a good strong marriage and just pair up with that with them and see what they're doing see how I know what I can learn from them make your marriage better don't put that thing on cruise control everything's gonna be alright and we're just gonna go to church no you need to be working on that thing and it takes work okay and don't zone out because I'm talking about marriage here this is important and this is the area that Satan will attack you in and look if if you don't believe me once you get married and if you don't apply these principles one spouse will come the other will not come and eventually you'll get discouraged and you won't come either and boom there's one family outside of the church it's happened even in our Baptist churches that we don't agree it happens all the time the Satan attacks the family he's taxed the members why is that because we're not working on the marriages you need to work on your relationship you need to make sure that you're keeping God's order in your family look at the Bible says here in Titus chapter 2 verse number 1 but speak thou the things which become sound doctrine the age of women be sober grave temperate sound in faith and charity and patience the age of women likewise that they be in behavior has become as holiness not false accusers not given to wine a much wine teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chase keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blasphemed okay so you say what happens if I don't obey my husband you know the Bible says the Word of God is being blasphemed and when we think about blasphemy very serious sin well the Bible says when you choose not to be obedient to your own husband you're blaspheming the Word of God that's strong just just stick that in your pipe and smoke for just a little bit and see the validity and the weight of that verse right there you're blaspheming the word of that's how God sees it you're blaspheming the word of God when you choose not to be obedient to your own husband 1st Peter chapter 3 go to 1st Peter chapter 3 you remember the things you did before you guys got married as far as like you know when you're trying to court your wife and get her attention and all that stuff sometimes that stuff stops after marriage you know I mean because you got her like the the conquering is has been accomplished you know what I mean but you know what we still got to do those things even after marriage you know you got to make sure that's that's how you work on it you do the things that you used to do right something by the way one of the best ways to make sure the marriage stays strong is this it's it's this it's this ancient word called dating okay you date it's d-a-t-e okay you meet together and you date once a week okay does anyone know what I'm talking about giving me the weird look okay you choose a day out of the week where you go and you spend time together you guys know what that is spend time with one another maybe over a meal you say we're broke go to the park make sandwiches okay dollar menu whatever may be but go have a date go spend time with one another here here's here's here's here's one look at each other's eyes for a while when's the last time you did that you know I bet you can't do that now without laughing and saying what are we doing you know but before you when you're recording that was easy now you need to go back to those things it's as easy as that to be honestly sometimes you know you just got to keep doing what you did in order to the way you fell in with each other in the first place this isn't a love seminar obviously okay but these are good tips amen these are tips that you say worry are we getting this stuff but my father-in-law have been married for years and he had one of the best marriages I've ever seen in my life I took a lot of notes from him and I learned a lot from him and these are just practical things that he would do to make sure his marriage was strong dating once a week will revolutionize your marriage okay and look when you date don't do this you know you're sitting across from me one another you look at your phones right why I gotta IG this real quick you know I got an Instagram story this real quick you know no put it on by the way I'm guilty of that put it away and just pay attention one to another all right look what the Bible says in 1st Peter 3 1 likewise ye wise being subjection to your own husbands you think like this is a important point here we keep seeing this right that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives Wow while they behold your chase conversation coupled with fear who's adorning let it not be the outward adorning of plating of the hair and a wearing of gold or of putting on of apparel but let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit that means no nagging meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price so God has given you some tips here he says you can win your husband over with the meek and quiet spirit when you're in subjection to your husband and look I've heard this recently I've heard it for years I heard it from my father-in-law and and even before I got married I used to hear it all the time many used to say my father-in-law used to say if you want to change your husband if you want to help your husband reverence him you can do wonders if you reverence him and and often the husband will testify and say you know what that stuff works it works you know cuz you Reverend someone's just like man you know my wife respects me she's cheering me on and that provokes the husband to love his wife okay and to go the second mile all right not nagging reverencing cheering him on you need to be his greatest cheerleader okay and anything he does look if he goes out soul winning and he sees like one person saved you know and he comes back how'd it go I got one person said wow I mean exaggerate but believe it amen you did yeah but brother Alex all like seven yeah but those poor people right even get saved I'm just kidding that one salvation was probably legit tell me all about what happened whoa I mean be amazed you know and guess what if you do that your husband is not gonna look for cheering from someone else get that you know why a lot of people cheat on me and that's wicked when you commit adultery and all that wicked as hell you know sometimes that happens is because the woman is not reverencing her husband so he goes where someone to someone who is referencing him now you need to be like the most amazed person ever like whoa I didn't see anybody say I'm pretty sure they were got they got saved but honey they're a reprobate yeah I know I you know do your best just look look for something to praise you say well as my husband's this will look for something it's not hard you don't know my husband you can look for something and then that goes vice-versa you husband's need to figure something out we'll make sure wife happy make her happy but wives because he's the lord of the house you need to find out what makes your husband happy and do that which makes him happy amen look at the Bible says here let's see well it says verse number five for after this manner in the old time the holy woman also who trusted in God adorn themselves being a subjection to their own husbands even as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord you're like yes I've been wanting to read that out loud in church see you're supposed to call me Lord calling him Lord whose daughters you are as long as you do well and are not afraid with any amazement likewise he husbands dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers look what it says be not hindered you see you're hindered when you're not in God's order so don't think oh you know I know the Bible and we're yeah we might be out of order well you could forget about praying this week you can forget about praying today you could forget about praying tomorrow because your prayers will be hindered if you're not following this yeah but I think God can still hear me I confess my sin you haven't confessed the sin of breaking this and by the way the Bible says he that confesses and forsaken shall obtain mercy so not just confess it you don't do it anymore you get it back into subjection verse 8 finally be all of one mind have a compassion one of another look what it says here love his brethren be pitiful be courteous what does it mean when it says be love his brethren well brethren is like you guys gotta be best friends man you know my best friends my wife we get along great we laugh together we have a good time I like spending time with my wife that shouldn't be a weird thing amen I have friends at the church that I like spending time with but I way rather spend time with my wife then with Marcos or with Alex or even brother Perry sorry brother Perry you know why because my wife is my best friend that's why I like hanging out with you know we joke we love his brethren the Bible says okay and look if you have other friends that are more important than your wife and something's wrong you need to get that right right you need to enjoy the company of your wife now look you know if you're always together and always together obviously you need to go to work you know I mean you guys need to go keep yourselves busy but the people you ought to be around the most is obviously your wife you know spend time with your wife you ought to have a good time that that's the reason you married her it's like man I want to be with this person for the rest of my life you know I can yeah I could wake up next to this person you know and yeah I can spend the whole day I can come home to this person this is a person I want to see every single day that's how your best friends but what happens after marriage is like well I'm gonna go hang out with my buddies what are you like 15 you know you're not a 15 year old you got a wife okay you have kids go home all right and you say why you know but I like fellowship in that church well keep her wife here and have a fellowship with the ladies you fellowship with a man but then go home go spend time with one another it's important okay you say ah this isn't helping me well too bad we're almost done now rendering evil for evil look what is it not rendering evil for evil what does that mean you shouldn't be vengeful in your marriage because sometimes it could get to a point where marriages become vengeful because you're bitter towards your husband you're bitter towards your wife you don't want to get back at him no don't render evil for evil you know Bible teaches it teaches to be forgiving you need to forgive and if you remember the parable of the guy who owed all kinds of money right and then he was forgiven of that of what he owed and then he went and got on some other guy who owed like a little bit of money you know what I mean he was forgiven this huge debt and then he gets on this guy for owning him this little small debt that he had well put that in retrospect to the relationship between us and God you don't want to forgive your husband for this stupid little sin in comparison to your sins that God has forgiven you put that into perspective you need to make sure that you forgive your husband and by the way husbands you need to make sure you forgive your wife and don't ever bring up the past the past failures that's the worst thing you could ever do well you remember that one time that you did this I thought you that was forgiven already has done away with you know and we need to have God's mind on this to say look when something's forgiven it's done we're not gonna bring it up again you know what I mean let let him you know just forget about it and you're gonna fail too and you're gonna want your wife are you gonna want your husband to forget about that as well you know you want mercy then be merciful you want great you want grace then you need to show some grace as well but forgiveness is very important you cannot have a successful marriage if you're not forgiving one another because you're gonna make mistakes you're gonna offend one another and you have to have the ability to forgive and by the way the Bible says in the person of Christ you know for the just as the Lord forgave you you need to forgive someone else be kind one to another tender-hearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you that puts things into perspective right there you need to make sure that you forgive one another and don't bring up the past sins don't bring up past failures just let it die out have a successful marriage and move on with that okay but not rendering evil for evil railing for railing I mean like you know don't argue and like accuse one another but contrary wise blessing knowing that you're there and to call that you should inherit a blessing look it's a blessing to be married but it's an even more big of a blessing to be married as Christians amen I mean we don't got it as bad as the people out there in the world who are married who don't have no template to go by they don't have the Word of God they don't have salvation unfortunately they'll die no both go to hell but you guys aren't you guys are inheriting internal life that's that's that's the blessing okay for he that will love life and see good days don't we want to see good days in our marriage amen let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile let him is chew evil and do good let him seek peace and ensue it so what's the message today we're talking about Satan or hey but don't think things like your partner Satan often hinders us in a lot of ways but one of the biggest ways that he hinders us if we're not careful is through the order okay we need to make sure we keep God's order not just in church but among even in our marriages all right because here's the thing if that's messed up guess what and that's that's why a pastor can't be a pastor if he's if his personal life with his wife is out of order right not gonna happen okay see what he knows the Word of God don't matter if he does not have order within his household if his children not in subjection to him if his wife's not following him if it was wife ever leaves him guess what he disqualifies himself from being a pastor but you know it within the marriage that's why orders important as well men love your wives but women reverence your husbands look let's not be let's not try to act like we're wiser than God let's just believe it let's just do it and inherit the blessings that come with that obedience amen let's bow our heads have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word and we're thankful for not just the Word of God but also great examples that we've had in life people who've been married for decades who have helped us to just glean wisdom and learn principles and methods and things that help in marriage I'm thankful for the examples that I had in my personal life and growing up in a single-parent home you don't have that example but when we get saved we have the Word of God we have older godly or Christians that we can learn from help us not to be so prideful that we would think that we don't need that help help us to realize that we need to humble ourselves and learn learn glean wisdom from these people glean wisdom from the experience of others but glean wisdom from the Word of God and help us have faith Lord in the Word of God as well that when the Bible says we ought to love our wives and be not bitter against them we should just obey that and and not try to create excuses as to why we can't love our wives no we just need to do it and figure out ways dwell with them according to knowledge the Bible says not only that help the wives also to reverence their husbands and to follow them to help them to be all that God wants them to be and I pray that you bless the order here in Jesus name we pray amen