(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right we're in Hosea chapter number seven look down at your Bibles at verse number one actually before we get into the sermon I want to encourage you to pray for Pastor Anderson of course last week and all the the nonsense and the drama that's been taking place it took a toll on his body and you know he he's doing better but obviously he's his leg is really messed up and thankfully it's not nothing fatal they thought it was going to be fatal because it looks similar to something else that that could affect his his heart or his brain or something like that but it's nothing serious it's just due to stress is what it is you know there he had a little bit of stress last week okay and even a little bit of stress this week as well so please pray for him and pray that God would touch his body and everything but he's always seeing good spirits and so but please continue to pray for him and of course pray for the Romero's okay make sure you keep the Romero's in your prayers specifically of course his wife and his children and that we obviously know time heals all wounds but time takes time right so please continue to pray for them look down at your Bibles there excuse me it says in verse number one when I would have healed Israel then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered and the wickedness of Samaria for they committed falsehood and the thief cometh in and the troop of robbers spoileth without so we see here that in verse number one and God is saying hey there is gonna be a time when I was supposed to heal you guys you're supposed to go through a restoration process where God would just heal the people because of their iniquity you say well what was the iniquity Hordom what was the iniquity idolatry and God said I was going to kill you but what happened well iniquity in Ephraim was discovered what was that iniquity falsehood what was the iniquity robbery that sounds a little familiar doesn't it falsehood and thievery now what is falsehood is basically not telling the truth it's lies statements of lies and it's interesting to me that when I look at this verse that falsehood and robbery and thievery are coupled together why is that because someone who is greedy of filthy lucre in order to increase their substance has to lie you see a man of integrity will tell the truth a man of integrity will not well we'll have just balances why because the Bible tells us that a just unjust balance is an abomination to the Lord what does that mean when you're not being honest in business that's what that's referring to and we need to make sure that when we're doing business whether with in a secular realm if you have your own business or whatever may be that you try to be as honest as you possibly can provide things honest in the sight of men why is that because if you don't it's an abomination unto the Lord according to the Bible honesty is the best policy but a person who wants to make greedy game who wants to have filthy lucre who is who has a love for money will do anything it takes to get that money even lie and have false statements in order to get that type of money now you know I didn't choose chapter 7 today I mean we're chapter 6 last week okay and I know I know we did two two chapters in a row well maybe there's a reason for that so we can talk about chapter 7 today okay and let me just say this is obviously there's many applications to this and we need to meet be careful lest we fall because a safe person can have the love of money if they say if a safe person couldn't have the love of money the commandment wouldn't be for say people not to have the love of money but here's the thing false teachers and false prophets also have the love of money so lest we be ignorant let's make sure we understand that one of the marks of a false teacher one of the marks of a wicked evil person is the love of money that's why they want to take the pastorate that's why they want a leadership position in the church why because they see it as a means to get money now hold your place there let's go to 2nd Peter chapter 2 I was thinking today I was like you know I was thinking last week maybe I'm hitting too much on false prophets when I teach but then you know I think about it maybe I'm not talking about it enough you know we obviously understand that there's false teachers and false prophets out there that they're pedophiles that they sexually abuse people right I mean we see that a lot in old IFB churches and non-denom churches where pastors people in leadership will take advantage of people for sexual reasons perverts right but let me let me just let you in on a little secret that's not the only thing that they do you see Judas was not going around molesting children but he's one of the most wicked false prophets that there was in the New Testament we can honestly take a consensus in our church and understand Judas is probably burning in the lowest hell today selling the Lord for 30 pieces of silver he had the back he loved money and there's a reason why 2nd Peter chapter 2 exists there's a reason why Jude exists and there's a reason why God so thoroughly covers the attributes and the characteristics of a false teacher because it's not just one thing that they're guilty of it's many things there are some false prophets and teachers that just major on one specific sin the bottom line is this is there if they're full of all unrighteousness we understand that Romans 1 is very clear that reprobates which that is what a false teacher is is filled with all unrighteousness well yeah but what about the all unrighteousness 2nd Peter 2 and Jude just goes into the specifics of what they major in look at 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse number 1 but there are false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privilege shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction so what's the attribute that we see number 1 in verse number 1 damnable heresy now this doesn't mean that it falls in this order okay I was like okay number 1 you know they got to teach false heresy or they got to teach false doctrine a false gospel and then number 2 their covetous no it it's interchangeable okay verse 2 and many shall follow the pernicious ways you notice that a lot of people like the false teachers and false prophets the multitude will follow them many shall follow the pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of so these false teachers and false prophets they will move the multitude to speak against to speak evil against the way of truth verse 3 and through what covetousness shall they with what feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not bottom line this is picture-perfect of Adam Bannon look and let me say this if you hold a different opinion I don't hate you and I don't think you're a bad person but you need to make sure that you study this issue and filter that guy through this chapter right here okay I said well I know he did all those things but he hasn't taught damnable heresy have you seen the clip where he says that Peter was saved under the Old Covenant and then when the New Covenant rolled around he had to get saved again you know what that's called damnable heresy he said that when Christ told Peter when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren that's when Peter had to get saved again that's false doctrine that's heresy what does it mean converted is not always in reference to someone getting saved it's like someone saying oh wait but it says repent so therefore you gotta repent your sins to be saved that's not what it says convert simply means to what to change and what is the Bible tell Christians to do in Romans chapter 12 to be renewed to be transformed to be not conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind so we have to change every single day we have to be converted every single day not for salvation but to be holy as he is holy to be a partaker of his divine nature you know we're sinners we need to work on on on the bad habits that we have our thoughts are not like his thoughts therefore we need to bring our minds in alignment to what he wants we need to convert to his ways but what is Adam Fannin say oh no no he Peter had to get saved again what that's dispensationalism I mean I heard there's a documentary about that recently put out on dispensationalism right I put out this film and look isn't Adam Fannin on there and here's what people think like whoa Adam Fannin's on your film now what are you gonna do now I'm gonna keep him on there because guess what there's a bunch of other heretics on that film as well and all they're doing is just stating facts about Schofield so he just falls in the in that crowd look at verse 15 but we see there excuse me in 2nd Peter that through covetousness they shall with feigned words what are feigning words well another way that the Bible puts it is swelling words when Adam Fannin first put out his first video mark it down I looked at it said he's a false teacher why because it said this why I love the new IFB oh you're looking too much into it you're not looking enough why would you make a video of that at the magnitude of the devastation is just taking place you know another fitting thing would be you know my prayers to the Romero family my prayers to Jacksonville be steadfast I remember when this song came out Ben the Baptist put up in my favorite video he said this step be steadfast he said what did he say all he said was be steadfast unmovable always abounding the work of the Lord and then he said this I have nothing else to say because I don't think it's my place to say it just be steadfast and he was in the midst of all that did he say hey where's our pastor did he say hey here's gonna retain Adam Fannin no because that's not the most important thing verse 15 which have forsaken the right look it down in verse 15 which have forsaken the right way and are gone astray following the way of Balaam the son of Bozor who loved the wages of unrighteousness but was rebuked for his iniquity the dumbass speaking with man's voice forbade the madness of the Prophet these are whales without water clouds that are carried with the tempest to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever for when they speak great swelling words of vanity they allure through the lust of the flesh through much wantonness those that were clean escaped from them who live in error what is that flattery and I know this is already hit on this week but we're at faithful word Baptist Church of Omani and we need to talk about it here too flattery is a mark of a false teacher false prophet now don't go over the top with this obviously or it's just like you're just gonna be rude to everyone else I just wanna let you know you're ugly oh you got a haircut one is it gonna get finished you know when are you gonna go back to finish it up don't go over the top compliment people be kind to people but we need to be able to exercise our senses to discern both good and evil and to understand biblically how to judge situations righteously now look if you're coming here you're like man I was hoping I was getting a sermon on grace or something sorry you know this needs to be dealt with and we need to take advantage of this situation to teach our people because this took this takes place at in the old IFP all the time and people could criticize and say oh man the new IBS falling apart we're not falling apart here the difference is this you hide it we expose it yeah but the media is all over you the media's never liked us in the first place they were never forward so what are you worried about look at look to Jude go to the book of Juden so we see there flattery covetousness damnable heresy verse 10 of Jude says but these speak evil of those things which they know not but what they know naturally as brute beasts and those things they corrupt themselves what does that mean they could only speak what's within their heart they could only talk about what they know naturally as brute beasts verse 11 woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the era of Balaam for reward and Paris and the gains saying of Cory how can you call Adam fan and a false prophet like this he's a false prophet and look we need to make sure I love everyone here I love our church but I love the church enough to say hey we need to make sure we get some smarts we need to make sure that we don't let our emotions get in the way of things Adam Fannin was my friend and in fact I feel like all this took place you know obviously there's many things have taken place and many benefits that we receive from this but you know one thing that I took from this is man God protected me because within the last two weeks I was getting close to Adam Fannin I was talking to him or on the phone we're doing the live streams and I remember thinking myself you know because I was kind of critical of him in the beginning but I just feared he's a different flavor of the new IFB maybe he's just naturally critical or whatever but I feel like maybe God protect me so I wouldn't get as close to him but at the end of the day we can't be respecter of people if someone exhibits the characteristics and the attributes of a false prophet of a reprobate we need to call it as thus obviously we give the benefit of the doubt but when the evidence is shown when the evidence is clear we need to accept the truth because if it was some non-denom liberal pastor doing the same exact thing that Adam Fannin is doing guess what we mark that person as a reprobate we got to make sure remember the sermon on Sunday I know maybe you glazed over during the sermon or something go listen to it again we need to make sure that we're emotionally stable throughout this time not cold-hearted you're cold-hearted no I love the children who were affected by this I love the people who are I love steadfast Baptist Church I've been keeping in contact with them throughout the week the main the core leaders of that church have been contacting me and I've been contacting them trying to help them out why because I love them but here's the thing the Bible says that they shall come from us from among us I mean do you do you believe the Bible it says it it's gonna happen pastor Anderson has said it many have said it the Bible says it they're gonna come out from among us at times you know and not that doesn't mean that they got saved and then they just come out as being a false teacher false profit it means they infiltrated earlier and they just got the best of us but look here's the thing is people look at their movement they'll say man you guys are just a bunch of drama and all these people are coming out and all this stuff yes because we weed them out and as soon as we find out someone is a false teacher a reprobate we expose them YouTube video after YouTube video let everyone know we're not ashamed of it why because God commands us to do that look at verse 16 these are murmurs complainers walking after their own lust and their mouth speaketh great swelling words having men's persons and admiration because of advantage what does it mean they're trying to get people to admire them it's what they're doing and he's a bunch of fools on the YouTube comments who supposedly were like followers of us and all of a sudden to telling pastor Shelley to go to hell you first wicked people condemning the righteous and I'll get I'm gonna get to Chad Morgan in just a bit wicked people backing up these wicked people that's wicked the Bible tells us in Proverbs 21 verse 6 the getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death go back to Isaiah chapter 7 you know last week everything was great wasn't it everything hunky-dory bed of roses you know these people are commented on my channel great sermon brother me here awesome what are they saying next week go to hell Patrick's is gonna do the same thing to you well no because I'm not teaching demo heresy oh no because I'm not rebelling against authority well not because I'm saved that's why that's not gonna happen it look don't get swayed by the multitude following this wicked person by the name of Adam Fannin oh it just seems like so many people follow him most of those people are fake you have Ian Levi this Christ rejecting Jew backing him up you're you're screwed if you got that guy backing you up if that guy's backing you up if you have Tyler Baker backing you up if you have the the modalist backing you up there's a problem but they're backing me up their devil's backing you up they take they're taking you're going the same place they are it's foolishness and folly and they think just because there's more people back in the mob and more people handle it I can care less about all that who cares look God has always emphasized the remnants right the righteous remnant and I told the guy on YouTube I backslid I'm I told the guy you so I was like you need to get your head straight because he was kind of like straddling the fence I was like you need to get your head straight put your emotions aside doing right matters all the time don't let your emotions get in the way of these things look even my old IFP pastor didn't lay emotions get in the way of me you know right I mean come on we need to make sure that we and look I'm talking to the men here ladies you follow your husband we need to make sure that as men we're focused we're in the word we're asking God to fill us with the Spirit to have discernment and to make righteous judgment and to steal the people when they're swayed still the people and say no this is the way of the Lord not what they're doing over there my respect for Ben the Baptist has gone up like a hundred times over this week that's a righteous man right there you know what the with or without his beard that's a good man that's a man who's not selfish that's a man who was hurt that's a man who desires the benefit of those in his church and is he asking hey you know right here I got the I got a big YouTube channel man right there he's just like we're pastor Shelley's our pastor and look he wants to be a pastor one day he's expressed that but did you hear him pipe up about that once throughout this whole entire ordeal why because it doesn't matter it's irrelevant he's not a wicked person so it's not coming out of his heart look down at you're in Hosea go back to Hosea chapter 7 let's keep reading they make the king glad with their wickedness and their princes with their lies they're all adulterers as an oven heated by the Baker who ceaseth from raisin after he hath kneaded the dough until it be leavened now what does that mean in verse 4 it says as an oven heated by the Baker who ceaseth from raising after he hath kneaded the dough until it be leavened well when you put leaven within bread get what does it do it raises it up right and he's causing it to cease what is leaven a picture of it's a picture of sin go to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 look at 1st Corinthians chapter 5 and verse number 6 and look let me say this is that the leaven needs to be purged out not just in churches but even in a movement don't see this as a bad start to the year this is a good start it's a great start you know and as far as we know April is still the starting day of starting a church in San Diego we're gonna make it happen okay now Chad Morgan's not gonna be a part of that he's done he's done and I'm gonna explain to you why he's done okay but let's look at 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verse 6 it says your glory is not good knowing not that a little leaven leaven at the whole lump purge out there for the old leaven that you may be a new lump as you are unleavened for even Christ our Passover sacrifice for us you see in order for us to go forward we have to lay aside the sin in the way that does so easily beset us you need to get out if you are gonna go forward as a Christian sin needs to get out if we're gonna go forward as a church sin needs to get out if the movement is gonna go forward and see people saved God's like well we got to purge this thing we got it we got to shake it up and purge and put some pressure to to refine the people there's so many false teachers and false problem of course there is it's a movement is doing great things for God you think Satan's just gonna be like just leave it alone Satan's gonna send the worst demons to come try to infiltrate go to Luke chapter 12 Luke chapter 12 now one of the 11 the 11 that we've seen over the last week is 11 of hypocrisy look at Luke 12 verse 1 says in the meantime when there when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people in so much that they trode one upon another he began to say unto his disciples first of all beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed neither hid that shall not be known what does that show you about the Pharisees they just covered everything up it was hypocrisy they would say one thing do something completely different look we're open here if I need to I'm not gonna tell you just wait until this Thursday for me to tell you everything about everything that's going on you got something to hide then therefore whatsoever you have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light and now which you have spoken in the ear and clauses shall be proclaimed upon the housetop and look let me say this if something is someone is accusing us of something we're not gonna wait an entire week to make a video to validate us and to prove us to be innocent do it right away why would you wait if someone is accusing you of a crime hop on that phone and say hey this is a lie here's the evidence why do you have to wait an entire week and then cryptically put on your on your video why I love the new I have be why do you have to start up the video like that I don't care if you love the new I be so he says that he loves the new I have been then the next day he says the he says the new IP is a cult you hypocrite oh that's right that's the leaven of the Pharisees go back go back to Hosea verse 5 says in the day of our King the princes have made him sick with bottles of wine he stretched out his hand with scorners so again who's who's the one backing this guy up scorners some of the most wicked people are joining him you know why because they hate pastor Anderson and they're looking for people who hate pastor Anderson and say hey we'll join you let's join together join forces against pastor Anderson now the main person that really shocked me all this was Chad Morgan last night pastor Anderson preached some owls there last night and pastor Anderson preached a fiery message very applicable to everything that's going on hey look at the end if you've seen every single video and you've heard that sermon you still believe that Adam is guilty I don't know what to tell you either you're deaf or blind or you have zero discernment well I can you know I can still you you're either deaf or blind or you're just being willingly ignorant he preaches the sermon sermons over he gets up up afterwards cameras already off pastor answering gets up and he says hey I'm gonna be gone for a couple weeks because I need to preach at these other churches that need us because there's no pastor there pure words Baptist Church you know these other churches and he's like you but pray for me because I'm not doing what my legs not doing well and he's just like you know thank you for being patient and honestly he's pouring his heart out to his people he's like I love you guys I love you all you know and I'm thankful that you guys been patient throughout this time and and it was very he spent I don't know a good amount of time talking about that and one of the men in the church said let us pray for you pastor so we prayed for him then and there for his body to recuperate and you know afterwards he even got up and he said look I also want to say that we are not to take vengeance upon Donny Romero or even Adam Fannin we're not we're not supposed to us personally try to cause any harm to them that's not our place he says I believe Donny Romero saved and whether you believe it or not you know that's up to you he goes Adam Fannin is not saved but you know we're not supposed to take vengeance on them vengeance you know it is for the Lord and he's gonna take vengeance on that okay he's pouring his heart out I mean he's it was it was a very heartfelt dissertation that he gave after the sermon it was a long night last night and he he was transparent he showed his heart and it's just like this man's been through a lot this week sermons over everything's over he's like you're dismissed let's go fellowship or fellowshipping Chad Morgan has the gall after all of that after the sermon after him pouring out his heart he goes to Pastor Anderson he says I just want to let you know I'm leaving the church and if you better believe you better make sure that the Adam Fannin is a reprobate he's like what are you talking about he's because if he's not a reprobate his blood is on your hands he has the gall to tell his pastor who's been praying for him preaching from taking care of him that his blood is on his hands what does Adam Fannin done for you has he sent you a check as of recently or something and all of a sudden you just turn on your pastor and you you rail on him and you said that his blood is on your hands that's wicked pastor Anderson and even then pastor Anderson said look have you watched the videos he says yes he goes did you watch the video where he lied he said yes and what's your take he's like I believe him exactly he says he believed him he trusts him at that point pastor Anderson threw him out to get out of here you're an idiot don't come back and all of God's people said amen oh you know I just still think no that's the problem you're not thinking now look I'm not saying that Chad Morgan's an unsafe reprobate false prophet I don't know I will say this what he did was wicked he's an example of someone who's stretching his hand to the corners joining forces and by the way that's not the only thing his wife has been criticizing pastor Anderson on Facebook he called past he called pastor Shelley and said you shouldn't be doing this getting involved in matters that don't belong to him this is wicked this is evil it's wicked it's ungodly it's of the devil but you know what it's clear enough that even a theologian knows what's going on even a theologian will know what's going on and look I said it on Sunday now say it again no sympathizers in our church towards Adam Fannin you simply you can sympathize towards Romero you can sympathize towards his wife and his children but we will not sympathize with false teachers and railers and those who cause a rebellion we're not gonna sympathize with those people I love everyone here and I'm for everyone here that's why I'm telling you this would you want me to sympathize with the false prophet a guy like and if a guy like Adam Fannin was in our church would you want me to sympathize with him no sympathy for a person like that and look if you still like him keep it to yourself and if you come up to you after service and say hey I'm going to a different church I can't I would say you know what god bless you I don't hate you I'm okay with that if that's what you want obviously I don't want people to leave our church obviously I wanted people to stay in our church obviously I want people to go forward in 2019 but you got to trust the judgment of the leadership no sympathy for him let not your eye pity and look it's funny that he pastors had mentioned this last night that he said that he was taken even years ago when he was younger but people would deceive him with swelling words the same exact thing happened to me when I was new in Christ I remember being a new Christian at my old church and there's a guy in my old church you know I can't say if he was a reprobate or not but he was he was he was flattering me but I didn't even know what flattery was he would come to me say hey brother how's it going brother take my hand that's a nice suit brother looking good man he just complimented me like crazy and I really thought he just thought like I was you know that was like fresh or something you know I guess I'm pretty fresh but after a while he would compliment and then he would ask for something he would flatter and ask for something and after a while I knew the pattern and I would try to avoid him just because of that I don't even know what flattery was I didn't even I didn't even know that it was a sin I just know that I didn't like it whatever what he was doing because if he caught me from the other end he would come like brother how's it going brother how's Bible College he didn't care what I was saying and I remember thinking and one time he said all this and I said what do you want and he says I need you to take some people home he wasn't hiding it he's like I want something from you but you know as I grew as I grew in the Lord and I learned these things I was like that guy was just like flattery he didn't care less about me he was trying to see what he can get out of me and look be thankful for leaders who are preaching hard slobbering out of their mouth stepping on your toes helping you to grow because at least you know this is the real me I'm not gonna just tell you you know everyone saved the devil saved good heaven good hell everything is all good kumbaya it's all fine and dandy no we need to make sure we just are transparent and look he said man why are you getting so mad because I love my church because I don't want to see people be deceived by false teachers and false prophets I don't want people to be deceived by flatterers I don't want to see that it breaks my heart when I see people go through that but you know what if after all this evidence after all this evidence you still want to go with that and fan and you deserve to go with that and fanning that's where you need to be that's cold it's not cold because we've done enough warning that's what you want and look I don't know what I'm preaching on Sunday but you better get ready first because this is on my mind this part we're gonna be talking about for a while because we got to do some surgery go back to Isaiah chapter 7 verse 6 this is for they have made ready their heart like an oven while as they lie in wait their Baker sleepeth all the night in the morning it burneth as a flaming fire they are all hot as an oven and have devoured their judges all their kings are fallen there is none among them that calleth unto thee Ephraim had he hath mixed himself among the people Ephraim is a cake not turned strangers have devoured his strength and he know it did not yet gray hairs are here and there upon him yet he know it did not so what is that telling us it's explaining to us that Ephraim referring to the nation of Israel is like a cake that's hot on one side and completely cold on the other what does that mean he's half and half that's what it's saying there we don't want to be a half-baked cake Christian well we straddle the fence where we halt between two opinions be decisive know what the Bible says and go with that look there's some gray areas in the Bible where you know God doesn't give us a whole lot of information but they're sharing things that are crystal-clear and only someone who just in denial would deny what the Word of God says or either that they're wicked and I've met a lot of people a lot of wicked people this week defending Adam Fanon in spite of all the evidence who have seen what he says and they just are willingly ignorant those people are wicked but you know I'm also met people I've talked to people who after the evidence was shown they said yeah you're right he is wicked that's what we want people to be you know don't just believe me because I'm saying it look at the evidence yourself old IFP says okay now close your Bibles and look up here new IFP says keep your Bibles open look at it yourself in fact go home and read it yourself try prove all things hold fast that which is good Ephraim he has mixed himself among the people even as a cake not turn go to Revelation chapter 3 hold your place there you said do you love Chad Morgan of course I still think he saved unless he comes starts coming out with some false doctrine but the man is wicked the man is wicked you know how do you do that to your own pastor where's loyalty you know at least wait a week or something like until he gets better I literally had to tell pastor Andrew like hey I got to talk to you because he was just he was pretty stressed I said I got to talk to you and I pulled my son I was like you need to go home and I walked him to his car was like go home you need to go rest he has these huge welts on his leg like these just huge bruised welts on his leg and they're just popping up on his leg that's God's judgment on him shut up you idiot that's stress and then obviously he's just gonna let it go in one ear and out the other and just go and just say that Adam Fannin's blood is on his hands that's wicked the Bible tells us shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them to hate the Lord you know he may not love them to hate the Lord but he is helping the ungodly look at Revelation 3 verse 15 it says here I know thy works that thou are neither cold nor hot I would that thou were cold or hot so then because thou are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot I will spew thee out of my mouth now what is gonna happen with San Diego we're as far as I know we're going forward with it okay going forward with it gonna still start the church God's in control amen he's still on the throne he's still he's still in control we know that we know that he all things could work together for good to them to love God to them who are called according to his purpose that verse is still true you know and we ought not to be faint-hearted or just I'm not discouraged I'm I'm doing pretty well you know this is the last three days was great it was crazy but it was great and I had a great time up there I'm having a great time here we just got to get through this process here but look what we need to realize we can't be half baked cakes where you're hot on one side cold on the other you need to be fully baked fully cooked fully persuaded in your own mind fully persuaded that what he hath promised he is able also to perform not be double-minded why because a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord we need to make sure that we're fully persuaded we know where we stand we stand with the Word of God we stand with the Bible we stand with our church and we go all in I'm not saying be cold-hearted you just need to make sure that you're cold-hearted towards the evil things and don't let that thing don't let that sway you be warm-hearted to those who are hurting be warm-hearted to those who are affected cry and weep for those who have been afflicted who have been in pain when's the last time someone mentioned his children these are the people we need to weep for and sympathize for not the wicked people who are causing the rebellion first Kings go to first Kings chapter 18 first Kings chapter 18 and look I mean I'm reiterating a lot of what was said yesterday but the fact remains we're at war right now so you know put your pruning hooks into Spears beat your plowshares into swords it's time to go to war and look if you're afraid like pastor Amanda said go home if you're afraid go home because it's a time of war in order for us to gain the season of peace we need to have war how do we fight the war well it's not with flesh and blood it's a spiritual battle I've prayed more this week than I prayed within the last couple of months I've sought the Lord more during this time not for my sake but for the sake of others I realize this week I don't pray enough for people in other churches I don't pray enough for the pastors in our movement I'm guilty of that but this is help me to realize hey we need to get back this is a spiritual battle prayers needed pray for the pastors in our movement pray for the families in our movement don't take it lightly look at the Bible says in first Kings 18 21 then Elijah came in to all the people and said how long halt ye between two opinions if the Lord be God follow him but if bail then follow him and the people answered him not a word then said Elijah to the people I even I only remain a prophet of the Lord but Bill's prophets are 450 men hey that goes to show you even though there's a multitude they're wrong I got so many people back yeah but they're wrong and by the way if God before us who can be against us God and us we make the majority okay but here we see that the people were halted between two opinions that's not a safe place to be in a spiritual battle if you need to think about it think about it but think about it now we need to make sure and I'm applying this to faithful or Baptist Church of Omani okay we need to make sure that we stay on the right track and that we breed men who know how to be decisive who know how to make proper decisions proper judgments proper calls who don't wear the emotions on their sleeves who are seeking the Lord who are spirit filled who don't allow things outside of the Bible to cloud their judgment if you need to get some sleep get some sleep if you need to go eat some food go eat some food but we need to make sure that we don't there's not outside sources outside of biblical principles and godly men who are obeyed by biblical principles to cloud our judgment because this is not the only time this is something like this is gonna happen it's probably gonna happen to our church prior within the next 20 years we're gonna have a lot of infiltrators come to our church now look if the infiltrators are listening that's not an open invitation to come and if you come and just let me know that you're coming but it's gonna happen but you know what they God uses infiltrators to prune us to renew us to help us to show us what areas were probably weakened and say man I need to fix this in my life I need we need to fix this area in our church we need to fix this part in our church he said well do we have books don't worry we have books we got all the books in fact the debate the the giving statements have already been sent out amen yeah that's one thing the old IV did have the church that I went to they were like make sure you get those finances in place and accountability but you know we can still even learn from that tighten up the screws tighten up the loose ends this helps us this is not bad news this this is it's an evil report but it helps us to become better okay look at the look go go back to Hosea chapter 7 verse 10 it says in the pride of Israel testify to his face and they do not return to the Lord their God nor seek him for all of this Ephraim also is like a silly dove without heart they call to Egypt they go to Assyria sorry brother John just kidding Ephraim also was like a silly dove without heart now what does that mean well we think of silly the word silly today it's not necessarily the way it's being used right here you know if someone's acting goofy we're like oh you're being silly silly really just means like you're stupid or foolish that's what that means it's like you're being silly means you're being stupid they'd look it up that's what it means so it says here Ephraim was like a silly dove without heart what is he saying he's like a stupid bird just they're just flocks to these people these wicked people and it says without heart what does that mean well the heart is the seat of our emotions but it's also the place where all the issues of all the issues of life stem from keep thy heart with all diligence for out of the for out of it out of the issues of life this is where we discern things and Ephraim has no discernment he's like a dumb dove flocking to the wicked people and he has no discernment they call Egypt they go to Assyria they go to Adam Fannin and if anything was like oh man Tyler Baker's on my side great I mean that should be a red flag if he's not a false prophet to say oh this guy's comment okay this is bad I gotta call pastor Anderson I'm really sorry about when you got the most devilish people in existence backing you up if you got the most wicked demons look Chris La Sala didn't he comment he hearted it he liked it he said who's Chris La Sala he's the guy who literally says he has a thousand demons in him the guy doesn't even hide it he literally says that he has like a thousand demons in him save one he has a thousand new how do you condemn a person like that who's already condemned himself it's like you're right thanks for telling me at least at least he's honest yeah Chris La Sala is backing him up that wicked Pentecostal charismatic tongue-flapping demon-possessed weirdo is for him I mean come on at that point you got to wake up and smell the coffee and say okay I don't have anybody good back him only these wicked rapper Bates who he would call out by the way or backing him up why cuz he's a silly dove Romans 16 a you have to turn says for they that are such served not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple you see silly a silly dove is a simple person because you ever heard the word that the term simpleton he's just dumb he's just stupid she doesn't know anything well those are the people to get deceived by what by fair speeches what is fair me beautiful I love you haven't you seen the video I love you come back to our church this is your home literally in the comment section this this guy from the UK comments on this video says I'm so sorry brother fan and I misjudged you will you forgive me I forgive you brother I love you what in the world there's like you guys are having a novella right here if you can't read that and say that's weird well what is it good words and fair speeches that are deceiving the hearts of the simple and I'm not questioning the salvation of that guy because I don't really know him but at the end of the day for sure well that would be on a shadow of a doubt he's a simpleton and we don't want to raise simpletons in our church look if you're simple all right then then receive instruction because that's how you get out of being a simpleton is by receiving instruction rebuke reproof knowledge go to go to Proverbs chapter 4 excuse me Proverbs 190 sorry Psalm 197 Psalm 197 then we'll go into Proverbs Psalm 197 I'm sorry I'm off here Psalm 19 I don't have the I don't have the colon on here in the paper Psalms 19 verse 7 I'm like someone I sound like this is verse 7 says the law of the Lord is perfect hey but here's the thing I admit that I was wrong hey guys I made a mistake I was wrong there the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple the statutes of the Lord are right rejoice in the heart the commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes the fear of the Lord is clean enduring forever the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous all together more to be desired today than gold ye that much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb moreover by them thy servant is warned and in keeping of them there is great reward go to Proverbs chapter 1 Proverbs chapter 1 I know there's a Proverbs 1 every book in the Bible has at least chapter 1 even Jude okay you catch that later verse 2 of Proverbs chapter 1 to know wisdom and instruction to perceive the words of understanding to receive the instruction of wisdom justice and judgment and equity to give subtlety to the simple to the young man knowledge and discretion a wise man will hear and what will increase in learning and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsel skip down to verse 22 how long these simple ones will you love simplicity and the scorners delight in their scorning and fools hate knowledge turn you on my reproof behold I will pour out my spirit unto you I will make known my words unto you verse 32 for the turning way of the simple shall slay them good night don't remain simple why because it's gonna slay you it's gonna kill you why because the simple are passed on and are punished the Bible says and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them but who so harkeneth unto me shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from fear of evil go to Proverbs chapter 8 Proverbs chapter 8 verse number 5 oh he's simple understand wisdom and he fools be of an understanding hard go to Proverbs chapter 19 say man why are you getting on anim fanning so much why do you keep talking about it why do you we already heard the sermon on Sunday well strap your seatbelts on because you probably hear more about it trying to make why is it simple try to make simple people wise trying to help them not to get destroyed look at Proverbs 19 verse 25 smite the Adam or the scorner and the simple will beware and reprove one that hath understanding he will understand knowledge you know what we're doing we're smiting Adam fanning over and over again why because just like when my mom used to whip my older brother in front of me I'm like well I'm not doing what you just did you know my brother got more opens than all of us you know why because he was the guinea pig he got the weapons and we learned from his weapons now we got weapons too but he got more than us and viewing what he did and the weapons he got it was like okay so I'm not gonna do that because then I'll get the chancla you know I'll get whatever I learned from that wife because when you smite the scorner the simple will beware so you know what this is gonna do this is this is helpful this situation was helpful because why because now the simple ones in our church now they grow in wisdom now they grow in discretion now they will be beware of the false teachers and false prophets and look let me just make something very clear this doesn't mean go around suspecting everybody and look people accuse us as just just throwing out reprobate to any person I don't do that I specifically teach in our church hey don't just call anybody a reprobate you'll be aware of that I only do that when I know for a fact that dude is a reprobate because he's exerting attributes and characteristics of a reprobate not just not just menial mistakes full-blown attributes of a reprobate go to Proverbs chapter 21 look what it says in verse 11 when the scorner is punished the simple is made wise and when the wise is instructed he receiveth knowledge look all of us either are or were simpletons at one point can we get saved we don't know all of the Bible discern principles that we don't know but you know what God expects us to move on from that and learn humble yourself and recognize your simpleton and say you know what okay well that's my weakness now it's time to work on that you know what and God is willing to teach us he's given us his word he's given us preachers he's given us people to help us to grow in that area but you know what if you choose not to learn when the instruction is given then you just downgraded from being a simpleton to just a fool now you're just a fool cuz you are rejecting knowledge you're rejecting instruction and you just got demoted to a fool go back to the Hosea chapter 7 and we're basically done verse 12 says when they shall go I will spread my net upon them I will bring them down as the fowls of heaven of the heaven I will chastise them as their congregation has heard woe unto them for they have fled from me destruction unto them because they have transgressed against me though I have redeemed them yet they have spoken lies against me and they have not cried unto me with their heart when they howled upon their beds they assembled themselves for corn and wine and they rebel against me though I have bound and strengthened their arms yet do they imagine mischief against me they return not to the most high they are like a deceitful bow their princess shall fall by the sword of the for the rage of their tongue this shall be their derision in the land of Egypt now I want you to notice it says they're like a deceitful bow so this is the attitude they actually have towards God what is it deceitful bow what does it mean to bow well like bowing to images meaning you're showing reverence so what he's saying is like you know like the kisses of an enemy are deceitful a kiss is something that's supposed to be pleasant but when it says the kisses of an enemy are deceitful that's saying that they're doing something but that's not what they mean by that like when Judas kissed the Lord before turning them in what we're saying here is like they have a deceitful bow they have this outward appearance they have this outward righteousness they have a form of godliness but they're denying the power thereof a deceitful bow a deceitful reverence and look part one thing that we can learn from all of this as far as Adam Fannin is concerned is that we need to make sure that that you know we need to be able to be zealous but not have this fake righteousness this over-the-top righteous self-righteous attitude where you try to make yourself look more spiritual than you really are okay why not just be balanced you know why not just be transparent why not just be you why do you have to make yourself look like you're just this hardcore you know guy or whatever just be normal look I made a lot of mistakes from behind this pulpit okay and I've and and people have corrected me when I mispronounce a word or something like that and guess what I receive it I made a mistake I make a mistake why cuz I'm human I'm gonna make mistakes sorry I'm not perfect I don't have my redeemed body yet but the fact remains we need to make sure that we keep a humble spirit humble attitude and we remain zealous by hating the evil loving the righteousness but guess what not being self righteous overly righteous where you try to exert this personality as though you're just a man of God who never does wrong who hates sin all the time I don't hate sin all the time why because my flesh has a propensity for sin I have to fight sin every single day I'm tempted every single day and I fall short every day but you know what I got to keep fighting and not have this self-righteous dilettante attitude as though you're just better than everyone else let's not have that attitude here in our church and I don't believe we do but you know what examine yourselves not if you be in the faith but if you be self-righteous check your attitude check your words you know be humble be thankful be grateful be zealous but don't be self-righteous and what would you say what can we learn from from Chad Morgan well what we learn from Chad Morgan is that he's just don't be a silly dove don't be a silly dove flocking with all the wicked people just because they're nice I like nice people but if all there is is nice there's a problem with that you know we need to make sure that we have a balanced view of people where we understand there's a time to be nice but they're also time to go to war and when it's time to go to war strap your sword on it's time to fight it's not time to be nice what do we learn as a church hey 2019 is off to a great start thank you God for helping us set the platform to become ten times better because there's a lot of things we could learn from this and at the end of 2019 will come out as gold if we choose to not be simpletons to grow from it amen it's my hands and I board a prayer father we thank you for your word and Lord thank you for the warnings that we have within your word God I know these things catch us off guard and it angers us it hurts us but help us to get over it immediately so that we can make right judgments emotions are okay to have and obviously you've given us emotions and to feel hurt but there comes a time when we kind of need to put that aside so we can so it doesn't cloud our judgment so we can do that which is right and I pray God that you'd give us that balance help us to be spirit filled and not to say that we're not to shed tears we're not to feel sad or or or hurt by things but help us not to let those things cloud our judgment and I pray God that as a church we you'd help us to continue to go forward to see a lot of people saved a lot of people come to our church and help us to accomplish a lot for you we know that there's gonna be a lot of false teachers and false prophets that can potentially come through these doors within next couple of decades I pray that you to protect us I pray that you give us wisdom I pray that you would you'd make manifest their folly and they help us not to stick our heads in the sand help us not to be simpletons and I pray God that we continue to depend upon you we pray for the Romero's Lord that you'd continue to give him grace and restore that marriage restore the relationship with the children protect them give them grace and help them throughout this time bless the church that where they're at may that pastor help them out and and be a blessing to them and I pray God that if there's anybody still following Adam Fannin who was saved that they would just come to their senses and those who continue to follow them in spite of it thank you Lord for allowing them to continue to follow him because that's where they belong in the trash and we praise things in Jesus name Amen you