(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Man, all right part of the chapter I'd like to focus on in 2nd Timothy chapter number 3 is verse 16 where the Bible says all scripture is given by inspiration of God And it's profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness That the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works determine to me So what's a math chapter number 5 tonight? It's part 2 of this morning's message I didn't really get to finish it and just talking about having a biblical balance in our Christian lives and how we can really Really to be honest with you We need to be we need to fully fully follow the Lord Holy following and not just pick and choose parts of the Bible that would benefit us and agree with those Areas of the Bible but agree with everything the things that benefit us the things that would offend us the things that would make us Feel uncomfortable and the things that we love about the Bible we need to accept the whole thing And in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 That's it sums up why because the Bible says that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and it's profitable the Bible says So the Bible says that not only the love and the mercy and the grace of God is profitable for us But even the parts that we would deem as being anger wrathful or any of those areas We have to accept all of it, in fact the Bible says there that the man of God may be perfect What is that complete? Thoroughly furnished unto all good works, you know in order for us to be complete Christians Christians that are perfect Christians that are wanting nothing. We need to take all of scripture together And we talked about this morning How often we have a lopsided type of Christianity where it's just all about love grace mercy, which I'm all for I love those things But when we only talk about those things and we only emphasize those areas of the Christian life guess what we're lopsided That's why when we talk about the wrath of God the anger of God that hatred of God It's almost offensive to people and it's almost it's like a shocker to us. Why because we haven't heard it enough So we need to talk about those things why so we can become more balanced in our Christian lives. Okay? Look when we only talk about one side and we don't emphasize the other we have a misconstrued concept of who God is You know, we think he just tolerates sin. He's okay with everything No, that's not the way it is and sometimes even there are there are certain sects of Christianity They guess what they emphasize the wrath of God and they emphasize the hatred of God to the point where they completely negate the love They completely negate the mercy and grace of God. No, that's not right. We need to have both We need to be balanced Christians Matthew chapter 5 The Bible says here for if you love them which love you verse 46 For if you love them which love you what reward have you you're not even the public is the same And if you salute your brethren only what be more than others you're not even the public and so be therefore Perfect even as your father which is in heaven Which is in heaven is perfect about says what does that mean? Perfect simply means complete doesn't mean sinless We know that we're not gonna be sinless this side of eternity. What it's talking about is being complete We need all the teachings we need all the doctrine both Old and New Testament we need Leviticus Yes, we need numbers. Well, we also need Matthew Mark Luke and John we need everything in order to be complete Go to James chapter 1 James chapter number 1 I'm gonna give you a couple verses here. Then we're gonna do some review from this morning James chapter number 1 and Verse number 3 the Bible says knowing this that the trying of your faith work is patience But let patience have her perfect work that he may be perfect and entire Wanting nothing God says I want you to be complete entire lacking nothing But here's the thing if we only talk about certain aspects of the Bible, we're gonna be lacking in our Christian We're gonna be lacking in our faith. We're gonna be lacking in our perception of who God is We need to have everything go to Acts chapter 20 Acts chapter number 20 Acts chapter number 20 verse number 25 The Bible says here and now behold I know that y'all among whom have done preach in the kingdom of God shall see my face no more Wherefore I take you to record this day that I am pure from the blood of all men For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God Take he therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost have made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood verse 27 for have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God I mean, that's a pretty bold statement by the Apostle Paul. I Mean it has a lot of confidence even in that verse but look I haven't shunned I have not robbed you. I have not hidden the whole counsel of God. I told you everything I'm not hitting anything from you I told you the whole counsel of God And maybe said of us that we are willing to learn listen to in yay even preach the whole counsel of God Look, I'm not saying of a brand-new Christian right off the bat I mean they didn't they need to know everything but obviously some things will be a shock to them, right? They know what sin is they didn't even know that the specifics of sin and what God is not pleased with They need to know those things. They know the whole counsel of God Now this morning we talked about the Pharisees go to Matthew chapter 23 Matthew chapter 23 Pharisees had a lot of issues first of all Judaism, man There were not safe people but you know, it's unfortunate some Christians actually act like Pharisees, you know, they have those Pharisaical type of tendencies And one of them we actually looked at today this morning 23 where it says won't you scribes and Pharisees? Hypocrites prepaid tithe of mint and anise and cumin and have omitted the way to your manners of the law Judgment mercy and faith these off eat to have done and not to leave the other Undone, what is he saying? Look? Yeah, you're obeying God in these areas But guess what? You're omitting the other commandments of the Lord And those are just as important as these. In fact, he said these are weightier than those You know, what we need to realize is we need to really Evaluate our Christian lives and say yeah, I'm obeying in this area. But what is in my own meeting? Because God wants me to be full. He wants me he wants me to fully follow him He wants me to obey all the commandments of the Lord and just because I'm obeying in this area doesn't mean it gives me The rights in the gates this area Go to Numbers chapter 14 Numbers chapter 14 We look at this this morning Numbers chapter number 14 verse 24. I like what it says here It says but my servant Caleb because he had another spirit with them and have followed me Fully him will I bring into the land where into he went and a seed shall possess you know God is looking for God looking for people to fully follow him And how do we fully follow the Lord by knowing exactly what he wants and trying to do our best to obey? His commandments as he's put forth in his word fully follow the Lord go to Romans chapter 15 We're just gonna review something a couple verses here Romans chapter number 15 I'll read to you from Acts chapter 20 where the Bible says and when they were come to him He said he said unto them He know from the first day that I came into Asia After what manner I have been with you at all seasons serving the Lord of all humility of mine It was many tears and temptations which befell me by the lying and weight of the Jews and how I kept back Nothing those profitable unto you but have showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house Testifying both to the Jews and also to the Greeks Repentance towards God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. You don't find it interesting. He says I kept back nothing that was profitable and Second Timothy 3 3 15 and 16. What does it say all scriptures profit, right? So he's the same everything that was profitable, which is all scripture He gave everything that he knew regarding the Word of God and he gave it to them Why because the whole all scripture is profitable. He says I can't back Nothing that was profitable to you that assures us the Paul the Apostle gave everything the good the bad and the ugly Romans chapter 15 says in verse 17 says I have therefore aware of I made glory through Jesus Christ and those things which pertain to God for I will not dare to speak of any of those things which with which Christ has not wrought by me to make the Gentiles obedient by word indeed Through mighty signs and wonders by the power of the Spirit of God so that from Jerusalem and roundabout unto Eliaricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ Paul said look I made it entire it lacked nothing I fully preached the gospel He can he can rest with a clear conscience and not only be fully preaching in the cities He was in his way. He was very full in his presentation of the gospel and look one thing This is a rabbit. Oh, we're gonna chase right now. We ought not to be a one two three Pray after me type of gospel preacher. Okay, Justin. Look, I love numbers There's a book in the Bible called numbers. God loves numbers. Okay But I've met Christians just like they just want to get this thing over with so they can just mark it down you know and guess what a lot of sometimes when you meet the people that they witness to it just It went over the heads that even understand That's one thing that attracted me to fake word because faithful word uses the Romans Romans wrote but they're very they're very Thorough in their gospel presentation and we ought to be very thorough in our gospel presentation Not just go that's not in Genesis and then in Revelation No, we need to just keep it simple, okay, keep it simple but be thorough Make sure they understand you make sure they understand these companies biblical concepts Show them the verses in the Bible ask them if they understand fully preach the gospel of Christ By the way, we don't count people who really don't understand and sometimes they'll pray with us All right, and they make a profession of faith But if it's like we're a little doubtful that they may have understood something we can count as like I don't know But the people who do get we understand is like this person guys I spent a lot of time with him I showed him the verses he was in agreement with it. He was with it throughout the whole time I believe he got saved. Amen fully preached the gospel This morning we're talking about a couple things here that we need to be balanced and we talked about grace and truth You know, how many of you ever heard that? Okay, and grace is not the license to just do whatever you want and sin and and just live a complete Sinful life and God will be gracious. It's gonna be okay exist Why because God is a strict heavenly father. He chastises his children He doesn't want his children to live in sin and if they continue in a persistent say guess what? God's gonna punish them in this earth He's not gonna allow his children to just be involved in the worst heinous sins and not do anything about it Look, I love my son, but guess what? I spanked myself Okay, and the reason I spank is because I love him and God's love is far greater than my love for his children You know what? God is not gonna is not willing for us to just go out and do whatever we want and claim grace He's gonna chastise us and the Bible says that the grace of God teaches us to deny ungodliness Yeah, we have truth But guess what? We have grace that teaches us not to sin and teaches us what the Bible says it teaches us to deny Godliness and worldly lusts we need grace, of course, but it's not the grace that they're talking about It's the grace that teaches us to live a holy life The Bible says by mercy and truth iniquity is purging by the fear of the Lord men department I love mercy and I love grace but the fact of the matter is mercy and grace doesn't teach me to fear God Guess what? It's God's judgment. It's God's wrath. It's his anger. It's the fact that you punish me It's the fact that I'll get chastised by him those things cause me to fear Those things make me afraid of God. He said well reverence is a respect for it. No reverence is fear I'm afraid of him. Okay, I fear God I Fear his spanking. Okay. I don't want to get spanked by God And get that keeps me on the straight and narrow Okay And when I feel like I'm going to strain my heart and I feel like I'm doing something that may not be pleasing to The Lord is what I have a desire to say Lord you can chastise me at this moment You know and I think for in order for us to preach right and preach hard. We have to fear God Because it's like either I fear the people or I fear God. Who do I fear the most? You know gotta fear God more It's got us far more powerful than what man can do And if I was is that the fear of man bring it this air But the fear of the Lord the fear of the Lord we possible when we fear God Some people turn the grace of God into lasciviousness and so with grace and truth, we gotta have a balance We gotta have both. We gotta have the truth and we gotta have grace to talk about when it comes to tolerating sin and Man, that's rampant today. And you know what? I'm for tolerating sin when we're preaching the gospel Okay, when we run into the worst types of people who are involved in the worst kinds of sin, you know What it's not my place to judge we're out there and if it's a fornicator someone who's living in adultery Some drunkard or whatever it may be. I want them to get saved And I don't have this hope we don't have this holier-than-thou attitude is like well, you know That guy's tattered from head to toe. So I'm not gonna win this them know. Sometimes those are the most open people Look, I grew up in Long Beach Some gangsters are just real open I witnessed the guys who are like they're sitting around they look like a motley crew But guess what? They're open to the guy and they're very respectful to our church people That's why I'm glad I hope you go to the money because I'm eyes a little gap Yeah, right and that means you say our nation and say that hey, I grew up And guess what? I was open to the gospel. Amen. And guess what? They're gonna go into the gospel as well. Oh She didn't judge and say well, you know, yeah, they're the worst of sinners. They're publicans in their harlots But you know what the public is in the harlots But we gotta have a balance with that thought as well and not allow that into the church Church is a different arena. We're in the world. We're preaching the gospel. We're in here This is God's church, but we got to do God's Church the way God wants it to be done I won't be late with a point in verse correct in chapter number five work where Paul the Apostle is talking about fornication in the church And how if someone is living in fornication, they're not allowed to be in the church You got you got to take out the leaven because a little 11 11 at the whole love the Bible says You got a little bit of sin into the church and guess what all kinds of sin started making their way in All kinds of false doctrine and what what is it in the name of grace? We got to be gracious to them Well for how long? Like one year two years three years after that four or five kids After they just ruined their lives and then they get a divorce No, I mean how how long are we gonna tolerate that for? Well, you know what we don't tolerate it at all And we help them to get right with God and when they come to church they begin to prosper and grow Look marriage is great. You know, I think it's great. I love being married I need to be single It's awesome, it's great and I don't want to deprive anybody of that right So when they come to our church and they're living in that lifestyle, they're living in that sin Guess what? We need to help them to get a ride so they can get married They could get God's blessing in their life and look once you get married is like man you got And you start having children You know God you don't have to live with the fact that you're living in sin How many people are in different churches living in fornication? They hear preaching and they know me need to get right, but they're just not willing to get right and you're just struggling You know and they leave church and they're trying to alleviate their conscience They're guilty conscious because they're living in fornication, but no one's telling them anything, you know Sometimes we need a little bit of tough love Okay, we need some tough love tough love helps it helps us to get right We talked about when it comes to everyone getting saved as well. We're talking about how Jesus Christ. Yes He is the Savior of the world, but that doesn't mean everyone's gonna get saved Okay, there are some people who are gonna reject the gospel. Yeah There are some people who are twice dead even in this life even in this world as we speak right now Look like I mentioned There's people who are not homos who are reprobates but eventually guess what they will become homeless that's the fruit of it But there are I've met people who are reprobates and they're just they don't want to retain God in their knowledge Look, I don't believe that person's gonna get saved if they hate God What makes you think they're gonna accept the love of God through Jesus Christ? I Mean it's a foolish concept and that's what happens when you're in balance in your doctrine It's like well God loves everyone But what about the person who hates God and God says I need to all workers of iniquity. God doesn't love Jeffrey Connor God doesn't love Hitler. I mean you're out of your mind if you think that you live in Candyland Christianity or something. It's a fairy tale It's not true Okay And hell exists How's a horrible place and thank God we who are saved we never have to experience that Wrath ever again by the way ain't anger and wrath they go hand in hand Okay, and the Bible says that the heat I believe is not the wrath of God a fight It's waiting for them. Okay But when it comes to people getting saved, you know, we gotta have the right perspective Yeah, the Lord is not willing than any should perish but that all should come to repentance But the Bible says the wicked shall be turning to hell. Okay, you gotta realize that Go with me to it's a Roman chapter 8 a Little bit on this on this topic right here We've got to be balanced in our in our thought process and people look at us and say no you're imbalanced You always talk about his hatred. You talk about wrath and anger and all these things We're just trying to bring balance to this thing because everyone else is talking about the other stuff So we're just trying to help people to breathe be balanced in their Christian life and have the biblical perspective that you're supposed to have Look when it comes to the love of God, we need to be balanced Romans chapter 8 and verse 35 You know someone told my friend also over here It's all in there. Like do you believe you know that God hates people? You believe that the people are not gonna get saved and he's just like people are gonna get saved Well that guy referring to Pastor Anderson, he doesn't believe that, you know, and it's just like whoa now you're just falsely accusing Okay, that's a false accusation But the Bible teaches you need to know what the Bible teaches about that Okay, Romans chapter 8 verse 35 says who shall separate us from the love of Christ Shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword? As it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter Nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us for I am persuaded than the other death nor life Nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present or things to come Nor height nor death nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God Which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. I'm thankful for that The Bible says he'll nothing can separate us from the love of God We'll always love it love us and the Bible says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son I'm thankful for the love of God Love of God is not something that I negate He's like, oh you talk about hate. I mean you gotta have love to have hate I mean you can't have one or the other it's both Go to Jeremiah chapter 31. I'm gonna I Jeremiah chapter 31 And verse number one the Bible says at the same time sayeth the Lord Will I be the God of all the families of Israel and they shall be my people? Thus saith the Lord the people which were left of the sword found grace in the wilderness Even Israel when I went to cause him to rest the Lord hath appeared of old unto me saying gay Excuse me. Yeah, I have loved thee with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness Have I drawn thee isn't that awesome that God is like that with us Lovely with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness. I will draw thee. Amen to that. God will always love There's never gonna be a time in my life as a safe person that God will ever hate me. I'm thankful for that Now go to Psalms chapter 5 That's it So I'm sure because we know that already that's like no, I mean you ask anybody you ask any cult Yes, the Mormons But Psalms chapter 5 here's the thing though we got to be balanced Okay Absolutely. God loves us. There's nothing they can separate us from the love of God. God loves us with an everlasting love Verse 5 says the foolish shall not stand in thy sight thou hatest all workers of iniquity Sorry folks. It's right there But that's Old Testament well in the New Testament in Ephesians it says we ought to be singing the songs It's just speaking to yourselves in what Psalms said I mean this is one of the songs right That means we have to see this in the church, you know, I don't know how you would see it But I mean Now God hates all workers of iniquity and look Just do some research of the most wicked people that have ever existed in this world and you would understand why Just look at the worst most heinous crimes that have been done to children the murderers of this world the Jeffrey Dahmer's the Ted Bundy's of this world and you research the crimes and the filthiness that they've committed and By the way, I've witnessed the people and it's like I remember I was in Monterey Park and she was Catholic and Yeah, you know just believe and I'll show her the verses and she said wait, hold on a second So you're saying all I have to do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and I can be said I can go To heaven I said, yeah, just simple as that. She goes. What about the pedophile? What about him? What if he believes and I said, well, no, he can't The Bible says he's irrevocable and I showed her the verses from the Bible and I went out on the limb It's like man, she's not I don't think she's gonna like this, you know And she says wow that makes a lot of sense She says and I said would you like to call upon the name of the Lord? She says yes She got saved You know why because she's used to everyone saying that Even Jeffrey Dahmer can be saved I mean, I ran into a guy on yesterday you know, we're talking about this concept of health with this guy and And he said I said, I mean, come on I mean that guy for sure is in hell, right? That's all right, and he said I don't know I Mean because I've run into a lot of unsafe people who have some logic And even they can say yeah, that's I mean that's obvious Well, there's a lot of There's a lot of evil with the people in this world There's a lot of work And see a lot of the times we live in this in this realm Where it's just like good God good devil good every everything's good. No, no one's bad, you know and People who are very wicked don't don't really exist. That's just like in the movies or something. No that exists Yeah, there's people the Bible says that lie in wait To commit sin to do wicked things these people do exist And it were fooling ourselves into thinking that well, God loves them as well You know there could there was a time when there were children when they were babies Yeah, God Jesus Christ did die for them he didn't love them but it came a point when they made the wrong decision And they chose to reject Christ Roman chapter 9 go to Rome He said what every time you guys talking about that hatred of God and stuff you always you always go back to the Old Testament but first of all, I mean even if we just have the Old Testament that stands right there because That was David who said that and David was considered a man after God's own heart I mean Jesus Christ quoted David all the time David is one of the godliest men that lived in the Bible and he said that filled with the Holy Spirit said that My way if you don't you think that if God wanted to because he's the author of the Word of God You say you know what? I don't want people to get the wrong idea I'm just gonna like leave that out If that were true, I think I would have just like removed that from the Bible. Yeah, but he left it there Roman chapter 9 verse 11 says for the children Being not yet born neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of God according to the election might stand Not of works, but of him that calleth it was said unto her The elder shall serve the younger as it is written Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated What shall we say then? Is there a righteousness with God? God forbid Guess what? A lot of people are claiming that God is unrighteous. Okay. Well, that's unrighteous. Whoa. Hold on a second Hatred is a very much normal aspect of our lives of the Christian life Okay, go to Romans chapter 15 And that was New Testament, yeah, but you're it's quoting the old I mean they try to do everything Right, yeah, you're going the Old Testament Okay, well Romans chapter 15 verse 4 says for whatsoever things were written before time We're written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope He goes, hey everything goes rain before time. That's so you can learn it. It's there for a reason Yeah, but okay go to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 Verse number 11 says now all these things Referring to what happened in the Old Testament Happened unto them for it in samples and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are Come you said look these are written for our instruction. We need to know these things Know the character of God even in the Old Testament because it's the same God in the New Testament Go to Ecclesiastes chapter number three Ecclesiastes chapter number three And see people's often confused like they'll say well you guys are so hateful like we're gonna go I've never even met anybody in our movement. We've been involved in being violent towards a homosexual Okay, why because no one's ever taught us to do something like that. No one's ever preached to do something like that It's not in the Word of God No, look, I've met people who got gay bashing. Okay before I will say I know some people who really hated But we don't encourage that we don't encourage anybody to take the law into their own hands But guess what to have those feelings of hatred in our heart. It's completely justified and righteous in the eyes of God Completely right do not I hate them to hate the Lord. I hate them with the perfect Of course, are you gonna go kill him? Absolutely not That's not my responsibility But guess what what are you gonna dictate my emotions am I not allowed to feel the way I want to feel Especially in regards to the Word of God. I have every right to and so does everyone here And here's the thing We just read it in second Timothy chapter 3 the Bible says that there's gonna be those who are despisers of good people good men They hate us Bunch of people in this world hate us and that's like normal to them. You don't see anybody posting on YouTube That's like normal to the world for them to hate us But all of a sudden we say well Whoa, whoa Long hair Jesus people like him Hippie Easy Our Bible says that that's very justifiable to feel that way and it's okay The Ecclesiastes chapter number three verse number one says to everything there is a season and time to every purpose under the heaven a time to be born in time to die a time to plan in a time to pluck up that which is Planted a time to kill and a time to heal a time to break down a time to build up a time to Weep in a time to laugh a time to mourn and a time to dance a time to cast away stones in a Time to gather stone stones together a time to embrace and a time to refrain from Embracing a time to get and a time to lose a time to keep and a time to cast away a time to rend and the time to so a Time to keep silence and a time to speak a time to love and a time to hate There's time when we got to love there's times we got to hate you Makes it very clear and there's seasons to everything Why because there's times when wicked actions are being taken and that ought to anger us That ought to cause stir up some hatred within us Go to Psalms chapter 97 Let me say this I Mean most of us if not all of us grew up with the wrong type of teaching of this aspect right here And we've had to grow in this matter of even having a holy We've got to grow in that because we've heard like for years the opposite, right? But look what the Psalms 97 verse 10 says ye that love the Lord what hate evil He preserved the souls of the Saints he delivered them out of the hand of the wicked The Bible says if you love the Lord you need to hate evil That needs to be like a byproduct of loving the Lord Do you have that tells me if you say you love the Lord, but you don't hate evil you don't really love the Lord Because he that loved the Lord hate evil. You can't have one without the other folks You got to have both you said man. I kind of struggle with this whole hatred thing Ask God to help you to hate evil the way needs to be hated And again, I'm not talking about taking matters into your own hands and being a vigilante and doing something stupid We don't condone that at all But I'm talking about what's your perspective the true biblical perspective of love and hate go to Proverbs chapter 8 Proverbs chapter number 8 Here's the kicker right here Proverbs chapter 8 verse 13. The fear of the Lord is to hate Evil Don't tell me you fear God if you don't hate evil You know why because if we fear the Lord we love the Lord that means we're on the Lord's side Okay, and I like David said do not I hate them You're I hate them I'm with you on this Here's the thing every single one of us is tempted to to go with the crowd, right? But at the end of the day we need to we need to evaluate ourselves and say Lord I Help me in my hate life. I remember my father-in-law had a great message one time called. How's your hate life? How's your how's your hatred for sin? How's your hatred for wickedness and for us is how's your hatred for those workers of? You know if we embrace it, oh, well, you know, they're okay people no it doesn't exist And look you said man. I'm just scared. Look the fear of man bring up the snare You're not God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a power love and a sound mind But with me for what to talk of chapter 18 We're talking about a biblical balance here having a biblical balance says yeah, we are Absolutely, we emphasize the love of God, but absolutely then says the hatred of God as well very normal Look, you know people flip out and stuff like that when pastor Anderson says that homos out to die and all these things There's this guy, you know Ted Cruz Ted Cruz right I remember one of his rallies when they were doing the whole campaign some past some Calvinist pastor Some Calvinist guy who we don't agree with at all Yeah during this campaign he got up before me as he was introducing Ted Cruz How come he's like not like being like persecuted Why are they cool that I don't know how many hits that they got But look if they're saying it and that's that's for politics Why is it so strange when we say Not to be strange It's like look Ted Cruz's guys just said it right there. I mean this guy's a full-blown Calvinist He's using a wrong version of the Bible You know, he's he probably believes in election and all that other junk that the Calvinist believe But he said he was like But that's not being good why You know, is it because we're just because we're Baptist, you know, what's the deal it's normal But not only that let me say this we need to be balanced when it comes to judgment. Okay But our power chapter 18 The Bible says here in verse number 12 Before destruction the heart the heart of man is haughty and before honor is humility He the answer is the matter before he hereth it it is folly and shame unto him So according to the Bible, you know, there's a wrong type of judgment. That's when basically we don't get all the facts Okay, it's when you just basically believe Everything that you hear the Bible says that is foolish and that is folly That's very stupid Okay Go to promise chapter 25 Robert chapter 25 Look we'll get into the right type of judgment, but this is like the wrong kind of judgment It's like when you just hear the criticisms of everyone. You're just gonna flat-out believe it. Okay back check We need to see if these things are so see if these things are true Before we call them out So before we believe them promise chapter 25 verse 9 says debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself and Discover not a secret to another lest he that here that put thee to shame and that infamy turn not away You're saying don't look stupid Before you actually believe in and start spreading gossip and believing the slanders and lies You need a fact-check this thing because if not, you're gonna look dumb in the end Go to promise chapter 14 And look we as Christians can't be simple All right, we need to be mature Christians wise Christians promise chapter 14 verse 15 says the simple believeth every word But the prudent man Lucas welter is going the simple just like oh, yes. Oh, really? I believe it, you know Look, I remember when I first started listening to pastor Anderson. It's just like man. That sounds true But I'm gonna check it out first Okay, and I remember when I first heard about post-trip re-wrath you know and I Paul Wimber and has sent me the video. I watched it. In fact, my father-in-law's in it And I remember I saw I was just like This sounds very true, so I wrote down the verses and I did a study for myself For weeks on end. I just studied And by the way You may have been like well, I didn't study. I just believed it. Well, it was biblical showed you the verses There's nothing wrong with it. Necessary. But what I'm saying is this is the simple just the simple just believe anything The simple as the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 4 is like a child that is tossed about You know carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cutting craft in this whereby they lying waiting to see They should believe everything every doctrine any kind of gossip any kind of slider. They just are gonna believe it Psalms chapter 31 Psalms chapter number 31 This is the wrong kind of judgment to me. Okay. I mean, how many of you ever played that game where it's just like telephone I Mean children not the only ones that play this game folks adults played all the time They get one fact they embellish the whole thing and it's just like they even add to the stories Psalms 31 verse 13 says for I have heard the slander of many Fear was on every side while they took counsel together against me. They devised to take away my life Bible says here the people just a slander is a lie. It's a false witness In fact, let me say this It's it's it's a little bit of truth Makes them with a whole lot of lies Because you need a little bit of truth to catch the attention of whoever's listening so it can validate what they're saying But the rest of it is just lies and slanders go to Proverbs chapter 10 Proverbs chapter number 10 Anybody who slanders is a fool Because the person who slanders doesn't know what they're talking about They just repeat what other people say. I can't do it. Like that's right Look I'm guilty of it. You're guilty of it. But let's say Look at Proverbs 10 18 says he that hide it Hatred with his lying with lying lips and he that utter at the slander is a fool You utter a slanderer you are a fool in the bottom in the Bible's eyes. You're an idiot You're a fool. Why because you're just saying you're just you're just Slandering people without even knowing what the facts are Go to Luke 23 look at it and let me say this. It's gonna happen to Christians all the time Why is that because yay all that will live Dalian Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution Part of that persecution is just people slandering your name throwing it all over the dirt throwing you under the bus Doing whatever they can to to ruin your character, but that's okay It's okay Because the Bible says he will recompense them upon their head Luke 23 verse 8 says when Herod saw Jesus He was exceeding glad But he was desires to see him of a long season because he had heard many things of him and he hoped to have Seen some miracle done by him then he questioned with him in many words by heat and by heat answering him Nothing and the chief priests and scribes stood and Behemothly accused him now at the end of Jesus, I mean throughout his mission, but especially at the end of his life Just people were accusing him of a bunch of stupid stuff Why because they're just trying to make them look bad They're just trying to come up with anything that they could to just kind of just make them look bad So they can put them to death so they can get their way and do what they want and go to Luke chapter 23 Verse 1 verse 1 says and the whole multitude of them arose and led him on to Pilate and they began to accuse him saying we Found this fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar Saying that he himself is Christ the king now Let me ask you something that he'd tell them not to give to Caesar I mean, I think everyone here knows that he did it, right? I mean we all use the verse random the things that the Caesars belong to Caesar We know that he didn't teach that but that's the only thing that they can come up with is the fact that they talked about Caesar And they said well, they totally he told people not to get to see that's a straight-up night But you're like that's how slanders work Behemianly they just know he did say it and often people believe false accusations and lies why because people are doing them very loudly Maybe he really try to accuse people and they gather people to try to agree with them on these lies to tear down Someone what a first Thessalonians chapter number five They were slandering him to cover up their misguided agenda So they didn't look back First Thessalonians chapter five look and that's why we got to stay away from criticisms I'm talking about the wrong kind of criticism. I'm talking about things are false and fake I mean I heard that what was the Sam Gibson? You have to just create that in your imagination to just say that you're lying you're a liar That's a slander. That's not true First that's a little but by the way people listen. They're like, oh, yeah, that's true. That's right You know, he is this and he don't fact-check they just believe everything first that's alone in chapter 5 verse number 15 says See that none render evil for evil unto any man, but ever follow that which is good But among yourselves and to all men rejoice evermore Pray without ceasing and everything gives things for this is the will of God and Christ Jesus concerning you quench Not the spirit despise not prophesying prove all things Hold fast that which is good You need to be able to prove all things If someone's slander someone Go back check that thing. I'll see if it's true Especially if it's close someone close to you. You ought to go to the person. Let's just believe everything that you hear fact-check at first go to Matthew chapter 7 So that was the wrong type of type of judgment you just everyone just believes anything that you say Or you believe everything that anybody else says the slander of many and look If you don't defend yourself You know people are just gonna keep You know railing and just adding to it and saying more and more and more try to cover it up Matthew chapter 7 in verse number 1 the Bible says judge not that you be now judged how many times have we heard that? There's not For with what judgment you judge you shall be judged and with what measure you meet it shall be measured to you again And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye But consider it's not the beam that is in thine own eye or how would thou say to thy brother? Let me pull out the moat that is out of thine eye and behold a beam is in thine own eye thou Hypocrite first cast out the beam out of thine own eye and then thou shall see clearly to cast out the moat out of Thy brother's eye What is the same look don't just judge and and and just rail what you ought to do is make sure that your life Is good, but you're not guilty of those things Okay, don't don't try to get the moat out of your brother's eye when you have this huge beam in your own eye Don't try to accuse people of things that you're guilty of Okay, don't accuse don't lie about a person saying that they're a liar if you're lying Don't try to accuse someone of something that you yourself are guilty of That's what the Bible is teaching us here and look. It's not saying don't judge We need to judge and it's important to judge why is that because we can't just be The Christian life is a wonderful and nothing bad is ever gonna happen. We just trust everyone and everything's a-okay No, we need to be able to prove all things. Well fast. That was just good No, but you know what prove all things okay judge it let's go to Psalms 119 You know, we need to have a balance in this area. We need to be able to learn how to judge Don't look for a reason to judge but have the natural tendency to judge righteously Go to Psalms 119 verse 66. The Bible says teach me good judgment and knowledge for I have believed Thine commandments. Let me say this when we believe God's commandments and we're following God's Word. We can make good judgments When we believe God's commandments and we're following God's Word we can make good judgments Well, we know what the Bible says about a specific subject when we know what God would God what God's take is on a specific Subject we can make good judgment Why because the judgments of the Lord are perfect They're the ones that teach us how to make good judgments here in Psalms 119 go to verse 121 121 121 the Bible says I have done Judgment and justice. Leave me not to mine oppressors judgment is very much important go to first Corinthians chapter number five First Corinthians chapter number five, but we Look at this earlier when we're talking about fornication in the church and how it's important to cast out people who are involved in fornication Okay, and I think sometimes people get like the this this perception they're like as soon as a person who's like brand-new They don't know anything about the Bible comes into the church, you know If he's a brand-new Christian and we find out he's involved in that we explained to him first You know, we gotta explain the what before the cars the what before the why right for the why before the what one of those? We got explains them right because obviously they're doing it ignorantly in unbelief now That's not to say that as soon as we explain it. We let them know. Hey you have a week And enjoy marriage the way it's supposed to be enjoy I Mean, it's not it's not a bad thing to tell someone that it's actually really good thing You know and it's a week. Yeah, you have until next week And it's not like we're going to there we're not I'm not going to like this person saying Hey People have this perception that that's how we're like And it's just like a you for to keep this or to get that and you need to get rid of fornication and you're A fornicator that's not how it works. You know, we lovingly tell people obviously, you know, this is what the Bible says and You said what words of this the strip is the strip is is this and just to let you know you have a week to Get married and if by that week, you have not got married you can't come back to the church And this is the reason why okay, I love you And I hope you get married because marriage is great and I want that blessing to be here in your life I want you to get the senator so you can enjoy the Christian life the way it's supposed to enjoy Look if you need anything you let me know. I'll take you to the court You want me to be there for you? I'll be there for you I want you to get right with the Lord, you know And you want people will respond to that be like, yeah, right. Let's do it. You know, and they'll get married You know, but it's not like, you know, we don't get in people's faces the way people think okay But look, we're not gonna compromise And say well, there's something I gotta tell you but I'll tell you like in a year It's just like no at that point you're making void The commandments of God by your tradition What I have in turn 1st Corinthians chapter 5 says that you're puffed up and have not read and warned that he had That he that have done this deed might be taken away from among you For barely as absent in the body of your present in spirit have judges already As though I were present concerning him that have so done this these is look I don't even have to be there already judged You don't know what's going on I see what's happening I've made an assessment I know what to do This is what you need to do. And by the way, Paul is righteous in that judgment, but 1st Corinthians chapter number 2 1st Corinthians chapter number 2 The Bible says in verse 14 but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because They are spiritually discerned but he did spiritual judge it all things yet He himself is judged of no man, but who have known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him But we have the mind of Christ So he says look he that is spiritual judges all things why because we have the mind of Christ That's not a prideful thing to say. It's the word of God. The Bible says let this mind be in you Which is also in Christ Jesus It's up to us if we want to have the mind of God the Bible says we have it. That's we're able to judge Spiritual things he that is spiritual judge it all things go to John chapter 5 He said, you know people say well, you know Jesus didn't judge You know, he is without sin among you. Let him first cast his throne. That's what he said John 5 30 says I can have my own self do nothing as I hear I judge And my judgment is just because I seek not my normal but the will of the Father which hath sent me What do you say I judge? Jesus Christ judge and if you don't think Jesus Christ judge judges or will judge you don't know what's happening. You have read Revelation Okay After after the the rapture and after the Sun and Moon are being darkened Or excuse me, when the Sun and Moon are being darkened and we're out of here. There's a whole lot of judgment coming Okay, and I guarantee you no one in this room is gonna be like judge not lest you be judged No, they're gonna say rocks Judgment is very much a part of the Christian life and we ought not to have this holier-than-thou kind of judgment Prove all things hold fast that which is good. What do you feed your chef number four? Ephesians chapter number four Lastly here, you know, we need to be balanced when it comes to biblical preaching And our movement is creating a balance in this aspect right here Very much important. I'm thankful for our moving. I'm thankful for the independent Baptist This is the kind of church that I actually got saved in and though it was different from a lot of the things that We believe in they had heart preaching. They believed in the King James Bible They believed in soul winning they believed in separation and it helped me my Christian life. I'm thankful for the Baptist Well, let me say this over time the bills need to get paid Right and when the bills got to get paid the preaching kind of takes a downward spiral And that's in a bunch of churches. Oh The majority of churches are like that And I fear what's gonna happen to my son in my future family as the churches continue like this I fear what's gonna happen to the next generation and we have poster pre-wrapped people We obviously know that the end is coming and we may not be here But guess what? My son will be our children will be and They're gonna date if we don't strive to have this kind of biblical preaching Guess what? They they're gonna have to grow up in this type of those type of churches You think they're gonna be ready for tribulation? Do you think they're gonna be ready for affliction? You think they're gonna be able to take a stand against evil and against wickedness if they remain in those type of churches Of course not Look we don't just preach hard and spin and slobber and yell just to make a show We want to get the truth across so we can preserve the next generation Because what we do in moderation, they're gonna do in excess Ephesians chapter 4 verse number 15 the Bible says but speaking the truth and love May grow up into him in all things, which is the head even Christ I hear this all the time and I believe it because it's in the Bible. We need to speak the truth and love But they're speaking the truth and love is like basically omitting things in the Bible don't say certain things That's what they that's what they mean speaking the truth and love to them is basically saying No speaking the truth and love it's telling you the whole truth with a very loving spirit Hey, man, I want you to live God. I want you to be righteous in your life I want you to have God's blessing on your family. I want God to punish you I do because I love you Okay, that's speaking the truth and love What a second Corinthians chapter number 11 Okay, Paul said that right and they say well Paul said, you know, you gotta speak the truth and love Well, look what he says in second Corinthians chapter 11 verse number 6 But though I be rude in speech get not a knowledge But we have been thoroughly made manifest among you in all things He says look I might be rude in speech, but I'm not a knowledge You can accuse us of Slobbering and spitting and and saying all kinds of stuff and raising our voice, but you can't accuse the knowledge is coming from the Word of God Though I be rooting speech yet not in knowledge go to second Peter chapter 1 so the Paul said look Speak the truth and love there's the balance but you know the opposite side of that is this He was rooted in speech There's some things that he said reprove rebuke exhort. I've judged already Paul was very much a hard creature And you couldn't be accused of not speaking the truth and love look at first second Peter chapter 1 verse 5 says And beside this given all diligence add to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance as the temperance patience And to patience godliness, it's a godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness charity Amen, man, we ought to be kind to one another We as brethren ought to love one another not to be kind and charitable one toward another but look at what second Peter the Very next chapter says this is Peter. So it's the same author right? It's the same guy who's writing this. He said charity Brotherly kindness, you know all that mushy-gushy stuff that most churches like to hear right about I'm for it It's in the Bible right there, man But look at chapter 2 in verse 12 says this is the same guy and these as natural brute beasts made to be taken And destroyed speak evil the things that they understand 9 shall only perish in their own the corruption. Whoa Whoa, what happened to the brotherly kindness man? Only this should be destroyed Brute beasts. Yeah, that's the balance He says have charity kindness be loving but those natural group beads that were destroyed That's what we need to hear That's a good balance right there Peter. That was a good balance. That's a very balanced biblical diet Oh Second Timothy chapter number two Second Timothy chapter number two Look at all these guys are like that. Okay, and I'm not saying again We're striving to have a balance of both We want both but let's not omit one over the other we need to have both second Timothy chapter 2 verse number 24 The Bible says here. This is Paul speaking to Timothy He says and the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle Have to teach patient and meekness instructing those that oppose themselves If God pre-adventure would give them repentance to the knowledge of the truth Hey, man, I believe that the servant of the Lord must not strike men I mean we agree right it's in the Bible, right? Okay Go to chapter 4 In verse number 11 The Bible says only Luke is with me take mark and bring him with me for he is profitable for me to the ministry and Tichokist have I sent to Ephesus the cloak that I left at Troas with carpets when thou comest bring with thee and the books But especially the parchments now look what it says in verse 14 Alexander the conference meant didn't be much evil the Lord reward him according to his works. I Mean, that's that's a good way to end the book, right? Messed up to man. Hope God rewards him according to his works No, what he's telling is the truth and guess what Alexander That's what I hope the Lord gives you But you know what he's saying he's like look God's gonna punish this guy for the evil that he did The servant of the Lord must not strive But hey, that's not we're not omitting the other part where it says God will Rent it to people their fruits in their due season. They will pay For the things they've done wife because whatsoever a man saw it. Yeah. Shall he also read the Bible says go to 1st Timothy chapter 1 So in biblical preaching we gotta have both of these things You know, we got to talk about the love of God. How's your love life? But guess what? How's your hate life to Both first Timothy chapter 1 verse 19 says holding faith in a good conscience Which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck of whom is hymenaeus and Alexander Whom I have delivered unto Satan that may not that may learn not to blaspheme man, that's rough I mean, what if we're here right for a couple months? We have some members here here for a couple months all of a sudden. They just disappear And it's like hey, whatever happens Is there anything I can do for you You know Speaking the truth and love doesn't negate the command to rebuke it's there. It needs to be there go to Titus chapter 1 Titus chapter number 1 Titus 1 In verse number 12 the Bible says one of themselves even a prophet of their own of their own said Accretions are always liars and evil beasts slow bellies. This one. This is true. Paul said he's amended They say these things about them, but it's true Wherefore rebuke them sharply But then maybe sound of faith Man, you correct them hard Make sure you correct them are sharply for them. Maybe sound of the faith Titus chapter 2 verse 15 These things speak and exhort and were puked with all authority. Let no man despise And unfortunately if it hurts if it hurts a little bit is because we've been desensitized Thinking By the way, like hard preaching it does hurt it bothers me Who doesn't it bother? It's gonna hurt, you know, when you feel like the preacher's talking to you and your face turns red You know and it's a good thing because it helps us to get right You know the sweetest time with my son is when he gets chastised for doing something wrong He cries and lays on his shoulder and it's almost as if he has like a repenting spirit We get along even better after that. It's the best type of chastisement there is and when the Lord chastises us and Whether it's the preaching of the Word of God or the circumstances of life Guess what? Our reaction should be thank you God because that's that's helping me correct my heart Our heart needs constant correction. Life is it's just prone to wander It's prompted to just you know The heart is wicked to see people above all things who can know it and we need to learn That when it gets that way God rebukes as he chastises us for a reason. That's the biblical model right there What's the what's the message tonight? Simply this let's be balanced Let's seek to have a biblical balance in our Christian lives so we can live a life It's pleasing the floor and then let's go ahead and bow our heads before the prayer. Lord thank you for this day Thank you for your word. Thank you that all scripture is profitable for us And there's parts of the Bible that offend us Lord, but the words of the Lord are pure words We stand in awe of thy word Because it's wonderful and I pray God that you'd work in our hearts more and more to hate Evil to love righteousness and to hate evil Help us to fear you as we ought to fear you by hating evil Help us not to be afraid of what man can do to us Well, man will opinionate about us what they will say about us No, help us to be more afraid of what you might do to us if we disobey you Lord I pray father God that you would just help us to grow in this area help us to be balanced Christians