(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Part of the chapter I'd like to focus on in Matthew chapter 23 verse 23 where the Bible says woe unto you scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites for you paid tithe and mince and its incumen and have omitted the weightier matters of the law Judgment mercy and faith these ought ye to have done and not to leave the other Undone I want to focus on that last part where it says these ought ye to have done and not to leave the other Undone and the title determine this morning is having a biblical balance Having a biblical balance turn with me if you would to numbers chapter 14 You know the Pharisees aside from the fact that they were unsaved They were very much guilty of just being imbalanced in a lot of a lot of their areas in their lives And here in this passage of Scripture. We see that there were tithes I mean they were willing to tithe from even though the mint that they received the Cuban which is just a spice Anything extra that they received they were willing to to tithe off of it But yet they would completely omit the commandments of God and we see that over and over again How Jesus rebukes the Pharisees and he tells them how they basically made void the commandments of God through their traditions and over and over We see that in the Gospels. They just gloss over judgment. They gloss over mercy. They gloss over faith Yeah, they're tithing Yeah, they're taking care of the the mint and the cumin and all the other stuff that they're receiving But they're completely omitting the rest of the commandments of God Their traditions are making void the law of God they were not balanced and The question this morning is this what does it mean to become a biblically balanced Christian? Because in reality people will look at us and our movement and say well you guys are imbalanced you guys all you guys focus On postrib or you you focus on the wrath of God or you focus on the anger of God and all these things But the fact of the matter is most churches don't talk about those things Most churches really focus on the love of God the long-suffering of God the patience of God which by the way I thank God for those things Those are important things, but let me say this if you only focus on those things. You're actually becoming very Imbalanced in your Christian life why because the Bible doesn't just talk about the love of God. There is a hate of God as well The Bible doesn't just talk about the mercy of God It talks about the judgment of God and we can't just do one thing and omit the other characteristics of God We need to be biblically balanced in our lives simply we need to obey all the commandments of the Lord and not just pick and choose which ones we like and which ones we Don't like and then you know what? Most Christians are guilty of that. We want to pick and choose Oh, I want to obey this commandment I want to be faithful to this commandment, but I'm not really sure about that Old Testament command You know, I want to I want to definitely embrace this belief and and what God says in the New Testament about mercy and love But I don't know about the whole wrath thing and and the whole putting sodomites to death and and all these other things that the Bible Talks about that's in the Old Testament. No, no to be biblically balanced. We need both We need both We need to accept all of who God is and not just what appeals and benefits us. I love the love of God And if it wasn't for the love of God, Jesus Christ wouldn't have come you wouldn't have died for me I'm thankful for the love of God, but guess what the wrath of God is very much existence. Well And let me say this if the Bible says the word of fear God, you know, the love of God doesn't like encourages to fear God It's his anger. It's his wrath. It's his judgment that causes us to fear That's why we need it in our lives. We need to use the whole Bible not just the Old Testament But everything why because the Bible says that all scriptures given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof Correction and instruction in righteousness. How does God instruct us in his righteousness by giving us the whole? Everything that he is showing us the good and the bad the ugly the judgments the love everything we need it all It's all necessary. Look what Numbers chapter 14 says in verse 24 The Bible says but my servant Caleb because he had another spirit with him and have followed me What is that next word fully him? Well, I bring into the land wearing wearing to he went and his seed shall possess it the Bible says What does it say about Caleb? He he followed God fully and that doesn't mean like Oh Lord I'm just completely committed to you. No, no, that means he will pay God and everything He was fully committed fully obedient Fully keeping the commandments of the Lord the good and the bad the hard and the easy everything go to first Kings chapter 11 God is looking for some people who will wholly follow the Lord You know, not just the love of God, but I also talked about the judgment of God Not just talk about mercy, but talk about talk about judgment talk about wrath. These are important aspects of the Christian life These things keep us right with God Knowing that God is not just a merciful God, but he's very much an angry God as well Okay, by the way, I mean you just think of the concept of help To burn for all of eternity It's not like he's just putting you in a dark room or timeout for like even a thousand years, you know No weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Yeah, where the where the fire is not quenched and the warm diet not I mean the Bible says it's torment. It's fire To be there for all of eternity. I mean that goes to show how angry you have to be with something, right? But you know what that causes our hearts to tremble that causes lost people to want to get saved First Kings chapter 11 verse 1 or 4 the Bible says for it came to pass when Solomon was old that his wife turned away his heart after other gods and His heart was not perfect with the Lord his God as was the heart of David his father for Solomon went after Asherah the goddess of Zaydonians after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites and Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord and went Not fully after the Lord as David his father The Bible says that Solomon you started off right but guess what he did not end right why because he wasn't fully in he wasn't Holy following the Lord and let me say this every single Christian in here We're not gonna get it perfect this side of eternity. We want to seek to say I want to be a balanced Christian How do I do that by wholly following the commandments of the Lord? You look at your strengths and say well, I'm strong in this area. Okay, what are you weak in? My way, you might be strong in the wrath of God and the anger of God in the party You need to get some you need to be balanced in this the love of God to be gracious and to be merciful But some of us may be strong on grace and mercy and all these things But we're not really dipping into the other side of what the Bible talks about in judgment, right? God says we need to be balanced. We need to wholly follow the Lord go to Acts chapter 20 Acts chapter 20 I'm gonna read to you from Romans chapter 15 go with me to Acts chapter 20 Romans chapter 15 The Bible says I have therefore whereof I made glory through Jesus Christ and those things which pertain to God For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ had not wrought by me to make the Gentiles obedient by word indeed through mighty signs and wonders by the power of the Spirit of God so that from Jerusalem and round about to Eliar come I have fully preached the gospel of Christ Paul said look No one can accuse me of any of this. I have fully preached the gospel of Christ I believe what he's talking about is like I preached it everywhere, but let me say this I'm sure he gave a full presentation of the gospel as well You know, I've heard pastors say well, you don't really have to believe in hell Just just have them pray and they can get saved. Well, if you don't have to believe in hell, what are you getting safe? See that's not fully preaching the gospel of Christ. That's not being holy. That's not holy following the Lord You need to tell them that they're sinners you need they need to realize they need to admit that they're sinners that there's a punishment for sin that punishment is held and Realize that they need to save you And let me say this using the scriptures. Amen Using the Bible when you win this not just concepts not just illustrations You need to use the Word of God whole and fully preach the gospel of God Look at Acts chapter 20 says Let me say this man when it comes to sowing look Sometimes it's uncomfortable to us. I'm gonna go to hell You know But really if we really believe that they are gonna go to hell we're gonna tell You know, and let me say this don't be rude when you're out soul winning, you know We're not talking to we're not even talking to babes in Christ when we're out sowing You know what I mean? We're talking about to unsaved people when you talk to them. We have to be compassionate We have to be loving they need to realize that we care for their soul so they can be saved But that doesn't mean we rear we just scale back on the on the fact that they're going to hell We need to show them from the Word of God tell them they're going to hell but don't turn or burn, you know You know these these these Calvinist street preachers that you get nothing done They tell people they're going in hell and they're just screaming at the top I look when I was an unsaved person you see these people on the street corners all the time And they're blow warm doesn't even help them to get the message across. I can't even hear they sound like a drive-thru. Yeah It's like I think I just yell I don't know what he's saying, especially basically I see Spanish but they see Spanish is even worse You know cuz they blend everything all words. It's like I don't know what you guys are doing You guys look funny though, you know and they're passing out their fathers and then of course, they're preaching a repentance gospel No fully preach the gospel Let's go out there be compassionate be loving be patient with people and win them to the Lord Acts chapter 20 verse 18 the Bible says and when they were come to him He said unto them he know from the first day that I came into Asia after what manner I have been with you in at All seasons serving the Lord with all humility of mind and with many tears and temptations Which befell me by the lying in weight of the Jews and how I kept back Nothing that was profitable unto you But I've showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house Testifying both of the Jews and also to the Greeks Repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ about says what he's saying that I didn't keep back anything We're gonna tell we're gonna we're gonna preach the whole Council of God fully follow the Lord fully proclaim God's Word Not just bits and pieces now, let me say this it's gonna take a lifetime for me to preach through the whole entire Bible There's so much that needs to be covered, but you know what? We don't just got to stick to John we don't just got to stick to the New Testament There's a lot of other places we can go to why because we want to make sure that we're balanced in our Christian life Yeah, we focus on the love of God But we focus on the anger and the wrath of God as much as we focus on the love of God We need a balanced view of who God is Let me say this if we only focus on the parts that we like which is the love mercy and grace We're gonna have this misconstrued conception of who God is And then what what happens we begin to train our minds into thinking that God won't judge anybody Why because he's the God of love no God is judging God's judging people right now There's people who are in hell today There's people who are burning today and to have a balanced view look Liberal churches are are huge on this They don't like talking about any of the judgment You know, they have the the faggoty Jesus right with the long hair and the dress and and just you know I was Catholic. I remember the pictures they would have like this Morbid heart, you know like dripping with blood and then he was just like, you know But even he didn't look like this in the Middle East He was like white The guy looked like he had like perfect hair and it's like that's the view of everyone. Everyone has that view of Jesus But that's not the real Jesus, right? You know and then the view of Jesus that they have with their mouths is that he just loving He's just about what he is loving he is me but you're you're you're you're you're imbalanced in your view of God God is God is righteous. He's He created help. He has rules. He has Commandments. Oh, you guys are legalistic. Yeah, I'm legalistic. Amen Look, I don't believe that we had works to salvation, but I believe in the law Yeah, you know and those of us those people who criticize us to say well you guys are you guys is focused on a command Sometimes what do you think we're gonna do? There's a bunch of laws are gonna be in the millennial ring you think that's it just just do whatever you want Whatever you want just do whatever you want. Everything's okay free reign. No, there's gonna be the Bible says he's gonna rule with a rod of iron There's there's God it's not just in the Old Testament folks, this is in the New Testament as well We're at John John with me if you with the Joshua chapter 10 Joshua chapter number 10 All said I can't pack nothing It was profitable food. Let me say this. It's profitable to talk about the love of God. It really is You know, the Bible says that that we should be filled with the fullness of God that we should know the love of God The past with all knowledge, you know, we should know these things and know the love of God But you know what then that's profitable for us, but it's also profitable for us to know that God is angry as well See what causes us to do it causes us to depart from iniquity You know knowing that God does not tolerate sin and you can judge us at any moment it keeps us right It keeps us. Holy keeps us pure. It keeps us on the right track and you say Others may say well, you know, we've talked about the rest. No, it needs to be talked about a little more Okay Because sin is being tolerated a lot nowadays And the reason for that is because the holiness of God and the righteousness of God is not spoken of Look at where I have you turn Joshua chapter 11 verse number 10 the Bible says in Joshua verse number 10 and Joshua at that time turned back and took Hazeor and smote the king to rob with the sword for Hazeor before time was the head of all those kingdoms and He smote all the souls that were there in with the edge of the sword utterly destroying them There was not any left to breathe but he burnt Hazeor with fire and all the cities of those kings and all the kings of them did Joshua take and Smote them with the edge of the sword and he utterly destroyed them as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded But as for the cities that stood there in their strength Israel burned None of them saved Hazeor only that did Joshua burn and all the spoil of these cities and the cattle the children of the Excuse me The children of Israel took for a prayer to themselves But every man that's they smoked with the edge of the sword until they had destroyed them neither left they any to breathe Verse 15 as the Lord commanded Moses his servant So did Moses command Joshua so and so did Joshua he left nothing Undone of all that the Lord commanded Moses. That's pretty commendable Roses, he left nothing undone Joshua did everything that was commanded for him to do and you know what God is looking for I was looking for people who just just fully obey him Not perfect, we know we stumble we're sinners They were saved by grace But he's looking for someone to at least put in the effort to holy follow the Lord keep all the commandments of God See to embrace all of them of the doctrines of the Bible not just pick and choose not judge one over the other No, just say all of it's good. The words of the Lord are pure words. I Love the Bible, you know the judgment the love everything is good If biblical balance is to leave nothing undone some would look at us and say, you know and see the hard preaching Too much heart preaching too much screaming So we're just trying to balance You guys go ahead and preach love and all that stuff. We'll be on the opposite side of the spectrum and then we can bring some balance You know Why is it so you know in part preaching is offensive, you know why it's offensive because people don't hear enough You know My son is gonna grow up in this movement and it's gonna be as normal as anything else to hear this kind of preaching Why because he's gonna grow up in a in a balanced home words We're seeking to holy all the Lord where this is just normalize But far too many years soft preaching has become normal If you raise your voice all you know I remember this. I had a friend who was just a hard preacher and He was he called everything else. I mean he left nothing I'm done with his sermon and He said at his old church, you know his song leader lo and behold, you know came up to him and say kick And this guy was loud, I mean he lifted up his voice like a trumpet, you know, and his song he's like you You know He's like you just seem kind of mad You know mad it's in I'm out of these things that are going on the course I'm at you know, and it's like preaching needs to be soft and you just don't raise the decibels of your voice You know, let's just share. I just want to share something No, we got a shatter from the house top We need to preach hard reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine It's important You know people see our soul and he said well you guys are in balance and you're so it's just too much You know, what about the discipleship? Oh Discipleship is happening right now. Yeah You know, I don't do one-on-one. I do one on a bunch of people We do it every Sunday Sunday morning Sunday night Thursday night. And by the way, I'm not against even discipleship one-on-one. I do that all the time You know, but they would say well, yeah, you guys are really good in song when it comes to discipleship I don't know. I think a lot of people here know the Bible. I think they're doing pretty good You know, they would look at us in our stance on the homos and say man you guys are so imbalanced You know, you know, I don't agree, you know, I don't agree with their lifestyle, but to hate them and say they can't get safe No, no, I think the Bible said that's right You know, that's what Leviticus oh, but you guys want to kill him I don't want to kill anybody Why I'm not the government I'm not the authority I'm just saying what God said and if we're under a theocracy, that's exactly what would happen, by the way And then it would be in agreement with us, you know, they say okay. Yeah. No, I'm just saying about this You know, this is not an imbalanced view. This is just what God said and Throughout the throughout the Bible. It was very clear what God thought about the homos They should be put to death along with the adulterers along with the kidnappers along with everything else That was it was punishable by it by capital punishment. The Bible says they were supposed to be put to death. That was normal And let me say this you guys remember Ted Bundy who knows who Ted Bundy is Remember what time one day it's executed him. He was a very evil wicked man. And by the way, he was not saved He was a deceiver He lied. He said he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. Not true. Okay, let's just not true all right, and by the way, same thing with Jeffrey Dahmer You know that evil wicked man About a bolt on burning hell today and I praise God for that. That's a good thing Here's the thing Years ago when when Ted Bundy was executed if you could look it up on YouTube people were like, yeah You know, they're out outside of the jail with signs Rejoicing over the fact that this guy was put to death. I mean like families And they're like yeah he died You know it was good That was normal type of money No one got an email, no one got phone calls and said oh you guys shouldn't rejoice No it was just like this guy murdered a lot of people He was a very evil and wicked man and our government thought it fit to put this guy to death And that's what people did they rejoiced over it. It was a good thing You look back a couple decades later. It's just like we say that they should be put to death It's just like oh, no, hey, whoa judge not Let's give each other judges judges not myself And look I'm glad ten bunnies no longer around that's a good thing, yeah, I'm glad Jeffrey Dahmer is no longer around It is a good thing We would be accused of being imbalanced. But here's the thing. Most churches don't even mention these topics You know, is that why you guys are about but you don't even mention it. So, how can I be imbalanced? I'm just trying to bring balance to this thing Let alone stand for them. Oh go with me to Matthew chapter 23 Christianity has become like this lopsided balance that talks about love grace mercy and long-suffering But whatever they've done just like the Pharisees they've omitted the weight of your matters of the law. They've omitted wrath. They've omitted Judgment they've omitted anger these things that the Bible teaches So what so when you get lopsided what happens? Well, all of a sudden we speak about these things people look at you like you're weird You know, that's why they call us a cult The funny thing is in Mexico if you go to Mexico, they don't they don't call it services like we do here they call cults That's just the normal word when people gather together. So if you want to call us a cult, I mean, yeah We're meeting together, you know, but we're not the cult the kind of cult that you say we are Okay Because here's the different cults they take one verse and they create a whole entire doctrine after this one verse What do we do? We show you a bunch of verses Okay, we're not a bunch of weirdos. Look. I'm not looking to keep a bunch of people in the church We want the church to grow up but the Bible says that he will build his church, right? All responsibilities the priest look if we're a cult I'd be preaching crazy things just to keep you in here. Yeah, I Saw this one video of a guy who was part of my people's victory outreach he told them he goes you can't leave You can't leave you can never Well, I just saw mine in our congregation it's like leave Leave now, you're not leaving men get him out of here We're not trying to keep people Look and I'm not saying for you to leave. Okay, what I'm saying is this is that God has restrictions. He has rules And to go to a world that is desensitized to the Bible we look weird, okay By the way, my Bible says be angry and sin not anger is very much a part of the Christian life now Look, there's a difference between people who are like all angry all the time and they can't control themselves You know, that was that does say to be slow to wrath. He that is slow to wrath is better than the mighty You know and the Bible says that you know, we're supposed to have temperance obviously But the Bible does talk about anger says be angry and sin not Sin ought to anger us things that are contrary to the Word of God when people are leading people astray That ought to bring some anger within us and by the way for men that should be like a natural thing You know and our culture is trying to cause our men to be effeminate Soft and what happens you don't have to fight in you anymore You know, you're afraid to offend everybody look God has made us in such a way that we were supposed to get angry Okay, why because people react to anger they see your anger and say this guy serious Obviously, there's some validity to what he's saying if he's saying it with passion saying it with anger. There must be some truth to this Matthew 23 verse 13 says but won't he scribes and Pharisees hypocrites now, let's read it the way people think Jesus was okay By the way, what does it say after hypocrites? What is that? What is that punctuation there? Exclamation, all right, so people think but won't eat scraps and Pharisees hypocrites And in parentheses God put the exclamation mark there for a reason hypocrites Whoa, and by the way, he says it like over and over again I mean, how awkward is it for the Pharisees to stand there? Just like give it rip for like a couple verses to hear that It's like man this guy's turning into us right now. Hopefully he doesn't find out about what I did You know, he's just like whoa to you and don't even make eye contact with him because he's gonna call you up That's probably why he made eye contact. It's like whoa unto you you hypocrite No, that's not the Jesus that I know I know but it's the Jesus I Hypocrites reshot the kingdom of heaven against men for you need to go in yourselves Need to suffer you them that are entering to go in won't you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites? Free devour widows houses and for a pretense make long prayer. Therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. Oh because Said he said the D word Whoa into you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites free compass see and land to me book process like him when he is made you make Twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. So you're a child of hell. You're gonna make them twofold more the child of hell Is that how you gonna win him to the Lord Jesus? Are you gonna win the look look? Jesus knew the hearts of all men This to Hindered him from getting the message across let me say this I'm sure there's people that are surrounded not just the Pharisees who are there listening to this and they're just like I Don't want to be a twofold child of hell. I want to get saved Go to Matthew 16 Jesus is meek and lowly and hard Jesus is very much long-suffering. He's patient. He has grace Baba says they buy him came grace and truth. We know these things to be I've heard it for years We've known to convince us that Jesus is not gracious, right? No One's gonna keep no one can convince us convince us that Jesus is not merciful. We know that already We've been told that for years, but you know, what we need to learn is that he's also wrathful Yes judgment. Yes anger and unfortunately, we need to be convinced Why because we don't hear it Look at Matthew 16 23 says, but he turned and sent him to Peter get the behind me saying man I mean, what if you were sitting today like getting behind me? I Relax man, you got some anger issues. You're just gonna call him a devil go to Luke 24 Now Peter Hey, Bob, that was his discipleship They get there behind me Satan Luke 24 I Mean these are the verses we need to look at About you and again someone's getting on YouTube. No, you don't know the love of God, you know, look I believe in that. I Believe God is gracious You don't believe he's anger. He doesn't he has anger. You don't believe he's wrathful We're just trying to bring balance to this thing. Look at Luke 24 25 says then he said it to them Oh fools And slow part to believe all that the prophets have spoke he called them fools These are his disciples You're being foolish you're fools Someone say well, that's not very discreet Jesus. You're not being very discreet You have to be careful with your words a word fairly spoken is like apples of gold and pictures You gotta make sure that you you know the Bible no, no, there were fools And every once in a while, we need someone to kind of kick us in the in the rear end. Yeah to put us in check No pain no gain Look, I remember when I used to kick box if one thing that would help me To put my hand up so I don't get kicked in the face is that I would get kicked Next time, you know, I think I'm gonna correct that that muscle memory there things that kind of hurt So I don't want that to happen again. So what did it do? It helped me And sometimes we need the rebuke. We need the reproof why cuz it hurts and pain instructs us. It's a good teacher It doesn't feel good, but it's good for us open rebuke is better than secret love Go to mark good Matthew chapter 11. Excuse me. I'm gonna reach you from Mark chapter 3 Matthew chapter 11 in your Bible, please Mark chapter 3 the Bible says and when he had looked round about on them with anger Being grieved for the hardness of their hearts. He's safe and said stretch forth thine hand. Look he was grieved and We we know the famous verse Jesus wept obviously but the Bible says here that when he was grieved he looked on them See people look at us and say well, you're angry. You just you got anger problems No, it could be we're just grieved in our hearts We're grieved over the same we're grieved over the false doctrine We're grieved over the fact that a repentance type gospel is being preached and people are believing in they're going to hell that grieves us people going to hell grieves us False doctrine grieves us and it causes to look upon them with anger Matthew 11 verse 28 says Come unto me all you that labor in our heavy lady And I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lonely and hard And you shall find rest unto your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Look. Amen. I believe that I'm thankful that Jesus is meek and lonely now go with me to Matthew chapter 10 I Mean you've ever seen that bumper sticker that says, you know No Pete no Jesus. No peace. This is no Jesus. No peace. You guys ever seen that one It's like a N. Oh W. You're saying you don't know these no Jesus no peace, but I know Jesus, you know, peace You know that sounds good You know, it sounds very cute and bubbly and snugly I Look what the Bible says here about peace with Jesus Matthew 10 34 think not that I'd come to say peace on earth. I Came not to send peace, but a sword No, Jesus, no, no, no, no, no nothing Jesus said I came not to send peace I came to send a sword The Bible says that the Word of God is quick and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword Piercing even to the dividing the center of soul and spirit joints in the marrow and as a discernible thoughts of the intense of the heart swords cut Look at the goes on to say verse 35 Brian come to set up a man at variance against his father and a daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man's Foes shall be they of his own household He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me He that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me And what is that in context of I'm not coming to bring peace I'm coming to bring a sword a sword cuts it divides. There's a stupid book, but this liberal book called, you know unnecessary division striving to get the publications Shouldn't divide over just like the small boxes. No, I couldn't have to be a priest with a sword. I'm coming to divide Why because Jesus is more important than anything else. Yeah, come on. Look. I love my wife. I love my children But they're not more important than Jesus You know and either my wife was with me or it's like I'm like I was gonna say see you overnight I see you Look my family. I love my family. I love my family. I have family for a safe and I have family who are not safe. I Love I love them both But you know what Jesus came out to bring me peace with sword And if they hinder me at all or they want to take me away from from serving God Hi But I love Jesus more Okay, so none of this no Jesus no peace no Jesus no peace. No, it's more like I came not to bring peace at all It's like no Jesus. No peace. No. No, I'm not even bringing peace. I'm bringing a sword Because doctrine divides it always divides in the last couple of months I've had more people separate from me because of doctrine than anybody I'm talking about close people friends people whom I love people who have separated me why because of the sword That's good on this side from what the Bible says and it's the site I'm I don't want to be ashamed of the Word of God I know what God says and I have to go with what God says Man, and what happened? That's how it's cut Why because he came out to bring peace Now look front for us The box is that he'll give us the peace to pass up the understanding that comes through prayers We go as we ask God for things about since he will keep him in perfect Whose mind is stayed on D right and so that's I believe that but guess what the biblical balance of that as well as that He came out to bring peace with a sword There are gonna be times when you can't have peace with one another why because of doctrine There's gonna come times where you're not gonna be able to get along with everyone why because of doctrine And when it comes down to it you either side with God and what God says or you go with what? The crowd says for the sake of having friends for the sake of not losing your family. I love my look I'm not some cold-hearted guy. It's just like see you later people. I don't like them. Anyways. No, I love my family But we're gonna love God more right and look though my emotions at times wanes, I'm not driven by my emotions We gotta be driven by the Word of God We need both Look I have I've had a conversation Not too long ago, we're talking about this subject about how God hates people and and they're just like And I said, but it's in the Bible, you know and You know, he said yeah, but Jesus said he's meek and lonely I said, I believe that I said well, what about that verse of al-qaeda says that you'll rub dung like on your faces and stuff And he said this you know, yeah, that's God You know For God's soul of the world I say so you want to accept the part where he loves us But you don't want to accept the part where he says you wrote dumb on the faces No, we have to accept both That's both. I never change I change it not the Bible says he doesn't change is the same God And then they went as far as to say this they said yeah, but that was God But you really think Jesus would do that though. I'm like dude that was Jesus Jesus said before Abraham was I am You know, if you would believe Moses you wouldn't believe me. Why because he wrote of me Oh, he fools and slow of hearts to believe all that The prophets have spoken beginning that Moses and all the prophets he expelled them and to them and all the scriptures that things concerning himself That was Jesus Oh Look at Malachi, let's look at that verse real quick Look I want his face to shine on me as the Bible says in Psalms, right? And that's it. That's a biblical teaching Just have God's face to shine. It means we have his favor Right means he looks kindly upon this here. We have his favor and we have a favor that God give me your favor Okay, that's a biblical teaching and that's something we ought to accept But look at Malachi 2 3 says behold I will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces even the dung of your solemn feast and one shall take you away with it ouch That's icky No, no, no Don't put that in the Sunday School curriculum Look I don't want dung on my face. I want God's face to shine on my face. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? And look I'm not a cult leader just because I believe what Malachi says about what we've done. No, I just believe both I Believe that if I don't have God's favor in my life and I begin to do my own thing and get away from God Malachi is gonna happen to me Okay, that's just the bottom line spiritually speaking. Of course go to Luke chapter 14 Luke chapter 14 Look we need to be balanced And you need to you need to evaluate your life and say what area am I strong in today? What area in my weekend? You know, am I weak in the judgment of God? recognizing God's judgment Might weaken the matter of being angry towards sin and look all of us have like a propensity not to just we want to embrace Him sometimes we got praying as God God help me to hate sin. Help me to hate iniquity Help me to hate the workers of iniquity. Help me to hate those things that you hate Look at Luke 14 says verse 34 Salt is good But if the salt have flop have lost a saver wherewith shall it be seasoned it is neither fit for the land Nor yet for the dunghill but men cast it out. He that had the ears to hear. Let me hear you Say look if you don't have salt in yourself, you're not even good for the dunghill ouch You're not even good to put on the dunghill and by the way, I think all of us know what a dunghill is, right? But in other words what he's saying is like you're useless No, but Jesus loves it. Look Jesus loves us Jesus loves lost sinners, but that doesn't mean Jesus doesn't have conditions to his commandments He wants us to be solved. He wants us to be a light Go to Jeremiah chapter 9 Jeremiah chapter number 9 Jeremiah chapter number 9 we need to be balanced We gotta have a balanced view know the love of God, but know the wrath of God embrace both teach both And try to live by both Jeremiah chapter number 9 and verse 23 the Bible says thus save the Lord Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom neither. Let the mighty man glory in his might let him not Let not the rich man glory in his riches But let him that glory and glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth me that I am the Lord which exercise Loving kindness, let's pray Judgment And righteousness in the earth for in these things I delight save the Lord So he'd like to be lovingly kind to us. Amen But the Bible says he delights in judging to He delights in righteousness These are these things I delighted It's not just it's not just the mercy. It's not just the kind of it's everything Go to John chapter 1 So what are some areas that we need to be balanced and I'm gonna give you a couple things here that was all introduction John chapter 1 we need to be balanced when it comes to this matter of grace and truth Okay, and this is huge Because I've heard this so much. I've heard this amongst many preachers You know and and by the way, I believe in peace and truth Don't miss quote me on YouTube and say no this guy doesn't know I believe in grace and truth Because the Bible teaches it Look at John chapter 1 verse 12 says but as many as received them to them give you power to become the sons of God Even to them that believe on his name which were born out of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will Of man, but of God and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory The glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth John bear witness of him in crying saying this was he of whom I spake he that cometh after me is preferred before me for He was before me and it was fullness Have all we received and grace for grace for the law was given by Moses But grace and truth came by Jesus Christ now go to Titus chapter 2 now a lot of times We'll be accused of just being all truth right truth truth truth, and you guys let her by the law But you guys don't have enough grace Okay Now there's obviously a couple definitions that we would have about grace We would say, you know, grace is not getting what we deserve or excuse me. Grace is getting what we don't deserve, right? And I thank God for grace for my grace Are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves is the grace of God that this help that helps to get saved? God was gracious enough to send his son to die on the cross for our sins so that we can be saved I'm thankful for grace But look at the Bible says and often they'll see to them to people to different people They'll say well grace is like the being tolerant, right? Truth is to be like strict and austere Look what the Bible says in Titus chapter 2 verse number 11 for the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men verse 12 teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly Righteously and godly in this present world the Bible says what is the same the grace of God teaches us? It's not a license to sin It's not saying well, we can just tolerate people and tolerate sin and don't judge them. Don't say nothing Don't keep the commandments of the Lord. What is it saying? The Bible says the grace of God teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts That's what the grace of God does so I believe in grace and truth But the fact of the matter is grace teaches us something and so does truth Look at the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 16 Now we would we We would you know, what's what's what's it like a synonym of grace in the Bible? You know, we would say grace is Getting what we don't deserve. What is not getting what we what we do deserve. What would that be considered? Mercy, right Grace and mercy and by the way, I love the mercy of God, but look at the Bible says here and Proverbs chapter 16 Verse number five the Bible says everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord Though hand joining hand. He should not be unpunished. Look what it says by mercy and truth Iniquity is purged So you don't just need Mercy, you need truth in order to purge iniquity and look what it says and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil Look mercy is not gonna help you fear the Lord. It's when you get the truth Who got is? That helps you depart from Nick. That helps you to live, right? Look if we want to live a life that's pleasing unto the Lord we can't just be grace grace grace mercy mercy mercy We need to learn some truth The Bible is very net it's a very negative book But it's negative for a reason because it's the negative aspect of the Bible that helps us to stay right It helps us to stay clean It helps us to be pure in the eyes of the Lord The Bible says be holy for I am as I am holy and the fact of the matter in order for to be holy We need truth we need to know who that is. We need to know that he's a god of righteousness and judgment Go to Jude chapter 1 You know Grace has become almost like a license to sin You know, we can't judge anybody you can't say anything We can't talk about sin. We can't call people out. We can't review. We can't reprove Can't do anything because that's being that's not being gracious Okay, and the fact is what happens when you become imbalanced in that teaching look at Jude chapter 1 verse 4 4 says excuse me, Jude 1 4 The Bible says for there are certain man cryptid unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men look what it says turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ The Bible says you turn it into lasciviousness after that because it becomes a license The Bible says what shall we sin and shall we continue in sin that grace may abound God forbid How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer they're in no you're not and it goes on what is the same look We're not grace is not the same free pass to just do whatever you want Okay Grace is God being patient with us as God as he teaches us to deny ungodliness Look, we're brand new Christians. We're not gonna get everything right the first time Right. We're not we're still we're still waiting to with the redemption of our flesh Okay, but the goal is as we learn new concepts as we learn the biblical truth we work on those things Okay, and we begin growing in the Lord Look at first Corinthians. We're out here go go to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 So when it comes to grace and truth, I'm all for it, but we need to get a biblical understanding what they are Okay, we both Because if not, we become unbalanced and we turn the grace of God into the city of these Rather than allowing grace to teach us to deny on godliness first Corinthians chapter number five Let me say this we need to be balanced when it comes to grace and truth But we need to be balanced when it comes to tolerating sin Okay. Now, let me explain what I mean in Matthew chapter 21 I'm gonna read to you from Matthew 21 the Bible says whether of them twain did the will of his father They say unto him the first Jesus saith unto him barely I say unto you that the publicans and the heartless Going to the kingdom of God before you He's done the Pharisees this he says look publicans and harlots can enter into the kingdom of God Does anybody know what a harlot is like a prostitute? It's a woman who who behaves very badly. Okay, very immoral and the Bible says The harlot will enter into the kingdom of God before you You know what I see there? Often if you go sowing enough, you're gonna run into all kinds of people And the worst thing you could do is look at the guy who's tatted from head to toe and say You know the guy who has tattoos even on his eyelids There's like bad words all over tatted. I mean, he's just like a wreck and he's pierced and you just think No, you need to look past that and recognize that he can't get saved because the gospel is the power of Godness and salvation It's if you know what it is is sometimes we'll go and you'll see a harlot And her life is just wracked by sin, you know, she can get saved Okay, and we need to be able to look past that when we're preaching the gospel and be willing to preach to every creature Okay. Now here's the flip side first Corinthians chapter number five See we need to tolerate that when we're preaching the gospel, but we don't need to tolerate when it comes to being in church Big difference Now look if someone comes in here as a harlot and they're not even saved we need to get them saved Look, we can't expect something out of them, but they don't even know You know if they're ignorant of these things we can't just like boot them out If they come she's a harlot. She needs to get saved She needs to learn the Word of God and allow God to work in her heart some of the ladies disciple her and And she can become a woman a virtuous woman. She really can it's possible but here's the thing the harlot comes and Continues to be a harlot and never changes because we want to be gracious. That's not right Look at the Bible says in first Corinthians chapter number five verse number one It is reported commonly that there's fornication among you and such fornication as as is not so much as named among the Gentiles The one should have his father's wife and he are puffed up They're proud wife and have not mourned that he that has done have done this deed might be taken away from you He's like you're being proud you think you know more than God People who are involved in fornication and they know they're doing wrong. He's saying you're not willing to get rid of that guy You're not willing to get rid of that person and God has commanded us to do it You're being proud and look what the Bible's gonna say for verily as absent in the body But present in spirit have judged already as though I were present concerning him to have So done this deed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when you are gathered together and my spear with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ to deliver such as and one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spear may be saved in The day of the Lord Jesus your glory is not good. No ye not that a little leaven leaven at the whole lump He says you allowed a little bit of sin into the church You're gonna spoil the whole entire thing look Church is not a hospital for sinners We need to get rid of that concept Okay, let me say this when we get our building look we got to pay bills I get that But we're not gonna pay bills. We're never gonna compromise to pay the bills We lose our building. We're meeting at the park there. I told you Look but we don't compromise to pay bills We need to obey God and let me say this if anyone comes to our church is involved in fornication I Like I like pastor Anderson's rule. I think it's a good rule of thumb. Give them a week to get married That's not being gracious. Hold on a second to give them a week to be married is very gracious And by the way, I love marriage. I Love being married to my wife if I could have gotten married to my wife in a week. I would have done it Less than a week if I could because marriage is great and you know What happens when you give them that ultimatum to get married in a week? They don't have to live with the guilty conscience every single week that they're living in sin And guess what the blessing of God is placed in their life because right now if they're living in sin They don't get the blessing of God So you're robbing them of God's blessing by just being tolerant of that. No, why don't we lovingly? Tell them what the Bible says about their situation Give them that week. They will get married come back and guess what we don't rub it in their faces We welcome them to the flock And if someone is involved in fornication and they get right they get married and they come to our church don't Hey meet so so he used to be a fornicator That's not the way it works. Let them move on with their lives. Let them grow Let them let them live their holy life into the Lord Let them grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But look, let me say this We're not going to tolerate that in this church Because once you allow one little sin, then it just leavens the whole lot it just spreads everywhere And that's the rule dad put that in here for a reason You got a week. I don't know any years involved in that but this is from here on out future reference is If you're involved in that you got a week Get married. We'll help you out You know, you can go to the justice of the peace or guess what pastor Anderson's coming and a couple and a couple weeks You can do it like that All right, and he's willing to marry you on the spot if you want But I want the glitz and the glamour look better to get the sin out of your life Give God's blessing and the glitzy glamour can come later Okay, then you got your wife because like man, this is my wife. It's not well, yeah, she's kind of like my wife But you know Well, you know, right, you know, it's just like you make it awkward for people Just yeah, we're married and we just got married. Congratulations, man. That's awesome You know, but we can't talk and someone will look at us it's like oh you guys are that's that's too much And it keeps the church Pure so we don't allow just sin rampant all over the place go to first Timothy chapter number four When it comes to grace and truth when it comes to tolerating sin I Don't think I even need to go into the fact that homos aren't allowed in our church That's that that just goes without saying okay, and now we have Strategic men in this church who are instructed to remove something like that if they ever come here You can try it if you want They need to practice anyways But it's not gonna happen. Okay, you say but aren't you afraid? Yeah, I'm afraid of God I'm afraid of God. I fear what God may do to us Why aren't you afraid that they might hurt you from you live as Christ and to die is game We're not him which can kill the body but afterwards can do nothing fear him was kill the body and soul of hell That's God your God What I have you turn first Timothy chapter number four When it comes actually I have this point here when it comes to everyone getting saved We need to have a biblical balance in this area first Timothy chapter number four The Bible says this is a faithful saying and worthy of all expectation For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the living God who is the Savior of all men especially of those that believe Calvinist he's the Savior of all men But especially those that believe not just pick and choose who God does not pick and choose who wants to be saved Who does it or who's gonna be saved who's not? So we looked at and say yeah, Jesus Christ is the Savior of the whole world Jesus Christ did die for everyone. He did. Absolutely. Now. Does that mean that everyone's gonna go to heaven? No, let's be realistic here Look, I say it all the time like I don't want to reach the world for Christ and that sounds good But the reality is not everyone's gonna get saved Okay, now I'm not a dispensational lay of the sea and Christian We're so Luke one we can't get anybody to say I'm content with seeing like one person save the year and all it's like no, we're not dispensation at all We're gonna see a lot of people say we're gonna see thousands say gay Lord willing millions to be saved Okay, and there's no restriction to that. But the reality is this not everyone's gonna get safe folks Look at Matthew chapter 7 says Actually go to Mark chapter 4. I'll read to you from Matthew chapter 7. Go to Mark chapter 4 The Bible says in Matthew 7 therefore all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you Do ye even so to them for this is the law and the prophets enter ye in at the straight gate For wide is the gate and broad is the way that lead it to destruction and many of their be which go in there at Because straight is the gate and narrows the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it Not everyone's gonna get saved. It's gonna be few Thousands few millions, but guess what? Not everyone's gonna get saved and we can't have this unbiblical Thought and thought process that says well anybody can get saved. Well, Jesus Christ died for everyone. I believe that He's the Savior the whole world, but not everyone can get saved Look at Mark 4 11 says and he said unto them unto you just give it to know the mystery of the kingdom of God but unto them that are without all these things are done in parables that seeing they may see and not perceive and Hearing them in here and not understand lest that any times that they should be converted and their sin should be forgiven them Look faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God. That's how we get saved. Right? Well the Bible says here Seeing they may see not perceive and hearing them in here and not understand And this goes without saying we obviously understand this and I don't know why this is such a shock to people Their reference cannot be saved Look the biblical view of salvation is this Jesus Christ is the Savior of all men But that doesn't mean reprobates can get saved But you said it I know I said that that's what the bottom repeating what the Bible says Look, Jesus Christ is the Savior of all men, but there are certain groups of people found in this world They're called the reprobates. Let me say this not all of them are sodomites Okay They were understand that That's the fruit of becoming a reprobate Okay, and eventually they will go down that path but there is a group of people called reprobates they're not gonna get saved I Can't believe it's just what the Bible says though Let's be realistic here people and the problem is is for decades people have been taught that Anybody can get saved in there. No, no, no, no, you need to see what the Bible says about these things Go to Romans chapter 1, I think April we're back to church has Romans 1 memorized I'm a read to you from Matthew chapter 13 where the Bible says in them is fulfilled the prophecy of his eyes Which saved by hearing he shall hear and shall not understand seeing he shall see and shall not proceed for this people's heart is Waxed gross and their ears are dull of hearing of hearing and their eyes they have closed Anytime they should see with their eyes and hear with the ears and should understand with their heart and should be converted and should Heal them Romans chapter 1 verse 26 is for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women to change the natural use and into that which is against nature and Likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another Men with men working down which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which is me look at verse 28 and even as They did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient now look Anytime I've had a discussion with someone about sodomites being saved. I always approach them logically with that verse Okay And I'm not I don't try I don't try to strive about this thing I just try to help people to just just think about it for a second, okay? We have to we have to trust in who to be saved Jesus okay, who's Jesus Jesus is God So if the Bible says that reprobates And he explains who reprobates are the people who are given to vile affections these these wicked Vile things if it says that they don't like to retain God in their knowledge I tell them this will make you think that they're one of them retain Jesus Christ I said they don't like to retain. It's not like I don't like to retain God in my knowledge, but I'll take Jesus I Want to get saved? You guys get that it's very logical thing. It's very simple Simply put I was home. I said if the Bible says they don't want to take down your knowledge And the Bible says that God gave them up and gave them over say well the boxes got to give them up got anymore But if you say he gave up on them He's like it's like a brain fart like I'm sorry that that'd be like no sense whatsoever. Okay. God gave them up. God gave them over to a reprobate And look once the moral compass is removed It's done So let me say this in my ears the years that I've been saved You know, I probably have accidentally witnessed to just a handful of homosexuals, you know, some of them I I knew some of them So to accuse me and say well you guys aren't loving because you guys would love you to reach them I do a lot of soul. I See a bunch of people say all the time You know and and to be honest with you and it's cliche for us, but it's the truth We probably witnessed the more homosexuals an accident that most people try to do on purpose Okay, now look I remember when I went to go visit pastor Anderson him and I were talking about this I'm very frustrated about this whole thing, you know and You know, we see pastor and he's just hardcore. He is our core and all these things, but he even told me goes Bruce If I see a rainbow flat on the door, I'll still not Hoping that someone in there is not a son And he said even if the guy comes out and he looks effeminate He looks like he's a queer. He goes. I'll still win this day Just to make sure I'll still win this day He goes if there's a group of five homes for homos now one of them looks straight I'll witness to all of them hoping that that one guy will be seen That's what he said He goes I'll still knock on the door I will do my best to witness because I'm hoping that someone in there is actually just a normal human being that can get safe You know So don't accuse him don't accuse us of saying well you guys know we're trying our best Now someone just full-blown. Like I had a guy tell me what time he's like Evolution Marxist and all the other crap that comes along with that and I said, okay, we're done Oh And he went up I mean he went after us he's railing on us he's what do you say? And brother Alex, you know, he he when he was someone's with me he does the not to you talk, right? It was my turn. So that's why I talked to the guy and he said you could get the next one That ain't really counting But look that's not loving That's not loving you know, we're just simply believing what the Bible says about this and we can't be imbalanced in this area and To be honest with you for decades Christians have been taught that they could be saved that all these things and what has happened They've been inoculated with this thought process and they just be he may leave this Defending. I Mean, I met people who at the end of the conversation is like don't risk balance with you. I hate him, too I just have a hard time like like I don't like I know your your heart is as fat as grease That's why you can't receive the Word of God You've been in public schools. You've been under this type of teaching for so long, you know, it's just you just believe this life But then I do these like to be honest with you. They disgust me and I think and it sounds right what you're saying So a little bit of teaching will get through to some people but sometimes I was like, why do you just with passion Defend this doctrine. I Like are you gonna start like a ministry? Do you have a ministry to reach them or something? Like am I like am I messing up your whole ministry or what? It's like no, I'm not trying to like race. All right, but it's like well you like the venom like you here Like you're starting I'm sure you have a ministry but the biblical view of this is that Jesus is the Savior of all men But we kind of come to the conclusion, but not all men are gonna be saved In fact, some people as the Bible says are twice dead And twice dead, that's what the Bible says They've already look this isn't nothing new Jack Hiles used to say it all the time But they passed the point of salvation This is like 15 20 years ago Everyone needs to say stuff like this. This is nothing's new under the Sun Go to second Peter You Go to second Peter check. We'll look at two more verses in it and we're done I'm gonna have to finish this mess just tonight. I didn't get we're barely like I'm pointing over tears Second Peter chapter number three in verse number nine The Bible says the Lord is not slack concerning his promises some account slackness, but as long suffering to us We're not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance go to Psalms chapter 9 Psalms chapter 9 gotten that one of the dangerous repairs. He doesn't want people to go to hell, you know That heat that's why he sent this son to die for us that's an obvious statement But that doesn't mean there's not gonna be some people who just hate the hate God hate the Lord Jesus Christ That's it. Okay, fine. I hate you too. I Will love you no more. I Mean, that's that's just a biblical teaching In verse 17, so look God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance But look what Psalms 9 17 says the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations to forget God That's a biblical view Look, I don't know who they should perish. But look the wicked shall be turned into hell and all them to forget That's the biblical perspective So, what are you saying what I'm saying here is this is me to be balanced Have a balanced view of both That'd be weird. I'm not trying to be weird. I'm not trying to necessarily I'm not trying to stand out from the crowd No, we're just the that's what the Bible says and for years Everyone's just been on this side of the pendulum this side of the balance and guess what? It's just lopsided So much teaching of this is just lopsided No we need to teach all the scripture got them now we've got to push this side down to kind of like balance it out and The reason is such a shock to everyone's because we've been here this side Not enough of this. Well, guess what in like five ten years a little while People are gonna start agreeing with us to say that was actually true And the next generation will rise up and say no, this is the right perspective that we are All we're doing is cleaning up house You know, we're just rearranging the furniture You know, we're just putting things back in their place and to where they need to be. That's all we're doing This is not a new doctrine It's been in the Bible and preaches a preach different even preachers that preach a repentance gospel and preach stuff like this They've said stuff like this for decades and decades and decades The gold this morning and I'll finish this tonight the most morning is this we need to be balanced Wrath is important. So is the love of God though, right? Mercy is important, but so is judgment Okay, grace is important, but we need truth And if we're in balance in any of those areas we turn the grace of God into the citizens We're not perfect, but we need to work on being balanced by our heads in the Word of Prayer Lord Thank you so much for this day thank you for your word and your word is just filled with so much teaching and doctrine and so many aspects of the Christian life and Lord help us to be balanced. We need to have both and Lord I love the grace of God. I love the mercy of God. I love the love of God But may we not be like the Pharisees and omit some of the weightier matters of the law Things that are very much esteemed in your eyes. Things are important to you None of us can drive out of here. Just having our battery connected to the positive. We need the negative Also, we won't go far without with just a positive. We need both I just pray you help us to do so those who power your spirit blesses as we go on our way in Jesus name we pray Amen