(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) man All right, we continue this evening with the book of Galatians and on Sunday night This is the book that we're going through on Thursdays We're going through the book of Judges But I decided to study through and teach through the book of Galatians is a great book here lots to learn and so Tonight we're in chapter number two and chapter number one from last week We focused on or should I say Paul focused on the fact that he's basically explaining that if anybody brings another gospel Whether an angel or another preacher that these people are accursed and who he's referring to is false prophets Okay, false prophets who have denied Jesus Christ who are teaching a perverted way of salvation The Bible says that these people are accursed and the reason he's saying that is because of the fact that false Brethren have crept into the churches in the region of Galatia and we're teaching a false gospel Now when we think of a false gospel we often think of today for example of the repent of your sins crowd Right, or how about the baptismal regeneration crowd? but in this case we see that when he's referring to he's actually referring to the Judaizers or those who adhere to Judaism and are claiming that you need to keep the law of Moses in order to be saved But wrap it the way you want to wrap it. It's still a false gospel Right, there's only one true gospel and any other gospel so to speak other than that That's by without that's not by faith alone is a false gospel is Preached by people who are false prophets and false teachers now in chapter 1 He says in verse 10 for do I not persuade men or God or do I seek to please men for if I yet? Please men. I should not be a servant of Christ and he's basically saying there Hey, I'm not gonna tell you what you want to hear. I'm gonna tell you what you need to hear I'm gonna be a servant of Christ and preach to you the entire council. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it I'm not gonna tell you what you want to hear because you might have itching ears Okay Now that's important to know that he's saying that in chapter 1 because we're gonna revisit that same concept in chapter number 2 tonight Now let's start in chapter number 2. So towards the latter end of chapter 1 he talks about how he went to to Cilicia in Syria this chapter 2 when he talks about here gets it to it 14 years thereafter Okay, so between him getting saved going into Syrian Cilicia. He's out there preaching the gospel to the Gentiles He's seeing people saved. God is using them to do a great and mighty work 14 years later That's when he leaves it says in verse 1 says then 14 years after I went up again to Jerusalem With Barnabas and took Titus with me also now I want you to know first and foremost that Paul was not supposed to go to Jerusalem Okay, you said why is that because they were supposed to leave Jerusalem In fact, the Bible tells us in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 that they were supposed to be witnesses both in Jerusalem Judea Samaria and to the other most parts of the world and we see that the the apostles and the disciples Just disobeyed that and a lot of them just stayed in Jerusalem to the point where Persecution came in chapter 8 of the book of Acts and in chapter 8 verse 1 they were dispersed abroad and Even then the apostles still decided to stay in Jerusalem Winning the Jews to Christ not going out and speaking to the Gentiles now Paul was also guilty of this now Given he was the one who was going to the Gentiles more than any other apostle But yet he still had that bad habit of going back to Jerusalem going back to the Jews, etc This is what he's referring to here verse 2 says and I went up by revelation and communicated unto them that gospel Which I preached among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation less by any means I should run or had run in vain now. Keep in mind that The entire book of Galatians the Apostle Paul is refuting the false doctrines that has Infiltrated these churches and he uses different arguments and this argument that he's going to talk about here It's actually an argument based upon actual events that took place in Acts chapter 15 okay, because The same people false brethren who were in Acts chapter 15 are the same false brethren even though maybe I'm not may not be the Same people it's the same false teachers and prophets who are coming in and teaching false doctrine here It's the same Judaizers the same ones are trying to proselytize Those here in Galatia and what he's saying here verse number two is that when he went to Jerusalem He preached that gospel what gospel is he referring to the gospel that he learned from Jesus? By the way, when he says that gospel He's not referring to like a different gospel than the ones that the the Peter James and John are preaching This is all the same gospel. Okay He preached it to the Gentiles who were in Jerusalem, but then he said privately to them who were of reputation Now who is that referring to? Well, those of reputation will cease later on it's referring to those who are somewhat and then later on He says James Cephas and John who seemed to be pillars so he's referring to the apostles and elders because these are men who had a Reputation among the believers. These are men who people knew. Oh, man, that's Peter. This is James. This is John These are the great men of God. These are the Apostles. So he preached to the Gentiles, but he also Gave that gospel presentation to those who were of reputation. Now. Why is that? Why did he do that? What says there let's by any means I should run or had run in vain What is he saying? Let's by any means. I'm preaching a different gospel Right. It's like this. It's like for example, you've been in a Baptist Church then you come to our church and I would be leery of you if you say, you know how to sew one But you're never willing to sew one in front of me or in front of anybody else Right because at that point it's just like what do you have to hide, you know? Why are you why do you only have to go by yourself? Right. Is that because you got a different gospel than we do? Is that because you're preaching something different, you know, and Obviously we understand the Apostle Paul is not preaching a different gospel, but he's saying let's I run or run in vain Maybe I'm doing it wrong Okay Now look people who come from different churches old IFP churches they most likely have the same gospel that we do Maybe the presentation is a little different. Maybe they use different illustrations Maybe they emphasize things a little differently, but for the most part it is the same and when people come to our church They're gonna learn how to preach the gospel the way we preach the gospel and we could add to them what they already know They can build upon You know, or excuse me We couldn't help them build upon what they've already laid as a foundation You understand and that's how we should always be we should always be willing to learn right as we go with a different soul Winners in the church we begin to learn To refine our sowing presentation to be better present preachers of the gospel so on and so forth So this is why he's saying this he goes I went back to Jerusalem I preached the gospel to the Gentiles, but also those of reputation let's I run in vain in other words He doesn't have anything to hide. Okay, and I'm leery of people who do have something to hide You know, oh no. No, I know. I know how to preach the gospel But but that's why I only want to go by myself, you know, no, you just don't want to be accountable Okay, and look even if you do know how to preach the gospel go with other people so you can learn There's nothing wrong with learning and refining your gospel presentation Okay, so those of reputation is referring to the apostles and elders that were in Jerusalem Specifically in this chapter James Cephas and John and maybe others as well verse 3 But neither Titus who was with me being a Greek was compelled to be circumcised and that because a false brethren Unawares brought in who came in privily to spy out our Liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that they might bring us into Bondage so what happened when they went to Jerusalem? They were false brethren. They were teaching. Hey, you need to be circumcised in order to be saved now This particular story that he's referring to is in the Bible. It's in the book of Acts in Acts chapter 15 We'll go there in just a bit But before we get into that, you know, I want you to notice that it says false brethren What is a false brethren? This is not talking about like a stepbrother or something Okay, false brethren is referring to a person who claims to be a Christian but is not Who has the title? They maybe even say that they're Baptist They may say they're King James only but they have a different gospel They're a false brethren and the Bible says here that they came in to spy out their Liberty What does it mean to spy out their Liberty? They're basically there to try them. Okay Now hold your place there and go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 11 if you would 1st Corinthians chapter number 11 And let me just say this is that It is necessary that our church gets false prophets Now we don't invite them once we find out that they're false prophets and false teachers. They're thrown out. They're excommunicated They get the nine and a half, but for the most part It's good that they come into a church Why is that look what it says in 1st Corinthians 11 and Verse number 18. It says for first of all when you come together in the church I hear that there be divisions among you and I partly believe it for there must be also Heresies among you that they which are approved may be manifest among you So what is the purpose of these heresies that stem from these false prophets to try the people who are actually in the church? You know to approve those people who are among you it actually they work as Commonly said as a trash collector Because if there's someone in the church who believes in false doctrine who ends up following that person that person is doing us a favor You know that false teacher false prophet is doing us a favor by leading these people astray And not necessarily leading them astray because that's pretty much what they believe in the first place But not only that it's to try people who are here why because it'll cause you to study the Bible more It'll cause you to not be a child tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine To be grounded in the Word of God to know what you believe so you're not deceived by false prophets and false teachers They're necessary So when they come obviously, they're not welcome. Obviously if we have knowledge of it we throw them out But if they come and then begin to spread false doctrine It's good for us because it causes us to rightly divide the Word of Truth To study the Word of God to be a workman that needed not to be ashamed. Okay, that's why it's important Go back to Galatians if you wouldn't Galatians chapter 2 So he says that false brethren underwears came in privately to spy out the Liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that they might bring us into bondage. Now. What bondage is it referring to? It's referring to the bondage that the law brings Because these false brethren were known we would refer to them as Judaizers People who try to proselytize and bring people under the law of Moses again And when we refer to the law of Moses, it's not referring to thou shall not kill Thou shall not bear false witness. It's referring to the law of Moses that's been done away in Christ How do we know that because he's referencing circumcision? Okay, whereas we know that circumcision the very physical act of circumcision is null and void today Why because now what's important the circumcision of the heart and that of the Spirit according to Romans chapter 2 28 to 29 Now look at verse 5 To whom we gave place by subjection. No, not for an hour that the truth of the gospel might continue with you I like what he said. He's like I don't even I didn't even give him an hour I didn't even waste an hour of my time with them I didn't even hear them out because if they're preaching you have to be circumcised to be saved. They're false prophets. I Gave no place no place by subjection No, not for an hour that the truth of the gospel might continue with you But of these who seem to be somewhat who so are they who so ever they were and make it no matter to me God except the no-man's person. I like what he says it is like I don't care who they are All but you gotta understand. It's like the independent fundamental Baptist Pope man. I don't care less It's Jack Treiber so what but it's Paul Chapel and Who cares? You know, it's fill-in-the-blank with your most popular preacher of the Baptist independent fundamental Baptist We should listen to them because they're just they got so much influence. Who cares? God accepted no man's person and what does that mean if they're preaching false doctrine they get the boot. Oh But it's John Ketch He's got so much credibility with false prophets Whosoever they were and maketh no matter to me God accepted no man's persons, okay For they who seem to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me But contrary wise when they saw that the gospel the uncircumcision was committed unto me as the gospel of circumcision was unto Peter For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision the same was mighty me toward the Gentiles. So this entire Story that he's telling here we can read in Acts chapter 15 go with there if you would go to Acts chapter 15 This is a true story this is part and in Acts chapter 15 is Recorded here the story in Acts chapter 15 gives us a lot gives us a lot more details as far as what's taking place look at verse number 1 of Acts chapter 15 and certain men which came down from Judea taught the brethren and said Except to be circumcised after the manner of Moses. Ye cannot be saved when therefore Paul and Barnabas had no Dissension and disputation no small dissension and disputation with them They determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain other of them should go up to Jerusalem with the apostles and elders about this question So what happened when they begin to teach that Paul came and you're just like you're our that's heresy No small dissension disputation means they made a big deal about it You know what? We need to make a big deal about it today, too You know false doctrine that teaches that salvation is by any other accepted Jesus Christ That teaches that it's not by faith alone or that it's by faith alone plus works We need to make a big deal about those things because it's heaven and hell for people You know, it determines the eternal destination of a soul. That's why we need to make a big deal about just like Paul did He says when therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them They determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain other of them should go to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question he goes well Then guys, why don't you go to the Apostles Peter James and John and go ask them about this thing because the the question Here is should we be circumcised to be saved? Okay now Paul knew that that's not what you're supposed to do He's not going over there to like make sure and like man am I preaching the wrong thing or you know? He's not doing that He's kind of doing it to kind of help and appease these men to help them to understand that that's not what you're supposed to Do to be saved verse 3 and being brought on their way by the church. They passed through Phoenicia and Samaria Declaring the conversion of the Gentiles and they caused great joy to all the brethren So what is that referring to that's referring to the fact that when they came to the elders and apostles? Those who are in conference they didn't add anything to him. But in fact he added unto them What did he add unto them telling them? Hey God is doing a great work among the Gentiles Gentiles are being saved people are trusting Christ as their Savior. The Gentiles are receptive. It's a great thing He's adding that unto them. What does it mean in Galatians 2 when it says that they added nothing unto me in other words It's like yeah, you're right salvation is by faith alone not by works of the law they basically confirmed what they are what Paul the Apostle was preaching what he already believed and In fact, they caused great joy among all the brethren say man, that's awesome. People are being saved. That's great It's like it's like when you bring Word that people are getting saved in Compton Wow, people in Compton are getting saved. Are you in the gang bangers and the Bloods and the Crips? Yeah, they're pretty receptive That's great. You know, we won't go but that's great that you guys are going That's great that you're willing to hazard your life Which is not even a hazard to go there obviously Verse 4 and When they were come to Jerusalem They were received of the church and of the apostles and elders and they declared all things that God had done with them but there arose certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed saying that it was needful to Circumcise them and to command them to keep the law of Moses. So now they're like, well these people are saved But they're saying well, maybe they should still get circumcised though Okay, just because it's part of the law and Obviously these Pharisees because they were former Pharisees or maybe they're continuing to be Pharisees. Whatever it may be. It says that they believe maybe They feel like well, they need to get circumcised, but they don't understand that Circumcision is something that was more of a it was a physical act in the Old Testament, but it's more of a spiritual act in the New Testament and Circumcision as I mentioned is that of the heart not only that but the meats drinks divers washings All these are done away with so there's no need to observe these things in the New Testament We don't need to observe the moons the feasts, you know, the Sabbaths. These are null and void in the New Testament we don't need to Adhere to those things verse 6 and the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter and when there hadn't been much Disputing Peter rose up and sentenced them men and brethren You know how that a good while ago God made choice among us that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the Gospel and believe now he's referring to the vision that he had if you remember the the sheet that was knit at the four corners With the animals and basically God was telling them Hey go out and preach the gospel to those who you think are unclean, which obviously they're they're not unclean God had sanctified them and they are open to the gospel and God which know with the hearts bear them witness giving them the Holy Ghost even as he did unto us and put no difference between us and them purifying their hearts by Faith now go back to Galatians chapter 2. Here's the funny thing about this because Paul is referencing this story in a chapter 15 and who's the one who's standing up for the Word of God? Peter but what do we see later on in Galatians 2 Peter's being rebuked for actually doing the opposite? Okay, because you know he's with the Gentiles but when the Jews come then he separates from the Gentiles Because he's afraid of what the Jews might think of him because he's with the with the Gentiles, you know He's being a hypocrite even though he's the one in Acts chapter 15 who's actually saying hey, these guys are open to the gospel We need to win these people to Christ. God showed me and he talks about the vision there but it just goes to show us that men make mistakes and sometimes even godly men Men who know the Bible men who are greatly used of God They're still fallible and they make mistakes and yay, even sometimes they make stupid mistakes I mean, this is not the only mistake that Paul that Peter made by the way, he denied the Lord thrice, right? Well, you know the saga continues Because he's still doing foolish things, right? so Why is Paul the Apostle saying this in Galatians 2? Well, the reason he's saying this is because he's teaching those in Galatia things that have taken place in the past and how it's still Relevant to them today because he's saying look I don't care who these people are who came to teach you these things or what kind of reputation they had or What kind of Pharisees they were or you know their pedigree or what Bible college they went to or what seminary they attended? Or they graduated from and maketh no matter to me because guess what even the Apostles get rebuked if they're wrong right And he says there verse let's read verse 7 but contrary wise when they saw that the gospel done Circumcision was committed unto me as the gospel the circumcision was unto Peter For he that wrought effectually impeded to the apostleship of the circumcision the same was mighty me toward the Gentiles now Let me stop right there and just just chase a rabbit real quick Because this verse 7 and 8 are often used to teach that the Apostle Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles Right. I mean I've ever heard something like that and then Peter James and John they're the Apostle to the Jews You know because later on it says in verse 9 when James Cephas and John who seemed to be pillars Perceived that the grace of God was given unto me They gave to me in Barnabas the right hand hands of fellowship that we should go into the heathen and day into the circumcision He's like man God's using you man. Yeah, you go to Compton Yeah, you you God's called you to Compton man. God's called you to all those ghetto people All right, God's called you to win those people to Christ and in this case Yeah, God's calling you to the Gentiles cuz obviously you're doing a great work to the Gentiles No, hey Peter James and John you're supposed to go to the Gentiles, too And look dispensation let's get mad at me about this all the time, how can you say That he's not an apostle to the Gentiles Peter James and John are also apostles to the Gentiles Why what is what how do we know that? Well because Matthew 28 pertains to them 19 and 20 pertains to them goi therefore and preach the gospel to every creature in March chapter 16 Goi therefore and teach all nations It is a all Jews in all nations just says all nations and News flash here Paul was not there in Matthew 28 those were to the apostles who were there such as Peter James and John and To even further prove this acts chapter 1 verse 8. What does it tell us to go into Jerusalem? Judea Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world, okay So it's very clear that what we see here is I believe the Apostle Paul is just being facetious You know like oh, yeah, I'm the apostles to the Gentiles and they're the apostles to the Jews or whatever Okay, now go to Acts chapter 13 if you would hold your place there again go to Acts chapter 13. I Can't believe you said that positive, you know Paul is our apostle Well, I'm a Pauline Christian I'm just a Christian You know but what they're saying is that we're only supposed to adhere to Paul's epistles as if Paul is saying something different than Jesus as if Paul is saying something different than the prophets because even he himself said that he's saying nothing different than what the apostles and prophets have said even in the Old Testament But these foolish dispensationalists who think that they're rightly they are know they're wrongly dividing the Word of Truth, right? They're just slicing and dicing it and only picking parts that they want to adhere to and rejecting everything else Look at verse 46 Then Paul and Barnabas wax bold and said it was necessary that the Word of God should first have been spoken to you referring to the Jews But seeing you put it from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life Lo, we turn to the Gentiles for so hath the Lord commanded us saying I have said thee to be a light of the Gentiles that thou shouldst be for salvation until the ends of the earth and when the Gentiles heard this they were glad and glorified The Word of the Lord and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed now Does this mean that the Apostle Paul should just reject all Jews? No, obviously, he's gonna win them wherever they are wherever they're receptive But they're supposed to move away from Jerusalem and they should not just target only the Jews You know, we we have a people we target who are they sinners? You Know and maybe some of you could only target one specific group and that group is those who only speak English Because you could only speak English or maybe you can target two types of people those who speak English and Spanish Right, but it doesn't matter what race there are. We're not called to a specific people Well, I'm called to you know, South America or I'm called to the Chinese people Even though you don't speak a lick of Chinese Tell me how that works How is it that God is calling you to reach the Chinese those in Southeast Asia, but you don't even speak a lick of? You know Chinese or Mandarin you don't speak any Cantonese. You don't speak Cambodian or Khmer, right? You don't speak you you don't speak Laotian But yet you're called to them It makes no sense Who are you called to reach those who you can actually talk to Because if you're not able to talk to them, how are you reaching them? like this Because that's all you can do You know But this is the mentality of independent fundamental Baptist missions today Well, they want to take this Dispensational concept and say well, I'm an apostle to the Chinese I'm an apostle to the Indians. No, you're not Like only them Like that's all you want to reach Even though you don't speak the language that's foolishness. That's nonsense. That's folly is what it is now look Come November. I'm called to go reach the Belizeans Amen for like three four days But just for those three four days I'm gonna I'm a missionary to Belize. I'm gonna make a video, you know With the slides and stuff to fade in and fade out Please pray for us as we go for four days to go win these people to Christ the Belizean I'm here family to Belize So many lost and dying in this world today You know and they they want to make it they tug at the hearts to make it seem as though like they're an apostle to This specific country. No, we're an apostle to all countries because apostles someone who's being sent, right? I'm not talking about a possible that we have, you know These gifts and the signs of an apostle I'm talking about the fact that we're being sent by God to all nations Hey, but doesn't that take a lot of pressure off of a lot of people though, too Like there's no pressure to be like I'm called to be a missionary and if you're not then you're not right with God That's the worst feeling ever. Is it not? When it's just like the cream of the crop are the missionaries who are actually going to these so-called difficult areas where they're not Really doing jack squat by the way Okay, they're just they're just away from the visible eye so you can't even inspect their fruit or what they're doing out there It takes a lot of pressure off of us because we could be a missionary at any time Because the goal is the commandment is the Commission is to all nations We're not just an apostle to the Jews and by the way today There's people like that too who they want to be a missionary to the Jews to Israel That is a waste of time. I Told I mean it was a waste of time back then It's even more of a waste of time now. You can't even preach the gospel and Tel Aviv It's like illegal to preach the gospel over there So why go there? You know So this is foolishness and folly because of the fact that we understand that there was go to Romans chapter number 11 Because Romans chapter 11 is another scripture that people will use To say no Pauline Christian Paul is Apostle to the Gentiles and you know, that's what we're supposed to do Peter James and John They were called to do something else. So they automatically take the actions of the Apostles as though that's exactly what God wanted them to do Because what they're basing that off of is the fact that Peter James and John the rest of the Apostles were only winning Jews Or trying to win Jews and say well, there you go. See well, that doesn't mean that that's the only thing they were supposed to do But they'll also use Romans 11 and look down at your Bibles at verse number 12 They use Romans 11 12 through 15 to kind of prove that he's in a Apostle to the Gentiles it says in verse 12 now if the fall of them referring to the Jews be the riches of the world and the diminishing of them the Diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles how much more their fullness? For I speak to you Gentiles in as much as I am an apostle of the Gentiles I magnify mine office and there you go. He's an apostle to the Gentiles. He magnifies his office But the sentence doesn't finish there Why does he magnify his office if by any means I may provoke to emulation them Which are my flesh and might save some of them So the reason he's magnifying his office is to provoke the Jews to jealousy that they would want to be saved Because God is not against Jews getting saved right He's just against only focusing on one people group Here is saying I'm an apostles to the Gentiles and I magnify my an office so that the Jews can see that be jealous and want To be saved as well. Okay, that's what's being stated here Not that you know He has this special calling only to the Gentiles not to the Jews or only to the Jews and not to the Gentiles It's to both But obviously he was gonna run into less Jews as he goes further out you understand Go back to Galatians chapter number two But it's funny how James Cephas and John Cephas is Peter how they say well, you know, oh yeah God's with you man You should go and reach these people and he let me give you the right hands of fellowship Just make sure you don't forget the poor you're doing a good job go on your way. You know, I mean we're staying in Jerusalem That's not the way to do it Verse 10 says only they would that we should remember the poor the same which I also was for to do now to further prove That this is not what you're supposed to do verse 11 says but when Peter was coming to Antioch I was stood him to the face because he was to be blamed now. We're getting into some juicy stuff right here Okay. Now we're getting into some controversy here Now keep in mind Peter was the guy who rose up earlier in Acts chapter 15 and said we should not be circumcised to be saved We need to reach the Gentiles, you know, he's filled with the spirit right here But here we see that Paul who was one who was born out of due season God saved later on in life did not physically walk with Jesus During the Gospels in fact was a Pharisee of the Pharisee. He persecuted the Church of Christ, right? We see him he's rebuking Peter who is a pillar of the church Pillar means is like he's like he's like, uh, he's old-school man. He's there from the beginning He's og Right But he says I was stood him to the face because he was to be blamed Verse 12 for before that certain came from James He did eat with the Gentiles But when they referring to the circumcision were come he withdrew and separated himself fearing them which were of the circumcision So what happened? He's like he's with the Gentiles, but as soon as the Jews come as soon as the circumcision comes He just gets away from them. What is he doing? He's being a hypocrite Okay, he's being a little hypocrite and why because he's afraid Okay, that's why he says in Galatians 1 verse 10 for do I now persuade men or God or do I seek to please men? For if I yet please men, I should not be the servant of Christ. What's he doing? He's being a man pleaser Okay. Now, how do we apply this today? Well, the way we can apply it is this don't be ashamed of The man of God don't be ashamed of the people who you know God is calling us to reach which are sinners We should not have this mentality or for example There's people who don't agree with our church They don't agree with our movement if that's what you want to call it the new IFB, but you know what? They will contact us by night To ask Bible questions You know, they will fellowship with us in a corner But not publicly They they don't want to know they don't want to be seen with us But they value everything that we say because they know it's true What is that? That is the simulation Okay, I'm not ashamed of any pastor in our movement You know, I'm ashamed I'm ashamed of the pastors who are weaklings is who I'm ashamed of You know, and the only reason I would like get away from someone like that is because you know, they're sissies And I don't want people to think I'm a sissy You know But you have people who literally Will be kind to you in private But would not publicly say that like they're your friend You know, that's kind of sad. They're like closet friends, basically, right? You know and I have more than one person who does that I have people who call me, you know And they'll ask me but they literally value doesn't listen to the sermons online to the clips They like the preaching but you know what they're just kind of like Hey, what's up, you're just like who's nobody, you know, I Hate those new IP guys man But then they really like who we are but they're just ashamed of us and One crowd are like that because they're afraid of the homos So they're think if they're associated with us and the homos are gonna come after them and hit them with their purse I Almost come in person. Give me what are they gonna do? What are you scared of the Gucci purse? They don't didn't want the persecution or They don't want their pastor friends to know that they're hanging out with us Because their pastor friends are like the Pope's of the independent fundamental Baptist movement You know, and it's so shameful to be with those Stephen Anderson nights or them he is Or whoever is you know, we don't want to be with it. That's the simulation Hey, if you like me, just tell me you like me, man Don't be ashamed of me You know anybody who I like anybody who I want to associate with I'm public about it I've literally had people who literally just stopped associating with me pastor friends who stop associating with me because of our beliefs You know, even though they believe the same Why because they don't want the persecution because they because they might not be invited to their little stupid conferences the little revival conferences the little Spanish revival conferences conferencia de aviva miento and Then of the patent of the Baptist Pope's they're not gonna want to associate with them anymore who cares lose those losers They're Bringing you down You're showing the simulation is what you're doing Okay, and say people can getting caught up in this because we see Peter's getting caught up in this Well, he's just like I mean, it's like what in the world Peter. Why are you doing this now? I'm gonna throw a curveball at you that maybe you didn't see before Because sometimes we're hard on Peter because of this but you know, Paul's guilty as well He's guilty as well and I'm gonna show you just a little bit why but this kind of shows us the Basically, we all make mistakes. Okay, but look if you just keep making the same mistake over and over again. There's a problem there okay, and If you like what I teach if you like the doctrine What's the problem? That's what's more important. Is it not? That's the most important thing is just the doctrine oh Yeah, but you you know, it's just your your stance on the homeless you agree with me You're disgusted with them. Just like I am In fact you you may think you're like, oh you shouldn't preach that hard, but you actually like it when I preach that hard You actually you actually appreciate it when I do at the end of the day Okay, you just need some stones and some guts and just have love without the simulation. Amen Where we at here so verse 12 for before the certain came from James and did eat with the Gentiles But when they were come he withdrew and separated himself fearing them which were of the circumcision And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him in so much that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation So obviously we understand even from the gospels that the apostle peter he had a lot of influence A lot. He was a leader How do we know that because anytime like for example when he said, you know, i'll go even unto prison even unto death Likewise said all the other disciples the bible would say Anytime you say something the disciples like yeah, we're with peter us too. We'll die too, you know And then when jesus was praying in the garden of gesemite They all fell asleep. But who did jesus rebuke peter? Why because he's a leader And that works for the good, but it also works for the bad because you could influence people in the right way But you know, you can influence them in the wrong way as well To the point where if you're not in lockstep, you're not doing that which is right People can get carried away with your compromise With your dissimulation just like barnabas did right here now another thing that I want to mention here is that this is biblical okay, because You know, I get I get people telling me sometimes whether it's in the comments section or people will message me and they're like Yeah, I really like your preaching but you know, you shouldn't like just call people out like that by name You know, you should go to them privately Right if you have a problem with someone with another pastor You should go to them privately, you know, don't make the don't make a public spectacle of them But that is not biblical How do you know that well he says there Verse 14, but when I saw that they walked down it rightly according to the truth of the gospel I sent him to peter before them all So he didn't say hey peter. Can I have it? Can I can I talk with you a little bit? Let's go into this room real quick and I hear Just like ripping his face off No, he said it before them all This is public If thou being a jew liveth after the manner of the gentiles and not as do the jews Why compelest thou the gentiles to live as do the jews? He's ripping them He's a hot peter Hot pillar You you of reputation why are you doing that? Why is that because open rebuke is better than secret love And then that sin the bible says rebuke before all But this is specifically about open sin Well, how does that apply to the pastors? Do you call out? Well, if you're a pastor you have what's called a public ministry That means anything you say from the pulpit can be scrutinized And you should be accountable not only to your church members, but guess what if you upload your sermons online? You're opening yourself up for criticism I think you should keep your own backyard clean. Yeah, but the thing is you're showing me your backyard You're you know, your youtube channel is up Giving us the details of your backyard That means you want people to see what's in your backyard? Your videos are not on private Right. Well, they don't have youtube. Well, do they have a website where you can listen to the sermons? A website is for all to hear all to see Yeah, it's a public domain Therefore there are to be publicly rebuked if something like that takes place And look if you don't like that then you don't like paul's preaching because paul called out a lot of people by name He named the names why because you need to know who i'm talking about If i'm talking about some guy who's preaching false doctrine and he's teaching damnable heresies Guess who's protected by that if if no one knows the name only myself But I have to warn the sheep About that. Okay. Therefore the names have to be called. No, you know You should just kind of you should just kind of do it in private The reason they say that is because they don't want they don't want to shame these people They don't want to embarrass them, but they need to be embarrassed if they have a public ministry Now this is not a license to just rebuke anybody though Because for example, this is not working in a church setting Well, let's say for example if I were to teach some false doctrine for example You don't necessarily have the right to come rebuke me You know what the bible says you're supposed to do The elders you're supposed to entreat like a father Now, I don't think i'm going to teach some crazy heresy I don't believe I ever will I will make mistakes every once in a while. Maybe with chronology like we talked about on thursday But let's say for example, I teach something weird and I was wrong about it The bible says you're supposed to entreat me and you know That's the problem with a lot of church members who maybe listen to us And what they do to their pastors they want to openly rebuke their pastor some single guy You know wants to go up to the pastor and say it's not pre-trip. It's post-trip This is heresy, why don't you change and the dude's only been saved for like six months Idiot That's foolish you believe the jews are god's chosen people. How dare you? That's not what the bible teaches You know what? You don't even believe some of the bible because you're not following first timothy chapter five To entreat him and look I know young guys I know young guys who are in our movement so to speak and they entreated their pastor and guess what they did They won their pastor over I know of a guy who Uh has his pastor he's the pastor is not of the new ivy He's independent fundamental baptist. He was of different beliefs when it came to post-trip reprobates and all these other things That aren't not necessarily essential doctrines And he just loved his pastor He would serve his pastor and what did he do? He entreated his pastor and guess what his he won his pastor over They so went all the time to get along great. He's not even planning on leaving that church because he loves his pastor No, he should be in the new ifb hill raisin baptist church and why he likes the church where he's at it's a good church And guess what he entreated it and that's the byproduct of it You know So we don't want to take the other extreme where you just feel like you just need to rebuke everyone We need to use the parameters that god gives us and This is a different situation because it's with apostle with apostle and the apostles are held to a different standard. Are they not? okay now Look what it goes on to say In verse 14, but when I saw that they walked on her brightly according to the truth of the gospel I said unto peter before them all if thou being a jew Livest after the manner of the gentiles and not as do the jews why compel us out of the gentiles to live as do the jews We who are jews by nature and not sinners of the gentiles. He's being facetious here Verse 16 is a great verse by the way to use out soul warning. It's very powerful Okay Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law But by the faith of jesus christ Even we have believed in jesus christ that we might be justified by the faith of christ And not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. I mean good night He's just like He's putting it down right there. I mean you cannot walk away from that verse and say no it's still by works Because to justify means to acquit I mean it means to exonerate someone And it's telling you you cannot be exonerated of your sins Because of the deeds of the law You know and people will say well, no, I mean the law is just referring to just the meats drinks and diverse washings You know, there's there's other aspects of the law. It's referring to both Because a law would be simply a regulation and guess what the bible has all kinds of regulations whether in the old testament Whether in the old testament and in the new testament, right, you know, uh synonym for law is what commandment And there's commandments in the new testament that jesus christ gives us but guess what not to be saved Okay So he says there that a man is not justified by the works of the law And there's so many scriptures that can prove this go to roman chapter three if you would we're going to revisit the story of paul and peter To make some different points here, but look at roman chapter number three Because you have this movement of judaizers That has risen up over the last couple of years the hebrew roots movement who are trying to bring people back under the law Just as the pharisees did in times past and these people should be rejected. This should be rebuked and exposed The bible says in verse 19 of chapter 3 now We know that what things so ever the law sayeth it say to them who are under the law Who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become saved before god no guilty before god So what's the purpose of the law is to show us that we're guilty? You know, i'm sure you've run into people where you give them the gospel and they're like, you know Have you ever told a lie and they're like no And it's like well you you just did right now You just told the lie right now Actually, you did two lies. You did two sins you lied and you have pride Because you're not willing to admit that you told a lie The law is there so that every mouth may be stopped In other words that every person may just keep their mouth shut and not try to justify themselves before god Okay Therefore verse 20 by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law Is the knowledge of sin? So the law is meant to show us that we're sinners, okay Okay But now the righteousness of god without the laws manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets there's your dispensation Even the righteousness of god, which is by faith of jesus christ into all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference skip down verse 28 Therefore we conclude this is the conclusion of the matter Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law over and over again Paul hammers this concept that we're not justified by works. It's by faith alone Okay, and we need to keep hammering this now. Let me give you A tool that you can use and you don't have to use it To kind of help people understand this because don't you run into people out so winning? That when you try to get them to understand that they have to believe only on christ They still want to add something to that. Do they not? Well, I think you still yeah, it's by believing of course, but you still got to do the works or you know I you know, you gotta you gotta believe but you still gotta be baptized go to church. They had all kinds of things Here's one illustration that I use that I encourage you to use just because it it's worked every time i've used it And it really drives home the point and this is what I tell people When we get to that point about believing in christ, I say nothing is added to that and i'll tell them this for example Let's say you and I were friends. I use this today actually and the people got saved and I say let's say you and I Are friends and I tell you hey I'm off at work at three o'clock But uh, I was i'm calling you to ask you if you can come pick me up Can you come pick me up at three? Yeah, i'm there you tell me i'm there and I say, okay I believe you're coming at three. I trust you. Thank you. Hang up the phone call you back 15 minutes later And I say hey, I believe That you're gonna come pick me up But just in case I also called my other friend also to come at three, but I trust that you're gonna come though And I tell him I said do I really trust that person's coming at three and they're like no And I say why it goes because you called someone else And I often tell them one like manner if you say you're trusting in jesus But you're also depending on something else such as works baptism repentance. Are you really trusting in jesus? And then it clicks to them You know, why is that because of the fact we needed to drive home the point we can't just have a salvation presentation Where we just say just believe and we're just not thorough about it Well, they believe yeah, but here's the thing you need to make sure they understand what that means And how believing means placing your faith trusting in christ, but it also means not trusting in anything else Not adding anything else to that. Okay And the the bible is so thorough on this point because it's so important not of works not of works Not of the deeds of the law he wraps it in so many different ways That it's impossible to leave the bible and come with this understanding that you have to do works Okay, because it's so clear in the word of god now, let me get back to this point of paul and peter. Okay Because paul was justified in rebuking peter. Was he not? He was justified Go back to acts chapter 15 if you would go to act chapter 15 Okay And the point that i'm driving home tonight is that we all make mistakes, okay and sometimes you know We make really big mistakes sometimes and we just need to admit that we're wrong And look here's the thing the people who make mistakes and and know that they made mistakes And they're not willing to admit that they're wrong. They're just prideful Yeah You know on thursday I explained the mistake that I made as far as the chronology of the book of judges is concerned And people often will think well, you know, if I tell them that I made a mistake, they're not going to respect me actually Uh, they're not going to respect you if you don't say that you made a mistake Because people aren't stupid right people know what's up But if you are willing to fess up to it, then you know what people actually respect that because it's all he's he's A sinner like everyone else makes mistakes like everyone else At least he was willing to admit that he was wrong You know pastors don't walk on water You know, we have a hard time walking on concrete sometime Okay, we all make mistakes. And so we need to recognize that that even the apostles made mistakes and the reason I say that is because remember it Paul is referencing acts 15 where the apostle peter stood up and he corrected the doctrine Not to be circumcised and then in the book of galatians, he's just hitting this thing on circumcision He's like I was stood peter to the face because he was to be blamed and he's just going off on peter And then throughout the whole entire book of galatians he's ripping on circumcision And he's using the story in acts chapter 15 to prove his point He said where are you going with this go to acts 16 This is after this whole dissertation this whole story of events Look at verse one then came he to derby and lystra and behold a certain disciple was there named timotheus the son of a certain certain woman Which was a jewish and believed but his father was a greek Which was well reported of by the brethren that were at lystra and iconium Him would paul have to go forth with him and took and circumcised him because of the jews Which were in those quarters for they all for they knew all that his father was a greek So even after that whole entire debacle in acts chapter 15, he still has timotheus circumcised in chapter 16 Do you see that? And why did he do it? It says right there because of the jews So what does this teach us? I don't know what's going through paul's mind. I'm thinking the same thing mr. Francis. He's like I read that i'm like what in the world paul. Why would you do that? Yeah It could be that he buckled under the pressure he just wanted the jews to just get off his back Whatever it was. He didn't he wasn't justified in doing so this was wrong Especially after acts chapter 15 Now obviously he knows that it's wrong because what happens in galatians. He corrects that he preaches against it So two things that we can learn from this is that we all make mistakes But once we understand that it's a mistake we need to ardently teach preach against it Just as he did in the book of galatians Because no one can walk away from the book of galatians thinking that it's okay to that paul is saying it's okay to get circumcised I'll give you i'll give you a personal illustration. I used to believe in the preacher of rapture I used to believe the jews were god's chosen people. Hey, I used to believe homos could be saved Yeah like what in the world They still disgusted me, but I just thought that they maybe could get saved Because no one really challenged that I only knew of one person Who challenged that doctrine years ago? And it turns out that this guy was right on a lot of things. He was actually he was not new ife by the way He he was he was og And he believed in replacement theology He was post-trib And he believed that homos could not get saved And he was old I mean he was old then but he's way old now You know, he's like moses age or something, you know, his security social security is zero. No, i'm just kidding But here's the thing I believe those things not ardently but I believe them in to a surface extent because of the fact that that's just what we were Taught it was never challenged. Therefore. We never studied it out You know why study out the pre-tribulation rapture if it's never being challenged. That was my take However, when it began to get challenged and actually studied it out for myself Guess what? I went from act 16 to the book of galatians You understand what I mean by that in other words I went from believing that to not believing in it and ardently teaching against it Because this is what the bible says You understand? So what i'm saying is this is that If you're wrong on something, it's okay to be wrong Just change it And then go all in Go all in on those doctrines Because look You are stubborn You're stiff-necked if you don't Okay, and look I know people who switched on these positions You know whether it's the reparé doctrine post-trib But they like they switched on them, but they're not public about it Pastors they're not public about it. They just because they don't they don't want the whole pie. Give me the whole pie November 10th the whole pie I want 10 pies Just give me the whole thing Don't just be like i'll just take a nibble You know right now I have to take a nibble But come November 10th, i'm eating the whole thing But what i'm saying is once you're wrong, but then you're right And look this is what annoys me a lot and people come into me like well, that's not what you believed before That's not what you used to say before. Yeah, because I was wrong Wrong Of course, I wasn't because I was wrong. How could you say that you're wrong? Because that's what people do sometimes they're wrong Hello, I wasn't born believing the reparé doctrine. Sorry I wasn't taught post-trib pre-wrath right when I got saved. Sorry But once I did guess what I know it back and forth. I know what I believe I can defend it I preach for it and i'm open about it and I teach my congregation these doctrines Oh, you're just a hypocrite. How is that being a hypocrite? How is what's being a hypocrite if you know it's the truth and you still deny it Because you see what the bible has to say about it. Let's be like paul Or when he was wrong Even though the bible recorded it He still corrected it 14 years later He wrote an entire book called the book of galatians Where you do not walk away thinking no, he still believes like act 16 when he did that No, he doesn't act 16 was when he like kind of first got saved It's still in his beginning stages and he changed thereafter You know, so we need to make sure that we never just like well i'm never gonna change and even if i'm wrong bless god I'm gonna die wrong good die wrong then I want to be right And if that requires for me to say that I was wrong about something You know and people will take this people will take this clip sodomites will take this bruce mijia used to believe the sodomites can be saved Yeah, but I don't anymore You didn't used to hate him before but I do now So you can forget about what I did in the past because guess what the past is the past And the past bruce mijia is not here That was 45 pounds ago. I'm just kidding Okay, that was a long time ago You know people always say well that's not what you you didn't you you didn't used to like preach that hard before You didn't used to hate homes before I thought we're supposed to get closer to the bible the longer we're christians not further away Hey, I thought we're supposed to love righteousness more as we grow up in the lord I thought we're supposed to hate sin more as we grow up in the lord not become weaker Hey I thought creep pastors are supposed to preach harder the older they get Not become some sissified watered down preacher Well, they just get more patient. No, they get more compromising is what they get They lose the fight No, they have more wisdom no, they become more foolish Is what it is The older we get as christians the more further to the right we should be the closer to the bible we should get The longer you become a christian the more decades that you're saved. You're supposed to hate sin more You know why because you're in a sin-filled world you see the repercussions of sin You see what it does to people and it should anger you You see sodomy everywhere it should make you mad Yeah And as you study the bible more you see that they're reprobates they hate they're haters of god Yeah, you should hate them more So What i'm saying here is that we need to take the apostle paul's perspective and his disposition Which is I was wrong before but i'm right now And he spends a lot of galatians hidden on circumcision and preaching against it even though he had timothy circumcised You know and timothy's probably like man, don't you remember what you had me do? 14 years ago and now you're preaching against it. He's like, yeah, I was wrong Sorry Let's keep reading we'll finish up it says verse 17 But if while we seek to be justified galatians 2 verse 17 by christ We ourselves are found sinners and is therefore christ the minister of sin god forbid For if I build again the things which I destroyed I make myself a transgressor For I through the law am dead to the law that I might live unto god. I am crucified with christ Nevertheless I live yet not I but christ liveth in me in the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me I do not frustrate the grace of god for if righteousness come by the law Then christ is dead in vain then chapter three He really begins to hit this home now notice that 14 years later as he's writing this Or years later when he's writing this he has a lot more depth to his teaching He has more depth and we're going to see how deep he gets in galatians three and four he gets really deep, you know Whereas in times past maybe he made some of these points, but they were not strong now. We see that they're pretty strong. Okay So that's pretty much it. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer We'll go through galatians three the following week lord. Thank you so much for your word And thank you for an example that we have of paul Peter also who made mistakes and we're all going to make mistakes. Maybe we believe differently in times past and But as long as we believe right now, we need to believe that which is right today And for those who are out there who try to criticize that They can just stay wrong If that's what they want to do they can stay wrong He that is ignorant. Let him be ignorant still that's what the bible says and I just pray that you help us to continue to grow I hope that we as christians as a church we do become more hateful Against sin against the haters of god, but we begin to become more loving more loving towards righteousness and more loving towards sinners As we go out and preach the gospel and we flesh that out in our personal lives And god, I pray that you help us to continue to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our lord and savior Jesus christ and in jesus name we pray amen