(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we are in 1st Peter chapter number 1 look down at your Bibles at verse number 1 It says Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ to the stranger scattered throughout Pontius Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ grace unto you and peace be multiplied and the title of sermon this morning is foreknowledge predestination and election foreknowledge predestination and election and the part that I'm focusing on is verse number 2 where it says elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit now foreknowledge Predestination and election if you've you know been a Christian for any length of time I'm sure you've run into this false doctrine known as Calvinism now Calvinism uses these words In fact, these are the Calvinistic buzzwords that they would commonly use to teach their false doctrine But one word they really like to stay away from is not predestination. It's not election It's foreknowledge and the reason for that is because foreknowledge the doctrine of foreknowledge Just completely destroys the concept of false doctrine of predestination according to the Calvinist. It destroys the false doctrine of Unconditional election according to the Calvinist because it's so clear what the Bible teaches in regards to these now these are biblical terms amen and These are phrases as I mentioned that have been perverted and rested to define a false doctrine known as unconditional election and Irresistible grace now, what are the what do these things mean? Well unconditional election. Basically what they state is due to man's Total depravity which by the way is another false doctrine Man cannot in and of himself Seek after God, okay, man and himself, you know can't choose to trust Christ as his Savior Can't choose to seek after God because they're totally depraved in other words They believe that because the Bible says friend me that is in my flesh dwelleth No good thing they take that as and just a carte blanche statement that basically states that we can't seek after God Okay that we don't have it within ourselves to actually place our faith in Christ now Irresistible grace works in tandem with this and is the teaching that basically states that the elect those who are saved Cannot resist when God draws them unto them So in other words if you're saved It's because you're the elect and the reason you're elect is because God chose you before the foundation of the world to be Saved this is what these false doctrines are teaching here now Here's what's foolish about these both of these teachings is the fact that the Bible tells us That God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance So if the Bible is telling us that God's will is for all men to be saved Then that would contradict these two false doctrines Because he's not willing whereas the Calvinistic doctrine teaches note Well, he's willing to save some but willing to send others to hell before they even get to choose Okay, the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the Savior of all men But especially into them that believe the Bible tells us so this shows us that he's our Savior But you know what the lost people who were out there who are not saved. He is still their Savior Why because he died for everyone that's why he is the Savior of us the justified as well as the condemned Okay, and look This would be foolish to think that we can't choose Even though the Bible constantly says that we have our own will That we must call upon the name of the Lord to be saved that if thou should confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus And believe in thine heart, you know These are commandments that are given to us to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ But not only that think about this the reason why we are sinners is because the law has slain us has it not Well that same law the Bible says the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 7 states this he says I had not known lust Except the law had said, you know thou shall not covet Well, the Bible also says of the law that it is our schoolmaster to what to bring us unto Christ So the Bible specifically tells us that obviously the law cannot save because the Bible tells us therefore we conclude that a man is justified By faith without the deeds of the law, but you know what the law is there to show us that we need a Savior So to be totally depraved would completely make null and void The fact that the law is our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ to help us to realize That we need a Savior the Bible says that God will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of The truth now go with me if you would to John chapter number 10 John chapter number 10 if you would What is the title of the sermon for knowledge predestination and election for knowledge predestination and Election let me say this if you could simply understand what for knowledge is according to the Bible you can understand the biblical Term predestination and election and there's a lot of people to get mixed up with both of these words And in fact even safe people can get mixed up in this crowd just because it says predestined to be predestinated unto something and automatically what people will do is Associate that with salvation right well if it's predestined that means we're predestined to be saved But you know what a destiny basically means a path that we have and it's not in reference to salvation Okay Let's talk about for knowledge first and foremost. What does for knowledge mean? Okay, because again if we can get this definition down if we could understand this clearly predestination according to the Calvinist and Election just falls apart. Okay. Why because for knowledge basically means to know something of for time a For means something early. So knowledge means to know something it's to know something before it even happens That's what for knowledge means right and the Bible tells us that God has a for knowledge of things That's why what the Bible says that he is omniscient. He knows all things. He knows them before they even take place now what the Calvinist will do is Claim that this word basically means not that he knows something a for time but rather that he predetermined something a for time That's not what that means to have knowledge of something is not to determine something It's to know of something before it takes place right to have knowledge of it This is what for knowledge means and let me say this is that the Bible tells us that God knoweth them that are his Okay, what does that mean when we get saved the Bible tells us the biblical phrase to say that we're saved Okay, is that God knows us and the reason I say this because there's a lot of churches that Get a lot of phrases mixed up and they use unbiblical terms for salvation. You know, I have a relationship with Jesus I got a relationship with God. Oh, they'll say this. I know God How many times have you gone gone to a door out so many and you say are you hundred percent sure that if you die Today you go to heaven. Of course. I know God Well, that's unbiblical because here's the thing I'm saved and I still don't know him as of yeah as much as I should because the way we gain knowledge of God is by growing in grace and in the laws of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Jesus said search the scriptures for in them. You think you have eternal life and they are which testify of me So in order for us to get to know the Father We have to get to know the Son in order for us to get to know the Son Guess what? We have to get to know the Bible That's all we know God, but that doesn't mean that we're saved. Okay by knowing God In fact, the Bible tells us in Galatians 4 9 But now after they have known God or rather are known of God How turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements where until you desire again to be in bondage? This is why we see in Matthew chapter 7 the person who's gonna get cast into the lake of fire who says Lord Lord what is God tell him depart from me ye workers of iniquity. I never knew you It doesn't say you never knew me God is saying I never knew you why because salvation means that God knows you. Okay. Look at John chapter 10 verse 25 Jesus answered them I told you and ye believe not the works that I do in my father's name They bear witness of me But ye believe not because he are not of my sheep as I said unto you my sheep hear my voice and I Know them and they follow me and I give them to them eternal life and they shall never perish Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand go with me if you went to the book of Nahum in your Old Testament Nahum chapter number one So what does the foreknowledge mean if we get that definition if we just break down that word? That means to know something a four time and we look what the Bible says about salvation that God knows us What does it mean when the Bible talks about foreknowledge? It means God knows a Four time who's gonna reject Jesus Christ and who is not He knows prior to everything taking place Who is going to reject the free gift of salvation and who is going to receive the free gift of salvation? It's something that he knows it doesn't mean he predetermines it. It just means he knows the outcome thereof Why is that? Well because God dwells in the vastness of eternity Which means that he sees everything from the beginning all the way up into the end I mean on God's timetable in the vastness of eternity, you know, the book of Revelation has already taken place That's why the Bible tells us of Jesus Christ who is the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world Well, that's weird because wasn't he slain physically in this time 2,000 years ago But you know on God's timetable in the vastness of eternity in God's perspective. He's already been slain Okay, look, let me give you another example in Revelation chapter 7 There is a great multitude which no man can number and this is talking about the rapture and guess what you're there Now are we there right now? No, not in not in this time not in this realm so to speak But you know what because God saw it and he lives in the vastness of eternity He sees that as though it's art. It's already happened He calls those things which are not as though they were the Bible says in Romans chapter number four So it's hard sometimes to wrap our mind around Having this panoramic view of eternity or of the world through eternities perspective But that's the basic way that we can understand is that God sees everything from beginning to end He already sees the bad decisions that you're gonna make today or this week He hasn't determined that you've made those decisions. And in fact, you can change those decisions, but God knows what decisions you're gonna make That doesn't mean he has predetermined for you to make them though. Okay, because we have a free will now again, as I mentioned He knows who's gonna get saved and who's not look what the Bible says in verse 7 of Nahum chapter 1. The Lord is good a Stronghold in the day of trouble look what it says and he knoweth them that trust in him So when the Bible says that he knows them, what does he know he knows if you're trusting in him or not He knows if you're saved he knows if you've believed on the Lord Jesus Christ because the Lord knoweth them that are his and Everyone who has this seal the Bible says the seal is the Holy Spirit, right? He knows them that are his go with if you went to Acts chapter 15 Acts chapter 15 for Knowledge predestination and election Look at Acts chapter 15 and verse number 7 It says here in verse number 7 and when there had been much disputing Peter rose up and said unto the men and brethren You know how that a good while ago God made choice among us that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel and believe and God which knoweth the Hearts bear them witness Giving them the Holy Ghost even as he did unto us. So these people believed on the Lord Jesus Christ God knows their hearts and because of that he bore witness of it. Therefore they received the Holy Ghost, right and Put no difference between us and them purifying their hearts by Faith so again, we see here that God knows the hearts. What does it mean when he knows the hearts? Does that mean he's like there's some cardiologist and just knows all the veins, you know No, what he's referring to there is the fact that he knows if they believed in their heart the Lord Jesus Right. He knows it's not referring to the muscle in your chest It's referring to your belief system when the Bible talks about your heart It's often referenced to what you used to believe what you used to place your faith in is the seed of emotions But it's also the seed of where you place your faith in Okay And so he says which knoweth the hearts bear them witness giving them the Holy Ghost even as he did unto us Now go to John chapter 6 if you would John chapter 6 so for knowledge is fairly simple to understand in its foundation in order to understand these biblical terms of Predestination and election it means he knows something that's going to take place before it even happens. Okay? Look at verse 60 of John chapter 6 It says many therefore of his disciples When they had heard this said this is an hard saying who can hear it When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it he said unto them that this offend you What and if you shall see the Son of Man has sent up where he was before it is the spirit the quick in it The flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you there are spirit in their life But there are some of you that believe not for Jesus knew from the beginning Who they were that believed not and who should betray him now, who is this talking about Judas? You know what the funny thing about that about that in this very chapter He says have not I chosen you 12 and one of you is a devil Well that just flies in the face of Calvinism that flies in the face of Reformed theology Because of the fact that they believe election means that he chose them for salvation. Well, hold on a second Jesus chose 12 and one of them was a devil Explain that to me Calvinist explain that to me, you know, John MacArthur Without referencing your your books your John Calvin books your Spurgeon books explain that to me Oh on the King James the King James got it wrong. Put elect there if you want them It means the same thing so we got a we got a problem because if they're chosen and they're elect but Judas is the son of perdition They're not that means they're not really chosen for eternal life Now is it it means he chose them to bring forth fruit? He chose them and ordained them to be apostles understand But here we see that Jesus knew from the beginning Who they were that believed not and who should betray him and look this is a knowledge that God has Before the foundation of the world and this is important Let's get a time frame as to when he knows these things look go with the view. It's a revelation chapter 13 revelation chapter 13 The Bible will often use the phrase Before the foundation of the world to describe what we can say is eternity past Right because it's hard for us to really grasp our minds around this concept of eternity and we can use something You know a phrase as simple as eternity past before the foundation of the world Okay It's used to give us a timestamp because of the fact that eternity is outside of the scope of our time In fact, Jesus said speaking of God the Father. He says for thou lovest me before the foundation of the world What is he saying that he loved Jesus in eternity past? All right, and As I mentioned Jesus was slain from the foundation of the world, but within the our time he was slain 2,000 years ago Look at revelation 1380 says and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not Written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world go to chapter 17 if you would chapter 17 Now think about this With this concept of foreknowledge if God knows who's gonna be saved and who's not or let me say this if God knows who's gonna Be saved in like manner if he knows who's going to heaven. That means he already knows who's going to hell right He knows who's going to hell and in fact, he knows who's going to become a reprobate Reprobate means someone who is beyond the hope of salvation. They can no longer be saved Okay, the Bible says now is Janus and Jabrys withstood Moses So do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith these are people who could no longer be saved and People who balk at the reprobate doctrine would need to explain what revelation 17 verse 8 says The beast that thou saw'st was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder whose names were not written in the book of life From the foundation of the world because we have to be in the book of life in order to have eternal life, right? When they behold the beast that was and is not and yet is so you have one group that basically doesn't believe in the reprobate doctrine But can't explain this verse But then you have the Calvinists who will say we'll see people people who are reprobates have been reprobates for all time Not necessarily. Okay, because remember we're dealing with something outside of the scope of eternity So God knows who will become a reprobate and let me just say this every person's name Even the people we're gonna talk to this afternoon the people who are not yet saved. They are already in the book of life You understand? Your name before you got saved started out in the book of life You say how do you know? Well, that's what the Bible tells us that he's not willing that any should perish So he puts your name there Hoping right that you trust his son as your Savior however when you reject Christ either when you die and go to hell or you become a reprobate the Bible specifically says that your name is Blotted out of the book of life Okay, and we know that to be true because the Bible tells it the only time you ever seen someone taken out of the book Of life is when they die or they become a reprobate So Calvinists explain this if that only happens when someone dies and goes to hell or someone becomes reprobate How is it that God predetermined for them to become reprobate before the foundation of the world? I Know this is a little deep here But we need to understand this Concept because when you read your Bible you get confused or you're gonna get find yourself a Calvinist who's gonna trip you up and you Have to understand this. Okay. Look the Bible is deep. Amen You know, I don't know if there's a football game going on today or whatever it may be but put that aside This is important Whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world God foreknew Who was gonna be condemned? Already who was gonna reject Christ as their Savior. This is why Calvinism is so dangerous Because if you think about a Calvinism has a lot of similar beliefs to us But it's a warped belief system You know, they believe in covenant theology. We believe in replacement theology. Okay, they believe that God hates people So do we but the difference is they believe that God has always hated them We believe that the Bible tells us that he will love them no more So there's a time when he did and then afterwards when they reject Christ and they hate God God begins to hate them They become haters of God. That's what the Bible says and the Bible tells us that God hates all workers of iniquity You cannot reconcile that verse without stating. Well, it is what it is. That's what it says and So they're very there the Lions have a tendency to be blended a little bit if you're not careful We don't believe the same thing. Okay Now go to Jude verse 7 Jude verse 7 So He foreknows who will be saved he foreknows who will trust Christ But he also foreknows who will reject him who will become a reprobate He knows these things and look what the Bible says in Jude verse 4 It says for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation Ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lascivious. There you go. See they're ordained God ordained them before the foundation of the world to this condemnation called help. Well, let's keep reading and Denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ So why are they ordained because he knew that they would deny the Lord Jesus Christ That's why the Bible tells us in second Peter chapter 2 verse 2 that now What's the verse here? Let's just turn there. I Don't want to misquote it It says but there are false prophets also among the people second Peter 2 verse 1 Even as there shall be false teachers among you who privily shall bring in damnable heresies Even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction So we see here that the reason they're teaching false doctrine is because they've already denied the Lord you understand So this is something that God knows previously now, so this is for knowledge, okay Please understand this The only thing that God chooses in regards to salvation listen up, the only thing that God elects that God chooses for salvation is How he's gonna distribute that salvation Not who is distributed to But how it's distributed you say how is that through Jesus Christ he actually had to choose to send his son Jesus Christ The manner of salvation in which he chose was through faith That is what was predetermined that is predestined That is something that God chose that Jesus Christ would pay for the sins of the world So the manner of which salvation came was chosen the manner of which or to whom is distributed is not Okay, we have a free will to choose that God chose the manner of salvation He but he foreknows who's gonna be safe go to Acts chapter number 2 if you would Acts chapter number 2 Let me let me show you an example of this Acts chapter number 2 Acts chapter number 2 Now look at verse number 21 It says and it shall come to pass that whosoever not the elect whosoever Shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved You men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs Which God did by him in the midst of you as he yourselves also know him speaking of Jesus being delivered by the determinant Counsel and foreknowledge of God. So what does the determinant counsel means? It means God instructed for this to happen Right, but guess what? He also foreknew it as well Because of the fact that people have their own will and he knew that these people were going to reject Christ He knew that they were going to crucify him. He knew that they were going to betray him But you know what? It's also part of his determinant counsel that Jesus Christ should die for the sins of the world That's why it states being delivered by the determinant counsel and foreknowledge of God Well, no, no, I don't agree with that I think it just means that you know he ordained these men basically to crucify him it says here ye have taken and By wicked hands have crucified and slain. So who is he placing the responsibility on the people who actually crucified him? Which shows you that it was based upon the foreknowledge you see He didn't choose what specific Roman soldiers were going to crucify him. He just chose that Jesus Christ would come and die and He knew because he has that foreknowledge that omniscience from eternity past that this was going to take place. Okay Whom God has raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holding of it Go to 1st Peter chapter number 1 if you would 1st Peter chapter number 1 So the determinant counsel the instruction that God gave was that Jesus Christ should pay for the sins of the whole world By the way, which flies in the face of this stupid doctrine of dispensationalism Because according to them God Determines for people to be saved in the Old Testament by sacrificing animals by keeping the law of Moses Even though the Bible clearly tells us that it is impossible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins It's impossible the Bible says it's impossible for a man to be justified by the deeds of the law The laws there to show us that we're sinners that we need a Savior But yet they have this foolish doctrine that teaches us that you know, there are different Gospels They're the only way we're saved by. Oh, yeah, it's it's it's through faith in Christ in the Old Testament, but it was faith and works Right now is just through Jesus Christ and in the book of Revelation when the Antichrist has ruined the world It'll be through faith and works again. These guys are obsessed with works They just want to fit works anywhere you you go. Okay But the Bible says here that it's the determinant counsel and foreknowledge of God how they should be saved Look at first Peter 1 verse 18 For as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation Received by tradition from your fathers But with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot Who barely was foreordained? Before the foundation of the world but was made but was manifest in these last times for you Who by him do believe in God that raised up from the dead and gave him glory that your faith and hope might be in God so what was foreordained the slain of his son Jesus Christ? Okay, go to Acts chapter 13 if you would actually up to 13 Acts chapter 13 Now a couple weeks ago what happened here we went independent amen and I was ordained as the pastor Now when we hear that word ordination Automatically or when someone gets ordained it means basically that they were chosen to be that pastor And that is a proper definition of that word But it is not without a secondary definition, which also means that they're instructed You understand? So i'm instructed i'm commanded By our sending church faithful word baptist church and pastor stephen l anderson To be the pastor here to preach the word of god to fulfill the office of a bishop I am instructed I was commanded To be the overseer of the flock of god, which is here. You understand? So with that works in tandem with being chosen because we're choosing you to be commanded to do these things you understand So just get to have that take that in mind and understand that ordain not only means chosen, but it also means instructed Commanded you understand look at verse 46 then paul and barnabas wax bold and said It was necessary that the word of god should first have been spoken to you But seeing you put it from you You And judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life. Well, hold on a second. I thought they were totally depraved I thought they were totally depraved. I thought you know, they couldn't resist the word of god No, in fact the bible says that they felt that they're unworthy. They didn't want it unworthy of eternal life we turn to the gentiles For so hath look what the bible says the lord commanded us saying I have set thee to be a light of the gentiles That thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth and when the gentiles heard this they were glad And glorified the word of the lord and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. What does that mean? As many as were commanded To believe on the lord jesus christ believe And who's the command for whosoever? You understand? So it says here that the lord commanded to be a light into the gentiles and in verse 48 it tells us that As many as were ordained to eternal life believe now the calvinists like to take this and say well as many as were chosen As many as were elect as many as god chose for salvation believe Okay, but this is false. And in fact, you know if this were true We shouldn't have church. We shouldn't go soul winning. We shouldn't preach the gospel. Why because the irresistible grace of god To just hit you At whatever moment And you've already believed Belief starts from who knows when before the foundation of the world Why you're a little baby in uh in your mother's womb you're already saved You know, and by the way, that's why they like to talk about john the baptist, you know He was ordained because you know, he was filled with the holy ghost from the womb, right? Well, it doesn't say that the holy ghost dwelt within him from dwelt within him from the womb It says that he was filled with the holy ghost from the womb Okay, so to have the holy spirit actually come and be sealed within you that means salvation But the spirit of god because this is the old testament that we're talking about when john the baptist was born The spirit of god would also come upon unsaved people all the time Okay, that's the sermon for another day. But as many as were ordained as many as were commanded to eternal life believed, okay So ordained means to command to choose and that's why the bible tells us that there are many called but few chosen Why are the few chosen because few actually believe on the lord? Jesus christ many are called in other words. See there's another problem That's another breach in their doctrine Because those who are elect are those who are called But hold on a second. Why does it say many are called but few are chosen? Well, that's because the calling for salvation is for everyone but not everyone's going to believe on the lord. Jesus christ Therefore not everyone will be chosen. All right Okay Go to act chapter 17 if you would act chapter 17 foreknowledge Predestination and election, you know It's pretty clear what the bible teaches in regards to the foreknowledge of god that god knows these things before They take place look at act chapter 17 verse 30 And the times of this ignorance god winked at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent Because he had the point of the day in which he will judge the world in righteousness By that man whom he hath ordained Wherefore he hath given assurance unto all men And that he raised him from the dead. Who is the man that got ordained? Jesus christ He's the man who was chosen He's the man that god commanded to come to seek and to save that which is lost and it tells us there That he hath given assurance to all men, okay Okay So this is important to understand in order to grasp the concept the concept of predestination go to ephesians if you would ephesians chapter number one So it's pretty clear Foreknowledge means that god knows prior to everything taking place what's going to take place, correct? Now with that being said now we laid that foundation. It's pretty thick. It's pretty heavy now We can build there upon now we can look on predestination now We can look on election now. We can look what the bible actually says because these are biblical terms And we should not shy away from them We should not be afraid to explain them because there are biblical terms found within the king james bible that we should know And learn from and understand what they mean Now predestination, what does that word mean? Okay, don't let that word scare you to Predestinate means to have a previous plan for you Right to destined someone prior to it even happening, okay? But here's the question. What are we being predestined for? Well, the people who are obsessed with repenting your sins and election they'll say it's always about salvation God predestines you this is they get this from john calvin, okay? But here's the thing first and foremost we're predestined unto good works Right So when we get saved god has a plan for us What to do in this world we have purpose in life You know when you get saved, it's not like oh, you know, you get saved and you're just worthless and you just There's no plan god's not going to use you. No, he has a plan for you He has a purpose for your life. He has works for you to do And look the bible says this for by grace are you saved through faith in that not of yourselves That is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast and then it says for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works Which god has before ordained that we should walk in them Now hold on a second. Does it say that we will walk in them? Now god is saying look I have a work for you to do and you should Walk in them why because you are god's workmanship So he has predetermined What type of work? You can do okay now Here's the thing that's why you gotta understand and figure out what are your talents? Right. What are what are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? That's why it's important to learn the gospel to learn the bible Why so you can be prepared unto every good work that you do? Let me read this to you from john chapter 15. You don't have to turn there verse 6 says this ye have not chosen me But I have chosen you And ordained you That you should be saved And That you should go and bring forth fruit And that your fruit should remain that whatsoever you shall ask of the father in my name He may give it you so that ordination that we see there that choosing was to bring forth fruit That works in tandem with ephesians 2 verse 10, which is the good works that you're supposed to be doing. Okay? Now I had you turn to ephesians one hold your place there go to roman chapter number eight Hold your place on ephesians one So we're predestined unto good works, let me ask you a question are you fulfilling your destiny Fulfill your destiny Are you fulfilling your purpose in life? Are you doing the work that god has called you to do? You know, jesus said so send I you As the father has sent me so send I you Are you fulfilling that purpose because guess what you're predestinated to do that You are predestined to do a great work and what a shame it would be if you reach the end of your life And realize what a waste of a life you made because of the fact you did not Work, you did not walk in the works that god had previously ordained for you work Learn grow why so you could place yourself on that path that predetermined path, you know, there may be some future pastors in here But if you don't work You're not going to reach that destination that was predetermined for you You know, you could be one of the greatest soul winners missionaries Evangelists that the world has ever known but you know what if you don't work guess what you will never know That destination that was predetermined for you and you cannot blame god you cannot blame your church You cannot blame anybody but yourself. Why because it was predetermined for you to do it That's the predestination that god has for you is the works that you should do. Okay? But none of that we're predestined To be conformed to the image of his son And this is so ridiculous about this false teaching of predestination Is that they just focus on the predestinate and just completely ignore? What are we predestined for look at verse 28? Excuse me verse 29 for whom he did for no, there's that word again He also did predestinate. Well, hold on a second The Calvinists want to have predestinate first and then for no afterwards But the for no it means what means he knows who's going to be saved right So whom he did for no Then he also did predestinate what to be saved no to be conformed to the image Of his son news flash in order for you to be like Jesus. You have to be saved first Hey Catholics, you got to be saved first if you want to be like Jesus Hey Mormons, hey, Jehovah's Witnesses. Hey, you know non-denom churches that teach a false gospel You have to be saved first In order to be conformed to the image of his son So, what is the most important Destination that god has for your life aside from the works that you do is to be like Jesus To be conformed to the image of his son It says that he might be the firstborn among many brethren moreover whom he did predestinate Then he also called whom he called then he also justified in whom he justified then he also glorified. Wait, hold on a second It says whom he did predestinate Then he also called Got a little mixed up here. Well, guess what glorified is at the end and that hasn't happened either It says then he also glorified. We have not yet received the glorification of our body Well, how do you explain that? Well go back to the first point that we stated that god God calls things that are not as though they were This is part of the plan Okay, and I don't want to get ahead of myself But this is another thing that we're predestined for but we're predestined to be conformed to the image of a son And let me say this not every christian this side of eternity will be conformed to the image of a son I mean just look at your most backslitting christian out there who saved But there's you know, they're drinking they're smoking pop. They're fornicating. That's not christ-like Right You know, they're just living in the world they're they're completely disobeying god They're just completely carnal, but you know what they're saying, but they're not being conformed to the image of his son And let me say this being conformed to the image of a son not only requires obedience to his commandments Guess what? It also requires suffering Because the bible tells us in romans chapter number eight that we are heirs with god And joint heirs with christ is so be if we suffer with him This is why the apostle paul said in philippians chapter 3 that I may know him and the power of his resurrection And the fellowship of his suffering Being made conformable onto his death Suffering is the main ingredient Is the main element to be conformed to the image of a son? Why do you think it's in romans chapter 28 or 8 28 and 29? What is that talking about all things work together for good to them to love god to them who are called according to his purpose This is referring to trials and sufferings And when you suffer when you go through trials and tribulations Guess what? You're being conformed to the image of his son. Why because jesus christ is acquainted with grief the bible says You know, he suffered more than any any person So if you want to have fellowship in that suffering the end result is that you'll be conformed to the image of christ But today we have a bunch of lukewarm weekly weakling weenie christians Who don't want any trials who don't want any problems? They don't want to go through any type of hurt or suffering Well, okay, then don't be like christ Because that's what's going to happen. You'll be more like you You can be just like you and not like christ Christ Because except the corner we fall to the ground and die it abideth alone the bible says, you know in order for us To even follow christ the bible says that we need to deny ourselves take up our cross and follow him What does that mean? We have to die daily to who we are I must decrease but he must increase Okay, go to ephesians chapter one. So we're predestined unto good works We're predestined to be conformed to the image of his son not for salvation This is a plan. He asked for us after salvation Now this is where it kind of gets deep, okay Because we here in ephesians chapter one. We see the word predestinate as well And this predestination that we see here is actually in reference to the resurrection Okay now The bible tells us that when we shall see him we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is What that means is that when we when we die and god resurrects our body we will have a glorified body Okay Now remember this the mount transfiguration, you know The disciples saw jesus christ in his glorified form. He was very bright Okay, and let me say this is that in the resurrection some people will be Like a flashlight that through whose battery is about to die Why Because they didn't you know, they didn't fulfill that destiny of the works But some will not but either way we're all getting glorified we're getting an upgrade In our bodies. Amen You know forget the diets At that point forget keto We're getting something better than what keto can produce You know we could eat carbs And our glorified bodies, amen Look at eph 1 verse 4 It says here according as he hath chosen us in him Before the foundation of the world now chosen don't get scared of that word It says chosen us in him before the foundation of the world why that we should be holy and without blame before him in love now No one here is holy and without blame in their flesh In our spirit we are right But in our flesh we are not Look at verse five having predestinated us unto the adoption of the children of children By jesus christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will To the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved now Here's where we get a little deep. Okay When we get saved The aspect of our being to get saved is our soul our spirit That's why the bible says that we're born again of the spirit. Our flesh is not saved This is why there's a commandment to walk in the spirit And ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh lusteth against the spirit the spirit against the flesh These are contrary one to the other so that you cannot pay attention to the preaching or do the things that you would you know You cannot read your bible. You cannot you fill in the blank, right? There's a constant war taking place between the flesh and the spirit Okay Now Don't let this confuse you when the bible talks about adoption We often refer to that as the fact that god adopted adopted us as his sons You know the bible says but as many as receive them to them give you power to become the sons of god Even unto them that believe on his name. So when we got saved we became children of god, but let me say this that Process so to speak that adoption Is not complete until we receive the redemption of our bodies So the inward man is saved That's done already But guess what? We are mind body and spirit so The the redemption of our souls is set but the redemption of our bodies. It still awaits Okay And so what what is this predestination talking about? It's talking about the adoption of our bodies This is what that's referring to because our bodies are not yet adopted now Go back to romans chapter 8 we'll flip back from romans chapter 8 in ephesians 1 I hope i'm not losing anybody here. I think this is pretty clear-cut. Okay Because here it says that you know in ephesians says having predestinated us unto the adoption of children and automatically calvinists will say You will see we are predestined to be chosen to be the children of god to be saved Which is correct in the sense of when it talks about adoption. Yes, it's talking about us being saved But this is not referring to the salvation of our spirit. This is referring to the salvation of our flesh All right Look what it says in romans chapter 8 and verse number let's start at verse 15 For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption Whereby we cry abba father the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we're the children of god And if children then heirs heirs of god and joint heirs with christ if so be that we suffer with him That we may be also glorified together For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us For the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation Of the sons of god, what is the creature referring to this is not referring to animals You know the bible talks about preach the gospel to every creature. It doesn't mean go witness to your little chihuahua demon dog the little rat Sorry, if you have a chihuahua in here, don't tell me afterwards You know, this doesn't mean we we have this evangelistic service for the animals of the world I can care less about animals. The only time I care about animals is when it's cooked In front of me and it tastes great That's all animals are good for Okay So what about dogs? I mean if i'm in the third world country southeast asia, that's a that's a delicacy over there And for you to find that offensive that's offensive to them. Amen. I'm serious. I have a sister-in-law who's chinese. She's from Dalian china and she said literally you go through the marketplaces and dogs are just like hanging skinned and everything And you may think that's disgusting but they like that. So you know This is not a sermon on animals, but you know I don't have pets and if I do we're just rearing them up to eat them afterwards I forgot what I was talking about Okay, so the creature, okay so Creature just means what creation? Because we are his creation Okay, and it says there that the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of god Why does it say that because we're waiting for the manifestation of our glorified bodies? You know, you get your backaches your eyes aren't working the way you used to you get tired, you know You struggle with sin Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me From this power of death what paul the apostle said in from this law of sin in romans chapter number seven You know, we have this flesh that we're dealing with here And look what it says it says for the creature was made subject to vanity not willingly But by reason of him who had subjected the same in hope because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption So what is it talking about? It means our bodies will be delivered from the corruption First corinthians 15 says that we shall put off corruption and put on incorruption Okay Into the glorious liberty of the children of god there goes that phrase again for we know that the whole creation grown in And travaileth in pain together until now and not only they but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the spirit Even we ourselves grown within ourselves waiting for the adoption. Well, hold on a second. I thought we're already adopted. Yeah, our spirit is It's already adopted, right? But the adoption that we see in context here look what it says to wit the redemption of our body So we're waiting for the body to be redeemed and at that point look That's why the bible you you'll often run into verses or it's just like if you do this, you're a son of god Look go to second corinthians chapter six. We'll give you an example second corinthians chapter six Look at second corinthians chapter six, of course verse 11 through 15 or 16 is basically a command to be separated from those who are non-believers, right? We should not have fellowship, you know, what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? What concord has christ with bilio and look what it says in verse 17 Wherefore come out from among them and be separate saith the lord and touch not the unclean thing And I will receive you and will be a father unto you And ye shall be my sons and daughters saith the lord almighty. Well, hold on a second Why is it saying that well because of the fact that when you're walking in the spirit you're acting like a son of god But when you walk in the flesh you're acting like a son of disobedience a child of wrath and a child of disobedience You understand? That's what the bible says that the spirit cannot sin For its seed remaineth in him, right the son of god cannot sin for its seed remaineth in him That's referring to the fact that when you're walking in the spirit your spirit is not sinning Now when you begin to sin, it is no more you to do it but sin to dwell within you which is your flesh You understand this is the constant battle that we have But one day that battle will no longer take place Because we will receive the adoption defined as the redemption of our bodies make sense at that point We're fully adopted That's why when we get saved the holy spirit of god comes to live within us and he says that he is the earnest Of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession. He's purchased us completely with the blood of christ But that he has not yet redeemed the body though. He's redeemed the soul but not yet redeemed the body All right Now go to let's see here I know you're getting a lot of doctrine here, but It's needed go back to ephesians chapter one So this is what ephesians chapter one is talking about when it says that we're predestined to the adoption Why because your destination? Is the resurrection? Your destiny as a safe person is the resurrection Is that you will be one day resurrected that is the destiny that is the destiny that god has for you And every christian every safe person will reach that final destination now some Will will reach it brightly They're going to shine as the brightness of the firmament But some shall wake up to shame and contempt everlasting contempt because they did not work for god They will get a resurrected body, but guess what? They're not going to have a better resurrection as the bible talks about look at ephesians 1 verse 10 That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together and won all things in christ Both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him in whom also we have obtained an inheritance Being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will that we should be To the praise of his glory who look first trusted in christ So this Predestination of the inheritance is given to those who verse 12 says first trusted in christ Okay, pretty simple go to uh, titus chapter one if you would titus chapter one So for knowledge predestination election for knowledge god knows what's going to happen before it takes place God knows who's going to be saved and who's going to reject the gospel. He does not pre-determine it. He knows it before time Secondly predestination means a destination that god has for us after christ After we trusted christ as our savior election is pretty simple And we're not going to get too much into it because it's a pretty easy doctrine to debunk You have two sides of this Okay You have the zion and we reject both sides, by the way You have the calvinist side that claims that Safe people or the calvinists are the only elect And no one else can be elect after that But then you have the zionist the jew-loving zionist fox news baptist who They don't even give themselves the title of elect They rather render that title to some christ rejecting blasphemous jew Even though they hate jesus Even though they crucified him even though they believe he's burning in hell in his own escriment i.e feces That's what they believe And they'll say yeah, but they're god's elect They're the apple of his eye the rotten apple of his eye Okay And this is not a sermon against the jews but um We got to talk about that because we're talking about election And look the doctrine of election according to the zionist has been so propagated and just Inserted into independent fundamental baptist churches that it literally permeates all the doctrines of the bible. It just completely Takes them a different a different road a different road in regards to to end times bible prophecy I mean it lit you cannot read matthew 24 through the lens of a dispensationalist properly Because of that one word elect, okay And here's the thing the jews are elect but they're not elect The way the bible says that they're like of us You know god has chosen them because they rejected christ to condemnation All right Read romans 11 if you disagree Look at titus chapter 1 verse 1. It says paul servant of god and apostle of jesus christ according to the faith of god's elect And the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness well, hold on a second if this is about the jews They don't have faith in god They don't acknowledge the truth They've rejected the truth So who's the elect me go to romans 11 You're looking at it you're looking at a bunch of you're saved you're the elect Amen Well, hold on a second. Well, what about the you know, the calvinists because doesn't he like being chosen? Yeah, we are the chosen generation the royal priesthood Because god has chosen Right save people to be his people Look at romans 11 verse 5 Even so at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace So how is this election determined based upon grace for by grace are you saved through faith? And if by grace then it is no more of works Otherwise grace is no more grace, but if it be of works and there's no more grace. Otherwise work is no more Work go to romans go back to romans chapter 8. Let's look at one verse from romans chapter 8 By the way in romans 11 i'm gonna continue reading verse 7 says what then israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for But the election hath obtained it and the rest were blinded Let me ask you a question How can the jews be god's elect if he just got finished saying there that israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for? But the election hath obtained it is paul being a schizophrenic here Can someone like talk to paul and say hey You sound weird right now. I don't know you made a mistake Maybe you weren't walking in the spirit when you wrote this You just got finished saying that israel hath not obtained that which he's seeking for but the election Hey israel is the elect no He's making a distinction between israel according to the flesh and the israel of god, which is us Look at romans 8 33 started verse 32 He that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all How shall he not with him also freely give us all things who shall lay anything to the charge of god's elect? It is god that justified no one would argue that romans 8 is solely talking about safe people Therefore the elect there is referring to us. Okay last verse second thessalonians 2 second thessalonians chapter number two We really don't have to debunk the calvinistic teaching of election because if you have foreknowledge down If you have predestination down Election just makes complete sense It means we're chosen in christ, okay And look sometimes the bible when the bible uses elect It's not even referring to being the chosen of god. Sometimes it just means that you're chosen Right, like you're chosen for a specific work I'm elect as the pastor here, right? And when we ordain when I ordain an evangelist or a deacon I have chosen them for this particular work That's what the bible says to make your calling and election sure It's referring to the fact that we need to be steadfast in living holy lives in order for us to receive the reward Look at verse 13 Verse 13 of second thessalonians 2 it says but we are bound to give thanks always to god for you Brethren beloved of the lord because god has from the beginning Chosen you to salvation. Oh Through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth, okay, it's close So how did god choose people to salvation? Oh through sanctification of the spirit and their belief of the truth So guess what if you want to be the chosen people of god believe on the lord jesus christ and you're a prime candidate You automatically become the prime candidate after you get saved because you believed on the truth You said why preach on on this because it's in the bible and we need to know what foreknowledge means We need to know what predestination means we need to know what the elect means not the zionist elect We're talking about calvinistic elect and look these people the calvinists. They're very um Very tricky with their words. Okay, just just like the dispensationalist and they can often trip up christians Because they use vain words because they're not the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones try to use knowledge of Unsafe people to make their arguments. Let's just stick to the bible And if we allow the bible to define itself We will come to the conclusion that god knows things that they're going to happen before they happen He predestines us not to salvation but to works to be conformed to the image of christ and to the resurrection And that we're chosen in christ after we get saved amen Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word And uh lord, thank you for the fact that we are the chosen people of god We're thankful that we have a destiny to fulfill in this lifetime and I pray that you continually help us To learn to grow to work in order to fulfill that destiny so we could obtain a better resurrection And I pray god that you'd help us to continue to study And admire and love the word of god for what it says and teaches and in jesus name we pray. Amen