(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We're in Hebrews chapter 13 look down at your Bibles in verse number nine it says here be not carried about with diverse and strange doctrines for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace not with meats which have not profited them that have been Occupied there in the title of sermon this morning is diverse and strange doctrines or be not carried away with diverse and strange Doctrines now turn with me if you would to Proverbs chapter 14 hold your place there in Hebrews chapter number 13 I'm gonna reach you from a couple scriptures here in Ephesians chapter 4 by the way when you read a scripture like Hebrews chapter 13 in verse number 9 Or it says be not carried away with strange and diverse doctrines. You know that should ring a bell with other portions of Scripture that have that same Admonition that have that same warning Specifically found in Ephesians chapter 4 in verse number 14 where it says that we henceforth be no more children Tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of Ben and cunning crafted It's whereby they lie in wait to deceive But speaking the truth and love may grow up into him in all things which is the head even Christ You see here in Ephesians chapter 4 the Apostle Paul says hey You shouldn't be carried away with every wind of doctrine and why does he compare and by the way? That's referring to false doctrine, but why is he comparing false doctrine to win? Well simply for the fact that it comes and goes it's something that is new It's something that comes and it's trendy and then it goes away It's something that is popularized at one point and then it just fades away and God is saying here Hey, we should not be carried away with every wind of doctrine with every trendy little teaching that comes and every trendy little false Doctrine that props up its head. We should not give heed to those things. You say well, give me an example Well, I don't know like a flat earth You know, that's a false doctrine Not only is it a false doctrine. It's a stupid doctrine and no Christian with an IQ of one Should ever adhere to such a doctrine Why it's a wind of doctrine and God says don't be carried about with those things Now as I mentioned it's a new teaching and we should strive never to be carried away with just any new teaching that props up You know that that's kind of hard to do in the age in which we live in because we live in the internet age Right social media and different platforms where false doctrine literally is at your fingertips It's just one click away. It's one video away You're watching one video and you have 10 15 other videos on the right to you on YouTube That are promoting other false doctrines and false teachings. We should not adhere to those things Look what it says in Proverbs chapter 14 in verse number 15 The Bible says here the simple believeth every word But the prudent man looketh well to his going what does it mean that the person who simple believes every word? Well, someone who's simple is not educated in spiritual matters. They're not educated in life matters They're simply simple. They're not wicked and they're not evil They're just ignorant and the Bible tells us that when we're ignorant guess what's gonna happen. We're gonna believe anything You know anybody who comes up with a good argument for a false doctrine people are going to believe it That's why it's important that we're not simpletons as Christians, you know my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge the Bible says and that's true because it says the simple believeth every word and another portion of That they're punished they're punished along with the person who is rebellious and is a fool why because they're ignorant so ignorance is not bliss And people like to say that ignorance is bliss No, it's not you need to make sure that you educate yourself in spiritual matters as well as life matters So you're not punished and it goes on to say that but the prudent man looketh well to his going what is the pretty man? That's the man who observes that's the man who studies that's the man who looks well to his going He's proving all things holding fast that which is good Now the Bible says in Psalms 1 verse 1 blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly Nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night He shall be like the tree Planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season His leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever we do it shall prosper the ungodly or not So but are like the chaff which the wind what driveth away So, you know a wicked people were in reference to false prophets and false teachers Do they're just driven about with every wind of doctrine and guess what ultimately they're gonna be like the chaff That are driven away and like it says in Matthew, they're gonna be burned So we need to make sure we don't take on the characteristics of a simpleton, you know, it's not ignorance. It's not bliss We need to make sure that we're smart that we're learning that we're growing that we're reading the Bible you say well You know, I'm just I'm struggling with so many life issues right now Well, you know a lot of those life issues can be taken care of if you just read the Bible And let me say this a lot of those life issues can not only be taken care of when you read the Bible But when you apply the Bible see it's good for you to come to church and learn biblical principles to learn how to run your family and lead your wife and lead your children and be a good employee, but it's nothing if you don't apply it to your personal life a Simpleton is someone who's still it's just ignorant But someone who is a fool is someone who knows the truth but refuses to apply it. Okay now Go with me if you would to Ephesians chapter 3. So what's the what's the answer to that? Well, the answer to that is that we make sure that we educate ourselves But biblically speaking in regards to spiritual matters. We need to make sure that we're rooted in truth, right? We're rooted and grounded in the Word of God that we understand basic Bible Doctrine The Bible tells us in Ephesians chapter 3 in verse 16 That he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded and what in love So in Ephesians in Hebrews chapter 13, it says it's good that the heart be established with grace here in Ephesians chapter 3 It says be being rooted and grounded in love. These are basic virtues That God wants us to be rooted in he wants us to understand you see if we're not careful as Christians We want to get into all the deep things of the Bible But we completely negate the most basic things in the Bible Whereas the Bible and the Christian life is built upon the foundational basic teachings of the Word of God So don't try to get so far into deep doctrine. Do you completely negate the basics? Don't try to master the deep doctrines of the Bible if you have not mastered the basics You say well, you know, I I've read so many things in the Bible and I think they're I think this is a good truth You know, it may be a good truth But it may be beyond your comprehension as of now what you need to do is establish your heart with love Establish your heart with grace learn the basics be not carried away with diverse and strange doctrines now go to Colossians chapter number two Just laying an introduction foundation here Colossians chapter number two, let me turn there myself The Bible says here in Colossians chapter number two in verse number one for I would that you knew what great conflict I had for You and for them at Laodicea and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh that their hearts might be comforted being knit together in love and into all riches of full assurance of Understanding to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God in the Father and of Christ and whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom And knowledge so we understand it. We can understand the deep things of God, right? The Bible tells us in the first Corinthians chapter number two that the Spirit of God dwells in us and search at all things Yea, the deep things of God and thankfully that all these hidden treasures are found in Christ We can understand these things but look what it goes on to say here And this I say lest any man should beguile you with enticing words for though I be absent in the flesh yet I am with you in the spirit join and beholding your order in the steadfastness of your faith in Christ as He have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walking him rooted and built up in him and Established in the faith as he have been taught abounding therein with thanksgiving. So what is the commandment there? We need to make sure that we're rooted. We're grounded. We're settled and the basics of the faith So we won't be beguiled. Okay. Now you go on social media you run into a bunch of experts On deep doctrine You're running to soak about I don't mean that they're actual experts. I'm being facetious here Okay, you're ready to all kinds of experts who believe who think they know all the deep things in the Bible But guess what? They know nothing they don't know what they're speaking nowhere if they affirm and You dig a little deeper into conversations with these people you'll see at the end of the day. They're not even saved You know, they'll say well, you know You have to repent of your sin or you have to do some kind of good work And it's just like what in the world you're trying to get into the deep doctrines of end times You're trying to get into the deep doctrines of you know, fill in the blank and you didn't even understand the basics of salvation You're a Nicodemus You know Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews, but yet what did Jesus tell our thou master of Israel? No, it's not these things and what was he referring to salvation? You know, we need to make sure that as God's people that we are content To learn and to master the basics. Well, I'm not saying negate the deep things of God, but you know, you have a lifetime To learn the deep things of God, you don't have to learn them your first year of salvation You know get a firm grasp on the deep things of on the basics of God and guess what? That'll be foundational for you to learn the deep things of God. Okay now Let me give an immediate interpretation of Hebrews chapter 13 if you can turn back there if you would go back to Hebrews chapter 13 So, I believe the Apostle Paul wrote the book of Hebrews for various reasons One of them is just the writing style obviously looks like the Apostle Paul But here he's he's just warning these Hebrews Regarding diverse and strange doctrines and why is that? Well, he uses the phrase Diverse and strange. Okay, so that's very important to know the word diverse simply means various. Okay, it means a Multitude or different types we would use that with the word diverse. All right now The reason I believe he's using diverse doctrines is because if you look at the the theme of the book of Hebrews It's the Apostle Paul Constantly trying to reinforce the fact that the New Covenant is better than the Old Covenant Why is that well because in an Old Covenant you find meats drinks and divers washings and cardinal ordinances Which apparently these people in the book of Hebrews were adhering to now go to Hebrews chapter number nine We're gonna look at that real quick Hebrews chapter number nine I know I had to turn to Hebrews chapter 13 But we'll go to Hebrews 9 and verse number 8 says the Holy Ghost is signifying That the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest While as the first tabernacle was yet standing which was a figure for the time present in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices That could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience which stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings and cardinal ordinances imposed on them until the time of Reformation now the Reformation is referring to is not referring to Martin Luther The Reformation is referring to is the coming of Christ because the Reformation is when you make something better And the theme of the book of Hebrews is it is a better covenant. Okay established upon better promises He's the mediator of that better covenant. So what happened when Jesus Christ came was crucified and that whole process took place Meats drinks divers washings are done away with They're no longer there We don't have to adhere to the Levitical law of the rituals of the dietary laws of The washing the laws of washings and all these other things Those are done away with in Christ and in fact in Colossians chapter 2 it says that those things were nailed to the cross Okay, by the way, that includes the Sabbath Because the Sabbath was a shadow of things to come even in Hebrew chapter 4 explains that it pictures what rest That's why in the Old Testament when someone would work on the Sabbath what happened to them? They were put to death Some people said why would someone be put to death? You know just for not observing the Sabbath because it's a picture of someone working for their salvation you see the Sabbath pictures the abstaining from work and faith in Christ So when someone worked in the Old Testament, they're basically marring that shadow of salvation They're saying well, I'm gonna not take the rest. I'm going to work whereas Christ in the New Testament We understand that he already did the work. So we see there that all those things were done away with now Look at Hebrews chapter number eight So that's what this is referring to when it's talking about diverse doctrines It's referring to the doctrines found in the Old Testament under the Old Covenant look at Hebrews 8 verse 6 But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant Which was established upon better promises for if that first covenant had been fall is then should no place have been sought for the second you see the New Testament is Preeminent to the Old Testament. I don't care what any Jewish rabbi says I don't care what any dispensationalist says the New Testament is superior To the Old Testament now, it's superior in the areas that God has made it superior Okay, which is what we read in Hebrews chapter 9 that meets drinks and diverse washings It is not superior and it has not negated the moral laws Such as putting people to death for certain crimes Adultery, you know fornication is still sinful All these things are still put in place and we should still be adhering to these things but the areas where God said hey, they're done away with guess what they're done away with and Now the New Testament we see that the New Covenant is superior to the Old Covenant and that's something that we see throughout Hebrews is Paul's constant say hey, Jesus is better than Moses He's better than the priesthood. He's better than Aaron. The New Covenant is better than the Old Covenant Hey, Jesus Christ's sacrifice was better than the yearly sacrifices that we saw in the Old Testament. It's better Why because it's permanent now Let me see here so we see that He's warning them about this So obviously it alludes to the fact that some of these people were still adhering to these diverse teachings and doctrines Now what don't we see that today? Don't we see people today still adhering to old Levitical laws or they're trying to bring back those old Levitical laws of the Hebrew Roots movement where they're trying to bring us back under the law of the Old Testament when the Bible teaches us in the New Testament Clearly that you know We conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law and you can include Levitical law in that you can Include the diverse washings in that why because it's done away with we're not justified by those things and look anybody any Saint in the Old Testament who was saved guess what they didn't believe that either They didn't believe you could be justified by those things They understood that they were a shadow of things to come something that was going to come in the future Now what's the application to this? The application is simply this is that look we as Christians need to make sure that we're not being carried about with various doctrines you know the the person who comes to mind when I think about this is Doka Doka ministries were like he's coming up with the new doctrine every week I'm not and I'm not being facetious when I say that either. I Mean one week is like not every Christians gonna escape the lake of fire The next week is like not every Christian needs to wear, you know Suits for church or something like that and just like things changing constantly. You know what he's cared about with every wind of doctrine By the slight of you know, his evangelist Cunning craftiness, which he's not cunning. He's not craft. He's just an idiot But they're adhering to these weird doctrines that no Christian has ever talked You know and people want to accuse us of teaching doctors that no Christian has ever taught. We'll go ahead and prove that You know prove that people didn't believe in the posture pre-wrath, you know, I see the posture pre-wrath right here You know prove that people never taught that Jesus went to hell Many people have taught that even people who don't agree with our movement have taught that You know prove whatever doctrine that we're teaching that no one's ever taught that you're not gonna be able to prove it But guess what? We can't prove no Christian has ever taught That Christian no, they're not all Christians are gonna escape the lake of fire. No one has ever taught that Well Catholics have but Catholics aren't Christians They're not Christians Well, they're Catholic. There's no such thing as a Catholic Christian, right? It doesn't exist The word Catholic doesn't even exist in the Bible, right? Okay now We need to make sure that as God's people. Hey, we're not carried about with every one of doctors So how do you say? Well, how can I make sure that I won't be cared about with diverse doctrines? Well, you need to be settled in the basics Because the basics is what's hell is what helps you to determine what's true and what's not we're gonna look at that in just a bit Go go with me if you would to Romans chapter 14 And I find it interesting in Hebrews chapter 13 It says be not carried away with diverse and strange doctrines and it refers to spin Excuse me specifically refers to meat Okay, so that's what it's referring to the meats, right? But the Bible tells us in 1st Corinthians 8 8 but meat commended us not to God for neither if we eat Are we the better neither free not are we the worse? So it's like they were taking these Levitical laws of meats of what not to eat what to eat the unclean and the unclean and they're basing spirituality off of those things You cannot judge someone in meat or drink You know, obviously I'm talking about in spiritual matters you could obviously judge someone say if they're eating McDonald's they're probably not very healthy Okay, but you can't say that person is not spiritual if they choose a certain food, you know, we can't But let me say this if someone chooses to be a vegan according to the Bible we can judge that I said well according to the Bible that person's weak Because that's what the Bible says in Romans chapter 14, okay But in like manner they can't judge us and say that we're weak because the Bible says that you know That's not what judges our spirituality Now the Bible says in Romans 14 verse 17 for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace And joy in the Holy Ghost this reminds me of the Israel United in Christ false teaching group Whatever cult you want to call it where these races bunch of races So-called Christians who think that they're like the literal Jews if you're black or whatever and if you're of Issachar then you're the Guatemalans I always forget which ones they say what is it? What what is Guatemala? Zebes Abulin Mexicans are Issachar according to them right and I remember we went to this door and Like he was just stuck on this one thing. He's like do you eat pork? Yeah, I do I had bacon this morning he said how can you eat pork and he's just like astonished Hey for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, buddy You know and I was explaining to him that every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused And he said he told me this he said so would you eat dog? I'm like well you know If that was the only thing laughing yeah probably and in fact You know what you just said is pretty offensive to people in Southeast Asia who have dog as a delicate as a delicacy I'm talking about they eat that and knowingly eat that and they enjoy it Okay, how many know what I'm talking about okay, and not just in Southeast Asia different parts around the world they eat dogs Okay, hey, but you know by the way. I'm not on the on a campaign to eat the next pit bull that comes my way But You know what if the time comes where it's like there's no meat There's nothing left, and it's just some some German shepherds. Just hanging out you know Have at it pray for it Because it's cleansed by the Word of God you know and and eat it But you know what that does not determine someone's spirituality, but this guy was just stuck You know I can't but you guys got to stop eating bacon, and I'm like I want to talk about salvation I want it because you know what meats for belly and belly for meats, but God shall destroy both it and them So that's not important the most important thing is that which cannot be destroyed if you get saved, which is your soul, okay? So not only that but divers doctrines don't profit anybody now go to go to a second timothy chapter number four Excuse me first timothy chapter number four So one thing that these guys were not understanding is Hey, you need to boot out These divers doctrines of the old test and we're not supposed to adhere to those things anymore Those are nailed to the cross, but not only that, but they don't profit anybody Now look at first timothy chapter 4 verse number 1 notice the similarities of the wording in Hebrews 13 and First timothy 4 verse 1 now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith Giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils now Please look up here when we think of seducing spirits and doctrines of devils you can apply a lot of different false doctrines to that We can say repenting your sins is a seducing spirit It's a doctrine of devils. You know you can save the people who believe the sodomites can be saved That's a that's a seducing spirit and a doctrine of devils Dispensationalism you know all these other things we can apply a lot to it But the main interpretation of this verse is found in verse number two and three speaking lies in a hypocrisy Having their conscience here with the hot iron forbidding to marry That's that's a doctrine of devils right there Okay, because marriage is good Marriage is honorable the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 13. Okay. It is good. It's not good for a man to be alone Amen And all the men said all right you guys are kind of making me nervous there for a second forbidding to marry Catholic priests and commanding to abstain from meats Which God has created to receive with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth? So if you don't know the truth you're gonna abstain from meats If you know the truth you know these people on Instagram stay woke You know these vegans who are like you gotta stay woke well according to this the way you stay woke is by eating meat The way you know the truth is by eating meat Because it provides protein for you to think clearly It goes on to say for every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving For it is sanctified by the Word of God in prayer if thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things thou shalt be a Good minister of Jesus Christ nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine were unto thou hast attained So the doctrine of Devils and the seducing spirits that it's referring to is when people teach hey You shouldn't marry and hey, you should you should abstain from meats now Look what goes on to say verse 7 but refused profane and old wise fables and exercise thyself rather unto godliness Verse number 8 for bodily exercise Profited little now we would look at verse 8 and automatically think of what like weight training You know people people who don't work out they use this verse to people who do work out a bodily exercise profit little okay You know, but that's not what it's talking about. It's not talking about it's not talking about dead lifting You know it's not talking about Muay Thai kickboxing It's not about running amen brother Jordan. It's not talking about those things Exercise simply means a practice an exertion of something, but when you practice it on a consistent basis So the bodily exercise that it's referring to is the abstaining from meats You see what I'm saying in context. That's what it's saying That bodily exercise of abstaining from meats on a day in day out basis year and year out basis guess what it doesn't profit it Profits very little now. I would say this you know if you stay away from shrimp if you eat shrimp all the time You know you probably not gonna be very healthy If you don't have a balanced diet And you're only only eating meats and you're not balancing out with vegetables and the right type of foods guess what you're probably gonna be Imbalanced in your health okay, so bodily exercise profit little look what it says But godliness is profitable Until all things having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come This is a faithful saying worthy of all expectation now go to heat go back to Hebrews chapter 13 Look what it says in Hebrews chapter 13 verse number 9 Be not carried about with diverse and strange doctrines for it is good that It is a good thing that the heart be established with grace now with meats Which have not profited them that have been occupied Therein so these people who just want to emphasize what you eat as Doctrine teaching for doctrine the commandments of men guess what it's not profiting them anything The Bible says that godliness with contentment is great gain. That's profitable You know what's profitable is when you meditate upon the Word of God Just meditate upon these things give thyself Holy to them for in doing so thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee that's profitable for godliness That's profitable for the things of God, okay Now here's the thing go go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 10 So on the flip side of that we want to make sure that we do things that are our profiting right Look what it says in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 23 Says all things are lawful for me But all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me, but all things edify Not now. What does it mean to edify means to build up? So at the end of the day we need to make sure that what we believe what we teach what we do is Actually building someone else up If it's not it's not profitable You Know the minimalist mindset of the culture of minimalism is to get rid of anything that you're not going to use Don't be a spiritual hoarder. Okay. Does anyone know what a hoarder is? I remember years ago I cleaned the house and I was hired to clean this house and not that I'm not talking about like You know, just wipe the windows and stuff. I'm talking about clear out the house okay, and it was a house that belonged to a hoarder and This is not your ordinary hoarder This was the work this is the worst I think I even got sick From just being in that house the dust had collected so much in that house Then it looked like snow on the corners of the of the rooms Had built up on the corners of the rooms. There's newspapers from decades They were just piled up in the living room The kitchen was not you weren't able to walk through that kitchen because they saved every single milk carton bottle You know, everything was just piled up onto the ceiling I Mean they had so much so many things in there that they just could not throw away, you know But there's a lot of Christians who live like that though They just want to compile as much information even if it's not profitable But you know what that's not necessary We need to compile the information that is necessary. Let me say this all the Bible is necessary Okay, all the Bible is necessary. It's all profitable So yeah consume this and fill your house with this fill your mind with the treasures and wisdom found within his word But you know There's other things outside of the Bible that you might not need to fill your your mind with because it's not profitable for you You need to get rid of it clean it out and live a minimalist spiritual life. Amen But how do you live a minimalist spiritual life? Well, the philosophy of minimalism is this you just need the basics You just need the basics and in the Christian life, that's what we need We need the basics and we need from there to build there upon okay now The Bible said go to 2nd Timothy chapter number 2. I'm gonna reach you From let me see here I'm gonna wait off on that go to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 in verse 14 It says here in verse 14 of these things put them in remembrance charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to No profit, but that's to the subverting of the here's study to show thyself approve them to God a workman They needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth, but shun Profane and vain babblings for they will increase into more ungodliness. How can you apply that on a practical level? Hey, don't just have stupid conversations. I Mean just dumb conversations about nothing, you know your conversations ought to be centered around the oracles of God It ought to be centered and by the way, we're not always gonna be talking about the Bible we understand that You know, it's just like let's just talk Bible. There's things outside of Bible We can talk about but it should profit and ask yourself before you start talking Hey is what I'm about to say is it profitable to someone or is it does it just puff me up? Does it make me look good? Does it help me to elevate myself above the brethren because of the knowledge that I have if that's the case to just keep your mouth shut Amen, you know, we need to make sure that we shun profane and vain babblings because they will increase into more ungodliness What's the ungodliness that will increase you pride? vanity strife Okay now Go to Matthew chapter 15 Matthew chapter number 15 a Good rule of thumb about this is Or excuse me a good principle about this is the fact that we need to make sure that we're not teaching for doctrines the commandments of men Okay, there's plenty in the Bible that we do know it's true We need to make sure that we shun things that we don't know for a fact It's true or not And we need to be careful that we don't become this group of Christians that just constantly wants to teach for commandments The doctrines of men, okay, we need to make sure that we don't command people to do things that are our preference Well, I think it's in the Bible. Well, let me ask you this. How many times have you read the Bible? Let me ask you this. How long have you been saved for? Well, what about you how long I've been saved for 11 years So just go ahead and beat that, you know I've read the Bible multitudes of times and in fact, I don't know credit my knowledge to the fact that I've studied the Bible I credit my knowledge to the people that have influenced me in doctrine over the last 11 years you know, I've What I do in my personal Christian life is what others have said is it you just rely on the default of what you've already Learned and you know what when I first got saved I wasn't looking to get into all kinds of deep doctrines You know I was looking to do I wanted to make sure that I was in this thing for the long run and In order to be in it for the long run. I need to make sure that I was settled in the basics of Christianity So in order to do that guess what I need to be simple concerning evil and wise concerning good I want to make sure that I read the Bible over and over again until I know the basics 100% okay now look at Matthew chapter 15 In verse number eight says this people draweth nine to me with their mouth and honored me with their lips But their heart is far from me, but in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men now What were some of their doctrines, you know washing of cups that's not bad, but they're teaching it as doctrine Guess what meats they're the ones who is straining in that and swallowing a camel for things that were not doctrinal And we need to make sure that if you have a preference But you cannot prove it Okay, and let me let me just chase a rabbit here. Okay. This is a good rabbit if you have a certain belief about something, but you had Multitudes of people disagree with you on it. This is what you do. You just keep it to yourself If you have people who have been saved longer than you Who have read the Bible many more times than you disagree with you. You should probably reevaluate your teaching because guess what that's called that's called humility and Humility is what's necessary to learn more doctrine. Well, I don't think I just think I'm right Okay, then then continue to be proud doting about questions knowing nothing You see if we're not careful. Look, it's a blessing to be a part of the new IFB movement You know why because there's men who have put in the labor and the effort to teach us a lot of deep doctrine and some people when they get saved they get saved right off the bat knowing a lot of the doctrine a Lot of things that are very important to us They're not key, but they're you know, what they're there are teachings that have you know, there's false doctrines out there They have to see this for a long time until someone came and taught us about the posture pre-rapture They taught us the intricacies of the reprobate doctrine They taught us the intricacies of you know, fill in the blank, but you know what? It took those people who learn those things years to come across those truths Pastor Steven Anderson did not even believe replacement theology when he first started the church you Know and then you come on the scene you get saved Automatically someone teaches it to you you get it right off the bat and you expect everyone else to get it right off the bat That's not how it works You need to make sure that you're thankful for the teachings that you receive the men who put in the labor and the effort to Get those truths, but may it teach you. Hey, you need to start where they started Which is years ago just getting to know the basics You see pastor Steven Anderson didn't start off knowing even all the intricacies of the posture pre-wrath rapture He learned those things and the intricacies thereof through years of experience through years of studying the Bible That's not something you get right off the bat So don't have this mentality that you have a corner on a truth more than anybody else and look Let me say this and I'm getting ahead of myself here. I have this conversation with pastor Anderson I don't know a week ago or something like that and He was telling me this or maybe it was at the conference. He told me this he's like, you know brother Mejia There's there's doctrines that I've taught as of recently. That's new to people It's not obviously not new to the Bible There's other people who have taught it in years past and he goes but when I introduced the people readily received it But you know what? It was a doctrine that I chose not to teach for years He Learned something in his Bible Seven years ago and he chose not to teach it until seven years later You know why because he wanted to make sure that it was true So put that in your stinking pipe and smoke it for seven years He learned a doctrine chose not to teach it for seven years and aside from that He even told me this he goes brother here he goes, I'll even call my pastor friends my pastor friends before I talk before I even teach it and Fact check to see if it sounds right or not And he goes and if they say it's not right and they give me a valid point. I don't teach it But you know what we have today? newborn babes who are supposed to desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow the right thereby and Instead of newborn babes who just want to believe who just want to teach all kinds of deep doctrine And they're not settled even in the basics and even when someone tries to correct them on those doctrines Guess what? They don't they don't take that correction. Well Okay, you know there's things that I've learned in the Bible that I'm not teaching yet and it's nothing heretical Don't don't get all scared Now these are things that I fact-check with other people as well, okay, cuz Pride says well, I'm right. Everyone else is wrong Okay, and look don't have this attitude either then when you get a new doctrine or you learn some facet You know, you said well, no one agrees with me, but I don't care, you know pastor and no one agree with pastor And don't compare yourself to someone who's been saved for a lot longer than you You know, don't compare yourself with someone who's read the Bible's more times than you have That's an illegitimate comparison to make You know what we as Christians out to do is say, you know what I just got saved I've been saved for a couple years. I don't know a whole lot I just want to get rooted and grounded in the basics and if I learn something extra from that I'll share it with someone just to validate if it's true or not If it's not I'll just keep reading the Bible and keep learning because that's what I want You see the person who is sincere in learning is willing to admit when they're wrong Because that's how you learn You learn by understanding that you're wrong Right The way you learn is when someone tells you hey, you're wrong and you say, okay now I'm gonna change that and believe that which is right. That's how you learn You do not learn by just saying well, I'm gonna believe whatever I believe regardless of what anybody says. It's not the way it works And I'll give you an example of this is teaching for doctrines the commandments of men is in Acts chapter 15 We see the Apostles even doing this teaching that they should abstain from certain needs and from things strangled Animals that were strangled that was not a doctrine found in the Bible But they taught it Were they right? No They were wrong And look, there's nothing wrong with being wrong It becomes wrong when you resist the truth and you think you're right anyways You see a lot of times Newer Christians, they want the respect of those who are older Christians or people in the church But let me let me give you some advice and if you don't want to listen to this you can tune out and think About something else what you're gonna eat for lunch When you are told that you're wrong Evaluate what you've learned and say, you know what? You know, maybe he's right. Maybe I am wrong Maybe let me let me reevaluate that a little bit. Hey, why don't you simmer on that for about seven years or so? Why don't you revisit that doctrine in ten years? Oh, man, but that's so long. I could I can preach this wonderful sermon. Well, why don't you just preach a wonderful sermon about salvation? Why don't you just preach a wonderful sermon about grace? Why don't you preach a wonderful sermon about the basics of Christianity? Is that not wonderful? I just want to be like just Bombastic. I just want to blow people away. That's the wrong attitude to have as a preacher And look you said well you preach bombastic sermons I have to preach three times a week If you preach three times a week for an entire year, you're gonna have a couple of bombastic sermons in there You know why because the Bible is bombastic You know, you don't have to try to be controversial when you're when you're a preacher you're controversial if you just preach the whole counsel of God Amen, so stick to just the Word of God and look today's not a bombastic sermon. I don't think it's bombastic I'm not sharing anything new. I think a lot of people here probably know what I'm talking about But you know what this needs to be taught You know bombastic sermon was last week when I talked about, you know, God hating people, you know I just ripped face on that that's bombastic. But you know what? Sometimes we need to go back just to the basics. Okay now He also mentioned, you know, he talks about foreign right or excuse me strange doctrines Which means what foreign and a strange doctrine is a teaching that is foreign to the Bible It's something that's not found in the Bible So we need to make sure that when we find something in the Word of God That we compare Scripture with Scripture and we say is this foreign to the Word of God? Well, remember here hating people's foreign to the no, it's not you're not reading the Bible Review the sermon from last week and look at all the verses we looked at Look when the Bible clearly says that he hates all workers of iniquity. I Mean that's not in Hebrew. That's not in Greek. That's not even some foreign language. That's very clear right So that's a clear teaching that we can say Okay, but not only that we have scores of verses after that that teach that doctrine Okay, foreign doctrines are things that we put into the Bible You know doctrines that we put into the Bible ie, you know, Justin unjust LeBlanc Where he literally said, you know, I know what it says right there But if you put your thumb on this word right here and you close the Bible, whatever You can make it say whatever you want it to say, that's basically what he said That's a foreign that's a strange that's a queer doctrine Pun intended Okay now so let me give you some points to consider. Okay? Number one I mentioned this already but but we're gonna talk a little bit about this go to go to Hebrews chapter number five Number one become an expert in the basics You know brother Eddie has been teaching the Spanish class and probably for the last couple of weeks He just goes over the basics, right? We were going over just basic Rules of Spanish and he constantly says this in the classes if you could just master these right here You can read anything. You may not know what you're reading, but you'll be at least be able to read it You know the accents and in the the the three rules we stay away from the fourth one the sober is What is it? I can't remember the fourth one. And no, I know it's Drukulas, but the one after that The next one after that Sober is Drukulas. We stay away from that one We haven't learned that one, but the first one we have and that helps us to know the rules of words So that helps us a lot and why is that because if you could just master those you can read any Spanish literature You know, there's there's some exceptions if you read medieval literature, right? But for the most part if you get those basics down guess what you can read anything Well, that's the same principle that we need to apply it to the Christian life If we could just master these basic things down You know what we can basically stick into this thing for the long haul to the Lord comes back until you die Look, I'm gonna read to you from 2nd Timothy 3 16 all scriptures given by inspiration of God in this profitable for doctrine for Proof for correction for instruction and righteousness that the men of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished into all good works So what does it mean to be perfect? It means to be entire? So the Word of God teaches us so we could be entire that means complete well balanced in all areas of life So, you know, you say how do I apply that? You should not be interested in learning a deep doctrine if you can't even lead your own family Ouch Yeah, you know if you can't if you're not even a good employee at work But you want to fight all kinds of false doctrine you might want to first take care of that part You know not be worse than an infidel You see what I'm saying? So we want to make sure that we're perfect. We're entire in all areas of life Don't think you have one area down pat, but then you're just completely neglecting everything else We want to make sure that we're good husbands that we're good fathers, we're good employees, we're good soul winners We're good church members. We're good filling the blame good children You know Well rounded and everything to be thoroughly furnished until all good works. Okay now What I have you turn Hebrews chapter 5 let me read to you a couple more scriptures your first Corinthians 8 1 says now it's touching things offered unto idols We know that we all have knowledge knowledge puffeth up But charity edify it if any man think that he knoweth anything he knows nothing yet as he ought to know That's a good. That's a good place to read right there every once in a while when you think you know everything I don't know anything as I ought to know look at Hebrews chapter number five now This is interesting because in Hebrews 13, he says that don't be carried away with divers and strange doctrines It's good to the harvey established with grace and not with meats But you know people who have been occupied there and have not profited and they look what a Hebrew chapter 5 says in verse number 12 For when for the time he ought to be teachers You have need that one teach you again Which be the first principles of the oracles of God and are become such as have need of milk and not of strong meat So they're over here trying to get into the intricacies of the Old Testament. It's just like hey you need someone to teach you again the first principles That goes to show you that these people do not know the basics Look what it goes on to say for everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a babe Don't let that offend you we will all start it off as babes But strong meat belonging to them that are a full age even those who by reason of use have their senses exercise to discern both good and Evil so as you're learning doctrine exercise your senses to discern both good and good and evil, okay? And look we do what one thing that we don't want in our church the atmosphere We don't want is an atmosphere of a bunch of know-it-alls You understand that we don't want an atmosphere of a bunch of know-it-alls You know and look people are at different levels of spirituality here, but you don't want to be characterized as a know-it-all Well you think you just know everything could guess what you don't You Know you don't know everything and it would you you do well to take heed to those who have come before you who have learned certain things and Have been successful in their Christian life and and adhere to them okay now first Timothy chapter 6 In verse number 3 says if any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words Even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the doctrine which is according to godliness. He is proud knowing nothing But doting about questions and strives of words where have cometh enby strife railings evil surmisings perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth Supposing that gain is godliness from such withdrawal thy self so at the end of the day We need to make sure hey when we leave here do I know the basics you know and look That's why in our church. We're preaching the same messages They have different titles we hit it from a different angle a different facet of the diamond But you know what it is. It's the same exact teaching Okay, why because we want to make sure we're grounded in the basics. That's why like the old I have B That's why there's so much false doctrine in those churches Because they didn't even know the basics the pastor doesn't even know the basics You got one side that believes repenting your sins the other side believes in you know one saved always saved the back row believes in Calvinism and Then the people in the front believe in dispensations And it's just like well, it's just a great Smorgasbord of different bits kumbaya. It's all great. They all say that they're Baptists and believe the Bible No, that's what happens when you don't teach your people the basics You know we need to make sure that we stick to that and try not to be a Jack-of-all-trades because then you'll be a master of none You know a jack of all doctrines master of none Okay number two is this so be an expert at the basics and Don't feel like you're anything don't don't feel like How can I put it don't feel like you're any less of a person because you only know the basics You know if God places an emphasis on the on the basics so should we and don't devalue the basics either Well, I want to grow beyond that well That's good that you want to grow beyond that, but just make sure that you're growing in these areas first, okay? And you have a lifetime to learn a lot of different doctrines number two don't always seek the new doctrine go to Acts chapter 17 Now look I don't seek new doctrines because every doctrine in the Bible is not new It's found in the Word of God, but that's not to say that the Bible is not inexhaustible. It's inexhaustible therefore We're always gonna be learning something new of the same exact thing So we'll always learn something new not a new doctrine, but a new facet of the doctrines We already believe okay a new facet of and times a new facet of the reprobate doctrine a new facet of You know looking the way we look at salvation or pictures in the Bible people's lives in the Bible like for example Brother David and I were out sowing yesterday, and as I was talking to someone I came across a new doctrine not a new touch I came across a new way of explaining the same doctrine that we believe which is salvation and I was I was just pleading with this guy, and he didn't get saved But cuz he believed you could lose your salvation etc, and I said look. There's a guy in the Bible who committed suicide Do you know who that is I say his name is Saul Committed suicide and the Bible says that he was a saved man and one of the things that confirms that is that Samuel told Saul You know tomorrow thou and thy son shall be with me Samuel was saved obviously he was a prophet of the Lord He was a saved man, and then immediately I thought to myself. Oh, man. That's a great argument in the Old Testament When you're all preaching the gospel, but guess what we have Samuels like of Jesus Christ of the Old Testament Why is that because in the New Testament? What did Jesus tell the thief on the cross today? That shall be with me in Paradise which is a great New Testament example of someone who didn't do any great works You know you know Church of Christ rejectors didn't get baptized Regardless of what Kayla Robertson says that they might have taken them down from the cross baptized them real quick And then put it back up on the cross Stupid that's called a strain that's called a queer doctrine You know he got saved By believing on Christ, but you see the same wording do we see there with Samuel and Jesus Christ tomorrow Thou and I son shall be with me Jesus said today. Thou shall be with me in paradise. You know that's not a new doctrine What is it? It's a different facet of The doctrines we already believe That's what we have to look for when we read the Bible is different facets of the doctrines We already believe why because it keeps our Bible reading interesting doesn't it you know it keeps our Bible reading interesting it Increases our faith in the Word of God that we can continue learning the Word of God, but we should not seek new doctrines Okay, that's something that's foreign that the Bible does not teach look at Acts 7 Acts chapter 17 verse 18 It says then certain philosophers of the Epicureans and of the Stoics encountered him and some said what would this babbler say other some? He seemed to be a setter forth of strange gods Because he preached unto them Jesus and the resurrection and they took him and brought him to Eri Areopagus saying may we know what this new doctrine where of thou speakest is? For thou bringest certain strange things to our ears we would know therefore what these things mean for all the Athenians and strangers Which were there spent their time and nothing else, but either to tell or to hear some new thing now Luckily for these Athenians guess what it worked to their advantage Because they were constantly wanting to hear a new thing Paul came with not a new thing not a new doctrine He came with the doctrine of the Bible and then they end up getting saved because of that But you know what a lot of Christians take on that same attitude That they just want to either tell or hear something new Right, it's just like well. What's a new thing? You know what's a new doctrine? What's something that no one's ever come up with before you know I want to piss it against the wall type of a sermon You know no you don't need a piss it against the wall sermon to blow someone away The compliments that I've gotten from the sermons that I preach I've always been from the basics When they say I didn't know that thank you for teaching me something like the the gospel presentation last week How to preach the gospel a lot of people compliment said thank you so much, but I learned a lot from that But you know what that's super basic It's something that's very basic But you know what people appreciate the basics because that's what they need to be reinforced in not a new doctrine Not in this teaching that not all Christians are our Saints But that's a new doctrine. No one's ever taught that before okay The Bible says in Revelation 3 verse 2 be watchful and strengthen the things which remain That are ready to die for I have not found thy works perfect before God so I Just mentioned earlier about Pastor Anderson saying that you know he sits on a doctrine if he learned something new He doesn't share it for a very long time now I remember what doctrine it was so at the post trip the post trip pre-rath or the post trip conference from last year He taught on the new heaven than the new earth. I mean you've heard that sermon before great sermon And we're all soul winning and he said so and he talked to me about it He goes what do you think about this and he told me about it because I think I'm gonna preach this he goes It's something that I believe for a long time, but I've been simmering on it for a long time as well You know because I wanted to make sure that I was right And he goes and if I had it if I had enough people to tell me yeah, yeah It doesn't sound wrong that I won't preach it. You know this is Pastor Anderson obviously you know This is a man who knows the Bible He's a seam as a man who's knowledgeable of the Word of God and even him someone like him with his credentials and credibility Would abstain from teaching a doctrine that many of us would probably like no it sounds right pastor But he brought you would be like well. You know let me sit on it for a while It's better to play it safe You know and look There's something called credibility as well Okay, it's important to teach deep doctrines, but it's important to have credibility as well and credibility comes with what with time So and look thank God if you got something new from the Bible, and you're barely you just got saved But you know what you need credibility What's the Word of God bless God? Yeah, but you know what the one who's delivered me the Word of God is not very credible because if you just got saved How do we know that you're grounded even in the basics? We've had enough experiences with people who are novices, and they end up getting into false doctrine Allowing their evangelists you know to take over the church and teach all kinds of wicked false doctrines So we need to make sure that we pray for credibility Amen, we need to pray and say God help me to gain credibility by just being consistent in the basics of life And look if this is offending you and you don't like what I'm saying Then that goes to show the level of maturity Amen You know it shows the level of maturity that someone has if they're not able to receive a teaching like that I've been rebuked like this like this many times Many times okay throughout my Christian life where I was told you're wrong You know, but you know in sincerity because I want to grow I I just admit I was wrong Apologize I'm wrong, and I want to move on and keep learning That's honorable. What's not honorable is you say well. I don't care what he says I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm doing you know don't try to get into new doctrines stick to the basics Okay, look go to James chapter 1 and here's how you can do that be an instant here What does that mean well the Bible says preach the word be instant in season out of season amen that means Preach the Bible when it's popular when it's not preach doctrines that are popular preach doctrines that are not Preach everything that the Word of God teaches But you know what that means as a here you need to be instant as well to be ready to receive Any teaching from the Word of God well? I'm here to hear about the faggots I? Want to hear sermon on the right I got I need my monthly sermon on faggots You Know I need to hear about God hating faggots and pedophiles and how they need to be put to death That's what I want to hear You just need to be instant in hearing anything that the Bible teaches You know look what the Bible says in James 1 verse 19 wherefore my beloved brethren let every man be swift to hear slow to speak Slow to wrath go to verse 22, but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves for if any Be a hearer of the word and not a doer. He is likened to a man beholding his natural face in the glass For he beholded himself and goeth his way and straight way forget it what manner of man He was but who so looketh into the perfect law of liberty continued therein He be not a forgetful here, but a doer of the work this man is blessed in his deed So what's the point there the point is this number three is don't always look for sensationalism Does anybody know what that is sensationalism? It's when you're just looking for that wow that was great I just want to just blow people away sensationalism, okay When you teach and preach from the Word of God you will have sensational moments because this book is amazing You know I think of a pastor from years past in the 1920s by the name of J. Frank Norris Does anybody know who J. Frank Norris is he was considered a very hard preacher in those days in fact I recovered a preaching from him, and he's like saying slut like every other word Like he's just like I just ripping on modesty and all these things He's a hard preacher But this so he had two of the largest independent fundamental Baptist churches in America in his time There are very large churches, and he was a very hard preacher He one time one of his most by the way they call him the shooting salvationist the reason for that is because he killed a man Okay, he shot someone in his office because they tried to kill him and they reached in to pull out a weapon He's like don't do it I'm gonna shoot you if you do it, and he did it and so he shot him dead And he was acquitted of all charges amen so but this guy one time there's a Drunk driver. He crashed and the guy died and his brains were just splattered all over the road and I don't know how exactly how the story went, but J. Frank Norris came across that scene, and he saw the broken glass of Alcohol he grabbed the broken glass of alcohol went to the to the scene scooped up the brains Took it to church and preached against alcohol Yeah, that's that's sensationalism right there Wow I guarantee you people were there were like I'm never touching another drop of alcohol ever again You know and that's necessary, but you know what when you preach the Bible That's what happens now. He made it a little more sensational by doing that okay People You know so you there's times when certain doctrines are sensational and And we don't do it We don't preach it just to be sensational But for the fact that that's what the Bible teaches that's what we need to teach and typically something is sensational because it's not talked about very often Like in 20 years ago the reprobate doctrine was not a sensational doctrine Right, but now because it's not being talked about very much when people hear it Perks the attention of people and they're like wow you know so that goes to show you that the entire Bible literally in a sense Is sensational it just depends on the era that you're in or something's not being taught and then you emphasize it people like whoa? What in the world you see you believe that like ladies should stay home and work at home and stuff well That's sensational. You know no that's like. That's old. That's in the Bible, okay? So don't always see for sensationalism not in just when you preach, but also when you hear because if you're not careful You know we don't want faithful We're Baptist Church of almighty to be like a circus where you just come to be entertained I? Just what you got you know what we're gonna talk about salvation today the doctrine of salvation We're gonna talk about the doctrine of you know don't be a sensationalist Christian We're gonna talk about something. That's very mundane and look Every doctrine in the Bible is important That sermon was all right you know it's okay well Let me ask you this did it have Bible verses in it did it have Bible teaching in it If it did then guess what it was a great sermon amen not because of my deliverance, but because of the Bible You see if we have a sensationalist mentality where we want everything to be wowing then guess what sermon some sermons will be better than others But when we realize that though we need everything in order to be perfect we need everything to be entire Every sermon is applicable to our lives Because the mature Christian not only looks for sensationalism you know what they look for they need something to help their marriage Like I need to be a better employee. I need to be a better son I need to be a better X Y & Z you know I need practical Christian living doctrine sermons But I also need deep doctrine I need it all and they will listen to everything and apply everything that they hear okay Don't be like Herod Okay the Bible says in mark 620 before Herod feared John knowing that he was a just man and holy and Observed him and when he heard him he did many things and heard him gladly You know why you know Herod liked John the Baptist, but don't really like this because he was sensational He's just like yeah, I like listen to this guy You said well didn't that change his life. No in fact. He killed her. He killed John the Baptist He beheaded him so it wasn't life-changing to him Don't be the kind of Christian where you hear something It doesn't change anything make sure that you apply the things which you've learned and and grow Okay, because not every sermon is gonna be a sensational sermon not every sermon is gonna be a hit banger or a home run most of the times the home run for you is gonna be when you apply the sermon and Then you succeed in the long run because of it That ought to be the goal You know and every once in a while obviously we'll have like a pep rally where we you know fight against false prophets and call Out the names or whatever, but you know not every sermon is gonna be like that And we need to get to a spiritual maturity We need to get to a maturity level where we come because we want to learn something And if it's something that we already learned then maybe said I want to reinforce that which I've already learned amen So be not carried away with diverse and strange doctrines Let's be experts in the basics make sure that we're not trying to learn some new doctrine that does that's foreign to the Bible But not only that make sure that we're not just trying to be sensationalist hearers or preachers either amen inspire heads and have a word of prayer follow me. Thank you so much for your word and Lord all the basics of the Bible are important Obviously there's certain books in the Bible to catch our attention more than others But that is not negate the fact that Leviticus is important numbers is important A lot of the Old Testament books are important every book of the Bible is important. It's all necessary to be perfect an entire Wanting nothing I pray that you'd help us to be thoroughly furnished through your word and I pray that you guide us and direct our steps Lord and To appreciate even the basics of life because that's what life is made of and I pray God that you'd help us to do so In Jesus name we pray. Amen